#Rafael Barba is a peacock
x-bluefire-heart-x · 11 months
Acting Like Teenagers
Here is the next chapter for Dating App. Things get a little more heated between Rafael and Miss Librarian.
Warnings: Nothing much, a little heavy petting and make out session.
Master List
Prompt List
One , Two , Three , Five , Six , Seven , Eight, Nine, Ten
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So far it had been a boring day at the library but it was looking to shape up a little. You had just gotten about six boxes and if they were what you were hoping? Well, you were just about jumping in excitement. You had managed to convince the boss to allow a monthly theme, chosen by different staff members to start with and then allowing the public to have a say, where you would have a table or two dedicated to books that matched the theme. There would also be some activities throughout the month as well, aimed to provide people with the opportunity to learn more about whatever the theme was. Since you had come up with the idea you had been given the first month. Your chosen theme was Mythology, specifically Greek.
The boxes were some decorations as well as some new books and you were about to have a day filled with making the tables as well as starting to prepare the some of the activities. You had already handed out a list of the activities you and a few other librarians had brainstormed. Which included some amazing colouring in pictures of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, as well as some demi-gods with a few pieces of information about them. An adult activity planned later in the month was a trivia night, coming in costume optional but highly encouraged. Without even thinking you pulled out your phone taking a picture of the first box you had opened.
‘I am about to have an entire month geeking out over books inspired by or that have some Greek Mythology themes, plus getting to teach kids about the stories of the Gods and Goddess…though highly edited to make them child friendly!’
You sent that message to Rafael along with the photo. You paused for a moment, realising that the first thing you wanted to do when you found out these boxes where for your monthly book theme was share your excitement with Rafael. You drummed your fingers on the box in-front of you trying to decide to if you wanted to deal with that particular realisation or leave it. You sighed as you opened the next box, mind still juggling the two options before the title of a book caught your eye and the excitement was back tenfold allowing you to happily ignore everything else.
‘I am about to have an entire month geeking out over books inspired by or that have some Greek Mythology themes, plus getting to teach kids about the stories of the Gods and Goddess…though highly edited to make them child friendly!’
Rafael felt his phone vibrate against his leg as he stood in the squad room, listening to the detectives run through the latest update in the current case. He pulled it out, the detectives very use to him doing so, he looked down at it, smiling the moment he saw your name. That smile softening from the excited upturn when he read your message, he could imagine the way your eyes would light up when you opened he boxes and if you had been speaking these words how your hands would have been gesturing excitedly around you. Rafael hadn’t even noticed that Amanda had stopped speaking, drawing everyone’s attention to him, all of them sharing looks when they saw the way he was looking at his phone.
“Counsellor?” Carisi asked. Rafael forced his eyes away from his phone, the look dropping away from his face in a second when he realised that they had all seen it.
“Who’s on the other end?” Finn asked leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I have no idea what you are insinuating,” Rafael tried to deflect. “Rollins, you were saying?”
“It can wait,” Amanda grinned. “I’ve seen you pull a lot of faces Barba, but never one like that. Plus, the fact that Liv prevented us from contacting you the other night.”
“And yesterday at lunch we also were not allowed to call you,”  Nick added. Finn and Carisi nodded along, while Olivia was standing back. Rafael had spent the better part of yesterday afternoon filling her in on both dates he had with the you. She had to stop herself from overreacting at times, she had no idea that Rafael could be so adorable. She really wanted to meet you, if only to see Rafael’s reactions to you in person. And maybe sneak a few photos.
“Sometimes, I hate how good you all are,” he grumbled. “It was someone I have been on two dates with. She messaged me about something she’s doing at the library she works at, she’s excited about it and wanted to share it.”
“She seems adorable from what Rafael has told me,” Liv finally interjected. “And she’s very pretty. Will keep him on his toes that’s for sure.”
“Okay now I need to know everything,” Amanda grinned taking a seat next to Finn.  
“We do have a case,” Rafael gestured to the boards around them. “Shouldn’t we focus on that?”
“We’ll get back to that,” Finn unsurprisingly added his voice to the conversation, his grin speaking volumes. Even Nick and Carisi were sitting there with grins on their faces, Rafael sighed knowing full well that if he wanted to get back on track he would have to talk.
“Fine,” he agreed. “Just one moment.” He looked back down at his phone, your message still opened there. The team all shared a look, grinning at each other the minute Rafael’s face changed back to that adorable soft expression.
‘You’ll have to tell me all about it at lunch. I expect photo updates, Miss Librarian.’
You had just finished unboxing the first two boxes you had opened, making sure to correctly catalogue them and mark them off against the invoice. You had started separating them into different piles for each of the planned activities and the books.  There was another pile of some of the decorations you would be taking home to work on, some drawings to colour in, some posters and banners to put together and paint. You were excited. You had just started opening the next box when your phone lit up from where it was on the table.
‘You’ll have to tell me all about it at lunch. I expect photo updates, Miss Librarian.’
“Fuck this man,” you muttered. “How can he be this amazing?”
“Ooh, you talking about the man you went on that date with?” your friend Lily asked as she came into the storage room.
