livhuh · 1 year
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alex15-zb · 1 year
–Rus: !предупреждение! Приветствуют маты!
Eng: !warning! Welcome mats!
Raer: can you run?~
Raer: Stop b*tch, faggot mammal! Stop f*cking!
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some-person-87 · 10 months
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16. "The monsters can't get you when I'm here." Dealer's choice :3
Thank you @lilbittymonster ^^ I borrowed Haname and Raer from @azure-dragonsinger for this because I have 0 chill for Muireann's scariest parental figure ^^; This also got...long úps.
Some post-Stormblood spoilers & timelines might be screwy - I flew through the patches and did the restoration while going through Shadowbringers MSQ as a break from the shrimp emotions.
(And just because names change around with PoV shifts: Miss Hanna = Haname, Ryoma = Raer's Doman name, Ralenne = Muireann's birth name)
Muireann winced as she pulled on her coat - one day she would make it through a sparring match without having to call it short due to injuries. There was an ominous stillness about the Enclave despite the hubbub from the recently finished foodstalls and the constant bickering between the different craftsmen. Even the return of the refugees from Mor Dhona had done little to ease the uncomfortable presence of the Garlean ship that hung in the sky. The alleged friendly gesture sitting more like a threat.
If she had more time she would have donned something a bit more imposing for this meeting but revealing her aetherburn scars and Allagan aether channelling tattoos would have to be intimidating enough. There was a yell down the hall - not too unusual - followed by several pairs of small feet running towards her room. It seemed the advisor to the junior adventurer’s guild needed to advise.
“Miss Muireann!” The sliding door slammed open and the four, usually bright and beaming, faces of the Doman Junior Adventurers’ Guild were looking intently at her as Hakuro glowered after them. “W-we’re here to help!”
“Yes! The airship means…trouble right?”
“Because that’s what adventurers deal with - trouble and monsters.”
Muireann had to hold back a laugh at their earnest yet fearful declarations - an affectionate laugh, but she knew how even those could sting when one was not being taken seriously. Rokka, as ever, was a bit more cautious.
“They are like monsters…are they really not here to fight?”
Muireann knelt down to be on their level and they immediately huddled closer, their faces an almost comical imitation of the pre-battle focus she had often seen on Match and Raer. Though she knew it most intimately from her own childhood.
“Miss Hanna! Miss Hanna! Something sounds bad.” Ralenne scurried out from her hiding nook in a fallen tree.
“What do you mean by bad?” Haname lowered her axe, gazing intently at the young girl that had inserted herself into their lives. Raer, on the other side of the clearing started to usher the chocobo back towards the cart.
“It sounds hard. Like hitting metal together but there’s no smithy or crafters or anything out this way - only honey and Sylphs and moogles.”
“What direction?”
Ralenne pointed off in the distance, scrunching up her face as the unfamiliar noise clanged just outside of what they could hear. Haname nodded, quickly loading up the cart with the lumber while Raer hitched the chocobo to it.
“Here,” he gently pulled a hat over Ralenne’s head, ruffling her hair as he did, “and there are ear muffs if the sound is too bad.”
“How come you’ve ear muffs if you have horn ears? Are they like socks? Papa has to wear ear socks when he takes ill or he says they will fall off but Mama -” she chattered away as she climbed up and wedged herself between Haname and Raer, the latter chiming in with an answer here and there, making adjustments to the route based on the directions of the sound and whether Ralenne declared that the chocobo ‘felt bad’ about veering off the path at any point.
Haname watched the two, rambling on as easy as two that had known each other all their lives. The light had been slow to return to Ryoma’s eyes after Silvertear. It was good that it was back. Hunting, much as she disliked the dangers of it, had done much for his confidence. And Ralenne had been a welcome breath of fresh air from the begrudging tolerance they had received from most Gridanians at best.
They continued further beyond the Hawthorne Hut, beyond the entry to the Sylphlands and as the path began to open up past a foundation for a new watchtower, Haname could hear the bad sound Ralenne had described. Magitech.
As the canopy receded behind them they were greeted by a crystal blue sky, the fluttering greens of the Shroud’s grasses before them and its canopy framing the thick blunt black wall that cut across the landscape between the Twelveswood and Gyr Abania. It was discomforting that they were so close. That there was little defence other than space. And that behind that wall they were building something.
