#Real Time LUT
sirfrogsworth · 2 months
Froggie's Birthday Retrospective
My birthday was Tuesday, July 30th.
I turned 43.
And I was unconscious for most of it.
I started a new dose of medication and it did not go well. I was quite sick. I have been out of commission for most of this week and was unable to celebrate my birthday with all of my friends.
I was feeling pretty bummed so I decided to look back at pictures of my past few birthdays and hoped nostalgia would make me feel better.
And it did.
But you can never seem to get the sweet without the bitter when grief is involved. Despite the happy feelings, it was also a huge reminder of what I lost. And it made me really miss Otis and my parents.
These are such joyous memories and I am so grateful I was learning photography and was eager to document everything in my life. And I decided to re-edit all of the photos with my current skills and I think they turned out pretty well. So I'm going to share them with you and we can all celebrate my birthday virtually.
We start with me and Otis in our birthday headgear.
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And here is The FrogMom joining in.
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Seems I got a few presents that year.
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But no present can top a corgi trying to sneak attack with an ear licking.
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The next year I ordered some cool Batman birthday hats.
I did not get cool Batman birthday hats.
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I was a little grumpy about that.
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"Otis, we are doing our grumpy face!" "But I wanna be a pretty princess." "Okay, but will you do a grumpy face first?"
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Mom and Otis had a pretty special relationship. And seeing them together always tugs at the heartstrings.
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My good friends Sarajane and Erin came over for a birthday dinner.
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And I was trying out a new photography apparatus to help me get better portraits. Something called a "tri-reflector."
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So naturally I needed some test subjects volunteers.
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I didn't really know how to use it properly, so it mostly just made their necks brighter, but I got a few good shots.
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Sarajane made me one of my all time favorite gifts...
A Jayne hat!
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And another, tinier Jayne hat!
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Let's see if we can get Otis to wear that.
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Let's try one more time.
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You know what, I'll just wear the tiny Jayne hat.
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Everyone must wear a Jayne hat!
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"Hey Dad!"
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"Are you really asleep?"
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The next year, my good friend Brittany joined the fun. And someone gave her a knife for some reason.
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And my dad got very serious. So I used my very serious LUT on the photo.
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Such deep thoughts.
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Deep thoughts concluded.
Deactivate serious LUT.
My friend Ryan came across the country to watch me blow out a candle.
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Just so you know, I am not a 1 year old in this picture.
My mom found this in a drawer somewhere. It was the only birthday candle she had.
And then the next year it was just Brittany and Erin and Otis. We had a pizza party.
I asked them to do a Renaissance pose.
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And then ruin it.
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Renaissance pose...
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And then ruin it...
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I've had some pretty good birthdays with amazing family and friends. And I am grateful for those memories.
And I do plan to redo my birthday when I am feeling better. Perhaps I will finally try a real sushi restaurant instead of just getting it at Sam's.
In any case, if you are inclined to get me something for my birthday, I have an Amazon wishlist.
Froggie's Amazon Wishlist
I also am trying to build a new photography studio upstairs, and if you would rather help with that, these are some things I could use.
Froggie's Photography Wishlist
And I also have a PayPal and Venmo if that is easier.
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REBLOG this post if you wanna be a ¢um$lut someday💋
It always starts with a betab0i getting introduced to si$$y-content through the internet👙
For the first time, he feels that he is being understood. He gets to know that there are other people too who feel the same way💅
He loves this kind of content and spends hours reading captions and watching si$$y hynos🍑
Dressing like a girl and experimenting with all kinds of girly stuff comes later👗
He has always felt like a woman inside and he is quite excited that his feelings are being acknowledged in a right way🍆
He gets into si$$y-training and learns all the fun things associated with feminity🌺
A si$$yboi finally become a she from a he when he goes all the way and consummates her love with a real man🥰
If you too would want to live this beautiful si$y-journey, CL!CK the L!NK below and start si$$ifying👇
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rat-rambles · 1 month
Ok we have to talk about the parallels of bill and gideon because I've seen no one do it and there's a lot. Like, gideon is to bill what stan is to Mable and Ford is to dipper. This parallel includes bill and ford's relationship compared to gideon and Mabel's because there are parallels. I will mention how this pertains to billford. This will be long. Book of bill spoilars obvously.
A couple ground rules I have screen shots but only from the parts uploaded to YouTube because I'm sick and not dealing with Disney pluss for this. 2 we're takeing the way this show uses parallels for granted and it's worth mentioning stan, Ford and bill are the bad ending for the pines and Mable dipper and gideon are the good end hence gideon getting redeemed and Ford haveing to suffer thinking stan was functionaly dead for like a few days or something. So yes they are diffrent and there diffreces are thematically important and intentionally nothing in this franchise is an accident and where working with that primis. Lastly, in the book of Bill, I'm assuming that pages from the journal are real and unaltered along with documents. The only thing I will take as true from bill in the book are things backed by other non bill sorces or the show witch I'll cite when we get there strap in.
Luts start easy
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Don't mind YouTube auto captions
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I'll take over gravity falls and you'll rule with me
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The outher pine punchs leading to a blue explosion and the thought that oh they might die they didn't.
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I couldn't find the one of bill holding them but you know the one
Ok time to get a little harder now
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Oh I've hit the photo limit becuse I'm on my phone and like I said I'm sick so I'm not moving but we all remember when gideon and Mable were like "opera glasses" in sync
At the beginning of their friendship, they both show their bonding into deeper feelings for each other by saying the same thing at the same time.
Giddeon also blames dipper for Mable breaking up with him and bill blames stan for getting between him and Ford, also his plans in the book of Bill.
Ok I think that's enough evidence now let me tell you why this is important, starting with their timeliness.
1) villain becomes friends with pines.
2) villain offers pines everything they want (Mable clothes and glitter Ford knowledge of the univers)
3) villain trys to manipulate
4) the split
Mable eventually learns to reject gideon when he gets between her and dipper (by trying to kill him)
Ford at first is completely gungho about bills plan (yes at this point he still wants what bill is offering and gideon dint but he also dint have his sibling to talk him down and that's the point that Ford was vunerable without Stanly to protect him like dipper protected Mable by interfering). When Ford sees bills true nature he dose cut it off like Mable ( as far as wether or not ford is actually into bill romantically using this lens you can go both ways but it kind of dosnt matter. Either he didn't like bill and didn't see that he was uping the romance the way Mable dint see what gideon was doing at first. Or he did see and either willfully played along or was genuinely into the triangle becuase agin old pines are the bad ending that made bad choices. The old men's mistakes are to be learned from kids.)
5) villain react violently
When gidion trys to take Mable by force a thing gideon says bill explained to him (Bill told him to do the love cage same as in the book same as the pyramid in the show) dipper saves her becuse twins that stay together stay alive.
