#Rest In Peace Ingrid
coochiequeens · 5 months
All of these stories about femicide are within the last week.
On Jan. 9, Liliana Concha Perez was found dead in Durham alongside her former boyfriend, who was described by Perez's family as jealous, possessive and obsessive. On Jan. 24, an argument between María Teresa Meraz-Cruz and her boyfriend, Miguel Angel Ventura, ended in Ventura killing her in a murder-suicide. On Feb. 7, police arrested Tammy Lynn Hodges’s husband after she was found dead inside her home.
These women are just three recent examples of a tragic, yet growing, epidemic in North Carolina: femicide.
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Sherele counts female victims of violence. This is what she wants you to know
Violence against women is on the rise, and one of the key sources of up-to-date victim data is a lone journalist, not a government body.
Thirty-four Australian women have been killed by violence  so far this year.
This figure wasn't put calculated by a government body or advocacy organisation; it was collated by journalist Sherele Moody.
During her 27 years in the media, Moody has won accolades for her reporting and research, which has involved verifying and cataloguing women and children who have died in violent incidents.
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Last summer, Belgium adopted a pioneering European law on femicide, which aims to make up for lost time in collecting data on gender-based violence. However, feminist associations fear that it will not be enough to effectively curb the problem.
Théo Anberrée, Agathe Decleire – Le Soir April 30th, 2024
Their names were Laurence, Ingrid, Marie-Anne and Stéphanie. All four died this year in Belgium at the hands of their husbands. They were victims of femicide, i.e. the murder of a woman because she is a woman.
Like those women, more than 14,143 women were intentionally killed in Europe between 2012 and 2022. At least 4,334 died at the hands of their partner, and 2,472 at the hands of a family member. These are the numbers taken from Eurostat statistics, supplemented and studied by fifteen European media partners of EDJNet, including Le Soir.
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Samira Akbari, a 35-year-old woman, lost her life at the hands of her ex-husband in the city of Bardeskan, Razavi Khorasan province.
Having separated from her husband three years prior, Samira was murdered in a horrifying act of violence.
According to a report by the human rights organization Hengaw, Samira Akbari was fatally attacked by her ex-husband, Mohammad Zahedi.
Samira, who was also the custodian of their children, fell victim to this assault.
Although Zahedi was apprehended following the incident, detailed information regarding his motive remains undisclosed.
Samira Akbari's case adds to a disturbing trend of femicide in Razavi Khorasan province, marking the seventh such incident in the past four months.
The human rights organization "Hengaw" revealed in a report that over the last hundred days, at least 50 cases of femicide have been documented across various cities in Iran.
Twenty percent of these cases were driven by so-called "honor" motives.
Shargh newspaper, in a report citing official statistics last year, reported that in less than two years, at least 165 women in Iran were killed by a male member of their family, 41 of which were in and around the capital, Tehran.
Eleven months on from her shocking disappearance, the investigation into Cecilia Strzyzowski’s suspected femicide in Chaco Province has been sent to trial.
The case, which rocked politics in the northern region, was referred for oral trial proceedings by the special investigative team probing the missing 28-year-old’s death.
Juan Martín Bogado, Jorge Cáceres Olivera and Nelia Velázquez, of the EFE Special Prosecution Team of Chaco Province, on Tuesday deemed the pre-trial investigation over and a jury trial for the defendants.
Strzyzowski’s former partner, César Sena, is accused of carrying out the murder, which prosecutors say was aggravated by their relationship and in a context of gender-based violence.
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In August 2023, in Gradacac, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina (B-H), Nermin Sulejmanović brutally murdered his ex-wife, Nizama Hecimovic, during a live stream, with their child in the room. On the morning of August 11th, the bodybuilder started the live stream with the chilling words that viewers were about to witness a murder. Having killed his wife, Sulejmanović went on to kill two other people before committing suicide.
Over 10,000 people watched the live stream, some even encouraging the violence. The victim had reported the perpetrator to the official institutions, which decided to ignore his previous violence. Indeed, in the live video Sulejmanović cited the fact that she had reported him as a reason for the killing.
In B-H, one in two women has experienced violence since turning 15. Violence against women, particularly in the home, remains a pervasive social issue. Despite the advocacy efforts of non-governmental organisations to enhance legal protection for women against violence in public and private domains, it continues to enjoy alarmingly wide social acceptance.
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Kenneth Williams and Ingrid Bergman at a press reception in London on the occasion of their upcoming stage play of George Bernard Shaw's "Captain Brassbound's Conversion" on 5 January 1971
24 February 1971
Ingrid is still doing some lines well and some lines badly ... it is because the lack of stage technique makes her her unable to sustain moments or comedy effects ... Nevertheless, I adore this woman and will forgive everything from someone who has her sweetness, radiance and generosity of spirit and who packs the theatre as she does. It is really marvellous to play to such houses.
11 June 1971
[...] I should think Bergman is the best person I've ever met who is an international star. I said to her in the wings 'You are being splendid tonight' & she said 'Yes, I'm in good voice too.' I said 'Yes, but the entrance was superb! So grand, so composed ... utterly serene' and she replied 'Well you know about actors - you can't just switch it on - some nights it all just goes right ...' It is true.
30 August 1982
[...] Went in to see her (Louisa, KW's mother) for meal at 5.30 and she told me 'Poor Ingrid Bergman is dead' and there was an item about her on the TV news, and a shot of her talking about Casablanca. She looked very altered from the '71 days when I worked with her. She died of cancer. [...]
1 September 1982
We saw the television tribute to Ingrid Bergman. It was staggering to see clips of her early films when she looked so radiantly beautiful, and then the later shots of her (during the illness) when the face aged so rapidly. The interviewer asked her 'Were you frightened when you found out you'd got cancer?' and for a tiny moment Ingrid's patience broke. 'Of course ... wouldn't you be frightened if you found that out about yourself?' Then the smile was resumed. I remember that dinner with her at the Garden in '71. I wrote in that diary how I'd said at the end of the evening 'You're the best person I've ever worked with' & she replied 'Oh my dear! There will be lots of others ...' There were not.
The Kenneth Williams Diaries
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In memoriam INGRID BERGMAN ✨️
* 29 August 1915
✝︎ 29 August 1982
"You don't realise how much warmth, delight and love you bring into a room with you ..."
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wileys-russo · 3 months
Mapi & Ingrid “I was reading that” balcony
m.león & i.engen II sunkissed
you exhaled happily as finally the last cloud seemed to be blown away and the full force of the late afternoon portugal sun bathed you in an alluringly warm glow, stretching out with a small grunt before settling back into the lounger you were laid out on.
"shit." you mumbled, feeling about for your sunglasses but realizing you'd left them inside in your bag, having just gotten back from a day spent at the beach and not bothered to shower or unpack just yet.
having washed your hair the night before you'd opted out of a swim, spending time lazing about in the sun as your girlfriends took a dip in the ocean.
"go away!" you moaned as mapi returned first, laying herself down on your back causing you to wince at the icy cold droplets of seawater which rolled down your tanned, warm and once dry skin.
"you looked hot bebita, cooling you down." the spaniard mumbled, softly kissing your shoulder blade and exhaling, clearly not with any intention of moving off of you as you gave in with a roll of your eyes.
"ingrid!" you moaned in annoyance again as your other girlfriend returned a few moments later, both you and mapi cringing as she wrung out her hair, a steady stream of water raining down on the pair of you in result.
"you are both such children. go bury one another in the sand or something!" you grumbled unhappily, trying to shake mapi off as she sat up, your head resting on your folded arms.
you glanced up at the sound of lips meeting, watching the pair of them exchange a soft kiss as you huffed and returned to your previous position.
"you know mi amor you could get one too if you stopped being such a grump." mapi teased, hands gliding across your skin as she massaged gently at your shoulders which admittedly did feel good.
"m'not a grump, i just wanted to stay dry." you mumbled into your arm feeling ingrid lay down on her own towel beside you, poking at your nose as you cracked one eye open with a glare making her grin.
"well bebita then i'll remember that later when you're wet." mapi leaned down to whisper, kissing your cheek which warmed and flushed red knowing exactly what she meant, the defender getting up off of you and announcing she was going for a walk.
"amor." you groaned feeling the norweigan beside you poke at your nose again. "are you going to give me a kiss or are you going to keep being grumpy?" your girlfriend smiled in amusement as you sighed heavily and opened your eyes properly, corner of your own lips turning upward at the sight of her.
"i'll give you a kiss and then go back to being grumpy."
now finally back at the villa and your girlfriends eagerly racing off for showers to wash the salt water off their skin you'd settled on the balcony to soak up the dying rays of the late afternoon sun.
"have to do." you sighed, grabbing your book where you'd discarded it earlier this morning and opening it, laying it down across your face and sighing in relief as the rays were finally blocked out.
though of course your peace didn't last all that long.
"i was reading that." you sighed as the book was lifted off your face, wincing a little as you opened your eyes and were hit directly with a beam of sun, the sun a soft shade of orange as it hovered just on the horizon, half tucked into bed for the evening.
"no you weren't." ingrid chuckled smacking you on the leg with the book and tossing it onto the coffee table, gesturing for you to sit up.
you did so with an over exaggerated groan, earning you a tug on the ear as your girlfriend moved to pull the lounger up into a chair position and sat behind you, grabbing the other sun lounger and pulling it closer, setting her laptop down and flipping it open.
"the euros?" you asked with a stretch, ingrid nodding and kissing your neck softly as she leaned forward, chin resting on your shoulder as her arms circled around you to type away at the keyboard searching for a stream.
"you smell nice." you inhaled the scent of her bodywash with a smile, ingrid tapping the volume up a few notches before laying back a bit more, your body pulled into hers as you pushed your head back.
"oh now you want a kiss?" ingrid teased at your puckered lips, but bending down to press her own against them as you exhaled happily into her mouth.
you broke apart at the sound of the back door sliding open, your other girlfriend stepping out and scraping her damp hair up into a bun. "shuffle." the spaniard shooed her hands as both you and ingrid moved over enough to allow her some space to lay down on her side next to you.
her leg hooked over ingrids as all of your limbs entangled together and you stretched your neck back to kiss the defender a few times.
"mood improved then mi amor?" she teased running a hand through your hair as you hummed, head settled back against ingrids stomach, the norwegian mumbling things under her breath in her native tongue as her gaze was fixed on the game on the laptop in front of her.
your attention was ordered back to the dirty blonde pressed into your side as her rough calloused palm brushed your cheek, her thumb tugging down your bottom lip as hers curled into a wicked smile, other hand toying with the waistband of your shorts.
"so bebita...still determined to stay dry?"
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Secret II
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You come to training
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Ingrid will forever remember the look of shock on everyone's face when she walks into the locker room with you on her hip.
They all wear varying looks of shock on their faces as Ingrid waltzes in, refusing to act like anything is out of the ordinary.
Your head swivels around as you take in everyone looking at you before you grunt.
Ingrid knows that sound well as she places you on the floor, taking that god-awful ladybug toy out of her bag. You slam your hand on the button and it starts singing its jolly tune, the sound echoing around the otherwise silent locker room.
You clap your hands in amusement as Ingrid turns around to change.
"So you finally brought her then?" Frido teases and Ingrid rolls her eyes.
"I was convinced."
She looks meaningfully to where you've now been joined by Mapi on the floor. The Spaniard has no qualms about sitting with you, oohing awwing over your toy as you babble at her.
She nods along like you've imparted the truth of the world onto her and she presses the button on your ladybug when it stops again.
"Really?" She coos at you," That's so interesting! You're so smart!"
The rest of the locker room is completely silent until Jenni speaks.
"I think I speak for everyone when I say...What the hell?!"
"It's a baby," Mapi says before Ingrid can speak," Isn't she cute?" She lifts you up under your armpits. You sag in her arms like baby Simba as Mapi proudly presents you to the others. "She's so cool. She can push buttons all by herself!"
Frido laughs. "I think lots of babies can do that, Mapi. Ingrid's Skatt isn't special."
"Don't say that!" Mapi gasps," You can hurt her self-esteem!" She turns you around so she can look at you. "You're very smart! So, so smart! Pushing buttons and singing all by yourself!"
Ingrid's made peace with the fact that she's probably not getting you back this entire training session. She thinks the coaches have also made peace with the fact that there will be no training being done either.
This training session has been highjacked by you and Mapi. Even the more standoffish girls have been won over by you.
Frido isn't much help either, constantly bringing up things like she had known you for years and not the five months you had been alive.
"Show them the bumblebee outfit! Show them the bumblebee!" Frido cajoles as everyone sits in the shade together on the pitch. "Come on, Ingrid! She looks so cute as a bee!"
You're sat happily in Mapi's lap as Jana and Bruna coo over you. You're particularly interested in the fact that they have fingers, tugging and pulling on them before forcing them to touch the button on your ladybug.
"Bumblebee?" The words catch Mapi's attention who sits up fully as Ingrid goes through her camera roll.
"My mother sent it when she was still little."
She flips the phone around so everyone can see you wearing your special bumblebee sleep suit. You look completely peaceful in the picture and Ingrid scrolls along to show you dressed as a spider and an ant.
"This is the most recent one."
It's you sitting in front of your ladybug, dressed like a ladybug too. You've got your fingers in your mouth and you're staring at your toy with such concentration that it's kind of funny.
"She's adorable," Irene coos," My wife is pregnant. I know it is different but...the club...they are good with you needing to be with her?"
"They pay for her babysitter," Ingrid replies," They're perfectly happy with her. Isn't that right, skatt?"
You turn your head to look at her at the call of your nickname. You stare for a moment before grunting and going back to clapping along to your ladybug.
"She seems very smart. She knows her name," Marta continues.
"Ingrid's got her trained," Frido teases," She whistles and Skatt stops exactly what she's doing to listen. She likes a little dog."
Ingrid swats at her. "Stop calling my daughter a dog."
"Yeah, Frido," Mapi butts in," You're going to ruin her self-esteem."
"I don't think you'll let anyone do that. Is Ingrid getting her kid back or are you keeping her forever?"
Mapi shrugs. "I don't mind keeping this little cutie. She and Ingrid can move into my place. I'll take good care of you, skatt. Yes, I will."
Alexia rolls her eyes. "I think you need to prove you can take care of yourself first, Mapi."
"That's why Ingrid's moving in too, obviously. I can't separate this little beauty from her mama. That would make her sad!"
"Sure," Ingrid hears Leila mutter," That's the reason you want Ingrid to move in."
You whine a little as your ladybug stops singing and Ingrid instantly knows what that means.
"Give her here," She says," Someone needs a nap."
You're passed from Mapi to Ingrid and you conk out fast asleep on her chest almost as soon as you're settled there. Your soft puffs of breath tickle Ingrid's collarbone and she gently runs her fingers through your soft, downy hair.
"Oh!" Mapi says.
Her cheeks go a little red as she digs around in her bag.
"I know she likes ladybugs and I'm sorry if this oversteps boundaries or anything but here. For Skatt."
Ingrid tucks the little ladybug plushie under your arms and you instantly curl into it.
"It's beautiful, Mapi," Ingrid says, pressing a soft kiss to Mapi's bright red cheek," Thank you for thinking of her."
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More then enough 🦽
Mapi León x reader x Ingrid Engen
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warning : disability 🕶🦻
Summary :
Being a wheelchair user, you're afraid your girlfriends will love you less.
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The sun dipped low over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the pitch. The girls had just finished their training session, and Mapi and Ingrid stood by the sidelines, both laughing and chatting as they packed up their gear. The atmosphere around them was warm and light, hearted, despite the hard work they’d put in. But their eyes constantly flickered over to the stands, where you sat, watching with your usual gentle smile.
You had been in their life for a while now, ever since you met Mapi at a charity event she attended a few months ago. You were disabled, using a wheelchair after a car accident left you unable to walk, but that never stopped you from living fully, embracing every moment with joy and a sense of adventure. Mapi had been drawn to that strength in you, the way you approached life with so much heart despite everything you'd gone through.
The three of you had clicked almost immediately. Mapi's fierce energy, Ingrid's calm, soothing nature, and your own witty humor and zest for life had created the perfect dynamic. Mapi was fiery and protective, always making sure you felt included and cared for, while Ingrid’s gentleness brought a comforting peace, like a calming wave that soothed all your worries.
Today, as you waited for them to finish their session, you couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. Though you tried not to let your disability affect your confidence, there were days when you wondered if you were enough for them. Two incredible athletes, constantly moving and living in ways you could no longer do.
As you looked down at your hands, lost in thought, Mapi’s voice pulled you from your reverie.
- Holà, cariño, what are you thinking about?
You glanced up, finding both Mapi and Ingrid now standing in front of you, their eyes full of concern. Mapi knelt down to be at your eye level, while Ingrid took her place beside you, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. You hesitated before answering, biting your lip.
- Just… wondering if you guys ever feel like you’re missing out, being with me. You’re always on the go, always so active, and I—well, I can’t do the things you do.
Mapi's brows furrowed, and her hands found yours, gripping them tightly.
- Don’t say that. You’re never a burden, cariño. We don’t want you to be anyone else. We love you exactly as you are.
Ingrid nodded, her voice soft but firm.
- It’s true. We’ve never thought about what we’re missing because you’re everything we need. You bring so much light into our lives.
Tears welled in your eyes, but you blinked them away, laughing softly.
- You two are too much. I don’t deserve you.
Mapi shook her head, a playful smirk on her lips.
- Nonsense. You deserve everything. And you’ve got us, so you must be doing something right.
Ingrid smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your temple.
- We’re a team, remember? We’re in this together.
You let out a breath, the weight on your chest lifting slightly. With them by your side, things always seemed brighter, and you never felt alone. You didn’t need to be anyone else but yourself, they loved you for who you were.
As the three of you sat there, the cool breeze brushing against your skin, Mapi suddenly jumped to her feet with a mischievous grin.
- Alright, enough of this sappy stuff. How about a game?
You looked at her, confused.
- A game? What kind of game?
She pointed to a nearby soccer ball.
- We’re gonna play a little football.
Your eyes widened.
- I can’t play football, Mapi.
- Why not?
She challenged, already grabbing the ball.
- We’ll modify the rules. You will be a goalie so you can stay in your chair, and Ingrid and I will try to score. First one to five wins.
