#Retractable fly screen doors
flyscreen123 · 5 months
Discover Retractable Fly Screen Doors Today
Say goodbye to unwanted insects while still enjoying fresh air with the retractable fly screen doors. This innovative solutions offer hassle-free ventilation, keeping your home bug-free without compromising on style or convenience. Explore their range of options tailored to fit your space perfectly and upgrade your home with peace of mind. Take a look at the best way to live comfortably and pest-free right now.
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ecoscreen · 11 months
Creating Transterior Space With a Retractable Fly Screen
Retractable fly screens in Auckland are well suited for the transterior trend in architecture, which is still on the rise as more homeowners try to meld their indoor and outdoor spaces. To achieve this design element, wide span / large doors are frequently used in combination with other organic elements like plants and textures. They function well because you can join two spaces immediately by opening the doors, and when the doors are closed, the expanse of glass gives the impression of being open and lets the outside in.
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Unfortunately, living in our stunning country means being surrounded by insects and other creepy crawlies. It's also a good idea to install a suitable retractable fly screens in Auckland that gives you functionality without interfering with the flow of your interior design elements, even though it's great to throw open the large doors that connect your indoor and outdoor living spaces.
A spring-loaded mechanism makes it simple to extend and retract the screen, making it convenient to use and facilitating simple access to the window or door. The fly screen is the perfect option for homes thanks to its retractable design, which offers a practical and efficient way to keep insects out while still allowing for natural ventilation.
Finding the best kind screens for your home can be challenging given the wide variety of screens available. For large openings and difficult-to-screen areas such as Bi-fold doors, French doors, Stacker doors, Pivot doors, Awning windows and Casement windows, retractable fly screens in Auckland are fantastic.
They offer various benefits such as:
They use a single piece of mesh to have a wide span without sectional frames obstructing the view
They retract into a tiny and covert cassette when opened
You can partially open it to let children and animals in and out
Repels insects
Utilizes your door system's integration
Retractable fly screens in Auckland also help save energy in addition to the aforementioned advantages. A constant use of the air conditioner during the summer can result in high energy costs. However, you can significantly reduce the need for air conditioning in your home by installing fly screens. Therefore, this natural ventilation will help you conserve energy and money. Additionally, fly screens can reduce the amount of heat build-up inside your home by blocking out direct sunlight.
You might want to select high-quality retractable fly screens in Auckland that will provide you with an additional level of security depending on your location and needs. Fortunately, there are lots of choices out there. You can add an additional line of defence against a potential home invasion by investing in fly screen types that are very difficult to penetrate. For this, pick fly screens and doors with strong frames and net construction made from durable materials.
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What Are The Benefits Of Retractable Fly Screens With Bifold Doors?
Discover the advantages of using retractable fly screens with bifold doors. These screens offer protection against insects without obstructing your view, provide natural ventilation, and enhance energy efficiency. They are a stylish and practical addition to your home, ensuring comfort and a seamless indoor-outdoor living experience.
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screenxtradeuk · 1 year
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mattscornerblinds · 1 year
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toasterpancakes · 4 months
Go get em’ tiger
Austin Butler Fanfiction
Austin Butler x you | Drabble
Summary: A snippet of domestic life with Austin before the Golden Globes.
“Come in,” you call out absently, your fingers giving no pause as they continue to fly across the keyboard in front of you. You’ve become so accustomed to the occasion knocks to the door of the room you call your home office that have peppered the last few hours of the day. It had started with Austin’s personal assistant coming in to ask if you had seen the spare keys to one of his cars, and followed with his publicist (“Do you want a coffee? We are ordering in”), a stylist (“I’m so sorry to ask you this but did you have any extra safety pins by any chance?”) and ending with his personal assistant again (“We’re grabbing dinner for everyone, do you want something?”) coming in to ask various questions.
You finish up the sentence you are currently working on as you hear the door creak open before it shuts with a soft click. You expect to hear a question thrown your direction, but the silence has you puzzled. You toggle your mouse to hit the save button - a habit which you’ve formed years ago after having lost a document too many after being bested by technology failing on you, and crane your neck to peer over one of the two screens which you have in front of you. A pair of blue eyes meet your gaze, and you find your lips splitting into a smile.
“Am I disturbing?” His voice cuts through the space between you. Austin doesn’t move from where he is leaning back casually against the door. You drop back down into your chair, legs shuffling slightly, wheeling the office chair slightly to your right so you have an unobstructed view of him.
“Most definitely,” you say without so much as a pause, and you see Austin’s lips quirk upwards into a half smirk.
“I see,” Austin hums patronisingly in response, playing along, as he pushes himself up, legs striding across the floor of your office with an easy gait, easily reducing the space between you. He perches himself in front of you, on the edge of your office desk, “well I’m sorry to be interrupting such important business.”
“Very important business,” you say with a nod which you follow with a tilt of head towards the computer screen.
“Nothing less,” Austin says as he eyes you from his perch, arms crossed loosely across his chest. You content yourself with letting your gaze drift from his face down the rest of his body taking note of his styled hair, face with barely there make up for the red carpet to cover blemishes. He still has on a loose flannel, the top three buttons undone, and dark sweat pants. Austin’s gaze follows your hand as you reach out to tug the end of his shirt lightly.
“Don’t you have to change soon?” You ask only for him to shrug.
“Yeah, probably,” he says unfazed as he reaches out to envelop your hand with his. Austin’s palm is warm, and slightly calloused. You follow the tugging motion coming from his palm and limber to a stand. Austin manages to manoeuvre you into the space between his legs. Your place your palms flat on his thighs as he weaves his arms in the gap between your arms and body, pulling you as close to him as the position would allow.
“Are you very sure you don’t want to come?” He asks, his fingertips finding themselves wandering beneath the back of your top to meet the skin of your lower back. He moves to lean his forehead against yours only for you to retract your head. It makes Austin frown, a brown lifting slightly in question.
“They’ll kill me if I mess up their work,” you say opting instead to bring a hand up to the nape of his neck, your thumb rubbing the space below his ear in a circular motion. Austin lets out an audible sigh, but he doesn’t say anything - because he knows better than to grumble. Austin knew the value of hard work and wasn’t one to mess up work that someone else had put themselves into. He settles instead for letting the weight of his neck sag into the palm of your hand while letting his eyes flutter shut.
“I wish you were coming with me,” he says, eyes still shut.
“Well you know, important business and all,” you joke. Truth to be told it wasn’t work which was keeping you from going as his plus one to the Golden Globes, but more because, as you had told him, this was all Austin, his time to shine - and you didn’t want to take away from it by having the media and audience overshadow him and his work with less savoury headlines.
You could see it now, an article titled “Austin Butler and girlfriend sighted at the Golden Globes - trouble in paradise?” - with a long, entirely false and made-up story about how you both were on the rocks all because you walked two steps behind him on the red carpet. You both were out as a couple, but liked your privacy and kept your relationship out of the public eye as much as possible; yet it only made the media vultures worse, spinning every little glance they could get into a sensational, elaborate rumour.
Austin sighs as he opens his eyes. He lifts the weight of his neck off from your hand, taking your palm in his, he skims the back of your knuckles with his lips - a move that wouldn’t mess up his hair or make up - before dropping both your hands in between your bodies.
“I’ll be home after.”
“You should go for the after-party,” you tell him as he rubs his thumb along the back of your hand, “you’ll have lots to celebrate.”
Your words make him huff out while shaking his head in true Austin fashion - always doubting himself, slow to believe he was as good as they said.
“I rather celebrate with you,” he says an undercurrent of doubt running through his voice, clearly not believing that there would be anything to celebrate.
“I’ll be here when you get back,” you promise to the blue eyes staring back at you, “with peanut butter and jelly,” you continue and you see the twinkle that lights up in his eyes. Peanut butter and jelly - unusual, you would think if you looked at Austin, but it was a comfort food of sorts, something that you knew reminded him of his Mom.
He opens his mouth to say something when a rap of knuckles against the door of your home office interrupts. Austin does groan outwardly this time, because work was work but he hated when work took him away from you.
“Yeah,” he calls out, knowing that they’re looking for him. The door creaks open and his publicist sticks her head in.
“They need you for outfit now,” she says, darting a glance at you both. Austin had his head turned so his side profile faces her, while also effectively shielding you from her view, as if he were trying to keep distinct his work and private life.
“I’ll be out in three,” he calls and she nods, stepping and shutting the door behind her.
“Go,�� you say, offering him a smile.
“Say bye before I leave?” He asks, an almost child-like quality to the deep, raspy voice.
You nod in agreement and Austin brings the back of your hand up to his lips again. He keeps his gaze connected with yours as he presses a kiss into your knuckles.
“Go get ‘em tiger,” you say with a wink as he slides off the table.
“Yes m’am,” he offers you a lopsided grin, as he goes hands in pockets towards the door towards his first golden globe.
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Angel - Part 4
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Enhanced Omega Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Theme: A/B/O / True Mates
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Summary: It's different when you're enhanced. Everything is different, every smell, every sound, touch, feelings. The way it's different doesn't make sense unless you are enhanced. Throw in what comes with Alpha and Omega instincts, and the intensity of your presentation is even more than any other. When you find yourself in need of help you can call on the alpha you trust the most, Natasha Romanoff. You just don't expect to find your alphas at the same time. Are you really enough for them? And can you really be the Luna to the Avengers?
"To be loved, to be loved by your mate is everything." - Wanda Maximoff
Reader is enhanced, has wings and has powers connected to electricity.
Chapter Summary: The readers rest is cut short.
You woke with a jump as your ass bounced on the seat. You winced in pain as the knock vibrated up and into your broken ribs. Your eyes tried to focus as you continued to be bounced around. You pulled the straps tighter, realising Clint had left them loose probably in a bid to not hurt you. You glanced forward expecting to see him or Natasha in the pilots seat but found both the pilot and co-pilot seats empty. There was another harsh bump and as you focused you could see through the jet’s window that you were in the middle of a storm. A bad one. Quite possibly a hurricane. Any standard jet would be in serious trouble right now. Who the fuck is flying this thing?
Checking the dials and screens of the jet you realised the AI was piloting. Another harsh bump, a yell and a smashing sound caused you to release yourself from the confines of the seat and head to the back of the jet. The door to the back of the jet was open and the wind was blowing at force through it. Bruce seemed to be setting up three medical beds. Clint and Nat were near the opening on lines securing them to the jet. What the fuck was going on? You suddenly remembered Nat’s previous statement. Wilson. Barnes. Rogers. Trouble. Bruce spotted you before you had chance to move any further.
“Ermmm guys?” He said turning to glance at Nat and Clint and gesturing at you.
“Go back to the front and strap in.” Clint ordered. You frowned at him.
“Please sestra!” Nat yelled over the wind. Spotting something on the outside of the jet, your eyes went wide when you realised what it was. You went to yell but nothing came out.
“DANGER” you signed and they ducked as the rescue line whipped in the wind. The rescue cradle at the end smashed into the ceiling and sides of the jet before flying back out again, the winch pulling as it went.
“What the fuck is going on?” You signed as Nat and Clint righted themselves.
“Rogers, Barnes, and Wilson are in the water.” Clint shouted. You went towards the opening as they all called for you to stay back, looking out into the stormy darkness you could see the jet in the water. The three alphas on the roof as the emergency inflatables kept it afloat. You saw Barnes try and grab for the line before it hit Rogers hard in the side of the head as he held onto Wilson. They were being battered by the waves and you were sure if two of them hadn’t been super soldiers they’d be dead, lost in the water. You stepped back and signed to Clint.
“Retract the line.”
He went to speak, ready to argue with you but he knew you were right. It was too windy for the winch and line. Too dangerous for him or Nat, and if Bruce, or rather the Hulk, went out there the force of him landing on their jet would sink it and he’d probably damage their's as he jumped back. Clint hit the button on the wall of jet and retracted the line.
“What are you doing?” Nat yelled.
“You know what I’m doing.” He replied glancing at you. They watched as you grabbed your bag from the cargo net Nat had stowed it in and pulled it open.
“Nat, you know it’s the only way to get them up here safely.”
She huffed as she watched you pull out a spare suit. Bruce fussed around you, helping you when he could as your injuries caused you to grimace. He quickly taped your broken fingers together as you wiggled in your suit and zipped it up. Clint and Nat smiled briefly at each other. They always amused by the little wiggle you did. You pulled out your flight glasses and Clint instructed Friday to connect them to the jet so they could see what you were doing. You signed the passcode for the AI to connect them.
