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benkaden · 2 years ago
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Heinrich-Zille -Oberschule RADEBURG.
8106 Radeburg 90 Jahre Schule Radeburg Turnhalle Spielplatz Außenansicht Festsaal.
Meißen: Brück & Sohn, 8250 Meißen (J 04/85 IV-14-483 30 510 F 534).
Fotos: Werner Mohn, Radebeul (1); Erich Braun, Dresden (4)
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guerrerense · 5 months ago
Halt am Weißen Roß...
Halt am Weißen Roß... por erzgebirg´s train photography Por Flickr: In wenigen Metern kommt die mit messingverzierte Radebeuler Einheitslok 99 747 mit ihrem Zug nach Radeburg am Haltepunkt Weißes Roß zum stehen.
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jobfinde · 19 days ago
Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d) speditionelle Abfertigung Spät-/ Nachtschicht
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hogacareers · 21 days ago
Köchin/Koch (m/w/d), 30-35 Std/Woche
Für unser kleines familiäres Team in der Seniorenresidenz “Wohnpark am Hofwall” in Radeburg suchen wir eine/n Köchin/Koch (m/w/d), 30-35 Std/Woche. DEINE AUFGABEN BEI UNS • Zubereitung von à la carte Speisen • Herstellung von Warm-Kalt-Büfetts für Veranstaltungen • Gewährleistung einer optimalen Produktqualität • Einhaltung an die HACCP-Richtlinien, Hygiene- und Qualitätsstandards DEIN PROFIL •…
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percy-kleinschmidt · 5 months ago
Shows 2024
Dienstag, 30.April.2024 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Heinrich-Zille-Kneipennacht - Kulturbahnhof Radeburg
Freitag, 27.September.2024 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Weinfest Meißen - Mit Zahnrad & Zylinder - Burgstraße 27 - ab 19:03 Uhr
Samstag, 28.September.2024 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Weinfest Meißen - Mit Zahnrad & Zylinder - Burgstraße 27 - ab 19:33 Uhr
Samstag, 30.November.2024 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Meißen - Mit Zahnrad & Zylinder - Burgstraße 27 - ab 19:03 Uhr
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manuelasurlaube · 10 months ago
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10.5.2018 Radeburg A13
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pennarsson · 6 years ago
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Ein Bild am Tag.
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schmalspurbahnlexikon · 2 years ago
Adventsfahrten bei der Traditionsbahn Radebeul, aus Lok-Report
Adventsfahrten bei der Traditionsbahn Radebeul, aus Lok-Report
30.11.2022 https://www.lok-report.de/news/deutschland/museum/item/37445-adventsfahrten-bei-der-traditionsbahn-radebeul.html Zum zweiten Advent fährt der historische #Radebeuler #Traditionszug nach Radeburg zum Heinrich-Zille-Weihnachtsmarkt. Bei der stimmungsvollen Adventsfahrt mit der kleinen grünen #Dampflok der Gattung #IV K aus Zeiten der #Königlich Sächsischen #Staatseisenbahnen reist auch…
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frankhbecher · 5 years ago
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City of London, Westminster #Britannia#FollowMe#CityofLondon#InternationalerFernverkehr#FrankHBecher#Freundgesucht#Germany#Radeburg#SchneiderSteelConstruction#BatterseaPowerStation#AllgaierSpedition#Trucker#ImmerUnterwegs#Traumjob#influencer#instagrammer#Blogger#AufAchse#berufskraftfahrer#CoronaPandemie2020#bleibtallegesund#blackouttuesday#Dover#Motis#England#Deutschland (hier: Westminster Tower, Albert Embankment) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIQAu2IsFa/?igshid=l3gk26e0827d
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travelalife · 7 years ago
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Radeburg / Deutschland 🇩🇪
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madmaxmedia · 5 years ago
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Für die Sattlerei „Sattelgefühl“ von Willy Meyer wurden wir mit der Gestaltung eines neuen Logos beauftragt. In der Sattelwelt findet sich wieder das Pferd mit seinem Empfinden, seiner Bewegung und seinem Exterieur, die Handwerkskunst mit ihren Techniken und Materialien und der Reiter mit seinen Ideen und Bedürfnissen. #logodesign #corporateidentity #corporatedesign #grafikdesign #branding #branddesign #brandingdesign #logoconcept #firmenlogos #logos #agenturleben #werbeagentur #marketing #marketingagentur #madmaxmedia #schwarzheide #senftenberg #cottbus #lausitz #radeburg #dresden (hier: MadMax Media) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3t2b7KA9Gw/?igshid=nv0vluqbyo3m
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guerrerense · 2 years ago
Entlang der Pestalozzistraße...
Entlang der Pestalozzistraße... por erzgebirg´s train photography Por Flickr: Parallel zur Radebeuler Pestalozzistraße rollt die Lößnitzgrundbahn wie eine Straßenbahn neben den Autos durch den Ort. Kurz vor dem Bahnübergang Steinbachstraße konnte dieses Bild der 99 713 auf ihrem Weg nach Radeburg entstehen.
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utah-beer-fan · 7 years ago
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Drinking a Radeberger Pilsner by Radeberger Gruppe on Untappd http://untappd.com, a good German Pilsner.
