Ask and tell RTV!Puzzles anything you want and he might give you his time of day.
The only rule is to refrain from inappropriate and NSFW asks!
You can of course still use to the Askbox to just sent me questions lol
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meg-girumi · 3 months
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“Can’t have THAT”
@4thwallbreakerdraws2 design caught my eye)
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thesmallersnow · 1 year
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drV3 reality tv AU ( from my friend @fullcaps-ethan : no one really died but everything felt real to them and they all got trauma)
unable to live a life without being recognized in the street, kokichi decides to lean into his fame instead.
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gnomer4 · 1 month
i think tumblr will eat this one up
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jesuscrab · 9 months
Hlvrai fans who never engaged in anybother rtvs production are missing so much of the exact same brand if humor, if not better.
You fuckers would love Sonic Krazy Kult.
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korkietism · 9 months
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Gman thoughts. He’s normal. Also Mike and Gir (Mike based off of the one sprite from Hollys stream)
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mudcatz · 9 months
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hoodieimp · 9 months
I've never seen a single episode of Breaking Bad in my life so I'm just assuming this is Completely Accurate to the show
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sodapops-station · 2 years
Im watching the RTVS CyberKidz streams [i just finished the rerun so far], and my only thought is...
The Cyberkidz continue cybering well into their teenage years.
Kyle and his mom just, do not get along well. Ever. Their relationship gets worse, even, and Kyle keeps using the Cyberworld as an escape, his visits getting longer and longer.
Zeist adopting Kyle. Just, consider it. Cyberdad...
May or may not draw some redesigns. And try my hand at learning animation by reanimating scenes from the show. Any scene recommendations?
I'm gonna go back to watching now, but like. Yeah.
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fullcaps-ethan · 1 year
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hahahahaha i'm finally gonna post abt my drv3 Reality TV!AU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In this AU, the flashback light was used to convince the players that they did kill participants, when every murder was staged. After the end of the game, everyobdy had to return to normal life with no support from Team Danganronpa.
Kirumi has found a job as a cashier, and while she often gets recognized, the store is small enough that there is very little traffic. Hoshi sometimes shops at the store she works at. Everytime they meet, she is unable to talk to him, overcome by guilt.
Hoshi doesn't hold her responsible for her actions at all, and is waiting for her to say something first.
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weirdrtvscomments · 8 months
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not quite rtvs fans but unusual bot comments in response to the fridge clip (not pictured: someone in the qrts roleplaying (?) an anime au where their anime boy is wayne. i respect them too much to screenshot)
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4thwallbreakerdraws2 · 2 months
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Some RTV!Puzzles doodles.
Guys, I think he doesn’t like me too much /silly
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birrdify · 3 months
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AND IN RETURN .. looks like smg16 drew someone !! @4thwallbreakerdraws2 <- this wonderful person's RTV!Puzzles (reality TV au) ... gahahh....i lvove..
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harmonytre · 5 months
What to Expect Coming Up
I am still sick, but thought it’d be fun to mention all the projects I have going on and my sort of process.
I’ve gotten into the flow of 3 art -> animate an hour -> 3 art -> reference sheet; and repeat! Now the “3 art” doesn’t include warm-ups, which I’ll discuss in a moment. This usually varies but does have a pattern of priority to it.
Commissions (none atm, but one has discussed interest) -> Deadline art (contest entries, featured character, birthday gifts) -> “Required” art (raffle prizes [2 remain], Benrey project, 11 Bulbasaur gifts, 42 late Artfight attacks) -> Other stuff
When it comes to warm-ups, I’ve gone 32 times in a row of purely HLVRAI. It’ll still be thrown in the mix, but I’d like to add Pokemon and OCs as a chance too! Warm-ups include any requests I get, and those increase in chance the longer they’re there. Meanwhile there’s still the chance my random wheel will choose something like “Sunkist” three days in a row lol.
Now to discuss all the projects! First off, my next three art will be: raffle prize, a small special RTVS animation, and a doodle of my next hyperfixation which I’ll then open up for requests as well!
“Cabinet Man” Animatic: A more long-term project that’s fully storyboarded so far, but I plan on making rendered (or at least colored) illustrations for.
I have two parts in my Multi-Animator-Project! One part is Benrey and Gordon focused, while the other part is Tommy, Bubby, and Coomer focused, so I get to animate the whole Science Team and that excites me!! (One part still open by the way, hint hint.) The MAP itself is a third of the way complete let’s goooooo!
Other animation projects include: “Two Birds” Tommy and Benrey friendship animatic (fully written), “Eighth Wonder” Tommy animatic (just an idea, focusing on the others first), and occasional clips or mini animations.
Benrey Fanart (and then the other characters too!): I have 12 people left to reach out to, but I gotta do it slowly so my account doesn’t get shadowbanned again (that was scary ngl). But once I do, the sign-up post will be updated regularly as I work and I’ll DM everyone individually as I finish theirs!
@sweetvoicecafe ! I am very excited to get this up and running! I have 3 references remaining, and then I can work on the introductory comic. (I mayyyyyyyy call for voice actors.)
