#Rachel Cust
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dk-thrive · 7 months ago
Sterile, ostentatious and essentially plotless, “Parade” is an antinovel, a little black box of a book. It fails the Hardwick Test. The sole burden of an antinovel, the critic Elizabeth Hardwick wrote, is that it must be consistently (“each page, each paragraph”) interesting.
— Dwight Garner, from "The Artist is Present (and Pretentious) in Rachel Cusk's Latest (new novel "Parade") (NY Times, June 10, 2024)
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bugintheruins · 1 year ago
mmmmmm maybe u shouldnt be trusted with a hair clippers
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aimces · 2 years ago
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ヽ ⠀ ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ ՙ ⠀ ⠀ preencha  o  juramento  antes  de  continuar  :  em  nome  da  excalibur,  ❪  AIMÉE MARLO D’ORLEANS  ❫  em  seus  ❪  VINTE E CINCO ❫  anos,  jura  seguir  o  legado  de  ❪  TIANA  &  NAVEEN  ❫  durante  a  sua  estadia  na  academia  dos legados.  com  a  sabedoria  concedida  a  ela,  deve  se  manter  caminho  da  luz  enquanto  conclui  o  ❪  MÓDULO  II.III  ❫.  com  a  bondade tocada  em  seu  coração,  recebe  ❪  BENEVOLÊNCIA  ❫  e  não  se  permite  ser  corrompida  por  ❪  TEIMOSIA  ❫.  por  último,  é  deixado  um  corte  na mão  de  ❪  SAMANTHA  LOGAN  ❫  como  prova  de  seu  comprometimento  com  a  luz.
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nome completo: aimée marlo d’orleans
data de nascimento: 26/09 (25 anos)
horóscopo: libra (sol), leão (lua), peixes (ascendente)
orientação sexual: bisexual e birômantica
mbti: esfp - animador
traços positivos: benevolente, confiante, espirituosa, corajosa, obstinada, charmosa, observadora e cortês.
traços negativos: teimosa, vaidosa, impaciente, inconsequente, ambiciosa, argumentativa e egocêntrica.
inspirações: rachel green (friends), villanelle (killing eve), sarah cameron (outer banks), buffy summers (buffy the vampire slayer), carol danvers (marvel), angela hayes (american beauty), maddy perez (euphoria), morrigan (acotar), daisy jones (daisy jones & the six).
gostos: dias de sol, laranja (a fruta), vinho branco, noites estreladas, cheiro da comida de sua mãe, lagos e rios, trilhas, flores, roupas confortáveis.
desgostos: chuva, iluminação alta, pessoas gritando, desorganização, barulhos irritantes constantemente, pão torrado, bebidas quentes.
o que todos esperavam da a primeira filha de tiana e naveen era o completo oposto do que eles queriam para ela. as pessoas acreditavam que seus pais seriam do tipo que colocariam as mais diversas responsabilidades em suas costas – o que nunca fora verdade. sempre deixaram aimée escolher o que bem entendia, desde que fosse algo benéfico para a família. e ela sempre honrou aquela liberdade que tivera. seus pais tinham dons naturais e o que mais a deixava frustrada era que não era boa em nenhuma das duas coisas. estar dentro de uma cozinha era como um filme de terror, as panelas correriam dela, se pudessem. e os instrumentos, então… nem se fala. mas aimée descobriu ser muito boa ouvindo as pessoas e as ajudando, da maneira mais direta da palavra. ser empática sempre trouxe bons frutos para suas relações interpessoais. talvez aquele fosse seu dom natual.
mesmo que transpasse uma imagem quase que imaculada, é de longe alguém assim. na frente dos legados dos mocinhos, é a típica arthuriana - as opiniões sobre os legados dos vilões não são as mais tradicionais, onde aimée acredita que todos devem ter uma chance de recomeçar e em segundas chances. porém, por de trás daquela fachada, a segunda filha dos d’orleans esconde um pequeno segredo: ela visita castigo até com uma estranah frequência desde os vinte e dois anos; caso alguém lhe pergunte, ela nega veemente, já que preza muito por sua vida e tudo que os d’orleans representam em storydom. no momento, não está trabalhando em lugar nenhum, já que o módulo que está na academia tem sugado, metaforicamente, toda a sua energia, mas adorava quando podia ajudar o pai em ousadia e alegria. 
quando chegou na academia, era um misto de sensações que jamais havia vivido. estava nervosa, empolgada e até mesmo com medo do que poderia acontecer, caso não apresentasse nenhuma habilidade mágica. e se fosse mais alguém sem magia? o que seria de si? todas aquelas preocupações simplesmente sumiram quando sentiu algo borbulhar dentro de si, como se fossem bolhas de champagne descendo pela garganta e se espalhando pelo corpo. não havia entendido muito bem o que estava acontecendo, mas aos poucos seus sentidos principais foram sumindo, como se estivesse dando lugar a outra coisa… e em um passe de mágica, ela soube! a verdade é que aimée tem receio de usar suas habilidades, visto que não sabe até onde a controla e o que ela pode fazer e evita a todo custo a demonstrar.
está no terceiro ano do módulo II e simplesmente seus pesadelos têm se tornado “realidade”. ela odeia admitir, mas sempre fora uma exímia aluna e com notas exemplares, mas nunca acreditou sobre o que diziam – até chegar no módulo II. ela sente-se insegura sobre tudo o que aprendeu e tem medo de reprovar mais vezes que pode contar e assim, decepcionando a sua família. ela quer agradar a todos em todos os momentos, mas não entende em como isso também pode estar afetando seu progresso dentro da academia.
mesmo que a sua aparência seja de uma menina rica e que se preocupa somente consigo mesma, aimée é totalmente ao contrário. ela é muito altruísta e faz o que está ao seu alcance para ajudar quem a recorre. se ela esta falando de algo que gosta, é alguém que tem certeza sobre suas palavras e dificilmente abaixa a cabeça para alguém que não seja seus pais. é um pouco teimosa com o que defende e não abre mão das coisas com facilidade, quando quer algo, precisa ser do seu jeito e nunca desiste, até conseguir - mesmo que ela mesma tenha que ir atrás. .
manipulação sensorial – apesar de conseguir controlar os principais sentidos (audição, visão, olfato e paladar), aimée não consegue usufruir ou utilizar em si mesma todos juntos de uma única vez, por conta da habilidade exigir muito de suas capacidades. a mesma possibilita a melhora, redução ou remoção temporária, tal como fazer com que o alvo sinta coisas que não estão lá ou preveni-lo de sentir coisas que podem ser prejudiciais para os sentidos.
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sxnglant · 5 years ago
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                                           𝐋𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐄̀𝐕𝐑𝐄
Apesar de, oficialmente, terem parado de se referirem como uma Casa Real depois da Revolução Francesa, na alta sociedade ainda são conhecidos assim. E a família Penthièvre se mantêm disso: status e posição. Obviamente, possuem inúmeros zeros na conta bancária tão antiga, mas não chegam nem perto de serem considerados uma das famílias mais ricas da França - não que isso importe, seu suposto sangue azul é tão forte que fazem todos esquecerem desse pequeno detalhe. Suas maiores posses são os castelos, pinturas, jazigos e jóias passados de gerações a gerações; e, por enquanto, o poder apenas do nome é suficiente para se sentirem como verdadeiros reis. 
Monsieur Jacques-Yves (Hugh Grant) é o filho mais velho e o responsável pela continuação do nome da família. Sempre foi um homem quieto, ainda que um tanto romântico. A falta de algo substancial no nome da família o forçou a escolher uma carreira, e Jacques decidiu pela magistério. Mestre em Literatura Francesa pela Universidade de Paris, atualmente serve como Reitor da Universidade de Sorbonne, uma das mais conceituadas da França. É um pai compreensivo e sempre disposto a ajudar e conversar com os filhos e é um marido completamente devoto.
