#Ready-to-Eat Food Packaging Machine
nichromepackaging · 7 months
Taste the Difference: Elevating Ready-to-Eat Foods Packaging with Nichrome
In this fast-paced world, people require everything on the go. That’s why convenience is so important, especially when it comes to food. Ready-to-eat foods have become a staple for individuals and families, providing delicious and easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. At Nichrome, we understand the importance of not only providing convenient food options but also ensuring that the packaging…
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mrsshabana · 1 year
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Patient!Gyutaro x Nurse!Reader - CHAPTER 2
Chapter 1
✦ CW: 18+ MDNI, female reader. Dead dove: do not eat. Non-con, smut, violence, manipulation, mentions of mental illness. ✦ AN: This chapter has disturbing scenes with graphic violence and non-consensual sex. Please read all of the content warnings before continuing.
✦ WC: 1,808
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“Good morning Mr.Shabana,” you chime, smiling brightly, bringing a tray with his breakfast into the room.
He stares at you as if he’s seen a ghost, eyes wide, skin pale, breathing at a halt.
“What’s wrong? Are you feeling alright?” you ask as you set his food down on the table.
“I-It’s nothin’...” 
“Well, I’ll see you in a few hours Mr.Shabana, feel free to call for me if you need anything in the meantime,” shooting him another kind smile before you exit the room.
His stare drills holes into your back as he watches you leave. He hasn’t felt this annoyed by a new nurse in years. Could it be that you are mocking him?
Pushing his food to the side, he clenches his teeth in frustration. He thought he got rid of you for good. You’re the first nurse that has stayed after he pulled that antic. It always works. But why didn’t it work on you? 
He’ll have to come up with another way to get rid of you.
After the first day with Gyutaro, you vowed to do everything in your power to help him heal his physical and mental wounds. Making sure to be kind, considerate, and paying close attention to his needs. The next few days have been surprisingly pleasant. No outbursts or insults coming from him like they once had before. He still doesn’t talk to you, hell he barely even acknowledges you. But it’s better than being assaulted every time you enter his room. 
Though you still get that gut feeling that you're in danger every time you are around him. Your hair stands on end and your hands get sweaty. But for the sake of doing your job, you ignore the warnings from your body. 
And it seems your persistence is paying off. As your keen eye quickly picked up on some of Gyutaro’s behavior. He only eats pre-packaged food. Why? You have no idea. Might be from some past trauma… maybe you’ll look back into his therapy notes later. 
But it’s quite odd. Every time you bring him his meals, he only eats the pre-packaged foods included in his meal. Usually things like cookies and muffins. He can’t be getting more than 500 calories a day. 
So, you start going out of your way to buy healthier pre-packaged foods for him. Things like canned tuna, beans, and sometimes potato chips from the vending machine. He’ll only eat it if you give it to him unopened. You want to ask him why he eats like this, but you figure he most likely won’t answer. Plus you don’t want to risk setting him off again. 
Your kindness really pisses him off. But he doesn’t hate when you bring him things he’s actually willing to eat. Surprisingly, he doesn’t think much of it. He’s not impressed that you figured out a way to get him to eat, because to him there was no trick. He wasn’t trying to be difficult. It’s just how he is. He won’t eat certain things and he has specific reasons for doing so. However, he isn’t grateful either. He could care less if he starved to death. But it is nice having a full stomach for once. He’s finally starting to feel a bit better, as his strength begins to return. Though, you may soon regret it.
.・゜゜・ ♰ ・゜゜・.
“Mr. Shabana, are you ready?” You knock on his door and peek inside to see him sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Mm hm,” he nods and stands. His lanky frame towering above you as he follows you out of the room. 
Today is Gyutaro’s hydrotherapy session, recommended to be given once every two weeks by his doctor. 
And since Gyutaro has been deemed to be a danger to himself, he must be supervised during the session.
You can feel him staring at you as he follows you to the sauna room. You swear his gaze is so spiteful that it causes you physical pain. Every part of your body is screaming at you as you unlock the door and open it for him. But surely you’re just overreacting right? It’s been over a week now with no incident at all. You finally feel as though you are making progress with him, and you aren’t willing to let go of that progress just because of a gut instinct. 
“Alright, remove your clothes and I’ll start the bath,” you say as you walk over to the hydrotherapy tub.
He doesn’t respond, but you hear shuffling behind you. Assuming that he’s getting himself ready, you get on your knees and adjust the temperature of the bath. Watching as the water slowly rises and steam fills the room. 
Dipping a finger into the water to check the temperature, it feels pleasantly hot. 
“There we go,” you smile, “Your bath is ready Mr.Sha-” You begin to turn around but in the blink of an eye your face is engulfed in heat. It all happens so fast, you don’t register what’s going on.
All you know is you can’t breathe, and it’s too hot. 
Holding on to the edge of the tub, you try to push yourself up and out of the water. But a strong grip on your neck is preventing you from doing so. 
You finally begin to realize the gravity of the situation when you feel Gyutaro’s body pressed up against you. He keeps his hand firmly grasped around the back of your neck, holding your head under the water. And with his other hand he roughly lifts up your skirt and pulls down your panties.
“Stop strugglin’ or else I’ll break your fuckin’ neck,” Gyutaro growls under his breath. 
Not only does he hate you because he finds your kindness incredibly annoying, but he also hates you because of how horny you make him. Seeing you in that short skirt every damn day. He gets hard every time you enter his room, and his throbbing cock becomes so persistent that he has to jerk himself off or else he’ll be in a bad mood the entire day.
How dare you tease him like this. Well he’ll show you. 
He’ll get to kill two birds with one stone. Satisfying the aching in his pants, and getting rid of you for good. There’s no way you’ll stay after this.
Cackling, he pumps his cock a few times, readying himself at your entrance.
“This is what you get for always teasin’ me…” he grunts as he forcefully shoves his cock inside of you. It takes a few thrusts to bully himself fully inside, as you aren’t wet at all. 
You feel like you’re being ripped in half, it stings and burns as he forces his thick cock into your tight hole. 
Water fills your mouth as you scream under the water. You panic, and use all of the strength you have left flailing your arms behind you, trying to push him away. But he’s too strong, and he’s between your legs so you can't kick him either. 
“Stop it, slut” he shouts, punctuating each word with a hard thrust. 
After a few thrusts, you start to get a little wet. Not enough to make this comfortable for you, but enough that he’s able to plunge easier into you. 
Having been in an Asylum for so long, he’s never had the pleasure of sex before. And even though it’s something he’s fantasized about many times, he never could have imagined how good it’d feel. The way your pussy tightly clenches around him, he feels like he’s already getting close. 
Your face begins to lose color, and you stop struggling. The abuse on your pussy is dulled by the pounding in your skull. 
Gyutaro notices you’re beginning to lose consciousness. He really doesn’t care about you but if you died now, he’d never be able to fuck you again. And he’s already getting addicted to the feeling of being inside of you… it’d be such a shame if this was the only time he’d be able to use you.
He reluctantly pulls out of you, grabbing you by the hair and pulling your head out of the water. 
Instantly you cough up a bunch of water and gasp for air. A devilish grin spreads across his face as he watches you struggle to breathe. 
Water and saliva drips down your chin as you open your watery eyes. Your vision is blurry but you can make out his erect cock throbbing in front of you. No wonder it hurt so much, not only is he long but quite girthy as well. Decorated with black spots and large veins, there’s a ring of blood at its base.
He grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him, “Well since you so kindly opened your mouth for me…” he grabs the base of his cock and forces you to take him into your mouth, “Might as well put it to good use.”
You cough and choke as he thrusts into your mouth, his leaking tip ramming against the back of your throat. Digging your nails into his thighs, trying to push him away to no avail. 
You hate to admit it, but you much rather have him abusing your throat than your pussy. But it doesn’t help that you’re still struggling to gasp for oxygen. Your lungs burn but you try your best to calm down and breath through your nose while you endure the torture. 
It doesn’t take long before you feel his cock twitch and his thrusts get sloppy. Just wanting this to be over as quickly as possible, you suck as fervently as you can. Twirling your tongue around his tip, taking him as deep as you can. 
“F-fuck…” he moans, cock twitching as he coats your throat in hot sticky cum. He tightly grips your hair as he rides out his high. 
Tears roll down your cheeks as you swallow his cum, not daring to look up at him. It tastes foul, salty, and bitter. It’s thick as it slowly slides down your throat.
He hisses as he pulls out of your mouth. A long string of saliva connecting from your swollen lips to the tip of his cock. 
He stands up and looks down at you. Grinning as a deep chuckle rumbles in his chest. You can’t help but cry under his gaze, feeling completely humiliated and ruined. So disgusted with your own body that you don’t even feel like yourself anymore. 
“Pathetic whore,” he spits, his saliva landing on your cheek. Grinning in satisfaction as he pulls up his pants and puts his shirt back on. 
Without another word he walks out of the room, the heavy metal doors slamming behind him. Leaving you gasping for air on the floor, sore and bleeding from his abuse. 
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Taglist: @gyusimp @sterzin @sassysaxsolo @gh0stedddd @cry-baby-stuff @hutchilli [If you asked to be added to the taglist and weren't, it may be because your tag didn't work when I searched for it. Or because you don't have your age listed on your blog]
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naomis-daydream · 1 year
seven deadly sins // shuri udaku
summary: self explanatory tbh
warnings: descriptions of sex, mentions of accidentally skipping meals
a/n: ik some of these aren’t the real meanings behind the seven deadly sins, just a fun take on it. something quick & cute until i get other stuff out. also, i finally learned how to add the ‘keep reading’ tab🤭 enjoy!
LUST - a strong passion or longing, especially for sexual desires
a soft moan escapes shuri’s lips as she tugs lightly on your hair. she’d been gone on a mission for three days, yet it felt like a lifetime since she felt you against her. you were buried between her thighs, her legs swung over your shoulders as you gripped her supple flesh under your fingertips.
your lips were wrapped around her clit, her walls were around your fingers which were pushing slowly in and out of her. the sound of her clenching around you filling the room as she whimpered.
“miss me that much, sithandwa sam?” you mutter, lips still against her, the vibrations making her squirm slightly.
she nods quickly, head thrown back against the pillows.
“how about you show me, then?”
