#RP Chapter 6 - The Butterfly Effect
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sentientcave · 8 months ago
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Retirement Party
Chapter 6 - The Butterfly Effect
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Contains: No Y/N (2nd POV but Reader is an OC), Kidnapping, Forcible relocation, Dubcon, Plus-sized Reader/OC, female Reader/OC, Everyone learns new things about each other, Manipulation, PTSD, Doll has a tragic backstory, Poorly translated Spanish, Lots of introspection
~4.2k - MDNI - Dark fic! Please mind the content warning above but honestly nothing particularly bad happens this chapter.
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John gives you space for the next few days, letting you settle in around the edges of his own routine. You’ve always been an early riser, and so is he, but he starts every day with a run, and you prefer a slower pace. You’ve taken to coming downstairs after you hear the front door close, and stretch on the living room floor (you wouldn’t call it yoga, but you’ve spent the last few years keeping up with the Kinsey kids, and you know how important it is to maintain flexibility), and make coffee before you go back upstairs to get dressed and ready for the day. John always showers first thing after his run, but after the second day he starts taking off his shirt before he drinks a glass of water at the sink, watching you from the corner of his eye to see if you’re looking.
And maybe sometimes you are. It would be a useless endeavour, pretending that he’s not nice to look at. He’s big, barrel-chested, with thick, muscular arms, and he’s hairy in a way that’s unbelievably attractive, and he gleams with sweat after his runs. If he didn’t look so damn smug every time he catches you looking, you’d probably gladly spend a few long minutes studying him. Something about the man makes your fingers itch to pick up a pencil.
You just orbit around each other for those first few days. He’s working on some project outside, and you putter around the house a bit and look for new jobs online. You were surprised that he didn’t confiscate your laptop to keep you from calling for a rescue, but he made no effort to stop you from using your laptop or your phone. Perhaps he’d really listened when you’d tried to set boundaries. He’s certainly given you space to adjust.
On Wednesday, you video call your Lola— It’s been routine for ages, since you always had Sundays and Wednesdays off from work— and catch up. You start the call shortly after John leaves, to give yourself some time to talk privately. It’s nice to see her familiar, wrinkled brown face, even if she’s half the world away from you.
She clocks that you’re not at home right away, and gets that sly, knowing smile when you tell her you’re staying with a friend. “¿Estás viendo a alguien?” she asks. “¿Un joven tal vez?” Are you seeing someone? A young man perhaps?
“No nada de eso. Sólo quedarme con un amigo.” No, nothing like that. Just staying with a friend. Once again, lying to make it seem like you’re not in trouble. It’s not like your Lola would be able to do anything about your situation anyway. You would just worry her.
Of course, Lola is much too observant not to see that you're hiding something-- Even if all she sees of you is a video call once a week, you're her granddaughter and she knows you. "Dalisay," she says, her tone a mocking approximation of sternness. "Eres una mujer adulta. Me gustaría saber que eres feliz, que estás saliendo con alguien agradable. No tienes que mentirme. Mientele a tu otra abuela.” You are a grown woman. I would like to know you're happy, that you’re seeing someone kind. You don't have to lie to me. Lie to your other grandmother.
You laugh. "¡Es complicado Lola! Él es—" It's complicated Lola! He's—
The door opens, and John limps back in, early. "Rolled my ankle," he explains, taking your wide-eyed look as concern. "Just need some ice."
"Muéstramelo," Lola demands, laughing. "Tiene una voz hermosa.” Show him to me. He has a handsome voice.
John turns toward you, frowning. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"
"I always call Lola on Wednesdays-- John, sit down, you need to ice your ankle, what are you doing?"
He's standing on one leg, in the middle of the kitchen, fishing a mug out of the cupboard rather than getting something cold and sitting right down. "I--"
You're not sure what possesses you, but you get up, and you make him sit, and you go to make him his coffee and wrap a bag of frozen peas in a tea towel. When you turn around, he's reached across the table to pull your laptop closer, smiling at the camera when Lola claps he hands together, beaming.
"Es guapo, Dalisay. Pero no joven, ¿eh?" She says, laughing. He's handsome, Dalisay. But not young, huh?
