#Regiments of the Imperium
ArtStation - Gaunt's Ghosts
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stainlesssteellocust · 6 months
Concept: What if Sulla’s dull and purple-prosed memoirs are actually just as bullshit at Cain’s official propaganda, and she’s just like him fr fr.
She (wrongly) believes that a Hero of the Imperium has the utmost faith in her and can’t bear the consequences of failure should she not live up to his high expectations (which he doesn’t have) and masks it behind her eager soldier persona so hard that even Cain doesn’t see it. And then when she becomes famous a whole generation of Militarum girls read Valhallan Valkyrie at a formative age and start thinking they need to live up to her. Just an endlessly recursive loop of imposter syndrome.
Like what if in For the Emperor when she leads her command squad in a risky flanking attack and nobody is quite sure afterwards whether she was being brave or stupid and she hyped the whole thing up in her memoirs, what she actually wrote in her private diary was:
Obviously the last thing I wanted to do was leave my nice safe command vehicle, which could shield me from the heretic lasbolts until His Majesty got down from the throne, and head out into the open where they could cut me to bits. But the only reason I had a command vehicle at all was because all the real officers had been torn to bits by Tyranids and I’d been shoved into a position I didn’t deserve. It had been made clear that our commanders were counting on me, and if I showed myself to be unworthy I could expect to be back on the frontlines within a week, if not in a penal legion.
Worse, an honest-to-the-Emperor hero had put his trust in me. How a man such as Ciaphas Cain didn’t see at once through my ridiculous persona I will never know - but if Cain had one weakness, and as a woman who had the honour to fight along side him for many years, I think I know better than most his hidden heart - it is that he was perhaps overly trusting of the men and women in his command. Such a noble warrior could not imagine that a regiment such as ours could hide a coward as craven as myself, and if there was anything other than the Emperor’s own grace that forced me out the entrance ramp that day, it was the need not to bring our company shame in his eyes.
Besides, if I didn’t live up to that utterly undeserved faith there’d be no more commands for Jenit Sulla, and I’d probably dead within the year. The only way to keep myself out in danger going forward was, ironically, leaping feet-first into it today. And so, cursing myself every step of the way, I fixed the old “Valkyrie Warrior” expression back onto my face, stepped out of my Chimera, and gave the order to advance.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 1 month
I remember one of my moms friends was part of military, and apparently there was technique of scouting artilerry that roughly translates to "scouting with a boy/boyscouting" where you send infantrymen out there and see where they are being shot from to see where the targets are. Do you think the Imperium uses similar tacticts?
Some regiments abso-fucking-lutely would. And not even penal legionnaires. They’d straight up send their own guys. It’s not even a question of “would they” so much as “how many”
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corvusspecialartist · 8 months
Beautiful Caged Bird:
You were an esteemed fighter pilot. You have served the Imperium well, ever since you were inducted in the Imperial Guard years ago. Coming from semi noble birth, this would have been one of the few ways, you could gain glory for your house. Ever since you were young, and on your home planet. You have always enjoyed the flight patterns of hunting birds, and even kept some as cherished pets. You always thought that they were the most perfect predators, just beautiful. Unfortunately, as you grew older, and life taught you a few things… you were wrong. The perfect avian predator that you knew of, was the Lord Primarch Sanguinius.
You were on campaign when you had met… you and your regiment were fighting a wild Eldar Host To be honest, you never truly liked them bastards, but you were the closest thing that was optimal air support that could be done. You were flying high in the air, approaching certain doom. You flew in formation, but soon you both would break. From previous experience, you knew, despite the thought being mere disgust in your mind… that the Eldar had better flying tech.. but no matter. You were only meant as cannon fodder no more, no less.
Then, as the Eldar came, before your eyes, your comrades were shot down in planes, almost as if a group of falcons were feasting on herd of ducks. But, no matter what, you held firm. Gripping the well-worn controls, you bobbed and weaved, avoiding most of the fire from the enemy craft. You knew the cockpit of your plane as if it was new limb. You swooped down noticing a large robot thing… instinctively you patted the plane purring to it. "Lets do this old girl" maybe, this was a way for you to soothe the machine spirit. You went and started to fly down.. applying as many G's as you could handle bumping up the speed into a dive bomb. The robot thing, turned and almost seemed to face you, but you turned your controls over trying to spin it over. It was no matter, you were a certified ace in the field. You had the trophies as proof.
However, things did not go to your plan. The robot thing moved with lighting speed and soon you noticed that you were loosing altitude quickly. You had to eject. After whispering a quick goodbye to the plane, you ejected from the plane. Honestly it pained you…watching as the plane flew and crashed. It gave you some form of pleasure that it landed in the center of the Eldar. Still… you adjusted trying to get your parachute out. Feeling, the blood go towards your head.. you noted that your parachute wasn't working and you felt the heated air as you started to fall and fall… You turned and closed your eyes, hopefully, at least you took some of the bastards with you.
Honestly, you were expecting brief pain, and oblivion until you felt wind and you started to move in a different direction. Nervously you opened your eyes… it was him.. the Great Angel,Lord Sanguinius. He was almost as perfect and even more so in the pictures… but honestly.. him.. just saving you like that… why you? You tried your best to not to look down. However, he was holding you in the crook of his arm, while holding his spear in the other hand. As you looked up at him, he was moving back to try and place you back in your regiment, at least you thought.
Now, you were in a golden gilded cage, screaming your head off and throwing the priceless art and trinkets at Sanguinius. It bounced off of him with almost a contemptuous ease, he seemed to stand there, just absorbing the hit.. almost as if he was he waiting for this latest tantrum to end. You continued to move quickly, just barely out of the reach of the serfs. Truly, you didn't want to be here, you wanted to be out on the field. The stagnant air within the room, the watchful eyes of both man and machine readying the alarm if you stepped out of the chambers. To add insult to injury, you swore that would could hear beautiful rare bird calls, as they flew down and called the sky their own.. like you used to. You walked up the Sanguinius and tried to push your way past him, but he moved to block you, and soon he quickly scooped you up. In that move you struggled and beat down on his back. He started to hum and soothe, moving you back and forth. His voice, it was so sonorous and beautiful…it knocked you out within a minute.