You couldn’t help but laugh at her stubbornness. You rolled your eyes playfully.
- You are impossible.
Mapi kicked the ball gently toward you.
- Come on, love, show us what you’ve got.
And so, the three of you played. It wasn’t about skill or competition. It was about fun, about laughter, about being together. You quickly realized that it didn’t matter that you were in a wheelchair. Mapi and Ingrid didn’t care about what you couldn’t do. They only cared about spending time with you, making memories, and showing you just how much they adored you.
As the sun set, and the last goal was scored (you might have let Ingrid win, just for the look of joy on her face), the three of you collapsed onto the grass, breathless from laughter and exertion. Mapi lay beside you, her arm slung across your lap, while Ingrid rested her head on your shoulder.
- See?
Mapi said between breaths.
- Told you you could play.
You smiled, looking down at her. As the night settled around you, you realized that in their love, there was no place for doubt. With them, you were whole. You were perfect. And most importantly, you were loved just as you were.
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Collateral || Ona Batlle
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warnings : mentions of kidnapping, implied violence. smut at the end. fingering, strap-ons, rough sex. Part 2 of ‘Too Dangerous’.
summary : love always pays more than money ever will.
Days passed and you were desperately trying to think of ways to get Ona and the girls out and away from all of this.
You knew you shouldn’t have meddled. You knew your peace was something you were taking for granted and now you were paying the ultimate price.
Your girlfriend.
“Michael, there is no  fucking way I am putting her in danger!” 
“Ma’am,” George knocks, letter in hand. “He’s sent us another one.” 
“Open it.” 
Another picture of Ona, this time of her in the garden with the girls enjoying a bottle of wine, was circled in red again. George pulls out a cryptic letter too, which faintly smelled like cigarettes and honey. 
“Since you’re stubborn and love watching the people you love suffer in isolation, I'll make you a deal you cannot refuse. Give me the stake you have in Barca, leave Ona for good and perhaps I’ll ease off the other girls. I heard Arsenal has been quite the business target in our world.”
I’m closer than you think. 
“Boys,” you growl, the letter crumpled in your hand. “Tell me how the fuck he’s got a picture of my girls from an angle that looks suspiciously like it was taken from the inside of this fucking fortress of a HOUSE?!” 
They stutter, already gathering their things. You yell for them to get out, slamming your office door in frustration. 
You sit at your table and the tears start to flow, sobs shaking heavily through you. You sit back and stare at the picture of you and Ona on the beach from last summer, her pretty smile and your arms around her middle were a feeling, at the time, you did not want to forget. 
You promised her you wouldn’t forget. 
They’re all bugging Gio on what to make for dinner, Ingrid and Alexia sitting by the bay window sipping tea. 
“Did you find him yet?” Aitana asks, the room going quiet. They all look at you and you suddenly feel nervous, hand shaking by your sides. 
“Can we all sit?” you ask quietly and Ona is beside you the minute you reach for her, unsure if this was the last time you could have her close. 
“There have been some developments with the case,” Ona stands beside you as you sit at the head of the table, all the other girls gathered around in their own seats. 
“We don’t know who it is yet. But, there have been some messages that have us concerned,” you say, looking up at Ona. She looks worried, all of them do, and you just wish you could have had better news to share. 
“Ona,” you push your chair back and hold both her hands in front of you. “I have failed you.” 
“Amor,” she begins but you shush her. 
“Please. I made you a promise that day you learned what I do for work. I promised I would keep you safe and as far away as possible from it all. All I’ve done from the moment we made ourselves public was make you vulnerable to the bad people I deal with.” 
You pause, watching her eyes well with tears. The other girls look close to tears too. You continue, no matter how painful the next words out of your mouth feel in your chest. 
“I have to let you go, princess,” you stand, cupping her cheeks. “It’s the only way I can keep you safe.” 
“No, no!” she screams, pushing herself out of your grasp. You reach for her and hold her wrists, forcing her to look at you. She puts up a good fight but you win. 
“Ona!” you say sternly, getting her eyes to focus solely on you. “Baby, if there was any other way, I would do it. But I have no choice. If losing you means you’re out there safe from the danger that follows me, so be it.” 
“You don’t get to decide what’s good for me!” 
“I’m afraid neither you or I have a say in this, my love. It’s the only way you can go back to the life you had before all this,” you turn to the rest of the girls. “It’s the only way. Please, you have to trust me.” 
“I don’t want to go,” Ona whispers, looking up at you. 
“You have been such an honor to love. But this is for your own good, princess.” 
The girls file out of the room to give you some privacy and the waterworks burst. 
“But, I’ll see you at the club…right?” she says through sobs, voice stuck in her throat. 
“No baby, we can’t do that,” you pull her into your arms. “I have to stay away from you. For your safety and theirs. But I will always be here to protect you.” You step back, pulling a necklace out of your pocket. 
“Wear this, let it remind you of me.” You lean in and kiss her, “I love you, I always will.” 
You’re true to your word and you keep your distance. There was another letter that showed up mere hours after the girls left with instructions on where to transfer ownership of those stocks to. 
Your fathers hard earned work, gone with a click of a button. 
All because of one girl. A girl who didn’t know the power she held in the palm of her hand. 
Ona knew what she needed to do to hold up her end of the bargain. She couldn’t look you up, ask for you, talk about you. She was to act like you didn’t exist. 
It was easier said than done. 
She couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t eat. Couldn’t play. She was benched game after game after game, her performance on the pitch proving sub-par with her lack of sleep and nutrition. 
The rest of the girls, especially the ones that she had with her at your house, knew what she needed. She thrived with you. She wasn’t the same Ona most of them grew up with. You brought out a side in her no one else ever had and now that side died alongside your relationship. 
The headlines in the paper the day after were a shock to everyone. There was a sense of hope that the girls held onto, knowing you still owned a piece of their club and therefore were still ‘protecting’ them but this? 
Did you not care anymore? Was washing your hands just like that reflective of what you thought of them? Ona looked at the headline again and noted the last name. Familiar, she knew of someone with that name…
“Ona, did you know anything about this?” Caro asks her in a little bit of an accusatory tone, pointing at the paper harshly. 
“No! Of course not!” 
“So she sells her major stake in our team, doesn’t tell you and leaves you all in the same fucking week and we’re supposed to believe you didn’t have a fucking clue about any of it?” 
“Yes! Because I thought as my friends, you would have my goddamn back! Not point your fucking fingers at me because it’s easier than using your brain to think!” 
Ona walks up to Caro, little body shaking with rage. 
“She left me with a shitty explanation, blocked me on everything, deleted her socials and her number from my phone, abandoned the home we made together, ABANDONED ME, and I’m the bad guy? Huh?! She’s the fucking saint because she did it for my own good but what about what I want for once? I wanted her and all it got me was a broken heart and a bed I can’t sleep in because it fucking smells like her! Every corner of my stupid house is haunted because of her!” 
Alexia wrangles the trembling Ona out of the room with Aitana and Ingrid while the others try not to make Caro feel too bad. 
“Ona, Caro was just asking–” 
“Yeah? More like rubbing it in my face that the love of my life left me to keep me safe!” she throws her hands up in frustration. “Me? Safe??? What a love story that is!” 
“Well, well, well ladies. I do hope I’m not interrupting anything.” 
Oskar stood in a pristine emerald suit with gold finishes everywhere possible. There were two guards that stood behind him, one that looked awfully familiar again. What was it about these men that made Ona feel like she was in a dream? 
Ona pushes Alexia off her and storms off, Aitana hot on her heels. They knew to trust Alexia to cover for them, Aitana knowing her friend needed her more than a board member needed her to kiss his ass. 
“Not at all, just some friendly tousling,” Alexia starts, reaching her hand out for the mysterious man to shake. “You must be our new owner.” 
“Oskar. If it isn’t La Reina herself,” he goads, taking her hand to shake.
Ona breathes deeply in the furthest shower stall in the bathroom. Aitana hugs her close and they share a sigh, wishing she could take the pain away from her friend. 
“Ona, you just have to move on amiga. She’s gone and it's for the best, sí?” 
“But what about me? Do you even know how hard it has been for her to be with me? We’ve tiptoed all around you all because we were so scared you would accidentally be exposed to her work and now I learn it was all for nothing?” 
“Amiga, she–” 
“It’s good to see you ladies again, how long has it been, a couple days?” 
A tall man with an eyepatch on walks into the changing room. Another goon follows close behind, locking the door when it shuts. A smaller man walks in, hat tipped just covering his eyes. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Ona starts, standing up and pulling Aitana behind her, “this is a–wait,” She looks at the men properly, taking in all that she sees. 
The scar. The eyepatch. The terrible teeth and…that smell. Cigarettes and honey. Ona remembers that smell. 
The paper in your hand the day you left. 
“It was you.” 
“Figured it out have you?” 
George steps closer to Ona, pulling his eyepatch off. There was a deep cut along his eye and it was still fresh. 
“See what your whore of a girlfriend did to me when she found out? She made you all leave before letting me know she made me. Good thing her brother pays better and has better men to take care of me.” 
“Money does make the world go around,” Oskar snarls before smirking, “or in this case, it made my sister’s world crumble.”
He comes closer, the smell of cigarettes and honey intensifying. 
“Shall I do it again, for you and all your friends to see?” 
Michael’s phone rings, breaking the silence in the room. You’re in London, hiding out in one of your many homes around Europe. After getting the girls to leave your home and finding the rat in your circle, you trusted no one but Michael. 
He was there through it all, being a loyal servant of your mother before he followed you. Your father may have had the billions but your mother was who ruled it all with an iron fist. 
All your other men were scattered around Barcelona, keeping a close eye on your girls and especially your brother. 
Blood is thicker than water but when Oskars’ concerned? Money was more important. Alongside showing his mother what a terrible decision she made making his little sister the heir to the family business. 
His mother needed to regret it. But first, his dear little sister would pay. 
And what better form of payment than the love of her life? A life for a life right? Since you ruined his? 
“We can’t find them anywhere!” 
“Slow down, Patri,” you tell her, “Who can’t you find? How did you even get this number?” 
“Ma’am, it’s me Ivan! They’ve got the girls!”
“Oskar’s got Ona and them!” 
Your blood runs cold. There’s panic setting in on the other line, frantic chatter of the rest of the team searching for the girls. 
He’s got Ona. 
“He’s got Ona!” Ivan yells and you come back, throwing the phone on the ground and scrambling to get to her. 
The phone ringing again startles you. 
“Don’t her cries sound so pleasing, sister?” “Amor, don’t give him what he wants!” 
“If you hurt even a hair on her head, I swear I will–”
“Will what, huh? Kill me and all my men? Cry to mommy that I took your toys again? Grow up, you pathetic excuse for a Phillips! This empire you think you have was supposed to be mine! And by the end of tomorrow, it will be.” “Don’t give him anything, baby please!” 
“Shut her up!” he spits, “You listen carefully if you want your girls to live,” your brother growls into the phone. You’re shaking, hands in tight fists.
“You are to publicly declare our family business to me. I want it in writing that all profits made from tomorrow onwards will be mine. You are to tell mother that you do not want to run the business anymore and that you decided to give it to me. Any deviation from this plan, I will have their heads sent to your house in London, got it?” 
The line cuts and you’re already in a car to the airport, private jet fueled and ready to take you to Spain to save your girl. 
“Junior, are you sure you can’t find her?” 
“The camera feeds cut off when they went into the bathroom, coming back on an hour later. Everything is wiped!” he shouts, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. 
“Think, think…” 
“The necklace!” you scramble to the desk Junior was at, pulling up the tracking service you were paying a fortune for. “Junior, track the necklace!” 
As he pulled the information up, you begged and begged every deity out there that she was still wearing it and that it didn’t hurt too much as a constant reminder of you around her neck. 
“Ale? Do you hear sirens?” Ingrid asks the captain, leaning back in her chair that she was sitting in. The girls were unnaturally comfortable while kidnapped, being held in a similarly big house to yours. 
“They’re faint but I think I hear them,” Alexia says calmly, looking around at the other girls and the men that stood around the room. She didn’t want to alert them of their awareness nor give the girls false hope that someone was out there looking for them. 
As the sirens got louder and louder, the men watching them started getting agitated. Being loyal to their boss was one thing, but serving time in prison while that asshat got off scot-free was not something meatheads like them wanted to gamble with. 
“Those better not be for us, Gerald.” 
“Ona?!” you called out, rushing in with the police. You pushed past all the elite policemen, eyes scanning every face till you saw hers. 
She runs into you, melting into your touch. She’s crying, and so are you, happy to finally have her back in your arms. 
“You came for us,” she sobs, looking up at you. 
“Of course I did. I told you I would let nothing hurt you all and I meant every word.”
You hold her shoulders, looking at her. Not a single hair hurt.
“This was my fault.” 
“No amor you can’t blame-”
“Ona, you were in danger because of me. I did this. My work did this to you and your friends, this was never meant to happen,” you rant, running a hand through your hair. You’re pacing, breathing becomes harder and harder.
“Amor, you’re scaring me,” says Ona quietly, reaching out to grab your wrists; she knows you’re about to have a panic attack. Rare, but she was the only one who could calm you down.
“I can’t believe I let my work slip into my personal life, I PROMISED the day we met I’d keep you safe and I couldn’t even do that.”
“You have!” she yells, looking deep into your eyes. The rest of the girls have gathered in the living room where you were with looks of concern adorned on their faces. They’re wrapped in blankets, sitting on the couch behind Ona holding onto one another.
You look straight at Ona, chest heaving with tears welled in your eyes. An uncommon sight of vulnerability for you, one that Ona doesn’t even blink an eye at, her priority was to get you back to reality. That was how she loved, even with the past few days she’s had, she’s more concerned about you.
“You’ve protected me so well, mi amor. After that one time, you’ve never, ever, let me see anything that you didn’t want me to. I knew what I was getting into when you told me about the consequences of dating you and I accepted because I trusted that you would never break your promises to me. I love you, the girls and I love you so much. You found us, you brought us home.”
Your hands find hers, pulling her into your chest. You bury your face in her neck, breathing back to normal. 
You go back to your home in Barcelona; the rest of the girls returned to their loved ones in one piece. The whole thing is the biggest scandal of the year, headline after headline exposing the inner works of your brother. 
Turns out, he learned of your mother’s will well before she died and knew the plans your parents made to make the family business yours. Knowing he needed to bid his time, he waited till the right opportunity to get both you and his own mother to bend to his word. And it nearly worked. 
“You deserve a little something for saving me, mi amor.” 
“Aren’t you tired, princess? You’ve had such a busy day,” you tell her, watching as she climbed on top of you in her large bed that she loved still smelled like you. 
“I know how this works, every princess needs to reward her knight in shining armor.” 
“Oh? What does this princess have in mind then?” 
Ona pulls a strap from under the pillow. 
“Put this on and show me how much you’ve missed me?” 
Ona is on her knees the moment you ask, lips wrapped around your strap beautifully. She’s moaning around the silicone, eyes focused on you. Your hips thrust into her mouth gently, hands pulling on her long, silky hair. 
“Did you miss me sweetheart? Missed how good I fucked your mouth?” 
Ona’s eyes well with tears, throat loosening to let you fuck into it easily. She gags noisily, tears running down her face. You pull away, leaning over to kiss her hard.
“On the bed, beautiful,” you whisper, watching as she scrambles to spread herself for you. You kiss down her chest, cold fingers caressing her soft skin. She shivers at your touch, bottom lip between her teeth. 
“Tell me how you want it, amor,” you mumble, taking her breast in your mouth. Ona moans, back arching off the bed just a little. 
“Want it rough baby,” she says breathlessly, “Want you to fuck me stupid.” 
You’re pressing her down and forcing her legs wide open before she can finish her sentence, cock already teasing her entrance. You leave hickeys all over her back, hands kneading her firm ass. She presses back into you, ass flush to your hips. 
You leave a hard smack that resonates, Ona moaning when the sting stops. She’s soaking wet, pussy glistening at you behind her underwear. You push it to the side, slipping two fingers along her folds. You moan with her, pressing her back down more into a deep arch. Two fingers slip into her cunt, thumb rubbing her back door gently. You finger her hard, fingertips finding her sweet spot easily. 
Ona writhes, begging for you not to stop. You pull away and turn her over, fingers slipping back into her just as fast as they slipped out of her. Three fingers rub her g-spot aggressively, thumb flicking at her swollen clit roughly. 
Your lips suckle on her breast, free hand holding her close to you. She squirms and her lips never stop begging for you to let her come. The whine in her voice sends pleasure straight between your legs, brain aching to hear your girl come. 
“Amor!” she screams as she cums, thighs quivering hard. You barely give her time to recover before your cock is lathered with her slick on your hand as it’s pushed into her gaping cunt. 
Her eyes bulge out of her skull when she’s speared on your cock, pussy wrapped tight around the toy. She’s gripping the sheets, bottom half lifted off the bed as you fuck into her. 
You’re pounding into her hard, skin slapping hard as it echoes in the room. The moonlight pours into the room and some of it shines on Ona’s face. She’s got a sheen of sweat on her body which glistens and as your hips fuck into her, you feel your heart fall in love with her all over again. 
You pull out and turn her onto her knees, pulling her arms behind her back as your cock slips back into her. She’s drunk on cock, babbling and mumbling as you thrust into her faster. 
Several hard spanks on her ass and a few intentional thrusts send her into her second orgasm, this time sending her straight to sleep. 
She wakes up in clean sheets and a ridiculously large t-shirt on her, rubbing her eyes to find you walking into the room with Chinese takeaway in one hand and her favorite drink in the other. 
“Hi princess,” you coo, sitting at the coffee table by the floor to ceiling windows. She gingerly walks over, settling into the corner of the sofa you were in. 
You were opening up the food when her hand rested on your shoulder. 
“Amor,” she says quietly, “How did you find us so quickly?”
You chuckle, sneaking a bite of the salt and pepper squid. “You think I gave you that necklace as a going away gift? It doesn’t even have one diamond in it!” 
She laughs and it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve heard in a while. 
“Thank you,” she whispers but you stop her. 
