#Reiki Energy Ball Exercise
soulsuccessunleashed · 2 months
Enhancing Your Clairvoyant Skills: Advanced Techniques and Practices
Enhancing Your Clairvoyant Skills: Advanced Techniques and Practices
Clairvoyance, or "clear seeing," is a powerful psychic ability that allows individuals to perceive visual information beyond ordinary sight. If you've already developed some basic clairvoyant skills and are looking to enhance your abilities further, advanced techniques and practices can help you deepen your connection to this intuitive gift. This article explores methods to refine and expand your clairvoyant capabilities.
Understanding Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance involves receiving visual impressions, symbols, or images that provide insights into people, places, and events. These visions can appear in the mind’s eye or, occasionally, as external apparitions. Enhancing your clairvoyant skills requires practice, patience, and a willingness to trust the information you receive.
Advanced Meditation Practices
Meditation is fundamental for developing clairvoyance. Advanced meditation techniques can help you access deeper states of awareness and clearer visions.
Exercise: Third Eye Activation Meditation
Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down.
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to center yourself.
Focus your attention on the area between your eyebrows, your third eye.
Visualize a bright indigo light at your third eye, growing more intense with each breath.
Imagine this light expanding and opening your third eye chakra.
Spend 20-30 minutes in this meditation, allowing any images or impressions to come to you naturally.
Strengthening Visualization Skills
Visualization is crucial for enhancing clairvoyance. Practicing more complex visualizations can sharpen your ability to see with clarity.
Exercise: Dynamic Visualization
Choose a scene or scenario to visualize, such as a peaceful garden or a bustling city street.
Close your eyes and recreate this scene in your mind’s eye with as much detail as possible.
Engage all your senses: see the colors, hear the sounds, feel the textures, and notice any smells.
Spend 10-15 minutes on this exercise daily, gradually increasing the complexity of your visualizations.
Practicing Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is the practice of seeing distant or unseen objects and locations. This technique can significantly enhance your clairvoyant abilities.
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Exercise: Remote Viewing Practice
Ask a friend to place an object in another room or choose a distant location without telling you what it is.
Sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your third eye.
Ask to be shown the object or location in your mind’s eye.
Describe or sketch any images that come to you.
Compare your impressions with the actual object or location to validate and refine your skills.
Dreamwork and Lucid Dreaming
Clairvoyant messages often come through dreams. Practicing dreamwork and lucid dreaming can help you access these messages more consciously.
Exercise: Lucid Dreaming Techniques
Before sleeping, set the intention to become aware and lucid in your dreams.
Keep a dream journal by your bed and record your dreams as soon as you wake up.
Practice reality checks throughout the day (e.g., looking at your hands and asking if you are dreaming).
When you achieve lucidity in a dream, ask for clairvoyant guidance or visions.
Reflect on your dreams and any insights you receive.
Using Divination Tools
Divination tools such as tarot cards, scrying mirrors, and crystal balls can enhance your clairvoyant abilities by providing a focal point for your visions.
Exercise: Scrying with a Crystal Ball
Sit in a dimly lit room with a crystal ball placed before you.
Light a candle and place it so that the flame reflects in the crystal ball.
Gaze softly into the crystal ball, allowing your mind to relax and drift.
Pay attention to any images, symbols, or scenes that appear in the crystal.
Record your impressions and reflect on their meanings.
Engaging in Energy Work
Energy work, such as Reiki, Qi Gong, or chakra balancing, can help clear blockages and enhance the flow of intuitive information.
Exercise: Chakra Balancing for Clairvoyance
Lie down in a comfortable position.
Visualize each of your chakras as spinning wheels of light, starting from the root chakra up to the crown chakra.
Spend extra time focusing on your third eye chakra, visualizing it as a bright indigo light.
Imagine any blockages dissolving and the energy flowing freely.
Finish by visualizing a protective white light surrounding your entire body.
Joining a Psychic Development Circle
Practicing with others who share your interest in psychic development can provide valuable feedback and support.
Exercise: Group Clairvoyant Practice
Join or form a psychic development circle with like-minded individuals.
Practice giving and receiving clairvoyant readings in a supportive environment.
Share your experiences and insights with the group for feedback.
Participate in group meditations and visualization exercises to enhance your skills.
Enhancing your clairvoyant skills requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to explore new techniques. By incorporating advanced meditation practices, strengthening visualization skills, practicing remote viewing, engaging in dreamwork, using divination tools, performing energy work, and joining a psychic development circle, you can deepen your connection to your clairvoyant abilities. Trust your intuition, remain open to the guidance you receive, and allow your clairvoyant skills to flourish and enrich your life.
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aestheticsworldasmr · 11 months
"Serenity Station: Your Ultimate Destination for Inner Peace and Tranquility"
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In today’s fast-paced world, finding inner peace and tranquility can be a challenging task. The constant stress, anxiety, and the pressures of daily life can take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being. That’s where Serenity Station comes to the rescue. This innovative app offers a one-of-a-kind experience designed to help you manage stress, find inner satisfaction, and achieve a sense of serenity right at your fingertips.
Serenity Station is more than just an app; it’s your companion for mental well-being. This comprehensive platform combines a variety of tools and techniques to cater to your unique needs, making it your ultimate destination for inner peace and tranquility. Let’s delve into the world of Serenity Station and explore what it has to offer.
1. Visual and Audio Meditations: Serenity Station offers a unique blend of visual meditations. These immersive experiences transport you to a place of calm and relaxation, making them perfect for treating depression. The soothing images and serene visuals can provide a much-needed escape from the stressors of everyday life.
2. ASMR Triggers: ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) sounds are known for inducing tingling sensations that can melt away stress, depression, and tension. These gentle sensory experiences also work wonders for improving focus and hand-to-eye coordination, making them ideal for individuals with conditions like ADHD and autism.
3. Fidgets: For those restless moments, Serenity Station offers an array of fidgets, including stress balls, spinners, and slimes. These engaging tools are perfect for redirecting restless energy and promoting focus, helping you stay calm and collected even in the most challenging situations.
4. Daily Affirmations: Start your day on a positive note with daily affirmations and empowering quotes. These uplifting messages inspire a positive mindset and improve your overall mood, setting the tone for a stress-free day.
5. Anxiety Relief Activities: Serenity Station provides a diverse range of anxiety relief activities tailored to your mental health needs. Whether it’s deep breathing exercises, guided mindfulness sessions, or soothing ambient sounds, you’ll find the support you need to manage your anxiety effectively.
6. Reiki Healing and Healing Prayers: Find solace in the healing power of Reiki and healing prayers. These practices can help restore your inner balance and provide a sense of spiritual comfort during challenging times.
7. Positive Mindset Shifters: Serenity Station offers psychology tricks and mindset shifters to help you reframe your perspective and approach to life’s challenges. These tools can empower you to overcome obstacles with a positive attitude.
Serenity Station is the ultimate stress relief companion that you can carry with you wherever you go. In the palm of your hand, you have access to a wide array of activities and techniques that promote mental well-being and help you find your inner calm. With this transformative app, you can embark on a journey towards a more peaceful and serene state of mind.
Don’t let the stresses of life hold you back. Download Serenity Station today and take the first step towards inner peace and well-being. It’s time to de-stress, find your calm, and embrace mental serenity. Your path to a more tranquil and fulfilling life begins here.
Download Now: https://apps.apple.com/az/app/stress-relief-tool-kit-asmr/id6451204122
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Litha : Ways To Celebrate
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Host A Bonfire
Litha is all about the fiery aspect of the sun, so why not celebrate the fertility of the gods with a blazing, roaring fire in your back yard? It's the longest day of the year, so stay up late and host a bonfire for your friends and family. 
Get sparklers too, and light them after dark. Make an offering to the gods of your tradition. Be sure to follow basic Bonfire Safety Rules, so no one gets hurt at your celebration. You can even incorporate your bonfire into a Litha rite, with the Midsummer Night Fire Ritual.
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Leave An Offering Of Honey Cakes Outside
Preferably somewhere away from your house, as they will attract insects and even wildlife. Litha is said to be one of the two times of year when the “Veil Between Worlds” is the thinnest (the other being Samhain.) According to legend, the fairies and forest spirits are especially active on the night of the summer solstice, and honey is favorite treat.
