#Rambling rambling
sugarrrvenomm · 27 days
we need you to expound further upon the idea of obi-wan calling his girl "bunny" 🐇
-and by we i mean me plz n thank you ur writing is top tier my luv <3
the classic obi-wan nicknames will always hit. darling sweetheart dearest yes u know the ones …. but bunny ???? bunny !!!!! a special lil name just for you !! every time you ask him why he calls you that the answer is different. “oh it’s because you’re just so cute” … “it’s because if you had it your way, we’d fuck like rabbits, dirty girl” …. “its because you’re so sweet and soft” …. “because good bunnies bounce just like you do on masters cock” <33333
he plays way too much so whenever he says it, you get a mix of the sweetest most innocent affection but also ,,,, yucky nasty thoughts.
also ummmmm obi-wan saying: “bend over and show me that cute little bunny cunt.” 🫶
(and thank you !)
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mostotherthings · 9 hours
I'm fully caught up with The On1y One and I'm really looking forward to the last 2 episodes.
I've never been a fan of the "high-school romance" kind of show, (I think it's because I have to fully suspend my belief because wow, my school days were... not ideal), but I've been won over by the soft charm and romantic literary... of the show
Best thing - Jiang Tian absolutely sucks at writing 文藝文 literary writing, or translated as lyrical writing in the show) because he's a trauma-filled child. Basically, he's a robot. A robot who developed feelings at a boy who tripped over the stairs and is struggling with his feelings because he thought he was a robot. His teacher threw the guidebook at him so that he would "grow some feelings". This is delicious.
I also particularly enjoy the content of the classes- the history lesson where the boys have a much too adult conversation about boundaries and wars, and how boundaries are sort of made to be overcome. It means something that Jiang Tian hates it- he would like his walls to be in place and keep feelings out, thank you very much. Plus the Chinese literature lesson which talks about full stops and the ellipsis- it indicates their story is ongoing and will be continued.
Whenever I watch Benjamin Tsang here, I think about Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. I once read an interview where Colin Firth talks about how absolutely difficult it was to act as Mr Darcy- because he just holds everything back and has no expression but you still have to somehow show what he's feeling inside. So I'm full believe it when Benjamin Tsang says it's a 200% difficulty role, and basically I've been calling Jiang Tian "Mr Darcy" in my head. Nice to know he one-upped Colin Firth with a naked butt though (heh)
It took me a while to get over the accents (look it's a Taiwanese production, but the two main leads talk in 1- Mainland Accent, 2- Cantonese tinged Accent). And the jump-scare of An Jun Peng appearing as a gangster kid - SIr, you last appeared as a CEO ready to be married, I can't... you in that uniform... I just... No.
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bawmbo · 6 months
BROOOO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE ATTENTION ON THE PREVIOUS CROSS POST AND FOR 114 FOLLOWERS WHAT THE HELLLLL i'm going to explode i've been chirping about it on vcs with my friends for the past few days, i wanted to do something big to show my appreciation but i'm really not the best with emotions and i get too excited to throw it all onto a page without it looking like scribbly vomit, thank you so much i truly appreciate how much everyone likes memory and my silly little art and silly little hyperfixations, thank you again. hearts for all of you. explode. <3 :)
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miralure · 6 months
Once I put Family Guy on in the background I am somehow 30x more productive than without it on in the background
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arikihalloween · 7 months
honestly you and the others should just report all those fakes
you get some fuckers who come up with stupid fish barnabys
some greyscale Wally ripoffs
and of course that retard fucking glitch barnaby
you and everyone else behind wttmv are superior
love your work hope you get rid of the stupidass copies
Wow, that is a lot of anger and frustration to process, it seems
Go to the corner to think about it while I show why this is bad fandom behavior
Now now, it's my birthday today, so I am allowed bitch ranting and I'll be a bitch for once
Hey, hi, don't fucking say that
People like that are the reason creators abandon their aus, and yeah, one of the reason wttmv is in pause
We lost motivation due to school, busy life, ect, but also because people keep coming at us with this mentality
I get that you like our work, and it would be flattering, if you didn't put others down to compliment wttmv
I can't stand this behavior
Let people tell their stories !
It's inspired from other works, so what ? Humans get inspired all the time
WTTMV itself is inspired by Underverse and X-tale, at core !!
