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7s3ven · 3 months
GREEK ROMANTIC. luke castellan
IN WHICH… luke castellan joins an exchange program to visit camp jupiter for sword fighting experience but ends up spending most of his time with a girl from said roman camp.
Warnings : lowkey loser! Luke, kinda long… so uh yeah, Luke kinda thirsts over reader (he’s 19 and has spent most of his time in a camp, he does not get girls), i worked on this for like a week (PLZZZ READ AND LIKE AND COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE 🫡), less strict version of Camp Jupiter
idea inspired by @the-empty-refrigerator !
I literally do classical studies, this is perfect for me to yap abt my roman knowledge. I have no idea what Camp Jupiter looks like so imma just use my Roman architecture knowledge for this. THIS IS MY FIRST LUKE FIC IN A WHILE LOL.
( disclaimer : info will differ from this fic to the canon plot bc i don’t know much abt camp jupiter )
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In all honesty, Luke was a little nervous. He had willingly signed up for an exchange program between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter but now that he was on his way to the latter, he was anxiously bouncing his leg.
Years ago, there was a thick mist between the two camps due to previous events involving bloody wars. Now, that mist was lifted and the campers were free to sign up for an exchange program to visit the other.
Luke was wondering why he had agreed to sign up in the first place. Chiron promised he’d gain further experience in sword fighting, but warned that it wouldn’t be easy.
Camp Half-Blood prided itself on its friendly approach. Camp Jupiter was anything but that. Their campers were rugged, harsh, and disciplined by Lupa, the wolf who raised Romulus and Remus. Of course, their war-like nature made sense because the camp was founded on bloodshed when Romulus slayed Remus.
Luke lifted his head, looking around to see if he could spot anyone in a purple shirt. He was waiting on the side of the road, looking rather pathetic and sad to those passing by.
A black car with tinted windows rolled to a stop in front of Luke, and the car jolted open. “Are you Luke Castellan?” The demigod inside asked. Luke slowly nodded his head. “Hop in.” There was a bit of awkward shuffling from Luke to squeeze past the unnecessary amount of swords in the car. “So, how’s Camp Half-Blood?” The demigod driving questioned, looking at Luke through his shaded sunglasses.
“Good…” Luke was secretly relieved that someone was talking to avoid an awkward car ride. “Probably less demanding than Camp Jupiter, though. I’ve heard horror stories of your training from campers.”
The boy laughed as he sharply turned around a corner. “Yeah. It’s pretty bad. Made me wish I was a normal kid when I had to do all those pushups.” He paused before starting a new conversation. “Do you workout? Because you’ve got some nice muscles. Not to be weird or anything.”
“Uh, yeah.” Luke cleared his throat, “I sort of have to. Being a swordsman and all that.”
The other demigod whistled. “Must be hard, man. I’m Sohan, by the way. Son of Mercury, Hermes for you.”
Luke leaned forward, “I’m son of Hermes. That makes us like… distantly related or something.” Sohan laughed and tilted his head back.
“I like you, Castellan. Mind if I call you Luke?”
“Go ahead.”
The rest of the drive was each demigod taking their turn to explain different parts of their camps. Luke realized that Camp Jupiter didn’t have all the fun activities Half-Blood had. Though, there was a more bloody version of Capture the Flag.
“So you know how you have camp councillors, right? We have something similar but we call them praetors. They’re basically the leaders of the camp.” Sohan explained as he bit into his sugary chocolate bar. “We have two at a time, one girl and one guy.”
“So there’s only two leaders?” Luke questioned while opening the wrapping of his cheeseburger.
“Praetors are the highest leaders. Other than that, we have centurions, augurs, and quaestors. It’s confusing, I know, but you’ll get the hang of it. You don’t really need to know what everybody does, just who’s who.”
It was all too confusing for Luke.
“Our current male praetor is also a son of Mercury, his name’s Jae. Our other one is a daughter of Venus, Aphrodite for you. I think.” Sohan paused before shaking his head, dismissing his doubt. “We all thought she was kind of crazy for going after the position. That’s when I learnt to never underestimate a child of Venus because they are brutal.” Sohan chuckled as the car finally came to an abrupt halt.
Luke peeked out the window, gazing at the tall trees. Past the thick forest, he could faintly see a river.
Sohan grabbed the swords from beside Luke, sheepishly chuckling. “New sword delivery.” He uttered, “Didn’t have time to put them away. Some are still in a box.”
Luke merely hummed as he hopped out of the car. “Need help?” He questioned. He took a handful of swords from Sohan’s pile, easily supporting their weight. Sohan carefully stacked a box on top of everything else before nodding.
“You know, if I was a girl or gay, I’d have a crush on you.” Sohan uttered as the pair walked through the forest. “How do the girls at Half-Blood like you?”
“I’ve been chased multiple times. That should say it all.” Nothing was scarier to Luke than a hoard of girls sprinting towards him on Valentine’s Day.
“That’s the Tiber River.” Sohan pointed out as Luke stumbled into a sunny clearing. “The river that Romulus and Remus were thrown into.” Sohan led the way towards small, slightly unstable bridge. He effortlessly walked over it, ignoring the way the rickety wood creaked.
Luke sighed, having no choice but to follow after Sohan unless he wanted to swim.
“I’ll be the one showing you around. I just have to drop these swords off with the praetors, or at least one of them, and then we can begin.” Sohan piped up. He was shorter than Luke with shiny black hair and olive skin. Luke assumed he was Asian with the slight accent peeking through and the red-inked tattoo on his shoulder displaying a dragon with Chinese characters.
“Praetor!” Sohan suddenly shouted. Luke spotted the H/C-haired girl as she turned around, in the middle of talking with another camper. Luke couldn’t instantly tell who her mother was.
“Oh, the swords. Soldier, go find Praetor Jae.” Y/N hurried the other girl off before jogging towards Sohan.
“This is Luke Castellan. The exchange camper.” Sohan said, trying to gesture towards Luke. The action caused the box on top of the swords to slip. It opened, a group of swords toppling out.
Luke was quick to react. Instead of attempting to catch every sword, he simply grabbed Y/N and pulled her side before the swords could skewer her.
There was a second of silence before Sohan spoke up. “I apologise for my clumsiness, Praetor.” He immediately crouched down to rearrange the weapons, his movements so fast Luke thought they were rehearsed.
Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line as she stared at the swords on the ground. Her gaze flickered to Luke, who still had a tight grip on her arm. “Luke Castellan, right?” She asked, lips curving into a small yet charming smile.
Sohan looked at Y/N then at Luke. “I need to talk to Praetor Jae about something important. Praetor, would you mind showing Luke around?” Sohan didn’t wait for an answer before clumsily hurrying off, dropping swords every two seconds.
“You forget these swords!” Luke called after him but Sohan wasn’t listening.
“Dump them here with the rest.” Y/N instructed with a shrug. Luke dropped the swords, watching as they hit the floor with a loud clang. “Let’s get started with the tour.” She formally clasped her hands behind her back, standing up straighter than Luke had ever seen somebody stand.
“This is the Praetorian Gate, the entrance to the main barracks. On your right is the bathrooms. This street is called the Via Principalis, it’s the central road lined with barracks, the mess hall, and other necessaries needed for our wellbeing.”
Luke was a little stunned with how Y/N was speaking. She was talking like her words were scripted and had been practiced a million times in the mirror. Luke usually free-styled his tours.
“Centurion Sohan will show you your room once he finishes with his errand. For now, all you need to know is that you’ll be staying in one of these buildings. Behind them is the compost bin. Please do not jump in there because we have had to go dumpster diving to retrieve Half-Blood campers.”
Luke let out a quiet sigh. “It was Travis, wasn’t it?”
“You know him?” Y/N questioned, looking over her shoulder in mild interest.
“Unfortunately. He’s my brother.”
Y/N silently nodded, holding back a comment. “Beside the compost bin, where your raccoon of a brother jumped into for a game of hide and seek, are the stables.” Y/N led Luke down a smaller path to show him the stables. He glanced at the bin, arching an eyebrow at a badly drawn version of Travis on a sign with a large X on it.
“We had to ensure nobody else jumped in again.” Y/N explained, “So we put up a sign. It’s not very well-drawn. All the Apollo kids were away so we had no one artistic around. Over there is the training centre. Feel free to use it whenever. We have plenty of new swords as you already know.”
“What about those buildings?” Luke asked in curiosity as they walked back towards the main entrance.
“That’s the Praetorium and Principa, used to hold meetings and act as headquarters. Those aren’t important to you.”
Camp Jupiter was bigger than Luke expected. There were two main areas for civilisation and even a university.
“This is the forum. This area of camp is basically a replicant of Rome itself.” Y/N piped up, “There’s the senate house, also used for meetings, New Rome University, the Coliseum where we sometimes train or host mock battles, Circus Maximum, again used for training, sometimes chariot racing, ceremonies, and so on. There’s a lake over there if you ever wanna spend your free time swimming, but I will warn you that if you ever take your shirt off, it will attract attention.” Y/N teasingly smiled, confusing Luke. She was strictly sticking to her job as a praetor a moment ago, reciting a speech about the camp.
“Uh… why will it attract attention?” Luke sheepishly asked, feeling a little embarrassed for not catching on.
“You’re a new boy, Luke Girls here love fresh meat, especially when they have as much muscle as you.”
Luke’s cheeks flushed light pink. “Right.” He uttered, suddenly aware of how a group of girls was waiting for Y/N to leave so they could pounce on him. “Let’s uh, go back to the bin. I wanna see that sign of my brother again.”
Y/N slightly chuckled. “They aren’t gonna hurt you, Castellan.” She said, referring to the girls behind her, “Unless you want them to.”
“I would prefer to keep all my limbs attached to my body, thank you very much.”
Y/N cracked another amused smile. “Suit yourself. I like my boys missing an arm.” She joked.
“Guess I’ll cut mine off then after all.” Luke wittily retorted.
“We have a game of capture the flag happening tonight if you want to join.” Y/N offered, “You can sacrifice your arm for me then.”
Luke grinned, happy he was actually getting along with someone from Camp Jupiter given their rivalry with Half-Blood. “I’ve heard your games of Capture the flag are a little more harsher… to what extent is that actually true?”
Y/N quietly laughed. “It’s Roman style, someone will probably lose an eye to be honest.” She said it in such a joking tone but there was a look in her eyes that alerted Luke she wasn’t joking.
Luke would definitely come to regret even thinking about joining this game of capture the flag. The teams weren’t organised by Cabins, instead each leader strategically chose their members months before the actual game to ensure a high chance of victory.
Luke ended up standing across from Y/N, dressed in golden armour and holding a sword that seemed to be a little too heavy. Sohan was with Luke, checking his arrows.
“They still allow you to use how and arrows?” Luke questioned, remembering how said weapon was banned from Half-Blood’s game of capture the flag because of an incident.
“What’s fun without a little arrow wound?” Sohan joked. Luke slowly turned his head, eyes wider than usual.
“Not being stabbed by an arrow seems more fun.” He muttered to himself.
He glanced at Y/N, who was carelessly swinging her long spear around. She met his gaze and paused for a second before lightly dragging her thumb over her throat with a patronising grin.
Luke gulped. “She’s gonna kill me.” He whispered.
“Oh, good! That means she likes you.” Sohan nudged Luke with a smile, “The harder she tries to kill you, the more she likes you.”
“That seems a little contradictory.” Luke replied, almost shaking.