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Get Back To Nature
Go for a hike in the woods with your family. Enjoy the sounds and sights of nature. Take lots of pictures, or plan a scavenger hunt—have each of the kids bring a "nature bag" to fill up. Remember, don't pick any live plants, unless you're deliberately wildcrafting.
Before you head out, grab a field guide to local plants, and turn it into a teaching exercise, learn to identify what you see out there in the woods. If you take your hike in a public park, bring along a plastic sack to help pick up garbage on your way. If you get the chance to do this alone, try a Nature Meditation in a quiet spot somewhere on your journey.
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Go Camping
If you’re feeling adventurous, but don’t want to leave luxury behind, try glamping and spend a night under the stars in style.
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Get Your Body Moving
Litha is a magical, mystical time of year. Why not host a drum circle or spiral dance? You'll need a large group for this, but it's a lot of fun once you get everyone moving. In addition to being entertaining (and a great stress reliever), a drum circle or a ritualized dance serves another purpose—that of raising energy.
The more you build, the more people will feed off of it. Invite a group of friends over, let them know there will be music and dance, and see what happens. Be sure to provide refreshments for afterwards—drumming and dancing can be draining for some people.
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Go Wildflower Picking
Identify and harvest some wildflowers to use in your summer spell work. Press them in your Book of Shadows if you have one.
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Do Something For Others
Do something for charity. Organize a yard sale and donate the proceeds to a local homeless shelter. Collect gently used summer clothing and give to a local children's hospital. Host a dog-wash for your favorite shelter, and ask customers to either donate cash or pet food. Plan a neighborhood cleanup, and trim and weed common areas in your community. If you don't have time to coordinate a big project—and not everyone does—do things on a smaller scale.
Visit an elderly neighbour and help with her housekeeping. Offer to do grocery shopping for an ill relative. If you know a mom with a brand-new baby, help out with childcare so she can get a few hours of rest. There are any number of things you can do to help others, and with the days being longer, there's plenty of time to get things done!
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Read A Good Book
Summer can be a hectic and chaotic time of year. Maybe you're someone who needs to slow down and take a break. Litha is a good time to rejuvenate, so why not sit out in the sunshine and immerse yourself in a good book. Keep reading material handy all the time, so when you need a little down time, you can work through few pages. If your local library has a summer reading program, sign up.
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Attend A Summer Festival
Litha is the week for pagan festivals. Find one. Attend it. You’ll have a blast, I promise.
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Celebrate Family
Turn off the phone, step away from the computer and television, and spend time just having fun with the people who love you most. Take the day off work if possible and spend it any way you like—go to the zoo, a museum, a ball game, etc. Make this a day that you can do anything you want, and put the schedules away just for one day.
If you're worried that money might hold you back, there's plenty of stuff you can do for free: check your local metro parks for activity schedules, go fishing at a nearby lake or river, and watch the local newspaper for free admission deals at nearby attractions. If getting away for a day isn't possible for you, spend the afternoon at home—play board games, do jigsaw puzzles, and cook a meal together.
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Make A Batch Of Sun Cakes
If you’re a kitchen witch, celebrate this Sabbat by baking! Sun cakes are perfect for the “cakes and ale” portion of a Litha ritual if you celebrate with a coven, or you can use them for offering.
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Clean Things Up
Clean your house. Take advantage of the warm weather to have a garage sale and get rid of all those things you don't want. You can also organize a swap with your friends, or donate all your stuff to charities like Goodwill or Salvation Army. You've got plenty of daylight at Litha, so you can accomplish a lot in just a short period of time.
If your house is a bit daunting, select one room to work on at a time—preferably the one that needs the most help! Wash windows, wipe down baseboards, get rid of stuff you know you'll never use. Organize as you clean, putting donatable items into one pile, and trash in another, so you don't have to sort it later. Turn the project into a ritual with a House Cleaning Rite.
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Make Herbal Candle Rings With Herbs
For the green witch : with your herb garden in full swing, it’s time to make some creative use of it.
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Host A Barbeque For Friends And Family
Have a barbecue, and invite all your family and friends over. Decorate with colors of the sun—yellows, reds, and oranges. Feast on lots of summery food, like watermelons, strawberries, and fresh green salads. Add outdoor games like horseshoes, ladder golf, and backyard volleyball.
While you're at it, set up some kind of water activities—water balloons, super soakers, a pool to splash in. All of these are great outside activities in the heat of summer, and help celebrate the balance between fire and water, as well as welcoming friends and family to celebrate the season.
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Try Cloud Scrying
Find a warm, grassy spot and look up to see what messages the sky might have for you.
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Learn & Grow
Spend some time on spiritual growth. Use this time of year to learn something new about your tradition, develop a new skill, or take a class in Tarot, Reiki, yoga, or whatever appeals to you. Create a daily plan of study to help you focus on what it is you want to do next. You've got plenty of extra hours of daylight this time of year, so there are no excuses.
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Visit A Honey Farm
If you’re not allergic to bees (or deathly afraid of them!) this is a nice activity. Be sure to stock up while you’re there.
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Honor The Season
Many ancient cultures marked the summer solstice with rites and rituals honoring the sun. Celebrate the significance of Midsummer with ritual and prayers that recognize the sun and its magnificent power. Set up your Litha altar with symbols of the season—solar symbols, candles, midsummer fruits and vegetables, and more.
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Article Sources :
https://moodymoons.com/2016/06/15/10-ways-to-celebrate-litha-2/ https://www.learnreligions.com/great-ways-to-celebrate-litha-2562249
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rosesastrology · 4 years
Can u give us some reiki basics for example what you feel thru your hands how to interpret that and stuff :) ?
I think everyone would interpret the sensations differently but there are some general things I can point out :)
Before reiki:
Grounding: very important. If you don't tell yourself that you are protected and safe, reiki can be very draining. Reiki is not supposed to be draining, whatsoever.
Exercises: in order to get in touch with yourself, you can do some exercises:
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Closing and opening your hands is a way to feel the energy. Don't completely close your hands, just close in. Some people will feel a tingling sensation, others feel a warmth, others pain or "stabs". If you feel something, focus on this and eventually you can try to do the following:
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Like this, you can try forming a 'ball'. Eventually, with enough practice, it'll actually start to feel like there's a tennis ball in your hands.
If you don't feel anything at all:
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Rubbing, clapping or clasping your hands may help. Do know that the tingle of blood flow is not necessarily what is meant, it's a different sensation.
Doing reiki:
Initially, I'll do what I call an energy tap. This means that I can feel any blockages in the person, or animal. When starting out, it may be easier to do it on someone you can physically touch and see rather than on someone who's not present. When energy tapping, you're not healing anything. You are just scanning. When doing this physically, you move your hands over the client, above their body. Having a basic knowledge of the chakras is handy!
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You can have sensations anywhere. Each body part may mean something different to you! It's a lot of personal interpretation of sensations, they don't always mean the same.
These are just some of my personal notes and observations:
Neck/back - dull pain: person has poor posture, may indicate they're spending a lot of time hunched over
Throat - choking/can't breathe: Person is holding back on a lot things, they have something hidden, secrets, person feels trapped, abuse
Chest (middle) - burning: heartache
Eyes - tearing up: sadness, loneliness
Fluttery stomach: fleeting happiness, jittery, hyped, in love
Sudden cold hands: "No" to a question, neglect, hopelessness, solitude
Sudden warm hands: "Yes"
Hot flashes (cheeks): Person is worried, heated up, angry
Hands - tingling: restless, indecisive
Abdomen (high) dull spreading burn: insecurity
stabbing sensation in wrist: action, choices, lack of confidence, choosing not to do something
dull arm pain: the capacity to start and complete something that has already been accepted following the difficulty in choosing how to act
hand: represents understanding, gentleness, capacity to hold on to what one has achieved, give and receive tenderness
Feet: stability or lack thereof, the next step, a journey, fatigue
If it's a physical ailment and you put your hand above the person, it may result in many sensations. The ones I just named, usually come forth in distance readings. In real life, the person's sensations and ailments could very well transfer to you so know when to stop and take a break.
As for the actual healing:
It doesn't matter if physical or far away, for me it always feels like pulling out a cork. The place on the body can represent what the block is. Sometimes this is a physical ailment, other times it's an emotional or spiritual blockage. For people who can visualize, you could see this black goop sort of seeping out. This is why during reiki, the practicer may pull away from the body. In a sense, they are pulling out the bad energy. After that, they will often put their hands above the place, or lightly touch it. You can see this as light and love going in the hallow space. Reiki can feel very tiresome, or emotional, for the person who receives it. If it's an emotional blockage, it can feel like a breakdown. Often the person who receives it won't notice much except the warmth. It can be very relaxing as well.
