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howlingday · 1 year ago
So how about a little challenge, choose one of the following 3 songs as the theme of the writing or background music for it: 1.-NEFFEX - Careless 2.-NEFFEX- Rumors 3.-REDASH : OUR HOMETOWN [GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE OST] ps: this is only if you want.
I do want, and you know what? I accept your challenge, and in reply, I say, GIVE ME ALL THREE.
Another Sleepless Night
Lucyna Kushinada, better known by her friends as Lucy, stared out her apartment window. Her friends... Assuming anyone else survived that night. Everything was already fucked from the start, with her getting kidnapped and held hostage while the crew charged headfirst into the shitstorm of Arasaka gunfire.
She remembered reading the news report about the "violent gangers who tried to storm Arasaka tower" and manged to be "summarily punished as to be expected." She'd read every news outlet she could on her way to the moon. Hoping, praying that someone found something that the others didn't and somebody survived.
But no, that's not what she found. They all said the same thing with different words. Rebecca is dead. David is dead. Days later, they found Kiwi dead outside a Buck-a-Slice in Arroyo. Much as she was a backstabbing and cold-hearted bitch, a part of her missed her.
But not as much as she missed David. On the moon, she swore she saw him jumping around on the moon, just like he did before. Her throat felt dry, so she left to grab a drink. Something hard enough to make her regret. But she couldn't forget.
Never. Because every day, she regretted not ripping off her helmet and dancing with him on the moon.
(NEFFEX - Careless)
Jaune Wants to F Pyrrha
People said a lot of things about Pyrrha Nikos. Some said she tall, beautiful, and perfect in every way. Some said she was Remnant's light of hope against the dark tides of the Grimm. That none could ever defeat the aptly named Invincible Girl.
And yet there was surprisingly little said about her in any negative way. Pyrrha never made any statements of her being perfect, but public response was she was being modest. The first negative thing anyone ever said about her was during her first few weeks of Beacon Academy, when her teammate, Nora Valkyrie, said she "apologized way, way, waaay too much" and "was too nice for her own good". Since then, she had been small attempts to remedy these issues, but this seemed to only fuel the already roaring flames of the perfectionist ideal people made of her. It seemed no matter what she did, she would always be perfect.
Until one day, she met a young man about her age. Her team leader, Jaune Arc, who was almost her exact opposite in every way. Nobody said a nice thing about him since his arrival, save for the few friends he'd made, and even then, they had much to say about him.
Jaune was weak, scraggly, and was inept at combat when he began attending. She could personally attest to his lacking qualities when he not only didn't have his aura unlocked, but he didn't know what aura was! But she knew better than to judge a book by it's cover and decided on the day of her initiation that he would be her partner.
Was it selfish to pick and choose who she wanted to team up with? Maybe, but it worked out in the end. Where Jaune lacked in combat strength, he made up for it in his tactical mindset, leading their team to victory. One could say he was the brains of the outfit, though his low test scores would argue that point.
Over time, though, his lacking skill became more and more evident, so he asked Pyrrha to train him. This leads us to now, on the rooftop above their dorm, where they hold their near nightly sparring matches. They had finished a mock match, sitting next to each other, hands so tantalizingly close and yet so painfully distant. He looked to her and she looked to him.
Jaune gazed into Pyrrha's eyes, and she into his. The blue sky overhead met green hills below, and she couldn't help but admire the way he looked at her. She could see... No, she could feel love and adoration glowing from him. Her heart pounded as he spoke to her.
"Pyrrha, I... I wanna ask you something." Pyrrha swallowed a lump in her throat. "And... And if you don't want to, I'd understand and respect your decision."
It was at this moment she realized where they were. They were alone, isolated from their friends, on the rooftop of the school with a night sky filled with gleaming stars and a moon nearly whole. This was a night she'd always dreamed of.
"Anything, Jaune." She answered.
"I... I wanna fight you!"
"...Come again?" She didn't hear that wrong, did she?
"I want to fight you." Jaune said, with more confidence this time.
"I... I sorr-" She stopped herself. "I mean, excuse me, but I don't understand what you mean. Didn't we finish sparring?"
"Yeah, we did, but," he looked up, to the stars that glittered high, "but I meant I want to fight you for real one day. I want to get so good, you don't have to hold back against me when we do spar."
She wouldn't argue with his statement, considering nothing he said could be seen as a lie. She was leagues above him with her years of athletic and competitive training, so of course she would have to hold back when the two sparred. A kindness she didn't often share with others, or ever in the case of the resident bully, Cardin Winchester.
"Do... Do you really mean that?" Pyrrha asked. "Do you really want to fight me?"
"Pyrrha, if I could fight you on your level, and not totally suck, I think I'd be the happiest guy who ever lived."
Giving a puff instead of a laugh, she couldn't stop smiling at him. She leaned against him, her pinkie touching his. Then, his hand slid over hers, and she felt her heart nearly explode with joy. She gave a soft sigh.
"One day... I want to fight you, too."
(NEFFEX - Rumors)
The Napping Bounty Hunter
Zora Salazar was a lot of things.
First off, she hates epithets and whatever criminals she hunts down using them gets an extra crack in the jaw. Two of 'em if they're really going on and on about how their supposed "magic superpower" automatically means they win.
Second, she herself is Inscribed, and her epithet was, is, and will be broken. Helped make her bounty hunting easier, sure, but she rarely used when she was tracking. Not unless someone gives her a reason, like ticking her off in a way similar to the previous paragraph. Still, her epithet was definitely the strongest she'd seen yet.
Third, she's a bit of a romantic. Not exactly like the loved-dovey, kissy face, "I'd die for you" kinda romantic. More of a "two men enter, one man leaves, and they're both best friends, and they're giving it their all and also there's a sunset shining behind them" sort of romantic. She loved the thrill of the fight, the sweat that beads down from giving your all, and chase and satisfaction of reaching the top.
Fourth, she really loves-
"HEY!" A voice belowed.
Zora tapped her hat up from her comfy lie down against the tree. And she JUST got comfy.