GREED - the excessive pursuit of material goods
no matter how many times you attempted to tell her otherwise, shuri continuously showered you in gifts. whether it was high-end or hand-me-downs, your girlfriend spared no expense to show her everlasting love for you.
like the time you mentioned a garment you liked, but said it was too expensive to buy. later that week, a package was left on your side of your shared bedroom with a note on the top saying “open me :)”. you knew better than to dissuade her, because when you looked at the label in the corner, you found pen scribbled over the return address.
GLUTTONY - an excessive and ongoing eating of food or drink (or in this case, when shuri works so hard she forgets to eat)
it wasn’t unusual for shuri to miss a meal every now and then because of her duties. she was the head of the design group, queen, and black panther. it was perfectly understandable if she skipped lunch or fell asleep before having dinner, because when you’re the world’s smartest woman, ruler of the most powerful nation on the surface, who wouldn’t?
though, that didn’t mean you would simply let her.
like tonight, when shuri had refused to leave the lab, which she’d been in for over fourteen hours, until she finished her newest contraption. she was gone when you woke up and still missing when you were ready to sleep, so you hauled down to her lab at nearly midnight to persuade her to take a much needed break.
“shuri?” you called, looking around the empty room. “baby, you in here?”
the sound of mechanical wiring answered your question, leading you to look over to a large machine which hid your girlfriend.
“you need to eat.” you called, raising your voice over the noise.
her response was low and vague. “i’m busy.”
“i made your favorite,” you say, attempting to get her out of her lab and food into her stomach.
she peaks her head up from behind the large machine. “fufu?” she asks quietly.
“mmhm,” you hum.
“with nkatenkwen?” she says, the top of her face still being the only visible part of her.
“and your homemade peach drink?”
“all waiting for you upstairs, my love,” you say, walking up to the machine. you go around to the back, tugging her hands so her focus would be on you. “your work will always be here when you’re done, shuri, but you won’t if you don’t eat. let me take care of you. can you let me do that, sana (baby)?”
SLOTH - excessive laziness or failure to act & utilize one’s talents
hardly anything, or anyone, for that matter, could pull shuri away from her lab. that was until she met you. now, you had to practically pry her off of you in order to attend to her duties.
you groaned quietly as you glanced at the clock in your nightstand. “shuri, you must get ready for work. you are supposed to be at the lab in less than twenty minutes.”
to which she’d hush you while pulling you closer to her frame. “shh, intombi entle (pretty girl), just a few more minutes,” she mutters, pushing her chin further into the soft skin of your neck.
“you said that yesterday. we never left the bed.”
“and i heard not one complaint!”
though your back was to her front, she could feel you playfully rolling your eyes, prompting her to whisper against your lips, “who’s queen?”
“you are, my love,” you’d say into a soft kiss.
WRATH - a strong anger or hate towards another person
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, or in this case, a woman whose girlfriend had been. when it was announced shuri would be courting you, people were ecstatic that the lone udaku had found someone she was going to spend the rest of her life with. though, there were unpleasant whispers about a non-wakandan sitting on the throne.
one afternoon, the two of you were making rounds to all the tribes to formerly make acquaintance of their soon queen, when a member of the border tribe had a few words to say about the matter.
“an american ruling over us? wakandans?” he smacked his teeth. “i’d rather turn my blade onto myself than serve under someone who comes from such barbaric land.” he chuckles as two men beside him laugh shortly.
you overhear the conversation, frowning a little, but determined to not let them get to you. you look over to shuri, whose eyes are cutting daggers into the three men a few feet over.
before she could do anything, you stop her. “my love, it’s okay. i promise. it takes more than a few assholes mouthing off to get to me, okay?” you assure her. she looks down at you, momentarily glancing back over to the men before nodding. though as you walk with the Doras and make your way to the exit, shuri slips from your eyeline and in the faces of the three mouthy men.
“utter another word about my fiancé, who is soon to be your queen, might i remind you, and you will find yourself wishing that you had turned your blade onto yourself once i am done with you. kuqondwa (understood)?”
ENVY - the intense desire to have an item someone else possesses
before you two got together, you were in a relationship…with a man, and that bothered shuri to no end. you would talk about how he would flake on dates and forgot special occasions like your birthday and anniversary, and she couldn’t stand it. she could treat you so much better.
“you don’t deserve that, uthando (love). you should be with someone who cherishes you, appreciates you, worships you endlessly.” she’d say, rubbing the back of your hands which where held by hers.
you’d sigh, warmed by her words but conflicted between your head and your heart. the lines between platonic and romantic often blurred with you two, and the feelings you had for shuri overpowered the mere comfort of familiarity that kept you in your relationship. your head was tilted down, mostly so you didn’t have to meet her eyes. “i don’t know. he’s a good guy-”
“and you need a great woman,” she interrupted, “i can be that for you.”
your heart rate picks up as she hooks a finger under your chin.“let me show you how you deserve to be treated, hm?”
PRIDE - an excessive view of one’s self without regard for others (or in this case, how shuri cannot go a day without the admiration she has for you spilling from her lips)
the warm feeling in her chest whenever she was with you, the burn in her cheeks that came from smiling so hard, and the tranquility that overtook her only when you were by her side. to everyone else, the two of you were almost an annoyingly adorable couple. whenever in your presence, shuri could not draw herself away from you. her eyes followed you wherever you went in the room, and if you were within arms reach, hers were wrapped around you. and when shuri was away from you, there’d be rarely a day she went without mentioning her to wife to be.
“ngangamsha (your majesty), what is this…music?” okoye asks hesitantly, face lingering with slight distaste for the current song choice in the training room.
“she calls herself megan thee stallion with two ‘e’s,” shuri responds, effectively blocking okoye’s spear with her forearm.
“her lyrics seem a little provocative, no?”
“yes, but, the beat is nice, eh?”
shuri relaxes her defensive stance to dance to the lyrics of ‘cash shit’ for all of three seconds before okoye sweeps her leg, hitting shuri’s ankle and bringing her back to the mat.
“unfair! i was showing you the dougie!”
“since when do you listen to american rap?”
“y/n plays it while she gets ready.” shuri says simply, rising from the ground.
okoye shakes her head, “whipped.”
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keelt9 · 2 months
Chapter 3
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Christmas was a magical day, like every year our parents built the perfect day for us. I realized I started to forget how magical it is. Last 3 years I just came home for Christmas dinner and the day after I flew back to Chicago, it didn't bother me if I came back or not, because I knew my parents or Peter’s family would be in Chicago for New Year.
On Christmas morning, Archie's footsteps were the first thing we heard, and his screaming for illusion and happiness when he saw the Christmas tree surrender by presents was memorable; the present that my parents were so worried to keep hiding was his new keyboard, which he felt over the moon. 
We spent the day in pjs eating and relaxing, watching movies all day, enjoying the time with family.
“Yeah, let's do that.” Peter claps his hands.
Mom and dad put on the table the plan to make a small New Year party, just friends and usual customers, like a small expression of gratitude.
“I'm in! Sounds fun.” Nora and I entered with plates and spoons for the cake Peter prepared.
“I can help! I'm a big boy now, grandma.” Archie turns around in my mom's legs.
“I guess I'm in too.” I lift my shoulders. “It will be bad if I refuse it right?” 
Dad pulls me by my shoulder and kisses my head. “Well, we have a party!” 
And no, no one warned me what it would mean.
“9? Isn't it too much?” Leah offered to help me with the shopping of supplies.
I shake my hands. “I stopped talking since I saw the amount of things we’re buying for a few people.” 
Leah giggles but puts the 9 bags of balloons in the basket. It's our last shopping day. Tomorrow we all spend the day cooking and decorating the coffee shop.
“Thank you so much darling.” Mom grabs Leah's face after she leaves the bags. “Don't forget to bring your parents all right?”
Leah chuckles but her parents, right now, are taking a cruise. “I'm afraid you have to deal just with me, Mrs. Stratton.”
“Enjoying life, huh?” Leah's parents spent all her childhood, teens and early 20 focused only on her and what she could need. After turning 25, the story changes and they start to enjoy themselves.
“Like teenagers.” We laughed as we kept putting our bags and packages in the living room.
The next morning, we were just finishing our breakfast when we saw the most hilarious thing of the day. Archie is wearing his small apron and huge gloves, ready to work.
“Seems you have all the cover here.” I joke as I put my plates on the washing machine. “I'll better go and start to decorate the coffee.” 
“Leah will be there?” Dad asked but Leah said she will be there in the afternoon, a wedding crisis-photo of last minute.
“Don't worry, I have everything under control.” Nora and Pete will help mom with the food and drinks, meanwhile dad, well he has a little boy to keep busy.
“See you later.” I wave my hand, taking my coat and leaving home.
I knew it! 9 bags of balloons were too much. I was here for 1 hour blowing up gold, white, black and silver balloons and I barely empty 3 bags.
“Agh, if I just…” I pretend pinching all the balloons in the bag, one more time talking alone. I take a deep breath and I stand walking to the piano.
I start touching the keys when slowly a few notes of one of my favorite songs start to be heard in an empty coffee shop, Träumerei.
“Lovely.” The voice of Peter made me jump, removing my hands from the piano. When I look at the door, I notice he wasn’t alone, Leah and Joe are with him carrying a couple of trays and boxes.
Leah smiles and leaves the boxes in one of the tables. “I found them in the street, I guess we need backups.” She put her hand at her waist looking at all the balloon mess. Joe kept in silence looking at the huge amount of balloons, but when I turned around to see him I found him with a cute smile on his face, making me smile.
Slowly the time passes as we decorate all the coffee shop, follow Leah’s orders and be helpful as much as we can.
“I'm amazing.” Leah coordinates all the decorations and without a doubt she’s amazing, still I pushed her. The gold, silver, black and white stop being a mess of colors all over the coffee now looks with balance making the perfect mix.
“You should go, to getting ready. We waited for mom and dad to go too.” Peter said to us. “Joe thank you so much, you know you're welcome if you want.”
Joe keeps all day helping us, but if I remember well, he prefers avoiding big crowds on special days
“I’ll think about it, thanks anyway.” He said putting the last balloon next to the door.
