#Raider Gundam
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gundamfight · 4 months ago
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magnesiumxp · 2 months ago
you all came here for my gunpla posting right i know how much u love my gunplas and gundam. FM forbidden gundam go…
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i finally completed the trio. amen
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newsintheshell · 4 months ago
Clip, date, novità sul cast di Avatar e One Piece e anche qualche annuncio a sorpresa!
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Un po' in ritardo, ma vi ho portato anche il riassunto della Geeked Week '24.
Il grande evento virtuale di Netflix, dedicato ai fan di animazione, videogiochi e non solo, ci ha regalato un sacco di belle novità anche quest'anno.
La kermesse si è tenuta la scorsa settimana, ma prima non sono proprio riuscito a farci un post, fra l'Aniplex Online Fest 2024, il palinsesto autunnale di Crunchyroll e alte cose, fra cui anche vari impegni, siamo arrivati al martedì dopo, scusate 😅
Parliamo subito dei nuovi membri del cast, che entrano a far parte della ciurma di Netflix per l'attesa seconda stagione di quel mezzo miracolo (in cui nessuno lecitamente credeva), che si è rivelata essere la serie live action ispirata all'epopea di Oda.
Quest'anno, a condurre lo show della Geeked Week ad Atlanta c'era Joe Manganiello e non era lì per caso. L'attore ha infatti svelato che prenderà parte alla serie nel ruolo di Mr Zero/Crocodile, per poi annunciare che Miss All Sunday a.k.a. Nico Robin avrà le fattezze di Lera Abova!
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Come fisicità direi che ci siamo, quelli del casting continuano a far un buon lavoro. Parole incredibili da dire quando si parla di una serie Netflix, non ci credo neanche io.
In più è stato mostrato anche Chopper, ma solo di spalle e di sfuggita. Per i più curiosi, qua c'è anche un tour del set dietro le quinte, in compagnia di Bagy in persona, Jeff Ward.
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Mostrata una clip in anteprima tratta dalla miniserie di 6 episodi diretta da Erasmus Brosdau (Origin Zero, The Lord Inquisitor: Seed of Ambition), in arrivo sulla piattaforma dal 17 ottobre.
Le animazioni facciali dei soldati saranno anche un po' rigidine, ma quando l'occhione dello Zaku si accende, il neurone di attiva all'istante!
Mini teaser con al centro Alucard e Richter, che ci annuncia quando potremo vedere la seconda stagione della serie made in Powerhouse Animation Studios (Tomb Raider, Blood of Zeus), ispirata alla celebre saga di videogiochi di Konami: da gennaio 2025!
Altra clip in anteprima, stavolta presa direttamente dal nuovo film d'animazione con protagonista il mitico Strigo dai capelli bianchi creato da Andrzej Sapkowski, in uscita l'11 febbraio 2025.
Lo spezzone è presentato dal grande Doug Cockle, la voce di Geralt nei videogiochi che lo hanno reso famoso al grande pubblico.
Il piccolo banter con Ranuncolo è carino, ma per sicurezza continuo a tenere incrociate le dita per un lavoro almeno con una parvenza di fedeltà al racconto originale (“Un Piccolo Sacrificio”)... con Netflix è un po' difficile, lo so.
Rimaniamo in casa Studio Mir (Dota: Dragon’s Blood, The Witcher: Le Sirene degli Abissi) e fomentiamoci un po' con un'altra celebrità, che guarda caso non è propriamente umana, caccia mostri e ha una chioma candida: l'unico e inimitabile Dante, figlio di Sparda!
Gli 8 episodi della nuova serie tratta dalla storica saga di videogiochi targata Capcom, arriveranno in streaming da aprile 2025. We are locked and loaded, baby!
Quest'anno possiamo saltare ottobre e andare direttamente a novembre, per favore? Dopo questa clip con dark Vi io non posso più aspettare!
La seconda e ultima stagione della mia personale serie tv dell'anno 2021, che ricordo essere ispirata al grande universo di League of Legends, verrà pubblicata ancora una volta in tre atti: il primo arriverà il 9 novembre, il secondo il 16 novembre e il terzo il 23 novembre.
Fortiche, continua a creare capolavori di questo calibro e la mia vita è tua! Non scherzo, questi ragazzi sembra abbiano veramente un tocco magico, che spero non perdano mai; hanno creato qualcosa di speciale e ne voglio ancora!
Netflix e CD Projekt Red hanno ufficialmente annunciato di star collaborando, per riportarci a Night City con un nuovo progetto di animazione!
