#Realm Lost Huntress
little-pondhead · 2 years
Wanted to hop in on the supervillain Danny au questions! Do we think Valerie would have any interest to get in on this? Between being a pawn for Vlad as Red Huntress and her "friends" ditching her as soon as she stopped being rich, I like the idea that evil billionare mastermind is her general vibe. Heck, maybe she and Tucker flip roles and she becomes the guy in the chair, not being a front line powerhouse and actually coming up with elaborate plans.
And on that note, do we think that if Vlad somehow found his way into this mess, he'd see the whole thing as a fun little game of "opposite world" and try his hand at being a hero? Because I for one think that would be hilarious, I actually don't have ideas for that because I can't imagine a heroic Vlad.
Amyway, that's all I got for now. Love your work!
You're one of the vertebrae creatures who keep hoarding all the brain wrinkles, aren't you??
[Okay, so I lost your ask, wrote this shit, then found it again so it's not exact but I'm trying here.]
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Let's start with Valerie, or keeping up with the trend, Gray in the DC universe.
Valerie is so tired. It's a different kind of tiredness that has a grip on the others. Danny is tired of being a hero, Sam is tired of her parent's expectations, and Tucker is tired of being unable to protect his friends. Jazz is tired of being the bigger person, and Dani is tired of not having someone to rely on. The DC universe is their escape, and honestly, it's doing wonders for their mental health. Valerie notices. She has a shaky truce with Phantom and his crew, but she can't just let him get a leg up on her, can she? So Valerie follows them, through town, through the portal, through the new world they popped up in.
There, she stops. Phantom is now Fenton, and doesn't that make sense? Many things click into place and Valerie starts to understand as she watches the others from the shadows. She's surprised they haven't noticed her, but a little green sticky note on her visor says she had a little hand in her reconnaissance. So when she's done, she returns to her dimension. Back to Amity Park and back to her bed. Valerie lays there for a while, staring at the ceiling and fingering the sticky note, committing every detail to memory.
And you know what? Valerie gets pissed. How come Danny and his friends lovers? and family get to just visit other dimensions whenever they want a break and have no repercussions whatsoever? Just because hero work is hard?? She's a hero too, dammit!
Obviously, someone out there apparently agreed with her because, in a quick, dizzying moment, Valerie finds herself suddenly in the Ghost Zone, plopped down on a ratty blue couch with a very old ghost sitting across from her. He introduces himself as Clockwork, the ghost of time, the regent of the king, and Danny's guardian. Mentor? She wasn't sure; ghost speech always gave her a headache. Either way, Valerie found herself exceptionally calm and somehow struck a deal with the Ancient. To her chagrin, Clockwork informed her that Valerie was well and truly Liminal now, despite her best efforts. (What did she expect? Her suit was practically drenched in ectoplasm.) As part of the deal, Clockwork extended the same courtesy to her that he had to the others. Anytime she wanted, Valerie could have free reign and access to the DC universe and could do anything she liked with no bad consequences. And because of her liminality, he was able to grant her just enough power for her to create her own portals directly to the other realm.
[What did Clockwork get out of this deal? Well, that's up to someone else who's not me.]
So Valerie goes to this new universe. She switches her name to Gray, as if to mock Fenton, who had no idea she was there. She does not try to become a supervillain. And what's this? Outfit analysis time!!
In the show, I've always liked Valerie as a character, and whether it was intentional or not, her design seems to fit her attitude and actions. They were in high school in the early 2000s before her dad lost her job; Valerie was very popular, from what I remember. Her family had money. Other kids expected her to keep up with social norms, so her outfit looked more stylish than practical. She wears yellow, which is most commonly seen as a happy color. Her hair is slicked back so people can see her whole face. She has nothing to hide. She's confident and youthful, ready to lead, and overall enjoying her lot in life. Then ghosts start appearing, and we all know her backstory as Red Huntress. Her suit is tight to her skin, bright red, and overall she's armed to the teeth. Everything about that screams DANGER! Valerie is a threat now.
Her civilian outfit also never changes, which is understandable because this is a cartoon from 2004. But it's secretly genius because yellow is often considered a cautious color. It turns from being a happy color to a warning. Yellow is also associated with anxiety, betrayal, and even egotism, which is something both she and Danny experience during their interactions. She's uptight and constantly on edge. She feels like she has to provide for her family and is quick to anger.
Now for the opposite of that? Valerie is tired of being angry all the time. Rather than go apeshit on a bunch of poor heroes and villains-been there, done that-she treats this whole thing like an actual vacation. Gray wears a soft long sleeve, sweats, and fuzzy slippers. Her hair is relaxed and in a bun, with her bangs hiding half of her face. It takes some pressure off of constantly keeping her expressions in check. People also can't see how she's silently judging them. She lets the stress melt from her shoulders and lets herself curse like a sailor whenever she feels like it. Her clothes are dimmer colors, which don’t stand out or demand attention. She lets herself be not perfect.
Although, just because this is a vacation for her doesn't mean Gray can't just lounge around doing nothing. She has no money! So Gray, after shuffling through a couple decades of this world's history and discovering that Craigslist is universal, applies for the first work ad she sees. In short, Gray joins the Goonion. She ends up making a deal with the guy who hired her. And her new boss. And her new neighbor. And-
Gray very quickly becomes the John Constantine of the criminal underworld. She brushes up on her people skills and learns to talk rings around other people, getting people to owe her favors as much as she dishes them out. Balance is the key here, as she’s learned from Danny. Gray is never tied down by too many IOUs at a time, and her tight grip on her companions and team quickly earn her a questionable but reliable reputation. She presents a morally-gray character, if you will.
Gray’s quick climb to power-that was definitely sped along by Clockwork-earns her a powerful position in the Goonion. If she plays her cards right, Gray doesn’t have to do any work at all. She just leans back and enjoys being paid for wearing pajamas all day and occasionally signing some paperwork. She siphons away bits of her own paycheck to a dimensional bank account she threatened asked Technus to set up, and Gray is finally able to slip more than a few tens into her father’s wallet when it’s time for him to pay his rent. It’s a good life.
Now, Vlad? Oh, he's fucked. This can work for whatever redemption au you want. He can be exactly like he is in the show or working towards bettering himself as a person. I imagine him being halfway to a redemption plot, and in an effort to gain the Fenton's trust, he starts hanging around with the family more. Jack loves this. The others do not, but what can they do? Everyone is just trying to be civil to each other in an effort to make Jack happy. Since old habits die hard, Vlad very quickly notices Danny's improved state of mind and is attuned to the Zone enough to feel when Clockwork stops time on their end. He starts to purposefully rile up Danny and realizes that the time stops happen right after Danny leaves the room in a fit of anger. Then the boy comes back all smiles and sometimes doesn't even remember what Vlad had said to him in the first place.
So he puts his ear to the ground. Whispers are floating around about a new portal that's been opened near Phantom's Keep. A natural one. A permanent one. No one can investigate due to its location, but the young king and members of his fraid have been seen frequenting it more often than late. Not suspicious in the slightest, Danny would have protested. Vlad goes poking around. Entering the Keep uninvited felt like millions of bugs tugging at his skin, but turning human helped ease the sensation. It was laughably easy to slip between the cold stone walls of the Keep, avoiding Fright Knight's walking path and sticking to the shadows. The portal was in the courtyard, under the watchful gaze of two stone gargoyles leftover from Pariah's reign. Right before Vlad can investigate further stick his head in and see what happens the world warps, and suddenly the older halfa is sitting on his ass in front of a very old ghost.
Looks like Vlad fucked around and found out.
Basically, Clockwork yoinked Vlad to his side of existence right before he entered the portal. Even if all he wanted to do was relate to Danny in an effort to mend their relationship, The Master of Time wasn't okay with Vlad going off into the DC universe all willy-nilly. Oh no. Letting Vlad loose in this world would lead to bad things regardless of his intentions. Even if Vlad promised to play by all the rules and pretended to be human, he was bound to slip up and cause trouble.
So there were two courses of action Clockwork could take here. One, he could pull in a few favors and wipe Vlad's memory, sending him back to his own universe until he inevitably went sniffing around again, and this whole song and dance continued. Or second, he could equip Vlad with similar ghost artifacts Manson and Foley possessed and temporarily seal away Vlad's powers while he was gallivanting around the DC universe. He'd be on Clockwork's payroll, so to speak, and could only act on the older ghost's instructions. Clockwork presented these two choices to Vlad. The older halfa chose the second option after weighing the pros and cons. He didn't want to be controlled by Clockwork, but he also didn't want to lose his memories (over and over again, from how he worded it.)
This is how Vlad's hero persona is born. I'm unsure if he should stick with his last name, Masters, or take on something different to distance himself from Fenton and his family. Let's stick with Masters for now.
Clockwork has this drowning little rat man on a rehab program and uses some fancy ghost jewelry to inhibit his halfa abilities. He doesn't make Masters do much, just drops him in here and there when the DC timestream needs a little nudge. It's not like Clockwork will have Danny deal with it; the kid already helps out with every other timestream when asked. Masters can help out here. And since his halfa abilities are blocked, he gets to do everything as a human, which brings its own set of challenges. The idea is that by throwing Masters face-first into a new world filled with people who could end his existence and be forced to win every fight or else, he'll come to appreciate what Danny goes through on a daily basis.
The JL Dark becomes very familiar with the mysterious Masters, who doesn't seem to have any powers but still fights like he does. The man can be extraordinarily clumsy and short-tempered but still graceful and light on his feet when it matters the most. More than once has someone caught Masters muttering under his breath, cursing out gravity and a 'purple-cloak wearing bitch.' Masters always shows up out of the blue at the most random times. He is literally just there, and sometimes even Masters himself looks shocked about his sudden scene change. But he's always suited up and ready to go, so not many heroes question it. They usually need the help anyway.
