#Red Agate!Captain Underpants
pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 24
Captain Underpants realizes he has issues. But he’s also not alone...
The CU gem au is by @angerydj
As much fun as it was, something didn’t sit right with Captain Underpants. Something about Tourmaline, about the name the boys had given him against his will.
How could you let them do that?
It’s out of fun! Nobody is going to get hurt!
You stupid gem!
Captain Underpants groaned. He was walking through the hallway, but had to stop and lean against a wall, holding his gem. He told the boys he needed some air, and left them to their drawing and writing. They should be done with them all by now.
Now every infant and teacher in the school will now know the name... Professor Poopypants. But also to make Captain Underpants feel better they included in the back of the book how other gems could make their own ridiculous name.
It was his idea. It was to make the bad thoughts leave him alone. It didn’t work.
You’re the one who can’t take a hint, and go away!
The agate gasped, feeling like his gem was hit by an unknown force. He squeezed his eyes shut. Everything started to heat up again. He had to calm down, focus on something else.
Think of Harold and George, the smiles of the infants. Think of them learning and growing and...
Little brats
Think of Edith. Her beautiful blue spots that glowed when she was happy. Her eyes sparkled like light dancing on ocean waves...
She’ll never love you
Think of... Something! Anything! 
He gasped like a fish out of water stumbling out of the school, leaving blackened char footprints in his wake. He fell onto his back and squeezed his eyes shut.
When he opened them, he wasn’t on the ground. He was sitting up in the shade of a great building. He was wearing his old agate uniform. He stood and saw his reflection in the mirror. Captain underpants sniffed and rubbed at the scratches and tear streaks on his face.
‘You’re a disgrace’ the other agates teased. They called him weak. Perhaps he was. He cared too much for the other gems, not just the agates. He thought pearls shouldn’t be servants. This and other thoughts made his superiors warn him... He was starting to sound like the rebels on Earth. He could be shattered for it.
Someone cleared his voice behind him. Captain Underpants turned. A fog blocked the new gem that approached him.
“Hey.” He said
“Hey what? Come to laugh at me like the others?” Captain Underpants asked, spots flaring. The hidden gem sighed.
“I’m.... I’m sorry. They were out of line, all of them. You didn’t deserve that.” Came the voice
Captain Underpants was surprised. Tears began to flow once more.
“Thank you.” He said with a smile and a sniffle. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply
He let the air out and opened his eyes. He was back on the ground in front of the school. The bad thoughts must have calmed down at the memory.
Captain Underpants sat up and noticed the sign. Whatever it said, the agate pulled the letters off. He hummed and spelled out “Tra-la-la”. Something didn’t look right, so he kept adding A’s.
“Eleven.” Came a voice. Captain Underpants turned around.
She was a strange looking gem. Squared hair, tinted visor, a star clear on her outfit. He tilted his head but smiled at her.
“Hello.” He greeted, “Eleven what?”
“A’s.” She answered
“Hm. Of course.” Captain Underpants responded, opening the small box below the sign that held the extra letters.
The strange gem knelt down next to him, pulling out more A’s. Captain Underpants was surprised to see two gems on her hands.
“Are... Are you a fusion?” He asked. She looked at him. He wished he could see her eyes behind the visor.
“And what are you?” She asked
Captain Underpants glanced down at his gem. No gem should be shaped the way his is. No gem should have bad thoughts and strange memories like he does. He noticed the crack had somehow grown bigger. It might be more noticeable now.
“I don’t know.” He answered with a shrug.
“Hm.” The gem stood, crossing her arms. “I thought you were a superhero. Protector of the colony, helper of infant gems, defender of truth, justice...”
“And all things pre-shrunk and cottony.” Captain Underpants finished, standing up. He stared at the strange gem, the looked away, tapping his fingers together. “Have we... Do I know you?” He looked back at her.
“The other one does.” She responded. It was an answer the agate was not expecting.
“Oh.” he said softly. She put a hand on his shoulder, closing the distance between them.
“Here’s a lesson you need to learn.” She said, “Sometimes you need to break before you become whole again.”
“Break?!” Captain Underpants said, backing up until he bumped into the sign. He held his gem as if the stranger would attack it.
“It’s an expression. Don’t take it literally.” She said, walking away. She paused and looked over her shoulder. “Or maybe... Do take it literally. Might help with your bad thoughts.”
Captain Underpants stared at her until she was out of sight. Today was very strange for him. And it became stranger when the front doors of the school burst open. Professor P was dragging George and Harold by the back of their shirts to him.
“There you are.” He said, dragging them along as he stomped up to the agate. “I have been looking everywhere. Do you know what these two little neophytes have been up to?” He finally let go of the boys. Captain Underpants looked back at the infants.
“They don’t look like nephrites to me.” He commented, making the boys giggle.
“What? No not nephrites! Just look at what they have made!” Said the professor as he held out the comic.
Captain Underpants had not read it when the boys were done. He flipped through the pages curiously.
“We should bubble them probably, like, forever!” Said the angry professor
“Hm.” Said the agate. “Oh my. This is not a comic. This... Is a History book.” The Tourmaline snatched the comic out of his hands. George and Harold giggled to themselves. Captain Underpants still believed he was a hero that fought monsters and the villain they just made up!
Although, really, the red agate was realizing the haze surrounding him and his backstory could slowly lift away in time. But this was to make the boys happy.
“And as such, I should be taught in every classroom! And you yourself must teach it.” He went on, “Because that is how good it is!”
“I don’t understand. I thought we’d be on the same page.” Professor P said
“Ah, what page is that?” Captain Underpants knelt by him and took the comic, “I’m on page 9, here. It’s fantastic.” He flipped the pages and held it out. “Look, see,” he pointed to each panel explaining the plot, “it’s about this evil science teach, who looks a lot like you, by the way. And he wanted to rid the colony of laughter, but he couldn’t figure out how to do it. And what’s worse everywhere he would go, gems would be having fun and laughing! But then he discovered someone who wasn’t.” He pointed to a gem and in a nasally voice said, “I don’t get it! Why is it funny?” He flipped the page, “Anti-Humor Boy! Then the Professor said ‘Very interesting’.” Captain Underpants said with a chuckle, “That’s my voice for him.”
“Wait wait,” the Tourmaline pulled the comic back, studying the page, “that’s no Anti-Humor Boy. That’s the suck up Peridot from class. Very interesting.” He rolled up the comic and strode away, looking back at the gemstone. 
“You boys don’t even realize it,” he said, “but your silly little comic book just helped me figure out how to wipe out laughter in the entire co-”
He was cut off when a car collided with him. The boys winced and remembered the lesson their parents taught them: Always look before you cross a street. The  Tourmaline got up again before being hit by a truck that kept going with him on it.
“Wow.” Harold said “That actually worked out for once. Good job Captain Underpants.”
“At your service sidekicks.” He replied with a salute.
“So, I guess this chapter of our lives is done.” Harold added
“Hm, what’s next?” George asked
“You’re the writer.” Harold replied with a shrug
“Probably a look at things from a different perspective. I don’t know.” George said
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tornrose24 · 7 years
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I couldn’t help myself :)
By the time I opted to color them, it was too late to change the lines to brown for the skin.  Oh well, it’s an experiment. I’m not used to changing their skin tone to a more drastic color, so I opted to color their shadows as a compromise. :)
gem au belongs to @angerydj
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angerydj · 7 years
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the poopypants adn cu/krupp fusion, its cherry quartz.
poopypants gem is on his eye but disgusted as one of his glasses lenses(might change it but ill keep it for now). not so much snake as i wanted but hes got a pretty long body and short legs so he mainly crawls 
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kitkat1003 · 7 years
Changing the Authority
A little fic for @angerydj‘s bit of gem/separate au
I hope I did things okay….I kinda just rolled with the bits of info I got so
Gems aren’t supposed to fuse unless they are told otherwise.  It’s a well known rule, one that is made to be meticulously followed lest a gem find themselves on trial for trivial use of energy that could be used for serving the Diamonds.
Two Red Agates, however, do not care.  One of them, the kinder one, is nicknamed Red, and the other, a much more grumpy agate, is given the petname Aggy, but those names are whispered behind locked doors away from video feeds or recorders.  They spend their downtime between routines and designated rest periods dancing in the darkest corners of the Diamond empire, the lights in their lovestruck eyes and the glow from their bright gems and tattoos hidden behind the walls of their own hopes and dreams, dreams of running away to a planet where they can be them.
Fusing, well, for Aggy it feels like warmth, like security and comfort.  For Red, it feels like joy and love and perfection, or close enough to it. They know the rules and they break them and they hide and they love and they fear, but they never fear enough to let go, because the need to let go is what they fear the most.
They meet up in their usual spot one afternoon, running and twirling into one with such ease one would think they were created for such a purpose, that they have become each others’ purpose, and they are laughing until they hear the heavy gasp from behind them, and then they freeze, and turn.
Before they can speak, or beg, or even explain, there is a destabilizer jammed into their stomach, and they see a yellow gem and a red gem and then they see nothing.
They reform in front of a crowd, and the moment they see that  they’re apart they grab each other’s hands and they don’t try to fuse but they’re scared and they need each other and the whole crowd is gasping and as much as they know they need to pull apart they can’t.
The crowd sneers, the judge lets them testify, but it’s an guilty verdict looming over their heads and they know they’re going to die, they’re going to be shattered because love doesn’t belong in Homeworld, their love doesn’t belong, so they’re shaking and holding themselves together and one side is screaming that they knew it would end this way and the other side is consoling the first side, saying that it’s okay, that at least they’ll be together, that they love them, but then the verdict is given and the two voices go silent.
They are going to be part of an experiment.  That is their punishment, and they are terrified, to the point they split apart, but shaking hands grasp each other close as they are pushed into a chamber.
“Fuse,” The command comes from a cold voice, and nothing comes more to them more natural than to do that, so they do, and their large form is shivering out of fear and they see nothing but sterile walls and a large bulb looming over them that starts to glow and suddenly they are screaming.
