shmokeymoe · 9 months
Cute aggression man
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mementomoriartblog · 1 year
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Donnie and Jr
Leo and Space Case
Mikey and Casey
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vigilante-duo · 1 year
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Rasey in the style of Strawberry Shortcake!
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owlfacenightkit · 1 year
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Today I offer you RaphCass. Tomorrow, who knows
Seriously though I have never fallen in love with a ship so fast. I love the idea that Casey is their kid (whether he be Raph’s biological kid or just adopted) and it is now eating me so you’ll probably see more Raphsandra soon
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roninreverie · 2 years
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⭐ The Besties ⭐ 
One small and chaotic, and the other a gentle giant
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moth-boi-lycan · 1 year
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xosogo · 1 year
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Meet my Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OCs: David (spanish pronunciation), Ona (spanish as well) and the chihuahua (they don't have a name, that's the point of this character).
I'm working on a fanfic where Leo meets David, Mikey meets Ona and Donnie meets the chihuahua (and Raph develops his feelings for Cassandra). I hope those four ships seem interesting to you!
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coconurt · 1 year
For the writing prompts hi :3
38 :3
Whoops, my hand slipped *yeets this at you and runs away*
Rottmnt movie spoilers, Raphsandra, cw for head injuries and minor blood
Way up here, perched next to Raph and the others, Cass had a great view of her two ex-bosses and the rest of the clan.
They got there just in time to hear the tail-end of the mandatory Evil Speech and Plan Exposition.
"-We shall follow the Kraang as they lead the Foot clan to glory!"
Dumbasses. The whole lot of them. If Shredder didn't teach them their lesson, nothing would. What part of "don't keep summoning world-ending bad guys; it won't end well for you", didn't they understand? They were just asking for the ass-kicking they had coming their way.
Then out of nowhere, Leo's voice made them all jump.
Busted. An angry shout of, "You!" came from below.
"What? I was waiting for a good spot to jump in, but they just kept blabbity blab-ing."
Cass rolled her eyes. Children. She worked with literal children.
Then the new kid — Future Boy, the scrawny teenager that shared her name and dark hair, the boy she had a sneaking suspicion might be her future son — piped up.
"There it is! That's the key!"
"Get them! Don't let them interfere with the ceremony!" Her old sensei screamed out. Cass's muscles tensed in unison with Raph and the others', and they jumped down as one into a melee waiting just for them.
Now this. This kind of fight was where Cass really felt the most herself. They split up, each taking out ninja after ninja. With a savage yell, she kicked some poor sap in the stomach at the same time Future Boy called out.
"No! It's started! He's unlocking the doorway!"
Huh. That was… real fear in his voice. Enough to make her pause and look over. Wow, he really must not have been kidding about the whole fire-and-brimstone, end-of-the-world Kraang situation.
"We need to get up there right now," he insisted.
"Casey, go. We've got you covered." The blue one slashed his katana, and his unsuspecting victim dropped through one of his portals and reappeared on top of the platform with the ominous looking pedestal. As she threw punch after punch, she watched out of the corner of her eye as Junior trounced her old boss. She had to admit, the sight was quite satisfying. Cathartic, even.
Just as she was starting to feel confident about their odds of stopping the apocalypse, purple light suddenly burst from the top of the platform and spilled throughout the room, and she knew they'd lost.
Junior was thrown back down, and they all regrouped in formation around him in time to watch a glowing portal open.
"Oh no…" he said, his voice hushed and horrified. "They're here."
"Then let's make sure their visit is short and sweet," Raph said, then launched himself forward and up onto the platform. Cass had to bite her lip to hide her smile. As much as she insisted they were stupid, she really loved her boyfriend's dumb one-liners.
… she could do without the butterflies they gave her, though.
Raph reached the top just as the monstrosity the Foot had been trying to summon crawled its way out. Her stomach turned, as her chest heaved with exertion. This is the thing that took over the world?
It was… disgusting. Huge and slimy, built like a tree trunk, with purple skin and the orange eyes of a predator. And then it spoke.
"I'm finally free!" It boomed. "The people of this planet will pay for what they've done to me!"
Well. That sounded reassuring.
"Welcome to Earth! I hope you don't enjoy your stay-!" Raph yelled, and lunged at the creature. Quick as a flash, it whipped a tentacle out, grabbing the snapper around his neck and beginning to choke him.
Cass felt her blood go cold, then hot, and she and the others sprung into action. Mikey and April swung their weapons at the creature, only for their attacks to backfire. She, Junior, and the rat were up next. They advanced from the sides, while she leapt in the air and aimed her hockey stick right at its big ugly eye. She had a perfect shot.
Then the next thing she knew, a huge tentacle broadsided her. She flew a few yards before slamming hard into a stone wall. Her head connected with a solid crack, and black stars exploded in front of her eyes.
