#Rayleigh kuma ALL OF THEM
tekitothemagpie · 3 months
Look who's talking.
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Reunion Post-Time Skip- Will the Romance Re-Dawn?
Monster Trio (Sanji, Zoro, Luffy) + Bonus- Law x Reader
Author's Note: So I've been listening to “Guilt as Sin?” by T. Swift on repeat and came up with this idea, based around this one lyric:
“What if he’s written “mine” on my upper thigh only in my mind?
The oneshots are not actually what’s in the song, but just an idea from. Let me know your thoughts, suggestions, or other One Piece oneshot ideas I can help bring to life. Comment down below! Thanks!
P.S. Let me know if you want me to actually write out oneshots for the pre-time skip moments instead of just summaries or if we want some NSFW from this scenarios.
Features: Monster Trio- Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and bonus- Law
You, a member of the Strawhat crew, had a romantic moment with one of your crewmates while at Sabaody. This was prior to Luffy punching a celestial dragon, the navy invading, Kuma blasting everybody to all parts of the globe, and the two year training time skip. Now, two years later, you’ve reunited with the Strawhats to continue your journey into the New World.
You’ve spent two years replaying the romantic moment you had with your crewmate. None of the other crew members know about it. You’ve daydreamed about what could have been and what could be when you reunite with them. However, you can’t help but think, two years is a long time, and maybe it was nothing, or maybe their feelings have changed. Maybe they will pretend nothing happened when you see them again.
Bonus with Law: You and Law had a moment on the polar tang before he left for Punk Hazard and sent you and the rest of the Heart Pirates to Zou. You have just learned Law has made it to Zou after the events of Dressrosa. You wonder if your captain will pretend nothing happened before he left, or if you will get to resume where you left off.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Hints at NSFW, Hints at sexual interactions in past or in future, Accidental ass/panty flash, lap sitting, nosebleeds, pet names
General Moment Monster Trio:
You and the crew have just left Thriller Bark and are on your way to Fishman Island. Along the way you meet Cami, a mermaid and are reunited with a former enemy Hatchan. After saving these two and being fed by them to fortify your friendship, they instruct you to head to Sabaody Archipelago. Once there, you set out to find Rayleigh, a friend of Hatchan, who will hopefully coat your ship, allowing you passage to Fishman Island and, thus, the New World. Prior to the major events of this arc, you share a kiss or more with one of your favorite members of the monster trio.
Pre-time Skip Moment Summary:
You were helping Sanji prepare a meal in the kitchen. The rest of the crew were repairing the ship or searching for Rayleigh. While reaching for something that was too high on a shelf for you to grab, Sanji grabbed your waist and assisted you in retrieving it. The intimacy of the close proximity led to the two of you kissing. Unfortunately, you were interrupted by a transponder snail call. The call was from Chopper, Brook and Luffy informing you that Cami was kidnapped.
Post-time Skip Reunion:
Sanji arrived at the Sunny to drop off his gear before setting off to the market. Already on board the ship were you, Usop, Franky, and Chopper. You chose to wear a light blue sundress that was low cut in the front and hit just below your ass. The dress cinched just above your waist and accentuated your breasts. This outfit was ideal for showing off how your curves had grown and changed in the two years you had spent away from the crew. It also showed off how strong you had gotten. Sanji had been yelling back and forth discussing something with Franky as he began to walk aboard the ship. Not noticing the voice, but coming to assist Franky, you had exited the kitchen and dropped something you were carrying. As you leaned down to pick it up Sanji stepped aboard the Sunny. Thinking no one was there as you were distracted by the joy of being reunited with your crewmates, you bent down sloppily allowing your dress to rise up. Sanji’s eyes widened as he was awarded the visual of more of your ass than he ever had before and your pink underwear. Sanji’s eyes turned to hearts, his tongue fell out of his mouth, and blood shot out of his nose like a geyser.
“Y/N-Swan!!!” You heard Sanji call as you shot your head around to look at him.
You quickly grabbed the item you had dropped and stood up, readjusting the bottom of your dress as you did. Your face grew a faint pink hue at your cheeks as you stared at the curly eyebrowed man. He took in the full sight of you, cleavage and all, and the blood from his nose jetted out faster, causing him to faint. You and Chopper rushed to his side and tried to rouse him. Franky and Usop stood behind you and looked down at the fainted Sanji, attempting to cover their mouths to hide their laughter. Sanji’s eyes opened gently and looked up at him.
“I just saw a goddess… I can die happy… Y/N-Swan… is that you..? He asked as he tilted his head to look in your direction. “The goddess! Y/N-Swan it’s you!” He muttered as blood shot harder from his nose and his eyes closed again.
“Sanji!” You yelled.
“Sanji! You have to get yourself together! If you keep bleeding like this you’re going to be in big trouble fast!” Chopper begged.
Sanji took a deep breath and blinked his eyes open again. He slowly cocked his head to look at his crewmates individually. He first looked at Chopper, then Franky, Usop, then back at you. You smiled at him causing his breath to catch in his throat. He gritted his teeth and his eyes grew wide as he looked at you. The color slowly faded from his skin and a small drop of blood dribbled from his nose.
“Sanji!” Chopper yelled. “You have to keep it together!”
Sanji finally regained his ability to breathe and took a deep breath. As he did, he raised a hand to caress your cheek.
“Y/N-Swan… my beautiful Y/N-swan… I didn’t think you could get more beautiful, but here you are. I’m sorry for my behavior…” He began to speak as his hand fell from your cheek.
Sanji looked up at the sky above him, then turned and glanced back at you. You grabbed his hand in yours.
“Are you okay, Sanji?” You asked, eyes glistening with worry.
Sanji closed his eyes and returned his gaze to the sky above him.
“I was in Hell for 2 years… All… All that got me through was the thought of you… the thought of you and our kiss. You’re what got me back here today, Y/N, you’re what got me out of hell.” Sanji said, as he moved to sit up on his elbows and look deeper into your eyes.
Your eyes watered as you stared into his gray-blue orbs and pale face. Chopper wiped away the blood from his face as the two of you continued to look at one another.
“Hold on, wait a minute, did you say "kiss”?” Franky interrupted.
“Sanji… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that day. I… was worried you’d want to pretend like it never happened..” You said as you broke eye contact with him.
“So you two kissed? When!? Where were we?” Usop urged.
“Never, Y/N.” Sanji replied, lifting your chin and pulling you into a soft kiss.
“AHHH! What is happening?!” Chopper eyes popped out of his head as he screamed.
Sanji pulled you into his chest and the two of you continued to kiss. Chopper slowly backed up into Franky and Usop’s legs. Chopper and Usop sighed and shook their heads.
“It’s okay little buddy. It’s a super thing, guess these two have been lovebirds the whole time and we didn’t know. Come on. Let’s leave them to it.” Franky said as he picked up Chopper and walked away from you and Sanji kissing.
Usop shrugged his shoulders and followed behind Franky. Once they left, you pulled away from Sanji and whispered in his ear.
“I’ve been thinking about a lot more than just kissing over the past two years… Nami is in town and Robin isn’t back yet… should we take this to my room?”
“Shopping can wait!” Sanji said shakily as blood shot out of his nose again.
You stood up and pulled him to his feet. Once on his feet, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind you to your bedroom. His eyes were full of hearts as you dragged him away.
Pre-time Skip Moment:
You and the crew were on your way to Sabaody Archipelago after Thriller Bark. At Thriller Bark Zoro got badly injured, due to a run in with Kuma. Chopper had asked if you would help keep an eye on Zoro because he loved to take off his dressings to train. One afternoon on your way to Sabaody Chopper and you hadn’t seen Zoro in awhile and well, that made you both nervous. You went on a hunt for the swordsman and you found him training away in the crows nest. The two of you got into a heated argument and well… one thing led to another and the two of you fucked.
Post-time Skip:
Zoro was the first to arrive at Shakky’s bar. He waited for hours for anyone else to arrive, but eventually, he grew bored of waiting, so he decided to head to the Sunny. As he opened the door, you were reaching for the doorknob to the establishment. You looked up and smiled at him as the door opened. You were wearing a dark green spaghetti strap dress. The dress was cut to highlight your curves and muscles that had grown and changed over the past two years. Zoro gasped as he saw you.
“Hey Zoro! Been awhile, good to see you!” You said as you stepped back to let the swordsman outside of the bar.
“Y/N.” He said plainly, barely making eye contact with you.
As he began to step out of the doorway, you lept at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. His body tensed as yours hit his, his eyes widened, and his teeth clenched. He inhaled deeply taking in your scent, as he exhaled, he wrapped his arms around your waist. A few moments go by as you both rest in one another's arms.
“I missed you.” You mutter. “I missed everyone. Is anyone else here yet?” You added as you pulled away from him and dropped your hands to rest upon his muscular chest.