Non si sono sbottonati sui dettagli, ma restiamo in trepidante attesa.
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Uscito anche il trailer doppiato per la serie animata che, dal 10 ottobre, porterà sui nostri schermi Lara Croft.
Chi ha familiarità con i videogiochi reboot di Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider e Shadow of the Tomb Raider), riconoscerà subito la voce di Benedetta Ponticelli!
Gran bel tocco di continuità per tutti i fan, visto che la storia sarà ambientata dopo gli eventi raccontati nella trilogia della sopravvissuta, per l'appunto.
Sapevamo già che la seconda stagione era stata confermata, ma ora la produzione è ufficialmente iniziata. Non c'è ancora una finestra di uscita, ma nel frattempo è stato svelato un nuovo membro del cast!
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A calarsi nei panni del mio adorabile gremlin della terra preferito c'è Miya Cech. Qui sotto il breve teaser che anticipa l'arrivo di Toph Beifong nella serie.
Si vociferava già all'annuncio della serie, ma ora è confermato: l'action family comedy, basata sul popolare manga di Yuto Suzuki, arriverà in simulcast a partire da gennaio 2025.
L'anime è diretto da Masaki Watanabe (KADO - The Right Answer, Battle Spirits) ed è una produzione TMS Entertainment (Dr. Stone, Rent-a-Girlfriend).
La miniserie horror thriller sudcoreana, diretta da Yeon Sang-ho (Train to Busan, Kiseiju - La zona grigia), tornerà con una seconda stagione il 25 ottobre, giusto in tempo per Halloween.
Per chi non lo sapesse, l'adattamento live action si basa sull'omonimo fumetto, in due volumi, pubblicato dal regista assieme a Choi Gyu-Seok.
È VIVA! ESISTE ANCORA! Questa era completamente sparita dal 2019, quando al primo annuncio doveva avere alle spalle addirittura i fratelli Russo.
Non è più così, a quanto pare, visto che il rilancio parla di una nuova direzione creativa, da parte dello showrunner e produttore esecutivo Terry Matalas (Star Trek: Picard, 12 Monkeys), in compagnia di Patrick Osborne (Nimona, Winston) come regista supervisore e produttore.
Io sono un fan del gioco di carte da quando si chiamava Magic L'Adunanza, spero che Hasbro e la Wizards abbiano preparato dei bei borsoni di soldi, perché pretendo una gran serie animata e non voglio scherzi.
Il Multiverso ha un potenziale enorme ed è pieno di luoghi, personaggi e storie interessanti. Sapevamo già che avremmo cominciato con Chandra, ma dall'inconfondibile silohuette direi che nel frattempo si è ufficialmente aggiunto anche Ajani.
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Ubisoft ritira fuori il povero Sam Fisher per piazzarlo ovunque, meno che in un nuovo videogioco di Splinter Cell 😭
Sono passati più di 10 anni dall'ultimo e non sono riusciti neanche a fare il remake del primo iconico capitolo della saga stealth. Troppo impegnati a mungere Assassin's Creed a quanto pare...
Però, l'annuncio a sorpresa di questa serie animata mi dà un pochina di speranza. Forse. (Non troppa visto l'andazzo recente della situazione di Ubisoft)
Nel progetto sono coinvolti gli studi Sun Creature e Fost, con al comando Guillame Dousse e Félicien Colmet-Daage.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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rdmaaron · 6 months ago
Gaia, Chaos and Abyss are coming to GB4 raaaaaaaaaaa!
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yurisouls · 10 months ago
An Introduction to... well me!
Hello, im Elizabeth and I thought id make a post for anyone who'd like to get to know me. -The Personal-
Trans (MtF)
-The Interests-
Vidya Games
Science (Marine Biology, Astronomy, Geology)
-The Movies-
The Empire Strikes Back
The Shawshank Redemption
Raging Bull
The Godfather Part II
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Thing (1982)
Love Exposure
Back To The Future II
The Dark Knight
Scream (1996)
Silence of the Lambs
Pulp Fiction
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Madoka Magica: Rebellion
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Star Wars (1977)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Saw II
-The Games-
Dark Souls III
Majoras Mask
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Solid 3
Persona 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Fallout New Vegas
Project Sekai
Ocarina of Time
Portal 2
Pokemon Black & White 2
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Persona 5
Resident Evil 2
VA-11 Hall-A
Metal Gear Solid
-The Anime/Manga-
Madoka Magica
Zeta Gundam
Haruhi Suzumiya
Gurren Lagann
Bloom in to You
Jujutsu Kaisen
Cant Defy the Lonely Girl
Watashi wa Warui ga Yuri ja Nai
I Love Amy (this is a manhwa but still)
Lucky Star
Code Geass
One Piece
Flip Flappers
Gundam Unicorn
Gundam 0079
Gundam 08th MS Team
-The Music-
My Chemical Romance
Fleetwood Mac
Jimmy Eat World
The Strokes
Foo Fighters
The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
The Cure
David Bowie
Pink Floyd
Pearl Jam
Hail the Sun
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sunny Day Real Estate
The Hotelier
and thats it, I apologize for it being so long (the autism took over me) but if you read this far then I appreciate it and I hope youve taken an interest in me!