“Yes,” you whined. “He likes how I get excited about books and he didn’t look bored when I rambled to him. I sent him a photo telling him about the plans for this month and he said I’ll have to tell him about it.”
“You lucked out with him,” she said. “I’ve had no luck with men. How old is he?”
“Well, he’s 45,” you said twisting a strand of hair around your finger.
“Ooh girl, I’m so proud you didn’t change the age range,” Lily nudged you with her shoulder. “Have you matched with any other interesting men?”
“No idea,” you shrugged. “I didn’t look at any of them after matching with Rafael and since we exchanged numbers after dinner the other night I haven’t even looked at the app, even turned off notifications for it.”
“Ooh, you got it bad for him already huh?!” she gushed.
“It definitely seems that way, I mean the first thing I wanted to do after opening these boxes was message him, which I did with zero thought,” you blushed a little admitting that. “Plus, well, our first kiss was pretty fiery, even as tame as it was cause we were in public. I mean the man also kissed my knuckles after our first date, at which he also pulled out my chair and helped me out of my coat and then back into it. And he says what he thinks, he literally ran to meet me for our second date, apologising for being late, even though he messaged me telling me he would and it was only ten minutes.”
“Take a breath,” Lily laughed. “Fiery huh? Thought you didn’t believe in that kinda stuff.”
“Well, Rafael might have me rethinking it,” you grinned.
“Maybe I need to increase my age range,” Lily said tapping her chin in thought.
“I mean it might be worth it,” you agreed.
“When are you seeing him next?” Lily asked helping you with the next box.
“Tomorrow, for lunch,” you answered looking back at your phone. “Just gonna respond to him, let me take a photo of what we have. He wanted photo updates.”
“Sounds like he’s got it bad as well,” Lily giggled hoping out of the way to let you take a shot of what you had pulled out so far.
‘I’m looking forward to it. You might regret telling me to send photo updates, I’m notorious for sending a lot! Here’s the loot from the first two boxes!’ you attached the images and sent the messages.
“Alright, I want all the details while we finish this,” Lily informed you. “So get talking.”
“So pushy!” you laughed. “Alright, well, his name is Rafael, he’s an ADA for the Special Victims Unit.”
“Wait, Special Victims, they deal with sexual based crimes don’t they?” Lily interrupted.
“Yeah, he said it was confronting but rewarding work,” you nodded. “He warned about long and hectic working hours in his profile but I’m not bothered. The work he does is important.”
“Very important, so can we assume from that that he is potentially a feminist?” Lily asked. “Which I think is important.”
“I also think that’s important,” you nodded. “I haven’t asked him but I have a feeling he might be. He asked if he could kiss me before he did, which I know doesn’t automatically make him a feminist but I figure it’s a good sign.”
“Hm, we’ll gather some more evidence before making a final decision,” Lily determined. “Alright, keep going!”
You shook your head in amusement at your friend but obliged her none the less. Rafael had Liv, and you had Lily, it had been with her that you had had one too many cocktails and downloaded the app that lead to you Rafael so you figure she should get some details.
Rafael was sitting at his dinning table, taking a break from his work. He was trying to work out if it would be worth it booking somewhere for lunch tomorrow. After he had filled in the team things had suddenly became hectic as another victim turned up. He had hoped that you two would be able to meet at a café but he really hoped that you meant it when you said you were happy to have lunch at his office. He had just picked up his phone to message you when a series of alerts popped up. All messages from you. One quick text and a number of photos.
‘Keeping my promise of photo updates.’ The first photos included pictures of potential ways you were thinking of displaying the books. The next series were photos that looked like they were taken in your living room, it showed banners and posters with some of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, half of them painted and the others blank. One included a photo of you with a paint brush and some paint on your nose as you held up a completed picture, a proud look on your face. Rafael laughed as he saved that photo, putting in the folder with the photo you had sent the day of your first date.
‘They all look amazing, you didn’t mention you enjoy painting,’ Rafael sent back. He bit his lips before sending another photo. ‘I hope you are alright with me saving some of the photos you have sent.’
God he hoped he hadn’t made a mistake.
You had just finished the banner you would be putting up at the entrance of the library. You somehow gotten a little paint on your face, but instead of removing it you left it there, knowing that you would somehow get more paint on yourself, as you always did whenever you painted. You sat your brush to the side, to start cleaning up but before you could start your phone vibrated.
‘They all look amazing, you didn’t mention you enjoy painting.’
You smiled as you read Rafael’s message. You were about to start responding when another message came through.
‘I hope you are alright with me saving some of the photos you have sent.’
You grinned at his confession, you thought it was cute that he wanted to save your photos, you figured he meant the photo you sent of you in the park and most likely the selfie you just sent. You weren’t bothered by him saving them but you liked that he didn’t hide it.
‘Thank you, I don’t do it often but I enjoy it, mostly I just paint landscapes. I’m fine with you doing that, so long as I can do that same if you send me any photos.’
‘Thank you, I don’t do it often but I enjoy it, mostly I just paint landscapes. I’m fine with you doing that, so long as I can do that same if you send me any photos.’
