fantastique-bastard · 7 months
Alternatively, I'm also absolutely delighted by the fact that Wolfgang, while experiencing Rajan through Kala, with an absolute disregard for gender norms, the English language, and totally down for the silliness, decided to just go along with it every time he was unknowingly referred to as Wife.
"Yes, Hello, Rajan, it is I, your Wife. Are you ready to learn about GUNS?!"
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philtatosbuck · 3 years
ngl the reason i don't ship k/lagang over ralagang is that from the very start k/lagang is very based in cheating, in which kala has been emotionally (and psychically) cheating on a good man who has offered her at least three outs, one before the marriage and two during the proceedings, that she chose not to take and also chose to continue to be with rajan while cheating on him with wolfgang and that does not appeal to me? an ot3 with them is ten times more appealing than fics where the ot3 ending is ignored and kala just ends up leaving rajan who she has been entirely unfaithful to the entire time despite the fact he WOULD have let her out of the marriage. like kalagang does not appeal to me in the way it probably does everyone else. i would rather have had a build up conversation to it obviously as well as more seasons for rajan and wolfgang's relationship but you'll pry the ot3 ending from my cold dead hands.
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legallyanxious · 5 years
Wolfgang, Rajan, and Kala definitely all ran to Nomi and Amanita with nervous questions about their situation the morning after the wedding and that’s FACTS
And it was definitely all separately and Kala and Wolfgang definitely got unsolicited advice from other people in the cluster - especially Riley, Sun and Will.
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Polyamory was the best outcome for the Wolfgang/Kala/Rajan love triangle. No ones hearts got broken, Kala is happy with both of the men she loves, and both Wolfgang and Rajan would gladly share to make her happy. Anyone who hates on them can fight me.
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cowboybuckleys · 6 years
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frecklesandpoverty · 6 years
sorry not sorry for all the Sense8 posts! If it’s bugging you, just blacklist “sense8″ for a few days, cause I’m gonna keep on posting my favorite people lol. Maybe I’ll annoy/bombard some of you enough that you start watching the show too. 
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nina-zeniq · 6 years
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polyam-fam · 6 years
Y'all are cowards
So many people are against Ralagang (Rajan/Kala/Wolfgang). You guys already get your monogamous relationships (Nomi/Amanita, Riley/Will, etc.) Can y'all just let the polyam folks have this? Polyamorous representation is so rare to come by and Ralagang is just so cute and in love! Y'all just want to be salty because Kala didn't /just/ pick Wolfgang. And she didn't settle for both just because! She loves both Rajan and Wolfgang, thats why she cant "pick" but instead of making it a toxic love triangle (which people are so fond of for some reason?) they made them happy together as a triad.
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chiliconsharls · 6 years
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fantastique-bastard · 7 months
I'm rewatching sense8 and I'm still absolutely delighted by the fact that after the dust settled a little bit, Rajan looked at Wolfgang for a SECOND and went: "New husband?... Yep, new husband!" despite how weird things still were.
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jaytodd1129 · 6 years
rant about ralagang (?datthename?)
the only reason wolfgang was jealous of rajan at first was because he thought kala HAD to choose. he thought it was him or rajan, period. THAT’S what pissed him off, that’s why it angered him to hear kala speak of rajan in a good light or to see them dancing etc. etc. NOT because he had anything against rajan beyond that. it stemmed from feeling threatened that this man might actually be not so bad and kala would choose him and abandon wolfgang.
but then something wonderful happened... kala realized she didn’t have to choose jack shit! why should she? why should either of these wonderful, amazing, kind, generous men that deserve the world HAVE to be hurt?? so she was a mf QUEEN and proposed the idea. and suddenly, all that hostility wolfgang felt for rajan fizzled away, because he was no longer perceived as a threat that could take kala away from him. and wolfgang could finally appreciate rajan for the wonderful human being that we always knew he was. as a matter of fact, we can see little instances throughout s2 that there is chemistry between wolfgang and rajan even BEFORE they meet. like wolfgang teaching rajan how to use a gun through kala (and lowkey finding it cute AF how clueless yet eager rajan is to learn) or rajan accidentally kissing wolfgang through kala and wolfgang smirking like “huh...you know that didn’t feel half bad..”.
so what i’m very confused by is all these people WANTING for rajan to get hurt?? like why y’all so thirsty to see a man that was made out to be GOOD and PURE from the very beginning of the show burn?? I would get the outrage if in s1 he was made out to be this fucking abusive prick or something and suddenly in s2 kala chose both. THAT would make no sense. But from the beginning, rajan was kind and warm to kala. he really wanted nothing more than to make kala happy and treat her like a queen. he not only subverted the “controlling conservative indian husband” trope, he fucking DESTROYED it. he said that he didn’t want kala to quit her job or abandon her passions just because they would be getting married because that was part of what made him love her so much. he was patient when she wouldn’t have sex with him after getting married, never becoming angry with her or making her feel guilty for it. and are we forgetting how on fucking board he was when kala was on the run and told him she was a sense8? he was like “ok. give me that gun. i don’t know how to use it but give me that gun cause if this is what you need, it’s gonna happen” like we would ALL be happy to have a husband like rajan folks, or just even a friend.
