#Reblogging my own art because fuck it /holds it up for the world to see
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thegreatsharkleve · 5 months ago
Daytime reblog of my own art
(also I fixed his leg which oop, hadn't adjusted when I snatched his waist further dlkfjlasdj)
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Spent too much time reading danmei manhua while hungover so!!
Wuxia styled Y'hika, who somehow looks entirely like himself despite the au of it all. Probably because I went for a 'main villain's left hand man' vibe
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myceliacrochet · 5 months ago
I feel so overwhelmed. I have no income, no stable place to live, and hundreds of people coming to me who need thousands of dollars each to avoid getting incinerated, starved, tortured. I make crochet -- when I can get supplies -- and I'm trying to make stickers, when I can get supplies... I'm not very employable and everything is so expensive and it's all falling on my roommate.
I need to hold a fundraising event
Everyone is either stretched to their limits helping or can't be bothered
I'm doing my best to reblog, follow, and react every single campaign I can that is either vetted or has a clean RIS. I'm telling myself that I'm doing enough by contributing art and promoting these campaigns, but the reality is people need money and I'm giving them condolences and things that may not help much.
I had a bit of success promoting Omar's campaign and foolishly believed I could get those kinds of results again. Tumblr staff is being beyond ruthless, attacking even the critical and dangerous vetting work people are risking their lives for on the ground.
I don't know what to tell people who are coming to me for help in what may be their last moments and I'm like "hey here have a shitty art I made that might make a miniscule difference but probably won't. All the best!" I try to respond through my actions instead of words because like Kurt Vonnegut said there's fucking nothing to say about genocide because no one's meant to say anything they're just meant to get blown up. So then I'm ignoring the people who most need help in the world, coldly turning away. So I say sorry and offer these small useless things as if it means anything and every day I lose more sanity and meaning in my life because doing less than what I can to help people not get genocided takes all the color out of my world. I can't imagine truly relaxing or enjoying anything until there's no genocide happening anymore, and I don't see that happening. I feel hopeless like I did in 2016 but this time there's no back door out.
Every time I start to work on something I feel hopeless like it won't work
I have to get my ass into gear, which means I need to:
- pick up my prescription for strattera, I guess I have that now. That will help me focus
- get back on my antidepressants as soon as Fatima's campaign hits $10,000. That will help me keep moving
- talk to other organizers so we can work together.
I am drowning, I am burning in this hxll created by my own culture. Every day they torture the children and the adults come into my DMs and scream help us please please someone help us.
All I can do is do my best every day. I'll keep moving forward
Doing something is better than doing nothing, gxddammit, which means I'm doing a good job I guess, it's just little comfort as I watch the children get engulfed in flames.
Like, I know I can't end all genocide on my own but there's got to be more effective things that I personally can do.
I guess I'll check out one of those lists of things you can do other than donating money
If anyone has yarn to donate and/or could cover shipping or help me find free yarn in my area, that would be so helpful. Because there's nothing I'd rather do than tune out and crochet most of the time and sell it for myself and others.
Please talk to me about how we can work together to help these precious people!!! I need to do more
@monstermashpotato @sylvianritual @gazavetters @determinate-negation @dlxxv-vetted-donations
@gaza-evacuation-funds @gazagfmboost @fly-sky-high-09 @90-ghost @nabulsi @halalchampagnesocialist @huzni @hussyknee @notallmensheviks @neechees @fuckyeahmarxismleninism @fayruz0-blog @gothhabiba @radicalgraff @marxism-transgenderism @marxist-lesbianism @voyagerprobe @workersolidarity @cheezbot @gayspacemonk @bogleech @slitherbop @butchniqabi
I guess I just need to work on my small business... Idek if I'm even helping by reblogging all this stuff, I'm just spending hours a day spreading stuff around to other people who can't really donate. I just seem to be wasting people's time who are going through genocide, I might even be only adding to their suffering. I don't know if I have the moral fibre to do this work, idk I just seem to cause bad things to happen to myself and everyone around me by dedicating so much time to reblogs instead of just securing an income, paying my bills, and being content to give a "reasonable" portion to genocide relief. I can't do that, I have to give all or most of myself but then I'm just a burden to my roommate and others. Or going all out and doing something really big that could really bring in the money they need
I'm sick but people need me
I guess what I'm seeing here is that I need to switch gears to working on crochet more and that will help me be able to help people and it will also be better for my mental health. I'll work on getting the supplies I need to continue. But idk I'll come back to this later and figure it out.
Thank you for listening I wish I could just let my brain scream to death but like people need me to keep it together so I can actually help but I'm at a loss as to how to help
I'll do it gxddammit I'll fucking get it done I'll crochet for this and it will make a difference and I don't have to suspend happiness until this is over I have to maintain some of that light of happiness within. It's not all on me we are working together
Hey 🩷 So I wanted to let people know that I am safe now. I'm back on my most necessary meds, I've applied for SNAP and general assistance, and I'm feeling stronger after having some more success promoting campaigns.
We are living during multiple holocausts. I take comfort in doing the work. We're making a difference in people's lives.
Thank you for helping me keep my head up. Let's keep going.
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elsa-fogen · 5 months ago
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At first i was going to reblog this from @justashadowlooker
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but then it got too long and off-topic, i started retelling and quoting my own 10 years old fanfic, so i'm making it it's own post jjdsfjkdfgh
Too long don't read, was a Bloom fan, killed her hundreds of times, than became Icy fan, killed her few times as well, still a huge fan, wanna revive some of my old ideas
When i had just started watching winx, Bloom was my fav AAHAHHAH (it was 2008-2009 year i think). Buuut... being my fav means that you gonna SUFFER. It was always the case, even when i was little. But young me didn't know better than to just kill of a character. And Bloom died SO many times in my early fanfics and arts. I still remember one fic, it was also the first ever fic i posted on the internet, and it was horrible. I typed really slow at that time and i was looking at like 10 A4 pages of handwritten fanfic and was like... weeeell i don't need this part with description of the boat... i don't need this part about wind flowing in her hair or smth... i don't need spaces after dots and commas either. These were real thoughts of 9 year old me lmao.
the fic was about Bloom and Sky going for a boat trip date, but there was also some bitch that fell for Sky and her best decision was to throw Bloom away from the boat. As a result she was sucked into the screw of the motor or whatever this thing called. Sky dived after her and brought her back on the boat, but she died due to the blood loss.
In my handwritten version it was really long and tears queezing scene, but i was too lazy to type it all, so it basically was shortened to 1 (one) sentence: Bloom didn't make it to the port.
i also had a picture attached, it was i think a cover of some of the comics where Sky holds Bloom on his arms and they're stepping out of the water, but i photishoped it and added many wounds and BLOOD BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!
I also remember photoshopping screenshots from the first winx movie, adding bloody wounds on Bloom and tears and trying to make her face sad lol. And also i remember, i didn't have access to the computer all the time in my childhood, and there was a weird time... when i'd got a chance to be on the computer, i would made a specific search in google, to find that one art with Bloom, being fucking stabbed, lying on the ground and crying, and touching the golden heart-shaped locket with the name Sky on it, and you could see that it was Sky's sword that stabbed her, and he was walking away in the distance. I could stare at that art for hours, imagining how it happened. I also remeber how the art suddenly stopped showing up at the search and i had only tiny squeezed jpg version of it, and i thought that google banned this art for being so violent lmao
Btw i found that art, it's by Chibiusa-Moon, here it is, and i remember it diffferently, i thought Bloom had enchantix on her lmao
I suspect that it happened after i saw ep1 of season 3, because HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WOMAN IN THAT EPISODE?! SHE WAS ✨✨S L A Y I G✨✨ DAMN!!! She freed herself looking fab as fuck (i've only seen her battle uniform at that point, and her casual outfit shocked me, i was like HOLY SHIT?? DIFFERENT COLTHES?) (and it's if you forgen the HOLY SHIT, TRIX IN THE FIRST EPISODE OF THE SEASON?!!!), sayed the edgiest thing in the world, then freed her sisters, skated away from the giant snake ON HER DAMN HEELS AS A QUEEN!!!!! I think this was the moment when i fell for her. Maybe i'm wrong and it happened earlier, but this is all i can remeber.
Well, i also remember when my mom got me my first winx magazine and i was really disappointed that there were no Trix in the comic AHHASJGDAJS it was comic about bloom and diaspro going to the land of the dragons.
And, funny enough, i think i didn't kill Icy in my fics (mostly)
wait fuck. i remembered one (that was actually properly published and finished), let me just refresh my memory real quick- (gonna cringe soo hard ahaha)
oh shit i also remembered some stuff. In my later fanfics i was tending to make Bloom real psychopath, who decided to straight up destroy all the witches and all the dark magic. Hey. Hey. I bet 13 year old me wouldn't mind if i borrowed this idea fom her...
It's so cringy written, but it's got the spirit HASHDHA. The trix summon some another army of darkness that was created to destroy fairies (hey), but at some point they lose control of it and the army turns against them. They have no ther choice but to seek help from the winx. winx of course don't want to help since their army attacked alfea... but the trix didn't give this order.
by the way tehre's one dialogue that i think is actually good and i think is in character
"But how do we know that it isn't one of your tricks?" - asked Tecna. - "Probability of this equals 85,9%!" Everyone froze. Nobody had this idea before. Then Icy shook her head. "No, it's not." "How do we know?" Stella said suspiciously. "If we wanted to trick you, we'd choose less humiliating way" Icy replied coldly.
in the end witches and fairies teeaming up, and going on an adventure to stop this army with some artifacts. Significant part of the way they had to make on their own without magic, and during that winx and trix are actualy growing to like each other. OH THERES ALSO A FUNNY THING LOL
But as a night roommate she [Icy] turned out to be very restless. She was moving all the time and mumbling something. And then at some point she screamed: "Damn fairies, i wish you all dead!" Bloom jumped on her place and still half sleeping replied: "Shut up, witch, or you're done for!" and fell back asleep. All in all, it was hell of a night.
i still think this is funny af-- damn these dialogues are only getting better. Next day they getting closer to their destination.
Suddenly they heard Stormy's voice: "Wait! there's some sign! Icy, can you read this?" "Why her?" Stella asked offended. "We all here can read!" "Except for you," Darcy noted gloomily and everyone laughed. "Ha, well, if you're so smart, come here and read!" Icy said with the sweetest voice. "And next time we'll ask you." Stella understood that she was cornered. To save the rest of her dignity, she came closer and started staring at the sign. "I-I cant for some reason, this handwriting is awful!" with dispair sloar fairy realised that she doesn't understand these letters. "And this cold is driving me nuts! Give me cup of hot coffee and warm blanket!"
then Icy teaches Bloom how to skate. And then Aisha (Leyla) dies by falling into some bottomless pit- After that they make it to their destination, but the army was waiting for them there
another dialogue
"Let's go!" Icy said decisively. "No, wait! I'll go alone. If they catch me, you all get out of here as fast as you can" [...] "No!" Bloom said. "I'll go with you!" "Fine. But they'll kill you immediately" "And you?" "And I will be tortured" Icy smiled.
I can't with this lol, Icy smiling at the thought of torture as a true psycho she is.
Icy touched the wall, making sure it's quite hard. "Well? What's next?" "You're the brain of the operation, you tell me!" redhead replied, crushing piece of the rock in her hand
i just like this interaction here.
"Winx Believix!" Winx screamed. And Trix didn't scream anything, Icy just snapped her fingers and all three were already in their witch uniforms.
yeah classic.
the fight begins, Icy is trying to understand what to do with the artifacts, Musa dies, then they teleport to some other planet where they can perform the ritual to destroy the whole army at once. They're reading the spell, but something is missing, and the army attacks them here too. This time Bloom is left to figure out what were they missing, and some drops of her blood fell on the artifact and that was the last piece of the spell. The army is destroyed, but Icy was seriously injuried when covering Bloom from attack from behind. Now they're flying back to Magix
FUCK-- guys i'm sorry. More dialogues on the way.
"Why are you here?" she [Icy] asked, opening her eyes. "Doesn't want to miss your death!" Stella screamed, she overheard the talk. "Shut up!" I [Darcy] replied. "Or I'll hit you!" "Oh-oh, I'm so scared!" "Discussed my funeral already?" Icy asked, surprisingly, without sarcasm. "Come on, don't listen to that fairy! She has only fashion and straw in her head." Icy smiled weakly. "Magix!" Bloom screamed looking out the window. Fairies came closer to the glass. "Where?!" Icy got worried. Golden-green disc of the planet surrounded by thick ring of asteroids was hanging in the center of the window. Icy could see it without moving. "And here my dream came true. I got Magix!" she lifted her arm and closed her fingers around the planet. "Didn't think that the view from the space is so beautiful..."
DSHGJADFKAJHSFDJG what have i done. This line about her dream coming true HITS HARD. Fuck, 13 y.o. me knew which buttons she should push.
Icy dies. Darcy and Stormy were forgiven because they helped to stop the army and for Icy's "sacrifice" and everyone very conveniently forget that they started the recent war. The end.
Damn that was a ride.
um, so where were we?... right i was saying that Icy became my new hyperfixation instead of Bloom...