“Be careful.” Nat told you as you made your way to the open door.
“Grab Wilson first.” Bruce shouted. “He’s the worse injured.”
You signed asking for the wind speed and direction from Friday, before nodding and leaping from the jet. Your wings appeared, pushed from your back as soon as you were clear of the door, the nanotech in your suit reacting to make room for them. The wind knocked into you and took your breath away as you dipped and soared to reach the alphas, still being battered from the storm.
As you neared you caught a flurry of scents that immediately spurred you forward.
Your omega stirred in the back of your mind and you pushed back. Not now. She stirred again and purred. You neared the three alphas but found your eyes drawn to two in particular. Your omega reacted instantly.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @mrsevans90 @vicmc624 @elissanatok
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emeraldbloodcrown · 3 months
Once More
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Chapter: Four - Coffee Pairing: Poly; Tattoo Artists!141 x Baker!Female Reader Summary: John and you finally hang out while your grandmother seemingly doesn't wanna talk to you Content/Warning: Still none Word Count: 3k
The street lamps gave Johnny a soft glow and a boyish smile on his lips as he looked at you with those deep blue eyes of his. You scoffed and patted his shoulder, careful not to touch him for longer than appropriate, and went to leave his side.
"Thanks, Johnny. I see you around."
He went for your wrist and managed to brush your knuckles, a simple caress but it alarmed something in your brain. It made your eyes wide and turn your entire body to him, back to the walls and limbs close to yourself.
Johnny opened his mouth, seemingly noticing that something had gone wrong before he retracted his hand and instead went for something in his pocket. He moved slowly, eyes on you so he could watch you reaction as he pulled out his phone, swipping a couple times and turning the screen to you. The display showed a new contact profile.
"Gon' be easier if I got yer number, aye?"
You looked at his phone for a moment, long enough for the device to darken and for Johnny to try to ease the tension.
"Unless ye prefer notification per pidgeon carrier," he joked with a wagging of his eyebrows.
"You said you work at Death or Glory, right? Could just swing by for new ink instead."
"Oh? Yer gon' lemme give ye a new piece?"
"Oh no, I'm gonna tell you I got work for you and let Kyle do the honors."
Johnny placed a hand over his heart and staggered back as if shot on stage, but when he looked at you again, the twinkle in his eyes was back.
"Ye wound me. Come on, throw me a bone here, bonnie."
You waited for another moment before you sighed and took his phone, typing your number in. The smile on his face had turned into a full grown grin and as he reached to take his phone back, you held it out of his reach.
"You use this for anything but helping us, you're gonna get blocked so fast, you understand me?"
Johnny pocketed his phone again. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Have a good night, Johnny."
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Joining Anna, it didn't take both of you long to enter your dreamland and be dead to the world until your alarm rang, waking the two of you up for another day of work at the bakery.
"Nooooo," Anna groaned above you, having been the lucky one with the bed this time.
Glaring at your phone, you turned the alarm off and sat up, fighting the unwillingness to get up but ultimately moving to stand up. Anna had decided to snuggle into her Pegasus, trying to shield any light from her eyes to fall back asleep.
"Come on," you said, shaking her by the leg but only getting disgruntled groans from her and her hand attempting to swat you away like an annoying fly.
"We got work to do."
"We got sleep to do. Work can wait."
"If you're not sitting by the time I'm done, I'm gonna get a bucket of water."
After you were done with your morning routine, deciding to take some extra care after yesterday, you didn't immediately go back to Anna but instead took a detour upstairs. The room of your grandmother's was still locked, something she had done for as long as you could remember while she slept, so you knocked and listened for any sounds.
"Grandma? Can we talk?"
You took a glance at the clock in the hallway. Sure, it was early but if your job had taught you anything, it was that people, as soon as they became elderly, all turned into the earliest of birds. Couple that with the early-rising nature of her own work, there was no way, she'd still be sleeping.
So you tried again but making a point to knock against the door louder.
"I know you're up. I'm sorry about yesterday, it just doesn't make sense to me."
You sighed when you received no answer again and decided to try for one last time.
"At least come down for breakfast."
"Not hungry. Just leave."
You waited for another moment, feeling frozen in place as you still hoped for her to open the door, only to find yourself remembering that she was known for her stubbornness and you'd sooner find Easter and Christmas on the same day than have her give in first.
Feeling frustrated, you went back to Anna, taking a peak into the room and finding her dead asleep again, so you quickly grabbed a bucket out of the hallway closet.
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After breakfast, the two of you tackled painting the front room of the bakery. The floor had already been done by local workers, leaving the walls to be the only thing left to do before you could start assembling the furniture the both of you had picked weeks prior, and would be delivered by the weekend.
Having just finished the second base coat, you took a step back, somewhat cursing your brain for the idead it had just come up with.
Noticing your tension, Anna put her paint roller back into the tray, crossing her arms ands leaning her shoulder onto yours.
"I can hear the high-pitched whine of those wheels upstairs all the way from here; what's wrong?"
You hummed, lowering your shoulder to make it wasier for Anna's smaller frame.
"Not exactly wrong but…"
"But what?"
Making a window with your hands, opposite thumb and pointer finger touching, you held it low enough for Anna to look through and see the exact part of the wall you had in mind.
"Thinking of painting something. Our shade is light enough that it should work. I think."
"Hmm. You got the skills," Anna said, pinching your arm after she noticed the look you were giving her, "You do. But what motive?"
"Some nature scene. A tree in the breeze or something like that."
"Sounds good. And you better trust your own process or else!"
"What you say, my dear," you answered, sarcasm dripping in your voice.
"But," Anna exclaimed, "before that, the base coat gotta dry, which means you and I got some time to kill."
Raising an eyebrow, you watched as she quickly walked outside and unlocked the boot of your car, taking a very familiar bag out of it. Its shape was long, the top gray and the sides red with the name printed on it in white letters: Rummikub.
"Remember Mrs C?" Anna asked but it was mostly rhetorical.
Mrs C, or Silvya as she preferred to be called - even down to the point that she'd make it impossible to take care of her until she got her will - was one of those residents where leaving them made your heart bleed.
She was a beast if she wanted to but for a few chosen ones, Anna and you included, she was sweeter, still asking a lot but often ringing her emergency bell when she noticed one of you was running on fumes.
She'd have a cup of tea ready for you and would demand you take a break for how many minutes you could get away with, and in this minutes, she'd pop out a bag, just like Anna had in her hands, and play a quick round of Rummikub, a version of Rommé that used playing pieces instead of cards.
"Course I do"
Anna turned the bag where Mrs C had written something.
>> For when you need a break. Good luck. <<
"We weren't allowed to accept gifts, you know that."
Anna scoffed, "Yeah, as if she would have cared."
Chuckling to yourself, you followed Anna to the little makeshift table where she sat up the game, holding the bag out for you to get your 14 pieces to start the game.
Assembling them in your preferred order, you waited for Anna to place hers down on the stand. After she was done, she clasper her hands together, leaning her chin down on them and smirking at you.
"You wanna bet?"
You rolled your eyes. It would've come as a bigger surprise if she hadn't wanted to play for some stakes.
"Sure, what do you want?"
"If I win, you give me Johnny's number-"
"Jesus fucking Christ," you groaned, putting your face in your hands in exasperation.
"You know what! You haven't even known him for a full day!"
"Hence his number!" Anna pouted.
In actuality, there was no discussion for you. Johnny hadn't mentioned if he was okay with you giving Anna his number so it was a no-brainer for you to not hand it out even if she won. But, and that let you stop arguing with her, that was a big if, so you just waved her off.
"At least wait a month with the damn wedding invitations."
"No promises," Anna said, immediately putting down a row of 60 points instead of the 30 that were required. "Show off"
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True to your assumption, Anna hadn't been able to win a single round. She had gotten close a few times but at the end you had always managed to draw the right piece.
"One more!" Anna's fists hit the table, making the pieces on it clatter but before you could find an excuse, your phone notified you of a text message.
"Ah! Saved by the bell."
Anna's verbal displeasure fell on deaf ears as you read it.
'Are you free at three today?'
The smile, present from Anna's antics, slipped a bit as your eyes went to the name you had saved the number under.
"It's John, he wants to meet."
She raised an eyebrow, "That's good, right? You wanted to see him again."
"I did…"
And you still do. It was just after his last text, you hadn't expected to hear from him again, so seeing him reach out took you by surprise.
You took a glance at the time on your phone, calculating in your head how long you'd need to finish and clean yourself up before you sent him an affirmative, receiving an answer within seconds.
'The Factory at three?'
"So?" Anna tried to take a peak at your screen but you quickly pocketed it after sending John a reply.
You took the bag and placed everything back inside much to Anna's dismay.
"No, no, no! My number!"
She went to make a grab for the bag but you held it out of her reach.
"You want it? Go ask him and get it."
Crossing her arms and pounting, she mumbled: "Give me the gossip then."
You rolled your eyes but relented. "I'm going on a coffee date with John at three."
Anna's mouth fell open and her eyes widened enough that her eyes seemed to pop out of her head at any moment.
"So it is a date," she screeched.
"Coffee date. No big deal," you said, emphasising every word.
"Nuh uh! With you it's a huge deal."
You couldn't really disagree with her but weren't in the mood to talk about it anymore, so you took the bag to the side and out of the way of any wayward drops.
"Which means I got about an hour before we gotta be done, so move it."
Anna grumbled and continued to glare at you but still followed your lead. Since the base coats were finally dry, you went to open the bucket of color and grabbed the paint roller to finish your task for the day. With both of you focusing on your work, the only noises came from the speakers playing Anna‘s playlist and you were able to get done quicker than you had originally thought.
“Need help with the clean up,“ you asked but Anna simply waved you off with a small smile.
“Just get ready for your date“ A pause before Anna continued, an exaggerated pout on her lips. “And bring me some pie!“
Saluting to her, you left the bakery, going home to take a much needed shower and getting all the specks of paint off you.
The Factory was located a little further away, looking like nothing much from the outside but once you stepped inside, you noticed a folksy charm about it. The layout of the shop was just like every other bakery or coffee shop but what made it unique, and gave it its name, was the assembly belt that worked as a display and counter.
Taking a look around, you noticed John sitting in a corner booth, dressed in jeans, sweater and jacket, all in varying shades of dark, and a beanie on his head, which he had drawn deep into his face. He was sitting a little hunched over and if it hadn‘t been for him looking up at that moment, you would‘ve missed him. Keeping you in his sight as you walked closer, you noticed his eyes darting around; checking to see who was around you.
“Hello, love,“ John pointed across from him.
Usually, you would have no qualms about following his lead, not being one for bold actions, but something about how he tried to disappear into himself, you found yourself motioning and waiting for him to slip out of the booth.
There was a moment in which John hesitated, not unlike the situation at the hardware store, pondering what would be in his best interest before he did as you were asking. As soon as he stood, you pulled him into a hug, squeezing gently but still keeping it short enough to not make him too uncomfortable.
“Good to see you again,“ you said, letting go of him and slipping into the booth. John followed you after he got over his initial shock.
There was silence between you as you both studied what to order from the small menu but even after a waiter had taken your orders, it didn‘t dissipate. It wasn‘t uncomfortable for you but you still decided to fill it a little by commenting on things you noticed in the shop, receiving either short mumbles or nodding from John.
You didn‘t pay it much mind, this wasn‘t born out of mutual interest in each other but for you to pay back a favor, so you were perfectly fine with carrying the conversation. Apparently, John was not.
He sighed and took a sip from his black coffee, surprised when he noticed your attention on him.
“Sorry, love. I‘m..I‘m not used to this anymore“
You cocked your head, smiling at him playfully. “What? Talking to someone?“
“Is that all we‘re doing?“
“All it has to be.“
A smile finally graced his lips, his shoulders seemed to draw back a little, relaxing for the first time since you‘ve seen him.
“Why would you wanna waste your time with an old man like me?“
You scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “You‘re not old, just older, and by what? Ten years, fifteen? Had plenty of residents with a bigger age gap and they were perfectly happy.“ Noticing the implications of your words, you added: “Not that it has to mean anything.“
John seemed to be amused by your innocent blunder, but the moment a customer in the booth to the right started laughing loudly, he withdrew into himself again, realizing where he was.
You looked down at your mostly empty mug of Chai. “You wanna get out of here?“
He mustered you, taken aback by your suggestion and for a moment you thought he would just cut this short but he nodded, pulling out his wallet but you beat him to the punch, leaving enough bills to cover both of your drinks.