In the DC universe, Masters is wearing four magic bands, each engraved with the words Dominion of Time on them. Several bands made from tungsten were buried deep with Clockwork's Tower in an old wooden box made from aspen and diamonds. Each band was a blank slate, glowing slightly from magic long past. Clockwork had simply selected the four he needed, engraved the spells needed in ghost speech, and handed them over. Vlad grumbled and tried to find a loophole in the artifacts, but ultimately accepted his fate and wore them whenever Masters was needed.
Vlad's new outfit for this outfit is similar to Valerie's; it's loose and uncomplicated. (Actually, there are a lot of parallels between these two.) In the show, Vlad always wears a tailored suit and dress shoes. He's well-groomed and his hair is slicked back. He always tries to show off his wealth and power by having full control over his appearance. In layman's terms, he's the walking cliché trope of a rich billionaire villain in every superhero media to ever exist. After all, in a kid's show with a teenage protagonist, what's more intimidating than an adult nemesis who has their life together?
As Masters, Vlad is forced to throw all that out the window.
The hero outfit he wears was literally picked up off the street. If glowing metal bands were not adorning his arms, some would assume that Masters was a homeless man. The top was dug out from a dumpster behind a costume store, and the sandals were given to him by a woman who couldn't wear them anymore. His arm sleeves were sewn together from some blackout curtains he found at an old housing demolition site, and the pants were just some sweatpants that were a tad too short. The mask was bought from the corner store, his belt salvaged from a junkyard, and his scarf was actually a gift from Jack-not that he'd wear it around the oaf. The only 'expensive' things Masters wore were the four magic bands, a handful of large glass beads hanging from his belt, and the sharp metal claws he wore on top of each finger. The claws were bought on a whim years ago when Vlad was building his fortune, and boy, was he glad for them now. They were the only real weapons Clockwork allowed him to carry for some reason.
In other words, Masters is exposed. With his loose hair and flowing clothes, Masters is forced to trust the others around him to have his back. He's humbled every time someone covers an obvious blind spot of his that he's not used to compensating for. He gets dirty and messy, fighting to survive against enemies he knows nothing about. His outfit symbolizes his efforts to change. Masters is re-learning what it's like to be truly vulnerable in a world you don't understand with no help whatsoever. Clockwork has no issue pitting him against demons and ghouls even John Constantine would hesitate at, and his narrow victories quickly earn him an invitation to the Watchtower.
The Justice League is puzzled by this walking lump of wet spaghetti. He disappears so easily into the background and doesn't stand out at all. Every once in a while his eyes scrunch up like he's confused about something, but he won't admit that he's lost the conversation. Masters will offhandedly say weird things and turn as if expecting someone to be there, then suddenly stop himself with a soft flinch. He refuses any form of payment. He can stare down Batman. His appearances are random and the man carries no form of contact. Masters often has an aura of resignation and regret around him, as if he didn't want to be there in the first place. He's awkward around kids but fiercely protective of a few teen heroes. (Mostly Conner.)
It finally starts to come together in the JL's mind when Masters becomes more widely known in the world of supers. One of the higher-ups in the Goonion hates him. Dani held a gun to his head. Manson screeched bloody murder when she saw him. Nightingale declared herself his official nemesis. The final piece was when, after a long and exhausting fight, Masters temporarily removed his mask to wipe away some blood around his mouth.
The Flash, who was sitting next to him, nearly let out a squeak.
Masters' blood was bright green.
Masters' teeth were shaped like a shark's.
Masters was another fucking Fenton, wasn't he?
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ask-dbd-wh-au · 1 year
DBD AU Welcome Home Reference Sheets + Facts
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Wally and Y/N are the only two currently trapped in the Entity's realm!
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The Neighborhood! Currently Unaware of Wally's whereabouts and is assumed missing/dead, they have no idea about the entity at all nor know who Y/N is.
Fun Facts About DBD (Dead by Daylight) AU Wally:
He was captured by the entity and is one of the many made to kill to feed the entity unwillingly
He obeys the entity in hopes of one day returning home/to his friends
The further the match goes on the more his hair starts to fall down out of his pompadour
Whenever he's seen crying black ink its majority of the time him mourning what he's lost and/or missing his friends/Home
Sometimes when he's alone he mutters to himself either about his friends, echoing convos he used to have w/ them, or is talkin to 'them' despite no one bein there
He hums Beautiful Dreamer to himself, almost like a comfort to distract himself from the reality of things
His hums work a lot like the Huntress
His eyes are always wide open, rarely lidded/relaxed
The entity absorbed itself partially into Wally's body and only bursts out in the back to make the claws to travel
The claws Wally can mostly control, the tendrils/tentacles is entirely the entity and he has absolute no control over them
The claws are entirely inspired by the same ones that covers gens and forms on hooks so think of them as relatively the same
Whenever Wally resists the Entity he feels intense pain throughout his whole body bc of the entity
Wally has only most control in the claws bc if he stays still/refuse to chase the Entity will take control and force Wally to go after survivors again; In a way the Entity is like a puppeteer if Wally disobeys, it takes control of his movements until he does what it wants again
Wally isn't willingly killing anyone, he does so because of the entity and the empty promise that obeying means he'll return home one day
Wally disassociates often bc of having to kill and sometimes hallucinates audio and visually
There's no true way for Wally to see/reunite with his friends unless he finally escapes the entity or the entity kidnaps them to become a survivor
The others don't know where Wally has gone, Home is the most distressed about this with Barnaby being a close second
The AU works with the theory/concept that WH exists in like a pocket universe where all the puppets are actually alive however Wally is the only one with a puppet in the real world/human world that he can actually control and such + is the only one aware of the real world outside of Home who only knows because Wally confided to him about it
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DBD! Wally's Mori:
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FAQ About the DBD AU
Q: What is DBD? A: Its an abbreviation for dead by daylight, what's dead by daylight? Its a game, google can go more in depth about it more than I can!
Q: Will any of your aus be made into ai chat bots? A: No. My boundaries have been breached a million times over on this so anyone mentioning anything about ai bots will get blocked.
Q: Is DBD Wally a spider? A: No, he had no bug like influence. Wally was inspired by the Entity claws from the actual game and Doc Oc from Spiderman/Spiderverse.I have a huge bug/arachnophobia so no, he is not a spider
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the-lonelybarricade · 11 days
Do you have any precanon/younger feyre meeting Rhys/meeting in the human realm fic recs? I found a cute one shot (The Huntress in the Snow) and was thinking of how much I love your We Bleed the Same story (love seeing early canon/before she goes to the SC Feyre interacting with Rhys 🥺) and tried to find more like it but wasn’t having much luck.
Anyway I love your stories and thank you regardless
Hey there lovely!! I'd recommend:
Never Alone by Frufrusc:
Strange things happen al Calanmai, magic is ruled by its own will and spreads through the courts sometimes, bearing gifts. When Rhys is in his office he suddenly feels a presence in the room that transports him fifteen years in the past, where a small girl struggles with her homework. or, Rhys time travels and meets his young mate.
Raven by Middlemist1:
"I-" He began. I turned my head once more. "I can't shake the feeling that I've been looking for you." He said. And as I began walking away, I quietly spoke, knowing he would hear. "I know exactly what you mean." - If Feyre were to meet Rhysand before she ever killed Andras.
Rewrite the Stars by booklovingsloths (orphan_account):
What if Feyre never lost her wealth? So she never went under the mountain? But after Rhys came back he searched for her and they both fell in love. Maybe Feyre ensnared the Suriel in the human realm and it told her they were mates and she goes to confront Rhys.
one single thread of gold tied me to you by reginahalliwell:
It didn’t happen often, the images appearing briefly and without warning every few months or so once they started. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes horrific. ~ Feyre feels the mating bond before the Wall.
As the World Falls Down by @thesistersarcheron:
Based on a prompt from deepwaterwritingprompts: Sometimes in the dead of night on the way to the kitchen for a glass of water, I see an extra door in the hallway, black and imposing. ——— Five times the High Lord of the Night Court tries to lure his human mate across the wall and the one time she hunts him instead.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
We’re all having fun here, so following the throughline of the possibility that Summer trained Cinder, and Summer instilled her ideals of what it means to truly be a huntress in Cinder: Do we think there was any turmoil, delicious conflict, between Summer, Cinder, and Salem after Atlas fell and Summer’s daughters died? (reports of their deaths were greatly exaggerated) Does Summer double down after that loss? Does doubt creep in, as it must have before with Oz? If Summer left to right a grievous wrong, and to make the world safer for her daughters, FREE their world, and lost Yang & Ruby before she could return to them. How do you see the fallout of her daughter’s “alleged” deaths impacting Summer’s resolve? How much has Cinder divulged? The same lie she told Salem? Does she tweak it for her audience? If Summer replicates Rhodes in her mind, how does Cinder parry Summer’s anguish and fury? I love the image of Summer defending Cinder from attack and all the implications to their relationship. Oooo I want it to be messy and fraught! Let it hurt! Reveal the core of tragedy, love and grief.
i think abt this a normal amount :)
(<- has written fic. one day i’ll polish it up and post it but only god knows when)
my first presupposition is that it will be salem who tells summer what happened. how she does so will depend upon what additional details she is able to coax cinder into sharing with her whilst en route to beacon and what she may be able to extrapolate from that information: if salem knows of the ever after (as her allusion to the blacksmith in WOR: aura implies), and she can get cinder to tell her how team rwby “died,” i think she might feel relatively confident that summer’s daughters are neither dead nor in an especially dangerous predicament.