Madame Lucrèce (Rachel Weisz) pertencia a proeminente família Stuyvesant antes do casamento. Sempre foi extremamente ligada as artes, tendo se tornado uma colecionadora de quadros ainda na adolescência. A paixão se tornou profissão, e, com a ajuda de ambos os sobrenomes, foi fácil decolar. Iniciou como curadora do departamento de Antiguidades Gregas e Romanas, até se tornar Diretora do Louvre, sua posição atual. Sempre tendo muitos conflitos com a mãe, Lucrèce prometeu que seria mais compreensiva com seus filhos, e é. Extremamente carinhosa e preocupada, deu - e dá - toda a atenção do mundo aos filhos (isso, por muitas vezes, se estendendo até os amigos destes). 
Jean-Claude (Andrew Garfield) é o primogênito dos Stuyvesant-Penthièvre. Sempre se sentiu responsável por cuidar dos irmãos, e é super protetor com todos (especialmente com Quentin). É Mestre em Física, e faz parte do departamento de pesquisas da Sobornne. Alguns meses depois de se formar no colegial descobriu que a, então, namorada, agora esposa, estava grávida. Marie-Ève (Emma Stone) vem de uma renomada família de cirurgiões e, apesar da gravidez, seguiu o mesmo caminho e é uma neurocirurgiã conceituada. Cosette (Sadie Sink) é a única filha do casal até o momento, e é o amorzinho dos avós. 
Théophile (Max Irons) é o segundo filho, e o que menos se parece com a família. Dono de uma personalidade forte e impetuosa, passa longe da fama de artísticos e cultos dos irmãos. Sempre incomodado com como seus parentes aceitavam a posição imaginária que possuíam, decidiu que seria ele a mudar isso, custe o que custar. No último ano da faculdade de administração conheceu Gisèle (Léa Seydoux), tão ambiciosa e calculista quanto ele. O pai da mulher, não confiando que a única filha seria capaz de comandar a empresa, abençoou a união dos dois (que é baseada em conveniência e sexo). Agora, ambos comandam uma das empresas de comunicação que mais crescem na França. São também pais dos gêmeos Fabien e Fabrice (Nicholas e Cameron Crovetti), dois pestinhas cuja única função é aterrorizar qualquer um que apareça em sua frente.
Séraphine é a única menina e consequentemente a princesinha da casa. Extremamente mimada, assim como o irmão mais novo, costumava ser a rainha de Truffaut antes de se formar, alguns anos atrás. É conhecida pelos inúmeros namorados e seus términos desastrosos (que já chegaram até ser manchete de tabloides), por causa da sua veia extremamente romântica. Está prestes a terminar a faculdade de Literatura Francesa, e pretende seguir os passos dos pai. 
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soscharmant230618 · 7 years ago
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A Caçadora do Tempo 
Aos 17 anos, Idris já havia recebido da vida duros golpes, ela desconhecia sua origem e agradecia a família que a amparou. Embora se culpasse pela morte da mãe adotiva, não entendia os eventos estranhos que lhe aconteciam desde pequena e se manifestaram com força e intensidade na adolescência. Muito menos, as vozes e formas humanas coloridas que hoje a faziam pensar se a loucura, outrora ignorada, seria sua companheira. Contudo, seu obscuro passado retornava para lhe atormentar e mostrar que existia muito mais entre o céu e a terra. O destino havia lhe dado uma nova oportunidade de transformar sua vida soturna numa aventura, na busca do seu verdadeiro eu. Ela possuía duas missões: reencontrar aquele que a amaldiçoou e salvar seu único amor, Dan Morcan. Idris será capaz de mudar seu futuro incauto antes que o último grão escarlate escoe da sua ampulheta da vida?
Rodrigo e Andreia são irmãos inseparáveis e compartilham uma ligação inexplicável com o mar. Campeões de apneia, instrutores de mergulho e exímios nadadores, eles têm uma capacidade sobrenatural de se manter debaixo d'água por longos períodos de tempo. Além disso, quando um deles está submerso, ambos conseguem se comunicar telepaticamente, mesmo depois de Andreia ter sofrido um acidente que a deixou completamente paralisada, sem falar e se movimentar. Quando Cecília, uma jovem com passado traumático e um grande segredo, chega na cidade paradisíaca de Solário, algumas dúvidas a respeito do acidente de Andreia surgem, trazendo à tona a suspeita de tentativa de assassinato. Enquanto Rodrigo e Cecília tentam, juntos, curarem suas almas despedaçadas, descobrem-se em perigo quando o assassino ressurge disposto a encobrir seus rastros, custe o que custar.
Depois de bater a marca de um bilhão de acessos na plataforma de leitura Wattpad, a série After vira livro e promete ser o novo fenômeno editorial. No primeiro livro, Tessa é uma garota de 18 anos que acaba de deixar a casa de sua mãe para ir morar no campus da faculdade. Estudiosa, responsável e recatada, ela não quer saber de festas e nem de paixões. No primeiro dia na faculdade, Tessa conhece Hardin, um jovem rude, lindo e todo tatuado que implica com seu jeito de garota certinha. Os dois se detestam, mas ao mesmo tempo não conseguem ficar longe um do outro. Logo, começam um relacionamento intenso e turbulento. Consumida por uma paixão que ela imaginava não ser possível, Tessa vê sua sexualidade aflorar. Mas por trás do chame irresistível de badboy, Hardin carrega fantasmas de seu passado, que podem colocar tudo a perder. Depois de Hardin, Tessa nunca mais será a mesma.
A Garota no Trem
Um thriller psicológico que vai mudar para sempre a maneira como você observa a vida das pessoas ao seu redor Todas as manhãs Rachel pega o trem das 8h04 de Ashbury para Londres. O arrastar trepidante pelos trilhos faz parte de sua rotina. O percurso, que ela conhece de cor, é um hipnotizante passeio de galpões, caixas d’água, pontes e aconchegantes casas. Em determinado trecho, o trem para no sinal vermelho. E é de lá que Rachel observa diariamente a casa de número 15. Obcecada com seus belos habitantes – a quem chama de Jess e Jason –, Rachel é capaz de descrever o que imagina ser a vida perfeita do jovem casal. Até testemunhar uma cena chocante, segundos antes de o trem dar um solavanco e seguir viagem. Poucos dias depois, ela descobre que Jess – na verdade Megan – está desaparecida. Sem conseguir se manter alheia à situação, ela vai à polícia e conta o que viu. E acaba não só participando diretamente do desenrolar dos acontecimentos, mas também da vida de todos os envolvidos. Uma narrativa extremamente inteligente e repleta de reviravoltas, A garota no trem é um thriller digno de Hitchcock a ser compulsivamente devorado.
A Menina da Neve
Alasca, 1920: Um lugar especialmente difícil para os recém-chegados Jack e Mabel. Sem lhos, eles estão se afastando um do outro cada vez mais — ele, no duro trabalho da fazenda, ela, se perdendo na solidão e no desespero. Em um dos raros momentos juntos durante a primeira nevasca da temporada, eles fazem uma criança de neve. Na manhã seguinte, ela simplesmente desaparece. Jack e Mabel avistam uma menina loira correndo por entre as árvores, mas a criança não é comum. Ela caça com uma raposa-vermelha ao lado e, de alguma forma, consegue sobreviver sozinha no rigoroso inverno do Alasca. Enquanto o casal se esforça para entendê-la — uma criança que poderia ter saído das páginas de um conto de fadas —, eles começam a amá-la como se ela fosse filha deles. No entanto, nesse lugar bonito e sombrio, as coisas raramente são como aparentam ser, e o que aprendem sobre essa misteriosa menina vai transformar a vida de todos eles.