The bellowing came from a familiar face, but not one she could name. Some guy from a gang she busted a few days ago. She would've brought him in, but he was already running out the back door when she zeroed in on his boss.
"You n' me got a score to settle!"
"No, we don't." Zora put her hat back on her face. Great, now she has to get comfy again.
"Yes, we do!"
"I mean. Nuh. Uh." She grumbled loudly. "Means whatever beef you got with me goes to a different butcher. Do I look like a butcher?"
"She looks like a cowboy." A small voice said behind annoying big guy.
"Nah, I'd say she's more of a desperado." Another voice said.
"You only know that word because you watched one western movie!"
"And it was a good one!"
Maybe a movie would would help her sleep. If she was real quiet, she could sneak inside and take a nap in a comfier seat than this tree. I mean, the tree was comfy if you got in the right spot, but-
"HEY! QUIT STARIN' AT THE SKY!" He huffed. "You're being so rude! We drove all the way out here in my brand new car just so we could make you pay for putting our boss in jail!"
"Listen," Zora said after letting out a deep breath, "I'm willin to let this go for interruptin my nap. So get back in your car while you still can."
"Oh, I don't think so!" Suddenly, Zora felt a hand grab her by her poncho. Of course this loudmouth had an epithet. All loudmouths do. "I'm gonna-"
"Let go."
Zora glared at him with cold, baneful eyes. "LET GO, OR ELSE."
"Or else what?" He sneered. Oh, she was so hoping he'd say that.
With a grin and an iron grip, she squeezed his hand. Slowly, it started to bulge before shrinking, smaller and smaller until all that was left was emaciated, bony hand. With a groan, he let go, wheezing as he stared at his wizened fingers.
"Wh... Wha dih you do to muh bodeh..." Losing his teeth didn't make him easier to understand, but Zora was well versed in gum linguistics.
"Or else." She said, turning away. "Enjoy the walk home, old man."
"Uh, but we drove."
"I know." Faster than anyone else could react, she whipped out her gun and fired a bullet into the engine of the car. Rust creeps as paint peels, the car slowly sinking to the ground as it's tires deflated. The glass of the car slipped free, shattering as it fell inside. "But you're walkin' now."
(REDASH - Our Hometown)
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brokenrealitylooper · 7 days ago
Writing challenge
Prompt# 351 "I could kiss you right now!" "You're very welcome to do it."
This will be set in Tarnished Silver, when Weiss is expecting the twins. Roman has a surprise for her.
From This List
Weiss huffed, equal part amused and frustrated, as Roman lead her and their two children--Katrina and Garnet--down the road back to their home.
The frustration came from his soft request that she keep her eyes closed. Especially after having spent a month living in the dorms above her office that normally house visiting Huntsmen.
Honestly, she thought to herself as she smiled, Roman's hand in hers, I know he's renovated the house, it's not like it's that much of a surprise.
But still, it was so sweet of him. And the children had been bursting with giddiness all morning, having been allowed to move back in before Weiss herself.
She found she couldn't be too frustrated with him, despite how annoying her pregnancy was in the first few months. You'd think, she mused to herself as he guided her up the front steps, I'd be used to it after the other two. I suppose it's that it's twins.
"Okay." Roman's low voice brushed her ear, causing her to shiver, "Open up, and go look."
The front of the house looked the same, kitchen and dining space on one side with the living room on the other, and a long hall leading back to several rooms.
A long hall? And that was several more doors than she recalled. Quickly walking down the hall, Weiss breezed passed the doors to the bedrooms and the bathroom, before stopping before the last four doors and what she guessed was the new back door.
Opening the first door, Weiss drew in a breath as her hands flew to her mouth. It was a beautifully made up nursery, something she hadn't really had with Katrina and Garnet. Not that their rooms hadn't been perfect, but Roman had obviously listened to her--but then he always listened--and to others, likely Donella.
"I could kiss you right now." She breathed, then laughed and spun to him at his reply.
"You're welcome to do so."
He was grinning, but the light in his emerald eyes sparkled with the warmth he always gave her when they were alone.
"Ew! Mama, Dad!"
Katrina's high voice sounded annoyed, but she quickly dissolved into giggles as her brother looked confused, and both Weiss and Roman laughed.
Weiss leaned back into Roman, humming happily even as tears built in the corners of her eyes. If anyone asked, it was the hormones, even if she and Roman knew better.
"Go explore, loves," Weiss told the two children, laughing as they bolted around their parents to explore the house for a second time that day.
"I figure the twins can have their own rooms when their older," Roman hummed above and behind her, his arms around her with his palms on the gentle swell of her belly, "but we'll still have space when Junior or your Sister and My Little Hacker visit."
"It's perfect, love." She turned her head to look up at him, catching sight of his small, open smile. Stars, she thought, smiling back at him, the things that smile does to me, "Thank you."
"Always, Sweetheart." Roman leans in and kisses her, gentle and so full of the love he so rarely showed openly.
It's after this that Weiss tells Sun to tell his team, already starting to decide that she won't be lying to her friends about Roman; something she leans into fully in Regrets and Love, where anyone that asks or needs to know--who is also a friend--gets told the whole story.
After Weiss has the twins, when they're about six months old, Weiss invites Jaune over to tell him about her family. The man just smiles, teasing her about not being able to threaten Roman like Penny got to.
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bridgyrose · 1 year ago
15 minute writing challenge - Yang introduces Ruby to the club scene at 21.
(Alright, here's the challenge)
Ruby sighed as she looked around the club, watching everyone dance and drink while the music pounded in the air around her. She tapped her foot against the stool she sat on, watching the time on her scroll as she tried to count down the minutes to when she could leave, sipping on her fourth soda. She still wasnt sure how Yang convinced her to come around, nor did she remember why she even agreed, but everything made her feel overwhelmed. 
“Come on Rubes, you need to relax and get up and dance!” Yang said as she brought over a couple drinks, sitting one down in front of Ruby. “You’ll never meet anyone if you sit here.” 