Rafael grinned at your response, he found himself wanting to watch you paint. Maybe he could suggest going back to where you guys had a hot chocolate in the park so you could paint the trees, maybe even that bridge. And he was happy that once again he hadn’t made a wrong move with you. He stared at the last part of your message, he realised that for all you two had messaged each other he hadn’t sent you any photos. He didn’t tend to think to take any, hell all of his photos on the app had been ones that Liv had taken. But at this moment he wanted to send you something, he glanced at himself in the mirror his hair was a little dishevelled, and he still had part of his suit on, he had removed the jacket and unbuttoned his vest, with his suspenders showing underneath, his tie was loosened and he had unbuttoned several of his shirt buttons. Since his last two risks had proven to be good ideas he trusted this risk would be the same.
‘I would like to see any, if you let others view them. It wouldn’t be fair for me to deny you the chance to save photos of me, when you allow me.’ He sent that with a photo attached.
You had just finished cleaning up, scrubbing the paint off of your face and your hands when his next message came through. You almost dropped your phone when your saw the photo he had attached. You thought he was handsome at dinner, you thought him distractingly charming at your second date. But at this very second you thought him insanely and unfairly sexy. He wasn’t as put together as you were use to, but you thought it suited him, plus the fact that you could see the suspenders under the vest he wore and his shirt had enough buttons undone that you could see some chest hair. You immediately saved that photo. You finally read the message he had sent with the photo.
‘I would like to see any, if you let others view them. It wouldn’t be fair for me to deny you the chance to save photos of me, when you allow me.’
You never really let others see your work, but maybe you could eventually allow Rafael to see some of your pieces. You found your eyes focusing back on the photo as the kiss you shared with him kept replaying. You honestly hoped that lunch would be at his office tomorrow so you could kiss him again, without having to worry about the public. As you were looking at the photo again another message of his popped up.
‘I think lunch might have to be at my office tomorrow if you are still okay with that. This case has just become a little hectic.’
“Well, this works quite nicely for me,” you grinned. “Now the question is do I buy something or make it?” You had a quick look in your fridge and pantry to see if you had something that could be made and eaten cold. You could keep it in the fridge at the library and carry it the lunch bag you got with a block. You had the ingredients for your chicken, pasta salad. Perfect. You pulled your phone out to respond to his message about lunch. You decided you would bring up the photo then
‘Absolutely, still okay with that. I’ll make something for our lunch then.’
You double checked the address Rafael had given you for his office before walking into the rather intimidating building. You wore some snug jeans, a sweater with the front tucked in and a leather jacket over it. You had a beanie on and a scarf to deal with the cold as you travelled from the library to his office, you had a little make up which you didn’t normally do for work, however you forewent lipstick. You carried the lunch you had prepared for Rafael in your little lunch tote.   
“Can I help you?” a gorgeous woman questioned you as you looked around checking to make sure you were in the right place. This building was massive and you had almost gotten lost trying to find Rafael’s office.
“Oh, um, I’m meant to be having lunch with Rafael?” you lifted your tote up a little. “I’m-”
“Chica,” Rafael’s voice interrupted you as he walked out of his office to greet you. “Thanks Carmen, you can go for lunch.”
Carmen smiled at the both of you as she clicked a few buttons on the phone and the computer before leaving. You turned to give Rafael your full attention and you were not prepared. Rafael was in a full dark blue suit, with a silver tie and vest to complete the look, his hair was perfectly styled. He was in his element and he was even more attractive for it.
“Hey,” you didn’t mean for your voice to sound so breathy but this man just kept knocking you for four. An image of you running your fingers through his hair, messing it up as you finally got him to let that fire you had seen a few times in his eyes loose ran through your head, causing your cheeks to heat.
“Hello you,” he grinned taking a closer step to you, his hand raising but stopping before touching you, a question in his eyes. You stepped closer, moving so his hand was sitting on your waist and tilted your head a little looking up at him from under your lashes, he squeezed your hip gently as he placed a kiss on your cheek. “Come inside.”
His hand moved from your hip to the small of your back as he lead you into his office, closing the door behind you. Your eyes widened a little at it, his desk sat in between two windows with a bookshelf filled with fancy looking books behind it. It was covered with folders, papers and books. There were several other windows along the wall opposite the entrance letting in plenty of natural light. The office was neat and tidy. Rafael led you to a couch just inside the door with a coffee table in-front of it, and laying on it was a dozen yellow daffodils. You stopped just short of the table, mouth opened in a small ‘o’, as you turned to look at Rafael as he took your lunch tote from your hand, placing it on the table to pick up the flowers.
“For you,” he smiled a little shy. “I know you said you were fine with having lunch here but regardless.”
“Rafael, they’re lovely,” you took the flowers from him, stepping close to place a kiss on his cheek before smelling them. “Thank you.”
“Only the loveliest for you,” he said, a flood of heat hit your cheeks at that. The two of you sat close on the couch as you placed the flowers back on the coffee table.
“I made a chicken pasta salad, I hope that’s okay?” you asked starting to pull out the containers and some forks, as well as some drinks. “I also picked up some lemonade.”
“That’s perfect,” he grinned picking up the container you placed in-front of him smelling the food. “Smells delicious. Thank you for making this.”