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gatormeister · 5 months ago
Gundam SEED Destiny Started!
Okay, first impressions. Good opening, not good enough for me to want to listen through it every episode like SEED’s first opening. Gruesome first episode, SEED does not often go into detail with its violence, but when it does it is shockingly gorey for the kind of show it is. IBO is more brutal more often for reference, but you very rarely see what actually happens to a person’s body there. Here we end up seeing bloody corpses and a severed hand and it works well to establish motivation for Shinn and a demonstration of just how awful war is for people.
Then we’ve got our not cyber newtypes who I am hoping will get better characterization than the not cyber newtypes of the previous series. They’re fine, but you don’t get to know much about them in the first three episodes. I like their designs and their Gundams. Really could have done without a “cop a feel on accident” trope. It wasn’t funny and it didn’t add anything to the show.
I already had Neo Roanoke’s identity spoiled, but wow are they not even trying to hide who he is. My only question is why is he doing any of this? It feels like something very out of character, so I can only assume something else is going on to lead to him going along with any of that.
I am so glad Athrun’s just not being allowed to get away with hiding who he is. Guy didn’t even grow his hair out and start wearing sunglasses. As for our other familiar face, Cagalli comes off as being somewhat out of her depth as a political figure which makes sense since she’s what? Just 18? And acting as a representative of an entire nation. It can lend itself to some good character growth and moments with Shinn if handled right.
The new chairman of ZAFT came off as at least somewhat genuine in the first episode and most of the second, but now he’s getting all the “oh no I’m sus” music queues. If he ends up being some sorta manipulative mastermind that’d be pretty disappointing since ZAFT having seemingly had most of its leadership killed off in the last show is actually in a pretty good position to be written as a more sympathetic group for this show.
Now for mobile suits, I like the impulse more than the Strike, and the Gaia, Chaos, and Abyss are just much better than the Calamity, Raider, and Forbidden Gundams. I like the Impulse’s multiple packs a lot more than the Strike’s thanks to the mobile suit colors changing to compliment the pack this go around. I do imagine that made its Gunpla a lot less readily customizable since it’d need multiple colors of the same parts to be show accurate.
As for the Zakus… I absolutely love their designs, I think all of SEED’s explicit redesigns of the Zeon mobile suits are fantastic and look incredible they’re my favorite designs in both shows. But why are they being used for an AU? Part of why the AUs are great is how they all have their own unique senses of style and designs, and the GINN was a perfect design that could call back to everyone’s favorite mono eyed army while still feeling unique to the Cosmic Era shows. Being so explicit as to have literal Zakus just takes some of that unique charm away if only in a small way.
All that said, I hope I end up enjoying this show. I like these first three episodes. They aren’t as strong a beginning as SEEDs, but it’s still good. I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a worry in the back of my mind about the stigma behind the show, but the only way I can figure out if I’ll continue to enjoy it is if I keep watching, so that’s what I’ll do.
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I don't really have much to say here. When this posts(insert time here) I will be reopening submissions! So get ready for that (but please don't flood my form too much). Remember to take a quick look at the weekly lineups before you send in a character if you want to make sure they haven't been submitted yet!
