Scroll of Thought
805 posts
I'm Scroll and this is my witchy blog. I'm 33, no preferred pronouns. I've been practicing for nearly 2 decades. I'm an Eclectic Witch with no particular religious affiliation. The point of this blog is to socialize with other witches, share points of view, ideas, and chat about witchy stuff. Feel free to send me messages, start conversations,ask for advice, or whatever. Awesome avatar with the crows and eyes and Illuminati aesthetic was made by @silverphoenix103
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scroll-of-thought · 13 days ago
just a little guy
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scroll-of-thought · 13 days ago
i like playing lots of video games like skyrim and stuff. im also a witch who loves enchanting things. i was thinking of combining the two and making some enchantments heavily based off of magic items in video games. this sounded like something you mightve done before or enjoy the thought of, so, have you done something like this before? if so, whats been the coolest one you came up with? id love to hear about it, both because theyre topics i find interesting and because i might take some ideas for inspiration for my own projects 👀
Oh yeah, this is right up my alley. The name Scroll of Thought came from the fantasy rpg concept of a scroll of [insert spell]. Also I'm a witch, gamer, indie game dev, and huge nerd. I was also a youtuber for a few years and I've got like 100+ episodes of modded skyrim. The whole channel was largely fantasy based. So yeah, right up my alley.
That being said, my style of enchanting isn't really based on anything game related. I developed it through years of reading various witchcraft books and blogs, experimenting with my spellcraft, and figuring out what works for me. I have realized that some game developers over the ages have had similar ideas and coincidentally figured out some similar systems for their games, probably drawing from similar inspiration as I did for my actual practice.
Basically that's a long winded way of saying "oh yeah, this is totally a thing you can do. I've done a handful of things that should be video game enchantments/spells in the past"
My style of enchantment is heavily symbolism based. A good example of that, I used to do a lot of sword fighting as a teenager. I broke A LOT of wooden swords, and every time I did I'd realize there was something specific I focused on while using that waster or boken or whatever it was. Like, I learned a lot of parrying and defensive stances with one of my early wooden swords, so when it inevitably shattered I took a piece of the wood and carved it into a charm with protection in mind. I did that for most of my swords, internalizing what I learned with them or what they seemed to excel at into a physical object. Just having that charm, I feel like the the memory of that sword is working it's way back into my 36 year old muscles.
Another fun project I'm currently working on is rings based on the souls games. I have the exact ring that the Silvercat Ring in dark souls 2 was based on. It's actually only a slightly rare antique ring. Unfortunately it got lost in a move, but it's around here somewhere.
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I have not tried to enchant it for reduced fall damage, but I mean, can't hurt, right? If I find it, I'm going to design a spell to do that.
The big ones I'm working on is the Serpent Rings from the souls games. I am so disappointed, I found an exact Covetous Silver Serpent Ring (because the design is also based on a real antique ring) but I couldn't afford it at the time and the jeweler retired around the start of covid.
So I've taken it upon myself to make other serpent rings in the spirit of those rings. If you haven't played the souls games, the silver serpent ring gives you 10% more souls (exp/currency) when equipped, and the gold serpent ring gives x2 to rare drops chances.
Taking these as templates I've made two new ones, based on the rings I've found and how I found them.
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On the left is my newly made Steel Serpent ring. I found it while traveling and finding a neat new place to explore. It increases the chances of discovering new adventures, even in places you've been before.
On the right is the Brass Serpent ring. It was given to me by a friend, the milliner who made my favorite hat. So it's purpose is to increase the chance of friendly encounters and making new friends.
The process of enchanting these was pretty simple. Cleansed them of any residual energy they encountered before I found them, while clearly keeping the thought of what they represented in my mind. Made a sigil that described and represented that thought and the new job the ring had. burned the sigil and mixed the ash with water and then transferred the sigil to the ring by rubbing the paste into the ring with my fingers, polishing it. The important concept in this form of enchanting via sigil, is that the sigil is never destroyed, it only changes shape from a thought, to a symbol on paper, to a polishing paste, to a ring. The sigil is the ring, just n a different form than how it started, in my mind.
