#Rae Bareli
freepressjournals · 2 months
Amit Shah Steps In Amid BJP Rumblings in Rae Bareli: Can Dinesh Pratap Singh Overcome the Challenges?
BJP’s Internal Struggles in Rae Bareli
Facing a tough battle against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in Rae Bareli, BJP’s candidate Dinesh Pratap Singh is grappling with internal party discontent, making his campaign even more challenging. BJP MLA Aditi Singh and rebel SP MLA Manoj Kumar Pandey are notably absent from his campaign, adding to the complexities of this electoral fight.
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Amit Shah’s Intervention
Union Home Minister Amit Shah recently visited Rae Bareli to pacify these disgruntled leaders. Of the five Assembly segments in Rae Bareli, the SP won four in the 2022 UP polls, leaving only Rae Bareli Sadar to the BJP’s Aditi Singh, a former Congress member. Shah’s visit included a personal meeting with Pandey, a prominent Brahmin leader, to seek his support for Dinesh.
The Stakes for Manoj Pandey
Pandey, who had cross-voted in favor of the BJP during the February Rajya Sabha polls, is hesitant to campaign openly for Dinesh, fearing it could jeopardize his Assembly membership. Despite this, Shah assured Pandey that his support would be rewarded in the future.
Aditi Singh’s Reluctance
Aditi Singh, a significant Thakur leader, has also been notably absent from Dinesh’s campaign. Her past conflicts with Dinesh, including an alleged attack on her car by his brother, continue to create friction. Despite Shah’s efforts to reassure her, Aditi’s participation remains lukewarm.
The Larger Picture
Rahul Gandhi’s candidacy in Rae Bareli, a seat previously held by his mother Sonia Gandhi, adds another layer of complexity. With Sonia moving to the Rajya Sabha and Rahul contesting from both Rae Bareli and Wayanad in Kerala, the stakes are high for the BJP.
Election Outlook
As Rae Bareli and Amethi head to polls on May 20, the BJP faces the dual challenge of overcoming internal divisions and mounting a strong campaign against a formidable opponent in Rahul Gandhi. The outcome of these efforts remains to be seen, but Shah’s intervention highlights the importance of unity within the BJP ranks in this critical electoral battle.
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samvadprakriya · 2 years
भारतीय रेलवे के लिए एलएचबी व्हील्स की पहली खेप रायबरेली में आरआईएनएल के फोर्ज्ड व्हील प्लांट (एफडब्ल्यूपी) से झंडी दिखाकर रवाना की गई
भारतीय रेलवे के लिए एलएचबी व्हील्स की पहली खेप रायबरेली में आरआईएनएल के फोर्ज्ड व्हील प्लांट (एफडब्ल्यूपी) से झंडी दिखाकर रवाना की गई
श्री संजय सिंह, सचिव (इस्पात) ने आत्मनिर्भर भारत और ब्रांड इंडिया को विकसित करने की प्रधानमंत्री की परिकल्पना को साकार करने के लिए आरआईएनएल के सामूहिक प्रयासों की सराहना की इस्पात मंत्रालय के सचिव श्री संजय सिंह ने आज रायबरेली में आरआईएनएल के फोर्ज्ड व्हील प्लांट (एफडब्ल्यूपी) में आयोजित एक समारोह में भारतीय रेलवे को एलएचबी व्हील्स की पहली खेप को झंडी दिखाकर रवाना किया। इस अवसर पर आरआईएनएल के…
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raerodart · 1 year
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Some more doodles and ideas
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hawyeer · 1 month
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Binge watching we bare bears leads to this
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morguemaw · 5 months
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i made my gem a ref ref and i like it alot :333 wish i spent abit more time on him though bc he looks more hefty then i want him to be :c but i spent alot of time on this ref LMAO
I sorta wanna keep that scraggly-junkrat body for him since it its :3 like this doodle i did of him but meh, here u go!!
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blu-raes · 4 months
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please i am BEGGING people to stop talking about faking it on my modern au fanarts just let me have fun with my blorbo in a modern setting ;;
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How it started
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How it's going
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Glow-up of the year?
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philsmeatylegss · 7 months
Smut writers, the amount of moaning in this video, get on that fic
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
ShinRan Week 2022: Day 1 | First Times
Through all the heartbreak We'll make it feel like the first time
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cannibalismyuri · 1 day
hi sara :)
hi dearest <3
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divinelyrancid · 18 days
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bongsavior · 22 days
HOWEVER !!!!!!!!!!
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months
My morning: I’m running late, realize it’s raining so I have to change my shoes, halfway to work my sock slides down my foot so I walk to work with my sock only half on
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zmeydeva-arch · 1 year
this whole nsfw sideblog thing is getting out of hand. i have been in this community for years and have never seen less (written) porn on the dash so i don’t see why relegating mature content to another blog serves a purpose when this site censors us enough. also i thought we were past the whole shame culture when it comes to sex considering it was y’all who wanted to rebrand “sinday” but now you are hiding your porn on another blog? make it make sense anyways post p*ssy on main just tag accordingly i truly do not care 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kagejima · 2 years
Penny for your thoughts about drunk sex with meian?? 👀
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Drunk sex with Meian is fun because sober Meian is always very careful about how he handles you. Which, you're grateful for, man is a tree. But he's also... a tree. He knows it wouldn't take much to break you so he's very very careful. But like... you also wanna be used like a ragdoll sometimes :((
So when he's drunk?? Oh god, he's the giggliest drunk ever. He's crooking his finger and telling you to come over to him and he's pulling you on to his lap. He's burrowing his face in your neck and leaving little teasing bites, enjoying how you're squirming and giggling too and he's throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you off to the bedroom.
When he's sober, he's careful. But when you're both drunk, man does not care. Clothes? Ripped. Right down the side or the middle. Skin? Littered in little teasing bites. Neck? Covered in hickies that you're definitely not gonna be able to cover up.
Body? Whatever way he wants you, baby. He can put you in any position he wants. He teases about how you are making him do all the work, teases you about how you're just his pretty little cocksleeve,
And you just whine and sniffle and moan because at the end of the day, you both know you are.
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justtuesdays · 1 year
original characters as ed sheeran songs pt. iii
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rio oliviera
kaleidoscope love, yeah, that is you and me
forever changing, making life interesting
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davi asturias
fighting the tide, but the waves, they will part
light up the night, we were made to be stars
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jonnie bueno
you make me feel like my troubled heart is a million miles away
you make me feel like i’m drunk on stars and we’re dancing out in space
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dal-rae roh
kissed her in the neck and then took her by the hand
said, “baby, i just want to dance”
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