#Renning Protection Squad
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Local cis woman thinks she slammed the patriarchy because she crushes on bad boy characters instead of goody two shoes male protagonists
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cookkoo · 11 months
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Drawtober 2023 day 13: Rise
"Morning mama dada!"
Previous days: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
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The JNPR discord was having some fun with frog Ren
Here are my contributions
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These are all free to use, just give me a heads up, I wanna see!!!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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even if i can’t draw anyone i can draw my idiot son
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Panic In Vacuo
Dedicated to @maskyartist since this is all your fault.
"Wintertippetarius Pine. You claim to be the wizard, so why didn't you bother using magic to save the others? Are they worth so little to you?"
Several of the Atlas delegation glared at the Mistral councilmember in utter disgust at this. Whatever else he was, Tip was eleven years old. It had been discussed and gone over time after time, they had to realise by now that the only way the kid would have left the others behind was if he was forced to? From the story, told and confirmed by several witnesses, he'd frozen, trying in vain to catch the others as they fell. The only reason he'd even got to Vacuo at all was because Nora Valkyre, on Jaune Arc's panicked command, had snatched the boy up boldily as she'd sprinted through the portal. For a man so desperate to focus on Jaune Arc's heroism, his final act seemed awfully easy to gloss over.
Couldn't they see, any of them, just how this was affecting the boy? Winter Schnee was one of theirs, after all. The fact he was also the wizard was fractionally terrifying, but surely he'd given enough proof by now?
Tip's eyes lowered, pain filled and regretful, even as small arcs of green crackled around his hands. With a swallow, he reigned in the magic but, at that moment, he could have obliterated half the combined council and felt almost justified. He hated killing, though. Human lives were valuable, faunus lives were valuable. Each and every one of them had so much potential and he had to admit, yes, he very much loved them all.
Why was it so hard, then? To hear them scream at him over team RWBY and Jaune? He was aware... had told them, in fact... that they might still be alive. He knew Weiss was, and all of them had fallen the same way. Vanished the same way. But... there was no proof. Weiss was his niece! Ruby and Yang's were Qrow's... how could they think he'd be so unfeeling as not to grieve them? But no. These meetings had been happening constantly for almost three days now. He was very fed up of being screamed at.
"What exactly was I supposed to do? Nora literally picked me up and carried me through the portal, or I would have fallen with them. Maybe I should have fallen with them."
He sounded miserable enough that Lark Winchester, Cardin's father and Hawke Winchester's son, spoke up in his defence. "Hey, Winter? Take a break. Nothing is happening here that really needs you right now." He glared around at the rest of the council, as Tip nodded and made his escape, unable to stop the tears rolling down his face.
He fled through the corridors to the relative safety of the room he and Oscar shared. The door opened to Oscar, Ren and Nora, who seemed to be playing some sort of card game. Oscar's eyes narrowed and Nora let out a feral snarl at the sight of Tip, in tears, running almost blindly. Oscar caught him up in a hug, chin tucked into the silvery hair, eyes fierce. Nora and Ren just glanced at each other, eyes strangely hard.
"Stay with your brother, okay, pocketsized? We'll deal with this."
Tip, in his distress, blurred in Oscar's arms and Oscar suddenly found himself with a hawk chick in his lap. Tip couldn't cry like that, but he leaned into Oscar's touch as he stroked the soft, downy feathers, providing as much comfort as he could. He'd never seen his little brother in the sort of state that he'd transform like that, but he'd heard enough from Qrow to know that sometimes instincts just took over. Taking off his jacket, he draped it over his temporarily avian brother, still stroking him, murmuring nonsense.
Sometimes, it was good, being the older brother for once. Tip was so confident, so competent normally that it was easy to lose track of the fact that he was just a little boy. Well, chick, right now, but...
Eventually, Nora and Ren returned. Nora's grin was feral, Ren looking darkly satisfied. Nora's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the chick in Oscar's lap, nestled into his coat like it never wanted to leave and grinned brightly.
"Aww, he's so CUTE!" But though she gushed she didn't reach to touch him. All of them had had to grow up much too fast in the last few weeks to let herself be that needy. She grinned at the brothers as the baby bird that was Tip tucked his head under one wing and went to sleep. She almost wanted to record this, but after the losses they'd all suffered, they needed this moment. She resolved not to tease Oz too much when he woke up, either. Seeing him in tears had infuriated her. Tip was meant to be the calming presence, not whatever it was the council had reduced him to.
At least she had put the fear of Nora into them?
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sage-nebula · 4 months
Arcane s2 predictions based on what we know so far:
Vi will join the Enforcers primarily to keep Jinx safe, figuring that if she is with the squad that hunts down Jinx, she can make sure Jinx is brought in alive. (Cait is the one to convince her of this with the, "If I go after your sister, one of us comes back in a box" line from the first teaser.)
Vi and Caitlyn will start dating / kiss / have sex early on or midway through the season; this is the scene shippers will love that was mentioned.