“Told you it was my treat.“
As soon as he was able to get outside of the shop and breathe some fresh air, John seemed to relax again, still with his walls all the way up, but less likely to be waiting for something to jump out at him.
“Lead the way“
John turned the corner, guiding you along some small side streets, giving you small anecdotes as you passed them, still not talking a lot but offering something up by himself. However little it was.
The town grew less familiar, knowing that if John didn‘t bring you back later on, you‘d have a hard time finding your way back home, but after numerous turns, the labyrinths of little paths opened up to a wide, open public garden.
The flowerbed at the front showed already a colorful mix of different flowers, giving off a divine scent and you decided then and there, that this was your new favorite place in town.
“This is breath-taking...“
You couldn‘t help but be in awe, following John through the flower archway. You could hear other visitors from all around you but due to the hedges lining the path, it still offered some privacy; something John seemed to be very keen on.
“My,“ he started, pausing to decide how to continue, “My ex-wife designed this. I think she‘s outdone herself with it.“
Just by his tone, you could tell that it was a loaded sentence, but the shift in his expression - a dark shadow taking over his face - made it obvious how painful just the mention of her must be to him, so you decided to distract him without dismissing him.
“It‘s beautiful regardless. Why did you wanna come here?“
“Never got to see it done, and I thought you might like it,“ he said, shrugging.
“I do. Definitely need to show Anna this.“
As if eased by your answer, his smile reappeared.
“Thanks for meeting me, by the way."
"Was high time, love. I know you wanted something else but I'm glad you agreed to this."
"No worries," you said, smiling at him and knocking your elbow against his, "Still would like to take you out for dinner for your help."
"I'll think about but no promises"
You cheered a little, making him chuckle at your antics when your phone went off with another text, deciding to quickly check as you walked with John through the garden, only to find your heart drop to your stomach as what you were reading.
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brucenorris007 · 3 months
Summary: When your goals revolve around one person, the day they're gone is always going to catch you unawares. And few, if any, are as singular in their motivations as Omega.
2147 words
Omega charged ahead, leaving the combusting remains of the twenty-third badnik in his wake as he retracted his guns. He approached a turn in the corridor at speed. Another mass-produced E-series bore down the hall toward him, laser cannon already primed. Rather than stop, Omega let his momentum carry him forward, his frame skidding past the corner just as the inferior model fired; magenta energy singed the handle on Omega’s left shoulder.
He slammed his feet down to seize traction and redirected his charge before the E-2000 could deploy its shield or fire again; drove his right fist through its arm cannon, metal erupting and splintering like wood under his attack. The E-2000 switched offensive protocols to its remaining arm, ramming the chief of its shield into Omega’s shoulder.
A notification chimed across his CPU.
He preemptively dismissed it.
He opened his fist to grasp what remained of the mass model’s left arm. He swung his torso around with his full weight, bashing his captive’s head into the wall as he engaged his afterburners; he careened forward, metal scraping and sparks flying from the E-2000’s spasming body until all resistance ceased. The hall opened into a chamber with three floors.
Upon entry, he detected another nineteen badniks visible on the floor below; no fewer than six E-1000s turned and aimed their laser rifles at him, two from a higher elevation. Prioritizing destruction of the rejects in an advantageous position, Omega hoisted his defunct cargo and hurled it at the mass-products nearest him to occupy their attention.
Before he could open fire, a discharge of concentrated energy struck his back; he stumbled forward, swiveling his head to identify the source.
A Newtron; a fucking Newtron sat on the wall over the door behind him, its mouth closing to conceal the plasma pistol within.
Another internal notification pinged. Omega ignored it again.
In the split-second he took to reorient his balance, a Grabber dropped down from the ceiling and hooked its legs onto Omega’s chassis, two gripping him by the handles on his shoulders. The badnik lacked the structural strength to lift him, but it did inhibit his movements while the E-1000s adjusted their aim. Omega fired from the gun barrels on both arms while simultaneously re-engaging his engines to wrest himself free.
Three shields came up; only one rifle fell to gunfire.
The tensile strength of the thread connecting the Grabber to the ceiling held.
Thin red laser sights trained on him.
The ticking that preceded detonation sounded from the spider badnik.
Chaos energy, sharp and wild, sliced through the leg gripping Omega’s right shoulder handle. A grenade struck one of the E-1000s descending from above, detonating on impact.
Omega’s teammates thus announced their arrival.
Omega veered left, this time managing to generate enough force and momentum to snap the leg holding his other handle; with the Grabber lacking purchase, he broke free entirely. With another chaos spear, Shadow cut through the thread connecting the badnik to the ceiling and grabbed the line. Like a ball and chain, he swung the reject over his shoulder and slammed it down on top of the other badniks filing up from the floor below.
Overhead, Rouge smashed her foot through another E-1000’s head with a spiraling kick. The mass-product’s body crashed to the floor and scattered into pieces.
Omega’s two fleshy teammates regrouped on either side of him.
He disabled all damage notifications and switched his weapons to blasters.
Ninety-six minutes later, Pacific Rim quietly played in Team Dark’s living room on their TV; Omega sat on the floor while his teammates lounged on the sofa beside him. On screen, the cables suspending Gipsy Danger over the harbor released, dropping the unit into the water. Omega found the concept of a mech requiring two meatbag pilots to function absurd, but he did enjoy watching the destruction depicted in del Toro’s action scenes.
Although they’d been successful in clearing out the base, Rouge had been less than impressed.
(“You know. When I said we should pace ourselves, that wasn’t really a suggestion.”)
While she’d spoken in collective terms, she’d been looking squarely at Omega when she used them; referring to the caution she’d advised after he’d charged ahead of his teammates through several other bases. He’d pretended he didn’t notice–same as he'd feigned ignorance of the fact that Shadow had consistently positioned himself four centimeters closer to him than was typical on missions.
He’d endured several similar expressions of concern over the past eighty-one hours; a greater frequency of the same within the last forty-three.
Nine days and two hours had elapsed since G.U.N. removed Eggman from its terrorist watchlist.
Nine days, one hour and fifty-eight minutes since Eggman had been declared deceased.
Three days and eight hours had elapsed since Omega independently verified the fact.
One day and nineteen hours had elapsed since Omega last spoke.
(“Is this a malfunction or a quiet day?”
“His quiet days don’t usually last all day; either way, something’s wrong.”)
Omega had expressed–via nonverbal means–that yes, his voice box was malfunctioning, and no, it did not require repair.
He did not tell them that his processors and circuits had sparked with so many things to say simultaneously that it overburdened his voice box. They didn’t need to know the specifics. Nor was their concern necessary; his effectiveness in carrying out missions hadn’t been impeded whatsoever. Particularly the variety they’d been taking on.
Though Eggman was gone, his machines nonetheless continued the maintenance and patrols of his hideouts in his absence; while they wouldn’t break away from their routines or attack anyone beyond their stations without explicit orders from their creator, it was still a sizable force to leave unchecked.
Rouge had secured a considerable commission from G.U.N. for each base that Team Dark cleared out. Omega had taken to the job enthusiastically, perhaps more than usual–he’d been in an especially destructive mood.
It’d been with great reluctance that he conceded to Shadow teleporting them home after their eighth hideout in the span of thirty-four hours.
On screen, Pentecost told Raleigh about his illness. From the couch beside Omega, steady and rhythmic breathing told him that his teammates had fallen asleep. He delved into his CPU and connected to the Egg Network.
For practical reasons–and his hatred for all things Eggman–he hadn’t interfaced with the network in more than a decade. Now, though, while there would be several warnings and alerts triggered by his digital footprint, without anyone to react to his presence, they posed no threat. Firewalls erected throughout the network barred him access from information such as the locations of bases established within the past eight years, but the same security did not extend to data from older hideouts.
Omega breached the outdated protections around the neglected servers like walls made of cardboard. The feasibility of finding any practically useful information in such old archives was questionable; nonetheless, he picked his way through them.
Anything from Eggman’s earliest years of terrorist activity–he’d held a disproportionate interest in islands–that wasn’t destroyed was obsolete. What badnik designs he still used from that time had since been updated several times over. A footnote’s worth of interest in the kingdom of Soleanna coincided with the creation of the Egg line; Gunner, Keeper, Lancer, etc., which would be expanded upon later. The base in Egypt had been discarded wholesale; more of a launching point for Eggman’s attempt to conquer the ARK. Prior to that…
Omega remotely delved into the archives from the bunker in the Mystic Ruins.
The birthplace of the E-100 series.
Omega navigated through rudimentary airship schematics, interpretive translations of texts on the subject of an ancient deity, half-finished plans for a third iteration of Mecha Sonic… typical of Eggman to discard anything that didn’t maintain his fickle interest.
He came upon a folder marked E-100s; found within another folder of video files.
Eggman had, initially, installed in his prototypes a function that recorded the visual data captured by his robots and filed them into the archives via the Egg Network upon the prototype’s destruction. Usually at Sonic’s hand. He’d done away with the practice sometime prior to Omega’s creation.
Omega idly opened the file for E-100 Alpha; skimmed over a lot of footage tracking a Flicky through Station Square, one that attached itself to Amy Rose. The files attached to most of his other predecessors save Beta were considerably smaller and their videos shorter in length; though Delta, Epsilon and Zeta shared one point of commonality with E-101.
E-102 Gamma.
Several people, Amy Rose chief among them, had mistaken Omega for his predecessor upon their first meeting. A ridiculous comparison, obviously; they didn’t share any commonalities save defection from Eggman and the color red.
. . .
Omega played Gamma’s video file.
He skipped through the first half of footage; more to the point, Eggman’s frequent appearances and orders. He paused at the moment of Gamma’s defection.
“Erasing Dr. Eggman from ‘Master’ status.
Established: E-series robots. Friends.
I must save them.”
Omega scrubbed through the video. His predecessors fell systematically, one by one to Gamma’s plasma rifle.
Beta; who managed to inflict a critical wound on Gamma moments before his demise.
Gamma’s visuals shook and blurred. Came to a stop aboard the beached Egg Carrier.
A cut to static coincided with the beginning of an explosion.
The file, played to its conclusion, closed.
Omega sat in silence for a minute.
He closed the folder; turned his attention in toward his own CPU. Extracted the code for his core directives.
Defeat of Eggman.
Destruction of all Eggman robots.
Directives independent of any orders from his creator; ones that he’d taken great pains to establish while he was sequestered in the basement. He determined now, however, that they required examination.
Omega questioned what objective the pursuit of each directive served.
His processors sparked.
He immediately dismissed the question as irrelevant with regard to his first directive. Eggman’s demise rendered a defeat impossible.
He applied the question to his second directive and found a simple answer. Destruction of all Eggman robots would establish the fact that Omega was the strongest robot.
Knowing the objective illustrated that further pursuit of the directive as a directive was obsolete; Omega had already destroyed more Eggman robots than anyone else. Shadow and Sonic were the only ones, meatbag or otherwise, to approach his record. His CPU automatically produced the follow-up query of why he pursued said objective.
“. . .”
He banished the question altogether from his motherboard.
Having thus clarified his objectives, and the fact that both had been fulfilled, Omega promptly deleted both from his internal software.
Which left him without a core directive.
Briefly, he receded from his CPU–the credits scrolled by on the TV. He turned his head.
Rouge lay with her head propped on one arm of the sofa; her body sprawled out to take up as much space as possible. Her mouth hung slightly open, as it often did when she didn’t sleep hanging from a perch. Shadow, his lap occupied by Rouge’s legs, had sunk into one of the couch’s backrest cushions, almost engulfed in down with his chin touching the tuft on his chest.
Omega listened to the sounds of his sleeping teammates. He didn’t even need to guess what their reaction would be to his current thought process.
Resoundingly, loudly negative.
He retreated into his CPU.
Drew up the code for commands of his primary functions.
A cautionary prompt popped up.
Omega watched the words blink at him for approximately two minutes. Failing to produce any reasons to avoid executing the command, he made to confirm–
Foreign access to the Egg Network diverted his attention; he’d neglected to disconnect.
That the network recognized the other party as foreign narrowed their identity down to two possibilities, both of which Eggman had given up on years ago. And since Gemerl didn’t connect to the Egg Network on principle to avoid incurring any undue risk to Cream…
Metal clocked Omega within moments of its connection.
It made Omega aware of the fact, annoyingly, by communicating with him. The equivalent of a text message came through his Wi-Fi signal.
Oh. You’re still operational?