It burns, it is like fire scorching them from the inside out and the light is blinding and they feel like falling apart but they hold steady through the pain because they need each other, through the agony and the endless confusion and fear and their two gems colliding as the world blurs and they scream, one or both yelling “IT’S OKAY!  I’M STILL HERE!  JUST STAY WI-,”
And there is pain, and there is nothing.
Red Agate is assigned to a low level role supervising a gem growth division.  Studies show that gems that grow in maturity age before becoming a fully fledged part of gem society perform better throughout their lives, so the Diamonds decide to incubate child-like gems, similar to how Earthlings do.
They don’t ever make that comparison out loud, because that would require them to admit that the Earthlings have done something right in comparison to the Diamond authority, and no one would ever say that Diamond authority had to learn anything from the savages of Earth.
Red Agate doesn’t understand why he’s been assigned such a low position; all he remembers is waking up in what could be called an infirmary with no recollection of previous assignments or even a name-they call him Red Agate but a part of him says wrong, that isn’t his name-and another gem, a Peridot, tells him there was an accident and that he is being reassigned somewhere to heal.
He feels something stir, before it vanishes.  Something softer is hidden in darkness, in comfort in warmth by the promise of protection, because if they know they’ll hurt and he can’t handle seeing this part of himself he can’t remember, that he can’t even detect be hurt.  It hides in the warm recesses of his addled, memory wiped mind, unable to be taken away; the one thing the Diamonds couldn’t wipe out.
He looks in the mirror and sees his gem, and it looks…wrong.  There’s an extra bit of something, he doesn’t know what, but there’s a distinct feeling of being off, of being wrong, and he hates his look-that feeling- so much that he breaks the mirror and resolves to not look at one unless necessary.
He is assigned to a gem learning center specifically, to supervise the younger part of gem maturity. The gems are rowdy, uncivilized, and destructive with their weapons.  They are also somewhat faulty in some fashion, and that what ticks him off the most. He’s been hurt, most likely helping the Diamond authority ,and his reward is to watch over barely functioning gems?  Ridiculous! He can’t curse the authority, can’t get mad-something in him knows the rules can’t be broken or he’ll be broken and he’ll lose something important-so he crushes the rules down on the younger gems in an act of misplaced aggression and he never stops until two terrors come into his well oiled machine of a gem learning center.
Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon.
They remind him of something, and he despises them the moment he sees their gems on file, this burning hatred he can’t quite reason with until they start…changing things. They act creative and they don’t follow the Diamond’s orders and they bring chaos with each step.
A couple of clods, that’s all he has to say, until he catches them, he pushes them apart-this is wrong, a part of him screams but he shoves it away because he doesn’t understand- and then something changes, he loses track of time and there is a rebel bringing back creativity that he is never awake to see and it is all because of the colors red and yellow.
The colors still make irrationally angry, or fearful, or both, and there’s a million things besides that that he doesn’t understand but that fear and anger and the lack of control for that fear and anger is the most frustrating.
At some point-after the watermelon tourmaline gem who was given an funky designation number that people laughed at left for some odd reason-he finally confronts these two gems that know something and they relent.  They tell him that there’s a another person in his head that they can bring out with a snap and that he fights crime and he’s furious but curious because this is something new.
A part of him remembers when they made something new together, when they were them, and that small, ever growing part pushes him to pass over anger to near indifference and he asks for more information.
The gems explain that they have dubbed the persona Captain Underpants, after the garments he wears because it is similar to human under armor, and Captain because a captain is someone with high authority and Captain Underpants is still a Red Agate, and they tell him that the persona smiles and wears a cape and his tattoos glow pink and he laughs at silly things and that he is a joy to be around.
They then tell him that they gave themselves names, like ones humans have, because ‘let’s be honest here we might as well be copying them with this set up I mean this is a school’. The Yellow Sapphire is Harold and the Red Zircon is George and when Red Agate says those names without the colors there is so much less animosity, like the string connecting them to some odd hatred has been cut so now his bits of dislike is for the pranks and not for something he doesn’t know and it’s…relieving.  He asks if they ever dubbed him a name, and they say they hadn’t thought about it, so that night during a break period he scans through human names-if he’s going to call them George and Harold they are going to call him by a name he chooses for himself-and he makes his own name.
Benjamin Krupp.
Mr.Krupp to George and Harold, he tells them specifically after he gives them his full name-it’s fair because they divulged their secret names with him-and suddenly the entire school is made of names, new, humanlike names and he’s making secret files to get them all recorded out of some weird habit to keep track of things and there’s a sudden feeling that they’re breaking the rules, and everything is spiraling into wrong, because there’s suddenly a Blue Agate named Edith and he is supposed to enforce rules, not break them.
But that ever growing bit of memory tells him that the rules are what ruin things, things he cares about are ruined because of those ever terrible rules, and wasn’t it the rules that brought him to this Diamond forsaken place?
He grips onto that part of himself because it makes him feel in the right, and he hides these names and he lets creativity seep into the learning places just a teensy bit and he goes a tiny bit lax on the boys and he supposedly lets someone else save the day.
The world falls back into an odd routine, until one day the boys run into his office, breathless and excited and they shout about something to show him so he leans forward and gestures for them to do so, and they twirl around while holding each other’s hands and they glow and then-
His eyes widen, because where two boys were there is one smiling gem child, orange in color and Red Aga-Krupp feels like he’s about to faint and they are saying something about showing the Captain so he snaps his fingers before he falls over.
The way they smiled at each other, how they were so excited to be one; it’s familiar in an almost painful way, but he can’t remember, and his life is so hectic so he forgets it.
One day he wakes up with a headache, as well as a gem ache.  His brain is fuzzy, he’s dizzy, and he wonders what in the name of Homeworld has Captain done to him now?
Then he turns, and he sees a mirror reflection, and he screams.
The reflection screams back.
This is his first meeting with the famous Captain Underpants, and the rest is full of talking, because when someone lives in your head for so long, one might want to know who said person is.
Captain Underpants has glowing pink tattoos instead of red, and they match his pink eyes.  He is devoid of Krupp’s outfit or hair, and he is definitely devoid of grumpiness or heavy lines on his face that Krupp carries.  He grabs Krupp and jumps around, drags him to the boys and they all freak out, and Krupp is slowly growing tired.
At one point, he leans into Captain, and in a flash of light they are one, no different than before.
The routine changes after that, to moments when they separate and moments when they are together. Krupp tries to make sense of his world, and at some point gives up.
There are dreams. Flashes.  Something that existed but no longer does.  They begin with laughter, sweet and kind, held hands and the feeling of being a part of something else.  Continuing forward with the sharp sting of fear, hands now clenched together because of terror instead of joy, there is sadness, continuing fear, and then so much pain it should be unbearable.
He wakes up with two snaps and hugs Captain Underpants because it seems natural and the dreams never make sense, he can’t make them go away but it feels like they’re telling him something, this every growing part getting so large it’s about to burst, and every time he stares at Captain Underpants face it feels like a memory.
Captain Underpants is learning things too.  He has flashes of something different too, and they’re both so close and so far from truth that it burns.
They get to know each other now, Captain adds stuff to his house and he wakes up feeling happier and George and Harold start to be kinder to him and the Captain will give him gifts, odd drawings that he keeps in a drawer and things are changing again, but this time Krupp doesn’t really mind.
Even without memories they’re falling for each other, two burning faces red with a blush that they hide behind hands and embarrassment, and they just need a little push-
Captain Underpants is falling.
The newest attacker, another corrupted gem, has beaten the Red Agate into the ground, thrown him up into the air, and is letting the hero fall, and Krupp is moving before his brain catches up to his legs, his arms outstretched to catch the gem because no, he won’t let this happen again, won’t lose his Red again, and the two collide and-
Gems aren’t supposed to fuse unless they are told otherwise.
Two Red Agates, however, do not care.
They are so natural together that they are just bigger, they are stronger than any other fused Agates could be, and the corrupted gem is poofed before it can blink the day being saved by a gem wearing a red cape and a maroon tie with bits of maroon hair, an odd but perfect fusion, and the moment they realize they are fused instead of just being two as one-but isn’t that what fusion is?- they fall apart, hitting the ground with soft thumps as George and Harold run over.
The memories slide into place like jenga blocks, and Krupp remembers Aggy and he remembers Red and he remembers Benjamin Krupp all at once.
It seems like Captain remembers too, because the gem jumps up, looks over at him, and runs, and then they’re both running at each other with desperation and with joy and with knowing because they finally do know.
When they fuse this time, it feels like home.
The Diamonds think they stamped out change.  They think that love is gone now, that they are a finely oiled machine of conformity.
They don’t know about the small, growing community of rebels in a teensy quadrant of not so great gems with human names and human creativity and human spirit.
They don’t know about the two Red Agates, one that is called Red or Captain or Captain Underpants, another one that is called Krupp, Aggy, and on rare occasions Benny, that are ready to defend this small world they’ve made, the two Red Agates that are ready to take on the universe, or the two boys who are changing everything.
There’s an entire quadrant of kids who are fusing and trying things new.
And the Diamonds and Homeworlds won’t ever see them coming.
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 20
Sorry for the long wait. Had to deal with a creative slump.
But the slump is over! Unlike the troubles George and Harold have to face...
The Captain Underpants gem au is by @angerydj
Everything was going great. They had control over their principal. Every infant gems dream! It became a nightmare for George in Harold in ways they could not have foreseen. Even with clarity.
The children began to leave their homerooms for their first classes of the day. One might have spotted a dash of red with black spots be pulled into the abandoned music room. But he shrugged it off and went on his way.
Meanwhile, George and Harold, making sure the door was closed, were stressed out by the gem standing in front of them. Captain Underpants glanced around the room in awe. It was a treasure trove of human instruments.
And he wanted to play them all!
He picked up a cello, then turned it upside down, strumming it and humming a song. It wasn’t working for him. So he found a flute and blew it sharply. Even he was surprised by the sound that came out. He tossed it to the side and found a small metal instrument.
