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juanarc-thethird · 1 day ago
I'm scared
Night time
Ruby: *Too scared to go to sleep*
Weiss: I told you not to watch that scary movie. I told you, now you can't go to sleep.
Ruby: If only my big strong Jaune was laying beside me in the bed right now shirtless with a thong on, he would protect me.
Weiss: What the fuck did you just say?
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66sharkteeth · 2 days ago
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ngl this episode hurt a LOT to draw. make my suffering worth it by checking it out tomorrow night at 6 PM pst!
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drawendo · 4 hours ago
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asterosea · 2 days ago
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crimeronan · 13 hours ago
I know Sol's childhood and developmental years were like. CSA trafficking war front hellscape. And Devin's was background, unwell orphan to violently depressed god-child torture. And I even know that Ruby grew up in Oichan... but how did she get from that to "social worker who forges identities and rescues forcible sex workers at the cost of her own well-being"?
:O you are so nice for letting me infodump more.
ruby and sol are about the same age and fled the same famine at about the same time. ruby was with her parents, sol was alone. tachni was one of a handful of places that seemed "welcoming" to oichen refugees, and it's also the center of global commerce, so. living there is a good opportunity!
actually getting INTO tachni is a Fucking Nightmare. both ruby and sol legally immigrated through contingency citizenships. a contingency citizenship essentially just means you sell yourself to the light temples & can't be contracted anywhere else (unless someone friendly with said light temples pays an EXORBITANT amount of money). and you can't ever leave. and you can't ever quit.
the consequences for leaving or quitting are. horrifying.
so like. call it indentured servitude or call it slavery. either way it's Not Great.
sol got in because she caught cozia's predatory eye. ruby got in because she was fluent in the language already and tested well enough to be a Gifted Student. so she was brought in as a general student -> nursing student -> proper nurse.
the problem is that the state of healthcare rights in tachni is Also Fucking Horrifying. in addition to invalid proceedings, you have straight-up slave marriages with spouses whose wives or husbands fully control their medical care; you have a world without HIPAA; you have a world where nonconformity and rebellious behavior are pathologized; you have a world where permanent asylum incarceration for developmental disabilities n chronic mental illness is the norm.
you have a world where doctors are cops to a MUCH greater extent than they are in the US. including working With The Actual Cops on subduing n "treating" patients.
ruby couldn't do it.
and ruby was obligated to do it for the Rest Of Her Life.
so. she looked for ways out Other than killing herself. and when she couldn't find any legal way to escape her circumstances, she started quietly learning to rebel from Inside those circumstances instead.
in very young adulthood, sol's husband robert purchased sol's contract because of his many political n social ties to the light temples. he later "borrowed" ruby the exact same way, because sol was physically sick and clearly mentally ill. and he wanted a live-in nurse for his wife who could be a friend from her culture, who spoke her language and cheered her up, and who would also report back to him. cop style.
ruby's refusal to betray sol's confidence was one of the most dangerous things she ever did.
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blackpinkofficialupdates · 3 days ago
[250324] jennierubyjane: Road to Ruby II
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jeanzoriley-cod · 2 days ago
Jeanz tilted her head to the other side, her eyes narrowing at Ruby's words.
She knew it would happen eventually. Just didn't think they'd send a pretty bird to come take her in. A dangerous smile tugged at her scarred lips, looking her up and down.
"I see," she muttered, and then she was moving.
She made it behind Ruby before the other woman could blink, her knife pulled out of her waistband, cutting the line to the comms in Ruby's ear.
Jeanz put the knife away and stepped back, now that they could talk freely. "Now, tell me, Ruby. Why dun ye want ta throw me in prison? I'm a serial killer after all."
(Open RP) (Slasher Jeanz AU)
It was a nice, cool summer evening, the wind blowing through the trees. The Farm was silent, peaceful. Inside however, was not. Jeanz didn't know how long it had been, how many years since she had turned into The Siren, into someone who wasn't her. But, the redhead didn't care at the moment. What she needed, had to do, was keep the women safe.
As she wandered through the farmhouse, waiting for her next victim, she thought back on what brought her here, a ironic smile on her scarred lips.
Declan had found out, she had tried so hard, but he still found out about Clara. She should have never refused that client that wanted to cut her. The one that cut her face, the one that tried to come back for more. Declan had snapped and ordered some of his workers to dig into her life more.
That's where they found Clara. She had gone to meet Declan as usual, but when she got there, her heart cracked in two in her chest. Declan had Clara with a knife to her throat. Jeanz had tried and begged Declan to let her go. It was all in vain. Declan sliced Clara's throat himself with a cruel laugh. Jeanz snapped. She screamed and cried, grabbing the nearest knife and lunging. Her mind broke in two and all she could think was to protect and kill. Declan died that day, in a bloody mess. She had absolutely maimed his body, not caring.
After that, a few months later, the rumors started. A nice little Farmhouse with animals, well taken care of. The perfect place to take your lady. No one noticed the males didn't come back. No one cared to ask why the women seemed happier, more free, less bruises.
Soon, a strip club known as O'Paddy's, went down. Only known to the women of the city of Galway, was it seen as a home away from the horrors the men in their life had seen. The Siren, who ran it, kept them safe, fed and warm. Painted rocks started popping up on women's windows that were being abused and controlled.
If women left The Farm with a small canvas, with a way to get a hold of The Siren at O'Paddy's, the keypad numbers on the back of the purple rose canvas, well it wasn't discussed.
Jeanz snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the front door open. She grabbed her knife from her boot, silently climbing into the rafters, her footsteps making no noise. Her gaze was sharp as she watched the singular person come through the door. Her mind raced. Usually it was couples that came here.
The Farm had healthy animals, recent artwork Jeanz had painted hung up. There was no dust on any surface. It was homey. Jeanz didn't like the fact it was only one person. She was supposed to protect the women. There were supposed to be two people.
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ratective · 1 year ago
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rubybug · 23 days ago
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she has fleas 💔
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discount-supervillain · 6 months ago
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userobiwan · 1 month ago
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5x23 - Reunited
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kyri45 · 1 month ago
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❤️Red&Blue💙 prints series by @kyri45 (2024 edition)
2025 edition here!
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sonadowcentral · 3 months ago
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Part 3 yayyy! Introducing Ruby the Red Panda :) she’s just doing her best man
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remanedur · 6 months ago
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she's already preparing months in advance
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not-kat · 8 months ago
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here's one more steven universe throwback
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