“It’s not a problem, I enjoy cooking for people,” you told him taking a bite. The creamy sauce perfectly balanced against the seasoning you had used on the chicken. “Especially people who gift me with a…distractingly gorgeous photo the night before.” You hadn’t noticed that Rafael had taken a bite of food until he coughed before taking a mouthful of lemonade. “Sorry.”
“You don’t sound it, chica,” Rafael coughed. You finally looked at him but couldn’t tell if the red in his cheeks was from inhaling his food or your comment. “Distractingly gorgeous?”
“Hmm,” you nodded. “Almost dropped my phone.”
“Sorry,” Rafael shrugged.
“Sound so sincere counsellor,” you laughed nudging him with your shoulder before slumping back against the couch, grinning at Rafael as he looked at you over his shoulder, his eyes roamed over you taking in how comfortable you looked in his office. You had taken your jacket off and placed it on the coat rack without prompting. He followed your example and sat back, the side of his body pressed tightly against yours. The warmth from him sent a curl of pleasure through you, settling just behind your stomach.
“I take it you saved it?” Rafael asked after eating a few mouthfuls.
“Oh quicker than you could blink,” you admitted, you decided to be even more open and honest than you normally would. Rafael deserved it after all the open honesty he had shown you. “It was very distracting. To be honest, I hoped you would tell me lunch would have to be here.”
“Really?” Rafael asked, eyebrow raised. You watched him eat for a few moments, taking a little pride in the look of satisfaction on his face as he enjoyed your meal. You waited for him to swallow his next bite before answering, not wanting to cause him to choke again.
“Yep,” you popped the ‘p’. “Because, I didn’t want to bring the photo up over text and…I was hoping for another kiss…”you trailed off as Rafael froze with a forkful of chicken and pasta half way to his mouth. He sat forward on the couch putting the container down and took a drink from his lemonade, before he turned to face you still sitting forward. He reached to take your container from your hands, both mostly empty of the meal. He took hold of your hands, bringing them to his mouth to trail kisses down your fingers and across your palms, he stopped to mouth at your wrist, his eyes never leaving yours. A fire starting to burn in those green orbs. The heat inside you started to build, the warmth flooding your veins.
“Another kiss?” he smirked. “And you wanted that to specifically happen in my office because?”
“You really need to ask that?” you replied, pointedly looking at where he was still lacing your wrist with kisses. He removed his mouth from your wrist, lips curling at the edges.
“You want a little more then the first time?” he continued to tease. Your breath had kicked up a notch, you can’t remember the last time something so little as kisses on your wrist and a look had you so worked up. You nodded, unable to get your voice to work. Rafael tsked as he reached out to cup your cheek, one of your hands still trapped in his. “Words, Amor. I need you to use your words.”
“Yes,” you whispered, pleasure curling to a throb in your pussy, his voice was soft and gentle, but still a little dominant. A perfect combination. “I want a kiss that would be indecent in public.”
“Your wish is my command,” he growled leaning close to you.
His hand moved from your cheek to rest on the side of your throat, his thumb stretched enough to tilt your head up. The hand still holding yours placed your hand on his shoulder, freeing his hand to hold your waist. You wrapped both your arms around his shoulders drawing him closer with an impatient whine when he just hovered above you. Rafael grinned for a second before he claimed your lips. The angel was a little awkward, given that he was still a little forward on the couch not wanting to overcrowd you. The kiss was definitely more passionate then the first, the hand on your waist squeezed in time with the little noises he pulled from you as he alternated between kisses and little nips to your bottom lip. He ran his tongue along yours, asking for permission without breaking away from you. You grinned into the kiss as you parted your lips, a moan pulled from the both of you the kiss deepened. You wanted more. You surged forward, trying not to break the kiss, your hand coming up to run through his hair as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He allowed his body to fall back against the couch pulling you with him, you swung a leg over his lap to straddle him
“Rafael,” you moaned as he broke the kiss. His hands trailed up and down your back as he started to kiss along your jaw, being careful not to leave any marks. You tilted your head to the side giving him more access to your neck as he started kissing down it until he got to the collar of your sweater where he started kissing along the skin just above the collar and back up your neck nipping briefly at your ear lobe. You pulled at his hair drawing his mouth away from your neck, you crashed your lips back to his, the passion and heat building as Rafael slipped a hand under your sweater and the other moved down to squeeze at your ass. You ground down in his lap, pulling a rough groan from his chest before he pulled away staring up at you.
“Chica, I still have meetings after this lunch,” he chuckled. “I have to look presentable.”
“Such a shame counsellor, I’m sure you can calm down but your hair might be a little harder to fix,” you grinned kissing him on the nose as you tried to fix the mess you had made of his hair.
“Hm, not so sure I can, what with you so nicely perched on my lap like this,” his voice was husky filled with lust to match his black blown eyes. But there was a soft look in them as his hands moved to cup your face, his thumbs stroking along your cheeks, before he moved to nuzzle his nose against yours. His hands sliding down to hold your hips, as he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
“It would appear we are at an impasse,” you giggled as you smoothed your hands down his chest. “I also need to tell you something.” You pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks. “You look very handsome today.” You leant your forehead against his. “And I have greatly been enjoying each time we meet. And each time we message. Yesterday when I sent you that message I didn’t even think about it, I just knew that I wanted to share my excitement.”