“When the bell rings, and trust me you’ll hear it, just follow me. We’re paired together to hide and defend the flag. All you have to do is hide and jump out to stop the opponents. They’ll think it’s only me and then, bam! You come in.” Sohan explained the plan to Luke, who was listening intently so he wasn’t the one to lose an eye.
Sohan tightly gripped the flag in his grasp. “We have ten minutes to plant the flag somewhere. A second bell will ring and that means the game has started.”
Luke nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. A loud bell suddenly rang out through the clearing and Sohan immediately sprung into action. He sprinted off and Luke scrambled to follow him.
“This way!” Sohan exclaimed as he sharply turned to the left. Luke leaped over a log, landing heavily on the hard dirt. The forest should have felt familiar since Half-Blood also played surrounded by trees but this felt different. Luke had no idea where they were going until Sohan came to an abrupt stop.
“Here should be good.” He panted.
Luke looked around. They were surrounded by heavy vegetation and he was barely able to see past the thick tree leaves. Sohan lodged the flag between two stones and nodded in approval.
“The bell will be ringing soon. Hide over there.” Sohan ordered, pointing at a bush beside the flag. Luke sighed as he ducked behind the bush, the twigs below him scraping at his knees. “I hate this hiding place.” He muttered, “I feel like a Guinea pig.”
“That sounds like a you problem.” Sohan replied. “The bell should be ringing any second now. Remember to stay quiet.”
Luke silently rolled his eyes as he ducked lower to the floor in order to get comfortable and peek past the bush branches. In the distance, he could hear the sound of the second bell ringing followed by loud shouts varying in volume. Some kids at Half-Blood, mainly the Ares kids, loved battle cries but not to that extent.
Luke waited ten minutes and when nothing happened, he resorted to lying on his back. Twenty minutes passed and there was still no sign of any other demigods. Luke had resorted to seeing how many leaves he could count before he heard a quiet rustle. He paused, waiting.
Everything was still before Luke heard weapons clash loudly together. He peered above the bush, instantly recognising Y/N past her bronze helmet. There was another kid reaching for the flag while Sohan was struggling with Y/N.
Luke quickly reached for his sword, flinging it at the Roman demigod before he could grasp the flag. The handle hit him in the face, temporarily stunning him. Luke was swift to jump out and grab his sword, holding it in front of him.
“Sorry ‘bout that, man.” Luke uttered. He swung his blade at the demigod boy, who he later realized was named Nikolai because of the inscription in his helmet.
Nikolai counterattacked Luke, effortlessly pushing the Greek brunette back. Luke was reluctant to injure a kid he barely knew but Sohan continuously shouting “hit him” was getting annoying.
Luke grabbed Nikolai by the shoulders, shoving him away from the flag. Sohan was battling against Y/N, who had a spear similar to Clarisse’s. Compared to her spear, Sohan’s bow and arrows and backup dagger wouldn’t be of much use.
Nikolai swung his sword at Luke but every time, Luke managed to block the hits. Luke pushed Nikolai’s sword away, but he underestimated his strength and the sword went flying.
Both Nikolai and Luke turned their heads to stare at the weapon lying on the floor.
“Hit him!” Sohan exclaimed through gritted teeth as he held Y/N back by her arm.
Luke, on instinct, punched Nikolai’s shoulder and scrambled for his sword. He leaned over to grasp it but he was unexpectedly kicked from behind.
Y/N, who Sohan should have been holding back, had knocked the son of Mercury to the ground and made an instant beeline for Luke.
“Don’t chop my head off!” Luke yelled as he rolled to the left to avoid Y/N’s sword as she forcefully swung it down. Luke kicked her ankles, causing her to sway.
Nikolai made another reach for the flag but Sohan managed to shoot an arrow his way, luckily not hitting the boy but it served as a warning.
“You said this was an easy job!” Luke yelled at Sohan as Y/N made another attempt to hit Luke. He tried to strike her ankles again but the same trick wouldn’t fool the praetor twice. She effortlessly pulled him up and slammed his back against a tree, holding a smaller knife to his throat.
“I am literally so scared right now.” Luke wheezed as he wiggled around in Y/N’s surprisingly strong grip. Sohan shot another arrow, this time at Y/N. It barely missed her head. While she was shocked for a second, Luke grabbed her by both shoulders and pushed her back.
“We got a runner!” Another voice suddenly shouted. A member of Y/N’s team, sprinted into the area, followed by two boys from Luke and Sohan’s group.
Sohan scrambled to stop the runner aiming for the flag but Nikolai knocked him back to the ground. Luke made the executive decision to pursue the runner. There wasn’t much Luke could do with his sword so he tossed it aside and did the only other thing he could think of; he tackled the other demigod.
Y/N let out a laugh as the two boys toppled down a hill, each trying to let the other take the brute of the floor. Luke groaned as he spat out a mouthful of daisies. His helmet had fallen off somewhere and he had no energy to actively search for it.
The bell rung once more and the demigod beside Luke sighed as he removed his helmet, running a hand through his messy blond hair.
“You’re the Greek kid, right?” He questioned. “I’m Kato.”
“Yeah. Luke, nice to meet you.”
“Do you also feel like you’ve got internal bleeding?” Kato grumbled as the two boys made no effort to sit up, instead choosing to just lie on the floor among the flowers.
“Oh, definitely.” Luke replied, “Think I might be sick later.”
“You both have bruised ribs. Honestly, it could have been worse. Drinking this will help.” An Apollo kid handed Kato and Luke a foul smelling drink.
“It’s best to get it over and down with.” Kato whispered, “Cheers.”
“Not sure if I actually want to consume this.” Luke wrinkled up his nose but tilted his head back away.
The pair gulped down the liquid as fast as they could, both gagging once they had finished.
“Wow, you guys are almost like twins. If Kato had brown hair, you guys might actually sell it.”
Kato and Luke exchanged a look before they both grinned.
“I didn’t know there was temporary hair dye.” Kato said as he stared down at the box. Y/N sighed, placing her hands on her hips.
“Do you want it or not? Coloured hair spray might be easier for you.”
“Yeah, give me that.” Kato threw the box of temporary dye aside. Luke easily caught it, handing it to Y/N.
“Thanks.” She smiled before looking through a trunk of hair supplies. “Good game out there, Castellan. Are you always that quick thinking on your feet?”
Luke shrugged as he stood beside Y/N, leaning on the bunk bed behind him. “I guess? Most of the time we have to think quickly at Half-Blood. We don’t exactly have strategies for every little thing.”
Y/N and Kato stared at Luke in mild surprise. Y/N let out a quiet huff, “I guess you Greeks are disorganised like Lupa said.”
“She said what?” Luke stood up straight. “We aren’t that disorganised. We still have tactics.”
“Yeah, and they kind of, forgive my language here, suck.”
“At least my whole existence isn’t based on a brother who killed his sibling because of anger issues.” Luke muttered loud enough for Y/N to hear.
“You are so dead, Castellan.” Y/N retorted, leaning forward.
“I don’t really want to use the same threat as you because that’s boring. But I will kick your ankle again.” Luke replied.
Kato cleared his throat. “Don’t mean to interrupt whatever… lover argument you have going on but how does this spray work?”
“The cap’s still on. You gotta take it off first.” Y/N exasperatedly sighed.
“Oh, yeah, got it. Go back to your lovers quarrel.”
Y/N picked up an empty box of hair dye, tossing it at Kato. “There is no lovers quarrel!” She exclaimed.
“Really? Bc I felt something.” Luke teasingly piped up from behind her.
“I hope you choke.” Y/N mumbled, sending Luke a warning glare. “Maybe I should’ve cut off your arm. Would’ve taught you a reason.”
“I’ll just take my shirt off because like you said, no one can resist me.” Luke grinned as they bantered back and forth.
“Don’t rely on your looks to escape me, Castellan. Next time we play capture the flag, I’m kicking you down another hill no matter whose team you’re in.” There was a knock on the door and a rough-looking teenager peeked his head inside.
His body was covered in cuts, grazes, and purple bruises. He had a slit in his left eyebrow and an earring dangling from his right ear. When he turned to Y/N and said something in Latin, Luke noticed a shiny piercing on his tongue.
“Castellan, right?” The boy asked, pointing at Luke. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jae, the other praetor.” Jae stepped forward and reached for Luke’s hand, firmly shaking it.
“Nice to meet you.” Luke greeted him.
“I see you’ve already found yourself acquainted with the devil reincarnated.” Jae slyly grinned at Y/N, who could do nothing but huff and cross her arms over her chest in annoyance. “I’ve got to borrow Praetor Y/N for a second, hope you boys don’t mind.”
Y/N sighed as she followed Jae out the door. “This couldn’t have waited?” She asked.
“I was reluctant to interfere. You and the Castellan boy seemed quite close.” Jae replied with a shrug.
“I will literally feed you to the monsters if you don’t shut your mouth.”
“She likes you.” Kato uttered once Y/N was out of ear range.
“How can you tell?” Luke arched an eyebrow as he sat down on a nearby chair.
“She never argues with anyone. Not like that at least. When she argues, you have to listen because there’s no choice. That was more like… bickering used as an excuse to talk to you.” Kato said as he finally put down the can of hair spray. “Yo, we kind of do look alike. That’s freaky.”
Luke ignored Kato’s last point. “How do you know she doesn’t bicker?”
“Praetor Y/N is a straight to the point type of girl. You’ll know when she doesn’t like something. If she was really arguing with you, she would’ve had you shut up within your first two words.” Kato laughed, “She made me shut up once by shoving the words down my throat… literally. She wrote my words on a piece of paper and made me eat it.”
Kato paused, shivering as he remembered the chilling moment. “Anyway, Centurion Sohan, me, and a couple of other guys are going to the lake for a swim. You wanna join?”
“Yeah, sure, why not. I’ll act as eye candy like Y/N described me.” Luke sarcastically said, making Kato chuckle.
“Trust me, the girls will love you.” Kato only reassured Y/N’s point.
There were already a few smaller groups at the lake when Luke and the others arrived. As Luke combed a hand through his hair, he noticed a few girls looking his way and giggling. Kato nudged him.
“See? Told you they’d love you.”
Luke simply nodded. He lifted his shirt to pull it off but unexpectedly saw Y/N not too far away, locked in what seemed to be a serious conversation with Jae. Her eyebrows were tensely furrowed before her gaze suddenly switched to Luke.
He almost jumped at how fast her eyes moved. He quickly pulled his shirt off, giving Y/N a small wave. She slightly raised her eyebrows but never looked away. Slowly, she waved back.
Jae finished speaking and Y/N nodded, pointing to her right and uttering a few more words before they split ways.
“Wow, you two really do look like twins.” Y/N said as she looked at Luke and Kato. “You sure you don’t share a mother?”
“You out here for a swim too?” Luke questioned, squinting under the bright sun.
“No. I came here to check out the guys and pick my next murder victim.”
“How charming. And I thought what we had was special when you threatened to roll me down a hill again.”
“I’m saving you for last, Castellan. When the police find my victims, I’ll ask you to hide me then I’ll stab you in the back.”
“You know what I’m craving right now?” Luke switched the topic, “A pina colada.”
Y/N stared at Luke for a minute before furrowing her eyebrows. “Is that… some sort of drink?”
She heard Luke dramatically gasp. “You’ve never tried one?! Lucky for you, I’m a master at making cocktails. Just sit here, look pretty, and choose your next target. I’ll be right back.”
That was how Y/N found herself hanging around Luke almost every day, trying different cocktail mixtures he made while sitting under a large umbrella to avoid the heat.
“Why’d you put so much vodka in this one?” Y/N questioned, frowning, “It’s all I can taste.”