“A triangle?” He asked, holding it up by the string. With the tiny metal rod, he tapped it, letting out a ‘ding’. Captain Underpants smiled and excitedly kept playing with the triangle.
He looked over at the boys, but they were still unhappy. They looked around the classroom and noticed a crude sketch of an angry egg with hair and pants hanging on the wall. Then they looked at their friend.
“Is something the matter?” Captain Underpants asked
“Yeah uh...” George started. He looked to Harold who shrugged. With a sigh, he stepped forward.
“Do you think you... can you even... what I want to ask is...” the young gem continued, unsure of how to say what he wants to say. Harold rolled his eye.
“Can you shapeshift?” He asked for his friend
“Oh!” Captain Underpants started, surprised at the question.
“I was getting to that.” George whispered
“Well, It has been a long time.” Came the older gems response as he put the triangle down.
He stretched his arms over his head, rolled his shoulders and his neck, then shook his hands.
“Hoo.” Captain Underpants said to himself, “Think of it, then twist, and...” he twisted himself and turned around, turning into a double of George standing proudly. He still managed to wear his cape.
“Does my hair really look like that from the back?” George asked, walking around his doppelgänger. “Meh. Better than the afro.”
“That’s awesome!” Harold commented
“I’ve still got it.” Captain Underpants said before changing back to his regular form. George and Harold looked pleased.
“Okay. Now do you think you can turn into this guy?” George asked, turning into Mr. Krupp.
And once more that day, something happened that neither of them could have predicted.
Captain Underpants’ smile slowly fell seeing the gem in front of him. He looked surprised, and worried. He remained like that for a full minute.
He... felt things he had not felt before. Perhaps he did, but didn’t remember. He thought of a gem like him, but not him. The other agate was tougher, but still was loving and soft when he wanted to be. He would reach out and hold his face and,
“Captain Underpants?” George said, pulling his face put of the agates hands.
“Are you okay?” Harold asked. Captain Underpants looked away, shaking his head.
What was he doing? He was a superhero! Act like it!
“Y-yes boys.” He replied
“Why are you crying?” The sapphire asked, feeling a chill in the room.
The red agate was confused by the question. Then he realized his cheeks were wet. He rubbed them away with his fist and put his best smile on. There was no need to make either gem worry over him.
“Nothing to fear. All is well.” He said confidently. He closed his eyes and turned into Mr. Krupp. “Is this right?” His hair was a little messier, but everything was right on.
“Perfect! We just need you to act like our principal, Mr. Krupp.” George explained
“He’s your alter-ego.” Harold added
“Yeah, you pretend to be him while you’re not protecting the colony.” George added
“Krupp? My name is... Krupp?” Captain Underpants asked with a chuckle
“Yeah yeah, and we need to get you to your office.” George said
“Wait. We need you to take your cape off first.” Harold said
Captain Underpants gasped and held on to the fabric wrapped around his neck.
“Come on! You can keep it, but Mr. Krupp doesn’t wear a cape.”  Harold said
The agate gulped then slowly unwrapped the cape. He held it in front of him and carefully folded it up as small as he could, slipping it into his back pocket when he was done.
“Let’s see if the coast is clear.” Harold said to his friend. While the two stood by the door, opening it a crack, Captain Underpants looked down at his hands with a frown.
“Something’s missing.” He whispered
This felt so wrong. He rubbed his arms and closed his eyes. His gem started aching. His hands felt hot. He pulled them up to his face. His palms were glowing. He shook them, trying to make the heat go away. Thankfully it worked.
“Right, principal Krupp?” Harold asked
“Principal who?” Captain Underpants asked, not paying attention to a single thing the boys were saying.
“Captain Underpants, get out here.” George said
The agate looked out to the hall. There were a few infant gems loitering. He felt a tug on his hand that came from George leading him down the hall. He smiled at the infants that passed by. But they all looked away, as if they were scared.
“Are you two certain I need this form?” He asked
“Yes. Absolutely. Now act like a principal.” Harold said sternly
“Right!” Captain Underpants said, before leaning down to his sidekicks, “Um, how does a principal act?”
“MEAN.” They answered in unison
“Okey-dokey.” Captain Underpants responded. He spotted to young girls walking in their direction.
And he promptly roared at them. He roared at a gem walking up the staircase. He roared at a gem who was drinking water, who spat it back out.
“I’M A PRINCIPAL RAAAAGH!” Captain Underpants bellowed
“That’s great!” Harold snickered
“Perfect!” George giggled
They both dragged the red agate to his office, but all three were surprised by the gem waiting in front of the door.
“Oh hi guys, it’s me. Edith.” She said, “Did you like my tuna casserole?”
She was radiant. Luminous! The prettiest blue agate he had ever seen. He wanted to help her, he wanted to dance with her, he wanted to be with her!
... that seemed familiar...
But he didn’t know what casserole she was referring to. He wasn’t even sure if he was the kind of gem that actually ate food.
“Hm. I can not lie. I don’t recall having your tuna casserole.” He answered. She looked downtrodden by the fact. “But if your casserole was as beautiful as your one blue eye.” This surprised her. Her spots seemed to glow in response.
“Oh. You noticed.” She said, pushing the hair that covered her other eye away.
“Oh my. Two blue eyes!” Captain Underpants said. She was even prettier with two eyes.
“Uh, Edith, we kind of...” Harold said, pointing at the door to their principals office.
“Oh. Sorry to block you out. I’ll go to the cafeteria, prepare the food.” Edith said, gushing and walking backwards.
“And I am certain everything will be delicious!” Captain Underpants called back. Both of the boys looked at each other with grossed out expressions. It was because of the flirting, and of the horrible food Edith prepared. It wasn’t her fault though. The food was just awful.
Captain Underpants stood in front of the door. Noticing the keypad he leaned down and studied the numbers.
“Now do either of you know-“ he started
“8197.” They answered in unison.
“Ah yes!” Said the gem before keying in the code. He opened the door and took a step inside of his office, then stepped back out, closing the door behind him. The boys started leaving, but quickly turned around at the sound.
“Uh guys, there’s a gem in there.” He said, looking very nervous suddenly.
“What?” George asked. He opened the door to a watermelon tourmaline standing by the window. The spike like gem on his face shined in the light.
“Hi there!” He said. George closed the door.
“So? Go in there and talk to him!” He said
“You’re the principal!” Harold added
“I didn’t think I’d see him, though.” Captain Underpants said
Which was strange to all three of them. While both the infants didn’t recall every meeting the tourmaline before, Captain Underpants felt a strange nagging in the back of his head. It yelled curses at the small gem and told Captain to punt him into the sun. It was concerning.
“You still have to go see him!” George said
“Yeah! We’ll go with you!” Harold added. George gave him a look, to which the sapphire just shrugged. May as well.
“Okay,” Captain Underpants said, clenching and unclenching his warm hands, “I got this.”
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 17
So many questions, so much trouble to get into, so little time...
The Captain Underpants gem au was made by @angerydj
“What an astounding headquarters!” Captain Underpants said, looking at everything in the treehouse. “Full of relics from my past exploits and adventures!” He picked up a plunger he recognized when he fought Wedgie Woman. “Oh this takes me back.”
But... did it really? Yes he recognized everything from the stories George and Harold had archived about him. But it felt wrong. Something was missing.
Something important.
While he was rummaging around the treehouse, the boys were discussing what to do now while drinking something called “so-duh”. He found the turtle drone and gasped.
“Look at you, you precious little thing!” He said, picking up the drone. “You are so adorable.”
The boys laughed at him. He was a charming gem after all. But he still had questions that needed to be answered. He put the turtle down.
“Well sidekicks, now it is time to fly again!” He said cheerfully
“What?! No! Nononono no!” George said frantically
In desperation, he splashed his drink into Captain Underpants’ face. The liquid dripped onto his gem. His form glowed and quickly poofed away, leaving his cape suspended in the air for one second before his gem glowed and reformed into it. But it was Mr. Krupp that formed.
“Wha, what? What’s happening? Why am I wearing this thing?!” He asked, voice growing louder with every question. 
One second he was in his office, looking into the panicked desperate face of Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon. Now... well they were still panicked and desperate, but this was most definitely not his office. He was wearing one of his office curtains as a cape though.
“Oh no, he’s Krupp again!” The yellow gem pointed out.
“You two!” He said, stomping closer to the infants.
George fearfully looked away, and snapped his fingers. Krupp poofed away and Captain Underpants reformed.
“Tra la laaaaa!” He said heroically
“What? That’s it! That’s how we can turn him back!” Harold said
“Turn who what?” Captain Underpants asked before he was splashed with a drink. 
Mr. Krupp put a hand on his gem.
“Why is my gem all wet? Hey!” He said, pointing an accusatory finger at Harold before he snapped his fingers.
“Tra la laaaaaaa!” Captain Underpants said
“We should probably stop.” George suggested with a smile
“We should, but we won’t.” Harold responded
“Did your clarity tell you that?” George asked, quirking his eyebrows and cracking a smirk.
“I don’t need to see in the future to know how we both work.” Harold said with his own smirk before splashing their creation with his drink.
“Where am I even? You two are-”
“Hey sidekicks!”
“You two are in big trou-”
“It is time to fly agai-”
“What’s happening?!”
And back and forth it went with the two infants laughing all the way. Until they made Captain Underpants poof into Mr. Krupp while he leapt in the air. The agate poofed once he hit the floor. The boys winced at the loud thud that echoed in the small space of the treehouse.
“Might have overdone it.” Harold said
“Yeah.” George responded
Carefully, he picked up the malformed gem. He held it one way and saw his reflection in both parts of it. He furrowed his brow holding it steady.
“You know, I don’t get it.” He said
“Get what?” Harold asked, his face reflecting off the other part of their principals gem.
“How does hypnosis even work on gems?” George asked, turning around to look at his friend. “I mean, you have Mr. Krupp who’s all,” he quickly changed forms to be the red agate, “Follow rules, listen to me, blah blah grr grr!” He clicked his heels the whole time to emphasize his point. Harold snickered all the while. “But then, you have Captain Underpants, and he’s all,” he changed to Captain Underpants and struck a heroic pose, “Truth! Justice! All things pre-shrunk and cottony! Tra la laaaa!” Harold fell back with laughter.