Yuu Suzuno - King of Prism
Zhou Zishu - Word of Honor
Ai Hayasaka - Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Layla Hamilton - Kaleido Star
Hank - To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
Musa Kamara - Run with the Wind
Yin Fu - Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary
Rain Mikamura - Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Cure Passion - Fresh Precure
John Marston - Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2
Hop - Pokémon
Ai Haibara - Detective Conan
Sailor Saturn - Sailor Moon
Squilliam Fancyson - Spongebob Squarepants
Natarle Badgiruel - Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Budwin - Papa Louie
Kaito - Ajin
Satou - Ajin
Minato Arisato - Persona 3
Shou - Akumetsu
Hijikata Mamoru - Until Death Do Us Part
Sarah Connor - Terminator
Sisirinah - Warbreaker
Beatriz Pinzón Solano - Yo Soy Betty, la Fea
Noah - Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Alvis - Xenoblade Chronicles
Full Frontal - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096
Cypher (Amir el Amari) - Valorant
Daud - Dishonored
Emily Kaldwin - Dishonored
Jinx - Arcane
Nickel - Inanimate Insanity
Florida - Welcome to the Table
Fey Truscott-Sade - Doctor Who
Kroton the Cyberman - Doctor Who
Morbius - Doctor Who
Ralph Wiggum - The Simpsons
Ned Leeds - Spiderman (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Penny - Stardew Valley
Pam - Stardew Valley
Kanao Tsuyuri - Demon Slayer
Kazuki Nishina - King of Prism / Pretty Rhythm
eShop Bag - Nintendo 3DS eShop
Arcade Bunny - Nintendo Badge Arcade
Ace Ikebukuro - King of Prism
Mario - PriPara
Mr. AR - AR Games
Kururun - Tropical Rouge PreCure
StreetPass Bunny - StreetPass Mii Plaza
Ushimitsu - Idol Land PriPara
Final Boss (aka Disco) - Face Raiders
Shinji Aragaki - Persona 3
Kicks - Animal Crossing
Sabine - Star Stable Online
Langa Hasegawa - Sk8 the Infinity
Kouji Mihama - King of Prism / Pretty Rhythm
Hayami Hiro - King of Prism / Pretty Rhythm
Bluestar - Warrior Cats
Toma Ibuki - Waccha PriMagi
Nobuyuki Kai - Haikyuu
Sir Gilbert - Animal Jam
Minamoto Kou - Toilet Bound Hanako Kun (TBHK)
Yukina - Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
Elle Woods - Legally Blonde
Chase McCain - LEGO City Undercover
Grimace - McDonald’s
Irresponsible Dad - Happy Wheels
Topher Bus - Clone High
Moon Lord - Terraria
Therion - Octopath Traveler
Popcorn - Showvember
Eddy - Wii Sports Resort
Shaggy Rogers - Scooby-Doo
William Afton - Five Nights At Freddy’s
Mario - Super Mario
Oatchi - Pikmin 4
Moss - Pikmin 4
Miguel O’Hara - Across the Spiderverse
Tallahasse - Zombieland
Envelope - Animated Inanimate Battle
Nick Jr. Face - Nick Jr. bumpers
Muschio Malto - Divequest
Penny - Brawl Stars
PearlescentMoon - Double Life
The Narrator - Fight Club
Bora - Tally Hall Internet Show
Nanami Kiryuu - Revolutionary Girl Utena
Engine Room - Wii Sports Baseball Championship series
Lemmy Koopa - Super Mario
Anybodys - West Side Story
Garfield - Garfield
Maerad of Pellinor - The Books of Pellinor
Frankie Stein - Monster High Gen 3
Rapunzel - Neverafter, Dimension 20
Tabaqui the Jackal - The Gray House
Asa Mitaka - Chainsaw Man
Grell Sutcliff - Black Butler
Spamton G. Spamton - Deltarune
Neptune - Neptunia
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wordsandrobots · 2 years ago
@gremoria411​ - hope you don’t mind, I’m going to pull out the response to your comment as a post since I’m not sure I can answer in the word limit!
Would you mind expanding on how you believe Wing and Iron Blooded Orphans effectively managed multiple Gundams in a single show?
It's not a fully-formed idea, but what I mean is something like this:
In Gundam Wing, the Gundams retain their special status right the way through to the end of Endless Waltz. They're unique, deadly, practically indestructible and it's a really big deal that Wing Zero and Epyon even exist, because it's well established you can't easily build more of them. Dumb as the word is, the idea behind gundanium is pretty smart. These things are never going to be mass-produced and they’re not going to be equaled in battle, either, because the reason they can blast through hundreds upon hundreds of mobile dolls is literally built into them at the conceptual level.
Iron-Blooded Orphans plays with the same kind of thing regarding these machines being a cut above everything else, but ultimately establishes the opposite situation: Gundams weren't originally 'rare' (72 'suits is a very high number by IBO standards), they’re palpably not exceptionally resistant to harm, and in most people's hands, they don't perform that much better than the machines they're fighting. The thing that turns them into kill-everything monsters is gate-kept behind very severe conditions, so it never feels like battles will become trivial by simply having more of them in play.