Ford gets solidly mind tortured for what I assume is a couple weeks in the book of bill. ( based on one of the postit note back and forward was every night that's about 6 days and there's about 6 days of mind shanigans recorded after I might have miss counted though) Ford FINALLY calls stan who saves him... by acidently pushing him through a portal, well it works.
6) villain is PISSED and ups the anti by trying to take over gravity falls (wow that's crazy it happend twice ).
7) they resync here villain says their favorite Pines is the love of their life we'll rule together over gravity falls (wether they like it or not)
8) the twin comes to save the villains favorite pines and they punch the shit out of the villain.
9 the pines learn a lesson of twins who stick together stay alive
Now for my point
So besides I think this is some killer writing. I am going to be anoying now becuse yes Bill haveing a fat crush on Ford is cannon and yeah I think that's a big deal because Alex made my queer coded villain king actually queer and that's just deeply cool. Alex set up a standard for what toxic men pursuing a unrequited relationship is and then had Bill do that that's not a acident and the doubling down in the book of bill adding more parallels than we already had from the show witch was alot makes this cristal clear. Now agin how Ford felt we can go back and forward about, but bill no that bitch gay sorry; our god Alex decreed it and there's nothing you can do about it. Thanks for reading K thanks Bye
Special thanks to my crazy girlfriend for editing this 😅 yes it was worse
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mrfleshwizard · 26 days
You're not wrong the fandom are misogynistic toward lilith. You can see through gay shipping where she is the villain one
EXACTLY. They make her a villain not even seeing her more than 3 seconds.
In the gacha reaction with Lucifer's brother it's always "bad evil woman Lilith, poor good Lucifer. How she could leave him? He didn't deserved that."
How many times in gacha reaction she and Eve talked about in the most misogynistic way when Lucifer was braging to Adam he slept with his wives.
In yt comment section people say she should be scared of Lucifer, he didn't show her real power yet and much more. (I still upset that Viv made Lilith to be under Lucifer in power scale.)
People who defend Adam also say that it's her fault for how Adam turn lut because she left at eden which is just so stupid. As a Adam defender this argument is stupid. We don't know what happened in eden yet. Lilith, just like, Adam was freshly born how she would know cheating is bad? Adam could treating her badly which he angels such as Lucifer should talk about his behavior but no.
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apollos-olives · 9 months
thank you for answering my ask. i didn't want to make any assumptions nor did i want to harm or offend you or anyone who is queer by sending it.
I myself am Muslim and I have met Muslims who are queer, trans, part of the lgbtq+ but i never really understood their understanding when it came to Islam and homosexuality as few of the Muslims I've met were practicing and most seemed to deny many parts of Islam to justify being queer which didn't make sense. Your response has made me understand it though and I do appreciate it as the concept of homosexuality and Islam is almost 90% discussed by people/scholars who are not queer.
I am by no means trying to turn this into a religious discussion because I am not learned but what you said about a singular sin being a singular did stand out to me. Although I've always known that as a fact, I've never actually took into consideration what it meant in it's entirety, although Islam does have the concept of major sins and minor sins, so wouldn't that have an impact?
But again while I was reading your answer, I found myself nodding because your response was very much logical and made sense to me. You mentioned that everything that is a sin has a particular reasoning behind it and that homosexuality being a sin has no real reasoning behind it and I don't have anything to refute your point with. But I will bring lgbtq+ activists who discuss things like being queer, homosexual, trans, etc to children as children can be influenced easily (btw I'm speaking specifically about people like Jeffery Marsh) into the discussion as something I disagree heavily with.
Many scholars have also discussed story of prophet Lut (AS) which really is the only story where homosexuality is ever mentioned and while I do agree that the homosexuality aspect of the story is focused on more than what is necessary, if the homosexual part wasn't important would it then be put in the Quran. And if homosexuality was not a sin, then shouldn't their be examples of homosexuality in the Quran or hadiths? I don't expect this to have a concrete answer as even I will admit that I can use this "what about" argument for literally everything that is not directly mentioned in the Quran.
The one thing I do disagree with is the transitioning of trans people - not because I don't believe in gender dysphoria or that I disbelieve in people being transgender - but I do believe that the permanent altercation of a person's body is haram because although you stated that perhaps transitioning might be the best option for people who are trans and you compared it to people who are disfigured (as an example) to me it still seems as an act that goes against God's will because doesn't Islam have the concept, that the more difficult the struggle, the better the reward? Forgive me if this is a terrible assertion to make as I am speaking from a heterosexual point of view and my understanding of your struggles will not be the same as actually experiencing your struggles.
At the end of the day we all are Muslim and I am a firm believer that as long as no one purposefully tries to harm Islam and spread misinformation, only God can judge. I do not agree with majority of Muslims who deem it appropriate to condemn people to Hell simply for existing as I do believe that people who are not heterosexual 90% of the time are not making their struggles up, nor are they making false claims. Regardless of my opinion on whether or not homosexuality is a sin, I admire your attitude towards it and I do believe that Allah loves all. Allah is All-loving after all and Allah does not make mistakes nor does He intentionally do things to harm anyone.
Thank you for your perspective and for teaching me something I genuinely did not know. I hope that this ask does not come across as hostile because these are simply my thoughts and I am more than willing to open my mind to different perspectives.
i'm glad you're being very respectful with your disagreements and i'm happy to answer anything as long as it's in good faith. thank you for being so kind :)
i will say that yes you are right that many queer muslims are not practicing and often stray away from islam to justify their queerness, and i've seen it happen from a lot of queer muslims around me. i do believe it's not because their faith is weak or that they purposely are doing it with the intent of malice, but i think it's because a lot of people have trauma when it comes to religion. religious trauma affects many people in the world, even outside of islam. almost every queer muslim i've ever met has been religiously traumatized, and therefore are afraid of islam and the people who practice it out of the concern that they may be harmed again. while islam is beautiful, the people who practice it can harm those who do not follow it properly in their eyes. i personally have religious trauma that my parents gave me over being queer, but i've moved on from it and have accepted myself regardless. unfortunately that is not the case for every muslim, and queer muslims especially are targeted and harmed more and more as of recently. because of that religious trauma, queer muslims are likely to stray away from allah and islam because they associate islam with their mental, emotional, and bodily harm. and i absolutely understand it as well. not everyone will get it, but it's understandable how you will want to stray away from religion when it has only harmed you. i believe that is the biggest factor when queer muslims deny parts of their islam in order to "justify" being queer.