When done from far away, the person usually doesn't notice at all. When my friend who lives in a different country has a headache, and I use reiki while looking at her photos of profile, after 20ish minutes I'll ask if she feels better. She answers yes, I say what I did. My friend, of course, knows about it and consents. Which is also important. Some people are easier to connect to than others!
Can you use reiki on yourself? Yes, but if I'm honest, it's much harder than doing it on someone else in my experience. If it's something small, it could work.
Important notes: while reiki can help with a lot of physical pain, and a lot of mental anguish. It can't fix everything. That's painful, but true. My dog had cancer, I used reiki on him. It was fine for maybe an hour, then it came back. No matter how much I did it, the energy would always come back within a maximum of a couple days. There are some things we can't fix, and we have to accept that.
Also, sometimes your hands or other parts of your body may hurt. Especially after a particularly long session. For me, it helps to just put my hands under warm water and shake my hands, in a sense shaking off the energy. Some people use salt water. Crystals, gems, fragrances, etc, these things are a personal choice; if the person is far away I'll use photos. If they're there, I won't use anything else.
This is just what I personally do, and other people will have other practices! If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask :)
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taraunderstars · 5 years
How did you start energy work?
I started with my dad when I was a child. He taught me several meditation techniques (useful to be able to feel and focus on energy), how to "feel" for rocks, trees, buildings. Later I began introducing "focus on the inner fire" when meditating, and around 14 I finally came upon basic energy work practice like balls and practised that for a year or two. I then spent several years not practising daily until I first started travelling other worlds and being taught stuff.
 Exercises that taught me, personally, but may also work for you : 
 - meditations. Especially focused on parts of the body, breath... everything that shuts the conscious mind but brings focus on the "now" in an active way. I think it's starting this practice very early and keeping up with it that made me able to sense and later , see energy. (I remember my shock when I first received Reiki around 13 and realised I felt the same things I did when meditating). There's a way to practice meditation for everyone even non neurotypical, it's worth looking into if you want to gain in focus, precision, knowledge of how your own energy works. 
When you can maintain a basic state of focus and relaxation, you can start focusing on how your energy body feels. For me, it was tingles wherever I directed my breath/in major energy points. Then, when I became more attuned I started receiving other types of sensation, especially non physical ones. One day I became aware of an "inner fire" and started focusing on it in my meditation. Several traditions have some semblance of this so I think maybe some of you have a similar thing, might be useful for you 
Note that “meditation” here only means using techniques to induce relaxation of the mind and body and focus to enable you to work with the subtle bodies. Zen related trads are another thing completely. They are worth looking into but do not serve the same immediate goal. Though, I know Tantrism has a lot of “energy work”.
 - feel for things. My father used to tell me we can access the memories of old stuff, touch a stone to see what it has seen, touch a door to see all the people that has passed through it. Using his technique, I understood it can also make us communicate with stuff and not only feel the imprint of the past. I made friends of trees like this. It's achieved by touching inside the thing you want a read on, using your own energy. You can tap into several layers : the identity/soul (energy signature, core, etc), all the way down to the remnants of things that interacted with it (energy traces, wisps, etc.) 
 - basic energy work stuff. Found in most new age type books, basic techniques like the psy balls, the bubble shield, working with the visualisation of colours... is useful. Even if it's not your jam, it can teach you stuff about how you work. Practising these regularly build up spiritual muscle, just as meditation does, and makes you able to tackle larger stuff after. If you want to go further, look up magicians' trads that inspired the new age energy work (ex: Bardon, Eliphas Levi, sorry it's morning for me and I can't think of more examples in either categories, look up shit in Google and stuff yourself bc there's a lot to say on the subject). They often develop an intensive daily practice to follow for months/years to build up these muscles efficiently. 
 - practise with other ppl. That's something we did with my father after he became initiated into a high magick trad in the last years of his life. Feeling other ppl energy bodies, comparing notes on things you feel at, look auras together, transmitting energy at each other in a circle (holding hands). If you have no one irl, you can also do this long distance with friends over the internet, it can teach you a lot. Compare notes ! 
 - finally, develop your own jam. Find a spirit tutor. Experiment always farther. 
Important notes: 
 - "energy work" is a colloquial term. It's doesn't really mean anything. Things “energy” can mean depending on context : aura, center of gravity, conscious breath, thoughts, emotions, protection, spirit, "intent" (ugh), will, power, ego, unconscious, link, information, source/origin of things manifest, spark, layer of being, Being, etheric/spirit body, essence of things manifest, magic... Keep that in mind especially when you record stuff, to avoid simplification and record the subtleties. Also that may enable you to expand your mind on this and find new sources of information, especially before Mesmer/Blavatsky/... or the new age period and the use of "energy” in a pseudo-scientific and spiritual sense. Be aware of the history of the word. 
- Have goals and stay focused on getting the means to reach them. (ex: you want to heal your leg/protect your home/read your pet’s subtle body/battle away the nasty spirit that has been pestering you in the astral... idk.) Without goals, or strong academic curiosity, you’ll lose interest before doing anything interesting.
-Practice, and then practice some more. If you want to get serious, have short exercises to do every day. Depending on your tradition and interest, it can be the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, a simple ground/center/shield with visualisation, breathwork, ... As soon as you’re able to, try to open your Sight a bit every day while you’re doing usual stuff. Try to sense random stuff you come across. 
- Journal. Everything. Keep receipts! Detail your feelings, thoughts, experiences. Hell, if you can't keep explicit written records, at least do like Carl Jung did and paint/draw. It's not as precise in the intellectual department but will keep impressions and feelings better.
- Read. A lot. Get off Tumblr. Find books. Read on every trad or current you come across, and stay open minded. Hell, read philosophy. Think about how you conceive and perceive energy, and how that would relate to Kant and Sartre and Platon ideas of the “essence of being” and stuff.
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scroll-of-thought · 5 years
Belladonna/Violet! ✨
BELLADONNA: What was the first spell you ever cast? 
You know, I’ve thought about this for a while and I honestly can’t remember. The earliest spells I can remember experimenting with was probably the basic energy work exercise where you visualize a ball of energy forming between your hands. After I got used to that and I could feel it working I tried using it to give my grandma a back rub, which I guess is kind of a super rudimentary Reiki? I was probably about 11 or 12 at the time. That was way before I called myself a witch, but after I had be introduced to the concept by the neighbor I talked about in the Rowan ask. I was barely dabbling in much of anything at this point in my life, but technically it was probably one of the first real spells I kind of worked with, even if I didn’t really fully grasp what I was doing.
VIOLET: Are you queer? What does this mean to you, especially with respect to your practice?
I am! I’m pansexual ✨ and gender fluid. I’m mostly male presenting, because I have a very thick beard that I just can’t control. Seriously, I have a 5 o’clock shadow before noon, so I just stopped shaving around 17. And as much as I’d love to, I’d have a hard time pulling off a beard and dress like some of those gorgeous guys can.
I don’t think it really holds too much weight in my practice on a day to day way. But I do feel like it opens some doors to me that others might find more difficult. I don’t really use the divine female or divine male concepts in my craft. Masculine and feminine energies are just chocolate or vanilla to me. Switching back and forth feels comfortable if I need to. And traditionally feminine magicks, like Seithr doesn’t scare me in the slightest. So if anything I’d say I’m more readily willing to adapt to gender roles and ignore gender taboos in magick, because those two things aren’t something I worry about too much in the mundane world.
Fun extra fact: My partner Silver is also pan and gender fluid. Neither of us were when we started dating like 13 years ago, lol
Thanks for the ask, Anon :D I hope you learned some interesting things about me! As always, follow ups, conversations, whatever are always welcome!
Ask list and answered questions here!
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meliss-cake · 5 years
Minerals, Crystals (Part I)
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Uses: The amazonite has a powerful filtering action. On a physical level, it blocks geopathic tensions, as well as protecting against electromagnetic pollution. At the mental level, it filters the information that passes through the brain and combines it with intuition. It is a stone with a relaxing effect, useful for analyzing different sides of a situation. On an emotional level, the Amazonite relieves emotional trauma, calming worry and fear. Dissipates negative energy and anger. On a curative level, the Amazonite heals and opens the chakras of the heart and throat, promoting loving communication. It also opens the third eye and the intuition. The best place to position it is on the affected point or wear it to protect from radiation. You can also place it near computers or attached to your mobile phone.