In your dreams, you were flying your plane… and you were just soaring. Until you saw the Sanguinius appear floating in front of the window. Instinctively you turned and tried to avoid him, but he pulled out the spear and sword and chopped the plane apart. Now you were falling and falling, as Sanguinius flew down and caught you. You pushed away and tried to fall back into the ground. You were at peace in the dream, until you woke up, smothered in Sanguinius' wings. It was comfortable but despite them being placed gently, it felt crushing… you felt your heart racing, as you moved in varying directions trying to push them off." Sanguinius, almost as if he were sensing your distress lifted his wing. You let out a sigh of relief, and let out a small welp as he grabbed you and started to preen over you.
He gave a softening grin. "What's wrong darling?… I heard you scream and freak out.. and are you alright?" You opened your mouth, trying to keep your heart rate consistent. But it would be hard to lie to him, since his abilities.. but he promised to not to read your mind. "It was just a nightmare…. my beloved." You gave a wide mouth smile, trying to sell the lie. Maybe you were trying to convince yourself. Sanguinius got up and pointed to a red dress. It was tailor made with hundreds of jewels and it fit your figure well. "We will be going to an event tonight… many dignitaries are coming. Our ship will be landing on the planet soon…" You nodded dumbly, as he got up and left.
As soon as he shut the door… you swore, but then you stopped… maybe… just maybe with Sanguinius being distracted you could escape. And it is not like he would miss you… You got dressed and started to prepare. Soon you would escape.
At the party, the host went and announced the arrival of Lord Sanguinius.. and with a small snide jab. "And his current consort." You gave a polished smile as you stood near barely hip height with him, and to be honest... he looked almost mythical.. his wings were decorated with finely golden strands with rubies inter spaced which made small noises as he walked. He wore a more Baalite fashion style, which many of the party goers tried to imitate. He wore beautiful embroidered robes with silken golden thread. His hair was curled into perfection, and you could even smell rare perfumes and spices that irradiated from him. It seemed to change depending on the light from black to blonde, he was smiling a warmly as you both went to the place of honor. You on the other hand compared to him, dressed very modestly and seemed to a speck of dirt. But, it didn't matter at the moment. It was a crucial moment... Sanguinius would naturally be distracted throughout the whole party.
It would come to pass, when you were rudely shoved aside, as a group of Navigators came by to Sanguinius trying to curry favor. You noticed his face turn into a light frown. But no matter, you gave a gentle grin to the primarch to try and soothe his temper. While, he had the good grace to not indulge his Thirst, he had to tendency of drinking more blood wine when under stress. In the meantime, you slowly moved away to the peripheral from the crowd, but not so far...You had to be careful, for moving in such a way could attract a knife in your back. But your outfit had come with the most finely protection, worthy of a favored consort.
"It is my turn to speak to the Great Angel! You had your chance!" A haughty nasal voice came out of the crowd. Some poor petty nobleman had tried to shout his way over to gain a rare audience of Sanguinius. But, given how contemptuous.. the party would probably begin with a brawl. Shaking you head, you started to run... you were out of practice sure, but you could find a place. You were dressed too nicely to be apart of any Underhive origin , but maybe you can commission a fighter jet to escape.
Hours upon hours had pasted... based on the way that the noises had become more quiet. You were at least leagues away from the party. You have been trying to stay out of the range by taking dark pathways and trying to avoid servants. You sat down to take a brief break... you were tired and feeling very thirsty... you dared to not drink any of the planet's water. But, you need a place to hide, and so you decided to crawl into a large vent, it was dusty.. long abandoned and based on the older stained.. it was used for servitors. Maybe you could take a brief rest.
You were shocked out of your rest as a loud alarm came out of nowhere. It was
' voice... and it filled you with dread.. yet it sounded so sweet and kind, he tried to call your name and try to bribe you out of your hiding spot. Internally, you just couldn't, you were so close... freedom.
Cursing, you thought about not changing your clothing... but just your luck.. a female servant was walking by your hiding spot. Immediately you grabbed her and put her in a headlock. After a good struggle, she was unconscious. Immediately you stripped off the party goer's clothing and replaced it with the servants clothing. It was mostly clean.. but no matter... as long as you kept quiet. You could at least escape.
A large thumping noises, and soon a large horde of noblemen was running down the same hallway all screaming their heads off. One of them went down the same hallway and took a deep breath. He was murmuring about how the Great Angel went mad. Based on the rambling mess, one of the noble ladies had said within earshot that in no certain terms that you had been assassinated, and that "an ugly peasant bitch isn't worthy of the Great Angel's love" Soon he fell silent as the masses ran by... but your heart started to drop... you heard the beating of wings. It was coming your way.
"Where is the nearest ship-port?" you whispered. The partygoers face twisted as if why would a mere serf ask that, before his face started to grin and opened his mouth. Before you could subdue him. "She's over here! " You immediately started to run full sprint. Your throat rubbing in raw... the beating your heart started to increase faster and faster as you heard the frantic wing beats.. only to collapse. No matter, you could at least crawl. Sanguinius appeared in front of you, white feathers falling as he stood, his hair askew and his wings still flapping despite him standing completely still... You started to weep. No... no... why? He picked you up and purred. "My little Bird where did you go?" "You weren't trying to escape? Were you?" You remained quiet. His mouth opened and now you noticed the heavy smell of blood. "WERE YOU?" he let out a shout, which causer your ears to ring. At your wince in pain, his face started to soften as he cradled over to you. "I'm sorry... I thought that you were dead... and I just cannot live without you." He pet your hair giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
That was a year ago.
Currently you were laying in bed, you needed the rest after all... you were preparing. Soon the door opened and your beloved entered the room. He was carrying a tray full of the finest of food, drink and wine. Sitting down he started to stroke your belly. "Have you come up with a name?" You shook your head as you slowly started to eat the food. As if you really didnt have anything to say, you had to keep the rest. You chewed the food and ate it in the fancy way, and even took the supplements! After all, they tended to even you out! You gave Sanguinius a kiss on the cheek and soon he left.