There will be tensions between Caitlyn vs Vi vs Ekko. Caitlyn will tell Vi (who will tell Ekko) that as Sheriff she DOES want to make things better for Zaun and on SOME level that is still true, BUT grief over her mother's death at Jinx's hands is spurring a need for revenge that has made her far more violent toward anyone who is perceived to be sheltering Jinx. In trying to defend Caitlyn, + joining the Enforcers, Vi looks like a traitor to Ekko, who calls her out. Vi also grows frustrated with Caitlyn's lack of progress on fixing Enforcer corruption and Cait calls out Vi's own hypocrisy re: violence.
Sevika will fill in the power vacuum that Silco left, taking over where he left off.
Sevika and the rest of Zaun won't cooperate with Cait's team to give up Jinx; even if they may not like Jinx, she's one of theirs and they don't like Piltie cops. Cait's best bet is the Firelights, but see above.
Jinx will kill the three bg Enforcers on Caitlyn's team and will brag about it to Vi and Caitlyn's faces, similarly to how she giggled about "half a dozen Enforcers, dead!" in season 1. (And no, I don't think Ginger is Ren.)
Jinx will go absolutely batshit when she sees Vi in an Enforcer uniform. And not in a good way.
Singed will sic Warwick on Vi and Caitlyn.
In the season finale, Vi will either protect Jinx from a killing blow or make it possible for her to escape. Caitlyn will witness this and take it as a betrayal (because Jinx killed her mother and wanted Vi to kill her), and will break up with Vi on the spot. This is the scene shippers will hate that was mentioned.
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ivys-garden · 23 days
Written down some more ideas for the Hermitcraft Prohibition AU, thanks for the help!
(P.S I won't be able to write this at the moment since I'm busy with school, so if anyone wants to have a crack go at it)
(P.S P.S I'm deciding the “main character” will be Pearl because then the AU can be called “Moonshine” :) )
The Year is 1925 and the bustling port city of Hermit's Hollow has been hit hard by the prohibition. With no way to obtain alcohol legally a network of organised crime groups and speakeasies has overtaken the city to provide drink.
Pearl - Postmaster of the PET Private Postal Service & Chief Leader in the bootlegging operation for the Tattered Tombstone speakeasy. Took up bootlegging after the post office fell into debt with the landlord. She and Tango alternate driving & she got scarily proficient with her tommy gun. She has a dog who she insists on bringing with them even though she barely helps
“Tango” - Inventory Manager & Engineer for the Postal Service & Bootlegging scheme. Had his tommy gun privileges revoked and is stuck mainly on driving duty. He knows why. Due to his close relationship with one of the city's only non corrupt cops he usually plays distraction. Is surprising good at dancing, leading to his nickname
Etho - general manager for the postal service & chief stealth expert, got the nickname “Ladders” due to his ability to climb any surface with ease. He used to be a former Dry Agent & constantly got into fights, leaving him scared, though his recent track record in fights has been… embarrassing. He takes security very seriously and insists on wearing a mask on heists. Only he also wears it while being a civilian deafening the entire point.
Cleo - Owner & Manager of “The Tattered Tombstone” is the city's largest speakeasy and the person who employs PET. She's a notoriously ruthless mob boss if you get on their bad side. They got the nickname “Zombie” due to a gas explosion, leaving half of her face burnt off. oh, and the rumour that she ate someone alive. That too
Joe - formermely a struggling street musician, he's now the main act in the Tattered Tombstone, he's such an asset to the business that Cleo has afforded him permanent lodges in the above apartments, which she also owns. He has been all over the country and thus has many tales to tell while not performing
Ren - former bodyguard for several mobosses. Quit after his partner lost an eye & arm trying to protect him. Now he's the bouncer & and bartender in the Tattered Tombstone. Got the nickname “The Dog” due to his role as a bodyguard.
Grian - the deputy of the local police force. Almost all his friends are criminals. He knows this. He doesn't do anything because it would be “too much paperwork”. Often clocks out early to go fishing. Who gave him this job?
“Cub” - the local Sheriff in the city and the runner of “The Convex” a recently opened speakeasy that's seeing overnight success, as he's using the police force as a hit squad against the competition. He's replaced every person he can with people who will either help him or are too incompetent to stop him. Got the nickname “Cub” because he allegedly fought off a grizzly in the Canadian wilderness.
“Scar” - dry agent in the police force and completely in on Cub's scheme, taking down several notorious gangsters as they continuously underestimate him. On top of “police” work, he also makes deals with mob bosses and speakeasy owners in various disguises as well as pocketing any bribes he gets for Cub. Git the nickname “Scar” due to his heavily scarred face. Whenever asked how he got them, he changes his story. Previous reasons include Zoo Accidents, Roller Coaster Malfunctions, and “Majestic Elf Wizard”
“Skizz” - one of the few good cops remaining in the city, but also completely oblivious to all the corruption around him. He's directly friends with Tango and doesn't know that he's a bootlegger.
He Got the sleeves ripped off his uniform in a knife fight with two gangster bodyguards during his first day on the job and refuses to repair them to remind him.of the day.