“You are rocking at shape shifting!” He said
“Thanks! But not the point.” George said, changing back to himself. “You know what I mean, right? How did an old gem like Mr. Krupp get hypnotized into believing he’s someone else?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he has a secret happy side nobody has ever seen.” Harold suggested, putting a hand on the agate in his friends hand.
The gem started to glow. It meant that Krupp was reforming. The boys put their hands on the gem and made a yellow and red bubble around it. They heaved a sigh of relief having stopped their principals reformation.
Then they realized they stopped their principals reformation.
“I think it’s time we took him home.” Harold said. He stepped away from the bubble and picked up a slingshot and a shell.
“Where does he even live?” George asked
“Uh,” Harold started
Beryl looked over the ingredients for the meal for her son. Her eyes turned to the recipe.
“Carefully chop the carrot without cutting your fingers,” She read out loud.
“Hey mom!” Harold said
“Dinner will be ready in a minute sweetie!” She called back
“Do you know where Principal Agate lives?” He asked
“Red Agate? I don’t know sweetie. He doesn’t have a house, and I have never seen him go into an apartment building for long. Some gems say he lives outside the colony by the glass puddle.” She called back
“Okay! Thanks! I’ll come right back!” Harold yelled back. Being focused on preparing the meal, Beryl did not catch that last part.
“Wash your hands when your done playing!” She yelled back, before hearing the backdoor slam.
“Outside the dome?!” George asked “I heard there’s a monster out there!”
“Yeah. A mean old red agate.” Harold said, holding the bubbled gem in question. The two let out a short laugh.
“No but seriously.” George said
“Lets go before the sun sets.” Harold said, leading the way.
They used to go outside the dome for field trips. But that was when they were younger. That stopped because George and Harold wandered off too many times to count, as far as the infants remembered. The near darkness of the cave that lie just outside of their colony swallowed the light from the hole. George and Harold noticed the charred metal that was melted to make the Red Agate shaped hole.
George made his gem glow to help shine a red light around them. Just a few steps away from the colony, they found the glass puddle. It was a spot where footsteps in the sand were perfectly preserved under glass. And right next to it, where wires slithered into every window, was a strange stony domicile carved into the rock of the cave.
“I think that’s the place.” George said. Harold stepped behind him.
“What if that monster is inside, waiting for us?” he asked
“What if it’s full of bubbled gems that crossed him?” George asked
“The floor covered in fragmented gems!” Harold added
“Gems he ate!” George added
Finally they opened the door. A light came on, and the Harold screamed.
Whatever they were expecting Mr. Krupps house to look like inside, this wasn’t it.
A monitor was set up across from a chair. At least, that’s what they assumed the large boulder with a melted spot was for. On a shelf was a glass tank with a couple pieces of coral and a shrimp swimming in the water. That was all they could see rom the door. It wasn’t scary at all.
“Why’d you scream?” George asked
“I don’t know, it was just a reaction. This is actually kinda nice. In a rocky sort of way.” Harold said. The two walked in, Harold putting the bubbled gem in the “chair” while George closed the door behind them.
“We probably shouldn’t look around.” George said
“Yeah, definitely shouldn’t.” Harold agreed. The two smirked at each other, knowing that was what they were going to do. 
They went into what they assumed was the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. The only thing in it was a bucket of frozen bait fish thawing.
They opened every drawer. The only utensil they could find was a fork, and it was bent awkwardly.
They opened the cupboards and didn’t find a thing.
“This guy is bumming me out.” Harold commented
They opened closest, turned on and off lights they even tried bouncing on his bed which was hard as a rock too. The house was empty, boring, and sad. This was nothing like they expected rom their principal. But st the sameness time, it was exactly like him.
A hollow house for a hollow gem.
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 16
Hopefully nobody was recording what happened. For Mr. Krupps sake.
The CU gem au is by @angerydj
If anyone thought it was easy to chase an adult gem, George and Harold would slap them in the face with the truth. It was hard!
At least they kept Captain Underpants in sight.
The agate in question was happy to run free and find help. He was back! He was someone! But even though he wasn’t quite sure who he was or what he was, he knew he had to help gems in need!
But in all of his running, nobody seemed to be in need. He stopped before a pearl dressed like a mime. He was doing the “trapped in a box” but. Captain Underpants took it seriously.
“You poor soul. It seems like you are trapped in an invisible box-like prison.” He said, walking around the mime. He banged on the invisible box and opened his mouth in a silent scream. “What? What?! I can’t hear you! I see your tears.” 
Harold and George stopped to watch by a bench.
“Is it wrong to think this is hilarious?” Harold asked his friend. His gem suddenly shined for a second, causing the Sapphires expression to change. “Uh oh.” 
“Uh oh? What uh oh?” George asked
“Fear not, I will set you free!” Captain Underpants said before punching the gem in the nose. Harold and George gasped and ran to their principal.
“What is your problem Agate?!” The pearl asked
“Ah, much better! I can hear you now!” Said the superhero
“We are so sorry about that!” George said, rushing forward.
George and Harold each took one of his hands and dragged him away. Perhaps they should bring him to their treehouse. Figure out how hypnosis on gems works. Figure out how the heck they can turn this giant infant gem back into mean old Mr. Krupp.
“Hold it!” Captain Underpants suddenly said, pulling his hands away to stand in a heroic pose. “Do you sense that?”
“No.” The boys answered
“Of course not, you’re not superheroes. Come sidekicks, evil lurks within!” He declared, running into a building.
The infants groaned and ran in to follow him. Really, for a big gem, how does he move so fast!? He was oreads gone by the time the infants maiden it through the revolving doors. They hurried back out in a dizzied daze.
“How are we gonna find him?” Harold asked
“Found him!” George said, pointing up at the roof.
“Stand down diamond, I will smite thee!” Captain Underpants yelled
“Diamond? What does he mean by ooh...” Harold said, before he realized there was a giant statue of Pink Diamond next to the building.
“He wouldn’t.” George said worriedly
“Your days of terrorizing this planet are over!” Captain Underpants ran to one side of the building.
“He would!” George squeaked
“Mr. Agate, I mean Captain Underpants! You can’t actually fly!” Harold yelled
“I take to the skies like an ostrich!” Captain Underpants yelled running and leaping off the building.
“NO!” The boys yelled running into action.
Captain Underpants collided with Pink Diamonds face. The statue was forced to lean in one direction. George summoned his whip and snapped it forward to wrap around the statues hand. Harold grabbed onto the whip and helped his friend pull. Unfortunately for them, the statue started to spin on its circular base. George ran around the base holding his whip.
“Harold!” He yelled, losing his grip.
The sapphire stood below where the statue fell. He summoned a large shield over him. Yellow Diamond bounced off of it and landed on the ground. The tip of her point hair cracking off.
Captain Underpants leapt off the statue.
“That’s what you deserve you meanie!” He said
“Okay, I think it’s time to go.” Harold said, grabbing the superhero’s hand. George joined him, taking the left hand.
“But what about all the other villains?” Captain Underpants asked, stopping.
“No no no, it’s fine. No villains to worry about here.” George said, tugging on his hand.
Captain Underpants looked up at the dome, then around at the other gems. They snickered and spoke in hushed tones. It was concerning, and very familiar to the agate.
“Sidekicks, I don’t mean to alarm you, but I feel like I have been here before.” He said
“Of course you have.” George groaned
“This is where you wound up when Homeworld destroyed the planet you were made on.” Harold explained
“My origin,” Captain Underpants said fondly, “yes, I know it well.” His wide smile faded. 
That wasn’t what he meant. Captain Underpants felt deep in his gem that he had been in the colony before. Years before the infants. Before a comic was created based on him.
But something was missing...
He looked away from the children dragging him down the sidewalk. Behind a tree. A tall gem with square shaped hair and an interesting visor. He felt the sudden urge to run over and talk to her. He wanted to ask her what he was. As if she would have a clue.
“Captain Underpants?” George asked. The agate looked down at the infant. “Are you okay?”
Both the young gems looked worried. He put on his best and brightest smile. 
“Of course I am. Nothing to worry about!” He said cheerfully
He glanced in the strange gems direction. She was gone.
“I am curious. Where are we going?” He asked
“To my treehouse. Where we can figure things out.” George responded
“Ooh! Is it a house that looks like a tree, or is it a tree that looks like a house?” Captain Underpants asked excitedly, picking up the pace.
“Neither. It’s like a small house in a tree.” George explained
“It’s kind of like our secret lair.” Harold added
“Then let’s go!” Captain Underpants was now pulling the boys along. He knew this street. He knew these houses. He had walked down them many times before.
“Left, left!” George yelled
The agate took the next left and finally stopped at George’s house, with Harold’s right next door. Bursting with joy, the gem ran away from the infants and leapt over the fence to the backyard. George opened the back door of his house.
“Mom, I’m home! Me and Harold will be in the treehouse!” He yelled
“Alright sweetie, have fun!” She yelled back.
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 22
With one confession, Mr. Krupp takes one step forward, but two steps back.
The CU gem au is by @angerydj
It was small. Noticeable only if you looked at the rock from a certain angle. A fissure at the top of just where the two parts of his gems came together. It looked like his gem was going to split apart.
“How did that even happen?” Tanzanite asked
“I don’t know!” Krupp snapped
“It’s your gem!” Tanzanite snapped back
“I know!” He yelled, “I know.”
He ran his hands through his hair, ready to pull it out of his scalp. Suspension from the council, possible termination from his job, lapses in his memory, and now this?! Somebody please shatter him now! Put him out of his misery! The agate rubbed his face.
“Do you... remember that time I went to you? My teeth were sharp?” Mr. Krupp asked, looking away from the screen.