You lift your head to gaze into his dark eye and gaze upon the scar closing his other. He loosened his grip on your waist and looked down at you, his teeth clenched harder at the intimacy of the moment.
“Damn forward as ever woman.” He said with a smirk as he directed his gaze to your arms on his chest, causing you to chuckle.
“How have you been Zoro? What did you do for these last two years?! What happened to your eye? Where are you going?” You ask as you reach a hand up to touch his cheek.
“Wow. Slow down, woman. It’s just you and me here so far to answer your first question and well, the rest is a long story.” Zoro interjected.
As he spoke you lifted your hand to touch his left cheek, below his eye, where part of his scar rested. As you did so, the door to the restaurant opened and out stepped Rayleigh. Rayleigh’s face formed a large grin when he saw Zoro holding your waist and you reaching for his cheek.
“Well what do we have here..? Rayleigh asked with a laugh.
Zoro jumped back from you and crossed his arms over his chest. His gaze averted to the ground below him, allowing him to not make eye contact with you or Rayleigh. You blushed and turned to Rayleigh with a soft smile.
“Well, you didn’t have to stop on my account… Y/N, you’re looking as lovely as ever. It’s wonderful to see you again.” Rayleigh said.
“Thanks, Rayleigh. It’s nice to see you too! How have you and Shakky been?” You questioned, with a deepening blush.
“We’ve been good. I just came out to make sure Zoro was finding his way to the Sunny. I remembered he had some issues with directions and thought it might be best if I took him myself. You should come with us, Y/N, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to the past two years.”
“That’d be great!” you say with a nod.
“I would’ve found the way on my own. I got here on my own.” Zoro mumbled to himself.
You, Rayleigh, and Zoro made your way to the Sunny together. Rayleigh shared tales of training Luffy and you talked about what you were up to. Zoro stayed silent for the most part on your journey, but peered at you through stolen side glances along the way. He was not subtle, so you of course caught them. He occasionally smirked at what you and Rayleigh said, but not much in terms of information sharing on his adventures for the past two years.
Back at the Sunny you ran into a few more members of your crew. Franky was inspecting the ship and Nami was stopping by to drop off her things before going to meet Usop. You greeted them both with hugs and began to catch up a bit. Rayleigh took his leave of you all to go make sure other members of your crew weren’t waiting back at the bar. While you caught up with your other crewmates on deck, Zoro had found a place to nap nearby. While you conversed, you occasionally felt a gaze upon your back.
While Nami informed you about new weather phenomena and navigation techniques she had learned, you glanced over at Zoro and briefly made eye contact with him. You shyly grinned in his direction, he shook his head, smirked, then closed his eye again to return to his nap.Nami of course, noticed all of this and rolled her eyes at you.
“Y/N?” Nami angrily urged.
“Oh sorry Nami, I was just thinking about a funny part of my journey getting here. How’d you get back?”
“Sure you were.” She replied. “Well I better go meet Usop. You can tell me all about your trip when I get back.” She said with a wink.
You waved goodbye to her and she headed off the ship, toward the island. When you looked back in Zoro’s direction he was gone. You talk with Franky for a few more minutes, then finally excuse yourself to go unpack. You couldn’t wait to get settled and reunite with the rest of the crew. In the midst of unpacking you suddenly felt a presence behind you. You turned around and sure enough Zoro was standing in your doorway. His arms were crossed and his gaze directed at his arms in front of him.
“Hey.” You said as you refold a shirt and set it on your bed.
“Two years is a pretty long time…” Zoro began.
“Yeah, it is… but being back on the Sunny… it feels like we left only yesterday.”
“I couldn’t agree more, and well I seem to remember us doing an interesting workout before we left….”
Your breath caught in your throat. Zoro’s blank expression formed a cocky smirk as he noticed your body tense up. He stood tall from leaning against the doorway and pulled the door shut behind him. He walked toward you as you turned to face him head on.
“Zoro, I…” You start.
Zoro walked past you and sat down on your bed, still not looking at you. He leaned back on his hands.
“Two years, and I haven’t been able to do a workout as well as that one… Think maybe we could try it again?” He said as he glanced at you, with his one eye to see your reaction.
“Two years is a long time to go without a proper workout… Guess we have a lot to make up for.” You said as you moved to stand in front of him, your lips twisted devilishly as you stared down at him.
He reached up with one hand and grabbed you by the waist. You gasped as he pulled you to sit upon his toned lap. His chapped lips pressed against yours. Fingers danced up and down your torso. Your hands wrapped around his neck and started fingering through his hair. He pulled back from your lips a string of saliva between you. You both chuckled as you stared at one another. He was more muscular than he was two years ago and maybe a bit rougher around the edges. You weren’t sure what he had been through these past two years, but in that moment you realized he was still the same Zoro from two years ago.
“Let’s see what two years of training has done for you…” You begin with a smirk.
Pre-time skip Moment:
Luffy had ridden the ferris wheel alone with Cami, your fear of heights prevented you from joining them. After his ride with Cami, Luffy insisted on taking you. Luffy asked Chopper, Pappagu, Hatchan, and Brook if it was okay, and if they would look out for Cami while he was gone, they agreed. You rode the ride alone with him only to freak out at the ride's peak height. Luffy had no idea what to do, so he kissed you. He quickly pulled away apologizing to a stunned you. Once you had realized what had happened, you pressed your lips back against his. The two of you shared a passionate makeout session, but were interrupted by the sound of Chopper yelling about a yummy snack as the ride got close to the ground. Luffy rushed to the window to see what the ruckus was and he got too excited about food, to talk with you about what just happened. When the ride docked, he grabbed your hand and pulled you off the ride towards the food. Then while you and your crewmates were distracted by food, Cami got kidnapped and well the rest of the events of the arc occurred.
Post-Time Skip:
Luffy was the last to arrive at the Sunny, and he was being chased by the navy when he arrived. You watched him from the deck as he ran towards the ship. You couldn’t help but grin at seeing your reckless captain getting himself into trouble again. You stared on in awe as he, Zoro, and Sanji approached the ship. Your thoughts were interrupted by Nami yelling for assistance to prepare for departure. You and the rest of the crew quickly sprung into action to help prepare the Sunny for your ocean descent to Fishman Island.
Zoro and Sanji made it to the Sunny and you greeted them both with quick hugs. Luffy made it on board, but before you got the chance to hug him, cannon fire began to target Sunny. You and some of your crewmates started to panic. Zoro and Sanj prepared to begin deflecting the cannon fire. You looked out at the encroaching ships and noticed another one nearby that was not one of the marines. One of your crewmates mentioned it, because it moved into the path between your ship and the marines, causing the marines' cannon fire to stop. That’s when Luffy informed you all he had spent the past two years on or near the Island of Women with the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock.
Usop and Sanji took turns trying to see the pirate empress with their binoculars and swooning at the idea of being stranded with her. This information and watching your other crewmates melt at the idea of Luffy’s adventure made your heart ache with jealousy. Yes, you’d been apart from Luffy and knew you hadn’t talked about your kiss, but it had meant something to you. Two years hadn’t changed your feelings, frankly seeing Luffy only rekindled them. Maybe though, two years and losing Ace had changed things for him. More gun and cannon fire awoke you from your thoughts and you helped the crew protect the Sunny. Thankfully Luffy’s friend, Boa Hancock, helped you all escape.
As you descend into the depths of the ocean, you and the crew caught up a bit. You learned more about Luffy’s adventures. You wandered towards the Sunny's figurehead. The rest of the crew chatted on the main deck or went to finish unpacking their things for the next leg of the journey. You stared into the abyss that was the ocean in front of you and thought of your dreams, and of Luffy. Your thoughts were shortly interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Y/N.” Luffy said with a large grin.
You felt his stretched arms wrap around you and pull you across the top deck into his embrace. You softly laughed at the familiarity as you turned to look into his eyes, his arms returning to normal at your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace. After a few seconds, you dropped your hands to his chest, gazing upon his new scar before returning your gaze to his onyx orbs.
“Luffy… Luffy I’m so sorry about Ace. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” You sais as your eyes started to glisten with tears.
Luffy pulled you back into his chest. Your smile widened at his action causing you to let out a chuckle, as a few tears dripped down your face.
“You shouldn’t be comforting me! I should be comforting you.” You added, pulling back from the hug again. “I know how important he was to you.”
“Thanks, Y/N. The past two years haven’t been easy.” Luffy said, as he still held onto your waist, but directed his gaze into the ocean. “I’m sorry I selfishly took them. A friend of mine reminded me, I still had a reason to pursue my dream… this crew… So I took two years to get stronger to make sure that could never happen again… because, Y/N… Y/N if I lost you…” Luffy looked down at his hands and he gripped your waist tighter. “My dream couldn’t come true, because my dream isn’t my dream without you by my side.” He said as he looked back up to meet your stare.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You replied as a soft smile grew upon your pink lips.
