Rapid fire GM Notes
Since leaving Raftless, the party heads back to Kingswheat. There a letter to Zephyr is given.
It is from a woman who is claiming to be his mother. She is travelling south. So we speed run to catch up.
Artemis flies ahead to try and catch up. He does. He meet Zephyr’s mother, a deep sea triton with the same eyes as Zephyr. Artemis also meets an older sister, an albino deep sea, and a younger sister, a half reef triton.
The mother sends the girls ahead, trying to protect them from if Zephyr doesn’t remember them.
The party all meets up, Zephyr regains memories!
They travel to Fishraith, a fishing village where introductions are officially had.
Kelowna is the mother. Kyo his older sister, and Aella his younger sister. This is also the time Zephyr and Artemis tells everyone that they are dating.
Caleb after having interacted a bit with the family goes off to be alone, something clicked inside that his teachings and surrounds aren’t matching up.
After a bit of stress, Caleb finally pieces together some form of truth, his caretaker and father of the church wasn’t the best.
With a few days on the beach, the party and co. head to Aroka, a city that offers ferries to the moving giant titan city, Nezza... Zephyr’s home. But first!!! Party!
A large group of winged mother followers come into town. The city is excited to see all the winged elves! Exciting!!
Artemis meets up with an old friend, Aridan. Who just so happens to have the world’s biggest crush on Artemis’s older brother, which Aridan is mercilessly teased through out conversation. He also pieces together that Zephyr and Artemis are dating. Aridan promises not to tell Artemis’s family.
Before they go to Nezza, Zephyr recognizes a older drow man. He doesn’t piece together much, but he does know he hates him and he is a bastard of a father to a friend he still can’t remember much about.
Zephyr takes this man outside, questions him, then, without the party there, kills him.
Artemis has a dream from the goddess Sune (it was Valentine's day and I’m gay). He learns of a place he can take Zephyr that might help him with his memories.
Nezza is only half a boat trip away. The titan is a box titan, so like turtle that is vaguely box shaped. Lots of fun things happen.
More memories, more shopping, being stalked by a cloaked stranger, Mamaphyr (Kelowna’s nickname when i cant say Kelowna) cooking fish, and Aella’s kidnapping! Fun times!
The cloaked stranger seemed to be hunting the same drow that Zephyr killed. He leaves after Artemis tells him this fact. Was odd, but so far nothing has come out of it.
However Aella’s kidnapping is a time. After learning this, the party go to the ransom drop spot to get Aella back, with force. After a battle, and only one guy left, the group learns they were hired by some noble named Gin Baralet. Who, was the ex-boyfriend of Zephyr.
Zephyr takes the man’s great-axe and has a plan to go find his bad ex. With the threat to family, he goes to Selina, the noble viking woman that hires all of the Phyr family to work one job or another.
She is willing to sponcer the women of the family to move to the fourth realm to work and live with her family.
The party goes back to Aroka and catches a ship to go to the second realm, to Fudon to the heart of the empire.
Most everyone does get a bit sick with the sudden change in altitude. 
After a few days travel, Shakti takes everyone to her new home in the Empress’s noble gardens, where her mother now works as a Peacekeeper in Anin. We meet Shakti’s family, Courage, Diya, Amit, and Asim.
After a few days here, the party travels to R’treal, another titan that is a few days away. They have to stop in Jedaiki to catch a ferry back down to the first realm where the city is on the back of a turtle.
Here we meet Caleb’s boyfriend and his family. Eden, the boyfriend. Mama Calder, Papa Calder, Peter, Beckitt, and Felix. In the early morning Caleb and co go to talk to Father Nostrum, about the cruel practices that no longer follow Ilmater’s will.
Surprise, surprise, he is a bad guy!
Father Nostrum is in league with a vampire. Caleb gets some answers he wanted, but not all of them were helpful. After fighting with the vampire, Caleb goes to reveal to the local church that Nostrum is a fake. Nostrum is carted to the local courthouse for trial.
And that is the super long montage of what you have missed. I will be writing another post of the most recent game soon!