in that case, the news salem shares with summer is that her daughters fell through the staff during the battle for atlas and are in all likelihood alive in another realm, one to which the staff can create an entrance. this is not altogether bad news; at worst summer has a different set of worries than before (her daughters are on the frontlines -> her daughters are in an otherworld and might face unknown dangers). the tension in this scenario arises from the implicit promise that salem intends to rescue summer’s daughters from this other place once the war has been ended, which will no doubt infuriate cinder.
otherwise, if either salem doesn’t know about the ever after or cinder refuses to elaborate, salem does have to tell summer that her daughters are dead. that is a kind of grief salem understands intimately—she is still, still mourning her own daughters and hating herself for causing their deaths—and if she cares for summer even the tiniest bit i think it will be very difficult for her to say. but the reason i think it will nevertheless be salem who breaks the news is that she cannot lose cinder too; one reason this situation is so juicy is that it’s… this again:
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except this time it is salem finding herself in hazel’s shoes as the bearer of bad news with consequences she expects to fall upon someone she wants desperately to protect from harm. “i take full responsibility”/“but that wouldn’t be fair, now, would it? we all know who’s truly to blame.”
for cinder fall, spring can wait. if there is anyone in the world salem would lie for, anyone in the world for whom she would take the blame for something she did not do, it’s cinder. and if there is anyone in the world who knows salem well enough to perceive that she’s lying and understand why, it’s summer.
i do think that salem cares for summer as much as she does cinder and that summer likewise cares for both salem and cinder; the narrative purpose of isolating These Three together at beacon under these circumstances at this juncture is unclear if they don’t. there is also a great deal of trust between salem and summer rose: salem has no doubt of summer’s loyalties after more than a year without progress in vale, summer had to trust that salem would keep her word to spare yang and ruby. (which salem did.)
telling summer that her daughters are dead is going to be very distressing for salem; she knows exactly how painful it will be for summer to hear. but she has to protect cinder. because she can’t be sure how summer will react, the safest course is to take the blame herself. if that means summer hates her, betrays her, leaves her, so be it.
summer has known salem for fourteen years, and she’s quite likely known cinder longer than she knew her own daughters. she has also had fourteen years to think about the path she chose and ample opportunity in these last sixteen to eighteen months to change her mind. if she knows salem well enough to see her distress and realize the lie, what runs through her mind in that moment? (salem would not have killed her daughters, nor allowed them to be harmed if she could stop it; but cinder had reason to want ruby dead, and salem can’t bear to lose her.)
i think, for summer, what it probably comes down to is not trust or sunk cost but the choice to forgive or not. because she could retaliate, if she chose. summer has silver eyes. cinder murdered her daughters.
but. fourteen years, she’s been working with salem; cinder is also the girl she trained, and sixteen, eighteen months ago when summer got to the top of beacon tower, she chose to get cinder to safety and left ruby lying there unconscious. does she not also care for them? is she not also agonizingly aware that she is as responsible for the deaths of her children as salem is, for igniting this war in the first place? can she not also understand why cinder felt the need to do the things she did?
it’s such an awful, impossible thing, but summer’s heart has always been split down the middle by the fault lines of this war, and the woman who killed her daughters is the one she chose to protect over ruby the last time she had to make the choice, that night atop beacon tower. is there any question of vengeance when this is her family too?
which is the second crack in cinder’s view of the world and will, i suspect, take salem very much by surprise also. AND THEN THERE’S TAI… to whom cinder is just a murderer. he’s the wildcard because i truly have no idea how he might react, other than really badly.
but for summer i think the emotional center of gravity has to be forgiveness, both for narrative reasons and based on what the clues we’ve been given about her fate hint about who she is. the conversations in the ruins of beacon will be very interesting to watch.
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britcision · 2 years
Alright I think I’ve seen a couple smaller versions of this in bits and pieces so if you have them please share, but I figured that as someone familiar with neither show initially I’m in a good position to do a DPxDC onboarding post!
Since neither source material is particularly helpful in understanding the madness we have created, here is what I consider important to know for each (please add in with anything I miss!)
Danny Phantom (DP)
Main Characters
Danny Fenton - is a Phantom. Died as a teenager by accidentally activating his parents’ portal to the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms but was also revived, becoming a half ghost half human (halfa)
Is the only superhero in Amity Park, fighting ghosts and sometimes ghost hunters to keep humans safe from ghosts and ghosts safe from humans
Has beaten the Ghost King in single combat, and is therefore sometimes considered to be the new Ghost King
Jazz (Jasmine) Fenton - Danny’s older sister, basically his parent, very into psychology and very against the influence their actual parents have had on Danny due to their obsession with ghosts
May/may not know about Phantom, usually considered the Mom Friend of Team Phantom whether she knows or not
Jack Fenton - Danny’s dad, 6’9 koolaid man, loves ham and fudge and breaking through walls instead of the door beside him. A very bad shot but extremely enthusiastic in that 90s dad cartoon way
Prone to believe absolutely anybody but Danny is a ghost, especially when Danny does ghost things in proximity
Extremely intent on the destruction of all ghosts, convinced they do not have actual feelings and should be destroyed pre Phantom reveal. Afterwards, can be either accepting or homicidal towards Danny
Maddie Fenton - Danny’s mom, ridiculous kung fu warrior and engineer, madly in love with Jack and they are sickeningly cute all times except Christmas
Sometimes notices they have kids that need caring for, sometimes curbs Jack’s wilder impulses, she’s the brains of the team
Same ghost views as Jack, but she’s more perceptive and intelligent, which can be used for good or evil
Tucker Foley - Danny’s best friend, likes meat and technology and arguing with Sam
A Black young man with a signature red beret and PDA in the OG show, usually acknowledged to be on par with the bats’ technical skills as he’s an incredible hacker
Danny’s Guy In The Chair, but he will get out of his chair and throw down as needed
Sam Manson - Danny’s Obligatory 90s Cartoon Love Interest, goth and ultra-recyclo-vegetarian child of millionaires who will not be stopped in her crusade for justice
She’s the one who dared Danny to go into the portal that killed him, the guilt she carries for this varies
She is in combat as much as her humanity allows, but also in a support role most of the time
Dash Baxter - Danny’s Obligatory 90s Cartoon Bully, the usual blond beefy jock. Can be surprisingly sensitive and intelligent, probably from being tutored by Jazz
[ETA] Valerie Gray - former antihero with a grudge against ghosts (her dad lost his job because of Cujo), she was given an anti ghost suit by Vlad and worked for him to fight ghosts until learning he is a half ghost
Canon never names her alter ego but we call her Red Huntress, she’s hot headed and impulsive and absolutely dated Danny while trying to murder Phantom - Danny knew the whole time but she did not
She is also Black
Wes Weston - Does Not Exist In Canon. We made him up because Danny had a bracelet that was supposed to say Sam but was shown backwards all episodes so it just says Wes
Knows that Danny is Phantom, INTENT on telling absolutely everyone, and is never believed
Vlad Masters/Plasmius - the only older halfa in the show, and one of Danny’s main villains. A billionaire who went to college with the Fenton parents and was slowly killed after exposure to the first trial portal
Blames Jack for his exposure and is obsessed with stealing Maddie from him and marrying her himself as he believes should have always happened
Her opinion does not factor into this, and she largely treats him with disdain but tempered for her husband, who adores Vlad unequivocally
Dani/Ellie Masters - a girl clone of Danny made by Vlad, the only clone who survived melting into goo. Vlad raised her to try and kill Danny so he could perfect a different boy clone, and kept her isolated
Now that she’s met Danny and been stabilised by him, they are siblings/cousins/besties but she can’t stay in one place, because she wants to experience the whole world
Frostbite - King of the Far Frozen, which is part of the Ghost Zone full of ice. He’s a yeti, and has the zone’s only functional medical facility
Reveres Danny as the Great One, Saviour of the Ghost Zone, and taught him how to use his ice powers
Clockwork - Master of Time, tends to show up in a purple hooded robe with a clock around his neck and rapidly cycle through ages and speak in riddles
Sometimes communicates by leaving green stick notes on things, but never with a direct answer. Considered Danny’s mentor and sends Danny on adventures through time to preserve the time stream
Notably involved in the whole Dan Phantom fiasco
Dan Phantom - an older version of Danny from the future where Danny’s ghost half was removed from his human half, stole Vlad’s ghost half, and destroyed the world because Danny’s whole family and friends were killed in front of him
They were all together to be killed as part of an intervention when Danny was caught cheating on a test. This gives Danny understandable issues about how easily he could go bad and destroy the world
Skulker - an early recurring baddie who is a Kraven the Hunter knockoff, considers himself the Ghost Zone’s best hunter and wants Danny’s pelt for his wall
Actually a tiny little guy inside the helmet of a big mechanised suit, rarely a serious threat
Ember - a young ghost musician who can hypnotise people with her music, craves an audience and another early recurring villain
Dates Skulker I guess
Johnny 13 and Shadow - ghost biker boy and his sentient shadow familiar, dated Danny at some point, but in a permanent ongoing relationship with Kitty
They usually only cause trouble when they fight, break up, wreak havoc, and then eventually get back together
Kitty - once Overshadowed Paulina the generic Pretty Girl to date Danny to get back at Johnny for their break up
She wanted to be a lawyer before she and Johnny were killed in a wreck, sometimes implied to have been caused on purpose by her father
She and Johnny are often Danny’s allies, against other ghosts if necessary
[ETA] Cujo - ghost puppy, very playful and usually about beagle size, but he can grow or shrink at will into a terrifying house sized attack dog. He can make portals so no, you are never safe from Cujo
