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relationshipsway · 4 months ago
7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship
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Good relationships don’t just happen. I’ve heard many of my clients state that, “If I have to work at it, then it’s not the right relationship.” This is not a true statement, any more than it’s true that you don’t have to work at good physical health through exercise, eating well, and stress reduction.
There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
I’ve discovered, in the 35 years that I’ve been counseling couples, 7 choices you can make that will not only improve your relationship, but can turn a failing relationship into a successful one.
This is the most important choice you can make to improve your relationship. This means that you learn how to take responsibility for your own feelings and needs. This means that instead of trying to get your partner to make you feel happy and secure, you learn how to do this for yourself through your own thoughts and actions. This means learning to treat yourself with kindness, caring, compassion, and acceptance instead of self-judgment. Self-judgment will always make you feel unhappy and insecure, no matter how wonderfully your partner is treating you.
For example, instead of getting angry at your partner for your feelings of abandonment when he or she is late, preoccupied and not listening to you, not turned on sexually, and so on, you would explore your own feelings of abandonment and discover how you might be abandoning yourself.
When you learn how to take full, 100% responsibility for yourself, then you stop blaming your partner for your upsets. Since blaming one’s partner for one’s own unhappiness is the number one cause of relationship problems, learning how to take loving care of yourself is vital to a good relationship.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. This is the essence of a truly spiritual life. We all yearn to be treated lovingly – with kindness, compassion, understanding, and acceptance. We need to treat ourselves this way, and we need to treat our partner and others this way. Relationships flourish when both people treat each other with kindness. While there are no guarantees, often treating another with kindness brings kindness in return. If your partner is consistently angry, judgmental, uncaring and unkind, then you need to focus on what would be loving to yourself rather than reverting to anger, blame, judgment, withdrawal, resistance, or compliance. Kindness to others does not mean sacrificing yourself. Always remember that taking responsibility for yourself rather than blaming others is the most important thing you can do. If you are consistently kind to yourself and your partner, and your partner is consistently angry, blaming, withdrawn and unavailable, then you either have to accept a distant relationship, or you need to leave the relationship. You cannot make your partner change – you can only change yourself.
There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
When conflict occurs, you always have two choices regarding how to handle the conflict: you can open to learning about yourself and your partner and discover the deeper issues of the conflict, or you can try to win, or at least not lose, through some form of controlling behavior. We’ve all learning many overt and subtle ways of trying to control others into behaving the way we want: anger, blame, judgment, niceness, compliance, caretaking, resistance, withdrawal of love, explaining, teaching, defending, lying, denying, and so on. All the ways we try to control create even more conflict. Remembering to learn instead of control is a vital part of improving your relationship.
For example, most people have two major fears that become activated in relationships: the fear of abandonment – of losing the other - and the fear of engulfment – of losing oneself. When these fears get activated, most people immediately protect themselves against these fears with their controlling behavior. But if you chose to learn about your fears instead of attempt to control your partner, your fear would eventually heal. This is how we grow emotionally and spiritually – by learning instead of controlling.
When people first fall in love, they make time for each other. Then, especially after getting married, they get busy. Relationships need time to thrive. It is vitally important to set aside specific times to be together – to talk, play, make love. Intimacy cannot be maintained without time together.
Positive energy flows between two people when there is an “attitude of gratitude.” Constant complaints creates a heavy, negative energy, which is not fun to be around. Practice being grateful for what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. Complaints create stress, while gratitude creates inner peace, so gratitude creates not only emotional and relationship health, but physical health as well.
We all know that “work without play makes Jack a dull boy.” Work without play makes for dull relationships as well. Relationships flourish when people laugh together, play together, and when humor is a part of everyday life. Stop taking everything so seriously and learn to see the funny side of life. Intimacy flourishes when there is lightness of being, not when everything is heavy.
There’s a relationship “secret ingredient” that a man craves in order to feel intense, committed love. Without it, he will always keep one foot out the door.
