#Reuben TopGun
ohtobeleah · 1 year
I’ve already submitted one request but I have like 8 of these bad boys in my notes so here are two more if any tickle your fancy. Happy 4K!
14-Stuck together for a long period of time and 28- “If I kissed you right now, what would you do?”
3-The aftermath of a bad fight and 35 “You wanna bet?”
I really liked this pairing and I noticed there wasn’t a specific request for a certain character so we just rolled with it: it’s Payback angst time.
Warnings: Reader Insert Death. F-18 crash. Crush related injuries.
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You and Reuben probably hadn’t had a conversation in the last six months that ended well. All the conversations you’d tried to have all ended with someone in tears or threatening to take the kids or the house or file for half of everything the other owned. In all honesty, all communication between you and your husband, well—soon to be ex-husband, had broken down over a period of about a year and nothing, including couples therapy, seemed to help.
But that didn’t mean you still didn’t love him with all your heart.
There was no one more a fault in your complete marriage breakdown, but it was clear that when Reuben finally took the plunge and moved in with Hangman, he got to keep your kids. Not your actual kids, Kip and Sidy—your five year old twin girls got to see their daddy whenever the hell they wanted, he lived just down the street now. But Payback got the kids, the dagger kids. That was clear as day. 
So it made it harder to love the man when all he did was look at you like you were the last person on earth he wanted to talk to let alone work with. 
“Absolutely not Sir—“ Reuben stood with his arms crossed over his chest as he stood his ground. “I’d rather take the write up for insubordination than fly with—“ Before Reuben could even spit out your callsign, Maverick was stepping in to defend you as you stood by with your helmet slung under your arm resting on your hip.
“Then with your wife?” 
“Ex wife—“ You mumbled under your breath but just loud enough for Reuben to still hear you. “The Navy doesn’t allow partners to fly with one another.” You looked to your husband who you couldn’t recognise anymore as he scoffed at your insight. “They’ll allow us to fly together now because I filed our separation papers in the clerk's office just last week.” 
“Fanboys out on paternity leave for the next few weeks.” Maverick turned his attention back to Payback who looked like he was ready to up and walk away from his entire career. “And Omaha is out sick so it makes perfect sense to pair the two of you up.” 
“In what world?” Reuben scoffed as he took it upon himself to walk away, leaving you and Maverick to stand in the silence of your broken marriage. 
“He’s fine.” You smiled softly, hiding your own heartache. “I’m sure if he just removed the stick from his ass he’d feel a hell of a lot better.” 
“You two gonna be alright?” You didn’t know how to answer as you turned to look at Reuben over your shoulder, just how the hell the two of you ended up so cold and distant you’d never know. “Because if it’s really that big of an issue I can put you with Phoenix and Payback can I have Bob?” 
“Uh—“ You shook it off, not wanting to not be professional—that was the main priority right now. Being a professional when all your husband wanted to be was a child. “No, we’ll be fine Mav, promise.” 
“Good, alright then.” He smiled, tapping your shoulder as you pressed your lips together and nodded. “Wheels up in ten.” 
“I hope you know that I hate this just as much as you do.” You settled into the back seat of Paybacks double seater fighter jet. Mickey—bless his soul, had three Polaroids of him and his wife Macy tapped to his control panel. It just served as a reminder that although you loved Reuben with all your heart, it wasn’t enough to salvage the shipwreck your marriage had become. “But I’ve got your back.” 
“Let’s just get this over with—“ Payback groaned. “Ready when you are Looney—“ 
“Luna.” Correcting Reuben as you shot him a death glare that was unparalleled to any other look you ever gave him, you hissed with intent to kill. “It’s Luna you jackass—“ 
“Copy that Lieutenant.” Payback replied as he maintained a steady altitude waiting for his green like to be given for the course the two of you were about to run through. “You know this is your fault right?” There was a reason the navy didn’t allow married couples to fly with one another. “If you hadn’t filed that paperwork with the clerk's office—“ It was because they knew that the likelihood of children being involved was about ten times higher. “Then we wouldn’t have been paired together.” But with a shortage of people on deck and with new assignments bordering upon the horizon, it was inevitable that your and your soon to be ex husband would be paired up for today's flights. “If you hadda just waited like I said then maybe—“ 
“Reuben! Can we not do this right now!” You hissed back as you tried your best to remain as focused and as professional as you could be. “There’s no point arguing about what could have and what should have been done or not done because we can’t change it now.” 
“You wanna bet?” Reuben snapped. “All of this could have been avoided if you didn’t file that paperwork!” Payback wasn’t mad that he was flying with you, he wasn’t mad that you were his WSO because he knew he was in good hands, but he was mad about the fact you filed the paperwork so soon. 
“Why are you so mad about me filing our legal separation papers!” 
“Because it just proved that you’re done trying to figure this out!” You didn’t have an answer and the cockpit you shared went completely silent. Oh.
So even though Reuben signed the separation agreement and signed the papers that said you were in the process of divorce and even though Reuben was the one who moved out into Jake Seresins bachelor pad and although Reuben was the one who initially brought up separation in an argument late one night before, he was mad at you for giving up. “You never wanted to try for us!”
“I can’t do this with you here—“ You held back your tears as you shook your head. “I’m not going to do this with you here so either you treat me like a colleague or we ground so I can tell Mav I overestimated your ability to handle this situation professionally.” Payback went silent as he tossed up the options you had given him. Choosing to continue on and fly the damn course.
It was, as it turned out—the wrong choice. It was as if fate had other plans for you and your soon to be ex-husband. It was like death himself had loomed over the pair of you and strategically lined up all the steps to have your husband’s Super Hornet turning into a flaming beast that was out of control and hurtling back towards earth at a steep that was unmanageable in a situation that was unforgiving—a bird strike to the right engine that totally wiped you both out. 
“Shitting off left engine!” Payback exclaimed as he relayed to you and to whoever was still live on coms what he was doing. As dark smoke plumes streamed out from the right engine you felt yourself choking up. What about your beautiful babies?
“Reuben we have to eject, we can’t save it!”
You snapped out of your trance-like state to speak sense into the father of your children as he did everything he’d been trained and told to do in an event like this. “Please, we have to eject it’s the only way! We’re in hydraulic failure! There’s nothing left to save!”
“Payback, Luna—you can’t save it, punch out!” It was ultimately Mavericks' voice that spoke enough sense about the chaos unfolding around you that your husband listened and finally gave into the fact that he couldn’t save his F-18. “Eject eject eject!”
“Luna, we gotta punch out.” Payback confirmed. “You first!” You listened and followed every protocol and did all the steps in order which should have seen you ejecting from the cockpit as it barreled towards the ground at an immense pace. “Y/n! I said eject!” Reuben shouted as he began to panic, watching the altitude fall every passing second. “Y/N!” 
“It’s not working, it's not working!” You cried as you tugged and tugged and tugged on the yellow and black striped handle between your legs. “It’s not working oh my god—oh my—!” Within a few seconds of disaster, the ejection handle finally sent you flying—tumbling freestyle through the sky as you reached for your chute, pulling it as you pointed your feet towards the ground and felt the tug of the chute filling with air.
Fuck that was close.
“Payback!” You shouted as you watched your husband float down in his own parachute, sending him a thumbs up and he gave you one back. 
It all seemed to have gone according to plan. You were alright, Reuben was alright from what you could gather—your kids still had their mother and father. As you headed towards the ground, controlling your chute, a major gust of wind picked you up and carried you through the gully—sending you flying into the side of one of the rocky mountains at a force that was unforgiving in its very nature. “Fuck!” 
With a *oof* On impact you crashed against the rocky exterior and fell a few stories to the ground below, catching sharp edges along the way that would surely leave bruises for days if not weeks to come before you hit the deck hard. “Oh yeah, yeah that’s gonna hurt for a few days.” You seemed fine as you rolled over, looking up at the sky to see if you could find Reuben in the clouds. 
But all you saw instead was a boulder hurtling down towards you, before the pain took you out. 
Reuben Payback Fitch was a lot of things. But a good husband was not even close to being on that listen. The two of you had married young, had gone through all the trials and tribulations of the Naval Academy together, had gone through separate postings and long distance. You’d gone through flight school and ranking’s together. Had two beautiful twin girls together. 
You were Reubens best friend and he was yours, and in that very moment when he saw you lying unconscious on the ground with a bolder crushing your legs? Payback thought he’d lost you forever before he had a chance to say he was sorry. For everything. Sorry for how much he’d hurt you. Sorry for how much he wished he could have been the man you deserved and not got stuck with. Sorry he wasn’t able to give you the love you deserved, the life you deserved or the attention and admiration and support you deserved. 
“Y/n!?” He called out as he landed slightly rocky. “You alright?” It was probably a stupid question, but as Reuben ditched his chute and ran over to where you were trapped, he felt his stomach drop. “Oh god—“ Kneeling down beside you, Payback tapped your cheek. “Baby, hey you gotta wake up for me.” He cooed softly, trying to mask his own panic. “Come on, Lieutenant Fitch wake up for me.” 
At the sound of your husband’s gentle voice coaxing you back to reality, a floodgate of pain overcame your nervous system as you groaned and screamed out in unimaginable pain. 
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, easy—“ Payback accessed the situation and boy was it not good. Your legs had been entirely crushed by the weight of the boulder rock that had fallen after your impact with the side of the cliff face. “I’ve got you—“ 
“I really don’t feel good.” You cried as you tried to free yourself. “Ahhh!” 
“Stop, stop, here, I got you.” Payback cooed as he situated himself behind where you laid. Placing your head in his lap as he held your hand for support. “Search and rescue are probably out looking for us as we speak.” 
“What if I don’t have that much time?” You said as you coughed up a little blood that panicked Reuben to new heights. No—you couldn’t die right? No, you wouldn’t leave him like this? He was supposed to try and get you back. He thought he still had time. “Reu I don’t feel good.” 
“I know, I know but you’ve gotta stay with me alright, you’ve gotta stay strong because you can’t leave me here.” 
“Oh please—“ You sighed as your eyes felt heavy and your arms felt weak, you were losing so much blood, Reuben could see it leaking up your thighs, soaked into the Normex of your flight suit. “This is cheaper than divorce right?” You tried to chuckle softly but it turned into a full bloodied cough.
“No baby, I never wanted to divorce you.” Payback tried his best to keep his cool as he leaned down over you to kiss your forehead, he took notice of how cold you were. “I’m just a fool who should’ve worked harder to show you how much I love you.” 
“Reuben—“ You coughed again as your legs grew weaker and weaker under the pressure of the rock trapping you. “Please don’t lie to me.” 
“I’m not.” He was quick to say. “I’m not lying to you Y/n, if I could take it all back, these last few months, I would in a single heartbeat.” 
There was a momentary pause on your behalf as you mulled over your next step. 
“Okay—“ You leaned into your husband, knowing that you wouldn’t fear death if he took you now. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.” You thought that if you were going to die here that you may as well be reminded how much you were really loved. “You’re gonna tell me three, no five—no.” You coughed up a little more blood as Reuben held your hand a little tighter as tears began to stream effortlessly down his cheeks. “Seven things, you’re gonna tell me seven things that you love about me, seven reasons why this is all worthwhile. You and me.” 
There was a momentary pause on Reubens behalf as he mulled over if this would be his last chance to tell you how much he loved you—his last chance to apologise. 
“I—I love how your neck smells in the morning.” He began as he cried and felt you in his arms. Shaking as the reality of the situation began to settle. How was he gonna tell your baby girls that’s you weren’t coming home.
“Okay.” You sighed, trying to focus on his voice and not the pain. “That’s one.” 
“I love how every one of your toes looks like it came from another person's food.” 
“Oh my god—“ You laughed out in pain as you gritted your teeth. 
“And I love how you’re so honest and fearless and—“ Payback paused, really thinking about the things he wanted you to know he was grateful for. “And I love how when I’m sick you take care of me like I’m on my deathbed.” 
“Okay—that last one counts for two.” You smiled softly up at your husband. “You’ve got three more.” He didn’t hesitate to keep going. Seeing the search and rescue efforts coming your way. “I can tell you I just adore this.” You added, reaching up to touch the worry lines on Paybacks forehead. “When your forehead gets all wrinkly when you’re worried.” 
“I love the way you cut your crust of your toast even though you end up eating them both!” You and Payback both chuckled as you looked up at him and he looked down at you, your head still resting in his lap as his legs fell on either side of your body. 
“I love your loyalty and your kindness to the girls.” You cooed. “They love you so much.” You paused for a moment until. “And I love how you still suck in your gut when I walk in the room.” That got Rueben as he laughed softly and kissed your forehead. You were much colder than a few minutes ago. 
“I love how you didn’t dump me when you found out I was so in love with you.” Everything felt like it was fading, but you heard your husband loud and clear.
“And I love that you still married me even after you met my parents.” There was nothing more Payback wished he could do with you right now, than to go back to the night that he first met you. The love of his life, his best friend, the mother of his children. 
“Please don’t leave me Y/n—“ You wanted to respond but you didn’t know how. It was like all of your abilities had been taken away. “No—no darling you stay here with me, with the girls, no no no—“ 
“Take care of our girls.” Oh take him back to the night you met. You’d been stuck here together for a long period of time but there was no way in hell Payback was leaving you. “I love you.”
“If I kissed you right now, what would you do?” You just looked at your husband and he knew, he knew this was it as medics ascended onto the scene. So he kissed you softly and ever so gently. As Reuben pulled back he saw your eyes were closed. And he knew—
He knew he just lost the better half of him.
Leahs 4k celebration 🎊
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
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SUMMARY :  jake start his leave and his turn to take care of y/n although she is on the mend but he more excited to spend his time with her until his parent surprise him and start meddling with the help of some friends and little intervention 
warnings: roommates to lover now i guess ,  bradley being menace ,jake's parents ( i gave them names)  doing the lords work and pushing the two together   , fluffy chapter ahead .