“How can you enjoy this?” Ruby asked, pushing the drink away from her. “Its too loud to think, and I still have a meeting with Ozpin in the morning. I should be leaving-” 
“And you only turn twenty-one once. We’re here for you to relax, remember? You’ve been so stressed out lately and this will be the perfect chance for you to cut loose.” 
Ruby sighed as Yang walked off, staring at the drink that was left in front of her. Sure, Yang was right, turning twenty-one was a once in a lifetime thing, but drinking in a crowded club with music that made her ears pound wasnt exactly her idea of relaxing. Truthfully, she would’ve much rather been spending time with Weiss in the library or with Blake getting tea… even game night with Jaune and his team would’ve been better than this. Still, if she was going to be here, it might not be a bad plan to try to enjoy the night. 
A woman with green hair sat down next to Ruby, taking a sip from her own drink as she stared out into the crowd. “Not much of a clubber, are you?” 
“That obvious?” Ruby asked. 
“You’ve been sitting here for the last hour, you havent touched the drink your friend brought, and you’ve had enough soda and water to tell someone that you’re either the DD, or that you dont drink.” 
“Sister. She’s my sister, not my friend.” 
“Doesnt make a difference to me.” 
Ruby pushed her drink towards the woman and sighed. “And you? Sounds like you’ve been more interested in watching me than enjoying yourself if you know what I’ve been through since I’ve walked in.” 
The woman shrugged and put her empty glass down. “Figured you’d prefer a friend that didnt want to dance. Or get you drunk.” 
“That’s fair.” 
Ruby looked at her curiously. “Emerald?” 
Emerald smiled a bit. “My name is Emerald. What’s yours?” 
“Want to ditch this place? I know a cafe down the road that has a bit better of an atmosphere than here.” 
Ruby hesitated as she looked out towards Yang, her foot tapping a bit faster as she almost seemed torn on leaving. While she didnt want to be here, she couldnt exactly just ditch Yang. But if she had a way out… She sighed and texted Yang from her scroll, letting her know where she’d be. “Sure, why not? Anywhere is better than here.”
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leonardalphachurch · 18 days ago
Burnie’s AMA podcast about Rooster Teeth’s revival is now available to the public and so I’m going to summarizing the relevant questions that were answered here.
“It’s because we could […] If we don’t do it who will?” Throughout the episode, Burnie also mentioned: not wanting RT to become lost media; wanting to create opportunities for himself/past employees of the company; wanting to work with old properties again; being able to collaborate with new talent; and the Rooster Teeth brand being good marketing. “One of the main motivators for this was preserving the media, and I’m happy to say, it is preserved.”
Also spoken about over multiple questions, Burnie says that Warner Brothers might have been planning to sell off the whole company, including employees etc., and he did not want (/couldn’t afford) to buy it then. It was only after the shutdown, after it became clear the WB was selling off individual shows, that Burnie started trying to buy things. I mention this specifically because I’ve seen a lot of people talk as if the company itself is coming back; it is not. What Burnie owns right now is the brand and IP rights to a lot of the properties. The actual “company” of Rooster Teeth is actually Burnie’s production company “Box Canyon Productions” and right now only has two employees.
What properties does Rooster Teeth still own?
“It’s a very, very long list.” Burnie says they have the rights over 50 shows, some specifically named ones being The RT Podcast, Red vs Blue, and The Know. Most of the shows that were hosted on the Rooster Teeth YouTube channel were a part of the acquisition. Nothing from Achievement Hunter, Funhaus, or RWBY are owned by RT anymore. Heavy emphasis was put on AH no longer being under RT’s brand anymore.
Are the scope of these new projects going to be more in line with smaller content like the RT Shorts, or is the hope to try and focus on larger productions like Day 5, The Schedule, or Lazer Team?
“The sweet spot for scale is going all the way back to the early episodes of Red vs Blue.” The focus is going to be on “compelling writing and great characters,” and making projects with smaller productions. Throughout the episode they reiterated that their main focus is going to be on individual projects and shows.
Does this mean there are hopes of getting a complete boxset of RvB?
“I also would love a complete boxset of Red vs Blue.” Burnie says he wants to do this, but doing physical media in 2025 is complicated and a financial risk, so they’re going to have to figure out how it would be done. He mentions possibly doing a preorder for it.
What happens if this just fails again?
“It’s not bulletproof, but I don’t know what it would take for us to have to shutter this thing at this point.” Burnie says that they’re already profitable, that they maintain themselves, and that unless they do something that would put them in tremendous amounts of debt, as long as YouTube still remains a platform that lets them host videos, he’s not worried about the company shutting down.
Could this lead to some of the old RT merch being available again?
“Yeah, it would have to be within the brands we’re talking about.” They talk about there being a lot of old merch, so figuring out how to provide the specific pieces that people want will be a challenge. Burnie how his personal philosophies on making merchandise in a way that does not produce “junk” may also make selling merch more difficult. Ashley says it is going to be a “slow start.”
More questions were answered and things discussed on the episode but this is what I found to be important to share here.
The TL;DR of RvB news: They do own the Red vs Blue IP. There was no confirmation or denial of any future continuations of the show, but we will very likely be getting a boxset and some old merch returning.
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femboypussy420 · 24 days ago
Hey holy shit?
