cruentu-s · 1 year
it’s not stealing if it was mine to begin with.
「 ❄ The "it" in question. A delightfully fleece lined coat of other-Red's that had been accidentally left behind a few visits ago, and Red had practically moved into the thing. It's big on him, unsurprisingly, and Red just adores it.
It has unfortunately been spotted.
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"Okay, but I love it. So you're stealing it if you take it. Red. So mean."
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ask-n · 1 year
"Pik-a?" They both turned, both having the same expression at the source less noise. Then there was a kid! They flew out of the bushes, a mess of tangled hair and scratches from stray stickers. Red's eyebrows shot up and Pikachu bounded off his shoulder, crunching his rib in and knocking some wind out of him. Pikachu came up to his midsection. Was he camping out here? A runaway? No. A wild child. The kid growled and chittered, body language shifting with the growls. It was like viewing a different language with similar parts to it. "Pi-kaaa." 'Hey! All of it is true. All of it!' Red stepped after Pikachu, one foot after the other through the shorter grasses. Red waved off the concern with a shake of his head. It's alright. Pikachu turned to him, and then the kid. 'Oh, he can't talk. Don't worry about it!'
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' That's so cool! I'm like your biggest fan! ' Excited enough to finally stand up right with wide eyes, awe and all. Had pikachu been common in his neck of the woods he would've been even more impressed by their size in comparison! Incredible!
' Im a little guy myself compared to my friends n neighbors but I got moves when we're sparring! Im really slippery n quick but I wanna get as good as you for sure- '
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But being so excited to see a legend N had entirely missed the human he was with. Perhaps he had blocked him out as some large branch he was perched on. The step forward stopped him mid conversation to look over with immediate alarm. The bouncy excitement was replaced with bristled hair and slow steps back.
' It's a human. We've been spotted. ' Said between a raised snarl and a slow crouch so N can get on all fours defensively. Should he have been listening to Pikachu perhaps he could see the other thing they have in common. He can't talk either. Not linguistically really. Anything human he did not recognize at all besides the occasional glance of a passerby through the brush he hid in or the horror stories of their greedy dark nature and the fellow 'mon they've kidnapped, imprisoned and brainwashed.
So understood anyways.
' Be careful. '
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chounaifu · 1 year
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murmursdraconic · 1 year
@redlegend said: <<wait really?>>
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"Yeah, it was a whole thing." She sighed.
"Apparently being next to silent during battle, and being good at battling, made me an imitator. It was journalism nay saying or some shit like that."
For Red's sake, Shay pulled out decades and more old local news reports from Johto about the old League Circuit. Someone had coined her as the 'Silent Slayer' and it stuck. As much as she hated it.
"I was missing a Pikachu though."
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mysterydungecn · 1 year
Starter for @redlegend
Red would awaken in a swirl of color. There were so many colors, as far as the eye could see. Oranges, blues, reds yellows greens browns magentas cyans, even colors Red never saw before, mixing, melding, swirling together in every direction.
There was no ground beneath him, yet he wasn’t falling. He was floating through the rainbow void, slowly, to a bright light in the distance.
A voice rang out.
“This is the portal to the world of Pokemon!”
“Before I can let you through, though, I’d like you to answer a few questions for me.” “Are you ready? Then let’s begin!”
“What is your favorite color?”
“How do you fight in battle?”
“What is your proudest accomplishment?”
“Do you believe in forgiveness?”
“What distinguishes between a friend and a foe?”
“You’re in the middle of a tournament when suddenly, a mountain erupts! Do you abandon your match in order to help?”
“A friend of yours starts becoming encased in a prison of crystal. What do you do to help?”
“A massive, terrifying beast approaches you, but they only say hello. What do you do?”
“If you were to say goodbye to your home world, would there be anything that you would miss?”
“What are Pokemon to you?”
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distortworld · 1 year
@redlegend / cont.
the door swings soundlessly when pushed and opens into fathomless darkness. if one squints, they think they can see the pinpricks of distant lights, like the ghosts of buildings.
the sensation of being watched is persistent and broad red eyes begin to manifest in the shadows.
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badbirchenergy · 1 year
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And, off the little one is tossed—an impressive distance! Not enough to earn bragging rights, but May's no less pleased with herself.
"Pretty awesome, right?" Too pleased with herself. "Now! Let's see whatcha got."
cont. // @redlegend
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cursedmystic · 11 months
@redlegend replied: He whistles in a playful catcall, raising a toast of a club soda he got from the hypno bartender from across the room.
That gets him to laugh and tear himself away from the group he's gathered with, all but drifting through the crowd to be beside Red. It seems some kind of drama's happening at the other side of the dancefloor, judging by the noise.
"This is one hell of a party. How come I've never seen this DJ Nightshade before?"
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vixletserenity · 1 year
@redlegend x
[Red ⛰️🙊]: Thanks
[Red ⛰️🙊]: It's about a document. Giving me a chance to stop the research I've been doing down in Area Zero
[Red ⛰️🙊]: But if I sign it...I can't be involved in anything with the Crater.
There was a pause before she continued. Thinking of what to say next.