The first month and a half flew both so fast and slow in the same time week 8 she got the cast off her arms and her ribs didn't hurt as much but she was still in the chair with how bad the break was in her leg. The dynamic with her and jake was more flirty although still neither taking that step over the line but the flirting almost had Rooster ready to go back to work... almost.
" You sure you got this i can call in sick , go awol for a day no biggie" he said getting ready.
" Rooster i got this , we do be fine when you and the nurse go on dateS" jake rolled his eyes.
" What if your too busy giving her the goo goo eyes and forget to give her the meds" .
" you'll text to remind me i'm not kidding i got this" he pushed the man towards the door.
" Bye roo enjoy your first day back" she called enjoying the freedom of feeding herself.
" Bye pretty girl... lover boy" he whispered at jake as he was out the door. Seemly a new nickname he would call him not that jake cared since he's been called worse.
" Just us now .. enjoying that sweetheart" he asked .
" Yes cause i can do it myself although i appreciate you keeping me alive" she smiled .
" Your welcome .. what on the agenda today" he asked.
" Well i'm not in the doctors til next week so this week we can go out if you want although no beach just yet still haven't got all sand out from last time"she scrunched up her nose.
" Ok how about that park with those duck you like" he asked .
" Shit when did i turn into an old man.. But yeah they're nicer than other parks" she shook her head.
" Ice cream parlour too or diner" .
" Pfft like you have to ask".
" nah only one today" he held his hand on his hip.
" ohh are you the strict parent" she whined .
" you know that is a lie" he laughed .
" ok time to practise on the crutches so i can get out of this damn chair" she wheeled over as he took them off her lap knowing she got herself stuck with them.
" five minute today" he called as she went down the ramp.
" i should get a skate board so i can keep that" she laughed.
" yeah you'll end back up in the chair again nope" he followed her out .
" let master crutches first we can get back to the skateboard" she motioned him to bring them over.
" you can do it y/n" mrs. wilson called from her porch.
" thanks we still on for golden girls later" she asked as jake help her stand.
" jesus your like a kid and old person all in one" he laughed
. " excuse you mrs wilson is a legend did you know she was a dancer in vegas" she asked .
" i didn't also didn't need that image in my head" he hand her the crutches one by one. " ok up and down if it too much don't push too hard" he sassed.
" yes sir" she wobbled before she began not used to the strain on her arms but determine to do her minimal laps.
"Ok you got one now turn easy before you give me a heart attack" he yelled ready to rush to her side .
" i got it" she grunted as the sweat came to her brows needing to get some progress til she reach him .
" hey you did it" he laughed lifting her up and spinning her in a circle . "I did it," she laughed happily .
" now try again" he placed her down helping her balance before she set off each time it got a bit easier but she was all sweaty when the five minutes were up . " Can we see the nice ducks now?" she panted. " We can see the nice ducks," he chuckled.
they fell into a routine by end of the week and the of end of her ordeal, she was able to use the crutches more and more to point she didn't need the chair which was probably best news she heard even the physio therapist was impressed with her progress . she sat was sat waiting to see the doctor after another round of x rays to check her progress.
"It can come off" she asked shocked.
" it can come off you will need this strap for couple of weeks but the cast can come off" the doctor smiled.
" i can bathe without plastic covering i think i know how the turtles felt " she beamed.
" you can bathe with out the plastic , your recovery has been astounding y/n" the doctor praise as she excitedly held onto jakes hand .
" i mean its like a shot first accident and then another one not so bad" she joked.
" no more accidents" the doctor and jake said same time. " she will still need help though as the leg will be stiff and lost of muscle density as it healed" he added.
" see i still need you jake" she teased. " ice cream to celebrate but i need you out while he takes this off " she pushed him out.
" it's gonna be hairy" she whispered to the doctor who laughed.
" i don't think you boyfriend will mind y/n i can see why my nurse miss you" he shook his head.
" he's not my.. We're not... just cut me free doc" she huffed.
" how does it feel" jake asked as she looked down as the strap it was like a booty .
" less bulky its odd" she marvel at it.
" crushing it sweetheart you'll back to busting my balls in work" he smiled although it didn't reach his eyes.
" what's going on in that pretty head of your" she asked using his words against him.
" i don't want to go back to before" he admitted almost worry on his face.
" hey now that's silly i know we'd a rough start but your one of my favourite people i promise it would be like that" she held out her pinky .
" i would laugh but rooster told me how serious you take these" he wrapped his with hers .
" very now i was good so lets get ice cream" she nodded at the door as he held it open .
" hello what can i get you sir" the woman purred as y/n brow furrowed .
" WE will get two chocolate milkshake , he'll have a scoop of rocky road and scoop of pecan , i will have a scoop of chocolate brownie and scoop of cookie dough" she spoke up wrapping her arm around jakes .
" of course can i get you anything else" she turned back to jake batting her lashes .
" nope thanks" y/n gave her a tight lipped smile.
" what was that all about" he asked hoping it was what he thought it was.
" she looked at my crutches funny" she lied .
" pretty sure sounded like someone was jealous" he smirked .
" in your dreams ... if you wanna bang the icecream lady go ahead" she rolled her eyes.
" nah wouldn't want you to get jealous" he teased .
" i was not jealous unlike you with bill down in the nice duck park" she smirked.
" i wasn't jealous he's like eighty" he scoff although he was , not his proudest moment.
" yeah ok say that to your face when he was sharing his bread crumbs with me thought poor bill was going swimming"she winced.
" ok fine i wasn't jealous neither were you" he smirked knowing the both were .
" fine but you think i got a shot with bill or not cause dude always get the best ducks" she joked .
" i get you the good ducks next time" he shrugged.
" knew you were jealous" she laughed .
The flirty tension didn't stopped as they drove home , it was amping up to little touches as they pulling into the drive way only to see rooster and an older couple talking on the porch.
" what the".
" you know them?" she asked trying to get a better look leaning over him he almost forgot how to talk.
" my parents" he laughed .
" go say hi" she smiled going to get out only for him to help her out handing her the crutches .
" mama , pops what you doing here" he called from the car as she tried to hid not knowing why but she was suddenly shy and nervous as hell.
" hey baby boy , this lovely man bradley called so we could surprise you , is that her oh jake she is a beauty" his mother hugged him .
" mama hush" he hissed. " mama , pops this is my darling... my darling friend y/n" he felt his own cheeks burn.
" hi nice to meet you both sorry sort of slow moving" she got in front holding her hand out .
" oh its finally nice to meet you sweet girl , jakes told us all about you please call me beth" she hugged her making sure to be careful.
" all good things i hope" she squeaked .
" oh the best even the good duck park and call me john" he smiled hugging her next.
" what is it with you and that park" rooster head tilted.
" their cute" she defended.
" well i got to go but these two can keep you company , make em see sense" he smiled running off to the car.
" lets go inside she looking little pale" his mom sassed.
" yes ma'am .. beth " she stumbled over her words as they walked in . jake stood only praying and hoping they kept their mouths shut.
" ohh look at you so cute as a baby , what happened?" she cooed as the hope and prayer went unanswered as his mom pulled out his baby pictures.
" i'm still cute excuse you missy" he poked her side making her laugh as the other shared a look .
" course you are jakey" sarcasm hiding the truth.
"Oh this is him in a muddy puddle free as day he was born except boots and his hat little cute ... " .
" ok that enough of the pictures" he dived over taking them out of her hand .
" i'll show you another time" beth whispered.
" so we heard you been through a rough ride" he dad said.
" yeah the guy that done it took a plea deal which sucks but i'm out of all the casts and jakes been helping me alot really he's a credit to you both" she smiled .
" well it works out since you saved my ass with a room and i didn't have to stay at the base again" he smiled back at her.
" cause i'm the best roommate really" .
" even if she snores like a bear" he laughed.
" i snore like a kitten" she shot back.
" kittens don't make the walls shake" .
" that's roo" she flushed .
" you wanna show me that hanger thursday" his dad asked. " oh we can go for lunch" beth cheered excitedly.
" i guess that our plans thursday" . " you can show me his muddy puddle pic" she whispered .
" of course" the woman winked as jakes face fell.
" oh oh you can introduce him to my dad" she added.
" don't say that" jake laughed.
" wait maverick" john asked excitedly.
" he's a big fan of your dad" jake explained.
"He's a legend in the navy of course i am" .
"he's a cool ass dude y/n here grew up with all the legends around her".
" i mean i wasn't going to join the navy but i did go into a similar field of aeronautical engineering i can't wait to get back to work" she sighed a little sadly.
" wow smart too such a catch ... for some lucky guy" his mom cooed looking pointedly at her son.
" i do have to go car shopping the weekend with my dad we can bring your folk hard deck after" she smiled . " we'd love that we're staying two weeks bradley even got us free stay in an air b&b for those weeks" john smiled.
" well we better go we need to freshen up was a long flight and we followed bradley here is ok to visit in between our stay" his mom asked.
" of course always welcome also here put your number in we can sort details for lunch" she handed over her phone .
" i'll walk y'all out" jake smiled .
" it was so good to meet you".
" good to meet you darling girl can't wait for lunch" his mom yelled. " oh we love her" she said as they walked to the car.
" we're not only ones i don't think i've seen him so smitten" his dad grinned.
" you know your sisters are dying to meet her too" .
" can y'all relax we just became friends i mean yeah i think i may be in deep here but she only forgiven me i may of called her flumpy and said some unsavoury things and you two are planning our wedding here " he whispered only for his mother to swat him . " ouch we're good now and i mean there something there but i don't wanna rush it" he said .
" don't let a girl like her go son , she perfect for you" .
" i know she too perfect that why i wanna take my time i don't was scre..mess it up" he sighed.
" open your eyes boy and see things clearly" his mom kissed his cheek and his father hugged him before the two left.
" their right" mrs wilson called making him jump.
" you keep it under wraps too" he rolled his eyes heading back in to the house.
" JAKE" she yelled making him rush to her room in the middle of getting dressed to bring his father to the hanger.
" what's wrong" he asked.
" you think this is ok for lunch with you mom" she asked looking down at the sundress almost similar to the one he first ever saw her well awake and not covered with rooster hoodie. " jake?" she asked tilting her head.
" ye..yep that perfect you look .. wow" he fell over his words wondering what the hell was wrong with him.
" oh my dad promised to give your dad grade A tour whatever the hell that means but penny said it was good " she smiled trying to clip her necklace in place.
" here let me" he said coming behind her finger brushing her as he took it in his hand .
" thank you my hero" she giggled.
" you really look beautiful" he smiled eyes locked on her through the reflection of the mirror.
" thank you" she whispered a different smile a new one maybe his new favourite .
" you ready" rooster asked making them jump apart.
" yup ready" she called voice doing the weird thing it seem to do when she was nervous around him.
" i'll see you later darling" he smiled kissing her cheek before walking out counting it as a small victory . " that mans gonna kill me roo" she held her cheek goofy smile on her face. " the pinning is killing me" he whispered. 
" over here dear i invited your friend and stepmother" beth called . " more the merrier" she smiled as they walked in . " look at you hotty" nat called . " says the one" she winked . " you look amazing" penny smiled.
" you are way too hot for my dad" she nodded.
" ok ladies shall we order" .
" please i am starving" y/n cheered.
" oh the picture as promised" beth smiled.
" haha nat here take a picture" she snickered handing over her phone then sending it to jake .
" not first time you've seen his ass or the last and don't get me started on the magic mike situation" nat rolled her eyes.
" yeah your dad was traumatised" penny giggled.
" what situation"beth asked.
" oh the first night i was home him and roo came into my room like almost naked and i mean this with the greatest respect great job anyways i may of told them to go shirtless not knowing my dad was there" she snorted as the waiter arrived at wrong time . they quickly ordered as the man rushed off.
" so why the whole well whatever".
" because we just became friends i don't wanna ruin that" .
" the way that boy talks about you i doubt anything you could do could ruin it" penny said truthfully.
" he never stopped when he would call home i mean i feel like i know you already" beth added. " and when he was at the base well he wanted to get back incase you needed him , he stopped sleeping around too... sorry" nat informed .
" what if i'm reading it wrong and make idiot of myself" .
" your being idiots now" nat bluntly said.
" y/n hey can we talk" a voice called. 
part 6
taglist : @harrysgothicbitch
@djs8891 @darksparklesficrecs
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peacefxlmyko · 7 months
i need to make some extra money, even if its not much, and this was one of my ideas. It'd be Bracelets with the character's names and fitting colors and also matching sets (like hangster, Icemav, etc.) and I just wanna know if anybody would actually be interested
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topgunruinedme · 7 months
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Daggers Daycare||o.7
Note: And I’m back! I admit this was getting a little too long so I had to cut this down into three seperate chapters. But here’s is your long (a whole year my god) awaited feast. You guys know the drill by now.
Synopsis: Maverick finds himself in a situation he cant explain. The daggers are unavailable, and he finds himself in need of help from his old crew. Of cause this wasn't the reunion they expected.
“Did you kidnap an orphanage Mav?”
Warning: age regression (they get turned into children), slight whump mostly fluff, slight swearing, homophobia and 5 idiots with no knowledge on kids caring for some.
Word Count: 5.1k
Read on Ao3
He frowned slightly, leaning heavily on the half filled cart. The metal on the side of the handle dug into his hand from the tight grip as he slumped in exhaustion. His shoulders brushing his ears as he curled slightly in an attempt to hide from the world, ducking his head to avoid anyones gaze. The feeling of being watched put him on edge, hair on the back of his neck standing at attention as he tried to focus on the aisle he was entering. 
God he wished he had changed before he had left Mav’s. Not only did he look out of place with the mass order he was collecting but he looked out of place in full Navy uniform. 