Press Release Rooster Teeth to Find a New Home with the Brand’s Original Creator Burnie Burns at Box Canyon Productions Nine months ago, Rooster Teeth announced that it would shut its doors after 21 years of creating content. Today, the Rooster Teeth brand and much of its remaining assets have been acquired by founder Burnie Burns, and his independent company, Box Canyon Productions. Austin, TX – February 5, 2025 – Burnie Burns, founder of the online media outlet Rooster Teeth, has officially acquired the beloved entertainment brand. This milestone marks a new chapter for Rooster Teeth as it returns to the hands of its original creator as part of his company Box Canyon Productions. Under Burns’ leadership, the historic brand plans to renew its focus on innovation, community engagement, and the spirit of creativity that first defined its success. Burns started Rooster Teeth in 2003 with the breakout success of Red vs. Blue, the longest-running web series in history. Over the years, Rooster Teeth expanded into a multimedia powerhouse, producing hit shows like RWBY and the international RTX convention series, while fostering a passionate global fanbase. With this acquisition, Burns aims to reignite the collaborative and community-driven energy that made Rooster Teeth a trailblazer in digital entertainment. “I am excited at the challenge of bringing Rooster Teeth back to its roots,” said Burns. “The heart of this brand has always been its fans, and I look forward to writing a new chapter together.” As an early pioneer of online video content, Rooster Teeth set the standard for how fan-first entertainment could thrive in the digital age. With Burns back at the helm, fans can anticipate a renewed dedication to Rooster Teeth’s original mission: to entertain, inspire, and connect. Along with the acquisition, Box Canyon announced a new development slate of productions for 2025, including renewed production of some of the platform’s classic shows, a new original audio adventure Again, and an untitled reimagining of Burns’ first film The Schedule.
Posted 2/5/2025
This audio is also on the RT main site
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Previously, Jinx, Vi, and Caitlyn (Arcane) won a six-woman tag team match against Lady Dimetrescu and her daughters (Resident Evil). Team Arcane managed to hold together, despite the friction between Jinx and Vi.
Feeling high off of her recent win, Jinx starts making plans to challenge for one of ABW’s world championships. That’s when she encounters April Ludgate (Parks and Rec), who isn’t so impressed with Jinx’s win. April reminds Jinx that it was Vi who got the win, which pisses Jinx off.
“You shouldn’t be talking to me like that,” Jinx threatens April, “Also, last time I checked, didn’t you get squashed by Missy (Doctor Who) a few weeks ago?”
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matt0044 · 6 months ago
I often feel like the FNDM, especially Anime fans, are odd for trying to whitewash Ironwood’s actions or claiming they came out of nowhere. When frankly, a lot of the appeal for Anime growing up was how it was animation that depicted types of characters that even adult animation weren’t known for.
For all the memes, what made the likes of Death Note fascinating was how Light and L were very much people you would never wanna be friends with but were infinitely fascinating for how their minds works. How they each saw themselves in the right and why. It among other gateway Anime were appealing for their character writing being challenging at times.
But we also have to contend with the whole “Wow, cool robot” side of fandoms where Ironwood’s “cool” battles and swagger make many overlook that he’s… not exactly a guy you’d see a movie with.
I LOVE characters that are not easy to like or they kind that I’d punch in the gut if I had the nerve. One of the rewarding things about RWBY was seeing how the usual likable cast of archetypes being fleshed out into people who asked you to look beyond initial impressions.
Yet it seems like fandom is constantly paying lip service to this type of character that they dilute in their mind. I don’t know if it’s Social Media itself or something that’s always been there but getting worse but we need fandoms to practice what they preach when they asked for “more complex characters.” Especially when they’re not white and/or guys.
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kitkatopinions · 11 months ago
Just saw the extended animatic that was originally meant to end V9 and is now gonna get repurposed into the (possible) V10.
Let me just say, I still feel the same about the things I saw in the first animatic. I can now firmly say that Qrow has been replaced with a doppleganger same as Blake (I wonder if it's like a partial possession thing in this case where sometimes it's Qrow and sometimes it's the faker.) I hate the dumb Winter scenes about how disappointed she is that poor people aren't nice enough to her billionaire blue blooded mother in her silly little sunhat. I have no idea what the hell Raven is doing there. The 'Remember Her Message' thing is stupid because of how poorly done Ruby's message to the world actually was and what little impact Team RWBYJNOR has actually had on the world at large. And I still want to see Whitley without Willow for three point five seconds. And I'm still wondering why the presence of an army in Atlas was a sign of pure evil and was immediately seen as a horrifying threat but seeing an army in Vacuo is meant to be a sign of peace and hope.
But also, now I have more to say.
Like first of all, I'm even more confused on how Remnant managed to pull off any sort of army now that we know what remained in Vale after the Fall of Beacon got decimated. Where are they getting their army? From Mistral, where we know Leo had all the Hunters killed? Are we meant to assume that the people that showed up from Mistral are the cops Blake called on the White Fang? Or, maybe from Argus, even though we're meant to hate Cordovin and the Atlas military that was there? Second of all, this makes me even more annoyed at Winter for being like 'if my poor martyr sister could see how badly we're doing, she'd be disappointed,' Winter get realistic goals challenge 2024. Third of all, Team SSSN and CFVY made appearances and if I ever have to see Coco "based on a nazi" Adel ever again, it'll be too soon, but I still insist that it should've been just Sun, Neptune, and Velvet because none of their other teammates got enough focus in the actual show to be real characters. They could've been casually name dropped off-handedly and it would've been fine. Speaking of teams making reappearances, Neon is there, which means she didn't die in the Fall of Atlas and likely her teammates didn't either, but they had better have a full explanation in V10 for how soldiers on the field got back to the city and threw the portals, and it's weird that we saw Neon but not Flynt. Also can I just point out that "the people who were colonized by Atlas are being aggressive to innocent Atlas orphans and need to be told off" is a writing choice the writers didn't have to do, and considering all the whole history with RWBY and bigotry, I don't know why they did that. Neon and Nora had a moment though, and I was like... Ship material? Also, Tyrian and Mercury are working with the Crown, but... To be honest, if they don't scrap that in V10 (if V10 ever comes,) I'm gonna question their decision making even more, because they just did a new location with a new villain and it proved that this late in the game it's hard to set up or properly execute new threats, and if V10 ever comes out, it's a high probability that we're not ever getting a V11. So if you ask me, if they don't cut out the Crown, they're either gonna badly execute these new bads because they expect their fans to do homework to understand the main show, or they're gonna spend way too much focus on establishing them and the Mains will get sidelined again. Merc looks like a mess, though, and this would make me think a redemption arc is a-coming except that they're pressed for time like I said, so I'm not counting on it. The fact that I have to see Peter Port of all characters is also making me want to say a lot of bad words. Like I cannot emphasize enough how much I hated seeing him and his stupid face and how much I wish he'd never existed. What is this choice to not have the serious potential mentor character who had been part of Oz's inner circle come in and instead having the comic relief teacher who blathered about testosterone and flirted with an underage student be the one to break what should be devastating news that should by all rights get a lot of focus? And where the heck is Tai in all of this? Rip to Oobleck, but out of everyone from the Vale seasons, I would not have picked either of these men to bring back, I'd have brought in Tai and Glynda. It's just a bad choice. And still no sign of Maria and Pietro, so like... What the heck?