A/N: This (terrible) one shot is a result from the winner of the poll for the poem inspired for "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou. Read it here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48989/caged-bird
I will try and write out Corvus' one and soon and write out Part 3 of the Party Planning bit. This is my first time attempting to write Yandere Sangy.
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auxryn · 2 months
So I have been painting some Infiltrators and Incursors for the last month or more.
I looked at the latest entry on my list of Fun Names For Space Marine Chapters:
The Night Witches
I decided to go for a Halloween theme - mostly black with a little orange. Then I said, "I have modeling clay, I can make them some little witch hats."
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I still need to give them a matte spray but it is too hot to go outside. I wanted to put tiny vines and pumpkins and bones and gravestones on the bases but I didn't have the time or motivation to keep up with my imagination. I have them to table quality for now at least.
Additional pictures and nonsense under the cut:
Inquisitorial Report: Night Witches
Warning - Do not confuse with unrelated factions 'Knight Witches' or 'Night Wyches.'
Founding: Unknown. Large amounts of 'primaris' wargear suggest Ultima Founding.
Primarch: Unknown.
Homeworld: Unknown. Presumed none.
Witness Statements:
"Orders unclear. Assisted the Night Witches. Imperial databases indicated Chapter in good standing."
"My education in the schola progenium never mentioned the existence of female Astartes. On the other hand, it didn't mention their non-existence either. None of my officers saw fit to discuss this matter directly with any of the Night Witches. I have no opinion on the matter myself. Who are we to question His Angels?"
Their apparent successful collaboration with Astra Militarum regiments on at least two occasions indicates loyalty to the Imperium, but data are too scarce to draw firm conclusions.
Conclusion: Further observation indicated.
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crippledgiraff · 7 months
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The toughest trench fighters in the Imperium come from @qsycomplainsalot 's homeworld, France! Printed on clear vinyl, they can either be used as one long sticker, or easily separated with scissors or a hobby knife into individual guys.
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djpain619 · 1 year
Been binge watching the original GIJoe series.
Need me an Imperium of Man Propaganda Series in the same vein as ciaphas cain. Except with a Regiment of Imperial guard made up entirely of Guardsman representing nearly every uniqe Regiment type in the Guard.
Anyone know what the British Equivalent of "Joe" is?
Till then I Got the working Title "I.G. Joe"
Cobra would be a Genestealer Cult Called "The Cult of the Celestial Serpent."
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acornminiatureslog · 6 months
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Some cheaper guns for the retinue, I love the idea of beastmen within the imperium in 40k, wish they did more with the idea of beastmen regiments, chaos shouldn't be the only place you see these fellas. Dug out an old set of Victoria minis bits and bashed up a few potential retinue members, but I think I'm gonna go with just this guy for now at least. Love the idea of a vet with double barreled shotgun and normal sword running around with all the fancy tech in the rest of this retinue
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clocktowerechos · 8 months
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(Art by beauviolette, not mine nor commissioned, all credit to them)
[Pictured above: Ranger Cpl. Isenryna, Specialist Markswomen of the 717th Cadian-Ulthwe Combined Infantry Division]
Cadian-Ulthwe Regiments
Over the many thousands of years, the Alliance has stood, the Imperium and the Eldar have fought together across countless worlds. While an Imperial Guard regiment can typically rely on integrated Aspect Warriors, Guardian support, or other xenos allies, few are as interconnected as the Cadian-Ulthwe regiments.
Cadians are said to be able to field strip a lasgun by age 5, learn basic Eldar at age 8, perform artillery drills by age 12, and swear in Eldar at age 15. They have fought alongside Ulthwe for generations, Kasrkin training alongside Aspect Warriors and experienced Guardians giving lessons to new White Shields. Whenever the forces of Chaos seep from the Eye of Terror, it is Ulthwe and Cadia who are the first line of defense. The Craftworld itself houses the second largest force of stationed Imperial defenders on a Craftworld, behind only the highly militarized and extremely aggressive Biel-Tan.
The Eldar of Ulthwe are known to favor the use of Imperial patterns of equipment with many wearing adapted flak armor or using lasguns. Those who do prefer the harsh utilitarianism of Imperial wargear, whose destruction is calculated in its production value, as opposed to the graceful technology of the Eldar. It is easier to replace a laspistol than a shuriken catapult after all.
Ulthwe farseers are sometimes attached as liaisons and advisors for field commanders, allowing some level of prediction to aid the army's advance. In rare cases, they may even take up the mantle of command in a more direct route, such as in the case of Colonel-Farseer Taldeer of the Cadian 412th, her service record often compared to that of Colonel-Commissar Ibrahim Gaunt.
It is perhaps because of this close working relationship that actual relationships between Cadians and Ulthwe are common. The long lives of Eldar mean that many Cadians families are familiar with an Eldar " great uncle/aunt" who personally knew their great grandparents. Likewise, some Eldar have become adopted "god-guardians" of Cadian families or are named as such upon the birth of a child. It is said that the legendary Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed was first found by a passing Ulthwe Farseer who took notice of his sharp mind, even as a starving orphan. He then tutored him personally in his adult years for command, honing Creed's tactical brilliance into something truly incredible.
Cadia and Ulthwe also see the largest number of Human-Eldar relationships and marriages anywhere in the Imperium. While no children have been born of such a union, it is certainly not due to a lack of trying.
"Ulthwe may have never escaped the grasp of Hell, but Cadia makes sure it never gets pulled in. Cadia may have to face the Great Enemy first, but Ulthwe makes sure we never have to face them alone." ~ Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed
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noir-raven · 1 month
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Inquisitor Orion - The Farmer's Son
With the release of the Imperial Agents codex, i figured it was time to post my old Inquisition team from the old fan game Inquisimunda. Here's hoping the have a new life with the new codex! I'll be posting them over the next couple days.
Orion was built and converted by me, but painted by a friend who i sadly no longer am in contact with - I'll put a similar disclaimer on models I own but did not paint.
Orion is a young, puritan Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos, specializing in the Tau. Born on an Agri World in the Ultima sector, he made a name for himself as a guardsman, and managed to work his way up into the regimental command squad of the Tzardoma 9th regiment.
