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právě bingeju díru (už jsem skoro na konci) a od kazety #41 nedokážu přestat myslet na pojem "mlíkárny"
#jako jo technicky to je doslovnej překlad#ale proč to sakra zní tak moc... TAK#11/10 no notes#rvu si vlasy z hlavy#nevim proč mě zrovna tohle tolik vyvádí z míry ale prostě to tak je#podcast díra#czech#česky
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#genuinely lowkey mad that I’m seeing r*yllum fans complaining about the season when they got EVERYTHING???#domestic bliss for half the season#yes this is me after hearing about the lost s*rvus episode#I also don’t think k*rim needed as much screen time or attention as he got#ANYWAY#s7 I love you but the more I find out about what we lost#why#personal
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Ailing Health System: Feed it or Heal it?
Although I wrote this piece for the Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram in 2008, the message is still apropos today …
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#chronic healthcare#healthcare innovation#Innovation#physician burnout#relationship centered care#RVUs
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It’s been really interesting to see the turn medicine has made with the public over the past several years. I would never advocate that you should trust any physician blindly, but it’s quite amazing that those with GED level education are trying to convince others glucola is evil, the vitamin K shot is unnecessary, and that doctors order certain medicines and tests because “big pharma” pays them to do so.
I want to be very clear- as an EM physician I am paid hourly, much like all other EM physicians. I do have an RVU component meaning I make more money if I am more efficient but that is only a minimal component of my pay. I want to have conversations with my patients and help address your emergencies, but it’s incredibly difficult when I’m met with antagonistic attitudes from the start that stem from misinformation and fear mongering of online crunchy mom influencers.
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and yet i'm still not convinced this article is the take? anesthesiologists fundamentally do not control how long a surgery is -- the surgeon does. my anesthesiologist friend's job situation recently collapsed because the hospital wanted their group to hire more docs but would not guarantee them a number of cases/RVUs -- that's just not a job you can hire for in a high-demand field when anesthesiologists are leaving residency with six-figure debts. for their part, they were trying desperately to get the hospital to run their OR suites better and schedule surgeries more efficiently so that even the existing docs would have better guaranteed work and wouldn't be wasting their time waiting around for the next case, coming into work for only one case, etc. because they did not get paid unless a surgeon was doing a surgery. but the hospital wouldn't change anything or back down so last i heard the anesthesiologists all either retired or left, my friend found a new job with no problem because anesthesiologists are always in demand, and i have no idea how the original hospital is still functioning. and like. yeah they make a lot of money. but medical education is exorbitantly expensive in the us and they also keep you alive and not in pain while somebody slices you open and rummages around in your insides. idk. administrative bloat isn't as sexy of a target for cost cutting. maybe if the insurance companies didn't require so many prior auths
#he was also supplementing post-op critical care for free because the hospital was too cheap to hire a critical care specialist...#like. he has told me some absolutely harrowing stories
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I Have a Job!
I'm now realizing that this little medblr has been severely neglected during residency, but I'd rather neglect a blog than my mental health I guess. But hey I have a job! I'll be working at a private practice starting in September, doing family medicine (including pediatrics and gynecology), procedures, osteopathic medicine, and gender affirming care. I think it's a good fit for me and I like the idea of a salary rather than RVU based payment. I don't ever want to slip into thinking of my patients as money.
#medblr#osteoblr#osteopathic medicine#family medicine#gynecology#procedures#gender affirming care#attending#residency#pgy3
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Svatbus hysterias
V žádném předchozím zaměstnání jsem neviděla tolik plačících žen. A nikdy jsem netušila, že jich takové množství potkám právě v copycentru.
Tito lidé mají s tiskem zkušenost (v těch lepších případech) tak akorát s jejich kancelářským hápéčkem z roku dvatisícemálo, na kterém si jednou za čas vytisknou nějakou prachobyčejnou fakturu na prachobyčejném papíře a nazdar. Je to jenom papír, je to jenom nějaký text. Ale jakmile se někdo má brát, tak jenom nestačí. Vše musí být krásné, zapamatovatelné, jedinečné. Je to jejich velký den. A společně s jejich velkým dnem přicházejí i velké požadavky. Které my, nebozí zaměstnanci a brigádníci, přijímáme na svá ztěžklá ramena. A tu tíhu neseme i přesto, že častokrát ani nechápeme, co po nás ti dva chtějí.