[ETA] Wulf - werewolf ghost and friend of Danny’s who can also create his own natural portals. He wears pants
Important Terms
Core - a small glowing orb that houses all a ghost’s memories, thoughts, emotions, and vital organs. Can correspond to an element, granting elemental powers after some intense ghost puberty
Requires ectoplasm to form and be maintained but does not exist in canon
Obsession - ghosts are powered by their emotions at death and an Obsession, usually what makes them become a ghost instead of passing on in the first place - does not exist in canon
Danny’s Obsession is usually Protection, Space, or both
Vlad’s Obsession is Maddie, and acquiring Danny as a son once he learns Danny is a halfa too
Dani’s Obsession is Travel
Halfa - half a ghost, half a human, with the ability to transform between human and ghost forms (usually characterised as a colour inversion of hair and clothes)
Powers are basically Everything That Would Be Funny, because it’s a Saturday morning cartoon
Vlad’s specifically include electrocution, duplicating up to thousands of himself, invisibility, intangibility, hand lasers, super strength, healing, and mind control
Danny’s include ice, strength, bendy noodle body, put self in video game, hand lasers, heat vision, ghostly wail (big ol sonic scream, bad for the throat), duplication, teleportation, and literally anything else that was fun for the episode in question
All ghosts seem to get invisibility, intangibility, flight, telekinesis, and ectobeams (lasers from various body parts)
Overshadowing - similar to possession, when a ghost takes over someone else’s body, gaining access to core memories if they look
Sometimes different from possession specifically and considered less invasive, but still invasive. Danny does not like doing this
[ETA] Anti Ecto Acts - a series of laws signed into existence to declare all ectoplasmic entities as nonsentient creatures, able to be experimented on or destroyed at will
Referenced literally once in canon in a single line that basically says “you are under arrest for being a ghost” - after Danny is outed as a halfa, we have obviously extrapolated it into the worst thing possible
Canon calls them Anti-Ecto Control Acts
[ETA] GIW - Guys in White or the Ghost Investigation Ward, they’re literally a colour reversed Men in Black joke to have a government agency that focuses on ghosts
They don’t care about collateral damage and will blow anyone up on their way ghost hunting
DC (Disregard Canon apparently)
Main Characters
Listen I’m not doing all of them so HOEDOWN STYLE I GUESS
Alfred Pennyworth - best Batman character, super butler, makes the best cookies
Bruce Wayne - Batman, may/may not be good batdad
Dick Grayson - Robin 1, responsible for pantsless Robin and excessive flips, grows up to be Nightwing
Jason Todd - fandom woobie, Robin 2, tried to steal the tires off the Batmobile and hit Bruce with a tire iron, killed by Joker, came back evil and thicc as Red Hood and nearly killed Robin 3
Has the Bad Juice in him cuz of being brought back from the dead so he has Pit Rage, which most people apparently only get for a little bit and then either die or go permanently insane
Tim Drake - Robin 3, abandoned rich kid who blackmailed Bruce into letting him be Robin after Jason died, because Jason was his hero and Tim thinks Batman needs a Robin to stay sane. He’s right, but was Robin-fired basically as soon as Damian showed up, is Red Robin now
Never sleeps, overcaffeinated at all times, a better detective than Bruce and a supervillain in basically every AU
Used to be bi but is legally gay now apparently
Stephanie Brown - girl Robin, far superior as Spoiler and Bat Girl, sassy bitch who tells Bruce to fuck off the most of all the Robins ever and this is an Achievement she must fight for constantly but always wins
Cassandra Cain - assassin baby of Lady Shiva, not taught to talk by her dad cuz he sucks, semi- or nonverbal and deadass supernaturally good at reading people
Decided that killing was bad actually the first time she did it so fuck assassins she’s Black Bat/Batgirl/Orphan now and she does not have mouth holes in her mask (possibly because she is not white, depending on why you think Batman always has his)
Damian Wayne - Consequences from Bruce’s playboy slut days, he knocked up supervillain Talia Al Ghul and thus this bab was raised by assassins and thinks stabbing siblings is an acceptable greeting
Likes the animals and is secretly soft but will fucking kill you before he admits it
Duke Thomas - Criminally Underused, older than Damian but babiest bat as the Signal, Gotham’s only daytime hero and only meta hero. Second Black hero cuz Lucius Fox exists and so does his son
Never a Bruce-appointed Robin but was trained by 4 previous Robins (no idea where Steph was for this) simultaneously, swears as much as Jason but has living parents sometimes so that’s wild
Kate Kane - Batwoman, definitely fucks
Luke Fox - I think he is Lucius’ son, Lucius made all the bat tech but Luke is going to punch bad guys directly, has a hero name probably that might be fox related
Diana Prince - Wonder Woman, an Amazonian warrior who fucks with Cronos I guess
Donna Troy - I have never fucking seen her in dpxdc but she is Wonder Girl I think and she also fucks
Clark Kent - Superman but also a nerd, treats his clone badly and will never be forgiven
Connor Kent/Kon El - said clone, made by Lex Luthor from Superman’s and Luthor’s DNA because what says hate like making a baby! Mistreating that baby and reminding him he’s meant to be a weapon
Deserves all the love and sometimes his powers don’t work because cloning is hard
Jon Kent - Superman’s son with Lois Lane, got all his dad’s powers but apparently not his mom’s cuz he is still a himbo
Lois Lane - the world’s scariest reporter who will make all corrupt officials quail because you can’t fucking threaten her, she will tell you to go fuck yourself and if you try and shoot her Superman catches the bullet
Barry Allen - the Flash, does not believe in ghosts even though he can run so fast he travels in time so he’s clearly the arbiter of what makes sense
But I guess you can’t catch him to tell him he’s wrong so
Hal Jordan - Green Lantern, Space Ho
Lex Luthor - surprising dad energy for a bald supervillain who hates aliens (blame halfagone)
John Constantine - super thot and mage, will sell his soul to anyone who offers to gain immortality because no one can decide who gets to keep his soul so they just spite reviving him
Has the actual worst luck and finds out just slightly more than he fucks around but he hasn’t died yet so it’s working
Zatanna - magic lady who does spells by saying words backwards, the competent adult
Boston - Deadman, an Actual Fucking Ghost Member Of The Justice League, What The Fuck Flash This Is Workplace Harassment
Cannot be seen or heard without magical assistance, so way less of a problem than Danny Phantom ghosts
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rhikasa · 4 months
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: high & dark fantasy
the old guardians have vanished, slain by the angel of death long ago. memory of them has all but faded from the minds of mortals who have not lived under their divine protection and thus they have fallen to legend, but there are those who hold the hope that someday the old deities will return when the need arises.
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genre: fantasy
summary in progress...
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy, science fiction
stolen from her former life, saeth is taken to a wold miles above her own. on the hidden moon of elysium, a secret society has thrived, its populace isolated from those on the hostile planet she calls home. very few in her position refuse their new life of luxury, but to saeth this place is simply a gilded cage.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy
generations ago, the last of humanity was forced to flee into caves far below the land they had once called home. qlthough the first few years were full of struggle to adapt, the magnificent city of eldoris was built. few alive today remember the feeling of sunlight on their skin, and fewer still are aware of the atrocities committed in the darkness that has kept a fragile peace for the residents within.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy, horror, murder mystery, supernatural
the small town of aerilon is left shaken after the discovery of a brutal murder by the river’s edge. disturbing markings upon the victim leave some of the towns folk to speculate this was not the work of another human being, but a nefarious creature hidden in plain sight, only revealing its true existence beneath the light of a full moon: a werewolf.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: portal & urban fantasy
the realm's mages has been decimated, their magic stolen from them by outsiders. when a young girl named julia inherits powers she was never meant to acquire, she is hidden away on earth for safe keeping until she learns how to harness her newfound gift.
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genre: cyberpunk
summary in progress...
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy
summary in progress...
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happyk44 · 2 years
It was difficult to think.
He never knew Thalia had a brother. Had that been why she was so anxious earlier? Searching for the little brother she lost? What the fuck happened to this kid?
His teeth were still stained with Ethan's and Iapetus', now Bob's, blood. It meshed gold and red against his lip, onto his lower jaw. He didn't follow Nico as he stepped forward to show his father the sword they recovered. Instead, he watched Thalia and Percy closely, cautiously. Half lowered to the ground. There was a menace to his stance. Animalistic. Fingers curled. Teeth barred. Eyes, bright blue and distrusting. The smell of lightning, burning and acrid, edged at them. A warning of what he could do.
What he was willing to do.
Ethan's burnt bloody body came to mind.
Percy's head was buzzing with questions. He could barely hear Hades as he spoke, regarding Nico with a soft love and Persephone with thinly veiled annoyance.
Funny, Percy thought. He would've assumed it would be the other way around. But there were clearly a lot of things about the underworld he was unfamiliar with.
Hades stepped down from his throne as the sword was lifted into the air by the Furies. He slid one hand, fatherly and calm over Nico's head. Then turned to his wife and grabbed her by the jaw. Percy's breath caught in his throat. Thalia stiffened, hands clenched tight at her side.
"Stop disobeying me," he seethed. "I'm already at risk with the boy here. Why are you so insistent in putting us in harsher light?"
Despite the grip on her face, Persephone looked only amused. Her hand came to rest on his wrist. "I only wish to help. You know that."
He rolled his eyes and let go of her with a gentle shove. With a quiet snap of his fingers, he vanished into the darkness.
The air was heavy and then, "You test his patience too much."
Persephone smiled gently at Nico. "Oh, I test a lot of things when it comes to your father."
Thalia grit her teeth. "You-" She inhaled sharply, spared a single glance for her hunched over brother still glaring at them. "He didn't know it existed."
Almost bored, Persephone smoothed her dress down. The puzzle clacked together in Percy's head. "That's why he wasn't there!" He stepped forward and froze when Jason snarled viciously. He held his breath but kept going. "That's why you gave us the mission. He told you he didn't want the sword."