And i had the whole trilogy planned, in the first one she'd escape from some prison and attempt another plan to counquer Magix, but fail, in the next book she'd be KILLED by Bloom but came back to life by making a deal with someafterlife owner (HA) and the last one where she actually succeeds... this one i din't think through at ALL.
I kinda wanna revive that plot fron the second "book" tbh, i still remeber it really well.
In a comic.
(i'd make it a crossover with Hazbin but it won't work unfortunately)
okay i don't know where and how to end this post so i'm ending it here, have a nice day thanks for reading i hope that at least someone made it to the end.
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messrmoonyy · 2 years ago
I just read your nsfw Headcannons for Tess and all I have to say is. Give. Me. The. Alley. Thing. Now. And no one gets hurt
The art of jealousy
Tess Servopoulos x Fem!reader
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A/N- this request has been sat in my inbox since I first posted those Headcannons. Which was. A long time ago. I’m sorry. So here it is finally. Also the Headcannons being referred too are right here for anyone that wants to read them. Tess POV cause I really am loving giving a look into her head. I only proofread this once cause Tuesdays are becoming ever so slightly stressful for me so I just wasn’t vibing. So. Anyways. Enjoy.
Warnings- Tess lmao. Possessiveness, jealousy, she’s a lil rough at times but reader likes that, smut: fingering ( reader receiving), sex in a public place, choking, degradation
Word count- 3.8K
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
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If Tess was one thing, it was being possessive of shit that was hers. Maybe that was just a side affect- as it were- of the post outbreak world. No one had much that they could truly call theirs anymore. Tess had actually always found it quite interesting how attached people could be to their things. She’d never been the material type. Even pre outbreak she’d never been one for expensive jewellery, flashy cars or designer clothes. And she’d never really understood people’s obsession with it.
Material items took on new forms now. People these days valued things like boots. Or ration cards. Family photos they’d managed to hold onto for all this time. At least they were more practical now she guessed. But still, she wasn’t really one to be overly attached to things.
People too fell under that bracket. She straight up refused to let herself get attached to anyone once the outbreak hit. After losing her entire family within the first week of the outbreak she’d vowed to never let herself get close to anyone again.
And then you’d come along.
She hadn’t meant to fall in love with you. Fuck she’d actually ignored you for several months when she realised she might actually be feeling something for you. But you were persistent. And beautiful. And it was unbelievably irritating but you had a knack at kicking down the walls she’d built up over the years. Brick. By brick. And she had learnt that maybe she did have a possessive streak in her after all.
Because there was truly nothing she despised more than watching someone else flirting with you. And it happened a lot which wasn’t at all surprising. The majority of people she surrounded herself with knew not to mess around when it came to you. They knew that you were off limits. But occasionally someone new would poll their way into the underground scene of Boston, some attempt to establish themselves on the black market, and thoroughly piss her off.
Jealousy crept up on her more frequently than not, she couldn’t help it. She just didn’t like it. Seeing you around someone else.
She knew you weren’t about to run off with some random fuck who thought he could win you round with some ration cards. She had you wrapped tightly around her little finger, just as you had her. But still. It pissed her off.
“ are you hoping if you stare at the back of his head long enough he’ll just drop down dead? “ Joel’s southern drawl hit her ears and she flashed him an irritated look, before looking back over at you. You’d been striking up a deal with someone for over 10 minutes, some new fucker clearly bartering you down for the cost of some pills. But he was being too… touchy.
You were no stranger to flirting your way through deals and Tess had always been surprised at just how much you could raise the prices in trades just by simply… existing. Being a woman in the current climate had never been particularly great. And learning to use what you had to for your own advantages was vital.
‘ men think they’re getting something and they’ll be putty in your hands ‘ that’s what you had said once. And she wasn’t exactly against it, hell she was guilty of doing it herself. But it didn’t change how infuriating it was.
“ you know she won’t do shit. You got that girl eating out of the god damn palm of your hand “ Joel said with a laugh, chewing at a chunk of his rationed beef jerky and eyeing the hand of cards he was holding. Though Tess had long since lost interest in the game they were playing “ ask her to beg at your fuckin feet and she’d do it. Then again, you’d probably do it for her too “ A small smirk pulled at her lips with that. She knew it was true, of course. She trusted you whole heartedly, knowing you had zero interest in anyone else. Especially men. And no one on the entire planet could turn her head.
You were just as infatuated with her as she was with you. It was a mutual obsession that was no where close to burning out.
“ I know “
“ then drop the miserable look on your damn face and play your turn “ she rolled her eyes and took her eyes off of you for a few moments, looking back down at the cards in front of her. She played a card without even really looking at it, her eyes soon trailing back over to you again “ you are making this too damn easy for me “
She didn’t grant him with a response, eyes narrowing as she watched you exchange a half bag of pills for a wad of cards. Clearly more than you’d usually have sold them for, but her small proud smile didn’t last long.
The man stepped closer to you, head bowed as he said something in your ear. You gave a clearly over exaggerated laugh, arm on his shoulder. And she was certain she saw your eyes flick in her direction.
She huffed a laugh, sitting back in her chair and shaking her head in mild disbelief
“ the little shit “ Joel’s eyes drifted over to you too, his brow furrowed as they both watched you flirt with the man.
“ Jesus Christ “ Joel muttered, clearly thinking the same thing Tess was. You were doing it on purpose. Pushing her buttons “ don’t rise to it. It’s what she wants “
“ I know what she fuckin wants “ she narrowed her eyes, watching you across the courtyard as she attempted to continue the game with Joel.
“ hey Tess. How you doin? I was wondering if you had an- “ the sound of one of her customers filled her ears as she kept her eyes trained on you.
“ not now “ she said with a wave of her hand, not even looking up to see who was stood there
“ but- “
“ not. Now “
“ okay okay. That’s cool. Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow? Cool cool “ Joel sighed as the man shuffled off sheepishly
“ you’re forfeiting sales now? Will you just go talk to her “ she was tapping her fingers against the table impatiently now. Jealousy and anger swimming in her veins in a dangerous cocktail.
You were always the same. A fucking brat. Pissing her off to get your own way. And she knew exactly what you were trying to get out of her. Piss her off, wind her up, drive her insane so that the second you both got home she’d pin you down against the closest surface and remind you exactly who was in charge for as long as it took for the message to sink in.
But she was in no mood to wait until you got home. If you needed a little reminder of just who wore the trousers in your relationship, she’d remind you. And she’d remind you sooner rather than later.
One more gentle touch of your hand to the man’s chest followed by a glance in her direction was the last nail in the coffin. And she was tossing her cards down on the table.
“ Tess- “ she was up and out of her metal chair before he could finish his sentence, crossing the courtyard in purposeful strides, someone hopping out of her path as she went.
“ are you fuckin done? “ she asked in a low voice as she reached you, throwing a glare towards the man seemed confused at her sudden appearance
“ oh hi Tess “ you said innocently “ everything okay? “ the man took a step back, eyes widening as he looked between the two of you
“ you’re?- I didn’t know- “ she quite enjoyed watching people crumble under the weight of her reputation. Especially men.
“ if you have any idea what’s good for you, you’ll take your pills. And fuck off” she turned to you then “ and you. Come with me “ she walked off before waiting for a response from either of you, making a beeline for the back alley leading out of the courtyard. No one would bother her down there, the only entrance that lead from that way was the one from anyone coming from outside the wall. Which wasn’t very often.
She didn’t have to look behind her to know you’d be following. Even when you were in the mood to piss her off you were still desperate to please.
So she waited a few moments and then you appeared, strolling into the alley like you didn’t have a single care in the world. And she was reaching the limits of her patience.
She grabbed you by the wrist and pushed you back against the wall, hiding effectively behind a stack of wooden crates.
“ you okay Tess? You seem a little tense today “ god you were infuriating. She laughed and shook her head, trapping you against the wall with a hand resting beside your head.
“ the fuck was that back there? Huh? “ confusion twisted into your features, but the smirk tugging at your lips gave it away that you weren’t even remotely confused by her question. You knew exactly what you’d done “ you think it’s funny? “
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“ oh you don’t? “
“ I was just making a trade. You’re a little scary you know, the new ones always prefer to come to me. You should smile a little more “ you reached up and poked at her face lightly “ I think you scared my customer away “
“ good. He needs to keep his fuckin hands to himself “
“ shame. He was quite nice “ the little monster that lived in her chest was trying to claw its way out, a pointless feeling of jealousy threatening to overwhelm her. It truly was pointless. She knew you were toying with her. You were playing her like a violin, messing with her to get what you wanted.
“ wanna go back out to him? Be my fuckin guest “ she knew you wouldn’t. Knew she had you exactly where you wanted to be. Though a small part of her did wonder if you would. Just to piss her off a little more.
“ you should know by now I’m not into the nice type “ she exhaled shortly through her nose and gave a small nod. She knew. Tess was not one for softness and romance. Yeah, from time to time it would slip out. But that’s not what you wanted from her. It’s why you worked together so well.
Her fingers brushed over the exposed skin of your neck, almost annoyed at the lack of purple and red marks she found. Maybe that was why the fucker back there had been so willing and accepting to your loaded advances. How could she have been so careless. To let her possessive marks vanish. Her clear silent brand that you were spoken for.
“ you don’t think I’m nice? “
“ there’s different meanings to different people “ she couldn’t help herself and dropped her head down to your neck, the blank expanse of your skin frustrating her. You tilted your head to give her access to more of you, attacking the blank canvas of flesh with her teeth “ see. Nice girls don’t behave like this. You taught me that “ she laughed against your skin, biting a little harder than she really needed to. Just to hear the delicious sound it would draw from you.
She knew she wasn’t nice. Not in the conventional sense. But you didn’t want nice. You didn’t want a cosy and warm relationship, soft forehead kisses and vanilla sex, cruising along in life and abiding by the rules.
You wanted her. You wanted the way she was rough, she was all teeth and bruises and hair pulls. She threw you around and left you wrecked for anyone else but her. And she knew that was how you were. She knew that was what you wanted. What you needed. Needing some kind of reminder that you were real, that the fucked up mess of the world around you wasnt a nightmare. You needed her to bring you back to life. And she was more than happy to oblige.
“ so what? You gonna take me home? “ she didn’t quite know when exactly she had decided she wasn’t going to take you home. The idea had arisen quite suddenly and she’d decided to act on it just as fast, quite certain she didn’t actually have it in her to take you all the way home. Not when she was so wound up.
That paired with the smugness still interlacing between the syllables of your words… she had a point to prove.
“ no “ you gave her a confused look and now it was her turn to smirk “ you act like that and think you get to choose if we go home or not? Gotta be fuckin kiddin me baby “ she leant in close to your face, her hand moving up and applying pressure to your throat. She felt your breath stutter, your fingers wrapping around her wrist. Not so cocky anymore.
“ Tess someone might- “
“ what? You were okay with behaving like some common fuckin whore out there in front of everyone, but not here for me? Breaking my fuckin heart “ she liked the way you seemed to lose all of your cockiness in an instant. She practically watched it drain from your features.
“ I wasn’t doing shit I was working “ Tess quirked a brow and smiled, fingers moving to unbutton your jeans. The second her fingers slipped into your underwear and she felt how wet you were, her smile grew. She wondered if you knew how much she truly loved how easy it was to make you wet. How much it turned her on just to have you so willingly at her mercy, how much you so clearly wanted to be used by her even if you attempted to deny it.
“ I’m not stupid. I know what you were doing. You think I didn’t know this is what you wanted? “ a soft moan slipped past your lips as she dragged your arousal up and slowly circled your clit “ you wet for me or that fucker back there? Huh? “
“ what do you fuckin think? “ Tess raised her eyebrows and shook her head, not the biggest fan of your tone of voice. Your breath hitched as she set herself into a steady rhythm, losing your cool and cocky demeanour as she worked you into a mess. It never took her long. She could read you like a book and knew how and where to touch you to have you melting in minutes.
“ the attitude on you sweetheart “ she increased the speed of her fingers, applied more pressure to your neck. She watched the way your eyes fluttered closed, loving the way the light headed bliss washed over you “ that’s it baby, can’t talk back now can you “
Your eyes fell onto hers as she slipped two fingers into you, not bothering to ease you into it with one. You were wet enough for it, she knew.
“ fuck- “
“ you think you’re so powerful don’t you? Thinking you can fuck around like that? Look at you now “ she kept her voice low, in that tone that she knew you loved. That made your velvety walls flutter against the fingers she was thrusting in and out of you roughly “ do you think they all know back there? That you’re back here with me getting fucked like a little slut? Do you? “
You whimpered out an answer your nails digging painfully into the skin of her wrist
“ I’m sorry “ your whimpers and whines were cute but she found it mildly funny that you thought they would make her go easy on you. She was only getting started.