“Good. Then I’ve been waiting two years to do something.” He said, a devious smile forming across his face.
Luffy pulled your waist against his with one hand and placed the other on your cheek. He gently pulled your lips to his. His lips were warm and soft against yours. Once the initial shock wore off, you kissed him back, settling your arms around his neck to pull him deeper into you. Your lips parted slowly allowing his tongue to slip inside. Your impassioned kiss on the top deck of the ship lasted a few minutes only to be interrupted by Nami.
“Hey lovebirds! There’s something following us!” Nami yelled.
You looked past Luffy’s shoulder and noticed a ship quickly approaching the Sunny. Luffy stretched his neck to look behind him, a big toothy grin forming on his face as he looked out. He laughed.
“I can handle anything the New World throws at us, as long as you and the rest of this crew stay by my side. It’s good to be back.” Luffy said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the rear deck.
Moment before Dressrosa:
Law had just announced to you, and the rest of the Heart pirates, that he wanted you to take the Polar Tang to Zou, while he dealt with an important mission elsewhere. He left out a lot of details, but he informed you that the next day you’d be dropping him off at Punk Hazard then continue on to Zou without him. The entire crew gasped at the announcement and grew upset. Law in classic Law fashion, reminded them it was an order and as members of his crew they had to do as he instructed. The crew agreed, but reminded him they weren't happy about it. You, being especially close with your captain, as the only nurse on his crew, went to his quarters that night to demand more of an explanation. However, many of your crewmates, mainly Bepo, had the same idea. You didn’t get a chance to confront Law until the next day. You caught Law in his quarters and he allowed you to come in to talk to him. The two of you got into a heated argument about his plans, which ended with a passionate kiss initiated by him. Unfortunately, your kiss was interrupted by the Bepo knocking on the door to inform Law you’d arrived at Punk Hazard. Law stepped away from you, apologized, and exited the ship. You chased after him yelling, but you were ignored and Law exited the ship. Once on the deck, he used his room ability to teleport himself to the island. You, Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo all cried as you watched Law walk off.
Reunited at Zou:
You had gotten word via News Coo of the events at Dressrosa and were proud of your captain for his actions. He was alive and that was the most important thing. However, it had been months since he had left you and the rest of the Heart Pirates to go off on his own. You were still missing a lot of information on why he left. He didn’t explain why he had to go, where he had to go, or why he had kissed you before he left. Had he only explained that kiss, maybe you wouldn’t have been so mad. When news reached you from the Minks of the arrival of some intruders and to be on guard, you knew it was him. Your heart warmed at the thought of being reunited with your captain. Butterflies danced in your stomach and your thoughts soared into hopes of getting an explanation for that kiss. You finished tying the string around your neck of the tightfitting yellow dress one of the minks had given to you and walked outside at the sound of cheers.
Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin found him first, no surprise. You allowed the rest of the crew to swarm him when he made it to the Guardians layer. You watched from afar as your crewmates hugged Law, his body tensing with every touch. You smiled and giggled as they began asking him a million questions about the Strawhats and Dressrosa.
“That’s enough. Meet me inside and I’ll answer all of your questions. I’ll put my stuff down then meet you in the main room.” He said shortly as he tossed his sword back over his shoulder.
“So glad to have you back, Captain!” Bepo called as he headed into the Guardian’s layer.
“Yeah, Captain. Can’t wait to tell you about what we’ve been up to.” Penguin said.
“Glad you’re okay, Captain.” Shachi added.
You walked inside with Jean Bart, both of you guessing at what could be the next adventure for you and your crew. The crew had planned a surprise celebration for Law’s return once you’d received news about the events at Dressrosa. The early warning of intruders on Zou, that the minks had received that morning provided you and the crew ample time to cook and decorate. You had been the mastermind of course, and you knew Law would pretend to hate it, but he’d actually appreciate it. Besides, it had been so long since you had seen him, you had started to wonder if he would come back at all. Planning this event gave you and your crewmates a glimmer of hope. Before you could go check on the final details, you noticed a blue circle form around you. Suddenly, you were in a hallway standing in front of Law.
“C-C-Captain.” You stuttered, surprised to suddenly be looking in the face of the man who crossed your mind every second of every day for the past year, since you had joined his crew.
“I didn’t see you when I first arrived.” He said flatly as he stared at you blankly.
“Yeah, well, I hung back, I thought I could catch you later. Everyone was so excited to have you back. I….” You replied, rubbing the back of your head as the butterflies in your stomach frenzied.
“You weren’t?”
He glanced down at the space between you and placed his hand in his pocket. You took a step closer to him.
“Law… I” You started, tears beginning to form in your eyes. “I just needed a minute to know that it was real… That you were real.”
He looked up at you, breath catching in his chest as he saw the tears forming in your eyes. You took a deep breath.
“I’m so happy to see you, but I’m pissed at you.” You said as you shoved his shoulder. “How could you leave like that? We saw the alliance in the papers and… I.”
“I said I’d come back.” He replied, his eyes darting to meet yours, then to study the ground before him.
You sighed and turned your head. He looked exhausted. Taking down Doflamingo couldn’t have been easy, you had just wished he had let you be there to help.
“I haven’t been on this crew long, Captain… but Law, I like to think I know you a little bit… and you didn’t mean it.” You voiced with furrowed brows.
You stared at him longingly, heart sinking as the silence grew around you in the empty hallway. You wiped a tear from your cheek and swallowed hard, stepping away from him.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Captain.” You said with a sigh. Now, the crew has planned a celebration for your return, try to be nice”. You replied as you wiped your cheeks and began to walk away from him.
A hand caught your wrist causing you to gasp. The hand whirled you around and moved to your chin, where suddenly, soft chapped lips were against yours. Your chest tightened and heart soared as his other hand moved to rest upon your waist. You blinked your eyes a few times, letting them soften closed as you tilted your head into his kiss. The rise and fall of your chest accelerated as you parted your lips open and began pressing back against his. Your hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him deeper into your embrace. A few minutes passed before the two of you broke apart gasping for air. A string of saliva still connected your lips.
He dropped his hands to your waist and watched the rise and fall of your chest. You stared at his lips, desperately wanting them back against yours, but you knew you had to return to your crew. Law’s teeth clenched and he tightened his grip on your waist.
“I just needed you safe. It was my mission. I was willing to die for it, but I wasn’t willing to take you down with me.” He spoke between pants.
“Captain, don’t I get to decide who and what I live or die for?” You responded as you rested your forehead against Law’s.
“I thought… I told you to call me Law in private.” He said with a smirk.
“Don’t think that…one kiss gets you off the hook. You better behave yourself at this celebration and tell us everything.” You raised your eyebrows at him sternly as you spoke.
“I thought I was the one who gave the orders around here.” He replied as his hands began roaming your waist and torso.
“You’ve been gone a long time and someone had to take charge. Maybe I don’t want to give it up?” You replied with a laugh. “Well behave and after the celebration, I’ll let you order me around back in your quarters. You are the only person I take orders from.”
You deviously smirked at Law and walked down the hallway.
“Y/N, nice dress by the way. Suits you… But I think it will look better on my floor.”
“As you wish, Captain.” You replied, turning around to salute him as you did.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
A Straw hat Pirates x Past Roger's Pirates Crewmember!Mitsuri Reader. Mabye, when they came to Sabaody Archipelago Reader was talking with Shakky and they met the Reader.
-You had been with Shakky, wanting to see Rayleigh again, as you would wander the world, seeking out your old crew members, at least the ones who were still alive, to visit them, to see how they were doing.
-Those you visited all knew this, knowing of your kind and caring nature, as they all adored you for it, even if they didn’t always say it, like Buggy, who was always so shy with you for some reason?
-You were much like Shakky, very well put together and you didn’t look like your actual age, which led to lots of surprises when people would hit on you, and you would tell them your actual age. You thought it was rather cute when they got surprised.
-Shakky was a good friend of yours, and she adored seeing you, she would always tease Rayliegh that you liked her better, which would cause some amusing arguments, but you knew they were just poking fun at each other.
-When the door swung open, revealing a group of younger looking pirates, including a talking skeleton and a talking reindeer.
-Instantly you had Chopped in your arms, “You’re so cute!!” at first, he was struggling to get free, but you smelled like something sweet, the Sakura mochi you were always eating, fighting a losing battle before you handed him a cotton candy stick from Shakky who couldn’t help but smile, thinking you were just as adorable.
-Brook, after he introduced himself to you, was amusing, as he wanted to be hugged like that too. He nearly melted when you let Chopper go and you opened your arms, a huge smile on your face, “You’re so sweet, wanting a hug too!”
-The moment his skull rested against your chest, which was mostly bare, he melted, blood coming from the holes of his nose, falling to the ground, overcome with elation.