“I made a promise to you that I always intended to keep,” you lean in and peck her lips. “I will always protect you from my work, no matter what it does to me. Because at the end of the day, you are more important and all of this.” 
a/n : i am so fucking sorry that this was 9 months later but i do hope it lived up to your expectations!
275 notes · View notes
mapis-putellas · 11 days
Waking up with you
Pairing: Mapi león x reader
Words: 1697
Warnings: none
Summary: An early morning with you and Mapi. What could be better? (Or the one where Mapi makes fun of your morning breath)
Notes: It’s so weird writing Mapi without Ingrid 😭 also, this didn’t come out as good as I wanted it to so I apologise
[Prompt list]
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You let out a quiet exhale through your nose as you shift onto your back, stretching your arms above your head until you feel your hands hit the headboard. As they fall back onto bed with a soft thud, you force your eyes open and come face to face with the ceiling of your bedroom. You lay there for a while, half lidded eyes threatening to close before finally finding it within you to lift your head from the pillow.
You’re immediately assaulted by the blinding sun escaping in through the partially open curtains, and you can’t help but groan as you immediately cover your eyes with your hand and blindly reach for the blanket to cover your face.
Once hidden safely, you turn in place to face your girlfriend's side of the bed. The blonde Spaniard was still snoozing away, curled up on her side with a pillow clutched to her chest as her chest rises and falls with each breath. Her shirt was slightly askew due to her frequent tossing and turning throughout the light, giving you the perfect view of her toned midriff.
She looked as content as can be, so much so you couldn't help but reach out and tenderly tuck a soft strand of messy blonde hair behind her ear. Being the deep sleeper she was, Mapi doesn't move a single muscle at your touch, and you couldn't help but smile in amusement as you bring your hand back to rest beneath your head.
The blinding sun still shining through the open curtains of your room suggests it was nearly time to start the day, so you wanted to leave her in peace for the last few minutes she was able to sleep without interruptions.
Calling Mapi a morning person would be a lie -you muse to yourself as you watch her sleep- but she wasn't as terrible as some people. Sure she was a little whiney. Sure she grumbled and was clingy but so long as you were patient and went at her pace, her slight grouchiness was moderately okay to deal with.
Your phone buzzes from where you’d placed it on the nightstand the night before, effectively breaking you from your thoughts, and you reach for it with a light sigh knowing it was well and truly time to get the day started.
A quiet groan was the first signal that Mapi was somewhat conscious, and with a knowing smile, you scoot closer to the centre of the bed and lightly tug on the material of her shirt. Without hesitation the Spaniard wriggles as close as she could, securing her arms around your waist as she buries her face into your chest. Her hands cling tightly to the back of your shirt as her tanned legs tangle with your own.
You feel the exhale of content that hits your skin, not hesitating to drop a kiss to the top of her head as you slip a hand beneath her shirt to rest on warm skin of her back. Her body was completely flush against your own, not a single once of space between you.
Neither you or Mapi were big on snuggling throughout the night like some couples were. Sure it happened occasionally. Maybe when one of you were sick or'd had a bad day. But typically, you'd cuddle for an hour or so whilst binge watching a series and then move to your respective sides of the bed to go to sleep.
It's what makes the morning cuddles much more special. Especially if it's before a long day, such as Mapi had today with training and media duties.
Speaking of, the Spaniard lets out a quiet grunt as she lightly taps your back, and your roll your eyes playfully as you begin tracing large circles over the bare expanse of her back. Up to just between her shoulder blades and down to the waistband of her shorts. She shows her thanks by lightly kissing your neck, and you smile as you return it to the top of her head.
When minutes pass and she shows no signs of getting up, you figure it was time to move onto the next step of trying to rouse her. Craning your head back, you lean forward and begin placing gentle kisses onto each part of skin you could reach. Her forehead. Cheek. Shoulder. Nose.
"Amor." A quiet whine as she blindly reaches up to push your face away, prompting you to smile as you grasp her hand in your own and give the appendage a soft squeeze. She grunts in response, turning onto her back effectively using your arm as a makeshift pillow.
"Sorry, baby," you muse, tugging down her shirt that had ridden up before lazily throwing your arm around her waist. "but it's time to wake up."
Mapi groans quietly as she lifts her arms to cover her face. "No, it is not."
"Mhhh. I'm afraid it is." You retort, reaching for her arms and gently tugging them away from her face, surprisingly without much of a fight. She glares at you, but it didn't have the effect it usually would due to her squinty eyes and flushed cheeks. You reach up and cup her cheek, intending to place a kiss to her forehead.
She pulls her face away before you could even get close, and you frown, tilting your head to the side in confusion.
"What is it?" You question, Mapi's smirk already telling you her next words weren't going to be what you want to hear.
"Morning breath." She states simply, and you stare down at her for a moment before you scoff and yank your arm out from underneath her head.
"Morning breath she says," you huff, mildly offended by her words. "The audacity, I swear. You're the one-" you were cut off by her familiar arms slipping around your waist, tugging you away from the edge of the bed and back into her arms. You drop your head back against her shoulder and glare up at her with a frown.
"Amor, lo siento," she cups your cheek and presses her lips against your nose. You playfully push her away, earning yourself a soft chuckle as she takes your hand in her own and holds it tight. "I was just joking. I did not think you would take offence."
"Well I did," you say somewhat jokingly. "You force me to kiss you all the time with your bad morning breath."
"Bebé, i said I was sor-esperar, I have bad morning breath?" She lets you go and blows some air into her hand before smelling.
You can't help but laugh at the look of pure offence that appears on her face, sitting up and turning to face her. You reach up and gently fix her bed head, tucking the hair sticking out on either side of her head behind her ears.
"Sí, just a little." You hold your pointer finger and thumb up, placing them nearly together with maybe half an inch of space between them.
Mapi's mouth drops, and you laugh again as you grab her by the waist and pull her into your arms. She attempts to fight you -and considering she was way stronger than you and could easily pull herself out of your arms should she want to do so, you appreciate her pretending to let you win.
"I'm just kidding, my love. Your morning breath is fine. I kiss you don't I?"
Mapi grumbles as she places her hands on each of your hips before pushing you back down onto the bed, not hesitating to collapse straight down on top of you. You grunt in surprise, feeling a little winded as your arms instinctively rise to hold her to your chest.
"You suck." You grumble into her hair as you press a kiss to the top of her head, and you feel more than hear the muffled laughter she tries to stifle against your chest.
"Sí, pero me amas."  Mapi grins cheekily as she hoists herself forward and places her elbows on either side of your head, using her fingers to gently trace over your eyebrows before cupping your cheeks and pressing a loud, resounding kiss to your forehead with  a loud 'mwaaa'.
"Sí." Your hands on her back lower to give her behind playful squeeze, and Mapi's lips quirk up into a wide smile before she leans forward and connects her lips with your own. The warmth of her mouth immediately sends a current of energy throughout your body, and you hum contently as you bring your hands up to cup her cheeks, Mapi's own brushing through your hair and tangling through the unbrushed strands with surprising ease.
Her lips were just as warm and soft as they always were, and you could feel the soft tickle of her breath against your nose as her fingers graze over your scalp.
It wasn’t long before you feel her tongue brushing softly against your bottom lip making those stupid butterflies appear in your stomach, breath hitching as your mouth parts allowing her inside. Your body buzzes with warm as the familiar sensation of her tongue meets your own, the pad of your thumb lightly tracing over the soft skin of her cheek as she all but devours you.
She was everywhere at once. Hands teasing. Teeth playfully nipping.
It was no secret that Mapi was a good kisser. Earth shattering in fact if you had to pick one word to describe it. She could take you from ten to zero within the span of seconds, and she was fully aware of this fact.
Mapi was the first to pull away just a few minutes later, lips parted and breathing heavy, and you can’t help but pout as she lifts herself from on top of you and slides out of bed before holding out her hand.
"Breakfast." She wiggles her fingers.
You shake your head and expectantly tap your lips instead, and whilst Mapi rolls her eyes playfully, she doesn't hesitate to lean over you and press several lingering pecks to your lips. When she pulls away this time, lips just millimetres away from your own, you reach up to cup her cheeks so she couldn't escape.
"Mejor?" She teases, and you grin before nodding your head.
@simp4panos @goldenempyrean
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wearebarca · 2 months
7. Captured // Alexia Putellas x Original character pt. 7
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
synopsis: Rosalie has never stayed somewhere too long. When the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself at critical moment in her life, the photographer decides to once again leave behind what she knows and joins the staff of Europe's best football team.
Word count: 6,4k
A/N: Feedback is always nice. Spanish is from google translate so please be nice. French is my first language so all should be good on that part. Enjoy
Rosalie knew before she opened her eyes that she wasn’t in her bed. The stiffness in her neck was indication enough, along with the slightly rough feeling of the wool blanket she kept as a decoration on her couch. An unknown alarm was blaring from her phone on the coffee table. Suddenly, the memories from the night before  started to come back to her. How good it was to be wrapped in the footballer’s arms, how warm and safe it felt. She was probably the one who set an alarm to make sure the photographer wouldn’t be late for work.  The simple thought put a smile on the woman’s face.
 A quick look around her kitchen told her that most of the dishes were put away and a cup of coffee along with a note were waiting for her on the counter. 
“ I have to bring Nala home before training. You looked too peaceful to wake up. Thank you for yesterday, I really needed it. See you at training bonita.”
The photographer took the note and pinned it on her fridge. Every time her eyes strayed to it while getting ready, she could feel butterflies fill her stomach. The brunette hopped quickly in the shower and changed into her day clothes before heading out for the training center. 
The first thing she noticed upon entering her office was the small brown paper bag which seemed to be the source of the delicious smell lingering in the room. There could only be one person responsible for such a gesture. The fluttering feel from the morning came back full swing as the photographer pulled out a fresh pastry from the bag. 
Her morning was quite slow. She had tasked some of the junior photographers to attend training to allow her to finish answering some emails and send the contend Martina was waiting on for the next social media campaign. Rosalie’s morning was surprisingly productive considering the stiffness in her neck. The only thing that pulled her out of her work induced trance was the repeated buzz of her phone. When the device kept vibrating after a good five minutes, the brunette finally checked her screen to see what was going on. She was surprised to see the nicknames of several girls from the team appear on her screen, with the first notification being “Capi has added you to the chat”. Most were welcoming the photographer to the group and the rest were discussing the team bonding night organised by Ingrid that would most likely take place two weeks from now. 
Deciding she would read everything later, she left her phone on her desk and focused on finishing a few tasks before lunch. When she arrived in the cafeteria, she was immediately called by Mapi and Ingrid to join them and the rest of their group. The brunette grabbed her food and took the last available seat, which happened to be next to the Spanish captain. 
She was leaning with her elbows on the table, her hands holding her chin up and listening intently to what Patri was saying. Only, as soon as the brunette took her seat, her focus shifted. 
« Hola, » she said with a lazy smile stretching on her lips. Patri was aware of their budding friendship, but so far had not been aware of a deeper connection blooming between the captain and the photographer. Now, with her friend who had seemingly forgotten about her in order to engage in a conversation with the Canadian, it was clear that something more was happening.
“Did you sleep ok?”
“Yes, thank you, I didn’t even realize that you left this morning.” The photographer said a little embarrassed by how hard she was sleeping. They were leaning close to each other in order to keep a certain level of privacy in a table filled with their friends and colleagues. “ How did you sleep? Can’t imagine my couch would provide the best sleep.”
“I slept good actually, but I can’t say it’s because of your sofa no.” She said with a smile. 
Patri, still amazed by what was unfolding in front of her, tried to catch Pina’s attention by elbowing her in the ribs. “¿qué es?¿qué es?”
“¿desde cuando?”
“no sé” Pina said, watching the two women converse in front of her. “tengo curiosidad por saber que esta pasando”
“Le preguntaré a algunas de las chicas sobre esto.” Patri said, getting up to bring back her tray. 
The week passed on quickly for everyone. The team was preparing for their game next wednesday and the media team was working extra hard to provide the fans with fun content with their favourite players. Rosalie was able to get out of her office more, and take back her place as the main photographer present during the training sessions. More than ever, Rosalie was appreciating the little routine she had formed, but now, there was a new element present in her daily life. Every lunch, she would spend it with the team in the cafeteria, more precisely with a certain blond captain. 
As they grew closer, the rest of the team noticed the growing chemistry. With the realization came the teasing, which Alexia shot down pretty quickly. Even if these girls were her family, she did not want her private life to be the subject of discussion among them. But even with her efforts, the whole team was soon aware of the clear interest the women had for each other. 
Even with the thought of the photographer in her mind, Alexia was still dead focused on training. Her comeback after her injury had not been an easy road and the pressure of getting back to her old standards was a heavy load on her shoulders. Her appointment with the physio had been full of warnings against overtraining and focusing on a slower but safer road to full recovery. 
Alexia knew all of this. She knew that overworking herself would only slow her down in the end. But she was stubborn. The guilt she felt for her club, her teammates, the fans, who had yet to see the return of their queen, was simply too strong. 
She wasn’t surprised when Monday , two days before the game, she felt some discomfort in her knee. It wasn’t pain, yet, but it was enough to allow fear to grasp at her mind. 
Rosalie could see it from the sidelines, the anxiety slowly creeping in the blonde’s eyes. She was slower than normal, running through the drills with a carefulness she hadn’t seen her use before. She wasn’t the only one who had noticed the change in intensity. Jonatan soon after called for the captain who immediately ran to him, making a tremendous effort to hide the slight limp she had developed in the course of the session. 
Their exchange was fast. Alexia clearly seemed to want to finish this session and was arguing her case with as much intensity as she would with a ref during a game. Jonatan stayed strong, even with the captain towering over him. 
At this point, their argument had pulled the attention of several of the girls. Rosalie lowered her camera, not wanting to breach what clearly was a conversation meant to stay between player and coach. When she realized that Martina failed to show the same respect as her, she positioned herself between the pair and the head of media’s phone. 
“ I doubt this is the entertainment the fans want.” She said with a raised eyebrow. She had heard from the players how Martina could sometimes be invasive but she hasn’t seen her cross the line just yet. 
A dry laugh escaped Martina’s lips as she finally lowered her phone. “Si, si, you are right.” She said as she moved farther on the sidelines. Rosalie turned back around just in time to see Alexia storm off the pitch, leaving a discouraged Jonatan behind. 
“ Thank you Rosa.” Mapi said, approaching the photographer. “ Ale would have been livid if this came out in one of her instagram stories.” 
“Would she really?”
“ She has before.” Mapi said with bitterness in her tone. 
“ I’m starting to understand why Alexia is so wary of the media team.” Rosalie made a move towards the tunnel but was stopped by a hand on her wrist. 
“I know you want to make sure she’s alright, but for now Ale needs a minute to process.” Mapi said with a sad smile. Rosalie knew the Spanish woman was right, and she could not just leave practice to go comfort the captain. 
“ Oui, oui I understand.” She said, picking back up her camera. The rest of the practice seemed to drag on to no end for the photographer who wanted nothing more than to see how the blonde was doing. 
Once training was over, Rosalie learned that Alexia had been sent to the physios to assess the situation. Not wanting to disturb the professional, she went back to her office to work in the editing of the pictures she had taken. 
Once again, her afternoon seemed a lot slower than usual, and for one of the first times since she had started this job, Rosalie left her office at the same time as the rest of the staff. 
Lucy and Keira could not believe their eyes when they saw the Canadian walk out of the building. 
“Are you feeling alright Frenchy?” Keira asked, almost worried for her friend.  
“Oui oui, I just thought finishing early would hurt once in a while.”
“Who are you?” Lucy asked, grabbing the younger woman by the shoulders. 
“Non mais voyons lâches moi.” The brunette said, laughing loudly. 
“Wanna come by for dinner? We could watch a movie or something.” Keira asked, happy to finally have the opportunity to finally spend some time with her best friend. 
“Sure! That’s a great idea!” They all walked together in the parking lot, discussing what they would watch, when a specific dark grey cupra caught the attention of the photographer. 
“Isn’t that Alexia’s car?”
“Yeah, I thought she left at the same time as the rest of us.” Lucy said, checking her watch. At this time, the medical staff had already left and no one was left in the gym. 
“I hope she’s ok.” Rosalie said as she came to a stop half way to her car. Lucy and Keira could practically see the dilemma forming in the younger woman’s head. They knew that she would not ditch them, even if her heart was telling her to go see the Catalonian.
“Go.” Lucy decided for her. Rosalie sent a thankful look towards the couple as she turned around and almost dashed to the training center. 
She let her instincts guide her to the pitch, where she found the blond sitting alone on a ball. She  took a seat next to her. They stayed silent for a while, until the blonde was ready to talk 
“I am not playing on Wednesday.” The blonde said, her gaze not leaving the pitch. “They want to prevent further deterioration.”
The brunette shuffled closer to the footballer. “Can you still train?”
“ In the gym, yes, and light drills.” She said sadly. 
Rosalie took a second to take in the footballer's sad features. With her foot, she kicked the ball slightly under Alexia, just hard enough to make her lose balance and slide to the floor. As soon as the ball was free, Rosalie dashed down the pitch to the nearest goal and sent the ball in the top right corner. When she turned back towards the blond, she was still sitting on the floor with a very cute and confused expression. 
“Come on! What are you gonna do about that?” The photographer yelled arms in the air with what Alexia thought was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. 
“Are you scared of an amateur, La Reina?” Rosalie knew she had her now. Alexia got up and slowly jogged to the goal to retrieve the ball. She kicked it in the brunette’s direction and stood a few feet away from her. 
“ I just know that you  are no amateur Rosalia.” She said with a soft smile. 
As soon as the brunette touched the ball, Alexia’s whole demeanour changed. Her face was the epitome of focus and her whole body tensed, revealing her taut muscles. The sight was intimidating to say the least, but Rosalie was not going to let the opportunity to show off a little pass. 
She dashed forward, ball at her feet, pulling all the tricks she could think of. She was fast, but Alexia seemed to be able to predict her every move and soon enough, the photographer ended up on her ass, no ball in sight. 
A loud laugh was heard behind her. She turned around to see Alexia with one foot on the ball, seemingly trying very hard to keep her composure. 
“ You’re fast, and skilled, but a tiny bit predictable.” She said, offering a hand to pull the photographer up. 