Perdida - Um Amor Que Ultrapassa As Barreiras do Tempo
Sofia vive em uma metrópole e está acostumada com a modernidade e as facilidades que ela traz. Ela é independente e tem pavor à mera menção da palavra casamento. Os únicos romances em sua vida são aqueles que os livros proporcionam. Após comprar um celular novo, algo misterioso acontece e Sofia descobre que está perdida no século dezenove, sem ter ideia de como voltar para casa – ou se isso sequer é possível. Enquanto tenta desesperadamente encontrar um meio de retornar ao tempo presente, ela é acolhida pela família Clarke. Com a ajuda do prestativo – e lindo – Ian Clarke, Sofia embarca numa busca frenética e acaba encontrando pistas que talvez possam ajudá-la a resolver esse mistério e voltar para sua tão amada vida moderna. O que ela não sabia era que seu coração tinha outros planos... “Perdida” é uma história apaixonante com um ritmo intenso, que vai fazer você devorar até a última página.
A Destinada – Até Onde Você Iria Por Amor?
Eliza Stewart tem um dom incomum. Ela é vidente. Sempre fez parte de sua vida salvar as pessoas com quem se preocupa, prevenindo acidentes e inconveniências que pré-visualizou em sua mente. Mas nada nunca se comparou ao tipo de visões que começa a ter aos dezoito anos, numa noite em que 'vê' um rapaz sendo sequestrado de um trem. Os dois passam a ter 'encontros' em sonhos, totalmente reais, ocasiões em que ele diz que será assassinado e ela é a única que pode impedir essa tragédia. Agora Eliza precisa reunir coragem, fugir de casa e sair em uma viagem incerta para tentar salvar essa vida e, quem sabe, recuperar seu grande amor.
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literalandia · 5 years ago
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Ano produção: 2013 País de Origem: EUA, Canadá Dirigido por: Graeme Manson, John Fawcett Elenco: Tatiana Maslany, Dylan Bruce, Jordan Gavaris, Kevin Hanchard, Michael Mando, Évelyne Brochu, Kristian Bruun, Josh Vokey, Ari Millen, Maria Doyle Kennedy Duração: 430 minutos | 5 Temporadas Classificação: 12 Gênero: Ação | Drama | Ficção Científica Avaliação: ★★★★★ Onde assistir: Netflix Resenhado por: Mariana Cassiano
☕ Sinopse: Depois de presenciar o suicídio de uma mulher (que é exatamente como ela) em uma estação de trem, Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany) faz o que qualquer um faria: assume a identidade da suicida para tentar resolver os próprios problemas financeiros. Mas logo ela descobre que está no centro de um mistério que vai mudar sua vida, quando se vê cara a cara com mais três mulheres idênticas a ela. Todas são clones, e precisam salvar as próprias peles enquanto tentam descobrir quem são os responsáveis pelos experimentos genéticos. (Fonte:adorocinema)
Você gosta de ficção científica? Suspense? Ação? Comédia? Romance? Drama? Representatividade? Se você respondeu sim para pelo menos uma dessas questões, então você precisa assistir Orphan Black!  A série foi finalizada em 2017, com cinco temporadas e dez episódios em cada. Ela está disponível completa na Netflix.
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Foto: Divulgação/ BBC Americana
Antes de começar a falar sobre a série, preciso destacar dois pontos impressionantes sobre essa produção. O primeiro é a atuação impecável de Tatiana Maslany, ela é a atriz principal e interpreta 50% dos personagens da série de maneira brilhante! Para você ter uma ideia, tem algumas cenas que as clones fingem ser a outra e nós conseguimos perceber que é uma clone interpretando a outra, ou seja, não tem como se confundir, pois cada clone tem sua própria personalidade e trejeitos bem singulares. E o outro ponto que eu preciso ressaltar são os efeitos especiais da série, em cenas onde tem duas ou mais clones juntas no mesmo lugar, é quase impossível perceber os efeitos. E com isso você acaba esquecendo que é a mesma atriz que interpreta todas essas personagens.
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Foto: Divulgação/ BBC Americana
Agora vamos à série, ela é centralizada na vida da britânica Sarah Manning, uma mulher órfã e um pouco problemática, a série se inicia quando ela volta para a cidade onde ela cresceu, em Toronto no Canadá, para tentar recuperar a sua filha, Kira, que vive com a sua mãe adotiva, Siobhan Sadler, mas ao chegar na estação de trem, ela presencia um suicídio que muda completamente sua vida, pois a mulher que se suicidou era idêntica a ela fisicamente, e ao perceber isso, Sarah rouba seus pertences e rouba a identidade da mulher por um único motivo: dinheiro. Mas ao fazer isso, ela acaba descobrindo que essa mulher, chamada Eizabeth (Beth) Childs, é uma policial e tem um relacionamento conturbado com Paul Dierden, que um pouco mais a frente na série iremos descobrir o verdadeiro motivo dele se relacionar com a Beth, mas não irei dar spoilers. Além disso, ela descobre que Beth faz um investigação extrajudicial e que está diretamente ligada a Sarah, essa investigação é sobre o “Projeto LEDA”, o projeto que criou as clones.
Ao pegar a identidade de Beth, Sarah descobre que existem mais pessoas parecidas com elas, as suas clones, e no desenvolver da primeira temporada, Sarah conhece as clones principais da série, uma delas é a mãe suburbana canadense Alison Hendrix, ela é casada com Donnie Hendrix, mãe de dois filhos adotivos, pois ela não pode ter filhos, é treinadora de futebol da escola de seus filhos e também é atriz da igreja em que ela frequenta. Ela é o alívio cômico da série, junto com o seu marido. 
Além da Alison, uma das clones principais é a americana Cosima Niehaus, ela é uma estudante de microbiologia e isso faz com que ela seja uma grande ajuda na investigação do Projeto LEDA. Cosima namora Delphine Niehaus, que também é uma personagem importante para a trama e igual ao Paul, as verdadeiras intenções dela com a Cosima serão descobertas no decorrer da série. 
Não posso deixar de falar sobre Helena Manning, uma personagem única, garanto que dificilmente você irá achar uma personagem igual a ela em qualquer outra série. Nós a conhecemos no final da primeira temporada, ela aparece de uma maneira medonha, tentando matar as clones, mas com o passar das temporadas ela tem um desenvolvimento incrível e você acaba se apaixonando e querendo proteger uma assassina profissional. 
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Foto: Divulgação/ BBC Americana
E se o plot principal são clones, é claro que tem que ter uma clone vilã! Rachel Duncan é a antagonista da trama, seu ódio por Sarah Manning aumenta com o passar dos episódios e seus encontros são sempre desastrosos. Rachel é guiada pelo poder e ganancia e quer acabar com as clones custe o que custar. Ela foi adotada pelos criadores do Projeto LEDA, isso fez com que ela crescesse se sentindo superior as outras clones, por isso ela é tão gananciosa e quer acabar com todas as outras.
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Foto: Divulgação/ BBC Americana
Essas são as clones principais, mas durante a série nos conhecemos outras com personalidades únicas, como por exemplo a manicure Krystal Goderitch e a hacker Veera Suominen, mais conhecida como MK, que mesmo aparecendo pouco tempo na série, elas têm grande importância em alguns momentos.
Os clones se juntam (menos a Rachel) para tentar achar a cura para uma doença que todas elas têm, para isso, elas precisam descobrir a origem do Projeto LEDA, mas o Instituto DYAD, que foi o responsável pela criação das clones, tenta impedi-las, pois caso elas descobrissem isso afetaria a imagem do instituto.