He felt ill-put without Wolf’s running commentary, his confident arora, the protection he had silently offered. He hadn’t realized how much safer he had felt with his comrade watching his back. How in the short time that they had been together, his body had warmed, his chest had rumbled in laughter and for once his smiles hadn’t felt forced. 
He shifted uncomfortably. His body shivered as it was overtaken by a chill, the sudden warmth chased away by the rabid breeze of the Iceman. The blizzard wrapped around him, freezing his fingers, his toes, his lips… and his heart. Joints stiff and by a sharp pin like pain traveling through his body when he tried to move, it almost felt like an unpleasant case of pins and needles. His skin felt cold, icey. His chest felt barren, empty of the love he had been offered so freely.  
He rubbed his hands together absently in an attempt to warm himself, to give himself something of comfort. He hadn't realized how much he had grown to struggle with people, events, places. Now without the buffer it was all hitting him at once. He knew that he had always gotten sweaty palms, a racing heart anytime he was in public, at conferences, in meetings. His voice almost failed, stalling as he conducted speeches, clearing his throat before giving feedback to a pupil.
He had pushed through it. Ignoring the voice in the back of his head screaming ‘what if’ at him. What if he stumbled, if he misspoke, what if he slipped, if he dropped something. Was his voice too high or too low? Were they all judging him? 
Perhaps if he had listened to them he wouldn't have lost Sarah, his friends, he wouldn't be running himself to the ground. Desperately trying to find a way to keep his body moving, giving it a purpose. Because if he didn't, he wasn't sure what he had to live for. No friends. No family. No kids. No wife. When he burnt in…no one would grief. No one. 
He had thought it was normal, that it was all normal. The way his mind screamed, the faked smiles. People say all smiles in politics are fake, so why was his always fake? Inside and outside the office. Why was it more natural for him to grab for, then something genuine. Something that he couldn't even remember how it looked on his face. 
The way his heart raced in big events, eyes tracking everything nervously trying to will people away from talking to him. The constant anxiety of saying the wrong thing. The way he wanted to claw at his skin when he stood in front of the possum as he gave another young aviator a medal, a promotion. 
He moved through it. Pushed it away. Suffered, sweating through his uniform plastering a smile on his face that haunted him as he walked through the halls of his building. Ignoring it in hopes that if he didn't acknowledge it, it would go away. 
He fought the urge to cringe, to cower as the hair on his arms, his neck, rose. Alarm building anytime he spotted anyone near him, closer than he felt comfortable with them being. His hands trembling every so slightly as he abused his check, teeth clenching down on the soft flesh of his cheek. Blood filled his mouth causing his stomach to churn as he swallowed. 
Eyes aching as he blinked, forcing himself not to doze as he tried to comprehend the ridiculous amount of jars in front of him. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he got a good night's sleep. He was always too busy, being woken by calls, staying up late with documents, cleaning up Mavericks messes had dragging him out of bed at odd hours a few times. He couldn't remember a night where he had simply relaxed, slept in, gone to bed early. He couldn't remember a night where he wasn’t weighed down with exhaustion and still forced his body to stay awake, vision blurring and doubling as he tried to read the never ending documents. 
He had learnt early on in his career that if he didn't stop, his body couldn't give out. 
He stared at the different brands in confusion, eyebrows lifting in alarm at the sheer amount. Nails tapping against the trolly handle nervously, mind still whirling as he felt himself speeding full speed ahead towards a breakdown. Something that had only occurred in the privacy of his own home, his body strumming from the backlash of adrenaline and emotional overload. 
He swallowed thickly. Regretting his choice to send Wolf off to put the car seats he had ordered into the man’s van. Surely he was due back soon. He scratched at his skin, ignoring the slight pin prick of pain as his nails dug into his skin. Flesh gave way to the sharp nails digging into his skin as he drew blood. He hoped the man would be quick. He had left almost half an hour ago leaving him to drift through the aisle aimlessly as he added things to his list. 
They needed a doctor. They had to get a full check up on the kids, allergy tests (you never know what allergies they had grown out of), they needed to find out about any medical condition (that may not be listed on Navy official documents). People could be sneaky; he knows that Ron had avoided adding his history of childhood asthma to his medical history. But more importantly they needed an accurate age. 
They would need to keep a careful eye out for any triggers they may have, no one wants to accidentally trigger the kids if any of them has developed any undiagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 
They would need to organize the rest of the bigger furniture, beds, toys, potties, it could all be ordered online for now. They would all have to be made and the rooms needed to be designed.  
They needed clothes, the kids couldn't stay in overgrown shirts forever. 
He had sent the man off in hopes he could gather a moment of peace, now he wants to know if it had been a good idea. He knew the man had been restless, benign, annoying and complaining was Wold’s way of dealing with stress, he had always done it, he did it in the academy and he did it after Goose’s death. It was just the way he coped and he certainly had the right to be stressed now that they had semi-custody of 7 children.
His mind began to whirl, he had been alone for far too long forcing himself to take on placement after placement and meeting after meeting until he had no choice but to continue. His body didn't know what to do with the sudden time off, it was bound tightly with tension that he knew would give him a headache but more importantly with the sudden shock of being reintroduced to the other flyboys it had done a hit on his body. Without the stimulation of work or the quiet reassurance Wolf offered with his constant chatter his mind started to panic. Becoming paranoid, anxiety jumped into the control seat as he swallowed thickly, briefly squeezing his eyes shut as he felt his heart rate skyrocket, feeling the pulsing of his heart in his ears as he blinked, hands tightening until he could see the whites of his knuckles. Without the stimulation Wolf had been providing through his playful whining and teasing, he couldn't focus. He wasn't even sure if he was taking in what was on the shelf. Eyes glancing over the labeled as he becomes more concerned. 
Why were there so many? He didn't understand. It was just food, wasn't it? There were packets of baby food, snacks, cans of formula. What the hell was he meant to choose? He forced himself to release the death grip on the trolley and reached out towards the shelf his hand hovered over the jar of applesauce, that was something kids ate, right?
He didn't like the way Jake looked. The way the boy's clothes flooded him far more than the others, how small his wrists were, how his face caved in slightly, the haunted look under the dark circles under his eyes. He looked vastly underweight and honestly it made him nervous. How close was the boy to collapsing, to fainting, how close was he until his body just stopped. What long term effects would it have on the boy’s health?
Bob, he looks…young. He was small, really small. It shouldn't surprise him, he knew that Bob was the youngest on the team and yet somehow it had. It had startled him looking down at the tiny kid amongst his teammates. 
The other kids looked like they would fit their weight range, assuming that they were around the 3-4 year mark. But Bob and Jake…  
He hesitated. He wasn't sure if he needed to take them to a dietitian or not. Perhaps he should, just to be safe. Ensure he was feeding them correctly, they both needed to put on weight. 
Bradley might be on the cusp of three, he faintly remembered the little boy's cake smeared cake from the party all those years ago, it would have been only 2 weeks after Nick's death. It was a photo that lived religiously in Maverick’s locker. Natasha, Mickey and Javy might be in the same age group. Jake was too sickly looking to correctly determine his age, he was afraid the boy was malnourished. Reuben looked like he was on the older side, placing the boy in the 4th year group. However, Bob could easily be between early 2 years or 3. The boy was tiny, absently he wondered if he had been a prem baby. Being premature would explain his smaller stature, but it wouldn't explain why the boy hasn't grown. He should have had a grown spirt by now. He wasn't an expert in children but he knew being that small was not normal. 
He worried his lip between his teeth as he took the container of applesauce off the shelf, adding it to the cart as he looked over the squeezie packet food - it would be a food idea to have snacks on them the kids could easily eat if they needed to move locations. The small yogurt packets of mashed food would be perfect and nutritious. Maybe it was something Jake and Bob could eat easily, he definitely wanted to make sure the kids had something to munch on wheil they changed locations to keep them at ease. He didn't want to compromise their smooth transition because someone got upset or fussy because they hadn't eaten. He wondered idly if they had eaten tonight yet. Surely slider would make sure they ate, they may not have been around much but they remembered what Bradley had been like wanting to eat every three seconds, he had of course been a growing teenager then but surely it still applied to children. Perhaps he should give wood a call….
He shook his head pursing his lips as he glanced back at the packet food before nodding to himself as he added a few extra packets to the cart with the boys in mind. Making sure to grab flavors he knew the boys were partial to from the brief spam texts Mav had sent him earlier in the year when he was ecstatic about his new kids. He wanted to ensure he had something the boys could eat, even if they were the only ones who did.
He jumped slightly, spinning around to face the boogie, his spine pressed up against the handle of the trolley as his body tensed. Placing himself on guard, hands clenching around the handle bar by his hips. His heart jumped into his throat. Shit, he hadn't realized he had fallen so far into his head, he hadn't realized his guard had faltered, the boogie slid within his sights. Locked on target, right on his nose, tone ringing in his ears as his hand flexed mentally readying himself to turn the stick and fire.
He took a shaky breath as a familiar face came into a few in his panic-induced hazed vision, Wolf was giving him a worried look, lips pulled back with a downward tilt, his brows furrowed in stress hands twitching by his side. An empty cart was resting beside the man's right hip as he stepped away hand placed in front of him keeping a good space between them, he recognized the move from ‘86 when they used to bring Maverick out of his attacks. It was oddly soothing to see the familiar movement. 
He frowned slightly at the man, something dull pulled at his chest, when had he gotten back? 
Wolf tilted his head ever so slightly, eyeing him down, taking in his tense posture with a careful consideration; his lips tugging tighter in disapproval as he turned his attention from him to the shelf that he had been staring at with a confused look, “Baby food?”
He rolled his shoulders, his muscles protesting under the strain, back tingling as it tugged sharply under the tight ligaments putting a pressure on his chest as it tightened. He glanced over the man's shoulder carefully tracking the empty space behind Wolf ensuring no one snuck up on them and initiated a fire fight by sliding into a weapons envelope. He swallowed, forcing his muscles to unclench, shifting away from the trolley; hands flexing by his side as he turned back towards the shelf keeping his back covered tilting himself just enough to protect them and watch their backs at the same time. 
His shoes squeak on the tile floor and he cringes, ducking his head slightly, the collar of his uniform brushing against the lobe of his ear. The fabric scratched against his skin as the long tone in his ears grew louder the squeak quickly transforming into a shriek-
We have four on our tail. 
The lights above him flickered overhead briefly. 
That makes six of them!
His chest aches and he resisted the urge to rubbish chest with his knuckles to feel anything other than the clenching feeling. 
I’m engaged with five. I’m in deep shit. 
Something moved behind him. 
Maverick, get your butt down here!
He's going to leave him. The stick molded in his hand, the creak of his gloves around the handle made bile rise in his throat. He could feel sweet blooming on his neck from the heat of the cockpit. 
His head squeezed as the helmet dug into his skin, the harness on his chest tugging him further back into the seat as the G-force landed on him pinning him back trapping him. 
Goddammit. Mavericks disengaging. 
Mav…come back. Don’t leave me here. 
Please don't leave me here. Wolfie! Wood! They had just been behind them hadn’t they? They’d help him right, he likes them enough that he was sure that they would come to his rescue while Maverick left him out to dry. 
I can't get him off my tail!
He could feel the rock of the jet as the mistle collided, eyes shutting as the cockpit rolled behind his eyelids, his own panicked expression meeting him in the reflection as he tried to operate the smoking machine that threatened to dive from the sky as they took damage to their wing. 
I’m hit. We're hit in the right engine. 
“Ice. Come back to me buddy”. 
You! You are still dangerous. 
Maverick. His hair slicked back in messy updo from his helmet, bright green eyes wide in excitement and adrenaline as he grinned widely looking around at the celebration. The same eyes that poured into him with that same intensity that the man offered his jet when he brushed his hand against it and called it sweetheart when no one was looking, how he looked at Nick when the man was tugging Slider closer by his lapel all those years ago, how he stared up at him in the locker room arrogance flooding from him as he stood up to the challenge. I am dangerous, Ice-Man. The intensity of the fire that burned within the man that he loved as Maverick gave him a sly smile and clasped his hand. 
You can be my wingman anytime. 
The sound of crying broke through the clouds dragging him down to the present as he ejected without a parachute, body jerking through the sky in a freefall strap just out of reach, unable to pull it to activate the chute. Body falling further and further, the ground growing closer as he- 
He cleared his throat trying desert to blink away the tears in his eyes and the way his shoulders curled to shield himself from others trying to forget the burning stare of his friend whose heavy gaze felt like acid burning through his cheek. 
“Malnourishment” he muttered mentally shaking his head to try to shake off the cloudiness as his panic attempted to retake its hold on him, anxiety prickling at his skin. How much had Wolf seen, did he notice? He bit his tongue trying to ignore the way the man's hand had dropped where he stood stiffly, automatically stepping closer to him and shielding him from anyone who stepped into the aisle, his calculating gaze traveling from him to the space behind him again and again and again. 
He didn't have time for this. He couldn't break, not now. He had so much to do. He just needed to work more, yes, he just needed to work more until he passed out. If he kept going and didn't stop then he wouldn't burn out. He had meetings that he was already despising that he had pushed back, paperwork with approaching deadlines, a speech at an upcoming gala that he was meant to attend that he had to get someone else to deliver. He had to get the kids, he had to get them somewhere safe, a room, where they can be kids without them having to worry about them finding anything absolutely not kid-friendly most likely left behind by the man himself or one of his one night stands, not that he really considered Penny as that anyway.
He needed to get them health checks, organize therapy because these kids who weren't already in it, certainly would now. He had to figure out what mental space they were in; were they really kids or adults trapped in kid bodies? Which was worse? Aviators the size of children wanting to get back in a jet or children who didn't understand what was happening and possibly had no recollection of anything in the last few years since the detachment that brought them all together. He had to figure out how to inform the Navy that his best soldiers were now children, children who finger painted, who smeared pasta sauce across their clothes and who cried in the middle of the night when they wanted affection. 