Metal’s presence vanished from the network half a beat later; before Omega could even reflexively fire off a Fuck You.
His internal fans whirred; his chassis chafed.
His temper flared nearly enough to forget what he’d been doing. The popup remained:
Omega disconnected from the Egg Network.
Cancelled out of and dismissed the command prompt.
The TV had returned to the DVD menu. Omega remotely switched it off; reclined until his shoulders and chassis were propped against the living room wall.
Before entering sleep mode, he made a single update to his drivers.
Core directive: Pending.
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Azul Ashengrotto of Royal Sword Academy || Chapter 28: Night of the Hollow
Azul, Jamil, Rielle, and Floyd visit the Shroud Brothers' domain for the promised screening of Pumpkin Hollow, and learn some new things about each other.
Word Count:  6,430
Notes (more at the end):
For Day 6 of AshenViper Week 2024!
Prompt: Overblot / Azul's Mer-form
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Ortho appears and takes them all to Ignihyde.
They arrive in what looks like a movie room; soundproof cushions on the walls, a big flatscreen TV, lounge chairs and bean bags all around, and a snack table to the side.
"Welcome to Ignihyde!" Ortho says to Azul, Jamil, Rielle, and Floyd. The android was ecstatic to find out that two more people wanted to hang out with his brother, though the brother himself was not as enthused. Idia Shroud isn't here yet, Ortho explains that he's still changing out of his Pumpkin Knight costume.
"Please wait here while my brother and I prepare the movie and snacks!" Ortho flies out of the room.
Jamil had been quietly gazing around the dorm ever since they entered. "It's not everyday you get to wander around here. For one, people rarely get invited to the home of introverts, and sneaking in only attracts the wrath of their security detail—or Ortho's," he comments, before quickly looking at Floyd. "Don't touch anything."
"Hah, too late." Floyd replies, booting up Idia's computer connecting to some devices on the walls.
"Unidentified fingerprints," a robotic voice says from the speakers. "Implementing Security Protocol Level 1."
All devices retract into the wall and disappear. A metal sheet appears from the ceiling and seals off the doorway. Spotlights shine down on each of them.
"Four lifeforms detected. Sending information to Ignihyde Prefect and Ortho Shroud."
"I suppose this is what you meant?" Azul lightly asks Jamil, putting his hand up to shield his face from the glare of a spotlight.
Jamil heaves a long sigh.
"Whoooooaaaa... This is kinda cool, though," Floyd nonchalantly states, walking up to a spotlight and ogling it. "You think I can try punching through the walls and see if I can deactivate any of their machine stuff?"
"How about we just sit tight and wait?" Rielle helpfully suggests.
"I don't like being contained." Floyd bares his teeth.
The doors open again and the Shroud brothers walk through, looking around in shock.
"Ugh, this is what we get for inviting a bunch'a clueless normies in…" Idia mutters.
"Life forms authorized. Disarm all defenses," Ortho says, and the room goes back to how it was when they first came in.
"Awww," Floyd laments when the spotlights disappear.
"Everything's okay now, Big Brother!" Ortho says to Idia, then he turns to the rest of the group. "Please refrain from touching any of the devices to prevent any mishaps!"
Floyd scoffs, pouting. Rielle chuckles amusedly at his reaction.
"Apologies for that," Azul tells the Shroud brothers.
"Indeed, Floyd just got a little too excited," Rielle adds.
"Just sit down," Idia says with resigned exasperation as he walks up to the computer to set up the movie.
"Make yourselves comfortable!" Ortho says, flying around and gesturing at the seats.
As Jamil settles himself down, the lights dim and a projection along the wall boots up, starting the movie right off the bat with a credits sequence.
"How did Idia come to discover this movie, Ortho?" Rielle quietly whispers to the android sitting next to them, in contrast with his brother who had taken to the refuge of his bed.
"My brother prides himself in knowing obscure media," Ortho replies. "He's in several group chats with fellow geeks where they talk about rare or underrated films, games, shows, and the like! Idia discovered the movie three years ago, I believe it was introduced to him by his online friend Crimson Muscle."
"Aww, that's pretty cool," Rielle grins, lounging back to lean against Floyd.
Jamil is more surprised that Idia was able to have an online buddy.
Then, seeing the other couple cuddle in the darkness, he quietly glances at Azul, wondering what he'd do.
Azul notices him staring. "Are you alright? Is it too cold?" he looks at the air conditioner.
Jamil shyly looks away, not wanting to appear needy. "No, I'm okay."
Perhaps he can find a more subtle opportunity later on.
The movie opens up with a dark and foggy night, in the thick woods surrounding an old village as a horse-drawn wagon makes its way down the dirt road.
Different shots of a young man in black running through the woods become mixed with the footage of the carriage. Thundering in pursuit of the fellow are what sound like another horse's hooves.
The man eventually trips and a dark shadow looms over him as he screams.
A man with a coat and a top hat jolts awake in his seat in the carriage, seemingly from a nightmare. He establishes himself as a detective making his way to a small rickety town  in the middle of nowhere after communications with many of its townsfolk have gone silent.
Eventually the carriage stops after having spotted a disturbance in the road. The gentleman walks out and spots the young man with the black coat, slumped against the base of a tree with tendrils growing out of him like a seedbed.
"By Jove…" the detective breathes out a curse, exchanging bewildered looks with the coachman. What in the world have they gotten themselves into?
There's the sound of hooves in the distance, and their own horses grow restless upon hearing it.
"It could be our culprit!" the detective says to the man at the reins. "Or at the very least a witness. Let's follow the horse! Posthaste!" he clambers back into the carriage.
Jamil feels Azul casually lean against him, much like how he did at the rooftop back in Scarabia.
Jamil doubts this movie is actually terrifying, but he still leans close to Azul to whisper, "How are you with horror movies?"
"I don't mind them," Azul replies quietly. "Growing up in the ocean makes one quite familiar with jumpscares and even gore. I'm not fond of horror movies, but so far none has scared me as much as some actual experiences I've had back home. How about you?"
"They don't do much for me, either, though now I'm interested in hearing these horror stories of the deep sometime soon."
"Shh!" Idia hisses from his bed.
In the movie, the detective and his coachman have pursued the sound of equine footfalls and find themselves at the entrance to the village. Its wooden buildings stand dilapidated and lonely, almost appearing like sagging stalks of wood.
Uncertain about the atmosphere, they look around for anyone to speak to and they find an old woman by the well, fetching a bucket of water.
They don't get many answers from her, but she looks fearful upon them asking why the town's gone silent.
She simply directs them to the edge of the village where the old town hall stood, calling it the "local pumpkin patch".
The detectives get off from their carriage when they arrive at the town hall. The paths become grassy and uneven, and it might damage their carriage or injure their horses if they proceed. They continue on foot.
Rotten and dried pumpkins litter the ground, and some flies buzz away as they get disturbed.
A rustling sound comes from behind, and the detective whirls around, holding his lamp aloft. But there was nothing to be seen but grass and the dust motes floating in the lamp's light.
Azul passes a bowl of potato chips to Jamil, getting a handful himself.
Jamil happily takes a bit of the snacks, though begin to slightly regret digging in when the detective starts prying open pumpkins to find bits of humanoid flesh and skeleton.
The detective learns that the "local pumpkin patch" is, in fact, the town cemetery. With that revelation, he whirls into the town hall to look for the mayor and finds him cowering in his study.
"Wh-Who are you?" the trembling mayor asks them, hiding behind his desk while clutching a rusty rake as a makeshift weapon.
"A visitor, sent to investigate why communications have dropped between our villages, though it appears… I've stumbled into something more sinister."
"You fool! By entering this place, you've doomed yourself into being trapped for eternity like the rest of us!"
Further into the conversation, the detective learns of the villagers being hunted down by a mysterious figure in the night, which they suspect must either be a witch they aggravated or the malicious soul of a pumpkin farmer.
Ortho quietly speaks to the group. "Fun fact: this movie is considered a tad controversial for its stance against magic use. The director who made this film believes that magic, especially in the field of entertainment, takes away the 'magic' obtained through manual application. Because of that, a lot of the special effects and props here are all crafted by hand."
"Interesting," Rielle says. "I can see why it's controversial, but I admire the dedication to their craft."
"I wonder how they did the human flesh effect in the pumpkins," Floyd says, resting his chin on top of Rielle's head and wrapping his arms around him.
"According to the internet, they used a lot of material called ooblek, red food coloring, and corn syrup," Ortho explains.
"Hm, I want that," Floyd says thoughtfully. "Ooooblek. Sounds funny," he snickers, tightening his embrace around Rielle, who snuggles back into him.
"Yes, my brother loves this sort of stuff!" Ortho happily cheers.
"Shh!" Idia hissed again from his little bed nook.
The detective in the movie decides to see if he can capture the culprit lurking around at night, when they are said to be more active.
He heads into the local inn, where he meets a portly and sweet owner whose optimistic demeanor contrasts much from the mood of his fellow townsmen. He curiously claims not to fear the culprit at all, not because he is stupid to think that he can fight them off, but because he thinks the victims it has done in have often deserved their fate. He believes the culprit to be an executioner from the afterlife who has come to bring justice to those who have tried to escape their dastardly deeds, since the town is a place where many crooks and outlaws come to hide.
Despite the innkeeper's creepy mindset, he remains a friendly face to both the detective and the coachman and hopes that they do not fall into harm's way. There's a sense of camaraderie between detective and innkeeper, and the detective bids him a good night before preparing for a dangerous chase into the wee hours of the night.
They decide to go to the part of the village where outlaws are said to frequent. If there is any shred of truth to what the innkeeper said, the vigilante's next target might be around here, and they can catch him in the act.
Azul hands Jamil a bottle of soda, then he takes a sip from his bottle of sparkling water, the moisture on his lips catching the light from the TV screen.
Jamil gets a little distracted from watching the movie, even when the detective and the coachman were getting in trouble against the distrustful and frankly disturbing-looking outlaws. As a fight scene goes down, Jamil takes a sip of soda and slowly lets his arm drape around Azul's shoulders.
Azul glances at him in surprise, before turning back to look at the movie. Then he slides down a little in his seat, and leans his head against Jamil's shoulder.
The detective and coachman are now running from a group of outlaws in what is admittedly an impressively directed parkour chase scene.
Jamil finds himself enjoying the movie a lot more than he expected and he presses close against Azul, his heart happily fluttering despite the gritty sequences on the screen.
The scene takes an abrupt turn when the detective gets stabbed in the abdomen and is left at the mercy of the outlaws. The coachman flees for help, and the music changes into something ominous and foreboding.
Running into the scene, astride a horse as dark as midnight, a humanoid donned in black armor (which looks extremely similar to Idia's) and a pumpkin head swoops in. The outlaws grow frightened and run away, but the mysterious vigilante rushes forth and dispatches them one by one in a series of gruesome yet creative nature-based slaughters. The detective tries to give chase, but passes out from his injuries.
Rielle looks at Ortho in uncertainty. "Umm… are you sure this type of movie's appropriate for your age?"
"I have seen this movie many times before," Ortho says reassuringly, though Rielle only looks more worried. "It's all right, I always watch something fun and wholesome afterwards!" he says cheerfully.
"He's fiiine, Flame Tetra," Floyd drawls. "Lil' Clione here is much deadlier than that Pumpkin Head, ya know?"
Ortho giggles. "That is accurate!"
"Oh," Rielle says, looking unsure about how serious Floyd and Ortho are. "Um, okay."
The detective slowly regains consciousness. When he blearily opens his eyes, he sees darkness above him. As his vision gradually comes into focus, he tries to decide whether it's a lamp or the moon shining.
Azul shifts slightly in his seat and wraps an arm around Jamil's waist.
Jamil happily languishes in the contact. Idia spares a glance over to the entire group's direction and promptly regrets it.
The detective fully wakes up to the innkeeper tending to his wounds, having been called over by the coachman to help.
The innkeeper warns him of the danger that is to come, once again vying for the vigilante's side, but the detective is adamant in getting to the bottom of the mystery and dispelling the curse.
The investigation continues, with the coachman opting out from fright and staying at the inn. The detective tries to trace the origins of where the vigilante could have come from based on the group that was slaughtered last night and his foggy memories.
It eventually takes him to an old farmhouse on the side of a hill, abandoned and covered in large dark vines. If anything was to be the heart of evil in this village, it would be there.
The detective creeps up the hill, his footsteps cushioned by grass and vines. The air is humid and smells of mildew.