Além das clones e de seus respectivos parceiros, existem outros personagens que são uma parte importante da trama e ajudam as clones na sua busca pela cura, são eles Shioban, a mãe adotiva e superprotetora da Sarah, Felix Dawkins, irmão adotivo da Sarah, que em vários momentos ele rouba a cena e ajuda muito as clones. 
Os personagens carismáticos, trama envolvente, mistérios e descobertas fazem você se viciar na série.
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shaoclark · 5 years ago
8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review
8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUF9LVhsFOk 8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review Searching for Custom Keto Diet? Learn More ➜ https://rebrand.ly/customketo-diet 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review: Should You Get It ...www.dementiacarematters.com articles 8-week-cust... Week Custom Keto Diet Plan is a customized program that provides you with everything you need for two months as you transition into the ... Is 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Enough to Lose Weight??www.healthcarebusinesstoday.com custom-keto-diet 8 week Custom Keto Diet reviews have proven this plan to be the best, easiest and effective way to lose weight quickly. Buy Easy to follow diet ... Custom Keto Diet Review – 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan By ...apnews.com Custom Keto Diet Review – 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan By Rachel Roberts. a few seconds ago. Millions of people around the world try ... 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review 2020 M.shop %phaseremshop.com custom-keto-diet-plan-review Keto Diet Plan Review if you're serious about achieving permanent fat loss and a complete health transformation Custom Keto Diet. 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review Custom Keto Diet Review - 8-week Keto Meal Plan For You ... 8 Week Custom Keto Meal Plan Review-Watch This Before Buy! 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review Custom Keto Diet Review 2020 | 8 Week Plan By Rachel ... Custom Keto Diet Review – Customized 8 Week Keto Meal ...www.streetinsider.com CDN+Newswire Custom keto diet review | does this 8 weeks custom keto diet works? What is the 8 week custom keto diet plan about?.. 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review | keto recipes. take a look at this custom keto diet reviews - 8-week custom keto diet meal plan for $1 .Custom keto diet plan - 8 week custom keto diet plan review - here's what it's really like. 8 Week Custom Keto Meal Plan Guide #Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan Free. Custom keto diet reviews - 8-week custom keto diet meal plan for $1.These recipes are easy, delicious, and the part is that you won't have to Why Custom Keto Diet Plan Will Help. What is the 8 week custom keto diet plan about?. Custom keto diet plan custom keto diet review custom keto diet plan free custom keto diet plan reviews custom keto diet meal plan custom keto diet reviews custom keto diet free custom keto diet quiz what is custom keto diet plan review of the custom keto diet meal plan the custom keto diet custom keto diet plan program custom keto diet plan scam custom keto diet plan discount custom keto diet plan review custom keto diet plan pfd. Get your 8 week custom keto diet now!In these 8 week custom keto diet plan review video you will see is a fully customized keto diet plan that sets you up with an 8 week regime based on your body lifestyle taste buds and goals.A keto diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. 8 week custom keto diet plan does all of this for you so all you have to do is follow along with the customized meal plan provided to you based on the information you enter at the beginning...Custom keto diet reviews - 8 week custom keto diet plan review.Com · custom keto diet plan reviews · custom keto diet plan free. Custom Keto Diet Review 2020: My Honest Opinion - Health ...healthkeepersclub.com › custom-keto-diet-review The Custom Keto Diet is a personalized 8-week weight loss strategy that caters the keto diet to your needs. This plan takes into account factors such as your ... 22 Best Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan images in 2020 | Keto ...www.pinterest.com › diannejonesnyc › custom-keto-diet-... 8 Health Benefits of Keto Dieting Lower Your Carbs Eat Fats That Convert. ... You can click the LINK IN BIO to start creating your 8-week plan. ... Custom Keto Diet Plan shorturl.at/jnzUW This video reviews the pros and cons of the classic ... 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review, 2020 - Pinterest www.pinterest.com 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan is a fully customized keto diet plan that sets you up with an 8 week regime based on your body, lifestyle, taste buds ... 8-Week Custom Keto Diet Review - Home | Facebook www.facebook.com 8-Week Custom Keto Diet Review. 80 likes · 2 talking about this. The 8-Week Keto Diet Plan is a Ketogenic Diet Plan Customized For Your Personal Body,... https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins... https://www.webmd.com/search/search_r... https://twitter.com/search?q=Custom+K... #CustomKetoDiet #CustomKetoDietPlan #CustomKetoDietMealPlan #CustomKetoDietQuiz #CustomizedKetoDiet https://youtu.be/RUF9LVhsFOk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92gn... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list. 8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review published first on https://wesleytvirgin.tumblr.com
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irnjehernandez · 5 years ago
8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review
8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUF9LVhsFOk 8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review Searching for Custom Keto Diet? Learn More ➜ https://rebrand.ly/customketo-diet 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review: Should You Get It ...www.dementiacarematters.com articles 8-week-cust... Week Custom Keto Diet Plan is a customized program that provides you with everything you need for two months as you transition into the ... Is 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Enough to Lose Weight??www.healthcarebusinesstoday.com custom-keto-diet 8 week Custom Keto Diet reviews have proven this plan to be the best, easiest and effective way to lose weight quickly. Buy Easy to follow diet ... Custom Keto Diet Review – 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan By ...apnews.com Custom Keto Diet Review – 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan By Rachel Roberts. a few seconds ago. Millions of people around the world try ... 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review 2020 M.shop %phaseremshop.com custom-keto-diet-plan-review Keto Diet Plan Review if you're serious about achieving permanent fat loss and a complete health transformation Custom Keto Diet. 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review Custom Keto Diet Review - 8-week Keto Meal Plan For You ... 8 Week Custom Keto Meal Plan Review-Watch This Before Buy! 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review Custom Keto Diet Review 2020 | 8 Week Plan By Rachel ... Custom Keto Diet Review – Customized 8 Week Keto Meal ...www.streetinsider.com CDN+Newswire Custom keto diet review | does this 8 weeks custom keto diet works? What is the 8 week custom keto diet plan about?.. 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review | keto recipes. take a look at this custom keto diet reviews - 8-week custom keto diet meal plan for $1 .Custom keto diet plan - 8 week custom keto diet plan review - here's what it's really like. 8 Week Custom Keto Meal Plan Guide #Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan Free. Custom keto diet reviews - 8-week custom keto diet meal plan for $1.These recipes are easy, delicious, and the part is that you won't have to Why Custom Keto Diet Plan Will Help. What is the 8 week custom keto diet plan about?. Custom keto diet plan custom keto diet review custom keto diet plan free custom keto diet plan reviews custom keto diet meal plan custom keto diet reviews custom keto diet free custom keto diet quiz what is custom keto diet plan review of the custom keto diet meal plan the custom keto diet custom keto diet plan program custom keto diet plan scam custom keto diet plan discount custom keto diet plan review custom keto diet plan pfd. Get your 8 week custom keto diet now!In these 8 week custom keto diet plan review video you will see is a fully customized keto diet plan that sets you up with an 8 week regime based on your body lifestyle taste buds and goals.A keto diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. 8 week custom keto diet plan does all of this for you so all you have to do is follow along with the customized meal plan provided to you based on the information you enter at the beginning...Custom keto diet reviews - 8 week custom keto diet plan review.Com · custom keto diet plan reviews · custom keto diet plan free. Custom Keto Diet Review 2020: My Honest Opinion - Health ...healthkeepersclub.com › custom-keto-diet-review The Custom Keto Diet is a personalized 8-week weight loss strategy that caters the keto diet to your needs. This plan takes into account factors such as your ... 22 Best Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan images in 2020 | Keto ...www.pinterest.com › diannejonesnyc › custom-keto-diet-... 8 Health Benefits of Keto Dieting Lower Your Carbs Eat Fats That Convert. ... You can click the LINK IN BIO to start creating your 8-week plan. ... Custom Keto Diet Plan shorturl.at/jnzUW This video reviews the pros and cons of the classic ... 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review, 2020 - Pinterest www.pinterest.com 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan is a fully customized keto diet plan that sets you up with an 8 week regime based on your body, lifestyle, taste buds ... 8-Week Custom Keto Diet Review - Home | Facebook www.facebook.com 8-Week Custom Keto Diet Review. 80 likes · 2 talking about this. The 8-Week Keto Diet Plan is a Ketogenic Diet Plan Customized For Your Personal Body,... https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins... https://www.webmd.com/search/search_r... https://twitter.com/search?q=Custom+K... #CustomKetoDiet #CustomKetoDietPlan #CustomKetoDietMealPlan #CustomKetoDietQuiz #CustomizedKetoDiet https://youtu.be/RUF9LVhsFOk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n92gn... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list. 8 Week Custom Keto Diet - 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review
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THE ABC MURDERS Agatha Christie
So simple. So good. It's just so easy to give an Agatha Christie book 5 stars. She mastered the uncomplicated detective narrative with a classic twist in the end, and nobody seems to have successfully matched her style. It's like last year's Academy Awards. What's so special about "Spotlight"? Well, the fact that it's a really good film, period. I first put this book on my TBR list when I was a teenager just because I liked the title. My mom doesn't read much, but I remember her telling me she used to read Christie's novels when she was young and loved them - especially the Hercule Poirot instalments. Who was I to turn down motherly advice? I looked up a few titles and this one made the list, though it took me 10 years to actually buy it and read it.