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NPC: Minnow
Name: Minnow Race: Half elf Class: Child Age: 11-12 Languages: Common, Elvish, and learning Primordial (learning to read too)
Stats: Str 9 Dex 10 Con 11 Int 9 Wis 10 Cha 15
Bio: Minnow grew up in Raftless under the care of a cruel innkeeper. She came into the care of Zephyr around the time she was about 11. This was because Minnow was not being treated right and Zephyr is planning to bring her somewhere safe where she won’t have to worry about owing anyone anything.
She has a habit of flinching at sudden touches and loud voices. She also likes to collect illusion charms and magic items. She is talkative only to people she know she can trust and is a bit of a snark to Zephyr.
She is just shy of 5 feet. She has sun kissed skin, probably a sun elf parent, curly brown hair and pale green/gray eyes. 
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GM Notes
The party wakes up to Kress already have left without saying any real good byes. The day is mostly spent by Caleb and Zephyr checking up on the family and the children that have been brought home.
Zephyr and Caleb find out that small town with little education can be a bit racist. Zephyr challenges their ideals while Caleb wants to leave it alone.
A day later the party sets out back to Kingswheat after talking to Robkiy. She is heading that way too, but she must go back home to gather some ideas before she leaves. Also, she will be leaving a few days from now for reasons she won’t answer to.
Travel is extremely peaceful, it isn’t until the sixth day of travel does the party find things to note. They return to Nila’s home to find that her wife Sarah has returned from the city. The party spends the night at their home, and they talk well into the night about adventures and stories.
Again the party sets off after getting a basket full of food from the two older women. It isn’t until the ninth day of travel that a strange sign grabs their attention.
The Mystic Moon, whatever that is, has set up a small camp.Following the path, the party stumble across two owlbears chilling in the road. After a few moments a half orc woman wrestles her owlbears off the road, introducing the party to Mystic Moon, a travelling circus.
Well, not quite. This small group is merely a recruitment party, hoping to find others to be added to their act back in the main circus. They have a little shop too with really good prices, so the party gets to buy some things.
There is a warforged that is also a diviner. It gives each party member a eerie fortune.
Zephyr You hold so few regrets… Someone will remind you why.
Caleb The truth will hurt like nothing you have felt before. Trust is a powerful tool that can be used and abused, but do not lose trust.
Artemis He knows you are alive. He seeks you as well.
Minnow Your parents still look for you. The city of snow will have a clue.
Most are unsure how they feel about their fortunes.
The night goes on and dinner is served when Zephyr wants to know how many fortunes can be told or is it just one.
Estoc does not know, but is willing to try.
Zephyr That which is lost is always is found right next to you.
Caleb You left a loved one, their heart still yearns for you, you did not betray them.
Artemis and Minnow do not want a second fortune. Caleb leaves shortly after and after a few minutes Zephyr goes after him.
In the morning the dragonborn Throden gives each one of the party a wooden coin, hand carved with a dragon and a family insignia. It’s the Shul family coin, and if the party finds themselves in the city of the dragonborn, there is work to be had there.
The party returns to Kingswheat, and back to the Lonely Lady inn, in order to talk to their good buddy Gill. Gill is currently talking to a tiefling.
Shakti, the new tiefling, is formally introduced by Gill, but no real interactions happen until Robkiy arrives in town 2 days later.
Robkiy needs help tracking down one of the two others that betrayed her. She needs to go after one who is off island, while she is sure one is still on the island. She gives them the wanted poster for him. He is either in Raftless or Kraeph.
Zephyr and Minnow don’t like the idea of going to Raftless. But the party agrees. After a few moments Gill approaches the party again with a job. Since they are travelling north and Artemis asked for a job to go to a beach, he has one.
Another delivery job, but this time it is a large pet set to go toa noblewoman called Naexi Alanydra…. Or Alanydra Naexi…. in Hagoshi. It is a Mabogo hatchling, an exotic frog beast with bat wings and three eyes and too many teeth.
It will be a day or so before Gill can find a cart and horse to use to drive the wagon.
And the game ends there, giving the party time for some shopping.
Likes Loves new player character
The fortunes
Situations that might be uncomfortable for the characters
The power to buy a lot of chalk
Travel felt disjointed
Not enough character interaction time
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