Leah, fighting for her life, can't avoid expressing what's in her mind. “Mr. I Stop Talk…” I cover Leah's mouth. My family just knows we stop being closer as we were, however they didn't know we just stop talking at all.
I pulled her to the door. “We're leaving!”
“I have things to say.” Leah musters as we get into her car. “A lot actually.”
By 11 pm, in the coffee shop all our guests were there eating, drinking, chatting and some dancing. Archie is stealing everyone's heart, a lot of the people there know him since he was a little baby.
The small fruit tarts that mom made are the sensation of the night; Peter and I remember stealing a few of them everytime she made it at home. “We have more, let me bring it.”
I put my glass of wine on the table. “It's ok, I'll go.” I said after walking to the kitchen for more.
The sound of gasps and the sudden silence made me intrigued as I walked back with a new tray of tarts; my answer came across the room, Joe talking with my parents and one of their closest friends. 
“And now he comes, I still have a lot of things to say.” Leah claimed as she took the tray to put it on the table. 
During the night I practically avoid any unnecessary talk with him, still something calls for my attention; the fact that a few friends of my dad already seem to know him for the way Joe talked to them in a relaxed mood, even from time to time I heard him laughing so freely and joking back with them.
As the countdown started, all gathered next to their special one, Leah and I stuck together as the clock mark 00:00 and everyone started to hug and kiss; Leah and I hugged each other when we split, Archie came running to jump and gave me his big bear hug.
“I feel left aside.” Leah jokes with him, making Archie extend his arms and go right to her. “Yeah, I feel love now.” Archie laughs and runs to my parents.
“Go. I’ll be fine for a couple of minutes.” She points to a goodlooking guy with whom she’s been talking all night.
My favorite place from the coffee shop is the terrace. You find the perfect spot between the big buildings where you can see the sky and right now the fireworks. The view is spectacular but the cold breeze makes me shiver, closing my coat tighter around my body.
I close my eyes making my New Year wish, when I open it again, I see a small cupcake with a candle in front of me, and hands at the side of it avoiding the flame go out. 
“You can’t miss this.” Joe said at my side looking at me, the light of the fireworks making his blue eyes shine with different colors.
Every time I make a wish I blow out a candle, since I was a kid I believe if you do it, dreams have more possibility to come true.
I shutter but in Joe's eyes I can see that softness which he used to see me years ago, so I blow the candle.
“Any special wish?” I took the candle of the cupcake, catching him by surprise from my question.
“Mmm…” He clears his throat and pretends thinking. “Be better, fix mistakes and reconnect with important people in my life.” The last three words he said looked at me.
He’s honest, I know because the way he speaks clearly and confidently, reminds his eyes of mine.
“I appreciate your words Joe, but some wounds don't heal easily, I prefer to keep things the way they are right now.” He deserves an honest answer too, I press my lips together forming a smile, before going to the stairs.
“Hey, go for that ring, all right?” I said to him before I tried to cross the door.
“Y/N” I turn around, and he has a strange expression, a one I think I have never seen before. “I understand, I really do, still, I’ll be here, at any moment, any time, and any place… For you.”
His words still linger in my mind for days. Three days after our New Year, it’s time for Archie and family to go home.
“Drive safe, honey.” Mom hugs Peter and Nore before giving Archie a big kiss.
“Call when you’re home.” Dad told them as they said goodbye.
I lift Archie. “I already miss you!” He gives me a peck on my cheek. “I’ll stay a couple of days in your home before going back to work, all right?”
Archie raises his pinky finger. “Promise?” I tingle our fingers and kiss his forehead.
I carry him to his car and say goodbye to Nora and Peter, who always hugs me softly.
“Whatever you and Joe are getting through, take your time, all right?” I hold my breath but he splits from seeing me to my eyes. “Joe can be a little…mmm confused from time to time.” 
He saw my confused expression. “Oh come on, we notice that you practically ran away from the guy.” He chuckles. “I admire you, it’s hard to resist his puppy eyes and you do it like they were what? Just two blue circles.” 
I laugh and open the door for him. “I'll call when I go there all right?” Peter nods and closes the door to set all and start their way home.
Late at night dad knocks on my door like he actually didn’t want to, although he opened the door. “Are you busy?”
I was drowning in papers and my computer; I was so immersed in the manuscript that it was like something forced myself to print some drawings for some corrections and watch them live.
“Not, not that much.” I take my glass off and stand so we can sit at the window, the most clear space in my room.
Dad is searching for something with his eyes. “I wonder if you have the small <book> that I made you years ago? With the paper of the composition you like.” 
“What?” The memories of the strange visits from Joe and my dad giving him file's came. “What is happening between you and the mystery delivery of papers to Joe?”
Dad was surprised by my direct question. “Mysteriously? I won't call like that. After his wrist surgery Joe found playing piano helpful and asked me for help, so from time to time I gave him some lessons and he keeps playing as much as he can.”
I don't believe it at all. “The sheet music is for him?” 
“Of course.” Dad innocently answered but just opened the conversation for another talk.
“Why that one?” 
My mind is repeating his answer over and over making it impossible to close my eyes and rest.
“Promise me you won't say anything, but he wants to play something you like, before you go, you know like a small Christmas present.”
I swear I could be arrested for keep knocking the door of a fucking mansion in the middle of the night.
“What the…?” Joe opens the door, his eyes held close and his hair messy.
“What do you want?” I enter, raising the sheet music . “A Christmas present? What the hell?”  Angry, that's what I'm feeling right now. 
“Years ago, you stopped talking to me, looking at me, even avoiding me and now out of blue you decide you can erase everything and that's fine?” He tried to talk but I didn't let him, I felt each one of my muscles start to get tense.
“Well no, that is not happening! You can’t open or create wounds like you want. You left clear you don't want anything to have with me, FINE!” I put the papers on his chest. “Stuck with that, don't be around me trying to be my friend again!”
In vain try to leave his house but he grabs my wrist on his chest.
“Stuck?” His eyes darkened and his jaw tense. “Want to know what 's been stuck in my mind for years?”
He slowly let go of my wrist but held my hand and pulled me to him. His face was just a few centimeters from mine.
“Your kiss.”  He whispers and I raise my eyes from his mouth to his eyes.
“What are you talking about?” I observed him in detail trying to find a small sign of a lie.
“See, you talk about unfairness, but how unfair is it that you keep lingering all those years in my head, in my heart?” He raises his hand at the level of my face not touching me. “There were days where I dream of kissing you one more time but…” He closes his eyes, breathing in.
“But you didn't even remember…” I saw how slowly his eyes turned into those comforting eyes that looked at me years ago. Joe let me go but tingled his fingers on mine to avoid me going.
“Years ago, you and Leah went to a party, you're parents were so worried because you didn't pick your phone, and your dad was about to leave and picked you, but I…I didn't know, still I don't know what happened, when I noticed where I was, I'm parking in front of a house where people stumbled really drunk.” I fight for remembering but nothing comes to my mind.
“Thankfully you and Leah were sitting on the sidewalk leaning on each other; when you saw me, ran and hugged me, sober enough to recognise me. Together we leave Leah at his house but when I tried to take you home, you asked me to please stop for a while as you try to calm down.” I panic when I finally see his hand on mine, making me unable to move.
“We walked around a small park, and you slowly calmed down, after 1 hour you said you felt tipsy.” He laughs. “You sit in the grass sighing, so I sat in front of you, you talked about the college, how sacred you were of the future but at the same time exciting.”  
I have small flashbacks but at any moment a kiss appears in my mind.
“Suddenly you stopped talking and saw me right to my eyes with that…sparkle and shining eyes.” A wide open smile appears on his face. “You didn't give me time to think, you took air and you leaned with a soft peck on my lips.”
I let go of his hand shaking. I remember having a dream about this but that's what I thought it was, a dream.
“Why didn't you tell me?” I cover my face. “I'm sorry, I can't remember but I'm sorry if that…”
“I was selfish.” He whispered. “I thought those feelings, at that moment, were stupid, I was still a rookie who was injured in his first seasons, and you were in your last semesters. I won't ruin our future.”
I'm so confused, trying to figure out something about this. “You keep me away.” He nods, biting his lip.
“I knew that was the only way you keep focus on your stuff and I keep on mine… Works however look at us now.” I blink as I find support in the wall, trying to remember something about those moments.
“I’m confessing to you in the most awkward and awful way.” I slip stick to the wall, my legs definitely stop working and I sit on the floor.
“Yo…you…You what?” He turned around and breathed slowly before sitting in front of me, his eyes moving all over my face.
“I like you.” I scoff. “I mean, how could I not? A girl who drove to the other side of the city just for make me eat something sweet, the girl who spends all his free time in vacations making me company in a random talks at the coffee, the girl who was the first one in be at the hospital as soon as she arrived when I get injured, the girl who I found myself  looking for in the crowd every game.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Cat is so pathetic lately I love her so much -Danny
Words: 1,320
Phase Six Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Afterglow’ -by Taylor Swift
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iii: Cat Needs A Friend
When Cat got out of the bathroom Parker was already placing two plates with food on the coffee table. She took a moment to examine his apartment:
It was definitely smaller than Matthew's, consisting of one room with no divisions. Next to the front door, there was a small kitchen with no cabinets and a tiny breakfast bar with a variety of canned goods and spices on top of it. A half-empty package of crackers was there too, but overall it looked organized and clean.
In front of the kitchen, she found his living room. The electronic devices were not that different from the ones in her world, but they did have different logos and the shows were clearly not the same as the ones in her universe. He had a couch that could fit two or three people, and in the middle, the coffee table where he was putting their dinner. A few feet from where she was standing at the bathroom's entrance, Peter's bed was on display. That was the only thing that looked almost new, Cat suspected that he didn't get to use it often.
"There you are!" He smiled before returning to the kitchen. "Juice or milk?"
She approached the living room and took a peek at the food on her plate. "Juice." Cat sat down and pointed at the tv. "Is that the news?"
Parker looked over his shoulder at the screen. "I don't really listen to them, it gets me down. I use it as background noise while I cook and I turn it off once I sit down to eat."
Cat had a hard time hiding her concern. "I don't own a tv, but I'm not sure that's how you're supposed to use it."
"You don't spend much time in your apartment, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know how to work a coffee machine," he replied without looking at her.