“Rematch.” Was all the photographer said as she took the ball from the blond and positioned herself once again. Alexia smiled at the brunette’s eagerness. She had found someone as competitive as her. 
They were at it for  almost an hour, with Rosalie successfully scoring a grand total of seven times against Alexia who blocked at least twelve attempts.
 Rosalie, unsatisfied with these statistics, almost begged the footballer for one last attempt. Whoever won this, would win the whole game. 
“ I think I have you now Reina.” Rosalie said with a cheeky smile. 
“ Don’t get so cocky now bonita, I won’t go easy on you.” The nickname made the photographer blush furiously, but she refused to let it distract her. She finally launched her attack , but Alexia’s response was so fast Rosalie wasn’t even able to register what was happening. She was left standing alone in the field while Alexia was already halfway across the pitch, sending the ball in a perfect arc in the opposite goal. 
Rosalie sat on the grass and let herself fall on her back dramatically, arms in a cross. Alexia retrieved the ball and ran back to the photographer, flopping down almost on top of her. The impact knocked the air out of her lungs, but she made no move to get out from under the blond. 
“ I think it is safe to say that I won.” Alexia said, still laughing. No answer came from the brunette, who was too mesmerized by the blond’s eyes and the feeling of her weight on top of her. 
Her smile softened as her eyes shifted to the captain’s lips. Alexia seemed to finally notice the position they were in, as well as how little space separated the two. She could feel the rapid pulse of the photographer, which matched her own. The pull was magnetic, and every second passing seemed to eat away at the woman’s resolve. 
They did not know who reached for who first, their movements almost synchronized. 
Her lips were even softer than Rosalie had imagined. They fit perfectly on her own and it felt like something had just clicked. She could feel the tension in the captain’s body slowly fade away, as if she was melting in their embrace. The shift of weight brought the delicious feeling of the footballer’s body moving on her, which pulled a small moan from the brunette. 
The sound caught Alexia’s attention. She smiled into the kiss, which made the smaller woman pull away slightly. When she saw the happy expression on the footballer’s face, she smiled and angled her head away, embarrassed by her body’s reaction to the blond. Alexia’s hand came up and caressed the photographer’s cheek before diving back in for a slow kiss. The contrast between Alexia’s callous hands and her soft lips made the photographer’s head spin. 
They pulled away when oxygen became an issue. Alexia thought, as she looked at the smaller woman who’s pupils were blown and lips swollen from their kiss, she realized that she needed to see more of this blissed out version of the photographer. 
Rosalie’s expression changed, mistaking Alexia’s silence for regret. “I’m so sorry I didn’t want to overstep I’m…” she was interrupted by the feeling of the blonde’s lips back on her. 
“ Don’t apologize, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” She said with a smile. They got back up and retrieved their bags. None of them uttered a word as they walked back to their car, content in the comfortable silence. Alexia stopped next to the photographer’s car, holding the door open for Rosalie. 
“Thank you,” Alexia said with a shy smile. “I needed this.”
“Which one, the game or the kiss?”
“I think it’s safe to say both.” She said with a grin. 
Rosalie had a love-hate relationship with her phone. She liked the convenience of having a decent camera always with her, but she hated the constant buzzing and being bombarded by text and notifications. She kept her phone on silent outside of work hours.
 If she had it on, she would have seen the notification of a new instagram story on the club’s account. She would have seen that she had been tagged in it, along with Alexia’s account. She would have seen the massive wave of messages flooding her dms. 
Instead, it was in her bed , when she reached for her phone in order to set her alarm, that she realized exactly how invasive the head of social media could really be. 
The video wasn’t too bad really. It captured the moment of the photographer’s fall after she had lost to the captain and Alexia toppling on her a few moments later. To anyone else, it simply looked like two friends having fun after a long day at work but to the women’s football community, it was a lot more. 
Emotions flooded the brunette all at once. Never would she have thought that her privacy would be so easily exposed to the world. She never wanted to be thrusted into the spotlight, and all this attention made all the color drain from her face. 
The feeling only grew much worse when Rosalie thought of Alexia. She knew how the blonde felt about her life being exposed to the public eye. 
Rosalie didn’t sleep that night, and the consequences were very visible the next morning when she pulled up at the training center. She had ignored all of Ingrid and Mapi’s numerous calls and texts, and only answered a thumbs up to Lucy and Keira’s worried messages. 
For the brunette, it was impossible to think about anything else than Alexia’s reaction to all this. The facility was quieter than usual, due to the fact that Rosalie had opted to arrive later to avoid crossing paths with anyone. Surprisingly, Ingrid was sitting in the lobby, and got up as soon as she saw the Canadian enter. 
Rosalie froze and didn’t move when the Norwegian made a move to hug her. «How are you? »
« Worried.» the photographer said in a small voice. « My phone won’t stop buzzing. »
The raven hair girl tightened her hold before letting go and grabbing her arm to start guiding the brunette down the corridor. 
 « The media team and the coaches have called a meeting to deal with the situation. Alexia is there as well. »
« How is she? »
« Very angry. » Ingrid said. She panicked a little as she saw her friend’s face fall. « Not at you Rosy! She’s in this state mainly because this time, Martina dragged someone dear to her in this mess. »
Rosalie blushed slightly at that and stayed silent for the rest of the walk. They arrived in front of a room where loud and rapid Spanish conversations could be heard through the closed door. Ingrid sent an encouraging look to the photographer before pushing her inside the room. 
Inside was a long table where Jonatan, Sara, Marcelo, Martina, Alexia and another man she did not recognize were all sitting. The room went quiet as the Canadian entered. Jonatan got up and smiled at the nervous photographer. 
« Bon dia Rosalie, take a seat. » he said motioning to the open seat next to Sara, which happened to be right across Alexia. Just like Ingrid had said, the captain looked livid, anger overtaking all of her features, making her look cold and almost Dangerous. 
« Hey, I’ll translate if it gets too fast.” Rosalie sent a grateful nod her way, but when the conversation started back, they had switched to English to make sure the photographer would follow. 
“ As I was saying, it is simply unacceptable to use the player’s personal life to promote the club. Let’s not forget that this video was taken outside of training hours and I am certain none of the girls gave their consent to post this.” Jonatan said, turning to Rosalie to confirm his statement. 
“ I never gave my consent, nor was even aware of being filmed during that time.” She said in a shaky voice. 
“ But you were at the training centre. That makes it ok to film since what happens inside these walls is club business.” Martina said, clearly trying to justify her actions. “ It was a wholesome moment that attracted a lot of attention to the club.” She added. 
Every word coming out of the woman’s mouth seemed to chip away at Alexia’s patience. She decided that she had been silent long enough and it was time to show just how angry she truly was. 
“ Attention? You exposed us for attention? You forcefully pulled Rosalie at the forefront of an obsessed fan base who’s been harassing us for the last 12 hours, for attention?” She said, the sound of her voice getting louder and more aggressive with every word. 
“You don’t realize the impact your actions have on other people. As players, we know that we are constantly being watched and that our lives are but a source of entertainment for others. But Rosalia never asked for any of this. She doesn't deserve this violation of her privacy.” She added, sending a look in the photographer’s way. One that greatly reassured the brunette. Alexia was trying to protect her. 
“We are tired of the abuse the head of social media  has perpetuated and the team, along with the coaches, ask management to take action against the perpetrators.” Alexia sat back in her chair. The rest of the table was silent, waiting to see who would dare speak after Alexia’s declaration. 
Finally, the man Rosalie did not know coughed a little and spoke in spanish, too fast for Rosalie to be able to understand properly. 
“He said that from now on, Marcelo would be acting as head of social media and that every post Matina would prepare would have to be approved beforehand.” Sara whispered to the brunette. She turned just in time to see Martina’s face fall and Alexia’s smirk appear. 
“There is still the matter of the video itself.” Marcelo said, pulling out his computer. “Millions of people have already seen it. Taking it down now would only attract more attention to it.” He said, turning his screen so they could all see the statistics. 
“ The response is mainly positive and Alexia told me that the messages she’s been receiving are mostly positive.” The new head of socials turned towards the photographer. “ What about you?”
“I haven’t read anything really, but none of my notifications stood out.” She said pulling out her phone and opening the app for the first time since the night before. 
“ So it seems that for now, most people see this as the friendship we all know you two have. This is good. I think that the best course of action would be to leave it up, and simply continue our posting habits as usual, but featuring the other players more.” He said with confidence. 
“ We need to give the fans something else to focus on. We can post a fun interview from media day today along with an update on our injured players.” The solution seemed like a good  plan to the rest of the staff who all agreed and stood up. The man Rosalie had yet to know the name walked out first, followed closely by Martina who looked dead set on trying to explain her point of view. The fact that she seemed incapable of understanding what she had done was wrong baffled the brunette. She really did not regret her actions and Rosalie was starting to think that her consequences weren’t harsh enough. 
From the corner of her eye, the photographer saw Alexia abruptly stand up and bolt out of the room. Her instinct told her to follow, and she was glad she did because she arrived just in time to see Alexia trap Martina against the wall. 
“¿Viste algo más anoche?” She asked in a low, menacing voice. Her tone gave Rosalie chills, and she didn’t know if it was because of fear or something else. 
“No, me fui justo después, lo juro.” Martina said, visibly shaken by the taller woman’s action. Alexia released her and stormed out towards the locker room. When Rosalie passed her, she sent a strange look her way, as if she was trying to see something that would have evaded her keen snooping skills. 
Her gaze made the photographer feel uncomfortable as she quickened her steps. She pushed the door of the locker room and found Alexia, head in her hands, sitting at her cubicle. 
“Ale…” At the sound, the captain’s gaze met her own and Rosalie saw for the first time how Alexia truly felt about the whole ordeal. Fear and panic was visible in her hazel eyes as she stood up to pace around the room. 
“You shouldn’t be in here.” She said, eyes to the floor. “If someone sees…”
“Everyone is on the pitch, it's ok.” Rosalie could see Alexia getting agitated , so she decided to take a seat in the closet cubicle to her, on the opposite side of the room. 
“I knew this would happen. It’s always the same thing with your team.” She said, still pacing.
“My team?” Rosalie said incredulously. 
“Si, you can’t stop putting your nose in other’s lives and it’s hell for the rest of us.” Alexia said, stopping in her tracks to look at the brunette. 
Rosalie was too stunned to speak. Her expression was a mix of hurt and sadness that broke the captain’s heart as soon as she saw it. 
Rosalie knew that Alexia was angry and it was this anger that pushed her to say these things, but she couldn’t help how bad she felt after hearing it. 
“ I thought you knew I wasn’t like this. I would never breach your privacy like this.” 
“ I know, I know.” Alexia said, trying to calm down. “Maybe we should just be colleagues,” she said in a small voice, incapable of looking the photographer in the eyes. She knew that if she did, she would cross the room and take the smaller woman in her arms, apologize and tell her that everything would be alright. 
“Is that what you really want?” 
“Then there’s nothing I can do but respect your decision.” Rosalie said in a sad voice. She turned around and walked out of the locker room, leaving Alexia alone. 
As soon as the brunette left, Alexia sat back down. She felt like her legs weren’t able to carry her anymore. Her hands were shaking and a heavy feeling lingered in her heart. 
She knew that what she had just done was cold, but it was the only way she could protect her from the scrutiny of the public eye. She knew Rosalie was like her, a very private person and the moment the photographer crossed the threshold of the confederation room, she could see from how small she looked, how much this was affecting her. Distancing herself from the French-Canadian was the only option to keep Rosalie, and herself, out of the spotlight. 
When she finally mustered up the strength to get out on the pitch, her eyes immediately scanned the field for the family silhouette of the brunette. She only found one of the other photographers and the rest of the media team. Thankfully, Martina was nowhere in sight. 
Alexia walked to the huddle in the center of the pitch and took a spot next to Lucy. The woman turned around and sent a glare her way, almost frightening the captain. The rest of practice was hell for the midfielder. She made mistake after mistake, missing targets on her passes and unable to complete plays that she usually had no difficulty doing.    
She simply could not stop thinking about how it all went down this morning. She knew that it would be hard to stay away from the photographer, especially now that the feeling of the woman’s soft lips was ingrained in her mind, but she had not planned feeling this sort of withdrawal so soon. 
As soon as the photographer reached her office, the tears that were threatening to fall ran down her cheeks. It was all too much at the same time for the woman. Her phone blowing up with various messages from fans, her anger towards the former head of social media, Alexia’s rejection and the workload that came a few days before a match, was simply more than what she could handle emotionally. 
So Rosalie did what she always did when it became too much. She buried herself in her work and training. She spent her whole day barricaded in her office, arranging the photoshoot schedule for the next month and working on the fan project. She skipped lunch and stayed well after the last staff member had left. She ignored the messages from Lia and Leah who had seen the story and wanted to know if their friend was alright, and sent a quick answer to Lucy, who she had briefly talked to before hiding in her office. She needed to be alone, isolate herself from the world for a bit. 
Having the match here in Barcelona came as a relief for Rosalie who didn’t have to take the team bus or interact with anyone before the actual match. She had tasked the other photographers to take the arrival pictures and was able to receive and edit them in her office while everyone was preparing. 
With Alexia on the bench, Rosalie found her job sligh harder than normal due to the piercing gaze she could feel on her back. It took every ounce of self control to not turn and meet her gaze head on. She knew that if she did, she would forgive the blond for the harsh words she had said. So she focused on her job, and did not linger on the pitch once the team secured the win. 
The rest of the week stayed more or less the same for the French-Canadian. Wake up, run, breakfast, work, strength training, sleep then repeat.  She had declined coffee with Ingrid and Mapi and had yet to decide if she was going to show up at the team bonding night, which was scheduled in 3 days. 
All week she could see, as well as the rest of the team, that Alexia was clearly not in the right mindset. Her temper was short and she easily lost her patience when training wasn’t going the way she wanted. The whole team had come to fear the blonde and simply did not know how to approach their captain. 
When it became clear that Alexia’s mood wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Mapi decided that it was time to have a talk. Which is why, when the midfielder was sulking all alone on the sidelines, she was swiftly grabbed by the jersey and dragged in the stands.
 From their spot, they could see the rest of the girls doing drills and for a moment, Alexia was able to take a breath. She had loved watching her teammates practice when she herself could not play. She used to close her eyes and visualize herself back in the field. But for now, she was focused on the reason why her friend had dragged her in the stands in the middle of training. 
The tattooed woman stayed silent while she kept looking at the blonde in the eyes. 
“You are going to talk to me now.”
“What about?” Alexia knew exactly what Mapi was hinting at, but she still tried to act confused. 
“ You know exactly what I’m talking about, now spill.” Mapi said with a stern expression. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say. It’s the same thing every time any of us gets close to someone. We get exposed and our whole lives are scrutinized. I don’t want this and I am pretty sure she doesn’t want that either.”
“You are scared.”
“Alexia, you can’t let this dictate your life.”
“You don’t understand. I can’t be distracted by all this. I can’t have people think football is not my priority.”
“They won’t. Ale you are human, you are allowed to have a life outside of football. We all saw you with her. You haven’t been this happy in a long time.” Mapi said, trying to reason with her friend. She could see that beneath this facade, the woman was simply scared to allow herself to thrive outside of football.
“It’s too late now, she probably doesn’t want anything to do with me anyway.” Alexia said.
“ I know for a fact that isn’t true. She cares about you too Alexia. Make it right.” Mapi got up and made her way down the stairs, leaving Alexia alone to think. She knew her friend was right, and she knew that the true motivation behind her decision to cut ties was fear, but the feeling was still so potent that the blond could simply not allow herself to act on her emotions. 
Alexia did not go back to practice, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the photographer who was currently dying under the harsh Spanish sun. Even after last week, the brunette still caught herself seeking out the captain on the pitch. She shook her head and tried to focus back on her job, but the heat combined with the exhaustion caused by her excessive training and lack of proper sleep was a deadly combination. 
One second she was up, the next she was on her ass with her head on her knees, concentrating hard on staying conscious. The first to notice was Lucy, who bolted across the pitch, followed closely by Sara and Kiera. 
The last thing the photographer saw was Lucy crouching down in front of her, and the feeling of her hand on her forehead before the world went black. 
Rosalie woke up in Sarah's office with her head pounding and vision blurred. As soon as she opened her eyes, Lucy was all over her, making sure that the girl had everything she needed. The older English woman managed, after some arguing, to convince Rosalie to take the rest of the week off, since she had already finished her work and the rest of the photography team could manage without her just fine for two days. 
A knock suddenly echoed in the room and a silhouette blocked the frosted glass of the door. Lucy stood up from the chair and opened the door slightly before sliding out once realizing who was at the door. Rosalie could not clearly see who was at the door, but she could hear the faint sound of talking 
“Lucia I just want to know if she is ok.” 
“ I’m telling you she’s fine. It’s just exhaustion Alexia you can relax.” Rosalie could hear a long exhale that most likely came from the blonde. 
“Alexia, if you care about her so much why did you treat her like this.” Lucy asked. The captain stayed silent, but Lucy learned a lot more from the blond’s silence than any word could explain. 
“Make it right ale.” Lucy said, echoing the words Mapi had said to her just a few hours prior. 
Rosalie heard some footsteps and soon after, the door opened softly and a disheveled blond head poked through. Once she saw that the brunette was awake, Alexia realized that she had not planned what she would say to the photographer. 
“Hey..” Her voice was so hushed and shy that Rosalie almost didn’t hear it. 
“You can come in, you don’t have to hover at the door.”
“I won’t disturb you too long. I just wanted to see if you were ok.” She said, finally stepping in the room. 
“Just a bit dizzy still, but I’m fine.” She said,
“Good.” She stood awkwardly for a moment, looking around the room unable to look the brunette in the eyes. 
“I am sorry about the things I said. I was stressed and did not think before speaking.” Alexia finally said, taking  the few steps separating her from the chair next to the exam chair. 
“It’s ok, it was the stress talking, I can understand that this kind of pressure is hard to deal with.” The younger woman said. She couldn’t deny that the initial reaction had hurt her but after a while, especially after seeing the echo it had online, she was able to understand why one would react like that. “ But I want you to know that I don’t appreciate how you blamed me and my profession for someone else’s actions.” 