“Skizz” is a nickname but it was given to him so long ago no one remembers how he got it.
Gem - grizzled fisherwoman and part-time rum runner. Frequents the Tattered Tombstone and was the person to insider Pearl to take up bootlegging after a chat at the bar
Despite not having any (living) enemies she's recently found it harder to carry out her operation as a new gang has taken over the rum running in the city, cutting her off from most of her contacts
“Beef” - Rival Rum Runner to Gem who set up an organised gang of fellow Rum Runners under the guises of “Big Salmon Fisheries”, who have recently entered a deal to solely supply The Convex speakeasy.
Skizz has a personal mission to take Beef down as Beef used to be his partner in the police force before leaving to take up rum running
Got the nickname “Beef” because he grew up on a cattle farm.
“Mumbo Jumbo” - the son of notorious mob boss “Big Ron” who took over his criminal empire after his death at the hands of the previous Sheriff. Had no interest in criminality but felt he had to continue his family legacy. Bounced as soon as some dangerous enemies of Ron started coming after him, he now works as a mechanic and frequents the Tattered Tombstone.
Was given the nickname “Mumbo Jumbo” by his father for “Talking to much”
“Doc” - bodyguard turned hitman for hire. He and his partner failed to stop a pair of rocky cops from breaking into the base of mob boss Big Ron, which led to the arrest of several of his men. Doc agreed to take his punishment as well as Ren’s for the mistake, which resulted in him losing his eye and arm. After patching himself up, he went on a revenge mission, only to find out Big Ron had been killed by the Sheriff after they tracked him using information they got from the rookies. Doc would try to take his revenge on Ron's son, but he disappeared soon after catching on to his plan. He now frequents The Convex speakeasy and takes jobs from clients there while also paying a PI to track down Mumbo
Got the nickname “Doc” because he got kicked out of medical school for undisclosed reasons. (It's actually because he has a engineering degree but he tells people the other story to seem cooler)
“False” - local investigative journalist looking into the government's ties to the rum running business and Convex Speakeasy. Got very good at fighting due to being attacked or kidnapped by gangsters every other week
Got the nickname “False” after her False imprisonment at the hands of the previous Sheriff after she exposed him for corruption.
Joel - Private Investigator. Usually works with his wife, but she's currently taking cases in Empire City. He has gotten into quite a few scraps with thugs and bootleggers and has gotten very good at fighting as a result. Currently has his hands full juggling three cases, One for a man in a purple robe who wants him to track 3 notorious bootleggers, one for his neighbour False who wants him to investigate connections between the police and “Big Salmon Fisheries”, and one for a one eyed man who wants him to track Big Ron's son. It's gonna be a long month, if only he had a drink.
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spahhzy · 9 months
Jaune sheathed his blade away as the last of the white fang were stopped and restrained.
Looking behind him, he saw Blake hugging her teammates before looking towards him and nodding at him.
Jaune nodded back and gave a smile.
It seems Blake had decided to tell her team the truth.
Good for her.
"Jaune?" Came the voice of his partner Pyrrha.
"Pyrrha! Are you alright?" Jaune asked her a concerned look on his face as he looked up and down for any signs of damage.
"I'm fine, Jaune, no need to worry, though I'm afraid Nora had sustained some injury, but Ren is seeing to her now, although it looks like she will need some medcial treatment from Vale hosital." Pyrrha said, and Jaune nodded.
"Alright, good"
"What about you, Jaune? You took a nasty hit for that mech, " asked Pyrrha, concerned as well, but Jaune waved off her worries.
"It's nothing my aura couldn't handle," Jaune said before motioning to the ambulance carrying Ren and Nora.
"Pyrrha, go with Ren and Nora to the hospital, I need to stay around just a bit more and make sure no white fang grunts are still lurking before Atlas military comes in and cleans up" Jaune told her but Pyrrha seemed hesitant at this idea.
"Wouldn't it be better if both of us were on guard here?" Pyrrha asked, and Jaune nodded.
"Yes, but if some grunts are still stragling, they could use any of the weapons here or stashed else where and do some major damage, that's why I need you up and mobile to protect everyone including our teammates." Jaune said with a smile as he put a hand on Pyrrha shoulder.
Pyrrha, seeing the look of trust in Jaune's eyes, nodded and made her way to the ambulance in which Nora and Ren were in before nodding to her leader.
Jaune nodded back before turning to look back at the docks.
Blake and the rest of Team RWBY had left the scene as well, not wanting to get caught up in any questioning that Ironwood would undoubtedly want to ask.
Walking to the center, Jaune just looked around at the destruction as he could hear the sound of incoming squad and heavy armor vehicles arriving to the scene.
Jaune breathed in before giving a whistle.
It didn't last long five seconds at most, and then it was complete silence, other than the waves splashing against concrete and the rapid beating of his heart, Jaune could only hope and prey she was alright, he didn't know how involved she was in the little rally, hell he wished she had no part, Roman neither but we'll they really got the short end of the stick with this 'client' they're working with.
