#Reignited Skylanders AU
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plasticbabyart · 14 days ago
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Academy Prom follow up... Spyro invited his Girlfriend Elora as his prom date :3
Both Elora and Spyro were designed to be dressed in outfits that appear more Royal or Traditional to show the culture difference between Spyro and his academy friends !
Spyro was crowned Prom King, Elf entirely rejected being Prom Queen and it was then passed to Elora (Gal pals :3)
Feel free to send asks abt the prom :3
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heart-star · 2 months ago
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Call me crazy but I like this theory Idea, after all in my Au/ reignited version Skylands is like a dimension created to be the new home of refugees from all multiverse, or else I would be out of any for skylanders content.
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pearlescent-soda · 2 years ago
🐲❤️‍🔥//Reignited Skylanders AU//Young Dragons Romantic Orientations Headcanons
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Sexuality ≠ Romantic Orientation. These are my thoughts and opinions on where the dragon children would fall on the Romance Spectrum. I knew the Classic/ Legend of Spyro dragons are 100% underage, but I wasn't sure how old the Skylander dragons were, so for the sake of the headcanons, everyone is a minor.
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Spyro Dragons
🌙Cynder: Undecided
💗Ember: Androromantic
🔥Flame: Abroromantic
🐑Spyro: Aromantic
💀(Bonus) Dark Spyro: Preromantic
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Skylanders Dragons:
☄️Bash: Heteroromantic
🌑Blackout: Biromantic
🌩Blades: Gyneromantic
🌿Camo: Panromantic
⚙️Drobot: Implaromantic
💧Echo: Grayromantic
🔥Fire Kraken: Undecided
🐉Flam Bam: Hyporomantic
☄️Flashwing: Quasiromantic
🐉Flavius: Acoromantic
🌿High Five: Apresromantic
🌟Spotlight: Apathromantic
🔥Sunburn: Proquuromantic
🌩Whirlwind: Homoromantic
💧Zap: Aromantic
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
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billiekaysworld · 2 years ago
Traduction de l'anglais vers le français de l'article Spyro Reignited Trilogy – the joy of replaying a childhood favourite du journal The Guardian
Spyro Reignited Trilogy, ou le bonheur de redécouvrir un bijou de nostalgie
Trois des meilleurs jeux familiaux de l’époque de la PlayStation 1 ont été remis au goût du jour pour les enfants d’aujourd’hui, et aussi pour les enfants nostalgiques des années 90
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« Repensé et imprégné avec davantage de personnalité… » Spyro Reignited. Crédit photo : Activision
Avant de faire partie de l’univers des Skylanders, Spyro le Dragon était l’une des figures de proue de Sony, ainsi que le brave protagoniste d’une trilogie exclusive à la PlayStation et développée par Insomniac Games, aujourd’hui davantage connu pour Ratchet & Clank et Spider-Man. Les nostalgiques de la licence ont conservé de bons souvenirs de ces aventures de jadis, alors Toys for Bob, les créateurs des Skylanders, ont sorti cette compilation rematricée.
J’avais huit ans quand le premier Spyro est sorti ; mes adelphes et moi y avons beaucoup joué, j’ai même envie de dire que nous l’avons usé jusqu’à la corde. Lorsque j’ai démarré le premier opus de ce rematriçage, il m’a semblé tellement familier, que ce soit dans l’agencement des niveaux, la disposition des objets dans lesdits niveaux, la musique, les bruitages et les doublages (malgré le fait que Spyro soit ici doublé par Tom Kenny, ce dernier n’ayant doublé le personnage que dans les deuxième et troisième jeux). Tous ces détails ont amené mon cerveau à croire que la licence Spyro était telle quelle depuis le début dans son style graphique.
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Spyro Reignited dissémine des détails supplémentaires dans le niveau typique Villa Ensoleillée. Crédit photo : Activision
Il est évident que la PlayStation ne possédait nullement de telles capacités graphiques. Là où le Spyro original gambadait dans de l’herbe rase, celui de Reignited doit récupérer les gemmes nichées dans de l’herbe touffue et mouvante. Désormais les bâtiments ont une structure homogène, et les objets ont une ombre propre ; il n’empêche que les différents mondes conservent leurs couleurs et leur clarté, tout en étant plus somptueux encore.
La cerise sur le gâteau est l’ajout de personnalité (qu’ils n’avaient pas forcément avant) et la façon de repenser l’apparence des dragons que Spyro sauve de l’émeraude dans le premier jeu. Les développeurs ont également étoffé les autres personnages : Sheila le kangourou, pour ne citer qu’elle, a maintenant des cheveux roux attachés en couettes, une veste et du mascara. La plupart des utilisateurs de Reddit arguent leur mécontentement quant à ces ajouts esthétiques car ils ne sont pas à la hauteur de leur imagination nostalgique. Cependant le style visuel global est cohérent et concorde avec le ton l��ger du jeu original.