-You liked the vibe of Luffy, as you knew of him through Ace, whom you knew was Roger’s son, you were one of the few who knew that secret, as you met Ace years ago, when you were visiting Roger’s grave, and you found him there as well.
-The two of you bonded, once he realized that you were one of Roger’s crew members, and you held him when he broke down, crying harshly, ashamed of his lineage, feeling responsible for the death of his mother, after he found out the truth of his birth.
-Luffy was elated to meet you, after he took some time trying to figure out where he knew you from, but once he did, he leapt up, hugging you close and you squealed, spinning him easily around.
-He could easily tell that you were incredibly strong, despite not looking like it, but hugged you back, feeling so warm and safe in your arms.
-When Luffy told you that they were looking for Rayleigh as well, needing him to coat their ship so they could get to Fishman Island, you offered to show them to where he likes to hang out.
-You could have never imagined that this fated meeting would have led to this, watching Luffy punch out a Celestial Dragon, then helping them fight against the marines, only to watch them be blown away by Kuma.
-When you tried to attack Kuma, he let you hit him, throwing him back against a tree before he got up, ‘accidentally’ dropping something, and left, going after other pirates.
-You found it was a note, one that made your blood run cold, ‘Ace will be executed’ NOT ON YOUR WATCH!!!
-Despite the rivalry the Roger Pirates had with Whitebeard’s own, they welcomed your help, knowing that you were very soft on Ace, and you weren’t going to let a child be executed just because he’s Roger’s son.
-You quickly showed why your bounty was so high, taking out many of the marines, including several of the giants, by yourself, giving the pirates an edge.
-When Luffy arrived, you couldn’t help but smile, seeing that he was alright before you cleared a path for him to get to Ace.
-You nearly lost your life in that battle, holding Aikinu’s hand away from Ace, letting it burn you, your eyes like fire as you surprised him by not melting or burning, as your passionate love was keeping you safe.
-When Shanks arrived, stopping the war, he was the one who took you on his ship, while Law and Marco took Luffy and Ace.
-You cried loudly when you learned that Whitebeard died, remaining so everyone could get to safety, feeling like you had failed him, but Marco, who had healed your severe burn, as your skin had melted, after a while, down to the bone.
-Shanks was pouting, jealous as you were hugging Marco who was trying not to cry, after you snatched him into your arms while he was healing you- he wanted hugs too!!
-Ace, once he knew Luffy was stable, rushed into your arms, and you smiled as Luffy ran to you as well, hugging you as well, which made you smile, happy tears slipping down your cheeks, happy that you were able to save Ace, and keep Luffy happy.
-Rayleigh, who was nearly, wanting a hug as well, his arms folded across his chest, glaring daggers at Ace and Luffy, pouting comically that they were hogging you, in his eyes, which caused laughter to go around.
-They all loved and adored you just as you all adored and loved all of them.
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general-cyno · 9 months
Something that fascinates me about Zolu is how the relationship is full of opposites (pirate and pirate hunter, god and demon, two kings in their own right) and at the same time is clearly about complements (sun and moon, captain and first mate, king and knight, devotion and faith). I really feel that Zoro walks a fine line in which he can be an equal for Luffy (starting from their similarities in things as simple as their lack of orientation, the indomitable will that the two have that separates them from the rest) while still being his second, his right hand, one of his wings and, in my opinion, the cornerstone of his crew. It's a relationship that could be of rivals or equals or enemies or lovers or best friends or...
I don't have much to add bc you laid it out perfectly but YESSS! their relationship is just so good from all the different angles you can view it from, and the multiple layers it has despite how simple or effortless they make it seem when interacting with one another. I'd also say though it's perhaps a little contradictory? that zoro and luffy understanding and complementing each other as much as they do (despite some of the thematic opposites they have as well) is exactly what allows zoro to stand as his second and find purpose in following/tying his own dream and goals to luffy's instead of just striking out of his own, just like it allows luffy to trust and rely on him the crazy way he does in turn.
tbh when it comes to these two I don't really think them being equals or not has to do with strength. ultimately, luffy will always be as strong as the plot needs him to be and stronger than his crewmates and fellow captains in the kind of raw fighting power he excels at against the enemies he faces. any other weaknesses or shortcomings he may have or whatever battles he can't fight bc he's focusing on the local biggest bad - that's what the straw hats and the allies he's made along the way are for.
BUT. for example, the one person who's absorbed luffy's pain and exhaustion in the most literal and physical way possible, all while protecting the entire crew but especially luffy himself as well, is zoro. and the most recent chapters have only highlighted how special this is, from kuma's pov, even though it's been years (within the story and irl) since it happened.
roger and rayleigh are also a good point of comparison imo. ray's basically known as a legend second only to roger himself and he was still very much his partner, no matter if roger was technically stronger. now, for crew dynamics reasons I don't think zoro and luffy will directly call each other the same but there's very obvious parallels between these four so there's that too.
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
(Sorry everyone)(also you can tell I wrote this on my phone for two hours at 3am?)
Sanji who grew up in the All Blue. Judge and Sora being loving and caring parents for their five kids. They fish and cook and are happy. When Reiju turns eight she is gifted a forever post to the All Blue and the same with 1234ji. The kids are all normal and play and swim and dive. Sora tells the kids stories of pirates who made it to Laughtale, the closest island to them, but they didn't make it to the All Blue. No one has made it except Judge and Sora, escaped royals presumed dead.
It's hard to get to their home after all. You have to make it through the Grand Line and find the caves in the calm belts that lead to a massive crater in the Redline that the All Blue resides. Sora has met those pirates that made it to Laughtale though, kind and larger than life and just. 01234 love listening to Sora's stories and Judge smiles from the kitchen as he listens.
Sanji is the best diver in his family, bringing up so much shellfish or kelp or seed pods or anything. They're happy. And then a seaking fucks with them in the calm belt when they're out for some reason and Sanji is separated and lost his forever post. He has no idea about his family and he's in the East Blue and sobbing as he gets onto the orbit and begs for a job.
Canon happens and everything is normal up until Alabasta where Ace has Niji with him and they're sobbing and hugging and like "I thought you were dead!" "I thought YOU were dead!"
"Do you have your post?"
"No, do you?"
Everyone is watching these two and Ace eventually asks Sanji if his dream is to also find the All Blue and Sanji nods. Turns out Niji was found by the White Beard fleet and has been trying to find his family while Sanji has been at the most popular restaurant in the world trying to find out about his family. And then they explain they're brothers and they got separated from their family on the calm belt. Sanji asks if Niji has seen anyone else and he shakes his head but they exchange Mushi numbers so they can keep in touch.
And they do keep each other updated up until Sanji is sent to Kamabakka by Kuma and Niji is with Luffy at Marineford and they save Ace. Luffy explains a few days later he doesn't know where any of his crew is because of Kuma. And then Jozu explains someone is here and it's Yonji, in a marine uniform. And Niji is tackling him because brother? But Marine?
"yeah, sorry, I defected and didn't have other clothes, glad youre alive, where is Sanji, Reiju, and Ichiji?" Yonji asks as he wrestles Niji to the point of sitting on him and Ace and Luffy are confused there's another one.
"No forever post?" Niji asks instead.
"No shit, dumbass, where are the others? Mom? Dad?" Yonji demands fisting his hands into Niji's shirt and them rolling around and fighting more.
When the Strawhats get back together Ace, Niji, and Yonji are the newest recruits. Rayleigh is telling Ace he's glad he's alive and then looks at 234ji and is like "are, are you kids happened to be related to a couple named Judge and Sora?"
"Yeah, those are our parents. The dead prince and princess of Germa!" Yonji grins.
"And they live on Laughtale?" Rayleigh asks hesitantly.
"No, the All Blue." The three brothers answer instantly and Rayleigh feels like having a heart attack.
"You can only get into through the calm belts, it's really hard and tedious but there was something we had to get but a sea king kind of ruined it and now we're trying to get home." Niji explains.
"Yeah! There's two more of us, Ichiji is the oldest of us boys and Reiju is our older sister." Sanji tacks on. Zoro is having a heart attack. There are four other shitcooks? He's fucked. He's so fucked and Nami thinks they're all gonna perv on her but they don't, even Sanji has chilled the fuck out and says hes just started lying to Zeff after training where he was which, what the fuck does that mean?
Once again it's all pretty normal, turns out Reiju is with Sabo in the Revolutionary Army and she gets the crews numbers so that they can keep he updated at the cabin and Law is asking what's going because they sent Sanji and Yonji ahead after Sanji's fight with Doflamingo and Sabo is like "okay well Ace and Luffy are my brothers, how the fuck do you know these people?"
"I don't, Niji is my little brother and they sent Sanji and Yonji ahead according to Law." Reiju tells the Chief of Staff.
"So what's the All Blue like? You have more memories since you're the oldest, right?" Zoro asks and Reiju smiles a serene smile Sabo and Koala have never seen on her face.