That last point is why I felt it worth mentioning. What struck me about SEED is that by the time you have Calamity, Raider and Forbidden on screen, it is very hard to take them seriously. They’re Gundams (implicitly, I know the term is not actually used widely in SEED) and unique (not mass-production models like the Astrays), so they should feel like a big deal. But they don’t. They get their backsides handed to them *repeatedly*, because the narrative has to pile on the specialness of Freedom and Justice so they stand out in a swarm of similarly ‘main-character-coded’ ‘suits. It’s trying to have its cake and eat it in terms of how significant Gundams are.
It’s interesting to consider how the different shows chose to handle that, with the extreme ‘only a single Gundam’ model from the 79 series and Turn A at one pole and G Fighter’s complete genericising of the term at the other.
(There’s probably another axis to this thought which is ‘does introducing more Gundams in a spin-off cheapen the original?’ For Wing, the answer is obviously ‘yes’, because of the aforementioned rarity and the colonies not being able to roll them out by the hundreds. For IBO, it’s ‘no’, because the uniqueness is offset on to the pilots. Argi Mirage rolling around in Astaroth isn’t a big deal because Argi is so far below Mika’s level, it’s almost funny. A SEED spin-off could introduce as many Gundams as it liked [and I believe they did] to no effect because the term is already relatively diluted.)
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janetneo · 2 years ago
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Playing MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VS. MAXIBOOST ON. Raider Gundam 😍 #raidergundam #gundam #mobilesuitgundamextremevsmaxibooston #gundamgame #PS4 #PS5 #selfie #ootd https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTXihKyn59/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gundamfight · 1 year ago
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magnesiumxp · 6 months ago
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hey guys dod u know i like gundam i liek gundam and gunpla hi here is GAT-X370 raider gundam
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kiaryn-ledgem · 2 years ago
Lancer Wallflower! WOW!
Man what a cool module! DAMN THAT FINALE! I am inspired. I wanna run my own and try and make cool fights. Lancer is the first TTRPG I’ve played where I actually really enjoyed and got invested in the combat! Normally I’m more for the RP part or for fun storytelling mechanics or cool power systems like Mage the Awakening or Base Raiders or Exalted. This was so much fun! I wanna keep drawin’ mechs though. My gorgon seems well liked by folks and maybe I am good at drawing cool mecha? Perhaps? Have to keep doing it to find out! Thinkin’ of doing the Enkidu based on @ihavethreesettings ‘s concept (She’s one of my fellow players!)...  Another friend was a chad ForEverest with a gundam aesthetic too. Hrm... What to make my next one... Having them all eventually would be really neat for a group shot.
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bkrsszlrd · 5 months ago
"Geeked Week Titles: The following Netflix series or other Netflix content (each a “Geeked Week Title” and collectively, the “Geeked Week Titles”): Squid Game, Arcane, Avatar: The Last Airbender, One Piece (Live Action), Sandman, Black Mirror, Monument Valley, Twilight of the Gods, Wednesday, Stranger Things, Cobra Kai, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, Hellbound, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Castlevania Nocturne, Terminator Zero, Rebel Moon, Devil May Cry, Witcher: Sirens of The Deep, Gundam, Sweet Tooth, The Umbrella Academy."
No, thanks.
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We’re looking for YOUR incredible creations to credit & share on our social pages and in our Geeked Week Showcase. Send us your work between now and September 3rd.
Submit your fan art, crafts, makeup & cosplay HERE!
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rsnews555 · 4 months ago
Lançamentos de séries que chegam ainda em 2024
1 de 8 Round 6 (Foto: Divulgação) Round 6 (Foto: Divulgação) Dune: The Sisterhood (Foto: Divulgação) Dune: The Sisterhood (Foto: Divulgação) Heartstopper (Foto: Divulgação) Heartstopper (Foto: Divulgação) Tomb Raider: A Lenda de Lara Croft (Foto: Divulgação) Tomb Raider: A Lenda de Lara Croft (Foto: Divulgação) Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance (Foto: Divulgação) Mobile Suit Gundam:…
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database9 · 4 months ago
GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam, GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam, GAT-X370 Raider Gundam
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actionarcadeunleashd · 5 months ago
FULL MECHANICS 1/100 BOOST RAIDER GUNDAM The Ultimate Gunpla for Gundam ...
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