“You threatened to shatter me if I ever spoke of that moment again.” Tanzanite said with a nod
“The threat still stands. But now it’s for what I’m about to tell you.” He added casually
“Oh dear, are you confessing to the statue?” Tanzanite asked
“No! Not that! I just...” the red agate stood up and groaned, taking a lap walking around his office.
It was then he noticed the broken window and the missing curtain. He growled, feeling his spots flaring and steam building up in his mouth. He finally sat back down in front of his datapad.
“I’ve...” he started, letting out the cloud of hot air, trying to calm down, “been having... lapses... in my memories.” Tanzanite raised an eyebrow.
“Lapses?” She asked
“One moment, I’m in my office scolding Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon, the next I’m in their treehouse, then suddenly I’m in my own home.” Mr. Krupp explained, “I have no idea what happened in between!”
He was sounding frantic, desperate. Something in the back of his mind tried to calm him down. He shoved it back. Tanzanite looked convinced.
“So... even if you did make the statue fall, you wouldn’t have remembered.” She said
“I NEVER MADE THAT STATUE FALL!” Mr. Krupp yelled, slamming a fist on his desk. The desk cracked under his fist. He painted glaring daggers at Tanzanite, who noticed the fangs bared in her direction as well. She was unmoved and unimpressed.
Her image was replaced with security footage of the Pink Diamond statue. A large gem came into view. They must have jumped off a building to fall onto her. The gem wore a red and black polka-dotted cape and swung on one of Pink Diamonds arms. It started to fall, and was saved by a yellow shield.
The image stopped and rewound. It paused, showing very clearly that the gem that toppled the statue was a red agate. His agate. Mr. Krupp put a hand on his gem. Tanzanite reappeared on his datapad.
“That wasn’t me. It couldn’t be!” The agate said
“Agate, look.” Tanzanite said, “If what you said I said true, that you don’t remember, then... There’s only one gem who can help.” Mr. Krupps eyes widened.
“No. No nononono no no NO! Not her!” He said, knowing exactly what the gem was going to say.
“If she... If she did something to you, then Citrine is the only gem that can fix it.” Came Tanzanite response
Mr. Krupp groaned and rubbed his face again. There had to be another solution. He recalled reading about a gem who cried healing tears. I see she still around? Who was it?
“She’s a Rose Quartz! Leader of the rebellion!” the agate said, showing him a datapad with her image.
“A quartz? With healing tears?” He replied, pushing the pad down.
“That’s what they say. I love her hair.” The agate rubbed his bald head. He rolled his eyes, but smiled.
Mr. Krupp shook his head. He didn’t need old memories coming up a time like this. Besides, everyone knows that all Rose Quartzs were bubbled and hidden away. There are no more of their cuts to help him.
“Whatever happened to Citrine?” Came a question the agate was not ready to answer. He sighed and leaned forward.
“I had a talk with her.” Mr. Krupp replied
“And that’s when you shattered her?” Tanzanite guessed
“No, she poofed and bubbled herself! Told her Pearl not to let her out until I apologize! Said I had to figure things out for myself, or something.” He groaned
“Huh. Well, what do you need to figure out?” Tanzanite asked
“I don’t know! What my memories are, why my gem is like this, why I blackout, I don’t know! I...” he started, but was unable to finish.
Tanzanite knew as well as him what he was going to say next. He was lost. He was sinking into an abyss with no escape. If this crack was the start, then how long would he last? How long until he breaks? How long until he finally shatters? He needed help.
I’m here
No you’re not
I’m right here!
“No you’re not! THERE IS NO WE, THERE IS ONLY ME!” Mr. Krupp yelled out loud, startling Tanzanite. He felt his spots heating up while he desperately tried to cool down. This was not how he expected the conversation to go.
“Red Agate, whatever it is you’re going through, Citrine may be the only one who can help. It looks too complicated for me to handle.” Tanzanite said
“What? No I-” Mr. Krupp started
“You’re on on your own.” Tanzanite said, severing their connection.
The agate looked at the blank screen of his datapad. Then with a roar, he flipped his desk. The sing on the front flew off. He stomped on it. He felt hot and angry, and wanted everything to burn. He wound up his fist to start by punching through his door.
Stop! Think of the school!
Think of the infants!
It froze inches away from the metal.
Edith. The one pure good thing in this whole colony. The red agate sighed, exhaling smoke into the air. If there was anything left to live for, it was Edith. To see her smile again. He had to hold on for her. He put a hand on his gem, then looked over his office.
“What a mess.” He said softly
He picked up his desk and set it upright. He repeated the motion for his fallen chair. The sign “Hope dies here” was ruined. A couple letters were burned when he stomped on it.
Now it read “Hope i s here”. He picked up his cracked datapad and started filing for a replacement. Along with a new window. So much work, so little time. Just focus on that.
The door suddenly opened, and in walked George and Harold.
“We’ve gotta do something about the new science teacher.” George said
“Yeah, it’s like he’s even more of a villain than Krupp.” Harold said, taking a seat on his desk while George sat in the chair in front of it.
“Uh,” Mr. Krupp started. The boys acted as if he wasn’t even there. Or perhaps they didn’t realize he was talking to them. Either way, it was annoying and needed to stop.
“I didn’t even think that was possible.” George agreed, leaning back in his seat, propping his feet up on the desk.
“Whoa whoa, wait a second!” Mr. Krupp tried again
“Tell me about it.” Harold agreed
What were these infants doing?! Who did they think they were. He sputtered, annoyed and frustratedly. He did not have time to deal with them.
“Oh! Maybe if we could fix this,” Harold started
“Can you even hear me?” Mr. Krupp asked, waving his hands between the boys.
“No, that’ll never work.” Harold finished
“Wait, he doesn’t want us to know what the P stands for. Maybe if we could figure out, we’ll know his weakness.” George added
“P? You don’t, no, the tourmaline?” Mr. Krupp said. But what did he have to do with anything?
“Exactly!” Harold said, directing it to George. Mr. Krupp growled.
“Where’s the respect!? I am your principal!” He yelled, slamming his fists on the desk once more that day.
But it did the trick. Both boys finally looked at him, surprised.
“Uh oh. Is he Krupp again?” George asked
“GEORGE!” He yelled, spots glowing.
“Yep.” Harold answered
“HAROLD!” He yelled, teeth sharpening.
“How’d that even happen?” Harold asked
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tornrose24 · 7 years
So I had this one ‘what if’ idea for the gem AU in my head regarding Krupp and Edith (and it doesn’t matter if she’s a Blue Agate or Blue Diamond for this, but I opted for the blue diamond design for the pics).
I had this idea that they tried to fuse once before, but for some reason it doesn’t work with Edith. Krupp can fuse with the boys and many others, but... just not her. This would upset her because she wants to do this with him and it gets more stressful when one considers that a fusion equals some form of a relationship with someone. (And before you ask, no I’m not implying symbolism of someone being sterile if such a thing were to happen.) The fact that Krupp has always been a fusion of himself with CU in many versions of this AU would make her feel awful because it would start to feel like she’s getting in between them and that’s probably why a fusion isn’t happening. But she doesn’t want to get in the way or separate the two to attempt a proper fusion because of how important their relationship is between each other. It wouldn’t be fair for any of them.
Though Krupp would soon let her know (in his own way) that the truth is that it both sides of himself have pretty strong feelings towards her and they’re only amplified when they are together as one individual. Every part of him (both the gruff, no nonsense individual and the fun loving, sweet individual) loves her and wants to be with her no matter what and it doesn’t matter to him if they can’t fuse because–
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And yes, I might have been looking at pics from the ‘Keystone Hotel’ episode from Steven Universe for this one. :)
gem au belongs to @angerydj
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 19
Somebody had to pay for the strange actions of Captain Underpants. And by somebody, I mean Mr. Krupp.
The Captain Underpants gem au was made by @angerydj
“What?” Asked the Red Agate standing before the council. They were telling him some strange things. Things he supposedly did.
Changed his form, wore a “cape”, attacked a statue of Pink Diamond? He did not recall doing anything of the sort. But the council went on and on repeating his “offenses”.
“You knocked down a statue of Pink Diamond while running around in a different form with two infant gems.” Said the ruby.
“I heard the first time.” Mr. Krupp snapped
“Agate, I understand the need to ‘relax’ is strong especially for someone in a high position,” Purple Tanzanite said, rubbing the bridge of her nose, “But leaving the school in the middle of the day with two of its students is too far!”
“I didn’t do anything!” Mr. Krupp yelled, his spots starting to glow and heat up.
“Several gems say they saw you,” the peridot added
“They were lying.” Mr. Krupp banged a fist on the table, leaving a crack in it. The peridot ducked in fear.
“Agate! You are the only one in the colony from your cut!” Tanzanite yelled back
“I did not do anything.” The red agate climbed on top of the table.
“And he’s on the table again.” The Pearl said, rolling her eyes. Tanzanite held up her reputation for being one of the few gems to not back down to the agate.
“Agate...” Tanzanite sighed, “Do you remember everything you did yesterday?”
“Of course. I awoke from sleep. I reviewed and replied to all the messages on my datapad. I walked to the school. I...” Mr. Krupp started. His voice was caught in his throat as he struggled to find the right words.
He went to school, he got a casserole from Blue Agate, he caught Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon in his office, then... He drew a blank. What happened in his office? He remembered suddenly being in Red Zircons treehouse, wearing one of his office curtains. The next thing he knew, he was back home.
His spots cooled and dimmed.
“I, uh...” he stammered. Tanzanite sighed.
“Red Agate, I am sorry to say this,” she said as he climbed off the table, “your position on the council is suspended until we can figure out whether or not you will be a principal at the school.”
“What?!” Mr. Krupp asked
“In light of yesterday, it seems that you have proven to be unstable and unpredictable in the face of the stress the school provides. Prove your own stability in organizing it and the suspension will be withdrawn. If any incidents involving you happen again, and you will be removed.” Tanzanite explained
“I have been the principal of that school for ten years. You think you can just terminate me like tha-” Mr. Krupp said, spots flaring.
“Red Agate.” Tanzanite warned
Mr. Krupp held in his comment, but blew out a cloud of smoke.
