#Reclaiming Identity
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destroy-the-binary · 21 days ago
TW: Slurs I can say dyke, because I’m sapphic.
I can say faggot, because I’m queer.
I can say tranny, because I’m not cis.
I can never say the n word, because that’s not my word to reclaim.
There are certain words I should not say, ever.
Certain people can say certain words. That doesn’t mean you can.
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wickedzeevyln · 3 months ago
One would mistake Eli as a crab the way he walked down the corridor of their house. As a kid, he used to dash back and forth with great strides, now, he could pace the length of the room in a few steps. A picture of his eight-year old self still hang on the wall, he was sitting by a pool, though he was missing teeth, his smiles stretched across his face and his eyes were the size of a tea plate,…
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seemabhatnagar · 3 months ago
“Reclaiming My Power: Rising from the Ashes of Toxicity to Rediscover Self-Worth”
It is said that people are too concerned with their ‘I’. This is true. But in the absence of I, a person may be alive but emotionally and spiritually numb- a “living dead” state.
The idea that people are overly concerned with their “I” reflects the focus on self-identity and ego. While the ego can drive ambition and individuality, it can also lead to selfishness and disconnection from others.
On the flip side, if the “I” in a person is completely suppressed, it can lead to a loss of self-worth and identity. Without a sense of self, one’s purpose, dreams, and personal joy might fade, leading to a life that feels hollow.
Finding balance is key. Nurturing the self without letting ego dominate allows for a harmonious existence where one can thrive personally while staying connected and empathetic to the world around them. It’s about embracing individuality while fostering community and compassion.
When a person focuses solely on their interests and disregards the needs and feelings of others, it can lead to destructive behavior and egoism. This self-centered mindset can harm relationships, create conflicts, and foster an environment of isolation and mistrust.
Empathy acts as a counterbalance to ego. It allows individuals to connect with others, understand their perspectives, and build meaningful relationships. Without empathy, a person can become detached from the humanity around them, leading to a life driven by selfish desires and devoid of genuine connections.
Maintaining a healthy “I” involves recognizing one’s worth and ambitions while also valuing and respecting the people around us. It’s about finding a balance where self-interest doesn’t overshadow our duty to be kind and considerate members of our communities. This balance fosters personal growth and collective harmony, enriching both the individual and their surroundings.
Conversely, suppressing the self entirely can also be harmful, leading to a loss of identity and purpose. The key is to nurture our own goals and dreams while maintaining empathy and connection with those around us. By doing so, we create a harmonious existence where we can thrive individually and collectively. It’s about finding a balance that allows for personal growth while fostering compassion and community.
It’s not the existence of the “I” or ego itself that’s inherently problematic; it’s how we manage and express it. A healthy sense of self is important for confidence, self-worth, and pursuing personal goals. However, when the “I” becomes overly dominant, leading to a lack of empathy and consideration for others, it can turn destructive.
It’s the attitude and behavior that truly matter. Balancing self-interest with empathy and compassion allows for a harmonious life where personal growth and meaningful connections coexist. So, it’s all about how one chooses to channel their sense of self in relation to others.
In a toxic relationship where your partner has overpowered you to the point of losing your self-worth, it feels like you’re living dead. But recognizing that your partner has no right to diminish your value and mustering the courage to reclaim your confidence and self-worth is where the “I” becomes powerful and positive.
In this context, “I” signifies reclaiming your identity, strength, and self-respect. It’s about standing up for yourself and refusing to be defined by someone else’s negative behavior. By taking steps to regain your confidence, you’re harnessing the positive power of “I” to transform your life for the better.
Empowerment starts with believing in your own worth and taking action to protect it. Your “I” is essential for your mental and emotional well-being, helping you to live a life true to yourself, free from the shadows of a toxic relationship.
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had the misfortune of randomly remembering that time in like 2020 when all the twitter babies were making 400 new pan flags bc they found out the creator is an inclusionist
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allisonjamaica · 7 months ago
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in case anyone was wondering i’m unwell
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dwllie · 9 months ago
🏳️‍🌈 𓂃 FAG(GOT)FREAK 〰️
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— FAG(GOT)FREAK : a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got).