Rippoff is a strong word, and a wrong one at that
Similar concepts are bound to happen
Heck, there is a character with the same core concept as Stitcher, a Julie destroying worlds while thinking she does the right thing
But Designer and Stitcher are different, they have different stories, different narrative themes, and that's why both are cool as fuck (also they would likely get along if they were to meet)
I don't understand why I would want to get rid of the others
The other aus and multiverser aren't competition
They never were
The multiverse concept is not new, it's not ours, it's big and full of possibilities
That's why when our snowball effect rolled early one, with the mootieverse craze and all, we quickly detached ourselves from the word "mootieverse" so everyone could use it
Idk if people noticed that we stopped calling ourselves mootieverse
Mootieverse is for anyone that has a wh multivers characters and who is mutual with the others, and all stories are worth telling
We also try to give a little lore explanation about how we see the multiverse in wttmv, so that it doesn't exclude other creators and to avoid behavior like this
I'm putting this on full blast
This is BAD fandom behavior
It's behavior like this that makes creators want to lock themselves in their private discords to just play with their friends and never show the world their amazing creations
I don't like being seen as superior than anyone
It's uncomfortable
It makes people want to attack and blame *us* for words like this, when we never even implied anything of the sort (that happened yeah)
I rant a lot, but I think it needs to be said more
Appreciate all the stories
That's what makes us unique and not like AI
If you like wttmv, just say you like it, don't put others down, don't ask us to report (it wouldn't do anything anyway cause the others didn't do anything wrong, duh)
Scroll away if you don't like something, or mute, or block, it's as easy as this
Of you want more wttmv, idk, just ask lore questions, request doodles (me and koko are open for requests), show that you love it and maybe it'll get us motivated to show what we've been working on
Do you just understand all of this
Negativity will get your favorite AUs nowhere
It will only make them disapear
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floydsteeth · 5 months
i just made anotehr ikepri self insert BUT
this time hes gonna be mainly shipped with clavis, also also foreign prince because i wanna and i've been kinda thinking about trying to develope a silly little idea for a kingdome in my head so i need at least one character to i've me an excuse to do that :P
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asureblogs · 1 year
"Gojou won" eeeeehh I'm not so sure about that... I hope it's true of course but. Isn't it said by a character (Kusakabe) and not by the narrator? Should we really trust him? Sukuna is still there, alive and still conscious even, I don't know... Gege is plotting... Gojou smiling at the end, I can sense a plot twist or a *gasps* moment the next chapter as soon as it starts.
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apathetic-graffiti · 1 year
I think people should explore Cronus and his gender more. Methinks he would've explored his gender identity and have himself questioning.
She enjoys feminine things and wearing feminine clothes and wearing make up. It makes him feel really good and happy with himself but that doesn't mean dressing masculine doesn't. Both equally make him feel special in one way or another, she would love to be called a girl even in masculine clothing, vice versa...
I think Will Wood's demo of I/Me/Myself (typical and others are probably tired of hearing about it) fits him perfectly...
I headcanon him as Bigender for a long long time. I think it's awesome sauce... definitely highly enjoys drag.
I'm a little disappointed that I didn't do anything for him this year's March but we'll see next year.
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puts away my paints, alright lads it’s time for writing again
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cyanide-rifle · 2 months
Tumblr media
At first i felt bad about cheating and getting that mks map by tagging it to my main cart with a secondary cart that had the save file of someone on the internet that i dragged on the microchip but now i dont anymore
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depravedangelbaby · 9 months
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schumi-nadal · 4 months
If nobody did it, I’ll gif Casper’s win tomorrow 🥰
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im writing my first ever fanfiction and it has been an amazing writing experiment/exercise.
firstly because this is my first time writing fiction in english. i'm currently teaching a creative writing course to people who are learning my native language, and although i've been speaking english longer than they have been speaking my language, i still have a very hard time writing creatively. i am constantly frustrated because i'm lacking vocabulary, my sentence structures are weird because i apparently write weirdly structured sentences in my own language (which im also learning through this exercise) but there i have control and a deep intuitive understanding of grammar that i lack in english. the point is, i am now even more impressed when the people in my class write really, really good, creative and beautiful fiction, and i feel i understand at least a tiny bit better why they sometimes get frustrated for lack of words, or when they attempt to describe how they feel, etc.