If I said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: kalagang was love at first sight. kalajan was slowburn. the one thing in common they have: they’re both still love. so kalagang shippers stop whining please? your ship is alive and well. as a matter of fact, better than even because all that confusion and pain kala was enduring is finally gone with the goddamn wind and she is living her best life with her husband and boyfriend.
TLDR: rajan is a great fucking person who deserves everything good in this world, just like kala and wolfgang. and kala and wolfgang are going to live their best life with rajan bringing them breakfast every morning and calling them both “my loves” and kissing them tenderly and happily throwing money at them and having great threeway sex in the future. so no need to worry about kalagang, it’s alive and well in the arms of a precious indian dude. nuff said.
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weareinastormoffuck · 6 years
I know everyone has different opinions and that’s fine. I personally think kalas character arc wasn’t about who she picked to be with but more about why she picked them. From the first season kala has been doing everything to make everyone else happy. Yes the first two seasons Kala didn’t love rajan, no one is arguing with that but in the finale she literally says he’s more than she thought he was before. If being with both of them, either in a poly relationship or separate relationships makes her happy then that’s what’s important. Her development doesn’t revolve around a man or men, it revolves around her making her own choices and doing things to make herself happy first. That’s exactly what she’s doing and I personally think she looked pretty damn happy with both of them at the wedding, reception, and hotel room.
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pallasandthepeople · 6 years
The world was more complicated than he thought
Rajan finds it easier to accept his wife is a sensate in love with someone else than that he might be falling for Wolfgang. And he, and she, for him. A lot of love all over. 
Probably gonna post this on ao3 as soon as I have an account there again. I just needed more of a build up for Rajan and Wolfgang, so I figured I’d make it myself. 
 Rajan had been 10 when, while watching some silly cartoon he couldn’t even remember the name of, he realized a fundamental truth.
 “Dad,” he’d asked, “the bad guys think they’re the good guys, right?”
 “Yes Raj, of course they do.”
 Manendra, busy as always with other stuff, didn’t give his son’s life-shattering discovery much attention.
  “But what if we are the bad guys?”
  Rajan had long used the story as a funny anecdote. It was something he told when the wine had been taken out of the cooler after a long business meeting and everyone finally sat back in their chairs. A personal note: “The moment Rajan became a man”. But at the time it had had a huge impact on him. The world was more complicated than he had thought it was, and there was no going back anymore.
 He was reminded of that childhood memory when, on a sunny late afternoon in Paris, he stared at the eight people smiling at him peacefully. His thoughts kept tumbling through his head while Kala gently stirred him away from the group and slowly, very slowly, missing pieces started falling into place. The world was truly more complicated that he had thought it was.
 He found the last missing piece when he asked about the missing member of the group.
 “So, when this Wolfgang fellow is tortured…, you experience his pain?”
 There was… something in Kala’s expression. A fear in her eyes, a desperation. A longing. It was then Rajan knew.
 Rajan had given his relationship with Kala a lot of thought over the years. It had been difficult from the beginning and, while he knew she was trying, there had always been that emotional disconnection. The possibility of there being someone else, at least emotionally, had crossed his mind more than once.
 He now had a confirmation. Yes, there was someone else, and for a moment he was consumed by jealousy. But there was more. A few hours ago finding out his wife was cheating on him might have shattered his world. His carefully structured world in Mumbai with rules he understood and followed couldn’t have taken the blow. And yet here they were, in Paris, and no old rules applied anymore. His world had been expanded, and there were few things he was sure of now.
 What he did know though was that he loved Kala, and that Kala at the very least cared for him. But he also knew Kala was in danger now, and suddenly that became the main priority. What other choice did he have?”
 “I came rushing to Paris for the same reason I married you. I love you, Kala.” It was almost a desperate cry, but he managed to keep his face straight. “And that feeling hasn’t gone away, or been changed, by learning that the woman I love is so much more than the woman I married.”
 It was it that moment, seeing her face lighting up and the love radiating from it, that he knew he had made the right choice.
 “My god Rajan, I married a good man.”
 She went quiet. “But Rajan, there’s something else, Wolfgang and I…”
 He put his hand on her lips and smiled with difficulty. It would take some time, but it’d be okay.
 “I know. We’ll talk, later.”
 There were more important things now.
 Rajan didn’t get the chance to talk to Kala about anything not related to the plan anymore after that. He too got swept away in the wild ride that these people’s life seemed to be. But something had changed. With this many of her loved ones around her she suddenly seemed to always be at his side. Not just by his side, but actively trying to include him in the conversations between sensates, and always touching him gently.
 It was a kind of prelude to the conversation they’d need to have eventually and Rajan didn’t want to read too much into it, but it felt… good. He knew for certain that she wasn’t being this affectionate out of guilt; he would have sensed that. They’d been together too long now for that. And so he just let it be and prepared to save the lover of his wife.