Jaune locked his lips and was ready to whistle again when all of a sudden...he heard a whistle sound right back to him.
His heart jumped for joy in hearing it, and his smile grew brightened.
Jaune didn't turn to the direction of said whistle he didn't need to.
She was safe.
That was all that matters.
With that, Jaune decided too make his departure.
Up in the roof tops above, a pink and brown haired individual traversed silently, narrowly escaping the failure of that rally.
Stupid plan.
Stupid people.
Stupid client.
Stupid stupid stupid.
Now she just wanted to get back to the safe house and rest, Roman got out safely, which was good, but still...
That mech tried to crush Jaune.
Her heart hurt a bit at that, but she knew he could handle it. He is her knight, after all.
Still, even if they needed to make it look convincing. 'Hurting' Jaune wasn't something she actively was looking to do, stupid Cinder.
Making sure the coast was very much clear, Neo prepared to make her escape. The valley may have been a failure, but it didn't stop Cinder from advancing her plans, and apparently, the next phase was coming soon that needed her. So, she had to keep a low profile.
Getting ready to leave, Neo prepared to flee when she heard a whistle echo throughout the area.
Neo's eyes widened.
She recognized that whistle!
She peeked around the wall and smiled to see down below Jaune, in the center, using their little call to each other.
He was making sure she was safe.
If he could see her now, she would definitely be teased for the little sprinkles of red on her cheeks by him.
Neo whistled back in their special call, letting him know she was okay and safe.
She watched as he left the scene and prompted her to leave as well.
The whistle is from Lobo's/Deaths from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
Jaune whistles the first half (Are you safe?).
Neo whistles the 2nd half (I am safe).
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ritasalami · 5 months
Amidst the current Yuu hype (which is only natural considering we´ve been teased for like 4 years now) I want to return to a new mechanic that was released not too long ago: Brand new personal memoria given to us in the Alinas Atelier event.
You´ve probably seen them around before: Ren can burn her HP down to 20% and gain enough MP for an instant Magia, Shizuku carries 50% chance to crit and Natsuki gets permanent MP regen and so on.
Now this opens up a lot of opportunites for older units to gain new power (that and the possibility to go beyond 100 SE). As I was thinking about which units could be next for this treatment I started thinking about possibly the most deserving squad there is: Mikazuki villa.
Aside from maybe Yachiyo who is a beginner friendly mirrors unit they serve very little to no purpose beyond very early play. (For example Tsurunos magia spam evade cheese is outdone by Oriko). So I think those girlies should get the next set of powerful memoria.
Before I get into my ideas of new tools for them girlies I want to talk about Iroha first. Iroha was promoted to a faction leader in arc 2 and all of the faction leaders have aura buffs which provide them and their teammates passive buffs for up to 5 turns. (e.g. Himena providing aqua attack up or Rabi providing damage up and damage cut etc.). Iroha as we all know does not carry an aura buff (the only non 4* unit to actually carry said buffs is Mayabu with damage cut to all).
So I think her new personal memoria should actually be an aura buff for the entire team that works similiar to the SE nodes from other leaders. I was thinking about something like Ailment res up + MP/HP Regen to all as nod to her protective and inspiring personality (plus having a unit provide passive mp to her team will give Iroha some usage for people with limited or no mp batteries). Now as far as the other girls I´m not sure if they should get selfish effects or be given aura buffs too in an attempt to breath some life into them.
Tsuruno could play into the luck idea. She could give her team something like attack/damage up or damage increase while also giving them chances (like chance to crit or to evade, maybe some anti-evade) for some fun rng. Otherwise I could see her pull up with attack up at full HP and a generous chance to evade similiar to Vampire Nagisa and Chisato.
As for Felicia I could see her gaining a generous amount of damage against witches up since she used to get super focused on witches and going on rampages. Other than that I have no clue what to give her so hit me up with any ideas.
Idk what to with Sana. Should we repeat the Sasara treatment and give her access to a turn of taunt and endor adept (MP when hit)? Honestly I´m just gonna skip this one tho it would be funny if she got some super agressive memoria in homage to her doppel.
Yachiyo is super basic but whether selfish or team wide - give her blast MP. Actually her granting blast mp to her teammates would be funny since all of Mikazuki villa have at least two blast discs. But that would be lowkey busted since it would also stack with pre-existing blast mp.
So yeah that was my unstructed ramble rant about the potential of the new personal memoria for our beloved Mikazuki Squad.
Also please give Hazuki and Ryo permanent MP regen too thankz bye
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enpr-ss · 4 months
This stream was amazing:
Doc’s wandering trader stories with the us military
Ren’s stories about throwing explosives into the pool
Scar’s accessibility rants
Bdubs’ the Etho Protection Squad
Everyone (especially Etho) showing up just to heckle Scar’s mob moving attempts. (3:19:00)
Bdubs: I'm Etho's right hand arm. Man. I'm Etho's everything. I'm his confidant, his best friend. His silly rabbit. Scar: Is that what he calls you? Bdubs: No.