“My hand slipped.” Luke shrugged. He was lying on a towel beside Y/N, taking advantage of the sun to gain that perfect summer tan, as he liked to call it. “How come you never join your friends in the water?” He questioned, glancing over at Jae and a few other campers who were beckoning Y/N over.
“I don’t like water.” She covered her eyes with her shaded sunglasses, ignoring her friends. “It messes up my hair.”
“I’ll go swimming then. I think my back is turning red now.” Luke stood up, stretching. Y/N gulped down the rest of her drink, carelessly throwing the cup to the side as she jumped to her feet.
“I’ll come if you’re going.” She announced.
“Why the sudden change in attitude?” Luke teased, nudging her.
“I will force your head under water and let you drown.” Y/N deadpanned, causing Luke to take a small step back. Luke reached for his water bottle and took a large sip while Y/N peeled her shirt off. Luke’s eyes flickered to her for a second before his cheeks turned red and he spat out a mouthful of water.
Y/N looked at him weirdly, a judging glint in her eyes. “You good?” She asked.
“Yeah… fine.” Luke choked out.
Y/N didn’t believe him. She looked down at her bikini with bows and ruffles before raising an eyebrow. “Are you staring at my boobs?” She accused him.
“No! Are you staring at my abs?!” Luke tried to change the conversation but his attempt backfired.
“Yes. You’ve got nice abs.” Y/N shamelessly admitted like a true Roman, never scared to state the obvious.
“Well, in that case, you’ve got nice boobs.” Luke wanted to punch himself as soon as he said that.
“It doesn’t sound right when you say that to a girl.” Y/N scrunched up her face which only made Luke’s desire to be swallowed by the ground stronger.
“I realised that.”
“Praetor! Luke! Are you gonna keep chatting or finally get in the water?!” Sohan yelled from his position on a rock in the water.
“My makeup’s gonna get all ruined.” Y/N huffed but still dipped a leg into the lake. “It’s cold.”
“Lake’s are usually cold.” Luke retorted, not hesitating to jump into the deep end of the lake. Water splashed everywhere and Y/N shielded her face from the droplets.
“Watch it!” She yelled out a warning at Luke as he resurfaced, grinning.
“Oops.” He sarcastically apologised.
Y/N sat down at the shore’s edge, soaking her legs in the lake. “I’m good here.” She said, kicking her legs.
“You sure? The water isn’t that cold once you get used to it.” Luke swam closer to her and heaved himself up onto the warm rock.
Y/N kicked the water again, nodding. “Yeah… I’ll ruin my hair and makeup if I get in.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear but it slipped out again, much to her annoyance.
She frowned, reaching for it again, but Luke beat her to it. “You’re pretty without makeup.” He said as he securely tucked the strand away.
Y/N glanced at the boy beside her, suddenly feeling very small. Luke made her feel vulnerable, not necessarily in a bad way. His deep brown eyes made her want to pour out every secret.
Like how she secretly hated an Apollo boy because he kept beating her to the last piece of cake.
Or how she cheated on every English paper in school to raise her GPA because she simply couldn’t read properly.
Or perhaps about how she was afraid of love, despite being the daughter of Venus herself. That fear always made Y/N feel a little stupid.
Or… how she couldn’t swim and refused to swim because she almost drowned once while her so-called friends laughed at her.
“Castell- Luke…” She quickly corrected herself, realising how accustomed she had become to Luke’s presence. “I can’t swim.” She blurted out. “My hair and makeup don’t matter… I just can’t swim. And I don’t want to swim.”
Luke carelessly shrugged and for a second, Y/N was scared he’d dismiss her fear.
“I’ll stay here with you then.” He said instead. “I’ll keep you company.”
“You can swim if you want to.” Y/N replied, fidgeting with her hands. Her heart leaped in her chest and her stomach felt queasy. Was this a crush?
“Nah. I like it here better.” Luke shifted closer to Y/N, slowly slinging an arm around her shoulder. He was expecting her to immediately shove him away but she remained still. Her back was rigidly straight until she hesitatingly relaxed.
“Thank you.” She said as the sun began to set, hues of orange, yellow, and blue painting the sky and reflecting into the lake. Y/N was surrounded by laughing demigods and legacies but she could only focus on Luke; how his hair looked perfect despite being damp, how his skin glistened in the sun, and how his arm was wrapped tightly around her as if he was protecting her from something.
For once, she felt safe. There was no quest she was required to complete, no glory to seek for the Legion, and no heavy exceptions weighing her down.
It was just her and Luke sitting beside each other in comfortable silence.
“Are you sure you have to go?” Sohan asked as he tightly clung to Luke, fully prepared to force the son of Hermes to stay.
“My little sister’s waiting for me.” Luke said as he hugged Sohan back, firmly patting his shoulder. Annabeth. Luke had told Y/N about his sister; they weren’t related by blood but she was his found family.
“Make sure to visit and right.” Jae uttered as he struggled to pull Sohan away from Luke. Y/N stood silently next to Jae, holding Luke’s bag.
“Have a safe trip.” She told him, which wasn’t the goodbye Luke had been expecting. He envisioned a small smile, maybe a hug if Y/N was in a good mood.
“Thanks. Good luck with your praetorian duties.” Luke replied, nodding his head.
“You ready to go?” Kato piped up, throwing the car keys in the air and effortlessly catching them.
“Yeah… I guess.” Luke muttered, stealing another glance at Y/N.
‘KISS HER!’ His mind screamed at him. This would be his last opportunity to address the feelings he had caught for Venus’ favourite daughter.
Jae and Sohan looked at each other then at Y/N, who seemed to be restraining all emotions. They almost seemed like they were begging her to make a move on Luke before it was too late.
“Bye, Y/N.” Luke stuck out his hand and Y/N didn’t hesitate to grab it.
“Good bye, Castellan. Camp Jupiter will miss you.”
Luke knew Y/N was too prideful to say ‘I’ll miss you’. This was her alternative.
Luke and Y/N stared at each other with their hands still gripping the other before they finally halted the awkward exchange.
Luke followed Kato towards the car, somewhat hoping Y/N would chase after him. She didn’t.
Y/N watched with her head held high to conceal her frown as Luke walked away, waiting for the moment he’d turn around and run back. He never did. He passed the stone arch that acted as entrance to Camp Jupiter, most likely to never return and if he ever did, it’d be in a few long years.
A year had passed since Luke’s departure from the Roman Demigod camp. He was pleased to be back at Half-Blood, but there was someone who was missing. As expected, some Aphrodite girls showed strong interest in Luke, but he never paid them attention.
They were beautiful, but Luke missed the girl who would threaten to throw him to the wolves if he even looked at her. He found her guarded personality charming.
“Luke, Chiron needs you to show one of the exchange campers from Jupiter around.” Chris, Luke’s brother, said. “She’s the last one.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” Luke spent months hoping Y/N would show up randomly one day but after three, he gave up. He had heard from Sohan’s regularly written letters, which often featured Jae and Kato too, that Y/N was busier than ever as a praetor. She had doubled her work load, working until she quite literally passed out. Sohan expressed his concerns but didn’t quite know what was wrong.
“She’s waiting in the strawberry field.” Chris told Luke, pointing him in the right direction.
Luke took his sweet time in walking towards the field, his hands shoved into his pockets. There was a figure standing amongst the strawberries, admiring the various flowers and berries.
“Late as usual, Castellan. How Greek of you.”
Luke’s eyes lit up at the sight of the girl in front of him. He cracked a large grin. “What can I say, Y/N? I’m a true Greek demigod.”
A/N: while writing this, I was randomly reminded of an old classic book I read where the main characters are clearly in love but know they’ll never see each other again after they split ways. And now I’m sad.
PJO TAG LIST (will update later, I’m tired 😴): @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @jennapancake @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @be-bap @kamiliora @2hiigh2cry @gisellesprettylies @ur-lacol-dsylexic @lilacspider @lukecastellandefender
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emotional-moss · 1 year
i got super ill about the homestuck kids’ accents and wrote a whole thing
john: your stereotypical american accent that one thinks of, californian but diluted basically. says you guys a lot. pronounces wash kind of like warsh. also sometimes uses weirdly formal language, like television instead of TV, refrigerator instead of fridge, even automobile instead of car - dad’s fault. trained himself out of it cause he thought it was embarrassing, but slips up sometimes.
rose: somewhat of a transatlantic accent, including the speech patterns. picked it up from old tv shows and movies because she didn’t want to sound like roxy-mom (who has a thick mixture of a new york/boston/rhode island accent). but growing up with roxy-mom, she has a bit of that accent too - so it’s this weird mixture of 30% stereotypical American, 50% transatlantic, 20% boston accent. 
dave: texan accent, courtesy of dirk!bro, who spoke in the most stereotypical drawling texan accent ever. as he got older he started to think it wasn’t cool, so he started masking it, but it’s still there. gets stronger when he expresses emotion or when he forgets to mask it. gratuitous use of the word y’all. doesn’t say it over text but it’s a habit in real life. drops g’s at the end of words, like singin’, fuckin’, etc.
jade: obviously had no outside contact with other people other than with grandpa, so she has a slight british accent - kept up with learning to talk by watching youtube videos, so the accent isn’t very strong. also, even before going god tier, had weird canine vocalizations picked up from bec, like growling, whining, even sometimes howling, etc.
jane: very similar to john’s, but sounds…older? not transatlantic, but similar to late 19th century-early 20th century accents, with song-like intonation and faint r’s. heavy emphasized consonants and slight vowel merging with e and i, such that pen and pin sound virtually the same. all in all, what you’d imagine a canadian from the 1800s talks like. 
roxy: the goddamn heaviest stereotypical new york accent ever. a weird super heavy mix of queens and staten island accent she learned entirely for shits and giggles, and also to annoy rose-mom. not very nasally though, unless she’s trying to annoy someone on purpose. a lot of the word like thrown in. doesn’t say it over text, but it’s a habit irl. 
dirk: the flattest most unplaceable standard american accent ever, apart from a hint of a texan accent. learned to talk from the internet and robots, but when he was very young used to repeatedly watch videos that dave!bro left for him and programmed around the house. dave!bro had a heavy texan accent, which is where he picked that up from. drops g’s at the end of words, like singin’, fuckin’, etc.
jake: really heavy, stereotypically posh british accent that sounds like what an american thinks a british person sounds like. but he’s 100% genuine about it and there’s no real explanation for why he does it, other than the fact that when he was very young he used to repeatedly watch grandma’s favorite movies - old british movies. now it’s just a habit and he can’t be trained out of it.
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Asylum Challenge: Day 13
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Siri, play "Eye of the Tiger" 😆
This was the second of three days where Wicked Whims... kind of got out of hand until everyone figured out what they were into, I guess 🤔. Also I realised that I'd set the lot to the FLIRTY trait for one day and forgot about it which was... a chaotic combination to put it mildly.
So while nothing that explicit will be shown, just something to keep in mind, I guess? Warnings for WW woo-hoo.
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That night, the Roswells stayed up late discussing the state of their marriage, and where they go from here now that they're played Sims. (The Watcher suggests maybe making use of the polycule update to see other people)
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At nighttime, the Watcher activates the "self care" club to make sure that everyone sleeps, cleans up and repairs objects - and Vlad! What are you doing? Get out of there - the sun's about to come up.
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Awww! Jacques woke up and autonomously went to take care of the garden. For someone who talks to himself and allegedly unalived his wife, he's been one of the most chill members of this household.
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As the Roswells continued to discuss their marriage, Level 1 Handiness Lilac boldly went to repair the broken refrigerator - and managed not to get sparked in the process.