Nastávající mají vždycky naprosto přesnou představu o tom, co chtějí - a vždycky naprosto špatné podklady, které vedou kamkoliv jinam, jenom ne k jejich vysněným představám. Jmenovky, plakátky, kartičky a další tiskoviny jsou tím posledním, na co se při svatbě myslí. V obrovských úkolech, které vůbec organizace tohoto óó velkého dne obnáší, tyhle věci postrádají na své důležitosti. Ale jak jsme se všichni kolem - někdo, jako třeba já, a to hned v prvním týdnu zaměstnání - přesvědčili, tak lze očividně ztroskotat i na těchto maličkostech, které se po vstupu do copycentra stávají nepřekročitelnou bariérou a hrozbou křiku.
"Dala jsem tam ořezové značky," říká slečna hrdě, ale její ořezové značky jsou jenom náhodnými, křivými (!!!) čárami, k tomu na každé stránce jinak velké. Když přicházím s oznámením, že takhle vypadat nemůžou, tak se setkám s hněvem.
"Nastavila jsem to na B1," říká druhá sebevědomě, ale v moment, kdy s kolegyní oznámíme, že tenhle formát neviděl B1 ani z vlaku, tak se rozpláče. Vždyť to opravíme, říkáme jí, to není vůbec problém, ale je už pozdě. Slzy tečou a pohled manžela se nemůže rozhodnout, jestli se koukat omluvně vůči nám, nebo ochranářsky vůči ní.
Nastávající manžel svou budoucí ženu konejší a víská ve vlasech. Neboj, to bude dobrý, to zvládnem. Slyším každé slovo. Co přesně tím myslí, kdo má co zvládnout? Já mám dobře nařezat jmenovky na stůl, na kterých podle všeho stojí celičký obřad, nebo ti dva mají zvládnout tuto ohromnou krizi v copycentru, na kterých podle všeho stojí celičký jejich život?
V práci s těmito hysterickými svatebčany záleží na každičkém milimetru. Udělám-li jedinou chybu, řeknu-li jediný komentář, který se vyhýbá jejich náladě, trvá-li mi to jenom o minutu déle nebo vidí, že během toho, jak se jim něco tiskne, obsluhuju další zákazníky... tak je konec. Ani gratulace a hodně štěstí ve svazku při placení nepomáhá. Kdyby se ty dveře nezavíraly samy, tak už dávno třískají.
Od té doby vždy, když vidím takové páry u pultu, tak se za něj sama schovávám. Vidím je jako časovanou bombu, která vybouchne kdykoliv, kdy si já - začínající zaměstnanec - dovolím na cokoliv sáhnout. Na tyto osoby ještě nemám dostatečný level tiskařského sebevědomí a mámvpičismu. Zoufale mrkám na kolegyni a ta jde většinou do boje se mnou.
Jsou ale i hezké případy, které mě vždycky potěší - odpoledne, kdy strávím se sympatickou slečnou i hodinu tím, že spolu něco tiskneme, zkoušíme papíry, domlouváme se, omlouváme se, děkujeme a smějeme se. Usmíváme se na sebe, ona je trpělivá, já veselá. Nevím, kde se tyhle ženské berou, ale nedivím se, že si je někdo brát chce. Právě od nich odcházím s úsměvem a kolegovi se svěřím s komentářem, že kdyby mě nějaký chlap nepředběhl, tak jí ten prstýnek rvu na ruku už dávno.
Já mám tu práci ráda. Vlastně i ty svatby jsou moc fajn. Jen vám při tom nikdo nesmí srát na hlavu.
#čumblr#česky#zajicdenikuje#ze života v copycentru#pokud vám teda nestačilo ze života knihkupce#zajíc očividně bude tímto způsobem deníkovat každé své zaměstnání lol#tímto si přeju abych měl někdy kapitolu Ze života normálně placeného zaměstnance s vizí a drajvem lol
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Have you ever felt scared for your life? Have you struggled to make connections for who you are? Are you looking for a safe place to learn?
Welcome to River Valley University for the Unique! RVU was created to become a haven for those viewed as different. A university open to all kinds of species. A place where they won't be afraid to be themselves and learn in peace!
We have space for any kind of vampire, werewolf or witch! many curriculums for all! We offer an array of activities, from soccer to theater. Have an incline towards the arts? would you prefer something a little more scientific? there's not a better program than that here at RVU!
Now taking admissions for humans!
Staff openings will be found on our website.
An 21+ oc roleplay server that takes place in a college setting. The thing about this college though, there are more than just humans attending there. Vampires, werewolves, and witches! Currently taking students and faculty!!
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Have you heard about the Russian Voluntary Corps in Bryansk? RVU is organized and leaded by russian neo-nazists like Denis Kapustin "White Rex". Right now the story about them entering two villages in Bryansk, attacking a hospital and shooting a bus with children [what very likely is only a story] is terribly actively useful and forced by the ruscist propaganda. Do you have any info about it? It'd be good if this info could be debunked.