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chaikachi · 1 year
I'm thinking about the idea of Oscar joining the "Wants to throw hands with Cinder Fall on sight" squad bc she specifically is the reason things went wrong with the plan. (She's the reason that Ruby fell/died based on what he must be thinking currently.) I can't help it I just love the trope of "character goes absolutely feral when their love interest is hurt" he's already done it once but I want MORE
Like yes, obviously, but Little Prince in the desert with a venomous antagonist Tyrian?? Little Prince who will have just gotten his rose back?? Also just... they way they have focused on Oscar's protectiveness and attachment to her over the volumes in such specific ways??
Yes, we have the scene at Haven where he gets Big Mad™ when he sees Ruby is hurt (meanwhile Weiss is literally dying in the corner, lmao).
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But we also see him pay such close attention to her in the quieter moments too. Standing up for her against Jaune when she's looking down on herself:
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Remembering her saying that 'food makes her feel better' and making some for when she and the rest of them get back. WE SAW YOU PAUSE AND LOOK AT RUBY BEFORE YOU FINISHED YOUR SENTENCE OSCAR!!! YOU'RE NOT SNEAKY!!!
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The DOJO SCENE?? I don't need to put them all here, y'all get the idea.
But Ruby, this light that has inspired so much of his choices over the course of this story is gone. They reunited at the beginning of v8 for no more than an hour before splitting ways again. Then the same thing happened at the Manor right before RWBYJ fell. You think that boy isn't going to get her back after thinking she was gone forever and be watching her as if she might fall through his fingers again at any moment? When this is how he looked at her before that scare???
That he isn't going to fight tooth and nail to not lose her again?
That there is a very solid argument towards his semblance unlocking in such a moment?
Like, be for real. The kid has been beaten, kidnapped, beaten more, went toe to toe against Salem and not a single one of those instances was traumatic enough for him to unlock it. But both times Oscar's lack of semblance have been brought up? He's been talking to Ruby.
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In v5, there's a moment where they focus on Jaune who still hasn't unlocked his and Oz says something about how his journey isn't over, and the same can be said for the rest of them. That unlocking isn't the end but semblances can also evolve we get this framing:
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Jaune, who's semblance unlocked that volume finale, Nora, who almost certainly did something to her semblance with her stunt in v8, Ren, who's semblance evolved in v8 as well, and then Ruby... who's semblance and evolution has been teased and talked about for the last three volumes!!
Then in v7, Oscar once again paying such close attention to her that he can tell when she does something differently with her semblance.
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I am too lazy to add text to the gif so the convo goes as follows:
Oscar: Have you... always been able to do that? Ruby: Heh, I don't know! I don't normally think it through that much. Oscar: You guys are evolving and I still don't even have my semblance. Ruby: Well, I bet we'll all be jealous when you do.
Like bro, bro, i am shaking you by the shoulders is there ANY OTHER WAY IT PLAYS OUT???? Boy is going to LOSE IT the moment she is in any serious danger and I am so looking forward to it.
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Fixing Kai Leng
The problem with Kai Leng is Mac Walters desperately tried to convince us that Leng was Shepard's ultimate equal when he could barely hold his own against an aged Anderson and a Drell with terminal cancer and in the end he was a tryhard egdelord that would make Kylo Ren embarrassed.
The solution to this is make Leng deeply connected to Shepard's personal history. Making him be a ghost from Shepard's past with a personal connection would have made this character much better. His backstory could change with whatever your selections are for Shepard.
If you are Earthborn, you are both members of the 10th Street Reds
If you are a Spacer, Leng and Shepard's families served together and Shepard and Leng were childhood friends
If you are a Colonist, Leng was Shepard's childhood friend and was in the rubble with Shepard
If you are a War Hero, Leng was wounded as Shepard held off the Batarians during Elysium. Leng's survival and stand against the Batarians attack on Elysium caught Cerberus' interest.
If you are Sole Survivor, you both survived an ambush on Akuze. Only Leng wasn't taken to be experimented on. Leng was recruited into joining Cerberus for his survival. Cerberus convinces Leng that the Alliance left him for dead and so did Shepard. Leng's sense of betrayal and human supremacy leads him to joining Cerberus
If you are Ruthless, you and Leng slaughtered the Batarians on Torfan without mercy, The sense of ruthlessness inspired Leng's cold hearted exterior and human supremacist beliefs and led him to Cerberus.
Where do we go from here? Replace Jacob with Kai Leng. And the books would be his ventures with Cerberus(but less as a cringe tryhard) Jacob ultimately added to nothing. He's so fucking boring and unlikable and turns into the stereotypical black guy who cheats on you.
Kai Leng's motivation when it comes to Cerberus would be this. I would say he was a young man who wanted to serve the human race and the alliance but when he saw that the politics of the Alliance kept holding him back from doing the right thing or the greater good,  he saw that Cerberus was the only ones helping humanity.
Remove the cyber ninja aesthetic and combine Soldier, Adapt and Engineer to make him a Cerberus super soldier.