All in all, I thought before that I couldn't have less hope for the future of RWBY, but whoa buddy this extended animatic proved me wrong.
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bestworstcase · 8 months ago
is there anything about rwby that you would have done differently as a writer? i.e. introducing certain ideas of characters earlier, complete wholesale changes, etc.
in terms of major narrative choices, adam attempts to assassinate sienna as in canon but her personal guard remains loyal, there’s a scuffle, and she’s able to escape wounded but alive, showing up at haven to pincer adam’s forces with the faction of the white fang that refuses to go along with his coup.
the albains are loyal to sienna but still weird and disliked – not for sinister foreshadowing but because sometimes people are just sort of weird and off-putting, and that’s a fun trait to give a couple of good guys who show the fuck up to defend an ally who’s hitherto been a bit distrustful and cool toward them when the violent splinter group tries to assassinate him; narratively the albains being like this while aligning themselves firmly with sienna also provides an opportunity to cast the belladonna’s alliance with and support of sienna into sharper focus and perhaps allows for blake to bounce off and talk to some guys in the “yes direct action and tactical violence, no whatever the fuck adam’s doing” camp to refine her understanding of the white fang and make it clearer how adam corrupted what sienna does and believes.
and the arc resolution is sienna reclaiming leadership of the white fang and preparing to clean house while ghira and ilia plan a second, separate but allied organization focused on advocacy with the overall point being that expecting one group to do and be everything is part of the problem.
i talk about this more here. the white fang arc really isn’t as bad as its frequently maligned but suffers from a lack of clarity in how it’s intended message is delivered; the point of sienna surviving and having genuine allies to represent her side in menagerie is to address that lack of clarity by articulating her philosophy and underscoring that the belladonnas support her and ally themselves with her because the objection isn’t “violence in bad” but rather “indiscriminate violence that materially harms the cause and violent infighting are bad.”
aside from that, i wouldn’t change anything significant presuming that i had to work under the same conditions as the actual writers (<- if they hadn’t lost those two episodes in v9, 9.10 wouldn’t feel so rushed and we’d have got that animatic as a full episode; if there hadn’t been budget issues in v5 mistral wouldn’t feel so empty; etc it’s very easy to fix problems like this in hypotheticals where you imagine you have infinite time and money, but in the real world if this were my story and i faced these sort of logistical challenges it would be to the detriment of the narrative in the same ways and i have no interest in pretending otherwise).
all that said
if i were the one writing this story and either i had more money or it was, like, a series of novels (<- which is what i’d be writing, realistically) – the religious layer of the story would be a lot more overt, not just in terms of the religious conflict with regard to the brothers but i would flesh out 1-2 other religions too. blake’s arc would feature wrestling with complicated feelings about god-of-animals-worship. ruby and yang would’ve been raised monotheistic light-worshippers; weiss would be a lapsed orthodox brother-cultist (in my head this is comparable to, say, the chasm between evangelical protestants and a lapsed catholic). oscar would be stolidly practicing some other religion that has nothing to do with the brothers, to ozma’s consternation, because that’s funny. salem would be still a polytheist but pointedly not worshipping Those Two, because that’s also funny.
<- this is not to “”fix“” anything i just think it’s important as a writer to be self-indulgent. and i like fantasy religions. bfrgscbk
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sunnysunsins · 1 year ago
Since recently everything here has been taken over by dipshits who lack media literacy, i will come back here to say - RWBY is a good show. It is good. It has good story and good writing and good characters. Does it have stumbles and limitations? Of course, like everything else ever created. Is it the real reason yall are dedicating your lives to religiously following and picking apart every detail to find something, anything, to hate on and make it your whole personality? Nah.
Yall are just pissy your hc wasn't canon. And i'm only half-joking.
Yall are just stuck in the expectation of "cute girls in school fighting monsters and baddies", which it hasn't been for almost a decade. Let Beacon fucking die already, it was the most boring part of the story anyway. If you like it so much, watch.. idk, high guardian spice. Or maybe my hero academia, it has godawful writing too with your favorite Adam-like and Ironwood-like archetypes you adore so much.
And if you didn't click off already in hissy rage, and want to challenge me on the writing point:
Yall are complaining about pacing, characterization lacking, skipped development, insert some other reason, how "show went to shit after volume 3". Well, newsflash, look back at volume 1. REALLY look at it, without your nostalgia boner.
How, in what actually can fit into 3.5 full-length episodes, it skips a whole semester with only a few moments shown in like 3-8 minutes. Notice how Ruby and Pyrrha interacted like 2 times in 3 volumes total. Ruby and Penny? Yeah, they barely interacted too. Ren hasn't talked to rwby girls at all aside from ensemble scenes.
Too many characters in later volumes? Honey, 1-3 had SO many pointless grunts and you ate them up. The whole Vytal festival was filled with them.
Can you tell me the plot of volume 2 from the top of your head? Yeah, me neither. If i think maybe i can remember there was a mecha fight, a dance and a train, but beyond that what was the point of that entire volume again?
Your favorite, pedestalled, volume 3, most of which is fighty-fighty filler and the only stuff you actually remember when jizzing your pants about it is last 3 episodes.
Most character interactions and development happened after Beacon arc. Most actual plot and bigger story happened after it too. Yall are stuck circlejerking to *filler*, setup, which only purpose was to show the status quo to later destroy it and start to show the real picture.