Spyro le Dragon est, sans la moindre gêne, accessible à toute la famille. Les vilains méchants dignes de cartoons disparaissent dans un nuage de fumée, l’écriture et l’humour se veulent franchement enfantins et les objectifs de base consistant à passer les niveaux et à vaincre les boss ne sont jamais trop difficiles. Néanmoins, c’est bien Spyro le Dragon qui m’a lancé dans mes premières recherches sur le Net de ce qu’on appelle un walkthrough (une solution pour avancer dans un jeu vidéo) afin de trouver ce fichu dernier dragon d’émeraude. Les joueurs ont un paquet de secrets à (re)découvrir, et l'augmentation des points de compétence dans les trois jeux récompense la joie d’enflammer les plantes en pot disséminées dans le niveau, pour ensuite se rendre compte que les développeurs savaient que vous alliez essayer de le faire.
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Tous les personnages du jeu original ont été épaissis de détails inédits, tout en conservant leur charme d’antan. Crédit photo : Activision
Ce rematriçage rend la trilogie davantage cohérente qu’elle ne l’était à la base, à commencer par rendre possible certaines actions dans les trois jeux, là où c’était impossible dans la trilogie originale. On peut citer la possibilité de diriger Sparx, la libellule accompagnant Spyro, vers la gemme la plus proche. Mais il met également en lumière les différences, qu'elles soient minimes (comme l'incapacité de Spyro à nager ou à planer dans le premier jeu) ou plus importantes.
Là où le seul objectif de Spyro le Dragon était de délivrer les dragons de leur condition de statue, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! a apporté des personnages non-jouables qui offrent une large gamme d’objectifs tels que cracher des pierres sur des lézards ou conduire des bébés tortues en lieu sûr. Spyro: Year of the Dragon a familiarisé les joueurs avec des personnages jouables aux capacités uniques, avec des niveaux qui leur sont consacrés ; on en revient à Sheila qui peut faire un double saut, ou encore au Sergent Byrd, un pingouin armé de lance-roquettes.
L’on peut relever un facteur constant dans ces jeux : la façon dont Spyro se déplace dans ces mondes merveilleusement variés. Il se sert de ses ailes pour planer d’une plateforme à une autre, or il ne peut voler que dans les niveaux spéciaux (par exemple Vol de jour dans le premier opus). Mais la plupart du temps, il court, cornes baissées, avec des traînées de lumière qui soulignent sa vitesse, et ses pattes qui claquent projettent des bouffées de fumée. Qu’il soit en train de charger un voleur d’œufs plaisantin, une rangée de coffres au trésor métalliques tandis que Sparx ramasse dare-dare les gemmes, ou que Spyro revienne sur un terrain familier, le bonheur demeure intact comme il y a 20 ans.
Voilà, dites-moi ce que vous pensez de ma traduction. Je précise que j'entre en Master de Traductologie dans moins de deux mois, donc ma traduction ne sera forcément pas parfaite. Toute critique constructive est la bienvenue ! 💜 🧡 
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nihoneshi · 1 year ago
It’d be cool if they ever decided to use the guardians in the original continuity. Cynder and Malefor wound up in Skylanders and IIRC they were considering using him in Crash On The Run, so I feel like it’s fair that we might see something from TLOS show up one day.
I really wish they would show up in new stuff, I really like the aspect of the Four Sages + the Chronicler. I feel like they would fit in the Reignited Universe quite well, and with all of the Reignited AU artwork for them, I really wish they all got some form of good treatment, not just Malefor and Cynder.
That being said, I've been on and off brainrotting Volteer really hard and now I just want to write him, and.. possibly update my pages on here.
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ripperroo91 · 2 years ago
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Couldn't finish the art properly because my computer wanted to corrupt the file...
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flirtatiousgreen · 2 years ago
Hey I’m Han and this is FlirtatiousGreen, an indie Yu-Gi-Oh RP blog for my Boy Li Gurin. This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals will be blocked
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@saiyansduelistsandgods a Multimuse of YGO, DBZ, and Original multi-fandom muses, featuring Goku, Raditz, and an array of OCs!
@mothersofskylands Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@newheroesofthemultiverse Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and OC muses, a multimuse of young heroes traveling the multiverse!