A wonderful way of creating intimacy is to do service projects together. Giving to others fills the heart and creates deep satisfaction in the soul. Doing service moves you out of yourself and your own problems and supports a broader, more spiritual view of life.
If you and your partner agree to these 7 choices, you will be amazed at the improvement in your relationship!
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relationshipguider0 · 2 years ago
hello friends
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relationshipsafecute · 1 year ago
how relationship changes after baby
Becoming a parent often puts a strain on relationships, regardless of what they were like before. Part of the problem is that you're tired and have so much less time to spend with friends, family or your partner than you did before the baby arrived.
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relationshipsure09 · 1 year ago
Simple Words & Phrases That Capture His Heart
New video reveals how to speak your man in a language that touches a primal inner part of his mind and become a constant source of excitement, interest, and pursuit for him.
You'll discover how to understand him on a deep emotional level, and how the subtle things you say affect him much more than you might think.
When you know how to do this, you'll be able to deeply connect with a man, and powerfully attract him.
Click Here To Watch The Video Now!
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overthelamppost · 1 year ago
Often times, withholding your whole opinion from a friend or child to not hurt their feelings is kind; just as being amicable to people you don't know or care for is respectful. These are different than being intentionally misleading, like feigning greater feelings than you really have for a potential significant other, as well as being untruthful, like outwardly boasting about someone's talents or looks when you really feel they are lacking in that department. Perhaps some people prefer to be misled and always want to be told what they want to hear. Myself, I prefer genuineness. This isn't to say I want others to be cruel to me or brutally honest about their every thought about me at all times (please don't!), but there's always the option of saying nothing at all. Just be authentic. If someone doesn't ask for your honest opinion, you have no reason to fib about how you feel — unless you are trying to get on their good side or wanting something from them, which we all can recognize is also dishonest and insincere, taking us right back to where we started! Remember, you can be real and still show kindness and respect to friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. Being "real" and honest does not equate to being rude and hurtful. Thus, being passive and not vocalizing your every single opinion about every single topic does not label you as dishonest or fake. However, aggressively handing out faux opinions and mistruths just might, especially if it's excessive and/or given for personal gain! I think it's important to just always aim at being genuine — while still considering the beneficiary of your intentions. The world has enough fake and coercive people already; please don't become another!
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relationship7022 · 1 year ago
Building Your Confidence in Dating Women
When it comes to dating (or even seducing) a woman, confidence is vital. Women often equate “self confidence” with the ability to be successful. While many men believe that women look for successful men because they’re likely to make more money, that’s simply not true.
While it’s a given, women actually look for successful men because they’re more likely to be satisfied. So you may be wondering what a man being satisfied has to do with anything. Let me explain. You see, women know that men who are satisfied with themselves are less likely to go out looking for someone to satisfy them and are more stable.
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And in a relationship that means a man will be less likely to cheat, or change jobs frequently or get himself into any number of other compromising situations. Remember that most women are looking for a man who will be their partner as well as their lover.
Not only do they want a partner when it comes to things like companionship, decision-making and finances, but in the bedroom, as well. In order to effectively seduce a woman you must make her feel as though you’re both equals.
When it comes to confidence, it seems there are two kinds of people - those who have it and others who simply don’t. Although on the surface this may be true, everyone has the potential to be “self confident”, or motivated if you would like to call it.
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Take heart in knowing that you’re a good person, smart, funny, good at your job, loving, considerate or whatever else you find to be positive character traits that you have. Be comforted to know that NOT all women are looking for a CEO or brain surgeon. They just want a man who’s confident with who he is, what he knows and what he has to offer to a relationship with them! l
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relationshiptec · 2 years ago
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The Missing Link In Every Relationship
Sex? Communication? Romantic Dates?
All these things are important, but a breakthrough new video reveals the surprising factor that can make ALL the difference in a relationship and few, if any women (or men) are even aware of it!
The key is understanding men on a deep emotional level, and how the subtle things you say to a man affect him much more than you might think.