“Understood.” He said, grinding his teeth.
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down as he departed. He had a school to run today, after all. He stopped at a window to glance at his reflection, pulling up his lip.
The last time he had a “black out”, he managed to have sharpened teeth just before the fact, and there managed to be destruction somewhere in the colony. No fangs were poking out of his gums and nothing was destroyed. Sure, Pink Diamonds statue fell, but it was still intact.
Before yesterday, it had been years since the last “black out”. What else happened before the one yesterday? Focus Agate, what happened?!
The school once his castle where he ruled now let like a dungeon closing in around him. He couldn’t trust any of the naive infants, he couldn’t trust the traitorous teachers, he couldn’t trust his own memories. Mr. Krupp felt trapped. But he found himself wandering to the cafeteria. He stopped at the doors, looking through the window.
At least he could depend on one thing: The radiant smile of Edith. So full of hope, of light. Oh, how he wanted to hold her hand. He wanted to know if she had powers over water, or ice. How he just wanted to be with her. 
His gem ached. Something inside yearned or release.
“I just want to be with you.”
... He did say that once, didn’t he? For who? What happened?
He turned away from the door. Numbly, he began the trek to his office.
Then, just down the hall, he saw THEM. The very BANE of his existence. He might not have remembered much of yesterday, but he definitely remembered THEM.
George and Harold.
They were wearing different shirts. They danced down the hall playing music from a human box like device that boomed with the beat. How dare they revel while he be under suspension from the council. In fact, it’s because he didn’t want to be in charge of the whole colony that there is a council in the first place.
But did he get credit?! Not a single thank you!
Mr. Krupp stomped in the direction of the infants. They were either unaware or uncaring of his approach. Unlike the other gems that scrambled into their classrooms for safety. One even hid in his locker.
“What are you two doing together?” He demanded, “I separated you!”
George put the device down and turned it off.
“No you didn’t.” he replied with a cocky smile. Mr. Krupp was thrown by the smug comment. He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was. He grasped at his pockets to find the right datapad with their separation logged on it. Not that one, that had his folded up curtain. Ah ha!
“Yes I did. In writing.” He whipped the pad out and held it forward with his own cheeky smirk. Unabashed, George looked up at the older gem.
“I don’t see a signature.” He said, turning to his friend, “Do you, Harold?”
“Not a thing.” He said
The red agate looked at the datapad. Everything was filled in, except his signature. They were right. How were they right?! From his shirt pocket, Mr. Krupp pulled out a stylus to remedy the matter.
“See? Signed, sealed, and separated.” He held the pad out to rub it in their faces. Serves them right. But George merely snatched the device out of his hands.
“Hey! Give me that!” Mr. Krupp ordered
And once more the blackness took hold of him, allowing Captain Underpants to reform. With a ‘Tra-la-laaaa!’, he wrapped the folded up cape around his neck and stood proudly in the hall while George smashed the datapad and dumped it in a garbage can. As if it solved every problem.
“Problem solved.” He said
As soon as the words let his mouth, another problem reared it’s head. The bell rang. All of the students started to leave their homerooms for their first classes of the day. Captain Underpants was ready to greet all of the infant gems with a smile on his face. The zircon and sapphire in charge of him were not.
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 18
Another day, another chapter. And a surprise drawing!
The Captain Underpants gem au was created by @angerydj
With their exploration of Mr. Krupps home done, the boys placed the bubbled gem on his bed. Quickly, they darted out running their hands over everything before closing the door and standing outside the window. With a sigh, they finally started to relax after their long stressful day.
“Geez. This was not how I pictured the day would go.” Harold said
“Why couldn’t your clarity warn us?” Garage asked
“It doesn’t work normally! I see some stuff in my dreams and even then i can’t tell what the deal with everything is!” Harold answered defensively, turning away from his friend.
The sapphire wanted to get a handle on his power of future sight. Perhaps it was because of the fact he’s a young gem that it doesn’t work properly yet. It was still a sensitive subject for him. And George knew.
“Harold,” George sighed, “I’m sorry. I’m just tired.” 
“Me too.” Harold responded, looking back at his friend.
They then turned to look at the glass puddle. Although Red Agate knew what the footsteps meant, the boys did not. And after the last field trip, a few other infant gems dubbed the spot the glass puddle.
Harold walked on it and stood where one of the footprints stood.
“What’s with the dance steps?” Harold asked
“Hm, not sure. Let’s try it out.” George walked over the puddle to the spot of the second footprints.
The boys walked around the puddle, following the footprints exactly, then met in the middle.
“That’s it?” Harold asked, unamused
“Let’s try again, add some style.” George suggested
“It’s a dance!” Harold suddenly realized, looking down at the footprints. “These are dance moves!”
“Oh! Then dance sapphire!” George said.
The boys ran back to their spots and bounced along to the beat of their own song. Dancing’s along with the footprints under the glass was much easier. It felt so natural to the both of them. But on top of all that, they were having fun. Losing each other, they met in the middle, their gems glowing. 
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George noticed and quickly stepped back.
“Wait wait!” He said
“What?” Harold asked, noticing the glow in his gem dulling. They stared at each other.
“Were we,” Harold started
“About,” George added
“To fuse?” They said in unison.
Through the puddle, they noticed the center had a large set of footprints. Those weren’t regular dance steps, they were a fusion dance.
As much as the infants wanted to try fusing, see what it was like, they both understood the fact that neither of them were entirely ready for the experience. Maybe one day soon, but after the day they had, not now. One look at each other and they knew.
“We have got to try fusing one day.” They said simultaneously. They shook hands in agreement and began making their way back to the colony.
“Wait, what about Krupp?” George asked
Oh yeah. They still had to deal with him.
Harold pulled out his slingshot and shell. He took aim through the window where he could see the red and yellow bubble. 
“What about tomorrow? He’s going to try separating us again.” Harold realized. George’s eyes widened with a sudden epiphany.
“We can control him now.” He said, “All we have to do is snap our fingers, and ‘tra-la-laa!’ He will never separate us again!” 
“Alright. But as soon as I pop the bubble, we gotta run.” Harold said, pulling back the shell in the sling. “One... Two... Three!” The shell flew through the air, and so did the boys upon its launch.
The shell made contact and popped the bubble. The red agate shined and reformed. Mr. Krupp gasped and held his gem.
Where were Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon? Why was he back home? Most importantly, what in the name of all the stars in the sky was happening?!
He walked through his house, trying to retrace his steps and talk through how his day went. There were lapses like inky stains in his memory. Something wasn’t adding up right. It made Red Agate feel like tearing his hair out, and it made his spots glow and heat up.
He stomped over to the charging station for his datapad. It was full of messages. Some were concerned like “is there anything you need to talk about?” Others were angry like “what kind of cold takes a form like that?!”
He paced in his living room then stopped to look at the tank. His reef in the ocean was bleaching. He wondered if there was a way to save it and brought a piece of coral home. And a shrimp to help clean things.
But that didn’t help him. He couldn’t even be calmed by the sight of something he has been caring for!
“What is happening to me!?” He asked the reflection of himself in the glass.
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 15
In which things get both better and worse in a snap!
The Captain Underpants gem au is by @angerydj
Red Agate stared in disbelief at the ring and the infant gem wearing it. They really must have been desperate.
“What?” He asked
“What?!” Harold said
“You said do something!” George responded
“What is that anyway?” Red Agate asked
“Forged by the most magical humans in the far off land of China,” George explained, “On the darkest floor of the darkest castle where only the most powerful of human artifacts dared to be made, The Hypno-Ring.”
Oh yeah, Red Agate caught them on the beach collecting weird human stuff that one time. He confiscated a red ring in a bag from them that day. He was certain they stashed whatever loot they found elsewhere.
Red Agate raised an eyebrow.
“Hypnotise me? With that piece of plastic junk?” He asked, tapping on the ring with his stylus. He let out a laugh.
Would that even work? Can gems even be hypnotized?
“Can it work?” Harold asked
“What do you think? We found it on the beach.” George whispered back to his friend. But he turned back to Red Agate, a determined look on his face. “I’m warning you. If you don’t listen to me, you’ll get very sleepy.”
“Are you two really that desperate?” Red Agate looked at the ring. Wait, was it spinning? How was it spinning? “It’s not going to make me...” he paused to let out a yawn. He should not have been this tired. “I’m not getting... I’m not... hoo.” All he could see was the bright red spinning ring. Light shined from the swirls into his face.
He felt himself lift up from his seat. George and Harold even felt themselves float over the ground.
“What... Human magic... is this?” Red Agate asked, unable to look away from the hypno ring. He fought hard to keep his heavy eyelids open.
The floating gems slowly spun around the room. The infants reached for each other to hold hands.
“What’s happening?!” Harold asked
“I don’t know!” George responded
As soon as the strange phenomenon happened, it ended. Everything that was suspended in the air fell down. George and Harold landed on their feet. Red Agates face hit his desk before he fell back on the ground. 
“What was that?” Harold asked
“I don’t know. I honestly didn’t think that could happen.” George admitted
Both infants carefully approached their principal. His eyes were bigger than normal and glowing a white red light. Red Zircon waved his hand in front of his face. There was no reaction from the older gem.
“I guess gems can be hypnotized.” He said
Harold climbed onto Mr. Krupps desk and picked up the turtle shaped drone. It struggled in his grip, reaching for the red agate. He pressed a button on its shell. A beam of light scanned his form, causing his yellow sapphire gem to shine. The drone suddenly stopped struggling. It then hugged Harold.
“You’re safe now, little guy.” He said, putting the drone in his bag.
“When I snap my fingers, you will obey our every command!” George said, holding up his hand, ready to snap.
“What is that? What are you doing?” Harold asked
“I don’t know, I’m just saying the first thing that came to me with great authority.” George replied. He looked down at Red Agate. “You are now a CHICKEN!” 
The infants watched and waited. For something, anything. Red Agates form poofed away, leaving his gem suspended in the air. But in the second it could have fallen, it shined and he took a new form.
