#Reduce Reuse Refuse
froggtogs · 30 days
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doodled this really stupid looking wolfie while i was messing around and had to line and color it bc i couldn’t stop laughing at it (ft an old background bc i’m too lazy to make a new one)
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(+ the og sketch)
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zerofuckingwaste · 1 year
Easy zero waste tip no. 3: Know your R's
Refuse: If you don't acquire the thing that will become waste in the first place, it won't produce further waste. Simple enough. Refuse that which you do not need. Example: All that cute stuff on that Buzzfeed article? You don't need it. Don't even click the link.
Reduce: If you need something, get the minimum. Note that this doesn't mean the cheapest option- it means the most effective and environmentally friendly option. Example: Instead of buying disposable razors, or a razor with changeable heads, try out a safety razor. Instead of using plastic toothbrushes, try out bamboo, and instead of toothpaste in disposable tubes, try out some toothpaste bits. Instead of buying chicken breasts for one thing and chicken broth for another, get a whole chicken and learn to butcher its meat, and make broth from the skin and bones.
Reuse: This means both being mindful of purchases, so you're only buying things that are reusable whenever possible (Example: use beeswax wrap instead of saran wrap), and repurposing things you've already bought (Example: use those little Oui yogurt containers to start seeds for your garden).
Recycle: Find out what your local recycling program actually recycles, and be mindful. Aluminum is a safe bet most of the time, as is paper/cardboard; but plastics, most of the time, are a dud, so try to refuse, reduce, and reuse plastic whenever possible so you don't even need to worry about recycling it. This also refers to donation- that's another valid way to recycle things!
Rot: If you have a yard, start a compost pile! Just try to get a 50/50 balance of food scraps to brown matter (paper, dry leaves, etc). If you have a freezer, you can stick a container in there to act as a compost thing until you can bring it to a compost facility, such as a local garden, or farm. If you don't have the ability to do either of these things, then you can see if there's a subscription compost service in your area (I used CompostNow for ages, they're great).
Understanding these five principles, and looking at them in this order, can make things easier. Next time you're buying something, or about to throw something away, consider which of these might allow you to reduce your waste output in the future.
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dreamupdates · 2 years
Dream priv tweet!
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wachinyeya · 8 months
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♻️ The Repair/Reuse/Recycle/Rot section on Praxis. ♻️
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Ok so I fixed a pair of patchwork hippie pants that ripped at one of the seams way too early imo. Just did a ladder stitch… I’m gonna darn it later for extra stability because it kind of is in the crotch area, which rubs. I have my gray cargo pants with a complete crotch blowout which is harder to fix so I’m researching how to do that.
Also, cottage cheese/yogurt/sour cream containers are the BEST ADHD storage tool ever. Just wash out your plastic after you eat the food and put whatever you want in it. Label it. Make a system.
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run2u · 2 months
Starting to hate and despise typical kpop concert attire cus if u ask where its from its ALWAYS shein or aliexpress like lets be more creative than that please
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theorderofthetriad · 1 year
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i'm loosing my shit over "regift." think you need to throw something away? have you considered pawning it off onto some other motherfucker instead?
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guidebest · 10 days
The 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle
Understanding and Implementing Key Principles for a Greener Future
Adopting sustainable practices is more important than ever in a world that is experiencing enormous environmental difficulties. The Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Re-purpose, and Recycle (or “5 R’s”) provide a strong foundation for reducing waste and encouraging environmental stewardship. This blog delves deeply into each of these ideas, offering real-world applications and emphasizing how they work together to promote a sustainable future.
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Refuse: The First Step towards Waste Reduction
Refusing entails making any conscious decisions to stay away from goods and resources that increase waste. We can drastically cut down on the amount of garbage we produce by purposefully refusing needless things.
Reduce: Minimizing Waste Production
Reducing involves conscious efforts to minimize the amount of waste we generate. This can be achieved through thoughtful purchasing decisions, resource conservation, and opting for durable products.
Reuse: Extending the Life of Products
Reusing is giving objects that may otherwise be thrown away a new use. We can cut waste and the requirement for additional resources by prolonging the life of things.
Re-purpose: Giving New Life to Old Items
Re-purposing, also known as up-cycling, is the process of creating new, useful things out of objects or resources that have been abandoned. This innovative method decreases the amount of waste that ends up in landfills while adding value to rubbish.
Recycle: Creating New Materials from Waste
Recycling is gathering, preparing, and repurposing waste resources to create new goods. This procedure minimizes environmental pollution while lowering the demand for raw materials.
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To read more about how the 5 R’s: Click Here!
Visit our Website: Klimrus.in
Contact Us: +91 87880 62942
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ssaa08 · 3 months
Benefits of going Zero Waste
We must significantly reduce the amount of waste we produce by using resources wisely and consuming less. For example, we need to minimize packaging. Reducing waste will not only protect the environment but also lower costs and expenses for disposal. Additionally, by recycling and reducing waste, we can minimize the need to extract resources and decrease the risk of contamination, benefiting the…
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scriptzol · 3 months
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🌍 Happy International Plastic Bag Free Day 2024! 🌍
Embrace the 4 R's: Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, Recycle! Let's fight plastic pollution together for a cleaner, greener planet. 🌿♻️
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attheideality · 1 year
Going Zero Waste: Practical Tips For A More Sustainable Tomorrow
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View On WordPress
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rekartinnovations · 1 year
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Reclaim valuable non-renewable resources • Preserve the environment by preventing the release of hazardous substances. • Take necessary precautions to ensure the safe storage of spent batteries. • Address the growing demand for recycling. • Recycling batteries is an incredibly simple process.
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Looking to reduce your carbon footprint and live a sustainable lifestyle? Learn about the 5 Rs of waste management - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose, and Refuse - and how to incorporate them into your daily habits. Discover simple tips and tricks for living a more eco-friendly life and making a positive impact on the environment.
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wachinyeya · 11 months
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“There’s: ​‘reduce, reuse, recycle,’ and with this we were thinking, how about just ​‘refuse,’” she says. ​“Before you go out and buy that thing, especially that plastic thing, consider asking your neighbor for it.” Clark points out that rather than each household needing to own its own individual garden tools, camping gear, lawn mower, baking supplies, and so on, neighbors within a community could be sharing these items. Chances are that the tools or other resources we need to perform any given task are available right down the street. “Someone might have some cake pans that they can loan out to you for that baking project,” she says. ​“We don’t have to outfit all of our homes with exactly the same stuff. We can actually connect with each other and borrow those things. I have someone coming over to borrow some camping gear soon, for example.”
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