If you're frustrated with your man going cold, losing interest, or pulling away, then this video is a must watch:
Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You. Click link below pic
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5 Irresistible Ways To Make Women Fall For You
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"I don't get it!…"
"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"
How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?
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The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.
But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:
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1) Dress to Kill - all the time: No I don't intend that you wear $5000 suits to the grocers or the Rolex to walk the dog. What I want you to do is is to dress decently each time you hit the streets. Dab on some cologne. Be neatly shaven. Gentlemen, women are everywhere. If you dress with flash only at the bar or the party, you're missing out on 95% of eligible women. Some of the best relationships were forged during chance encounters at the bus stop.
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2) Bedroom Eyes - When exploring new relationships with that sexy stranger, intensify the eye contact. Lock deep into her pupils. Let the rest of the world disappear even as a horde of supermodels troop by. You will naturally thrill her with the attention as she experiences the tendrils of growing attraction. Ethnologists have a term for it, the copulatory gaze. Get your eyes even sexier by enlargening your pupils; Dr. Hess concluded that dilated pupils are far far more attractive to women. How does one get the pupils popping? Simply gaze at the most alluring parts of a woman's face and fill your mind with loving caring thoughts. Your pupils naturally grow, endowing you with irresistible eyes.
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3) Visual Caress - Get your eyes to do some facial travelling as you chat. Linger a bit on the nose, traipse across those lashes and rest upon the lips. Drink in her facial features as though you were admiring the Mona Lisa. She will delight in the attention!
4) Easter Eggs - Stumped at having nothing to say? Listen carefully for easter eggs as you talk. These are unusual words or phrases that she utters. Ask her to expound on it. Say "What's the story behind that?" or "How do you feel about that?". Women love to be probed for their opinions and their feelings.Gently bring out her emotions with sensitive open-ended questions.
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5) Keep it Adrenaline Charged - Men talk facts: stock figures, bill payments, and boring engine specs. Women are different. They delight in FEELINGS TALK: how the new dress takes them to 7th heaven, how that special meal got them all giddy with ecstasy, how their shopping expedition drains their deepest problems away. Leverage this by steering away from facts talk. Pick out emotionally charged subjects and ask her how she especially relates to them. You'll be her new confidant!
I know what you're thinking. It's all common sense! That's true, but ask yourself this: how many of you actually practice this? Be honest.
Get out there and be the man women loves. Use your common sense!
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exsghostbytinamichaelidou · 6 months ago
"Θυμάμαι πως όταν χωρίσει για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα έκλαιγα συνέχεια και κοιμόμουν μόλις έβγαινε ο ήλιος. Τα μάτια μου ήταν κόκκινα και πρησμένα από το κλάμα και είχα μαύρους κύκλους και σακούλες."Συγγνώμη που σε ταλαιπώρησα,Τινάκι μου"". Quote από το νέο μου Σημειωματάριο από τις @Εκδόσεις Διάνοια με τίτλο "Πρώην τα κουβαδάκια σας!" 💙 Σε ευχαριστώ για μια ακόμη φορά @AlexTsinias & @Xenia Zarkadoula 💙🙏 #seventh #seventhbook #notebook #σημειωματάριο #πρώηντακουβαδάκιασαςπαντόςκαιρού #πρώηντακουβαδάκιασας #tinamichaelidougr #exsghostbytinamichaelidou #itsmylifebytinamichaelidou #relationshipblogger #bookstagram #relationshipbook #booklover #bookblogger #booklove #breakupbook #boomcommunity #bookgram #booklife #bookquotes #bookquote #bookpost #relationsiptips
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mentalriseuk · 1 year ago
Relationship counseling, also known as couples therapy, is a supportive process aimed at enhancing and resolving issues within romantic partnerships. This form of counseling provides a safe and neutral space for couples to openly communicate, explore their feelings, and work through challenges. A skilled relationship counselor helps couples identify patterns of interaction, improve communication skills, and develop effective conflict resolution strategies. Through guided discussions and exercises, couples can gain insights into their dynamics, strengthen emotional bonds, and rebuild trust. Relationship counseling empowers partners to address issues such as communication breakdowns, intimacy concerns, and differences in values or expectations. By fostering understanding, empathy, and mutual respect, relationship counseling facilitates healthier relationships and equips couples with tools to navigate the complexities of their connection, ultimately nurturing a stronger and more fulfilling partnership.