This Harper Collins collection is really cool. They look awesome together in a shelf! Do I have the money to buy them all? No, but one can stare at them side by side on display in their favourite bookshop and dream... Let me start with the only downside of this and most of Christie's and other authors of her time's works: it can be sexist sometimes. But that's just it, the time when it was written. And it's not even that she puts men as superior in nature to women, she just establishes a few features as being deterministic female flaws. If anything, her female characters are outstanding and much more interesting than her male character. Besides, the one person who takes the trouble to say that women are bound to be "catty" to one another in the book turns out to have a controversial character, so there. This was my first Poirot instalment, and, even though the story is told in the same manner of every single Sherlock Holmes book, with a male friend narrating the detective's adventures, I didn't even stop to make that comparison before I started this review. Which is definitely a good sign. Like I mentioned before, the female characters in this book are really something. Megan Barnard in particular. These are intelligent women who like their independence and have to pay a small price for it. The men, on the other hand, are less impressive. Excuse me if I'm not inclined to feel any sympathy towards Donald Fraser when he's obviously a controlling, jealous man, regardless of his former fiancé having given him reason not to trust her.
Unlike Conan Doyle’s series, Christie’s stories are less scientific and more psychological. Let me elaborate on that. Although both authors and their respective characters work with observation and logic, Sherlock focuses on marks, fingerprints and physical evidence in general, whereas Poirot (and other “investigative” characters created by Christie, whether they are professional detectives or not) goes for dialogue and action, trying to extract the truth from subtle comments and odd behaviour.
For some reason, I imagined Sam Waterston as Poirot, with his hair dyed black. And Jude Law as Hastings. And Troian Bellisario as Megan. And Margot Robbie as Thora. And Rachel McAdams as Mary. And Jeremy Renner as Franklin. The rest was just entirely made up.
The ending is almost beautiful. The way Poirot talks to A. B. cust is quite simple, and yet very moving. We can’t help but feel sorry for the poor man. I like to think that this was intentional criticism to the war. All in all, wars have no positive outcome for anyone, and the brainwashed veterans end up talking about their service with so much pride that they don’t even see how poorly they’ve been treated during and after the war.
There's no way I'm stopping here. I'm definitely going after other Poirot adventures soon enough.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys detective stories that are more interesting than violent.
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dk-thrive · 6 years ago
What he objected to was not the principle of improvement itself but the steady levelling.
Rachel Cusk, Transit: A Novel (Picador; December 19, 2017)
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
Agatha Christie: Easter Eggs and Symbolism in the BBC Adaptations
‘Everything is the story,’ says screenwriter Sarah Phelps. That’s why the stage directions in her scripts are so finely detailed. ‘The story isn’t just what comes out of people’s mouths, the story is what’s in the room.’
‘How high are the ceilings? Are the windows large or small? What does the air smell of? Is it cold? Is everything always slightly damp? Is there enough food on the table? Is there a fly buzzing somewhere? What can you see out of the window? Can you hear traffic? Can you hear your next-door neighbours? Is there a dog that barks incessantly?’
Without that detail, Phelps tells Den of Geek, she’d just be putting dialogue into a vacuum. Mood, weather, smell, hair, costume… it all forms the fabric of a script. But there’s more. All five of her BBC One Agatha Christie dramas are also connected through symbolic details. From a Spanish Baroque painting to the colour red, to bears and polar exploration, here are the hidden details tucked away in Phelps’ adaptations.
Agnus Dei Painting
Like the silver hare statue to be found in the background of every Inside No. 9 episode, all five of Phelps’ Christie adaptations feature the same early 17th century painting, Francisco de Zurbarán’s Agnus Dei, or Lamb of God.
In December 2018, this Twitter user spotted the painting of a trussed lamb on display in And Then There Were None (above the mantlepiece) The Witness for the Prosecution (on an easel in Emily French’s home), Ordeal by Innocence (on Rachel and Leo’s dining room wall) and The ABC Murders (by the stairs in the Carmichael pile). In 2019’s The Pale Horse, it’s hanging on the wall of Mark Easterbrook’s antiques dealership office.
To Phelps, the painting seemed to be an apt way to describe the all-pervading sense of guilt and secrecy she sees in the Agatha Christie universe. Speaking at The Pale Horse press launch in 2019, she explained, “You don’t know whether the lamb is dead or alive because it’s trussed. It has no free will. The deed has been done.”
Polar Bears
When writing her fifth and – for now – final Christie adaptation, 2019’s The Pale Horse, Phelps inserted a link back to her first, 2015’s And Then There Were None. In the latter’s original story, a character is killed when a bear-shaped clock falls off a ledge and hits him on the head. To Phelps, that felt unintentionally comic and not neat enough for the story’s serial killer, who she felt wouldn’t allow such room for error. Her solution was to change the death by having the victim stabbed by the killer draped in a polar bear skin rug.
Fast forward to the opening scene of The Pale Horse, which introduces us to antiques dealer Mark Easterbrook alongside a new artefact in his office: a taxidermied polar bear.
Read more
Sarah Phelps Interview: Agatha Christie is Always Asking ‘Are You Paying Attention?’
By Louisa Mellor
The Pale Horse writer interview: ‘I’ve changed elements of the end’
By Rosie Fletcher
‘Because I’d supplanted a polar bear rug for the bear-shaped clock in And Then There Were None, it really struck me that I wanted to continue that theme as a nod. By the time I’d got to The Pale Horse, I just fell in love with the idea that the first thing you see about Mark Easterbrook is him unboxing a giant polar bear. That tells us now that we are in a place which is rather strange.’
‘I like thinking about the polar extremes. You’re at a point in the world where nothing is familiar and if you walk out of your little safe tent you could be dead in a moment,’ Phelps tells Den of Geek. ‘So that came up in Ordeal by Innocence [in which a character has recently returned from an experimental nuclear polar expedition] and that’s because I became obsessed with nuclear experimentation and the arms race post-Second World War.’