"Well, there's fish from all four blues and more. Spices and plants never seen nor tasted. It's the bluest blue you'll ever see..." She tells them all about it and Niji is smiling too, chirping in with stories. Niji makes sure she doesn't have a post either. Sabo also spends a lot of time hugging Ace and Luffy and Ace gives him a piece of his vivre card.
They get to Zou and Yonji and Sanji have been kidnapped by Gramma and Grampa Vinsmoke who test on them. Yonji is like "I think that was worse than being a marine" and Sanji is just like "I think it was worse than being at Baratie"
And Luffy is like "oh by the way your sister is gonna call soon" and is promptly tackled by the boys. Brook complains he didn't get to meet her as does Nami. When they get to Wano, still everything is the same just with extra people helping here or there. Niji tells them about Reiju talking about the All Blue and Luffy complains he wasn't awake for it. So they describe it and tell stories and Nami says the way they describe the water reminds her of their eyes.
"They're our mom's" Yonji smiles at her.
"So why do you three have different hair?" Chopper asks.
"Technically we don't, we dye it. Sanji's hair just never took the dye because he was in the water the most." Niji grins and ruffles Sanji's hair.
"So you guys really are from the All Blue?" Law double checks because first he's heard about Germa but now the All Blue exists.
"Yeah! It's shitty cuz there's a lot of spices there that are found only there and I can't ever quite replicate them." Sanji nods.
"So where do you think Ichiji is?" Yonji asks.
"Well, maybe he's with Mom and dad?" Sanji shrugs.
"Man that'd be cool." Niji sighs.
"Im stuck in you guys dying your hair." Ace admits.
"Well, we kind of had to, outside of Sanji having opposite curled brows we're identical." Niji says.
"We're quadruplets." Yonji says and Zoro almost asphyxiates on his drink.
"Bless your mother." Law breathes. "What technologies did they use?"
"Dude we lived in a floating house with a floating green house and like two desks with some microscopes. This was all natural." Niji says.
"What the fuck, what the fuck, the fuck is wrong with your family, good fuck." Law murmurs as the brothers laugh and Chopper says he wants to do a check up on their mom when they meet. They meet Ichiji towards the end of Wano since he's kind of Kaido's personal assistant and Yamato and Ace are very happy to see each other and they see Ichiji's chance for escape and he's holding his three brothers and everything.
And then they head off to continue on their way to make Luffy the Pirate King. Franky manages to replicate the Marine Tech that allows them to cross the calm belt and they send Ichiji and Yonji off to make sure Sora and Judge are alive and if so be able to house them. Sanji wishes he could go with and so does Niji but they have duties to fulfill and on the way to Laughtale Sanji and Niji tell them all about it again.
After Luffy is crowned and Shanks and Rayleigh and everyone is there and then Luffy demands they go to the All Blue next which Shanks finds ridiculous and Buggy is calling Luffy dumb but Sanji and Niji are pointing and Nami is looking at her bracelet and is like "okay, lead the way men" and they do any then their like "oh yeah, we need to worry about the sea kings this is their breeding grounds btw" and Shanks and Rayleigh go to work bullying sea kings as Sanji and Niji manage to guide the Sunny and call directions to the other boats cuz the caves are pure rapids that spit out into calmer waters. It's like a solid week sail from Laughtale to the All Blue. Everyone is looking around and Sanji and Niji immediately jump in the water and in the distance there's a floating house. With the boat Franky built. Sanji sky walks over and Niji curses him as he gets back on the boat.
Ace flies Niji and Luffy gum gum rockets after them despite Zoro yelling. When they lay anchor close to the house and boat over and see parents crying and holding their son's and then they start thanking Luffy and the crews and while Shanks and his crew are trying to like not take credit and Buggy is like "why the fuck are you praising us? What the fuck?" And Judge is catching up with Rayleigh.
Reiju shows up not too long after with Sabo and Koala and they throw a massive party where everyone is fishing or diving or gathering spices and stuff and Sanji takes Luffy into the water to float and Luffy is zapped from the water but Sanji won't let him drown.
Sanji's dream was just always getting home, to his family, to the place where they were safe.
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loganwritesprobably · 4 months
Cross Guild Future Members
Working on a fic series that largely centres around the Cross Guild, not as a throuple but as a pirate crew and it's making me ask the question: who else will join?
Watching theory videos recently makes me feel pretty secure in the idea that Moria and Doflamingo will join, perhaps Weevil.
Other names that get thrown into the ring are, naturally, the other remaining ex-warlords.
Kuma is dead, Jinbe is a strawhat, Blackbeard is a captain in his own right in the race for the One Piece, which I feel rules them out automatically
So then the question becomes.. where do people stand on Law and Hancock? I've seen Law joining Cross Guild gain traction as a theory, especially following the aftermath of his battle with Blackbeard, if he and Bepo are the only survivors, (even if that is only true temporarily).. but I'm not super sold? I mean, he's betting on Luffy if anyone, surely? He wants it for himself, of course, not to be Pirate King necessarily but for answers on the past but if he were to pick a second best who he can trust to give him what he wants - surely that's Luffy?
Hancock.. has a whole island to lead. She has a crew, and they notoriously do not trust men. Amazon Lily and men do not mix. Cross Guild is like 98% men, and even that feels generous. I don't think she'd abandon the Kuja pirates either - but then she worked with the Warlords so could she agree to a temporary alliance to keep her people safe? They were attacked by marines, and by Blackbeard, and if not for Rayleigh.. well.
What do people think? I'm just not sold on it all
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majestick-posts-op · 3 months
My personal list for the top 10 hottest men in one piece
10) Killer.
Even with that mask he was still able to pull and the 50% of his bandaged covered face already showed us something beautiful.
9) Ace.
If we're talking about Alabasta Ace then he's a disgustingly hot bastard. He hasn't showered in 3 weeks and I love him. Wano Ace is a dead wife <3
8) Kuma
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7) Sabo
Unhinged type of hot. He has victorian gentleman drip but at the same time he'll take me with him to cause a revolution and while he looks at me with blood on his face and those blue eyes that stare into your soul I'll know he's the one.
6) Luffy
Wano did things...
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Do I have to remind it to anyone?
5) Franky
You guys I am so envious of Robin actually. She gets a multifuntion cyborg husbands who shots lasers out of his nipples and cola from his ass. Peak masculinity.
4) Usopp
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If only he wasn't whitewhashed :(
3) Yamato
Bold of him to keep his tits after coming out as a man. Definetly adds to the great completion.
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2) Jimbei.
Was canonically refered to as handsome by Robin. Do I need to say more?
Honorable mentions:
Law (If he had more mushroom drip I would have added him)
Buggy (Didn't include him because the "man" part probably doesn't suit them entirely)
Corasan (More cute than hot but he's there)
Rayleigh (Aged like diamonds underpressure)
Penguin (He's so fine for what?? Drowning him??? I'm still pissed)
1) Brook.
Nothing needs to be said at all.
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sanjiaftersex · 2 months
Pre-timeskip thoughts :
I just finished pre-timeskip and before i get into fishmen arc here are some thoughts
Favorite Strawhat : Sanji, Luffy
Favorite non-Strawhat : nefertari vivi, Bonclay
Other characters I liked : Dr Kureha (girlboss), the baratie workers, portgas d Ace (*sobs uncontrollably*), Hachi the octopus, Vivi's duck karoo, boa hancock, Rayleigh, ivankov HEEHAW,
Favourite friendships : zoro-luffy, zoro-chopper, sanji-ace (sobs uncontrollably), nami-usopp, Luffy-vivi, Luffy-bon chan
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Favorite island : Little Garden, Water 7
Favorite Villains :
Captain Kuro and the kuro neko pirates were good and i liked the unique fighting style they had (siam and buchi, then jango was hilarious as hell etc)
Don krieg was the scum of earth but he made the story progress into something more serious and thrilling.
Sawtooth Arlong, the fishmen were all intimidating as hell and the whole arc was filled to the brim with excitement
The Baroque works concept was very cool with all the code names and i felt eager to find out the powers of the duos being revealed slowly. I liked Ms. Goldenweek and Ms doublefinger and would love to see more of them in the future. Finally Crocodile served well as a villain and later as an ally.
Skypiea Eneru (enel?idk) was so formidable and his power was so very unique from all the villains up till that arc, so it was very refreshing to watch. Plus the priests and their fighting style was a good introduction to haki (called as mantra) and its influence in a fight. (Strawhats' fight with satori was fun HOH HO HO).