"No," he agrees, "soy demasiado viejo para ella. Todavía soy lo suficientemente egoísta como para intentarlo de todos modos.” I'm too old for her. I'm still selfish enough to try anyway. Lola laughs at his honesty, pleased with John already.
You set down the coffee and glare at him. But you gently set the ice pack on his raised ankle. He pulls you into his lap, sitting you on his other thigh. "John!" You protest.
"Oh, relájate, apo,” Lola chides, unhelpfully reading the situation just the way John wants her to. She seems impressed by John's accented Spanish, happy to not need to translate her words to English to speak with him. She speaks English perfectly well, but she prefers Spanish, calls English clunky and ungraceful. "Yo también fui joven una vez. Me preocupaba que ella nunca encontrara a alguien.” Oh lighten up, apo. I was young once too. I was worried she would never find someone.
"No es que ella no pudiera,” John says. "Ella es tan hermosa, pero mantiene la distancia." It's not that she couldn't. She's so beautiful, but she keeps her distance.
“John, stop that,” you say, and you do mean the way he’s talking, but you also mean the hand that’s firmly gripping your hip, kneading your soft flesh. It’s not hard enough to bruise, not even enough to hurt, but it’s distracting, and makes your heart flutter. The movement is also hitching your skirt up a little higher on your thighs.
The innocent, laughing look he gives you is no help. “Sorry, love.” He kisses your shoulder, his hand sliding up to your waist instead.
You glance over at the screen, wincing when you see two of your cousins crowded into the screen with Lola, all of them stifling laughter and one of them holding a chubby baby.
“He needs to buy you a ring, cuz,” Ligaya says, waving her baby’s chubby hand at you. “Say hello Berting, that’s your auntie Dalisay and her boyfriend.” She and her sister, Ceci dissolve into giggles. The baby laughs too, although he doesn’t have any idea what’s going on around him.
“He’s too old to be anyone’s boyfriend,” you grouse.
“He looks more like husband material to me,” Ceci crows. She points a threatening finger at the webcam. “You’d better be good to her! She’s our favourite cousin.”
“Y mi nieta favorita,” Lola says, And my favourite granddaughter, cupping her hand around her mouth as if that would keep Ligaya and Ceci from hearing her. They both laugh, unoffended, Ceci batting Lola’s shoulder lightly.
“I will,” John promises. “She makes it easy. She’s much too good for the likes of me.”
“And don’t you forget it, English!” Ligaya agrees. “Are you coming to see us for Christmas this year, Lisay? There’s at least four babies you haven’t met yet.”
“I’m not sure I can afford to this year. We’ll see if I can find work—”
“¿Qué pasó? ¿Perdiste tu trabajo?” Lola asks. What happened? Did you lose your job?
“You practically raised those niños!” Ligaya protests, as if that would change the facts of the matter. “They love you!”
You grimace, and haltingly explain that Mr. Kinsey had made a pass at you, and you’d been fired so that he and his wife could work out their marital issues. Apparently you’d been just too tempting to have around, despite the fact that you had less than zero interest in your former employer. By the end of your explanation, Lola looks ready to fight, and Ligaya and Ceci both look furious too. “It’s alright,” you say, trying to convince yourself as much as you are them. “I wouldn’t have been able to leave if they didn’t fire me. And I didn’t want to be raising someone else's’ kids forever.”
Ceci wiggles her eyebrows at you. “Yeah, Lisay, you want your own babies, eh?”
“You should start painting again,” Ligaya suggested, flicking Ceci with the hand not currently supporting her son. “You could sell prints online, portrait commissions. You’re as good as your mother, and she made it into that London Gallery.”
Lola notices the way your smile strains and shoos your cousins away. “El consejo es bueno aunque graznan,” she says. “Eres demasiado buena para dejar de pintar.” The advice is good, even if they quack. You’re too good to stop painting.
You change the subject, and Lola talks some about the children, about neighbourhood gossip, catching you up on everything before you end the call. You sigh, sinking into John unconsciously. He’s so big, and so solid, you wish you could do away with that undercurrent of fear ruining the little comfort his arms would provide you otherwise.
“Why’d you stop painting?” he asks.
“It’s not the same anymore.”