you are right in that islam does have major sins and minor sins. of course, i am not a scholar so anyone could correct me if i'm wrong, but while there are major sins and minor sins, i still believe that sins are singular. to me, a major sin would affect like... a persons own moral judgement about their actions, if that makes sense? like a major sin would weigh down on someone's chest more than a minor sin would, and would therefore make the person want to repent even more. while all sins count the same, some have more of a guilt to them that may affect a person and their relationship with allah. me eating gelatin isn't going to be as heavy of a sin on my shoulders as, for example god forbid, me stealing from orphans, right? they're both sins and equal in count, but not equal in weight. if that makes sense? that's how i view it. a major sin affects a person more personally and affects their relationship with their deen and their relationship with allah, rather than count as more or multiple sins on their shoulder. you are, of course, allowed to disagree with me, this is just how i view it. alhamdulillah god gave us all our own minds to think and make decisions and beliefs and values for ourselves.
i personally don't know who jeffrey marsh is, but i do understand your concern about children. the thing is, children can be queer too 🤷‍♂️ i found myself being attracted to the same sex as young as 3 years old. i, of course, did not realize there was a term for this until i was 11 where i fully came out as queer, but i felt horribly repressed and did not know what those feelings were until i was told that they were normal to have. so i do believe that at least exposing children to the fact that "hey, queer people exist and that's okay :)" is... okay 👍 yk? and of course, exposing children to stuff that is sexual and inappropriate is wrong, no matter if it's heterosexual or homosexual, but i don't believe any queer person is advocating to harm any children by telling children about basic queer education. there IS a lot of queer discourse over this within the lgbtq+ community, and discussions about whether or not children should be involved are still happening to this day. you can feel free to have your own opinions, but you must respect others beliefs as long as they aren't harming anyone. personally, i think it's okay to expose kids to queer media and reality, as long as they are not forced to. kids are naturally curious 🤷‍♂️ let them explore. if more queer media was available when i was little, i would've for sure have come out as queer when i was muchhh younger even. and 11 was pretty young anyway lol. the thing is, being queer isn't inherently sexual. there are different types of queerness and a lot of it isn't sexual at all. there's romantic love, platonic love, aesthetic love, etc etc etc. implying that being queer is solely sexual only harms the community more. i'm asexual (as a general term), which means i do not want to have sex. ever. i just look for romantic relationships instead. there are different types of queer love and not all of them are sexual. is sex a big part of queer history and liberation? yeah. but is being queer just about sex sex and more sex? absolutely not. being queer is about accepting yourself for who you are. and why not show kids that? why not allow kids to explore and accept themselves for who they are as well? the moment people realize that the queer community isn't inherently sexual and that queerness is for everyone to feel accepted in, that's when we become more and more liberated. and the thing is, you don't see heterosexuals get the same problem with children though. heterosexuals always get to kiss in public, hold hands, get married. they dominate the whole world. no one has ever been discriminated against for being a heterosexual. heterosexuals see a boy baby and a girl baby play together and be like "oh my god they're boyfriend and girlfriend lol!" ... like... is that not forcing children into romantic situations and possibly implying sexual stuff too?? how is it fair that heterosexuals get to "force" their children into being heterosexual but god forbid a homosexual holds hands with their partner in public while minding their own business, yk? no one is forcing children to do anything. we are just trying to expose the reality of what we are facing to the world so they can realize we are normal and can accept us. no one chooses to be queer or trans. no one chooses to live a life of pain and struggle and oppression. we feel love the same way everyone else feels love. do heterosexuals get to choose who they fall in love with? no. love isn't a choice. love just happens. you can't force and choose someone to love someone else. love is unconditional and free.
as i said before, homosexuality was never mentioned in the qur'an. the word used in the qur'an does not mean homosexuality, it was talking about the indecent and horrific acts of rape, pedophilia, premarital sex, infidelity, etc that the people of sayedna lut (as) were doing. and while we've already talked about how homosexuality is not a sin, i do want to mention that the swana region has a very rich queer history to it! i personally am not very knowledgeable about this but i'm sure if i ask the right people, if you want me to, i can give you resources to learn about queer history around the islamic countries. before colonization and western ideals had been spread through the land, swana was a very queer place. so while homosexuality was never mentioned in the qur'an or in the hadiths or whatever else, queer people have been existing for thousands and thousands of years. we have always existed and will continue to. i'm not sure if this story is true but i believe prophet muhammad had an experience with some trans or "femenine men" during his time? in any case, i think looking more into queer history would be great to learn more about how islam and queerness are related to each other.
your concern over trans people transitioning is understandable. while i've already explained it before, i think the best way to think about it is like. trans people are often suicidal. the percentage of trans minors who commit suicide each year is genuinely horrific. if transitioning is the only thing that can help them become healthy again, then allah will allow it. allah wants the best for us and wants us to be happy and healthy. being trans is a health and science related issue. i don't really know how to explain it to you since you are not trans yourself, but please try to understand that you honestly might never actually understand what it's like. being trans is a type of experience that differs for everyone, and if you aren't trans yourself, you may never understand what it's like to feel the need to transition. transitioning is hard, it's long, the process is incredibly expensive. no one is doing it for leisure. people do it for their health and to become healthy again. isn't it haram to not eat pig if you're starving and on deaths door? didn't allah say it's haram for you to not eat or drink something, even if previously told not to, if it'll save your life? didn't allah say that you can do anything to your body and break any rule as long as it's for your health so you survive? being trans is like that. often, transitioning is something that is for health, not for leisure. i can't explain what dysphoria feels like, but it's miserable. it's always being afraid of calls because you are afraid of speak with your voice because it sounds wrong to you. it's wanting to dig your nails into your skin and tear off your flesh because you hate it you hate it you hate it. it's wanting to grab a knife and chop off parts of your body. it's wanting to scream and sob and rot. it's wanting to wear extremely unsafe tight clothing to try to look the way you want to. it's wanting to vomit every time someone calls you the wrong gender. it's the horrific feeling of utter dread hearing your deadname from people you love. it's the urge to just end it all. it'd be so nice to just end it all. if no one will give me what i need, the best option is to end it all. it's horrible and awful and there is nothing to fix it. it only gets worse and worse in most cases, to the point where people start harming themselves and many trans youth end up killing themselves. is it not haram to forbid people from getting treatment? no matter how much that changes them? isn't it all in the name of health and safety? yes, allah said that the harder the challenge, the more rewards you get, but allah did not make us to suffer. allah is already challenging us by making us trans in the first place. that challenge is lifelong, even if we transition. discrimination is still a challenge and still kills people every day. allah loves us and wants the best for us. i don't expect you to completely understand, since you aren't trans yourself, but this is how much it affects us. transition is necessary and it MUST be available for people to receive. and even if you still don't agree... so what? who are you to judge and decide who and who doesn't get to do what they want with their own body? everyone owns their body and ONLY their own body. no one should judge or condemn anyone else for doing what they want with their own body as long as it's not harming anyone else.
we are all muslim, and we all must support each other, no matter how different our views are, because allah loves us all and wants the best for us. thank you for asking, this is a great discussion to have :)
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So this one time, on Tumblr
I maaaaaaaybe kinda sorta gave Luts a real thrashing on their leg pegs.