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benkaden · 4 years ago
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Nassau / E. Turnhalle
Photo-Eulitz, Radeburg, 1964
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percy-kleinschmidt · 6 months ago
Shows 2023
Freitag, 10.Februar.2023 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Dresden - Private Feier
Samstag, 18.Februar.2023 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Dresden - Private Feier
Samstag, 15.April.2023 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Private Feier - Reiterhof
Samstag, 29.April.2023 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Kneipenfestival Radeburg
Samstag, 02.Dezember.2023 “Percy Kleinschmidt meets The StrayBots” Kulturbahnhof Radeburg
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menhealthbooster-blog · 5 years ago
5g Male Plus  :-IMPRESS YOUR Dig SIZE! Length & Thickness
Solutions For Low Sperm Count & Small Penis Size By 5g Male Plus :-
5g Male Plus :-Sitting urination benefits men's health, Studies, including those conducted by researchers at the Department of Urology at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), in the Netherlands, showed that men should urinate while sitting, as it is beneficial for their health and for Have a healthy sex life. (Read the study published on Plosone.org -English-)
For most men it is natural to urinate standing because they were taught that in this way they would be more masculine, it has nothing to do with feeling more man, it is only a custom.
Some countries, such as Sweden,5g Male Plus Reviews are already beginning to encourage men to urinate while sitting because it has its benefits. Advantages of seated men urinating:
1. It is more hygienic since it would not splash in the toilet bowl and this would reduce the risk of infections from touching the bathroom. 2. It improves the sexual health of men, by having the prostate more relaxed. 3. It helps to avoid prostate problems because when sitting the man can relax and does not hurry to remove the urine and in this way the bladder muscles are not stressed.
Doctors recommend that older people use this method, as it is beneficial for their health, in addition their partner will be happier because their bathroom will be cleaner It is healthy to urinate while sitting
Peeing sitting is an action that few men perform. For many, the natural thing is to do it standing up and they refuse even to try. However, a recent study prepared by the Department of Urology of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has shown that urinating sitting is not only beneficial for health, but also improves the sexual life of men.In addition, it has some advantages that You probably didn't know. To start, sitting urination is much more hygienic, so the risk of infection is reduced. 5g Male Plus Review On the other hand, performing this daily action, supported by the cup, allows the prostate to be more relaxed and, therefore, considerably improves sexual life. Finally, the act of urinating while sitting makes the man relax and dispose of the urine in a more complete way, helping to avoid prostate problems.
Experts advise older people to use this method, for health reasons. But now, these recommendations extend to the rest of men, who can see their health improved only by urinating while sitting. In addition, they will keep the bathroom much cleaner. Why do Germans urinate sitting?
At the same time as the new millennium entered, a gadget ’of just 7 euros was running out throughout the German territory. More than two million units sold in German supermarkets revolutionized the market and focused on a genuinely rooted custom among Germans. It was a simple device that was placed in the toilet and was activated by lifting the lid. The voice of the then Chancellor Gerhard Schröeder reminded the user:
"Hey, ... piss standing is not allowed here and will be punished with fine, so if you don't want any problem, you better feel it"
5g Male Plus Price The rig was installed in all types of public and private premises. Several versions were made with voices of as many public figures and became an essential gadget for the gift of brothers-in-law and several invisible friends. The company that manufactured it expanded its market to British territory with the voices of Tony Blair and the Queen, but it was not so successful.
In Germany there is an unfathomable war between the stehpinklers (men who still defend standing pee) against sitzpinklers (those who sit). This reminded us of a Spaniard based in Germany. A battle that has a lot to do with Germanic perfectionism, its commitment to the environment and its stubbornness, but also a polarized battle with feminism, false masculinity and the vehemence of rancid customs. It is an advantage
That everyone sitting urinate is an advantage - above all - for those who have to clean the bathrooms (unfortunately most of them are still women) Over here the confrontation between the macho tendency and German feminism arises, given this to the poetic action in public spaces with the famous “Hier wird gepinkelt sitzend” stickers (peeing sitting here). “Stand Up for your Rights” respond the others.
This everlasting struggle has led the macho to confer a derogatory tone on the lossitzpinklers. Now they are ‘cowards’, ‘calzonazos’, men who are dominated by the feminist spectrum to impose an unnatural stance on them. While German industry advocates homogenizing public restrooms to force more hygienic positions, stehpinklers (standing pimps) ask if this same industry is going to remove or homogenize dressers or large standing mirrors in female restrooms. The controversy will be eternal
But it is not only a sex struggle. Standing urination has economic and judicial consequences. German insurance companies tightened home policies for a famous case in the city of Radeburg in 2000. A landlord in a block of 400 homes called on his tenants to 'piss sitting' or pay for the replacement of the room's radiators of bath. An investigation with an expert had concluded that radiators in homes where only men lived oxidized faster than those of women. The uric acid droplets of the "human sprinklers" were clearly responsible. The debate spread throughout the country Doctors recommend urinating while sitting
From the medical point of view, there is no study that demonstrates that either of the two voiding positions is better or worse than the other. It will never be an argument. Urinating while sitting does not cause an increase in the size of the prostate nor a prevalence of prostate tumors. Some men even relax their sphincters more so being upright. In the end it is simply a hygienic issue associated with the customs of each society and in struggle with traditionally more comfortable positions for men.
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