“Miss Hanna what is that?” Ralenne was nervous, the chatter was gone and Haname was suddenly struck by just how small she was.
“Garleans.” Ryoma’s voice was quiet and Ralenne quickly picked up on his fear.
“The bad people?! Why do they have such horrible booming noises?” Both of them seemed to shrink before her, what booming Ralenne could hear was thankfully beyond what she or Ryoma could hear, but Haname knew the fear it instilled. 
“They’re monsters.” Ralenne’s eyes grew wide as Haname spoke with such an authority to her voice it almost drowned out the din coming from beyond the wall. “But they are beyond that wall. They do not dare push forward into Eorzea again. And if they ever did, they won’t get to you. Not while I’m around.”
Ralenne gazed up at Haname, who seemed to have to have grown to be taller than Raer even. She was bigger than the wall and its noises. Bigger than any monster or gribbly that she had ever heard stories about. A real and proper adventurer. Ralenne nodded solemnly, relaxing back into her seat with a confidence in her safety she would not feel again for a long time.
It had been many years since she had a more experienced adventurer to look to for guidance - reassurance that she was on the right path or that someone else would bear some burden too great for her shoulders and those of her friends. But it was the faces of these four kids - who, like her, craved adventure but were keenly aware of the fact that at the end of the day they were still too young to face down every danger that came knocking - that made her realise that she was the one who was now looked to for reassurance.
She pulled out a ribbon - green to match their guild berets - and held back her winces of pain as she tied back her hair. Adventurers were brave and strong after all.
Muireann fixed each of them with her best impression of Haname’s steely almost-glare, the comfort of the memory warming and easing her aching muscles, “The monsters can't get you when I'm here.”
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abyssalmermaiden · 3 months
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The loneliness never left me I always took it with me
But I can put it down in the pleasure of your company
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Rowan: @tallbluelady
Myth: @mythandral
Yloise: @yloiseconeillants
A'eris: @epicseagull1
Ancel & Osi: @hermits-hovel
Raer & Joda: @azure-dragonsinger
Muireann and Sami: @whatsthisascianbullshit
Gale: @galewhaleshark
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The Taxi Project 1976: Steam Power Systems New York Taxi Prototype. A taxi concept for the MoMA commission made from aluminium for lightweight and resembling a small bus which provided plenty of interior space and easy access for wheelchairs. Propulsion was via a rear-mounted steam engine and the driver was protected by a bulletproof partition.
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modelcoutureee · 11 days
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hermits-hovel · 1 year
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while they're on my mind, here's a handful of Raer/Ancel drawings I've done over the months (the ones that are. presentable akjfghad.)
Raer belongs to @azure-dragonsinger :>
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tallbluelady · 4 months
For the screenshot meme: 🏔
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"It's a lovely view up here."
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"...I didn't realize how much of my love of Sharlyan came from it being Urianger's home."
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"I miss him so much."
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"It makes perfect sense that you'd miss Urianger..."
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"Don't worry... It's love that'll get us through this, I know it."
(Raer is @azure-dragonsinger)
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
JUNELEZEN - Day 7 :: Friends
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She's got a lot of them!!!!
Raer and Joda @azure-dragonsinger; Kitali @lilbittymonster; Rowan @tallbluelady; Myth @mythandral; Ancel and Osi @hermits-hovel; Aryaille @abyssalmermaiden; Muireann @whatsthisascianbullshit
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Cool Hyrstmill kids visit Coerthas to forget the crushing Endwalker emotions
Barm (left) @accidentaloracle
Raer (middle) @azure-dragonsinger
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
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Day 7: Free Day
Raer belongs to @azure-dragonsinger
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anarkhebringer · 1 year
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I had a sudden hit of art hubris and have been meaning to draw this fella for a long while.
Raer here belongs to @azure-dragonsinger, I hope I did him justice sjidhufyg
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raer-laboratories · 1 year
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Rtumblr entity file #??: @patinaacceptance (or simply “Patina”)
[And this one’s opened right next to the other. Hmhm.]
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tallbluelady · 1 year
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Between the puppy dog eyes that Lyse was giving her and all the work Raer (@azure-dragonsinger) put in to alter the dress, Rowan couldn't very well refuse to wear it.
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
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reader i did in fact gpose it
ancel @hermits-hovel and raer @azure-dragonsinger i am so sorry
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