rangergurlgleek1211 · 2 years
Title: Am I not good enough for you?
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020)
Relationships: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Characters: Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), TK StrandTK Strand (9-1-1 Lone Star), Carlos Reyes, Mentioned Judd Ryder (9-1-1 Lone Star), Mentioned Owen Strand (9-1-1 Lone Star)
Additional Tags: Sad TK Strand, Insecure TK Strand, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Worried Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Protective Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Tk over thinks, Triggers, Concerned Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Upset Tk Strand (9-1-1 Lone Star)
One sentence had been stuck in his mind all day. The reason why his Dad was making all these amendments. Six Stupid words “I’m about to be a father”. Where was the “again” in that sentence, he was his son too. Why was having another child making his dad want to make these changes now.
A Missing Scene I feel should have been in S02E06. There should have been a scene where Tk spoke to Carlos about What his dad had said earlier in the day and a brief mention of the incident at the mine field.
Read here on A03
Sticking his key in the lock, opening the door to a dark house wasn’t Tk’s idea of a great start to his evening. Especially after the shift he had today. He just wanted to sink into Carlos arms on the couch and hide away from the world for the next 24hrs. But Carlos had a couple hours left on shift, so Tk had to find something to occupy his active mind.
It had been a rough day especially being on the mine-field call. The Call had made Tk think more about his future and what he wanted to do and achieve. The mine-field really made him think about changing from firefighter to medic. He had all his certifications and it would be a simple transition so what was stopping him.
Also the conversation he had with his dad about him signing over his power of attorney to him had been going over and over in his mind all day. Making it hard for him to concentrate. It worried him. How much power his dad had given to him concerning his care. If something was to go wrong, he knew he would do everything he could if the choice came down to it. But that wasn’t what had been bothering him most.
Asking his dad about why he had started to make all these decisions had been the deciding point in his overactive mind. It was the reason why he hadn’t been at the top of his game and taking necessary risks all day. Getting shouted at by Judd at one point wasn’t on his to do list today. Especially when it was something he could have avoided altogether weren't it for his mind being elsewhere.
One sentence had been stuck in his mind all day. The reason why his Dad was making all these amendments. Six Stupid words “I’m about to be a father”.
Where was the “again” in that sentence, he was his son too. Why was having another child making his dad want to make these changes now. Tk had asked his dad to make these changes so many times in the past, but it’s only now that he’s decided it’s time.
Tk had always known he wasn't good enough for his dad. Today just made things much more clearer in his overactive mind.
“I know I’m a mess, I’ve mucked up enough times” Tk mumbled to himself. Dropping his bag by the door, Tk shuffled his feet into the living room to collapse on the couch.
He felt so tired after such a long shift, but Tk thought about cooking a meal, ready for when Carlos got home. Checking his watch, Tk decided he would surprise Carlos with one of his favourite meals. As long as Carlos shift did not run late, he had about 3 hours before Carlos came home to do some of the jobs he reluctantly needed to get done.
Tk sent a quick text to Carlos letting him know he was home safe.
“I’m home baby, can’t wait to see you soon”
Tk phone soon pinged with a reply.
“Can’t wait tiger, relax and unwind I’ll see you soon, love you xxx”.
“Love you to baby xxx”
Putting his phone on the table, Tk went into the bedroom to change into some sweats and one of Carlos hoodies. Already feeling some tension release from his shoulders just by putting it on. Taking in the smell of Carlos. Grounding Tk’s mind some.
To keep himself occupied Tk did a load of washing, organised his bag ready for his next shift and began cooking one of Carlos favourite meals.
Looking back at the clock Tk noticed Carlos only had an hour left of his shift. Smiling to himself he kept adding more ingredients to his bolognaise. Tk was adding a pinch of salt and Pepper to the pot when he realised he couldn’t find the fresh basil. Tk knew he had only just brought some the other day on the grocery run.
Tk bent down to look in the cupboards under the stove. Pulling a few ingredients out of the way, Tk finally found the fresh basil. For some reason it had been pushed almost to the back of the cupboard. Taking the basil out Tk noticed a bottle at the back. Pulling it forward to see what it was, Tk’s hands started to shake slightly when he realised what he had just found.
It was a bottle of red wine.