“Amor,” Rafael whispered, his eyes staring up at you in wonder at your statement. “I have found myself looking forward to hearing from you. To finding a reason to message you, and find a way to be able to see you.”
You grinned down at him, your whole body warm from the happiness that surge through you. You had hoped that you weren’t alone in how you felt, and to hear him say it, it made you insanely happy. You pressed your lips to his again, over and over, giggling a little as Rafael’s hands tightened on your hips. You felt his lips curl into a smile against yours as you slowed the kisses down, claiming his lips in a slow sensual dance. His hands moved to run up and down your thighs, causing a shiver to move through you, as they grabbed at you.
“Rafi,” you whispered as you pressed your lips to his jaw before running your nose along his jaw nuzzling into him. “I’m-” you were interrupted by a nock on the door.
“Mr Barba,” Carmen’s voice called through the closed door. “You’re next appointment is here.” The two of you pulled apart, a look of shock on both your faces.
“Give me five minutes Carmen,” Rafael answered his hands back on your hips as he gently nudged you back. “Sorry, Chica, times up.”
“Pity,” you pouted but moved off of him, straightening your sweater before you started packing up the lunch you brought him. His arms wrapped around your waist, lips pressing a sweet kiss to your neck as he squeezed you close.
“I’ll message you as I can throughout the day,” he promised as you turned in his arms.
“Hmm, that’s sweet,” you smiled at him. “I’ll take what I can, but I understand how busy you are.”
“You are already too good to me,” he released you to try and fix his own appearance, sending you a wink as he flattened his hair. You took your jacket back folding it over an arm that held the flowers, your tote bag hanging in the crook on your elbow, as Rafael walked you to the door, pressing one last kiss to your lips. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Real soon,” you agreed. “Don’t work yourself to hard, Rafi.” You squeezed his hand before he opened the door.
You walked out with him on your heels, you could feel his eyes following you as you past by a large man in a suit who was holding a briefcase. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as you left the building. The flowers continuously drawing your eyes, the warmth of happiness never leaving you.
‘You still need to tell me all about your theme at the library, Chica, I hope I will be able to arrange a time where we can have dinner again.’
You grinned all the way back to the library, you needed to speak with Lily. You were tossing around the idea of asking him over to your apartment for dinner. Wondering if maybe it was too early to ask if he wanted to stay the night but if your little make out session was anything to go by it wasn’t.
203 notes · View notes
thena0315 · 8 months
Peacock celebrating 25 years of SVU
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244 notes · View notes
Lunch Date
Request : Imagine taking Barba some lunch and a drink that’s not coffee having lunch in his office when Buchanan walks in and try’s to interrupt them when you leave he makes a comment of “I didn’t know you like them that young Mr Barba” and him trying to use it in case against Barba
You stood in a long line at one of your favorite cafes and pulled out your phone to send a quick text to Barba.
Have you had lunch?
You closed your texts and opened the weather app out of boredom more than anything. It wasn’t even a minute later that your phone vibrated and you received a text back.
Yes, thank you.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head to yourself replying quickly as your spot in line slowly moved closer to the counter.
Coffee isn’t lunch. Have you had something with some form of nutrients?
The time between text messages was slightly longer this time.
Fine, I haven’t had your definition of lunch.
You smirked, of course he hadn’t the other lawyer wasn’t good at taking care of himself. All you’d ever seen him consume on his own accord was coffee and a handful of pretzels or granola every now and then to keep him moving.
I’ll be back with lunch in less than 20.
You pocketed the phone as you reached the place you ordered, getting both of you a nice salad Rafael’s topped with salmon and chicken on your own. This place was known for having deliciously fresh salads. You picked up a bottle of water for him and two bottles of juice. You paid and waited a few minutes for the salads before walking the two blocks back to the building you both worked in.
You smiled at Carmen as you past her desk and went to Barba’s door knocking before letting yourself in. He looked up at you from his paperwork and scowled slightly, you smiled brightly in return.
“I’ve got lunch,” You announced giving the bag a little jiggle as you walked over and plopped down in front of his desk in one of the chairs.
“Mmm, wonderful.” He quipped and you rolled your eyes setting the bag down over his paperwork.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that taking breaks makes your more productive?” You asked and Rafael smirked at you peeking into the bag.
“I don’t have time for breaks.” You rolled your eyes and reached into the bag pulling out the water first and handing it to him.
“That’s not an excuse. You need to try and drink something besides coffee once in a while, you won’t need as much coffee.” He rolled his eyes back at you but accepted the water anyway. You took the juices out and handed him one and kept one for yourself. You picked the top salad and checked the label, chicken, that’s yours. You placed it in front of you and Barba made a face.
“What?” You laughed handing him over his salad with salmon.
“You said real food,” You handed over a plastic fork before settling back down in the chair across from Barba and raising an assumed eyebrow at him.
“This is real food, it’s vegetables, and healthy protein, a bit of fat, and fruit. It’s a balanced diet, Rafael.” He rolled his eyes again but still opened the salad and added his dressing packet.