His career - flying until he was forced out of the air, working behind a desk rubbing elbows, spending hours upon hours of work for another star on his shoulder - had been demoted to watching children. A babysitter, as if he didn't already get hazard pay for dealing with Maverick. 
He would need to call the daggers out sick, and he needed to figure out what the hell to tell Beau while dodging the man's own verbal argument on why Maverick shouldn't even be there to begin with. He had no idea who he would explain to the man that his aviators were not going to make the Monday hop. Ideally he amused the idea of inviting the two men over - because of course he was going to use Solomon as a barrier without shame - for dinner and order in a nice merlot. 
He dragged his attention back to the food ignorant of him, yogurts right. He gave the shelf a semi-distressed look at the sheer quantity of flavors to offer, honesty what even was rainbow vanilla. Was it rainbow or vanilla flavored? He knew that he would need to buy them in bulk so he needed to figure out what flavors would most likely be the widely acceptable one, vanilla? Custard - ? Was that even a yogurt flavor? (No. he was 92% sure the answer was no). He would have to be sure to keep a large stock of whatever snacks and foods teh kids like and to grab some bins and lids at some point to put in the backs of the cars to fill with snacks and drinks, knowing that one of these idiots will forget and will get a very cranky kid on their hands when it came to sack time.
Maybe he should get strawberry, mango, blueberry or raspberry- wait no, he faintly remember reading somewhere a few years ago when he babysit Bradley all those years ago for the first time that it was becoming increasingly common in the last 15 years for kids to be allergic to berries. Although that had been almost 23 years ago, who knows if the chances fluctuated, he refused to take that chance. It was safer to stay away from them until the allergy test was cleared. That and the fact he didn't want to sit in an emergency room for 6 hours with a distressed kid. Call him selfish. The percentage was low but not improbable. So he refused to take the risk until he was 100% that there would be no cross contamination - because everyone knows how messy and germ contagious toddlers were - and that no one was at risk. 
He needed to get their files ASAP, and he needed an updated allergen test to make sure there were no outgrown childhood allergies or recorded food aversions. Knowing his luck they would find a kid that was a fussier eater then Bradley. Highly unlikely but unfortunately the rates were 7 at the moment leaving them at an unfortunate 17% chance. 
He needed to get the others into some sort of cooking lessons because he was not having them feed these kids pre cooked nuggets from the freezer somewhere that looked lie it died to freezer burn five years ago or to allow their diet to become fully dependent on mac-N-cheese (because no matter how good Chipper claimed it was in the academy there was no way he was willingly committing the kids to that fate). 
He would make sure that all the kids had something they wanted to eat. Even if he had to learn how to make it himself because he'd be damned if any of them went without food. His throat clicked at the reminder of the blond boy wedged back in the corner behind his protective friend, collar bone sticking out, face hallowed, staring at them with his almost skeleton looking hands. Starved. The kid had been starved. 
Who does that to a kid? Was it due to the lack of money, the lack of caring? Was it neglect or something much more harmful? He could see the all too familiar image of a little blond curled up trembling in the dark staring at the locked door in dread as they wrapped their arms around their legs begging it to open while wishing it stayed shut. He could see little baby Jake laying on his side curling up as tightly as  he could to preserve heat as his little stomach rumbled in hunger. 
Wolf shifted behind him, footsteps exaggerated to keep from startling him as the man rested a hand on his shoulder tugging him back away from the shelf. Removing him from his post. Wolf hummed slightly, accepting the answer without protest as he gently led him away, nudging him to the side with his hip; placing his body between the self and him, leaving him stranded in the middle of the aisle watching as Wolf grabbed a few packets of each flavor, dumping them into his cart. “We can come back and get more Ice. Come on” he urges softly as he leads him out of the aisle, away from his own mind.
He could feel it building. The way his nails dug into his skin, picking at the skin around his nails and yet he couldn't feel the pain even when the skin ripped. How his skin almost vibrated with electricity as the lights above them made him squint a pulsing beginning to build behind his right eye leaving him irritated, each brush of his collars against his neck with each swayed step made him grit his teeth. 
He felt like his chest was tightening, squeezing his inside like a cobra. His hands shook slightly as he let Wolf talk to him, blabbering off about something. He wasn't retaining anything the man was saying, each word going through one ear to the other, he gritted his teeth trying to push past the building pressure hardly making it a few steps down the aisle when Wolf pulled them to a stop. He wasn't even sure what they were talking about, was he supposed to reply? The man turned to face him as he reached out purposely delaying his movements to give him the opportunity to avoid the embrace as he tugged him into his warm broad chest. The man's hand coming up to the nap of his neck thumb soothingly stroking the skin nails scratching lightly almost making him melt into him as he tugged him forward gently to lean his forehead on his shoulder. 
“God, what happened to you when we were gone, Ice?” Wolf sounded wounded, like he was mourning. Like he was in pain. Because of him. He was hurting Wolf, yet he couldn't force himself to let go, he could be greedy. Even if only for a moment, he could be greedy and steal what he could from the man. 
He buried his face into the man's chest to avoid looking at him, his hand trembled slightly as he his fingers wrapped into the fabric of his shirt gripping onto it tightly. His fingers turned white with urgency as he held on tightly, trying to tether himself to the moment. To save himself from his own mind that had run him rampant since his family left. 
The warmth of Wolf body heat washed over him, the sharp sandalwood was welcome when it hit his nose. The slight scent of ocean waves that he knew belonged to Wood lingered, silently he wondered what the hell was happening between the two men. 
“I’m here Tom,” Wolf muttered softly, “I'm here”. 
His breath shuttered in effort to keep his tears back, he had missed this, so much. He had missed all of them, the simple hugs that meant so much to him. The only affection he had received after his neglectful childhood. He had gone from nanny to nanny, he had not been allowed to ask for affection, not then. 
But his family, Wolf, Wood, Slider, Mav…Goose. They had all offered it up freely, hidden in rooms where they wouldn't be judged for the ‘unmanly action’. Where they let him just soak it in, to become lax in their arms and just hang on for dear life. He hadn't realized how touch deprived he had made himself in his fear, his attempt to save himself. 
Wolf pulled away slightly with a small smile, not a mocking one or a joking one like he normally did around them. But a sincere one. “Are you ok?” he asked, his hand pressed against his lower back in a stable connection, joining them. 
He swallowed heavily, his chest pounding as it slowly slowed his breathing, his silent panic forcing him to press his lips closed in an attempt to keep quiet. This was not the time nor place, he couldn't do this here. 
Wolf’s brows furrowed in concern, he looked older, weighed down. “Tom?”.
“Yeah” he choked out, his mouth dry as he blinked as his eyes stung, “Yeah Rick, I'm good. I'm good”.
Wolf didn't look convinced, his eyes pinched and he pulled away from Ice letting his arms fall uselessly. He stepped back to retrieve his trolley carefully staying in Ice’s vision, his hand reaching out to tap Ice’s hand as he leaned against the trolley in front of him, “Come on Ice, were almost done” he flashed him a smile, “We got through Layton, we lived through the 80’s with Maverick. We can do some baby shopping”. 
A huff of amusement left Ice lips as he gave him a small weak smile, “Yeah” he agreed, straightening up and clearing his throat. He took a deep breath. They could do this. 
“Where to next?” Wolf offered, providing him with a distraction, a way to temporarily throw this behind him. 
“Prams,” he replied, grateful for the distraction. His eyes scanned the banners hanging from the ceilings in an attempt to locate the area. His lips quivered into a half smile, gaze dropping down to Wolf who was casually keeping his muscles relaxed but walked beside him as they made their way to the end of the aisle, eyes scanning over their environment. 
“Hey” he attempted, his voice wavering slightly as a warm sensation bloomed in his chest soothing over old wounds as he gave the man a small smile. 
Wolf turned, raising an eyebrow with an easy smile as he walked backward tilting his head “Yeah Ice?”
His eyes traveled over the man, god it had been so long since he had seen any of them, he had missed so much, 
“Hey.” Wolf's expressions softened, his hand coming up between them as he reached out clasping his hand tugging them to a stop, “That’s what friends are for”. The man's lips twitched “Beside, who's going to help me get Wood to admit that he has a massive man crush on Chipper?” 
He laughed, shaking his head, smiling widely as he relaxed, feeling safe. Warm and utterly safe for the first time in years he felt the weight on his chest lift and he took a deep breath. 
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caystar13star · 16 days
This little piece is an ode to @snapghoul ’s Seresin twins au. I added Fritz (and his fandom-assigned storm chasing history as well). He and Tyler met at college in Arkansas, where the Wranglers got started. Then Fritz and Jake met and it was chaos.
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“Shit, that’s Fritz!”
It took everything Jake had not to react when Payback called out to the newly arrived aviator. He and Fritz had been stationed together exactly once, and between the constant goading and their “insane” flying when they were paired in the air together, the brass tended to keep them separated for the good of the Navy.
That sobered him for a moment. What kind of mission was this?
Jake was surprised that Billy kept his distance during training, but he figured the other man must be waiting for just the right moment. They were all pretty focused on training.
It was a rather unremarkable Saturday after the mission that Fritz made his move.
The Dagger squad had been permanently assigned to North Island, under the command of the newly-appointed Admiral Mitchell (his husband refused to let him change his name, saying two Admiral Kazanskys would just be too confusing). They had been invited to the admirals’ home several times, and met even more admirals, and retired captains, and even a Texas Ranger! The TOPGUN class of ‘86 was certainly an interesting group.
Fanboy had cornered Fritz, asking him for more details about his storm chasing days, when Jake overheard them. “Hold up, let me show you. My old partner has a YouTube channel. It’s badass.”
Jake groaned, leaning his head against Bradley’s shoulder. “Kill me now, please.”
Rooster looked at the other aviators, confused as to what Jake’s problem was. Fritz was giggling quietly in that half-crazy way of his as he swiped and scrolled on Mickey’s iPad. “Here you go, check this out.”
Bradley caught on but held back his laughter when he heard Tyler’s voice through the speakers. “Alright, what’s up, chat?!?? Welcome back. Thank you for joining us. It’s a perfect weather day!”
Reuben and Mickey were staring wide-eyed at the screen, glancing between the scruffy cowboy Tyler on YouTube, and the perfectly put together mirror image Jake sitting curled up on Admiral Kazansky’s sofa.
“Is that…Hangman??” Fanboy’s confused voice brought the rest of the squad over to see what they were watching. Mav looked and cocked his head to the side, then narrowed his eyes at Jake.
“I didn’t know you had a twin!”
Jake looked surprised that Mav came to that conclusion from only seeing a short clip of Tyler. Most people who knew them all their lives still got them mixed up, despite their different styles and Jake’s efforts to minimize his accent (except when Bradley royally pissed him off).
Bradley squeezed his hand as if knowing the direction of his thoughts. “Dad has a twin, too,” he offered. “But I’m not sure if the Daggers are ready to meet Uncle Ethan yet…”
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siriuslysirius05 · 1 year
Not His Son
Look, Tom knew that Bradley —Rooster, these days— wasn’t his son. Hell, he wasn’t even Maverick’s, a fact Bradley made very, very clear when he left that night. Ice remembers it like it was yesterday; Bradley had received a letter from USNA telling him that his application was, for whatever reason, pulled successfully. He’d approached Maverick with the subject, quickly blowing up at his godfather/adopted father once the truth was revealed. Pete Mitchell had pulled Bradley Bradshaw’s Naval Academy application. He left in a fury, shouting awful things that Tom knew Maverick dreamed about every night.
“You aren’t my dad. You never were. I hate you. I wish you died instead!”
Tom also thought of those words often. They were sharp thorns in his heart, haunted his every breath. Bradley was right, they weren’t his parents. And while they might have raised him, Iceman and Maverick were nothing but a heavy, burdened memory Bradley despised.
That didn’t mean they stopped caring. Especially now that Ice was a three star admiral, and Bradley was a full-fledged naval aviator. Hell, he was attending TOPGUN (at Ice’s secret referral). He was a grown man, an independent and strong man. He didn’t need Maverick, he didn’t need Iceman.
It didn’t stop Ice from keeping an eye on him, though. With his admiral status, Ice had the files of every single naval flight officer at his fingertips. Most of the time, Tom used the files to recommend squadrons and put together missions, but…
He still worried about the kid.
In actuality, it wasn’t all that often that Tom checked on Bradley. Every few months, and he usually didn’t tell Maverick the updates with the knowledge that his husband —they’d gotten married without Bradley there, but they did send an invite that went unanswered— would be hurt knowing Bradley was doing well without him. And that wasn’t narcissism or anything on Pete’s part; Bradley was, in all ways but blood, Pete’s kid. He always would be, even if the only surviving Bradshaw never spoke with him again.
It was Bradley’s second week at TOPGUN, and he was doing well. Top of his class, in fact. It brought both joy and a strange feeling to Ice’s chest.
He’d passed Bradley in the hallways of the air base several times in the past weeks, and every time he gave the man a warm smile. One of the other admirals on base, a two star by the callsign of Cyclone, teased him about the sudden appearance and disappearance of warmth on his face every time he was in the same general area as his kid.
Not his kid.
Today was a particularly bad day for Tom. His husband was stationed overseas and had been for the last month and a half, and Ice was missing him dearly. Plus, Ice had nightmares about Hop31 (better known as ‘the accident’ around Maverick, who flinched anytime ‘hop’ and ‘31’ were in the same sentence) and Goose’s death the night before.
Seeing Bradley strutting through base, a funky-pattern Hawaiian shirt on and wearing a pair of aviators, his 70s-pornstache perfectly groomed, was just salt in the wound. His (not) son was a spitting image of Nick Bradshaw, identical even in the walk. Goose always loved to strut and peacock about, showing off whatever shirt he had on.