Cat remembered her time working as a secretary. Parker placed her drink on the table and then sat next to her, the first-aid kit was there, and his hand was wrapped in a bandage.
"Nice outfit," he joked. Cat looked comically small in his shirt. "You know, the good thing about wearing oversized clothes..." he rolled up her sleeves, "is that you don't have to be half-naked in order to patch up."
Cat held the fabric while he began to apply some sort of ointment on the cuts. "Speaking from experience?"
"It's hell when I have to take off the suit and I'm bleeding," he sighed. "It clings onto the body like it's a second skin."
She wrinkled her nose. "That's why nanotech—"
"Yeah, yeah, god bless nano," he glanced into her eyes. "But I didn't fail to notice you're not wearing a suit..."
Cat was absently staring at the corner of the room. "Sergei took it."
"The hunter?" She nodded, still lost in thought. Parker started to gently apply the ointment to her face. "It's a nice change to be patching you up instead of myself, makes me feel better."
The mutant hummed. "No friends to help you still?"
"Don't feel ready to have the talk," he laughed shortly.
Cat tilted her head. "No one knows you're Spider-man yet?"
"Not even your aunt May?" Cat's frown deepened. "Are you still not talking to her?"
Parker's eyes brightened. "You remember that?"
"I remember everything. I don't really know what I know unless it's brought up, though," the young man lifted her chin and she continued. "So, May..?"
"We're talking again," he nodded. "I went back to school."
"That's great!"
"It's exhausting," Parker admitted. "But I found my way back to your universe thanks to that, so I'm not gonna complain."
"You still sell pictures to the daily bugle?"
"My Peter works there too."
"Really?" He sprayed something on her neck and Cat flinched away, hissing at the sensation. "Sorry! I should've warned you—"
"It's okay, it didn't hurt," she shivered. "It felt weird, that's all."
Parker shook his head, he was trying really hard to hide how worried he was about her current state. "Tell me the whole story."
Cat lowered her face and he stopped curing her. "Promise you won't judge me too hard."
"I would never."
Parker was a great listener as usual, but this time he didn't even make a noise during the whole thing, he focused on healing her, sometimes she could feel his breathing shaking a little as if trying to hold back his tongue.
"You know, when I was fourteen," she said, "everyone wanted to hear my story. The Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D... then I went to school and everyone wanted to hear about my past, and I always found it so..."
"Unnecessary. They wanna know everything about you to figure out ways to get a hold of you. That's why I was such a good agent as a kid, my weak spots were hidden. Then I grew older, I found out things about my past, and my past found out things about me in turn..."
"But not everyone is looking to control you," he told her, "some of us just want to know who you are."
"Not enough people are like that," she sighed. "Not enough." Parker picked up their empty plates and Cat sat back and stared at the ceiling so the ointment around her throat could be fully absorbed. "But I would hand in my biography to Kingpin if it could protect everyone," she continued out loud. "Isn't that ironic? I'm supposed to be the mightiest hero of all, and I can't even look after myself."
"I don't think tonight's the night for self-pity. Maybe I should show you my research so we start working?"
"I won't be of help," she lamented. "I'm not smart. Mouse would always..." her voice cracked, M.O.U.S.E. was a whole universe away.
Parker startled her when showed up, her ears were still not fully recovered. The young man took a seat beside her and clasped his hands together, deep in thought. Cat stared at him, this time trying to spot the differences between him and the twenty-six-year-old he'd been when they'd met.
His hair was shorter, the shadow of his beard was easier to see, and his frame was a few inches broader. He had a couple of wrinkles, probably thanks to the lack of sleep and sunscreen, it could also be that he smiled a lot. He still had dark circles under his eyes, and his voice was still the same, but he carried himself with a confidence that he hadn't exhibited the first time they interacted.
"You should sleep," he said at last. "I'll come back in a few hours."
With a quick assessment of his appearance she noticed he was wearing the suit under his sweatpants and hoodie. "You can't leave," she stated.
Parker looked at her with a grin. "There's only one bed here, and I want you to use it. I'm not tired, don't worry about it."
She felt her face getting warmer. "I don't know your— I'm... please... don't leave." She took a quick breath, begging not to stammer in the process. "I know I left you when you were lost— but there were bad guys all over the city and I had to help my Peter— you don't have to go outside tonight, and I know how that sounds but I'm not—"
Parker stopped her rambling by placing his hand above hers.
"You'll be safe. My world's quieter than yours."
"But I don't need quiet," she pouted. "I need a friend."
Parker glanced towards his bathroom, thinking of the people out there and all that could happen if he didn't do his patrols. He also remembered his promise to her, it'd been a thing none of them had really meant nor believed at the time, but he still felt obligated to keep his word.
"Okay," he gave in, feeling her hand shaking under his. "Alright. I'm staying."
She pulled him closer and leaned against his arm. Parker froze, Cat had to be hurting a lot if she was that comfortable touching him. "Thank you."
"I'll figure things out," he wrapped his arms around her. "I promise you'll go home."
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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pearlsmith25 · 1 year
Self-heating Food Packaging Market: Catering to the Changing Lifestyles of Consumers
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Self-heating food packaging refers to a specialized packaging solution that incorporates an integrated heating technology to heat food products without the need for an external heat source. This innovative packaging concept has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its convenience, portability, and ability to provide hot and fresh food on the go. The self-heating food packaging market has witnessed substantial growth and is expected to continue expanding as consumers increasingly seek convenient and time-saving food solutions.
Market Overview:
The self-heating food packaging market has experienced a rapid surge in demand owing to changing consumer lifestyles, the rise of on-the-go eating habits, and the need for instant and hassle-free meal options. This market segment caters to a diverse range of food products, including ready-to-eat meals, soups, beverages, and even baby food.
Key Market Drivers:
• Convenience and Portability: Self-heating food packaging offers consumers the ability to enjoy hot and fresh meals anytime, anywhere, without the need for traditional heating methods. • Time-saving Solution: In today's fast-paced world, self-heating food packaging provides a quick and convenient solution for busy individuals who have limited time for meal preparation. • Increased Outdoor Activities: The growing trend of outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and sports events has led to a rise in demand for self-heating food packaging among adventure enthusiasts. • Product Innovation: Continuous advancements in self-heating technology, packaging materials, and designs have expanded the market's potential and attracted consumers looking for unique and novel food experiences.
Market Segmentation:
The self-heating food packaging market can be segmented based on various factors:
Packaging Type:
a. Self-heating Cans: Traditional metal cans with integrated heating elements that activate upon the press of a button. b. Self-heating Pouches: Flexible pouches with heating elements that utilize chemical reactions or electric currents to heat the food contents.
a. Ready-to-eat Meals: This includes various cuisines, such as pasta, rice dishes, curries, and meat-based products. b. Soups and Beverages: Self-heating packaging solutions for soups, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and other hot beverages. c. Baby Food: Self-heating containers designed specifically for heating and serving baby food while on the go.
Distribution Channel:
a. Supermarkets and Hypermarkets b. Convenience Stores c. Online Retailers d. Others (Vending Machines, Specialty Stores)
Regional Analysis:
• North America: The United States and Canada are major contributors to the self-heating food packaging market due to the increasing demand for convenient and on-the-go meal options. • Europe: Countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy have witnessed substantial growth in the self-heating food packaging market, driven by changing consumer preferences and busy lifestyles. • Asia Pacific: Rapid urbanization, hectic work schedules, and increasing disposable income levels in countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and India have fueled the demand for self-heating food packaging. • Rest of the World: Emerging markets in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa are also witnessing a rise in demand for self-heating food packaging due to changing consumer behavior and rising disposable incomes.
Competitive Landscape:
The self-heating food packaging market is characterized by the presence of several key players who are actively engaged in product innovation, partnerships, and expansion strategies. Some of the prominent companies operating in this market include:
HeatGen™ Crown Holdings Inc. The 42 Degrees Company Hot-Can Lekispak Tempra Technology
These companies are investing in research and development to enhance the functionality, safety, and sustainability of self-heating food packaging solutions. Additionally, strategic collaborations with food manufacturers, retailers, and e-commerce platforms are helping them expand their market reach.
The self-heating food packaging market is witnessing substantial growth driven by consumer demand for convenient and time-saving food solutions. The ability to enjoy hot and fresh meals on the go without the need for traditional heating methods is a key factor propelling market expansion. As technology advances and product innovation continues, the self-heating food packaging market is poised for further growth and presents significant opportunities for companies operating in this segment.
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
What's your favourite thing you've written this year? Can be a whole story, a chapter, a line or piece of dialogue, a turn of phrase - anything!
My favorite thing that I've written this year is the first scene that I wrote for Marigold (it's from chapter two), and writing it was what made me decide to publish the story (and ultimately the buzz as well). I'd been out of fandom for a couple of years at that point, had even deleted my original tumblr, and I was honestly really hesitant to start publishing fanfic again.
