#Review Opportunities
you want a new kind of guy, fine, i raise you: the lady i was briefly roommates with in college who once smoked a blunt at a party and then spent an hour confessing earnestly to me that she genuinely preferred reading detailed episode recaps over actually watching the tv show in question
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tacosaysroar · 6 months
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month
Elizabeth Hoyt is LEGIT returning to us with No Ordinary Duchess on 12/10!
And I know this because.... I just got an ARC! Aaaaaaah!!!!!
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ducktracy · 9 months
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the cartoon that has captured the hearts and attention of 13 year olds everywhere for the past half dozen years may very well have one of the most rich and confusing production histories behind it. not only was it rushed through in 6 months to accommodate Bugs’ skyrocketing popularity, and not only is it the debut of the enigmatically short-lived “fat Elmer”, it likewise has had its director’s credit largely misattributed for the past 82 years. indeed, from gag sense to art direction to reliance on pet pop culture pulls, Tex Avery’s involvement is largely felt in this seemingly innocuous yet endlessly entertaining outing in which Elmer’s attempts at west and wewaxation are continually thwarted by a wabbit with too much time and too little to lose on his hands.
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prime-illust · 5 days
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i had a dream once that i went into obey me and he started speaking to me in full id voice lines (this is not the dream. my reaction is the same though)
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mirpkechi · 29 days
holy shit i think i found a way to wriet (fake) commas in tags
↑this thing, it looks exactly like a comma (a tiny bit smaller actually)
its called a "Single Low-9 Quotation Mark" (wut) and you can copy it and use it in tags and pretend it is a regular comma
(its very annoying to use bc u cant type it normally but its fun and probably no one knows about it)
(also i made a little script that can count posts and it says you've posted 243 times today so id assume youve already been post limited so let this ask taunt you for eternity (one day) >:333333)
WHAT AOH MY GOF HELLO ????? bro took one for the team and actually found this out ???? you have saved my life [i cannot write for shit without commas 🔥🔥]
YES I WAS POST LIMITED YESTERDAY 🙁🙁 literally dawg tumblr hates to see a queer loser living its life [doing nothing all day] 💔
idk about on ios but if you use android [im hoping all android phones ??] you can make a text shortcut thingy and have some shi like "comma" in the short ver and then that can autoreplace to the Single Low-9 Quotation Mark :333
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bonefarm · 2 years
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Watched the Oppy documentary. Feeling some kinda way.
Do you think there are aliens singing songs to the UFOs in the New Mexico sky?
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britishchick09 · 2 months
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i submitted rewrite christine's game for review and the meiker owner suggested tweaking the backgrounds and description. now it's ready to go! ;D
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iobartach · 9 months
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The reason why I'm equal parts excited and nervous for the Fionna and Cake miniseries is because this is going to actually canonize the lore of The Fionna and Cake universe:
So it's got me very curious...
What are they going to keep and what are they going to throw out?
While Ice King was receiving information about Fionna and Cake during sleep, anything he says about them will be wildly incorrect because the crown distorts his mind. I mean... he literally thinks Fionna would be into him, so he's clearly not a reliable source of information about her and her universe.
Would they keep Marshall Lee's, Gumball's, and Fionna's dynamic the way it was presented in Bad Little Boy and the Fionna and Cake comics [the ones that were written and illustrated by Natasha Allegri] or would they throw it out completely because this information doesn't come from "reliable sources".
Bad Little boy was basically Marceline's Finnceline propaganda a Marceline episode w hich gave us a deeper look into how Marceline views her relationship with Finn, Finn's relationship with PB, and her relationship with PB.
The FAC comics illustrated and written by Natasha Allegri were a continuation of Bad Little Boy BUT these comics were Gunther's Fionna/Marshall Lee/Gumball OT3 fanfics.
All the information we have about Fionna and Cake come from in universe fanfic... technically, none of it is true to the FAC universe - every Fionna and Cake story is told by an Adventure Time character, so they are all unreliable sources of information for the FAC universe.
So what do you do?
Do you throw out all the Fionna and Cake information that came before the miniseries since none of it is technically canon? Do you really throw out the most popular Fionna and Cake episode and well received comics because they're told by characters who wouldn't be able to see into the FAC universe? Or do you use these dynamics but create completely different backstories for the characters?