George and Harold could not believe their eyes. A pink chicken with red spots formed in front of them. It clucked and walked around the room, pecking and scratching at the floor.
“It worked! He thinks he’s a chicken!” Harold said in disbelief and amusement. “Loamy let me try. Uh, you’re a monkey!”
The chicken poofed away and reformed into a big monkey. He pounded his chest and swung on a lamp. Harold laughed and pointed at the money that was once their principal. The money agate climbed onto their principals desk and threw the Captain Underpants comics in the air. One managed to hit George in the face. He looked from the figure on the cover to the monkey.
Despite changing forms, the monkey still resembled Red Agate. But despite the fact, he vaguely looked like the drawing of Captain Underpants. George wordlessly showed Harold. He gasped at the realization. With one look they both knew what they had to do next.
“You are now the greatest superhero of all time, the amazing CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!”
The gem shined as Red Agate reformed himself. As he leapt from the desk, he activated a fan that kicked up the comics. They blew around him as he ripped the curtain from the window and wrapped it around his neck. Harold and George shielded their eyes started from the sudden sunlight. When the comics settled and everything calmed, they stared in awe at their creation come to life in front of them.
“TRA-LA-LAAAAAA!” Sang Captain Underpants
He felt braver, stronger, and above all, he felt free. As if some dark cloud finally was pushed away. It made him happy.
“Captain Underpants? Is that really you?” Harold asked
“Let’s see... Underpants, check!” Said the gem, snapping the waistband of his human-like undergarment, “Captain, also check.” He saluted, then put his fists on his hips. “I’m pretty sure I’m Captain Underpants.”
The infants couldn’t take it anymore. They fell down on the floor and rolled around laughing. They couldn’t stop! It was just too hilarious!
“I guess that would mean you two are my sidekicks!” Captain Underpants said
“Sidekicks?!” The boys gasped before laughing once more.
“Fear not! This colony is safe under my watchful eye.” He looked out the window. There was so much to see. And he wanted to see it all and make sure everything was safe. “Let’s see what’s afoot!” He jumped through the glass out the window, leaving a Captain Underpants shaped hole behind. Unfortunately, he could not fly and instead landed on the ground below.
“Well, that was invigorating!” He said.
He pushed himself up off the fake grass and looked at the familiar land that should not have been familiar to him. And yet it was. Onward he ran to the colony. The two infants followed out of sight behind him.
Other gems gave him sour looks, like they had no idea who he really was! Therefore, they were just jealous! He was a strong gem! An Agate that fought for truth, justice, and all things pre-shrunk and cottony.
But he still should be able to fly. He might not have known much about himself, like why was he “awake” now and what had been happening to him in the meantime, but he knew that he should be able to fly. Perhaps his cape was defective.
Oh well, off to help helpless gems!
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 13
Okay. I am sooo sorry this took so long!
The Captain Underpants Gem au is by @angerydj
With infant gems coming into their powers, it did not take long for the teachers and Red Agate to realize some of them would be elemental. A class had to be moved outside because of an embarrassed ruby who got too hot for anyone to handle.
Of course, the humans already had an answer to any problems dealing with interior temperatures. So the scientists and engineers of the colony installed into the school and air conditioning unit that stretched through every hall into every class and every other room, too. Even Red Agates office had it. 
Of course the bismuth who explained the system to him reminded him the vent in his office was to keep the infants cool, in case he lost his. He was able to control his rooms temperature on his datapad. Red Agate was also given a little fan to help him cool down if he got too hot. 
Harold and Geo-Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon of course took advantage of the air conditioning not even a week after it was installed. Red Agate shuddered at the horrible stench the school was plagued with.
But now. After all this time. The infants were caught! He had them right where he wanted them!
With Red Zircon and Yellow Sapphire sittings in front of him, he gently dropped the temperature of the room. Red Agate crossed his hands, leaned forward on its desk, and cracked an unsettling grin at them.
“What’s he doing with his face?” Zircon whispered
“I... I think he’s smiling.” Sapphire answered. He shivered slightly at the cold air. “So cold. So cold!” The infants rubbed their arms, trying to warm up. Red Agate chuckled.
“I’ll just let myself in, receptionist gem.” Melvi-Orange Peridot said, striding into the office confidently. The little turtle drone followed him in.
“What is he doing here?” Red Zircon said
“Why, the little peridot has worked very hard on his inventions. But he had another one, a little extra credit piece, that I commissioned myself.” Red Agate leaned closer to the peridot who looked as smug as ever. The little drone stopped in front of the desk.
“I call it the Tattle-Turtle 200.” Melvin picked up the drone to show the gems. “On the outside, it looks like a normal Earth turtle, but inside,” Orange Peridot took the smiling turtle head off of the drone, revealing a camera with a glowing red lens, “oh, look at that, it’s an infant cam!”
Red Agate felt like giggling seeing Red Zircon and Yellow Sapphires looks of pure shock and terror. He had them, he had them!
“Oh Melvin, what a delight! I wonder what it could have recorded!” Red Agate said gleefully.
Red Agate activated the drones holoscreen, getting ready to see what was recorded. He would finally have evidence! Proof that these gems were the worst cuts around! He would show this to the council and... why wasn’t it working?
“Hang on.” He mumbled, trying to figure out how the tech works.
“You just have to-” Orange Peridot started
“I got it.” Red Agate responded, before an error message showed up on the screen.
“It should work for any gem.” Orange Peridot commented
“I think I know how gem tech works, Sneedly.” Red Agate snapped
The screen suddenly showed Red Zircon and Yellow Sapphire huddled behind the toilet invention, tools in hand.
“Screwdriver.” Yellow Sapphire said, fiddling with the inner workings of the invention.
“Is this one ply, or two?” Red Zircon asking, shoving toilet paper into the machine.
“We are so guilty!” Yellow Sapphire softly laughed
“Quiet fives!” They both whispered before crawling away, their work done.
Red Agate smiled at the gems. 
“Wow. You can... you can really tell... that’s us.” Red Zircon said in shocked awe.
“That definition... it’s nice.” Yellow Sapphire added
“I can’t believe it. I’ve got you!” Red Agate said happily
“We’ve got them, sir.” Orange Peridot reminded him.
“Of course Melvin, thank you.” Red Agate pulled the extra credit from his shirt pocket Andy tossed it to the peridot, “Extra credit, granted!”
Orange Peridot happily caught it. He smiled at the boy sand bound to the door.
“Extra credited and it feels so good!” He said cheerfully beforehand leaving.
“What are you going to do?” Red Zircon asked
“Tell our parents?” Yellow Sapphire added
They held each other’s hands. They were afraid. 
Not good.
Wait, that’s it!
“No. Obviously, they failed you both when it came to raising you.” Red Agate strode around his desk to stand behind the infants. “I have a more fitting punishment in mind.” He placed his hand s one the back seat of their chairs. “I’m going to have you both placed in separate,” he pushed the chairs apart for emphasis, “Classes!” The infants gasped. Red Agate couldn’t hold it in any more. He started laughing maniacally. “I’m going to annihilate your friendship!”
“You can’t!” Yellow Sapphire begged
“This is cruel! Even for you!” Red Zircon begged
“You see? You won’t be together, you won’t pull pranks, and ruin my life.” Red Agate said with a growl at the end. He went back to his desk to sit down.
“No! This is not fair! I won’t let you do this!” Red Zircon yelled, his gem glowing. Instinctively, he reached for it. To his surprise, he summoned a whip. Red Agate raised an eyebrow.
“Told you it’d be a whip.” Yellow Sapphire commented
But now that he had it in his hand, Red Zircon had no idea what to do with it.
“Really?” Red Agate asked.
He stood up and clicked his heels together. With no effort, he summoned his own, cracking it on the ground as he pulled it from his gem. Geor-Red Zircon shielded his eyes from the sparks.
“You really want to try something, bub?” He asked, “Go ahead.”
Red Zircon looked away. He glanced at Red Agate briefly, but couldn’t bear the heat that was building in the gems form. Yellow Sapphire climbed out of his chair and grabbed Red Zircon hand. The whip vanished from his grasp.
“Didn’t think so.” Red Agate said with a chuckle. “Enjoy your weekend, infants. Because come Monday, your worlds will come crashing down around you.”
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 14
A chance encounter with Blue Agate, an additional name, and an obedient drone.
The Captain Underpants gem au is by @angerydj
“We’ll be fine here.”
A red light shined on the cave wall.
“Are you sure?”
A pink light shined next to him.
“Nobody leaves the colony. We’ll be safe here.”
“What if we’re caught?” 
“If they try separating us, I’ll shatter any gem that gets in the way. Nobody will tear us apart.” They held each other hands...
The day he would break up George and Harold, no, they were Red Zircon and Yellow Sapphire. Red Agate felt ecstatic about the fact. But a part of him, that annoying, stupid part, it was sad. Remorseful.
He would not let that get in the way of his victory. He will have order in his school. Starting with the separation of those two.
He could have filed and filled out the forms at any time between Saturday and the moment he walked into his office on Monday. He had to do it in front of them. He wanted to see all of their hopes and dreams die in their eyes. He wanted them to suffer as much as he could make them. He wanted...
The drone bumped into him. Red Agate rolled his eyes, stopping at the door to his office. Melvin explained that it would stay with him at all time until it was imprinted by another’s gem. 
It was so clingy. It was... it was nice.
It made Red Agate... happy?... to have something to look after other than his reef. Granted it’s only been a couple days. At least the drone obeyed his commands. Unlike SOME GEMS.
“Ugh, that reminds me.” He groaned
Red Agate pulled out his data pad. He almost forgot he still needed to send out a message to the colony and council looking for a new science teacher.
“And sent.” He said to himself
When he looked up from the pad, he had the shock of his life. A certain gem had snuck up on him and waited in silence for him to finish his task. Thankfully that gem was the prettiest gem in the whole school. So Red Agate tried to calm himself down after the fright.
“Blue Agate.” He said
“I’m sorry if I disturbed you. I hope you can forgive me.” She said, feeling guilty and holding something in her hands, “I should go.” She took a couple steps away.