I'm trying to think of any other video game-like enchantments I've done, or that you could do. Oh, an obvious one is something to fight and threaten spirits. I've got heaps of enchanted blades for dealing with malevolent spirits. All my enchantments for them are usually ritual based and incorporate traditionally apotropaic materials, like herbs and stuff, but you could totally silver a blade by rubbing it with old coins or sterling silver jewelry.
The nice part of enchanting is that you can put pretty much any spell into a physical object, so the limits become your imagination and a little bit the reality that enchantments in games are always going to be cooler than the spells we can actually do irl.
I'm sure there's other stuff I can't think of, but I can't think of them right now. If you think of any cool ideas, let me know! Thanks for the ask anon! Super interesting thing to think about for a couple hours when I should have been working 😅
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scroll-of-thought · 15 days ago
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“make yourselves impossible to ignore. 10,000 signatures on twitter is a lot but 10 unique personal emails is enough to derail an entire council session.”
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scroll-of-thought · 20 days ago
Dark + Ghost humanoid! Let's go! One of my favorite ghost pokemon!
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pokèmonize yourself!!!!
spin this wheel to see your pokemon type
spin this one to see how you'll look like
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scroll-of-thought · 24 days ago
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scroll-of-thought · 24 days ago
Lots of important information in this post, regardless of the current political shitstorm
A Reminder to my U.S. Witches -
Whether you're a private practitioner or a witchy business owner, it is now more important than ever to KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
Wicca as a religion is officially protected by Freedom of Religion under the First Amendment. This extends somewhat to other less organized pagan religions as well as the general state of Being A Witch, which is also protected by Freedom of Speech.
But we must remember that this only protects you from PROSECUTION, not PERSECUTION.
You have the legal right to present as a pagan or witch in public spaces and technically you cannot be discriminated against in the workplace for such things. However, we all know how that kind of bigotry disguises itself and the way things are going, resources for reporting and resolving such grievances may soon be in short supply.
You also have the right to own and operate a pagan-oriented or witchcraft-related business, provided that you obey all applicable tax codes and consumer protection laws. (This is why we have to mark so many of our goods and services as "For Entertainment Purposes Only," and I strongly suggest updating your disclaimers to include additional language if need be.)
Again, as we've seen, this doesn't always protect business owners from harassment or help them with seeking reparations if there's trouble. But it's important to know, as more and more "proclamations" roll out from the "new management," that executive orders do not immediately or fundamentally change the law.
This is nowhere near a comprehensive explanation of the constitutional rights and laws applicable to witches and pagans currently living in the United States. I urge everyone to familiarize themselves with all applicable laws in their area which deal with public gatherings, small businesses, consumer protection, public transit, loitering, search & seizure / "stop & frisk," and anything related to being detained by law enforcement for any reason.
Familiarize yourself also with social and legal resources in your area, just in case you or someone you know needs them. Talk to the elders in your local LGBTQ organizations as well - we've been there before.
Most importantly, build links and relationships with trusted people around you, whether it's your neighbors or your colleagues or like-minded people in the community. We all need to be looking out for each other and the more we know, the better we can protect ourselves, our homes, our livelihoods, our communities, and our rights.
(If anyone has any applicable links or information, PLEASE add them in comments and reblogs.)
Stay safe!
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scroll-of-thought · 1 month ago
I don't even fuckin know. Like, it's January 2025 and the "good things" are kinda hard to see though all the trash fires. But it's only been a couple weeks, I'm gonna give it a little more time.
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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scroll-of-thought · 1 month ago
Here's the whole short film. I remember watching this years ago and man, it hit about the same in 2016.
A big part of this film is to remember how fascists will try to divide and other you, split everyone into smaller, easier to defeat groups. They'll pick minorities to drive out or assimilate, and that will weaken the whole of the country, so they can find another bite to take.
The fact that this is 80 fucking years ago but still just as relevant is terrifying.
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scroll-of-thought · 1 month ago
It's way too late and I don't have the time nor brain to make an actual witchy comment on this, but I approve of everything going on in these tags. Sometimes you just need to introduce a spirit to a problem and be like "we'll give you stuff if you help us out with this" and sometimes the spirits like "cool, I like bones".
energy policy would be much better if we still had a tradition of animal sacrifice I think. people would be way more chill about nuclear energy if they could see a large and proud bull being ritually sacrificed every month or so at the base of the cooling towers to keep the plant safe
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
"Time is money" goes both ways, and for me that's what DIY fashion is all about. I wouldn't splurge batshit amounts of money for flashy big brand fast fashion even if I had the funds for it, but as I set my own work schedules, I'm occasionally free to take two days off from work to use 4 euros' worth of thrift shop materials to turn my own old shoes into something that Killstar would sell for 115€.