Tom had tried to approach Bradley, just to say something. Hi. I miss you. Pete misses you. Anything, just to hear the young man’s voice. Would he sound like Goose? Bradley was raised in California, so he didn’t have the southern twang that Goose had, but maybe…
Bradley glared at Ice when he got near, turning and walking away. His friends, who Ice recognized as Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace and Reuben ‘Payback’ Fitch, looked confused as they snapped to attention. Tom sighed, smiling sadly at the kids before turning to walk the other direction.
Later that day, Ice was watching the skies. His mind overlayed memories of Hop31, how *well* it was going, with the planes flying overhead. He knew who was up there right now. He knew that the F/A-18 that just barreled through the sky was none other than Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw. Pride and guilt filled his chest, and he was suddenly overcome with emotion. Emotion he didn’t deserve to feel, because Bradley was not his son.
He turned away from the window, eyes wet.
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((Story based on the short sketchy drawing I did in an hour or so…the uniform is probably very inaccurate just bear with me please))
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planetpiastri · 2 years
ooo maybe 28 for fanboy?? or number 8? buzzing over ur writing btw
i went with #8 for this bc i just think that’s soo cute<33 i love writing fanboy this was so fun
8. accidently hitting the other one with a snowball meant for their friend
word count: 1.7k
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It was snowing in San Diego. As in San Diego, California. 
You looked up to check if the sky was falling, but just got a few more soft flakes to land on your cheeks. You couldn’t help but smile in childlike wonder, spreading your hands and letting the tiny crystals collect on your sleeves. When your best friend had told you he was back in town at TOPGUN and he wanted to see you on his one weekend off, you couldn’t have predicted something like this happening.
His voice broke through your reverie at that exact moment. “Hey, you with us?”
You blinked, looking over to where he was standing with another pilot—the callsign ‘Phoenix’ seemed to ring a bell. She looked just as awed as you were at the sudden flurry, but she was better at hiding it.
“Yes,” you said, jogging to catch up with them. “Sorry. I can’t believe this. We haven’t gotten snow in—”
“Twenty years?” interrupted Reuben, holding out a palm and watching as a few flakes collected in it. “Thirty?”
“Something like that,” murmured Phoenix. Then she blinked and shook herself. “Sorry—we’re gonna be late. Everyone’s waiting for us at the Hard Deck. Come on.”
By the time Reuben’s car had rattled its way off base and down to the beach, the light flurry had turned into a proper fall. When he parked outside the Hard Deck, he nervously squatted by his tires, checking to make sure they were handling the cold okay. 
Phoenix laughed at the sight of you both anxiously preening over the vehicle. “California kids,” she said with an amused shake of her head. “Come on, let’s go.”
The Hard Deck was crammed with officers and pilots who were trying to escape the sudden snow, but when the three of you muscled your way to the bar, Reuben looked around in confusion and said, “I don’t see them.”
It was Phoenix who flagged down Penny the bartender and asked where their friends had gone. In reply, Penny just smirked and jerked her thumb over her shoulder, gesturing back towards the oceanfront behind her.
“You’re kidding,” said Reuben. 
Penny shook her head. 
“Is this Fanboy’s idea?”
“He said something about a snowball fight,” said Penny coyly.
Reuben dropped his head and groaned, but Phoenix tugged you both by the sleeves, saying, “Come on.”
You’d heard tale of this ‘Fanboy’ from Reuben—his new backseater from Whidbey Island, a charming and rambunctious WSO who’d barely been out of TOPGUN three years. It was hard to tell from the stories if Reuben hated having a backseater or admired the kid’s tenacity; maybe Reuben didn’t even know himself. Either way, at the mention of his callsign, you’d be lying if your interest wasn’t piqued.
Phoenix led the way onto the back deck and farther down the steps, onto the sand and snow where a bunch of grown adults were bundled in thick jackets and hurling snowballs that were fifty percent sand at each other, giggling like little kids.
“Oh my god,” said Reuben.
“Phoenix!” wailed one of the men on the edge of the group, taking a few steps up the beach towards you. “Thank god you’re here! They’re killing me! Ack!” 
Right on cue, a different pilot nailed the guy in the back of the head, sending him staggering and brushing ice and wet sand out of his hair, wiping at his glasses.
“Hey!” cried Phoenix, already taking off at a run towards the group, bent double to gather a snowball of her own as she went. “Pick on somebody your own size, you leave my backseater alone!”
“Children,” said Reuben quietly, shaking his head. “They’re a bunch of children.”
Piff. A pitiful handful of snow and sand scattered across the back of his Carhartt. Without turning around, he said, “You’re about to enter a whole world of hurt.”
An utterly childish giggle ripped its way out of your chest and you began to sprint across the sand towards the larger group, listening to Reuben give chase behind you, his laugh loud and raucous across the expanse. Blood pounded in your ears as you ducked between two burly pilots, crouching to gather up a few snowballs. It hadn’t been snowing long enough to get any genuinely good powder—the balls were mostly ice and grit—but no one seemed to care. The novelty of a beachside snowball fight in San Diego was too alluring for pesky things like logic to interfere.
All around you, the pilots worked as a team, turning this silly childhood game into a ground-level dogfight.
“Coyote, heads up!”
“On your six, Phoenix!”
“Break right, Rooster, break right!”
Of course, you didn’t have a callsign, but everyone pretty quickly picked up on the fact that you were Reuben’s friend, giving you the complimentary nickname ‘Payday.’ Maybe it lacked some originality, but it was forged in the heat of battle, which you thought was pretty cool. 
It was the cry of, “Payday, help me out!” that screwed everything up.
You weren’t sure who’d called for your aid; maybe Rooster, or even Yale. But you jumped to your feet, snowball in hand and ready to defend anyways. Across from you, someone else stood up: a tan man with short, dark hair just visible underneath a gray beanie pulled low over his ears. His strange posture confused you briefly: his arm flung forward, one leg pitched out behind him, his grin huge and white and destabilizing.
Then icy-sharp pain bloomed across your cheek and you fell backwards, hitting the sand hard.
Everyone froze.
Someone—Hangman, you thought—shouted, “Shit, Mickey, not the face!”
The one who hit you—Mickey, you presumed—cried, “I was aiming for Rooster’s shoulder, I swear!”
Your ears were ringing and your face was so cold that it was numb. You lifted one dizzy hand to your cheek, stunned to realize it came away with blood, ice, and sand all combined on your fingers. There were a few people kneeling next to you in the sand, but most of them gave you space, which you were grateful for. Reuben had hold of your arm and was shaking it gently, saying, “Are you with me?”
“I’m okay,” you grunted, shifting mostly upright and trying to wipe the sand out of your eyes. “Just caught me by surprise, that’s all.”
“Are you okay?” a new voice asked, and a firm hand grasped your forearm, hauling you smoothly to your feet despite Reuben’s protests of, “Easy, Mickey!”
You were prepared to have some sort of biting retort or withering remark at Mickey’s expense, but when you met his eyes, the words fell away. His grip on your arm was firm and present, grounding you to the sand and snow beneath your shoes. While there was a definitive mischief-making tilt to his mouth, there was no humor in his eyes at the moment. His brows were knit and his gaze was fixed on the spot on your cheek where you knew you’d been struck.
Realizing you’d never answered his question, you stammered, “Oh, I-I’m okay. It was just an accident.”
“I’m so sorry,” Mickey rushed on. “I was aiming for Rooster behind you, and you stood up as I was throwing, I wasn’t trying to—”
Then Rooster himself was there, pushing in between the two of you and giving you a little more breathing room. “Careful, Fanboy,” he said, his tone light but authoritative. “I don’t know if Penny is equipped to treat talking-induced concussions.”
You blinked, something nagging at the back of your head as you glanced between Reuben, Rooster, and Mickey. Something familiar, like you were staring at a puzzle missing one piece, and the piece had just been handed to you. And then, like wires connecting—
“Oh!” you yelped, taking half a step back. “Mickey’s—that’s—you’re Fanboy?” You glanced back and forth between him and Reuben, who’d buried his face in his hands.
“Wait,” said Fanboy, looking as lost as you’d felt a few moments ago. “You know who I am?”
“You’re the backseater!” you blurted. “From Whidbey Island! Right, Rueben? This is him?”
Before Reuben could speak, Fanboy said with a huge, shit-eating grin, “You’ve been telling your friends about me, Payback?”
Reuben stepped forward, his hands extended placatingly. “Okay, this is getting—”
“I’ve been so curious,” you interrupted, side-stepping your friend so you could keep talking to Fanboy. “From day one, he has always had something to say about you.”
Fanboy grinned, one corner of his mouth pulling up higher than the other. “Good things, I hope.”
“Fifty-fifty,” you said, matching his grin.
“Okay, maybe you should go take a seat at the bar,” Reuben said, laughing nervously and taking you by the elbow. He glanced over your head, gesturing with his other hand. “Hey, Bob, could you give us a hand over here?”
Before Bob could react, Fanboy had come up to your other side, easily slipping your hand through the crook of his arm and waving Reuben off with an easy, “I got it from here, Payback. You guys finish up the snowball fight, okay?”
Reuben looked like he’d rather swallow a lemon than finish up the snowball fight, but he stayed quiet and watched as Fanboy led you up the beach and back onto the deck. You half-expected your best friend to come storming up after you in less than five minutes, but soon enough, the group had gone back to their childish games, whooping and hollering and having a great time.
Meanwhile, Mickey sat you down at a table where you could look out the glass and still see the snow falling on the water. Penny gave him some basic first-aid supplies, and he cleaned up your small cut, saying like he was almost impressed, “You’re gonna have a gnarly shiner, probably. Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay,” you said, feeling strangely sleepy as his fingers brushed at your cheekbone, sending chills down your spine—and not from the cold. “Makes me look cool.”
He smiled widely at that, like he didn’t even notice he was doing it. Feeling strangely shy, you shifted back to front, watching as Phoenix and Rooster worked together to pepper Hangman with a fierce bombardment of snowballs. The flakes over the beach fell like glitter, shimmering and twinkling in the dark late-afternoon light, and without meaning to, you murmured, “It’s beautiful.”
“It really is,” replied Mickey, but when you glanced back at him, you had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the snow.
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TopGun Soulmate AU
Fates aligned with the help of an M-16
Chapter 1 A little bit of backstory
This is the story of how my whole world got turned upside down. And things happened that I never thought would happen. Anyway, My name is Kaley Leroy-Jethro Gibbs. But most people just call me K for LJ, except my dad who calls me his Sunflower. My mom and my twin sister were killed in a car accident when I was 9. And I got severely injured and was in a coma for 6 months. All of this happen while my dad was overseas fighting in a ‘Desert Storm’. You see my dad is a sniper for the Marines, well Technically after everything that happened with my mom, Kelly my twin, and myself he was honorably discharged, but Once a Marine Always a Marine. But will get into that later. Anyway after my dad got back we moved to Norfolk, Virginia, he became an N.C.I.S (Naval Criminal Investigative Services) agent which was just now getting started it wasn’t that big of a federal organization yet but it was still the best thing he could have ever asked for.
About 6 months after we moved to Norfolk I started 4th Grade which was normal for me I guess I mean I grew up moving from base to base so that means changing schools a lot but it was weird this time back because I didn’t have my twin there anymore. talk about a hard change. Anyway long story short I made 2 new friends that day that would later turn into my best friends. Natasha Trace and Callie Bassett, or as my dad and I loved to call them FireBird, and Angel, or as the U.S. Navy calls them ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Halo’. Know there are both Navel Aviators and I’m an N.C.I.S agent like my dad. I work on my dad’s team alongside agents Tony DiNozzo, Timothy ‘Tim’ Mcgee, and Ziva David our team’s M.E. Donald 'Ducky’ Mallard, and his assistant Jimmy Plamer, and our Forensic Scientist Abigail 'Abby’ Sciuto, my dads the leader of the crazy little team that is really more like a family. Who totally put the fun in dysfunctional. Then there’s the director and my dad’s boss Leon Vance who I see more as a grandpa than I do a boss which is why most of the time I just call him Pops. At first, he wasn’t a big fan of my chosen term of endearment but he has grown to love it.
In my world when you turn 16 the name of your soulmate appears somewhere on your body. Most people only get one, But some get two. Which is rare but still more common than most might think. Then there are the unbelievably rare three names which means three soulmates. Most of my family or the people in my life that I consider my chosen family. Have one but there are a few who have 2 and they have already met them. Which is amazing and I’m extremely happy for them. But for someone like me who has three and still hasn’t might any of them it kind of hard to see everyone who is important to me be happy. When I can’t seem to find my happily ever after.
When my names appeared as well as my two best friends we all agreed to not tell each other who they were until we found them. Why, I can’t remember then we had a reason it’s just been so long we can’t remember it. My dads was my mom even throw he has been married three more times since the accident none of them worked out. Zivas is Tony they refused to admit it for a while but there still each other forever. Tim, Abby, and Jimmy haven’t found there’s yet. Ducky sadly doesn’t have one but is still unbelievably happy he’s our Ducky. Now Nat and Callie both have two they meet both of there’s when they went to the academy. Nat’s are both Navel Aviators Reuben 'Payback’ Fitch and Mickey 'Fanboy’ Garcia. Callie’s are both also Navel Aviators Billy 'Fritz’ Avalone, and Neil 'Omaha’ Vikander. I have never met any of them but I have heard a lot about them. Between phone calls, Facetime, Emails, and plain old handwritten letters. The three of us stay pretty much in constant contact. Or at least we try to when they are serving on carriers in the middle of some ocean it gets a little bit harder. But we try our best.
Anyway like I said, I’ve got three Soulmates one name on each collar bone Bradley 'Rooster’ Bradshaw, Robert 'Bob’ Floyd, and one on the front of my left hip bone Jake 'Hangman’ Seresin. They all showed on the day I turned 16 all three names burned into my skin at the same time. Nat and Callie were surprised I didn’t blackout from the pain, but after the accident, I got a crazy high pain tolerance. My dad was a little taken aback because it meant that one day he was going to have to give his little girl away to three different men, not something any father wants to think about.  