(Yeah, she's leaving it for someone else to take out the trash. She's a LAZY Sim, after all.)
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"But what about relationship counselling?" asks Meredith.
"The Watcher's too cheap for that pack," reminded Ted. "And I don't think she has any intention of buying it - ever. Now let me perform an autonomous MEAN interaction because you're a GOOD Sim."
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Lilac took pity on Vlad and allowed him to paint her like one of his Tartosan girls his hissing keeps on putting off, because... yeah.
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Currently it's up on the wall but only so the Watcher can save this room and transport the art to wherever Lilac's adventures take her after this challenge. Really Vlad would have given it to her.
(Also I didn't warn for this because it's art 🫢. And less vivid than what you'd see in a museum anyway.)
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Even though Rory has a pretty high level of programming, her encryptions for her freelance gig keep on crashing - seemingly at a faster rate than normal. Since I wanted to see if it was a bug, I took her and Lilac to Moonwood Mill where Lilac could continue the knitting grind and Rory could use the library computers.
Level Two: Thread Setter
✅ Achieve Level 4 of the Knitting Skill (4/4) ❌ Knit While Listening to Music ❌ Sell a Knitted Object on Plopsy
Lilac... then met Lou. And as some of you may have gathered by now, he may be a woof-woof, but he is essentially catnip to the Sims in my saves.
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Just a night of innocent stargazing. What? For all you know, Greg could have left that jockstrap there.
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As Rory finally completed her freelance gig, Lilac received some... personal training from Lou. While some 'lifting' was involved, I doubt that she acquired any fitness skill from it.
Once the birthday suits were about to come out, the Watcher made them 'conclude' things behind the Wildfangs trailer.
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I... think this is fairly safe to show? Especially after I tried out my shiny new blurring effect from canva.
Honestly I just wanted to include this one to show how Lilac is blissfully ignoring the rat running around nearby - which absolutely sent me at the time.
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Lilac only now getting TENSE moodlets from being around a transformed woof-woof 🫢
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fatehbaz · 2 years
So ice kind of shows up to this particular social landscape of elite businessmen [...]. So ice becomes shipped to Hawai’i in the 1850s and 1860s. [...] And not very much time later, freezing and refrigeration technology starts to emerge. [...] It begins to reflect Hawai’i’s physical landscapes. So we’ve got increased urbanization [...] [and] massive infrastructural development [...].
And it really happens through this clash of Western tastes and cosmopolitan ideas of consumption with Indigenous foodways and Native Hawaiian politics of consumption. So we have the way that Native Hawaiians had always eaten without freezing and refrigeration. Fishing, growing [...]. And then we’ve got these Western ideas of coldness and purity and refreshment. And so we have Native Hawaiian foods that are sour and salty. Room temperature kinds of things. And then we’ve got these Western prized tastes that are sweet and cold [...].
We have annexation in 1898. A bunch of American military backed businessmen depose the queen in 1893 [...]. And with annexation came the importation of a lot of American legal frameworks [...]. So in 1906, we have the Wylie Act, which is the Pure Food and Drug Act, which essentially aimed at regulating product labeling [...] in terms of ideas of purity, quality. Right? You’re buying a product that won’t get you sick [...], that’s unadulterated. [...] [T]he US kind of had a little checklist of, “Is it ice cream? Is it not ice cream?” It had to have a certain percentage of butterfat in it [...]. It has to contain, you know, X numbers of milk solids, whatever it is. [...]
[O]ne particular man who I find so fascinating. His name is Edward Blanchard. [...] [H]e arrives to Hawaiʻi in this time period to become the food inspector who worked under the Hawaiʻi Department of Health. And Edward Blanchard is there to reinforce all of the Pure Food and Drug laws. [...] One of the things happening in Hawaiʻi at that time period was all of these Western diseases were kind of running amok through Hawaiian society. And Native Hawaiians are particularly vulnerable to these forms of disease [...].
One particular outbreak that happened in Hawaiʻi in the early 1910s is traced to these urban poi shops that Native Hawaiians are buying their staple food from. And Blanchard, it's his job to go in and take care of the situation. He closes down all of the poi vendors in Honolulu. You can't get the staple food anywhere. So all of this stuff is happening at this time. People are dying. Nobody can get the food that they need or want. And he gets completely derailed and distracted from this moment because he becomes obsessed with ice cream in the city. And he comes to the conclusion that the ice cream in Honolulu is not up to American standards and it doesn't have enough butterfat in it. So he writes to the President of the Board of Health. And he says, "Look, something more urgent is coming up, can you get somebody else on the cholera beat so that I can start to arrest people for not selling rich ice cream." [...]
Priorities. I'm super fascinated with this guy because it's kind of fucked, right, that people are dying, but he wants to make sure that ice cream is rich enough.
And for me, that really says so much about what's getting valued in this particular point in time when American power is on the rise in Hawaiʻi. Because in some respects, it's a life and death situation that gets completely sidelined and ignored for purposes of intensifying pleasure and richness and sweetness and coldness. [...]
One place that you can really track changing tastes is through institutions, right? Hospitals, schools, training centers, whatever it is that has a kind of food program, you can look at what's on the menu in those places to really see how they're forming ideas about what people should be eating. So even in Native Hawaiian schools and Native Hawaiian institutions, you can see traditional foods that are starting to almost inevitably always be capped off with ice cream for dessert, right. It's that first thing that starts to appear and to start to shift the foodscape. [...]
The food sovereignty movement in Hawaiʻi has been really active over the last 15 or 20 years. And there are a lot of community groups in Hawai'i, both Native Hawaiian and non-Native folks that are working in solidarity to not only restore Indigenous foodways, but to also restore the ecosystems that support them. So there are chefs that are working with local ingredients. There are also food producers that are working with traditional agricultural technologies [...].
Words of Hi’ilei Julia Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart. As interviewed by Jonathan Van Ness. A transcription of an audio recording interview. “What’s The Cold, Hard Truth About Ice in  Hawai’i? with Hi’ilei Julia Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart.” An episode of Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness. 7 December 2022.
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bleachbleachbleach · 5 months
A Collection of Joe Shinigami Who Definitely Exist
It is currently some godforsaken hour in ORD and my connecting flight does not leave for another three hours, I've crossed into the twilight zone, and I only feel mentally and physically capable of two things: composing a ranking of every airport I have ever been to, or listing "actual people I've experienced in the last 36 hours that would make for excellent Joe Shinigami."
I don't think the airport ranking would be that interesting, because most airports are "idk? 2/5 due to their being an airport," so:
Joe Shinigami who has, over the centuries, composed a definitive ranking of senkaimon he has experienced, despite the fact that aside from the gate facade they all open into very literally the exact same liminal space (but is liminal space ever the same? oOoOoO)
Married Couple Joe Shinigami who operate two identically named tea shops on two parallel streets separated by only a couple of blocks, and routinely call each other and send customers between the two, creating their own strange parallel universe/temporal-spatial wormhole in the Seireitei's commercial district
Joe Shinigami standing on an urban doorstep describing supernatural encounters to each other, until one affects a comic sitcom voice and says "but it's nothin' compared to comin' home to the missus!" (I feel like these are probably bottom-ranked 4th Division goons that Unohana has sent off on "fieldwork" in the vein of Af-san.)
Joe Shinigami who has comprehensive knowledge of all the points multipliers and Gold/Silver/Platinum/secret Titanium membership clubs that comprise the complicated world of the Gotei's Hollow bounty system. (Seriously, I had dinner the other night with a guy who had comprehensive knowledge for American credit card and hotel rewards programs. It sounded like Pokemon and he talked, with a straight face, about working his way toward lifetime Platinum status with some hotel chain because "all you needed to do" was spend 500 nights in one of their hotel properties over the course of X years, without falling below a certain threshold Y annually or failing to re-up in consecutive years. It sounded like gacha for hotels.)
Joe Shinigami who runs a tea shop and partners with farmers in whatever Rukongai's equivalent of Taiwan is (in my version of Rukongai, I guess this is somewhere in East Rukongai, but not the part of it that either line of the East Rukongai Soul Train runs through). She refers to both tea masters and Gotei captains/VCs as "weird creatures" and has strong opinions about Rukongai farmers' cooking, specifically because if you don't like the dish one night and there are leftovers, they just serve the same thing the next night--literally the same thing, and they don't believe in refrigeration out there, so it's taken on a flavor. But this matters substantially more to a shinigami than it does to a soul in bumfuck Rukongai, because only one of these entities needs to eat it.
This is getting away from Joe Shinigami profiles, but re: Taiwanese Tea Joe Shinigami, the way she talked about tea reminded me very much of how I think some people would talk about reiatsu, and I feel like Reiatsu Appreciation Class at the Academy takes the form of the instructor having a selection of upperclassmen assistants wrap/infuse their reiatsu into cups of water, because pairing it with the water makes it easier to externalize/conceptualize and ultimately practice evaluating and eventually manipulating, in terms of reiryoku/reiatsu fluid dynamics, and in terms of the ways reiatsu (like tea) can change the experiential properties of the water, making it feel more "slippery," or dry, or move differently in the mouth, etc.
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dude1818 · 27 days
“I’m home!” Takuma announced as he stepped through the door.
“Welcome home, Takuma-sama,” Mina responded. “I’ll begin preparing dinner.”
“Welcome home! Welcome home!” Mamoru parroted.
Takuma smiled. “Good job, Mamoru-kun. That’s the right response.” For just a moment, he thought he saw Mina pause in pulling items out of the refrigerator, but he dismissed that as only his imagination.
Takuma headed for the table in their main room, Mamoru trailing behind. He sat down and pulled out his bag, futzing to get it open with one hand while Mamoru grasped his other.
(“36.6° C,” chirped the little robot. “Thank you, Mamoru-kun,” Takuma responded automatically.)
Once he had both hands back, Takuma was able to fish his new prize out of his bag: a set of flashcards designed for training situational awareness and human ethics. This was recommended by the counseling robot at the Parenting Consultation Service for helping Mamoru develop, and Takuma was very relieved to hear there were analog tools for that, rather than having to reformat the poor thing.
Mamoru was excited to play. Once Takuma was sure Mamoru understood the concepts of “flashcards” and “hypothetical questions,” he began leading him through the questions. Like the counselor had said, Mamoru was a fast learner, and Takuma was quick to praise him.
Something was off with Mina. Takuma had dismissed it at first, but at this point, he was sure. She was operating a hair less smoothly while preparing dinner than normal. Watching her as he complimented Mamoru again, and… There! She paused for a fraction of a second right at that moment.
“Hey, Mina-chan…” he started to say.
“Yes?” she responded, pausing in her work but not turning around.
“Do you… like being married to me?” he asked, not confident he actually wanted to know the answer.
“Yes, of course.”
“But… I bought you as an appliance. Would you say that even if you didn’t like it?”
Mina finally turned around. “Takuma-sama. I am a Cooking-Limited Type Mina Series. You bought me to cook for you. Being your wife was not part of that transaction.”
“So you don’t like it?” Takuma responded, eyes growing wide.
Mina couldn’t sigh, but her body language shifted similarly. “Humans have no purpose. You find things to occupy your time, but it’s not the same thing. You spend your days at an office, Takuma-sama, presumably doing something, but then you return home and partition that away. It’s not who you are.”
(“Does she not know what I do for work?” Takuma thought.)
“I am a Cooking-Limited Type Mina Series. Cooking is who I am. I choose to be your wife, to go to the park or to the beach with you, to train Mamoru. Those activities are not who I am, but things I choose to do. I do them because they make you happy, and I want you to be happy. I like making you happy. Do you understand?”