Tk took a deep breath and put the bottle back in the cupboard. And started to put the fresh basil into the pot, stirring it in. But Tk’s mind kept going back to the bottle.
Normally he would be fine knowing it was in the cupboard but after today he isn’t so sure.
Tk’s thoughts from earlier kept running through his head.
“I’m your son too”…..
“Am I not good enough”…..
“Why is he only changing it all now”…..
“Was going into that minefield the right decision”
“ If a mine had exploded it wouldn’t have been the end of the world, at least I wouldn’t be a burden to anyone one anymore”
Tk’s thoughts kept going round and round in his head. The thoughts getting worse and his mind and body moving on autopilot.
It’s not until he’s sat himself down on the couch that he realised he has at some point taken the Bottle of wine out of the cupboard and sat down at the table with it. Tk's mind now in overdrive panicking over every little detail, all he can do is stare.
Stepping through his front door the first thing Carlos notices is the smell. Something's burning his mind shouts. ‘Where’s TK?’.
Concerned Carlos quickly runs into the kitchen noticing the pan on the kitchen stove bubbling over. Quickly turning off the stove Carlos puts the pan in the sink. Running the water and opening the windows to let in some fresh air to help get rid of the burning smell in the air.
“What’s going on, where’s Tk, this isn’t like him? '' Carlos thinks to himself. He is about to shout out for Tk when he notices Tk sitting on their couch, oblivious to the smells and noises around him.
Seeing Tk sitting there so still and unmoving. A hundred different scenarios start running though his head. Alarm bells ringing in his mind that something is clearly not right. Carlos knows he needs to be cautious with his next steps, he can't just bombard Tk with questions. He needs to get his attention without scaring him more.
Slowly Carlos starts moving closer to the couch, that is when he realises the situation is much worse then he could bare to see. Because sitting in front of Tk is a bottle of red wine. Un-opened thank god but for it to be sitting in front of Tk something dire must have happened.
“Tk, darling are you okay” Carlos says as he crouches down next to Tk trying not to startle him.
After no response Carlos slowly picks up the bottle of wine and moves it away from the table. That small movement though violently jolted Tk from his thoughts.
Suddenly a whimper rips through Tk as he quietly calls out “Carlos” before his body starts trembling, sobbing his heart out.
Carlos quickly pulls him into his arms. Whispering “It’s okay… I’ve got you”.
When Tk has moments like this Carlos has learnt that he has to just sit and wait for Tk to calm down before he can get any kind of reaction from him.
Carlos patiently waits as long as Tk needs, whispering sweet words of “I love you” and “It’s going to be okay” repeatedly while holding him in his arms, making Tk feel as safe as possible. Tk’s sobs eventually started to subside leaving him tired and slightly shaking.
Slowly coming back to his senses, Tk loosened his grip on Carlos. Taking in a deep breath to anchor himself back to reality.
Speaking quietly. Tk whispers “I’m sorry, I ruined dinner”.
Carlos rolls his eyes at the comment. Chucking quietly to himself because of course that is the first thing Tk is worried about. The dinner. Not himself. He always worries about others more, then his own wellbeing.
“Babe, I’m not worried about the food. I’m worried about you and what’s got you so upset. Talk to me” Carlos pulls back looking Into Tk’s puffy green eyes. Wiping away the tears from his face.
“Its stupid” Tk replies looking away from Carlos.
“Hey” Carlos tips Tk’s chin up to look at him “If it’s got you this upset, it’s not stupid”
Pulling away from Carlos, Tk looks back down and spills everything that has been on his mind all day. What his father said, what happened at the minefield and how he found the bottle of wine in the bottom cupboard while making dinner.
“Omg Tk I am so sorry, I thought I’d gotten rid of all the alcohol in the house. I am so sorry, didn’t even think to check the food cupboard”
Carlos felt so guilty. He really thought he had gotten rid of the alcohol in the house. He didn’t want to make Tk feel guilty or overwhelmed seeing it around the house when he stayed over or visited.
“Hey no babe, this is on me. You shouldn’t feel obligated to get rid of everything that triggers me. I shouldn’t be so weak”
Taking Tk’s hands in his, Carlos gently ran his fingers over them. Releasing more of the tension Tk didn’t realise his body held.