During a joint operation with Inquisitor Sigrid, she selected him personally to join her retinue, and after serving with her for a few decades, she promoted him to be an interrogator. Eventually, once Sigrid was granted the name of Lord Inquisitor, he was elevated to an inquisitor himself.
He a master when it comes to the Tau, and while they are not considered the greatest of threats to the Imperium, he prides himself on his libraries of knowledge on the various races that the Tau have allied themselves with.
As an Inquisitor, Orion takes a very personal, respectful stance towards his agents. He is known to join them for their dinners, or share bottles of his Amasec with them. Spending their time exchanging stories of their battles and lives before he recruited them.
He disregards the Schola Progenium largely - as much as they produce fine recruits for an inquisitorial group, He finds true veterancy to be prefered. His recruits stretch from noble born men like a pair of brothers known as The Twins, to underhive gangers who lived lives of crime and violence, such as the disgraced Stane.
So that's Orion. To be honest, I may remake his model. I'm not happy with how he's clearly a space marine (rather than a human in power armour.) I am already considering converting up an older, more radical Inquisitor Orion. Particularly aiming to have him be less space-marine-y.
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thepariahcontinuum · 10 months
I had an idea for a change/progression in 40K that at first glance sounds brilliant for the Imperium, then when I thought about it I realized that I would be terrible....But it would still be amazing to see implemented.
Make Catachan a Space Marine Recruitment fiefdom for a new Chapter.
Because on the one hand, you cannot possibly mean to tell me that Catachan doesn't qualify or that the natives aren't hardy enough. For some reason I feel like it'd be a good place for a Salamanders successor Chapter to set up shop.
But then think about it.....Space Marine homeworlds aren't subject to the same tithes as other Imperial worlds in terms of troops they need to offer up to the Guard and even with changes to the Codex Astartes a Space Marine Chapter is still a lot smaller in size.
So you'd be trading the famous Catachan Jungle Fighters for just one more Space Marine Chapter and honestly, given the benefits of Power Armour there's no need for a Space Marine Chapter to specialise for specific terrain.
And then you have to remember what the Catachans are like as people....These are regiments with a long and well documented history of having accidents happen to their Commissars and off-world commanders.
If they became Space Marines they'd be a Renegade Chapter within six months.
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tinyorcenthusiast · 9 months
Because I keep forgetting to post it during the day and I scroll through tumblr at obscene hours of the night now, I might as well do it now.
Recently I finished painting up my Ork Combat Patrol, and I'm really proud of it! It looks pretty good seeing as how I painted most of them with artist acrylics and craft paints, though now that I've drank the miniature paint (specifically Vallejo) kool-aid, I will never want to go back. But that's enough rambling, so here they are!
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Lore under the cut, if you're into that
Da Pink Plundras lead by their fearsome Kaptin Arrvyrsa da Kunnin' are a band of Freebootaz that wander the stars and plunder the worlds of whatever unfortunate systems the tides of the warp decide to spit them out in. Known for their tendency to loot and salvage as much as a self respecting Deffskull, with the cunning brutality and brutal cunning to match the Goffiest Goffs and the most tactical Blood Axe, Arrvyrsa sails his ship into the warp supposedly at "Gork (or Mork's) will", trusting in the Great Green Gods to send him and his crew wherever they can get into the most trouble.
A bit unorthodox, but common for a Freeboota Kaptin, Arrvyrsa happily sells his services and his crew to whatever or whoever can pay his extortionate fees, impress him in a display of cunning wiles or brutal violence, or indulge his hunger for battle. It would not be uncommon to his crew to fight alongside the humans of both Chaos and the Imperium, begrudingly with the T'au, and skeptically with the Aeldari. Though he learned his lesson about turning his back on a Drukhari after an unfortunate incident.
Garrin Skullsmasha, his right hand Nob and his most trusted scallywag, leads his Butchaz with such cunning and ferocity that whenever Arrvyrsa needs a job done quickly, quietly, and brutally, Garrin is the one he sends on his way. Though he offered him his own suit of mega armor, the Nob refused, preferring to stick with his Boyz over getting a fancy suit of armor. Dragmaw was the ship navigator, weirdboy worth his salt and then some. Which was important, as he always started hollering and screaming about some "Gravewalker" and an "Aeldari with a bad temper" while blowing the brains out of whatever poor Boyz were stuck taking care of him.
Ol' Pinkie was a tough Nob, as loyal as a Squig and as dumb as one too, charging into battle with such ferocity and anger that Gork must have surely smiled upon him. When Bogguts, the big mek, told him he could be even stompier and killy-er, he leaped at the opportunity. Literally, he dove feet first into the Deffdread. Now he's known as Ol' Pinkie, mostly because it's the only name he'll respond to ever since all the circuitry fried his brain. Now he tesrs through the enemy with such ferocity that one could mistakenly assume that there's a rabid squig piloting it.
The orks of Da Squigeon Squad were seen as odd, even by the misfit standards of the Plundras. They were recruited from a Blood Axes warband and were highly regimented and disciplined; the only requirements that Arrvyrsa had for his airforce. Flying in their rickety scrap Deffkoptas, the three members of Squigeon Squad act as fast hitting nuisances in the backline, firing off barrages of rockets with psychotic glee.
Now they wander the stars, routinely crashing their ship and spending months or even years to plunders and loot until they rebuild their ship and take off once more into the great unknown. Arrvyrsa has been making some comments about how great it'd be to get into a fight with "da stunty boyz" in the Leagues of Votann.
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betabites · 3 months
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(Descriptions in alt-texts)
Generally, painting terrain isn't interesting, just tedious. Case in point, I didn't even bother taking pictures of the wattle fencing I just painted because no one cares. It looks fine from 3 feet, and that's all that matters. So this was an attempt to making this terrain interesting: I printed out a punch of tiny posters and glued them on, and added pop colors to a few of them.
And then I kind of painted the RWBY mural from RWBY Beyond. Special thanks to @sedlex for their work in getting a reasonably straight-angle of the mural.
Extremely long list of poster sources after the cut.