 Everything in the club happened so fast Rajan hardly realized he was talking to Wolfgang, that the guy in front of him was Wolfgang, till Wolfgang grabbed his wrist and said: “Come with me.” In that moment he would’ve done anything the other man said. And when he did finally get to see Wolfgang properly in the van, with the adrenaline rapidly leaving his body and the exhaustion kicking in, the only thing Rajan could think was: “Oh. I get it.” It was probably the eyes, he figured.
 Wolfgang turned to the rest and announced that Kala and the others were safe, and then he turned to Rajan in front of him and his startling blue eyes focused on him. Rajan felt slightly nauseous.
 “Are we okay?” Wolfgang asked, in hindi.
 Rajan swallowed and managed to recompose himself.
 “We’ll talk later,” he said with a nod.
 Wolfgang nodded back and smiled a little.
 They arrived at Jean-Pierre’s house early in the morning and Rajan immediately got busy playing host. Pierre was an old friend from university and he had made well for himself, the house wasn’t exactly small, but it wasn't built for this amount of people either.
 “Alright, Lito and company can go in the master bedroom as it has the biggest bed,” Rajan quickly decided. “Sun and Mun in that one, Amanita and Nomi can take that one… Capheus, you take the couch. There is one bedroom more upstairs, that one can be for Riley and Will.”
 He looked at Wolfgang, who was watching him intently.
 “There are some extra mattresses in the shed for us.”
 Everyone was tired and soon only Capheus and Wolfgang were left. They walked to the shed in silence and Rajan handed Capheus some sheets and showed Wolfgang the two mattresses.
 “Where to?” Wolfgang asked, one mattress under each arm.
 Capheus quickly made himself scarce.
 “We can put one of them in the hall and one in the study… Or kitchen even, but we can also put them both in the study… If you want we can even sleep with Capheus…,” Rajan rambled.
 Wolfgang looked at him intently.
 “Do you want to talk or do you want to sleep?”
 Rajan smiled slightly. He liked Wolfgang’s directness. The nauseousness returned.
 “I think it might be best to talk before Kala arrives.”
 Wolfgang smiled back and headed to the study, somehow single-handedly taking the heavy things with him. Rajan came after him with the sheets.
 “That’s gonna be hell to wash after we’re gone,” Wolfgang remarked as Rajan made up the beds. “So many sheets.”
 “We’ll get a cleaning lady, don’t worry.”
 “Of course.”
 When everything that could possibly be done had been done they both sat down on their respective mattresses and faced each other. The room was dimly lit by the lights of the electric devices around them. It was quiet for awhile, and then Rajan decided to just start talking.
 “Kala was the only girl at work that wasn’t after me,” he started. “I think… I think that’s what made her interesting at first.”
 Wolfgang leaned back against the desk, and listened. Listened to Rajan describing their courtship, their engagement, what the marriage had been like for him so far. It was freeing in a way that Rajan could never have imagined. He didn’t really have anyone to talk about these things at home. Telling his friends his wife didn’t love him wasn’t exactly easy, and he felt like they wouldn’t understand the complexity of their relationship anyway. Especially not now. But Wolfgang did, better than anyone possibly could. Wolfgang understood. And then, slowly, Wolfgang started making some comments. Giving his point of view on matters (or maybe Kala’s, wasn’t that how this thing worked?), telling his own little anecdotes. Opening up. Soon they weren’t talking about Kala anymore, but about different things. Trivial and yet very important things, bits and pieces of their lives.
  Rajan didn’t remember when he’d fallen asleep. He woke up the next morning facing Wolfgang, who was an arms reach away, and he was suddenly filled with a warm, happy feeling. It would be alright. This man and he, they understood each other. It would all work out.
 They had a late breakfast all together in the sun, and Wolfgang soon walked up to him to offer him a glass of wine.
 “Rajan,” Wolfgang said in a much more official tone than he had the night before. The others glanced in their direction with discretion. “Most men wouldn’t have done what you did for me.” Rajan knew Wolfgang well enough by now to know that was his way of saying thank you.
 “I did what I could,” he answered awkwardly, but Wolfgang demanded his attention with his intense eyes.
 “I’ll never forget it.”
 Rajan felt the nausea wash over him again, and he quietly cursed the nerves from the whole trip.
Will be continued! On ao3 probably, as soon as I have that figured out. You can read part II here already. Let me know what you thought!
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brosetv · 6 years
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Some Sense8 in the style of Archie Comics.  (Move over, Archie/Betty/Veronica, there’s a newer better love triangle in town!)
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cosmicbumblingbee · 6 years
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This pretty much sums it all up
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convenientalias · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sense8 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal Characters: Rajan Rasal, Wolfgang Bogdanow, Kala Dandekar Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, POV Rajan, Series Finale Summary:
From Paris to Naples, from the Eiffel Tower to an exploding tour bus, from eating pizza to discovering his wife has a secret telepathic lover: Rajan is getting a lot of mileage out of his holiday.
Or, the one that's literally just Amor Vincit Omnia from Rajan's point of view.
Guys this is a 12k fic I think I got a little carried away but like that finale tho
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