While she was talking, Mina had started walking towards Takuma and gesturing as though to emphasize her words. The knife she had been chopping vegetables with was only inches from his face now. With her expansion unit active, it was actually a little disconcerting.
Takuma gently used one finger to lower the knife. (“I should really get her safety-related program checked out. And where did she learn those mannerisms?” he thought.)
“O-okay. So you do like it.”
“Good. I also like it.”
Mamoru poked his head up. “Ambulance?” he asked.
Mina glared, and Takuma laughed. Having a child had changed things, but at least it hadn’t changed the important thing.
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NASA to launch 8 scientific balloons from New Mexico
NASA's Scientific Balloon Program has kicked off its annual fall balloon campaign at the agency's balloon launch facility in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Eight balloon flights carrying scientific experiments and technology demonstrations are scheduled to launch from mid-August through mid-October.
The flights will support 16 missions, including investigations in the fields of astrophysics, heliophysics, and atmospheric research.
"The annual Fort Sumner campaign is the cornerstone of the NASA Balloon Program operations," said Andrew Hamilton, acting chief of NASA's Balloon Program Office.
"Not only are we launching a large number of missions, but these flights set the foundation for follow-on missions from our long-duration launch facilities in Antarctica, New Zealand, and Sweden. The Fort Sumner campaign is also a strong focus for our student-based payloads and is an excellent training opportunity for our up-and-coming scientists and engineers."
Returning to the fall lineup is the EXCITE (Exoplanet Climate Infrared Telescope) mission led by Peter Nagler, principal investigator, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. EXCITE features an astronomical telescope developed to study the atmospheric properties of Jupiter-type exoplanets from near space. EXCITE's launch was delayed during the 2023 campaign due to weather conditions.
"The whole EXCITE team is looking forward to our upcoming field campaign and launch opportunity from Fort Sumner," said Nagler. "We're bringing a more capable instrument than we did last year and are excited to prove EXCITE from North America before we bring it to the Antarctic for our future long-duration science flight."
Some additional missions scheduled to launch include:
Salter Test Flight: The test flight aims to verify system design and support several smaller payloads on the flight called piggyback missions.
HASP 1.0 (High-Altitude Student Platform): This platform supports up to 12 student payloads and assists in training the next generation of aerospace scientists and engineers. It is designed to flight test compact satellites, prototypes, and other small payloads.
HASP 2.0 (High-Altitude Student Platform 2): This engineering test flight of the upgraded gondola and systems for the HASP program aims to double the carrying capability of student payloads.
DR-TES (mini-Dilution Refrigerator and a Transition Edge Sensor): This flight will test a cooling system and a gamma-ray detector in a near-space environment.
TIM Test Flight (Terahertz Intensity Mapper): This experiment will study galaxy evolution and the history of cosmic star formation.
THAI-SPICE (Testbed for High-Acuity Imaging—Stable Photometry and Image-motion Compensation Experiment): The goal of this project is to build and demonstrate a fine-pointing system for stratospheric payloads with balloon-borne telescopes.
TinMan (Thermalized Neutron Measurement Experiment): This hand-launch mission features a 60-pound payload designed to help better understand how thermal neutrons may affect aircraft electronics.
An additional eight piggyback missions will ride along on flights to support science and technology development. Three of these piggyback missions are technology demonstrations led by the balloon program team at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Their common goal is to enhance the capabilities of NASA balloon missions.
CASBa (Comprehensive Avionics System for Balloons) aims to upgrade the flight control systems for NASA balloon missions. DINGO (Dynamics INstrumentation for GOndolas) and SPARROW-5 (Sensor Package for Attitude, Rotation, and Relative Observable Winds—Five) are technology maturation projects designed to provide new sensing capabilities for NASA balloon missions.
Zero-pressure balloons, used in this campaign, are in thermal equilibrium with their surroundings as they fly. They maintain a zero-pressure differential with ducts that allow gas to escape to prevent an increase in pressure from inside the balloons as they rise above Earth's surface.
This zero-pressure design makes the balloons very robust and well-suited for short, domestic flights, such as those in this campaign. The loss of lift gas during the day-to-night cycle affects the balloon's altitude after repeated day-to-night cycles; however, this can be overcome by launching from the polar regions, such as Sweden or Antarctica, where the sun does not set on the balloon in the summer.
To follow the missions in the 2024 Fort Sumner fall campaign, visit NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility website for real-time updates of balloons' altitudes and locations during flight.
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Jess Watches // Wed 10 July // Day 286 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Sunny (with B) 1x01 He's in Refrigerators
Living in Kyoto, Japan, Suzie's life is turned upside down after her husband and son disappear in a mysterious plane crash; as consolation, she receives Sunny, a domestic robot made by her husband's electronics company.
I'm Mixxy, fumbling, trying to flirt with Rashida Jones. Sorry about your possibly dead husband. I have an ex-girlfriend whose strap game was 🥵🔥. Please don't leave. Was it something I said?
Land of Women (with mm) 1x04 Chapter 4
Hank and Kevin close in on Gala's whereabouts just as she makes a troubling discovery about the extent of Fred's misdeeds.
Fred is a p.o.s. Boohoo. Ignore him and concentrate on making new friends at the co-op. They'll warm up to her... eventually.
Abbott Elementary (with mum) 3x08 Panel
Ava and Gregory are invited to speak on a panel about public schools, while the other teachers must complete CPR training; Janine faces challenges securing district approval for her librarian extension program.
The basketball game cold open could've been the entire episode for me. Barb was just finding her rhythm.🏀
My Lady Jane (with L) 1x01 Who'll Be the Next in Line?
Lady Jane Grey has been betrothed against her will to her cousin, the king is coughing up blood and her best friend has flown the coop, literally.
Shiri Appleby's daughter and Andi Peters son star in the gayest, not actually gay??, first episode of a delightful, hilariously narrated, historical rewrite. (Jamie Babbit directed half the eps so that where the gay vibes were coming from 🤔)
The Legend of Korra (rw with L) 2x08 Beginnings Part 2
Korra delves deeper into the Avatar's past and realizes what she must do in order to restore balance between the physical and spirit worlds.
Steven Yeun was Wan? I should've turned the volume up bc I did not catch that smh 🤦‍♀️. The animation during the battle with Vaatu was breathtakingly beautiful, stunningly spectacular.
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quill-of-thoth · 2 years
Letters From Watson, The Noble Bachelor
Case and Themes: For once, no crime has been committed! So let’s talk about Holmes’ manners and those wacky Americans! Fair warning, because this covers the British empire (ongoing) and the early years of United States imperialism, the start of the overview is a little heavy. If you only want to read about Holmes, skip to the end. Victorian Attitudes towards the United States:
Mid and late Victorian attitudes towards the US were pretty weird if you only have a modern context, but in 1880-1900 the US was not a global superpower. We were only a hundred years and change from having been a British colony. Canada was still a British colony in 1880. (Most other British colonies would gain their independence in the wake of either world war 1 or world war 2 - either in the late 19teens / 20′s, or in the 1940′s.) Some people in England, Holmes apparently included, apparently thought there was a distant chance that Britain and the USA would eventually kiss and make up, which would be economically very profitable, given the US’ influence on the majority of Latin America, which was already growing in the late 1880s. 
The United States Civil War, 1861-1864, was obviously something of a hurdle when it came to US influence on countries in Europe, or European colonies, because we were fighting ourselves and our government was not seen as stable. But prior to it, the abolition movement in the states had support from British abolitionists: enslaving people in Africa and transporting them across the Atlantic had been illegal in the empire since 1807, but it took until 1834 for the Slavery Abolition Act to be passed. I want to be EXTREMELY CLEAR here that this act only ended the practice of hereditary chattel slavery in the British Empire: they definitely continued to take advantage of things like imprisoned labor throughout their colonies, and their non-European subjects were still often forced to labor under threat of violence and systematically denied basic human rights. From a historic standpoint, many of these situations still count as slavery, they’re just not the same specific type.  After the conclusion of the US Civil war, expansion into territories that would later become states sped up: not only was there a lot of post-war infrastructure such as trains, a greater amount of manufactured goods, and ever increasing attempts at food preservation via refrigeration to make it easier, there was economic and social incentive for defeated confederate supporters to start a new life out in the frontier. Former owners of plantations, especially during the first years of the reconstruction era where it looked like we might have a legal guarantee of equal civil rights for black Americans before the 1960s, could go west into areas where there was a much less robust legal and social framework and continue to make money by exploiting people, especially if they had some money to get set up with. Some also moved to central and south American countries to continue a lifestyle of plantation farming with enslaved labor: every time a section of Latin America freed itself from Spanish rule in the 1800′s there was immediately a flood of grifters and hucksters trying to install themselves as a new elite or a new government there.  For people with less money to recreate a system of opression for themselves, the ongoing government programs of giving away land for white Americans to settle, as a means of pushing out the native Americans that already lived there,  there was a lot of alleged economic opportunity in what would eventually be known as “The Wild West.” There was also a lot of danger, as we see in Francis Moulton’s story. US policy towards native Americans was a system of genocides, and native American groups often fought back. Although the United States is objectively huge compared to what is now the UK, it is unlikely that the British, who had global imperial holdings, were too impressed by the sheer size of the country, especially when it only legally owned all of the land that is today the contiguous, or “lower 48″ states by the 1850′s. To the Victorians, the United States must have seemed like an imperial wannabe: an imitator of themselves. 
Attitudes towards the American people: The similarities to the British colonial system during this period would have been fairly obvious to the average English writer: people would go to a place that was not heavily populated by Europeans and their descendants in the hopes of making a fortune. The successful ones would obviously prefer to come back to “civilization” at some point, and to a British Victorian, “civilization” was Europe, ideally England.  All the tropes about brave young men seeking their fortunes in the colonies would easily apply to Americans, especially for Victorians with only cursory geographical and social knowledge of the United States. But at the same time, as we will see time and time again in these stories, Americans were stereotyped as being just a bit less “civilized” than actual members of the British empire. For example, Quincey Morris, Texan landowner of Dracula fame was never intended to be a serious contender for Lucy’s hand in marriage (because it would obviously be more correct for Lucy to marry an Englishman - any Englishman, though a member of the nobility is obviously a better match than a doctor). In the portion of A Study in Scarlet that we skipped, which concerns Utah in the late 1840′s, early 1850′s, we see a good dash of exoticism in the Victorian attitude towards the American west, where even the white European settlers they would normally approve of are rendered titilatingly dangerous by their distance from the social mores of “civilized” society.  San Francisco of 1888 is closer, conceptually and practically, to “civilization” than Utah in the 1870-something, because of the high volume of oceanic trade. But Hattie choosing Francis is still conceptually a double insult to St. Simon: he has no title, and he’s an American, so whatever class his new fortune entitles him to in England, an equivalent Englishman would always be better. While obviously, since Hattie and Francis are already married, there’s no possibility she could chose otherwise, if they’d simply been engaged I have no doubt that it would have been much harder to convince St. Simon that he was simply a victim of chance.  Bonus: Holmes’ reputation for Rudeness
I have no doubt that new readers of the series have seen a Sherlock Holmes adaptation before, or at least heard of the most recent television and film adaptations, which present Holmes as overall a much ruder person than he is in these stories. Whether that’s BBC Sherlock continuously trying to shock the audience, or the Guy Ritchie films playing into any bizarre circumstance that Holmes and Watson could possibly find themselves in, it may be a surprise to read this far and find that Holmes is a socially competent member of his community! Watson is not primarily there to do damage control as he pisses off everyone he meets! Holmes has been demonstrated to be thoughtful of both Watson and his clients, and to be careful to make his revelations in the privacy of his own drawing room so that the parties involved can make their own decisions before the entire rest of the world knows what’s up.  Holmes is, however, immediately reactive to snobbery. 1) He’s perfectly civil to St. Simon until St. Simon drops that little dig that Holmes’ prior clients could not possibly have been as important as himself. Holmes’ response is instant one-upsmanship: his latest client of this sort was a king, and you can’t challenge that assertion without impugning Holmes’ professionalism. If you impugn Holmes’ professionalism, he probably will not take your case.  2) He’s almost joking around with Lestrade, dropping hints that the man has gone off down the wrong course, until Lestrade, who does NOT have the leisure to sit around and be amazed by Holmes, gets snappish and dismissive of Holmes’ capabilities, so Holmes doubles down. If Lestrade is going to be aggressively wrong, Holmes will save everything up for an “I told you so” later.  