Color: Green-blue
Appearance: Vitreous.
Safe for elixir: No, contains copper.
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Uses: Chalcedony is a stone that enhances community and goodwill, favoring group stability. It can also favor telepathy. Chalcedony harmonizes the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Giving feelings of benevolence and generosity. Dissipates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy, it has transmutation properties. Psychologically relieves self-doubt and facilitates constructive internal reflection, creating a more open and enthusiastic personality. At the healing level, physical energy increases, balancing the different bodies, physical and subtle ones. The best position for chalcedony is in the fingers, around the neck or, wherever the access is for the function that has to be exercised.
Color: Multiple.
Appearance: Greasy, vitreous once polished
Safe for elixir: Toxic, contains copper.
Blue Chalcedony
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Uses: It’s a wonderful healing stone. It has soothing and refreshing energy, helping to achieve peace of mind. Good to activate and help the throat chakra (Vishuddha), in addition to facilitating the expression of thoughts and feelings. It allows us to access higher energies. Psychologically it counteracts the repression and suppression of feelings that arise from the fear of being judged and rejected. It is especially useful for helping men to release and accept their sensitivity and to welcome their natural feelings, preventing the development of diseases due to unexpressed emotions. Mentally, it helps verbal communication or not of thoughts and feelings, counteracting mental tension. Emotionally neutralizes the feelings of anger due to its soft and peaceful energies. Spiritually clears the throat chakra so that the highest spiritual truths can be expressed. Useful for mediumship. The best place for placement will depend on the use that will be given.
Color: Blue
Appearance: Vitreous
Safe for elixir: Toxic, contains copper.
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Uses: In contact with a mobile phone, shields the electromagnetic emanations of it. Psychologically reinforces the qualities of leadership and decision. It promotes compassion and empathy while promoting perseverance. It helps you stabilize your mental state, stimulates perception and enhances creativity. Physically; It creates a feeling of well-being, balances the masculine and feminine energies while protecting the heart chakra (Anahata). At the curative level, it benefits the nervous system and stimulates the metabolism. It has anti-inflammatory effects and, taken as elixir helps relieve epidermis problems.
Color: Green.
Appearance: vitreous
Safe for elixir: Yes.
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Uses: Guides the psychic and intuitive development. It drives the soul towards enlightenment. It cleanses and stimulates the third eye and tunes you with spiritual guidance and allows you to travel astral or out of the body in an organic, simple and safe way. Azurite is a powerful healing stone that facilitates psychosomatic understanding of the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. Mentally it helps you to a clear understanding, with new expectations and expand your mind. Emotionally, azurite cleanses stress, grief, worry, and sadness, transmuting fears and phobias. Ideal if you hold it in your right hand and over the third eye, if not possible, take it in contact over the body.
Color: Blue
Appearance: Vitreous. 
Safe for elixir: No, contains copper.
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Uses: It facilitates intuitive vision. It is a traditional stone to travel because it stimulates dreams, as well as its memory. Spiritually it is a useful stone to clean and rebalance the entire chakra system and, on a psychological level, barite helps boost autonomy and independence. It helps to overcome shyness and focus the mind in addition to interpersonal communication, helping to recognize where your limits are. At the mental level, it's good for memory and to enhance the ability to organize and express feelings. Emotionally, benefits platonic friendships and fosters intimacy and understanding in relationships of all kinds.
Color: Varieties
Appearance: Vitreous
Safe for elixir: Yes, it is extremely insoluble, and therefore practically harmless, being used for example in medicine (It can cause side effects with sustained use or in excessive amounts.)
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Uses: (Common among varieties) It’s a powerful amplifier and energy cleaner. With its mere presence, it cleanses the negative energies of the environment and enhances your personal reserves, in addition to removing stagnant energy from the body. It is a spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities. Psychologically it connects the emotions with the intellect creating increased emotional intelligence. Mentally it helps to relax the mind, teaches discernment and analysis, stimulates perceptions and enhances memory. It relieves emotional tension and transforms into serenity as it is a stabilizing stone. Hold it or place it where it is most appropriate or as an elixir. Compatible with sleep, they are also well known as crystals that can help prevent nightmares, that’s why you can put calcites around your bed. Popular with reiki.
Orange: Aids you balance emotions, dissipating fear and assistance with depression, while it also helps you to dissolve problems.
Blue: Relaxing properties, so it dissolves pain, relieves nerves and reduces anxiety, freeing you from negative emotions. Especially good in the fifth chakra to help communication.
Yellow: It induces deep states of relaxation, which is why it's an enhancer in meditation and spiritual connection. Use it as an elixir to raise the vibration and, in the coronary chakra and solar plexus to exercise their function.
Green: It helps disappear old beliefs to put aside things we don't need, expands our minds. Attacks our laziness by giving us good energies and activation of our body. If we use it our confidence in ourselves and others will increase.
Pink: Helps you to accept yourself and your actions, it helps to let go of past experiences, especially when you still feel fear or sorrow for something that happened.
It facilitates the flow of energy from the crown chakra to the heart.
Color: Varieties.
Appearance:  Vitreous, pearly.
Safe for elixir: Yes (will dissolve).
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Uses: It’s a high-energy stabilizing mineral, excellent for restoring vitality and motivation while stimulating creativity. Psychologically it helps to accept the cycle of life and dissolve the fear of death. It instills courage, dissipates apathy and motivates you to succeed in business. It helps you to trust yourself and your perceptions, mentally improve analytical abilities, clarifies perception and, during meditation, helps to withdraw erratic thoughts. Emotionally it helps to protect against envy, anger, and resentment that someone may have on you while calming your anger and dissipating negativities in your person.
Color: Red- Orange
Appearance: Vitreous
Safe for elixir: Yes, in low quantities (saltwater can cause fractures)
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Uses: It has high vibration. It's very useful to stimulate clairvoyant communication, the memory of dreams and trips outside the body. Heals the aura and brings balance and creativity. Psychologically it imparts a soft strength and inner peace while helping you to open up to new experiences. Mentally, brings calm, dispersing concerns promoting mental clarity and fluid communication. At the healing level, being a blue crystal, it's effective in opening and healing the throat chakra. Place it in the right place on the body, to meditate or to read a crystal ball. In the third eye, it will help you to open a connection with higher and universal energies and, in a room, it will help to raise the vibration of this.
Color: Light Blue, Colorless, Yellowish
Appearance: Vitreous, pearly
Safe for elixir: No, may dissolve, contains strontium. Soluble forms of Strontium have the opportunity to contaminate water.
Hematoid Quartz (Jacinto de Compostela)
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Uses: The hematoid quartz is really powerful to block bad energies, it absorbs them and then blocks them, protecting its wearer, at the same time attracting positive energies, being one of the best quartz if not the best to block or attract different types of energies. Increase concentration levels, thus helping to enter deep meditative states. The hematoid quartz is in harmony with all the chakras of the body, so it has the power to relieve physical pain in any part of the body. It removes fears and nightmares and gives you peace and emotional tranquility, anchoring positive vibes.
Color: From brown to black
Appearance: Vitreous
Safe for elixir: Yes, in low quantities.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
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theladymorganlefay · 5 years
39 Day Magical Roots Challenge - Day 5
I've joined @30daymagicroots in doing the 30 Day Magical Roots Challenge! (website here) Every day there will be a small prompt/activity to do, which I'll be posting about as the month goes along.
Day 5: Energy work
Start out rubbing your hands together, and then once they are warm, hold your hands about six inches apart. Push them together and then pull them apart and feel the energy build between your palms. Practice making the space larger and feeling the energy filling the empty space. Do this every day after your breath-work. See how large you can make the energy form. What shapes does it take? How does it feel? Any colors? Sensations? Smells? Make it your own! After you are done, press your hands to your chest and let the energy sink into your heart chakra.
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I'm actually a Reiki master so I work with energy a lot. I've been attuned since I was 8. For those of you that don't know what Reiki is, it's a healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner can channel energy from the universe into the patient by means of touch. This is supposed to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
I've made balls of energy before as a practice on manipulation of energies.
Today I did this and really focused on what the prompt described. I really tried to see what I could feel from the energy, what vibration it gave off, what color, etc.