@greenhills-bluedevil  A Movie Sonic blog with Sonic X, game and IDW verses!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@starkswondertwins - Tony and Ella Stark, An Iron Man: Armored Adventures blog with Tony and his Twin Sister, my OC!
@of-dragxns-and-demxns​ An Inuyasha multimuse for Izayoi, Inuyasha and Ryuura (OC). A Dragon, a human and a half-demon trying to find a place to call home.
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turqrambles · 2 years ago
I always find those "I combined all the versions of Spyro together!" AUs kinda boring because they all just sadly just end up doing the same stuff. Reignited Spyro, Cynder, Ember, and Flame all reenact the entire TLOS story beat for beat. Malefor is the main bad guy again and he's just doing the same thing he did in TLOS. You might see one of the Skylanders if you're lucky but it's always one of the "cool" dragons like Flashwing.
We need more combined Spyro AUs that actually use the Arkeyans or the main bad guy is like...Red from A Hero's Tail.
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isakthedragon · 5 years ago
Do you think it would be a bad idea if I reimagined all the Skylanders dragons I'll into a design more closer to the Reignited Spyro? I really do love the ideas behind them, I also don't want to keep Spyro as the only baby dragon, because it never sat well with me...
I don't see why not. It's your own AU/Reimagining, have fun with it. :D I would love to see that. :D
EDIT: I'd love to see a lot of the other dragons (Cynder, Ember, Flame, and pretty much all the rest) in the Reignited style. Seeing them with more of an 'outfit' and everything that made these redesigns look great would be real cool. :D @aquillis-main
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theshimmeringisles · 6 years ago
I know Weird has a Reignited Spyro AU for Feuriah and whatnot, do some of your characters exist in that AU?
MOD: Yes actually! Asiirha, Majidah and Gaea all exist in the Reignited AU too. Asiirha is the would-be king of the Shadow Treaders, though he’s so absorbed in his books that he’s forgotten to show up to his wedding to Feuriah a few times. He sort of serves as a ‘Nestor’ in Cynder’s role in the AU, instructing her that she has to free all the Shadow Treaders and help restore the balance. Asiirha is a lot more of a ‘good guy’ in this game in that he instructs Cynder to help Spyro wipe out the Gnorcs by any means possible.
Majidah is more like her original Skylanders incarnation in that she is a zany, fourth-wall breaking genie from another dimension/universe. She interacts more with Spyro in this AU, as in this one she was aligned to the ‘good’ side rather than the ‘bad.’ She was briefly friends with Feuriah, and has some memories from the Skylanders/Kurosia universes, so their relationship is strained and almost more tragic than it already was.
Gaea is one of the five leaders of the Female Elders, leading an entirely different type called ‘the Rebels.’ The Rebels reject wiping out the Shadow Treaders, or their own people, and instead are vying for peace. The Rebels are the stand-in for the Dunewyrms in this universe. Gaea and Feuriah can sometimes be bitter enemies, or very close. It’s a mixed bag with these two.
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of-dragxns-and-demxns · 2 years ago
Hey I’m Han and this is of-dragxns-and-demxns, an Inuyasha multimuse featuring Inu-mama Izayoi, Puppy boy himself Inuyasha and OC Lord Ryuura! This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals will be blocked
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@saiyansduelistsandgods a Multimuse of YGO, DBZ, and Original multi-fandom muses, featuring Goku, Raditz, and an array of OCs!
@mothersofskylands Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@newheroesofthemultiverse Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and OC muses, a multimuse of young heroes traveling the multiverse!
@greenhills-bluedevil  A Movie Sonic blog with Sonic X, game and IDW verses!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@starkswondertwins - Tony and Ella Stark, An Iron Man: Armored Adventures blog with Tony and his Twin Sister, my OC!
@flirtatiousgreen Li Gurin, Yu-Gi-Oh OC, A Boy and his younger sibling just trying to survive on their own.
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plasticbabyart · 10 hours ago
does spyro have like an extreme fear of anything related to dark magic after what he went through in your au
hmmm tough question !
I think his fears remain majorly with what HE is capable of and WHO is after him, rather than Dark Magic itself. Dark Spyro however is afraid of OTHERS (not his own) Dark Magic after his reformation arc, but more specifically, Strykore.
Spyro is more afraid of Malefor, with him being his real Father, all of his power comes from him. Considering the relationship and what Malefors intentions are, and how reserved Spyros adoptive Father (Nestor) is on the topic- he feels he will never understand his abilities, and after the Dark Spyro arc, fears what he COULD do.