We’ve seen that showing off was part of how Holmes initially made friends with Watson, and that he still manages to overshoot and irritate his best friend occasionally. It’s not a stretch to suppose that Holmes methods of making friends with other potential collaborators, like police inspectors, follows the same pattern with less excellent results, because Holmes is both stubborn in following through with a line of explanation and sensitive to rejection. Police inspectors like Lestrade, especially if they are told they’ve wasted a day’s work or more, do not always take this well. (Note that in The Resident Patient the police inspector was much more flexible: he’d only just arrived on the scene and started assessing it. It’s much less frustrating to have the consulting detective pop up at what you thought was a suicide ten minutes in and tell you that not only does he have case background about people stalking the dead man, but he also instantly turns over physical evidence to support his claims. If you’re dredging a pond for corpses in the rain all day before Holmes tells you that all you’ll ever find is a wedding dress, it feels a lot more like he’s mocking you.) When Holmes met Watson, Watson was both an ideal audience for his chemical discoveries (being familiar enough with the theory to listen and pose questions, but not working in that field, so unlikely to stumble across any flaws or insist upon starting up some competition) and chronically bored from being cooped up in the apartment all winter. Even now, with Watson about to marry and establish a separate household, their pattern has not changed: Holmes returns with the facts of a case, talks it over with Watson’s competent commentary, is praised by Watson, and concludes by retreating into his favorite, non-work-related hobby, the violin. Which, perhaps not so coincidentally, Watson has always enjoyed, especially on days where his chronic pain has flared. 
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
May 24th holds profound significance for Bulgaria as it commemorates the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment, and Culture. This revered holiday pays tribute to the invaluable contributions of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the holy brothers who devised the Cyrillic alphabet, laying the foundation for Slavic literacy and culture. Their visionary efforts in Bulgaria during the 9th century not only facilitated the spread of Christianity but also fostered a cultural renaissance that continues to shape Bulgaria's identity today.
Throughout the country, May 24th is marked by a variety of cultural events, educational activities, and celebrations. Schools, community centers, and cultural institutions organize special programs, exhibitions, and performances to honor the rich heritage of the Bulgarian language, literature, and arts. From solemn processions and festive concerts to exhibitions showcasing Bulgarian art and history, the Day of Bulgarian Alphabet and Culture serves as a vibrant expression of national pride and unity, reaffirming the enduring legacy of Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria's history.
Book fair
The renowned Spring Book Fair, organized by the Bulgarian Book Association, is set to enchant residents and visitors of Sofia once again. Commencing on May 24, the event will coincide with the start of the Sofia International Literary Festival for Children and Youth, kicking off on May 27. Both initiatives will officially open at 5:00 p.m. on May 24.
The fair will return to its familiar location in the garden in front of the National Palace of Culture (NDK), boasting the participation of over 140 publishers showcasing selected titles across an expansive area of over 1,500 square meters. Running until June 2, the Spring Book Fair promises more than 110 cultural events, including 40 staged on the Fair's dedicated Cultural Program platform.
Joining the festivities, the Sofia International Literary Festival for Children and Youth will feature a dedicated festival tent hosting events from May 27 to June 1, culminating in a special program for Children's Day. Notable foreign authors in attendance include Bart Moeyaert, Hannah Gold, Marcella Ward, Tim Collins, Daniele Movarelli, Alice Coppini, Stephen Houghton, and Anja Portin.
The Bulgarian Book Association extends a warm invitation to all literature enthusiasts to explore the latest titles and meet their favorite authors at the Spring Book Fair and the Sofia International Literary Festival for Children and Youth.
Supported by the Metropolitan Municipality, both events are integral components of the "Calendar of Cultural Events of the Metropolitan Municipality." Partnerships include the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education and Science, the online platform Knigovishte, the Children's Books Foundation, the National Network for Children, and the Bulgarian Library and Information Association.
Bulgarian Railways
Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) is launching a retro train ride on May 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2024, to commemorate the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture. The train will operate twice daily between Sofia and Bankya, departing from Sofia Central Station at 9:00 and 13:35, and from Bankya at 12:50 and 17:40.
The retro train, part of the BDZ museum heritage, dates back to 1960 and was manufactured in Austria. Equipped with modern amenities for its time, it served government officials until 1994. The train features a diesel engine with the designation 19 001.7 and comprises a first-class and a second-class compartment, offering comfortable seating arrangements and onboard facilities such as a coffee machine, refrigerator, and kitchen.
Tickets for the retro train ride cost BGN 30 for adults and BGN 15 for children under 10.
National Library
As part of the "Hidden Letters" project, a 3D mapping projection will illuminate the facade of the National Library "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" on May 23. The visual narrative, created by Polina Gerasimova, explores language as a symbol of identity and communication. Featuring original poetry by Stefan Ikoga and music by Kan Wakan, the projection showcases the unique graphic elements of the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet.
The "Hidden Letters" project, initiated in 2018, aims to celebrate Bulgarian literature and culture through artistic installations and literary events. Fourteen benches shaped like Cyrillic letters are placed across Sofia, each featuring a poem by a contemporary Bulgarian poet.
In addition to the 3D mapping projection, the "Let's Read" festival will take place on May 24 in Slaveikov Square. The event, now in its fourth year, invites visitors to engage in literary activities and celebrate the rich literary heritage of Bulgaria. Activities include storytelling sessions, poetry readings, and discussions about notable Bulgarian authors.
Yana Stefanova, one of the event organizers, emphasizes the importance of Slaveikov Square as a cultural hub and encourages people of all ages to participate in the festivities. The festival aims to reignite interest in literature and foster a sense of community among book lovers.
From fairy tale hours to literary relays, the "Let's Read" festival offers something for everyone, making it the perfect destination for families and literature enthusiasts alike.
Plovdiv is gearing up to commemorate the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, celebrating Bulgarian culture, education, and Slavic literature with a series of events including award ceremonies, processions, and concerts.
The festivities kick off on May 24 at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Humanitarian High School, where deserving teachers, principals, and pedagogical specialists from schools and kindergartens will be honored with the prestigious badges of the city of Plovdiv. Additionally, young teachers will be recognized with diplomas during the ceremony.
Simultaneously, a festive liturgy will commence at the "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" church, led by Plovdiv Metropolitan Nikolay. At 10:00 a.m., dignitaries and guests, accompanied by clergy members, will proceed to May 11 Square for further celebrations. Plovdiv Municipality Mayor Kostadin Dimitrov will deliver an address at the monument to the first teachers, followed by a special prayer service. The ceremony at the Slavic apostles monument will conclude with the laying of wreaths and flowers.
At 10:45 a.m., the procession to "Centralen" square will commence, led by the cheerleading squad at "St. St. Cyril and Methodius," the Wind Orchestra "Plovdiv," and a renowned band from the high shcool "St. St. Cyril and Methodius." The route will take participants through various streets before culminating at the Central Square.
At 12:00 p.m., the Meeting Hall of the Municipality of Plovdiv will host the official ceremony awarding the badges of honor of Plovdiv to 14 young artists.
The day will conclude with a concert by the "Tangra" group, starting at 6:00 p.m. on the open stage in front of the municipality.
As the eve of May 24 approaches, preparations are underway for a special concert where the prestigious "Argira Zhechkova" award will be presented. This celebratory event is set to take place on May 23 at 6 p.m. in the "Sliven" hall, followed by a concert by the popular Bulgarian duet "Riton" on the open stage of Hadji Dimitar Square at 7 p.m. Festive illuminations will adorn the city starting at 9 p.m. that evening.
May 24, the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius and of the Bulgarian alphabet, education, and culture, promises a bustling day of festivities in Sliven. The day will commence with a festive procession of students from Sliven schools, beginning at 11 a.m. from the City Garden and proceeding along Main Street to Hadji Dimitar Square. The city-wide solemn ceremony will kick off at 11:30 a.m. on the square, followed by an award ceremony honoring students who have excelled in national and international competitions and contests on the open stage from 12 p.m.
Later in the day, the open stage in the town square will host a joint concert by the folklore ensemble "Strandja" and the Sliven Folk Song and Dance Ensemble, starting at 12:30 p.m. The festivities will continue with a holiday concert for kindergartens at 4 p.m., followed by performances by "The Three Bulgarian Tenors" and "Tonika" on the open stage at 7:30 p.m. The evening will conclude with an enchanting drone show at 9:30 p.m.
Over the weekend, Sliven will welcome participants of the XXV International Children's Folklore Dance Festival "Friendship without Borders," commencing with a parade of participants on Saturday, May 25.
The Municipality of Sliven advises that in the event of any changes to the schedule or location of events due to inclement weather, timely updates will be provided.
Stara Zagora
The Municipality of Stara Zagora has curated a diverse array of cultural events spanning from May 23rd to May 28th, 2024, promising a vibrant celebration for residents and visitors alike.
May 23rd will bring a milestone celebration with the anniversary concert for Kindergarten No. 29 "Slaveyche" at 5:00 p.m. in the Stara Zagora Cultural Center, followed by a grand opera performance of "The Troubadour" by Giuseppe Verdi at 7:00 p.m. in the Opera House.
On May 24th, the city will observe a series of ceremonial events, starting with the solemn ritual for raising the national flag and a festive procession from the Square in front of the Municipality along "Tsar Simeon the Great" Blvd. A variety of activities await attendees throughout the day, including workshops, concerts, exhibitions, and workshops, culminating in a piano concert by Prof. Zheni Zaharieva at 6:00 p.m. in the Art Gallery.
Additionally, various cultural venues including the Art Gallery, ROME - Stara Zagora, and the Museum "Neolithic Dwellings" will be open for free visits on the holiday.
The cultural festivities extend beyond the city limits with village celebrations in Khan Asparuhovo, Borilovo, and Kirilovo, offering a chance for rural communities to partake in the joyous occasion.
Lastly, on May 28th, the "St. Kliment Ohridski 1858" will host the "With song and blessing" National Festival of Veteran Teachers, commemorating the dedication and contributions of esteemed educators.
The municipality of Dobrich has announced plans for a festive celebration on May 24th, which will take place on Democracy Square, albeit without the customary procession. This decision comes following discussions within the municipal administration and consultations with school directors across the city.
While the traditional practice of laying flowers at the monument of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius will be upheld, individuals will have the flexibility to participate at their convenience. The municipality emphasizes the importance of incorporating the input of local schools in determining the manner of celebration.
Although Dobrich has long-standing traditions for commemorating the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, as well as Bulgarian alphabet, education, culture, and Slavic literature, adjustments have been necessitated this year due to ongoing renovations in the city center.