As for Kai Leng. A Leng who has personal history with Shepard has potential, plus Leng being indoctrinated with Cerberus human supremacist beliefs, but also somebody with a moral conscience when it comes to the missing human colonists, somebody emotional that you could agree with or understand, contrasting Miranda as a starting squadmate.
Through the course of ME2, he would grow on you as the rest of the squadmates of ME2 did. His loyalty mission would be centered around our background. If we're a War hero, we hunt down the Batarians who survived Elysium. If we are Sole Survivor, we hunt down the Alliance officer who led their squad to Akuze. If we're Ruthless, we deal with Batarians who want revenge for Torfan who plan on giving human hostages to the Collectors. Throughout their talks, Shepard can convince Leng that Cerberus is wrong and eventually Leng's loyalty with Cerberus begins to wavers, especially after TIM sends them to be ambushed in the Collector ship.
Leng started completely loyal to Cerberus, but when he works with Shepard he sees that Cerberus is wrong, but stayed loyal, but also loyal to Shepard. When The Illusive Man asks Shepard to give the base over and when he/she refuses, he asks Leng to force it. This is where Kai Leng finally stands up to Cerberus. Kai Leng all his life, all he wanted to do is serve and protect humanity. He sees that the humans of the Terminus Systems were proceed into becoming a human Reaper and was horrified and when the man he looked up to for years says we should use what killed the humans, he gets the message we should sacrifice humanity and the costs of uplifting humanity. Kai Leng has had enough. He sees through the illusion of Cerberus and with Miranda tells TIM to fuck off and he stays loyal to Shepard.
Between the events of ME2 and ME3, when Shepard betrays Cerberus, they realize that Kai Leng is probably the strongest link between Shepard and themselves, and try to use him against Shepard. Not as lucky as Miranda, TIM does not want to lose Leng so he captures and indoctrinates Leng, making him an agent, and reprogramming his mind to become somebody he was not before, working mindlessly for TIM, as his first lieutenant in combat, much like Bucky Barnes, we have an emotional connection to Kai Leng before seeing him as a villain in ME3.
The first time we'd see Leng in ME3 is on Earth. We see this lead Cerberus Phantom in a unique mask stalking you and Anderson. And as we're leaving Earth, we see Kai Leng killing Anderson. With Shepard swearing revenge.
Throughout ME3, Leng would be stalking Shepard. Causing trouble as we encounter Cerberus. Trying to kill Eve, activating the bomb on Tuchunka and the attempt on the Council.
He would become the same Kai Leng that we all know and hate but we would be able to sympathize with him more.
When we finally confront him in Priority Citadel, we face him and omni-slash his mask off. We get the reveal. Shepard is shocked, Leng hesitates after hearing Shepard utter his name. Maybe in the Cerberus coup on the Citadel, if his loyalty mission was completed in ME2, he would not kill Thane, out of respect of a former squadmate, and regain conscious thought again for a brief moment to spare him. 
It would also help to explain his inexplicable plot armor. Rather than surviving against the onslaught of Shepard due to plot reasons, he would not be killed, as Shepard still sympathizes with him, and doesn't want to kill him, sparing him and letting him escape, or not being able to fully focus, hoping there's a little bit of the real Kai Leng still in there.
Of course this would lead to multiple outcomes towards the end of the game. He could either be recruited back or un-indoctrinated somehow, but for a good plot he would only be able to turn good again and rejoin the squad way too late in the game, maybe in the last third of the game, like Legion in ME2. Bonus points if you can romance him as Femshep, would still make a better romance carrying on to ME3 than Jacob.
Otherwise, he would have to be killed and could not be saved. I don't think that convincing him to commit suicide like Saren or TIM would work, because it would be too similar to the TIM suicide not too long, and would lose impact because of it. He would have to be fought and killed one last time in combat, and have a tragic end most likely.
If we saved Kai Leng, he would've been transported on the beam. Depending on your reputation and war readiness, Leng can break through the indoctrination and kill The Illusive Man or Leng kills himself, which distracts TIM and Shepard shoots The Illusive Man. If Leng broke through and killed TIM, he apologizes for killing Anderson and being unable to control himself. If you were just friends they hug, if they were LI, they kiss. Leng's fate would be either being aboard the Normandy to put Shepard's plaque on the memorial or finding Shepard's body and bringing him back and then we'd get Shepard putting Anderson's plaque on the Normandy.
SO that's how I would've handled Kai Leng. Making him more connected to Shepard and less of a tryhard edgelord that they made him to be in canon.
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triphantoms · 2 months
Fear not Joker! I'm part of the R.P.S (Ren Protection Squad. I am currently the only member. Also I just established it now.) and I'm here to ensure that no shooting or cliff throwing happens to you!
Behold my might anon! I will not bite but I will bark! Very loudly. For a really long time. May you trip over your own two feet due to your inevitable sleep deprivation.
Part-time Ren protector,
Ribbon worm anon 🪱
(this is just a joke, of course tee hee! May you all have restful sleep!)