A soft whistle slid through the air, as breathy as a spring day. Jason relaxed on his haunches. As she approached slowly, Persephone regarded Percy and Thalia like annoying bugs she'd discovered in her garden. Something to quash.
To get rid of.
Then she stiffened up as Nico joined their side. He was still, rigid. A little off to the side as he'd been all day. But ultimately with them.
"Percy's right," he said quietly. A little frown to his face. "The balance of power is all thrown off now. Other gods barely trust my father as it is. There's no way they're going to be okay with this."
"I can handle other gods, Nico."
"When has he ever wanted other people to deal with what he has to handle from other gods?"
More questions boiled at the top of Percy's head. There was a history he was never going to understand - something Thalia, in all her Huntress, direct line to a goddess glory, probably knew better than Percy ever would. Something Nico already had a hand in.
Persephone rolled her eyes. "It'll be fine. He's accepted the sword. It will be finished, and he will finally be as powerful as his brothers. More so, if we're lucky." She gestured loosely. "Our realm will be protected, against Kronos or anyone else who wants to threaten us."
Anyone else? The fuck did that mean?
"Dad likes to handle that kind of thing himself."
"Your father doesn't like to ask for help." Persephone's eyes were dark now, blazing like a storm. Her voice was cold, frozen. "I chose to stop offering. Better to ask forgiveness."
Something akin to guilt, to understanding was in Nico's eyes just before he shielded them from view. What did he know? What did Persephone?
The way she spoke about the sword - Percy had always assumed that Hades was the on the same standing as his brothers. The Big Three. Equal. Powerful. Balanced.
But here was she acting as though they weren't. That there was something unfair.
Percy looked over at Nico again, the way he stood off to the side. He was on Percy's side but still standing away, like he wasn't sure if he was allowed.
Keeping an eye on Jason, Percy shifted towards Nico, protective. He got maybe an inch and half before Jason growled, lowering cautiously. Percy stopped
Thalia released a heavy grunt. "Fine!" she spat. Persephone turned her gaze to Thalia. The darkness in her eyes turned from a storm to a void, empty and uncaring. "You have your fucking sword. You have the power you wanted, whatever, but why!" She jabbed a hand at Jason. "Why is my brother here!"
"Well, little sister, Jason had a difficult time after your mother abandoned him to the wolves-"
"Wolves?" Thalia hissed.
Persephone ignored her outburst. "The place he was staying could not handle him in the long-term. They called my husband for help. Storms are difficult to contain, they wanted him to go down easy. Instead, Hades offered to take him in. He showed our brother a kindness."
"A kindness?" Thalia's voice was pitched high, angry, scared. She pulled out her spear. "You're fucked in the head if you think this is kind!"
She was on the ground before Percy could exhale. Jason had thrown himself at her. A muzzle of shadows was pulled tight over his face as he snarled viciously. A leash of flowers was strapped around his chest, keeping him from clawing at Thalia's skin. He was spitting, angry, enraged.
Persephone only looked annoyed.
Nico rushed last Percy and yanked Jason further back. Thalia breathed hard. Tears dropped from the corners of her eyes. She swatted Percy's hands away and stood up shakily. Jason was thrashing violently, ready to attack again. He seemed partly aware that Nico was holding him back, just barely holding himself from hurting him but hellbent on digging his gnashing teeth into Thalia's throat.
"Jason is barely a person," Persephone said. She laid a hand on top his head. He grunted under her touch, recoiling back from it but ultimately quieting. The muzzle and leash disappeared. "I have done quite a bit to help him move on from the nature instilled in him, but there is no cure to it. He will never be the child you remember."
Thalia let out a broken sob. This time she didn't fight back from Percy wrapping an arm around her. To her credit, Persephone's gaze softened at the sound.
"He has a purpose and a life here that he would never have had otherwise. But test my patience again, little sister, and I will happily have him watch as I wring you out to dry. Believe me." Persephone's voice dropped to a chilly whisper. "He will not care."
She pulled a duo of black roses from her pocket. Handing them off to Nico, she levelled Thalia and Percy with a look. "Speak about the sword before it is completed and I promise you will regret it immensely."
As strong as it was, Percy held her gaze. "And Jason? Can we talk about him?"
"I wouldn't recommend it," Persephone said. "Jason has his own purpose in this war and our father, bless his soul, is undoubtedly paranoid of every little thing. We don't need him coasting in on petty concerns before Jason can complete what he's been requested to assist in."
Still shaking in Percy's hold, Thalia inhaled sharply. "And after the war?"
Persephone shrugged. "Depends on if he lives, I suppose. But he's a strong fighter. The wolves wouldn't have tolerated anything less." She gestured to the roses clutched in Nico's hands. "Crush these beneath your feet to return to the world above." Before she vanished into a pool of daisies, she smiled. "Do not try anything stupid."
As petals landed on him and Nico, Jason shuddered, shaking himself off like a dog caught in the rain. He huffed and clocked his jaw against the top of Nico's head. Nico grimaced and patted Jason's shoulder.
Thalia breathed heavily then stepped gently out from Percy's hold. "What does- what does he understand?"
Jason looked at her briefly, tensing. Nico bit his lip. "A lot. He doesn't really know how to speak but he knows words. And he likes it here. He plays with the dogs. I think they remind him of the wolves." He snorted. "Cerberus thinks he's annoying."
Thalia swallowed thickly. She opened her mouth but no words came out. Percy stepped up to her side. The suddenness had Jason growling low. Electricity bounced off his skin. Percy put his hands up.
"What exactly are they planning to use him for?"
Nico was quiet for a moment, then, "You won't see him. It's on a different side." He shook his head. "Not Kronos. Just. Elsewhere. I can't really explain, but it's nothing for either of you to be worried about."
Percy thought about the sword. The way Persephone spoke of his dad, of Thalia's dad. The way she alluded to their other enemies. The way it seemed that Olympus was an area of concern.
Nico eyes, however, were nothing but earnest. Pleading.
Percy glanced at Thalia, who seemed to be thinking the same thing as him as she regarded the daisies being swept up by a skeletal janitor.
The two of them glanced at one another. Then Percy nodded. Thalia nodded back and turned to Nico. "Okay," she said, voice thin. "I'll trust you on that."
Nico picked a petal off his shoulder and watched it flutter down to the ground. "I'll have to ask but... Maybe after the war, you can come down and I'll tell you about what he did."
He held out the roses in his hand. Thalia plucked one from his palm and Percy followed suit. Jason tracked their hands closely, brushing closer to Nico's side with every inch. Once Thalia and Percy had returned to their positions a couple feet away, Jason relaxed a little bit, shifted away from Nico.
His hands flew together in a stiff blur. Nico ran a hand threw his hair and nodded. "Yes, they're leaving soon."
Jason rolled his shoulders and eyed the two of them like he didn't believe it. Like he would make them leave if they didn't. He seemed more human now. Blood was still dried to his face, but there wasn't an undercurrent of violence radiating off of him anymore.
Still, the way he held himself. Persephone's words came to mind. Jason is a barely a person.
He was still glaring like he wanted to hurt them, but less like he wanted to rip their throats out. There was no recognition in his eyes when he looked at Thalia.
He is not the child you remember.
Nico rubbed his face tiredly. "Um. I'll keep an eye on Bob. And Jason can watch him when I'm not here. It'll probably do him good to be biting people other than Menoetes. Or Hermes."
Dogs and mailmen. Percy would've laughed if the situation wasn't so tense and painful.
Nico crossed his arms over his chest. "You guys should go before Jason starts freaking out again. He's not really good around new people." He cleared his throat, glancing at Percy. "You remember my offer?"
A shiver went down Percy's spine. Oh yeah. That. "I'm still thinking about it."
"Don't think too long." Nico glanced at Jason and clicked his tongue. "Jason. Come on." Jason prowled close to Nico's side, eyes on Percy and Thalia the whole time. "I'll see you guys." He turned and began walking away. Jason followed close behind, eyes never straying from the two behind him until he turned the corner out of the throne room and vanished from sight.
Thalia wiped at her face. "What-" She shook her head. "What was Nico talking about?"
"He has a suggestion about how to fight Kronos. Told me about it last summer." Percy sighed heavily. "But it's dangerous and a lot to think about it. I've had enough danger today."
"And I have enough to think about today," Thalia said. She wiped at her face once more and exhaled harshly. "Let's fucking get something to eat and pretend we were never here, yeah?"
He watched as she stared emptily at the doorway Jason had just disappeared behind. Squeezed her shoulder and smiled thinly when she turned back to him. "Yeah. Sounds like fun."
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kharrneth · 6 months
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Before there was war, the first and most common method of bloodshed was the hunt. The contest of survival between hunter and prey. Before he was a God of War, before he was even a Ruinous Power, Khorne was a Prince of Predation. This was back during his days as a Beast-God, though eventually intelligent beings would arrive on the scene and this would spell his rise from a bestial nature to a more sapient one.
However, Khorne never forgot the hunt, and usually when he vacates the Throne of Skulls it is to pursue God-Beasts through the Realm of Chaos. God Beasts are, similar to the Chaos Gods, the product of the collective ID of living animals who feel emotions and desires just as intelligent mortals do. Though Khorne's identity as a Hunter God has been long subsumed by his identity as a God of Warriors, Hatred, War, and Duels, Hunting is still sacred to both Khorne and his daemons, especially the ones who embody this tertiary aspect of his character. His title, Hunter of Souls, was one he wore even before his current moniker of Blood God.
The Hunt has rules and traditions set forth by Khorne himself when he used to personally lead Blood Hunts that even the esteemed killers of his legions refuse to not observe (even if they have their own personal opinions about these practices....).