The Banality of Evil
‘It wasn’t just the same painting in every single one of them,’ Phelps explains, she also wanted to make the stories talk to each other in ‘a continuing conversation about how we get to be where we are. How did we get to be here, in the 21st century? Perhaps if we look back at 50 years of the blood-soaked and tumultuous 20th century, we might understand how we came to be where we are now… although I doubt it.’
To that end, Phelps selected the dates on which each of her adaptations take place to draw from very specific moments in 20th century history. ‘Nobody else had to know about this but it was there for me.’
‘And Then There Were None is in 1939, just as we’re about to go to war. In The Witness for the Prosecution, the date of the murder is the date of the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, which is the first time the world really learns the name of Adolf Hitler, and by the time you get to The Pale Horse, Mark Easterbrook is sitting there reading the news headlines about the televised trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, when Hannah Arendt coined the phrase ‘the banality of evil’, not realising that he is absolutely caught up in the banality of evil.’
‘It was always that sense that there was this really tight net wound around everybody and that none of them are free from that and we should pay attention.’
Dangerous Colour
Phelps describes the 20th century as blood-soaked and the same can be said for her Christie scripts, each of which is drenched in the colour red.
In And Then There Were None, ‘the red was all about Vera’s swimsuit,’ she explains. ‘When I was reading the book I just had this strange image in my head of this woman wearing a bright red swimsuit in this white house that collapses in on itself with really strange geometry.’
Red is such a perilous colour says Phelps. ‘It’s a distinct danger colour, danger and seduction and thrill and peril. It just kept me company as I went through.’
Phelps, who once worked as a dresser for the Royal Shakespeare Company, never stops thinking about costume, she says. ‘It’s how you meet the world […] I loved the idea of the startling red of Vera’s swimsuit. Romaine had a really lovely little red hat [in The Witness for the Prosecution].’ There are also the red shoes walked up and down the back of Cust in The ABC Murders, I offer.
‘I just felt it was an acknowledgement that these things are significant. For numerous reasons, they say to us ‘danger’ or they say to us the commodification of sexuality or they say this is being worn to make you think a particular way about this person and look, you thought it! Because you were already thinking it, which is the main point.’
‘There was always that sense of wanting to have that continuing conversation, that relationship, with the painting, the dates and that rubric of colours that kept me company throughout all five pieces.’
Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders is streaming now on Acorn TV
The post Agatha Christie: Easter Eggs and Symbolism in the BBC Adaptations appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2C9Qqb0
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joejstrickl · 7 years ago
AE Studio: Customization, Collaboration—and Free Laundry?
American Eagle Outfitters is turning 40 this year but it’s still young at heart—a necessary attitude if it’s going to connect with its youthful target audience. As part of the celebration it’s testing a retail concept in downtown New York, overlooking the youthful hubbub that is Union Square.
BEST OF // Our fave moments from the #AEStudio Launch Party on 10.24 feat. @RickRoss: https://t.co/jyqkTlBkQP pic.twitter.com/RgWvKirTbx
— American Eagle (@AEO) October 25, 2017
Its remodeled store overlooking Union Square will reopen to the public on November 10th as AE Studio. While its existing store was quite crowded and chaotic on the ground floor, the AE Studio space, as seen at a preview party last week, is more curated, more interactive, more engaging—and more fun.
This right here is legit …40 years of #awesomenesssss est. 11.25.77⭐️#aeonsorocks #aeoteamwork #aeodreamwork #aeofamily #aeofun #aeowoa #AEstudio #WeAllCan #TheNSOexperience.
A post shared by aeoNSOrocks (@aeo_nsorocks) on Oct 18, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
It’s all about creating a memorable brand experience and customer experience. So AE Jeans are front and center on the ground floor’s Jeans Gallery, where shoppers can try and buy jeans from its denim collections.
The centerpiece is a new collaboration with Atelier & Repairs, reworking and customizing denim and apparel from AE’s previous collections into new pieces that customers can purchase.
Running around in a few pieces from @AmericanEagle's first ever collaboration with @AtelierandRepairs. #AEJeans pic.twitter.com/3iSaaNfO5X
— Patrick Janelle (@patrickjanelle) October 25, 2017
Co-founded by Maurizio Donadi, the former SVP of Levi’s XX, Atelier & Repairs upcycles denim into works of art, each imbued with a sustainable fashion philosophy that aims to reduce waste and elevate consumers’ consciousness.
The bespoke collection—each new garment is one of a kind—is priced from $48 to $128 and currently sold at 22 AE stores nationwide including Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Miami.
One brand’s trash has become your next treasure via @AEO and Atelier & Repairs https://t.co/w8IyC0yoik
— Nicole Lyn Pesce (@PesceNic) October 5, 2017
AE Studio will also feature denim customization stations and free on-site laundry facilities for neighboring students. The store will also sell NYU produce designed by American Eagle’s sister brand Tailgate, which caters to that cohort.
The overall intent of AE Studio is to create a hub for testing new brand experiences—new kinds of products, and new ways for customers to interact with them, and each other.
AE Studio What an amazing new store concept!!! Love the company I work for ❤️ #aeo #aeowoa #aeowallofawesome #AEstudio #aeostyle #aeostylecommittee #ilovemyjob
A post shared by Andrew Pelimiano (@apelimiano) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:50am PDT
“As we celebrate the success of the last four decades, we look ahead to create new brand experiences to inspire today’s customer, and broaden our leadership in jeans,” stated Chad Kessler, American Eagle Outfitters Global Brand President. “AE Studio is a perfect example of our evolution where we invite customers to enjoy a unique brand experience, feel at home, and curate their distinct individual style.”
He added, “We’re the No. 2 jeans retailer in America, and our goal is to be No. 1.The goal for AE Studio is to be a lab for us to see the customer reaction firsthand and learn about our new experience.”
Love my job so much☺️☺️Definitely my favorite squad to date ♥️ love all of y’all beyond and the not pictured babes @jordynwoods, @isaaclikes_ & @kittycash #inyourshadows @weareshadow
A post shared by Rachel D’Amico (@rachelrarrar) on Oct 25, 2017 at 4:28pm PDT
Staying relevant is the new bar to scale in experiential marketing as retailers scramble to meet increased demand from consumers who are fickle in their tastes and precious with their time.
Live painting is screen printed on denim shirts at @americaneagle AE Studio event (watch live painting in action in our story) #nyc #art
A post shared by BizBash (@bizbash) on Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46pm PDT
The AE Studio experience includes:
· Jeans Gallery featuring an in-store Maker’s Shop – Customers can shop AE’s extensive jeans collection and create one-of-a-kind pieces. The Maker’s Shop will feature options for customers to personalize their AE Jeans to fit their distinctive style.
· Real-time Social Media Team – AE’s social media team will have an in-store work space to directly engage with customers. Working in the heart of the studio, they’ll create content in real time and keep their finger on the pulse of the brand.
· Complimentary Laundry Wall – Students are offered a free place to do laundry—a boon to students at nearby New York University and the Parsons School of Design. While they wait, they can hang out with friends or study in the studio bar and seating area and enjoy the view of Union Square.
I wouldn’t procrastinate at all if I had to do my laundry here.. // Nope, he wasn’t going to ruin my shot @americaneagle #40Years #AEStudio (Pc: @lecitykitty)
A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on Oct 25, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT
· Digital Concierge iPads in dressing rooms – Customers can personalize their shopping experience and engage the brand with the tap of their finger.
· Collaboration Space – The space will feature capsule collections co-created with new brands, emerging designers, and artists.