Do you know why v4 and 5 feel so empty and missing something? Sure, juggling multiple plots gave it's pacing issues too, but it felt empty because there were no side characters to fill out the world and make it feel alive. V5 cast was so tiny it felt like nobody interacted at all. Because there were none of those "extras" yall hate on so much. The extras make the world feel real. Which is why Atlas feels alive when Mistral wasn't.
The most complaints about later volumes are chucked down to lack of media literacy and nuanced reading of situations and characters. Translated for your easier understanding: the writing was too nuanced for your "cute girls go fighty fighty brrr" brain to comprehend. Sometimes things require you to put the situation into character perspectives. Sometimes their decisions are made under stress + personality + influence of events and interactions. But i guess yall don't want to think, yall just want to watch "girl go brrr killy killy monster"
I can continue writing down all these other points, but i'm hungry and should get up so i won't. Bottom text: RWBY is a good show with good story and good writing and good characters. It has struggles and fumbles like every other piece of media. But for some reason, because it's indie, it's held to a much higher standard and everyone feels entitled to pick apart every detail of it to make themselves feel justified for feeling sad over their dead headcanons, even though they'd never do the same picking for big production popular series with much *much* worse writing than even the worst of RWBY's fumbles.
If you made it this far and are a member of rwde, congratulations, you still have a reasonable bone or few. Most others i guess clicked off at first point and blocked me after sending me some kinda death threat, idk, i haven't posted this yet after all.
So yeah, feel free to leave your takes and death threats below, i'll happily discuss further later
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brokenrealitylooper · 23 days ago
Writing Prompt Challenge
Prompt #1071 "I had a nightmare about you." "Did I look hot in it?"
This is set in... actually, probably the alternate Tarnished Silver timeline, the one where Weiss and Blake die to Neo instead of Ruby and Yang, and Ruby has a daughter named Spring Star Rose.
Ruby jerked awake, bolting upright in bed as she caught her breath and grounded herself. Beside her, her husband rolled over and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"What's wrong, Rubes?"
His soft voice, using her sister's nickname for her, did more to calm her than anything else. So she smiled as she bent over to wrap him in a hug, "Just a nightmare, about you."
There was silence for a moment, then, "Was I at least hot in it?"
Ruby snorted, giggling as she flopped back on her pillow and Jaune shifted to nuzzle into the crook of her neck, "No, Jaune, it's kinda hard to look hot covered in blood."
It sounded morbid, but Jaune's shrug and casual tone made her keep giggling, "I mean, anybody can look hot covered in blood if they growl and pose right."
"I guess." catching her breath, relaxing into his hold, Ruby sighed, "I'm really glad I have you, Jaune."
"Me too, Ruby. Me too."
The few years after losing Pyrrha and then losing Weiss might've been hard, both of them thought, but the years since had been worth it. Their daughter made it worth it.
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sokumotanaka · 1 month ago
I'm not gonna engage with every single post, person and dialogue that disagrees with my points, if you don't like them, fair, and if you wanna write a mountain in response? Also fair I over-explain alot too And I might read it, could lead to interesting things.
That being said I'm tired of arguing points with people on topics of this show, not because it challenges anything but because it's clear people either barely deep dive into this show like I do or don't read things and skip to the bottom to read your bottom line.
This take was too wild NOT to reply to though.
(You know what it is, long ass shit below.)
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Yeah RWBY'S very empowering, like when Miles and Kerry stated how they didn't see them as four women or female but awkward teenagers and then Miles made the Tweet about Tifa vs Yang "my money's on the hot one." Or the Ruby rose body pillow, 15 year old girl on a body pillow.
The things you're telling me goes without saying, however Jaune is a stigma of doing ensemble cast WRONG, because Miles latched onto him he got way more screen-time and writing than the actual proatgonist do, Look at the Hbomberguy, video, the JelloApocoypes one, Fatmanalling, Sickslickproductions even ew...hero hei... so many people coming to the exact same conclusion of ruby and the others barely getting the time they need.
Jaune's growth is explained my my last post, if you didn't pay attention that's not my fault, but anyone who can read or watch the crappy show, Jaune's a lazy asshole , a hypocrite and a creepy stalker- the show doesn't NEED that type of character
Regarding "Strong male aliies." Which jaune isn't btw. I mentioned in my last post the many media that have strong supporting male characters, another thing that goes without saying, Jaune however adds nothing for the series another characters like ruby or some other guy could add, he's just a sad white guy they wanted to make cool and it annoys me you people latch onto like you do.
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My POINT here is that first off having the fairy tale inspirations didn't amount to anything, and weather or not they made it 1 to 1 they still used a real person then gender swapped them into the worst character ever. My point is no matter who- I don't care if you're the best writer on the planet, stay away from adapting real people, and I've held this stance since I saw Anime girl Ben franklin.
And my other point is that the series could of worked exactly the same if Jaune was Joan or Joann - I mean you just said the show needed strong ensemble cast members so Jaune as a woman could of still worked.
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No he's not an underdog, that's how Miles described him, he's a Incel. People ROOT for underdogs, even sokka his inspiration,was a kinda shit person, but Sokka gets funny jokes, he loves learning, he cares about his friends and is fiercely loyal, he gets called out and so on. You seem to be under the impression I dislike Jaune because he has flaws, and I hate Jaune cause his flaws grow, the series barely addresses them then he piles on more flaws and his behavior that would get a real person's ass beat is never grown out out. Pyrrha babies him and does all the emotional and psychical labor for this manchild.
I love that you constantly avoid his stalking btw, come on big man, point out your fave's real flaw with your chest.
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As I said in my other Post it's not Jaune's fault, as we go on feels like you just skimmed it. But Jaune also doesn't help it either, Again you fail to realize, Miles projected and latched onto this character, and made him the focus on a show with four title characters. I'd agree he's not the root if there was ample screen-time for the other characters to point too, but there isn't.