This is in contrast to the Slaaneshi who also hunt and Slaanesh, who may occassionally deign to leave his realm and test his speed and grace against the great Felid-godbeasts or Cloven-deities that frequent the realm of Chaos. Unlike Khorne and Khornates, the Slaaneshi do what they do for pleasure (literally calling these excursions "Pleasure Hunts") and observe few, if any, strictures. What rules are in place are done so for the purpose of prolonging and heightening the thrill of the chase, rather than being in the sense of fairness, usefulness, and glory. Slaaneshi has no deep history of being a hunter and does not even bear any epithets. Ironically, there are more dedicated huntresses in Slaanesh's legions than in Khorne's own.
Naturally, both groups look down upon the other and should rival hunting parties meet, these meetings quickly turn into skirmishes or hunters hunting one another.
These conflicts are not just limited to daemons. During the rare and often brief Khornate-Slaaneshi accord against a third party, Khorne may prompt Slaanesh to engage in a contest of hunting prowess as he views his youngest brother, loathsome as he is, as the only one with skills "approaching" his own. The Prince of Pleasure may accept these according to his whim, always arriving to the agreed upon locations late with his own princely host of his favored Keepers, Daemon Princes, and Mounted Heralds. Once the terms of the contest are agreed upon, Khorne pits his instinctive desire to hunt and the experience of eons against Slaanesh's preternatural grace and sheer speed; both find the other ample challenge and both Powers have lost against the other more times than they care to dwell on.
It's rare these meetings end without incident and many Khornate-Slaaneshi alliances have ended with one god accusing the victor of unfair advantage, deceit, or some other kind of trickery. Slaanesh in particular might do this just to provoke a reaction out of Kharneth and in turn becomes the new prey item in the Blood God's eyes. Thusly, the Dark Prince gets to experience three thrills; of chasing, running for his life, and provoking Khorne to give into his rage and chase him. Slaanesh has ever been the swiftest of the brothers and so there is no real danger of Khorne ever catching him, but the Blood God ever holds out for the day that Slaaneshi's hubris looms too large and he gets to drive his sickle-like fangs into the Lord of Desire's soft neck once and for all.
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birdy-the-tweet · 11 months
Character Catalog
Sir Aaron
Aaron Gawain Fox, an unforgettable name, is the renowned archer and infamous bravery of the Nexo Knights. He takes the title of the Emerald Knight and wears the crest of a fox on both his chest and crossbow.
Family and History
Danger and thrill were engrained in Aaron’s brain the moment he was born, but he wasn’t the only one. As the seventh child to what would eventually become fifteen, it was a family tradition to introduce each new addition to a chaotic, unforgiving world. Not that it bothered any of them. The town of Grindstead was already riddled with urban legends and superstitions, so they would all learn to adapt to the lingering disorder, perhaps even join in the madness. Fear had been an emotion conquered quickly by the Fox siblings, but it came easiest to Aaron. He felt no fear. Literally. He physically couldn’t feel any fear.
Their parents’ disapproval of their reckless behavior was a common occurrence. They had hoped one of their kids would marry rich, become successful, or strive to end the nonsense of the town. Instead, each one grew up to contribute to the chaos and become the talk of the town for the week, slandering their family name with every new story told. Life in the village by the sea was already tough. Their father, Lot Fox, was a merchant. Their mother, Morgan Fox, a tired fisherman and huntress. Both struggled to keep food on the table to feed everyone in the house and relied on the older children for aid, but they seemed to make matters worse at times. The parents still fight to keep the secret that Aaron is a changeling, possibly replaced at birth. Not even he knows.
The only other person who knew was the eldest of the fifteen, Vander Fox. Vander had been a third parent to the children for a majority of his life, paying for food and helping out when neither parent was present due to work, burnout, or another pregnancy. But instead of conditioning them to order and fear of the outside world, he taught each of them how to open their hearts to chaos and be brave.
All the Fox siblings grew up despising the knights and the system, and Aaron made it his sword duty to run them out of Grindstead. They believed all the knights were good at were wearing rich armor and abusing their title to strip the town of necessary resources, a fact they knew to be true after many investigations. With every stunt, prank, and scheme, the siblings hoped to scare or infuriate the deployed knights of their town enough to convince them to leave for good. Aaron, Vander, and two other brothers named Tommy and Thomas led the charge. Their stunts were so impressive, the whole town had their undivided attention.
On one horrific day, a prank went terribly wrong when a wild giant feline stormed into Grindstead and hunted the Fox brothers. Vander desperately fought the monster to protect his family and lost his arm in the process, but instead of treating the wound or escorting them to safety, the current knight scolded Vander for carelessness and endangering the lives of his family. Angered, Aaron lashed out at the knight by brutally wounding him with his own weapon.
Word reached Morgan and Lot. After a horrid argument between them and their disgraceful children, Lot decided to send Aaron to the Knight’s Academy as punishment. Perhaps becoming a protector of the realm would not only restore honor to their family name, it would also teach the children a valuable lesson in discipline, Aaron especially. With only a night to reminisce on the good days and say goodbye, he was sent off to Knightonia for four long years of knight training.
When people talk about Aaron, the first word that comes to mind is usually “brave”. He has been known for showing no fear regardless of the dangers presented, a flaw born of his fey blood. In truth, he physically can not feel fear, but he doesn’t know that, nor does he know about the horror of his birth.
His gluttony for the next extreme record to break has made many people call him reckless and self destructive, and he wouldn’t deny it if confronted. But he is quick to refer to himself as a chill, go-with-the-flow type man who always needs something to do. Whether it’s racing in the canyons or replaying a video game, he will never sit in the same place for more than five minutes.
Despite his collected, chaos thriving personality, Aaron has an ineffable distaste for the knights and a lingering guilt for his brother’s downfall. Perhaps he chooses to be calm for his own sanity, or perhaps he’s grown to accept his punishment.
• Aaron Fox’s name is two puns in one. The name Aaron is (supposedly) similar to the word “arrow”, for his main weapon is a crossbow. Additionally, his full name is a reference to Back to the Future. The actor for Marty McFly was named Michael J. Fox.
• Aaron’s middle name is Gawain. Vander’s is Agravain, Tommy’s is Gareth, and Thomas’s is Gaheris.
• His body shape is very slender and tall. He stands at 6’3” and weighs only 145 lbs.
• He’s double jointed and can easily perform contortionist acts if he wanted. But usually he utilizes his flexibility for parkour.
• His eyes are deemed “colorless” due to their desaturated silver color. When a bright light is shined in them, they reflect the light off them like the eyes of a deer.
• At the age of 13, he got ran over by a cart and fractured his hands and ribs. Only his right pinky was beyond repair and had to be amputated.
• Aaron’s armor is the only set that consists of lighter steel alloys and sturdy leather. The fox ear piece on his headphones are hearing modules that increase his hearing immensely, and his visor is the only one with a glass cover over the eyes to prevent wind burn and give him access to a radar and aim-locking system. Additionally, his hands come with retractable “claws” to help with climbing, high speed chases, or melee combat.
• He is ambidextrous but often forgets that and will pick a hand when asked which one he uses more often.
• He is bisexual and is referred as he/they.
• He will randomly make fox noises in replacement of worded reactions to things. The knights don’t know why, but in truth, he and his siblings used those noises as a way to communicate with each other without using words during their younger pranking days.
• Shockingly, he doesn’t like foods that are too sweet. The other knights are in disbelief that he drinks black coffee in the mornings. But he does like dark chocolate.
• Indie rock enjoyer, but he listens to just about everything and has a playlist for every music genre.
• Skilled in a crossbow but can wield other weapons. He keeps a dagger given to him by Vander on his person at all times, and he’s able to dual wield short swords and sickles.
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Bracket F Round 1
Poll 16
Diana "Huntress" Thompson (@vincentvalenfine) vs. Meparik of the Frostbitten Court (@gailynovelry)
351. Diana "Huntress" Thompson (@vincentvalenfine)
she's a poor little meow meow, a babygirl, a feral cat being resocialized and hating every minute of it. she has that chronic depression and is seeking revenge for her sister’s death, incidentally doing good in the process. i love her ur honor she is a study of feminine rage and identity issues and bisexuality all wrapped up in an invisibility cloak.
5'1", blue eyes and fair skin with many scars, hair that gets dyed frequently but has been seen as brown by most, too slender since she doesn't eat enough, a back covered in watercolor flower tattoos. looks chronically too tired for this shit. wears a hooded cloak and a bodysuit with a chestplate, a utility belt, and sturdy boots. always has a knife on hand.
352. Meparik of the Frostbitten Court (@gailynovelry)
He is a mute, grumpy little gremlin of a messiah who understands more of the political goings-on of his realm than most adults do, and profusely hates the gods for it! Gaze upon my child, your honor. Do you feel it? The desire to feed him warm soups and wrap him up in a cozy blanket? I rest my case, your honor. I rest it well.
Meparik is a small, lost child with pointed feyrie ears, fluffy white hair, and icy eyes. He commonly wears a little green mantle cloak thrown over a baggy sweater, both of which are repaired with mismatched cloth patches. There are bags under his eyes.