Rosalie could excuse the reaction, but this part still stung. “ I am not like that, I respect and value the privacy of every player in this team.”
“I know. I am truly sorry.” The brunette offered a smile which was answered by Alexia’s shy one.
“ Do you need me to drive you home?” Alexia offered.
“Thank you but Lucy has that covered I think.” 
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Alexia asked with the slightest bit of hope in her voice.
“ I think I’ll take the next two days off and work from home if they need me.” 
“ But I’ll be there at team bonding night on Friday. The girls won’t let me miss it after disappearing on them these past two weeks.” She added when she saw the blond’s shoulder fall at her previous statement.
“ Good, I am glad you are ok Rosalia.” Alexia said, standing up and making her way to the door. “ I would like it if we could start over, be friends again.” The blond added.
“ I think we can do that.” Rosalie said with a smile.
“ Ok, you take care of yourself Rosalie please.” Alexia said before walking out of the room, leaving Rosalie alone, feeling the best she had all week.
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allaboutnayeli · 8 months
never expected to like you this much [i.engen x reader]
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prompt: who would have thought ingrid and you would make it this far?
author notes: this is my peace offering for my like week long hiatus. my writing is a bit rusty so spare me 🙏🏾 hope y'all like it!
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when you first got into a relationship with ingrid you thought it would be just a casual thing. nothing too serious, nothing too deep. you were only twenty one at the time while ingrid was twenty three. the people around you have always instilled in you that your twenties was for discovery, partying, and finding out what you liked in a relationship. not the time to be tied down to one person. you use to agree to that, but it was hard when you started to associate the norwegian with home.
when you started to miss her when she wasn't around and wait around for her texts when she went off for international games. can you really be blamed? ingrid was so charming in such a calm way. she was this comforting presence who was just enough of everything somehow.
now it has been two years, you being twenty three and ingrid being twenty five. she was way more than something casual now and truly you can't be blamed for it.
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how could you two be anything casual when ingrid's hands rub on your back so gently as you complain about your shitty day. she finds your exaggeration and dramatic flair so interesting as you dig into how annoying your co worker was today.
something about having to share a project with complete idiots escape your lips as well, but ingrid can't really tell. she is trying to pay attention, she swears, but you're just so gorgeous. and your skin is so soft against her hands. it's hard to focus.
"and you know what else? one of those bastards ate my lunch today. that you packed for me right before you left for practice! isn't that so heartbreaking, babe? like ugh.." you groan out.
"totally, baby. i'll make sure to put something they're allergic to in the lunch tomorrow so you don't even have to worry about it," ingrid says with that adorable small smile on her lips. you turn your head a bit to get more of a view of her. "really?" you say in a tone that sounds way too serious
ingrid laughs at your genuine seriousness, "what? god no. i'll just pack you something dry so you don't have to put it in the fridge. all fixed babe."
you groan and turn your head away from her. your girlfriend was too nice for her own good in your opinion, but it's a good look on her so you let it slide this time around.
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nothing is casual is about the way you reassure ingrid before a big game. you two's bodies pressed against each other you slowly sway back and forth. your head resting on her chest, her head resting on top of yours.
"you are a great footballer. that's why you're in this position, playing at one of the best clubs in women's football, in front of such a large crowd. you will do great babes" you say softly. ingrid hums in response. placing a kiss on the top of your head in thanks. the worry in the norwegian player's heart before a big game always bothered her. would she do well enough? how good would her playing be today? it was hard to push away such thoughts when she remembers what position she is in. however hearing about it from your mouth makes it seem way less stressful and better than it feels. your reassurance is definitely her lucky charm now.
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and you definitely knew it wasn't casual when you started to imagine how it would be like to start a family with the norwegian.
ingrid is holding up your little sister, grace, making airplanes with the toddler who is giggling. "who's the cutest babygirl in the world? you are," ingrid says as she starts to kiss all over grace's face. the sigh was adorable and feeding your baby fever so bad. ingrid is still playing around with grace while you're already thinking about what clinics to visit after this.
yeah, this is nowhere near casual.
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barcarsenal12 · 2 months
Sickday (Ingrid x Mapi)
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Mapi wakes up feeling sick and Ingrid is there to help her (with support from Alexia ofc) angst, but also lots of fluff hurt/comfort!!
TW: Classic sick fic situation, throwing up, passing out, headache.
Mapi woke to darkness. She was a good sleeper-- she rarely woke up before her alarm, much less in the middle of the night, so she was surprised to see that the clock read 2:32 am. She sat up slowly, so as not to disturb her girlfriend sleeping beside her, and moved to flip her pillow to the cold side. The movement was enough, though, to tell her why her body had woken her. She felt a subtle throbbing in her head and brought her hand up to rub at her temple when it moved from the nape of her neck to behind her eyes. 
She lay herself carefully back on her pillow and covered her eyes with the base of her palms. 
The next morning, the ache behind her eyes had turned into a pounding. Although Mapi woke when Ingrid started to get up, she stayed motionless, willing the headache to ease away and leave her in peace. It did help to lay still, she thought, but she couldn’t for long. 
As if on que, she heard footsteps walking back through the bedroom door. “Maria? I let you sleep in a little, but we need to get going.” Ingrid called as she moved into the bathroom. 
“Mmm” Mapi replied. It was a pathetic response, she realized, but she couldn’t manage much more with a headache and before breakfast. 
“Come on. There’s coffee in the kitchen.” Ingrid was finished in the bathroom, apparently, because she had moved to Mapi’s side and was brushing the hair away from her forehead to leave a kiss on her hairline. “Time to get up, kjære” 
“Ok.” Mapi breathed out, cracking her eyes open and immediately bringing her hands up to her face, resting them on her cheeks and blocking the light out with her fingers. Ingrid’s eyebrows furrowed, and she traced a finger along Mapi’s face, as if to coax her out of her shell.
“Did you not sleep well?” She frowned picking up that something was off with her girlfriend. 
“Just a headache.” Mapi smiled at her, and pushed herself into a sitting position to prove that Ingrid didn’t have to worry. It did not last long, though, because she brought an arm up to cover her face. “Ay, dios mio”. She groaned
While Mapi liked to complain, she was stoic to a fault when it came to real pain, so Ingrid knew that she must really be hurting. She climbed into bed beside her girlfriend and pulled her against her body, raking her fingers through Mapi’s hair. Mapi sunk into her, eyes closed. Ingrid continued to scratch at her scalp, but kept an eye on the clock. “Stay home today, amor,” She whispered as she pressed a kiss to her neck. “It is just recovery, no one will care.” 
“I can’t.” Mapi sighed, “I care.”
Ingrid hummed. “I wish you would give yourself a break.” 
“Not today.” She whispered. 
Ingrid sighed, then pushed herself up onto her knees and took Mapi’s face in her hands. She pulled her in to place a kiss on her forehead and another soft kiss on her lips.
“Mmm” Mapi hummed softly, smiling at her. 
 “I’ll get you an aspirin, and you will take it,” She pointed an accusing finger at her girlfriends face. 
“And I will take it.” Mapi laughed. 
As Ingrid drove them to the training grounds, she was careful to drive smoothly, but she did not miss the way that Mapi’s face tightened when she took a turn too fast. She pulled into the parking lot and parked the car by the door. Ingrid took the key out of the ignition and turned to look at her girlfriend, lips pursed. She took in how tired Mapi looked. How pale. She hadn’t noticed that earlier. 
She reached into her bag in the backseat and handed Mapi a waterbottle. “Drink.” Mapi looked at her with a frown in her eyes. “Please.” As Mapi drank, Ingrid took her face in her hands again and rubbed her thumbs over Mapi’s cheekbones.
“I’m ok, Ing, it’s just a headache” Mapi smiled at her and pretended to be annoyed, but the frustration did not reach her eyes. 
“I know.” Ingrid bit the inside of her cheek. “But tell me if you want to go home.” 
“Te amo.” Mapi whispered, leaning into Ingrid’s grip. 
“Jeg elsker deg” Ingrid whispered back, as if it were a secret. She kissed Mapi’s cheek, frowning at the warmth there, before turning around to open her door. “Time to go, before Alexia sees and calls you soft.” 
“I am not soft.” Mapi grumbled as they got out of the car and took their bags out of the backseat.  
Ingrid laughed, and they started towards the main building. They walked towards the locker room, greeting staff members as they passed. Just before they went inside, Mapi stopped. Ingrid turned, and watched as Mapi rolled her shoulders back. She took a deep breath and forced her face into a cheeky grin. Ingrid frowned as Mapi pushed the doors open and greeted the team with a chearful smile, the pain from the morning hidden behind the positivity Mapi knew she was supposed to bring. 
They each moved to their lockers, which sat at very different ends of the room. Ingrid chatted to Ona and Frido but kept one eye locked on her girlfriend, who seemed to be avoiding her gaze, as if looking at Ingrid would cause her mask to break. 
Very quickly, Lucy launched into an in-depth, enthusiastic explanation of love island UK, trying desperately to get Mapi and Alexia to understand what set it apart from other reality show. 
“So, the men just pick the prettiest girls? That’s gross.” Alexia scoffed. 
“No, no! Sometimes the girls pick the guys first.” Lucy explained. 
“How does someone even get on the show?” Mapi asked. 
“Why? Looking for an upgrade?” Patri poked Mapi in the cheek as she walked by, and Mapi swatted her away. Ingrid, who had clearly been eavesdropping, scoffed from across the room. 
“Looking for an upgrade?” Mapi mocked back at her. “Of course not. I was asking for Alexia.” 
Alexia let out a high pitched huff. “No way. She’s way too whipped for Olga.” Lucy said. They all laughed when Alexia blushed scarlett, and only Ingrid noticed how Mapi took that moment to lean her head back against her cubby and take a deep breath. 
Mapi was going to make it through the day. She was so close, really. Yes, her headache had been getting increasingly worse, and yes, she was starting to feel nauseous, and yes, she couldn’t stand up too quickly without seeing spots, but she had made it through 3 out of the 4 hours of the session. She couldn’t give up-- not when there was only yoga left. She could feel Ingrid’s eyes on her, and she could picture the exact way her eyebrows were wrinkling in concern. 
Suddenly, she didn’t care, though, because she felt her stomach drop. 
Ingrid watched as Mapi’s face lost all of it’s color. She watched as she sat with a thump back on her yoga mat and closed her eyes. She watched with her lip between her teeth as Mapi shakily steadied herself, before she calmly pushed her body to her feet and, without saying anything to anyone, slowly made her way out of the room. Ingrid was immediately after her (much less calmly) and pushed her way out of the gym’s double doors in time to see the bathroom door down the hall swing closed. 
Ingrid picked up her speed, and shoved her way into the bathroom. “Amor.” she sighed. Mapi was crumpled in front of the toilet, heaving over the bowl. Her legs were folded beneath her and her whole body was slumped in a way that looked terribly uncomfortable, and Ingrid’s heart hurt. It physically hurt for her girl. Mapi leaned her forehead against the side of the toilet bowl and took a shuttering breath, feeling the cool porcelain against her skin. She didn’t notice when Ingrid had come into the bathroom, but she heard footsteps approaching as she tried to pull herself together. Another wave of nausea overcame her, and she waved her hand behind her to signal to the person approaching to please, please leave her alone as she leaned back over the toilet. Ingrid promptly ignored her, and pushed herself in behind Mapi, rubbing her back with one hand and stroking her forehead with the other as she coughed over the bowl. Noting the hair falling out of it’s low bun, Ingrid pulled her hair loose and tied her waves back into a neat ponytail. 
“Kjære,” she whispered against Mapi’s sweaty neck, “you’re ok. Estás bien. I’m here.” 
Mapi let her body go limp and slumped back against Ingrid’s chest. “I’m ok.” She said. 
Ingrid huffed out a laugh. “Sure you are, amor.”
“I’m ok.” Mapi repeated, as she sunk further into Ingrid’s embrace. 
Behind them, the door swung open. Their absence had, of course, been notice, and Aitana had clearly been elected to check that no one had died. “Is she ok?” Aitana asked, tentitavly, taking in the scene infront of her. 
“Fine.” Mapi reached a hand up to wave her off from her position, practically catatonic against Ingrid’s body. 
Ingrid scoffed. “Would you bring me a water bottle, Tana?” She asked. Aitana nodded and left the room, the door swinging closed behind her. “I wish you wouldn’t do that.” She whispered into Mapi’s ear. 
“I’m ok. I just need a moment.”  
With the charade of hiding illness from teamates clearly over, Mapi allowed Ingrid to take her home and put her to bed. After getting Mapi settled, Ingrid put their training clothes in the laundry and gave the kitchen a once-over with a sponge before deciding that she might as well have an early night, too. It was only 8:30, but she would rather be awake with her sleeping girlfriend than awake on the couch by herself. She picked up Bagheera, turned off the lights in the living room, and made her way to the bedroom. She set Bagheera down on Mapi’s side of the bed, quietly instructing her to be gentle with her Mami, before carefully crawling under the covers beside her girlfriend. Mapi was clearly still awake enough to notice Ingrid’s presence (or maybe she still gravitated towards her in her sleep) because she was soon tucked snugly into Ingrid’s side. Ingrid’s hand found it’s way against Mapi’s scalp, scratching and running her fingers through her hair, and Mapi let out a soft purr of pleasure. Ingrid smiled at the sound and kissed the skin behind Mapi’s ear lightly. She settled herself practically beneath Mapi and Bagheera layed his head on Mapi’s foot and Ingrid’s heart felt so full of love for her little family that she wished she could pull them even closer to her, into an impossibly tight hug. She didn’t dare move, though, and she drifted off soon after. 
The next day was an off day, thank god. Mapi and Ingrid stayed in bed long after it was socially acceptable before moving to the couch in early afternoon. Mapi was pointlessly pretending to be healthy but didn’t bother trying very hard, because Ingrid would not let her out of her sight either way. Mapi was stuck on the coach eating buttered noodles and drinking tea, watching old football games until the commentary was ringing in her ears. Ingrid could tell that she was getting restless, and joined her on the couch, pulling Mapi to lean against her and scratching her her back until she fell into a restless sleep. Mapi tried to fight the nap, but swore that Ingrid was magical because she could not keep her muscles from relaxing when Ingrid started tracing shapes on her arm. 
Around dinner time, Alexia stopped by to bring Mapi soup and offer her company. Mapi gratefully accepted, and they played nintendo switch while Ingrid online shopped in the kitchen. After a little while, she joined them on the couch to watch their game. 
“I’m going to run to the bathroom.” Mapi mumbled, standing up slowly. 
“Ok, love.” Ingrid smiled. Mapi smiled bag, and leaned over to kiss Ingrid over the arm of the couch before leaving the room. Alexia quickly moved to shut off the TV. 
“How is the doing?” Alexia asked. 
“I don’t know. Just not feeling well, I think. I just…” Ingrid ran a hand through her hair. 
“You’re a worrier.” Alexia chuckled. Ingrid nodded and bit her lip. 
“I just hate to see her hurting.” Alexia nodded sympathetically. They both turned when they heard a voice from the other room. 
“Ingrid? Can you come here please?” Mapi called from the bathroom. Alexia’s eyes widened, suprised at how reserved her best friend sounded, but Ingrid was on her feet in an instant, rushing to Mapi’s side. 
She hurried into the bathroom, and found Mapi leaning against the bathroom sink, fingers gripping the countertop. 
“Ing, I don’t feel well.” Mapi whispered, looking at Ingrid.
Ingrid took in Mapi’s hands on the counter, fingers turning white from the strength with which she gripped the marble. She took in Mapi’s face, paler then she had ever seen it. She took a step forward. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she was sure that she was tearing a hole in her cheek when her teeth found it again “What doesn’t feel good, kjære?”
Mapi swallowed, and Ingrid thought that she could see her whole body slump forward an inch. She had never seen Mapi look so weak. “I feel like I’m going to pass out.” Mapi breathed. 
Ingrid’s eyes went wide. “Amor?” She swallowed, moving closer to Mapi. For the first, time, she noticed that Mapi was trembling. In the same moment, Mapi’s eyes rolled back in her head and her knees were crumpling, and Ingrid was lunging forward to catch her girlfriend’s unconscious body before she hit the tile floor. “Maria!” She cried, lowering Mapi’s limp form to the floor. She put her hands on each of Mapi’s cheeks and lightly tapped, trying desperately to wake her girlfriend up. She told herself, rationally, that Mapi was sick and this was a symptom. Still, she could feel panic gripping her heart-- she was holding her love’s body in her arms and she could feel her breathing speeding up. She couldn’t help but check Mapi’s pulse, which, or course, was strong. “Ale! Help me!” Ingrid called, and she instantly heard rapid footsteps from the next room. The footsteps stopped suddenly when they reached the doorway. 
Alexia sucked in a breath as she took in the sight in front of her. “What happened?” She asked, weakly.
Ingrid looked up at her with tear stained cheeks. “She- she said she wasn’t feeling well, and then she just fainted. She folded right in front of me.” 
This was not a huge deal, Alexia knew, it happened when you were sick. Still, it was scary. Especially for Ingrid. She shifted into captain mode, and put a hand on Ingrid’s back. “It’s ok. She’s fine. Did she hit anything when she collapsed?” 
“No.” Ingrid sniffed, speaking over a sob. “I caught her.” 
“Good, Ingrid. That’s good. You kept her safe. Let me take her to the couch. She’ll wake up in a minute.” 
Ingrid nodded frantically, and let Alexia scoop Mapi’s body into her arms. Even as she tried to be strong, Alexia needed to take a breath as she held her limp best friend to her chest. This was scary-- she had never seen Mapi cry, never seen her seriously ask for help. It was strange. So strange that Alexia suddenly felt a lump in her throat. She swallowed it, and carried Mapi through the house, gently laying her on the couch. Ingrid was kneeling by her in a second, taking her face in her hands again. She pressed a kiss to her forehead, and one to her cheek, and another to her chin. She raked her hands through her hair, but Mapi still did not wake. 
“Kjære, please wake up.” She whispered against Mapi’s kneck. “My love, realmente me estas asustando.” Alexia left the room, but was back a minute later with an armful of wet towels. She placed one on Mapi’s kneck and another on her forehead. 
