#Rebecca Joynes case
Reading about the Rebecca Joynes case and how she groomed two boys, becoming pregnant by one of them and emotionally abusing him, has been shocking
I've been reading forums about it and seen people talking about the questionable behaviour and clothing choices of teachers when they were at school, and it reminded me of two teachers from when I was at secondary school (2005-2010). Both of them were young female teachers, both pretty, both blonde with tanned complexions
The first one was very young and was a former pupil at the school. She worked with the 'special needs' kids such as myself. You could often see her G-strings and oh my, did the bitchy 'normal' girls gossip about that. Yes, some of them bullied me, but anyway. These girls were wearing similar at around 14, but there's a BIG difference between a teenage girl trying to be grown-up and a teacher in a professional environment. One of those girls even read Katie Price books instead of doing her maths work. I'd be there, sitting behind her, trying to work, and this girl would be reading this ghostwritten book with a topless photo of Katie Price
These girls would gossip about this teacher and talking about how she shouldn't be allowed to wear that sort of underwear at school. There was also a rumour that she'd slept with a male graphic design teacher who looked more like a rugby player on a school trip to Spain, but I'm very doubtful of that story because I can't really see why they would've been together on that trip. In one maths lesson, tattoos came into conversation, and this teacher was talking about how she had a dolphin tattoo and when one of the kids asked to see it, she said 'No, it's on my bum'
This teacher also once shouted at me big time because of my coursework and I cried for two hours. She would sit in food tech with us and on one occasion, we had a substitute teacher for 10 weeks, who had actually worked in the food industry. She was teaching us about supply and what happens if a supply chain is damaged, like if a factory burns down. After her lesson, this support teacher with the G-strings said to me and the three boys who sat at the same table as me:
'Do you know what's scary? I don't know if any of you were listening to any of that'
We all laughed about it later and her use of the word 'scary'. That's not scary!
Two of those boys were my friends and the other boy was more a friend of the other boys, who made fun of me a bit but seemed to like me as well, because we both hated the girl who bullied me. Anyway, Miss G-string would often find reasons to tell off one of the boys and get him into trouble. One time he muttered something to himself, she thought he'd told him to shut up, shouted at him and sent him out of the room. After the incident where I cried for two hours, my mum phoned his mum
Yet she also taught me about the joys of fish finger sandwiches and putting sausages in pasta bake
The other teacher was one who a lot of boys fancied. She was a history and RE teacher and a lot of boys talked about her large breasts, which were always covered by a shirt and a tank top. She was from one of the next towns over
One day, one girl, who bullied me but pretended to be my friend, came up to me and was shocked because she'd heard a boy say 'Imagine if Miss ____ tripped and her boobs popped out?' I think she wanted me to be shocked and disgusted by such a comment, but I didn't really think anything of it being 13/14 at the time
She was a good teacher
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Nobody would have a "shred" of sympathy for a teacher accused of having sex with two teenage pupils if she was a man, a jury has been told.
Rebecca Joynes denies six charges of sexual activity with two teenagers including two while she was in a position of trust.
Joe Allman, prosecuting, said if Ms Joynes, 30, had been "Robert" Joynes and the complainants had been girls, it would not have been suggested to them they were "up for it" or the ones wanting sex, "because that would have been quite obscene".
Ms Joynes said she had made "mistakes" but denied underage sex.
'Attempt for sympathy'
The court was previously told the teacher was already suspended from her high school job and bailed for alleged sexual activity with boy A, 15, when she allegedly began a sexual relationship with the second youngster, boy B, who fathered her child.
In his closing statements at Manchester Crown Court, Mr Allman said Ms Joynes was making a "naked attempt" for sympathy by having a pink bonnet - from the baby fathered by one of the underage boys she is accused of having sex with - tucked visibly into her trousers during the trial.
He asked the jury: "Is what is going on here, is: she hopes you will treat her very differently because she is a woman and not a man, and you will see this case differently because she's a woman and not a man?"
He suggested Ms Joynes would like jurors to forget she is a responsible, mature adult teacher and the boys were teenage children and school pupils.
"It has the effect of warping the picture, so she almost becomes the victim and the boys the perpetrators."
The prosecutor asked the jury to imagine a scenario where a male teacher exchanges Snapchat messages, buys one girl a £350 belt and takes her back to his flat, while a second teenager falls pregnant to "Robert" Joynes.
'No sympathy'
"You would not have one shred of sympathy for Robert. This thought experiment drags Miss Joynes' defence into the light."
Previously, the court heard how both boys sent her flirty Snapchat messages before Ms Joynes took boy A shopping and bought him a £350 Gucci belt, then took him back to her flat on Salford Quays where they allegedly had sex.
Ms Joynes told the jury she ruined her "dream job" with "mistakes" by meeting up with the two teenagers and having them back at her flat, but denied underage sex.
Michael O’Brien, in his closing speech for the defence, said boy A had lied about what had taken place between him and Ms Joynes while boy B had “put the boot in” while being interviewed by detectives.
He said meeting students outside school was wrong, but not a criminal offence.
Mr O'Brien also said boy B had given “unclear and inconsistent answers” to questions.
He added that Ms Joynes and Boy B, were in a “perfectly legal relationship” which the teenager had chosen to “twist the dates” and “put the boot in”, to say sex began earlier when he was at school and aged 15.
Ms Joynes denies the allegations.
The trial continues.
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newsrflow · 4 months
The shocking case of Rebecca Joynes, a 30-year-old math teacher, has sent shockwaves through the community after she was found guilty of hav…
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