#Remisos Kingdom
Character Profile: Roma
Full Name:  Romana Miruna Dalca Kingdom: Remisos Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Romana is the eldest of Darius and Yuli's children. She happily serves the Remisos Kingdom, preferring it to the Avis Kingdom. She is known for her rowdy and fiery personality amongst fellow servants but is quiet around the royals. She becomes a warrior, dedicated to protecting her new home. She specializes in mid-range combat. Her weapons of choice are a whip and a dagger. She keeps her younger siblings close to her, constantly watching over them.
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Character Profile: Aurora
Full Name:  Aurora Ruxandra Dalca Kingdom: Remisos Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Aurora is the second child of Darius and Yuli. As the middle child of the Dalca Clan, she is constantly running off to do her own thing regardless of her elder sister’s plans. She is known for having a warm and bubbly personality. She becomes one of the welcomers of the Kingdom, serving as the nighttime face of the kingdom to visitors. She is loud and rambunctious, pranking younger servants to pass the time. She, like her sister, enjoys her new kingdom but misses her parents terribly.
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Character Profile: Narcissa
Full Name: Narcissa Oana Dalca Kingdom: Remisos Generation: 4
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*Art by the awesome @harchibudytgorichi
Narcissa is the youngest of Darius and Yuli's children. As the youngest of her clan, she had the least amount of time with her parents. She appreciates the way the Remisos Kingdom treats her compared to the experimentation her family faced under the Avis Kingdom. Due to that, she grew resentful of humans, especially after learning of the genocides of the great vampyre clans. She is known for being cold and bitter toward humans, but around other vampyres she softens. She serves as a warrior, known for her bloodlust, fierceness and dirty fighting. She prefers to use her hands in battle rather than a weapon.
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