“ not good enough “ her thumb applied pressure to your clit and you moaned loudly at the feeling “ acting like you’re so big. So bad. But who’s the one getting fucked in an alley? What do you think they’d say if they saw you now? Saw you a pathetic mess having your cunt stretched out by my fingers? Hmm? “
“ I- I said I’m sorry. I’m- fuck “
“ you should be. I look after you, I take care of you. And yet you behave like that? Such a spoiled little brat. You want more? I bet you want more don’t you “ your moans were increasing in pitch and she was a little cautious of being caught, but she was far too preoccupied by you to care completely. By the own arousal pooling in her belly, she didn’t need to be touched to get off. Watching you fall apart at her hands was enough
“ yes. Yes. More “ you begged. She loved hearing you beg.
“ greedy girl “ she glanced down at her hand that was hidden in your jeans and smiled, adjusting the slightly awkward angle and carefully adding a third finger to the mix. You winced at the new stretch and she gave you a moment before continuing her movements.
“ fuck Tess “ the sounds falling from your mouth mixed with the sopping sound of your cunt stretching around her fingers was almost too distracting, fighting the urge to stop and take you home so she could fuck you properly.
You were getting louder, even when she stifled your sounds for a moment with a more firm grip on your throat. When she could feel your pulse hammering beneath her finger tips.
“ nice and quiet. Or do you want them all to hear you? Is that what you want? “ it’s what she wanted. Deep down. A part of her desperately wanted people to hear, to remind everyone and anyone that thought they had a chance with you to back off. But a louder part of her was yelling at her, that she didn’t want anyone finding you both there. So you’d have to quiet down “ quiet “ she warned.
She sighed in mild annoyance when you didn’t listen.
“ sorry I- I can’t- “ so she clamped her hand down over your mouth and shook her head in disappointment. Though internally she was unbelievably fucking smug, very much getting off on the fact that you couldn’t control yourself. Because of her. You were a whimpering, shuddering wreck because of her.
She wondered if she should have planned this a little more thoroughly before executing it. If she could’ve roped Joel into dragging the man you had been flirting with down that alley too. Forced him to watch. Get a couple of hits in to really cement the fact. That you were hers. No one else’s. You weren’t to be touched. Or looked at. Or even thought about but anyone but her.
In an ideal world where she didn’t act on impulse and actually planned that exact moment, that’s what would have happened. Maybe she’d have even taken you some place more secluded. Where she didn’t have to force you to be quiet, where she could let you be loud. Let that bastards ears be filled with you moaning her name. The wet sounds of your cunt soaking her fingers.
He’d never get to have you like that. He’d never get to feel the way you clenched on her fingers, the way your inner walls were so soft. No one would. Only her.
But maybe that was for another time. In that moment she was quite pleased with herself, pleased with the way she had you whimpering into her one hand and dripping all over the other.
She wished you could see how pathetic you looked there for her, squirming in her hold, eyes rolling to the back of your head as she pushed you closer the edge. Her hand across your mouth, neck covered in fresh hickeys, your arms grazing against the brick wall.
“ I don’t want you acting like that anymore. You understand me? “ she curled her fingers as she said it, pressing at the spot she knew sent you spiralling. That she knew would render you unable to respond, that gave you that wonderful blank look in your eyes when all you could think about was her. Exactly as she wanted you. You nodded your head, eyes falling closed “ I can’t have you showing me up like that again“
She couldn’t. She didn’t need people seeing you treat her like a pushover, so easily able to walk all over her. She was in charge. She had the control. You were hers
“ who do you belong to? “ she asked you, moving her hand down from your mouth and gripping at your chin “ who? “
“ you “ you said breathlessly, your chest heaving and grip on her wrist tightening. She knew you well enough to know when you were almost there, recognised the sounds. The look in your eyes. The way you tightened around her fingers.
“ say it again”
“ fuck- “ she was a little cautious of how loud you were being again but she wanted to hear you say it, needed you to say her name and feed the jealous creature sitting in her chest.
“ say it or I swear I will leave you here like this “ she threatened “ say my name baby “
“ Tess “ you gasped, voice high and breathy “ Tess. You I belong to you please- “ she smiled and gave a small nod.
“ that’s my girl “ she moved her hand back over your mouth as you came, whining loudly even muffled by her fingers “ you fuckin remember that yeah? You’re mine “ she said against your ear as she worked you through it, coming over her fingers “ all mine “ she kept going, only withdrawing her fingers when you slumped against her. Legs shaking and chest heaving as you caught your breath.
She dropped her hand from your mouth, eyes scanning your face and an overwhelming smugness settling over her at your fucked out appearance.
“ did I make myself clear? “ she asked quietly, thumb brushing over your lips.
“ crystal “ she pressed a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth before letting you go and taking a step back, running a hand through her hair as she looked at her handiwork. It was clear as day what had just happened and she took great pride in the fact that you would walk back into that courtyard, and everyone would know. Bruises were blooming on your throat, your cheeks were flushed, lips swollen from your teeth sinking into them, hair dishevelled.
“ I’ll let you get back to work then shall I? “ she said with a smile as if it were the most normal thing.
“ you fuckin kidding me? “ she shrugged and leant forward to press a kiss to your cheek “ just keep your hands to yourself this time “ then she stepped back and made her way back to Joel, almost sauntering her way back to the table where he was still sat.
The cat who had gotten the cream.
“ you are fuckin unbelievable “ he muttered with a shake of his head as she sat back in her chair, arms folded over her chest and eyes locked on the entrance to the alleyway waiting for you to appear.
“ deal me some new cards Texas “ he shook his head with a sigh but gathered up the cards again as you re appeared. You had tried to make yourself look more presentable by the looks of things, but even if people could excuse the flushed look of your cheeks or the glazed look in your eyes. There was no escaping the freshly bloomed artwork she’d left on your neck.
She’d like to see anyone try it on with you now.
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sam-loves-seb · 1 year ago
weely tag wednesday
thanks for the tags @energievie @metalheadmickey @deedala !
which character from any media would you like to have as a father? jed bartlet (the west wing)
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? probably just a cat tbh i'm not a big animal person (i think they're neat, i just don't really have the desire to own any of them)
what is your Chinese takeout order? pork fried rice and chicken fingers
what's your favourite emoji? this one: ✨
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? a home theater. a library would be sick but i read mostly ebooks so i think a theater would get more use out of me.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? Spongebob Squarepants. me and my sister used to watch this every single night with our dad when we were little, but if we wanted to stay up and watch it we had to be all ready for bed by the time it came on
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? it was a lot of reblogs of aesthetic photographs because it was 2012 and i was 14. not long after that tho it turned into a sebastian stan fan blog which is how i got my url, and over time that slowly morphed into the multi fandom madness you see today
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? god i don't know, my closet is a little bit of everything because i always wanna try a new style when i see it. i honestly don't think i have an answer for this one, i really do love fashion and my style is constantly changing
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? i have no idea. acotar maybe? solely because i've read those books so many times? yeah i guess i'll go with that
what is your favourite piece of art? café terrace at night
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like? i have a light blue wide mouth nalgene water bottle that is covered in stickers and has two friendship bracelets dangling from the cap strap. it's giving major camp counselor vibes.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? look, if i go on a quiet hunt for fics tagged aftercare every now and then, that is between me and god so shut the fuck up about it
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it? nope. i don't have an office bag bc i wfh and on the weekends i absolutely despise carrying a purse. i have one of those phone cases with card slots on the back and it holds everything i could possibly need.
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? sexually i think it'd have to be lip, but if i could platonically ship him with someone i think i'd pick fiona. idk i just think they'd get along better than anyone would think.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? friends to lovers kinda snuck up on me in my adulthood. i used to be very against it as a teen, but now that i'm grown and have actually seen the trope done well in fics and in media, it's one of my favorite tropes of all time.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? yes 100% absolutely and anyone who says otherwise is lying. (did we all see noel's s11 body? we saw the abs right? mans was ripped in the last season even tho the writers like, never showed it, and it is my personal mission to avenge this wrongdoing) i'm kidding about the lying part but yeah, he absolutely can still carry s11 ian, being able to lift his husband is the only reason he still goes to the gym
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? debbie. i think carl wanted it, but he already has a gun so he gave it to debbie instead.
tagging: @suchagallabitch @gallawitchxx @callivich @michellemisfit @iansw0rld and anyone else who wants to play !
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monsterlovinghours · 10 months ago
What about the Dons in DnD world? 🤔
I'm sure some are really easy but fell free to do an in depth analysis on their role and backstory. (The easiest one would definitely be Scarabee 👀)
Ooooohh. Since I'm on my phone and typing out long things is hard I prooooobably won't go too in-depth but I invite y'all to reblog with your own thoughts and opinions!
-A while back @realmonsterboyhours drew Bajo as a tiefling and now I can't see him as anything else. He's also bard coded, he's definitely got the charisma for it--he also plays that sexy flamenco guitar.
-You're absolutely right though, Scarabee is a no-brainer. Obviously a warlock, he's got a patron already part of his lore. Has just about every spell or potion ingredient you could think of up in his attic. As for race, I could see a half-elf. Like, there's something of the fey about him, but he's been human or at least knows what being human is like.
-Zhuk is an orc and I'll die on this hill. He's big, he's beefy, he's large and in charge. I'm also going with barbarian, based solely again on art drawn by @realmonsterboyhours of him holding a sledgehammer. Imagine big-ass swords in those meathooks of his. Or a giant axe. Or just picture him saying "fuck it" and beating someone to death with his bare hands. Look at me and tell me he wouldn't do it. Not because he isn't civilized or intelligent but because someone's gotta do the dirty work.
-Cia is an elf druid. I mean, *look at him.* Mans is about as fey coded as you can get and looks like he didn't see something that wasn't a tree until he hit triple digits. If you took the daddy energy out of Halsin, you'd be left with Ciaróg. Also, he helps his tiefling husband with his rose gardens and how cute is that??
-Gio is an enigma. He's absolutely an eldritch horror, but just for funsies, I think he'd take the form of a drow. After a couple of centuries he might change his form, but drow is his favorite. He has a lot of arcane knowledge, things that beings of this plane shouldn't know, so he just tells everyone he's a wizard. Did a lot of studying, you know.
-Saft a half-orc artificer. He's a bit of a big boi, sturdy and thick, but despite his size and his brutish heritage, he can tinker with the most delicate mechanisms. Mostly uses his knowledge to make explosives and weapons; incendiary devices are his favorite. Has built so many guns.
-Bjalla is a vampire. "hhhh but what's his race" LISTEN HERE I'M NOT CHANGING WHAT'S ALREADY PERFECT. Of course he's a fucking vampire, what else would he be? And yes, I believe he would be a rogue. No, I am not saying this because I'm also madly in love with Astarion. There will be no further questions. He's canonically an assassin, you can't tell me he wouldn't be a rogue. Yes, I have a type, leave me alone dammit.
-Mozzie gives me dwarf energy, though his size doesn't quite gel with that idea. Maybe an earth genasi? Something earthy idk. He also gives ranger vibes, someone who travels a bunch. Though in this realm of high fantasy, since internet isn't a thing, he deals in information. He can gather intel, spread rumors, manipulate the flow of knowledge from one person or place to another.
-Lag is a firbolg. He's big, he's fluffy, he's a big ol sweetheart who couldn't hurt a soul if he tried. Also probably a druid, though he's less concerned with plant life and more with animals. He's the fauna to Cia's flora.
-Devlin is a shifter. Like, it's obvious, right? Clearly he's a shifter, he's werewolf coded. And honestly, I think he's our cleric, just because I had the idea that the deity he worships is so ancient and he's been cursed so many times, he's actually forgotten its name. But also how funny would it be to have a cleric that bestows blessings and makes things holy by literally absorbing the curses and evil magic. It's fine, he's fine, it doesn't hurt! Not anymore, anyway.
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kharmii · 1 year ago
I think for the sake of your reading comprehension, you should review the actual meanings behind the following terms, since it’s clear you have zero idea what either means:
Perhaps you should also just stop reposting other people’s art altogether, since you didn’t actually draw it. Perhaps you should, I don’t know, just stick to reblogging, or posting your own art, and stop trying to only get likes due to the talent of other people. Crazy thought.
No, I get it. Anti stands for 'anti-shipping', so presumably, a person can be against shipping cartoon identical twins as an aesthetic because of icky irl incest, yet they can also be into morbidly obese shitting dick nipple a/b/o werewolf knotting smut.
It's true I'm failing at trolling, as trolling is supposed to be throwing random incediary jabs to stir people up. One isn't supposed to throw out valid points or ask reasonable questions, such as when I asked what percentage of anti-shippers are grossed out by my identical twin fixation but will turn around and think it's okay to post gross-ass monster fucking two-dick vore fics in cartoon animal fandoms or fandoms that don't even have anything to do with being a furry, such as pokemon world train clowns. Monsters don't exist irl, yo! That makes it not a moral issue! At least I don't take my twin fixation and incorporate it into every fandom that exists so that's all anybody sees.
There's no way I'd ever stop reposting. This blog is too massive. I always have 300-500 posts in my queue, and some holidays are already covered. Fans into the same hyperfixations can look at my archive and see fun, beautiful art that isn't peppered with the same furry fetish trash almost every other site has. It's like being on Danbooru, but without porn, and it's just me posting. Anyway, stats of most used tags as of 09/07/23....
Subway Bosses: 3612 posts.
Gardevoir: 2726 posts:
Gallade: 1636 posts.