This particular idea, however, haunted me for like two weeks before I finally hashed it out, and writing it really made me really want to share it with people. Marigold has had a very clear start, middle, and end for me right from the beginning, and it all took shape around this little section:
Bowie wraps up and Dio starts playing Rainbow in the Dark. Chrissy preens, starts crooning; she loves this song. It might be her favorite, next to Uptown Girl. It’s a song she’d stumbled on, discovered while watching MTV at a house party last fall. She’s not generally into this sort of music--hard and heavy, usually aggressive--but Chrissy believes firmly that every genre has exceptions, songs that are for anybody and everybody, and this song is one of those; a gateway drug for metal music. “Lost my hold to the shadows of the night,” she sings quietly. Chrissy queues up at the til behind the only other customer in the store. She absentmindedly takes in his height and broad shoulders and long curly hair, which is pulled into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. There’s a joint tucked behind his ear, and the well-conditioned, prudish part of Chrissy’s brain thinks well that’s brazen. He’s wearing a worn and faded black t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and jeans made of more holes than denim. He’s wearing a chain, and he’s got a nice butt. There’s a Slim Jim, a package of Twinkies, and two stacked cartons of Pall Malls on the counter in front of him, and he’s drumming his long fingers against the plastic of the lottery ticket display. His fingers are full of rings. Abruptly Chrissy’s brain catches up with what she’s looking at, specifically that she's been casually checking out Eddie Munson. She tenses immediately and her eyes go wide. Shit. Chrissy doesn’t want him to see her. She’s enjoying this however-brief foray into a version of Hawkins where she’s got a little anonymity, where she's not Chrissy Cunningham. She’s not ready for the spell to be broken, to turn into a pumpkin, to hear her mother’s ugly words again (not after just resolving to stamp them out of her subconscious). She wants to eat, actually eat the chili dog in her hand. Chrissy takes a couple of steps backward, glancing frantically around for an escape route, considers ducking behind a shelf and spying on him from behind the bags of corn nuts. It’s too late, though. Eddie starts turning around, and he does so in slow motion. His mouth is twisting into a grin. His fringe and the loose curls around his face bounce. He’s leaning against the gum rack, and one of his legs is bouncing too, fingers still tap-tap-tapping away. “Great song--” he starts to say, but Eddie stops dead in both movement and words the second he and Chrissy make eye contact. Obvious recognition flits across his face. “Oh dang,” she all but whispers. Chrissy would shrink, the way she always does, it’s what she wants to do, make herself so small she just disappears; she wishes she could fold herself into the walk-in fridge with the bags of milk, or climb into the ice machine. Her arms are laden with glorious garbage, though, so she’s stuck. She’s on display like an exhibit in a museum: Unhinged, Spiraling Cheerleader - 1985. Chrissy starts chewing on her bottom lip, heat rising unbidden in her cheeks, because of course it does. (She must look absolutely insane.) Eddie seems to struggle to take in everything--her food, her clothes, her music, her very existence in this 7/11--it looks like he’s trying to mentally solve a very complicated math problem. “Chrissy Cunningham?” he asks, profoundly confused. She nods, mutely. He nods back slowly. “You’re listening to Dio.” This is a statement, not a question. “Um,” she manages. “Yes?” He blinks. “Oh.”
Thanks for the ask, @notquitecogent 🥰
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seo-baicai · 8 days
Advancements in Steam Retort Machine Technology: A New Era in Food Processing
In the ever-evolving food processing industry, the steam retort machine has emerged as a crucial technology, ensuring the safety and quality of canned and packaged foods. Recent advancements in steam retort systems have brought about significant improvements in efficiency, automation, and sustainability, making them more essential than ever.
Enhanced Efficiency and Automation
Modern steam retort machines are now equipped with advanced automation features that streamline the cooking and sterilization processes. These systems utilize sophisticated sensors and control mechanisms to monitor temperature, pressure, and time, ensuring optimal processing conditions. This level of automation not only reduces labor costs but also minimizes the risk of human error, leading to consistent product quality.
Additionally, manufacturers are adopting energy-efficient designs that reduce steam consumption and overall energy usage. This shift not only lowers operational costs but also aligns with global sustainability goals, making food processing more environmentally friendly.
Improved Safety Standards
The safety of food products is paramount, and steam retort machines are at the forefront of ensuring this safety. With enhanced monitoring systems that provide real-time data, operators can quickly identify any deviations from set parameters, allowing for immediate corrective actions. This capability is critical in preventing foodborne illnesses and ensuring that products meet stringent safety regulations.
Moreover, recent innovations have introduced features such as automated sealing and pressure regulation, further enhancing the safety of the retorting process.
Versatile Applications
The versatility of steam retort machines makes them suitable for a wide range of applications beyond traditional canning. They are increasingly used for processing ready-to-eat meals, sauces, and even pet food. As consumer demand for convenient and safe food options continues to rise, steam retorts provide manufacturers with the flexibility to meet these evolving needs.
Industry Impact
The advancements in steam retort technology are expected to have a significant impact on the food processing industry. As companies strive to improve their production efficiency and product quality, the adoption of modern steam retort systems is likely to increase. This trend not only benefits manufacturers but also enhances consumer confidence in the safety and quality of processed foods.
The steam retort machine is undergoing a transformative phase, driven by technological advancements that enhance efficiency, safety, and versatility. As the food processing industry continues to adapt to changing consumer demands and regulatory requirements, steam retort machines will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of food safety and quality. Manufacturers who invest in these advanced systems will be well-positioned to meet the challenges of the modern market and deliver high-quality products to consumers worldwide.
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priyanshisingh · 18 days
Snack Bar Market Report: Opportunities and Challenges (2023-2032)
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The Global Snack Bar Market is projected to grow from USD 4888.2 million in 2024 to USD 6877.35 million by 2032, expanding at a CAGR of 4.36% from 2024 to 2032.
Snack bars have become a staple in the modern diet, offering a convenient and often nutritious option for people on the go. These portable, ready-to-eat bars are typically composed of a blend of ingredients like oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sweeteners, often fortified with added protein, fiber, vitamins, or minerals to enhance their nutritional profile. Originally popularized as a quick energy boost for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, snack bars have evolved to appeal to a broader audience, including busy professionals, students, and health-conscious consumers seeking a balanced snack between meals. The market for snack bars has expanded significantly, driven by increasing consumer demand for healthier snack options that fit into their active lifestyles.
One of the key factors contributing to the popularity of snack bars is their versatility. They are available in a wide variety of flavors and formulations, catering to different dietary needs and preferences. For instance, there are snack bars designed for specific purposes, such as protein bars for muscle recovery, fiber-rich bars for digestive health, and low-sugar bars for those managing their carbohydrate intake. Additionally, the rise of dietary trends like veganism, gluten-free, keto, and paleo has led to the development of specialized snack bars that cater to these specific diets, further expanding the market.
The convenience factor cannot be overstated, as snack bars offer an easy solution for those who need a quick, portable source of energy without compromising on nutrition. They are commonly found in vending machines, convenience stores, grocery aisles, and online platforms, making them accessible to a wide range of consumers. Moreover, the packaging of snack bars is often designed to be durable and portable, enhancing their appeal as an on-the-go snack.
The snack bar market is driven by several key factors that contribute to its growth and popularity:
Increasing Health Consciousness: As consumers become more aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there is a growing demand for convenient, nutritious snacks. Snack bars, particularly those rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, are perceived as a healthier alternative to traditional snack foods like chips and candy. This health-conscious trend is driving the development and consumption of snack bars that cater to various dietary needs, such as low-sugar, high-protein, and gluten-free options.
Busy Lifestyles and Convenience: The modern, fast-paced lifestyle has significantly contributed to the rise of the snack bar market. Consumers are increasingly seeking convenient, on-the-go food options that can be easily consumed between meals or as a quick meal replacement. Snack bars fit this need perfectly, offering a portable, ready-to-eat solution that doesn't compromise on taste or nutrition, making them a popular choice for busy professionals, students, and athletes.
Diverse Product Offerings: The snack bar market has expanded to include a wide variety of products catering to different tastes, preferences, and dietary requirements. From protein bars for fitness enthusiasts to energy bars for outdoor activities, and from vegan to keto-friendly options, the diversity in product offerings has made snack bars appealing to a broad consumer base. This variety allows brands to target niche markets while also attracting a wider audience.
Rising Popularity of Functional Foods: Consumers are increasingly looking for foods that offer more than just basic nutrition, seeking out functional foods that provide specific health benefits. Snack bars often incorporate functional ingredients like superfoods, probiotics, and adaptogens, which are marketed for their health-enhancing properties. This trend is driving innovation in the snack bar market, with brands developing products that promise benefits like improved energy, better digestion, and enhanced mental clarity.
Growth of E-commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Sales: The rise of e-commerce has played a significant role in the growth of the snack bar market. Online sales platforms allow consumers to easily access a wide range of snack bars, including niche and specialty products that may not be available in traditional retail stores. Subscription services that deliver snack bars directly to consumers' doors have also become popular, offering convenience and the opportunity to discover new brands and flavors.
Clean Label and Transparency Trends: There is a growing demand for clean label products, which are made with simple, recognizable ingredients and free from artificial additives, preservatives, and GMOs. Snack bars that emphasize natural and organic ingredients, ethical sourcing, and environmentally friendly packaging resonate with health-conscious consumers who are also concerned about the sustainability and transparency of the products they consume. This trend is pushing brands to be more transparent about their ingredient sourcing and manufacturing processes.
Rise of Plant-Based and Specialty Diets: The increasing popularity of plant-based diets, as well as specialty diets like keto, paleo, and gluten-free, has driven demand for snack bars that cater to these dietary preferences. Brands are responding by developing products that meet the needs of these consumer groups, often using alternative ingredients like plant-based proteins, nut butters, and coconut oil. The growth of these dietary trends is expanding the market for snack bars, making them accessible to a wider range of consumers.
Innovation in Flavors and Textures: To keep consumers engaged and attract new customers, brands are continuously innovating with new flavors, textures, and ingredient combinations. From exotic fruit blends to indulgent dessert-inspired flavors, and from chewy to crunchy textures, these innovations are driving consumer interest and encouraging repeat purchases. The ability to offer a variety of taste experiences within the snack bar category is a key driver of market growth.
Targeted Marketing and Branding: Effective marketing strategies, including endorsements by fitness influencers, social media campaigns, and partnerships with health and wellness brands, are driving consumer awareness and interest in snack bars. Brands that effectively communicate the health benefits, convenience, and taste of their products can build strong customer loyalty and expand their market share.
Sustainability and Ethical Consumerism: The growing consumer focus on sustainability and ethical consumerism is influencing the snack bar market. Brands that prioritize environmentally friendly practices, such as using recyclable packaging or sourcing ingredients from sustainable and ethical suppliers, are gaining favor with eco-conscious consumers. This focus on sustainability not only appeals to consumers but also helps brands differentiate themselves in a competitive market.
Key Players:
General Mills, Inc.
Nestlé S.A.
Kellogg Company
Clif Bar & Company
The Hershey Company
PepsiCo, Inc.
Mars, Incorporated
Kind LLC (Mondelez International)
Nature Valley (General Mills)
RxBar (Kellogg Company)
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/snack-bars-market
The global snack bar market is experiencing steady growth, driven by increasing consumer demand for convenient, nutritious, and on-the-go food options. However, the market dynamics and consumer preferences vary significantly across different regions. Here are the regional insights for the snack bar market:
1. North America
Market Leadership: North America, particularly the United States, is one of the largest and most mature markets for snack bars. The region's high demand is driven by a health-conscious consumer base that prioritizes convenience and nutrition, making snack bars a popular choice for busy lifestyles.