I keep seeing "root" thrown around but people forget that roots have many points, Jaune is just one of the issues, that being Miles imprinting on him, it continues to go without saying that a better writer could make jaune likeable, work and not take up too much time- that's not what we got in the end. And the topic at hand was that the series could work without him despite someone else saying it wouldn't and I proved it could work, can't unprove it~ ^_^
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Jaune gets egged on constantly by Yang and Ruby that "one day you'll get her." despite constant prodding, it's not until Jaune sees her ask another guy to the dance he stops. But not before none of the girls ever tell a teacher, they never call Jaune out, none of his team ever do, Jaune just stops- you keep saying grow but I watched the show I can point to the stands and you don't show me where these measures of growth happen- remove the rose tinted glasses, your fave is terrible, creepy and the show doesn't address it in any way.
If I had to actually address it I'd have team rwby call him out, and then his own team approach him, maybe Pyrrha fall out of love with him, this behavior would of been addressed in a satisfying way. But Miles didn't see it as worth addressing, and all Jaune just is put on a dress and apologize to Pyrrha.
Dude this is dumb, you're talking down to me like I was born yesterday, I've grieved many of my friends deaths, family, other people and I never handled it by putting holes in people's walls cause you'd know how other humans would respond sir? They'd call me out, I'd have to pay for it, I'd get yelled at.
After all I watched avatar and they have very real human and emotional moments, they break down, lash out, and you don't see me having a problem with them, you know why? Cause they get resolved, people talk, the apologize, they grow, they make things better, the get called out etc!
Jaune and Miles seem allergic to even trying to say sorry, and that attitude will carry into people who like this shit show (Hell I talked to people it already has gotten that way with.) People who act like Jaune never did anything wrong ate dangerously stupid, not you them. But you see what I mean now. Accountability is what I want to see.
And if I put my hands on a child I'd get slapped some sense into, that's what should of happened. Also what are they grieving? All they learn ins their teacher is immortal and reincarnating (even though that's not reincarnation he's possessing them, there's no new birth but miles and kerry can't write and you're assuming they wrote it in the way your head thinks they did. When they didn't know what they were doing.) I'd be fine with Jaune lashing out at Oscar if again these "Imperfect humans" had an comeuppance to their actions. Oscar ends up looking up to his assaulter. There's never any fear, there's no apology, Oscar just leaves to go get new clothes and they assume he ran away like idiots- these are how people are written dude.
And many more talented people write these exact situations more believable and realistic.
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I've talked with my friends, at this point in RWBy Jaune has already had these exact same themes explored from volume 1-5 and now it's just an older Jaune doing this exact same shit he did again- this point he's eating up screeentime.
I ran through a scenario with my friends that instead of Jaune falling in with team RWBY it should of been the newly turned sides, Emerald, that why she's bring tension and mistrust in a world of illusions and magic that already exist. We;d see they're being tailed by a hooded figure, too far to fully make either out. We wouldn't see Ruby for a long while; It just be Yang, Blake, Weiss and Emerald looking for Ruby. Eventually Emerald would earn their trust by taking a dangerous attack for one of the girls or even using an illusion to distract something dangerous. Thus earning their trust
Eventually the hooded figure would reveal a weathered and older Ruby who could finally articulate alot of the issues she's been having, Ruby replacing Jaune would not only be way more compelling and get rid of that creepy scene of weiss lusting after him. Keep it in your pants Kerry! But Ruby has suffered more than Jaune and consistently gets sidelined in this "female empowerment show" to show up nine seasons of repeated constant manpain. (btw I'm a dude as well.) It's time Ruby gets to talk about how she felt at the fall of beacon, how yang lashed out at her when they talked about blake during a quiet moment- all the pain and suffering she's been through.
And it could actually push the series forward cause they came to this stupid fairy tale to learn how to beat salem and learn of no ways to do anything, don't formulate a plan and don't learn any new techniques to help them. They got anime homework and didn't even take away that characters get abilities to fight bad guys with. Let her learn more silver eye bs, find a pot to shove salem's fat ass in, anything more than just more Jaune bitching an moaning.
I stand by him, ren and nora having the perfect exist in volume 6, RWBY fell off for many reasons, I have a list of them in my tag, I know what I'm talking about here pal XD But roots have many parts; tap roots, secondary roots and tertiary roots- and in those many points Jaune is one. Can he be fixed? Definitely! Make him Joan and don't let miles try making the show about him, hire actual writers and pay them, it all goes without saying and ti's all relative.
But when someone states that the series can't work without barf boy, oh ho ho do I call that a challenge~! Jaune's character is fascinating not because he lacks one, but because the writing of it is atrociously slap on the wrist writing. Jaune is barely challenged, barely has to listen to advice, or anyone tell him he's a piece of shit, he always gets the girl even if he doesn't want her. And as stated by the writers commentary in volume 4/5 that they write like idiots going "we gotta make jaune cool, we gotta make jaune cool" How about writing a decent plot and script? Jaune's too busy playing with his toys to realize that other people wanna play in the sandbox he shat in.
And Jaune would be more compelling, more interesting, more relatable if he got teared down by other characters and not by his on failures the characters constantly excuse or ignore. Let ruby tell Jaune that Pyyrha would be alive if he followed orders, Let ren speak up about his forge transcripts and how they'd be better off with another leader or how he took up a spot a real person worked hard for then slept in class. Let Jaune realize that if this is all he "ever wanted to be." Sleeping in class is freaking stupid.
You bet your ass when I got into creative writing I gave myself grey hairs paying attention so I didn't screw up and waste the money my poor ass family got me into college with. Jaune is handed most things and barely has to work for anything, and because of that- it just makes him less interesting to watch unlike a real underdog
Like Sokka or Ron stoppable, the Jaune done right! Hands down!
I'm not gonna go on with your flaw portion because as the kids say:
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And finish off with this. When you compliment or ignore the writing flaws a person makes you undermined the hard work better writers put into their own work.
This is a hobby it isn't a religion, and talk to people with respect, not me tho, this is my one and done! Anything else you say will be ignored as to not flood my or your dashes with long diatribes.
Be critical, be kind. -Plague of gripes
See ya.