coined by us ♡ requested by no one ♡ genderfreak by @losergendered ♡ tagging @accessmogai for a flag id
[PT: fag(got)freak~ fag(got)freak: a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got). coined by us. requested by no one. genderfreak by losergendered. tagging accessmogai for a flag id. /END PT]
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nemaliwrites · 8 months ago
feligami this, felinette that - who is thinking about FELIBUG WITH ME
Félix and Sentibug… taking back their humanity together…making sure no one else is used and discarded like they were….their birth may not have been their own but their lives can be
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calloutgender · 9 months ago
Pooner (reclaimed) pride flag
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A term often used to describe trans men who are subjectively viewed as not passing or are thought to not put effort into passing
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shitpostingkats · 4 months ago
Thinking about how the seasalt theme is called 'At Dusk, I Will Think Of You' and their team-up attack in remind is called 'Thinking Of You' and I just
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codgod · 2 months ago
i will honestly never understand the urge to reclaim the r slur like . it’s got the fucking ooze on it why would you want to even touch that
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mynqzo · 2 years ago
Why do you like vampires specifically, what do you like of them?
the sucking and fucking
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discordiansamba · 10 days ago
rotating this very vague idea for a changeling AU with the classic set up of "mom catches the fairy that tries to switch their children in the act, it flees and leaves behind their child so now there's just two children". yuri wakes up to check on yukio in the middle of the night and stumbles upon the switch attempt and is just like. sweet. free child.
shiro: yuri no
yuri: yuri YES
rin's species of fae is of the more malevolent variety, but a lifetime of nurturing by yuri (and shiro) has resulted in him being more of a mischievous prankster than anything else. but watch out! (be nice to his loved ones or else).
yukio: i'm yukio, and this is my brother rin. please don't give him your full name.
rin: don't listen to him. i can be trusted with your name. :3
shiemi is also a fae, but she's not a changeling. her grandmother found her in her garden one day and was also like sweet. free grandchild. her species of fae is a benevolent and harmless flower fairy. she sprouts flowers from her head when she's happy or embarrassed. when she's sad, the plants around her begin to wither.
(rin and shiemi meeting each other for the first time. fae to fae communication. despite their differences, they become fast friends. when they're standing next to each other around people who are particularly sensitive to the fae, the combined vibes they give off are so funny.)
izumo is a normal human girl, but tamamo is a mischievous and flighty fairy who decided she wanted to have children. and the best way to do that is to kidnap a human child. clearly. and then she did it again. from the same family. she has lots of love in her heart for her (forcibly) adopted children but she also doesn't really understand what humans need half the time.
or: izumo fights for her right to go to high school with other humans like her and wins it. is promptly seated in between two glamoured fae who take an immediate interest in her. what is her life.
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dwllie · 9 months ago
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— TRANNYFREAK : a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a tranny and a freak; a trannyfreak. this gender is only to be used by those that identify as transgender and reclaim the slur tranny.
coined by us ♡ requested by no one ♡ genderfreak by @losergendered ♡ flag colors picked from this tranny flag ♡ tagging @accessmogai for a flag id
[PT: trannyfreak~ trannyfreak: a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a tranny and a freak; a trannyfreak. this gender is only to be used by those that identify as transgender and reclaim the slur tranny. coined by us. requested by no one. genderfreak by losergendered. flag colors picked from this tranny flag. tagging accessmogai for a flag id. /END PT]
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veththeebrave · 1 month ago
Does anyone else ever think about the "when i met him he was a scared little boy in a jail cell" part of the he's my boy speech. I don't need him he needs me because I am his foundation. He was nothing before he met me. I built him from the ground up and will be damned if anybody gets in the way of his growth. I love the mix of possessiveness and pride throughout that whole speech.
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vasito-de-leche · 10 months ago
Arcana is so trans to me but not the mtf trans but like eldritch horror being realized that she likes to be perceived as a mortal woman
nonnie we are holding hands, we share the same vision, the same dream, the same eldritch transgenderism <3
there was a tweet recently (I think it was a tweet?) about a very specific type of character design--non sexualized, nude humanoids presented as otherwordly and entirely alien, off kilter, merging monstruous characteristics and that's exactly what I love and think about when it comes to the thing Arcana summons, the Guiding One's Creation
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Arcana is so transgender to me in a very specific way of using the feminine figure as a way of both luring and keeping everyone at bay <33333
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wordsverbat1m · 27 days ago
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A -conlexic term for people that relate to the word dyke only in the context of royalty ranks and medieval times.
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Tags: @accessibilitea @lexicarchive @radiomogai @colablob divider link
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[Because dyke just sounds like a medieval term?? Why does it sound so cool?? I'm probably getting confused with duke but the word dyke just sounds so. Cool?? Like some old burly guy with an axe and long hair is what comes to mind and i find that awesome idk]
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