Luts has decided to change some of their bodies. No more leg pegs, and I quote: "A new body with the hip joint connecting bar removed based on the bodies of 'Grand Senior75 Delf', 'Super Senior Delf', 'Senior Delf Muse' will be released."
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REBLOG this post if you too wanna wear a dress because you're a woman inside 💦
You should always wear things which show your real self. Your true identity is not of a man but of a ¢um$lut💅
Don't even try to fool yourself or others by pretending to be a man. No-one believes you. Not even you💋
You're a $lutty gal who wants to get her as$h0le fcuked like a dirty wh0re. You wanna such things done to you by h0rny men which even professional h00kers don't allow men to do to them🌺
Am I right or am I not wrong ?
It'll be thousands times better for you if you pursue being one with your real identity and sexuality. You'll go a long way and be happy and contented🍑
Start $!ssifying yourself today and don't look back👗
CL!CK the L!NK below and enroll yourself in my $!ssy-training program👇
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chuplayswithfire · 2 years
i made the bulk of this post a while back in a multi post comment thread, but want it on its own standalone post ✌️
So here's the thing. It is certainly possible that Ed does know that Stede is actively married (with living children!) in season 1, but I think there's an equal possibility, if not that it's even more possible, that he doesn't, and here's why:
The only explanation for Stede being a perfectly wealthy gentleman pirate while having a current, non ex-wife and children on land is that he ditched them. Completely abandoned his family to go off and be a pirate. This would be, as many of us have noted, a real dick move. Walking out on your wife and kids tk go off to be a pirate and telling everyone you meet your name and tying yourself and said name which said wife and children share to a legacy of violent criminal activity, would be, kind of, a real dick move. It's a very uncharitable assumption to make.
And Ed?
Ed really likes Stede. He admires him. Thinks he has his shit together, thinks he's brilliant and cool and kind and a good person. Ed and Stede both have each other on pedestals in season 1, and maybe it's just me, but I think finding lut Stede's a deadbeat dad who walked out on his wife would have taken Stede off the pedestal and safely on the ground of regular joe that Ed doesn't have to feel is totally out of his league.
Now, looking at the show - it's alsl completely plausible that Ed wouldn't know that Stede has a wife and kids he abandoned when you consider that Stede never uses the word wife at all in his conversations with Ed (I'm not sure if he mentions a wife or children at all, to anyone. The only time it comes up is with the Badmintons, who already knew of Stede's family). He says that he was supposed to be a lighthouse to his family and that he failed them. Talking aloud in his sleep, he says Mary's name and that "we were just playing pirates".
Stede has pictures of the children on his mantle, but not a family portrait, and again he specifically says that he failed his family. Failure can mean many things. Ed assuming it means that Stede abandoned his perfectly fine and alive wife and children to be a pirate would be the most uncharitable option, especially because it's completely at odds with the persona of Stede that Ed is familiar with. The Gentleman Pirate is Mr. Talk It Through. Mr. You Wear Fine Things Well. Mr. Obvious Regret About His Family.
Stede's line delivery and the actual wording of it - that he failed his family - in this case, it honestly sounds more like his family is dead and Stede is a widower than that they're all perfectly alive and in good health at home and Stede's just walked out on them.
Not to mention, family can also mean a lot of things. Mary can be a wife's name - it can also be a sister's name, a cousin's name, a sister in law's name. Ed does have the famous line - "Who's this Mary then?" - but he notably doesn't follow up when Stede is awake, and considering it would be a major step in their understanding of each other, I have to assume that if Stede spoke about Mary, Louis, and Alma in any detail, we would see it onscreen, like every other major development in their relationship.
But I really don't think they had anything close to a talk about it, and here's why:
Abandoning Mary and his children is the guilt at the heart of Stede throughout the entire first season, it's the choice he made that he doesn't regret but knows he handled himself poorly in. It's the guilt he needs to confront to move forward, and he doesn't do that until episode 10. If Stede had been able to discuss in any detail who Mary was to him, or the fact that he has children that he's abandoned, he would have had to tell Ed why - which is that the life of a gentleman never suited him, that he's felt rejected and unwanted all his life, that he felt rejected, unneeded, and unwanted even in his own family and that's the kind of emotional vulnerability that Stede has only displayed in life or death situations in the entire show.
If Stede had talked about those things, they wouldn't hit so hard when the Badmintons hammer it home. Chauncey saying Stede ruined his family wouldn't be so hard hitting if Stede hadn't been refusing to process that his leaving might have had an impact on Mary, Alma, and Louis. If Ed knew Stede had a family he had abandoned, it would mean that Stede had talked about abandoning his family, and Ed would have almost certainly asked why.
A big reason the events of episode 9 and 10 hit so hard is that Stede and Ed are carried forward on the power of getting each other, of having similar ideas and minds, of wanting the same things and having similar baggage, and running away with that feeling without having the necessary, hard conversations. The affection and love are real, but the ability to be willingly vulnerable without triggers or tragedy isn't. That's why episode 7 is about Stede trying to use treasure hunt to keep Ed's attention instead of just saying he doesn't want him to go. It's why they have a disastrous miscommunication in episode 8.
It's why the kiss feels so powerful, because Ed tells Stede that this has all made him happy, that Stede makes him happy, and neither of them is having a breakdown or facing death to spark it.
So yeah, it's very probable that Ed didn't know Stede had a living family that he abandoned for the same reason Stede doesn't know the real significance of Ed's red silk. The explanation is a conversation they haven't had yet, because it would represent a level of willful unburdening that they haven't yet reached.
In season one, they fall in love, but poor communication and emotional baggage tear them apart. Stede finally talks it through and unburdens himself from the act that's weighed him down all season. It makes more sense than it doesn't that Ed wouldn't be aware of that baggage just yet; this is a romance, based heavily in romance pacing and tropes. That kind of unburdening between the romantic leads is a classic second act obstacle - they have to find their way back to each other, and share the truth of themselves. For Stede that's the truth about his insecurities, which are the real reason he left Ed, and which the whole abandonment of his family absolutely plays a role. For Ed, it's going to be that his own self hatred, his guilt, the way he believes people like him don't deserve fine things.
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apparently-artless · 8 months
I love all your edits!
Do you have any favorite psds that you are willing to share? Or tips on how to make gif colorings looks as nice as yours? 🥹
Hi, anon! Thank you so much! I am really happy that you love my edits. I really appreciate it! (°◡°♡)
To answer your question, I only use one PSD file nowadays for all the edits I make so sharing this one PSD I got for myself would be a bit uncomfortable. I hope you understand. Hehe. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
But no worries, because I thought of sharing LUT files that you can use as a basis for your color grading. I will only share one LUT file for this post but I might try sharing other LUT files as well in the future. In that way, you can achieve coloring with your own style. I will also be sharing which adjustment layers I use and what are the typical settings I apply.