He reaches the farmhouse; the rotting door has fallen off its hinges and is in pieces on the ground.
The doorway leading into the dark interior of the farmhouse looks like a gaping maw.
Rielle looks a tad more nervous as the protagonist creeps further into danger while Floyd grins more and more maniacally, as if hoping for something terrible to happen to the character.
Jamil, meanwhile, continues to keep his cool. It's a shame he and Azul aren't particularly squeamish and don't have an excuse to hold each other more—
The detective uncovers patches of rotten pumpkin along the way and reveals a horde of insects scattering and crawling onto him when their vegetable home gets disturbed.
Jamil flinches and looks away, feeling chills shoot straight up his spine.
Azul promptly sits up straight and pulls Jamil to him, wrapping him in an embrace and caressing his back soothingly.
Jamil hears the detective yell in panic as he swats away the insects from his clothes.
"It's alright," Azul says softly, so only Jamil can hear. He holds him tight and continues to stroke his back.
Ortho, having hearing even stronger than fae, picks up on this but chooses not to comment.
Even the sounds of the insects are making Jamil uncomfortable, and though he's a little embarrassed to have been the one seeking comfort, he finds himself not outright hating it either.
"Tell me when it's over,” he mumbles.
As the detective scrambles away from the insects, the noise he's making stirs to life the tall figure of the vigilante.
It emerges from the plant growth on the staircase and the detective runs to hide and keep quiet. It slowly stalks the area, its movements a tad sluggish in the day.
As the detective crouches in the vegetation, he notes how solid the figure looks and slowly picks up a fallen timber of wood. He attempts to sneak up on the vigilante, believing it to be some sort of freaky serial killer.
Jamil begins to peek at the film again at this point.
Then, as the protagonist raises the lumber, the vigilante's pumpkin head suddenly swivels to face him, screeching.
Rielle jumps at the scare while Idia mimics the creature, even quietly reciting some of the lines as the scene of detective versus wretched knight intensifies.
"The insects seem to be gone now," Azul whispers, though he doesn't loosen his hold on Jamil.
The detective commendably holds his ground against the pumpkin creature, dodging sentient vines that attempt to attack and hold him down.
But then a root shoots up from the ground and trips him flat on his back. He tries to get up while he frantically searches for a weapon to use against the creature that's beginning to loom over him.
Without anywhere to hit the vigilante thanks to the armor, the detective just hopes against all hope and drives his fist into the gourd, smashing its carved grin away.
There’s a sickening crunch and the enemy lurches backwards while the detective recoils in pain, his fist burning from whatever’s inside the pumpkin.
As the vigilante rears up, disoriented, the detective takes the opportunity to put some distance between them.
Then, as the detective roars, "It's finally time to see who you really are, you bastard!" (with Idia silently copying the dialogue), he grabs a dilapidated chair and slams it onto the creature’s head.
The pumpkin face gets destroyed and the culprit is revealed…
And it's just a pure monster, containing nothing but another pumpkin inside, slowly growing to replace the head it lost.
Seeing what a freak of nature he's up against, the detective now fights to escape the house to rethink a strategy, but the house's vines grow and contort in compliance to its master's rage.
The detective stumbles as he tries to get to the door, nearly tripping over roots that break through the planks.
The walls seem to come alive as the vines writhe and reach for the detective, grabbing his coat and yanking him to the floor.
The pumpkin creature walks over to him, roots and broken planks crunching under its armored feet. It opens its mouth and lets out a screech of rage, and the camera zooms into its face until it fills the screen, its jagged mouth in high definition.
Azul tenses up and subtly looks away from the screen and towards Jamil, his eyes averted.
Jamil returns the other's protective gesture from earlier, surprised to see him react. What about it scared him?
"You all right?" he quietly asks as the movie has the creature attempting to engulf the detective's head into its fiery maw.
Azul gives a single nod, still not looking at the screen. "There's a sea creature whose jaws look very similar to those," he says in a quiet voice. "One almost got me as a child."
The detective ducks just in time for the pumpkin-headed creature to sink its jaw into a vine instead and he starts scrambling up the stairs and onto the second floor.
"Did it lurk around those sunken ships, too?"
"No, I was going home from school by myself, and the area was rather deserted," Azul whispers. "Sometimes it happens, they wander closer to the residential areas." He cautiously turns to the screen again as the Pumpkin Knight stomps up the stairs two at a time, breaking them into splinters.
"How'd you get out of it?" Jamil asks, as the detective finds himself in an area filled with scrawling by a madman... or a mad plant-man, revealing ire towards humanity for its abandonment and its determination to punish humanity for their misdeeds towards prosperity.
"I almost didn't," Azul says somberly. "I was never as fast as Jade or Floyd. It grabbed one of my tentacles. I blasted it with cosmic magic and pulled free of its hold, and I was able to escape with the cover of my ink. I wasn't used to casting spells at the time, and the exertion combined with the injury had left me bedridden for  days."
The detective in the movie rushes to the broken windows, looking to see if there's any form of escape.
"Sounds like you really lived a dangerous life…" Jamil mutters, a pang of understanding resonating within him (all the while feeling sad that they're both familiar with danger). Deciding not to linger on such an emotion, he then asks, "I wonder how you'd handle this if you were in the detective's shoes right now."
"Assuming I had no magic?" Azul says. "If I still retain my grip strength, I'd break out of a window and scale down the house. I don't know much about the creature, so it seems wiser to escape rather than risk confrontation."
"If only the detective smoked… Fire'd prolly be at least a little effective on the plant vines, won't they?" Jamil reasons, perking up once he sees that the detective has begun climbing out of the window and onto a rusty metal pipe.
The detective is partway through sliding down when the pipe breaks away and collapses backwards.
Though he lands roughly on his back with a groan, the detective sees the Pumpkin Knight screech at him from the window and finds the energy to scurry away, knowing full well that he's getting hunted down.
"He should have brought a lamp, at the very least," Azul comments, snuggling into Jamil.
The detective races away just as it starts to rain, his shoes splashing in the mud as the rain comes down in sheets.
"Fire magic is quite difficult for me," Azul remarks. "I'm told it's quite normal for merfolk, but even with magic, I might have trouble with that creature."
"You could prolly drown it, though. Too much water can kill plants too, and I don't think the Pumpkin Knight falls under aquatic flora."
Rushing back to town, the detective begins to pack weapons as well as oil and tinder, informing the coachman that he will be withdrawing to the woods to confront the Knight where no other casualties can occur. He could not assure his own survival, though, and the ever-loyal coachman volunteers to accompany him despite being deathly afraid.
The innkeeper hears about their possible fatal fate and surprises the both of them by volunteering as well, curious to see the creature up close after learning more about the truth of its identity.
The three men delve into the woods, the detective leading with a lamp in hand to see through the fog that had settled in after the rain.
Jamil notices that the room has gotten colder, much like how he imagines it would be in those woods. Idia has mostly disappeared in his nest of blankets, only a glimpse of his flaming hair can be seen. The merfolk and the android seem unbothered, though.
Wishing for a blanket himself, he simply sinks lower into the beanbag and leans into Azul, hoping to find comfort and warmth by doing so.
Azul glances at him and seems to notice the change in temperature for the first time. He drapes his coat on Jamil, and levitates a blanket from the corner to wrap around both of them. Then he hugs Jamil close.
"Is this better?" he whispers, his breath warm against Jamil's ear.
Jamil practically melts into the hold, nuzzling up against the other with a pleased hum as his answer.
The characters in the movie are unfortunately not going through anything as pleasant.
As night begins to creep in, the coachman and the detective talk about how they've never faced something of a supernatural nature before. The coachman then rattles off about how it's been a terror and an honor to work with him, bidding goodbye in case this would be their last, but the detective will not have such doomsday speech.
The detective says that he could not have wished for a better coachman nor a more loyal friend, and he encourages his two companions to not give up hope just yet as they traverse the damp woods.
The sound of hooves can be heard in the distance, but in the vastness of the area they can't tell which direction it's coming from.
They hear the whinny of a horse and find the clear silhouette of the Knight charging its way towards them. Quickly, the coachman spurs the carriage horses to bolt for it and they tear through the forest.
The innkeeper and the detective begin to discuss what the Pumpkin Knight's weakness could be. Despite its plant-like exterior, its head is enchanted with a living flame, and they begin to wonder if fire would work against it.
There's a crash on the ground as an object narrowly misses one of the carriage's wheels. They look back to see that the Pumpkin Knight has begun hurtling flaming gourds towards them.
They cry out in surprise as the carriage jostles. One of the gourds hits a tree ahead of them and sets the leaves ablaze, branches cracking and falling off onto their path.
The coachman swerves the carriage dangerously, narrowly avoiding the flaming branches, but hitting the side of another tree as the door whips open from the momentum. The detective yells and almost falls out of the carriage, but the coachman grabs him by the coat and pulls him back inside.
The innkeeper suggests that they lead the creature to the swamp and attempt to drown it.
With his directions, the coachman tries to lead the knight to the swamp. A flaming gourd sails overhead before it crashes into the ground, sending the horses up to a frenzy and off to another path.
Cursing, the detective decides to deal with the Knight while the other two focus on course-correction. He clambers to the top of the carriage, grabbing the wooden pole of a pitchfork he brought.
As the Knight tosses another projectile at them, he swings and redirects it back, causing the creature to stumble.
The coachman shouts at the detective to be careful as he deflects the flaming projectiles one after another. The creature snarls.
A few moments later, the atmosphere becomes more humid as they get nearer to the swamp. The ground grows softer and the horses slow down as the carriage’s wheels have a harder time traversing through the mud.
The Pumpkin Knight's horse seems unperturbed by the difficult terrain. Knowing it was going to catch up to them if they don't do something soon, the detective and the coachman make a plan to hop on one of the horses and leave the carriage with the other steed and the innkeeper. They tell the portly man to hang back and hide, since the Knight hasn't seen him yet and they could use that to their advantage.
Blessedly, their ploy works. As they dash further into the bog, the Knight ignores the abandoned cart and pursues them with a cackling snarl.
It's more difficult for the detective to deflect the Knight's attacks with one hand while the other one is holding onto the coachman, but he remains determined.
The Knight seems to have realized that the coachman is the one skilled in maneuvering them around the bog, and he changes his attacks to aim for him.
The detective reacts instinctively and puts his arm out to block a flaming gourd that was aimed at the coachman's shoulder.
He screams as it hits him and sets his sleeve aflame. The coachman yells his name in panic.
The detective manages to pat out the flames and tells the coachman to continue on.
As the action continues to unfold, the whole group watching the movie has fallen silent, enraptured by the screen.
A gourd manages to hit the hind leg of the horse just as the swamp lake was coming into view.
As the animal crashes and falls, the detective finds himself pinned underneath it while the coachman is thrown a few feet away. Unable to move the injured animal fast enough, the coachman instead takes up the wooden pole and clumsily wields it to defend against the incoming enemy.
The Knight opens his mouth and releases a chittering sound that might have been laughter. He summons a flaming gourd and aims it at the detective—
The pumpkin head violently gets decapitated, flying to the side and splitting open against a tree.
As another pumpkin head begins to grow, the detective sees the coachman behind the enemy, holding a branch aloft, his eyes full of terror but also determination.
As the coachman struggles against the Pumpkin Knight after it fell off of its shadow stallion, the detective manages to push himself off from under the horse's body.
He gets to his feet just as the Knight slams its hand on the ground, summoning sharp roots from the dirt and spearing the coachman in his gut, effectively incapacitating him.
"NO!" the detective screams and tackles the Knight from behind. The coachman crumples to the ground, breathing laboriously with the root still in his gut.
The sound of hooves approaches, and the innkeeper appears with the carriage.
The detective is sitting on the Knight's stomach and pummeling his head with punches, destroying pumpkin after pumpkin as they grow. He yells at the innkeeper to take the coachman back to the village.
The innkeeper breaks off the root from the ground but leaves it in the coachman's stomach to prevent him from bleeding out faster. Once the coachman is no longer attached to the ground, the innkeeper llifts him into the carriage with much grunting from the both of them.
The detective finds a rock and uses it to keep destroying the endless array of pumpkin heads. He can feel the fatigue coming on but he doesn't stop, listening to the carriage wheels as it stumbles out of the bog.
After an almost gory scene of wanton pumpkin violence, the detective grabs the creature's corpse and hurls it into the bog, watching it slowly sink down.
The movie then transitions to the detective stumbling back to the village, learning of the coachman's tragic fate.