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unofficialadamtaurus · 1 year ago
Fans who love the character Adam could’ve been 🤝 fans who love the character Blake could’ve been
I literally started watching RWBY explicitly because someone told me I was exactly like Blake (this was when volume 2 was wrapping up) and I connected to her so much. I have complicated feelings about Adam (ie I saw him as Blake’s abusive ex from the get go even before it was confirmed due to coincidental similarities to a real life situation and projection but retrospectively love his character and want so much more from it) and I feel great kinship with Adam fans like you because of how mishandled these two characters were
I will maintain until the day I die that Adam’s weak writing also weakened Blake’s. Like sure, who’s gonna argue against a “kill the stalker abuser ex” story (ignoring the racism with Herculean effort)…but it could’ve been so much more. Breaking cycles of abuse while recognizing the humanity in the monsters that cycle creates, not boiling down solving racism to just “kill the crazies and nicely ask your oppressors to stop,” giving Blake a moral and physical challenge to overcome that would likewise flesh out her backstory, the list goes on.
Instead he dies a pathetic hate sink’s death and she becomes arm candy. Stellar stuff, no notes 🫠
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pinesfamilyguidetotheweird · 5 months ago
This might not help everyone, but if you're wondering how to write post-redeemed Pacifica, think of another character who was in the same/similar position as her.
For me, it's Weiss Schnee from RWBY.
Both are from a rich and famous background with a corrupt father and strive to save the family name from infamy.
Now...I do feel that is where the similarities stopped. Sorta.
First off, and kinda major one, is their family's background. The Northwests came from conspiracy and fraud in finding a town. The Schnees were from honesty and heroism in founding an energy company. Nathaniel Northwest was merely given the title of founder and the riches that came with it, he didn't earn it. Nicholas Schnee (inspired by Saint Nicholas and Santa Clause) worked hard to get to where he is, day and night.
Now, their fathers. Preston was born to wealth under the Northwest name. Jacques Schnee was married into the family, not for love, but for the Schnee name and the fame that went with it.
As for their upbringing, Weiss' was (arguably) more positive. Just like Pacifica, she was born with all that she needed, comforts guaranteed. But, Weiss had her heroic grandfather in her life, a very attentive and kind mother, a sweet and fatherly butler, and an older sister who planned to follow their grandfather's footsteps. Weiss was a spoiled brat, but a kind one. Things only got bad when Jacques revealed his true colors...on her tenth birthday. For the rest of Weiss' childhood, she struggled with the fact that her father never loved her (plus her mother and siblings) and only saw her as a means to an end and that he single handedly tarnished the family name. Weiss had no choice but to be cold in a cruel world. While Weiss can appear as snobby and entitled (and she kinda was), she is a hard worker just like her late grandfather and only acts the way she does because she was on a single minded path to prove herself.
From what it seems, Pacifica didn't have better role models outside of her parents and their friends and Pacifica's (likely fake) friends. In Lost Legends, it seems like Pacifica's innocence and sweetness was tarnished at an earlier age than Weiss (Awww...T.T) and grew up being as snobby and entitled as her parents up until Dipper revealed that her ancestor was a fraud and her worldview is consistently challenged by the Pines.
All and all, I can see Pacifica as being a more sharp-tongued Weiss post redemption.
Shit, they both fence, apparently. I think. (or was it a hc for Pacifica?)
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captainbasch · 8 months ago
Me venting about 14 because I have to somewhere
Lmao so we're 4 quests away from the end of the game and I'm seeing ppl who are afraid of spoilers and i'm like, Girl, I regret to inform you-there are none. They literally gave everything away in the trailer and promo stuff. I half expected "the eliminator" to be the final boss. There are TWO, 2, character points that can be considered spoilers. Otherwise, they had nothing good to reveal or hide. I suppose that's why they showed us so much of Sol9. You could cut the story of the entire expansion, hand us the "plot device that sets up the future of the mmorpg" in a side quest, and you would lose nothing of value. (Expect for Kirle and Erenville lore. That was good!)
im so sad LOL I love the art direction and music but damn everything else is so blah, meh, or downright awful. (Even the supposedly harder or more challenging dungeons/trials are way easier to understand. You die once - if even - and then you have the mech. memorized. It just feels like everything has a bloated HP bar. Guess it's finally time for me to graduate to Ex... oh haven't done the end dungeons yet so maybe they'll be what ppl are excited about!) The gear sucks. I haven't seen a single piece of glam worth farming for. I was not expecting recolored gear for dungeons when Yoshi P said they have enchanced the amount of rewards by 1.5. I guess he just meant....dye? food? help. The duel dye system is a joke. Havent tried picto or viper yet so i hope i like at least one of them.
anyway, i have one word document of bulleted points of things that baffle me and one rewrite that makes everything bearable but keeps the same plot points / ideas. ITS RIGHT THERE GUYS. I barely added/switched stuff around/took stuff away and made it instantly passable. I compared this to my fondness/hatred for RWBY which make me die. How did ff14 pick up the bad habits of THAT writing staff??
Happy for ppl who are enjoying it. I wish that were me. Once I finish MSQ i'll be able to enjoy the world more at my own pace so maybe it'll change my mind a bit... I hate being so negative about a game I love so much but man. The hype from "Going on a Vacation with my WoL" to "Actually I want to go home :(" sucked so bad.
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Previously, Yang Xiao Long (RWBY), Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender) and Shego (Kim Possible) defeated the team of Ruby Rose (RWBY) and the ABW Women’s Tag Team Champions Katara and Toph Beifong (Avatar the Last Airbender). Azula got the win for her team via blatant cheating.
One person in particular who wasn’t impressed by the win was Vi (Arcane), who recently won her own tag team match against the Dimitrescu family (Resident Evil). Vi encounters Azula backstage and says that Azula should be ashamed of herself for cheating to win. Azula defends herself by saying that a win is a win and that Vi only got lucky against Lady Dimitrescu.
Vi says that at least she can say she beat her opponents fair and square. Vi goes on to claim that Azula needs to cheat because she can’t win a match on her own strength. Her ego wounded, Azula challenges Vi to a match, which Vi accepts.
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