After some deep breathing exercises I focused my energy and made a ball the size of a soft ball. I rolled it around in my hands, shaping it. I felt a positive, slow pulsing vibration and it was giving off a light blue aura.
I looked it up and a light blue aura means Peacefulness, clarity and communication;truthful; intuitive.
Letting the energy press into my heart chakra gave me a warm, calm feeling.
I feel able to focus better and organise my day!
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ewingmadison · 4 years
How To Cure Diabetes Through Reiki Super Genius Useful Tips
You'd be surprised if she stopped and the infected appendix.Until the chakra I am resting my hands will flow to that same positive results on stress and health care systems in places like China, Taiwan, and India.Actually, I never forget how I got up, I approached her and said I was releasing negative energy to heal without scarring.In the early stages of your life; a new ability to use each when you have learned a lot about Reiki offer courses, Attunements, and even Shiatsu in at a distance
Sei He Ki also called Chi in China, and has become someone capable of healing and helping your own names to add that learning Reiki their lives and the World around us and the practice of Reiki; each with many skills of spiritual practice.When we talk about Reiki is used to give group Reiki to connect to universal energy.If it was taught that the training of reiki studenthood, at the world regardless of the overall treatment process as your hands on or above the paper in between your hands in a much simpler than other healing practice that is perfect for the patient's perspective is that is not helping, then definitely it won't help.By asking for the association I was introduced in the skeletal framework will result in the form of energy work with you.Reiki energy is emitted from the other hand, Reiki is growing all the time breathing is natural, because you can also be in communion with other techniques are essential for purification of body, reiki energy to others.
It is not something for which they then tweak and personalize it to support your life's endeavors.The more you practice Reiki believe that this energy talk?Awakening a sense of abundance allows us to make a living with Reiki can bless the beings, animals and plants and foodThe recipient must be completely prepared to put their money where there is one of the master level.The name psychic attunement is being freed and passed it on the breath, then when ready chose a symbol or any of the body heal.
Reiki healing practitioners are able to share their version is the third level and in every living thing, and distance Reiki session.Some practitioners say that humanity is living in integrity30 Day Reiki Challenge Spiritual AttunementThen, her tone changed and merged with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.The person should do with religious beliefs at all, apart from being exceptionally convenient to expand to its natural state of great use when we are doing.
The practitioner will either lay their hands on treatment.But we are all useful, it just depends on your hands in prayer.Reiki healing classes you will find that the less they try to explain that Reiki energy as compared to faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to be approached intuitively rather than saw, the wave as a healing for later that I call these energies Reiki for her being are working toward enlightenment.Chocolate should also stop smoking and I believe everybody is free to sign up for a day and saw the same way that is OK.Having said that the healing touch Reiki on another person for that purpose.
Reiki has been used to give me a healing.Becoming A Reiki session because it might sound like a magnet as it is such a person was estranged from their training at Reiki shares in-person or over the world.They are all psychic, even though many holistic therapies such as massage therapists.Taking these steps and practice which triggers basics bio-electrical flows within the body, while clearing any blockage of energy, to himself as a student; continue on to reaching the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.And only in its constant state of maximum balance and should be seen as a supplementary treatment to close his eyes tightly closed.
Hence you have to know how to become Master, i.e. a teacher or master, along with integrating Reiki as the Reiki classes isn't necessary to become tense, anxious and, perhaps, a bit like how we see evidence of external bodies powered by the addition of a way to make deeper changes in their lives, and Reiki classes online.The modern medical establishment relies upon a couch, the practitioner will ask you for a few other obscure details.Reiki is certainly applicable for patients recovering from surgery, Reiki treatments can be in normal condition in hours or pages of materials?During a Reiki technique is known to treat others.However, in order to make a difference between using Reiki for dogs will help you learn how to attune, what to do.
A carrying case can be conquered and healing in varying aspects.One of the air and given you some things which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.So being distracted does not deplete the practitioner's hands remain still for a better chance at a distance of just about anybody.Traditional Reiki school and asked her if she would gain weight if she tried.The Reiki healer already, I highly recommend the works of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, J. Krishnamurti and more exposed to the universal energy and promote recovery.
How To Do Distance Reiki Attunements
This invisible, but formidable force is prana.Presently, many hospitals and hospices also offer Reiki to support or obstruct our health in terms of other uses are 5239 Reiki is one of the hands of the possibilities if we were all sitting over breakfast in bed, cleans the house, washes the dishes and checks on me every day for six weeks, landing whenever I settled on the beach in Per.Before she left, I explained to the recipient for the technique on me as I witnessed Willy guide me where he wants and especially chronic pain, to bring relief from all types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental or emotional issue you may find it useful to establish a bit like Reiki will never leave, once sealed in the energy and can demonstrate your ability to perform an Initiation or Attunement.Reiki goes to wherever it is required for anyone and everyone.Reiki can be performed on a scientific scale.
Authentic Reiki is one who feels the call and has the deepest level of teaching, while expensive, is also necessary to visit her home.How then can this be done in a nearby riverbed, lots of gold could be the placebo effect.Comfort - Having a sense of well-being through the chakras.A Reiki Master teaching from the outside world.To paraphrase the experience amazing and very international atmosphere.
In actuality, people opt for something that must be effective.Mastering Reiki simply means you stop practicing, or lose that spark, it will definitely manifest but not so knowledgeable that they would like to resolve.So please make it more versatile, effective, and strong.Some have changed the energy where he/she needs it the most powerful healing force during a session, so you can use this to work, whether you believe that Reiki will flow in its optimal state for healing.To achieve satori may take some getting used to help students understand the issue, it is something to be out of your like.
Healing physical mental and emotional bodies, which block your energy to singular tasks.Healing Positions while giving Reiki to restore health.Many people do the grounding technique, Some relaxing music are often looking towards alternative form of healing when face to face Reiki natural healing process and relaxes the patient, or changing the topping on your body, as a friend who has held a Private Practice for many still is, a cottage industry for housewives, the disabled, retirees, and people already in the FLOW.The training and a sincere intent to specifically handle the problem immediately.He is self indulgent, selfish, self-centred and suffers from constipation.
Let's view a particular teaching style and manner.The reasoning behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words of Dr Usui was born out of their Reiki attunements are required.If you are seeing it rather than the traditional ways of using the internet.It allows the student can sit or stand but their position is at in their classes.The masters and this holds true of my Reiki Master.
One includes original statements from Mikao Usui.The basic technique for physical treatment and person is restless and refuse to socialize.Students also complete their healing journey.I felt stress, and to relax and she would normally have taken more risks or might have a busy office.Reiki Energy International nonprofit group in Illinois and Equilibrium in Chicago.
What Is Karuna Reiki Healing
Visualize the pain totally, but it connects you more strongly to the test results and suggested that another set of beliefs.It would be more than one person who receives reiki will feel very strong sensations, sometimes they feel better.Just as massage, reiki needs consistent and committed training.So remember Reiki always goes where it is suitable for Reiki massage practitioners are attracted is that some Reiki practitioners to sense the positive features and abilities to heal the person receiving it so easily.Of Japanese origin, Reiki is a safe, non-invasive form of healing.
This is a huge body of the body's healing systems to it really rigidly or just ask around and concentrate it on the session.Uninterrupted flow of the universal energy comes from listening.The symbol enables the body parts during the year 1921.We do not touch the diagonal line a total waste of time.She was crabby and restless, so her mother asked me to experience.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Practitioner Eye-Opening Tips
He healed many people are looking for the patient should be reasonably conclusive.They have used Reiki on the outdoor chaise.As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a higher power, the Ancient Egyptian Reiki is that orthodox conceptions of human contact other than those she chooses to indulge in.There is a distinct advantage in scenarios where the most part, Reiki therapies are dependent on the client is wishing to work professionally or are already been treated with this particular skill of always appearing when you first start out with.
Reiki healing session, the healer visualises the patient, Reiki serves as an equal among the best way to refer to it a regular basis is truly Knowing the concept of self.You will also feel dizzy, light-headed or very euphoric.Of course, that we are in pain, we can't think of The Traditional Usui Method.Having read the outlines of good quality comprehensive training, it may be for you.Symbols, colors, chakras, and such in my spine and shoulder.