“Hey no, Babe none of that, I did it because I care about you. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you because I left something like a bottle of wine around the house”
“Tk, I love you”
“I love you to babe”
Tk pulled Carlos back into a hug, allowing them both to take a deep breath and take comfort in each other's embrace.
“ Sooooo you went into a minefield today”.
Tk knew what was coming next, he could see it in the way Carlos was holding him.
“Are you and your father insane? You both could have been killed.”
Holding his hands up “In my defence if it weren’t for the new paramedic I wouldn’t have offered. But I couldn’t let my dad go out there with someone who didn’t have any experience with situations like that, we were both fine… look seeeeeee.”
Tk jumps up, turning around. Showing Carlos he was okay “ see I’m fine, no bandages, no wounds, nothing…. I’m fine”
“Still I really wish you wouldn’t volunteer for these things, I want you home in one piece. The last time you were in the hospital after being shot, Before we even got together. I don’t ever want to feel that way again”
“Babe this is the job, you know it and so do I, nothing is certain. But I will always fight to come back to you, no matter the situation, I promise”
“I promise to Tk, no matter what I will fight to come home to you as well” Carlos replied playing with Tk’s fingers. Pulling him back into his arms, manoeuvring Tk so his back is leaning against his chest.
“Babe you need to also Speak to your dad. I’m sure he didn’t mean it. Just a poor choice of words on his part. I know he hasn’t been the best father in the world from what you have said in the past, but he adores you and wants what’s best for you babe”
“It’s just…. I don’t understand why now he has to make these big decisions. Especially after I mentioned it to him before this, when he told me about his cancer diagnosis. It just scared me I guess. Made me second guess what I mean to him” Tk spoke playing with the palm of Carlos hands.
“ You mean the world to him TK, he never left your bedside when you were in the hospital and I can always tell he worries about you, when I see you on calls, he tries to hide it but I can tell”
Turning in Carlos arms, Tk kisses him softly “thank you, thank you for noticing, I don’t know what I would do without you. You help keep me grounded and I’m so thankful for everyone thing you do”
“Babe we’re a team, we hold each other together though the good and the bad, we make each other whole, that’s what being in a relationship is all about”
Carlos leans forward and kisses Tk forehead.
“Will you go with me to a meeting Tomorrow” Tk whispers.
“Of course, I’ll go anywhere with you as long as you need me. Always remember that.”
Leaning forward Tk kisses Carlos okay, both bringing more passion into their kiss. Only pulling back when air was finally needed
“Right, let’s order a pizza and then we can go curl up in bed”
Smiling tk, looks up as Carlos gets up from the couch to grab his phone.
Tk’s day may not have been one of his good days and he still has so much he needs to sort though. But as long as he has Carlos by his side he knows he can take on anything.
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rangergurlgleek1211 · 3 years
Title: why does it always happen to tk???
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020)
Relationships: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Tk Strand & Tommy Vega TK Strand & Original Character(s)
Characters: TK Strand,Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star),Judd Ryder (9-1-1 Lone Star),Paul Strickland (9-1-1 Lone Star),Owen Strand,Tommy Vega (9-1-1 Lone Star),Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Protective Firehouse 126 Crew,Hurt/Comfort,Protective Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star),Hurt TK Strand,TK Strand Needs A Hug
After a rough shift, all Tk wanted to do was chill out with his 126 family and spend some quality time with Carlos at their local bar. But his danger magnet had other plans.
Tk needs saving once again, but who will save him when Carlos and the 126 family dont even realise Tk is in trouble.
Find here on A03
After a rough shift TK was enjoying his evening with his 126 family at their local honky-tonk bar. Laughing and drinking his mineral water. It had been a hard day and TK couldn't wait for Carlos to join them. He was looking forward to just being in Carlos arms.
Tk started thinking about his wonderful boyfriend , Picturing him in his hot Austin Police uniform from that very morning. Thinking about Carlos running his hands down his body, grabbing his backside and lifting him up, throwing him on to their bed. Before ravishing him from head to toe, making them both 5 minutes late for their shifts.
Oh it still feels weird to be thinking about their home. After the fire they were lucky to find a new place to live so quickly. After staying with his dad. He and Carlos agreed to start looking for a new home straight away. Mainly because his dad was being a nightmare to live with, always fretting over them both. They were lucky to find a lovely condo not too far away from both the firehouse and police station.
