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Revolutionizing Floor Cleaning Processes: Robotic Floor Scrubbers Take Over the Market, Enormous Opportunities for Vendors
According to Arizton’s report, the global robotic floor scrubber market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 14% from 2022 to 2028. The increasing demand for automation in cleaning processes, along with the need for improved efficiency and reduced labor costs, is driving the growth of this market.  
Order a free Sample Report: https://www.arizton.com/request-sample/3757
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cheysfishblog · 3 years
When goldfish are labeled as pests in every news article
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An opening statement of the Research Problem and research Question(s) – these should now be more detailed than what you had in your Topic Approval
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playbyplay-74 · 3 years
Scavenging for the research blog
When doing my research for the library scavenger I found that this assignment was way simpler than expected. My discoveries were that the library did have many books on sports, and important books on sports.My research included that there are many resources this school has for a wide variety of topics.
I found that Vince Lombardi made books on football, Vince Lombardi has the Super Bowl Trophy named after him. The five time NFL campion was an elite coach well before his time. I can do a whole post on Vince and how he impacted the game, but for now I am explaining my research.
I discovered the spread offense and why it became a thing. The spread offense is becoming more and more common in football. Spread offense spreads out the players and allows you to run or pass the ball in given situations the defense shows you. In high school most schools who have an established program with good coaching will run the spread offense.
I met a really cool referenced librarian while doing this project and she was really nice and informative. She showed me where everything was on the site and helped me find almost everything on the scavenger hunt. Although I had almost everything done before she still reassured me not knowing that I did it all. That shows how helpful she was. I believe her name is Kristi but it is hard to read her handwriting on my paper.
The library organized my topic in a smart way because they had all of the sports books in one area separated by sport. The football books were all in one section, followed by volleyball, and followed by a bunch of others. I feel that the library's resources have no limitations toward my topic, and actually are allowing me to prevail in this class due to the abundance of resources it has.
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ijrts-blog · 5 years
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#thantophobia #fears #lossing #ijrtsfollow #journalindia #researchpaperblogs #indianjournal #callforpaper #paperpublicationindia #manusripts #thesis #engineeringmemes #sciencememes #didichallenge #diduknow #journal #researchpaper #researchblog https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KBnh7FGYX/?igshid=1jnhnap4s2l4g
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abigail-pent · 3 years
taking a brief break from nonablogging to researchblog, which I will do here and not on Twitter because I’m too shy to let that many people in my field see what I’m working on when it’s all preliminary and shit:
I’m downloading a bunch of data about individual political contributions, and it turns out that corporate PACs are funded by political contributions by *individual employees*. to me that is the WILDEST SHIT IMAGINABLE. like who trusts their employer that much, that you’ll hand over your money so your corporation’s PAC can decide which politician it should donate to? who in the world is so sure that their corporation’s interests are aligned with their own?? many, MANY Americans, that’s who!
I have truly never learned anything less relatable in my whole life
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nuellaella · 6 years
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miacatneko · 8 years
Essay Rough Draft #1
Question: Does the protagonist Makoto, convey the power of time travelling realistically? : Does Makoto show us the realities and consequences of time travel convincingly? Referencing to movement the elves death knull painting illustration of reality and doom, interpretation, we already know the future, everything has a deeper meaning, piece together like a puzzle, presenting themselves as differet elements of thruth, forboding and fortelling. when time travelling, the way in which Makoto discovers this power is through her body having movement and forced forward as to jump into/towards something. Throughout the animation we are shown the various ways she manages to gather momentum to force this time portal open. such as sprinting down a hill and leaping, diving off a diveboard, and also by accident if she is to fall over. The characters are realistic and mainly proportionate, we see many scenes of people walking through the city in crowds all having their own traits and styles when moving but nothing over exaggerated. This film is all about movement, and how the protagonist literally discovers how to leap through time and importantly when she does so the visual effects and creative paintiful animations we see her travel through. The first time she time leaps is when she falls over in the schools science lab and lands on a small peculiar nutshell like object. We see horcese running, fires with people chanting perhaps cavemen times? Monochromic buildings and wires which could be us looking into the future or the mechanics behind the timetravelling ability, before landing back on the floor, so this wasn't necessarily a timeleap but her gaining her powers as we never see these painting styled animation flashback or the details in the other leaps. 13:52-14:52 is the second time she time leaps, as she flies off her bike and should of been hit by a train. 