secondly, because there's no point to fanfiction except my own enjoyment. so this is an exercise in true, self-indulgent writing. i'm only writing because i enjoy writing it and so i'm trying to allow myself to write whatever i want to write. i started out with the plan to write some good ol' fix-it stuff and hurt/comfort, but of course i linger on death and dying and what it means to see someone close to you die and on grief, and i'm actually way less invested in the hurt/comfort plot because i do not want to fix these characters i just want to study them oooops.
the thing is, all these things feel so shameful to do when i'm writing literature - like, come on, choose a happier or sillier topic, like come on not again a story about death and grief? like i always feel like i need to then at least be funny, or it should not be too autobiographical, etc etc, etc. there are so many rules i feel i need to abide by and im very scared to be too much, and i find it so very hard to believe other people might be interested in what i am interested in, or my thoughts, so i tend to keep the things that are purely written for me, in different folders on my laptop that will never see the light of day.
but there's nothing to gain from writing fanfiction except the pure pleasure of it and amazingly sweet comments from readers. so it's an exercise in allowing myself to write self-indulgent bullshit, to include those stupid literary rants and descriptions of death and dying, and to actually publish it. and then when people comment they want more, are invested, or actually like the literary rant, it makes my heart jump a little.
and of course there are all kinds of fanfiction rules and fanfiction etiquette im probably failing to abide by, but this is a new genre so i do not yet feel like i need to have it mastered and also once again: there's nothing to gain from writing it so what does it matter that its probably all a bit too analytical and my style is weird and the characters are maybe a bit ooc? nobody has to read it, and if people read it and hate it it's simply their problem and it does not even directly reflect on me because yes im definitely attempting to keep this shit as anonymously as possible.
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
There's this thing about the tunnel vision that fear induces, when you only care about escaping the thing that scares you and don't really see much else. And when you're afraid 24/7 it just sorta becomes the default state, I guess. I'm burning all my resources on being scared. It feels like I've got this very thick layer of dead skin all over me, and nothing can quite cut through it. I'm failing classes and I don't really care that much. Every thing I come in contact with only makes me more afraid. I was on a friend's wedding the other day and my mum texted me like "why are you so active on social media and not partying? :p" and I really didn't want to upset her by saying i was having a panic! at the disco moment and went home before midnight because a bed is a safer place to lose your shit than someone's wedding reception. I'm writing so much because retreating into stories is the only defense mechanism I've got left, and even that leaves me feeling bad (but at least is somewhat productive). It's winter so I should feel better, because in two months it's gonna start getting warmer and it'll only get worse from there. I'm so, so tired. At this point I want to stay buried and only spit stories at people because everything else is frightening and wrong, and I don't wanna touch it with a ten foot pole because I'll either taint it with my fear or absorb even more fear from it. There's no place I'm not afraid in. I don't have a room in my parent's house anymore, and that's fair, I've got a whole flat instead, but now I can't even go there to curl into my mum and lay low for a while. There's God but I can't, like, hug Him. My grandma's death anniversary is tomorrow and I'm sad she won't be on my wedding but I'm five hundred times more afraid of my wedding itself. I SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE THIS, NOTHING BAD HAS HAPPENED TO ME, I'm freaking out in the middle of the street with the complete conviction of someone who's never had anything actually really bad happen to them. But I'm committed now to the feeling. I don't know how it started, I don't know how to stop it.
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arikihalloween · 7 months
Oh, you would've loved Bella Sara as a kid then, LMAO
I did love it
With my step sis we had a few books
I played on the online game for a few years too !!
I had some cards as well, that we would look at with step sis and my cousin
I always loved the game and the horses designs
Too bad we can't play it anymore :(
I loved everything with magical horses, or horse games
I had a few on my ds, or otherwise played Bella Sara or Equideow ( I still have equideow actually but I gotta check in to say that I'm alive lol)
I also started playing Pony town this year
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thelightofthebane · 1 year
Next weekend I'll be back with more moodboards for another author's story and!!! I'll also post my own contribution to the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023.
It's a canon divergence of episode 3x17. The failed proposal dinner doesn't even have a chance to happen because Magnus never gets there.
Not when Camille gets to him first.
Everything changes after that.
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