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
Apparently this one fuckin works, and who am I to argue with the collective agreement of tumblr. Will report back if good things happen.
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
Personally my catch all term for getting rid of an unwanted spirit is "Banishing" but a lot of these terms are more specific to ways to do something. I've got a list of loose definitions! Cleansing - Cleaning an area of spiritual influence, energy, and/or literal spirits. Often uses a material like smoke, water, or even mundane cleaning supplies, but can be done ritualistically or symbolically as well.
Warding - The act of creating areas that spirits cannot enter or influence. This can be in the form of spiritual barriers, areas of influence around a spell, or physical thresholds. This is more preventative that actively removing a spirit, although with some creative thinking you could lock a spirit away with wards.
Protecting - Similar to wards, but most often used in the context of personal protection. This is usually something you do or carry to affect your immediate area, close by target or your own person. Repeating a chant, wearing an amulet, performing a ritual are all protecting.
Cord Cutting - Severing the connections you might have with a spirit or taglock a spirit may use to connect to you. This is also preventative most of the time, as it prevents the spirit from finding or following you in the first place.
Healing - In the context of removing spirits, you can use spiritual healing magic to heal an area or person being troubled by a spirit in attempts to make that place or thing less hospitable or attractive to the spirit, and thus driving it away.
Conjuring - This is more the act of bringing a spirit to you, than it is repelling them. Though again, with some creative thinking you could do things like conjure a spirit away from where you are, in order to make it lost or simply put it outside of your wards.
Binding - Setting limitations on something. In a literal sense, you can bind a spirit to a location like you would tie someone up with a rope. Symbolically you could bind a spirits actions, disallowing it from coming near you, harming you, or really anything you can think of. Binding is also used on non-spirits as a blanket term of setting limitations.
Road opening isn't something I know anything about, so I'm leaving that out.
Everything I've defined here is only loosely defined, even in my own practice. If you know me, I'm big on out of the box thinking and terms are usually only good at conveying a surface idea.
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
I feel like your average local facebook witch wants one of two things, and just have no idea how to express it.
One of those things is a library meetup. And it'll do them a world of good and they can start to figure there shit out from there.
The other thing is The Craft (1996). And let's be real, we all kinda want that in some small way, but seeking it out on facebook is a great way to fast forward to the end of that movie where they're all super toxic, insane, and trying to kill/curse each other.
So many people in local facebook witch groups starting a coven or wanting to join a coven with absolutely no information on what they are looking for, are interested in, or if they currently have a practice. The idea that you just randomly throw out there sometimes like that is fucking wild to me. It's so disjointed.
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
Don't be afraid to ask your local organizers if there's anything specific they need or if there's a shortage of something specific they're hoping someone will donate. It might turn out you could be that someone, or know who has what they need.
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Since the holiday toy drive post is circulating again, I figured this would also be helpful! Food insecurity is such a massive problem in America, in general, and if you have the means to help feed others, I think you should take that opportunity. Here are some other tips:
1. If you’re planning on donating items from your own pantry, please check the expiration dates on the packaging. Think of your donations as gifts to bestow, not castoffs to be rid of. It’s awful to think of people feeling like they got scraps someone else just didn’t want. Everyone deserves dignity with their meals.
2. If you’d rather give money to a food bank, that’s also great since they buy food in bulk and know what items are most wanted/needed!
3. Not everyone has access to appliances like stoves or microwaves or hot plates so if you can donate items that don’t need to be heated up, that would also be greatly appreciated!
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
Tack on "and that fucker isn't as 'one, only, and true' as he'd have you think. There's probably dozens, possibly hundreds of those bastards. And more than half of them are drunk most of the time." then yeah, I'm right there with you.
Is it religious is your view is basically, "yeah, I reckon there's a god, but I do not respect or worship him, and furthermore I think he is wildly overrated"?