For More Information:
#CouplesTherapy#SupportiveProcess# #RomanticPartnerships# #SafeSpace# #NeutralEnvironment# #ConflictResolution# #CommunicationSkills# #StrengthenBonds# #HealthyRelationships#couplestherapy #supportiveprocess #enhancingrelationships #resolvingissues #opencommunication #exploringfeelings #workingthroughchallenges #relationshipcounselor #improvingcommunicationskills #conflictresolutionstrategies #guideddiscussions #strengtheningemotionalbonds #rebuildingtrust #communicationbreakdowns #intimacyconcerns #differencesinvalues #expectations #understanding #empathy #mutualrespect #healthierrelationships #nurturingpartnership #relationshipcounseling #relationshipissues #relationshipproblems #communication #intimacy #conflictresolution #love #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #couples #marriage #dating #breakup #divorce #family #friends #support #healing #growth #selfcare#relationshipgoals #relationship #relationships #relationshipquotes #relationshipadvice #RelationshipGoal #relationshipproblems #relationshipmemes #relationshipcoach #relationshipquote #relationshipsbelike #relationshipsgoals #relationships101 #relationshipmarketing #relationshipstatus #relationshiprules #relationshiptips #relationship101 #relationshipexpert #RelationshipCoaching #relationshipqoutes #Relationshipposts #relationshipissues #relationshiprp #relationshipbuilding #relationshipblogger #RelationshipTalk #relationshipsmatter #relationshiphelp
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datingcom2021 · 4 years ago
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Follow @dating.com2021 for more ❤️tag someone 💞 - #goals #art #blacklove #happiness #singlelife #singles #selflove #friendship #nature #findinglove #findlove #pof #loki #firstdates #datingadviceformen #relationshipblogger #mixeddating #datingdays #explore #explorecanada #californiagirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUUFh6twyX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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passionforgrowing · 4 years ago
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Favorite line = When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences, then love has a chance to blossom.
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According to this book the author portrait that both men and women are from different plant and had come to earth and have forgotten about it.
The books show main problems in relationship and solutions to it
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The author gives 5 tips to both men and women about improving their relationship
1) Results vs feeling
Men are results-oriented while females are feeling originated.
Men like to solve their problems on their own while women talk to each other to solve their problems.
Solution = Don't disturb the man while they are in a problem and don't give solutions to women while they are just listen to them.
2) Men go to their cave women's talk.
When facing depression men like to stay away from people while women like to talk about their feelings.
Solution same is that of the first one
3) Men's want to feel needed while women want to care
Men want to feel important while women want their loved ones to take care of and protect them.
Solution = Never make your man feels unimportant and always take care of your wife even small acts of caring can make a lot of difference
4) Men are like a rubber band and women are like cave
Men like to stay away from loved one's time to time because of their personal responsibility so never disturb them at that
Women can become sad time to time having no specific reason it's like in their nature .. so never try to make them happy in that
Solution = In both the case just be patient they will get normal by their own again
Book is best for a newly wed couples or someone who wants to be in a relationship.
