raumflug · 6 months
Chance in a lifetime… verpasst
In meiner Packstation ist heute was angekommen! Beim Abholen sah ich die Funktion getestet "bis zu fünf Minuten nach dem Schließen können Sie das Fach erneut öffnen". Das habe ich gleich ausprobiert. Und es war tatsächlich noch eine zweite Sendung drin, die ich zuvor übersehen habe! (beim dritten Öffnen war aber keine dritte drin) Leider war die zweite Sendung nicht an mich, sondern wohl falsch eingelegt. Habe sie nach kurzem überlegen unter "Sendung Versenden" wieder eingescannt an der Packstation (das ging) und in ein anderes Fach eingelegt Jetzt frage ich mich, ob das eine Retoure auslöst? Oder ob sie erneut zugestellt wird? Ärgerlicherweise habe ich vergessen den Strichcode abzuscannen/fotografieren, sonst könnte ich das in der Paketverfolgung nachsehen, Nun werde ich es nie erfahren.
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lezkissgifs · 7 months
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Le Retour (2023) dir. Catherine Corsini
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acapricorncreature · 5 months
Ok I’ve never posted here before but I wanted to share this Disco Elysium x Night in the Woods crossover fanart I drew. Please view the graffiti, I worked really hard on referencing both games :))))
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accursedhoard · 5 months
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"What if the words are not directed at the people of Martinaise, or even the Coalition aerostatics above the city — they're meant for something above even those..."
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emlvi56 · 8 months
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SHIVERS - Outside, spring rain seeps into the cracks in the walls and the cobblestone streets, and into grated storm drains. All the way down into the sewers... Above ground, the first May bells blossom.
For Klaasje:
the damsel in distress
the femme fatale
the votary of le Retour
BONUS: Alternate version. This was my original concept for the portrait, but I think the may bells are more evocative, but I still really like this one, so here you go:
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diana-andraste · 5 months
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Le Retour à la raison (Return to Reason), Man Ray, 1923
You can watch this very short film (2m 58s) at the link
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yulindraws · 7 months
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THE DESERTER - "Always waiting." The old man turns his eyes from the shore and back to you.
YOU - "For what?"
THE DESERTER - "For her to return."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Her, who?"
THE DESERTER - "Girl Child Revolution."
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gay-impressionist · 2 days
Michel Barnier propose que des queerphobes à son gouvernement 🤡 Almost comme si son vote contre la dépénalisation de l'homosexualité dans les années 80 voulait dire quelque chose 🤔
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1tbls · 3 months
harry literally does get meaningfully better by the end of the game. does "I'm glad to be me -- an incredibly sensitive instrument" mean nothing to u. "I don't want to be this kind of animal anymore". "In honour of your will, lieutenant-yefreitor. That you kept from falling apart, in the face of sheer terror. Day after day. Second by second."
the end note of disco elysium is not the inevitability of the fall..... the end note of elysium is the long but persistent trek towards the rise.
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fragrantblossoms · 2 months
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Albert Marencin, collage de Les retours à lìnconnu, 1979.
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beingharsh · 4 months
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Retour à Séoul (2022), dir. Davy Chou
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robotblues · 6 months
dale cooper and harrier du bois are the same class but with different builds
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tired-fandom-ndn · 6 months
I am obsessed with La Revacholiere. She is everything to me.
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erwan-corre · 4 months
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Vu à Rennes ! 🧐 « Back to No Future ! » 😱 Rue de Penhoët… 👍
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czerwonykasztelanic · 5 months
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6 V 1758
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Post-RCM Kim (steals but no one is there to tell him No) keeps the kineema and runs a taxi service out of it. Feedback is mixed. You will always get where you want to go To The Second but will be subjected to the craziest Italian-on-crack-style roadrage driving imaginable. You will see god whether you’re religious or not. Kim is always polite and is basically silent the entire time. Some love him, swear by his skill, and rely on him when they’re running late. Some will vomit in the provided vomit-bag Kim keeps in the back seats and never call for his service again. Joyriding incidents decrease bc the local teens just get this one taxi guy to take them home from their party as fast as possible. And believe me when I say. As. Fast. As. Possible.
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