Round hut:
The Cube is a Lie! by Raven Cruz (vanished off the internet)
Perfect Food Egg from Ryoko Kui's Delicious In Dungeon.
Brouha on Mustafar & Hooha on the Death Star from NRobinson77.
Obama-style Luke and Dalek are most likely the result of one of poster-creators back in the day, because I can't find any trace of them.
Concern Necron from RuoYuArt.
Do Not Feed Metroids from Shinaz (who was not the original creator either, but we're already back in '05).
Square hut:
Dalek 'To Victory': Doctor Who official art, apparently.
Soldiers of the Imperium, Kill Team, and Makari's Wanted: Dead posters are all Warhammer 40K official artwork from the Regimental Standard.
Primaris Akira from Sgt-lonely
Hey, have you tried cheese? is so popular I literally had it as a tea towel.
Enlist Today (with Darth Vader, not that you can see that) by Cliff Chiang.
Actually yeah, maybe today Satan is a Nancy comic. Mercy only knows if it's a real comic or fanart, because I can't find it.
Commissar 'Do It For Him' is AdeptusRidiculous.
'Strawberry' B1-battle droid is cnv99.
Death Star Gunner pin-up is Adam Warren.
Asami eyeing Korra's rack is IAHFY (who is amazing).
Annoyingly placed 'Game Over' Cinder Fall is MrOrbs.
'I apologize for nothing' Hedonism-Bot was from etsy Woodcut Emporium (now gone).
France-Destroyer 9000 is from Borghest.
Quark's Root Beer is from Maggie Muldoon (it's insidious!).
The tiny dwarf is from the Dwarf Fortress community.
'We Do Bones Motherfucker' is from lunglessart.
Korra Vs Tahno is from Janet Sung.
Korra 'Change' and Sororitas 'Hate' are likely more poster-creator products.
The Mechanicus poster underneath the Korra poster and 'Join the Astrum Militarum Today!' are from WarCom's Regimental Standard.
Mordred's 'Welcome Back... Assface!' is from Tamamita.
Kuat Drive Yards is official art from Star Wars Insider 86.
No Shields, All Guts from gattadonna.
'We are short-staffed... this place is not a place of honor' was a photo from (presumably) a store window.
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stickyhunter · 1 year
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Gue'vesa and the T'au Empire—rules for Imperium Maledictum
Want to play a human under the T'au or have a T'au Patron for that matter? Well hey I've got you covered!
Plain text version under the cut
T’au Faction
“Once got an ork square in his head with this pulse rifle, that’s how I became Gue’vesa’ui. Technology. It saves us all in the end.” —Shas’gue’vesa’ui Edyth Yorscht
The Gue’vesa are found in regions of the galaxy where words of the Emperor ring the most hollow, and where swathes of guardsmen were sent yet never brought home. To those souls, the T’au Empire, their leaders, and their technology, ensure safety and reliability. Gue’vesa are often descended from lost regiments of the Imperial Guard; deployed far too quickly, to establish beachheads that could never hold, left stranded in hostile territories, saved by the T’au. They may not feel much difference between governance of the Imperium and that of the T’au, yet the heavy thumb of anxiety lingers should the Imperium see their treachery in full.
For the most part, Gue’vesa are absorbed into the Fire Caste of the T’au, human helpers serving as yet more bodies that can be thrown at a problem - for some Gue’vesa it is a continuation of the Imperial Guard duty they once left behind. However, humans may receive a place amongst other castes, should their T’au masters recognise their skill in other fields: those born on forge worlds or trained to repair their vehicles in the Astra Militarum may be given a place in the Earth Caste, Administratum officers and regimental quartermasters find places among the Water Caste, and Imperial Naval crew may serve the Air Caste as envoys and ground crews, as the Kor rarely set foot on any planet.
Few, if any, are granted a duty serving the Aun—Celestial Caste—for such a role carries its own heavy burden of responsibility within the T’au Empire. Gue’vesa serving the Ethereals may have been zealots of a faith that long since failed them, now tasked with preaching the Greater Good that saved them, on orders of the Ethereal Supreme and the Ethereal High Council to all other Gue’vesa.
Despite millenia of holding xenocidal doctrine, the Imperium has its uses even for those who have strayed, for their lives are no less expendable than those of the loyal. Within the Imperium, the Gue’vesa may not interact with the Imperium’s authorities in the same way as others, being distrusted at minimum, though most often outright viewed as traitors, for any influence of or loyalty to Xenos is heretical. By contrast, some few souls may see the Gue’vesa in a more positive light, an indicator that the technology of the T’au can prove useful, or at the very least that uniting forces can thwart a worse threat.
How did you become a Gue’vesa? Were you born from those guardsmen, isolated and running out of supplies, found by the T’au? Did you seek your own freedom from the brutality of the Imperium? Maybe it started with the sight of a swift death held off by a fire warrior rather than an Imperial guardsman. How do you see the Imperium — do you hold it in any particular regard, based on your time with the T’au? What of those who are more removed from the Imperium than you, do you regard them with any more empathy than those under the Emperor's light do? Maybe you see camaraderie among humans and Xenos as a path forward, together as a united force, or it could be that even the thought of it hits you with the same unease that is usually sent your way. Regardless of your origin or thoughts on the Imperium, you trust that despite its galactic dominance, you have a duty to further the Greater Good, a duty that their antiquated faith in a dead god cannot dull.
Gue’vesa Benefits
You gain +5 Fellowship, +5 to either Toughness, Ballistic Skill, or Intelligence
You have 5 Advances to spend on Tech, Ranged, Intuition, Dexterity, Lore, and Discipline.
You gain the Greater Good Talent.
You gain +1 Influence with T’au Empire
You gain +1 Advance in Forbidden Knowledge - Linguistics (T’au) 
You gain a Knife, Survival Gear, an EMP Grenade, and a Pulse Pistol
You gain your choice of a Pulse Rifle, Pulse Blaster, or a Markerlight
You can choose one of the following duties to quickly create your character. Additionally, you have +1 Influence with the T’au, the Greater Good Talent, a Knife, Survival Gear, an EMP Grenade, and a Pulse Pistol.