Fionna doesn't actually have to meet Marshall Lee and Gumball the same way Finn did - she doesn't even need to be the same age as Finn when she meets them. She could meet them when she's older [like 17-18 years old], since she's going to be a young adult in this new show... I mean why wouldnt she be a young adult... in a show aimed at young adults...
I just dont see them copying and pasting Adventure Time into Fionna and Cake. This new universe gives them a chance to explore new dynamics and ideas they wouldn't have been able to in Adventure Time.
Then there's taking the shipping into account... how do you tackle this monstrosity without pissing too many people off? Fiolee and Gumlee are BOTH very popular pairings, so how would you go about presenting these pairings in this alternate universe?
A thing people dont really realize is that Fionna and Marshall Lee could be a possibility because they're going to have different backstories from Finn and Marceline. Again, it would be boring as fuck to just do Adventure Time a second time - they're going to give these characters different backstories and they're going to meet each other under different circumstances.
As for Gumballs and Fionna's relationship... it might not be as creepy as Finn's and PB's relationship. They would not be able to get away with the creepy shit they pulled with PB and Finn', because people are going to see the red flags right away. People didnt notice the red flags with Finn and PB because we're not used to seeing older women creep on and exploit boys/young men nearly as much as we see older men creep on and exploit girls/young women. And again, it would be boring to to the same thing AT did with Finn and PB.
Oh wait...
Okay I know how they're going to tackle the shipping issue, and I dont really like it because I think it's spineless: Since this is a multi-universe adventure they are going to make different relationships canon in other universes. This will prevent fans from flipping their shit TOO MUCH and the writers can have their cake and eat it too.
Based on the summaries of the show I just dont see Marshall Lee or Gumball helping Simon, Fionna and Cake. First of all, that is way too many characters to manage. Secondly, based on this part of the summary:
Fionna and Cake with the help of the former Ice King, Simon Petrikov embark on a multiverse-hopping adventure and journey of self-discovery. 
The multiverse is going to be used as a way to develop Fionna. I mean.... it's been a hot minute since ive watched Adventure Time but Im pretty sure Simon isnt going on a journey of self discovery. This show is targeted at young adults... Simon isnt a young adult so i dont know why the story will be focused on him... if anything he's going to be the character who will offer Fionna guidance.
But yeah... the multiverse is the perfect opportunity to explore different pairings and ideas they wouldnt be able to do in a single story. So I dont see why they wouldnt use it to it's fullest potential.
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pumpkin-lith · 10 months
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The sunset is a hundred shades of gold and red, and the wind catches the white cloth that trails behind Kit, sweeps it out in a wild whirl of snapping fabric, and he raises his face to the gusts.
-@blackkatmagic Airs No Oceans Keep, Chapter 1
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meeelis · 1 month
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𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎?
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emometalhead · 1 month
Hi everyone!! I have some exciting news to share!! I was given the opportunity to attend a show during the Clancy World Tour ♥️. Today I started making bracelets. My first one is below.
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I also wrote a promotional piece for the tour!! You can read it here! Stay tuned for a concert review in a couple weeks 🥰
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lazzarella · 10 months
Jacob Elordi is just a tall glass of (bath)water huh?
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spryfilm · 1 year
Blu-ray review: “Career Opportunities” (1991)
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Out of the Attic, by V.C. Andrews
...except it's actually ghost-written by Andrew Neiderman because the real Virginia Andrews has been dead since 1986 and this book came out in 2020. It is also just... not very good.
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Spoilers ahead.
TW: rape, abusive relationship, controlling behaviour
Out of the Attic is a tie in to the popular Dollanganger series by Virginia Andrews, the first book of which was Flowers in the Attic, which was published in 1979. Andrews wrote 5 books for the series before she passed away, and then in 2014 the series was revived for another 6 books by ghost writers hired by the family. Out of the Attic is the 10th book written for the series, but chronologically takes place before Flowers in the Attic and focuses on Corrine Foxworth, Malcolm Foxworth's mother, as she marries into the family and has her son.