Anyway, back to now I’ve just got out of a meeting in Pops office. He came down earlier to tell the team about a case, But told me to stay and that they would handle this one without me. Of course, I was confused but now I couldn’t be happier. Pops read me in on the fact the N.C.I.S was working on putting new offices or more like H.Q.’s along the coastlines of the country. Because they currently only have four one in Norfolk, New Orleans, Los Angeles, And Oahu (Pearl Horbor) Hawai’i. But now they want to start a new team in San Diego working out of the Miramar base home to Top Gun. And Pops wants me to be the team leader which is something I have been wanting and working for my whole life so of course I said yes. Now I just have to figure out how to tell my Dad and the rest of my family that I am moving all the way to the other side of the country to California. I mean after I said yes Pop gave me the specifics and told me congrats but then started to cry saying how much he was going to miss having his first grandbaby around every day. This might be harder than I think.
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
💘 TGM Valentines Day Special 💘
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🫶 Girls, Gays & The Theys! This year, on February 17th & 18th I’ll be hosting a Galentines Day Celebration!
🫶 All Fluffy and Smutty Concepts about any and all TGM characters are welcome and appreciated! The event will run all weekend long! Much like my regular sleepovers, I will be answering all your concepts and general questions & statements all weekend long.
🫶 Not only will I be hosting a concept and blurb weekend sleepover on my blog, but I will also be organising my very first Writing Event!
🫶 I have posted an Offical Song Prompt List and have linked it with this post along with the general admission rules for anyone who is interested in submitting something for the celebration! Absolutely anyone with a creative bone in their body can submit a Blurb & or One-Shot. Moodboards and Art are also welcome!
🫶 Participant Masterlist // A convenient place to find all your favourite authors and editors special edition posts from the Galentines Day Special.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
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SUMMARY : after an intervention and confrontation of sort y/n realises some thing as jake is feeling the exact same way as he gives his dad a tour of the base 
warning: fluffy and goofy humour , wine throwing fun .  FINALLY IS ALL I CAN SAY FOR THESE TWO . 
True to his word pete ( maverick) mitchell stood at the entrance of base as jake and his father john walked up .
" i heard we got a tour today" he smiled at the men.
" dad this is captain pete maverick mitchell , mav this is my father captain john seresin sir" jake smiled .
" honor to meet you captain mitchell although just john i retired a couple of years ago" john excitedly shook his hand .
" well captain today i promised my daughter i would take the best care of you captain and well you don't break a pinky promise with y/n" pete chuckled.
" she really take those thing seriously" jake shook his head.
" she's a lovely girl , smart too really credit to you captain mitchell" .
" please call me mav or pete shall we begin" he asked as the two walked in . true to his promise mav gave a Grade A tour even expressed how proud he was of jake and how far he had come which made the blonde stand taller . the dagger squad bar phoenix also showed their faces each had something nice to say about jake to his father and admiral simpson even made an appearance . once the tour was half done the guys went to the canteen all sharing their favourite stories from duty to training academy when the conversation shift instantly to what they really wanted to talk about.
" and how long has my son been a pining idiot for y/n" john asked looking around faces telling enough.
" see he's only here and he sees it" rooster snorted.
" been hearing it all time too" john chuckled.
" can we not talk about this" jake rolled his eyes.
" your dad has a point as much as i hate the thought of my little girl dating ,you are dragging this out" pete took a bite of his sandwich.
" that is his weird way of telling you that you have his blessing so jesus man so grow a pair before we lose our goddamn minds" .
" what the rooster means to say is well we just want you guys happy and also we are losing our minds waiting" .
" son a girl like that does not come around so often and one who has jake seresin calming down " he turned to see admiral simpson.
" see even the boss man sees it man you need to what they say seize the day well in this instance seize the pretty girl" rooster pointed his fork .
" ok ok i hear y'all but what if it ends badly and crash and burn plus deployment and everything that come with all this" he asked.
" stop look for reasons not too and start looking at what's in front of you, now john would you like to see the hanger were we keep the jets?" pete asked.
" of course and son don't lose a good thing when it comes you way" his father patted his back.
" what do you want kyle" she rolled her eyes.
" i heard what happened i meant to visit but i was sure it would only make things worse but look i never meant for you to get hurt or hurt yourself" he whispered the last part .
" you think i did this to myself because you and your buddy's locker room chat oh my god ego check i got hit by a road rage alcoholic" she stood thankful she didn't wobble .
" oh thank god i thought your father was going to have my head" he chuckled only to feel a liquid sting his eyes.
" listen here you one inch wonder your lucky i even gave you time of day no matter who my father is , i have more to offer then boost your ego or career and in fact i only asked your ass out because i wanted to get ja.. Someone out of my mind certainly wasn't what you had between your legs" she glared.
" jesus you sound as sappy as seresin except your more brutal than he was " he wiped the wine out of eyes .
" what" she asked slightly taken back.
" he said something same about beautiful force of nature and i'm lucky dude sounded like he was in love with you" he blinked although his eyes still stun.
" but that was before... oh my god i need a ct .. jake loves me" she gasped .
" oh my god finally you know for a genius you are very dumb" nat sighed with relief .
" oh my god i gotta .. come on ladies up now" she said . " waiter dude man here bill" she called grabbing hers and the others things.
" ok we good now" kyle asked smirk on his face to nat .
" ohhh this was a set up .... Yeah sorry about the one inch wonder ... beth come on" she rushed the ladies up.
" coming coming" the rushed out leaving the waiter a tip . " where we going" nat asked although she had a feeling.
" to do something very unprofessional of course" y/n rushed as much as the crutches would take her .
Jake couldn't get their word out of his head of course he was head over heal in love with y/n, it was hard not to more time he'd spent it was like he was falling even more. His dad was right of course a girl like her was rare , one that kept him on his toes in the best way , every little thing she did made him fall even her little old man habits he called them in honestly he thought it was most adorable thing . his mind completely void of anything but her like she was everything that kept him running and honestly he never wanted to lose that . the former man whore wanted one woman for rest of his days that his heart was beating and he was gonna seize the day or seize the pretty girl in words of rooster. Until he got down from his jet only so wrapped up in his thoughts it was like he could hear her .
" wait a minute" he said looking over to the door.
" come on nat" her voice called.
" i'm moving as fast as i can stop slapping my ass i'm not gonna go faster" .
" ok i got it from here" he looked over to see her getting off of phoenix back .
" what you too doing here" rooster asked.
" seizing the goddamn day or what ever you say" she huff not walking for her crutches as she moved eyes locked on jake who searched her face.
" ok this wasn't as romantic as i thought jake meet a girl half way" she panted.
" darling what are you doing here" he ran over .
" oh shit i was brave before keep that ... i may have only clued into something that was right in front of me this whole damn time to point i may need my head and eyes checked ... not the point but i was at lunch and they bullied me to admit my feeling for you which i mean are there... ok they didn't bully me ...then kyle showed up and i threw wine at him then he said something to make me realise and hope i'm not wrong in thinking you love me too right" she rambled . as he stood shocked but then the wide grin that came on his face .
" i swear to go if you make a lame joke right now i will hit you" she whispered only to yelp when he lifted her in his arms.
"I was just going to say that i was going to seize the pretty girl when i got home" he winked before crashing his lips on her as the rest of the dagger squad whistled and applauded.
" finally" rooster clapped harder.
" she moves fast even with that boot on" beth chuckled. The two pulled back eyes locked on each other like it was just them too in the room .
" who knew you'd be kissing flumpy huh" she wiggled her brows .
" i ain't gonna stop kissing flumpy" he chuckled kissing her again .
" except a work" a voice called as the turned to see admiral simpson standing.
" of course very professional plus i'm on leave sooo" she smirked.
" good for you seresin" he chuckled as he headed off.
" he's like a cat" she whispered as jake nodded in agreement .
" ok put my kid down" mav joked as penny slapped his chest telling him to leave them alone.
" oh beth great driving you hit that pedal like it was need for speed" she said as jakes eyes widened looking at his sweet little mother.
" glad to be of help" she laughed.
" this i gotta hear" rooster snorted.
" for old girl she can be fast" john smiled.
" to make my boy that happy i'd do it again, hurt her son and we're gonna have problems" she playfully glared.
" mama" he gasped yet amusement was laced in it .
you better get her home she moved a little too fast today" nat hinted although it wasn't fully a lie.
" on that note pops , mama , rest of y'all bye " he rushed out the hanger .
" shit their going to be gross now" rooster whined as her giggles echoed through the hall way.
Once they were in the drive way she could stop kissing the man although she wasn't alone in the feeling was like once he got a taste he was addicted .
"awh finally i thought i was gonna be on my deathbed before you two got together" they turned to see mrs wilson standing on her porch.
" keep sneaking on me like that and it may come soon"
" Jake" she slapped his head thankfully the older woman didn't hear his comment . " did everyone know but us?" .
" a blind man could see it honey" the elderly woman shook her head .
" well see you mrs wilson" jake called rushing into the house as door closed his lips where on hers once more as he brought her to the sofa .
" you were right i didn't say it back at the hanger but darling even my parents where sick of me talking about you" he smiled kissing her nose.
" all good things right?" she pecked his lips .
" you know the usual pain in my ass , funny , smart , kind , caring and drives me crazy beautiful that has me so in love with her" he said only for her to crash her lips to his more heatedly .
" slow down you animal your still recovering but once that booty is off i'll show you good time" he nipped her bottom lip .
" you did not just call me an animal while we making out" she snorted. " hey you need to learn to walk before you ride the bull" he winked lips locking with hers.
His parent gone home , home her new car sitting in the driveway as the two lay on the sofa . two weeks of having her the way he truly wanted seemed like a dream when he looked down as she slept on his chest well it was moment like this he'd come to love .
please tell me you two are dressed" rooster walked in covering his eyes .
" shup chicken she's asleep" he whispered.
" from a long day and not something else.. Right" he asked hopeful .
" yeah she had physio asswipe.. Maybe some other things too .. ouch" he chuckled causing her to stir .
you two are sickeningly cute" rooster grimaced .
" shh you'll wake her" jake glared.
" too late" she groaned lifting her head up rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
" you got some drool right there pretty girl" rooster teased.
" can't blame me" she flushed.
" hey" jake smiled as she leaned down kissing him.
" hey i'm still here" bradley coughed.
" thought you were staying in ruby's" she asked.
" i need shower and grab my overnight bag so can you control yourselves til i leave" he asked back .
" can you mr i can be your doctor baby" she smirked .
" you heard that" he gulped. "
oh i did doctor love" she fell back laughing .
" your evil pretty girl " he rushed off.
" he's right your terrible " jake kissed her head.
" terribly adorable" she patted his check as she got off the chair walking unaided of a crutch or person and boot free.
" sweetheart" he beamed probably making her stop realise was just happened.
" i walked on my own" she cheered loudly.
" you done it baby" he lift her spinning her in his arms.
" i like being your baby" she kissed him .
" well baby you are stuck with me" he winked .
" what's with the cheering" bradley ran back in .
" i walked by myself" she beamed.
" great now you can go" .
" work" , " rodeo" the said at same time.
" what he said... work" she played it cool.
" i think you broke him" rooster snorted at jakes reaction
. " that happens at the rodeo" she said easily.
" i'm moving out .. of the country you sicko" he walked off.
" rodeo huh?" jake purred holding her tighter in his arms as her leg rested around his waist.
" even have a hat cowboy" she kissed his cheek before getting down .
" where you think your going baby" he said watching her hips sway down the hall
" to get my hat" she called sending him after her in chase .
the Rodeo (18+)
taglist : @harrysgothicbitch @djs8891 @darksparklesficrecs @emma8895eb
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My TopGun Maverick Dagger Squad
(1 of 2)
CAPT. Pete Mitchell “Maverick”
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COMPACFLT Tom Kazansky “Iceman”
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Lt. Bradley Bradshaw “Rooster”
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Lt. Jacob Seresin “Hangman”
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Lt. Natasha Trace “Phoenix”
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Lt. Robert Floyd “Bob”
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Lt. Reuben Fitch, “Payback”
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Lt. Mickey Garcia “Fanboy”
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
Less Than Achievable - Part 4
Synopsis: The time Jake was finally shown he meant something to someone's
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Previous Chapter - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
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Across the sea in a far warmer room stood the dagger surrounding a table. Javy was fuming silently glaring at everyone as they attempted to quietly pull him from the map on the table. Snapping at anyone who dared to say Jake was gone.
“He’s a Seresin, my brother. If you think for one moment I’m giving up on him without seeing his body you clearly don’t know anything about me” Javy seethed, ripping his arm out of Omaha’s grip.
He gritted his teeth as he glanced between the laptop screen and the map beside it trying to pin point Jakes last known location. His beacon was either broken or not activated because his E-stat wasn't sending through any coordinates. He refreshed the page, biting his lip when nothing knew popped up.
Jake was fine, he told himself. This was Jake, he was resourceful, the same man who taught him to pack his flight suit with paper to preserve body heat in the cold. The same man who taught him to hunt on one of their rare leaves together. He would be fine, at least Javy hoped he was.
They had been back for over an hour now, the longer it took for the small little dot of Jakes beacon to appear on the map the more anxiety Javy felt.
Jake could come back from this, he promised.
“Why do you care so much” Bradshaw asked tiredly, “why waste your time?”.
Javy felt every hackle he had raise, his jaw ticked as his furious gaze landed on his intended target.
“Excuse me?”, his voice was deadly but calm, he saw Phoenix shiver slightly.
“Why are you bothering? He’s no one important” Bradshaw snapped letting out a huffed of annoyance, “Your only going to find a body”.
Javy stepped forward towards the man, Halo caught his arm pulling him back before he could do anything. His body trembled in adrenaline, if fighting with Rooster got him discharged he would willingly take the chance.