Shas’gue’vesa (Fire Caste)
Your duty is to engage in ranged combat wielding T’au arms, a responsibility placed upon those trusted with weaponry akin to the Shas’saal—the T’au equivalent of cadets.
Characteristics: +5 Perception, +5 Ballistic Skill
Skill advances: Intuition (2), Reflexes (1), Ranged (2)
Equipment: A Markerlight and a Pulse Rifle
Fio’gue’vesa (Earth Caste)
Your duty is to ensure the running of machines, infrastructure, and the cultivation of food. Rough hands come with a pragmatic view on tasks and years spent maintaining technology.
Characteristics: +5 Intelligence, +5 Toughness
Skill advances: Logic (2), Tech (1), Fortitude (2)
Equipment: A Drone, a Drone Controller, and a Fusion Torch
Kor’gue’vesa (Air Caste)
Your duty is to deploy where the Kor T’au do not, being sent down onto planet surfaces as an envoy or ground crew for the T’au Navy.  
Characteristics: +5 Willpower, +5 Intelligence
Skill advances: Linguistics (2), Tech (1), Ranged (2)
Equipment: Dataslate and a Micro-Bead
Por’gue’vesa (Water Caste)
Your Duty is to flow and bind all living things via diplomacy, establishing trade routes, and accompanying others from the T’au Empire to secure a functioning society.
Characteristics: +5 Fellowship, +5 Willpower
Skill advances: Rapport (1), Linguistics (2), Discipline (2)
Equipment: Dataslate and a Writing Kit
Aun’gue’vesa (Celestial Caste)
Your Duty is to guide the others under the T’au Empire, a sovereignty among the ranks. T’au born Aun produce pheromones, giving them latent control over the other castes—while a Gue’vesa doesn’t have this, your true belief for the T’au Empire and all it stands for carries the same authority.
Characteristics: +5 Fellowship, +5 Intelligence
Skill advances: Linguistics (1), Lore (1), Logic (1), Rapport (2)
Equipment: Laud Hailer and a Micro-Bead
Talent — The Greater Good
Requirement: Can only be taken during character creation. You cannot have the Ignorance Is My Shield Talent.
The T’au Empire welcomes all species who don’t resist their expansion, for it serves the Greater Good. You gain +2 SL to any Test made to influence a member of the T’au Empire or +1 SL on Tests to influence Xenos.
T’au Technology
Gue’vesa are allowed a privilege few others are—access to pulse weapons created by the T’au. These weapons are not only deadly and reliable weapons, but a status of trust from the T’au Empire. Gue’vesa are to use what is given to them wisely and with care, for questions of their discipline and worthiness of service will be raised if they fail to do so.
Pulse Weapons
Examples: Pulse Pistol, Pulse Carbine
These weapons, while similar in some ways to the plasma weapons of the Imperium, are refined to the point of optimal functionality by the T’au. While usually seen in the hands of frontline Fire Warriors, they are often also entrusted to non-T’au auxiliaries, from Kroot to Gue’vesa.
Pulse weapons deal high damage and have the Penetrating Trait.
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Grenades, Missiles, and Explosives
Weapon Trait—Haywire
When you use a weapon with the Haywire Trait to target a Zone within range and make a single Ballistics Skill (Ordnance or Thrown) Test, depending on whether the weapon is a Launcher or a thrown Grenade. There is a major disruption to all technology within the target Zone for the next Round, any Tech Tests suffer a -20 penalty.
All characters in the target Zone must make an opposed Reflexes (Dodge) Test versus the result of your Test. If you win the Opposed Test, the characters that fail become Deafened, any Augments they have Haywire for a number of Rounds equal to the difference in SL. This means that some characters in the target Zone may be affected more than others.
EMP Grenade
EMP Grenades are specifically designed to send out an electromagnetic pulse, disrupting or outright frying circuitry to a point of disuse.
EMP grenades make the target Zone go Haywire. If deployed successfully, any vulnerable electronics—dataslates, machinery, even augments—are momentarily disabled. This duration can be extended or shortened depending on the individual electronics, an eye augment may return to use before that of a console for example.
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Weapon Modifications
A Markerlight is a laser used to pinpoint targets, giving its user an exact distance between the Markerlight and the target. Others (including the target) may notice an incredibly small blue dot, revealing the shooter’s presence should they know what this is.
While attached, a Markerlights user can make a Routine Ranged (+20) Test to mark the target for 1 round, any character making a ranged attack against the marked target gets +1 SL to the Ranged Attack Test. Targets can make an Opposed Dodge (Reflexes) Test to try and avoid the Markerlight.
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Exotic*—All these items are Exotic within the Imperium. To obtain new versions of these items you must make contact with T’au Envoys.
T’au Drone
Much like the Servo-Skulls of the Imperium, T’au Drones (Kor’vesa in the T’au language) fill a similar role with one key difference: unlike Servo-Skulls, made with the minds of loyal adepts forever in service to the Emperor, T’au Drones exclusively make use of artificial intelligence rather than to pick apart the remains of those who’ve passed; a trait that inspires revulsion by Imperial doctrine that deems an use of so-called “abominable intelligence” as a grave heresy.
These disk-shaped drones carry equipment or technologies such as sensors. Drones can even wield T’au weaponry, though Gue’vesa are rarely equipped with weapon drones.
Additional Rules: A Drone hovers at roughly a foot above eye level and unless instructed otherwise keeps near its operator. Each Drone has a specific ability as described below:
Illuminator: The Drone has a plasma-fueled capacitor within itself that it can reveal and diffuse through thick glass. This acts as a glow globe or stablight (see Imperium Maledictum page 148).
Surveillance: The Drone is equipped with a singular video recorder, being used to subtlety record the movements of anyone or anything within the area, transmitting recordings to its operator’s Drone Controller.
Utility: The Drone has a mix of tools to aid in mechanical tasks, which acts as a combi-tool (see Imperium Maledictum page 146) for a character at Immediate range.
The quality of drones can vary the abilities of any implanted devices,or can have other effects such as it hovering erratically or drifting away from the character at times. Greater designs might anticipate their user’s needs, or be able to carry out more complex commands.