It is not difficult to start a relationship what is difficult is to maintain it . Take this book as guide to learn this art
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relationship7022 · 1 year ago
A Report on the Scenario of UK Adult Personals and Adult Dating Web Sites
Computers and the Internet have had a tremendous impact on society. Together they have become the dominant aspect within our social, business and personal lives, and have completely altered our cultural landscape. From accessing information to shopping, from sharing email to finding life partners, everything is now possible online. Essentially we have created a new world: the virtual world. Let's explore one of the new features emerging from these integral tools that have become so essential to our lifestyle:
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Many of the oldest social activities revolved around finding a life partner. Balls, parties, dinners, social gatherings; they all offered an opportunity to meet that someone special. But life has become increasingly fast-paced and online dating has joined the ranks of online shopping because of the convenience it offers. Though initially online dating was limited to searching and matching user profiles, it has since grown beyond this painstaking ritual. Every day, the online dating industry is exploring new terrain for growth, and has become so vast that it would be impossible to pen to paper its current breadth. There are few limits as to what you can accomplish within an online dating site - it is a service that brings results.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
The UK is one of the most developed nations in Europe, with a long social history and strong political ties to the USA - which has naturally affected their socio-cultural environment in minor but noticeable ways. One might assume that the growing popularity of adult dating in the UK is derived from the immense growth of the same industry in the US, which is saturated with online dating options. Another explanation may be simply that the days are gone when people are confined to pubs, night clubs, or other social arenas if they want to meet someone new. Now it is as simple as logging on to a UK adult personals web site, comparing your preferences to other members and finding an attractive prospect, messaging a bit online and then taking it to the physical realm with an in-person meeting. It s that easy!
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
Whether we're looking at the UK, the USA or another country, sex is an inevitable urge of being human. This closed-door affair was a matter of privacy in the past, but as people deem adult dating sites to be a safe and efficient domain for meeting others they feel encouraged to share their identities, urges and feelings. Now, if you're convinced to give adult online dating a chance the next challenge is sifting through the numerous dating sites for UK personals. I recommend Kisscaf (www.Kisscafe.com) if you want a a truly positive and satisfying experience.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
About Kisscaf Kisscaf (www.KissaCafe.com) is one of the fastest growing social networking and dating websites in the World Wide Web. The best aspect of this dating service provider is that all the exclusive service features (which other popular networking sites provide as subscribed services) absolutely FREE. Currently Kisscaf (www.KissCafe.com) has 22 international websites and plans to launch even more sites in additional countries. Efficient Instant Messenger, multilingual capabilities and advanced profile search technology has made Kisscaf one of the leading online dating service providers on the Web. Kisscaf (www.KissCafe.com) member blogs are a great source of interesting posts related to the dating industry, including dating advice, personal stories and much more. For more details, you can log in to their site and compare their services with other dating sites.
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relationshiptec · 2 years ago
10 Top Relationship Tips
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What's the key to a successful relationship? Some might think that's the million dollar question. Sometimes it's just the simple things, that we easily forget or think are unimportant that hold the key to a healthy and happy relationship. Read through the helpful tips below on how to make your relationship go the distance.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
Without quality time together, your relationship will not survive. Aim to devote at least half an hour a night, and at least one day a month when the two of you spend time exclusively together.
You both want to feel secure within the relationship. A good relationship is built on compromise and a lot of give and take from both of you.
Often those little things that first attracted you to your partner can turn into nasty annoying habits. Learn to love your partner warts and all. Don't try to change them into something they're not, after all you fell in love with them just the way they were. The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
Money is one of the top conflicts between most couples. For the relationship to work, you need to address your finances and maybe even work out a budget.
Learn to argue well. Never say something to your partner that you wouldn't want to hear said back. Just remember, the one good thing they say about arguing, is the making up afterwards.
Communication is vital to all healthy relationships. Listen to your partner and avoid blame and judgement. Don't let your emotions dictate your behaviour. Remember just talking things over can help you to both have a deeper understanding of each other. The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
Sort out your sex life, it may start to go downhill over the years, don't just accept it. As soon as you notice it, address it with your partner and work out why, and what to do to bring back the passion. Maybe one of your prefers more sex than the other. Why not experiment with new ideas in the bedroom. Role play, dressing up, or maybe take your sex life out of the bedroom and try new places. The introduction of marital aids into the relationship can also help to spice things up. Whatever you decide, remember communication is vital.