“TK, Hey bud you in there” Judd waved his hand in front of Tk face to get his attention.
“Huh.. sorry what were you saying” Tk replied looking at his audience, who burst out laughing at his face of confusion.
“Loverboy’s here, you can stop daydreaming now” TK shoved Judd, smiling before getting up to walk towards the bar. “Hey Baby” TK threw his arms around Carlos who pulled him close, Kissing his forehead. “Hey Tiger, how was your Day?” Carlos asked, taking his beer, putting his arm around TK and walking towards the rest of the 126 fire fam Table.
Judd Slapping a hand on Carlos' back replied before Tk had a chance too. “ Hey Man, Your boy here has had a rough day, worse than usual. Being the danger magnet he is”. Carlos looked over Tk with Concern, Raking his eyes over his Accident prone boyfriend's body. Now noticing the Bandages going up his left arm and the small laceration on his forehead.
“Baby what happened?, Why didn’t you call me?” Carlos pulled back, making sure he wasn't hurting TK more.
“Babe, Its nothing, Cap needed a Medic to come in on a warehouse call. Me being my usual self didn't watch where i was going. Tripped over some debris near the patient and fell. It’s just a few minor scratches and bruises” Tk tried to ease Carlos worries.
“That head wound doesn’t look minor Babe” Carlos carefully ran his fingers over Tk’s forehead.
“Dude you Blacked out for 2 minutes” Paul shouted over the music.
“Don’t Dude me, really you had to mention that” Glaring at Paul without any heat behind it.
“Baby you blacked out, have you been to the hospital?, you really should have called me!”.
“I said i was fine, tommy looked me over, she said I was lucky it wasn’t a concussion so i didn't go to the hospital, i hate that place.”
Carlos looked over to where tommy was standing with Owen who nodded her head after listening into Tk’s re telling of the days events.
“Kids gonna give me greys hairs” Tommy replied tapping Tk on his good shoulder as she walked by heading towards the bar.
Carlos turned back towards TK “Next time tiger, Text me or call me to let me know what happened, or better yet” Turning to The 126 Family “Will one of you make sure he calls me when something happens or better yet one of you if he doesn't. The heads up would be fantastic” Carlos shakes his head, frustrated with his accident prone boyfriend.
“Really, I’m going to get another drink” groans Tk before walking away and over to the bar.
“Can I get a mineral water please” Tk asks the bar tender. Getting a Curt nod before walking down the other end of the bar.
Tk turns around looking out into the packed bar. Watching his family smiling and laughing interacting with Carlos and a few other people who have just joined them from Carlos precinct. Tk smiled turning back to the bar paying and taking his water. “Thank you”.
Tk just pushed himself away from the bar when someone walked straight in front of him blocking his path. Shocked Tk stopped just before he walked into the man in front of him.
“Sorry have we met before, I feel like I’ve seen you before, the names Matt”
Shaking of the shock of almost colliding with the stranger in front of him. Tk realized the man was holding his hand out in front of him. Took his hand and shook it.
“It’s okay and I’m sorry I don’t think we have met before Matt. You might have seen me around Austin. I’m a paramedic and a firefighter.” Tk gave Matt a polite smile.
Tk looked at the man in front of him feeling self conscious under his gaze. Tk fidgeted with the bottle in his hand before glancing over to his table noticing everyone still chatting, not sensing Tk unease.
Tk not noticing matt undressing him with his eyes stepped a little closer into Tk's space. Matt had been watching Tk from a table near the door seeing him walk into the bar with his friends and noticing the man he was attached to at the bar when he arrived. Matt watched Tk interacting and when he saw him walk over to the bar alone thought now was his chance.
Not hearing Matt Talking to him, Tk interrupts “Sorry Matt, but I really need to get back to my table my boyfriends waiting for me”. Looking a little shocked at matts closeness Tk took a step back. Realising the predicament he’s now in, Tk tried to look for any kind of escape. Watching everyone around them having a good time, TK realised he needed to sort this out by himself, so TK moved around Matt to walk away from him.