I use PS 2021 but all adjustment layers are also available on older versions.
I AM NOT A PS EXPERT. I learned to use PS by reading/watching tutorials. All the things I will include in this post are just my preferences for my coloring. Take anything I said with a grain of salt.
I applied and tested my coloring on anime edits only. You may use it for real-life GIFs/photos but you may want to reduce the opacity or use a different blending mode to make it work.
My coloring deviates a lot from the original coloring most of the time. Some people may find my coloring weird so always keep in mind that this is not the best coloring practice.
To start, you may download the LUT file HERE.
This file is basically a compilation of adjustment layers that you may want to apply to other images. So when you use it again on another project, you can simply load this single file instead of the multiple adjustment layers. The disadvantage of using LUT file is that there's no room for further adjustments of the colorings within that file. In my case, I used it as an advantage. You may call it my secret recipe for my coloring. LOL. You can use it but there's a limit to the modifications. Anyways, this LUT file contains multiple layers which is a product of my trials and errors for the past few years since I started editing again.
You may consider using this LUT file as your training wheels. Once you understand further the complexities of the adjustment layers, you may no longer rely on this coloring file. I also did this when I started wanting to develop my own coloring style. And once I understood the basics of the adjustment layers and how to replicate the colors that I had in mind, I got rid of the LUT files and started making my own.
Now, let's use this image for coloring sample:
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You can also download the image so you can follow my steps easily. This version is already sharpened.
So when I apply the LUT file for this image, this is how it's going to appear.
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This color grading has the teal & orange effect. Of course, this is not the final output. This will be the backbone of our coloring as we add more adjustment layers. In my case, I always start with cyan and orange and then make the necessary changes depending on the series and the atmosphere of the image used.
But before we proceed with the adjustment layers, I want to emphasize two things you can explore when it comes to adding adjustment layers. Being aware of these two features of PS actually expands your coloring options exponentially [don't get fooled, I may sound like an expert but this is just really based on my personal experience. XD] Anyways, below are the two:
Opacity - It doesn't have to be black and white when it comes to coloring. You may choose the grey side. If you think the adjustment layer you are trying to add is causing an unpleasant effect on your image, maybe try to lower the opacity first and see if that will help.
Blend Modes - you may want to explore blend modes other than the Normal mode. If you are not used to changing the blend modes, you can check videos posted by Unmesh Dinda on his YouTube Channel. He explains really well when it comes to Photoshop features. I learned a lot from his tutorials and I am now applying these learnings to my current coloring style. You may check this video for starters. He has other videos about blending modes, too.
Levels Adjustment Layer - this is always my first adjustment layer but I also modify this in the last part. There are presets available but I am not utilizing those. Instead, I go to Auto Options. This feature is very helpful in heavily dark or bright scenes. Depending on what color correction you used, you may have extremely varying results.
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Once you click Auto Options, another dialogue box will appear:
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The default option is Enhance Brightness and Contrast. We will choose that option for now then click OK. [We will go back to this layer once we are done with the other layers.]
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Color Lookup Adjustment Layer - this is where the LUT file comes in. Once you add the layer, click Load 3D LUT then click Load 3D LUT again on top.
Select the LUT file I shared.
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Selective Color Adjustment Layer - for this layer, I always separate my adjustments for different colors and don't do the adjustments for all colors in one layer.
First Selective Color - I will rename the layer as RED and set the following values: CYAN: -100, MAGENTA: -11, YELLOW: -32, BLACK: 15
You can explore the levels of Magenta and Yellow but ultimately, I always set Cyan to -100 and Black is +15. Of course, you are free to change these two but these are my preferred coloring for shades of red. Setting -100 for Cyan gives this warm coloring.
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Second Selective Color - I will rename the layer as YELLOW and set the following values: CYAN: -100, MAGENTA: +40, YELLOW: +30, BLACK: 40
Cyan is also set to -100. This adds more warmth to the tone of the image. Then you may change the remaining sliders to your preferred values.
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Third Selective Color - I will rename the layer as CYAN and set the following values: CYAN: -60, MAGENTA: +20, YELLOW: +100, BLACK: +40
I don't have a rule for CYAN. This really depends on the color I want to achieve for the shades of blue. Depending on the values, you can make your color look blue/cyan/purple. In this case, I wanted to tone down the brightness of the cyan.
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Fourth Selective Color - I will rename the layer as Black and White and set the following values: BLACK: +5
This is just to slightly darken the black shades of the image. I label it Black and White because I sometimes change the value of Black for White but in this case, adjusting the white doesn't help so no changes were made.
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Gradient Map Adjustment Layer - I do not use this layer all the time. It really depends on the image. When I wanted to add another shade of colors to the image, that's the time I would use this. And I use a maximum of 2 gradients only.
The image looks okay now to me but let me add some gradient just to show how I use this layer. I use Gray_10 which is one of the preset gradients available in PS. Then I check the Reverse option to emphasize the contrasts of the colors. Then I set Blend Mode to Soft Light, Opacity at 100%.
Then I add another Gradient Map Layer. I use Purple_17. In this case, I didn't check the Reverse option.
Then I set Blend Mode to Soft Light, Opacity at 35%.
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Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer - this one is optional. I use this on my gifs to increase the warm tones of the image.
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I only change the values of Red for additional warm tones.
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At this point, I also wanted to make the cool colors lose saturation, so I added another Hue/Saturation layer. To have a grayish effect on cool colors and make the reds stand out even more.
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Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer - you can use the Auto function and then just make the adjustments you want.
In my case, I set the Contrast to -50 most of the time, then the Brightness varies. For this example, I set Brightness to +8.
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Then last but not least, I made some slight changes to the Levels Adjustment Layer and then adjusted Brightness to -3.
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To compare, I will post the original GIF, with LUT file only, and the final GIF coloring respectively:
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I hope this helps, anon!
I might create a specific tag for this kind of post and just include it on my master list pinned post so it's easy to find. Also, if you ever use this coloring style or the LUT file as part of your coloring, there is no need to credit but if possible, please tag me in your creations (#userartless) so I can see how you personalized the file and made it your own. ^^
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wildstar25 · 7 months
terribly sorry to bother, but I've been loving your screenshots since I stumbled on your blog, and like 100% genuinely: how do you get them to look like that? Is it all done in game or is it some combo of mods & shaders? Cause every time I see a cool pose I'm just left wondering how you did it. Obviously I wouldn't ask you to make a massive tutorial just for me, but if there are any resources or general things you'd be willing to share, I'd be eternally grateful!