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idv-fifis-toybox · 9 months
I am a slow worker UEUEUE but also seeing this in my drafts is pain and there are. way too many skins in the whole thing LOL so im just dumping those that have requests atm! Skins under the cut
Waterfire II: Operation Dagger
S-Tier: Soixante Quinze ( The Voidwalker, Rue ) ( bonus, Cent Vingt-Cinq, R, it was too perfect )
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A-Tier: Jack Rose (The Executioner, Exe)
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B-Tier: Gimlet (The Hitman, Zane Bracken)
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S-Tier: Bloody Mary ( The Vedette, Vanadis )
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Waterfire III: Troupe Disaster
B-Tier: Trial of Fire ( The Knife Thrower, Flynn Smith )
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B-Tier: Trial of Water (The Puppeteer, Rosalyn Darling)
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B-Tier: Trial of Silence ( The Novelist, Orfeo )
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B-Tier: Spotlight ( The Lampsmith, Wayne Strickland )
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S-Tier: Saraste (The Tailor, Angel Drew)
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A-Tier: Agent Clubs ( The Veteran, Lyra Blake )
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The Slumbering Realm
S-Tier: Ukiyo (The Samurai, Shiori Aikin )
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A-Tier: Directions (The Cameraman, Akihiko Sato)
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A-Tier: Tickets (The Gardening Fool, Basil Vines)
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B-Tier: Busy Passenger (The Activist, Peterson “August” Drew)
B-Tier: Lost Passenger (The Scion, Ian Varon)
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B-Tier: Regretful Passenger ( The Glass Artist, Delilah Fowler )
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A-Tier: Train Conductor ( The Showman, Phineas Smith )
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The Purgatory
Note: this is about another afterlife, the Seven Evokers (based on the seven deadly sins) are the Seven ‘Kings’/‘Queens’ of the realm, second to the god of the realm who is not within the packages. The two A-tiers are the direct servants of their Evokers
S-Tier: Gula (The Falcon Tamer, Yvette)
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A-Tier: Insatiable  (The Baker, Beth Anastazja )
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 A-Tier: Lullaby (The Upside Down Artist, Amy Kazuichi)
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A-Tier: Hollow Praise (The Radio Host, Laurence Godfrey)
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A-Tier: Double-edged (The Cultivator, Eiji Narukami)
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A-Tier: Bloodlust (The Nurse, “Lazarus”)
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A-Tier: Blackened Knight (The Vet, Luke Watson )
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S-Tier: Luxuria ( The Radio Hostess, Adeline Deniere )
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A-Tier: Desire ( The Living Mannequin, Miss Manni )
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A-Tier: Lady Rose ( The Huntress, Ellie )
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S-Tier: Avarita ( The Scholar, Romero Gray )
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 11 months
SALLY SHIPS AND WANTED RELATIONS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD (I will add into this with stuff I forget)
SALLY AND OTHER GHOSTS, does not need to be inherently romantic but can be if a partner wants it to be! Either with burning hatred or a really, almost uncharacteristically gentle demeanour. Sally is never ‘eh,’ when it comes to the matter of spirits. You either oppose her and stand as a threat to the flock of lost spirits she cares for, or you will soon join them as one of their numbers! Either way I want Sally to be in both positions! BRING OUT HER WEIRD GHOST EMOTIONS!!!
SALLY AND A PARTNER: more in the broad sense but Sally doesn’t love in a… typical manner. And I’d love to explore the spooky dynamics of her in a relationship with another being: dead like her or alive! ESPECIALLY if it involves a lot of growing pains on either side which leads to character growth or regression!
SALLY AND ANDREW, this is the most out there but at some point I’d kill to have Sally and her deceased husband interact, either prior to his death or when they found each other again in the afterlife… which left Sally killing him because she refused to accept her Andrew would be anything less than in love with her after everything. BUT STILL!!! THE ANGST!!!
Sally X Huntress is a big ship I’m a fan of! I think the gals would be very adorable together, at least until Sally learns that their shared trauma of losing children isn’t shared in the typical sense and that Anna’s been killing her kid’s families, stealing them and then losing them to disease and hypothermia! After that there’s some rich room for angst, or we could just avoid that entirely!!!
Sally x Artist could be interesting! I’ve seen art of it around and a couple of morbid gals at least bonding together over art wouldn’t be remiss! Even if it never gets beyond platonic!
I THINK SALLY AND ADIRIS WOULD BE REALLY CUTE NGL, I don’t have any justification but I think Sally SHOULD clean and dress her wounds lovingly!
I THINK SALLY COULD AND SHOULD BE PUT AROUND HAPPY FAMILIES, not in the sense of her destroying them but rather destroying her. I think she should feel anguish for what she wants and guilt for feeling dissatisfied with the flock of ghosts she’s gathered. She doesn’t want them afterall, she wants her family with Andrew, but she couldn’t have that. So she tried to set them (being herself and her patients) free from this world, but that didn’t work. So now she’s trying to combine the two and she feels incredibly numb and hurting for a comfort from something she’ll never have
SALLY AND DOCTOR MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE ADVENTURES!!! This is 99% for her Survivor Verse and exclusively platonic but I think they should overpower a killer and experiment on them to try and deduct ways to disable them in trials long enough to escape! Sally and Herman should be out here making the other survivors worry that their teammates are killers, even though they’ve never been anything friendly to them!
Personally, I do not see Sally romantically with Max or Phillip, per my understandings of the character and Trapper isn’t exactly into women! But hey! I’m willing to change per another persons portrayals and if they wanted to! I have some cute dynamic ideas too! Though they’re mostly plantonic!
I think Sally x Oni could be cute! Given they are both people stranded outside of any time period they understand or can relate to and are extremely isolated in that regard and can understand and provide sympathy to both the intense unease with the changing times around them; and also how those changing times have brought death to their livelihoods and any respect they had in the worlds they originated from! Plus plus, they’re both firmly subscribed to the ‘If anything happens to Rin I am slaughtering everyone in this realm,’
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thewildestofwinds · 10 months
In realms of ice where beauty thrives,
Where winter's touch forever strives,
There stands a goddess, strong and fair,
Skadi, with grace beyond compare.
Her eyes, like frozen lakes so deep,
Hold secrets ancient, mysteries to keep,
They shimmer with a glacial glow,
Reflecting strength and wisdom's flow.
Upon her brow, a crown of snow,
Adorned with stars that softly glow,
The northern lights dance in her hair,
A celestial tapestry woven with care.
Her voice, a chilling breeze that sings,
Echoing through the frosty rings,
Whispering tales of mountains high,
And tales of warriors who dared to try.
With bow in hand and arrows keen,
She hunts the wild with a gaze serene,
A huntress fierce, her aim so true,
Her arrows pierce the sky of blue.
In icy splendor, she roams the land,
A guardian of winter, cold and grand,
Her footsteps leave a trail of frost,
A testament to the power she has lost.
Oh Skadi, goddess of frost and snow,
In awe, we watch your beauty grow,
Your strength, your grace, inspire us all,
To stand tall, unyielding, and never fall.
Forever we shall sing your praise,
In snow-capped peaks and frozen bays,
Skadi, goddess of the wintry art,
We honor you with every beating heart.
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nami-lvr · 1 year
DBD characters reacting to…
A strong and aggressive survivor who fights them back (sometimes wins)
FT: Ghostface, Trickster, Pyramid Head, Micheal Myers, Spirit, Artist, Hag, Nurse, Huntress, and Sadako. Basically all my faves
Cw- Cannon violence, survivor is very aggressive, survivor is very good at hand to hand and disarming, survivor is around 5’4, survivor is implied yo be Hispanic (I’m projecting with this one my bad) and survivor is G/N with “you” or they/them being used
Tw- Trickster and Ghostface being pervs (not sorry!!!)
A/N: CAN U TELL I LOOOOOOOOVE WOMEN LMAOOOOO spirit is so cute fr like cmere lemme help u get that glass out of u bbg 😚😚 certified lovergirl right here 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
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“Annoying little prick”
The first time you hit him, he had you cornered.
*bam* You had hit him right in the diaphragm.
He lost his breath and got knocked back. You put a lot of power behind that punch. Who knew such a small thing could pack so much power? He’s impressed
In your defense, he was all up in your face saying all these lewd things! How could you not punch him?
You got up on him again, and hit him in his nose with your left hand and his jaw with your right, then bounced. Now he’s just plain annoyed with you.
He didn’t get you that trial, and everyone made fun of him for getting bested by such a small little thing.
He was into it though
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“This is hot”
Ur fucked lol!
He thinks you’re basically his girlfriend after the first time you beat his ass.
You had grabbed his wrist to keep him from stabbing you, and twisted his arm the opposite way
As soon as he let go out of shock, you picked it up off the floor and drove it into his stomach, and twisted the blade to get more damage
As soon as you we’re done, you pulled out the knife, and ran, hoping he would die of blood-loss before the match.
He never got the chance to even hook or mori you that round. He’s impressed, angry, and irritated that you messed up his perfect skin.
This trial, he went back to his realm before Danny could make fun of him for getting beat by such a small thing
He had no idea why you did what you did, or why you we’re always over the top when fighting killers back
But to him, you wanted his attention. You are now a fan!
You want his attention? It’s all yours.
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Pyramid Head
“What the hell?”
He’s impressed
He’s annoyed
He makes it known by making these groans and grunts whenever he sees you
He makes sure to get you hooked first so that he can get you out of the way
The first time you bit him, you drew a lot of blood.
Who knew Pyramid Head could bleed? Now you know.
He’s mad as fuck lol
He is so pissed off he just straight up kills you
Doesn’t even give you to the entity that round
Just murders you
I mean
You BIT the man 😭
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“You’re kidding.”
But EXTREMELY interested in you
Because why did you knock the wind out of him with one punch
He thinks you’re weak
And in a way, you are. Because you’re weaker than him
But still stronger than you should be, and way more aggressive as well.
It seems like you always fight the killers back, which surprises everyone
Especially him though.
He sees you carrying firewood back to the campfire for the other survivors and just
Stares at you
Kind of admiring you but way creepier!