CP9 were all parts of ruthless and annoying about their government assigned crimes but i like that Chapapa guy the most, he's cute asf and Rob Lucci turning into a tiger gave me a shock lmao. But damn rob lucci as a shipwright was some hot shit
Aokiji gave me blood pressure from how angry he makes me but him letting go off robin in water 7 and all that time ago in ohara, he has left an impression and I'm looking forward to find out more about him
Bartholomew Kuma gave me the HOLY FUCK OH SHIT OH GOD FUCK HE IS HERE AGAIN jolts but then turned out to be a nice person with mysterious lore that im eager to find out so he deserves a place here. Plus his paw paw power is cute
Perona's negative hollow power was hilarious and she's a nice cutie girl who considers zoro a boytoy like me and Luffy so that's a plus
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Favourite devil fruit power so far : tori tori no mi : model phoenix (marco) i like the flight and his regeneration power
Favourite moments : Enies Lobby Sogeking shooting down the govt flag as the strawhats announce war against them, sabaody archipelago Luffy punching a celestial dragon (GOAT Luffy), marineford Luffy punching Garp (GOAT LUFFY), Luffy crying after Ace's death, Luffy punching bellamy
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Favourite fights : Luffy vs kuro pirates, Luffy vs Crocodile final battle in alabasta, Sanji on the train fighting that ramen guy, zoro vs hachi, little garden final battle
a few tears may or may not have been shed : Chopper's backstory, going merry funeral, little Luffy being kidnapped :(, marineford ace-Luffy
Best arc : Arlong, Little garden, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark (i love spooky things and tb was hilarious)
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Thoughts on the Strawhats :
Luffy : I've grown to love him a lot. His innocence, childlike excitement and badbitchery have rizzed me up, your honor. Also he is a musical genius, minami no shimawa has been SOTY for decades. Plus I really love Luffy's eating moments. He looks so cute and stupid and it melts my heart so much i know a Luffy mukbang show would go SO HARD
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Zoro : His backstory felt a bit lukewarm but he later made up for everything. He turned out to be so thoughtful, brave and selfless, especially, zoro's character got new dimension during water 7 saga and ofc thriller bark zoro is one for the history books.
Nami : at first she irked me a bit, but after knowing her backstory, I started loving her. She's strong, resourceful, selfless and smart.
Usopp : his quirks, especially during the G-8 filler arc after skypiea, Usopp's CONDORRRIANO still cracks me up like no other. And him getting all the protective religious gears and garlic necklace when he saw Brook, was hilarious.
Chopper : little baby, soft fuzzy and dumb as fuck but has been so so traumatized. Also Tony Tony chopper has to be the cutest name anyone has ever been given, little baby is always too hard on himself (typical capricorn) and needs to chill.
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Franky : I love his dance routines, and his franky family was cool as well. I once even followed one of his routines he does after he landed in the karakuri island (it was a good hip movement after binging one piece for HOURS). Also i miss mozu and kiwi dance icons
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Robin : She filled me with rage during water 7, but after her backstory, I understood her more. She's cute and her nihilistic outlook on life is hilarious
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Sanji : PERFECTION. He took my heart even before baratie (I saw a person doing leg karate in one of the openings and couldn't wait to meet him). His initial backstory (the starvation and zeff) moved me,and based on that i can see how thoughtful and kind he is. I can't wait to discover more about this wonderful character in depth. His badbitchery with fullbody, His kindness with Gin and don Krieg, the unique way he fights - he had me from the very first appearance. And I can't believe he has more depth to his already beautiful complex character. look at my pretty boy
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Brook : i love how polite but chaotic he is and how easily he blends in with the strawhats. And i absolutely love how open minded Luffy was with Brook, and their interactions crack me UP.
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General thoughts about op :
- op keeps me on my toes with the constant new islands, the new characters, both allies and villains, being gradually introduced feels very refreshing and thrilling
- Even the Strawhats slowly joined with a fun (sometimes sad) story. The introduction with a fresh face and the development of a new friendship felt good and didn't jumble my brain with too much information at the same time
- I love the dynamics of the strawhats and how wholesome all of them are in their own ways
- The summit war wasn't as exciting as i was expecting, it felt too drawn out and the constant switch between different fight scenes and fighting parties made things feel unfinished. On that note, whitebeard and his pirates were disappointing asf
- Excited to see more of Bartholomew Kuma, shanks, crocodile, mihawk, ivankov, perona, captain kidd, Law
- Bon chan is GOAT and i better be seeing him soon
Looking forward to see what the series has in store for me <3
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galleylapresident · 3 months
You know what, I'm not done with the CP9 defects to the Straw Hats during Enies Lobby concept. I've specifically been thinking about the Impel Down and Marineford ARCs.
I said previously that the Saobody and Thriller Bark arcs would go the same and I do stand by that, but I think at least one of the CP9 crew would end up at Impel Down during Saobody. Lucci is the best bet since he has the worst reputation and I highly doubt that Kuma would let one interaction change his mind about that.
Either way, Luffy breaks Lucci out during the whole escape and Lucci gets to witness(again) the sheer depths Luffy will go to save people be cares about. Witnessing Bon Clay's belief in Luffy and how Luffy beats the poison, Lucci genuinely starts to believe Luffy can do everything he sets out to.
The biggest change at Marineford would be that the addition of Lucci(and Kaku, who Kuma sent to Whitebeard because Kaku looks like he needs a father figure) they manage to save Ace. Whitebeard still dies though because I genuinely believe he didn't expect to get out of that alive.
I haven't decided where the other CP9 agents would end up, but seeing Lucci and Kaku at Luffy's side when Ace is rescued would more than convince them to come back in 3D2Y in case they have any doubts.
I do know, however, that Lucci, Kaku, and Luffy all train with Rayleigh to develop their Haki. During that time, Lucci and Kaku awaken their devil fruits.
For those concerned, Funkfreed was with Zoro when they got sent away and spent the timeskip on Kuraigana. Perona declared him "super cute" and helped him acclimate better to being both an elephant and a sword. Mihawk was fascinated by having a living sword and the idea that Funkfreed could theoretically be made into a black blade.
Also I've just decided that Fukurou spends the timeskip developing an information network that would make the Revolutionary Army intelligence operatives weep. Let him use his gossiping to maximum effect.
At least some of the CP9 agents escaped Kuma and spent the timeskip protecting the Sunny and beating the shit out of slavers. If anyone has any specific suggestions, I'm open to them!
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melonteee · 4 months
I think you're one of the only YouTubers I know who are willing to give Dragon the benefit of the doubt for not doing anything so far in the story. Seems like it all started ever since we found out nothing was done to save Ginny from the Celestial Dragons and that's where the comparisons with Fisher Tiger began (what FT did Vs what Dragon did in the story)
When it comes down to it, there are two big things about the situation that makes them very different. Firstly, FT did his raid exactly one year before Ginny was kidnapped (trying anything right after him was going to be more complicated unless you get extensive intel on the new security systems at Marie Geoise) and he relied heavily on what he knew of the place he's been enslaved in for years to pull an escape then a raid. Secondly, Ginny wasn't an ordinary slave, she was forcefully made the wife of a Celestial Dragon (perhaps even a god knight) and Saturn's own well kept test subject. So even if the Revolutionary Army tried anything right away or one to two years later after getting enough intel (in between the war they were helping out in at the time) and managed to succeed in freeing the slaves of Marie Geoise... Ginny might not have been one of them as she would have been kept elsewhere due to her "importance"
I also thought about the explosive collars and wondered if they haven't actually started being used within Marie Geoise AFTER Fisher Tiger's raid ? Boa's flashback only showed her and her sisters with them at the auction house while neither Kuma or his parents had those on in his flashback of Marie Geoise. Only in present time did we see slaves with the explosive collar on AFTER being brought (CB introduction at Sabaody) so unless you're a Haki user on Rayleigh's level (which would make manually removing every single one of them take forever and be super noisy) or have keys for all the collared slaves at MG, those things might explode before any slave could leave the place in any hasty raid (Camie's collar was very sensible to any removal attempt)
I'm giving Dragon the benefit of the doubt because, for One Piece, we just all have to be patient LMAO.
Oda doesn't like showing his whole hand when he writes, he's not a writer who rushes to get to the good bits, and Dragon will definitely have a point to everything he's doing. If we all just sit back and wait, we will get our answers and reasonings at some point.
Also good read! I don't really have anything to add though HAHA
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reineydraws · 4 months
Hello, I am the anon who theorized about Zoro's background. Now I'm thinking about the rest of the strawhats! But I understand if this is outside of your interests, since most of your op art is about akataka family
Today I got Sanji. (I expect him to be really good at figure skating, considering his fighting style!).
Childhood: Judge decided the boys would go into hockey and Reiju into figure skating. Sanji, however, did not perform well thanks to his father "teaching style". He actually favored figure skating and would practice it with his mom - Sora being a retired athlete. The rest of his family reacted badly to him liking a "girly" sport, but Reiju trained with him in secret.
Teen: under the guidance of Zeff, Sanji learns to love hockey. However, he started denying any love for figure skating after leaving his birth family. The rest of his brother all went into different winter sports
I imagine the pirates suffer a heavy loss, and everyone goes into specialized training (the time skip, if you will).