Drone Controller
A Drone Controller is an electronic device used to control the T’au Drone. These controllers are usually attached to the pauldrons or helms of T’au armour and battlesuits, but may be modified for handheld use.
Fusion Torch
A Fusion Torch is a T’au tool used with an intense beam created via nuclear fusion, making a short-ranged, high-powered cutting tool that not even the thickest metals can hold out on.
A Fusion Torch can be used in combination with Tech (Engineering) Tests to cut through solid objects such as bulkheads, vault doors, or walkways.
T’au and the Gue’vesa
“There’s much out there the T’au have faced. Many here would fear to face those threats. The Imperium still has much to learn.” —Hans Al'Scoth, Aun’gue’vesa’vres
The T’au Empire sits comfortably within the Ultima Segmentum, yet after a T’au Fortress Station bestowed the name T’olku El'Myam'thun—the Skystrider of the T’olku Sept—fell into a warp storm it was left dazed by stars it hadn’t glimpsed before. Clueless to the true workings of the warp, the station now lies in the Macharian Sector of Segmentum Pacificus far to the West of where it originally set off.
In the Macharian Sector
Having scanned the skies finding the pulsar stars that point thousands of light years to the east toward T’au—home—the T’au on the fortress station understood they were stranded. Bewildered by how they travelled such an extensive distance finding themselves within the Macharian Sector, their task now is to connect with the T’au Empire in some capacity, while also seeing this as a prime opportunity to invite more races into the Greater Good, and establish a T’au force within the western sections of the galaxy.
The Flow of Power
Within the T’au Empire the flow of power is simple: lower ranks answer to higher ones, answer to the highest rank, answer to the Ethereal Court, answer to the Ethereal Supreme. While the Ethereal council, who oversee all castes and aspects of expansion, is the governing body of the T’au; here in the Macharian sector the link to the highest part of the hierarchy, the elevated members of the council and the Aun’o, is severed. The Aun that were aboard the T’au Fortress Station maintain their leadership, unwavered by the uncertainty thrown upon all those onboard after such a leap through the warp.
Seat of Power
The Ethereal Supreme holds authority over the entirety of the T’au Empire, and fills a similar power role to that of the Emperor for the Imperium. This role, however, is passed down from one ruler to their protégé, for example Aun’Wei passing the role of Aun’o to Aun’Va. However here in the Macharian Sector the T’au answer to the highest ranking member of the Ethereal caste onboard the fortress station—Aun'Ui T'olku Vior'Vah, Prelate Farstone of the T'olku Sept. They do not act as a replacement for the Ethereal Supreme and Master of the Undying Spirit who resides within their home sector, but rather as a leader continuing the roles T’au have followed for millenia.
Word from voidships far outside of the Macharian Sector have spoken of seeing more T’au Orbitals appearing within the region, maybe other T’au ships entered that same warp storm, being scattered much like those who found themselves here.
As a Gue’vesa, your Patron is likely a servant of the T’au Empire, or, in a rare show of fragile trust between the T’au Empire and Imperium, you serve an Imperial Patron. 
T’au Patron
Your Patron is a member of the T’au Empire, seizing their chance in this new territory to establish a beachhead and secure alliances. Unknown to the everyday citizen of the Imperium, the T’au would appear to be just another Xenos threat, yet your Patron hopes with a helpful hand that Imperial systems will slowly come to see the higher truth of the Greater Good. The looming presence of the Imperium is ever in your Patron’s mind, forcing them into political engagements that are beyond complex.
Influence: Your Patron has +2 Influence with the T’au Empire.
Duty: Your Patron is either a Shas’o—A Fire Commander—or a Aun’saal—an Ethereal Lord.
Shas’o (Fire Commander)
Your Patron holds the highest rank within the T’au army, similar to that of a Commander. While many within the fire caste see this as the only way of leaving the T’au military aside from death, others seize it as an opportunity for control. Your Patron not only understands warfare, but has seen it up-close at a scale like few in the Fire Caste let alone the T'au Empire have been unfortunate enough to witness.
Free Boon: T’au Firepower
Your Patron is able to procure T’au weaponry with little interruption. You have Advantage on Availability Tests for T’au technology, T’au technology becomes 2 steps easier to obtain.
Aun’saal (Ethereal Lord)
Your Patron is a high-ranking T’au, a lord in their own right, and not one to mince words. Their word is law, and those words can prove inspirational. Your Patron is studious, knowing words can cut like a sword; and that negotiation is just as powerful as any gun.
Free Boon: Ethereal Caste
Your Patron’s rank within the T’au Empire allows them certain sway over all who are under them. Should it be needed, a message from your Patron can be shown to others who serve the T’au Empire. When you provide this message, you can choose to force anyone who is aware of the T’au to make a Hard (-20) Discipline (Composure) Test or capitulate to following any commands given to them. You may assume that anyone who shares a Faction with your Patron knows of their rank, while it is up to the GM who else is aware of it.
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Anything marked with an * is listed below, all others listed are found within the Imperium Maledictum Core Book.
Your Patron can call on a small squad of Kroot Mercenaries that can be found within the Macharian Sector. Once per mission, your Patron can put a number of Kroot Mercenaries (page 349) equal to the number of characters in the party under the party’s command for a day. The Kroot Mercenaries are under the control of the Gamemaster, and have been instructed to aid the party.
T’au Firepower
Your Patron is able to procure T’au weaponry with little interruption. You have Advantage on Availability Tests, T’au technology becomes 2 steps easier to obtain.
Fire Warrior Surplus
Your Patron is willing to equip you with surplus T’au Infantry supplies. You may start play with any one option from the list below. Additionally, you may spend a downtime Endeavour to claim an additional item.
A Pulse Pistol, a Pulse Rifle, or a Longshot Pulse Rifle.
3 EMP Grenades.
Any one piece of Xenos Mesh.
Either a Backpack, A Respirator, a set of Survival Gear, a Slip/Drop Harness, an Entrenching Tool, a Grapnel & Line, a Fusion Torch, or a Markerlight.
Water Caste Archive
Your Patron has collected strange and extensive knowledge of all who have joined the T’au and even those who have not. They are willing to give you access to this archive, potentially giving you information on your targets and enemies, and giving Advantage on Lore Tests.