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greenhills-bluedevil · 2 years ago
Hey I’m Han and this is greenhills-bluedevil, a primarily Movie verse Sonic with  Sonic X, game and IDW verses! Nicknamed Sparks by twin @electricbluehedgehog! This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals please do not interact,
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@starkswondertwins - Tony and Ella Stark, An Iron Man: Armored Adventures blog with Tony and his Twin Sister, my OC!
@saiyansduelistsandgods a Multimuse of YGO, DBZ, and Original multi-fandom muses, featuring Goku, Raditz, and an array of OCs!
@mothersofskylands  Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring   Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@newheroesofthemultiverse Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and OC muses, a multimuse of young heroes traveling the multiverse!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@flirtatiousgreen​ Li Gurin, Yu-Gi-Oh OC, A Boy and his younger sibling just trying to survive on their own.
@of-dragxns-and-demxns​ An Inuyasha multimuse for Izayoi, Inuyasha and Ryuura (OC). A Dragon, a human and a half-demon trying to find a place to call home.
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newheroesofthemultiverse · 2 years ago
Hey I’m Han and this is newheroesofthemultiverse, a multimuse for Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and Lisa Green, their mentor and current Goddess of Inter Dimensional travel! This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals please do not interact,
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@starkswondertwins - Tony and Ella Stark, An Iron Man: Armored Adventures blog with Tony and his Twin Sister, my OC!
@saiyansduelistsandgods a Multimuse of YGO, DBZ, and Original multi-fandom muses, featuring Goku, Raditz, and an array of OCs!
@mothersofskylands  Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring   Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@greenhills-bluedevil  A Movie Sonic blog with Sonic X, game and IDW verses!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@flirtatiousgreen​ Li Gurin, Yu-Gi-Oh OC, A Boy and his younger sibling just trying to survive on their own.
@of-dragxns-and-demxns​ An Inuyasha multimuse for Izayoi, Inuyasha and Ryuura (OC). A Dragon, a human and a half-demon trying to find a place to call home.
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saiyansduelistsandgods · 2 years ago
Hey I’m Han and this is saiyansduelistsandgods, a multi-muse of DBZ, YGO, and multifandom OCs, featuring Goku, Raditz, their older sister Kyira, Goku’s daughter Ashley, The rough-and-tumble Caroline Shelly, and Lisa Green and her Other Half Lillian. This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals please do not interact,
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@starkswondertwins - Tony and Ella Stark, An Iron Man: Armored Adventures blog with Tony and his Twin Sister, my OC!
@mothersofskylands Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@newheroesofthemultiverse Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and OC muses, a multimuse of young heroes traveling the multiverse!
@greenhills-bluedevil  A Movie Sonic blog with Sonic X, game and IDW verses!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@flirtatiousgreen​ Li Gurin, Yu-Gi-Oh OC, A Boy and his younger sibling just trying to survive on their own.
@of-dragxns-and-demxns​ An Inuyasha multimuse for Izayoi, Inuyasha and Ryuura (OC). A Dragon, a human and a half-demon trying to find a place to call home.
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starkswondertwins · 2 years ago
Hey I’m Han and this is starkswondertwins, a dual muse blog for Tony and Ella Stark of Iron Man Armored Adventures. This is a semi selective, multiship friendly and multiversed blog!
Mun is 20+, Personals please do not interact,
You can find me on one of my many other blogs for various fandoms and OCs!
@heart-of-change Hayami Kimmi A TMNT OC with verse in 2003, 2007, Rise/2018 and 2012 versions.
@heartofhamato Hamato Karai, a Karai-lived AU blog for ROTTMNT’s Karai
@mcmcntomori -Percy Phantom, A Danny Phantom twin OC based on the episode Identity Crisis
@saiyansduelistsandgods a Multimuse of YGO, DBZ, and Original multi-fandom muses, featuring Goku, Raditz, and an array of OCs!
@mothersofskylands Sonic Boom and Mother, A Spyro and Skylanders OC blog featuring Skylander’s Academy and Spyro Original/Reignited trilogies verses!
@newheroesofthemultiverse Steven Universe, Jim Lake Jr, Marinette Dupen Chang, Yugo, and OC muses, a multimuse of young heroes traveling the multiverse!
@greenhills-bluedevil  A Movie Sonic blog with Sonic X, game and IDW verses!
@multiversal-sibs A Sonic OC Multimuse, five siblings traveling the multiverse after trying to warp to safety.
@flirtatiousgreen​ Li Gurin, Yu-Gi-Oh OC, A Boy and his younger sibling just trying to survive on their own.
@of-dragxns-and-demxns​ An Inuyasha multimuse for Izayoi, Inuyasha and Ryuura (OC). A Dragon, a human and a half-demon trying to find a place to call home.
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