Hi there! Thank you for enjoying my gposes, and you're not a bother; my ask box is open to get asks after all haha
To answer your question: My gposes are not a product of the vanilla game alone. I'm slapping my explanations under a read more since it's a bit long:
Firstly, I am running reshade, an open source post-processing injector. It's a program that can (in the simplest terms) run various visual filters over a video game in real time. Most everyone I know made the jump from Gshade to reshade last year, so if you look up "reshade for ffxiv" you should be able to find a handful of tutorials. When it comes to finding presets, there are a lot of independent shader devs for ffxiv and generally a quick google search should bring you to a few. Most of the presets I use are outdated holdovers from the GShade days, and I don't know if they are available anymore; so unfortunately I can't recommend any directly, sorry!
In general, I lean towards shaders that enhance the overall brightness and vibrancy of the (imo muddy looking) default graphics. Arsay can quickly get over exposed by the in game 3 point lighting, so putting a shader that boosts the brightness overall really helps preventing that. I set up my lights in gpose at 2, put the character lighting to 100, pick a shader with a LUT that gives me the colours and brightness I want and thats usually enough. sometimes I'll hit the manual brightness in game and mess with that too. I often go into the preset of the shader and muck about with the Depth of field settings depending on what I want. An important note regarding the use of reshade: While reshade does not directly effect in game files or gameplay and it's technically not against TOS (as far as I have read), it is still highly encouraged that screenshots taken with shaders on do not have the ffxiv screenshot watermark visible. Reshade has it's own screenshot button that you can map to any key of your liking that will capture the game and the applied shaders without any watermarks. If you have an nvidia graphics card, I believe you should also have access to the geforce post-process correction tools, and could use that as well to enhance the game visuals. However, I am under the impression it's solely corrective settings (brightness/contrast, vibrancy, saturation, etc.) and you do not have the ability to adjust the depth of field setting, apply LUTs, mess with ambient occlusion, etc. Aka the more in depth rendering stuff that would make your graphic card fan go brrr. I've personally never tried the nvidia filter system so maybe that's incorrect information. Best to do independent research on that!
As well, on the occasion I will bring some screenshots into photoshop and do further, fine tuned, tonal corrections there. Generally this is only when I'm trying to achieve a look that I can't get in game and I try to keep it to a minimum. When I'm working on big photosets or comics, I'll end up doing more corrections just to make sure colours/tones/shading are consistent through out.
On to the second part of the question: the posing. I do all my posing with this tool. It is a tos crime, however it's client-side only and completely undetectable to other players. It gives you full access to character rigs and allows you to not only build your own poses, but export and import poses, outfits, props used by npcs or seen in cut scenes, and character data as well. Tons of people will upload pose files on the various mod archives for others to use, so even people who don't want to mess around with rigs can have fun with their characters. I personally love posing, and it's something I'm very comfortable doing since I have a background in 3D modelling and animation. I do believe in working smarter and not harder though, so what I tend to do is apply an in game animation cycle to my character in question that has a frame or key pose close enough to what I need, pause the animation, turn on posing, and start rotating bones. I never really looked up any tutorials myself tbh, I kinda just messed around with things and figured the tool out as I went along. That said, there are tutorials on youtube if you search for them. "Anamnesis ffxiv guide" or something along those lines should bring up good results.
Anam also gives you further camera control than what is available in game, allowing you to fine tune its position to the .001 degree. You can increase the FOV and zoom range past the typical amount. Bring your character and camera pretty much anywhere on the map too. And you can export your camera setting to use between gpose settings! It's a really great tool, though it has some quirks and can in specific instances crash your game (never change a character while fishing lol)
That's pretty much it! I know this wasn't really much of a guide, so sorry about that. Most of my gposes are a product of seeing a fuzzy image/concept in my head and messing around with various compositions, locations, lighting conditions, ect. until I bring that idea into clarity. It's hard to explain that process in ways beyond "fucking around and finding out (positive)" I suppose to anyone else reading this has specific references in mind, please pass them along to sailor-artemis ! I know being told "just google it lol" isn't super helpful but I really just tend to figure things out on my own ^^;
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jujusjunk · 3 months
As a muslim what do you think about the lgbtq
There’s a lot of information to unpack this which is why it took my time to answer.
First off, it’s a well known fact that being a part of the lgbtq is haram/forbidden in Islam. A well known story that we’ve been taught since childhood is the story of Lut who is a prophet. Sayidna Lut a.s. was a prophet to a village that practiced being lgbtq and Allah SWT basically flipped the land under them and buried them when they refused to stop. Wether it is man on man or woman on woman or trans or anything like that it is haram. As a woman dressing up as a man is haram and the same goes for a man.
Now at the same time, we are taught that we have to accept the time that we live in. As a Muslim, I’ve stated this before but I respect everyone. As long as that person has no real effect on the way I live my life it is truly none of my business what that person does. Now in I think all Muslim countries, it is punishable for you to be a part of the lgbtq in public and in some countries (I think Saudi and Iran and stuff) it is punishable even in private. I don’t agree with that. Because as Muslims we are supposed to respect everyone but, again, as I’ve stated before, a lot of Muslims do not practice Islam correctly. For example, if my son were to come out to me, as a Muslim I am not allowed to harm him, nor am I allowed to kill him, nor am I allowed to cut him off. A lot of Muslims don’t practice that. If a Muslim family member were to come out as gay or lesbian (or anything else) they are most likely to be targeted. But that’s not the right way.
Now Islam teaches that you are allowed to hold feeling for the same sex but you are not allowed to act on it,
Here’s an answer from a sheikh I love “they should be told that both natural (genetic) and environmental factors contribute to whether a person feels attracted more to their own sex or the opposite sex. Sexual attraction is on a spectrum–most humans are capable of being attracted to their own sex given the right circumstances (note the extremely high rates of reported homosexual activity among prison inmates and monks).” And “So a Muslim child who “comes out” as gay should be told that they will likely be able to enjoy life with the right person of the opposite sex. But if they are completely opposed to that idea, they should be told that their only other option is celibacy. There is nothing wrong with homosexual desires in themselves as long as they do not act on them.”
Now again I don’t completely agree with this because Allah SWT has given us the choice of making mistakes and that people learn from their mistakes and that we are living through a test.
Here’s the answer of the same sheikh to if a child decides to engage. “Now, if one’s child wishes to break Islamic law and engage in homosexual relationships, their treatment is similar to a heterosexual child who engages in sexual activity outside of marriage. According to a fatwa by the Qatari Fatwa Authority, it is permitted to maintain familial contacts with such a person. The recommendation is actually to maintain contact (while advising them to stop what they are doing). According to Dr. Suʿād Ṣāliḥ of Al-Azhar University the treatment of such a person is similar to the treatment of a family member who has become a disbeliever. The Quran says regarding treating parents who are disbelievers:
“We have advised the human being to be good to his parents. But if they urge you to associate with Me something you have no knowledge of, do not obey them. To Me is your return; and I will inform you of what you used to do. (The Quran, verse 29:8)”
“The Quran does not recommend any action against them other than not obeying them. Many other scholars from Al-Azhar University also expressed the opinion that sinful family members should not be shunned but treated with kindness, knowing that God is forgiving and that they may one day change.”