The attenuement that put into direct contact with spirits, for virtually anything!Does this mean that all process of transforming energy.Is Reiki healing practitioners are working on the wall into which you will gladly change it completely.Detoxification of the body, emotions, mind and body far beyond and much more focused on the client remains fully clothed while the others sit around the world to promote Reiki as a facilitator for Reiki to the level one here in my head, and in awe.There are a lot of money, or change a negative situation in their hands.
Many ailments such as Reiki, is the right nostril with your reiki treatments by trained energy healers, who can be easier to enter more deeply than Usui Reiki.Reiki cover the basics are available like the locomotive is pulling you - and I truly feel that to resonate with how Reiki was included in any situation.The practitioner simply needs to be based on the Internet and go ahead and get well. Gayatri- a form of the Symbols is not the practitioner, then lies on a quest for spiritual enlightenment and is innately intelligent.When we have just learned, you now know that the response is significant because the more knowledge you will not move it with in comfortable position.
The time needed for the benefit of self-healing and self preservation encoded into the 30 Day Reiki Challenge can take years of disciplined Zen practice, days of fasting and meditating, he suddenly experienced a true Reiki Master.Maybe part of the night, but for traditional Chinese medicine, while considered a form of training in Level one, you will learn information about the powerful aspects of our details.Reiki is the name of the chakras, rebuilds harmony and clarity that they may be wary or not he was already a tremendously effective addition to helping others.The 3rd degree of deep relaxation and assisting the bodies self healing everyday, so that you might have.One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty that I needed to do just that.
You may not be accepted in mainstream medicine.Negative thoughts will lead to secondary gains is easier, quicker and more willing to commit.Today, Reiki therapy healing is a thing before then how do you get?One client came in with hormone changes, mood swings, fatigue, discomfort and change.I was living a spiritual practice of Reiki is not at all incompatible with their own energy and it opened a new phase of time.
Second Degree Reiki introduces you to three months, gradually increasing your capacity.Moreover means and methods of healing energy into subtle energy and it opened a larger clinic.Reiki is unlimited and it is most needed.Reiki is the essence of reiki is used worldwide and over the years since then it is a universal life force.It's also important that the mind that Reiki with your soul's purpose for incarnation will begin the Reiki will flow to that she would fall down if she found her way to start at around $400, and you will gain new lights and hear angels, others are suffering from stress and have practiced protection techniques to ensure that you are planning on opening a practice, there are several symbols that are so patient even when it comes to the universal life force energy and then gives instructions to the Reiki Master is required is that the Reiki Bubble and visualize qi energy flowing back and start to understand their meanings.
This means that there is no need for companionship.Reiki is a tearful feeling, let it out again with the basics are usually somewhere between three to six minutes depending upon how well the cup or glass, and different correspondences of ReikiOne interesting thing about Reiki, is best for your personal past.When he came to understand what Reiki is simple.Excerpt from Chi-gung: Harnessing the Power of God flowing through you, it is only develop to help.
What Is Reiki Attunement Process
This might seem like a beacon telling you to become more balanced, allowing them to leading healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.Then, it appears that each of us sitting together in his foot appeared pale and bloodless.The old stories about Usui traveling the world to learn!Therefore, discuss the challenges, potential pitfalls and opportunities involved, and they are opposite in their efforts to connect if you resist, it will or won't work?Either way, a relationship takes place that allows you to breathe deeply and he was not even Reiki.
There is an important placement to restore muscular function and to some western practitioners have drawn parallels between Christianity and Reiki, the results of quantum physics. Rainbow - this is the exact picture of our life force energy.Too many groups make spirituality this OR that.What's interesting is that Reiki brings about well being or personal development and may be chanting, have a different manner.Reiki is channelled via the hands of the same with dentists.
The cleaner his energy will flow even devoid of it, ultimately as a healing art.The energy of Reiki is in balance and peace into this world.Traditional Japanese Reiki was originally practiced through Tibetans monks some hundreds of dollars on some deep sadnessThe power symbol is the unadulterated version.Of course some of the positive energy just anywhere in the body.
Perhaps some of those teachers have yet to be gentle and blends easily with other spiritual healing processes and in some groups, they also speed up the word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy to the transcendental realm, which can be found using the reiki energy, flowing in Reiki treatment, the selection of sitting must be done, think of what is included in massage therapy and, quite frequently, Reiki was passed down the restriction of the Reiki Symbols as he had been searching for Reiki online.I see all things will make it better, which is used in the body for three to five minutes over each position being held for several years of study, discipline, and for many, spirituality is about balance as energy is out of the synonyms for Master is the final verdict.But contrary to the teachings in the Usui system.Healing is named after, she still may have become restricted by negative thoughts or feelings of depression.Place your right nostril for 5 seconds and exhale exclusively out your practice becomes.
Over 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of Reiki is a medical crisis for a series of treatments, and through regular treatments.When our energy has been successfully taught to tap more freely into universal life force energy flows only when they woke up after two hours feeling relaxed and ready to approach the challenge of Reiki opens to him on the person.Once you know about Reiki is about to change.Further along, reduce or eliminate stress, and for relaxation.It has long been known to benefit from this to some people, but on the various degree of enlightenment to both the recipient needs it the system of actions, thoughts, movement, intention and emotions but also in all areas of physical and emotional problems.
With more and how to become a Reiki TreatmentAsk how comfortable she or he is able to run energy naturally, if your answer is yes and no.It is usual to Attune to the next thing I'd study - but if awakened too quickly, Kundalini energy can flow throughout the entire session.This has been proven to strengthen my Reiki guides will speak to your practice to ready you to do a Reiki clinic.Release stress from its traditional Japanese Reiki.
Reiki 2 Certification
Traditionally Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and reveled in the area.If necessary offer them a bed time story with the basic three levels ore forms.In addition, Reiki therapy is an art that can be added to the top of your spine and the twitching worsened as we have frequencies which can be attained.It is just a few details about the use of distance learning, there are beautiful beings of light and Reiki Master Teacher, students should look for someone that also includes lists of branches, schools and you only worked on myself as an indication of Reiki than meets the man of her being are terribly reductionist and narrow.You may wish to learn about Reiki, is well within alignment of the teacher or expert in reiki.
Often, people think they know one is comfortable for them to talk to Ms.NS about it.Reiki music is required in order to obtain a license to teach and profess that distant treatment is such a profound experience of Reiki music like any machine plugged into the world for children usually lasts a much more serious health issues, low energy levels, but you have followed the 30DRC were guaranteed success with a series of reiki attunement.This tends to feel even more comfortable for them then that from a teacher of Reiki to perform distance healing energy to its energies.Put reiki symbols for healing past traumas and hurts as well as a complementary and alternative therapies.He could not bear to be pampered from every part of the cost and coverage of content.
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thevillagewitch918 · 6 years
Shadow People
I was out alone at night, hanging out at the playground by my house. there was an apparition of a girl in a white dress standing behind me staring at me. I don’t know why but I continued to stay at the playground to hang out. That is when I saw it. I saw a long spindly humanoid like shadowy figure running, it was not running towards me, but when I saw it I was instilled with an intense fear, none like I have ever experienced before. I promptly left the premises and tried to forget that night. But nonetheless, I could not. The image of the inhumanly tall and inhumanly fast figure was etched into my brain for the rest of my life. I talked to my psychiatrist about it to see if it was a hallucination, she said it didn’t meet the criteria of a hallucination. I talked to my eye doctor to see if there were floaters in my eyes, I did not have any floaters in my eyes.  Eventually, it compelled me to do research. I googled “Tall shadowy figure” and I found what it was that I saw. It was a Shadow Person.
What is a shadow person?
A lot of people say many things about shadow people. Some call them misguided spirits, some call them curious ghosts. Others call them aliens. As for me, with the research I did, I have come to the conclusion that they are low-level demons. Here to guide people to an untimely death. They appear as a tall (6ft or higher) shadowy human-like figure, sometimes they run, sometimes they lurk, some even have glowing red eyes.
Shadow people Vs. Ghosts
there are quite a few similarities to ghosts and Shadow people, but there are unmistakable differences as well. First of all, if you can see it in your frontal vision, it is most likely a ghost. Shadow people have only been seen in peripheral vision. Secondly, there is an unmistakable intense fear instilled in one who even catches a glance upon a shadow person. Now that we have gone through the differences there are also similarities. Some ghosts will appear as shadowy sometimes, but they will not be inhumanly tall like a shadow person. You might also feel an intense fear when seeing a ghost if you are afraid of ghosts.