I think Neiderman was aiming to make Corrine a more likeable and relatable character by having her be married into the family against her will and feel isolated and alone as she is whisked away from the family and friends she's known all her life and taken to live in the grand and unwelcoming Foxworth hall. She is plied with alcohol and raped by Garland Foxworth, which results in a pregnancy that means she has to marry Garland or face ruin.
She obviously marries him, and things are going well at first but soon end up with her all alone in this huge house, sections of which she is too scared to go into, and with an infant son that she feels no maternal connection to. Corrine spends five years rattling around doing pretty much nothing but shopping, keeping up with the latest fashions, and making herself look beautiful every day whilst a nanny raises her son, whom she by now actively dislikes, until one day she meets a woman whilst out shopping who says she should join their ladies club.
Corrine then finds out Garland is cheating on her, goes to a Halloween party dressed as a nun, takes her son and the nanny to the beach, hires an artist she met at the Halloween party to paint her portrait, has an affair with said artist (his name is Beau and he seems very nice), gets raped by Garland again, then flees to France with Beau where she discovers that she's pregnant with Garland's child. The end, thank god.
Now, on reading that brief summary you may be thinking 'yeah, that doesn't sound like a very fun life, I feel like I could sympathise with this character', but the way that Corrine is written and portrayed really just makes you dislike her. You sympathise with her in some aspects, where in others you're just sort of left thinking she's actually a horrible person.
Take her relationship with her son, for instance; Corrine believes that Malcolm is evil and conniving and and manipulative. He misbehaves, he tries to wriggle his way out of punishments, and he asks questions and keeps pestering her for things.
Malcolm is also 4 years old.
Now, I'm not particularly fond of young children myself, so I understand her not wanting to be around him 24/7 or finding him a bit overwhelming at times. However, I don't think calling this behaviour 'evil' is quite correct. All 4-year-olds ask a ton of questions, all 4-year-olds will try to escape punishment for things they've done, all 4-year-olds will pester you to go places and do things, especially if you've promised them such things earlier in the week (Corrine is on several occasions annoyed by Malcolm asking to go to the seaside... after she herself suggested they go to the seaside but didn't tell him when that would happen).
I know that Malcolm Foxworth grows up to be the grandfather of the Dollanganger children who are then locked in the attic (and Neiderman even tries to foreshadow that by having him very briefly lock Corrine in the attic in this book) so Neiderman is obviously trying to plant the seeds of a very disturbed person, but it's like the man has never met a toddler before. We're supposed to be on Corrine's side, to look at Malcolm and say 'ah, so he's always been evil and bad', but Malcolm just isn't ; he's just a child who's a little bit spoilt. The most 'evil' things he does are destroy a wedding photograph album belonging to his mother (which certainly isn't good behaviour but children have definitely done worse), and lock her in the attic... when she's chasing him round the house threatening to beat him with a belt for destroying the album. This woman is not likeable.
Obviously it goes without saying that a book character doesn't have to be morally good in order to be a compelling and interesting point of view character, but the framing of the book so often seems like it's trying to portray her in a positive light that it just... I don't know. It doesn't feel very good to read. We don't linger on Corrine's trauma or her feelings of loneliness or isolation long enough to develop as much sympathy for her as I think the author would like. There's quite a bit of telling and not much showing.
Also, Neiderman is very 'men writing women' in places. There's a lot of hot flushes rushing to breasts of course, but also there's... this???
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Image description: Quote from the book that reads as follows;
"What are they?"
"Open and see."
Children and women are so distracted, so mesmerised, by surprise presents that they'd ignore being in a burning building, I thought. I was disappointed at how excited I was and how quickly my pride and indignation had weakened, my fury and determination along with them. I had stepped in here ready to demand answers to questions I knew would stir his rage. I was more than willing to do that than ever I had bee, but right now all I could think was What's in those boxes?
Image description end.
So yeah, apparently women will disregard their own safety for shiny presents. This, by the way, is when she's going to confront him about cheating on her.
Overall, a thoroughly mediocre reading experience that I do not recommend to anyone. If you liked Flowers in the Attic then this will just annoy you and taint your memories of it, and if you've never read the Dollanganger books then there's no point in picking it up because nothing substantial happens in it!
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