Ethereal Caste
Your Patron’s rank within the T’au Empire allows them certain sway over all who are under them. Should it be needed, a message from your Patron can be shown to others who serve the T’au Empire. When you provide this message, you can choose to force anyone who is aware of the T’au to make a Hard (-20) Discipline (Composure) Test or capitulate to following any commands given to them. You may assume that anyone who shares a Faction with your Patron knows of their rank, while it is up to the GM who else is aware of it.
Rogue Travel
Rogue Traders: +1 Patron Influence
Your Patron has forged alliances with a Rogue Trader dynasty, and is able to arrange passage for you aboard one of their vessels. During each mission, you can undertake up to two voyages on the Rogue Traders’ vessel, including Interplanetary (Warp) travel, as well as hiding you from Imperial Authorities whilst aboard. Your accommodation and meals are of Standard Quality for a week, after which your Patron’s agreements do not cover the expense of further accommodation and rations.
Water Caste Envoy
Any one Faction: +1 Patron Influence
Once per adventure, your Patron gives you a direct line to a Por’el—a Water Caste Diplomat—granting you the right to an audience with a member of the Imperial nobility or high-ranking military on any world, with the Por’el joining you on mission, under orders of your patron to facilitate negotiation.
T’au Air Support
Your Patron can always secure you Good Quality Planetary travel on atmospheric craft. Additionally, once during a mission you can call in a focused air strike or close air support of either Imperium or T’au make, which can be resolved as three attacks of either Frag or Krak Missiles with a Ranged skill of 60. At the Gamemaster’s discretion at the exact nature of the air strike may change, for example a flyover from a Barracuda Class Fighter may consist of two attacks by Pulse Blasters and a single drop of an EMP Grenade and a Ranged skill of 60.
Redundant Observer
Your Patron wants to know exactly how you operate, and has entrusted a Drone to acquire that information. Your Patron deploys a Drone equipped with only a Video Recorder to document your exploits. These obsolete observers will occasionally hinder progress in missions by getting in the way, making noise, or otherwise bumbling around.
Background and Influence—T’au
If your Patron has positive Influence with the T’au they have likely worked alongside the T’au towards a common goal. They may have joined forces, organising a pushback on a Tyranid swarm, or perhaps some Gue’vesa aided the escape of your Patron from an oncoming Waaagh! of Orks, maybe the Patron themselves worked closely with the T’au.
If your Patron has negative Influence with the T’au they will likely have interfered with T’au plans, most likely through serving the imperium directly in conflict with the T’au, though may have had a more indirect effect such as preventing T’au technology being spread to the Gue’vesa within the sector, or maybe your Patron had some hand in warning a settlement the T’au originally targeted for the Greater Good.
Questions your players may inquire: Having a Gue’vesa character—or a T’au Patron for that matter—within a group raises more than a few questions. For example: “Why, in the Emperor’s name, would we ally with Xenos?” To which a number of reasons could be given or hidden from the players. Perhaps those further up the chain of command have allied with T’au within the sector to take out a common threat of Tyranids, Orks, or Drukhari. Maybe you are setting up a conflict with the T’au themselves later down the line; knowing your enemy always hits harder. Access to T’au technology may be another tempting reason to ally with them.
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captainblacklobster2 · 10 months
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Look upon this hammer I hold before me, for it is far more than a weapon. It is a symbol of the Imperial justice that smites the diabolic enemies of the Imperium wherever they are found, just as I. Though it has banished even a mighty Greater Daemon to the hell from which it was spawned, it remains true and pure, just as I. Furthermore, it is a symbol of my order and my office, of the authority granted to me by the divine will of the Emperor. By that authority, I am commanding you and your entire regiment to obey me without question or hesitation. Advance, or it will not be daemonic blood that stains my hammer this day.
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shootertron-stuff · 11 months
Patriotism and the banality of evil
A child writing a letter of support to her local Black Legion warband with a blood candy bar attached. The letter thanks the brave Space Marines for their service and has a crude drawing of the eight point Eye of Horus.
Sometimes a child attaches a piece of jerky or a shelf-stable curry pouch instead.
A Beastman village baking flatbreads for a traitor guard regiment about to embark on a Black Crusade and be atrociously evil. Each flatbread has the hoofprints of the breadmaker on it.
A school in Black Legion territory having an assembly celebrating "our brave freedom fighters", complete with flag waving.
Schools in the Eye of Terror teach galactic history framing the Black Legion as liberators and freedom fighters, both from the Imperium and other legions.
Chaos cultists descended from populations expelled by the Imperium during the Great Scouring telling their kids how "we suffered", to keep the flame of Vindicta alive.
Adoring fans of the Black Legion swooning as Space Marines hand out flowers during a military parade.
Black Legion-aligned chefs making a gigantic plate of hummus with the Black Legion emblem on it (made of toppings such as herbs and olives). The chefs insist it is noble and heroic as opposed the barbaric hummuses of the enemies of the Black Legion that contain corpse starch or will give you food poisoning.
Two traitor guardsmen take a picture in front of a lucky windchime, pledging on the strength of their love as they head into battle. The photo has a glow and sparkle filter and text overlayed on it with the corniest text effect possible.
The same couple posing on top of a body of corpses of their enemies. It's okay, they were scumbags who hated all that's good.
Chaos cultist growing up idolizing her warband leader, urging him to divorce his Imperial Fist wife after they go on a rampage and killed a bunch of civilians trying to run away from their abusive husband. Somebody's jealous.
Chaos cultists hearing about bad things the Black Legion did and it only makes them more patriotic, to the point they mock the victims.
Chaos cultist children collecting Black Legion GI Joes and trading cards depicting notable commanders and scientists.
Towns putting up gigantic "Welcome Home Space Marines" and "welcome home brave soldiers" billboards when their kids come to visit. There will be a gigantic welcome home party!
Traitor guardsmen visiting children at the hospital. The children hope the guardsmen have a good war and kill lots of people.
Black Legion Wounded Warriors program funded by civilians helping guardsmen with lifechanging injuries. Each year the program gets a flood of donations.
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