Distantly, she heard Raph roar her name, followed by an angry shout from the Kraang. Through the ringing in her ears, she heard it start to make a horrible noise. She managed to lift her head, and although her vision was wobbly, she could make out huge bursts of orange, crimson, violet, and cerulean being extracted from the brothers, the energy crackling and angry like wind from a solar storm.
"No…" she whispered.
She must have blacked out, because when she blinked again, the colors were gone and the monsters had multiplied. She squinted and focused, hoping it was the double vision. It wasn't. Now they had three to deal with.
They were saying things, but it was all too murky to make out. Suddenly, there was a flurry of action she couldn't follow, then a part of the ceiling collapsed, taking the rat and Raph down with it.
Gritting her teeth, she tried to gather the energy to get up and go help, but Raph quickly freed himself and went straight to his father, who now laid unconscious and injured.
Raph looked up and away, an agonized expression on his face. Cass followed his line of sight, to the others still fighting a losing battle against the Kraang, then looked back to him in time to hear that one awful word she'd never heard him say in all the time she'd known him.
The blue idiot protested, because of course he did. After a brief back and forth, purple activated the escape pods and him, Orange, O'Neil, Future Boy, and the rat all got rocketed away.
She thinks she might have blacked out yet again, because the next thing she knew, Raph was sliding into a kneel at her side, his eyes wild and panicky.
"Casey? Can ya hear me? We're gonna get you out of here, okay? Just hang on." Carefully, and with badly shaking hands, he reached to cup the back of her head and winced when she let out a pained hiss. His hand came back bloody.
Slowly, and yet as fast as he could without hurting her further, he helped her into her pod. He hesitated for half a heartbeat, then leaned down and kissed her quickly, just the briefest touch of lips. More like a promise than an actual kiss.
"I'll be right behind you, okay? We'll regroup back at the lair," he assured her.
You better, if you know what's good for you, she thought, but she wasn't sure the words left her mouth.
She instead hummed a vague acquiesce, then the escape pod finished closing around her head. She only saw Raph's face through the window for a few more moments, then it was lifting off, taking her away to safety.
She passed out again somewhere along the way, but it was with the feeling of absolute surety that he was coming, too. They lost this one, but they would all live to fight another day. They could still win this.
She only realized otherwise after Leo emerged out of his brother's pod back at home.
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bucketofbugz · 1 year
Aus I post (Clarificiation)
OTSL/One Turtle Short of a Lair/ "Splinterless au" [rottmnt au in which Splinter died on the way back to New York and the Teetles had to raise themselves, also they're two years younger and Mikey went missing at some point. Rewrites the series and will eventually rewrite the movie.] Characteristics: Prosthetic arm/face scar Donnie, neck bandana/mask bow Raph, Mikey being the only one that wears clothes, cloaking brooches Fic: One Turtle Short of a Lair on Ao3, Four Turtles Short of a Lair on Ao3 (Sequel)
GPR/Green Painted Ruins/"Personal TMNT iteration" [My own iteration of the Turtles. Contains temporary villain/Foot Clan Donnie and Foot Clan April, as well as April looking at Donnie and saying "yeah, that's my daughter now".] Characteristics: Original turtle designs, adult April, Karai, Raph not being transfem for once, Dimension X Fic: Green Painted Ruins (No chapters, temporary hiatus while I work out some stuff with Splinter) OTHERS:
MW/Mama's Wishes/"Big Mama Turtles au" [AU where Splinter left with Venus and Jennika instead of the four turtles and they were raised by Big Mama with Draxum co-parenting. They don't know they're mutants, and are under the impression they're Yokai and Big Mama is their biological mother. None fight in the Nexus, because this is a "Big Mama is actually a good parent" au.] Charictaristics: Turtles with Hair, all the turtles wear clothes, Raphsandra/Rise!Rasey, Draxum and Big Mama being good parents, Venus and Jennika Fic: Mama's Wishes on Ao3 (Three chapters, temporary hiatus while I work out some stuff with Leo)
MandM/Magic and Masks/"Cliche separated au" [Au where Mikey was the only one that Splinter could save from the lab. He got Leo out of the lab but dropped him in the Hidden City, where he went on for 4 years being homeless before getting scooped up by Piel's crew and later meeting April. Raph and Donnie got taken in by Witch Town and became witches.] Characteristics: Witch Raph & Donnie, pirate Leo, Mikey using all the original weapons Fic: None yet, one in the works.
I'll usually clarify in the tags anyway but wanted to make a post that talks about them because I can't shut myself up :]
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shmokeymoe · 9 months
cuddle time
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shmokeymoe · 5 months
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now theyre badass together
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shmokeymoe · 8 months
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drawing for the night, they are going to a nice restaurant
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shmokeymoe · 7 months
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Mikey is the only one who catches on and decides to help raph no matter what
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shmokeymoe · 9 months
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for now imma keep this as a sketch, ill finish it later but imma be busy so for now wah cuddle sketch grr
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shmokeymoe · 3 months
Of course some raphcass from the whiteboard as well cause *nasty crying*
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shmokeymoe · 10 months
the eepers
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