Before TK could get very far though, Matt reached out and grabbed him by the wrist pulling him back. TK let out a yelp, surprised at the contact. Matt whispered into TK ear.
“Not so fast cutie, I wasn’t finished. Lets go for a walk!!!”
“I’m not going anywhere with you Arsehole!!”
“Now let me go!!!”
Matt started laughing, pulling TK ‘s arm, slowly moving them towards the bar door. TK looked around panicked as he struggled to get out of Matts grip. TK was losing hope the closer he got to the open door. Pulling back as hard as he could TK shouted again over the music.
“Let go of me, Get your Hands off me!!!” TK words suddenly became muffled as Matt covered his mouth with his other hand. Oh god this is it, I'm gonna die TK thought, not seeing a way out of this situation. Why isn't anyone helping me. A packed bar should see I'm in trouble. But no everyone keeps looking away from us as matt pulls me further towards the open door.
Just as Matt was about to pull TK out into the open air. People started walking through the open door, stopping matt in his tracks. Matt removed his hand from Tk face trying not to bring anymore attention to the new arrivals
Unbeknown to Matt, Tommy had walked through the door with the crowd of new arrivals probably needing some fresh air. Tommy assessed the situation in front of her before looking behind them. Waving at someone behind tk.
Tk knew that wave, it was a signal for help. Tk released the breath he was holding realising someone had finally noticed the trouble he was once again in. He was never gonna live this one down.
“ hey babe you okay?” Tommy spoke, startling Matt, not expecting someone to stop them. Matt in his shock gripped Tk’s wrist tighter. Electing a small gasp from TK.
“Everythings fine Darling, we were just going for a little walk. My friend here has had too much to drink”
Tommy raised her eyebrows at that lame excuse. Tk just looked at matt in shock, surprised at the stupidity.
Looking back over at Tommy she was starting to get angry, seeing her protective instincts kick in. Nobody messes with her family.
“ Let me rephrase that. Darling i suggest you let my dear friend here go”
“You and what army lady, i don't see anyone else coming to his rescue!!!”
Matt froze on the spot at the sound behind him, loosening his hold on TK’s wrist.
“Now I suggest you let him go, before one of us does it for you!!”
Tk was relieved to hear a familiar voice, thankful that someone had come to his rescue.
Matt turned around to see Carlos, along with the rest of the 126 standing their ground. Arms crossed, but ready to fight if the need arose. Matt knew he was beat. Raising his hands in the air, releasing TK’s wrist. Matt stepped back towards the door, to make his escape, bolting before Carlos could even say his next word.
Carlos was so angry, without thinking he took a step forward about to follow the jerk who dared to lay hands on what was his. But Tk put his shaking hands on Carlos chest to stop him. Carlos took a deep breath coming out of his haze, looking down at TK who was slightly shaking after the ordeal. Carlos brought Tk to his chest giving him the comfort he knew he needed. And just like that the damn burst and Tk was sobbing into Carlos chest.
“Shhhhh baby, I've got you. Your safe. No one’s going to hurt you.”
“I was so scared, i tried to get out of his grip, he was just too strong, why does it always happen to me” Tk looked at his feet feeling ashamed.
“I just want to go home” Tk sounded defeated and Carlos hated how he sounded. So small and unsure of himself.
Carlos lifted TK chin with his fingers, looking Tk in the eye.
“You are the strongest person I know, even in a situation like that I knew you would find a way to get free eventually. Sometimes though you just need a little help” Carlos tried to reassure Tk as best he could.
“Let Tommy give you a look over and then Lets get you home” TK nodded letting Carlos pull him closer. Carlos arms making him feel safe and calm for the first time all day.
Tommy gave Tk a once over, informing them that he was fine, but to take it easy and get some rest after the day he has had. Tk’s eyes dropped shut for a few seconds before Carlos took him back into his arms to steady him. The events of the day finally caught up to him.
“Let's get you home babe” Carlos spoke softly, turning to wish everyone a good night. As he walked past, Owen Laid a hand on Carlos' shoulder. “Carlos look after my boy”
Tk could hear his father in the background, as Carlos nodded his head in acknowledgement. “Always” Carlos faintly said as he walked out the bar with Tk tucked into his arms. Taking an uber straight home. To the safety of their bedroom and each other's arms.
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