Volo: 1292 posts.
Blankshipping only represents 459 of those posts, and most of the twin shipping is "Tweek and Craig" type yaoi where they hold hands and cuddle. Here, have a pinch of edge from 市川美崎@ICKWMGD Twitter.
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somebodysaidimpulsive · 1 year ago
✧✧ smth smth intro post wooo ✧✧
hello and welcome to my random horde of cool fanart and other stuff I find neat! I'm Impulse, (or whatever other names I have on my list,) aroace agender gremlin, and my pronouns page is https://en.pronouns.page/@Feral_Gremlin !
✧ tag system ✧
#the gremlin answers - answers to asks!
#random shit - exactly what it says on the tin; various random shit that falls out of my mind and winds up here somehow.
#gremlin psa - stuff I think is important, helpful, or a good message to spread!
#lookit this persons art!! - cool art reblogs!! Because I like giving validation and compliments to whatever random artists I think are neat.
#sentimomentos - wholesome or poetic posts that hold a special bit of sentiment to them! (yes, it's a play on a spanish word for sentiment. no, I do not speak spanish. It started because I thought "oh, that's a great play on the word sentiment!" then looked it up and found out it was an actual word in a different language. so I changed it to be different enough and never spoke of it again. can you tell I'm not the most observant gremlin.)
#my silly lil guys - stuff related to my ocs or about them!
#pinned posts - stuff i have pinned or wish to pin, but tumblr says I can only have one :< so they go in this tag instead
#fucked up shit - things that are actively bad news or disturbing things (e.g. fucked up world news), but things that I do not wish to go unnoticed. If you're sensitive to stuff like this, please either block this tag or just move on with your day. Give it a signal boost if you can, but if you absolutely cannot for your own mental well being, I'm not here to cause more suffering. Just to spread awareness about already messed up stuff that deserves more eyes on it.
✧ other blogs ✧
My writing/art blog: https://www.tumblr.com/the-horde-archive
✧ DNI ✧
Literally any kind of bigot. Get out, or get blocked. I will not welcome that kind of attitude here.
Most NSFW/18+ blogs (Nothing against it, ofc, I'm just not super into that kind of stuff and would prefer not to see it popping up on my dash thank youuu)
candy corn haters (/SILLY)
that should be about it! Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a lovely lovely day :]
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virginburial · 3 years ago
.·:*¨༺    sextape.      ♱   bucky barnes ༻¨*:·.
SUMMARY: in which you bother your upstairs neighbor or alternatively, in which you, a cam girl, try to do your job and accidentally wake up your neighbor
SHIP: fem reader!bucky barnes, FATWS bucky barnes WARNINGS: explicit content, mentions of sex work, mentions of daddy issues, explicit language, random story-telling/plot
WORD COUNT: 4.8K SONG: https://open.spotify.com/track/4rEGJ9KirDlKiOHxqVwcVg?si=a3c34ab37c7749d0
A/N: hi everyone! Buffy here, this is my first oneshot on here that will be posted on ao3 and wattpad later in the week. i know this concept is kind of unrealistic but it’s also the best idea i had for bucky bc i’m writing him for clout, it was hard to think of anything else. i apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes. forgot to mention that i’m super adhd and get my letters and grammar confused. not even accidentally dropping 144 bucks on Grammarly can save me :,)) REBLOGS, NOTES, AND COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED !!
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"Alright! should we go with option one or two?"
You weren't always the outgoing type, and when you were, you were most likely in your element; but nothing could compare to how very much 'in the zone' webcamming made you. Things have been different since you were able to move on out of your childhood home; your lack of world experience hit you hard. of course, the blip added to the economic stress of it all, but you were so sure that when everyone came back, everything would be normal again, right? Something had to give. Next thing you know, you got fired from your barista job because of the workplace blip act - basically ensuring that the blipped got their jobs back. Their livelihoods. As if you haven't been scraping for your own since they all dissipated to nothing. Whatever, you were over it now. Or you presumed you were. It used to be so easy to find a job, but webcamming wasn't your final option; there was always working for the city's sewer system - yeah, fuck that.
Besides, as complicit-in-your-own-oppression being a woman may seem, the false illusion of having control over your body felt somewhat empowering. You never were big on your sexuality until you discovered webcamming, and it gave you the confidence to treasure the wonders of the sex world - sex work wasn't fun for everyone, but you were happy it was fun for you. Consider yourself privileged. It went from being scared to taking off your shirt, to randomly buying fun wigs and toys to wear and mess around with during your shows. Rent would be on the back burner as corsets and vibrators started to rack up a bill with your bank. It didn't matter, though, men were throwing money at you, and it all comes back; a complete cycle.
Sure, there were the downsides, like dealing with someone who lacked respect or was just indecent, but that was the magic of the internet or at least chaturbate.com. All you had to do was block them. You were laying it all out there, and there was nothing they could do or say to make you feel any more naked. It did hurt still. And it does ruin the overarching mood of the so-called performance-please don’t try to do that thing where you settle for webcamming over an acting career ... it's just sad. Like broadway, hecklers get ushered out, and the show always continues. Then it goes all over the place. Either way, it happens.
Nonetheless, you were still you, just with a new hobby. It's no different than being a writer or a painter, someone who got a hold of art the way they want to see it. The point is, you were still you, but you were finally home in your skin, and at the end of it all, the digital footprint will become privatized by law, so we can't snoop in on what Mark Zuckerberg or Grimes is doing. Everything matters, and it doesn't, so you go with toy number two despite the comments telling you to use toy number one. You were a tease like that, and you loved making those paypigs wait until frustration because of the payout. It was just a basic vibrator with the craziest settings imaginable. You tested it out before the show, and it already made you weak enough not even to consider it. But you did because you learned the fun way not to judge a book by its cover.
The cam girls get to have personalized websites for their business, and you took it upon yourself to make the website so very much yourself. You didn't have to pretend with your audience. think of it like MySpace. You even had a bit of having scene aesthetic to your site, but it was all centered around you. You, you, you, what would your audience ever do without you?
You slowly set the vibrator on high, the words are in Japanese, and you managed to memorize some of the characters to know what it means, spreading your legs open to reveal skimpy pink laced panties that complimented your skin color. There was already a puddle forming on the base of your panties from earlier and then throughout the day. Mainly because you and your neighbor were chatting up about the new upstairs neighbor. The man seemed disheveled and gloomy, almost like a lost puppy, and you had a thing for strays. You wouldn't say it out loud today because everyone is so political, but you liked the idea of fixing someone. You were probably projecting and wished someone would correct you, but putting all that energy into someone becoming better, helping them, that interested you. Cry for help, probably? Not like anyone could hear over the excessive amount of moaning you were doing. Either way, he looked sad; you liked sad, repressed trauma aside, you thought he was handsome. Then you let the thought of him simmer down in your mind, which was a mistake on your part, leading down to you concluding that your attractiveness towards older men was either your father's or Lana del Rey's fault. Somehow.
You began fidgeting at the sensations rolling through your body as you tried to keep your thighs from squeezing shut, but it was hard; then the sound of coin slot machines started rolling from the computer. You felt like Schrodinger's dog, the sound triggering you to shut your legs, taking deep breaths as a slight giggle left your mouth. Blood ran to your cheeks like a marathon, causing the chat to compliment how cute you looked when flustered. You peaked at your panties to notice how the puddle suddenly grew into an ocean, flopping back to your bed and turning on the vibrator again. You thought it would be funny if you teased your audience again, flipping the setting up and placing it on the base of your areola as you stared into the camera. Glittery makeup and lipstick smudged as your blonde wig threatened to fly off. You let it slowly trail down your stomach - the vibrations from your abdomen were already setting you off - steadily going down south until you heard three loud knocks on your door.
"Shit!" You whisper under your breath as the chat freaks out with you. You look at the chat and try to remain calm; this usually never happens. One; because your neighbors don't care, and two, you're never that loud. you weakly smile. "I'm going to put the show on hold, i'll be right back, Lovelies." you kiss the camera, saying it all with a defeated tone as you quickly pause the show. You grab the pink cheetah robe you've had since you were fifteen - back when you had a bit of a princess aesthetic - and ran to the door, struggling to put it on as you made sure you covered just about everything. damnit, son of a bitch cunt whore slut, the colorful words started to pile up in your mind as you reached for the front door. you have got to be fucking kidding me
in all his exhausted glory; there he is, the mysterious upstairs neighbor
he looks timid, almost like he didn't want to bother you. meanwhile, all the blood from your cheeks went directly back to your cunt. "hello, um..." he sighs softly. "I haven't really set up my bed yet; I kind of just have this mattress that's on the floor." the look in his eyes screamed 'why did I bring that up??' as you tug on your robe. "so I can hear everything, and I haven't been able to get some sleep." you heard him just fine, but you were to busy to notice what he was wearing; grey sweatpants and a black tank top; yes, he was packing. The thing that caught you the most off guard besides his sweet-raspy voice was his metal arm. You grew up in a small town with a vast military population, so you knew and had family and were friends with people who had prosthetics. His, however, was strange. The metal was much more refined, it looked very, very, very expensive. You might just be assuming, but why does a man with such a costly arm live in the dump you live in? just a thought as you avert your gaze back to him. "I'm so sorry, i'll be sure to keep the noise down... i-i don't have any guests, it's just ... me." why the fuck would you say that?! you scold yourself as the man cracks a small smile and looks down at your robe. "cool...?" he says in the same tone.
you start to fumble. "I-I'm sorry I-I dunno why I said that sometimes my mouth is faster than my brain-especially in situations like this." you ramble a bit. Make. This. Less. Awkward. I'm. Begging. You. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
The man still has the small smile he had from your confession. He seemed rather amused at how quickly you shattered in his presence. you couldn't tell if it was attractive or unbelievable how someone could look like a nirvana song. "Bucky." he introduces himself, and suddenly, the mystery is solved; his name is Bucky. he then points to the wig struggling to stay on your head. "I'm guessing you're ... cosplaying is the word, right?" he takes a pause. "cosplaying Hannah Montana-" "-oh no no no." you take off the wig, revealing your loose and messy bun/braids, a few pieces of your hair falling to your face as you, in sitcom fashion, throw the wig to the side. "I'm... I'm an actress," you say confidently. You two just kind of stand there looking at each other before your maternal instincts kick in, it's midnight, and he looks tired. You bite your lip hesitantly. "come in, I can make you some tea. It's the least I can do for waking you up." you open the door a little for him, not giving him a chance to reject you as you reveal how snug and perfect the robe fit around all your curves. he noticed that. And just like that, he strolls into your home.
You go to the kitchen, your thighs rubbing with every step - just reminding you that you were still on the clock and that you were still very, very, very desperate for some touch. You just had to make Bucky some tea now, did you? You grab the sleepytime tea box that sat elegantly on your microwave and fill the mug with the words; "maybe swearing will help" printed with water. Making tea was damn near ritualistic. You can't help but feel Bucky's presence, though. Lurking in the shadows and looking at all the fun knick-knacks you collected. You turn to him. "so, you from New York?" you ask.
he nods. "Brooklyn born and raised. I just came back from living in Wakanda for some time. Also spent a little time here and there..." no actual specifics besides Wakanda and Brooklyn. "you from Brooklyn?" he asked, but you shook your head. "small-town girl, I'm from the south. I moved up here during the blip." you explained. Bucky nodded. "to become an actress? Like on broadway?" he asks.
He remembered your white lie. How sweet. You squeeze your thighs a little and gulp. "n-no." you laugh a little. "I came here to get away from losing my brother in the blip and start school. I'm studying biochemical engineering. I wanted to study theatre and the arts, but my dad told me that it was a waste of a college education and that he wouldn't pay if I went and did theatre. but now that my brother is back, he can focus on ruining his life instead of mine..." you ramble a bit before seeing the look on Bucky's face. he was intrigued at the little spice you were able to throw in the conversation. you bite your lip. "sorry, I shouldn't be trauma dumping on you like that...dad's, yknow?" he nods in agreement. "but i've always wanted to be an actress-"
"so, you're not an actress? you're a biochemical engineer student?"
You feel a pang of guilt for lying, but you realize now that you should probably tell him, considering that he's your neighbor, and warn him about the cons of your newfound profession, such as the noise and noise complaints. you scrunch your nose and tilt your head to the side. "I am, but not in the traditional sense ... I'm a porn actress, webcam, actually. I started a couple of months ago after losing my job after the blip." you keep it short and sweet, turning over to the microwave to fetch him his tea before turning back around, you didn't want to see his reaction, but you did, and he looked relatively unfazed. Most men scream and run in the other direction, weak, but Bucky... doesn't care. You decide to change the topic. "what about you? why are you here?"
"...I was in the Army, just came back to get my life back on track, have to do court-mandated therapy now. I should hate it, but a small part of me is glad I'm going." court-mandated therapy? no wonder he's unfazed by a cam girl. "I'm sorry, I know what pornography is, but you said you did webcamming? what...is that?"
you narrow your eyes at him. "you...don't know what caming is?"