“Is anything ever the same?”
You twist to look at him. His eyes are too blue, piercing though you like he’s able to read the thoughts in your head. You have to remind yourself that he can’t, that he doesn’t know you well enough even to guess. You’re getting to know him pretty well though, and you recognize this earnestness, this plea to let him in, to let him help. John is a man who needs to do something all the time, that needs to focus on a task. You wonder what it is that nips at his heels so sharply— Is is inherent, genetic, something unavoidable, written in the core of his very deepest, truest self? Or is it just that he’s running from something, and must stay in motion, driving himself ever forward to keep it from catching up?
“Have you ever lost anyone, John?”
Surprise widens his eyes for a flickering second, before he hides it behind a tight smile. “Think we’re talking about you, Doll.”
“You don’t have to answer. I think it’s just easier to understand, when you have. Painting just reminds me of my mam. It’s like trying to swim with lead shoes on. It’s so hard to keep my head above the water that it’s easier just not to swim.”
“Maybe you could try takin’ off the lead shoes,” he suggested, his arms tightening around you. Levity and reassurance, like he knows exactly what you need. “Or maybe you just shouldn’t go swimmin’ alone.”
“A lifeguard,” you say, rolling the thought around in your head. Maybe that was the problem, the empty space was too apparent when there was no one around to fill it. You’d painted the flowers on the credenza with Ripley there, and that had even been nice. You’d thought it was just a fluke, but you hadn’t really thought about why it had been different. “That’s an interesting thought.”
“Did you have everything you’d need? We can look through the boxes for your supplies.”
You shake your head. “No. Yes. I have watercolours somewhere. Just no acrylics. But I could start with watercolours.”
“Yeah? We can look now, if you like.”
“Maybe in a bit. I’ll make breakfast first.”
“I can do it,” he offers quickly. “I want to take care of you.”
As much as you aren’t quite ready to admit it, he already is. “No, I think it’s my turn. Just give me a minute. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, but this is kind of nice.”
He hums his agreement, picking up his coffee. You think he’s doing it so he can’t kiss you, and you’re so pleased that he’s starting to get it that you almost consider kissing him instead.
But you don’t. You just let yourself enjoy the moment.
Maybe that’s enough, for now.
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You decide that having him sit and watch you painting would be awkward, so once you hunt down your watercolours and a sketchbook with heavy paper, you set up outside while he works. He’s constructing some kind of frame over a concrete pad, a covered porch, you think. You sit out of the way, facing the copse of trees that surround the house, and the overgrown, weedy garden. It looks like it had been set up early in the season with the best of intentions, but you suspect that it was too hard on his knees and back. He’d made the mistake of planting everything straight in the ground— You probably would have suggested planter boxes, if you’d been here in the spring. Then he could have sat on a stool— It would have helped keep the bunnies out too. The few tomatoes left on an abandoned vine have little bites nibbled out of them— Almost everything has little bites taken out of it.
It makes you smother a laugh. It’s easy to imagine John railing against nature— He’s so stubborn, there’s no way he gave up for a good long time— Cursing the rabbits and deer, leaning over the once-neat rows until his back ached. There’s a pair of rusting garden shears stuck out of the ground, evidence that he quit in a fit of pique some months ago.
He’s looking at you— He has a sense for when you let happiness slip through, like a hound picking up a rabbit’s trail in the woods. You can feel the burn of those bright blue eyes on you, the heavy weight of his attention. Does he make note of everything you smile at? You wonder how long the list is now. Puppies, the Stuart kids, Lola and your cousins, and now his poor attempts at gardening. You haven’t really let much else get past your careful, polite mask, knowing full well that stone-walling him is your best defence. He’s searching for an opening, and once he finds it, he’ll pop you open like a clam.
It seems inevitable. Still, he’ll have to work for it, if he wants you to let him in. He’s already set himself the first of his Herculean tasks, to get you painting again. It would be easier to face the Nemean lion. Your grief has sharp teeth, unblunted even after a decade, still dug deep into your heart.
“You aren’t painting,” John says in your ear. His hands settle on your shoulders, holding you in your seat when surprise would launch you a few centimetres into the air.