“Yes of course,” he gave in and you smirked slightly at the small victory. You sat and held comfortable conversation, not about work thank god. You felt slightly proud watching him drinking something besides that damned bean juice he was addicted to.
You were interrupted when the door opened suddenly and you glanced over your shoulder at Carmen who was standing in the cracked doorway looking slightly worried.
“Mr. Barba,” She spoke, “Mr. Buchanan is here.” Barba’s face which has been light and relaxed tensed immediately.
“Tell him I’m in a meeting-” Buchanon pushed past Carmen and the door swung open to allow the man into the room. You’d been lounging slightly in the chair with one foot up but upon seeing the other lawyer you dropped your leg and scooted up into a sitting position.
“That would be lying counselor.” Buchanan let the door shut behind him leaving Carmen on the other side and you suddenly felt very uncomfortable. You looked down at your half eaten salad and slowly began to reach for the lid on the desk, hoping to escape back to your own desk. “Oh, don’t let me interrupt your lunch.” Buchanan called to you and you froze slightly.
“What is it you need that you couldn’t call for?” Barba asked, you watched both of the men peacocking at each other both trying to look most in control of the conversation. Buchanan handed Barba a piece of paper and stood back smirking.
“A motion to strike all the text conversations between Ms. Ackley and Mr. Morey.” He stated proudly and you watched Barba’s knuckles become white as he opened the motion and read over it.
“That’s ridiculous,” Barba handed the paper back to him practically bristling with anger.
“It’s most of your case.” Buchanan told him. He was right, you’d read the files. Those texts proved motive without them it was a flimsy he said she said. Buchanan looked past Barba to you and his smirk widened. “I didn’t know you like them that young Mr Barba,” He commented lightly even though you all knew what he was implying. “Maybe you’ve got a blind spot for the case. I’ll let you think about it, see you in court tomorrow.”
Buchanan was gone then, the office door slamming soundly behind him leaving you both in silence.
“Christ,” You muttered and Barba turned around to look at you eyes slightly wide.
“I-” he started shaking his head, “That was completely inappropriate, I’m sorry.” You shook your head back and offered him what you hoped was a reassuring smile.
“It’s fine,” you promised, and it was. Your really didn’t care much about what Buchanon had to say regarding your relationship or lack of one. Rafael moved back behind his desk still looking at you.
“He shouldn’t have said it.”
“No, he shouldn’t have.” You agreed, “But it’s not like I’m a child.” You laughed, picking your salad up again, “I’m certainly an adult fully capable of making her own decisions and giving her own consent.” You took a bite and watched as the man across the desk watch you.
“Does,” He started and thought for a moment, picking his words carefully before continuing,   “Do I make you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel like I’m coming onto you in an inappropriate way?” You laughed mostly out of surprise.
“No!” You assured him immediately. You put the salad down and sat all the way forward in your seat reaching across the desk and grabbing his wrist squeezing. “Absolutely not. You hardly come on to me, Rafael, I’m the one doing all the leg work here.” You teased smirking slightly. He gave you a smile and nodded his head before laughing.
“You’re coming onto me?” He asked, and you leaned back smirking and shrugging.
“Quite possibly, though you are a bit old for me.”  You grinned to show you were obviously joking and the man across from you rolled his eyes before tossing a crumpled napkin in your direction. “Don’t worry about Buchanon.” You stated and Rafael nodded before resuming his own meal, allowing you to go back to the comfort you truly did feel when you were with him.
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mademoiselle-black · 7 years
Herding cats - Rafael Barba x OFC - Part Three
A/N: Here’s Part Three! I want to thank everyone for the positive responses I have received since posting Part One. You guys are the best and I hope you enjoy this one too!
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Pairings: Rafael Barba x Lemon/Astrid Kelly (Original Female Character)
Fandom: Law & Order SVU
Word count: 1157
The following month after telling Amanda her history with the ADA, Lemon started going to the precinct less and less to avoid seeing Rafael like the last time. Was she a coward in doing so? Probably. She kept telling herself she’d call him to set up a meeting and clear the air between them, but there was always an excuse not to do so.
She barely finished the first draft of her book, often finding herself hitting a brick wall and considering scrapping it altogether, but her editor, Charles, had been there by her side to encourage and motivate her. Several dinner invitations later she finally gave in and accepted on account that it was only fair to celebrate her small victory.
He made reservations at a cosy Italian restaurant with dim lighting and bare brick walls, situated in the Lower East Side. Lemon thought it was a location more fitting for a first date rather than a meeting between colleagues, but she wasn’t ready to say he crossed a line. Charles had been attentive, helping with her coat and ordering a bottle of wine for them. They exchanged small talk while waiting for their orders.
“So I read your book and I thought it was fantastic! Sure, a few tweaks here and there are in order, but other than that it’s brilliant! I’m proud of you, love.”
Lemon was taken aback, throwing him a suspicious look. She felt the text could use more than a few tweaks.
“Really?! Are you sure you’re not going easy on me? I think I should change the ending and-”
He smiled, taking her hand in his and giving it a light squeeze. Lemon’s body tensed at the unexpected contact.
“Astrid, I’ve been doing this a long time. I know talent when I see it.”