There comes the Kamabakka, which I imagine is an organized group of gender non-conforming people who are either:
A) Figure skaters
B) Hockey players with strong figure skating backgrounds
After training with them, his skating style gains much more speed (sky walking)
hello again anon!!! i am always interested in strawhat content haha, and zosan was actually my entering point (i just ended up latching hard onto akataka lol) so im totally happy to talk about this!
(btw this is anon's prev ask about zoro's bg in the op hockey au.)
i actually love the idea that sanji struggles with the gender stereotypes of it all, and how he starts with loving figure skating but ends up getting into hockey anyways! and i love the B option for the kamabakka!!! sanji learning to skate so fast it's like he's walking on the sky!!! 🤩 also the idea that they might do a drag-on-ice show... love.
and now im just thinking about a pirates team for-charity show put on with the help of the cross guild, where mihawk performs, but also gets zoro to do something and zoro finds out sanji also used to do figure skating and they end up doing a pairs thing together. also, sanji in a dress and figure skates... 💘
re: the "heavy loss" i've said before that ace probably ends up suffering a career-ending something bc of shitty ref akainu during a pirates vs whitebeards game, so i suppose i'm imagining less of a specialized training, and more of like an existential "what does this mean for our careers" sort of thing for the players, and the guilt they must feel.
and then rayleigh (or maybe kuma? who can be a sports counselor? who perhaps had trouble with some higher-ups trying to manipulate him into falsifying some health records so some players can keeo going even tho it wasn't recommended? idk) encourages them on the off-season to seek something else besides just hockey training, and luff goes with rayleigh, zoro ends up moving back in with his dad (mihawk) for the summer, and sanji discovers the kamabakka, etc etc etc.
but ye, love the food for thought! thanks for the ask!!!
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firaloveatea · 4 months
Corazon mets Neon
@sakura-rose12, I kinda took some inspiration from your WIP Comic. I hope you don't mind.
Thirteen years is a long time to go without seeing someone you love. Donquixote Rosinante, Corazon, by some, knew this statement well. Thirteen years ago, he left behind someone precious to him, locked in a treasure chest, while he bled out on the frozen ground. Now standing in Dressrosa with the man who raised him, Rosinante found himself looking at his cherished person, all grown up. Ragged, worn out and wounded from fighting Doflamingo, but alive. He survived that dreaded disease. Their hopes for the Op-Op fruit came true.
With Sengoku’s indirect blessing, turning his back, he raced after the Pirates, racing away from Dressrosa. Corazon called after Trafalgar Law, surprising the younger man by scooping him up and racing down the temporary dock built for the pirates' escape.
A pirate named Bartolomeo hosts most of the pirates, throwing a party over their victory in Dressrosa and creating the Straw Grand Fleet. Law, however, is not fully present in the festivities. His attention is solely on a young woman from the Straw Hat crew, Chaos Neon. Her legs are wrapped in bandages from her thighs to her feet, rendering her unable to walk without assistance. With his gentle touch and caring demeanor, Law takes the lead in this role, tending to her needs with the precision of a doctor and the tenderness of a friend.
A silent observer, Corazon can’t help but notice the profound affection in Law’s eyes when he is with Neon. The soft caresses of her cheek or hair as they converse. Resistance is absent when Neon leans against Law’s shoulder. Corazon discerns that something truly extraordinary has blossomed between the two young souls. It's in the way Law rests his head against hers, closing his eyes and finding solace in their shared presence.
It takes Corazon a few days to find Neon alone; between her crewmates fretting over her, Law also remains vigilant. He finds her leaning against the rail, watching the waves in the early morning sun. Sleeping, hungover pirates from the previous night's partying covered the deck, but she didn’t seem to mind. He carefully walks over, nearly tripping several limbs. A soft humming floats through the air the closer he gets to the young woman.
Corazon clears his throat so as not to startle her. “Chaos Neon?”
Her vibrant red eyes turned to meet his, curiosity lighting them up. Not a trace of fear was present, only a warm smile. “Corazon, it's a pleasure to meet you finally. Law has spoken so much about you.”
This shocks Corazon as he moves closer, sitting on the deck beside her. Law had told someone about him. Neon must have done some heavy work to get Law to open up to her, an impressive feat since it took him nearly six months for Law to open up to him. “I wanted to say thank you for caring about Law. I have been watching the past few days and couldn’t help but notice your bond.”
“Thank you for loving him first, Corazon,” she replies, returning to the sea. “I spent about two years with Law and the Heart Pirates.”
“After your captain punched a Celestial Dragon,” he nods; he knew the story of the Straw Hats disappearing from the world for two years before reemerging in Sabaody.
Neon giggles at the mention of that event: “Yup, Law saved me from getting arrested or warped off to some unknown island by Kuma. Then Silvers Rayleigh asked Law to train me in Haki and anything else he found useful.”
“That explains why he’s been caring for you so much since your injury,” Corazon replies, pulling out a cigarette. “How did you get such extensive wounds to your legs?”
“I fought Doflamingo and pissed him off several times for taking me hostage to use against my friends,” her voice is so casual, with hints of humor in it. “I gave him a tongue lashing he needed to hear.”
The confidence she must possess to stand up to a man like his brother. Corazon thinks about the known abilities the Marines had on this woman; she doesn’t have devil fruit powers. Haki isn’t a perfect armor or tool against someone as psychopathic as Doflamingo, but she did it. “Why?” is all the Corazon manages to say.
“To protect Law,” she admits. “Doflamingo knew that some relationship was between Law and me due to some Punk Hazard events, but I wasn’t scared. I didn’t care because I wouldn’t let him use me against Law, even if it was his biggest fear.” She turns to look at Corazon again. “I would give up my acrobatic abilities, my legs, or anything for Law. I would never regret it.”
“Neon!” Law’s voice calls, interrupting them. “You should be resting.”
The young woman turns, still leaning on the guardrail, “You cleared me for short walks and standing!”
Law marches over with a serious expression, but Neon doesn’t flinch. Instead, she reaches out and tugs on Corazon’s sleeve as if she wants him to see something. “She is using the rail, Law.” Corazon chimes in, trying to help her out to some degree.
“If you push yourself too much, your wounds won’t heal properly,” Law scolds, gently picking her up. “And it is time to change your bandages, maybe even remove them if Mansherry’s abilities sped up the healing process enough.”
“Hold on, don’t you want to introduce me to your father properly!” Neon protests.
Law’s face contorts in confusion, “You want Cora to know?”
“Do you want Corazon to know?” she flips the tables on him so easily.
Corazon smiles, “Law.” The Heart Pirate Captain looks at his father figure. “She’s good for you.”
“She can be like you,” he replies. “And I love her for that.”
Sengoku’s words echo in both men’s minds to go out and seek their happiness. A part of Law’s happiness was already at his side.
Neon leans back so she can look at Corazon from around Law’s shoulder. “Corazon, we should find some time to talk more later! I wanna tell you more about how!”
Corazon chuckles, “And I’ll tell you about Law as a child.”
“I will keep you two apart!” Law shouts, his face and ears bright red, while Neon giggles at his embarrassment.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
During the Marineford war arc in One Piece, how would everyone react Blue Diamond reader using her powers which is similar to haki due to bringing down everyone on their knees and crying. She probably used her powers to save Ace from getting killed or she saw Ace killed which brought back horrible memories of seeing her sister(Pink Diamond) die right in front of her eye, any scenario is possible.
-Like a high speeding bullet you were speeding across the water, using your abilities to propel you at a rapid pace.
-Ever since Kuma separated the Straw Hats, you were trying to figure out where they were, looking for your new crew- your family.
-The only lead you got was where Luffy would be, after you heard that Ace had been captured and was going to be executed.
-You had never met Ace, but you knew that he was Luffy’s brother, and he always spoke highly of Ace- so you knew he would try to rescue him- so that’s where you were going to go- to help save Ace, so Luffy wouldn’t cry again.
-Your blood boiled as you thought about Luffy crying- he should never cry unless it was in happiness, and you were prepared to raze those who opposed you, who make him cry.
-You arrived at the Marineford, seeing so many fallen on both sides already and you quickly sought out Luffy before you saw him and another young man running from the scaffolds, the pirates celebrating.
-Your eyes narrowed, seeing the marines charging for them, weapons raised, and you saw the admirals and you quickly shot forward, looking so elegant, “Get away from Luffy!!”
-A blue energy shot from you, one that Luffy knew well, that hit all in front of you, making many fall to their knees in despair, crying heavily. Many were stunned by your power as you spoke, easily intimidating many around you, “If you’re a pirate- run to safety now!” You gave the pirates the opening to escape.
-Luffy beamed brightly at you, seeing you, “Y/N!” and you smiled, giving him a small nod as they ran by you, followed by others, running to safety, trying not to trip due to their tears.