He shakes his head. "nope. I'm old-fashioned, don't even have those fancy smartphones." he says as he pulls out a Nokia. "holy shit." you say as he beholds the ancient relic. this was going to be good. Suddenly, you felt your clit throb as he glanced at your robe; you couldn't help but want to show him. You suddenly remembered all the thoughts you left on the back burner about him, simmering down until it boiled and exploded. You were at your boiling point,.your cheeks turned red as you pulled out your phone, going to your site as he keeps staring at you. he could tell, he could tell that you were holding out; considering that you were standing right in front of him and you had your legs crossed. You didn't want to show him your old shows, but at the same time, you didn't want to show him anyone else. If he was going to watch, it had to be you somehow. You pressed on your most recent one from two days ago, skipping ahead before showing off yourself in a sexy nurse costume. You pull the phone away before he gets to peek, though. "you sure you want to see this?" you asked for his consent.
bucky nervously laughs, his smile suddenly getting cheeky as he rubs his chin. "I mean, Y/N, you're showing me pornography-not like I haven't seen it before." his smile slowly turns to a smirk. He was so shy at first, maybe you said too much, overspilled, but no, that wasn't the case. he wasn't getting comfortable with you. He was somewhat charming you. or at least, appeared that way. "cmon, you can show me." he smirks softly at you.
Fuck. Me.
Without hesitation, you show him. You could see his pupils dilate right away, his cheeks getting a little pink as Bucky... studies you. He's not engaging in the content, just analyzing it like an accountant. He holds the phone and observes as you start to feel hot, skin sizzling-almost like a hot flash of some kind-as his eyes follow your every move. he glances over at you. "arent your other neighbors concerned about how loud you are?" he asks almost mockingly, teasingly, but he was serious. You shake your head as your moans echo throughout your apartment. "my neighbor on the left is my best friend from middle school, who told me I should look into this. The neighbor on the right is Miss Chen. She's hard of hearing; I told her I had a cat. and the neighbor across the hall, Amelia, is a flight attendant. Lucky, right?" you try to pause the video, but Bucky is mesmerized by your movements. "so all you do is...sit in front of a camera naked? And people just give you money? And it's live? How...innovative." he said like it piqued his interest. you began to laugh nervously as you finally managed to pause it. he could see it, how visibly nervous you got around him. he furrowed his eyebrows. "why so shy? You weren't earlier." his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
You decide to play his game. "first of all, it's not just sitting in front of a camera and looking pretty. Second of all...whatever happened to being old-fashioned? aren’t you going to buy me dinner first before you look at me that way?"
Bucky looks down a bit bashfully, handing you back the phone as you start to question his motives. "is the real reason you came down here was to quiet me down? or something else?" you ask. You had to have asked. You were okay with whatever answer, though. He's hesitating, though, Bucky glances back at you. "well, it's hard for me to sleep regardless, thought I'd be more tired if I came down here then go back up, but I'm wide awake...why? Were you hoping I came down here because you were moaning like that?" he asked. The conversation was starting to cross the rhetorical-question-turned-confession territory. A small part of you wanted to say yes; ever since he moved in last week, you'd cross paths with him, and he'd stay on your mind. But hooking up with your upstairs neighbor? Webcamming was one thing; being with someone, after how lonely the blip was, was another thing. but something about Bucky made your stomach turn into Simone Biles; flips and tricks and jumping through hoops at the mention of or the glances from Bucky. "...moan like what?" you raised an eyebrow, smirking.
Bucky seems hesitant, maybe he didn't want the conversation to continue, but it wasn't until he was staring at the space between your chest did it hit you that maybe he was too shy to make a move. Yet, he looked so eager, something was holding him back. You realized you weren't the only nervous person here. But you had to try, and you had to try to get him. You lean in a little closer. "cmon Bucky, why so shy? You weren't earlier." you mocked him, playfully teasing him as you slowly grabbed his hand. "may I?" you asked him. It only felt right. he nodded his head and watched as you guided his hand down to your core, his calloused fingers running against your inner thigh as you slowly humped on his hand, rubbing your clothed cunt on his rough palms as a soft moan left your lips. he looked at you in awe, almost like he couldn't believe you were real. You keep a steady pace as you hold onto his shoulders, smiling a little at him because his reaction was priceless. "did it sound like that?" you innocently asked as lust glazed over your eyes.
He lets out a shaky breath. "oh .. fuck..." he said in a throaty tone.
You watched him crumble as he grabbed you and smashed your lips against his, teeth hitting teeth as you eagerly kissed him back, his hand staying still on your cunt as its presence set you off. The first thing Bucky does is undo the loose knot on your robe; it's almost like that's what he wanted to do the moment you answered the door. He reveals your breasts, his sweet kisses never breaking from the fact that you were naked besides your wet panties. Your jaw starts to buckle and hurt as your bottom lip turns red from the friction. Bucky pulls away, practically panting as he delicately brushes your hair behind your ear. You can't help but notice that Bucky was still a gentleman in all the tension. Even if you wanted him to pound you. You could tell this was a little unorthodox for him; maybe he truly was old-fashioned, but also very touch starved. You pull him closer by the waistband of his sweatpants, your hand slowly wandering down to his expanding tip as your index and thumb rub it. You could physically see Bucky relax into your touch as he latches on to your neck; soft kisses on your neck before going completely animalistic on your chest.
You let out a soft whine before grabbing his face and passionately kissing him, your thighs squeezing around his hand. You pull away from him, both of you panting as you hold his warm hand, noticing a thin coat of your wetness before dragging him into your room. A piece of you wanted him to bend you over the counter, but you voted against it. that's when Bucky's eyes landed on the computer. "...is it live-?" he asks. You shake your head; webcamming was your thing; it didn't mean it had to be Bucky’s. But Bucky surprises you. for a man who ‘didn't know’ how to use a laptop; he sure worked his way around it. You - laying in your bed and squeezing your thighs, raise an eyebrow and laugh. "what are you doing?" you giggled.
"hitting two birds with one stone."
He quickly finds the GO LIVE button and moves away from the frame, leaving you front and center, watching the views roll in from your loyal fans as Bucky grabs you by your chin and kisses you lustfully. You could feel your skin cry for him as your knees got weak; the kiss was out of the frame, Bucky made sure of it because, god, it would be embarrassing if anyone there recognized him. It wasn't long before you flopped down on the bed and spread your legs for him like magic. You didn't know if it was because he looked like a movie star during the golden age of Hollywood or because of how mysterious he was, but Bucky made you weak. So weak that you didn't care if this was the first and last time he would touch you. You feel his rough fingertips slowly slide off the panties you've soaked, seeing your hole overfilled with your wetness. Bucky slides his warm hand in between your folds, causing you to jerk your hips slightly, trying to keep them down as your chest starts to rise.
Bucky lets out a dry chuckle. "you're sensitive, how...cute." he mocks you.
The disgusting thing about it is that you liked how he mocked you, watching you squirm as he spits down on your clit, saliva hanging from his lips as he leans down and slips his tongue in your mouth. You open your jaw a little more so he could explore your mouth, watching him pull away before feeling the freezing metal from his other arm hit your clit at full force. At this point, that's where your heartbeat was, and the cool metal was making it worse. You gasp and let out a quiet moan as you look into Bucky's eyes; he knew that would get you. watching as you shut your thighs around his arm, he roughly pries them open. "I don't think so." he damn-near growls at you. a chill ran up your spine before feeling two cold fingers slam into your hole, your walls closing in on his index and middle finger as he holds it there. What a fucking tease. your clit was begging for attention as he looked down at you. "not so talkative now, huh?"
You arch your back, practically offering him your body as your eyes beg him to move his fingers, but he doesn't. he keeps them there to remind you of how helpless you indeed were. Not like you didn't know; you were vulnerable for him for a whole week. He slowly moves his fingers out of you, carefully rubbing them on your bottom lip before you eventually obliged and sucked them dry. The sound of coin slot machines echoed in the room as you shakily closed your legs, squeezing them shut before feeling your chest heave - you were already orgasming? To be fair, you have been teasing yourself for a good hour before Bucky waltzed in. a deep moan left your mouth as your thighs shook and coated themselves in your cum. Your back was getting sweaty as your cheeks turned bright pink. Bucky watched as your body compulsed. You could tell he loved the show but was disappointed that it wasn't him making you shake like that.
Bucky watched as your body tried to maintain itself, finally calming down after your rolling orgasm as the sound of coin slot machines went crazy. You weren't letting yourself catch a break as you felt your clit throb for more. That's when you felt Bucky move—dragging you off to the edge of the bed and sitting down. Having you lay across his lap. You've seen and read enough porn to know exactly what was going on and obliged happily. You watched him slowly take off his tank top before making it into a ball and stuffing it in your mouth; a makeshift gag, if you will. Your right-hand touched his chest and feels him up as he keeps you in a comfortable position. Now, you couldn't think about the timid and traditional man that came knocking so he could get some sleep; your mind bombarded with thoughts of the eager and somewhat perverted sweetheart that was helping you relieve yourself after pulling you away.
His hand hits your ass hard, and you gasp and whine in pain, feeling your body tense up as he smacks it again. The noises from the laptop ringing again made you want to follow through on your habit, so bucky spreads your legs and then spanks you, hitting your ass and cunt with full force. Moans with hints of pain muffled through your gag. he seems amused, seeing your clit turn red and raw from the amount of spanking he did; you shake and quiver every time he spanks you and misses; which is often. By then, you were already horny again. Bucky stuffs three fingers in you unexpectedly, causing you to let out a loud moan. His warm hand goes to your mouth, covering it and shoving the gag deeper into your mouth, causing the fabric to tickle your throat and gag reflexes. Tears come to your eyes as Bucky decides to tease you by leaving them in there. again.
You feel the walls close in on his fingers and ache for them to move, so when he finally does drive them, you feel a wave of euphoria hit you. He curled his fingers as the metal slid in and out of you, causing you to spill out in moans. You were almost glad he improvised a gag because it would be embarrassing if your neighbor, Miss Chen, realized you didn't have a cat. Your heartbeat begins to steady itself, something you were grateful for before Bucky places his cold thumb on your clit and rubbed you like he was playing a scratch-off lottery ticket. It felt like a dam broke between your thighs as you wiggled and tried not to give in so quickly. But you couldn't help it. He was overstimulating you to the extreme.
Your thighs begin to shake as a tear or two rolls down your cheek from how overwhelming it felt, but you couldn't imagine yourself being anywhere besides his lap. Feeling him spread you out and spank you as you wiggle more and more for his touch, even if your clit was starting to swell up. Bucky was too preoccupied with you that he probably didn't notice how hard he was getting; your right-hand slides over to his clothed cock as you gently squeeze it, hearing a soft but deep groan as Bucky leaves another red and purple mark on your ass. "take my fingers first, then we'll see." he raspily tells you, but you knew you weren't going to last long. You longed to have him inside of you.
And he knows.
he knows you won't last that long either, maybe he's alluding to round two? not that you had the energy to think coherent thoughts as a tsunami wave of pleasure hits you. heavy breaths as your chest rises and falls flat, as you creamed all over his hand, your cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson as his curled fingers hits the right spot one last time. if heaven was a place on earth, it was on this man's lap. you look at him, your eyes glossed over and your cheeks red as Bucky pulls out the balled up tank top out of your mouth. you pant and looked over to your laptop screen, seeing the money you made rack up more and more. speechless, you glimpsed at bucky before planting a sweet kiss on his lips, only for him to glance at you and say:
"guess I can finally sleep now."                                                    .·:*¨༺♱༻¨*:·.
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eternalglitch · 2 years ago
Right okay so slightly different from my usual programming but after three years of Rise brainrot the turtles have been finally vacated and I must discuss my new blorbos with great fondness at least a little. (Do not worry about my ongoing fic. That is almost my own personal blorbos at this point and I must see them off to a happy ending.)
So I've always had terrible auditory processing skills, to the point where I have made it through one (1) podcast despite my many attempts otherwise and thought this meant I was locked out of the fun dnd content.
And then one of my favorite fanfic authors from a few years back started reblogging Dimension 20's Neverafter art.
Now I had at a problem because if they endorsed this and then I spotted a character that literally seemed to be crafted to fit my interests, I had to at least poke my head into the show. So I sat down and watched episode one.
That was about two weeks ago. Almost immediately I dragged more friends into watch parties to catch up to the campaign and have gotten a SOLID chunk of my close friends into it already. This campaign is something else, the way it just grabs you in a way that I thought would never happen for me for a dnd campaign.
So (and some Neverafter spoilers ahead) Neverafter is a story about fairytale characters fighting against their "destiny" or "roles." As the world changes and their tales progressively darken, they start learning about the concept of authors, and how bad things happen to them just because an impartial outside force finds it the most interesting. The horror of being the wrong version of the story, of knowing your story should have been happy and is not. Or knowing that your story is destined to be tragic and you have no say in the matter.
And honestly every single character is compelling in their own way!
Pinocchio is the one that lured me into the story. A puppet that was given life and, after completing the traditional narrative to his story, breaks his promise to the fairy and lies to save his father's life. His lie transforms him back into a puppet, where he becomes entangled into lying more and more and more and backed into a corner by a cruel warlock patron that is essentially holding his father hostage. He's snapped his own nose off because although his own rules (his nose growing) are still in place, the world has changed. His back is against the wall and this is a scared child trying to save his dad. (He's also hilarious and swears like he just learned what the word fuck is.)