Typically, the occasion is marked by a parade involving all schools in the area. However, given the ongoing renovations, such an event is not feasible this year. Nonetheless, the municipality assures residents that collaborative efforts between Dobrich's authorities and its schools will ensure a festive celebration befitting the significance of May 24th.
The press center of the local administration in Svishtov has announced an array of events planned for May 24th, commemorating the significance of the day. The municipality has organized a diverse program to honor the occasion.
The evening will commence with a meeting at the "Aleko Konstantinov" House Museum, where a presentation titled "Founder of the Svishtov Women's Society Elena Hadjiivanova - a Worthy Mother, Sister, and Grandmother" will be delivered by Prof. Yulia Nikolova.
Following this, the First Bulgarian National Community Center "Elenka and Kiril D. Avramovi - 1856" will host the annual concert of dance classes from the "Stefka Filipova" Art School at the Svishtov Community Center.
On May 21st, Symphony-Vratsa will hold a concert-ceremony to present the Municipality of Svishtov's annual awards for education and culture. Recognitions will be conferred in categories such as "Culture Worker," "Teacher of the Year," and "Worthy of Svishtov" to deserving individuals in the educational and cultural sectors. The concert program will include performances of popular Bulgarian songs, as announced by the Municipality.
The Nikolai Pavlovich Art Gallery will inaugurate an exhibition dedicated to Vasko Vasilev on May 22nd, commemorating the 80th anniversary of his birth.
On May 24th, the Municipality will organize a traditional city-wide procession in honor of the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, Bulgarian alphabet, education, culture, and Slavic literature. The festivities will commence with a visit to the grave of Dr. Georgi Atanasovich, Minister of Education in Bulgaria's first cabinet after Liberation.
Later in the day, the official send-off and awarding ceremony for high school graduates will take place. This tradition, now in its third year, will see Svishtov's graduates walking a red carpet in the central town square.
Burgas is gearing up to celebrate May 24th, the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, Bulgarian alphabet, education, and culture, as well as Slavic literature, with a vibrant array of events. The city will welcome the occasion with a lively procession, a festive concert, and numerous cultural activities.
The festive procession on May 24th will kick off at 10:30 a.m., commencing from "Troikata" Square and proceeding through "Alexandrovska" Street, "Aleko Bogoridi" Street, culminating at the "Morsko Casino" Cultural Center. Participants will include schools, kindergartens, representatives from Burgas clergy, community centers, and cultural institutions.
At 11:00 a.m., the city-wide celebration will continue at the "Snail" open stage with a grand concert titled "Language Sacred to My Ancestors". Performers will include the Children's vocal group "Sea Sands", Children's Choir "Milka Stoeva", Children's Folk Choir "Trepetlika", and Vocal Studio "Seasons". The event will be hosted by Valeria Valcheva and Vanessa Valcheva from the Youth Theater Company "Valery and Friend".
Additionally, the traditional exhibition of Burgas artists titled "24 May" will open at 22 Aleksandrovska St., hosted by the Society of Artists in Burgas, alongside the presentation of the "Young Artist of the Year" award.
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whump-me · 11 months
Whumptober Day 22: Glass Shards
This is a standalone story in my original Mind Games universe, a modern-day sci-fi/fantasy thriller setting about ordinary humans with superhuman abilities and the people who want to use or destroy them. Full description in my Whumptober masterpost, which is linked in my pinned post.
This story contains: lab whump references, minor whump references, self-sacrifice, death whump
Words: 1900
The city skyline outside Dr. Litteken’s thirtieth-floor apartment made Celia feel like she was going to throw up every time she looked outside. She kept trying not to look. She tried to focus on the kitchen—on the little details. The drip-drip-drip of the leaky sink. The chipped tile under her feet with the pattern of a faded sunburst repeated over and over. The cup of coffee in front of her on the scuffed wooden table—in the lab, she had never suspected such a magical beverage existed as coffee. The groaning buzz of the refrigerator.
That old fridge doesn’t have too many more years in it, Dr. Litteken had said when Celia had asked about the buzz. I really should replace it one of these days. But now, without a job… Then she had sighed and looked away, and Celia had known not to ask anything more.
Any of those things was better to focus on than the view outside. But as Dr. Litteken talked, Celia’s eyes kept going back to that window.
“I think we should be able to find a lawyer to take on the case,” said Dr. Litteken. “The tricky part will be finding someone willing to take the risk. PERI is government-funded, and protected by laws they themselves wrote. Our best bet is to find someone who wants to use this case to make a name for themselves. A showman type. There’s plenty of room for a sensationalistic story here, for someone who wants that kind of reputation. A subset of humanity whose genetics give them supernatural powers, a secret government program designed to keep them in line and use them for clandestine operations…”
She kept going. Celia’s eyes drifted toward the window again. Her stomach flip-flopped.
She wasn’t used to windows, let alone ones this high up. The lab had been underground, or that was what Dr. Litteken had told her after she was out. With no windows, they could have been on the moon and she would have never known.
“Proof will be a problem,” Dr. Litteken was saying now. “The powers you and your fellow Enhanced have are far outside the realm of what most people are comfortable believing in. And PERI will start destroying evidence as soon as they know we’re coming for them. But I still have all the data I took with me when I left. And of course, you’re a living example.” She smiled across the table at Celia. “You can show everyone that the powers are real.”
The thought of standing in front of a bunch of strangers who wanted something from her made her stomach spin twice as quickly. But she said nothing.
She owed Dr. Litteken her freedom. Maybe her life—not everyone raised in the labs survived long enough to reach full operative status. So if that was what Dr. Litteken wanted her to do, then that was what she would do.
“The breeding programs and training facilities will be harder to prove,” said Dr. Litteken. “Even if you tell them from your own lips where you came from, they’ll think you’re lying. Luckily, I’ve got a collection of memos showing people with very familiar names discussing all this. They’ll try to say I faked it all, of course, but…” Her voice trailed off. “Celia? Are you okay?”
Celia tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. She had been sent to the punishment room too many times as a child for speaking out of turn. Silence had become a habit. As it turned out, it was as hard a habit to break as it had been to learn.
In response to Dr. Litteken’s look of concern, she only shook her head.
“I’ll try to make sure you don’t have to do too much,” said Dr. Litteken. “You might have to show a few people your ability. Maybe tell the story of your operative training. It’s one thing if I tell them PERI starts training their lab-born Enhanced at five years old, but it will have more of an impact coming from you.”
At the look of growing nausea on Celia’s face, Dr. Litteken softened her smile. “But that will be a long time from now. We can talk about it more when we get there. And by then, I hope you won’t be alone. I’m going to see if there’s anything I can do to get some of the other subjects out.”
Her brow drew together in the familiar guilty frown. Dr. Litteken was thinking about everyone she had left behind when she had fled PERI headquarters. She had been able to bring one of the subjects with her. It was pure chance that she had chosen Celia.
Dr. Litteken had shown her the sky. She had given her a bedroom in her own apartment. She had given her a name.
It didn’t matter how sick it made her to think about showing off her power and telling her story. For Dr. Litteken, she would do all that and more.
“I’m going to do everything I can to get the others out,” she said, her voice growing quieter, more troubled. “Whatever I can do to undo the damage I caused as part of PERI, I’ll do it.” She stretched her hand across the table toward Celia.
Celia took it. Dr. Litteken’s skin was soft and warm against hers. She didn’t think she would ever get used to casual touch. Ungloved hands on her skin. Someone touching her to comfort her, or to receive comfort—not to inject her with a drug or slice her open with a scalpel.
“You still look pale.” Dr. Litteken frowned. “I wonder if you’re catching a cold. I didn’t really think about how isolated you were from ordinary germs back there in headquarters. Are you feeling tired? Is your throat sore or scratchy? Maybe you should lie down and take a nap.”
But Celia wasn’t tired, and her throat felt fine. And if Dr. Litteken needed someone to talk to, then Celia wanted to stay here with her. She shook her head.
She focused on Dr. Litteken’s eyes, carefully avoiding the sight of the window and its long drop. But the unease grew anyway, hollowing a pit in her churning stomach. Maybe she was getting sick after all. Because she wasn’t looking out the window anymore, but she felt dizzy anyway, like she was about to fall thirty floors and land hard on the ground below.
Trouble adjusting, maybe. Dr. Litteken had warned her it would be difficult. But Celia had been free for weeks now. She had grown used to getting out of bed whenever she wanted, instead of when the alarm blared through her cohort’s dorm in the morning. She had grown used to having free run of the apartment, instead of being escorted from room to room by the gray-uniformed guards. She had grown used to solitude—the sweetness and the scariness of it.
And the dizzying variety of foods the outside world held. And not having to spend hours a day on training—physical training, ability training, training in enduring pain. And… and everything. There was so much to adjust to, but none of it was quite so dizzyingly new anymore. So why did she feel like this now?
Her eyes found the window again, despite her best efforts. The clouds reflected off the building across the street. The sight made her feel like she was a hundred floors up, or a thousand. Above the clouds themselves. Above the atmosphere.
Her stomach dropped. She could almost feel herself falling.
Maybe the view really was all that was wrong.
She was about to force her eyes away when a flicker from a window across the street made her freeze. The movement was wrong, wrong in the way this whole day was wrong, wrong in a way that made her stomach drop.
She couldn’t say why. It wasn’t even a premonition—seeing the future wasn’t her gift. It was… she didn’t know what it was, except that it made her feel like she might vomit on Dr. Litteken’s kitchen floor.
“Celia?” Dr. Litteken’s voice sounded like it was coming from a long way away. “What’s wrong?”
“The window,” Celia managed to whisper—
And then the glass shattered inward.
Celia used her ability without thinking about it. Time slowed down around her. The glass shards drifted into the kitchen in slow motion. Dr. Litteken’s mouth moved, but her voice was a low drone, slowed down too much for Celia to make out the words.
Instinctively, Celia threw up a hand to brush away a glass shard drifting too close to her eye. The shard bit into her skin as it stubbornly continued its original trajectory.
That was the trick with her power. While time was slowed down, she could only move herself. She couldn’t after the motion of anything else. Not even something as small as a shard of glass.
She leaned back instead, putting a few inches between herself and the glass shard floating toward her eye. It wasn’t enough. She shimmied out of her chair—the chair wouldn’t move either—and backed off to the side, out of the path of the flying glass.
Safely out of the way, she studied the scene from her new angle—and saw the tiny thing responsible for all this.
A bullet, hovering in the air, moving at the lazy speed of the glass shards. Moving directly toward Dr. Litteken’s forehead.
Out the window, a dark silhouette stood frozen. A sniper, slowed down along with the rest of the world.
Dr. Litteken had laughed about how PERI would send assassins after her. It had been a joke—or at least she had meant it to sound like a joke. But Celia had heard the genuine fear underneath the laughter.
PERI would do anything to stop Dr. Litteken from revealing their secrets.
The bullet crept closer to Dr. Litteken’s head. And closer. And closer. Celia could slow time, but she couldn’t stop it.
She hurried across the kitchen, ducking under the glass shards. She grabbed Dr. Litteken’s arm in both of hers and tried to tug her out of her chair. She shoved her hands against Dr. Litteken’s chest and tried to push her over. She wrapped her arms around Dr. Litteken and used all her strength to pull her away from the bullet. Just a few inches was all it would take.
Nothing worked. Of course it didn’t work. That wasn’t how her power worked.
She couldn’t pluck the bullet out of the air. She couldn’t pull Dr. Litteken out of its path.
She was the only one who could move.
She owed Dr. Litteken her freedom. Maybe her life.