Diverse Product Offerings: The U.S. market is characterized by a wide range of snack bar types, including protein bars, granola bars, meal replacement bars, and energy bars. There is a strong trend towards clean-label, organic, and plant-based options, reflecting the broader health and wellness movement in the region.
Innovation and Premiumization: The North American market sees continuous innovation, with companies focusing on new flavors, functional ingredients, and premium offerings. Protein-enriched bars, keto-friendly bars, and bars with added superfoods are particularly popular.
Distribution Channels: Snack bars in North America are widely available through various distribution channels, including supermarkets, convenience stores, online platforms, and specialty health food stores. The growth of e-commerce has further boosted the accessibility and variety of snack bars available to consumers.
2. Europe
Health and Wellness Focus: Europe is another significant market for snack bars, with strong growth driven by the increasing focus on health and wellness. Consumers in countries like the UK, Germany, and France are seeking out snack bars that are not only convenient but also align with their dietary preferences, such as gluten-free, vegan, and high-protein options.
Regulatory Influence: The European market is influenced by stringent food safety regulations and labeling requirements, which drive demand for products that are perceived as natural, healthy, and free from artificial ingredients. Clean-label and organic snack bars are particularly popular in this region.
Regional Preferences: Consumer preferences vary across Europe, with northern and western European countries favoring high-protein and low-sugar bars, while Mediterranean countries show a preference for bars made with natural ingredients like nuts, fruits, and seeds.
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing: European consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability, driving demand for snack bars made with ethically sourced ingredients and sustainable packaging. Brands that emphasize their commitment to environmental and social responsibility are gaining traction in this market.
3. Asia-Pacific
Emerging Market Growth: The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the snack bar market, fueled by urbanization, rising incomes, and changing dietary habits. Countries like China, Japan, India, and Australia are seeing increased demand for convenient and nutritious snack options.
Nutritional Awareness: As awareness of health and nutrition rises in Asia-Pacific, consumers are increasingly opting for snack bars as a healthier alternative to traditional snacks. High-protein bars, energy bars, and bars fortified with vitamins and minerals are becoming popular, particularly among younger consumers and fitness enthusiasts.
Cultural Adaptation: In Asia-Pacific, snack bar manufacturers are adapting their products to suit local tastes and preferences. For example, flavors like matcha, green tea, red bean, and tropical fruits are popular in Japan and Southeast Asia, while spicy and savory options are gaining popularity in India.
E-commerce Expansion: The growth of e-commerce in the region is playing a significant role in the expansion of the snack bar market. Online platforms offer consumers access to a wide variety of international and local brands, catering to diverse tastes and dietary needs.
4. Latin America
Growing Market Potential: The snack bar market in Latin America is growing, albeit from a smaller base compared to North America and Europe. Rising urbanization, increasing health awareness, and a growing middle class are driving demand for convenient and healthy snacks.
Price Sensitivity: Consumers in Latin America are generally more price-sensitive, which influences their purchasing decisions. As a result, mid-range and value-for-money snack bars are more popular, although there is a growing niche market for premium products.
Local Flavors and Ingredients: There is a strong preference for snack bars made with local flavors and ingredients, such as tropical fruits, nuts, and grains native to the region. This trend offers opportunities for both local producers and international brands to innovate with region-specific offerings.
Distribution Challenges: While the snack bar market is expanding, distribution remains a challenge in some parts of Latin America, particularly in rural areas. However, the increasing penetration of modern retail channels, including supermarkets and convenience stores, is improving access to these products.
5. Middle East and Africa
Niche Market Growth: The snack bar market in the Middle East and Africa is still in its nascent stages, with growth primarily concentrated in urban centers and among higher-income consumers. The demand for snack bars is driven by a combination of rising health awareness, the influence of Western dietary habits, and the need for convenient, on-the-go nutrition.
Health and Halal Considerations: In the Middle East, there is a strong preference for snack bars that are halal-certified and made with natural ingredients. Consumers are also showing interest in high-protein and energy bars, particularly those that align with their health goals.
Distribution Expansion: The expansion of modern retail infrastructure, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, and convenience stores, is facilitating the growth of the snack bar market in the region. E-commerce is also emerging as a key channel for reaching consumers, especially in countries with high internet penetration.
Challenges and Opportunities: While the market holds significant potential, challenges such as economic instability, varying levels of consumer awareness, and limited disposable income in some areas can impact growth. However, there are opportunities for growth, particularly through targeted marketing and product offerings that cater to the specific needs and preferences of consumers in these regions.
Based on Product Type
Cereal Bars
Energy Bars
Nutrition Bars
Based on Distribution Channel
Convenience Stores
Specialty Stores
Online Stores
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/snack-bars-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/snack-bar-market-report-opportunities-challenges-2023-2032-fsssf
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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Food Packaging Market Size To Reach USD 562.3 Billion By 2030
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Food Packaging Market Growth & Trends
The global food packaging market size is expected to reach USD 562.3 billion by 2030, expanding at 5.7% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Increased diverse eating habits and lifestyle changes have driven the demand for convenience food products which is expected to bolster the growth of the global food packaging industry.
The food packaging industry exhibits rapid growth for portable and single-serve food packs. Rising global per capita income is expected to increase the purchasing power of buyers further driving the demand for packaged foods products. Although real wages witnessed a decline in 2022, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OECD), by the end of 2023, real wages are projected to stop declining. This is attributed to the extensive rollout of support initiatives by governments across the globe to cushion the effects of food prices and high energy on households. This is expected to increase the consumer spending capacity thereby driving the demand for packaged food & beverages.
The high volatility observed in the prices of raw materials is expected to restrain the food packaging industry's growth. However, the introduction of sustainable packing materials by major food packaging manufacturers, coupled with increasing awareness and notable consumption volume by buyers, is expected to propel the food packaging industry over the forecast period.
Growing concerns regarding food safety and contamination are predicted to support the demand for effective packaging solutions. In addition, sales of packaged foodstuff are anticipated to propel due to the increasing number of retail food chains opened by big food brands, consequently driving demand for packaging material. The surge in demand for food delivery services such as Uber Eats, Zomato, DoorDash, and Grubhub among others is also expected to have a positive impact on the food packaging industry.
The growing food sector has attracted food packaging manufacturers to invest in increasing their production capacities. For instance, in April 2023, UAE-based Hotpack Global announced its intent to build a specialized food packaging project in Saudi Arabia. The project is expected to be valued at USD 266.0 million and will be developed jointly with the Saudi Ministry of Industry.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/food-packaging-market
Food Packaging Market Report Highlights
Flexible packaging is expected to register the highest CAGR of 6.3% in terms of revenue from 2023 to 2030, owing to its cost-effectiveness, high performance, and constant innovations undertaken by major manufacturers
Paper & paper-based packaging is estimated to be the fastest growing segment, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.4% from 2023 to 2030, owing to its low cost and sustainability
The bakery and confectionary segment is anticipated to be the largest application, which recorded a market value of USD 100.6 billion in 2022, due to growing demand for cakes, candies, and frozen ready-to-eat bakery products
Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the food packaging industry in 2022 and is expected to continue its dominance on account of a growing population, increasing urbanization, and rising disposable income of consumers
The food packaging industry is highly fragmented and is characterized by the presence of a large number of players. Key players comprise Amcor Plc., Ball Corporation, Berry Plastic Group, and DS Smith PLC
In May 2023, Amcor plc inked a definitive agreement to acquire New Zealand-based Moda Systems. This acquisition is expected to help Amcor expand its existing film portfolio and offer an end-to-end packaging solution incorporating even the sales of packaging machines
Food Packaging Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global food packaging market based on type, material, application, and region:
Food Packaging Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Food Packaging Material Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Paper & Paper-based Material
Food Packaging Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Bakery & Confectionary
Dairy Products
Fruits & Vegetables
Meat, Poultry & Seafood
Sauces & Dressings
Food Packaging Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
List of Key Players in the Food Packaging Market
Amcor plc
Sealed Air
Sonoco Products Company
Berry Global, Inc.
WestRock Company
Genpak LLC
Pactiv LLC
Chantler Packages
Alpha Packaging
BE Packaging
Cheer Pack North America
Evanesce Packaging Solutions Inc.
Pacmoore Products Inc.
Innovative Fiber
Emmerson Packaging
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/food-packaging-market  
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ngofundraising · 25 days
How to start your business on QuickCommerce platforms like Zepto,Blinkit & Bigbasket
Starting your online business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an exciting and profitable venture. Platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and others offer businesses a great opportunity to reach a broad customer base with high demand for convenience. Whether you're an established seller or a new entrepreneur, understanding which products sell best on these platforms can give your business the competitive edge it needs. Let’s dive into some of the top-selling products that can help you succeed on QuickCommerce and similar platforms.
Why QuickCommerce Platforms?
QuickCommerce platforms have transformed the way people shop. With fast delivery and a wide range of products, customers are increasingly turning to these services for their daily needs. If you're thinking of starting an online business, these platforms are excellent options due to their large customer bases and efficient delivery networks. Platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow are known for delivering products within hours, making them highly attractive to busy consumers.
Top-Selling Products to Boost Your Sales
To succeed on QuickCommerce platforms, selecting the right products is crucial. Here are some categories that tend to perform exceptionally well:
1. *Groceries and Everyday Essentials*
Groceries are among the most popular items sold on platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, and Bigbasket. Consumers love the convenience of ordering fresh produce, dairy, grains, and other essentials with just a few taps. Offering a range of fresh and packaged goods ensures repeat customers, as many people regularly restock these items.
-Example:  Selling organic fruits and vegetables or gourmet spices can set you apart from competitors who may focus on standard offerings.
2. *Health and Personal Care Products*
Health and personal care items like shampoos, toothpaste, and skincare products are top-sellers on these platforms. People prefer purchasing such necessities online because they save time and effort. Platforms like AmazonNow also offer a variety of these products, allowing for quick, same-day deliveries.
- Example: Consider selling niche products such as organic skincare lines or Ayurvedic health supplements, which are growing in popularity.
3. *Home Cleaning Supplies*
Cleaning supplies such as detergents, disinfectants, and other household essentials are also in high demand. QuickCommerce users often turn to these platforms for last-minute purchases when they run out of something at home. Offering a variety of eco-friendly or specialized cleaning products can give your business a unique edge.