Sleeping Beauty is a victim to her story being events that happen TO her but at no point does she get allowed any initiative. When she wakes up to find no prince waiting for her, she has to learn that maybe waiting for her happily ever after isn't what would make her happy and she has to take matters back into her own hands.
Puss in Boots (Pib) is seemingly (there's more to it) a normal cat that happens to have also tricked an entire kingdom before fleeing and abandoning the kingdom to a dark fate. He lies for fun and is a great partner in crime to Pinocchio.
Red Riding Hood is a child that killed her own family when the big bad wolf gave her lycanthropy before begging her to kill him. She's a girl that is seeking parental love and guidance, and she views herself as a monster unworthy of the very love she seeks.
The Frog Prince is what I consider the dark horse favorite; Gerard got his happily ever after and his standard story happened, but after marrying his true love and time passed, he started to turn back into a frog. As his wife and him argued and started seeing each other's perspectives less and less, he became more and more froglike. Now that she's gone missing after heading off to war, Gerard has to face his own cowardice and come to terms with what really was the thing that drove a wedge in between them. (I love him. So much. He's extremely flawed and such a three-dimensional character.)
Mother Timothy Goose is a man that lost his child to an evil goose called the Gander, and is currently being hunted down by the same creature. He accidentally entered a contractual three wishes deal with it, his own wish being to find a way to save his dead son. This has granted him a magical book that has much deeper abilities than merely bringing his own son back from the dead, and he's one of the people that can help right the wrongs going on in the land of Neverafter even as he is hunted by the Gander as it tries to make him use his final wish.
So, yeah. I recommend trying it if you like horror and fairytales. It's fun. (I am not normal about it.)
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slifers-executive-writer · 3 years ago
I am well aware I have not been personally present on both this blog and the precious fanfictions it is dedicated in sharing with the world. But from the news of this morning, I feel I have an obligation to address it, particularly while I still have the motivation to do so. So here it is, and I will also be reblogging my older posts that relate to this topic later today.
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I was gonna start off by saying this man shaped my childhood, but... I feel I'd be like lying to myself in an effort to making it sound cliche and poetic.
No no. This man (let's say his name everyone, Kazuki Takahashi) literally molded and morphed my whole fucking life. And I'm not exaggerating either. It's no mystery to those that know me in acknowledging I didn't exactly have it easy growing up. But in spite of the bullying and numerous other hardships, I always had Yu-Gi-Oh. Like I nearly ditched Pokemon and Digimon so fast because of this. As a kid this show and its card game had become a bit of an obsession and I don't think any other form of media resonated with quite like Yu-Gi-Oh did.
Like I wanted to be THAT guy. Someone who was strong and confident, who knew what they were doing and didn't spend every other waking minute in fear of what would come next. I think we all put on a sort of alter ego when going out into the world, especially when we are just trying to figure out who we are. But in that journey of putting on a different face for others to be impressed by I find eventually we look within and slowly become comfortable with our true selves. I know it took me a long fucking time to do so. And who knows maybe deep down I'm still that scared little kid not knowing what their next move will be. But I definitely owe my personal growth to the world and characters of Takahashi's imagination.
If it wasn't for the card game, I wouldn't have met a good number of the people that walked in and out of my life. If it wasn't for the show, I wouldn't have my love for mythology and the ancient world. If it wasn't for the manga, I wouldn't have become the writer that I am today. I've drawn more Yu-Gi-Oh related art probably more than any source material. My walls and shelves are filled with countless memorabilia of the very franchise that I love so dearly. It even pains me to know that I will no longer see updates to this man's social media or any new artwork. And now with a very, oh so heavy heart I address a day I didn't think would come so soon. Rest in peace Kazuki Takahashi and Thank You for the being such a phenomenal part of my life and character.
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P.S. To those that own any of his Alternative Arts in card form, hold them close to your heart and preserve them, for unless Konami decides to reprint and /or release unused artwork, we may never see the likes of his masterpieces again.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years ago
wake up call
Alpha-17 x gender neutral Reader
Rating: E |||| Word count: 1.4K |||| AO3 Link |||| NSFW Masterlist
Summary: Alpha-17 ends up in the medbay after a difficult mission. You decide to give him a pleasant return to the waking world. 😏✌🏽
Warnings: somnophilia, blowjob, teasing, Alpha being a smug bitch
A/N: thanks to @ollovae3 for letting me plot this in her dms and also for the art!! ehehehehe if y’all like it I’ll do a part 2, so pls comment and reblog 🥺💕
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It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
Granted, you knew this was always a possibility after every mission Alpha-17 left on. In fact, you knew better than most, seeing as you were one of the lead medics on this Venator.
Still... the sight of Alpha lying motionless against the pristine white sheets of his medbay cot was something you’d never wanted to be faced with.
You’re angry: at Alpha for being injured, at yourself for not being on his mission to help, at the galaxy for forcing himself to fight in this damned war. You’d been managing your guilt by handling his postoperative care for the past cycle. Now there was nothing left to do except wait for Alpha to wake up.
It gives you time to think. The two of you had certainly started out as a simply casual fling, and when your interactions had begun to extend out of the bedroom, neither of you had discussed the change. But then yesterday, you hadn’t even hesitated to move to Alpha’s side when he was carried into the medbay. The ARC trooper had been in a combative state as the other medics fought to sedate him, and only your touch and quiet murmuring in his ear had finally settled him.
Watching him be wheeled away to operation, and sitting at his bedside now, you know it would be pointless to deny how deeply you’ve fallen for him.
Your eyes roam his still form again, drifting over his face relaxed in sleep. You’ve never seen him so calm outside of the twisted sheets of your private quarters, both of your chests heaving with the exertion of your amorous activities. His latest mission was obviously rough; you can’t even begin to imagine what he’s seen this time around.
An idea comes to mind. To counter the bad, you decide that Alpha should get to wake up to something really, really good.
No better way than to wake him up with an orgasm.
The setting was perfect for your plan. Because of Alpha’s behavior when he’d been brought in, the medics had set him up in a corner area curtained off from the rest of the medbay, just in case he woke up in the same mindset. The cot was also larger than average to support the Alpha-class clone, so you had plenty of room to lift the sheets and lie flat on your stomach between his spread legs.
Even luckier for you, Alpha was only clad in a set of hospital robes. All you had to do was push the fabric up around his waist, completely baring his thick cock to you.
He’s just… so big. You know from experience how well endowed he is, how it feels each time he thrusts into you and you savor the delicious stretch. But Alpha is a generous lover, and you’ve never had the chance to simply take your time with sucking his cock before.
He’s hot and heavy in your hand. Your mind goes fuzzy around the edges as you get lost in the action of sucking him off: simply enjoying being able to slowly lick him from base to tip. Following the thick outlines of the veins of his cock with the tip of your tongue. Wrapping your lips around his head and letting the precum collect in your mouth.
It’s so… nice. You let yourself lose track of time as you draw out his pleasure and your own.
It’s only when you’re nearing the end– you feel his balls drawing up and tightening, his cock twitching in your mouth– and you know he’s about to cum that the world becomes startlingly bright as the sheets are yanked off your head. You glance up dazedly to see Alpha staring blearily down at you.
The groggy trooper barely has time to groan out, “Mesh’la, fuck!” before he violently clenches the sheets beneath him in his fists and cums down your throat. Long, white bursts fill your mouth and you greedily swallow it down, letting the taste of him linger on your tongue as you hollow your cheeks to coax the last bits of cum from his cock.
You let it get messy when you pull away, long trails of your combined fluids stretching from your parted lips to Alpha’s sensitive flesh. A smug smile crosses your face as you wipe the evidence clean with the sheets, glad that you won’t be responsible for cleaning them.
“Hey there, soldier.”
Alpha visibly clenches his jaw. “You’re just asking for trouble with that smart mouth of yours.”
“Seems just now you liked my ‘smart mouth,’” you sass back. Still, you pull back and bring your knees up underneath you so you’re now kneeling between Alpha’s thighs. He watches you with guarded curiosity as you lean forward to trail your fingers over his scraped cheek. “I missed you.”
His hardened expression softens, and he turns into your touch to press his lips gently against your fingertips. “Y’have no idea how much I missed you,” he replies, allowing this moment of vulnerability between you before his playful aggression returns full force. “Now get up, or my medic vode are gonna see you like this.”
“And if I want them to?”
Alpha growls deep within his chest. “Up. Now.”
You must make enough noise while climbing back to your feet that a medic does indeed pop his head around the curtain.
“Oh, ori’vod! Nice to see you awake alread–”
He doesn’t get any further because he’s stopped by Alpha aggressively pointing a finger at him. “Vod, if you don’t get me a fresh set of blacks and discharge me right this karking minute, I’ll have you on graveyard shifts for the next year.” Alpha ignores the glare you shoot in his direction in favor of staring down the poor medic.
It’s no surprise then that you’re both shooed out of the medbay in record speed. The Alpha-class are the ori’vod of the rest of the clones, and Alpha-17 in particular has quite the reputation. The medics know when it’s not worth the fight to keep a patient.
Although, you aren’t prepared for Alpha to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder the moment you step out into the corridor.
Normally, you’d act bratty and try and squirm out of his hold, but now it is a reminder that he came back (relatively) in one piece. If Alpha is well enough to lift you like you weigh less than a pillow, you know he’ll be fine. Instead, you pull down the neckline of his new blacks and begin to kiss the revealed skin. As he strides through the Venator’s halls, your playful kisses soon turn into bites as you leave behind a trail of hickeys along his neck and jawline. From the way his fingers squeeze your ass in retaliation, you know it’s successfully riling him up.
It also means you miss when he passes by your private quarters and only notice the next time you come up for air. “Alpha, wasn’t the turn back there?”
“Nuh-uh, ad’ika,” he rumbles. “You were so keen on sucking my fat cock in semi-public that we’re gonna continue to put on a show.” He stops in front of a thick door, and your eyes widen the moment before it opens as you recognize that it’s the commander barracks.
Alpha feels you freeze like a tooka caught in headlights, and he smirks your way as he carries you into the room.
You’re been deployed with the 501st on the last few missions, so you recognize Captain Rex and his second-hand Appo where they sit on one of the nearest bunks, a deck of cards shared between them. They both look up with friendly expressions that quickly morph into varying levels of amusement and embarrassment.
“Uh…” Rex starts eloquently before he coughs into his fist and boldly continues on. “Nice to see you up and about, ori’vod–”
“You’re got five seconds to get lost or you boys or gonna have front row seats to the show,” Alpha cut him off flatly.
Both of you know Rex is too polite to stay, and he’s not about to let Appo remain behind alone, so you watch them both leave as fast as they can while maintaining some sense of normalcy.
Alpha huffs in satisfaction before moving over to the farthest bunk and dropping you down onto the thinly padded mattress. You let yourself fall limp as you stare up at him with wide eyes while he looks around the room, clocks in on a group of discarded packs, and returns with a set of magnetic cuffs dangling tauntingly from his fingers.
“Gotta keep you from squirming, don’t I?”
Stars, you’re so fucked.
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sananaryon · 3 years ago
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May Marigold the Fall Maiden, Cinder Rhodes the Atlas Specialist and Winter Schnee the Happy Huntress
So this has been finished for a good while.
May, Cinder and Winter are honestly up there among my favorite RWBY characters, and I really love the way their backstories parallel each other. So why not see what would happen if their backstories paralleled each other just slightly differently?
I had the idea for this after reading the frankly amazing fics Blackened Bluebird by @badendchan​ and Holding The World On Their Shoulders by @ashelyskies​. These are not based on those fics, though, to be clear. These are my own takes on this idea which I love a lot, and this is not meant to reflect how the characters appear in those fics (though Winter ended up looking nearly the same as in HTWOTS purely on accident, and ashely apparently liked my Cinder design enough to incorporate elements of it in her story. Whops)
Notes on the process and designs are under the cut, and reblogs and comments keep the motivational juices flowing.
In reverse order of how I drew them, May was the hardest to make.
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This sketch has gone through so many revisions I don’t even remember what the original looked like.
Hardest part was settling on an outfit of her. Since she takes the role of Fall Maiden in this au, I wanted to base her look on Cinder’s, but Cinder’s look is very personalized and wouldn’t work with May at all. I went a bit further back and took in elements of Salem instead, giving her a more goth look. Finally I just threw up my hands and gave her the kinda outfit I would wear if I was in RWBY (but with a much darker color scheme. I’m prep as fuck). What’s art for if not projection. Her hairstyle was actually the easiest, combining elements from the hairstyles she has in her concept art. I felt a long ponytail would vibe more with Slightly Evil May.
I also toyed around with giving her a Grimm arm like Cinder, specifically a nevermore wing (get it, she’s a bluebird). Turns out that drawing bird anatomy on a human is really hard, so I dropped that idea. The sword is basic as hell and honestly pretty rushed, but uuuuuuuuuuh drawings weapons is hard.