Try to keep your dependence and independence in balance. Tell your partner how much you need them, but don't get to dependent on them and cling to them all the time, as that can make your partner feel trapped. On the flip side of this, don't allow your partner to think you don't need them, by going or doing things without them. Try to keep a happy and healthy balance between the two. The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
9.Learn to forgive. If you know you will never forgive your partner over something important, and feel the trust can never be regained then give yourself, and him a break and start again, with someone new.
Don't ever think that going to counselling is a sign of a failed relationship. It can turna bad relationship around and can also turn an average relationship into an excellent one. More and more people are turning to counselling today than ever, it shows you are both prepared to try and make things better, which can't be a bad thing at all. The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
The fact remains, that whether you're dating or married, relationships are hard. It takes 100% commitment from both of you. However, healthy and long-lasting relationships are achievable and many couples have proven just that. Not everything is always going to be perfect but if you both choose to make it work then it can. And remember it's the little things that you sometimes do that can go a long way to making your relationship work.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
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5 Important Details Developing Rapport
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Let us take a peak at the basics of developing rapport with others.
In a nutshell, what it takes is to ask questions, have a positive, open attitude, encourage an open exchange of communications (both verbal and unspoken), listen to verbal and unspoken communications and share positive feedback.
Here are important details on each step:
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Ask Questions
Building report is similar to interviewing someone for a job opening or it can be like a reporter seeking information for an article.
Relax and get to know the other person with a goal of finding common ground or things of interest. You can begin by simply commenting on the other persons choice of attire, if in person, or about their computer, if online, and following up with related questions.
For example, in person, you could compliment the other person on their color choice and or maybe a pin, ring or other piece of jewelry and ask where it came from.
In online communications, you could compliment the other persons font, smile faces or whatever they use, mention that the communication style seems relaxed and ask if he or she writes a lot.
Then basically follow up, steering clear of topics that could entice or cause arguing, while gradually leading the person to common ground youd like to discuss.
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Have a positive attitude and leave social labels at home (or in a drawer, if youre at home). Many people can tell instantly if you have a negative attitude or if you feel superior. So treat other people as you would like to be treated. And give each person a chance.
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Open Exchange
Do encourage others to share with you. Some people are shy, scared or inexperienced in communicating and welcome an opportunity to share. So both with body language and verbal communication invite an exchange. Face the other person with your arms open, eyes looking into theirs gently (not glaring or staring), and encourage a conversation with a warm smile.
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Be an active listener. Dont focus your thoughts on what YOU will say next. Listen to what the other person is saying and take your clues from there, while also noting the body language.
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For example, if the other person folds his arms and sounds upset, you may need to change the subject or let him have some space and distance; maybe even try approaching him later on and excusing yourself to go make a phone call (of head to the buffet table or somewhere to escape).
On the other hand, if the other person is leaning towards you, following your every word and communicating with your as if you were old friends, BINGO. Youve built rapport!
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Share People like compliments
So hand them out freely without over doing it. Leaving a nice part of yourself like a compliment is a good memory for the other person to recall - numerous times. Thats good rapport. But do be sincere! False compliments arent easily disguised.
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iamakdx · 4 years ago
Types Of Relationship
Hola! Everyone and readers Akdx is here! Today we know the Types of Relationship so, let's Kick-off your learning
We have many relationships in this world. Something special, something close, something far away, something unknown that just became like this, because those relationships have no name. They are moving only with the help of love and trust. Don't know when to break up! Well
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Well, whatever the relationship is, for every person in this world, the relationship is divided into two parts.
1. Blood Relation
2. Heart to Heart Relation
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Blood Relation
This is a relationship that happens in every person's life, and in that too the relationship of mother, father, brother, sister is given to us by God as a gift. Who stay connected with us throughout our life. Apart from this, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, maternal uncle, aunt, aunt, aunt are also involved in blood relations.
Heart to Heart Relation
This is the relationship that we make ourselves, with love, trust, the heart comes first when it comes to relationships. Whose blood is not your relationship but to come forward in each other's problems and to support each other. Also your friends, relatives, people of your company are included. And yes! That unknown relationship is also part of this link.
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