HLVRAI-based OCs: This is a more minor thing, but I want to finish 9 more designs before Artfight, as I’ve only finished Joshie.
It’ll be a while longer until it’s ready, but I’d like to restart my Shiny Living Dex Challenge. And it’ll no longer be discord only, I’ll extend it to tumblr as well! Especially since there’s art prizes involved.
I have 11 remaining Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur gifts to finish!
The occasional warmup, request, doodle, etc.
“Close Up Meme” Phanthop AU Animatic that I would love to polish and color.
“Never Love an Anchor” Hop and Leon animatic that I have indeed started (just an animatic this time, not polished)
I’ve started releasing collab (with @mr-web ) Art Podcasts on my youtube channel hint hint ;)
Streams: Over on my Twitch (same name): I stream weekly (maybe more, depending on my new work schedule, just finished moving after all). At the moment, I’m taking turns with Half Life (nearly done with game one) and Omori (collab with Doglord15). Soon it’ll (hopefully) include Pokemon, but I’d also like to try Undertale Yellow, Portal, Hollow Knight, and more! As well as a return to art streams, that’d be cool.
Artfight Prep: I am mostly done, but remaining I have: 3 SVC refs, 9 HLVRAI OC refs, and fully updating my spreadsheet, which will also be updated on tumblr! (I may do this today, as it’s something I can do while bed-ridden.) Plus the 42 leftover revenges.
Among Us “Bark Bark” Animatic: nearly 3 years in the works but it’s chugging . . . there were complications with the cameos involved that hurt my motivation and the progress, but it’s still in the works haha…
“Haunted House” Vent Animatic: This is 2/3s of the way complete! As it’s something personal, I worked on it quickly after a certain event, but I’d still like to finish it. <3
New Hyperfixation: Surprise reveal! It’s Wreck-It Ralph (and specifically Hero’s Cuties). It won’t be a huge thing, but I’d like to doodle here and there, open requests for it, and draw up three AU designs that have been in my mind for nearly 13 years.
@theairshipexperiment : Yes yes, I knowwwwwwwwwwwww y’all are mad at me. It’s been three years and I still get people upset that it hasn’t continued. It’s not completely canceled, just very very slowww. I’m nearly done writing chapter 3, but that means there’s 7 chapters to go. At least I’ve started giving myself completely random reminders for times to write haha. It’s my only writing project atm, but writing takes so much more effort from me than art, I’m sorry.
@absurdamongus : Very low on my list, but I still enjoy their designs and would one day like to continue finishing their refs and maybe reopen an ask blog. An animated series would still be cool, but it’d be a long way off if so.
So yeah, a lot of projects and a lot of excitement! I’m going at a fair pace (when I’m not sick) and art continues to be my passion! <3
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angelic-entity121 · 2 months
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shakes .. this week's doodles !!! :D
RTV AU by ... -> @4thwallbreakerdraws2
SMG16 belongs to ... -> @birrdify
they're super duper awesome check em out X3
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gimgerrat · 3 months
So uhhhh I might've have also written angst for Horizons x MHA au, I wrote this like yesterday and didn't post but it's uh doozy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Liko wings fluttered fervently to look for Dot. When she spotted a motionless purple mass her heart sunk to her stomach. Liko dove quickly to the ground skidding across the rubble. She crawled ontop of the leviathan uncaring that her legs had been injured due to her haste in landing.
"Dot!!! DOT! Come on wake up, please" shaking her body in hopes that she was just unconscious and not dead. Liko got no response from them even as she frantically called her name over and over and over as more tears flooded down her face each time she called her name.
Eventually she put her ear to her girlfriends chest checking for signs of her hearts beating.
Silence was all that greeted her.
No… No! This couldnt be happing. In that moment Liko had realized just what exactly Dot had done. "Dot… No… Come back, I… I don't want to be without you." Likos voice cracked horribly even more tears streaming down her face. "NO YOU CAN'T DIE YET, I'LL HEAL YOU JUST LIKE ALWAYS!!" a bright teal glow formed around Dots lifeless body as Liko pushed as much energy as she could into her.
She grabbed Dots wrist to check her heart rate. No pulse.
Likos heart shattered into a million pieces.
Her antenna drooped as she sunk into Dots chest sobbing griping onto her form. The others around felt sharp pains and aches in their chests feeling the pure heartbreak wafting off of Liko, but it wasnt that destroyed them it was the gut wrenching wail she let out bearing her agony to the world.
The RTVs feel the telltale signs of Likos quirk draining them. They rushed over to try and calm her before someone ended up dead. "Liko! Let's go, there is nothing you can do now" Freide pleaded with her as more crystalline formations appeared on her body.
That was the wrong thing to say to her as the teal glow got brighter and her wailing turned into screaming. Freide try to pry her off of Dot but to no avail she was determined to stay with her corpse. "It's my fault, it's all my fault shes gone." she wimpered out voice hoarse from the screaming as Freides eyes widened in sympathy "Liko it's not your fault."
"But it IS, it'll be ok right we can bring her back… Right? I just need to heal her more and she'll come around" Liko not fully believing what she said but still in hopeful denial.
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