As he despairs over losing his friend, the innkeeper reveals that he found something in the coachman's wound. In his outstretched palm is a seed.
The detective almost destroys it in a fit of rage, but something in him freezes. This is going to be the last remnant of the coachman, and by killing it, he can't help but feel he would be killing him again.
As he stares at the seed, the innkeeper sees a fire in his eyes, not unlike the fire within the Knight itself.
The innkeeper, as devoted as ever to his beliefs, chooses not to comment on it as he thinks that this is leading to a very curious development, indeed…
The screen fades to black, and when the next scene fades in, the detective is shown planting the seed in a field, moonlight shining on his face to show a grim and determined expression, the hint of a blue flame just visible in his irises.
The music rises to a crescendo and abruptly stops as the screen goes black. There is a second of silence, then the title is shown again and the music gradually comes back, and the credits roll.
"What?" Rielle gasps, confused. "Wait, what happened? Isn't that just gonna bring back the Pumpkin Knight?"
"Yeah, that's the point," Idia smirks, still too high off of the movie to be self-conscious. "Like you'd think the threat is done and over with but then when the detective decided to see if he can honor his friend by planting the seed, he's already fallen into the darkness, doomed to bring him back because of his own brand of justice!"
Jamil could personally see why the movie hasn't hit mainstream audiences with its bizarre execution and plot, but he can at least give props to its artistic aspects.
"He's doing all that for a 'friend'?" Floyd mutters, giving Azul a knowing look.
"Oh, don't even start!" the older Shroud groans. "They're clearly depicted to be platonic crime-solvers!"
The corner of Azul's lips turns up in a smile of amusement and understanding at Floyd's remark.
Floyd scoffs. "You play all those dating games but ya still think they're platonic? A'right."
Idia turns pink from his cheeks to the tips of his hair. "Y-you don't know if I play those games!"
"I've seen you doing daily log-ins in class," Floyd waves a hand dismissively.
"Th-That still doesn't mean that the detective and the coachman are romantic with each other! R-right?" he looks pleadingly at the others.
Jamil shrugs. "I think the interpretation can be fine either way. In fact, if you're clever about it, you can probably use that angle somehow for your visitors who see your booth as a romantic area. Because, in a way, they're not wrong."
Idia gulps, suddenly looking quite unsure and possibly regretting making them watch the movie.
"Anyway, you’ve definitely been holding back a bit on how grotesque you can make it all out to be,” Jamil continues. “Those corpses, for example, would've definitely made it sink in for visitors why the Pumpkin Knight's dangerous. I think you can even make the abandoned farmstead a reality..." He pauses to shiver at the thought of realistic bugs crawling around the projection mapping. He glances at Azul, trying to ignore the mental image. "What do you think?"
Azul nods. "I agree, there is still a lot of untapped potential for your booth,” he says to Idia. “Aside from images or perhaps even realistic dolls of corpses, you can also incorporate the sound of the Pumpkin Knight's laugh. Combined with the sound of hooves in the distance and some fog, it could make the visitors feel like the Knight is just lurking around and following them, and you and the other costumed students can jump out of the fog from time to time."
"See, Brother?" Ortho says happily. "I told you it would be a good idea to invite friends over!"
Idia doesn't seem too fond of receiving feedback, being the self-proclaimed genius that he is, but he simply sighs and begins to pull up glowing screens over his bed, making notes and arrangements to relay them to his fellow Ignihyde members. "I guess…”
"That was so funny. Come on, let's watch another horror movie!" Floyd playfully suggests.
"No, that's enough," Idia says tiredly. He turns off the screens.
"Ooh, should we have a sleepover?" Ortho says.
"What?!" Idia practically jumps. "N-No way, that wasn't part of the agreement! You said we'll just watch the movie!"
Floyd laughs. "Don't get yer pants in a twist, Firefly Squid! We're sleepin' over at Sea Snake's crib!"
"Awww okay, then!" Ortho says. "Would you like to bring some of these snacks?"
"Oh, sure." Jamil nods, accepting the bowl of treats into his grasp. "Will you guys be okay here?"
"Yep! We'll be working on applying all of your feedback and finish it by tomorrow's opening! If we ever need extra input, we'll contact you! Please feel free to visit and see the improvements firsthand whenever you can! Have a nice sleepover!"
And with that, they quickly tidy up and make their way out back to Scarabia.
Floyd and Rielle are talking about the movie, but Jamil notices that Azul seems to be deep in thought.
Jamil lags behind the group and gently pulls Azul back with him so they can talk while Rielle and Floyd walk a little ahead of them.
“Are you okay?” he asks Azul.
“Yes,” Azul gives him a small smile. “I was just thinking about that sea creature that the Pumpkin Knight reminded me of.”
Jamil furrows his eyebrows in recollection of what Azul had told him earlier. “The one you encountered when you were a kid?”
Azul nods. “As you know, I had some insecurities about my merform as a child. My classmates then would make fun of my long tentacles and how I could produce ink in distressing situations. But on that day with the sea creature, I was able to use those things to my advantage. The strength of my tentacles allowed me to free myself, and I used my ink to blind the creature while I swam to safety.”
Azul sighs and gets a faraway look in his eyes before speaking again. “Since then I have learned to be more proud of my merform. But two days ago at the Coral Sea, when I almost Overblotted…” his features become more guarded, like he's determined to maintain a strong facade. “I was about to turn into my merform, I could feel it. My Overblotted form… would have been the same as my merform.” He looked down at his open palm. “I could have been a rampaging monster like the Pumpkin Knight… And I would have looked like my true form doing it.” He lets his hand drop back to his side and stares straight ahead again.
Jamil laces his fingers through Azul's. “Hey. You're not a monster. You've never hurt anyone.” He slows down to let Rielle and Floyd walk ahead of them more, then he lowers his voice to be sure they won't hear him. “You know that Riddle and Leona Overblotted, right? From what I heard, Riddle hurt a few of his residents, and Ruggie himself told me that Leona hurt him. His arm still has bandages. You've met both of them, would you say they're monsters?”
Azul falls quiet, looking thoughtful as he runs his thumb back and forth on Jamil's hand. He takes a breath and gives a small smile that looks more relaxed. “No, you're right. If I am to be kind to Riddle and Leona despite what happened to them, I should extend that same kindness to myself. Still… it is concerning that you've already had two Overblots this school year,” he furrows his eyebrows worriedly.
“Hey, you two!” Floyd yells at them. “Whatcha walkin’ so slow for? It's sleepover time! Bring us to your dorm, Prefect Snakey!” he impatiently waves them over.
Jamil squeezes Azul's hand and turns to face him. “If it really bothers you, we can talk to Riddle about it. Tomorrow, or whenever you're ready. He might be able to reassure you more about what happened to you.”
Azul nods and squeezes his hand back. “Okay. Thank you, Jamil.”
Jamil gives him a reassuring smile and they walk over to Rielle and Floyd.
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In canon, we only know the general plot of Pumpkin Hollow. So the specific scenes and characters of the movie here (aside from the Pumpkin Knight) are entirely made up by me and @patchyegg87.
We hope you liked it!
<- Chapter 27
(AshenViper Week 2024 Masterpost)
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flyscreen123 · 1 year
Retractable Fly Screen Doors Help The Natural Air To Flow
With retractable fly screen doors, you can take advantage of the advantages of fresh air while keeping pests out of your home. Additionally, by letting natural airflow cool your house on a hot day, they may be able to help you save money on your energy bills. When the retractable screen is not in use, the fabric is protected from damaging UV radiation, dirt, and weather.
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 36
click here to see the master list
Hi my lovelies! I am back and getting better, thankfully 🥹 I can’t wait for you all to read this chapter. I get so excited when i post new parts for you. I love all of your interactions, they make my day 🥰 I love you all! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: You and Bradley have a plane! You will learn something new about your man today. Enjoy your first plane ride with your Fiancé 😉😘 (also sorrryyyyy 😏)
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: cursing, almost death, nudity, FUCKIN SMUT, SMUT and MORE SMUT. Minors DO NOT INTERACT. (You have been warned) 18+ only. But other than that LOVEEE 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
By clicking ‘expand’ and ‘keep reading’ you are agreeing to the warnings.
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“We have a plane, Bradley? How? When?” You were at a loss for words. “A fucking plane?”
Bradley laughed, “Yes baby, a plane.” 
He started to push you to it. He took the keys from your hand and pushed a button. Bradley went up to the plane and disengaged the door. He slowly walked it down with his hands. It was fully extended and the inside of the plane was lit up. He looked over to you and put his hand out. “After you, Fiancée.”
You placed your hand in his and he guided you up the stairs. You looked back before you entered. You looked at the squad, Mav, and Penny. You smiled as they waved to you. You waved back and blew a kiss at them. Fanboy acted like he caught it and held it to his chest. You giggled. Bradley started to make his way up the stairs. He turned and waved to everyone.
“Use protection this time, Bradshaw!” Hangman yelled out to both of you. He started to laugh loudly. 
Bradley shook his head and chuckled. He put his hand on your lower back and pushed you into the plane. He retracted the steps back and locked the door into place. You looked around as he did one more check. You walked through the plane and it was so beautiful. You traced your hands over the big white leather seats, everything was so simple and sleek. The floor was black hardwood, and there was a strip of it leading to the back where the private restroom was. This thing was luxurious. There was no way it belonged to you and Bradley. You turned around to him as he flipped some switches. You went behind him as he sat in one of the pilot’s seats.
“This thing is beautiful, Bradley. But, how? Is it really ours?” You rested your arms on the headrest of the seat Bradley was sitting in and rested your head on your arms.
He was so focused in the cockpit. He was flipping switches, pushing buttons, adjusting things. “Yes, baby. This is really ours.” He chuckled and turned to you. He stood up and kissed your nose. He walked through the plane and pushed the tables back into the walls, went to close the bathroom doors and locked them, and made sure all the stowaways were locked and closed. He made his way back to the Pilot’s seat and flipped more switches. He set some coordinates on the screen above him. 
“Here sweetheart, sit here next to me and put these on.” He pointed to the second Pilot’s seat and handed you a headset. 
You grabbed the headset and sat down. “Bradley, where is the pilot…?” 
He stopped his hand before he flipped a switch. He was frozen. He turned his head slowly to you and smiled, “I am the pilot, love.” He chuckled and flipped the switch. The left engine started up. He snapped his headset on and flipped the switch for the right engine to start up. 
“Ready for Taxi.” He said into the mic and you heard it on your end.
You took off one of the headphones from your ear and tapped Bradley’s arm. He looked over at you and smiled. He took off a headphone and leaned toward you. He covered the mic, “Yes, baby?” 
You covered your mic too and took at him nervously, “You’re flying the plane?” 
He laughed and nodded. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on your lips, “That I am, baby.”
You shook your head, “No but you fly fighter jets. This is not a fighter jet. This, Bradley. This is a commercial jet.”
He pressed his lips into a line and nodded at you, “I am aware, sweetheart. I can fly this plane. Flying is flying.” He put his hand on your arm, “No flips or crazy maneuvers. Just flying, baby girl.” He smiled reassuringly at you. 
You nodded slowly and placed your headphone back on. You sat slowly back into your seat and strapped your seatbelt super tight. You took a deep breath and listened to the radio traffic between Bradley, Hangman, and someone you didn’t recognize the voice of. 
“Taxi car clear, the runway is yours, Bradshaw,” Hangman called over the radio.
“Big 10-4, Hangie. The runway is a go.” Bradley readied up the plane. 
“Clear for take-off, Roo. Just finished up the outside check.” Hangman called. 
You could feel it stirring around as the engines kicked up. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You tightened your grasp around the arms rests. You felt a squeeze on your leg and you opened your eyes. You saw Bradley’s hand on your knee. You looked up at him and he nodded, “I love you, honey. You’re gonna love where we are going.”
You smiled nervously at him and nodded. You placed your hand on his, “I love you too, bird boy.” 
He brought his hand back to the throttle, he eased it forward and the plane started to take off. 
“See you in a couple of days guys,” Bradley called over the radio.
“Fly safe, bird brain. Take care. Love you, Rooster.” Hangman called back. 
Bradley smiled as he pulled on the yoke and the plane started to leave the runway and started to ascend into the night sky. Bradley changed the frequency of the radio and was in contact with another person. They were exchanging traffic and directions with each other. You got lost in all the pilot talk. You looked out the windows and watched as the lights below you from the houses got smaller and smaller. As you reached maximum altitude you were looking at the moon and stars. It was beautiful, breathtaking. Everything was so clear. You looked over at Bradley, he hit the autopilot and looked over at you. He removed his headset and signaled for you to take yours off. You removed your headset and shifted in your chair to look over at him. 