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Figuring out her color scheme took a while. I tried to incorporate her main color of yellow a few times, but that didn’t really work out, so the only color she retains is her red scarf, and she replaces any brown and yellow in her outfit with blue and gold because you’re allowed to be a bit narcisistic when you’re one of the six most powerful single people in the world. I used purple as the main color of her dress to reflect how Salem is having a very strong influence on her in this au.
Winter also took a fairly long time to work with
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This is what happens when you’re lazy with sketches, kids.
She was actually easier to make because I had a consistent design idea to work for. The Happy Huntresses aren’t exactly uniform, but they do share elements and I could strive for that with Winter. The only problem is that SHE’S ALREADY WEARING A FUCKING HH COAT, JUST WITH A LIGHTER COLOR SCHEME!!!
I ended up essentially giving her a more pragmatic and used version of her main outfit. Less prim and proper, more heavy and gritty. I also gave her the same kind of red scarf that May wears because Hellbore is good.
Other than that, the part that took the longest was her fucking weapon. WHY ARE WEAPONS SO HARD?!?!
She is smiling and has a more dynamic pose because she’s by far the only one in this au that can actually be considered happy. Ironwood and Salem are not good parental substitutes.
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Nothing much to say about her color scheme. I threw ideas at the wall until something stuck. I settled on the dark blue color scheme because it still keeps with her blue theme, while also distancing herself more from her family, which is something she definitely has done by moving to Mantle.
And again with the Hellbore, her undercoat (the layer closest to her heart) is yellow, May’s old color of choice.
Finally, Cinder Rhodes, who might be my favorite out of these.
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Miraculously, her sketch survived comparably untouched.
Cinder was actually the easiest of these to nail down, and I did the whole thing in about two days. Since Cinder is an Atlesian Specialist in this au, I could use the Atlas design philosophy as a base, and then give her some customizations to make her stand out. Cinder tends to show a lot of skin in canon, which is hardly proper military protocol, but I did what I could by giving her bare shoulders. The asymmetric coat is inspired by Rhodes, who has a similar asymmetric design on his chainmail thing.
The gem-flower thing was just a thing I added to give some variety. She wears it in canon, so I wanted to incorporate it in some ways.
The idea behind Cinder was that she is a member of an authoritarian system that does not value individualism, so her personal expression is only allowed to peek through in the small parts.
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Cinder’s color scheme was hard to figure out not because nothing worked but because EVERYTHING did! These all look so good, god damn I’m proud of myself!
I ultimately went with the idea of having her outfit be mostly Atlas blue and white, with her color of choice, red, only able to slip through in the highlights and the inside of her coat. Because it’s who she is on the inside, y’see?
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h4zardousch3micals · 2 years ago
Hey there! Welcome to the laboratory... I mean, blog!
My name is Arrow (Though if I don't mind if you call me Hazard cuz of my user), Any pronouns, 18, Epic autism moment
My current interests are: Gothic Whore (I LOVE GOTHIC WHORE SM), Cat Genetics, Clangen especially DaDm (Ignore anyone who's telling you its ableist I bet you they've never played it)
Other things I like but isn't like a massive fixation atm:
Other Chonny Jash Works
Whatever Music taste this is: Fish in a Birdcage, Milk in the Microwave, Rabbitology, Lemon Demon, Sodikken, Tally Hall (Also, in the case of all of these but the last one especially, don't ask me about the people I don't keep up with who they are I'm just here for music)
Ode to Epilogue/Ode to Prologue
Rain World
Warrior Cats (mostly oc's)
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
I fall for chainmail/reblog bait all the time sorry. I try to tag them as "reblog bait" when I can but hhhhhgh brain silly.
Please don't send me asks for donations. I don't have any money to give you and won't post them because I don't know how to check if they're scams or not. I'm sorry.
I've tried and failed to make DNI lists in the past, so I'll just list my moral stances instead and see if that makes people go away:
I support any and all genuine good faith identities/labels. Yes, even the ones you're thinking of.
If you're right about something but you're being a dick about it, I'll probably not like you even if I agree.
I can personally believe that something is morally wrong without thinking people should be harassed/censored because of it.
I can respect someone else's experiences even if I don't understand them, or we don't have scientific evidence for them yet.
Personal Account: @cxppuccinxz (Likes and follows come from here, pls don't take it personally if I softblock you from it, I only want close friends to see it)
Art blog: @h4zard-arts
Discord: @/h4zardousch3micals
Toyhou.se: @/h4zardousch3mcials
Ao3: @/h4zardch3m
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(row 1 source)
(row 2 source)
#Hazard Hollers - Talking tag
#Hazard Arts - Art tag
#Hazard's Pitch Meetings - Tag for my half-baked ideas for movies/tv shows/fanfics/whatever
#Arrow Answers - Asks Tag
#Posts that remind me of someone - Posts directed at my beloved mutuals 💞
#💚💚💚💚 - “I like this thing” tag
Statement about fundraisers below cut
I'm sorry. I am so fucking sorry, but I will no longer be answering fundraiser messages. I can't do it.
I have been:
Sent over 80 extremely suspicious messages.
Sent 5+ of the exact same messages in a row.
Been guilttripped into believing I am letting people die by not posting these.
Had my lgbtq+ identity and disability leveraged to try to get me to donate.
Been sent REAL GORE including GORE OF CHILDREN.
Received messages containing go fund me's and paypal despite neither being available in Palestine Proof:
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All while I am completely unable to donate anything. I'm sorry. I'm disabled. I don't have a job because they're either 1) impossible for me to hold or 2) require qualifications I don't have.
I've BEGGED and BEGGED and BEGGED these people to stop sending me these, but they don't listen. I've relapsed into self-harm because of the content sent to me. So I wont be answering any asks or dms, or reblogging any individuals posts. I'm sorry.
Instead, I'll try to donate to organizations such as these when I can, but that is not my decision to make. I can't manage my own finances, and my caretakers aren't as willing to help people as I want to be. I'm so sorry, I can't help you.
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years ago
All of You
Description: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | After getting married, you and Alex go on your Honeymoon that comprises of two destinations. Athens is filled with shitty jokes whilst Bora Bora is filled with compliments and kisses.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Lil smut 
A/N: This was requested by the lovely @ghostlightqueen​. Really hope you like it and I hope the rest of you do too. Likes and reblog are appreciated and thank you so much for reading x
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You thought that the day you got married would be the happiest of your life, but it seems that the days that followed were somehow even more joyous. You travelled to your second Honeymoon destination a week after your wedding and the moment you got off the plane with your husband's hand in your own, you knew that this was heaven on earth.
Bora Bora was gorgeous, and it was truly the best Honeymoon destination for you and Alex. You don’t think he’d done nothing in his mind for a long time so the absence of the need to write songs really must have relaxed him.
You’d already been to Athens to see the sights. You both found a lovely antique store whilst you were there and by some miracle you both found an English poetry book in there and each night, before you slept, one of you read one to the other.
The sight-seeing was really fun with him too. You enjoyed going round with your polaroid camera and asking strangers to take a picture of the both of you.
You knew Alex didn’t really like pictures but the ones with you he never failed to smile for. Your husband was also hilarious with you the entire time you got excited to see something new.
Seeing the world was something Alex was obviously lucky enough to do, and you’d been lucky enough to to accompany him a few times, but this was totally different. You were viewing history and you found it so fascinating.
“You’re really Greek-ing out over the view, aren’t you?” Alex chuckles loving seeing you as excited as you are.
“Al, that was awful.” You giggle putting your camera down.
He laughs at your distaste for his joke, but he grins at you and nods, “But you are though.”
“Yes Alex, we’re standing in Acropolis… I’ve always wanted to come here.” You tell him what he already knows.
He smiles at you then before he quickly kisses you. When he pulls away, he says, “Don’t worry, I’ll let you carry on Greek-ing out.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh lord.”
The day after, you both go on a tour around the Parthenon, and Alex catches you looking at an ice cream cart. So, Alex, being the loving husband he is, he goes and gets you an ice cream as you continue to listen to the tour guide.
A minute later Alex came back over with two ice creams in hand and he whispers into your ear after he hands you yours, “What’s Athen’in?”
The way you rolled your eyes at that would have been comical if Alex saw it, but he didn’t, you elbowed him in his side for the awful way he asked, ‘what’s happening.’
“Thank you for my ice cream, you fucking nerd” You whisper back dismissively and Alex chuckles before taking your hand and following the rest of your group as you started moving from your current spot.
Alex continues to make his shit jokes all week and you won’t let yourself admit they are entertaining. You didn’t want to encourage his silly behaviour despite secretly loving it.
On your second to last day before you were due to travel again, you go to a museum and you absolutely love it. But your husband loves to be needy in the crowd of people you were in.
“I love you.” Alex says, leaning over your shoulder and kissing your cheek as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Love you too Alex.” You smile as you rest your hands over his, stroking the back of his hand with your thumb.  
Alex pouts wanting you to return his kind gesture, “Give me a kiss to prove it then.”
“Why can’t I just tell you? We’re in public.” You say, not feeling the need to get off with him as you were standing admiring some art.
Alex grins as you’ve played right into his hands. He jokes, “Athens speak louder than words, Y/N.”
You groan, “That’s the worst one yet.” leaning back into him.
“You love it really.” Alex mumbles as he leans down and places a kiss on your shoulder.
Alex kisses then travel from your shoulder and up to your neck. You’re well aware he likes that your shoulders are available to kiss because you're wearing a white vest top with spaghetti straps. He always loved to follow that trail of kisses.
You pay the loving kisses no attention though, you just chuckle and tell him, “I can’t wait to tell Matt about your shitty jokes.”
“Hey...” Alex pouts, “What Athens in Greece, stays in Greece.”
You hold your groan back this time and curiously ask, “Can I get an annulment or does it have to be a divorce after nearly a week?”
You can’t hold back your smile as he loudly gasps and spins you around. You knew that he knew you were joking but that doesn’t stop his jaw falling open.  
“You love me, you wouldn’t do that.” Alex playfully frowns a little.
“You should know by now that you can’t tame me Turner.” You grin and wrap your arms around his neck.
Who were you kidding, you didn’t care about PDA that much.
“I know everything about you, Turner.” Alex grins, using your new last name against you. “You’ve been my best friend since we were seventeen.”
“I know, you idiot.” You smile as you feel his arms wrap around your lower back.
“That’s how I know you hate me when I do this.” You grin as you reach up, messing up his fluffy hair with one hand whilst stealing his sunglasses with your other.
Alex gasps and laughs, pulling you in tighter so you can’t escape. You giggle like an idiot trying to get away from him but he doesn’t let you go anywhere.
“You’re my wife, you can’t pull shit like that anymore.” Alex says, his jaw still a little agape.
You grin and say, “I can and I will… Gotta keep you on your toes now Turner.”
Alex shakes his head and mumbles against your lips before he lets you fully kiss him, “Like you have done the past twenty years, you mean?”
Bora Bora was a completely different experience.
Maybe it was because there was less to do or you were both just shocked by the beauty of the place. You felt like you were in Neverland.
The islands surrounding the one your resort was on was amazing. You and Alex were staying in your own water villa and it was one of the end ones so you had the best view and the bigger place.
Not that you really needed it but you had to admit, it was nice to have a big house in a stunning paradise to yourselves.
There was a balcony on the water villa you were both staying in and it was amazing. It came equipped with sunloungers and even a small pool, which was mental to you because the sea was right there for you to jump into if you wanted to swim.  
But that didn’t mean that you didn’t get use out of it.
You’ve both been there a few days and you’ve not yet got bored of sunbathing after your hectic week of being a tourist. Last week had definitely tired you both out, so despite you already having your tans by now, you still loved spending your full day out in the sunshine.
You got up from the sunlounger, that was more of a sun bed, beside Alex not 20 minutes ago, and swam to the edge of the small infinity pool and rested your elbows on the side of it as you watched the sun go down. The view was stunning.
The sun slowly hid itself behind the stray clouds that littered the sky, turning them red which against the now orange sky made it look picture perfect. You wanted to paint the scene in front of you.
But before you knew it, it had disappeared and darkness was creeping its way to the sky. So you slowly made your way out of the pool so you could get ready to go for dinner soon.
“You look so good right now Angel.” Alex says as you walk up the steps out of the pool.
You smile, feeling a little shy for some unknown reason. Probably because you weren’t doing anything that you thought was compliment worthy, “You think so?”
“I always think so.” Alex nods before gesturing for you to come towards him.
He didn’t care that you’d just been in the water at all. His trunks were still damp from his swim earlier so when he guided you to straddle his lap, he didn’t care at all.
You looked stunning in your blue and white striped spaghetti strap bikini. He definitely couldn’t not tell you, even if he did see traces of embarrassment show on your pretty face.
“I love you.” You grin before pressing your lips to his after wrapping your arms around his neck.
Alex grins back and keeps you close as he whispers, “I love you more.”
You brush your nose against his as you shake your head, whispering back, “Not possible.”
You kiss him then and despite it being soft and gentle, you get the same nervous feeling in your stomach that you got the first time you kissed him however many years ago now. The kiss deepened and you guess the two of you just got too consumed in the moment because before you knew it all the strings that held your bikini together were being untied and Alex’s trunks were off.