[Red ⛰️🙊]: I'm sure you've heard of the Great Freeze in Unova a few years ago
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bluesthebest · 2 years
Starter for @redlegend
Blue got a text from Red to go to the local hospital in Kanto, fortunately, this text came while he was busy styling his hair so he was prepping to go out anyway. What reason did this Alt Red want with him? Can't be urgent if it's him and not literally anyone else, still, it was worth checking in on. Washing his hands in the bathroom sink he grabbed his gear and left the residence he was staying in for the time being.
Minutes after leaving he'd arrive and shoots him a text.
[Text]: Here. I'm in the lobby.
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shadowsightings · 1 year
@redlegend || Ask
Rui didn't expect the other's reaction to be quite so fast and well-rehearsed. Like a path well-traveled, it seems the other was quite used to this rodeo. And fortunately, it wasn't as though Rui needed to understand signing to grasp what the other was trying to convey here. She watched his gestures and looked back to the man, offering a friendly nod.
"Yeah, one sec."
She crouched down to set her pack on the ground to look for an appropriate utensil for the other. It took a few seconds, but eventually Rui produced a fountain pen and her journal of notes on Shadow Pokémon. She swiftly flipped to a blank page, about three quarters into the book, and offered both of these items to the other.
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"Here you go! I just saw that you were overseeing some Pokémon and, well- I'm kind of newer at all of this, so I wondered if I could nab some advice, or something like that. Oh! Sorry- My name's Rui, by the way."
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cruentu-s · 1 year
closed with || @redlegend​
 「 ❄ It’s been a long, long time on the mountain.
Or, at least, that’s what people tell him. Gun to his head Red couldn’t give proper dates. Halfway between a decade and forever, probably, pocking and prodding at the fire to keep it going, forgetting about it, letting it go out, and then starting all over again, stripping down too-damp tree branches to try and muster something worth sitting beside. It doesn’t take long, thankfully - Red is tired - a trip through some of the caves that wound down to Blackthorn leaving him weary but endlessly pleased, motivating calloused hands to muster a spark on his lighter and get things going again.
Enough that the chill early Spring brought wasn’t so entirely wounding, Pikachu squeaking with excitement while nibbling open a pack of biscuits from Red’s backpack. It’s an easy enough task - easy, at least, until the unmistakable presence of someone drawing near has his head jolting up with confusion. 
It’s late. Very, very late, and whoever it is moves with a confidence Red is not at all used to. His friends wouldn’t dare venture up at this time of night, never mind when mud slides were at their absolute worst, and he stands carefully, head tilted just slightly with confusion. He hadn’t even cleaned in here, how terribly, terribly rude--
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Goosebumps ripple up and down his arms underneath the grey pullover he wore. Strangers weren’t supposed to be so confident, up here.
“--Shouldn’t be here. Dangerous.”
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strawberrycriisiis · 1 year
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"Mister Red champion of the universe super cool battle legend sir i say it with as much respect as possible I'm a huge fan of your work and your carrer.
What I need isn't a fight.
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What I need is for people to use their brain."
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chounaifu · 1 year
A week had passed since he had taken to walling up in his serpent hide, a lavishly furnished hotel in the north of Mesagoza— far more than what he prefers. Paldean interior design was more colorful than the muted, simplistic elements of his Kanjohan residencies. Proton had arranged for the entire top floor of the hotel to be booked under one of his aliasas: one Tetsuya Kusama had requested all 15 rooms to be booked for three days, but had extended it through the end of the month, as he was “nursing an ailment too serious for him to board a plane with.”
The TV static ringing between his ears, metal on metal grinding and groaning as the psychosis chewed his brain, and achromatic view of the world around him left Proton uncomfortable, unstable, and unsuited for the outside world. It had been a while since the full effects of his corruption had encroached him— Red’s physical strength had grown since their first encounter. He didn’t need a damned crowbar to get his point across this time.
Whirring sounds crackle as Proton sits up, hissing with discomfort as the hotel room’s phone goes off. Whipping his head to the side, pixels shifting in his pupils, he grits his teeth— he ought to pick up the entire phone and throw it against the wall— but after hesitating for a second, he snatches it, answers— hisses and complains— concierge is sending someone to his room???
“I requested NO visitors—“
There’s already a knock on the door; the anomaly’s lips twitch into a scowl, and Proton stalks over, movements jittery and shaky as he commands his arms and legs to work correctly.
The door is nearly ripped off of its hinges from how much force is behind Proton’s yank, and he’s met face to face with “that kid” again. No, not “kid” anymore, a man— one that was supposed to die at the ball.
“Fucking hell,” Proton grunts. Just couldn’t shake off ghosts no matter WHERE he went.
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telekinetiq · 1 year
@redlegend replied to your post “gets worse actually.”:
'Because you don't fight fights you can't win. You don't look for true challenge to improve yourself you just look for excuses.'
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ and in the blink of an eye, he's face to face with Red. mere inches set synthetic and twice-dead champion apart as the former glowers down at the latter. even in this form Mewtwo overshadows the human, although the height difference is significantly less pronounced this time around.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ❛❛ ㅤthere are no fights I can't win. I've sought challenges abound ; why else would I seek a goal like Pokémon liberation ? ㅤ❜❜
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drgnbld · 1 year
@redlegend cont. from here.
[ TEXT. Red. ]: Are you at home / in Pallet? If not feel free to drop by mine or let me know a location to meet.
[ TEXT. Red. ]: Not quite. This is irrelevant to our last conversation. Nothing bad, I should add.
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