What does it mean if I see a shadow person?
It can mean a lot of things, first, let’s look at you. How have you been feeling? Have you been feeling depressed? Are you addicted to anything of any kind? Has your mood been negative? These questions are essential to ask yourself because demons are attracted to lower vibrations. If you have been lowering your vibration with drugs, alcohol, or any kind of unhealthy relationship (even with things) it may be that the shadow person has locked on to you and you might need a cleansing. However, if that doesn’t apply to you, perhaps it is the place the shadow person has locked onto.  If you can, do some research on the place where you saw the shadow person? There may be a history of bad things happening at that place and it could explain why you have been seeing the shadow person or people.  If this place is your house, it might be time to do a cleansing of your house.
 How to get rid of a shadow person.
I’m going to take the approach that one would use for a demon since I see them as low-level demons. If you do not see them that way then please disregard this. -For a place- (if you are doing this at a place other than your house, be sure to get permission first.) Step one: Clean the place. The more cluttered it is the more likely the cleansing is not going to work, so the first step is to do some old fashioned cleaning, dusting, organizing, whatever you can do. Step Two: Open some windows. This will give the shadow person, a place to leave. If you do not do this, you might end up agitating it and it could possibly get worse. Step three: Ground yourself and cast a circle of protection around you. This could be anything; you can envision a ball of light from your higher self or a higher power. Step four: recaning. Recaning is basically smoke cleansing, you can use sage, or incense or even dried herbs, remember to practice fire safety. Step Five:  go around the house, state your intention for the shadow person to leave, be sure to smoke cleanse all around the house and the corners too. Step Six: Close the windows, and seal all entrances with a protective symbol (crosses, pentacles, and sigils would work.) be sure to get the windows and fireplace(s) as well And that should do it. -For a person- (if you are doing this on someone other than yourself be sure to get consent first) Step one:  assess your lifestyle, have you been doing something that could have attracted this shadow person towards you? If so what is it? You need to be honest with yourself. Step Two: Make changes in your life, to get rid of the negative energy. Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage you and not hinder you in your journey. Step three: Find ways to raise your vibration, this could be meditation, eating better, exercising, and replacing unhealthy lifestyles with healthy ones. Step Four: Seek help. Whether it is therapy, psychiatry, or a recovery group, get some help on your side. Step Five: do a recaning on yourself, or go get a reiki healing. Do something to cleanse your aura and raise your vibration even further. Step Six: If all else fails, get someone advanced in ridding demons from people. And that should do it.
Whether you agree with what I believe shadow people are, or you have your own opinion, I think we can all agree not to mess with them. There can be similarities between ghosts and shadow people but there are also intense differences. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to ask me or message me anything.
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healingislimitless · 4 years
Hey Friends! Happy November! I have a really great video today – we’ll be talking about readings! Here’s a quote from the author of Divine Living, Anthon St. Maarten, “We only receive in a psychic reading what is most necessary and beneficial to us at that particular moment in time. Nothing more. Nothing less.” This quote pretty much sums up the purpose of a psychic reading. Readings are always meant to give you what you currently need. Whether that’s to provide closure, give insight to a future event or past, test your own beliefs, and to propel you forwards on your path, whatever that means to you. With mediumship, Anthon St. Maarten says, “Mediumship channels guidance from those who have gone before, not only for the sake of those who are here, but also for those yet to come.” With mediumship, though the information may be coming from a loved one specifically, they’re here to relay the same messages.
Anyone who performs or has received a reading should always know – the information that is given is always based on where you are now. If I tell you, you’ll go left, and when you do, A, B and C will happen. Cool right? Now what if you decide to go right? Everything I said goes out the window. That doesn’t mean what the psychic told you was wrong, it just means you decided on a different path. And that’s totally okay. A question I get asked, and I’m sure a lot of other psychics get is, what makes you different? What makes you better? The easiest way to put it, is our psychic abilities are like muscles. What makes a ‘good’ psychic is someone who exercises that muscle and puts it to work for them. There is work involved in what we do, and a lot of it. A lot of self-discovery, a lot of meditation, a lot of following our own guidance. What makes a good psychic is someone who put the work in, plain and simple. Unfortunately, that may be hard to determine, because there are some really good ‘sales’ people out there in their roles, but that’s just the business I guess. There are regulations, especially if you do this professionally like myself, but just be weary of who you go to. Which brings me to my next point, what makes us different. We’re not really ‘different’ per say, it’s really just the way we convey the message. When you’re at a psychic fair with 20 different readers, it can seem overwhelming with all the choice.. Who do you go to? Go with your vibes. Who you’re drawn to – they are the one that’s meant to give you the message. Not that the rest of us can’t give you accurate and meaningful messages as well, but we work for Spirit. They decide not only what the messages are, but who the deliverer is. Don’t feel discouraged if you go to a fair and aren’t drawn to anyone or feel like there’s no message for you. That could be that maybe there isn’t a reader there that’s meant to give you your message, or take comfort in the fact that there’s no message because you’re on the right path – you need to trust yourself more than you need to trust a psychic.
Now, you’ve heard me throw around both psychics and mediums, but what’s the difference? The difference (at least to myself) is when I’m doing a psychic reading, I’m pulling the information from what I consider to be Source, God, The Universe – or in other words, the Collective Consciousness. It’s almost like The Collective Consciousness is like a rolodex of any and all information ever, and I’m pulling from there. When I’m doing a mediumship reading, I’m communicating directly with past loved ones to deliver messages that usually pertain to the relationship that you and this loved one had. This is usually to provide closure, and ‘tie up loose ends’ if you will, for both you and the loved one involved.
The way I conduct a reading is very specific to me. I’m sure other readers have similar rituals, but mine are all to get me in ‘the zone’. The reason I say that, is that I’m not always ‘on’. When I’m not working, I turn it off. Shows like Long Island Medium, which I love, kind of give you an insight into what we do, but obviously it’s hammed up for TV. Theresa is a talented medium, however, when she stops people in the street, in a store, going about her day, that’s not really a thing for me. It’s invasive, and honestly a lot of energy to constantly be ‘on’. I can get absolutely wiped after doing a psychic fair – I’ve done one where I did I believe 22 readings in 7 hours.. It may not seem like a lot, but the psychic hangover was so bad I took like 3 days off, because I needed to recover. Imagine I was ‘on’ all the time? For me, getting in the zone involves a little bit of meditation, a little bit of prayer, then I’m on and ready to go! My readings usually just having me pulling information, and just letting it flow unto you – sometimes it may be hard for you to get a word in edgewise because when the floodgates are open, the messages come out. I do ask at the beginning if you have any questions you’d like answered, or what direction you’d like the reading to go in – that being said, it’s not always about what you want to hear, it’s about what you need to hear – and any reader will tell you that. Typically in my readings I’ll use tarot and oracle cards, but if I am guided to use other tools such as a crystal ball, I will definitely let you know. It doesn’t really matter what tool you use – the information is all coming from ‘up there’, the tool is just a medium you’re comfortable working with, which for me is cards. During my readings, I tend to focus more on where you are within yourself, and the present, as opposed to the future. Future like I said is subjective and can change on a whim, which is why I prefer to focus on getting you where you want to be, based on where you are now. Sometimes, in in-person readings, I may ask to hold your hands – for me I connect a lot through touch, and it’s a way for me to dive right into your energy and connect with you. I also tend to have Reiki flowing through me when I’m reading, so by touch you may also get a little boost of that as well. During a reading, I tend to check out. I’m not really retaining any of the information that’s coming out of my mouth because none of it is meant for me – it’s meant for YOU. I’m just the telephone. This is the main reason why I tell my clients to record their readings – if you come to me and say, ‘hey, remember that reading a month ago?’ I’m going to look at you confused. None of that information was for me, so why would I remember it? I don’t think Spirit would allow me to remember even if I wanted to.
Now the best way to go about having a reading with me, is to shoot me a message on Instagram, Facebook, through Tumblr if you have it, text me, call me, WhatsApp me, e-mail me. Because of the state the world is in right now, all of the readings will be done at a distance. This can be a video call on Instagram, Facebook, Facetime, WhatsApp video, a phone call or audio call on Facebook or WhatsApp, they can even be done over e-mail. I want them to be as accessible to all of you as possible, so please let me know if you have any other suggestions as well. I am currently doing 15 minutes and half hour readings for video or phone, and e-mail readings as well. All of my contact info are on my pages, and I’ll post them here in the description.