She almost winced at the sound of her name coming from his lips.
“If you say so…”
He gave her a wink. “Trust me.”
They spent the rest of the night eating their meals in silence. Over dessert, Charles ordered another bottle of wine and insisted she stay and help him finish.  
“It’s getting late. I really should be going.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer, Astrid-“
“I prefer ’Lemon’. My mother calls me Astrid.”
And Rafael.
He didn’t seem bothered by her interruption as he poured more wine into her empty glass.
“See? I’m learning things about you! Tell me more about yourself. ‘Kelly’ is an Irish family name. Do you have family across the pond?”
Lemon played along. “My father is from Ireland. He owns a pub in Portland.”
Oh dear Lord give me patience.
An hour into Charles ‘getting to know’ her, Lemon admired the light fixtures and smoothed every inexistent wrinkle on her dress. The wine loosened his tongue and it seemed he was never going to finish talking. In the end she convinced him to ask the waiter for the check.
“It’s my treat,” he said when she offered to split the bill.
“Charles, I can’t. It would be unprofessional of me.”
“Just make sure to return the favour after the book launch.”
As they made their way towards the exit, Charles excused himself to use the restroom, leaving her to go ask the bartender if he could order a cab. Lemon stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him at the bar, munching on finger food and drinking scotch, a pad with scribbles on it next to him. Rafael had been there for some time, judging by the half-eaten plate of food and his loosened tie. His suit jacket was placed neatly on the back of his seat and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal his well-defined forearms. Flashbacks of the first time she approached him at a bar flooded her mind.
I’ll never forget that night.
His head turned instinctively at the sound of heels against marble flooring and he immediately made eye contact with her. She was the last person Rafael expected seeing in a restaurant at that time of night.
“What are you doing here?!” Lemon blurted.
I must look like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Me?! What are you doing here? Judging by that dress, you’re either on a date or at a funeral.”
“Oh, go choke on a pretzel!” Lemon shot back. “And it’s not a date. Although my editor seems to think otherwise...”
He rolled his eyes and took a long sip of his drink.
“With that kind of eloquent wording I can see why you’re not on the best-selling authors list.”
Before she could open her mouth and bite his head off, Charles was by her side, placing his hand on her lower back. He gave Rafael a dark look as Lemon swatted his hand away. The redhead prayed her editor wasn’t going to be confrontational.
“I wondered where you disappeared. Is this bloke bothering you, love?”
This is a trainwreck.
Rafael didn’t miss the change in mood when her editor appeared or the way she didn’t welcome his touch. The grip on his pen tightened.
“It’s fine, Charles. You go ahead and order a cab. I have some catching up to do with my old… friend.”
The ADA pursed his lips at the word ‘friend’, smiling bitterly into his scotch glass.
“You’re sure you don’t want me to drop you off at your place?”
She gave him a tense smile. “I’m sure.”
Seconds after the door closed behind Charles, Lemon took the glass of scotch from Rafael’s hand and downed it in one go.
“Bloke? Love?” he asked, choking back a laugh.
Lemon rolled her eyes. “He’s British.”
She steadied herself against the edge of the countertop, closing her eyes to focus on something other than the disaster her night turned out to be. She felt every bit of energy leaving her body.
Why me? One man wants to be with me, but I don’t care for him. The other I still have feelings for, but he can’t stand me. You win at life, Lemon.
Rafael placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to find the right wording for his question. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew where Charles wanted to take things and it made his blood boil. He’d seen countless men like him take the stand, acting like peacocks when in reality they amounted to zero.
“Astrid, if he crossed any line-“
Lemon shrugged his hand away as if his touch burned.
“Why would you care?! Where was your willingness to talk when you threw me out of your house without a chance to explain myself? Where was your compassion when I almost burst into tears on that stand almost two years ago? You can’t choose when to be a decent human being, so spare me the hero act!”
She stormed out of the restaurant like a tornado on a rampage, only allowing herself to cry in the safety of her home.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 7 years
Where is the fic where Sonny takes time off from SVU and goes on Master Chef and charms the fucking world? Because, “Oh, I’m just a fourth-generation Italian boy from Staten Island who learned to cook from my grandmother.”
Viewers: “Ah, yes. One of you again. There’s always one of you.”
Sonny: “Yeah, so in my day job, I’m an NYPD detective who works in sex crimes, and I go home at night and cook to help me process what I do, you know? Like, it’s violent and awful but victims of sex violence deserve so much more than what we do for them, so I go home and cook and feed my family and my friends to help me remember I do my best to do good in the world.”
Viewers: “...okay, we’re listening.”
So, Sonny sort of just does his thing the first few weeks, working hard and being nice and there’s some conversation amongst viewers that he might not have the needed hard streak to win, and then the challenge is cinnamon rolls, and Sonny’s confessional is just him being gleeful. “Oh, this is great! I make these all the time with my goddaughter, and my niece, and my boss’s son and my co-worker’s grandson, and they’re basically my nephews. I mean, they calls me Uncle Sonny, so I consider them my nephews.”
Viewers: “If he doesn’t win this, we riot.”
Sonny wins it. Instant memes about a cinnamon roll who makes perfect cinnamon rolls. 