So basically, according to the Quran itself. It is not recommended that these children be disowned or shunned. harassment of them is not a good idea either and may only lead to their feeling oppressed and misunderstood. So if they mention that they think they are gay, they should be told that their only options are either celibacy or finding a person of the opposite sex that they find attractive. After this the issue should be left alone. If the child does not bring it up again, the parents should not bring it up either.
Plus I went through a phase (I think I’m still going through it lmao) where I like women. It’s not something that concerns me tbh because I know that I get to choose whether I act on it or not. And I get to choose whether I tell my parents or not and I get to choose everything🤷🏻‍♀️.
Anyways thank you for the ask and happy pride month.
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REBLOG this post if you're bent on transforming yourself into a si$sy$lut🍑
Don't ever think that by si$$ifying yourself you're turning away from your real identity. It's not like that. In fact, through si$$ification you're getting closer to the 'real' you🌺
Do you remember the first time you wore something feminine ? How did you feel ? It felt so natural, as if you were meant to wear it all the time. Isn't it, si$$yboi ?👗
You always felt somewhat different from other men. It felt as if you're not manly enough. Your body, your mind and your soul all disagreed with conventional masculinity🥰
You felt like an outcast in the world of men. It always made you think that you've less value as an individual and thus impacted your self esteem in a negative way🍆
Si$$y, you gotta remember that your value doesn't lie in being a betamale. Your worth lies in being a si$$ygirl who is confident and sexy. Don't let anybody f¢uking tell you that you're less of an individual just because you don't fit in a certain stereotype💅
You've the potential of becoming an incredible si$$ygirl who can give beautiful biological females a tough competition💋
But, you don't have to compete. Because, you won't be needing to. Females almost all the time support each other and help in their growth and development. They are not continuosly in vicious competition with each other♀️
You'll feel accepted and cared for in the world of women. But for that to happen, you gotta stop overthinking and take action towards feminity😘
CL!CK the L!NK below if you're ready to get into sissification and start your beautiful journey👇❤️
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bjdinfo · 2 years
Can you please do a resin comparison of Myou white skin tone with Doll Family-h and other bjd companies that have jointed hands?
Companies that have yellow-toned white skins are good matches:
Angel of Dream, Chicabonita, Doll Leaves, Doll Love, Dollzone/Doll Chateau (sister companies), Mystic Kids, Souldoll, Sugarble, Xagadoll/Asleep Eidolon; Magic Time and Fairyland too, but their MSD dolls are smaller so parts may not be compatible.
Jointed hand candidates (handidates?):
Asleep Eidolon/Xaga Doll white 2021 looks fairly close to 2019 Myou white, and they offer 1/3-sized jointed hands.
Doll Leaves white is described as a good match in a comment from 2022, but the included photo link was broken unfortunately. I’ll see if I can ask the commenter to repost it!
Doll Legend jointed hands might have worked but the company seems to be defunct. ;-;
Doll Chateau’s 1/4 jointed hands fit nicely on Myou Doll’s 1/4 ver. 3 girl body. (A bit small on ver. 1 but still functional.)
Companies that have pink or peach toned whites that won't match so well are:
IOS, Luts, Angell Studio, Loong Soul, Doll Legend, Akagi Doll, Migidoll, Dikadoll, Angel Fantasy, Doll Family-H, Doll Family-A
*Doll Family-H white matched in 2016/2017 but is now lighter and has a pinker undertone.
and companies that have paper white skin:
Dikadoll pure white (not sure on regular white), Resinsoul, Dream Valley
Will update if I can find information on other possibilities for jointed hands. Thank you for your ask and please let me know if you have other questions.
White Resin Comparisons by epicari on Den of Angels
K is Myou Doll white from 2019
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1. Resin Soul- White 2019 (horn)
2. Magic Time- White 2018 (cat ear)
3. Pipos- White 2020 (ear)
4. Dika Doll- Pure White 2021 (paw)
5. Ringdoll- White (body sent to me by Ringdoll in 2021 but yellowed so older/ unknown age)
6. Aimerai- White 2021 (cat ear)
7. Doll Legend- White 2019 (small hands)
8. Doll Family H- White 2021
9. Doll Family A- White 2021 (changed from yellow tone to pink toned white mid 2021)
A. Luts- Zuzu Snow White 2019
B. Asleep Eidolon- Fairy Snow UV White 2021
C. Wthdoll- White 2017
D. DF-A- White 2019
E. 2D Doll- Pure White 2022
F. Ring Doll- White- 2022
G. Dream Valley- White 2021
H. Withdoll- Cream White 2020
I. Angel of Dream- White 2018
J. Doll Love- White 2017
K. Myou- White 2019
L. Dika Doll- Pure White 2017
M. Soul Doll- White 2016
N. Asleep Eidolon/ Xaga Doll- White 2021
O. Dollzone- White 2022
P. Loong Soul- White 2017
Q. Luts- Real Skin White 2021
R. Withdoll- Light Rose Pink 2020
S. Dreaming Doll- Rose White 2021
T. Little Monica- White 2021
U. Miao Xie Bao/ Kanioom- MMD Half White 2022
V. Angel Studio- Solid White 2018
W. Dolli-pop- Milk 2021
X. Pipos- Off White 2021 (changed from ivory to pink toned white somewhere between 2017-2022)
Y. I.O.S- White 2017 (changed from yellow tone to pink toned white mid 2017)
Z. Aileen Doll- White 2022
10. Dika Doll- White (pink white/off white) 2017
11. Migi Doll- White 2018
Myou White Resin Comparisons by epicari on Den of Angels [2017]
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1. Dikadoll white 2017 (not a match- is a little pinker)- Dika pure white is a pure white so also not a match when fresh, however both Dika's whites yellow so older pieces may match)
2. Mystic Kids white 2017 (very close match)
3. Myou white 2017
4. Doll Family H white 2016 (very close match, is a tiny bit lighter) *no longer a match as of 2021
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Top left: Resinsoul WS 2018- not at match as much whiter, but could be blushed to match.
Bottom left: Fairyland WS 2016- a passable match
Top right: Angel of Dream WS 2018- a good match
Bottom right: Souldoll WS possibly 2016?- a close match, the Souldoll looks a touch more yellow
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Above: Doll Legend 1/3 male hands in white resin are a good match and fit for 1/3 Myou male body in white resin [2017] (jointed hand on left, original Myou hand on right) /sadly I think Doll Legend company is defunct ;-;
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Above: 1/4 Doll Chateau hands on Myou ver. 3 body. They fit very well and the size looks natural on this body. The hands and V3 body are white and the colour is a good match.