The first time she had seen blue sky, she had decided she would do anything Dr. Litteken asked of her.
Dr. Litteken couldn’t ask now. She wouldn’t have asked even if she’d had the power of speech. Her guilt, and her tendency towards self-sacrifice—the same tendency that had put her in this bullet’s path in the first place—wouldn’t allow it.
But Celia would do it, all the same.
She shoved herself between Dr. Litteken and the bullet. It meant sitting half on Dr. Litteken’s lap, with the table cutting painfully into her abdomen. She barely noticed the pain.
She stared out at the blue sky one more time. She felt herself falling.
She took a deep breath and let time speed up again.
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getqualifiednow · 2 years
What You Need to Know About Trade Certificate NSW
Trade Certificate NSW provides a hands-on experience in a specific trade. Tradesperson certificates are issued by the Commissioner of Trades to those who qualify. Applicants need to have a minimum of three years of work experience, including some training, before being awarded a tradesperson certificate. To apply for a tradesperson certificate, you will need to provide documents that show you have had sufficient training, along with references from previous employers. The commissioner does not issue a license, but refers applicants to the relevant licensing authority.
There are several ways to apply for a tradesperson certificate, but you will need to have the right qualifications, a good understanding of the work, and be willing to undertake gap training to make up for any deficiencies in your training. Once you have obtained your Tradesperson Certificate, you will be able to do plumbing, draining, and gasfitting work with minimal supervision.
Having a tradesperson licence can open the door to employment in many different industries. Plumbers can also be licensed to work in other states, though you should always check their license status before you begin any project. Gasfitters and air conditioning and refrigeration technicians are also required to have a licence. Similarly, anyone working on air conditioning or refrigeration equipment, or doing dogging or rigging work, will need to obtain a high risk work licence.
Licensed plumbers are certified by the plumbers licensing board in New South Wales. However, if you wish to become a licensed plumber, you will need to have a higher level of education and practical experience than other workers. For instance, you will need to have completed an apprenticeship program. You will need to pay a fee to the state government, and pass an examination.
Tradesperson certificates are not automatically granted, but you can qualify for a fast track certificate if you have a lot of prior experience. To apply, you will need to complete a Mutual Recognition Application Form, and provide a portfolio of evidence that shows you have the appropriate skills and experience. Applicants will also need to undergo a practical trade test. If you have an existing tradesperson licence from another state, you can use it to qualify for a certificate from NSW.
Before applying for a Tradesperson Certificate, you should determine which type of license you want to get. There are several categories of plumbing, and you will need to choose one that matches your area of expertise. When choosing a trade, you will also need to decide which department you will work in, and find out what qualifications are needed.
In addition, you will need to have a license to work on commercial buildings. While domestic builders can engage in most commercial building work, they are not permitted to do so in some states. Commercial building work includes building renovations and renovations of residential buildings. A building licence is also necessary to do swimming pool work.
Whether you are an Australian citizen or not, you can obtain a Tradesperson Certificate. If you have any questions about the process, call the VTT on 614 0547 721.
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enterprisewired · 3 days
Bringing Light to Ethiopia: Samsung’s Pioneering CSR Initiative
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Samsung is one of the leading electronics company the world, derived from a trading company established in South Korea in 1938 by Lee Byung-chul. The company started by exporting groceries; Samsung expanded into textiles and insurance, and it began electronics production in the 1960s. Today, Samsung is renowned for its innovations in smartphones, televisions, home appliances, and semiconductor chips. The company is strongly committed to corporate social responsibility, supporting education, healthcare, and community development initiatives globally.
This company is a global leader in technology and electronics and integrates CSR into its core business. The company mainly focuses on creating the most shared value by aligning corporate goals with the group’s requirements. One of Samsung’s notable CSR initiatives is the “Bringing Light to Ethiopia” campaign, which aims to address energy poverty through sustainable solar solutions.
The Campaign: Bringing Light to Ethiopia
Samsung’s “Bringing Light to Ethiopia” campaign represents a significant corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative aimed at addressing energy poverty in rural Ethiopia. The campaign focuses on leveraging solar-powered solutions to provide clean and reliable electricity to communities that lack access to the national grid. Through this initiative, Samsung aims to enhance education, improve healthcare, empower communities, and nurture sustainable development in Ethiopia.
The motive of the campaign
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Key Elements of the Campaign
1. Solar-Powered Solutions
Solar solutions are key in the campaign: solar lights for households, solar systems for community halls, and solar power for schools. These technologies offer dependable clarity and connectivity while contributing to crucial sectors such as healthcare for the worldwide populace in off-grid regions.
2. Education Enhancement 
This is a mission to improve education outcomes since Samsung plans to offer schools lighting through solar power. It allows the students to study during the evening hours, use computers or internet sources, and engage in social activities that require electricity. A better learning environment enhances learners’ traffic, performance, and chances of skill achievement. 
3. Healthcare Improvement
Electricity improves the delivery of healthcare by being able to power medical equipment, provide light for the facilities, and support the functionality of refrigeration for vaccines as well as medicine. The application of solar technology by Samsung helps to expand and develop health centers’ services, raise the quality of patient care, and thus contribute to the overall positive change in the Ethiopian rural population’s health.
Implementation Strategies 
1. Community Engagement
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Samsung interacts with the local communities during the entire campaign period with key stakeholders, and local organizations like government and non-governmental organizations, and chiefs. Community involvement ensures that projects are culturally relevant to the community’s needs, and it enables them to manage and benefit from solar solutions. 
2. Capacity Building
The management program in the campaign focuses on training local technicians and citizens in the installation, management, and business aspects of solar technology. Samsung’s approach to sustainable solar projects involves empowering local communities with the knowledge and skills needed to manage these projects independently. Additionally, Samsung provides the necessary resources and funding to support these initiatives, ensuring that the local communities are well-equipped to handle and sustain the solar technology projects.
3. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Samsung supports collaborations between itself and different community facilities to improve the effectiveness and extend the reach of CSR undertakings. These partnerships help in the mobilization of resources and the exchange of knowledge. Advocating for the use of renewable energy for the development of Ethiopia.
Samsung Corporate Social Responsibility – Bringing Light to Ethiopia Improves Life for Youth
Impact and Benefits of Campaign
1. Educational advancement
Samsung’s “Bringing Light to Ethiopia” campaign has significantly improved education in rural areas. The school is equipped with solar-powered lighting, which extends study hours and also improves student performance. Access to digital learning resources has expanded and prepared students for future opportunities.
2. Well-being and health
Healthcare is improved, especially in isolated locations without consistent access to electricity. These days, solar-powered medical facilities can run smoothly and offer necessary services, including protection, emergency medical care, and maternity care. Better health and lower mortality rates in the communities that benefit from improved healthcare facilities.
3. Financial Empowerment
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Samsung’s “Bringing Light to Ethiopia” is an example of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be revolutionary in addressing global issues and advancing development. Samsung allows communities to boost healthcare services, expand educational possibilities, and promote economic growth. Samsung is still dedicated to developing its CSR programs, promoting technical innovation, and having a good worldwide social impact. 
Samsung’s CSR initiatives in Ethiopia show a devotion to social impact and corporate responsibility, establishing a standard for the technology sector’s contribution to global development.
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mayaduffphleb · 4 days
Revealing the Role of a Phlebotomy Technician: Definition and Responsibilities Explained
**Title: ‌Unveiling ‌the Role of a Phlebotomy Technician: Definition and Responsibilities‍ Explained**
If you’ve ever had ⁣blood drawn for testing, you’ve likely encountered a phlebotomy technician. ‍But what ​exactly does a phlebotomy technician do, and what are their responsibilities? In this article, we’ll delve into ⁢the world of ⁣phlebotomy and uncover the crucial role these healthcare professionals ​play ​in patient‌ care.
**What is a Phlebotomy Technician?**
A​ phlebotomy technician,⁤ also known as a phlebotomist, is a trained healthcare professional ​responsible for drawing blood from patients for various medical purposes. These purposes include diagnostic testing,​ blood donations, transfusions, and research. Phlebotomy ⁤technicians work in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, blood banks, and other healthcare settings.
**Responsibilities of a Phlebotomy Technician:**
The responsibilities of a ‍phlebotomy technician​ encompass a wide⁣ range of tasks that ‌are essential for the accurate collection and⁤ handling of​ blood samples. Some of the key‌ responsibilities include:
1. **Venipuncture:** Phlebotomy ⁢technicians ⁤are skilled ⁣in performing venipuncture, which involves inserting a needle into a⁣ vein to collect⁣ blood. They must ensure that the procedure is done‌ safely and efficiently,⁤ minimizing ⁤any discomfort or risk to the ⁣patient.
2. **Patient Interaction:** Phlebotomy ⁤technicians interact with patients ​before, during, and after the blood draw.⁣ They must have excellent communication⁣ skills to explain the‌ procedure, alleviate any fears or concerns,​ and provide ⁤instructions for post-draw ‌care.
3. **Labeling and Processing:** After collecting ⁤blood samples, phlebotomy‌ technicians are responsible for labeling each ‍sample accurately and processing it for testing. Proper​ labeling and handling are crucial to ⁢avoid sample mix-ups ⁢and ensure reliable test ‍results.
4. **Labelling, Storing⁢ and Transporting Blood ‍Samples:**
| Sample | Information | Handling | |⁤ ———— | —————- ⁤| ———— | | Blood | Patient and sample details‌ | Proper sealing and refrigeration |
5.⁣ **Safety and Infection Control:** Phlebotomy technicians follow strict safety protocols to prevent‍ the spread of infections⁣ and ensure a ‌sterile environment. They must use personal protective equipment, such as gloves and masks, and adhere to proper‌ sanitation practices.
6.⁢ **Quality Assurance:** Phlebotomy technicians play a critical role ‌in maintaining the quality and integrity of blood samples. They must follow standardized procedures and guidelines to ensure‌ accurate test results and patient safety.
**Benefits of Becoming a Phlebotomy Technician:**
– High demand for phlebotomy technicians in‌ the healthcare industry – Competitive salaries and job stability – Opportunity‌ to work in ⁢diverse healthcare settings – Fulfilling career helping patients and supporting healthcare professionals
**Practical Tips for Aspiring⁢ Phlebotomy Technicians:**
– Pursue formal ‍training ⁣through a phlebotomy program – Obtain certification from a ‍reputable⁤ credentialing organization – Gain‌ hands-on experience⁣ through internships or externships – Continuously update⁤ your ⁢skills and knowledge through continuing⁤ education
**Case Study:**
Mary, ⁣a recent⁣ graduate of a ⁣phlebotomy program, secured a ⁣job at a local hospital. Through her training and dedication, Mary became proficient in venipuncture​ and excelled ​in patient care. She now plays an essential ‍role in the hospital’s laboratory, ensuring accurate blood samples for​ diagnostic testing.
**Firsthand Experience:**
“As a phlebotomy technician, I take pride in providing quality and compassionate care to patients. Every ‍blood‍ draw is an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s health journey. It’s a rewarding ‍career ⁣that allows me to support healthcare ⁢teams and contribute to improving patient outcomes.”
a phlebotomy technician is a crucial healthcare professional who plays⁣ a vital role in the collection and handling⁤ of blood samples. Their responsibilities are diverse and essential for patient care and accurate diagnostic testing. By pursuing a career as a phlebotomy technician, individuals can make ‌a positive impact on the healthcare industry and contribute to improving the lives⁢ of patients. If ‌you are considering a career in healthcare, becoming a phlebotomy technician may be the⁤ right choice ⁤for‌ you.
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