It’s Sonny’s first win, which means it’s also Sonny’s first immunity, which means it’s ALSO time for people to find out Sonny is a ball of sunshine but will also cut a bitch who is being mean. 
There are, as required by reality show law, three Dedicated Assholes (tm) that early in the season. Sonny does his very best to set them all up to fail. Gordon asks why. 
“Because there’s a difference between using asshole tendencies as needed to get results and just being an asshole.” 
Viewers: “Holy shit. What just happened.”
All three Dedicated Assholes (tm) make it through the pressure test. They all threaten to ruin Sonny in their confessionals. Sonny shrugs it off. “You can be a good cook and an asshole.” 
Instant meme #2.
So, Sonny goes along, being so nice and sweet and kind, but also his sarcasm starts peeking through some more because now producers are shifting the story line as Sonny continues to impress. One of the Dedicated Assholes (tm) tries to shit talk Sonny’s wardrobe. 
“You dress like we’re supposed to be impressed by you.” 
Sonny’s spent the whole competition in work clothes, save his suit jacket His sleeves are always rolled up. His vests are buttoned. Every tie he wears was a gift from Rafael. His hair is always styled. He dresses this way because it’s so often how he cooks, and it helps him stay relaxed. 
“I dress like I cook,” Sonny replies. “And if you’re jealous I can pull this off, you should see my partner. Master of the power contrast.”
(When that conversation airs, Rollins spits her wine halfway across the couch and soaks Fin in Chardonnay. Olivia just laughs as she watches with Noah, and Rafael pauses Hulu to make out with Sonny for ten minutes.)
Viewers: “Wait. Partner? Like, his cop partner, or is he with someone?”
And sometime halfway through the season as Sonny is talking to another contestant, he drops that coming to Master Chef has been super great because it’s cleared his head and let him really think about his options.
“You think you’ll stop being a detective?”
“Yeah, maybe not right away, but in a couple of years. I think it’s time to shift gears.”
“Would you cook?”
“No. I mean, I’m doing this because I love it, but I still want to be a prosecutor.”
“Like, doesn’t that require law school?”
“Oh, yeah, but that’s done. I passed the bar years ago.”
Dedicated Asshole #2 (tm) becomes the last standing Dedicated Asshole and tries to mock Sonny’s achievements. “God, it must be so hard to live your life and have a law degree then just get to wander over here and be on Master Chef.” 
“It must be so hard to taste what you’re cooking when your mouth is so full of shit.” 
Internet Meme #3.
And, like, throughout the whole thing, Sonny’s talking about his family and his partner, and there contiues to be confusion because “cop partner or partner-partner?”
And then Rafael Barba, in his very best peacocking suit and tie and socks and suspenders and shoes and pocket square, shows up for the family challenge and walks out from the back, and Sonny RUNS to him and kisses him into next week. 
VIEWERS: “Okay, so partner-partner.” 
For the challenge, Sonny makes an Italian-Cuban-Southern fusion that has Gordon worried he’s going to die, Christina amused because what the hell, and Aaron is just ready to get in there because it smells amazing. 
Sonny wins the challenge, and Gordon looks up at Rafael and says, “He really makes this at home?”
“About twice a month. He’s got to feed the work wife.” 
Which is how everyone finds out that Sonny’s cop-partner is his best friend and he’s godfather to her daughter, and she’s Southern. 
They show some personal moments after the challenge, and the internet explodes because Sonny and Rafael are so into each other it’s disgusting, and what starts out as a simple catching up turns into a heated argument about a Fifth Circuit decision that just got handed down, and someone actually gifs the whole thing and tags it #relationshipgoals.
So, Sonny makes the final (natch), and producers fly in Rafael and Sonny’s parents, and Sonny absolutely brings his A-game, but he doesn’t win. One of the others just barely surpasses him (as generally happens in the final), and in the final shot of Sonny on the show, he’s beaming and saying about a thousand nice things about the winner, and he’s got Rafael tight against one side and his parents against the other, and his mom is holding up a picture of all the other Carisis, and Rafael’s holding up a “Hi, SVU!” sign (because they don’t want to put the squad on national television).
A few years down the line, Master Chef runs a “where are they now” segment for past winners and finalists. Sonny’s a prosecutor and he’s still constantly cooking, and he’s just all smiles and happiness and surrounded by people, and the internet remembers he exists and explodes all over again.
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Can I just say, I appreciate Randolph "Randy" J. Dworkin. He was one of the gifts, the bright spots in a frankly dull episode (emotional but not particularly wonderful which is a shame as a send-off for the peacock that is Rafael Barba). When I first saw that he was going to be in this episode I thought that it was odd. I would have expected Barba to be stubborn and represent himself, or to go for Rita Calhoun since they have such history together and he knows he can trust her to do whatever it takes to win. But Dworkin, for all his anti-government paranoia, makes sense. Its a rights case, and those are his baby, his wheelhouse, his everything. And while yes, he understandably took a moment to poke fun at the fall of the great Rafael Barba, he wasn't an ass about it. And as much as I love Rita, she probably would have been insufferable (and Buchanan definitely would have if for some unfathomable reason Barba had gone to him for help).
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