Abt last night @americaneagle !!! #AEstudio launch party #RickRoss #WingStop #unionsquare #AmericanEagle #nyc #Denim
A post shared by Konquer | New York (@konquernewyork) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:28pm PDT
“For American Eagle, the store is a reflection of the brand’s larger strategy to experiment with new physical retail models and tap into the burgeoning trend of pop-up shops taking the retail industry by storm,” Glossy comments.
“These spaces — which are optimized for social media with cust
0 notes
glenmenlow · 7 years ago
AE Studio: Customization, Collaboration—and Free Laundry?
American Eagle Outfitters is turning 40 this year but it’s still young at heart—a necessary attitude if it’s going to connect with its youthful target audience. As part of the celebration it’s testing a retail concept in downtown New York, overlooking the youthful hubbub that is Union Square.
BEST OF // Our fave moments from the #AEStudio Launch Party on 10.24 feat. @RickRoss: https://t.co/jyqkTlBkQP pic.twitter.com/RgWvKirTbx
— American Eagle (@AEO) October 25, 2017
Its remodeled store overlooking Union Square will reopen to the public on November 10th as AE Studio. While its existing store was quite crowded and chaotic on the ground floor, the AE Studio space, as seen at a preview party last week, is more curated, more interactive, more engaging—and more fun.
This right here is legit …40 years of #awesomenesssss est. 11.25.77⭐️#aeonsorocks #aeoteamwork #aeodreamwork #aeofamily #aeofun #aeowoa #AEstudio #WeAllCan #TheNSOexperience.
A post shared by aeoNSOrocks (@aeo_nsorocks) on Oct 18, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
It’s all about creating a memorable brand experience and customer experience. So AE Jeans are front and center on the ground floor’s Jeans Gallery, where shoppers can try and buy jeans from its denim collections.
The centerpiece is a new collaboration with Atelier & Repairs, reworking and customizing denim and apparel from AE’s previous collections into new pieces that customers can purchase.
Running around in a few pieces from @AmericanEagle's first ever collaboration with @AtelierandRepairs. #AEJeans pic.twitter.com/3iSaaNfO5X
— Patrick Janelle (@patrickjanelle) October 25, 2017
Co-founded by Maurizio Donadi, the former SVP of Levi’s XX, Atelier & Repairs upcycles denim into works of art, each imbued with a sustainable fashion philosophy that aims to reduce waste and elevate consumers’ consciousness.
The bespoke collection—each new garment is one of a kind—is priced from $48 to $128 and currently sold at 22 AE stores nationwide including Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Miami.
One brand’s trash has become your next treasure via @AEO and Atelier & Repairs https://t.co/w8IyC0yoik
— Nicole Lyn Pesce (@PesceNic) October 5, 2017
AE Studio will also feature denim customization stations and free on-site laundry facilities for neighboring students. The store will also sell NYU produce designed by American Eagle’s sister brand Tailgate, which caters to that cohort.
The overall intent of AE Studio is to create a hub for testing new brand experiences—new kinds of products, and new ways for customers to interact with them, and each other.
AE Studio What an amazing new store concept!!! Love the company I work for ❤️ #aeo #aeowoa #aeowallofawesome #AEstudio #aeostyle #aeostylecommittee #ilovemyjob
A post shared by Andrew Pelimiano (@apelimiano) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:50am PDT
“As we celebrate the success of the last four decades, we look ahead to create new brand experiences to inspire today’s customer, and broaden our leadership in jeans,” stated Chad Kessler, American Eagle Outfitters Global Brand President. “AE Studio is a perfect example of our evolution where we invite customers to enjoy a unique brand experience, feel at home, and curate their distinct individual style.”
He added, “We’re the No. 2 jeans retailer in America, and our goal is to be No. 1.The goal for AE Studio is to be a lab for us to see the customer reaction firsthand and learn about our new experience.”
Love my job so much☺️☺️Definitely my favorite squad to date ♥️ love all of y’all beyond and the not pictured babes @jordynwoods, @isaaclikes_ & @kittycash #inyourshadows @weareshadow
A post shared by Rachel D’Amico (@rachelrarrar) on Oct 25, 2017 at 4:28pm PDT
Staying relevant is the new bar to scale in experiential marketing as retailers scramble to meet increased demand from consumers who are fickle in their tastes and precious with their time.
Live painting is screen printed on denim shirts at @americaneagle AE Studio event (watch live painting in action in our story) #nyc #art
A post shared by BizBash (@bizbash) on Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46pm PDT
The AE Studio experience includes:
· Jeans Gallery featuring an in-store Maker’s Shop – Customers can shop AE’s extensive jeans collection and create one-of-a-kind pieces. The Maker’s Shop will feature options for customers to personalize their AE Jeans to fit their distinctive style.
· Real-time Social Media Team – AE’s social media team will have an in-store work space to directly engage with customers. Working in the heart of the studio, they’ll create content in real time and keep their finger on the pulse of the brand.
· Complimentary Laundry Wall – Students are offered a free place to do laundry—a boon to students at nearby New York University and the Parsons School of Design. While they wait, they can hang out with friends or study in the studio bar and seating area and enjoy the view of Union Square.
I wouldn’t procrastinate at all if I had to do my laundry here.. // Nope, he wasn’t going to ruin my shot @americaneagle #40Years #AEStudio (Pc: @lecitykitty)
A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on Oct 25, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT
· Digital Concierge iPads in dressing rooms – Customers can personalize their shopping experience and engage the brand with the tap of their finger.
· Collaboration Space – The space will feature capsule collections co-created with new brands, emerging designers, and artists.
Abt last night @americaneagle !!! #AEstudio launch party #RickRoss #WingStop #unionsquare #AmericanEagle #nyc #Denim
A post shared by Konquer | New York (@konquernewyork) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:28pm PDT
“For American Eagle, the store is a reflection of the brand’s larger strategy to experiment with new physical retail models and tap into the burgeoning trend of pop-up shops taking the retail industry by storm,” Glossy comments.
“These spaces — which are optimized for social media with cust
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/11/01/ae-studio-customization-collaboration-and-free-laundry-2/ via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 7 years ago
AE Studio: Customization, Collaboration—and Free Laundry?
American Eagle Outfitters is turning 40 this year but it’s still young at heart—a necessary attitude if it’s going to connect with its youthful target audience. As part of the celebration it’s testing a retail concept in downtown New York, overlooking the youthful hubbub that is Union Square.
BEST OF // Our fave moments from the #AEStudio Launch Party on 10.24 feat. @RickRoss: https://t.co/jyqkTlBkQP http://pic.twitter.com/RgWvKirTbx
— American Eagle (@AEO) October 25, 2017
Its remodeled store overlooking Union Square will reopen to the public on November 10th as AE Studio. While its existing store was quite crowded and chaotic on the ground floor, the AE Studio space, as seen at a preview party last week, is more curated, more interactive, more engaging—and more fun.
This right here is legit …40 years of #awesomenesssss est. 11.25.77⭐️#aeonsorocks #aeoteamwork #aeodreamwork #aeofamily #aeofun #aeowoa #AEstudio #WeAllCan #TheNSOexperience.
A post shared by aeoNSOrocks (@aeo_nsorocks) on Oct 18, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
It’s all about creating a memorable brand experience and customer experience. So AE Jeans are front and center on the ground floor’s Jeans Gallery, where shoppers can try and buy jeans from its denim collections.
The centerpiece is a new collaboration with Atelier & Repairs, reworking and customizing denim and apparel from AE’s previous collections into new pieces that customers can purchase.