-You then heard a voice, “Look out!!” you turned and Aikinu slammed his fist through your stomach, lava surrounding his hand, burning you.
-You were stunned, and you heard Luffy scream out your name in worry. You looked down at Aikinu before you stunned him by smirking, “And what did you hope to accomplish, boy?” You kicked him away before you turned, a hand over the hole as you ran for the ship.
-Once on Whitebeard’s ship, you used your ability over water to push the ships away from shore, pushing them out to sea before giving them a head start in escaping.
-Luffy ran over to you, seeing you injured, but you weren’t bleeding, “Y/N!” many others saw you, knowing that you were a Gem, and you smiled softly, now sweating softly, as you didn’t want him to worry as you bushed his tears away, “I will be fine Luffy. Just watch over me.”
-He was confused, “Watch over you?” you instantly went POOF and your gem, a large blue diamond, fell into his hand, stunning him before everyone started yelling, panicking.
-Whitebeard was amused, as he knew about Gems, grabbing Luffy who was running around, “Calm down you brat- Y/N will be fine!”
-All eyes turned to him as he grinned, getting his own wounds tended to, “Gems will reform if their bodies are injured, think of it as them taking a nap. Now if the gem had been damaged or shattered- then it would be bad. Since Y/N is a diamond- it will probably be a few days before they wake up.”
-This did calm Luffy, a bit, but he kept you close, holding you either under his hat or in his pocket, as he headed towards Amazon Lily, as he agreed to train with Rayleigh, to become stronger.
-When you reformed, a bright light surrounding your gem, many were stunned as you looked completely fine and you smiled warmly as Luffy cried loudly, leaping into your arms, which made you smile softly, feeling your own happy tears welling in your eyes.
-Luffy told you that everyone was going to train for two years, before meeting back up at the archipelago and you agreed to do the same, but you were going to remain with the Whitebeard Crew, as they had strong warriors, ones that you could train your own skills with.
-You were a little sad, but you knew it wasn’t going to be forever, not like your little sister, as you told Luffy to take care of himself and you would see him soon, which he grinned brightly at, agreeing with you.
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pushovermediacritic · 4 months
So, what's up with Shalria?
You'd be forgiven for not remembering who Shalria is. She's a Celestial Dragon, Charlos's sister.
She first appeared in chapter 497, and made a big impression despite only having 2 pages of panel-time:
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After Luffy punches Charlos, Shalria tries to kill Camie out of spite, until Rayleigh knocks her out with Conqueror's Haki.
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Later, she has a scene after Kuma defeats the Straw Hats, in chapter 514.
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And then there's no follow-up on that threat. Her next appearance is all the way in chapter 1114, reacting with confusion to Vegapunk's message at what the "Void Century" even is.
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This appearance is a stark contrast to her last one. She was last seen vowing bloody vengeance on the Straw Hats, now 2 years later she's questioning World Government propaganda by wondering what the Void Century is.
It should be noted here that Shalria is young. She's only 15 pre-timeskip, 17 post-timeskip. Much younger than her brother, Charlos (22, now 24). Shalria is a teenager, younger than Camie, she's the same age as Chopper.
Shalria's question is fascinating to me, a teenage Celestial Dragon who doesn't even know what the "Void Century" is. This is, I think, the first time we've been led to wonder what the generic Celestial Dragons know about the history of the world. Do they know more than the average civilian? Less?
Clearly they, or at least Celestial Dragon minors, aren't told about the big cover-up that the rest of the world knows it is a high crime to investigate. Is that so that none of them get ideas about investigating said cover-up, since they're above the law? We know the Holy Knights are like Celestial Dragon cops, Dragons who officiate disputes between other Dragons. Maybe the Holy Knights would execute any Celestial Dragon who tries to find out about it, like they did Mjosgard for taking the side of Mermaids over Charlos?
I don't think this implies that the Celestial Dragons as a whole are redeemable, but we've seen a few Celestial Dragons turn good already with Homing, his wife, Rosinante, and Mjosgard, who's to say we won't see another?
Shalria is a vicious, cruel, evil person currently, but she's also a teenager. If she questions the propaganda and learns that her life is a lie, who knows how she might change? Mjosgard seemed older than her when Otohime convinced him to change his ways.
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
wait that trafalgarsanji ask made me think. how ace and the other whitebeards felt when they thought sanji died in marineford. that was kind of glossed over but?? ace thought his boyfriend/husband DIED??? and not to mention the other whitebeards thinking they lost their father their siblings and the baby of the family all in one day. what even happened to sanji during marineford that he couldnt contact them to let them know he was okay? was he sent back to kamabakka or something?
Yeah, I did gloss over that. To be fair how far do you think he would make it? He was fighting admirals and vice admirals trying to kill his man. He was probably exhausted.
Anyway the answer is Shanks! Buggy caught a ride with someone else and met up with Shanks later and Shanks didn't even think to mention that Sanji was alive when he dropped him off. Shanks probably didn't even think Buggy would want to meet up or know Newgate's baby. Also Sanji probably went Kamabakka where Ivankov looked at Sanji and thought "well, everyone thinks you're dead and that's probably a good thing. You're bounty is going to spike when you come back." And Sanji groans in a tired heap on the floor. Iva sighs that this is what Kuma sent to him? Makes sense but fucking fuck.
Before Luffy is dropped with Rayleigh he probably goes to meet with the White Beard Fleet and Law agrees to take them because of free medical info from the new world? Sign him up! They don't expect Marco to meet them and pick Luffy up and bridal carry him and then Jozu guide them to the medical tent where Luffy is looking at Marco and asking about Sanji. No one is answering Ace about Sanji either. Law says if he didn't make it off then he's dead. And if they haven't heard then he's dead. 'Cause he's Law.
Anyway Marco thanks Law for bringing them but he'll take over their care which Law waves off. They were too interesting to let die and he can't wait to see what happens next. When Luffy eventually passes out Marco lets Ace lead him away from the medical tent and they just break down. Pops is dead, Thatch is dead, Sanji is missing and presumed dead. Ace and Marco aren't quiet so like a pile forms as heaping sobs of people join. The baby is gone. He's gone, their father is gone, Teach killed Thatch and they lost so many during the war that it's just.
It hurts, they hurt. Ace refuses a headstone for Sanji until they know for sure when the crew gets back together.
So when the Strawhats crew shows up to party for White Beard's birthday you know Sanji is being descended on. The baby is alive! Everyone is probably crying. Except Luffy and the rest of the Strawhat crew. Luffy is like "they cried a lot before I went to train with Rayleigh 'cause Sanji never showed up."
"well yeah, he's the baby of the family and we thought he was dead! And he's Ace's husband!"
So to some up it's all tears. Screaming, heaving sobs that just don't get better no matter what they read or hear until they can feel Sanji again and make sure he has a pulse and kicks them.
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tae-rambles · 2 months
My thoughts as i read:
i knew there will be a colorspread but damn i didnt expect the giant Nami, she looks great
i like how Luffy keeps communicating w his allies, warning them about their opponents' abilities, it's been so long since the Straw Hats had a proper collaborative group battle and not just 1v1s
Bonney's back in Nika form!!!! :DD but she's still exhausted, but she's determined to kick Saturn's ass and i'm here for it
big bro Luffy protecting his little sis Bonney MY HEART (yes, Luffy's Bonney's big bro. i don't accept criticism)
HE'S SO SUPPORTIVE OF HER I CAN'T AAAAAA this makes me so happy!!!
wait, what location is that
... Shirahoshi and Vivi w those specific speech bubbles next to them... i see what you're doing there Oda
also Skypiea where the poneglyph about Poseidon was...
Kuma... :(
Bucaneers, Lunarians, the three-eyed tribe that can awaken the ability to read poneglyphs... i can't wait for the Tenryubito to fall
stfu Saturn
yeah! you tell him Luffy!
oh, Bonney... fuck i'm tearing up
there's so much going on in the two double spreads, to much emotion and thoughts to express in writing its overwhelming
serves you right you stupid spider
"there are certain individuals who cannot be oppressed" heck yea
coincidence? i think not!
poor Rayleigh lol he should be more appreciative of his hot and attentive wife
"no guarantee it will be found out by someone Joyboy would want" ... what an interesting placement of that speech bubble followed right after by the other three emperors.... i'm sure it would be possible to make that bubble touch the panels of all three of them yet Buggy's is further down.... or maybe i'm overthinking this
also Shanks yet again drowning his sorrows w alcohol... i wonder who he got it from coughcoughRayleighcoughcough
and Buggy yet again failing upwards lol
"who will protect the common folk?" as if you actually care about that
Shanks' handsome as ever, Luffy my beloved, Blackbeard go die in a ditch, Buggy babygirl
well hello new mysterious character w a sword who would you be? (the man marked by flames maybe?)
DAMN what an amazing chapter this arc is one banger after the other! :D i love One Piece so much
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