- Example: Products like natural cleaning agents or high-efficiency washing machine detergents could cater to a more environmentally conscious customer base.
4. *Beverages and Snacks*
Snacks, beverages, and ready-to-eat meals are other high-demand categories. Whether it’s for a quick snack, a party, or last-minute grocery shopping, consumers frequently order drinks and snacks from platforms like Zepto and Bigbasket. Stocking items that cater to different dietary preferences can also appeal to a broader audience.
- Example: Selling vegan snacks, sugar-free drinks, or protein-rich options can attract health-conscious consumers.
5. *Pet Supplies*
Pet owners are increasingly turning to QuickCommerce platforms for their pets' needs, from food to grooming products. By offering a wide variety of pet products, including specialized pet food, toys, and health products, you can target this growing segment.
- Example: You could specialize in premium pet food or unique pet accessories like eco-friendly toys and biodegradable waste bags.
6. *Baby Care Products*
Products like diapers, baby food, and baby wipes are consistent top-sellers on platforms like QuickCommerce and AmazonNow. Parents often rely on the convenience of these platforms to quickly restock on essentials for their children.
- Example: Offering organic or chemical-free baby care products can help you stand out in this competitive category.
 Tips to Succeed on QuickCommerce Platforms
1. Optimize Your Product Listings: Use clear, high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Make sure to highlight any unique features or benefits of your products, such as eco-friendliness, organic ingredients, or health benefits.
2. Offer Competitive Pricing: While convenience is a huge factor for customers on QuickCommerce platforms, price sensitivity can still play a role. Research your competitors on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow to ensure your pricing is competitive.
3. Ensure Fast Shipping: Quick delivery is a core feature of these platforms, so work on maintaining a strong supply chain and quick processing times. If you can offer faster deliveries, it will improve your customer reviews and drive repeat business.
4. Focus on Customer Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. High ratings and strong reviews significantly impact a product’s visibility and attractiveness on QuickCommerce platforms.
5. Stay Stocked Up: Since these platforms thrive on quick delivery, ensuring that your inventory is well-stocked and that you can meet the demand is essential. Having popular items constantly in stock will help you avoid losing sales due to unavailability.
Conclusion Launching a business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an excellent way to tap into the growing demand for fast, convenient shopping. By offering in-demand products and following best practices for online selling, you can position your business for success on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and of course, QuickCommerce itself. The key is to stay responsive to customer needs and be proactive about keeping your inventory updated with trending products. In case your startup needs help in Fundraising or consulting then reach India's best  Fundraising Consultant Mr. Kunal Verma.
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nichromepackaging · 7 months
Taste the Difference: Elevating Ready-to-Eat Foods Packaging with Nichrome
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In this fast-paced world, people require everything on the go. That's why convenience is so important, especially when it comes to food. Ready-to-eat foods have become a staple for individuals and families, providing delicious and easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. At Nichrome, we understand the importance of not only providing convenient food options but also ensuring that the packaging reflects the quality and freshness of the products inside.
Introducing Nichrome’s Pick-Fill-Seal machine – the ultimate packaging innovation for elevating ready-to-eat food packaging to the next level.  Equipped with innovative rotary technology, this machine combines the benefits of versatility, productivity, and special packaging to revolutionize the way ready-to-eat food is served and enjoyed.
Variety at Your Fingertips:
With the constant innovation in the packaging segment, gone are the days of monotonous packaging designs and limited options. Nichrome's Pick Fill Seal machine, powered by versatile rotary technology, opens doors to a world of culinary creativity. With the ability to pack a diverse range of ready-to-eat foods in eye-catching innovative shapes, Nichrome empowers brands to stand out on the shelves and captivate consumers with visual appeal. From savory snacks to delectable desserts, our ready-to-eat food packaging machine ensures that your product maintains its freshness and flavor from the production line to the consumer's plate.
Productivity Redefined:
In today's competitive market, efficiency is paramount. Nichrome understands the importance of productivity, which is why the Pick-Fill-Seal machine is engineered for optimal performance. Sturdy and compact, this machine seamlessly integrates into production lines, maximizing output without compromising quality. The intuitive design of this RTE packaging machine ensures easy cleaning and maintenance, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to operate, allowing manufacturers to meet the market's growing demands without sacrificing quality or consistency. Plus, the easy-to-clean design of these horizontal form fill seal machines ensures minimal downtime, keeping production running smoothly day in and day out.
Specialty Packaging with Precision:
Nichrome's commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of the packaging process. An advanced variant of instant food packaging technology innovated by Nichrome enables the dispensing of 2 or 3 different fillers simultaneously, allowing for the creation of multi-layered flavor experiences within the same pouch. This precision packaging of ready-to-eat foods ensures that each bite is a culinary delight, enhancing the overall consumer experience along with giving the food an extended shelf life. With Nichrome, ready-to-eat foods become more than just sustenance – they become a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.
Freshness Locked In:
Freshness preservation is non-negotiable when it comes to ready-to-cook food packaging. Nichrome's Pick-Fill-Seal machine employs state-of-the-art sealing technology to lock in freshness and flavor, ensuring that every bite is as delicious as the first. With advanced sealing technology and precise temperature control, Nichrome seals in freshness, preserving the flavor and quality of each bite. From the first bite to the last, your consumers can enjoy the full-bodied taste of freshly prepared foods even in packaged foods.
Ready to take your ready-to-eat foods to the next level? Look no further than Nichrome. With our state-of-the-art RTE packaging machine, you'll unlock a world of possibilities in packaging innovation. From horizontal form-fill packaging to ready-to-cook solutions, we have smart packaging solutions that expertise in bringing your culinary creations to life.
That’s because Nichrome's Pick-Fill-Seal machine is not just a regular ready-to-eat food packaging machine – it's a testament to innovation, quality, and culinary excellence. Whether it's instant foods or ready-to-cook delights, Nichrome's innovative packaging solutions transform ordinary into extraordinary, one pouch at a time. Taste the difference with Nichrome – where taste meets technology, and every bite tells a story of innovation and indulgence.
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krystletan · 2 months
Pro*3 Catering - Productive Days: Unveiling The Ins And Outs Of Office Pantry Services
In the modern workplace, employee well-being and satisfaction are essential ingredients for a thriving business. Office pantry services have emerged as a powerful tool to foster a positive work environment. Plus, it also boosts productivity and nurtures a sense of community among employees. But what exactly should every business owner know about these office pantry services? 
Grab a cup of tea and get ready to discover the ins and outs of office pantry services!
1. The Power of a Well-Stocked Pantry: A stocked pantry isn't merely about satisfying hunger pangs; it's an investment in your employees' well-being. Providing a variety of snacks, beverages, and refreshments can improve morale and reduce stress. It can even increase energy levels. 
2. Customisation is Key: Every office is unique. And so are its employees' tastes and preferences. Embrace the power of customisation with cafeteria management. Take surveys or have a suggestion box to gather feedback on what snacks and drinks your employees love. A tailor-made pantry service will show your employees you genuinely care about their happiness.
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3. Healthy Options Lead to Healthy Habits: While indulgent treats have their place, offering a range of healthy options is crucial. Balanced snacks like fresh fruits, nuts, and low-sugar options can promote healthy eating habits among your staff. Healthy employees are more likely to be productive and take fewer sick leaves. Now, office pantry services benefit the employees and the business.
4. The Social Aspect of Pantry Spaces: An office pantry isn't just about food; it's a social hub. It's where employees gather, chat, and build relationships. Ensure your pantry space is inviting and comfortable, with ample seating and a welcoming atmosphere. Consider adding board games or books to encourage relaxation during breaks.
5. Hygiene and Cleanliness First: A well-maintained pantry is a happy pantry. Hygiene and cleanliness should be a top priority when managing your office pantry services. Regularly clean and sanitise all pantry areas, including utensils, coffee machines, and fridges. A hygienic space will prevent the spread of germs and ensure that employees feel safe using the facilities.
6. Supporting Sustainability: Incorporating sustainable practices in your office pantry reflects your commitment to environmental responsibility. Choose eco-friendly packaging, encourage recycling, and opt for suppliers who prioritise sustainability. Employees will appreciate being part of a company that cares about the planet.
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8. Stay Mindful of Dietary Restrictions: Catering to diverse dietary needs is essential in any pantry service. Ensure that your office pantry services include options for vegans, vegetarians, those with gluten sensitivities, and other common dietary restrictions. Display clear labels for allergens to avoid potential health risks.
9. Budgeting and Cost-Effectiveness: While office pantry services provide valuable benefits, you should manage costs effectively. Set a reasonable budget and track expenses to ensure the best value for your money. Be open to negotiating with suppliers and exploring bulk-buying options.
10. Employee Appreciation and Recognition: An office pantry service is more than just a perk; it's a way to show appreciation to your employees. Acknowledge their hard work and dedication by providing a thoughtfully curated pantry that reflects your gratitude. Are you ready to take your office pantry to the next level? Implementing cafeteria management can make a world of difference to your employees and your business. Remember, investing in your employees' well-being will pay dividends in the form of increased productivity and a happier work environment. So, why wait? Work with Pro*3 Catering today and contact our team!
Read more: https://www.saucycooks.com/productive-days-unveiling-the-ins-and-outs-of-office-pantry-services/
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teenz-stories · 2 months
Teen-Z: Forever Young #2: I'm On A Yacht! (Part 4)
Scene changes into  yacht shot. Then camera turns onto the bridge. First to come is Mermaid. Her hair is tied in a bun. She has pearl earrings and necklace. On herself she has red assymetrical dress. On her feet she has same colored high heels. Seconds later her company joins her boyfriend. On his head he has purple and white bandana. He wears orange t-shirt layered with purple vest with painted teal,blue,hot pink and orange patterns on it. He has on himself same colored as his vest cargo pants and same colored as his vest sneakers.
Mermaid: looks shocked at what Bully wore What did you wore?!
Belze-Bob: Dresscode wasn’t discussed during the day.
Mermaid: hisses between her teeth And I think next time we all should discuss it instead of leaving the building immadiately.