A minute later, Mapi cracked her eyes open and looked at the faces above her. Ingrid let out a quiet sob, and cupped her face in her palms, peppering it with kisses. Alexia tilted her head back to look at the sky, and let out a sigh of relief. Mapi was still dazed, and it took her a moment to realize where she was. “What happened?” She croaked. 
“You fainted, amor.” Ingrid told her, trying to keep her voice steady. 
“Oh.” Mapi breathed, looking around her. She was overwhelmed and confused, and her gaze flickered from Ingrid’s tear streaked face to Alexia’s concerned eyes. She looked back at Ingrid, and reached a hand up to cup Ingrid’s cheek. “I’m sorry I scared you, Ing.” 
“It’s ok, love.” Ingrid told her shakily, taking her hand and kissing it. 
Mapi moved to sit up, but two hands instantly pushed her back down. “No way.” Alexia said sternly. “You’re staying right there.” 
“Ale-” Mapi started, but was cut off by the look Alexia gave her, which was pure captain. “You faint one time.” Mapi grumbled, and Alexia cracked a smile at the glimpse of her best friend’s personality returning. 
Their heads both turned, though as they heard Ingrid let out another small sob, tears once again streaming down her face. “I don’t think she’s ready to joke about it yet.” Alexia whispered, and Mapi nodded seriously back as Ingrid waved a hand infront of her face to try and stop the crying. “Oh, Kjære, come here.” Mapi said, opening her arms for Ingrid, who sank into the embrace. “I’m so sorry.” Ingrid let out a noise of protest. “I know that was scary, amor, but I’m ok. I’m alright now. Thank you for taking such good care of me.” Mapi whispered into Ingrid’s hair, stroking the back of her head. 
Alexia smiled at her best friend and her girlfriend. She knew she was in good (albiet emotional) hands. 
After Alexia had decided that Mapi had recovered enough to be upright, her and Ingrid began to move her to the dining room table. Once Mapi was on her feet, though, she saw spots and promptly sat back down. After that, she was banned from leaving the couch and force fed soup and fluids. 
After the sun set, Alexia bid them both goodbye. She pulled Ingrid into a tight, comforting hug that made Mapi feel more than a little guilty, before moving over to the couch. She gave Mapi an affectionate kiss on the forehead, and mumbled, “I’m glad you’re ok, my girl,” into her hair. 
That night, Mapi held Ingrid close to her chest, and Ingrid positioned herself so that she could hear Mapi’s heart beating.
 “Jeg elsker deg” Mapi mumbled, reaching down to poke Ingrid in the cheek. Ingrid chuckled at Mapi’s Norwegian awkwardly twisted with a thick Spanish accent. 
“Te amo,” She whispered back. “I hope you feel better tomorrow.” Ingrid dug her head further against Mapi’s chest, and let herself drift off in her girlfriend’s arms. 
First fic!! please lmk what you like/ don't like. I'd be open to a part 2!
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
SHANNON!! You know how much I love the Silver Bullets girls, so I freaked when I saw you posted this!! You also know I love angst (who doesn't, right?). So, could I possibly get Bucky x Kennedy with the prompt, "Hands off!" OR "You'll back off if you know what's good for you."
I couldn't choose which one I liked more lol!! Protective Bucky is my absolute FAV! I know it is going to be amazing!! Thank youuuu!💕🫶
MADS!!!!! HELLO MY FRIEND!!!! so lovely to see you both in the inbox and sending in this duo and prompt! :D i saw it and was immediately like - mads you are a GEM - because protective bucky IS the absolute best!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE SILVER BULLETS LOVE!!! they're my girls and are a joy to write so truly thank you :) your love and support has meant so so much!! i DO know you are an angst lover too hehe, so i decided to take a look at the earlier days of kennedy x bucky knowing one another (with extended cameos from judy and paulina - paulina who i wanted to work with more since i have written a lot of her yet), and dealing with...a rather precarious moment in which bucky is VERY MUCH being protective over the SB girls (with hints of kennedy x bucky of course because that's what makes the world go 'round). i went with the second prompt because i just couldn't help myself with that prompt - it's just too good!!! so please enjoy!!! <333333
far less losses
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(a/n): you remember when judy mentioned that john egan has an 'awful soft spot for the Silver Bullets crew'? well....here we are, with bucky showing off that soft spot (which also equates to his soft spot for a certain kennedy farley) all on display. SO -- please enjoy kennedy, judy and paulina, with a bit of bucky being well....bucky haha! please enjoy and thank you again! <3
"I think it's cute!" Judy exclaimed with a smile from beside Kennedy in the mirror in the bunk room the Silver Bullets girls were camped out in, "Truly, Kenny, just even taking those few extra minutes to pull a few pieces of hair away from your beautiful face always makes you feel better."
Judy was right - and she usually was.
After a rather depleting mission that morning, Kennedy had been feeling like laying down and staring at the ceiling for the rest of the evening was her ultimate goal, but Judy Rybinski had found her and convinced her to pull on her Class-A's and take an hour or two to destress in the local pub.
Kennedy shifted herself side to side in the mirror, her thick ginger hair that was usually pulled back from her face in a poor-looking ponytail or hastily put-together braids, appreciating the extra minute Judy had taken in telling her to leave her hair down and clip up some stray pieces behind the lower part of the crown of her head.
"This looks nice." Kennedy said, her voice sounding strange at the sight of seeing herself actually looking quite pretty. Usually covered in grease, dirt and other substances that she didn't even want to know of, seeing her face so bright and clean, her brown eyes light and alive, made her smile a bit.
"You look so pretty, Kenny," Judy said from beside her in the mirror, glancing up at her with the most genuine look on her face, "seriously, you could walk in any pub in England and they'd think that it's Rita Hayworth." Kennedy couldn't help but grin at Judy's words as she took in all angles she could.
"Oh, c'mon, Judy," Kennedy said, glancing down at the ball gunner, "you could do much of the same and they'd think it's Ingrid Bergman."
"That's mighty kind of you Kenny," Judy said with a chuckle, her face glowing, "Ingrid is quite the star, isn't she? Top compliments from Kenny Farley herself."
"What can I say? I'm a miracle worker at the best of times." Kennedy said and Judy laughed again, before looking up to Kennedy softly.
"Let's go get some drinks." Judy said, "Forget about whatever the hell today was, right?"
The walk across base with the sun nearly set was quite peaceful, especially in the summer months - it almost felt like home in some weird way.
Growing up with both older and younger siblings - all brothers - she'd spent enough of her summer days outside from dawn to dusk, drinking her mother's fresh-made lemonade, peeling oranges and eating cheese sandwiches, catching frogs, playing in the streets, making a fair attempt at a ball game where she was usually one of the only girls (having brothers made you automatically a part of the line-up, even if you struck out 90% of the time, she got better though).
She'd come inside, sweating, covered in dirt and grass, with her freckles on full display and her mother would tell her to go and get herself cleaned up for dinner. And everything would smell like fresh lavender soap and soft linen, and dinner would be roasted chicken, carrots, potatoes, asparagus, all the fixings, more lemonade, cookies for desert. Her mother would have to make multiple batches just to feed all her hungry kids.
And her dad would come back from work and be cracking jokes, telling them stories from work, what he had done that day. Something about summer, at home, in Boston.
My how the times had changed from then to now.
The local town pub was a place she'd been a few times, but each time it was much of the same when she got in. It was in fact like entering a whole different world that was separated from both summer and Thorpe Abbotts.
Everything smelled like beer and smoke, there was also music playing, people dancing and without a doubt, every corner you turned, you were shaking hands with someone, introducing yourself and saying your hellos. A home away from home. And it was quite the eclectic mix - USAAF and RAF pilots and crew members all together, local town people, Land Girls. Enough of a comfort though so you could enjoy your drink and meet a new face or two.
"Pretty crowded." Judy said from beside her as they stepped inside and took their ganders around, "Never seen so many people shoved in one place."
"One too many bad missions seems to send everybody here, I won't lie, Judy." Kennedy said, reaching up to tuck some hair back over her shoulder, and letting her eyes glance around again.
"Look who decided to show up." Judy and Kennedy looked up to see Paulina, resident radio op, coming towards them, her long, dark hair elegantly curled, her red lipstick making an appearance again that reminded Kennedy starkly of their training days where Paulina was always going on about the importance of always carrying a tube of lipstick where she went. She always said that you'd never know who'd you see - Christ, Cary Grant could show up and you'll be thanking yourself for that damn tube of lipstick!
"Thought you were staying in?" Kennedy shrugged.
"Judy dragged me out. Promised to pay for a drink."
"Hey!" Judy said looking to Kennedy and teasingly shoving at her shoulder, "I didn't say a thing about paying! I told ya that you needed to get out. Destress. Ya know?" Paulina snickered and glanced to Kennedy who smirked.
"And…I didn't drag you out. I was just convincing enough to get you outta that bunk room." Judy said, "It's a good trait to have, isn't it, Pauli?"
"That's right," Paulina said, stepping forward to wrap an arm around Judy's shoulders, "let's get you two some drinks, alright? And….just so you know, Lieutenant Bradshaw offered to open a tab, so….go crazy, I don't know….I guess she could see plenty of the looks on our faces."
"She's a sweetheart." Judy said with a smile.
"She always knows," Kennedy said quietly as they moved towards the bar, "she's good like that. Reminds me of Birdie."
"She always reminds me of Birdie." Paulina said with a sad smile, "Maybe it's a sign from Birdie up above. Letting us get ourselves Annie Bradshaw as our pilot. You know?"
"I take any sorta stuff like that as a sign," Judy said as they approached the bar and called for three beers, "there's no one like Birdie, but there sure as hell isn't a soul like Annie Bradshaw."
"You ever think about what might've happened if Birdie hadn't gotten hit?" Paulina asked as the tender brought their beers and gave them a smile - Paulina took a long, hard sip before sighing, "Just….things would be so different, but we woulda never met Annie. I don't fucking know, it's weird to think about sometimes."
Kennedy and Judy exchanged quiet glances, but it wasn't like Paulina was lying. Sometimes it was weird to ponder a thing like that - if Birdie had never died and they had never met Annie. And then in moments like this, Kennedy always though that life worked to do things in ways that were always meant to be and clearly what had happened was meant to be, despite the circumstances.
And Annie Bradshaw was always meant to be Silver Bullets' command pilot in place of Birdie Faulkner.
That was one thing for sure.
"Good evening." All three of their heads turned to find one of the RAF pilots they'd seen hanging around in the weeks previous coming towards them, his eyes catching Kennedy's in a way that made her slowly shift her gaze away and sip at her drink again. She sighed. Paulina rolled her eyes.
"Evening." Paulina said slowly, lifting her mug of beer towards him before sipping it and growing quiet. Judy glanced at Kennedy, who gave her a quiet look.
Many of the men that were outside the 100th were usually nice and cordial to them. There'd been some off-handed, unneeded comments before about women in aviation, but they'd heard enough of it to ignore any sort of comment like that. They'd heard it all. For months. Some for years. Ignorance was bliss.
"You three wouldn't happen to be part of the lady crew in the 100th would you?" he asked them, sipping his beer slowly and meeting all their gazes, "I've just had quite the conversation with your Annie Bradshaw if you are. Sweet girl."
"It's Lieutenant." Kennedy offered his way, meeting his gaze again, "She's our pilot."
"Ah," the RAF - Kennedy thought he was a pilot it seemed - pilot said, with a nod, "very sweet girl." Paulina shifted beside Kennedy and sighed.
"Command pilot." Paulina muttered under her breath.
"Anything else?" Judy asked, almost sweetly, but slightly like she were undercutting his words in a way where she wanted to try and disperse the interaction as quickly as possible, "We've had a long day." The RAF pilot glanced at her and smiled, before glancing at Kennedy and Paulina.
"Long day? What ever was the matter?" he asked them and then chuckled slightly and sipped his beer again, "Right - you fly during the day, am I correct?"
"Here we fucking go," Paulina said, pushing back from the bar table, looking ready to start swinging, but Kennedy held her arm and looked to the RAF pilot again, "I swear to God, Kenny."
"We do." Kennedy said, "Why? Is there a problem with that?" The RAF pilot chuckled.
"No, no, not at all. Just curious." Kennedy leaned forward and raised a brow.
"Curious. Curious, curious, curious - what are we curious about it. We've been doing it ever since we came across the fucking pond-"
"What we're trying to say," Judy said interrupting her and giving both Kennedy and Paulina a look, "that's just what we do. We do days, you do nights. Either way, we're pounding the Germans day and night and you should be really thankful for that. You do what you all do, and we do what we do. And it works."
"You'd have far less losses." he offered, in a way that sounded condescending - it made Kennedy's skin crawl.
Far less losses.
Birdie invaded her mind like she always did.
"Listen, we just finished a really crappy mission," Kennedy said, leaning forward and gently wrapping an arm over Judy's shoulders and pulling her closer back from the RAF pilot, "we can pick up this conversation another time."
"Apologies, apologies," the RAF pilot said, holding up his hands in a pitiful, mock-defense, "I'm only commenting on such happenings. Nothing more."
"Commenting-" Kennedy started, but another voice entered her ears.
"Major." the RAF pilot said, suddenly straightening up, sticking out his hand to shake, and his eyes turning glossy, that earlier determination and confidence dwindling.
Kennedy slowly looked back over her shoulder and watched as Major Egan, the smell of beer and cologne wafting off of him, came to a stop beside the three of them there, looking towards the RAF pilot with a face that was the closest to stone-cold that there could be. And Major Egan was not the best at schooling his emotions and concealing what he was actually feeling, but he was doing a pretty damn good job right now.
"What are we talking about?" Major Egan asked, his voice deeper than Kennedy had heard it before, as he crossed his arms and straightened his back, looking directly at the RAF pilot, "Go on, don't mind me."
"Uh, well-"
"Just about our missions," Judy butted in sweetly, looking up at Major Egan, "sir, we were just discussing our….rather interesting differences. But that we bomb the Germans all the same."
"Really?" Major Egan said, almost sarcastically, his smile wide on his cheeks, his voice a crack higher, his tone one that he always had when he was trying to hide his annoyance, "Thank you for that Rybinski, really valuable information." Major Egan looked at the RAF pilot. "You should've just come and talked right with me. These ladies have had a long day. Up at 0300 and still making it out here. They don't wanna have to discuss anything with missions and all. You should know." The group fell quiet as the RAF pilot rather loudly and quite nervously slurped at his beer.
"I just knew they were apart of the lady crew. With Annie Bradshaw-"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw-" Major Egan offered.
"-and I just figured I'd have a chat with them. Never did do much talking about missions with a lady crew before."
"Oh and it's bound to be your last-" Major Egan commented.
"Sir-" Kennedy said looking to him and giving him a look as he met her gaze. Something in his eye told her that he was going to stop until this RAF pilot walked away and she was almost too tired to care if he did say something more or not.
"What's all this about a lady crew, too?" Major Egan said, "They're another one of our crews in the 100th. Did all the same training we did, same shit." Major Egan chuckled. "You wouldn't know that because you were here, what? Drinking warm beer and complaining about the sun-shining, huh? Upset it wasn't nighttime-"
"Major." Paulina said looking up at him, "Just ignore him, we were going to go find Lieutenant Bradshaw anyway."
"Nah, nah," Major Egan said, stepping forward, closer to the RAF pilot this time - the height difference was palpable, with the RAF pilot looking upwards and Major Egan looking downwards, like some sort of quiet conversation being exchanging between the two, "gotta name?"
"Uh, Langley, sir-"
"Langley." Major Egan said, with a funny tone to his voice that was clearly making fun of the way the RAF pilot had said it, "Where the hell you from, Langley?"
"Birmingham. Sir."
"Oh, you're gonna start calling me sir, now, huh?" Major Egan said glancing back at the group of the three of them and grinning that sarcastic, shit-eating grin and pointing over his shoulder, "He called me sir, what a fucking character." Major Egan turned back to the RAF pilot and let his face grow cold.
"The crew is Silver Bullets and they're apart of the 100th just like myself," Major Egan said, "and they've had a long day. All of us have, got it? So, you'll back off if you know what's good for you. And leave these ladies alone and run along to you and your British friends, alright? Get yourself some warm beer, too."
"It's not really super warm-"
"You drink warm fucking beer." Major Egan said with a look, hands on his hips this time, "Go on."
Slowly Kennedy glanced back at the RAF pilot and watched as his brain seemed to rewire, licking his lips quickly as he did so, before retreating like a dog with its tail between its legs. The three of them watched as Major Egan watched the RAF pilot turn to leave, ducking out of the pub with the beer in his hand. Major Egan turned to them, a grin on his face, clearly satisfied with the words that had left his lips and then met her gaze.
"What a guy," Major Egan said, as Kennedy held his gaze, her cheeks heating slightly as she looked back to her beer sat, the glass practically melting on the beer and sighed, "these RAF pilots got a set to be saying stuff like that to you all."
"He said he talked to Lieutenant Bradshaw, sir," Judy said looking up to Major Egan who leaned up the bar beside her, "called her a sweet girl and all. He couldn't even seem to fathom the idea of Annie flying planes." Judy chuckled and looked to Major Egan again. "He probably would've fainted on the spot to hear that we actually are pretty efficient as an all-female bombing crew." Major Egan chuckled at her words and raised a hand for a beer.
"Got that right, Rybinski." Major Egan said with a smile Judy's way before looking to Kennedy and Paulina, "Everyone doing okay after today?"
One thing Kennedy always appreciated with their leaders was that they recognized the toll missions like that took on people - whether if they showed it on their faces or not, their eyes always spoke in ways they couldn't. And he could see that, that much was true.
"I have a cold beer in my hand, sir," Paulina said with a smile, "that's enough to be thankful for after today I must admit." Major Egan let the corner of his lip poke upwards and glanced at Kennedy.
"Farley." Major Egan said, his voice a drip softer than it had been when he'd first come over, "You're quiet."
"And when Kenny Farley's quiet," Judy said with a small smile, "you know the mission today was beating us more than helping us, sir." Major Egan looked to Judy with a saddened smile on his face before looking back at Kennedy.