2020 Comparison by balljointedheart
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Withdoll cream white is a potential match, may be slightly lighter.
Dollzone WS (left) and Myou WS (right) by cap’n on Den of Angels [2021]
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Myou WS matches (modern) Dollzone WS perfectly. The lighting isn't great (sorry) but here's Dollzone WS (left) and Myou WS (right). They're both a sort of creamy tone.
It is NOT a match to Dream Valley white. I still have Dream Valley white and it is very stark paper white.
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xsilversugar · 4 months
Just Some of my BJDs
Been a while since I’ve done anything with my dolls. It’s slow going getting back into things but I’m enjoying it a ton! These are edited mostly for the backgrounds, color correcting, and fixing stray wig hair where I could. It’s not perfect since my phone is garbage but at the same time I kinda dig the flaws.
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Vishen Muriel Konten Alueshious Sylveryn (He/Any)
Former Water God and current Wanderer of Basn in the forme of a peculiar Serar. (AKA an Aasimar in my homebrew DnD world but that’s his full name and whole deal in a nutshell.)
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Vishen is Volks Ryoya Konoe and was/is my Grail Doll. He’s an unmodded fullset lacking only his original wig, and I think a jewelry piece? No matter. They’re perfect.
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Vishen and Ghost. They’re not a romantic couple but they have my favorite chemistry of my lorge dolls.
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I really loved painting this one. The background itself is in my Discord as a stand-alone haha. As for Ghost… There isn’t much to his story (yet.) I mostly just like having him look pretty. Factory face-ups on both the lads.
Ghost (He/Him) is a Migidoll Ryu!
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Sasha "Shou" Bernard. (He/Him) He’s one of my oldest BJDs. A cat-boy who loves all things cute and fun! He needs a proper wig and ears/tail but man it’s a hard color match. I’m trying to fit him to the design of an adoptable I got from an art-friend aaaaggesss ago. As a doll he’s changed characters and looks a ton over the years. But for now he’s my pretty princess son! I wanna do another photoset in his maid cafe uniform next. uwu Custom face-up by myself, eyes from a friend. <3
Sasha is a Volks Kohaku.
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Francheska "Cheesecake" del Sune (She/He)
Cheska was my first BJD. Originally on a female body, I hybridized her onto a male one but it was via trade so I genuinely cannot recall the sculpt anymore. Their story is that they literally are a {collective?) spirit possessing a doll. He can move on his own but cannot speak audibly. They communicate exclusively through their traveling companion Morgan del Sune. Their relationship is not very clear currently as Morgan tends to embellish any stories on the subject to the deliberate and relative horror of their audience. I’m gonna be exploring them both (only Cheska is shelled as a BJD in real life, Morgan is a Tiefling tho) more in a DnD game hopefully pretty soon and I am so excited! Face-up and wig by yours truly!
Cheesecake is a Luts Dreaming Shiwoo.
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poupeesdecirque · 2 years
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Tan comparison for @kosomolski-dolls as asked without Luts ^_^
I don’t have that many dolls in tan, there is mainly Luts or more DC/DZ and those are always different even if ordered at the same time, I just included the DC tan for the sake of including a bit more variety.
This is natural lighting but it’s super grey here today, I tried to keep it as close as to the real colors as possible, hope it help you a bit!
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kvjohansen · 2 years
Gluing the Set Neck
So, progress on the guitar kit. Everything is sanded, stained, very gently steel-wooled, feels like satin ... touched up, fondled, admired ...
Time to actually start turning it into a guitar. It's a set neck. This means gluing, and means getting it very precisely positioned, or well, it'll just be pretty but not playable. This is why bolt-on necks are easier! I have in the past made furniture, as in, taken a slab of rough wood and turned it into a nightstand, a bookcase, a big Vienna wall clock, that sort of thing, and I've taken furniture apart and fixed it and put it back together. I can do this.
The Solo kits seem very well made; the joint is very precisely cut. Dry-fitting it, everything aligned perfectly and it was difficult to get the neck and the body apart again after. So I dry-fitted it and clamped it twice, measuring everything, checking everything, making sure all my clamps and protective blocks of wood and stryofoam and such were perfectly in place and that I knew exactly where they should go. Twice. I did this twice, taking it apart, putting it together, clamping, checking the position of everything.
And then, the gluing.
And the tightening of the clamps, for the third time.
And the damned neck slipped, with the added slipperiness of the glue meaning the tightening of the first clamp pulled it forward a mere one milimeter, and I didn't see it till I'd put the second clamp on. (This is 'forward' as in lengthwise, towards the head and away from the body, not tilting, which would have been a disaster. The neck angle did not change.)
I was, of course, not using anything like authentic fish glue, but good quality yellow carpenter's glue, with a fast tack time.
You see where this is going?
No way was that tightly-fitting joint coming apart. Nope. Not ever.
So, it's a good tight joint, a nice flat fit, but with a one milimeter gap between the end of the neck and the body, within the neck pickup cavity. You might think this is nothing, something no one will ever see, but it's a structural problem, because the strings are going to be pulling back against that gap that shouldn't be there with quite a lot of force. The neck is meant to be braced there. (Not sure what it would do to the sound, either, as part of the reason for a set neck is the increased continuous contact between neck and body.)
Fortunately, an old high school friend of mine comes from a family of instrument-makers (real professional ones, not assemblers of kits) and he told me to fill the gap with a mixture of glue and fine sawdust, and another friend who's a carpenter/cabinet-maker/sawmill person happened to be working on a big table and gave me some nice yellow-birch sawdust so I didn't even have to sand up some scrap wood (because of course I cleaned up my workbench thoroughly before gluing and was short of sawdust). I cut up a yoghurt tub lid into little wedges with flat rather than pointy ends and used those to apply the glue-sawdust paste and tamp it down into the crack, a little at a time. Got it right to the bottom, I think, and kept adding more and tamping it till it was coming out the sides, then scraped it all off smooth. Now that it's dry it should be pretty strong and enduring. The neck, so far as I can tell, is still perfectly aligned. The bridge has adjustable saddles, so I should be able to get the intonation right despite the neck being a mm longer than it should be.
Next time, I will use a slower glue, to give myself time to make adjustments. (Wait, next time? I'm not done this one yet.)
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Here you can see the gap, the finished and smoothed off fill. In these photos it hasn't cured yet. It's less evident now that it's completely dried, not that it will be visible at all when the guitar is done. And here's the guitar, lying on a coffeetable I made a long time ago. It's still awaiting an oil finish and its hardware.
My guitar-making friend said, by the way, that "Gluing a set neck is always tricky, and even seasoned luthiers hold their breath when they do it." So I feel a little better.
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