'The elves' is a reference we hear and see throughout the animation, they are a decorative clock above the train stop which has a distinct bell like theme tune which works as a signifier of the time and each time skip. They also work as a warning sound as it signifies the time in which Makoto should have died, and therefore links into the future and her actions, we soon realise the bad fortune she first has att he beginning of the animation which she time leaps to eradicate, can then move onto someone else, which is demonstrated when kuskai borrows makoto's bike. Visuals of the second time leap, as we believe subconcsiously she is deciding on where to travel, a selfish decision as she goes back to eat 'her pudding' which her sister had eaten in the future. We see blue, red and white 3D animation of clocks,cogs and wiring. After shes gotten what she desires she returns to the leap she'd started down the hill and landed in the same place. 22:40-23:13 she continues to make the same leap to the pudding to test her theory that she can leap. at 23:38 is when she begins to restart 'the worst day ever'. Character a particular combination of qualities distinctive to a person or place, being able to categorise the protagonist. Makoto, teenager,17, tomboy, goofy, is unsure of herself, isn't good at anything, is chirpy, young, female, is indecisive, we get the impression that she'd been avoiding making decisions about her future before she got the power to time leap, as she'd refused to come up with a decision on whether to take arts or sciences (cultural references), based in japan, watermelon is seen as a treat. The time travelling and being able to abuse the power of time travel in the end made her realise what she was doing. Pathos this appeals to our emotions, we all have things we'd rather not think about and never have to deal with, we can see why Makoto chooses to makes these decision, makes us think of our errors. Bigger meaning- trouble is interesting, this story acknowledges our own basic desires and anxieties Story telling through fantasy stories allows us to be entertained and watch something that interests us aswell as having an underlining and deeper message behind it, We get distracted with Makotos problems, anxieties and self issues, having perplexing archetype characters such as her auntie witch who Makoto frequently visits for advise and an outsiders perspective, Auntie Witch is a gentle, open minded and creative character, she represents potentially a motherly figure or a guardian as we know little about Makoto's family apart from they seem to  lead average lives, which perhaps is the reason Makoto entrusts Auntie Witch as she is eccentric in her own way. Auntie Witch also speaks out how she feels sorry for the people around makoto, and how she could be toying with people and their emotions, playing mind games with them all. Auntie Witch is working on the painting which references to the future, chiaki came back in the past to see this painting, gives the Auntie a mystical feel as if she knows something. Makoto goes through adversity to bring out her true character We start of liking Makoto as we can relate to her adversity,her struggles in life even the most basic of issues like being late for school, suprise exams, things generally feeling asif they're going wrong, however we slowly start to see how the impact of gaining this new power changes our protagonist into become self indulgent and generally childish, while boasting to Auntie Witch about her new power and being able to do anything and everything, Auntie makes the comment 'i'm glad to hear you're not using it for anything significant' followed by Makoto shrugging it off and laughing manically, Auntie then continues to point out ' Ever  think someone could be suffering from all your good fortune?' Makoto at first looks a little bemused before confidently reassuring herself that she could just leap back as many times as she wants to fix things. We start to like her less at this point as we feel no empathy for her as she has become completely absorbed by the idea of being invincible and 'the best' as if she has found the key to winning at life. We are unsure of her true personality at this point and her characters morals. We are becoming disinterested as our character isn't being tested or made to suffer. Is Auntie Witch a Shapeshifter? Character and Story Makoto’s action appear to dictate the entire story line, even though we know the author of ‘TGWLTT’ and director of the animation would have already written the plot alongside the character, we are  constantly dragged back and fourth in time by the indecisiveness of our protagonist, giving the impression that everything we see is in her control. The story she seems to create works perfectly with our traits and characteristics Makoto has proving perhaps that the directors choices have proven to be successful with this pairing. Archetype Makoto The Hero/ Anti hero, an endearing character?Makoto grows throughout the story.
The pace and tempo of the animation, does the film rely on stereotypes?
antithesis to my argument? what does the audience learn? moral message? Genre?
Mis en Scene arrangement of everything on the creame, lighting,colour,arrangement of actors, symbolic meaning Makotos subtext gestures,facial epressions,tone of voice, cannot hide the subtext behind the text. non verbal communication? 44:58 Makotos 'friend' Chiyuki begins dating another girl due to Makoto's avoidance of his proposal, and gets smacked in the face with the baseball, shows her attention and mind was suddenly elsewhere,  comprehending the fact that he was no longer an option and possibly coming to terms with the fact that this upsets her.This could be when the true characters morals and desires are being diplayed? Our protagonist is now feeling vulnerable. she then aggressively throws the ball back, smiles and then grimaces. Its after this that she notices in the bath that she has a number on her arm. which we later on know that it keeps count of the amount of time leaps she has left. at the end when Makoto is running to fix her problems, postivity, adrenaline, she tries to keep up with the moving cinematic frame, similar to when filming from a moving car. This is the moment of truth. When our hero finally understands and gets what they truly desire. movement can make us feel emotion we can engage with the story.