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
If you need more of a reason to go to your library, they have all kinds of stuff. Like, you would be amazed the kind of stuff your library or the library a town over might offer.
My library has a library of things. You can barrow power tools, a button maker, soil and water tests, musical instruments, a metal detector, board games, kitchen appliances, I could go on, and I mean that because their website has 12 pages of stuff.
On top of that, they often have tons of classes on how to use all that stuff, or at least can get you in contact with the people who can teach you how to use it all.
Libraries are amazing for so many reasons.
Ok, I've seen this sentiment before, but the amount of Kindle Unlimited ads I've been seeing is forcing me to repeat it-
Kindle Unlimited is offering two free months of unlimited ebooks. As a trial. Which will then become a paid subscription.
Your local library is offering unlimited ebooks all the time. Forever. No contracts, no predatory practices, no tracking of how long you spend on each particular page in the hopes that information about your habits can be sold for a profit.
Use your library. They want so badly to give you all of the things for free.
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scroll-of-thought · 2 months ago
As someone who specialized in making physical trinkets and charms, I gotta say this is a solid explanation of some really good approaches. And I'll second, in my experience, simply charging something without framework like enchanting or some kind of underpinned spell work on the object tends to wear off really quickly. Even some fairly simple enchantment can really improve the longevity and effectiveness of a spell placed on or in an object.
i apologize for the silly question but how can you protect an already created item or make it protective? i don't know why it's not really computing in my head
If you can't/don't want to modify the item at all, some ideas:
Consecrate it. Through a consecration, rebirth, or baptism ritual, kill the object's old fate (let's say, as a class ring), and then give it new life as a protective object.
The physical body stays the same but you have changed its fate and its life; you've made it into something else.
This consecration should focus specifically around protection. So you are consecrating it to the purpose of protection; you are changing its fate to one of being a protector; you are rebirthing it into a life of protecting.
Another option is to consecrate it unto a protective god or spirit. Suppose you get along quite famously with the protection work that Mars (planet) does. You can consecrate the ring to be a Talisman of Mars, a Martial Shield, a Protection Amulet of the Red Planet.
The function of consecration in this context is to set a very rock-solid ""mental"" body within the physical object. (I believe it goes beyond that; I believe you're literally fucking around with fate, which is a good thing.)
Enchant it. I think at this time I would not consider consecration to be the same as enchantment. We can take a class ring and give it a new life as a protector.
But the enchantment is like outfitting the protector with weapons, armor, and a warhorse.
So just consecrating something on its own I think does something, but maybe nothing spectacular.
To do an enchantment, find powers or correspondences which do the same kinds of things you want the protection amulet to do. Maybe we want clove for space, basil for bravery and strength, and oak for a mighty defense.
During the casting of the spell, you might empower/charge/evoke power into the plants, and then direct that power to infuse into the class ring.
"Oak, you build an infinite wall that goes in every direction. None can pass you. And this power does not remain in this oak twig, but it goes into the ring. And within and around the ring, the wall is raised." That sort of thing.
Charge it. You can take a lot of protective energy, program it to do the kind of defense you want, and pour it directly into the ring. IME if you only do this, and you don't do enchantment/energy work to actually build a secure energy structure within the ring, the charge will fade quickly.
You could do just 1 or 2 of these things. You don't have to consecrate a ring to be a protector before you enchant it to protect.
But I believe it's like this:
Imagine a king (you) needs a knight. You could choose a random civilian off of the street and say, "you're a knight now!" and give them a horse and sword. This is like enchanting without consecration.
But you could also consult the oracle and find a person fated and foretold to be the most powerful protector in all the land. The key is, you're not only the king who can knight; you're also the god who assigns fate. This is like consecrating before enchanting/charging.
Finally, you can go down to the pub and say, "look. Free rounds all night to whoever goes and beats up the guy down the road." It'll cost a bit up front and your protector won't be around for long, but it'll work. This is like charging without enchanting or consecrating (or building energy structures, etc).
Overall I believe the most powerful artifacts are born under special stars (minding astrological timing when you create the vessel), consecrated to fate, enchanted with purpose, and charged with power. But you can skip any of these steps and only do the ones you can manage. It will work anyway, it just influences how long the magic will last, and the magnitude of the effects.
(Also btw this was not a silly question at all)
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