“Only a body?” His teeth grinding, forcing himself to swallow the faint taste of blood when he managed to pinch his check.
Bradshaw showed his teeth as he stood almost chest to chest with him, “Theres no way he could have survived that” Rooster shook his head almost in pity, “Don’t waste your time on it man, Rescue does that for you”.
Fury bubbled at his gut, he felt like every inch of his body wanted to reach out and maim the man as he stepped back with a small smile clearly thinking he had gotten through to him. If anything he just pissed him off more.
“He saved your life”. He let it hang in the room, Rooster turned back to him startled that he had guts to argue with him.
“I never asked him too” Rooster said through his teeth.
“No” Javy accepted, “You didn't, but he did anyway. Now you know something about Jake”.
Rooster hand swung out and it landed on the table with a bang, his mouth curled up in a snarl. “I know him alright. He was a selfish arrogant pilot who thought he was better then everyone else. He thought he was a god. He was a no one and he never will be anyone”.
“No” Javy laughed humorlessly ignoring Halos quite reprimand to let it go. “No, your right.” He snarled, “Jake a no one. A no one was lived in an abusive household for most of his life, who grew up knowing he could only trust himself and acted appropriately.
A man who helped me provide for my family when they couldn't keep themselves fed. A man who within a day of meeting me agreed to stay at a graveyard for hours just so I wouldn’t have to go alone. Who went out of his way to help me plan my fathers funeral”.
“So your right” he shrugged of Halo’s arm roughly, “He was a nobody. But he was my nobody” he said gruffly. “My family, my brother. So go on Rooster” he bared his teeth at the man, “Go on, his family's standing right here. Tell me why my brothers dead. Why!” he shouted.
He opened his arms in a mocking embrace, “Because you were too slow. Not ready. Too hesitant. Just like Jake said you were. He died because you wern’t ready,” he sneered.
Javy turned his head to glare at Maverick who was sitting in a chair against the wall his head in his hands resting his elbows on his knees.
“And you” he breathed in disbelief, Maverick raised his head to face his fury. “You weren’t here to keep us safe. All you cared about was getting even with Rooster” Javy shook his head in disappointment, “You never once cared about us getting home from that mission. You only cared that Rooster would”.
He licked his lips and swallowed looking on the edge of tears his voice cracked, “He looked up to you”, his breath hitched as he steeled him self forcing the emotion down “He would have done anything you asked him too. The only two aviators in the air with air-to-air kills”.
Javy let out a bitter laugh, he stared the man down to ensure every word hit its mark “God. I guess what they say is true”, his smiles was strained and painfully fake “Don’t meet the people you admire, they’ll only disappoint you”.
Maverick flinched violently, he looked haunted as something slammed into him. Some sort of past trauma. He looked old, haggard.
Plainly Javy didn't give a fuck, he wasn't past kicking a man when he was down. Not when they hurt Jake. Like a nail in a coffin.
“You weren’t here to keep us alive” the silence in the room felt suffocating, no one dared to interrupt him, “You we're just here to dictate which coffin goes where”.
He smiled like it was all one big joke, ignoring how Maverick almost cowered back from him “Go on, humor us all”. He laughed gently, “What were the orders?” he shrugged lightly unnecessarily to display that he was unconcerned. “Shoot us out of the sky on your way back if we lived? After all you cant have any loose ends on a mission like this”, his grin was sharp, “Rooster was never in danger was he? He was always coming home”.
Maverick stayed silent, staring him down.
“Sir?” Halo’s breathed in disbelief, there was an undertone of deflating hope.
He almost felt sorry for her, but surely they wern’t naive enough to think that they would all come back from this. If they had survived they would be smothered in NDA disclosure’s, possible demotions and threats that they wouldn’t be able to say anything remotely close to the mission without being sued to kingdom come.
The Navy cleaned after itself, always. They had been so sloppy with Duke Mitchell, look how that ended out. Javy and Jake had seen far to many great pilots be washed out because they said something they shouldn't have.
Dishonestly discharged, sued until they had nothing left to give and left out on the streets.
The Navy was nothing if not honorably, just not to its soldiers. No, they were lucky to have Bates and Simpson as their Commanding Officers. They were the only Admirals besides Kazansky who seamed to give a shit if their pilots came back to tell the tale or not.
Maverick opened his mouth, swallowing hard. He looked like he was fighting himself, not sure what to say. His eyes darted from each dagger, from each graduate. None of them gave him time of day besides Rooster.
Omaha had pulled Halo close sending Maverick an uneasy glance as Fitz, Yale and Harvard joined them. They had edged away from the group that had gone on the mission, separating them on different sides of the room subconsciously.
Bob looked nervously between them all, he looked at Javy and nodded silently agreeing with the man. He looked at Maverick in disappointment, somehow the look matched with his boyish charms the man looked somewhat like a disappointed mum.
He stepped away from Phoenix, who’s arm shot out to grab him, “What are you doing?” she hissed her eyes wide in panic as people slowly separated.
Bob calmly pulled her fingers from his flight suit, his fingers wrapped around her wrist. Her fingers were almost frozen in tension as they hovered between them, twitching as if wanting to clutch back onto her WSO.
“Phoenix” he said warned quietly, “You know he wasn't in the right”.
She gave him a pleading panicked look, begging for him to stay. To stay by her side in support, he couldn’t.
“Don’t make me chose” he whispered with a grim look “Because we both know I wont chose what you want”.
He stepped back away from her, she watched but didn't attempt to stop him again. Her lips opened slightly as if she wanted to say something, to beg, to cry, to call out to him. But she stayed silent. Silent by her best friends side, the wrong side.
Fanboy and Payback sent both sides an uneasy glance, clearly neither of them wanting to chose. Bob stepped up beside Halo who pulled him in for a hug, shielding him protectively behind herself and Omaha.
Phoenix was their friend, but Jake wasn't some pawn they could use as they wished. None of them were.
Before either of them could do anything an ensign stormed into the room, clearly he had ran at some point. He was out of breath as he wheezed out “Kazansky on deck!”.
They hardily had any time to prepare as the Admiral stormed into the room, his blue stern intelligent eyes grazing over them all.
“Where is he?”, the man sounded furious, his tone cutting into them deeply. It was like getting hit with a brick wall as the man, their superior officer eyes searched for the only one of them that didn't come back.
Maverick jumped up from his seat for the first time since they had gotten back from the mission. He stumbled slightly wincing, his arm wrapping around his ribs absently as he stood to help manage the pain of them shifting.
“Ice” Maverick breathed in somewhat relief and confusion.
Ice didn't even give the man time of day, completely ignoring the man clearly not in the mood to deal with him. “Where is he?” he demanded again his tone felt like nails on a chalk board, none of them could answer.
“Who?” Maverick asked quietly noting his wingman’s attention was not focused on him. His eyes darted out into the crowed trying to find someone missing.
Javy breathed in sharply, it wasn't unheard of for an Admiral to forgo not only rank but surnames. But it was unheard of for Admiral Kazansky, the greatest pilot of all time to be calling his best friend  ‘Jake’.
“Jake where is he?” Kazansky urged, brushing off Mavericks hand on his elbow to stop him.
The room stayed silent, the ensign looked like he wished he was anywhere else. His eyes moving to each person in the room, his hands twisting nervously as the tension climbed.
“Why the hell is no one telling me anything?”, his glare pierced something in Javy’s chest. Kazansky’s hand was clenching and readjusting almost as if reaching for something by his side and coming up empty.
Underneath the rage displayed on his face there was something else, the deep sorrow of a family member waiting for news on a loved one.
He cared for Jake. Genuinely cared.
He felt sick. Nowhere in his and Jakes friendship had there ever been a mention of having to explain to a very powerful and strangely distraught Admiral that he was MIA, possibly KIA.
Javy cleared his throat lightly, shifting to the map on the table, the Admirals eyes darted over to him.
Sullenly Javy placed a pin through the map with more force than necessary perhaps piercing the table as well. “There” he said hollowly, the mans stepped closer to look at the map.
His eyes met his, finger tracing the mission flight track absently over the map until it hit the pin.
“Someone better start talking, now”. The command was one Javy had absolutely no issues complying with, after all they had already discovered he had no problems with placing blame.
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Scared to Love You - II
Pairing: Hangman x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, Alcohol
Request: Yes! For a sequel :D Here is the lovely anon request <3
Word Count: 2.6k
Synopsis: Follows the events of part I ! Newly in a relationship, you and Hangman decide to have a little fun with the rest of the dagger team.
A/n: Hi ! I will be creating a Scared to Love You mini series that will include anything from blurbs, to head cannons, to full blown stories about Jake and Artemis. Thanks for the love !!
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After your trip to the med wing, you were allowed a days rest before returning back to work. You didn’t mind, as that time was used to relive what had happened under the fluorescent lights of the hospital room. 
Jake Seresin loved you, and you loved him. It didn’t feel real and yet it was the most world stopping, most wonderful thing you have ever come to know. He loves you. 
Such a simple word, but something that you had thought of your entire life, yet never truly believed it would happen to you. All the stories you’ve read about love seemed to be just that; stories. Nothing more. Not real. 
But this was real. It was so real in the way your heart fluttered when you thought of him. It was real in the way his voice made you light headed, especially when he called you Darlin’ in his southern drawl. It was real in the way he made you feel so completely and utterly loved, and adored. 
After being cleared to go back to work, you were giddy with excitement at the thought of being in the air again. It had only been two days, but there was nothing that could compare to the feeling of being surrounded by nothing but the vast, open sky. 
It was real in the way he kissed you after coming to your room once he was off. His sweet touch something that lit a fire inside of you, one that you never wanted to burn out. 
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Especially when there was a certain cocky voice always filtering through your headset.
In entering the briefing room, you find that you’re one of the last to arrive. You smile at Phoenix and Bob as they wave at you before you take a seat in front of them. Glancing over to the pair of seats next to you, your heart flutters as Hangman winks at you, a smile playing on his lips. 
You roll your eyes at him, but can’t help the way your mouth twitches upwards. Once Maverick comes in and begins going over the days events, you find yourself focusing on the blonde man sitting within your peripherals. 
Hangman is casting you looks, ones that you try to ignore as you attempt to focus on Maverick’s words. It’s no use, you’ve fallen far too deep. 
In dealing with deciding on who to focus on, you miss the knowing glances passed around the room behind you. Bob even turns around and gives Rooster a thumbs up as Hangman shoots yet another puppy-dog glance your way, but the growing heat in your face causes it to slip by you unnoticed. 
After training, it is no surprise when Coyote suggests a night out at the Hard Deck. Everyone agrees instantly. Phoenix comes up and nudges your arm, as she did still owe you a drink. 
Yeah, you’re done for. 
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Once changed and freshened up, you head out to the bar clad in one of your favorite band tees. As you walk over to the others, Phoenix smiles at you and hands you the drink that was sitting next to her arm on the countertop. You raise an eyebrow at her and she just nods to the cup, “Try it, you won’t be disappointed.” 
With a shrug, you take a sip of the drink, your lips smacking, “Wow. That’s strong.”
She laughs, “I thought that’s how you liked it?”
You drink it again, the alcohol warming your stomach, “I do, but a little warning next time would be appreciated.” 
“Eh, where’s the fun in that?” 
Giving her a playful glare, you take another sip. It was a good drink, you had to admit. But it was also a very strong drink. Still, it didn’t leave your lips as you turned your head towards the entrance, as if sensing who was walking through. 
Hangman smiles at you as he heads over, accepting the beer that Coyote hands him. He cocks his head towards you with a wink as he brings the bottle to his mouth. You inhale sharply, opting to chugging your drink in order to not give away what you’re thinking. 
“Are you trying to get drunk?” Rooster asks as he looks at you from where he sits next to Phoenix. You cough a little as you bring down the now empty cup, “Maybe... or maybe Phoenix just knows how to order a good drink.”
Phoenix smiles at you before turning to Rooster, “See? You just have no taste.” 
Rooster’s mouth falls open, “That’s just not true.” 
You roll your eyes at the pair before making your way over to the bar, the rest of the bickering fading away. You order a rum and coke, leaning on the bar as you wait. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Hangman head over, his bottle held lightly in his hand. Upon reaching you, he leans his arms on the bartop next to yours, “I have an idea.” He says, his voice low.
“Do tell.” You prompt, subconsciously leaning closer to him. He inhales deeply, “Keeping this a secret is proving to be difficult.” 
“It’s been two days.” 
He groans, “I know, but having to pretend like I don’t want to kiss that beautiful face of yours every time I see you is hard.” His face falls into a frown as he stares at you with that damned puppy-dog look. 
“Aw, poor baby.” You say, patting his cheek. He takes your hand in his and holds it to his chest, “Don’t do that to me, Darlin’. C’mon.” 
You raise in eyebrow at him, “What would you like me to do, then?” 
Hangman grins and inches closer until your faces are mere inches apart, “I have an idea.” 
“Yeah, just as you said before.” You note, shaking your head gently as a smile creeps onto your face. 
“But, you didn’t let me tell you before.” He says, his eyebrows raising expectantly. Rolling your eyes, you pat his chest, “I’m letting you now.”
He grins, “Ooh. Okay, so...” He leans over and whispers his plan into your ear. You chuckle lightly as you lean in to hear him better. His breath ghosts across your cheek as he finishes speaking. 
You smile at him once he’s pulled away, “That’s a fun idea.” 
“Yeah?” Hangman straightens out the hem of his shirt, “I thought so.” 
“Smart guy.” You nod before giving him a wink and walking away with your newly filled glass. 
Once you return to your spot beside Phoenix, she gives you a look, a glint in her eyes, “Have fun over there?” She asks, nodding over to Hangman. 
You lean back against the counter with a sigh, “The most.” She hums at your answer but you chose to ignore it in favor of watching Hangman pick up a pool stick. 