Running around in a few pieces from @AmericanEagle's first ever collaboration with @AtelierandRepairs. #AEJeans http://pic.twitter.com/3iSaaNfO5X
— Patrick Janelle (@patrickjanelle) October 25, 2017
Co-founded by Maurizio Donadi, the former SVP of Levi’s XX, Atelier & Repairs upcycles denim into works of art, each imbued with a sustainable fashion philosophy that aims to reduce waste and elevate consumers’ consciousness.
The bespoke collection—each new garment is one of a kind—is priced from $48 to $128 and currently sold at 22 AE stores nationwide including Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Miami.
One brand’s trash has become your next treasure via @AEO and Atelier & Repairs https://t.co/w8IyC0yoik
— Nicole Lyn Pesce (@PesceNic) October 5, 2017
AE Studio will also feature denim customization stations and free on-site laundry facilities for neighboring students. The store will also sell NYU produce designed by American Eagle’s sister brand Tailgate, which caters to that cohort.
The overall intent of AE Studio is to create a hub for testing new brand experiences—new kinds of products, and new ways for customers to interact with them, and each other.
AE Studio What an amazing new store concept!!! Love the company I work for ❤️ #aeo #aeowoa #aeowallofawesome #AEstudio #aeostyle #aeostylecommittee #ilovemyjob
A post shared by Andrew Pelimiano (@apelimiano) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:50am PDT
“As we celebrate the success of the last four decades, we look ahead to create new brand experiences to inspire today’s customer, and broaden our leadership in jeans,” stated Chad Kessler, American Eagle Outfitters Global Brand President. “AE Studio is a perfect example of our evolution where we invite customers to enjoy a unique brand experience, feel at home, and curate their distinct individual style.”
He added, “We’re the No. 2 jeans retailer in America, and our goal is to be No. 1.The goal for AE Studio is to be a lab for us to see the customer reaction firsthand and learn about our new experience.”
Love my job so much☺️☺️Definitely my favorite squad to date ♥️ love all of y’all beyond and the not pictured babes @jordynwoods, @isaaclikes_ & @kittycash #inyourshadows @weareshadow
A post shared by Rachel D’Amico (@rachelrarrar) on Oct 25, 2017 at 4:28pm PDT
Staying relevant is the new bar to scale in experiential marketing as retailers scramble to meet increased demand from consumers who are fickle in their tastes and precious with their time.
Live painting is screen printed on denim shirts at @americaneagle AE Studio event (watch live painting in action in our story) #nyc #art
A post shared by BizBash (@bizbash) on Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46pm PDT
The AE Studio experience includes:
· Jeans Gallery featuring an in-store Maker’s Shop – Customers can shop AE’s extensive jeans collection and create one-of-a-kind pieces. The Maker’s Shop will feature options for customers to personalize their AE Jeans to fit their distinctive style.
· Real-time Social Media Team – AE’s social media team will have an in-store work space to directly engage with customers. Working in the heart of the studio, they’ll create content in real time and keep their finger on the pulse of the brand.
· Complimentary Laundry Wall – Students are offered a free place to do laundry—a boon to students at nearby New York University and the Parsons School of Design. While they wait, they can hang out with friends or study in the studio bar and seating area and enjoy the view of Union Square.
I wouldn’t procrastinate at all if I had to do my laundry here.. // Nope, he wasn’t going to ruin my shot @americaneagle #40Years #AEStudio (Pc: @lecitykitty)
A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on Oct 25, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT
· Digital Concierge iPads in dressing rooms – Customers can personalize their shopping experience and engage the brand with the tap of their finger.
· Collaboration Space – The space will feature capsule collections co-created with new brands, emerging designers, and artists.
Abt last night @americaneagle !!! #AEstudio launch party #RickRoss #WingStop #unionsquare #AmericanEagle #nyc #Denim
A post shared by Konquer | New York (@konquernewyork) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:28pm PDT
“For American Eagle, the store is a reflection of the brand’s larger strategy to experiment with new physical retail models and tap into the burgeoning trend of pop-up shops taking the retail industry by storm,” Glossy comments.
“These spaces — which are optimized for social media with cust
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rockrevoltmagazine · 7 years ago
Interview: Vince Santonastaso of Symetria
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  Old school metal never died, it went back to it’s home in New Jersey, where it belongs.  The land of Method of Destruction (M.O.D.), TT Quick, Overkill and legendary metal label, Megaforce Records, the genre is safe once again after flailing about aimlessly for the better part of the last two decades.   Rising to the top of the current throng of hopefuls is newcomers Symetria. While the Garden State quintet may be fresh out of the box, the wealth of talent and the ability to deliver within their ranks put them a step ahead of the competition is there.  Core members Vince Santonastaso and Kevin Gust met through a Craigslist ad and after playing covers from the likes of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Metallica, Santonastaso knew there must be more to life.  Guitarist Cust followed him out the door and gave an old friend of his, Fernando Carrera a call, who came on board shortly after.  The search for a drummer began and Blair Smith was quickly found on Bandmix, solidifying the initial Symetria lineup.    They spent the fall of 2016 writing and working up a live show, playing their first gig at a Toys for Tots benefit in November of that year to critical praise across the board.  Santonastaso recalls, “Kevin’s wife overheard someone in the audience talking about us and he seemed to be blown away, according to her.  The fact that it was a complete stranger solidified the fact that we were on to something.”    Before long the band had gotten in touch with former M.O.D. guitarist Tim McMurtrie – an old acquaintance of Vince’s – who had just formed a label called Tripsquad Records. Symetria wound up being his first signing.  Entering Trax East in South River, NJ with producers Eric Rachel (Burnt by the Sun, M.O.D.) and McMurtie, the band set to work, laying down eight songs in seven days. “We definitely learned a lot working with Eric and Tim,“ says bassist Fernando Carrera. “It was a fantastic experience and definitely an honour to be in the same room with those guys. After recording, I realized I had learned three things: my “true” bass lines, to be patient and that I can eat an eggplant-Parmesan sandwich as long as my entire arm in one take,” he adds, laughing. While second guitarist James Soto had technically joined just as they began tracking, it wasn’t until after the band had stepped away from the studio that Soto was able to jump in with both feet. “James met us and we initially practiced a few times with him before we recorded,” Vincent says. “While we were in the studio he was going over his parts and by the time we were finished recording he was more than ready to be a full time member.”   When it comes to their self-titled album, Symetria play with the confidence and power of a band who have several years under their belt rather than a small handful.  The track “Flying High” brings up the ugliness of addiction.  More specifically, Kevin Cust’s addiction and recovery.  “All Kevin did was tell me what the song was supposed to reflect and as soon as he did, I just ran with it,” while “Venial Sin” is about the 7 Deadly Sins, “I just used Latin terms for the sins themselves for a cool effect,“ tells Santonastaso.  “A venial sin is a lesser sin, I chose the name because I wanted to draw attention to the sad truth that so much of our lives have become trivial now and so little really has meaning anymore. We’re just lost souls wandering around destroying ourselves blindly” and “Too Late” calls for immediate action for whatever it is you intend to do in life.  “While there’s a tomorrow on the calendar there’s no guarantee you’re going to see it so stop procrastinating.”   The band’s name, Symetria, is actually the Polish translation for symmetry – a literal translation would be “balanced and intelligent” and that’s exactly how the members of the band see themselves and their vision for the future.
  Listen in as Vince Santonastaso talks the making of the album and upcoming shows 
SYMETRIA Is: Vince Santonastaso – Vocals Kevin Cust – Guitars James Soto – Guitars Fernando Carrera – Bass Blair Smith – Drums
    Connect with Symetria (click icons):
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Interview: Vince Santonastaso of Symetria was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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shaoclark · 5 years ago
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