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ijrts-blog · 5 years
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leanderclifton · 5 years
Dogor—Dog Or Wolf?
Frozen puppy in Siberia a puzzling discovery
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An 18,000-year-old puppy frozen in the Siberian permafrost was uncovered with its fur, nose, mouth and even its whiskers intact. It is so well preserved that researchers could determine that it was about two months old when it died (based at least partly on examination of its milk teeth), and could also extract DNA from a rib bone. Two separate analyses of the DNA have been conducted, allowing researchers to determine that the puppy was male, but the genetic material could not resolve a fundamental question: Is the puppy a dog or a wolf?
The puppy has been named Dogor, which has two meanings. One, it is the beginning of the question, “Dog or wolf?” Two, it means “friend” in Yakut, a Turkic language spoken by nearly half a million native speakers in eastern Siberia.
from The Bark https://thebark.com/content/dogor-dog-or-wolf via IFTTT
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miacatneko · 8 years
24/10/16 - 28/10/16 Research Weekly Summary
Looking back through our past lectures I've managed to pull out a few quotes this week which  link in well with my ideas and themes i have in my rough essay notes so far. I plan on using at least 5 of my sources (which i feel are credible) to use in my finished essay. For now i am linking my ideas to quotes so when i come to redrafting i have enough quotes and text to work with. I'm feeling confident with my chosen protagonist/animation and essay question so from now on i need to start compiling my notes and making an essay plan. I will start to go back through the 4 Lecture presentations and double check that i've managed to include import theories and relevant quotes as well as using them as a guide to structuring my essay. After having the 'Acting for Animators' Session i realised how crucial Subtext is and how big a part it has to play with my protagonist. I managed to find an interesting quote from one of our lectures 'Subtext is the life under that surface' (McKee,1997,p252) which is illustrated so clearly throughout 'TGWLTT' which also links in with the directors choice of art style and how it allows the subtext to show through clearly and endearingly for our main character.
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eir-louis · 8 years
Content Curation: Video
Topic: Social media marketing strategies
Video: How Brian Gavin Diamonds overcame ‘mobilegeddon’ -https://youtu.be/FdeenVI7bZ8
A very current video which was published on July 22nd, 2016 this would make my research updated. 
The video is an interview of Danny Gavin, Director of Marketing for Brian Gavin Diamonds - a luxury accessory brand. In the video, Danny Gavin talked about how important the design of the webpage is, especially the content page such as articles and blog posts. He also explained that it’s because google, ever since introducing new algorithm, Google shows websites that are mobile friendly before websites that are not mobile friendly. This is also because of consumer’s mobile habit.
This video is relevant to my research on social media marketing strategy as the points being shared in the interview can make a huge impact on whether a social media marketing strategy might work or not.
The video is by Media Center of MarketingSherpa, MarketingSherpa is an institute which publishes case study and also conducts interviews with hundreds brand marketers and directors in order to share experiences and strategies. Seeking no business, Sherpa makes a credible site since the information base on no one’s benefit, solely on research and interviews. Furthermore, Marketing Sherpa has been around since 2000 which was sponsored by many organization to hold summit in Feb 2016 where 300+ attendees from well-known brands like Microsoft, Google and Disney.
I highly recommend the video for anyone who is starting a social media marketing for its neutralism and relevance.
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ijrts-blog · 6 years
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leanderclifton · 5 years
Animal Abuse Type and People's Relationship to the Pet
Who should Fido fear?
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As states around the country move to stiffen punishments for animal cruelty, Michigan State University researchers have found a correlation between the types of animal abuse committed and the perpetrator’s relationship to an animal and its owner.
For example, the animal’s owner tends to perpetrate animal-neglect crimes (i.e. withholding food and water). On the other hand, with crimes that involve kicking or stabbing, the suspect is usually an owner’s family member or intimate partner, says Laura Reese, professor of urban and regional planning at Michigan State University.
Reese and Cassie Richard, a master’s of public policy student who now works for the Oregon Commission for the Blind, studied more than 300 animal cruelty police reports in Detroit between 2007 and 2015. They categorized abuse into eight types including dog fighting, shooting, poisoning, stabbing, and neglect.
from The Bark http://bit.ly/2IIFMK6 via IFTTT
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