I know, the buzz about this is all around the place. Doubt I can be of any help tho - I have access to the same open sources you do. And overall it doesn't feel right to share any theories right now, I don't want to spread any misinfo by accident. I've seen a lot of contradictory stories already, and typically it's the tactic kremlin uses to bury the truth under the weight of too much information. Usually I'd say wait a couple of days for dust for settle down and let the facts reveal themselves, but with the fog of war god knows if we'll get any factual information anytime.
#response#maybe in a couple of deades some retired intelligence agent will write a memoir about it#but i wouldn't put my money on it
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nemůžu než nemyslet na bezručovu báseň jen jedenkrát, rvu si vlasy a uvnitř křičim
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0:13 11.11.2023
Budu plešatej
a nebudu si moct svojí rukou projíždět ve vlasech a představovat si,
že to je ta tvoje.
budu plešatej
a o všechny svý vlasy se připravim sám.
Vždy když na sebe myslim
si je totiž
vší silou rvu.
Chtěl bych vědět jestli dědovi vlasy vzala rakovina
nebo se nesnášel stejně jak já.
Nikdy se to nedozvím
a plešatět budu dál.
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Pediatrician with high DO school debt, here.
This is all very true. I don't know if you're medical, OP, but you seem to have an uncanny pulse on the problems.
And similarly, yes. Just like being autistic isn't an excuse to be an asshole, the weight and burdens on docs are also not excuses to be an asshole.
And I say this as a first gen in med, formerly welfare-dependant, neurodivergent doctor in one of the lowest paying fields, with debt greater than my annual income, who is intentionally working at an academic center to train/inspire med students to look at patients and their overall health differently. It's hard. Even now, I'm weighing the cost of decreasing my appointment time slots from 20/40min to 15/30 min, to be able to see a handful more kids per day and maintain a less variable RVU turnover each month. I like spending time with families, but I also like paying down debt and ensuring my family is able to stay in our house
yes, doctors suck, but also "the medical ethics and patient interaction training doctors receive reinforces ableism" and "the hyper competitive medical school application process roots out the poor, the disabled, and those who would diversify the field" and "anti-establishment sentiment gets applications rejected and promotions requests denied, weeding out the doctors on our side" and "the gruesome nature of the job and the complete lack of mental health support for medical practitioners breeds apathy towards patients" and "insurance companies often define treatment solely on a cost-analysis basis" and "doctors take on such overwhelming student loan debt they have no choice but to pursue high paying jobs at the expense of their morals" are all also true
none of this absolves doctors of the truly horrendous things they say and do to patients, but it's important to acknowledge that rather than every doctor being coincidentally a bad person, there is something specific about this field and career path that gives rise to such high prevalence of ableist attitudes
and I WILL elaborate happily
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RVU-Based Dentist Productivity: 4 GAME-CHANGING Insights
RVU-Based Dentist Productivity: 4 GAME-CHANGING Insights RVUs are changing the game in healthcare, especially at the dentist’s office. This cool metric helps dentists figure out exactly how much their work is worth, turning the old way of doing things on its head. Say hello to **RVU-based productivity**, where dentists can see a clear picture of their hard work and what it brings to the table.…
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Are you curious about MGMA Total Compensation and what it includes? At Chelle Law, we specialize in contract review and drafting for professionals across various industries. In this video, we break down the key components of MGMA Total Compensation to help you understand its structure and how it impacts your employment contract. Learn about: Salary benchmarks Incentive bonuses Benefits packages RVUs (Relative Value Units) Additional compensation details Understanding MGMA data is crucial for ensuring your contract aligns with industry standards. If you’re negotiating your employment contract or looking for professional assistance, Chelle Law is here to help. Visit us at https://chellelaw.com to learn more about our services. 📌 Subscribe for more insights into contract review, negotiation tips, and legal advice for professionals. Don't forget to like, share, and comment with your questions! #MGMA #ContractReview #ChelleLaw #TotalCompensation #EmploymentContracts What Is Included in MGMA Total Compensation? published first on https://www.youtube.com/@chellelaw/
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Hospitals charging patients for prayers?
Physicians required to generate X number of RVUs per day and meet productivity requirementshttps://lnkd.in/eZihYzzHospital nurses soon to be able to bill for services?*https://lnkd.in/eaZakUM7Case managers required to bill X number of codes per day.AND COMING SOON …Hospital Chaplains billing too?https://lnkd.in/ge9i7zQmNow imagine the new discussions between hospital finance team members and/or…
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