“Uh, no! Blue! It’s okay, I was just um, so, hi.” Red Agate said. He slid his pad back into his pocket and picked up the drone, tucking it under his left arm.
“What brings you around here?” He asked
“It’s just that... I was preparing a recipe for the infants, and I wondered if other gems liked eating food. Then I accidentally made this tuna casserole, with your name on it, in jalapeño peppers.” Blue Agate explained
Instead of ‘Red Agate’, the peppers spelt ‘Krupp’. But Red Agate leaned forward and smelled the dish. He was suddenly at a loss for what flavors food had. He wasn’t a gem to eat food, but he has tried a few small bits here and there.
“Smells, uh... Spicy.” He said, hoping that was the right word. Blue Agate nodded her head, a smile tugging on the corner of her lips.
“That’s because it’s it’s been dry aged for a week.” She explained
“I don’t know what that means but it sounds time consuming.” Red Agate responded with a nervous smile.
“It took a week.” Blue Agate responded. Red Agate kept smiling while his mind raced for something else to say. 
Anything! Don’t stand there looking like a fool! This isn’t working. Get out! Get out with some dignity left in tact!
“Well, I guess... I should get back to work. School’s not going to run itself!” Red Agate said, retreating to his office. He sighed in relief. He looked down at the drone he still held. Wait, where’d that food Blue make go? He made the drone hand on to his leg beneath his pants and opened the door, but she was gone.
“Wait! Blue! You never gave me that tuna casserole!” He called out, running in the direction of the cafeteria. He managed to catch up to her just outside of it.
“Oh. Are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t eat.” Blue Agate said
“I uh, I’m willing to try it.” Red started
Especially if I took was made by you! Say it!!
“Especially if you made by... it.” He blurted out.
“What?” Blue asked
“Nothing!” Red Agate quickly said before gently taking the casserole dish from Blue, “I’m just going to... put this in the teacher lounge... than bring it home. Thank you Blue Agate.”
“It’s Edith, actually. That’s the name Harold and George gave me.” Blue Agate explained
Edith. Her name is Edith.
“And I’ve been meaning to ask you,” She started again, pulling Red Agate from his thoughts.
“Ask me? Uh, what?” He asked, nervously.
“Most humans have two names. I mean, I know we gems have one name, but if a human is called ‘mister’ or ‘missus’, than they have a first and last name. I know your last name is Krupp, but what is your first?” Edith asked
Two names? Why do humans need two names? What’s the point? And why can’t Krupp be my first name? Come on think! What humans do you actually like? Let’s see... Guggenheim, Banneker, Butler, no wait Franklin! That’s it!
“It’s Benjamin.” Red Agate responded
“Hm. Benjamin Krupp. Has a nice ring.” Edith said before walking into the cafeteria, closing the door behind her.
He was alone. He put a hand on his gem.
“Edith.” He whispered. He sighed with a smile on his face. 
He felt himself heat up slightly. It was nice not to burn anything in his path. Thankfully, the infants were all in their classes. They would not see him redder than usual, walking down the hall to his office.
The high of talking to Edith suddenly wore off when he saw his door slightly open. Two little whispering voices soon reached his ears as he carefully walked closer. But Red Agate still felt the drone hanging on to his leg. 
He walked in without them noticing. They were looking over the cabinet drawer where he kept all of their confiscated goods. Red Agate silently closed the door then clicked his heels together. The two jumped and turned around, clinging to their comics.
“Well, if it isn’t George the red zircon and Harold yellow sapphire.” He said confidently, he pulled a chair up, “To what do I owe the pleasure?” He put his foot on it. “Is it, perhaps, this?” He lifted up his pant leg to show the drone still hanging on.
“Oh no.” The zircon sighed
“Nice try.” Red Agate said with a smirk, “Melvin had the bright idea to make it smart enough to be imprinted on by gems. He never leaves my side.” He picked up the drone and put it on his desk.
“That poor turtle.” The sapphire whispered
“Everyone, sit.” Red Agate said
On a shelf were various datapads for various duties. Red Agate picked out the one he needed and slapped it down on his desk. The infants were sitting in their chairs, while the drone and stack of comics were sitting on his desk. All was as it should be. 
But it wasn’t perfect yet. It will be soon!
“Do you know what this is for?” Red Agate asked, holding up the pad. The boys were too scared to answer. “Why this is the form that seperates you. I can actually see the end of your friendship.” The infants gasped “And it ends right here,” he picked up a stylus from its holder, “on this dotted line.”
“George! Do something!” Said the yellow sapphire
The gem “Yellow Sapphire” will be transferred to another classroom to be determined by “Benjamin Kru-” Red Agate scribbled out his human name and wrote Red Agate.
“Put that stylus down Mr. Krupp!” Red Agate looked up to a swirling red and white patterned ring on the finger of George, “Or we’ll hypnotise you!”
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tornrose24 · 7 years
So I like @angerydj‘s gem au with Krupp and CU being a fusion… and I also love @memeberd‘s take in which Edith is Blue Diamond…. but I really loved the idea of BlueDiamond!Edith being RedAgate!Krupp’s superior/diamond so I HAD to draw that out:
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I think it would be a cute aau because I think she would be a lot nicer than the other Diamonds. And I could see RedAgate!Krupp torn between wishing she wasn’t so nice as she is right now and was a bit tougher vs. being happy to serve her over the others while harboring a secret crush.
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I think it would be cute if she could fuse with him/them.
Also, I don’t know what would happen to a Diamond if they lost enough power or what it would take to shrink them down, but…
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I’m sorry, I just find it all to be so cute.
(Oh yeah, the ideas belong to the specific creators as mentioned above and Steven Universe belongs to Rebecca Sugar).
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pirate-autobot · 7 years
The Experiment: Ch. 12
It’s time for the first(and probably the last) invention convention.
The Captain Underpants gem au is by @angerydj
The auditorium was packed with infant gems. The teachers had retreated to the back, supervising everything. Red Agate strode up to the stage. A microphone had been set up in front of tables full of inventions. More specifically, tables full of Sneedlys inventions.
“Is this thing on? Ahem, I am sad to say that your science teacher, Mr. Fyed is no longer with us.” Red Agate anounced. Every infant gasped
“He’s shattered?!” One girl yelled before crying.
“What? No. He wanted to spend his weakened with his family. So I fired him!” Red Agate said joyfully. “I’ll get a new one.”
Whispers suddenly filled the room.
“Something must have happened.”
“I bet Principal Agate had something to do with it?”
“I think I saw Mr. Fyeds gem flying in Principal Agates bubble.”
“Anyway,” Red Agate said with a smile that stopped the infants from talking, “On with the convention. We’ll get started with Melvin Snee-” he quickly cleared his throat and looked away, “Orange Peridot, with the first of his sixteen-”
“Oh! It’s actually seventeen.” The peridot corrected
“Seventeen inventions. Take it away, Sneedly.” Red Agate walked off stage
The seat he took had a perfect view of Red Zircon and Yellow Sapphire.
The peridot was truly a genius... but he made some stupid stuff. Humans would get more use out of them. The human town was still blissfully unaware of the colony hiding nearby. But the gems that visited still learned from the society everything it takes to blend in. And some of them did share their gem tech and inventions while bringing some human inventions back. Melvin and his father must have picked up the most human junk.
Red Agate noticed the terrible twosome whispering. He loudly shushed them, making sure they heard him. He turned his attention down at his datapad to look at the news.
It was boring.
He looked at the back wall. All of the teachers must have snuck off to the teachers lounge.
This was going to be a long day. Was Melvin talking about his first invention still? Oh stars, no wonder he didn’t have many friends. Peridots were not known for being socially active.
As the Orange Peridot talked, Red Agate closed his eyes. The hum of Melvin’s voice was kind of soothing. He just wanted to rest his eyes, but he managed to fall asleep instead.
He was awoken an indiscernible time later... when a roll of toilet paper collided with his face. 
Gems have no use for toilets. They were a human invention that fascinated many scientists in the colony. But to understand them, they had to learn about human physiology. Red Agate shuddered at the thought.
The toilet Melvin created had electronic enhancements. And it was currently playing a song while launching toilet paper out at the infants. The young gems cheered.
“Orange Peridot! Turn that thing off!“ Red Agate yelled
“Uh, I’m trying sir, but it’s not responding!” Came Melvin’s response. He climbed onto the invention and tried turning it off, even as it danced around the stage.
“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Oh, Freedom!” The song sang
Something inside of him, the back of his head, laughed. He felt a pull as if it urged him to laugh. He started to tap his feet to the rhythm.
“There is no we, only me. Only me!” Red Agate whispered through his gritted teeth.
Red Agate could only watch in horror as the infants danced around. Some of them started dancing with each other. Their gems glowed.
“No!” He quickly separated two gems, “Stop it!” He darted between two more. 
But even when they weren’t together the school of young gems still danced to the music. Suddenly the music stopped. Red Agate sighed, seeing Orange Peridot on the seat of the toilet.
The toilet launched Melvin into the air, confetti spewing from the bowl. Red Agate watched the gem soar over the crowd and land at his feet, flat on his face. The Orange Peridot mumbled something, then pushed himself to his feet.
“Seventeen.” He said
“Melvin.” Red Agate grumbled shaking his head.
“Principal Agate, I swear, the turbo toilet was not supposed to work like that.” The peridot said. Red Agate pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “It was almost as if it was tampered with.”
With a snap, Red Agate opened his eyes. He looked at Melvin who looked back at him with the same enlightened expression. They turned to the stage, eyes falling on the strange drone designed to look like a turtle.
“Where are Red Zircon and Yellow Sapphire?” Red Agate asked, a sickening smile stretching across his face.
He noticed their absence in the auditorium. But he had a feeling. He confidently strode through the hall to the front door she of the school. And there they were walking away, side by side. Red Agate adjusted his tie and threw the doors open.
“Oh boys!” He yelled “A moment please.”
The infants turned around in horror, realizing the awful truth of the situation that Red Agate reveled in.
They were caught.
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