He looks over to you with a mischievous look in his eyes, “Care for a game, Artemis?”
“Sure,” You push yourself off of the counter and pick up a cue, “Just as long as you don’t get too butt hurt when you lose.” 
Hangman’s mouth falls open as he slaps his hand over his chest, “You wound me.” 
You shrug, “Not my fault you burn easy.” 
He hides the smile on his face by taking a drink, yet you still see it and it causes your heart to flutter. 
“So, will there be any stakes to the game?” Coyote asks as he hands Hangman a bit of pool chalk, who looks to you with a raised eyebrow, “Yeah, I was thinking of some.” 
“Of course you were,” You cross your arms, “Let’s get on with it, Bagman.”
“Hangman.” He corrects, “But, I’ll let you pass on that one.” 
He chuckles as he chalks up the end of his cue, “Alright. If you win, I’ll by your drinks from here on out.” 
You place your hand over your heart and breathe out, “Oh, I’m so relieved.” 
You nod, “And if you win?”
Hangman leans his hands on the pool table, “I get to kiss you.” 
A couple of oooh’s filter through the group, which only causes Hangman’s smile to grow. 
You cock your head to the side, “Is that so? Hardly seems fair.” 
“I think it sounds pretty fair, Darlin’.“ He states, holding his hand out for you to shake on the deal. You drum your fingers on the pool table for a moment before reaching over and grabbing his hand, “Game on.” 
Hangman smiles as you shake hands. You tighten your grip and pull him closer, squinting at him, “Rack ‘em.” 
His eyes flick to your lips before he pulls back, “Gladly.” 
Shortly after he sets up the balls, the game begins. The others around you begin placing bets on who’s going to win, to which you can only laugh. With the bets they’re making, someone is going home tonight with a hurting pocket. 
Much to Hangman’s dismay, you’re winning more than halfway through the game. As you line up one of your shots, you look over to him, “You sure you wanna buy all my drinks? I’ve been known to order some pretty pricey ones.” Your eyes don’t leave his while you take the shot. After hearing the sound of the balls landing in the pocket, you straighten up with a satisfied grin. 
Hangman’s eyebrows raise in surprise as he looks over the pool table. You can tell he’s impressed and it only makes you more confident in how the game will play out. 
Bending over the table, Hangman looks up at you, “I wouldn’t get too cocky, Artemis. There’s still time for me to come out on top, but don’t worry-” He lands his shot without ever taking his line of sight off of you, “I’ve been told that I’m a very good kisser.” 
Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head as you play into his words, despite knowing just how true they are, “Oh, I don’t doubt it.” 
Before he can say anything else, you’re leaning down to take your shot. You knock in three balls at once, landing you the win, “But, unfortunately for you it seems I won’t be on the list of people who have told you that.” 
Hangman stares at you, his mouth open in disbelief. 
The others around clap and holler as money gets handed out to the winners of the bet. You smile at Hangman and lean on your cue, your hands folded under your chin. 
He shakes his head and tosses his stick on the table, “I’ll be damned. It seems you’re not only a goddess in the air, but also one at pool.” 
You feel your heart flutter at his compliment, the simple nod to your callsign’s origin making you beam. Hangman steps forward and holds his hand out for you to shake, “You’re good at the game, Artemis.” 
You take his hand, “That’s not the only thing I’m good at.” And then you’re tugging him towards you and kissing him. Your arms drape behind his neck as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in closer to him. 
“I knew it!” Rooster shouts, causing you both to break apart as you laugh, your head falling against Hangman’s chest. 
“Fucking finally!” Coyote says, reaching over and shaking his friends shoulders. Hangman smiles at Coyote as he pulls you flush against him, his hand resting comfortably against your waist. 
Fanboy points between the two of you, “How long has this been going on?” He asks, his eyes wide with shock. 
“About two days.” Hangman answers simply, to which Fanboy’s jaw drops. 
“Would’ve been longer had you both not been blind idiots.” Rooster comments, earning him a slap on the arm from you, “How were we supposed to know?” You ask, a smile playing on your lips. 
Phoenix leans over, “Literally everyone else knew.” 
“Well, except Fanboy.” Payback interjects, jutting his thumb towards his backseater. The latter looks to his pilot, “You knew?” 
Payback shrugs, “Coyote told me.” 
With a gasp, Hangman points to Coyote, “Were you just telling everyone my secrets?”
Coyote shakes his head quickly, “Not everyone, Bob already knew.” 
“Bob?” Hangman asks, turning to the glasses wearing aviator. 
Bob holds his hands up in defense, “Artemis told me!” 
Hangman looks back to you, his eyes wide, “You told Bob?” 
“He’s my buddy!” You respond, before motioning to the other two beside you, “Phoenix and Rooster also knew that I liked you- even before I did.” 
“Same here.” Rooster says, and then shakes his head, “You usually pick up on things pretty fast, Artemis, but I’ve gotta say-”
“This is true.” Phoenix confirms with a nod of her head, “But I’m pretty sure I also figured out you both loved each other even before either of you did.” 
His words are cut off as you slap his arm again, “You don’t get to say anything.” 
Rooster just laughs as he backs off, his hands held up in surrender. 
“So...” Hangman starts, his thumb subconsciously rubbing along the hem of your shirt, “Everyone knew, basically. Except us.” 
“And Fanboy.” Payback says, laughter shaking his voice slightly. Fanboy runs his hands down his face and lets out a very distressed, “No one told me!” 
Laughter filters through the group, reminding you once more that while they all may be a pain in your ass sometimes, you still love them. You lean your head against Hangman’s shoulder as he places a kiss to your hairline. 
 After the initial shock of the revelation fades, the night passes quickly with a few more drinks and games of pool before eventually wrapping up. Once the others have gone their separate ways, you find yourself walking on the beach, hand in hand with Jake. 
Stars litter the sky as the moon shines down on you, casting your path across the shoreline in a soft white glow. Jake swings your arm slightly as you walk, his fingers interlaced tightly with yours. 
“I still can’t believe everyone else had it figured out before us.” You say, glancing over to Jake. 
He shrugs, a gentle smile tugging at his lips, “Well, you know what they say about love.” 
“Hm?” You hum, the water rushing around your ankles. 
“It blinds you!” Jake says before reaching over and covering you eyes with his hands. You laugh, the two of you stumbling through the damp sand as you grab onto his wrists and pull them away from you. 
He fixes his hold on your hand before spinning you until you’re facing him. With a smile, you wrap your arms around the back of his neck. Jake pulls you close, the two of you swaying a bit as he rests his hands on your hips. 
“Well, I can finally see clearly now.” You say as you stare into his eyes, admiring how they reflect the moonlight. Jake leans forward and places a gentle kiss to your lips, “Yeah? What do you see.” 
You pull back, running your hand along his jaw and then down to his chest, “You.” 
You can see the flush of his cheeks as he smiles. Who knew it was so easy to make Jake Seresin blush. 
“I can finally see you, too.” He says softly. 
“Do I look good?” You ask, eyebrows raised ever so slightly. 
He laughs, the sound pure sweetness to your ears, “Mhm, very good.” He’s then pulling you closer and kissing you. His touch warms your heart as he reaches up and cups the side of your face in favor of deepening the kiss. 
“I love you.” You say, your voice barely a whisper against his lips. 
Jake pulls away just enough to see you, the look in his eyes melting you. He tucks a stray hand behind your ear before caressing your cheek, “I love you, Darlin’.” 
You smile, nothing but pure joy radiating through you. Jake pulls you closer as he kisses you once more, his hand firm on your back as he dips you. 
The happiness that you feel as he holds you makes you wonder what you were even so scared about in the first place. Nothing seems frightening when he’s by your side. 
Nothing at all. 
A/n: This is just a lead up to something else I have planned for them :D I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for reading <3
@rotating-obsessions @rosiahills22 @obiwankenobis-lap @haljordangreenjedi @ollyoxenfrees @alluringshawn @sandbarbirdie @shesbiochem4 @supernaturaldawning @fandom-life-12 @thesewordsareallihavetogive @that-queer-fanbase @willow-nope @jostyriggslover96 @archiethe @averyhotchner @blackwidownat2814 @austinbutlerssneakylink @dempy
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minilpark · 2 years
incorrect topgun: maverick quotes pt. 313
hangman: is it still visible? where bob slapped me?
rooster: your face looks like a don't walk signal.
coyote: your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box.
payback: a palm reader could tell bob's future by looking at your face.
phoenix: the phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.
hangman: ...a simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
fanboy: yes.
hangman: ...thank you for that, garcia.
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m0chac0ffee · 2 years
you do request something so can you do a top gun fanfic abt like the reader being a pilot, and there the youngest so everyone’s like overprotective of them and they’ve been complaining of like stomach pain and one day during work it’s gets really bad and they get rushed to the medical wing and they end up having appendicitis and everyone’s like super worried
hope that makes sense, and they can be the oh top gun or the recent crew :)))
(Top Gun: Maverick x Reader - Platonic)
Y'all really filled up my inbox good lord... I love you guys so much lolol
Also, I'm not very smart, so I wrote it to the best of my knowledge about appendicitis. Please feel free to correct me about anything you spot and I'll change it right away!
(y/cs) - your callsign
(y/n) - your name
You were the youngest of the group, and the others were very overprotective of you. If you coughed even once, they would all come rushing to your side, checking your temperature, and giving you water. They could get annoying sometimes, but you loved them regardless. They were like your second family.
You were making your way with the rest of the graduates to the Hard Deck. Phoenix was walking by your side, talking with Rooster and Hangman as the two bickered about who would win the little bet they had made. As you got closer, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. You stopped in your tracks, slightly clutching your stomach. Fanboy and Bob noticed that you fell behind. They turned around to see if you were still following, only to see you slightly bending over.
“(Y/n)? Are you okay?” Fanboy questioned, making his way to you with Bob next to him.
“Yeah, just a little stomach pain. I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Bob said, respectfully setting his hand on your lower back.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You replied.
“Let’s hurry inside so Penny can get you a cup of water, yeah? No alcohol for now.”
Fanboy and Bob helped you get inside of the Hard Deck and sat you down in a chair near the pool tables where the rest of the group was. As Fanboy went to go get the cup of water, Bob sat down next to you. Coyote and Payback were throwing darts as Phoenix, Hangman, and Rooster were playing pool. There were a few other groups of pilots there too, chatting amongst themselves and asking the others to join them in a few rounds. Maverick said that he couldn’t make it because he had a few things to do. Phoenix noticed that you weren’t playing with her and the other two, so she excused herself and made her way toward you.
“You okay (Y/n)?” Phoenix asked, a concerned look adorning her face.
“Mhm! Everything’s alright.”
“Okay, well come join us when you feel better, okay? Make sure to keep your eye on them, Bob.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Phoenix walked back to Rooster and Hangman, but something didn’t feel right. You usually never got sick, so this sudden stomach pain was unusual to her. She reached the pool table, staring off into space as she was lost in her thoughts.
“Hello? Earth to Phoenix?” Rooster snapped his fingers in front of Phoenix’s face, to where she blinked a few times before looking at them.
“I think something is wrong with (y/cs) over there.”
Hangman looked over Phoenix’s shoulder to see you sitting down next to Bob, clutching your stomach as you drank the water Fanboy had given you. He scoffed quietly as he looked back to Phoenix.
“Maybe they just have a stomach bug, don’t sweat it.” He said coolly, patting Phoenix’s back.
“I hope so.”
They resumed their game, not knowing that it would only get worse. Days passed, and your little ‘stomach bug’ never went away. It ended up getting worse by the minute. You kept missing training sessions because you couldn’t stand up without feeling nauseous. You didn’t eat as much either, this whole thing made you queasy and ended up making you lose your appetite. You could barely move, not to mention, breathe. Every time you did, you felt pain shoot through your core, making it impossible to do anything. And of course, all of the graduates noticed this. You came to a training session despite your condition to make up for the ones you missed. You were able to make it through the whole thing, a few mistakes here and there, but as you were walking to the building, you felt the worst pain you have ever felt since you’ve had this ‘stomach bug’. You doubled over, struggling to breathe as the others came rushing to you.
“(Y/cs)! (Y/cs) are you okay?!” Coyote exclaimed, worry lacing his voice as Rooster and he tried to help you stand up straight. You could barely get words out of your mouth. It felt like your stomach was eating itself. Of course, that wasn’t the situation.
”I’ll go get help!” Payback yelled.
“I’ll come with you!”
Rooster and Payback sprinted out of the room in a flash. A few moments later, they came back with a few people from Med-Bay and a stretcher. They quickly got you onto the stretcher and went back. The last thing you saw was everyone surrounding you on the stretcher as you closed your eyes.
You opened your eyes once more to find yourself in a bright room, everyone was surrounding you. Looking around, you piece everything together and find out that you're in Med-Bay.
”You're awake! How do you feel?" Fanboy frantically asked, sitting upright in his seat next to your bed.
"I feel like... shit... " You breathed.
"As expected."
"Hello (Y/n)."
"Hey doc..."
"We've figured out what's wrong with you." He responded.
"Please tell me."
“Well, turns out it wasn’t just a stomach bug. You seem to show symptoms of Appendicitis. According to your friends here, constant vomiting, intense abdominal pain, constipation, along with a low-grade fever. We believe that there’s a virus or there are bacteria in your digestive tract. Because of this, you need appendectomy as soon as possible before it gets any worse than it already is.”
Hearing that made everyone nervous, especially you. As much as you hated the idea of surgery, this was a matter of life or death. A few moments of silence passed until you finally spoke up.
"Let's do it."
(Should i make a part two... idk how i want this to end though..)
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Quick edit based off The Echo ( Or the Answer) by @anniesocsandgeneralstore
If you haven’t read it all ready, definitely check it out, it’s a werewolf AU with my favourite OC of all time Ronnie <3
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