"Just thinking about something that pilot said, sir," Kennedy said, looking to Paulina and Judy before looking back to him again, lacing and unlacing her fingers over and over again in a nervous way, "reminded me of Birdie." The group of four grew quiet at her words.
"Just when he was going on, sir, about flying night missions," Kennedy said with a nod, "something like we'd have far less losses than if we flew at night. And it just….I don't know, shit like that bothers me. Because he clearly knew about our crew sir, which meant he oughta have heard about Birdie." Major Egan's eyes shifted to hers again, before he glanced back over his shoulder towards the doorway, shuddering his shoulders and letting out a disgruntled groan. He reached forward to take a long sip of his beer and then stood up from the bar and looked to them.
"Come find me if another one of these smucks has another fucking comment," Major Egan said, reaching up to run a hand through his dark curls on his head, before offering a smile, "no one makes comments about the Silver Bullets crew without me hearing about it, alright?" Then he turned and Kennedy couldn't help but step forward and wrap her hand around his upper arm and look up at him.
"Don't do anything stupid, sir," Kennedy said, looking up at him knowingly, "you can have your thoughts about Silver Bullets and our crew, but other people don't like the looks of a woman in the service, nor a whole bombing crew. Don't go getting yourself into more trouble than is needed, sir, alright?"
"Farley," Major Egan said, reaching up to rest a hand on her shoulder, "I've already made enough comments towards them, about them, for them to build a bridge to the States and back. Defending you all ain't much trouble." Kennedy stared at him and fell quiet. "Look, I just got a few choice words for him. That's all."
"Those choice words better involve, don't say that sorta shit like that again and then a firm goodbye and no more, sir," Kennedy said looking at him, "you don't need that face sporting anymore black eyes."
"You think I got a pretty face, Farley?" Major Egan said, looking sideways at her with that award-winning grin again, pearly whites shiny and bright, his eyes squinty, his gaze on her. Kennedy stared at him, the tops of her cheeks turning red as she suddenly felt herself stand quite still, "Go back and enjoy a drink with Stagliano and Rybinski without someone like him hanging over you. Don't worry about me." Kennedy watched him and then slowly nodded.
"Thanks for that back there by the way, sir," she said, quicker than she wanted, her eyes holding his, "it was a long day, with the mission and all. We just wanted a night out without thinking about it, sir, ya know?" Major Egan smiled and bumped her shoulder.
"Think of it as free entertainment." Major Egan said with a grin, before nodding towards the door, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to head out for a bit. Enjoy your beer." He quirked out a grin. "You should wear your hair like that more often." And with that, he was stepping away, running his hand through his own hair and stepping outside the pub again. Kennedy watched him go, her cheeks flaming red - the fact he had noticed her hair was enough for her to swallow it down and forget about it. She turned and slid back to the bar, in between Paulina and Judy.
"What'd he say?" Paulina asked, bumping her shoulder, "Looked pretty damn happy about telling that guy off."
"I think he's probably gonna take a punch to the face, but he's going to go send the message home it seems." Kennedy said quietly as Judy giggled, "What?"
"The look on his face when he saw you weren't the happiest camper, oh Kennedy, it was real sweet." Judy said as Kennedy sipped her beer and ignored the swirl in her stomach and crimson on her cheeks, "He's just sweet on us, you know that. They all are. They'd defend us tooth and nail any day."
"See," Paulina said, leaning towards Kennedy and dropping her voice so only Kennedy and Judy could here, "could've put on that tube of red lipstick even just for him."
"Pauli!" Kennedy admonished and Judy giggled.
"You ain't ever gonna forget it, Kenny, never!"
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soiwatchyougo · 5 months
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Bodyguard (2)
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen
Thankfully the pair managed to watch the film in relative peace.
Mapi complained that it was too predictable, so Ingrid became the defender of rom-coms, reminding her that they weren’t meant to be works of art. Mapi just huffed and watched the rest of the film with a scowl on her face, much to Ingrid’s amusement.
Despite it not being too late in the night, everyone was shattered by the end of the film. It had been an early start for the flight, and the fatigue was slowly catching up with them. Steven nearly dozed off in his armchair, earning him some light-hearted teasing from the rest about his ability to do his job. He brushed them off and went to bed, and everyone else slowly peeled off until Ingrid was the last one left. After three successive yawns, she admitted defeat and went upstairs, quickly completing her skincare routine and changing into her pyjamas, which only consisted of an old tank top and a pair of shorts that only grazed the bottom of her ass. She assumed no one would be seeing her in her nightwear, so she decided to pick comfort over style, armed with the knowledge that even with air-conditioning, Spanish nights were hot.
Just as she was about to turn her light off, she realised her mouth was rather dry. She thought back to the salty paella and decided that it was probably wise to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. Groaning, she left her comfortable bed and padded downstairs, deciding to forgo turning on the kitchen light and instead relying on the pool lights that were filtering through the kitchen window. She could see enough to find the glass cupboard, so she grabbed one and headed towards the tap. She was just about to twist the knob when she heard a rustling sound coming from the pool.
Hesitantly, she put the glass on the side and walked over to the window. Peering out of it, she could make out the shadow of a dark figure fiddling with the sun loungers. She wondered whether to get Steven, but she could guarantee that he was asleep, or Mapi, who she didn’t want to give another reason to tease her.
Hesitantly, she picked a knife up from the rack and tiptoed outside, shivering as the cold night air enveloped her. The figure was straightening the loungers, and Ingrid felt her heart squeeze in fear. They didn’t seem to be on a hunt to kill her, but they certainly looked muscular, and Ingrid wasn’t sure she fancied her chances in a fight.
As she moved closer to the figure, they still hadn’t noticed that she was there. With as much confidence as she could muster, she thrust the knife out in front of her.
“Get out of my villa,” she tried to say sternly, her voice quivering with fear. The figure turned around, and Ingrid nearly jumped out of her skin in fright, all her senses heightened. The person’s face was slowly revealed, and Ingrid nearly thrust the knife into them out of anger.
“Maria,” she said breathlessly, “what the fuck are you doing out here?”
She slowly lowered the knife and sat on the sun lounger, her heart still thudding in her chest. There had been several times in her life when she had felt scared, but she normally had Steven by her side to protect her. This time she was completely on her own, and it felt terrible.
“Shit,” Mapi said, running her hand through her hair, “I’m so sorry- I thought everyone had gone to bed. I was just tidying up.”
She gingerly sat on the sun lounger next to a shaking Ingrid. Hesitantly, she wrapped her arm around her shoulder in comfort. Ingrid tensed, and Mapi was about to move it away and apologise again when Ingrid relaxed, leaning into the Spaniard.
Mapi’s scent was welcoming, and Ingrid finally felt safe enclosed by her strong arm. Her breath was shaky, but feeling Mapi’s chest rise and fall calmed her, helping her to even out her breathing.
Mapi carefully removed the knife from Ingrid’s trembling hand, noticing how the Norwegian’s arm was covered in goosebumps.
“Should we go back inside?” Mapi said softly, her eyes pooled with concern.
Ingrid nodded timidly, letting the Spaniard help her stand up. She waited for Mapi to remove her hand, but it just migrated to the small of her back. Normally she would indignantly tell Mapi off, reminding her that she was an independent woman, but her nerves were so frayed that the gentle pressure was comforting as they walked back into the house.
Returning to her forgotten glass, Ingrid filled it up with water and started heading back to her room when she noticed Mapi was still in the kitchen, leaning heaving against the counter. Her brow furrowed as she noticed the Spaniard lean forward and put her face in her hands, sighing heavily.
“Are you okay?” Ingrid said tentatively.
Mapi flinched slightly, surprise etched on her face as she turned around and noticed Ingrid was still there.
“Yeah,” she said weakly, “sorry, I’m just a bit of a mess.”
Ingrid placed her glass back down and walked back into the kitchen. Mapi may have been a pain in the ass for the whole day, but that didn’t mean Ingrid was going to leave her to have a breakdown.
Mapi waved her off, “No, it’s fine. You go to bed, I’ll be okay.”
Ingrid sighed. Even in her most vulnerable state, the Spaniard was still trying to protect her, but trying to brush off the princess of Norway was useless; Ingrid was too stubborn for that.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong,” she said sternly, pulling out one of the stools by the counter and firmly anchoring herself on it, “so either we can stay here in silence all night, or you can speak to me.”
Mapi shook her head in disbelief, “you’re impossible.”
Ingrid shrugged, a smug smirk on her face. It may have seemed like she was just teasing Mapi, but she truly did care about her bodyguard’s wellbeing. Mapi waited for Ingrid to fire back a quick response, but the Norwegian was serious about getting her to open up.
“Fine,” Mapi said in defeat, “I just feel like I’m screwing everything up.”
Ingrid cocked her head in confusion, “I didn’t die today, so I think you did a pretty decent job.”
“Thanks,” Mapi replied, a grimace on her face. “That’s not all my job is about though. I’m meant to help you feel safe and comfortable, and all I’ve managed to do is nearly scare you to death twice and tease you relentlessly.”
Mapi’s face was pained, and Ingrid felt a wave of guilt washing over her.
“That’s not true,” Ingrid said firmly. “Well, the teasing bit may not be far off, but I’m to blame for that as well. I feel safe around you, and if that doesn’t tell you how well you’re doing your job, then I don’t know what will.”
Mapi nodded unconvincingly, and Ingrid tried to stifle her yawn, the adrenaline slowly leaving her bloodstream and being replaced by exhaustion.
“Come on then,” she said, “If you don’t go to bed soon you won’t get any sleep, and I’m not sure how effective you’ll be then.”
Mapi chuckled and followed the Norwegian out of the kitchen. Just as Ingrid was about to walk up the stairs she faltered, remembering her shorts. They barely covered her ass, and she knew that the Spaniard would get quite a show if she followed her up the stairs. She awkwardly tried to tug them down, hoping Mapi couldn’t see her face turning a light shade of pink under the corridor light.
“What, do you want me to carry you up the stairs?” Mapi joked as Ingrid stopped in front of the first step. She was oblivious to the Norwegian’s struggle and just wanted to get to bed.
When Ingrid didn’t reply, Mapi huffed in annoyance and bent down, placing one arm around the back of the Norwegian’s legs and the other around her shoulders. Before Ingrid had time to react, the floor disappeared from underneath her feet and she was suspended in the air, the Spaniard’s strong arms the only thing keeping her from falling.
She squealed in surprise, but Mapi didn’t let go, tightening her grip around the Norwegian. Her face was set in a determined smirk, and Ingrid searched for any sign of discomfort in her eyes, but she seemed unbothered by lifting Ingrid’s weight.
Instinctively Ingrid wrapped her arms around Mapi’s shoulders as her bodyguard started to carry her up the stairs, princess style. Mapi barely grunted with the effort, and Ingrid tried not to notice how their faces were only inches apart or the feeling of the Spaniard’s muscled chest against hers.
Ingrid knew that if she asked, Mapi would put her down in an instant, understanding her boundaries. Yet the words got stuck in her throat as she clung onto Mapi for dear life, attempting to hide the small smile on her lips. She knew the irony of being carried princess style, but she honestly didn’t care, not when she could feel the Spaniard’s warm breath on her neck or her calloused hands on her bare legs.
When they reached the top of the stairs Mapi carefully placed her back on the floor, grinning as Ingrid attempted to act annoyed. Ingrid huffed and sauntered back to her room, her pink face slowly turning a shade of red. She would have to get Mapi to sign an iron-clad NDA at the end of the trip, although the content that it contained was slowly increasing, each experience with her bodyguard a far cry from her usual stoic composure.
Ingrid groaned as she woke up the next morning, the sunlight filtering through her thin curtains. Due to her run-in with Mapi, she had only managed to steal a few hours of sleep, and even then they were plagued with images of the Spaniard, some more indecent than others.
Regretfully, she pulled herself out of bed and to her ensuite, completing her morning routine with minimal effort. She picked out a stripy bikini and put it on under some denim shorts and a cropped t-shirt, packing her tote bag for the beach before heading downstairs for breakfast.
The table was overflowing with pastries and fruit as Ingrid sat down in the same seat as the previous night, handpicking a few items to put on her plate. Frido and Caro were sitting on the other side of the table, and they stopped their discussion as soon as they noticed Ingrid sitting down, guilty looks on their faces.
Before Ingrid could question them about it, Mapi plonked herself down into the seat next to the Norwegian, immediately piling her plate high with pastries.
“Save some for the rest of us,” Ingrid said teasingly, eying up Mapi’s plate.
Mapi took a large bite of a croissant, the pastry muffling her response. Ingrid raised her eyebrow at her manners, and the Spaniard chewed faster, washing down the rest of her bite with a swig of juice.
“I’m just fuelling up,” she said defensively, “you wouldn’t want to be kidnapped just because I couldn’t run after you, would you?”
“Good to know your abilities are dependent on pastries,” Ingrid said with a sigh, taking a delicate bite of her croissant. She wiped away the crumbs that had accumulated around her mouth with her napkin, scowling as Mapi used her tongue to make hers disappear. She couldn’t quite stop her eyes from focusing on the Spaniard’s tongue, her mind going to dirty places that made her immediately tear them away, shame creeping up her neck in the form of a blush.
“So,” Frido said cheerfully from the other side of the table, “is everyone excited to go to the beach?”
“No,” Caro said, turning her nose up, “I hate the sand.”
“Aww come on,” Frido said, “it’s going to be fun!”
Caro chewed moodily on a piece of mango, and Ingrid couldn’t help but chuckle at her friend’s bluntness.
“ I’m excited,” Mapi said proudly, “I love the beach.”
“Thank you!” Frido said in an exasperated voice, “At least one person is in the holiday spirit.”
At that moment Steven walked into the room, wearing a questionable Hawaiian print shirt. Ingrid’s face dropped in horror at its bright colours, and she nearly exiled him straight away, his wide smile the only thing stopping her.
“I’m in the spirit too,” he announced jovially, sitting down at the head of the table.
The rest of the table burst into laughter. Mapi nearly choked on her croissant and Ingrid had to wipe tears from the corner of her eyes, her bodyguard’s confusion only making her laugh more.
“What?” Steven said in a hurt voice, “Is it my shorts? I should’ve known red was too exotic.”
He barely managed to finish his sentence before he was drowned out by another wave of laughter.
They eventually managed to coerce Steven into changing his shirt into a plain white one, citing safety concerns. He grudgingly agreed and they piled into the car, ready for a fun day at the beach. Caro looked less than enthusiastic, especially when Mapi started to slow the car and expertly parked it next to the coastline, the smell of salt now lingering in the air.
Mapi grabbed her obnoxiously big rucksack from the boot, and Ingrid couldn’t help but scoff, slinging her smaller tote back over her shoulder. Frido and Steven strode ahead, debating where to set their towels up for optimum tanning opportunity and security, and Caro tiptoed behind, refusing to take off her trainers.
Ingrid pulled off her sandals, letting out a sigh of relief as she felt the warm sand seep between her toes. She could hear the waves crashing in the distance, the gentle sound instantly calming her. The beach had always been her happy place, and she couldn’t wait to stretch out on a towel and sunbathe.
“So,” Mapi said excitedly, hoisting her backpack up her shoulders, “what do you want to play first? I’ve got a football, bat and ball or some boules.”
Ingrid shook her head incredulously, “Is that what you’ve got in that massive bag? I was hoping it was a six-pack of beer.”
“Of course not,” Mapi replied defensively, “I think giving alcohol to a princesa would result in an immediate firing.”
“I guess I won’t be sharing any of the wine I have in my bag with you then,” Ingrid said cheekily, pulling out the top of the bottle. Mapi’s eyes widened in shock, and she immediately pushed Ingrid’s hand back into the bag, checking around furtively to make sure no one saw.
“You can’t drink that,” she said in a hushed whisper.
“Why not?”
“Because!” Mapi spluttered, gesturing wildly, “I can’t be responsible for guarding you if you're drunk.”
“Not my problem,” Ingrid said with a smirk. They reached Frido and Steven, who had already started setting down the towels. Ingrid looked for Caro, but the Norwegian was just a speck in the distance; she would eventually find them.
“Anyway, you can’t play any of my games if you’re drunk,” Mapi said with a pout. She haphazardly threw her towel onto the sand, making it very clear it was merely a symbol and that she wouldn’t be spending any time lying on it.
“Oh Maria,” Ingrid said with a chuckle, “the only way I’m playing your games is if I’m drunk.”
Mapi huffed and rummaged in her bag, producing a football. Carefully laying her towel onto the sand, Ingrid watched as the Spaniard started doing keepie uppies. She managed to control the ball for an impressive number of kicks until it went flying, nearly landing on an unsuspecting family. Mapi winced and retrieved her ball, apologising profusely to the scowling father.
Ingrid secretly took a swig of wine and removed her clothing, leaving her just in her bikini. Her skin was already slightly tanned from the previous day, and she knew this bikini complemented her body well, highlighting her best features.
She tried to sunbathe but all she could hear was Mapi apologising to yet another family as her ball went haywire, ruining her peace. Grimacing, she got up rather ungracefully and walked over to the Spaniard. Mapi grinned as she got closer, and Ingrid wasn’t sure what was more blinding; her smile or the sun.
“Have you come to play?” she asked excitedly, handing Ingrid the ball.
Ingrid spun it in her hands before dropping it down onto her foot, performing several perfectly controlled kicks. When her legs started to tire, she kicked it slightly higher and caught it with her hands, smirking at her shocked bodyguard.
“Just wanted to show you how it was done,” Ingrid said, her voice dripping with satisfaction, “try not to hurt anyone with your, uh, attempts .”
She managed to catch a glimpse of Mapi’s jaw swinging open before she turned around and walked back to her towel, making sure to swing her hips slightly. For someone who was scared to walk up the stairs the previous night, she was certainly bold today, all her reservations flying out the window. She had seen the way Mapi’s eyes unconsciously roamed her body, and she knew that even if her bodyguard vehemently denied it, there was some level of attraction between the two of them. Ingrid wasn’t afraid to use that to her advantage as she took another swig of wine, passing the bottle to Frido. Before the Swede could take a sip Mapi ran over, stealing the bottle from her hands. Frido sighed indignantly, trying to grasp the bottle from Mapi’s strong grip.