He’s way nicer to you in the rounds but still the same old Micheal
Sometimes lets you subconsciously escape him on purpose
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“Whats the issue exactly”
Doesn’t see why everyone is fussing about you hitting killers
Of course you’re gonna hit killers
But that was until she got hit it the boob by you (for my amab readers, boob hits HURT. Like getting kicked in the balls but for women.)
She is PISSED that you hit her boob and you know it
You are now on her bad side because now she’s just sour about it lol
Every round with her, you’re the last to go
She even made you watch Steve get mori’d
Now you have to stay near the kids whenever its her round because she usually makes them go right in front of you
She is even more brutal because she’s so salty.
Eventually forgets why she’s mad at you, still mad though.
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“How intriguing”
Imo you’re winning bruh
She was chasing you and you hid behind a tree when she looked away.
She went looking for you and you gave her a gun punch and when she kneeled over in pain you kneed her in the face and elbowed the back of her head
Damn near knocking her out!
What the fuck man!
She bit your thigh and hooked you but she’s waaaay mor cautious when chasing you because that shit HURT
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Doesn’t care
She is still going to kill you even if you punch her so hard you knock off her jaw
You fighting back basically motivates her to kill you even more
STILL FINE AS FUCK 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ come kill me fr
Not gonna be shocked or anything
She would just.. not care
At all
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Idk man IMO that’s a big fat W
Ignore my bisexuality but SHE IS SO FINE I JUST WANNA ggrrrrrgrgrg BARK
Anyways you hit her with a leg sweep and a rib stomp
Then book it
She’s impressed that you could get that close to her without her noticing
She’s a lot like Micheal
She just subconsciously lets you escape her sometimes
And it’s not even a defeated feeling she gets its more like
“Oh. Oh well 🤷‍♀️”
She also goes easy on you
You guys kinda have like a
“I don’t kill you, you don’t kill me” thing going on
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“Why won’t you die”
Extremely confident you can’t do to her what you did to ghostface.
You can and you do.
She’s more annoyed that she has to put up with you than she is impressed, but she’s still impressed.
You confused her at first but once she got behind the fact that you can pack a WHOLE lot of punch after you hit her jaw so hard her bunny mask fell off
She just
Left you alone
A lot like Micheal as well
But her letting you escape is just so you don’t hit her again
That or she’ll just hook you first so you CANT knock her mask off
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“Ugh. What the fuck.”
Seriously annoyed
Thats it
She JUST sees you as annoying
I think she’s basically hag 2.0
You just motivate her to kill you more
Like theres no point in getting anyone else first
You grab a fistful of her hair? She bites you 🤷‍♀️
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ffxivaltaholic · 14 days
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Prompt #7: Morsel
I was never the type to shy from food. Even as a child and despite my weak constitution, I rarely left a crumb... But today I find myself struggling...
It was not an unusual meal, rice with meat and vegetables, and one prepared by my beloved, but since my rescue I have struggled with an aversion, even to sweets and some drinks. Why does it haunt me so? I know it is safe and yet my stomach tenses the moment it's placed in front of me. I feel his concerned eyes on my face, and I know I've lost some weight... But the effects of my imprisonment and torment at the hands of my captor have left such disdain for something I loved. It's safe and yet my body won't seem to accept it.
His voice breaks my focus, and I realized I was holding my breath, so lost in thought that he must have said my name a few times before it registered. I do my best to look at him and feign a smile, forcing a bite and swallowing with as best an effort as possible to hide my stress. There is nothing wrong with the meal, it's one of my favorites, but my stomach tenses, and I feel nauseous within moments.
For the moment I can only respond with a gentle smile and tell him that it's good, I'm just slow to eat, but I know he sees through my attempts even with his composed features, I see the worry is visible in his eyes. The day of my rescue he was there and it was the first moment I truly felt safe, but my nightmare is still alive out there and that alone fills me with anxiety and terror.
Can you tell me a story?
Before I even realized my request, it had left my lips. Yuki looked surpassed at the request, but his face softened and a smile formed. There was something so calming and warm about it... I subconsciously took a bite, so distracted by my partner's handsome face that I even forgot my hesitations, at least until the food hit my stomach and I tensed. It was safe. I repeat to myself as the tension settles a little. He rises and goes to fetch a book, one of stories that he knew I loved. Part of teaching me to read and write was finding books that were to my interests and this one, a tale of a prince who fell in love with a huntress was my favorite.
Unlike usual, he chose to nestle in with me instead of across the table, pulling me onto his lap and gesturing to the bowl of rice. I puffed my cheeks a little in frustration, knowing my hesitation was bringing him distress, but finding comfort in the embrace. He tells me that he will read, but that I must eat as much as I can. Oh Nhaama... I feel terrible to worry him so.
I will do my best, as I have always been a bit stubborn, and through sheer willpower, I have survived many things. Yuki would start to read, going over lines I had heard many times, a story he had read so much, he probably won't even need the book much anymore. But it was comforting, listening to his smooth voice as the familiar story played out. I became so lost in it that I had not even realized that my bowl was dwindling, so distracted by the comforting tone and his arm around me that even the nausea ceased to plague me.
Then my spoon made a sound as it hit the bottom of the bowl and his voice abruptly stopped, curious golden eyes peering over me to the table, not a morsel of rice remained. Even I was surprised, glancing down at the empty vessel of my meal.
Suddenly engulfed in his arms, I laughed softly for the first time since he brought me home from my nightmare. Perhaps this too will pass and better days lay ahead. I know I won't be truly safe until that monster Nigen is caught and destroyed, her existence cleansed from the realm... But for now, I will embrace the peace my beloved has brought me.
In this moment, I am happy.
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divinityunleashed · 6 months
Part 2 / 2
BGM: RWBY Volume 1 - I May Fall
"Hold the line!"
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Ironwood shouted as everyone were scattered across Beacon and Vale, under attack by the Creatures of Grimm and hacked Altesian Mechs. As Ironwood and Glynda defended innocents against the ensuing chaos, things at Beacon weren't turning out well either.
Blake and Yang had to split up, resulting in Blake having an encounter within with Adam Taurus, whilst Yang and the rest of the Huntresses had to defend as long as they could against hacked Atlesian Infantry and Grimm.
Hope seemed to be dwindling. Hope was becoming a very, very dim light... All, would be lost...
BGM: Megadimension Neptunia VII - Will Be Venus
That was, until a flash of light erupted at all locations!!!
First off was Vale. Glynda and Ironwood covered their eyes from the immense flash as the Grimm advanced. Once the light dissipated, two women appeared; fully clad in armor and sporting large weapons. As the Grimm were to strike them, the General and Huntress were about to intervene, when the armoured women brandished their weapons.
Next Black smashed forward through one of the Atlesian AK-200's that was about to strike, whilst Next White brandished her axe on a Beowolf and sliced it cleanly in half!
"Just what the hell are these things?!"
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"I don't know, but we need to act quickly. You there, jump into the portal! We will hold off these creatures and mechs as long as we can. Your help has arrived."
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Ironwood responded with an affirmative hmph and they both entered the portal. After a while of combat, the two of them then flew to Beacon Academy.
Next up was the outside of Beacon Academy. Everyone there flashed their eyes shut as a bright green light engulfed them. Next Green appeared before them and smirked.
"Greetings. You may call me Next Green, and I am here to assist you. There is no time to lose. Please enter the portal behind me and I will protect you."
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"What about Blake?! Aren't you going to save her?!"
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"If she is inside the structure, then help is already on hand. Now go."
Blake was firing her weapon at Adam Taurus, who had killed an innocent student but to no luck. The bullets from her Gambol Shroud seemed to do nothing to the beast, and when he was about to strike...
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"Sorry. But you're not going to get away with your killing any more. I am your opponent now."
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Blake, seeing the opportunity, jumped through the portal that Next Purple left behind, leaving her to deal with Adam Taurus.
"Who the hell are you? You want to die so badly?"
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"I am CPU Purple Heart, and my time has not come yet. Yours, however, will be the first. While we are not of your realm, know that your chaos here will be put to an end, once and for all."
BGM: Megadimension Neptunia VII - Fate
Both Adam and Next Purple charged forward with their blades, with Next Purple charging slightly faster. The two clashed, smashing their blades against each other viciously, the resulting shockwaves from Next Purple's otherworldly strength shattering the many glass windows of the room they were in.
Adam found himself on the defensive this time. Every strike of Next Purple's was insanely strong, he needed to start playing dirty. Without any hesitation, Adam began going for cheap shots against her.
"You really think you can best me?"
"Unlike you, I do not play dirty."
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Next Purple brandished her weapon once more and sliced towards Adam's right arm, but as he would move to block it, she fluked and instead struck his left arm, slicing it off completely!
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"You bitch."
Without giving him a moment to recover, Next Purple charged forward and slashed at his weapon hand, eventually disarming him (twice) and pointing her blade at his neck.
"The superior fighter won today. If this was Next Black, or Green, or White, they might of eliminated you on the spot. But I don't think we need to worry about you ever again. Or any of the people of this realm."
With that, Next Purple kicked him in the groin and knocked him unconscious. That was when she could hear combat below...
All the Goddesses rushed to the source of the combat, which ended up being a Cinder Fall facing off against Ozpin and the others. Soon as they arrived, Cinder grew angry; channelling her rage to engulf the room in flames. If she couldn't get what she wanted, no one could.
Without a moment's hesitation, Next Purple grabbed one of the devices given to her by the Planeptunian Scientist and threw it at the ground with a timer set on it. She grabbed Ozpin's shoulder.
"We need to leave. Now."
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"I concur."
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They quickly followed suite through the portal, which prompted Cinder to cease her attack. Just what did she just witness?! And why did it have to happen now?! But then a grin formed. They clearly left their portal behind, not thinking about it.
She took her chance, and jumped through it just as it was about to close...
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