If you ever cared about having sex and the risk of others seeing you, you certainly didn’t in this moment in time. You were riding your husband on the large sunlounger on your balcony and you felt euphoric.
The intimacy of the moment somehow made it better and you think even the risk of others seeing or hearing increased the pleasure you were feeling too. That must have been subconscious though because all you could think about was Alex.
His hold on your hips was strong and when he pulled you hips down to meet his, it caused the sweetest sound to fall from your lips which made Alex do it again and again. You looked heavenly above him like that.
Eyes closed just basking in the feeling of pleasure you were both giving each other. The sun setting behind you as Alex watched you ride him was stunning, it made you look like you were glowing.
Gorgeous was another word Alex would use to describe you when your head tilted back in the bliss of the moment. The whine you release when Alex starts kissing your neck where he knew you were sensitive was music to his ears.
And the way your fingers laced through his hair and pulled on it causing a similar sound to fall from Alex’s lips. But most of all Alex just thought you were the most beautiful human being and he never had a problem with telling you that.
The things he told you during intimate moments like this just made everything better and when your orgasm hit you, it was unearthly. You cling to Alex like he was going to magically disappear and Alex did the same to you when he got his release.
“I love you Alex.” You just about manage to say into his neck where you were hiding yourself when you came back to reality.
Alex trails kisses from your shoulder all the way up your neck to just under your ear as he’d done hundreds of times before. He breathes you, “I love you too Angel.”
Days in this paradise were spent relaxing in each other’s company outside or inside, in bed. The latter happened often as there was no need to get yourselves up in the mornings so you lazed about in bed.
Either cuddling and listening to music or listening to the TV in the background as you both stared out at the amazing view that the island had to offer. There weren’t very many times throughout this honeymoon when you wouldn’t be found touching each other.
Even if you went out for a walk you’d be hand in hand. But mostly you were entangled together in the confines of your own villa.
Either in the same sense that you were when you were on the sunlounger, which you couldn’t look at the same again, or just innocently cuddling. You think that your happiest day had been when Alex showered you with a million more compliments than he did every other day.
Today you’d stayed in your villa for most of the day, first Alex had made you feel euphoric again by making you feel like a queen (his queen). This time in bed though and not on the sunlounger.
Afterwards, you both showered and you were certain you’d never felt more peaceful than in that shower with him after he’d just made you feel pure bliss. After you dried off, Alex catered for you by making you a late breakfast which later you returned the favour for and made him lunch.
After relaxing in the small pool that was on your balcony, you also messed around a little and both jumped in the sea a lot, as if you were seventeen again. Once you decided it was time to make yourselves presentable for dinner later, you both headed back inside out of the sunlight.
You ran yourself a bath and unsurprisingly Alex joined you in it when it was filled. The bath was next to a large window that again showed off the stunning views of your amazing surroundings, so you enjoyed resting back against Alex, listening to the music that was playing out of your phone.
The kisses to your head as you both relaxed warmed your heart more than the water you were both sat in. It made you not want to leave the escape that the villa brought you.
So you dragged the bath out for a good hour and after Alex washed your hair and you had a giggle washing his, you got ready and went out to have your meal.
You came back to the villa long after the sun had set and you couldn’t wait to get in bed so a whole new day could start. Alex had been charming and flirty all throughout dinner so it really wasn’t a surprise when that continued.
The compliments started falling from his lips as soon as you both made it back to bed. Both of you cuddled together but he was once again teasing you with neck kisses.
“I’m sad you took that dress off, you looked stunning tonight.” Alex tells you as he places random kisses just below your ear.
He was pretty much lying on top of you, your chests pressed together and his head was buried into your neck. You weren’t complaining though, you just happily traced patterns on the smooth material that rested on his back, and now and again you ran your fingers through his hair.
You grin knowing he’d like it. “I thought you’d like that one.”
It was a little black dress that you’d bought purposely for a dinner date. You knew he’d love it because of how perfectly it fit you, but you had to admit, taking it off and putting your new black silk pyjama top and shorts on felt comfier.
“I like everything you put on… Or take off for that matter.” He chuckles a little, still lying on top of you and kissing your neck now and again.
He made you feel really warm and you loved the intimacy of the moment. Just lying in bed with him with the balcony doors open and letting the cool breeze run over the both of you as you listen to the waves.
“Very easily impressed, aren’t you?” You grin as you twirl his hair around your fingers.
Alex chuckles before kissing his way back up your neck. “Only by you, Angel.”
You giggle a little then as you play with his hair whilst he still distracts himself with your neck. You were sure he’d keep his head there for all eternity if you let him, and he had even more reason to stay there because he knew you secretly loved it.
“I could name 110 things I love about you right now, just off the top of my head.” Alex promises as he lifts his head and kisses your lips.
You giggle when he pulls away, “That’s oddly specific.”
Alex grins and kisses you again as he says, “Well I could have said 505 but at the risk of being cheesy, I adapted.”
The laugh you released then was something Alex was so glad he could hear everyday now. He couldn’t wait to start a proper life with you now you were officially his.
“Your laugh might be at the very top of that list.” Alex tells you, smiling to himself.
“Then your eyes, they are so stunning.” Alex tells you, his own eyes looking back and forth between yours. Almost as if he couldn’t decide which he liked better. “I’d write a full song about your Y/E/C eyes if you’d let me.”
You grin at him but shake your head. It was an answer that Alex knew was coming but he still loved them non the less. Alex gazes down at your lips then that were tugged up into a stunning smile.
“Your smile is definitely up there too. I don’t think I could ever have a bad day again if you smile at me like that every day.” That fills your chest with warmth.
Alex gives you an eskimo kiss then and your heart skips a beat at your noses brushing together, and again when he softly says, “I love the way you just sort of melt when I do that.”
It was true you really did practically melt beneath him. Your eyes close, you release the breath you're holding and you just bask in the feeling of his nose brushing against yours, you feel like you sink into the pillow beneath you more than you already had.
His compliments continue, “I love the way you run your fingers through my hair and how you twist it around when you’re relaxed and happy.”
You smile as you carry on doing it. And you didn’t plan on stopping.
“I love that you still wear that perfume I helped you pick out years ago.” Alex says getting another whiff of the gorgeous scent.
“I love your kisses. To the point where I think I’d cry if you’d deny me one.” Alex jokes a little with you and it makes you giggle again.
“I love waking up and falling asleep next to you.” Alex admits, “Definitely better than waking up next to the idiots back home on a tour bus.”
“You’re such a lovely friend.” You chuckle looking into his soft brown eyes.
Alex hums in agreement and continues with, “I love that you’re my best friend and have been since I can remember.”
“I adore the fact that you’re amazing at what you do and you give 110% for each new thing that’s thrown your way.”
“You’ve said 110 twice now, should I be expecting another song?” You playfully ask him and Alex laughs before he kisses you again.
“I love your reactions to the songs that are about you.” Alex grins.
Your eyes narrow a bit there as he knew how you felt about the songs. But you could let that go a bit now.
He was your husband after all.
“I love that you get really sexy when you get annoyed at something.” Alex says before kissing you again, and he starts kissing down your jaw and he focuses back on your neck.
“I love the way you pretend you hate this but I know from the way that you react that you don’t.” Alex says and you catch yourself reacting in encouraging ways.
Your fingers tightened in his hair, you gave him more room for his lips to find your skin, and your breath hitched when he teases the spot he knew was your weakest.
“I love that the way you breathe gives away how you want to have sex.” Alex practically purrs in your ear.
Alex’s lips continue to tease you and after a few seconds he nips on a spot he already got before and you release a breathy whine. Of course Alex says, “I love those noises you make so much. I wanna hear them all day.”
Alex slowly moved himself a little further up your body, this time resting himself down between your legs and you can feel him getting hard through the both of your pyjama shorts. You gasp a little, “Alex.”
He all but groans, “I love the way you say my name.”
Your eyes are closed now and you focus on the kisses on your neck and his hand running down your side until he carries on to your leg and he gently guides it to hook around his waist. He felt even better against you then and you bite your lip to stop yourself from giving anything more away.
“I love how you try to stop yourself from wanting us… Makes it even funnier now we’re married.” Alex chuckles before he kisses your lips that he catches you biting.
You don’t really care now, he’s right. He’s your husband, you don’t have to show restraint anymore. Especially on your Honeymoon.
Your kiss is slow but intense. You could feel how much Alex loved you and you wanted to show how much you love him too. And in this moment your actions seemed like no better way.
“Alex.” You breathe to grab his attention.
He kisses you again and bites in your lip as he pulls away. He grins at your whine and innocently asks you, “Yes Angel?”
You grab a fistful of his pyjama top and say, “Please let me take this off”
He lets you and once it’s somewhere on the floor Alex grins at you like an idiot. You know he’s happy, overjoyed even, but there’s a teasing sparkle in his eyes so you lean up and kiss him again to bypass that.
Your top hits the floor next and Alex has his fun attaching his lips to your chest leaving mark after mark. The rest of both your pyjamas are removed shortly after. 
Before anything goes any further though Alex pauses for a second. He looks down at you so lovingly, you feel as if you could literally melt under his gaze.
His chest is still pressed to yours and you’re both breathing a little heavy from previous kisses. But the way he’s looking at you makes your heart flutter.
At this point you don’t think it ever wouldn’t.
Alex’s declaration of love finishes off with, “I just love you Mrs Turner... All of you”
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slashyrogue · 2 years ago
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I posted 993 times in 2022
131 posts created (13%)
862 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 934 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#hannibal - 366 posts
#hannigram - 260 posts
#fan art - 187 posts
#hannibal lecter - 97 posts
#will graham - 94 posts
#hannigram au - 76 posts
#mads mikkelsen - 67 posts
#hannibal humor - 59 posts
#lol - 42 posts
#fan comics - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#this post is from february and considering how little feedback i'm getting when i write them i'm pretty convinced very few people do
My Top Posts in 2022:
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When Will goes on a blind date that he gets stood up for he’s ready to call it quits on dating all together. It’s been only just a year from losing his ex fiancé to her ex husband and it seems like he’d be better off staying alone forever. He’s just about to pay for the coffee he’s nursed for the last hour when in walks Molly and her now husband. They notice him and before Will can run she walks over.
“Will,” she says, frowning, “I thought it would be rude for me not to say hello. Are you eating alone?”
He panics.
Molly’s husband is the stereotypical handsome firefighter and seeing him in the flesh is worse than he thought possible.
He doesn’t know what to say.
Which is why someone else says it for him.
He’s startled when someone pulls close out of nowhere, coming in behind him, and kisses his cheek.
“I apologize for my lateness, Beloved. Did you miss me terribly?”
Will blinks at the strange man who’s apparently pretending to be his boyfriend. “I…uh…”
The man, whose suit just screams money, holds out his hand to Molly. “Dr. Hannibal Lecter,” he purrs, “Lovely to meet you, Ms…”
Molly’s eyes are wide. “Foster. I…I’m sorry but…who are you exactly?”
Hannibal smiles at Will. “You didn’t tell her?”
He lets out a long breath and fakes a smile at Molly. “Moll, this is Hannibal. He’s my…”
“Fiancé,” Hannibal says, taking Will’s hand, “Mylimasis…have you lost your ring again?”
“I…I guess so?”
See the full post
60 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Never underestimate the power of comments. I’ve had two fics I thought I’d never return to again reinvigorate me into writing over ten chapters between them in the the last month.
Always, always, ALWAYS tell a fanfic writer when you enjoy something.
It could be just what they needed.
60 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
He always knew when Adam needed to lock the world away. 
It wasn’t subtle, not even a little, when his Star began to lash out. He’d close himself off, even from Nigel, and Nigel didn’t have it in him to feel rejected. Adam needed him still, he knew, and if that meant he’d give him space that was ok too. 
But sometimes Adam didn’t want space. 
Sometimes he wanted to just exist in their own little universe. 
Just them. 
So he’d cancel all his plans, and make all Adam’s favorites before he got home from work, and when Adam walked in he’d freeze. 
“You want to show me the stars, Darling? Like you used to?” 
Adam would frown, unsure, and yet he’d put on his projector moving it to the middle of the room where Nigel had already set up dinner. They’d sit and he’d tell Nigel all his planet things - everything Nigel had heard so many times before - and when he was done he’d lay closer and closer till they were cuddling staring up at the fake night sky. 
Nigel would kiss his cheek, his forehead, and then his mouth after before Adam looked up and sighed. 
“I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.” 
“Alright, Star.” 
“I don’t want you to go either.” 
Nigel always smiled, kissed him again, and pulled the blankets up over them both. 
“I already told Darko to fuck off this week.” 
Adam would blink at him in surprise. “Why?” 
Nigel would kiss his fingers, the top of his hand, and then put it on his own cheek. “Because I know you, Star. I know when you need it to be just us two, and I’m always ready.” 
Adam would kiss him then, a gift if there ever was one, and they’d fade away into the stars. 
Over and over again.
60 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Do people even like Spacedogs anymore? 
81 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*whispers* Spacedogs Summer?
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116 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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