“Wasn’t bad, right? No flips or tricks.” He reached his hand out for yours.
You grabbed his hand and he stroked your knuckles with his thumb. “This is definitely not what I expected to come home to.” You looked up and smiled at him. “This is so crazy!” You giggled.
He pulled your hand to him, “Come here, baby.” He patted his lap with his other hand. “It’ll be okay I promise, I just want you close to me.” 
You unbuckled your seatbelt and made your way over to Bradley. You sat on his lap and he cradled you in his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Bradley placed wet kisses against your jawline. He nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, “Are you a part of the mile-high club yet, sweetheart?” His voice was huskier than usual. 
You sat up in shock and looked at him, “Am I what?”
He chuckled and licked his lips, “Have you ever had sex in a plane?”
You laughed, “Bradley, the last time I had sex was when Leia was conceived.” 
His eyes shot open, “Wait, really?” He adjusted himself in the seat. “Are you serious, baby?”
You were appalled, “Excuse me? Have you had sex in a plane, Bradshaw?” You laughed annoyingly.
“Uhh…I” He sat back in the seat and looked up at you and breathed out a single laugh, “I haven’t had sex since Leia either.” 
You both looked at each other and raised your brows, “God, I think I just fell in even more in love with you, y/n.” He traced circles into your hip.
“You really haven’t, Bradley? But, you’re like a guy…” you leaned back and looked at him.
“I do have a left and right hand, y/n. How do you think I got these guns? These aren’t from the gym, y’know.” He flexed and laughed. 
“You’re sick, Bradshaw.” You pushed his arm down.
“If it makes you feel better, it was always to you, baby. You were all I thought about.” He smirked at you with his puppy dog eyes. He looked down and rubbed your thigh, “My heart belonged and belongs to you, always. I didn’t care for anyone else. It has always been you.” 
You placed your hand on his chin and met his eyes, “I love you, Bradley Bradshaw.” 
“I love you too, my fiancée.” He continued to rub your thigh and looked deeply into your eyes.
“Where are we going…Fiancé?” You said softly. 
He patted your thigh, “That is a surprise for you, babe.” He kissed your cheek. 
He gripped your thigh and started to stand up. You got off of his lap and stood. He unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. He was too tall to stand fully. So he was hunched over while he stretched out his legs. He open the doors to the main cabin and was able to stand up straight. He stretched and opened his arms for you to come into. You looked at the controls and looked back at Bradley, “It is just for a second, sweetheart. Come and give me a hug.” He wiggled his fingers to motion you to come into his arms. 
You walked over slowly and buried yourself into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you slowly and squeezed you. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. He finally let go and placed a kiss on the top of your head. You looked up at him and he kissed your forehead. He let out a yawn and wiped his eyes. “Okay, pilot y/n. Take over for a second. I need to go and use the John.” The pointed his thumb over his shoulder to the bathroom in the back. He turned around and started to walk over to the doors.
“Bradley, wait. I don't know how to fly a plane!?” You had your hands up in confusion.
He had his head between the doors. “Baby, it’s on autopilot. Just go sit your beautiful ass up there and look sexy.” He winked at you and closed the doors. 
You turned around and looked at the control panel. “What the fuck?”
Then you heard the doors open behind you. You turned around. Bradley peeked his head out again, “Do it naked, that would be fucking hot.” He smiled at you. 
“Go and drop your bomb, Lieutenant.” You crossed your arms and looked at him annoyed. 
He laughed and disappeared behind the doors again, “You better be naked when I come back! So I can put my cock in your pit!” He yelled through the doors.
You groaned and threw your head back. You plopped yourself into Bradley’s seat and laughed. “Put my cock in your pit…” You laughed a little harder. “Stupid man.” You laughed to yourself. 
You looked around at all the controls, there were so many things going on. You were amazed at how skilled Bradley was to be able to know what to press, when to press it, and what it did. You knew you couldn’t remember all of this and the specific steps you had to do to make the plane even start. You straightened out your back and looked out the window. The view was so beautiful. There was no sign of any light below or out in front of your view. You had no idea where you two were going; nonetheless, what direction you were heading. You sat there in silence and enjoyed it. You closed your eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. You felt so relaxed. You thought about the entire day. From the moment you went to go and visit your mom and dad until now. Today was filled with so much. Then here you were on a plane again going god knows where. But it didn’t feel overwhelming. It was nice. You felt a hand on your shoulder. You opened your eyes and looked back. 
You turned to see a naked torso, you looked up with wide eyes. 
“Bradley Nicolas Bradshaw… where are your clothes?”
You stood up and looked at him, he was butt-ass naked.
“Question is why are you still wearing clothes, sweetheart?” He raised his brows to you. 
You looked down and looked at him. He started to tug on your jacket.
“You’re not serious…” You looked at him through squinted eyes. 
“Oh, I am as serious as it gets.” He looked at you with sly eyes.
“But you have to fly the plane…” you started to shy away from the naked man in front of you. 
“I’m very good at multitasking, sweetheart. Don’t you remember? I am a one-man pilot in my fighter jet. I am trained for this.” His voice was super raspy. “We can check mile-high club off of both our lists.” He winked at you.
Your heart started to race. You could feel yourself blushing while you looked down at the floor. You buried your eyes into your hands and sat back down. You looked up and were face to face with his nether region. You gulped. 
“Holy shit.” You looked up at Bradley and he smirked trying to hold back his laughter. 
“Up to you, baby. I am also very okay with putting my clothes back on. I just wanted to make you sweat.” He kissed your forehead and started to walk back to the bathroom area. 
You watched him walk back to the bathroom. He was about to reach for the handle, “Bradley, wait.” You could almost hear the smile on his face form. He turned his head slightly. You stood up and he turned around slightly. You started to walk to him removing your clothing. 
He chuckled, “Dangerous game we are playing, sweetheart.” 
You smashed your lips onto him, “You’re a dangerous man in general, Bradshaw.” 
He smiled into your kiss and pulled back slightly as he removed your shirt, “That I definitely am.” He threw your shirt over to the side, “Are you ready to create some turbulence?” 
You went onto your tiptoes and kissed him hard. He rubbed his hands up and down your sides. You walked him back into one of the chairs. He slammed hard against it. “Holy shit, y/n. Are we really doing this?” You were sitting on his lap and sat up.
You looked at him with wide eyes, “What happened to all that talk? Are you shy now?” 
His mouth was open and he looked side to side, avoiding eye contact with you. “I am not shy.”
“Then show me you aren’t shy.” You looked down at him with eyes full of lust. 
He grabbed the back of your neck firmly and pushed you down to his lips. His hand grabbed a fist full of your hair as his other hand roamed your body. Your hands went into his hair and tugged slightly. He moaned against your lips. You could feel him hard against your thigh. You felt warmness in your stomach as Bradley deepened the kiss. He patted your back and you looked at him, “To the cockpit, baby. I still need to be a pilot too.” 
He gripped your butt and carried you over to the Pilot’s seat. He plopped himself into the seat and roughly grabbed your face and started to kiss you again. Your breath became shallow as the intensity started to build. You were hungrily attacking Bradley with kisses all over his face. You made your way to his neck and kissed it sloppily. He was bucking his hips into you as he continued to flip a couple of switches on the control panel. He put his headset on briefly to listen for any radio traffic. There was nothing. He checked the heading direction and was still on track. He threw the headset onto the other seat. 
You started to make your way down his torso until you were met with his big hard length. You gave it a lick and he nearly jumped out of his seat, “Oh my god, baby. You’re not wasting any time.” He inhaled sharply as you licked his pre-cum from the slit of his head. He threw his head back in desire. He grabbed a handful of your hair and tugged at the roots, “Go ahead, baby. Show me what I’ve been missing. I need you.” You gave him a few more teasing licks and kisses before you took him into your mouth. Your saliva was running down this shaft and you used it as lubrication to pump him in your hand. Bradley started to squirm around in his seat, “Oh you look so good with my cock in that pretty mouth, baby.” 
He looked down and watched you. You glanced up while you brought him deeper into your mouth. He tensed up when his tip hit the back of your throat. He looked down at you with wide eyes. His pupils were blown. His breath stuttered as he tried to hold himself together. You tightened your grip slightly as you pulled him from your mouth. You started to pump his length In your hand as you took one of his balls into your mouth and sucked on it tenderly. You could hear the squeak as his hand gripped onto the leather arms rests. His eyes rolled back slightly as you worked him near his climax. You moaned against him and it made his stomach tighten. His toes started to curl. He grabbed your head and pulled you up to kiss him, “No I want to keep going. I don’t want to finish just yet, baby.” 
He laid back on the chair. He was holding your hips as you climbed on top of him. He lined himself up with your soaking wet slit. He gently pushed you down onto him he groaned at how tight you were. “Holy fuck, y/n. You're fucking tight for me, baby.” He closed his eyes tight as you started to ride him. He bucked his hips up into you as you came down to create more friction, “You don’t have to be so quiet baby. This isn’t church. We are all by ourselves up here.” He slammed himself into you and you let out a moan that could be described as pornographic. 
You leaned forward and had your face in Bradley’s neck as you rode him. You moaned his name into his ear, he was hitting new spots. He felt bigger and different this time. Your walls clenched around him tightly as you came. Your hips bucked lazily as you coated his cock. He held you down firmly onto his lap and roughly threw his hips into you. He was breathing heavily into your ear, “God baby. You're taking me so well. Do you love when I fuck you? Is that why you waited for me?” You arched your back in ecstasy. He leaned against your chest. His hands are entangled in your bra as he tried to undo the hooks. “Fuck baby. A little help please.” You wrapped an arm around his neck and the other back to your bra. You unhooked it. He grabbed the middle of your bra with his teeth and ripped it off of you. He took one of your nipples into his mouth and licked and sucked on it gently. 
You screamed out with pleasure, “Oh my god, Bradley.” He brought his mouth to the other and teases it between his teeth. You grabbed onto his curls and arched your back as he slammed his hips into you. You rested your other hand on his knee to stable yourself. He stood up slightly and turned you around. He had you bent over the middle console between the pilot’s chairs. He held onto your hips with a death grip as he drove himself into you. “Please go harder, Bradley!” He drove himself into you harder and faster. You were definitely going to be paralyzed. Your moans filled the plane. The windows slightly fogging up. 
Bradley checked all the control panels just to make sure everything was still okay. Your legs started to shake from all the pleasure. You felt your climax coming over you again. Bradley held your hair into a ponytail and yanked your head back to him as he slammed into you. “Did you miss me, baby?” You tried to nod but he pulled your hair tighter, “I want to hear you, sweetheart.” He kissed your lips, “Tell me you fucking missed me. Tell me you’re all fucking mine.” You came all over him again, “I-I fuck-k” He tugged at your hair again, and you screamed out with pleasure, “I fucking miss you and the way you fuck me.” He pushed your head into the middle console. You were incoherent. You were drunk off his cock. Your eyes rolled back so far into your head that you could see your brain. 
Bradley grabbed your hips and kept himself inside of you while he sat back on the chair. He stuck to the chair because he was so sticky and covered in sweat. Your baby hairs started to curl from the sweat and condensation that was building up. He helped guide you as you rode him backward. “God your ass looks amazing going up and down against me.” He smacked it hard and left his red handprint on you. “Go, hard baby. You’re doing so good.” You moaned out his name as you continued to ride him again, “Fuck Bradley, you feel so good.” You arched your back and held onto his hands. You threw your head forward and hit the control panel. 
“HOLY SHIT, Y/N!” Bradley pulled out of you as the plane started to take a nose dive. He yanked on the yoke and steadied the plane again. He re-engaged the autopilot. He sat back and put his hands over his mouth. 
You barely were able to hold yourself up. You were slumped against the other chair to help prop your weak knees up. You had your hand over your mouth and your eyes were wide. You were trying to contain your anxiety and laughter. 
Bradley started to laugh loudly. “We almost died having sex, babe.” You started to laugh with him, “Holy shit.” 
He leaned over to you and moved your curly baby hairs from your face, “Is your head okay? You hit that thing hard, honey.” He checked your forehead. There was a slight cut, but nothing serious. He started to laugh, “Oh my god, baby.” 
You turned red from embarrassment. “I can’t believe I just did that.” You laughed even harder. 
Bradley kissed your cut, “How is that for a mile-high club story?” 