“No,” she said sternly, clutching the bottle to her chest. She turned to face Ingrid and her eyebrow furrowed in annoyance, “You’re a bad influence, princesa .”
“Oh, I know,” Ingrid said, placing her hands behind her head and lying down. She made sure to make a show of stretching her long limbs, and even though her eyes closed, she could feel Mapi staring at her appreciatively.
“Wine!” Caro said excitedly, finally reaching the group. She prised the bottle from an unsuspecting Mapi and unscrewed the top, taking along a swig of the liquid. “I’ve changed my mind- I don’t mind the beach after all.”
Mapi groaned, “Steven? Any help here?”
“Nope,” Steven said, “I’m reading my book.”
Mapi huffed and sat on her towel like a petulant child, “Great,” she said sarcastically, giving up trying to gain ownership of the wine bottle, which was already half empty.
“It’s okay Maria,” Ingrid said sweetly, “this is only the start.”
“Oh, didn’t you know?” Ingrid said nonchalantly, a small smile tugging at her lips, “We’re going clubbing tonight.”
Mapi’s groans were drowned out by cheers from Frido and Caro. She looked out at the sea and wondered if she would still get paid if she magically went missing in it, only to return a week later when the holiday had finished. It didn’t seem likely, and Mapi collapsed onto her towel in defeat, her resistance to the Norwegian princess slowly crumbling every second.
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raxistaicho · 5 months
just saw a post stating that edelgard starting a war is 100% wrong, essentially stating that being a revolutionary is Evil no matter the context
it really is incredible just how absurd theyre willing to go with this narrative that shes a bad person, as if a good percentage of media doesnt inherently glorify revolutionaries as heroes and idols to be celebrated. but when edelgard does this, it suddenly becomes wrong, a crime. how curious is that, right?
like its really clear that these people just dont give a damn about the story of fodlan at all because its VERY CLEAR that this is a country on the brink of collapse. i dont know how you can look at fodlan in any capacity and not see the cracks beginning to form. this is a country where child soldiers are not only encouraged, but REQUIRED in order to keep up with bandit attacks and slaying demonic beasts. multiple paralogues state that children with crests are married off, to the point where sylvain literally calls himself a studhorse at one point. ingrids paralogue is about defending ingrid from being KIDNAPPED and likely forced to marry a man at knifepoint. multiple cultures like sreng and duscur have been stomped on and treated like dirt, treated like "cared for" slaves at best and violent savages at worst, to the point where a man escaping back to his homeland is seen as "refusing kindness". FODLAN IS A BAD PLACE.
but no! apparently war is ALWAYS evil, even when the alternative is letting this state of affairs continue. war is ALWAYS evil, even when it saves innocent lives from the machinations of those who would do us harm. war-- No, let me be clear about what this person means. When they say "War", what they actually mean is "Violence." Violence is always Evil. That's what this means. It's that old adage of "Violence never solved anything", except that this is a statement used by pacifists to demean all violence rather than just cruelty.
If you look me in the eyes and tell me that you wouldn't hurt anybody, ever, then all it tells me is that you haven't got the heart to actually care about people. Is violence tragic? Yes. Absolutely. But denouncing it entirely is... It's beyond inhuman. It's apathetic about human life to the point of insanity. There are stories dating back centuries - Millenia, almost certainly - about how men and women will fight against gods and demons just to save one person from a fate they didn't deserve.
"Violence is Evil." No. Violence is Emotion. It can be used to attack and it can be used to defend. It is not, and cannot, be evil of its own accord. It is a tool to be used at the discretion of its wielder.
Evil, TRUE Evil, is Apathy. Evil is when you have all the power in the world to help people, to change the world, and you don't. When you see genuine human suffering and you don't feel the urge to step in and help. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
just saw a post stating that edelgard starting a war is 100% wrong, essentially stating that being a revolutionary is Evil no matter the context it really is incredible just how absurd theyre willing to go with this narrative that shes a bad person, as if a good percentage of media doesnt inherently glorify revolutionaries as heroes and idols to be celebrated. but when edelgard does this, it suddenly becomes wrong, a crime. how curious is that, right?
Generally speaking, Edelgard detractors try to deny that she's revolting at all through some description pedantry, even though ultimately what she's doing is fighting the very social groundwork upon which Fodlan rests, and,
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So yeah. They get so hung up on the part where she's a person in power herself and ignore that she intends to change Fodlan utterly, and for the better. Rhea and Seteth frequently call her a traitor or other synonyms. She is a revolutionary.
Also, people just become enamored with the ideal of peaceful protest, when the reality is... sometimes things gotta get bloody.
like its really clear that these people just dont give a damn about the story of fodlan at all because its VERY CLEAR that this is a country on the brink of collapse. i dont know how you can look at fodlan in any capacity and not see the cracks beginning to form. this is a country where child soldiers are not only encouraged, but REQUIRED in order to keep up with bandit attacks and slaying demonic beasts. multiple paralogues state that children with crests are married off, to the point where sylvain literally calls himself a studhorse at one point. ingrids paralogue is about defending ingrid from being KIDNAPPED and likely forced to marry a man at knifepoint. multiple cultures like sreng and duscur have been stomped on and treated like dirt, treated like "cared for" slaves at best and violent savages at worst, to the point where a man escaping back to his homeland is seen as "refusing kindness". FODLAN IS A BAD PLACE.
Yup. It's been said time and again, but for a setting in an FE game, Fodlan's in a remarkable state of turmoil long before the war kicks off. Usually things are peaceful before the aggressor nation makes it move.
but no! apparently war is ALWAYS evil, even when the alternative is letting this state of affairs continue. war is ALWAYS evil, even when it saves innocent lives from the machinations of those who would do us harm. war-- No, let me be clear about what this person means. When they say "War", what they actually mean is "Violence." Violence is always Evil. That's what this means. It's that old adage of "Violence never solved anything", except that this is a statement used by pacifists to demean all violence rather than just cruelty.
So Fire Emblem as a series is in a weird place in how it treats war, because frankly it wants to have things both ways. Obviously the writers don't want to extol the "virtues" of warfare so on the face of things, the series tends to portray an anti-war message, but this is an SRPG at the end of the day, so while Emmeryn's appeals to peace were powerful and cause a good number of Plegia's soldiers to dessert, you still use violence and war to stop Gangrel, Walhart, and Grima. The writing rejects violence for a good cause even though violence is how you fix everything.
One of the Edelcrits runs a whole-ass thing picking out anti-war lines from Heroes as though this somehow throws shade on Three Houses, when the reality is it's throwing shade on how things are done throughout the whole series. They behave as though self-defensive violence is always justified and never spirals out of proportion.
"Violence is Evil." No. Violence is Emotion. It can be used to attack and it can be used to defend. It is not, and cannot, be evil of its own accord. It is a tool to be used at the discretion of its wielder.
Exactly. It's all about what the violence is doing and how severe it goes. Edelgard fights to bring rights to the people; Rhea fights to maintain her power and Fodlan's status quo. The fact that Rhea is the one defending herself doesn't change that she's fighting for a bad cause.
Evil, TRUE Evil, is Apathy. Evil is when you have all the power in the world to help people, to change the world, and you don't. When you see genuine human suffering and you don't feel the urge to step in and help. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Very true, and Fodlan is a case study in that.
Thanks for the excellent ask!
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Little Sisters Extras
Lego Sets that each kid would buy
Bean - The Lord of the Rings: Barad-dûr
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Bean inherits Leah's love for Lord of the Rings
It's something that really bonds them so there's no arguing as they build the set together
Just peace and it gets displayed on Leah's coffee table so Bean can come and play with it whenever she likes
Nena - Tranquil Garden
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Saw it in a shop window while walking with Ingrid and Mapi and thought it was so pretty
Mapi caved first and the rest of the day was the three of them working on it
Nena was worried about it getting ruined in her suitcase on the way home to Norway so Ingrid keeps it safe on one of her shelves
Rugrat - The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell
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Another Lord of the Rings fan
But Rugrat doesn't let Mary help apart from reading her the instructions
It's still a bonding day between them but Mary is not allowed to touch the bricks until it's done
Tesoro - Old Trafford - Manchester United
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Bought for her when Alessia still played at United
She begged so hard for it before she got it
Insisted that no one else was allowed to help her build it apart from Alessia
She is now campaigning for Lego to make an Emirates Stadium too
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 7- rest day
You had woken up in your bed the next morning which isnt where you had fell asleep the alarm clock next to you read 11.30am 'shit' was all you thought 'alexia is going to kill me im so late for training' you thought almost jumping from your bed and flinging the door open to the living room of the apartment however instead of finding the emptiness off the kitchen there was alexia mapi and ingrid. You stood almost clueless as the older girls turned to look at you "morning" mapi says first swivelling on her chair to face you "what the.. nah am i lost or something i thought we had training" you said staring almost having to think to blink " no we dont its a rest day" ingrid replied while the spanish girls look at eachother trying to decifer what you said. "What am i speaking a foreign language" you ask "yes y/n you are and i thought lucys accent was bad but you're on another level" mapi remarked " i agree with her Pequeña" alexia said greeting you with a warm smile.
You wandered to sit in the spare chair at the table as alexia served you breakfast it was like a little family you could never understand why alexia was so kind to you, the way she treated you it was like no one else had ever done before it was comforting. "I was thinking about going into town today" you said biting into a piece of toast. "You sure you want too?" Alexia ask concern filled her thoughts after yesterday. "Yeah i do you can come with me and be my tour guide" you said digging your elbow into her side "okay okay sure but no messing around otherwise im not buying you anything" she said back with her arms folded as if she was talking to a toddler.
You ran upstairs to get changed and make sure to have your phone with you as you shoved it into your jean pocket. "Okay im ready to go" you said bouncing on your heels "right let me get my shoes on but we have guests you know" alexia said pointing at mapi and ingrid "oh yeah do you wanna come then?" You asked hopeful they might come "we would love too but unfortunately we're going to a restaurant out of town so we need to go and get ready" mapi said almost sad that she couldn't hang out with you "no no its okay" you said smiling back at her.
You watched as the couple left the apartment and alexia followed car keys in hand to give you the best guided tour of Barcelona that anyone could ever give you. Your day was amazing you travelled to every single tiny art piece to the big monuments wandering through shops and stopping to try food. The day was amazing even though you did get made to go on photo duty as about 20 people recognised the la renia in her own kingdom but you didn't mind because truthfully you would have been the same a couple weeks ago.
The sun was coming to an end the skys turned from azule blue to a mix of dusty oranges and pinks that were littered with clouds as you made your way back to alexias car "thank you so much I've had such a good day even being your photographer" you said joking on the last part of your sentence "ohh shut up i might have to hire you if you're that good at taking photos then" she joked back "eyy i never that mate i only said i would for today" you said back "y/nnn stop with the English words you know i dont understand them" she said deadpanning her face "sorryyy they just slip out" you said pouting at her. The way home was peaceful you chatted all the way too the apartment and you talked right until you had to sleep as training had restarted and so did the games which you had hoped to start in.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Like a Weighted Blanket - Patri Guijarro x Reader
Summary: Falling asleep before dinner isn't ideal, especially when you forget about dinner and your teammates have to come and get you and Patri.
Training wasn’t usually so exhausting, but the flight to the away game was choppy thanks to turbulence, and you already hadn’t slept prior to the flight. Aitana had left the room to hang out with the others before dinner, leaving you laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling with the intention of having a nap.
A knock at the door had you stirring from your staring contest with the popcorn-lacking ceiling, getting up with a frown that soon faded into a soft smile as Patri slipped into the room. Her grin turned into a yawn as you both realised that exhaustion was washing over the midfielder, just like it was washing over you.
Patri’s arms remained around your waist as she nuzzled into you, your arms around her as you shuffled back, eventually flopping onto the bed with Patri on top of you.
“Stay… you’re warm, and I like you on top of me- not like that… not in this instance anyway, it just feels like a weighted blanket.” You explained, holding Patri so she would continue to lay on you. Her head rested on your chest, arms around you as you held her, legs entwined together.
Neither of you realised how easy it was to fall asleep when curled up with each other in that moment, compared to sitting on the bumpy plane, where you were between a chatty Jenni and a grumpy Mapi (because nobody would switch seats so she could sit with Ingrid). Patri had been sat between Clàudia and Mariona, both of which she ended up talking to instead of sleeping.
Time ticked forwards and dinner approached, your teammates all gathering until Aitana realised you were probably still napping, and Clàudia had assumed Patri was in their shared hotel room, the two announcing they’d be back shortly to go get you both.
You didn’t hear the hotel room door opening, or Aitana’s gasp as she froze in the doorway, her hand forgotten on the door handle as her eyes focussed on Patri asleep on top of a sleeping you, content with the world.
“Patri-” Clàudia frowned, looking around the hotel room she was sharing with Patri being empty.
“is here.” Aitana completed the sentence, feeling Clàudia walk up behind her and look over her shoulder at the scene on your bed in your and Aitana’s hotel room.
“Do we wake them up?”
“They look peaceful.”
“Girls. Dinner-” Irene’s voice left Aitana and Clàudia jumping slightly, the door slamming open against the door twice until Irene reached over and caught it before the third, her eyes lingering on you and Patri as the noise echoed around the room.
Irene didn’t even blink at the scene, watching as you and Patri jumped awake, Patri slipping off the bed as you sat up on your elbows, getting up hurriedly as you realised you were being stared at.
“Dinner.” Irene’s statement was softer than you expected as she waited for you to move, Patri scrambling off the floor towards the door as you followed her out of the room. Tugging your hoodie on as you stepped into the corridor, you ignored Aitana’s gaze on you, because Patri was staring straight ahead, avoiding Clàudia looking at her, while her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“What took you so long?”
“Ha, neither of them were showering, pay up-”
Irene said nothing as she returned to her seat, but with you and Patri ignoring everyone in favour of going over to get your plates, it left the team to turn to the only ones who may say something. Aitana and Clàudia.
The two had barely sat down when Jenni and Mapi began to make their enquiries about what had happened, Irene not speaking as she continued her dinner.
“What happened?”
“Why did you take so long?”
“What were they doing?”
“Were they together?”
Clàudia stole a glance at Patri, who stared down at her plate, whilst Aitana met your eyes for a moment as you sipped your drink, ignoring the curious gazes to the best of your ability as you accidentally met Alexia’s inquisitive eye before you looked down at your plate again. Not daring to risk a glance at Patri, but you could feel the fire in your face travelling up your neck and in your ears too.
It took Irene telling Jenni and Mapi off for them to fall silent for all of one minute, immediately questioning Clàudia and Aitana again. The two were getting closer to breaking, but they had to tread carefully, Irene’s eye contact with them both said that, especially with how awkward you and Patri had become.
“Were they fuc-”
A high pitched squeak cut off Mapi’s question as many flinched, the source of the noise being Patri’s cutlery scraping against the plate, her face burning an even darker red at her sacrifice, directing the attention onto her as she continued to eat like nothing had happened.
“Were they?” Mapi asked again, not getting an answer though as Clàudia and Aitana glanced at each other instead.
“Aw! So boring!” Jenni complained, a fake pout on her lips as she tried and failed to get a reaction, watching carefully as you rolled your eyes, sipping your drink as Patri reached for hers.
Dinner ended with no answers, and whilst Mapi and Jenni tried to traverse the post-dinner chaos to find out what had happened, you and Patri said nothing, sticking close to your hotel roommates as Mariona suggested a team bonding night, the options being watching a film or games.
Aitana carefully took your wrist as everyone funnelled out of dinner, waiting at you to say something.
“Por favor.” You whispered, looking desperately to your roommate to say nothing to the others of what she saw, knowing that Patri had said something to Clàudia too. You trusted Irene to say nothing, especially after she saw the panicked reaction of Patri falling off the bed and the fear in your eyes.
You all ended up piling into another shared teammate hotel room, taking spots all over the room, Patri sitting with Clàudia whilst you sat on the floor in front of Aitana, resting your head on her knees as she took her spot on whoever’s bed it was.
Zoning out during the movie, you focussed on staying awake, and trying to not glance over at Patri as much as you knew you were, especially during the slower or quieter movie scenes where your eyes would wander from the screen.
Aitana’s fingers ran over your scalp slightly as boredom set in, leaning into her hand slightly before you heard a thump, looking over to see that Patri dropped her phone on the floor. You hid your smirk behind your hand as Patri reached over to pick it up, sneakily sending her a wink when you thought nobody was watching, then smirking more as Patri’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed.
The movie began to pick up again, but you were bored and missed cuddling with Patri, even if Aitana did give good scalp massages too.
Lucky for you, and Patri who was currently gripping her phone rather tightly watching you sat with Aitana, the movie ended and the tv was turned off. Several teammates checking the time left to sighs echoing through the room as everyone debated what to watch next.
“Let’s play some games?”
“I have uno?”
“Truth or dare!”
Everyone began to move around, with Mariona looking for the uno cards, leaving you to glance at Patri before gesturing with your eyes towards the door, tapping your roommate on the knee to suggest the same to her.
It took a lot of sneaking and pretending to be looking for a box of dominos for the four of you to end up in the corridor, Patri having brought Clàudia into the plan as you all headed towards your rooms.
A door opening left you all freezing in place, not daring to move for a moment, until you forced one specific word out of your mouth in a desperate whisper-shout, “run!”
The four of you ran, Aitana scrambling for the key card for your room, whilst Clàudia dealt with the other, barely able to speak at each other as the doors were thrown open and you threw yourselves inside your respective rooms.
Aitana shut the door hurriedly, locking it before she rested her back against the wall, laughing as she spotted you’d landed where Patri had landed before when falling off the bed during the nap.
“Did that really just happen? Did anyone see us running down the hallway like we’re being chased?” You asked before starting to laugh, your phone buzzing as Patri texted you.
You could hear Clàudia and Patri from across the hallway in their room, the laughter was loud until the four of you heard footsteps outside the doors, hushing each other and hurrying to get ready for bed (an excuse to miss out on truth or dare).
Irene rolled her eyes as she walked down the corridor, heading towards her room to go fetch a phone charger, having watched the four of you sprint like you were on the football pitch, not in a hotel corridor. She wasn’t going to say anything, but you and Patri needed to be more subtle, the stolen glances during the movie not missed by her, or some of your other teammates…
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