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You may all bark, no bite, but I will bite. I'm sure Ren would be able to protect himself, but if not, I wouldn't hesitate to protect him.
- Akechi 🐦‍⬛
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If I lose him I might genuinely fall ill and die I’m not even fucking kidding
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We need 130 more pledges to make this happen and we have less than 16 days 😭😭😭
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
The Dark Squire
by MrTyrant Born as a accident, raised as a prince, trained as a weapon. That was the best way to describe the creation of Alan Thomas Wayne. Born the accidental clone of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, raised as the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince , trained to be the Dark Knight's successor. Words: 8519, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Suicide Squad (Comics), Batman (Comics), Young Justice - All Media Types, Robin (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Robin (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Original Child(ren) of Diana and Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent, Selina Kyle, Batfamily Members (DCU), Rogues Gallery (Batman), Cassandra Cain, Koriand'r (DCU), Raven (Teen Titans), Joker (DCU), Harleen Quinzel, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Original Male Character(s), Koriand'r (DCU)/Original Male Character(s), Raven (Teen Titans)/Original Male Character(s), Cassie Sandsmark/Original Male Character(s), Cassandra Cain/Original Male Character(s), Barbara Gordon/Original Male Character(s), Clark Kent & Original Male Character(s), Diana (Wonder Woman) & Original Male Character(s), Zatanna Zatara/Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Gotham City is Terrible, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Hurt Clark Kent, Protective Diana (Wonder Woman), Brutality, Joker (DCU) Angst, Harleen Quinzel Needs a Hug, Barbara Gordon is Batgirl, BAMF Cassandra Cain, Cassie Sandsmark is Wonder Girl, Long-Suffering Jim Gordon, Teen Titans as Family, BAMF Koriand'r (DCU), BAMF Raven (Teen Titans), Raven Needs a Hug (Teen Titans), I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Sorry, Major Original Character(s), Kryptonian Biology (DCU), Original Character is Robin (DCU) via https://ift.tt/L3hyJPT
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meteor752 · 2 years
Total drama traffic series AU
I’m mixing my two obsessions together
The hosts are still Chris and Chef cause I can’t for the life of me imagine anything Total drama without them (This is a callout to the ridonculus race)
So it’s the third life people, simply because I will be following those story beats. Sorry Pearl, Mumbo, and Lizzie.
So we’ve two teams, red’s and green’s.
Theres Grian, Scott, Martyn, Cleo, BigB, Impulse, Joel VS Scar, Jimmy, Ren, Skizz, Tango, Bdubs, Etho
I imagine that the first challenge it was team-less, and so everyone sorta formed their own lil groups. Scar and Grian became buds, Scott and Jimmy, Martyn and Ren, BDubs and Cleo, Etho Tango and Impulse etc. Grian won the challenge, a stay awake challenge, and he gets an immunity totem as a price.
The second challenge is Red Light Green Light, which will determine the teams. The seven people who first loses will be Reds, and the seven people who win will be the greens. Greens will be given the better food, better housing, and an advantage in all future challenges. Very desirable team.
Jimmy falls on his face, so he’s the first red. Grian trips Scar as a joke and accidentally makes him lose, and he feels really bad about it. Bdubs falls on Etho which is how he ends up in red. Tango trips. Skizz does as well. Ren moves on purpose however, later saying in confessional that being on red gives him more of a challenge, plus it’s more dramatic.
Some alliances stay intact though. Grian promises that he’ll get Scar to the final two with him to make up for the “prank”, and if it stood between the two of them Grian will sacrifice himself. Scar has to try and keep him in the game though. They call it the desert alliance, for no real reason.
Martyn is annoyed at Ren for moving on purpose so they’re on different teams, but the man just waves him off, saying that they can still work together, he’s still “The hand of the king” (Whatever that means).
Etho has it out for Bdubs for getting him on the worse team, so Cleo is kinda forced to protect him, mostly cause he’s hiding behind her almost 27/7 (He says he’s not, he’s protecting her back)
Scott laughs a whole lot at Jimmy, but they remain somewhat allies. To be honest Scott just kinda likes the pathetic man, plus he gave him a flower, so there’s that.
I’d say there’s two award challenges before the first elimination challenge.
“Retrieve a piece of paper from a room that slowly fills up with lava, and then get it back without either the paper or you setting on fire. If you touch the lava or burn yourself then you have to go back and tag the next member of your team. First team to get their paper back safely wins immunity”
Team green’s advantage is that they get a turn to try before any reds do, but Joel sorta screws it up immediately.
In the end, Jimmy once again trips when trying to get back from retrieving the paper (giving him some small burns from the lava), and Martyn uses his body as a bridge to avoid walking on the hot floor, giving team green the win.
Jimmy is the one sent home, with a vote from everyone except himself and Etho, who voted Bdubs (Something he will keep on doing)
The next elimination challenge, I have no ideas for. Cleo is the one sent home, but like her deaths give me nothing to work with here. Sadge. Bdubs is now very scared, cause he lost his protection. Tango is his new safe haven, and the guy doesn’t mind it really.