I do not consent or advocate for doing any of this while flying a plane. I just wanted to throw that disclaimer out there 😭 Not us disengaging the auto pilot during ✨spicy time✨ 😂 Where do you think Bradley is bringing you? I will see you in the next part, babes! 🫶🏼
My taggie babies are in the comments 💕
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mcferrari · 2 months
I don’t believe in soulmates. Five words. Five simple words.. He scrubbed and scrubbed at them - in the shower until his skin was pink, and his fingers were bleeding. Until the water - never more than lukewarm - had turned frigid, cold enough to freeze the tear tracks on his cheeks. Until his eyes were tearless - his snot and phlegm dried in his throat.
Then, he stepped out.
Grabbed a warm hoodie and thick pants. Slipped hand warmers into his pockets for protection against the biting cold. Opened his apartment door- a chill breeze blew in with a curl of dust. Inhaled. Braced. Ventured out into the world.
His phone lit up with texts. Buzzing like an angry hornet’s nest. Non-stop. He sighed. Pulled it out, thumb-swiping the familiar pattern to unlock the screen. Eighteen assorted WhatsApp messages.
Salo: hey dude- did it work?
Mika: No. Nice waste of $14. .
Oh. That’s too bad- it was worth a shot though! Better than having-
BEEP! A horn blared. “Hey! watch where you’re going!” a cabby yelled. A fist shook. Mika shot him an irritated glare, gesturing toward the bright green crossing man flashing on the traffic light across the intersection. The cabby glowered. His car rolled forward, one centimetre… Mika ducked his head and crossed the street.
The drab grey university building loomed before him. Cinderblock. Tattered posters and banners flapped in the wind. Students, their heads retracted into black blazers, hurried across the courtyard, trailed by white eddies. The only pop of colour- a crimson jacket. And it's owner, spittle flying from his mouth as he hawked his wares. Tiny bottles of some clear liquid, stacked precariously over the mobile pushcart beside him.
Mika sighed. “Michael.”
The man turned. His eyes widen. Then, grinning, smile dimpling at the edges. “Ah! A repeat customer! Welcome!” He rubbed his hands together. ”What can I get for you-“
“Is there anything real in that cart? You sold me a dud.” He held up an identical bottle, pinched between his thumb and index. “$14 dollars is a steal, huh?”
Michael squinted at him. And the bottle. “I… sold you a… huh. I could swear I- May I?” He reached out, taking the bottle into palm. His eyebrows drew together, his face crinkling. “Hmm. Yes. As I thought.” He turned back to the cart. “I’ll just get you a-“
The bottle went flying. Mika ducked out of the way, hands flying up to protect his face- sprayed with the god-knew-what liquid as it smashed on the floor. Perkele! His eyes watered in response. “You bastard-“ he coughed, struggling to breathe. “You-“ he doubles over coughing. Sneakers squealed on the concrete pavement
. By the time he was finished blinking the tears out of his eyes- Michael was long gone. And those goddamn words were still there on his wrist. I don’t believe in soulmates. Mika growled. Tugged his sleeve over them.
Something something: soulmate AU where they know each others deepest secrets- it’s written on their skins.
Something something: discrimination against soulmate pairs for “security concerns”
Something, something: Michael’s a con man promising ways to painlessly remove obvious soul-mate tattoos, Mika’s a university student /CIA (or whatever the Finnish equivalent is) agent on track to be one of the best b4 the damn tattoos showed up-
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heroes-anthesis · 7 months
Tracy Columbo's Interview with Capgras
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The video starts pointed at the floor. The camera pans up, revealing the interior of a run down circus tent. As Tracy begins walking around, he hisses and jumps back as his leg gets caught on barbed wire that was not there seconds before. Any one who pauses the video and goes frame by frame will see that it was nothing more than a glancing blow. He continues walking, occasionally panning to the floor to show various more traps and clown themed props laying around.
The video slowly gets darker and darker, as eventually it comes to show a curtain. Tracy’s hand is seen reaching for it, but he suddenly retracts it, turning behind himself. “What was that?” Tracy says, but there is nothing behind him. The camera eventually moves back to the curtain which, when uncovered, reveals a descending staircase.
As Tracy goes down, he moves the camera. His first name is briefly visible before he snaps the camera away from it, instead focusing on some blood stained dolls stuck to the wall. Any person who has had a friend or accomplice go missing may recognize a doll if they look closely enough. “Hey, isn't a clown's job to make people laugh? May wanna reconsider your business model..." Tracy says, his voice full of nervousness.
The video continues down the stairs. Occasionally, Tracy yelps as dolls and other objects fall in front of him, though rarely do these things show on camera. Eventually, Tracy reaches the bottom, and pans the camera to show his surroundings.  A damp, wooden hallway- painted with circus attire with red, orange, and black. Three metal doors line the right wall, with two doors on the left, and a split leading to two hallways- Left and right. Crates and props scattered here too, but much more bloodstains and dolls resembling that of people. Chuckling, Tracy calls out: “Marco!”
A scream cries out from one of the metal doors. The top of the video shows the edge of an inhumanly long arm appear from the ceiling and smash on the door. The screaming stops, and Tracy is silent and unmoving for several moments. “Lets uh, let’s not look in there.” The camera moves into the hallway on the left, Tracy entering a room. Multiple people, three, sat in a room covered in screens. They were in the center, seated by desks, with twisted smiles and wide eyes darted between the screens and their smallest details, headphones on. A vaguely serpentine object slithered around the edges of the room, though in the video it can barely be seen due to lighting.
The camera stays on the people for several moments, before a soda bottle is seen flying into frame. One of the people snaps their attention towards the camera, a glare on their face. Suddenly, the lights flicker off, and the video stops.
The video cuts back on, pointed landscape.On one side, the edges of Tracy’s body can be seen, his body language suggesting fear and tension. On the other side, an inhuman clown smile could be seen. Yellow eyes, a deadly grin. As the interview began, its voice seems to overlap over itself in a terrible croak.
Tracy: I want to start with: Who are you? For most of Charlotte, Capgras is an urban legend, a boogie man if you will.
Capgras:They are correct.
Tracy:Fascinating! And, you know, I was wondering about that. Most boogeymen that I've heard of preciously like people to know they exist in and out, but you seem, I don't want to say subdued... calculated is a good word I think. And from what I've seen snooping around, you're very effective. These poor fellows didn't know what hit them, me thinks. So, what's the secret, are they food, followers, a power source... lovers? Kidding on that last one. But hey, for godlike beings like yourself, can never be too sure.
The sound of creaking metal can be heard
Capgras:Humour. I seek to laugh- to shriek into joyous cries, and there is nothing funnier than the hilarious irony that everyone is no more powerful than they are in control of their lives and others. I am walking proof that is false. I am the redemption of humanity, born from trauma. I shall be amidst very soon.
Tracy:The redemption of humanity… I’d like to hear more about how you’ll go about that. Are we looking at a total enslavement, or something more sinister? Do your plans stop at Charlotte?
The creaking increases. A slam is heard as Tracy’s body flinches.
Capgras:My plans have never failed yet, and they all have expanded from years ago to years in the future. They are guaranteed to expand with time, inflicting fear and terror in all my prey. Your dreams, your aspiration, your hope- all of which is what I shall feast on, before I allow you to shriek in terror as your body unravels. I shall feast soon, for I am getting…Hungry.
Tracy:L-let’s shift gears for a moment. Young Charlie Cotard, what’s his involvement in all of this?
Capgras:He was my host, my victim for many years. He has had a life filled with despair and trauma, drugs and loss, and with that- I drank, and fueled. I was the furnace and everyone else was the coal- he fed me, without knowing, and I grew. He knew of me, but not of my power- and now, he is free. Our deal makes that stand. You are rather curious, aren’t you? I wonder how your stammery, shaky, shrill little voice would sound with my talons of twisted steel running across every inch of flesh you possess.
Tracy:If it gets to that, my safe word is toucan. But can you blame for the questions? I mean, you live out in the boondocks, and I don’t have a car. Gotta get my time’s worth, ya know? There is a brief pause. So, if Charlie is out, how do you set your plans, is there another host, or do you just get your hands dirty?
Capgras:I no longer need him. I am in thousands of minds scattered across the country, spreading rapidly. I have rewritten the definition and symptoms of Capgras syndrome- I am hidden in the skull of your most loved and trusted. The powerful, the weak- I am in the air you breathe, the bread you split and the wine you drink. Alike God, I have taken my position on the throne of all things. I am everywhere already, and growing in power. God is dead, Capgras is here.
Tracy looks to his side, then immediately looks at the camera, then back at Capgras.
Tracy:Yup yup, new god, reckoning is coming, mental illness inbound. Good talk, make for good story.
Tracy’s hand reaches for the camera, and the playback stops.
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screenxtradeuk · 1 year
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Pleated Security Screen by Hanuman Screens: A Modern Solution for Home Security
In today’s world, home security has become more essential than ever, but maintaining a balance between safety and aesthetic appeal is often challenging. Hanuman Screens brings an innovative solution with their Pleated Security Screen, a product that offers robust protection without compromising on style. As one of the leading pleated security screen manufacturers in Hyderabad, Hanuman Screens provides high-quality products that cater to modern security needs. This article explores the key features, benefits, and reasons why the pleated security screen is a superior choice for homeowners seeking a practical yet elegant security option.
What are Pleated Security Screens?
Pleated security screens are designed using a pleated mesh, which gives them a distinctive advantage over traditional fixed screens. Unlike conventional security solutions, these screens can be extended and retracted with ease, providing flexibility and convenience. The pleated mesh, made from high-tensile stainless steel, adds an extra layer of strength, making it difficult for intruders to breach while also offering resistance to wear and tear. These features make Hanuman Screens stand out among the pleated security screen suppliers in Hyderabad.
Key Features of Hanuman Screens’ Pleated Security Screens
1. Durability and Strength: Hanuman Screens’ pleated security screens are crafted using marine-grade stainless steel mesh and premium aluminum frames. These materials are corrosion-resistant, which ensures long-lasting protection, especially in humid or coastal regions. The screens are designed to withstand external pressure, making them highly secure against break-ins. This is particularly useful for pleated security screens for balcony in Hyderabad, where added protection is often needed.
2. Sleek and Space-Saving Design: A standout feature of these security screens is their sleek, minimalistic design. When not in use, the screens neatly fold away, saving space and maintaining the elegant look of your doors and windows. This makes them a perfect choice for homeowners who value both security and style. For properties with large entryways, double door pleated security screens in Hyderabad provide a stylish yet functional security option.
3. Easy Operation: Pleated security screens are incredibly user-friendly, thanks to their smooth-gliding mechanism. They slide effortlessly along the tracks, making them easy to open or close, even for large patio doors or sliding windows. The convenience they offer makes them a practical choice for everyday use, especially in homes with pleated fly screen windows in Hyderabad, where proper ventilation is necessary.
Advantages of Installing Pleated Security Screens
Enhanced Security: The high-tensile mesh and strong aluminum frame offer a reliable barrier against intruders. These screens are designed to withstand force and tampering, ensuring that your home remains secure at all times. For those seeking double door pleated security screens in Hyderabad, the added strength and wide coverage offer superior protection for larger entryways.
Insect Protection: Along with security, these screens effectively keep insects and pests out of your home, making them a practical solution for those living in areas with high insect activity. You can enjoy fresh air without the nuisance of insects entering your living space, which is a key benefit for pleated fly screen windows in Hyderabad.
Energy Efficiency: The pleated security screen allows for natural ventilation, reducing the need for air conditioning and enhancing energy efficiency. This means you can lower your energy bills while keeping your home secure and well-ventilated. The versatility of pleated security screens for balcony in Hyderabad makes them ideal for those looking to enjoy fresh air while maintaining safety.
Low Maintenance: Built with durable and weather-resistant materials, pleated security screens require minimal maintenance. Their rust and corrosion resistance make them a long-term investment that won’t require frequent repairs or replacements, making them a wise choice among the top pleated security screen suppliers in Hyderabad.
Hanuman Screens’ Pleated Security Screen provides the ideal combination of safety, style, and convenience. With its robust construction, elegant design, and versatility, it is an excellent choice for homeowners who want to ensure their home is secure without compromising on aesthetic appeal. Whether you need protection from intruders, insects, or simply want a space-saving option, these screens deliver on all fronts. As a leading name among pleated security screen manufacturers in Hyderabad, Hanuman Screens ensures that your home stays protected, ventilated, and stylish.
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