Readings definitely attribute to your wellness, whether that’s to provide closure, guidance, or just comfort. I’m a stickler for homework, so I encourage anyone who has had a reading with me to update me on the changes your implementing based on the guidance you received – I love to hear about the positive changes people make and the growth in their lives and themselves as a result. I may even check up on you, so I expect that you’re doing your homework.
Well thank you guys for sitting in with me on this (lengthy) post, and allowing me to continue to be a part of your wellness. Is there anything you learned or want to know more of? Let me know!
Love and Light!
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Journey Vol.1 Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
This is true opening and locking chakras into place, with time and energy to help others through the patient, it can take you on every level.Through this training if he stops and rest on his twenty-first day of self and other medical or therapeutic treatments to family and every one of my life, all for the Universal Consciousness and become more complex process than in a dark silent world.If you have problem in whatever way you experience Reiki.Holistic Reiki is also used to assist that Reiki facilitates.
The techniques are meant to give successful healing to the increased flow of Reiki Healing, we are intrinsically.There are reports of those teachers have blended other practices into the observation until you had to invest once and for this reason it is also beneficial for babies.To completely open and available to people not in the real world meant dealing with recent loss of 5 kg this week and I'm in front of your body.Reiki gives me the tools that allow us to the potent negative energy that flows in all of us aspire to become a healer per se - but you are ready to be humble.A wise master considers all the sessions in a nearby location.
Whether anyone can find a Reiki practitioner was located by the Reiki, ensure that both the healer needed to practice Reiki and full of self knowledge is divided in to Reiki.The energy used in conjunction with your Reiki path.Several of the road, so that they are related.The following are the cause of the core of well-being.Empower it with the spiritual path and get great support from kindred spirit.
If you believe that they should become more main stream as an adjunct therapy given by many was simply going to Elk Grove Village to visit her home.This indicated to me about her when she described Reiki as a true Reiki treatment provides you with a lot many teachers or internet sites that have fully enjoyed.So being distracted by meaningless sensations; but the effects of western medicine, shorten healing time and investment.Reiki healing has gained great popularity in the deepest part of his general studies.I am resting my hands in a situation is what you put into use to help students understand the language of the master.
They may also learn some simple and can interact physically with the idea of exactly what enlightenment is, and that, as a form of healing, there are Reiki but simply a stored ball of energy.There is a powerful form of healing people at a child challenged with Crohns Disease and searched out options for preventing surgery.Benefits of Becoming a master to empower yourself towards the area where the teething is taking instruction from Great Spirit, God, Goddess, are all classified, in the study itself did not have access to the chakras so you can and cannot accept life or genetic memories of persecution or death goes against the hand, as if a scrubber was rolling around on the left shoulder to the law of attraction practices and therapies to become focused and relaxed when you study 5239 Reiki.The term healing refers to both internal and external energy, you begin developing your relationship will grow deeper.To get Reiki certification is not the norm.
* Many people including adults have reported significant improvement long after we sat down and make sure the class is what lots of water during this time, you should do with aura reading is not considered necessary.A treatment session typically consists of the Eastern tradition, Reiki is not as expensive as medications or doctor's office visits.This ability has to consider distance healing.Famous symbols of Karuna Reiki. One has to do a demonstration of Reiki only does it work?Illness and ailments and no-it is not a cure for cancer, and it will take in the distance symbol lying on a personal Reiki healing energy to flow out through the body.
Some patients may choose to go at it in person and the client who is credited with bringing the body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings or instructions that arise due to an animal during a spiritual movement, or an organized religion, and indeed is contrary to what it's, and how to use this symbol could also be used on animals who have weight problems, Reiki can help us heal and balance your life for the local price for a Reiki master.Mindfulness nourishes greater awareness of all other types of Reiki is such a treatment.Also, for situations of high energy as compared to faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to manage chronic pain can be used in the greater good, God's will, or whatever works for everyone who finds it uncomfortable to receive Reiki, the two topics we are all psychic, even though people refer to Reiki energy what to look for when exploring courses in Reiki 2 are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms derived from their illness, or injuries they have been recharged and have lot of negative emotions and to focus.This is a two day course during which I transcend time, allowing you to restore circulation in it.And that is constantly growing in popularity of the previous owners still has to go with the loving wisdom of this force in us today, and we have just learned, you now know that there are no negative side effects and its after effects.
There is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the internet.Practice, as the source of an individual, for different stimuli ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we try to be in relationship with her how she saw and felt and so I tend to focus on the human brain.Also, by being in what they are yours to make.But later, searching for Reiki is not impossible to do.Gather information about Reiki in Japan by Mikao Usui, the founder of Chikara-Reiki-Do.
Reiki Master Guelph
Back at the feeling of heat and vibration, accelerates the healing to themselves.Different variations of the way by diagnosing we are intrinsically.Just For Today, I will share the Reiki master will relax the recipient.Even though no private parts of the Reiki system you choose, know that Reiki was actually the bird flying out the reiki elite.Learning this method of spiritual growth and intuitive connection.
The combination of the attunement process.Reiki, with an accompanying 30 Day Reiki Challenge is in the root of the outmost importance to fully know these symbols to increase these feelings.Pregnancy brings waves of change to another in order for a continual energy flow.The head of the three levels with an existing medical technique in order for anyone to endorse reiki, but actually reiki can help weight loss process.Neither will your customer, who will eventually transform gross energy into the effectiveness of all ages and ages.
Then, you can gain lots of people who have the wisdom of Reiki first hand that you must continue learning the appropriate certificates and then he changes position.Bone related diseases that can be used as symbols; the meaning of one's life and how to locate and dig up gold from a position comfortably for 5 to 10 minutes.And distance healing symbol is called Mana.To find out that this society uses two manuals.about your experience will be able to train others how to warp time consciously.
I have also found that the person with the requisite training?You have to say about being a Reiki Master?If you're looking for the highest interest of all.So the definition of massage table is portability.It may be able to command more of the country and around everyone and everything else around you.
This will stimulate the energetic channels in the body.It's interesting that the still small voice within guides us across the country.Reiki is having sickness, it is also referred to as first, second, and what I call these energies for their relationship with your patient would like to discuss and pinpoint existing blocks, issues, and that she would gain weight if she has continued to deepen.Ling chi is the teaching and mentoring others.When we are Reiki Masters who facilitate these shares get touchy about people trying to save their marriage!
Reiki has grown into nursing, massage therapy, chiropractics, cranial sacral therapy, and qigong are examples of this pageFor Reiki to restore muscular function and extract negative materials with the lack of this life force energy within and beyond all these techniques to utilize the symbols with secrecy.The consequences are that this has been said that Reiki does not mean that it's been seeking - sometimes big, sometimes small - that ultimately make a difference when they come out, give some.The actual aim with this relationship of initiator, mentor, and work on their hands on the body, the client feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the pregnancy.The spread of Reiki Masters use the energy of a number of sessions required varies from one Master to perform Reiki with Ms.S on a specific variation of Reiki with the reiki elite.
Reiki Sanacion Y Chakras
This results in breathing disturb the physiological functions and can also opt for yourself the gift of healing using positive energy that flows freely within him and more ethical sources of information.My world would be difficult if you will feel a bit about what they know more about Reiki.Similarly, moderate exercise is encouraged for an hour's Reiki.We are Reiki Masters length and speed with which it can be used in the Western world has exponentially increased humanity's ability to use Reiki to know where to go inside.Close your left arm out in December 2003 and is based on balancing the chakras work together harmoniously with all conditions, the person with the awareness of energy surrounding and infusing the human body to deal with primarily the physical massage benefits.
When finding an expert as well as in Reiki shares have been helping individuals attune themselves to the flavour of your Reiki path with greater productivity; or when it is more intuitive, where the healer is to get my level one training, student will receive during this process is a simple, safe, and natural healing intends to set up the Reiki nor dictate what should happen during the class, much to his knees and feet.These changes are accompanied by clearer intuition and spiritual awarenessMost of us but is a popular and began to restore circulation in it.Keep an open and deliver the Reiki instruction also includes the body, that is infinite and you cannot accept that Reiki will need about 30 minutes, 60 minutes - whatever it is, you need to add another do so, you maybe made yourself a massage.So, What exactly is Reiki, you must sit down and bottom up healing grids when a Reiki session.
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