Next challenge, both teams have to defuse a bomb. Green team’s advantage is two extra minutes on the clock. Skizz ends up cutting the wrong wire that blows up their bomb, so he’s voted off.
Next, the teams have to tame three dogs each to fight, and then pit them against one another. Green’s advantage is that they get three pitbulls, while team red get three chihuahuas. Joel spends all their training time cuddling the dogs though, making them his pals, while Ren has a way with dogs so he can get the little pups properly riled up.
When the two dog squads are pitted against one another, Team Green’s are nothing but friendly while Team Red’s are ready to kill.
Joel gets voted off.
I’m at a loss for Scott’s booting too, sorry lads
Next challenge is a kind of, protect the fort challenge, except it’s a tree instead. Team red must protect a great oak tree, while team green try and cut it down. Their advantage is a chainsaw.
This is where the Desert alliance starts to come into play, as Grian manages to break the chainsaw. Scar, knowing that if team green lost then Grian would get the boot, decides to wait until the rest of team red are off chasing away the greens, then burns the tree down.
Etho manages to catch him in the act and accuses him of helping the other team, but Scar being Scar twists the scenario in his favor, making it seem like Etho was the one who burnt the tree. Since the tree is technically cut down, team green wins and Etho is booted.
(Bdubs also manages to see this happen, but swears not to tell any of the others, but Scar does owe him one)
The challenge after that is a cow herding one. Cows are released into a forest, and the team who manages to get the most into their pen wins. Green’s get the advantage of horses, while Red have to use goats.
Tango has had ranch experience in the past, so he does a really good job herding cows. His one flaw is that he doesn’t bring them back to the red pen, instead riding around with them to flaunt. This makes it easy for the greens to steal them, making the reds loose the challenge. Tango gets the boot.
This is where the merge happens. The remaining players are Ren, Martyn, Impulse, Grian, Scar, BigB, and Bdubs.
Their first merge challenge is a paintball hide and seek one. Chef will hunt the contestants for two hours, and then one with the most paint on them at then end of it has to go home.
Ren ends up sacrificing himself for Martyn, hopping in front of him to protect him from a direct hit. He ends up soaked in paint, and is out. Martyn smooches him as a thank you though, promising to win for both of them.
Next challenge is a cooking one. The remaining are paired up randomly, and are forced to cook the most disgusting meals they can to feed to the other. First to make their opponent throw up is safe from elimination.
Martyn gets paired up with Scar, BigB with Bdubs, and Impulse with Grian. While most of them make pretty awful things (Bdubs and Impulse were the ones who threw up in their respective match ups), Scar ends up actually poisoning Martyn, to the point where he can no longer compete. Tragic end.
Five left.
Next we have a treasure hunt. All five of them are told to find one of four things, the person who doesn’t find their treasure is eliminated.
Scar and Grian team up to find the Llama and banner respectively, landing them in first and second place. BigB finds the sword on his own. Impulse and Bdubs were teamed up, until Bdubs spots the last item (a golden clock), and pushes Impulse out of the way to get it. Impulse comes in last, and goes home.
Four left. Objective, steal a cookie. Sounds easy enough? Well, you have to steal a cookie from chef, who does not like when people steal from his kitchen.
Lucky for Grian, Scar has been stealing cookies during the duration of the entire show, so the two get first and second once more. Bdubs cashes in on his favor here, forcing Scar to tell him how to steal the cookie. BigB looses, because of forces out of his control.
Final three, Scar, Bdubs, and Grian.
Grian thinks that this is a safe way to the finale, since the Desert alliance is still in motion. But in a surprising twist, Scar turns on Grian and teams up with Bdubs.
I don’t know what the challenge is yet, but I do know that Scar wins, Bdubs second, and Grian comes in last. But, to everyone’s surprise, Grian pulls out the immunity totem he’s been saving for all this time, that everyone had forgotten about, including Chris!
So Grian is safe, and Bdubs is off.
The final challenge is similar to the finale in Revenge of the Isle, it being an arena battle with a bunch of misc items being used as weapons.
All previous contestants are Brought back, Bdubs taking extra protection behind Cleo cause now Impulse and BigB are upset with him too, Martyn still feeling a little iffy and leaning heavily on Ren, and Scott and Jimmy having matching poppies in their hair.
When the two finalists goes to fight though, Scar surprises everyone by getting down on his knees and surrendering, stating that he betrayed their alliance and doesn’t deserve to win.
Grian, who was fuming and ready to beat the shit out of Scar for betraying him, softens slightly. The previous contestants boo, mostly cause they want a fight, but Scar refuses.
So Grian bonks him on the head, he falls dramatically to the ground and pretends to die for a solid three minutes, and Grian wins 100 000 dollars.
(That is until the price gets upped for a second season. You bet your ass I’m doing a part two)
(Also gladly taking suggestions for Cleo, Scott, and Bdubs elimination challenges)
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