Belze-Bob: looks gently at Mermaid Hey. We didn’t discussed dresscode because everyone left the set immadiately. I was the last one who left. He reveals silver keys of the studio as he gives them to Mermaid
Mermaid: confused You’re giving them to me?
Belze-Bob: nods Trust me,I will have busy evening tonight.
Mermaid: looks with her eyebrow up You?
Belze-Bob: Yep. He stretches I decided to promote Pinky just a bit. So I opened makeup stand.
Mermaid: You and makeup? She huhs Something new.
Belze-Bob: winks to his girlfriend Relax,honey. I studied a bit best of the best techniques. You won’t be dissapointed. He then notices Luvboy and Pinky coming Oh! Pinky and Luvboy are coming!
Next who comes is Pinky and Luvboy. Pinky has her hair tied in ponytail. She has white top with layered mint vest with silver spikes on them. She wears white stirrup pants. On her feet she wears mint sneakers. As for Alvin,he has on himself black t-shirt with painted silver star on it,golden shorts and white with golden accents sneakers. Mermaid seeing this facepalms.
Mermaid: Diverse dresscodes.
Pinky: shows Mermaid to calm down Hey. Let’s keep the drama away. At least for tonight.
Alvin: Exactly. Not everyone claims party on a yacht as the most rare event of the world.
Mermaid: I don’t say it’s something terrible but. I thought Pinky and I would have matching outfits. She said in the morning that she plans something cool.
Pinky: And I have cool outfit! She then gets nervous Sort of. I fell asleep when I was watching Reality TV show.  Luvboy came about an hour ago to wake me up. I didn’t had time to find something better than that.
Seconds later they see Creepy holding on her hands package with brain. She have on herself one-shoulder black and silver dress. On her feet she has same colored high heels. Behind her follows her Light and Dark. Light now has on himself rainbow top,same colored jeans and same colored sneakers. Dark has black t-shirt layered with golden vest,silver jeans and black sneakers.
Mermaid: At least someone dressed elegantly! She hugs Creepy then she notices she has her own food  Why did you brought brain with yourself?
Ninelle: shyly Oh. This is my dish I am very comfortable with eating tonight. Plus I won’t be bothering you.
Mermaid: No,no,no,dear! You ain’t bothering anyone.
Pinky: Exactly. We are glad you made it,Ninelle. We hope you will stay.
Dark: looks at Mermaid Just in case she may get tired. Will there be any quiet place?
Uma (offscreen): Sure!
Slime female walks to the crew with huge grin on her face.
Uma: As DJ my responsibility is to make everyone feel nice and welcome. If your friend will feel exhausted. She can go to the room and lay on the bed untill she will feel ready to party again.
Short time later Cody and Greeny arrives along with Wiccy. Nerd fixes her magenta one-shoulder dress as she goes to greet Uma. Cody who’s dressed like for 80's party has with himself fireworks machine. Bully quickly notices that.
Belze-Bob: shocked You weren’t kidding when you said you had something like that!
Cody: Fireworks machine was meant for Peep. But I stole it. He won’t even notice.
Belze-Bob: Alright,alright. He laughs I will put it away.
Cody: worried No! He hugs the machine Bully. If you will touch it,this can explode.
Belze-Bob: grunts Really? Damn,you’re kinda ruining the vibe now.
Cody: When I’ll tell you to use it,you’ll help me with that,okay? After you will be done with your make-up stuffs.
Belze-Bob: Well I don’t even earn money from that. My idea is to make guests be ready for next Pinky’s bangers.
Pinky hears that as she slowly wants to get to the yacht
Pinky: gasps You really wanna do it? She awwwws This is very sweet. Even though I didn’t expected a bully like you to do something like that.
Belze-Bob: No probs. I thought I would move on and start doing something calmer. He shrugs I’m not being a bully during your promoting. Simple.
Cody: I heard that correctly? He smirks Is it opposite day?
Belze-Bob: looks bored at Cody Screw you. You can in any minute become an exception.
Wiccy: eyerolls Let’s get on the ship before Bully will hit Kid.Everyone agrees as crew gets on the ship.
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flora1233 · 2 months
From Almonds to Oil: The Benefits of Using Flora Oil Machine's Domestic Oil Extraction Machine
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Particularly in relation to food preparation, there has been an increase in interest in home-based health solutions in recent years. The development of domestic oil extraction machines is one of the most significant developments in this industry; among these, Flora Oil Machine's almond domestic oil extraction machine stands out as a top option for home users. This blog discusses the many advantages of utilizing the almond household oil extraction machine from Flora Oil Machine and how it may completely change the way you eat healthily.
Why Almond Oil Is So Alluring
Almond oil is highly praised for its diverse range of nutrients and adaptability. It is brimming with healthy fatty acids and vital vitamins, such vitamin E, which promote heart health, skin care, and general wellbeing. You may be confident that the almond oil you extract at home is the freshest, highest-nutrient oil available, and free of chemicals and preservatives.
Flora Oil Machine: Why Choose It?
The almond household oil extraction machine from Flora Oil Machine is a great addition to any kitchen because it has many benefits. This is the reason why:
High-quality Extraction: To guarantee that the most oil is extracted from the almonds, Flora Oil Machine makes use of cutting-edge technology. Because of its precision, the machine produces a large amount of oil with little waste, maintaining the oil's flavor and quality.
Ease of operate: Regardless of experience level, anyone can operate Flora Oil Machine's extraction machine thanks to its user-friendly design. Because to the machine's easy-to-use design, making almond oil requires little effort.
Nutrient Retention: Preserving the nutritional value of the almonds is one of the main advantages of utilizing the home oil extraction process from Flora Oil process. This machine uses a cold-press approach to preserve the nutrients in the oil, unlike certain commercial methods that could require chemicals and high heat.
Cost-Effective: Over time, purchasing a home oil extraction equipment may prove to be a financially prudent decision. Even though the initial investment can seem high, making your own oil at home can result in significant cost savings over time. Additionally, you can avoid paying the exorbitant costs linked to store-bought, high-quality almond oil.
Customization: You are in charge of the oil's concentration and purity when you use the almond household oil extraction equipment from Flora Oil equipment. This implies that you can experiment with various almond varieties or mixtures to make a product that precisely meets your requirements and preferences.
Freshness Guaranteed: Nothing compares to the freshness of homemade almond oil, which is guaranteed. You may make small batches of almond oil using Flora Oil equipment's extraction equipment as needed, guaranteeing that you always have a fresh supply of oil with the best possible flavor and nutritional value.
Environmental Impact: Making your own oil at home minimizes waste from commercial packaging and lessens your dependency on packaged commodities. Choosing Flora Oil Machine is one way that you may live a more sustainable lifestyle.
In summary
The almond home oil extraction equipment from Flora Oil equipment is a noteworthy development in at-home medical treatments. It provides a useful and effective way to take advantage of almond oil's advantages thanks to its superior extraction, simplicity of use, and capacity to hold onto nutrients. Investing in this machine can bring you a fresh, affordable, and personalized oil source from the comfort of your home, whether you're a health enthusiast or just trying to improve your cooking.
Therefore, Flora Oil Machine's domestic oil extraction machine is the ideal partner for you if you're ready to take charge of your oil production and profit from the many advantages of fresh almond oil. See the difference for yourself right now and turn your kitchen into a center of handcrafted, healthful goodness!
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yunihyr · 4 months
Best Automatic Pouch Packing Machine - Indian Trade Bird
Best Automatic Pouch Packing Machine - Indian Trade Bird
Indian Trade Bird specializes in connecting clients with a network of top manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of Automatic Pouch Packing Machines. Our offerings include a wide range of high-quality machines that are meticulously designed to meet diverse customer requirements. These machines are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, making them an excellent investment for businesses looking to enhance their packaging processes. Whether you are looking to package food products, pharmaceuticals, or other goods, our Automatic Pouch Packing Machines ensure precision and speed, thereby optimizing productivity. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, Indian Trade Bird ensures that all machines meet stringent quality standards, providing robust solutions that help streamline operations and reduce downtime.
Uses Of Automatic Pouch Packing Machine
Food and Beverage Industry: These machines are crucial for packaging items such as snacks, spices, coffee, tea, sauces, ready-to-eat meals, and beverages. They help preserve product freshness, ensure hygiene, and prolong shelf life.
Pharmaceuticals: Automatic Pouch Packing Machines are utilized for packaging medicines, powders, tablets, and other medical products. They provide accurate dosing, tamper-evident packaging, and adherence to regulatory standards.
Cosmetics and Personal Care: These machines are used to package products like creams, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and other personal care items. They offer attractive and practical packaging that maintains the products' integrity.
Chemical Industry: The machines are employed to package chemicals, fertilizers, and detergents. They ensure secure and safe packaging, preventing spills and contamination.
Agricultural Products: Seeds, pesticides, and other agricultural products are efficiently packaged using these machines, keeping them uncontaminated and effective.
Household Products: Automatic Pouch Packing Machines are also used to package household items such as cleaning agents, pet food, and other consumer goods, ensuring user convenience and ease of use.
Advantages Of Automatic Pouch Packing Machine
Enhanced Efficiency: These machines greatly accelerate the packaging process, facilitating high-speed operations and boosting productivity.
Consistency and Precision: They deliver uniform packaging with precise measurements, ensuring each pouch is accurately and consistently filled.
Cost-Effective: By decreasing manual labor and reducing material waste, these machines help to lower overall production costs.
Product Freshness and Hygiene: Automatic Pouch Packing Machines guarantee that products are sealed correctly, preserving their freshness and hygiene.
Versatility: They are capable of handling a wide variety of products and pouch sizes, making them suitable for diverse industry applications.
Improved Shelf Life: Effective sealing and packaging protect products from environmental factors, thereby extending their shelf life.
Reduced Contamination Risk: Automated systems reduce human contact, lowering the risk of contamination and ensuring a safer product.
Customization: These machines can be customized to meet specific packaging needs, including unique designs, sizes, and features.
User-Friendly Operation: Modern machines are designed with intuitive interfaces and easy-to-use controls, making them accessible to operators.
Regulatory Compliance: They assist in complying with industry standards and regulations, which is especially crucial in the pharmaceutical and food sectors.
Enhanced Product Presentation: The machines produce neat and professional packaging, enhancing the product's market appeal.
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