You turn your head to look at him, and he’s far too close. “You aren’t working.”
“Takin’ a break. You look like you’re thinkin’ hard about something. What’s on your mind, Doll?”
“Your garden. Must have been a storm of misfortunes to make you give up.”
“Few things get the better of me, but this was one of ‘em. Have to settle for buyin’ produce at the shops like everyone else.”
“It’s not really so hard.”
“You the expert in gardening?”
“No, I just used to help my gran with her garden. Picked up a thing or two about keeping green things alive.” You take a dry paintbrush and dust it over his fingertips idly.
“That the one we talked to today?” he asks.
“No, that’s Lola. Gran is the Scottish one.”
He hums, smooths out tension in your shoulders with his thumbs, catching the slightest touch of your skin at the collar of your sweater. "Didn't think you had family in the UK."
You tip your head back, looking up at him. He shifts, leaning his forearms on the back of the chair, hanging over you. "Just my Gran, she got remarried a bit before we moved to Manchester. She thought her husbands-- Well, I'll say kids, but they were full adults, older than my mam already-- She thought they were more respectable than my parents. Wouldn't categorize her as a real warm and fuzzy lady."
"You don't talk then?"
"No. Not since my parents died. We had a proper row at the funeral and she's never apologized, and I'm certainly not going to."
"Learnin' a lot about you today, Doll."
“That I’m stubborn and that I distance myself from the people that love me?” you ask, flicking the paintbrush at the tip of his nose. His whole face scrunches, and it’s kind of endearing. You’re already feeling soft about him from this morning, because Lola liked him, and because he didn’t ask if she spoke English, just launched right into Spanish that was a maybe a little rough around the edges, but good enough.
“That,” he agrees. “But I think it’s good that you hold your ground. You’re not stubborn for the sake of it, you say what needs to be said. I’d bet good money that you were in the right.”
“It doesn’t always matter who’s right and who’s wrong, John. Sometimes you have to set aside ego to make things right.”
“Tryin’ to teach an old dog new tricks?” he asks.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll teach yourself. Now go on, get. You’re distracting me.” You wrap your hands around one of his, and press a fleeting kiss to a spot between his thumb and his wrist before releasing him. “And be careful of your ankle. If you need to carry something heavy, let me help you.”
He laughs and withdraws, his shadow sliding over your page as he moves away. “Yes ma’am. You’re pretty cute when you’re bossy.”
“I’m always cute,” you say blithely.
You don’t look at him, so you miss the way he glances back over his shoulder, blue eyes burning. “You’re damn right about that.”
Ducking your head down to hide your smile, you pick your pencil up and look back to the garden. Something about the red-handled shears stuck in the soil speaks to you, so you lightly sketch it out on the page, humming to yourself quietly. The next things you need to hunt down are your headphones and the old mp3 player so you can listen to music while you paint.
There’s something soothing about hearing John work anyway. The whirr of his drill as he screwed framing lumber into place, or the buzz of his saw when he cuts pieces to size. He’s methodical, exacting— What makes him so good at building probably made him a poor gardener too. He can cut and fit pieces of wood together to make any shape he pleases, he can make a plan and nothing will fight back against it, beyond a warped bit of lumber here and there, but a garden grows as it will, and there’s no controlling the wind or the sun or the rain, let alone the creatures that might come looking for something tender and green.
That same struggle plays out between the two of you. He sees a map and a destination where you see a landscape. The journey, the exploration, is what matters to you, the light and shadow, the soft growing things and the hungry teeth that nip at the roots. In his mind he’s already built a house at the top of the hill, and he wants to pull you inside, lay you down, plant his seeds in a different garden, watch something new grow. It’s not simply impatience, but a need for control, for surety.
He exerts that control outwards, bending the world to the shape he likes. You’ve always turned it inwards, pulling in on yourself, turning your life into a safe little cocoon, turning deprivation and isolation into an art. Constructing masks to get you through, reliable scripts, being whomever you need to be to make things easier.
And perhaps it was easy, but it was lonely too.
Maybe they really had done you a favour. By pulling you out of your comfortable routine, they’ve forced you to face yourself, for the first time in ages, to ask yourself what it is that you want, to see who you are.
You feel like a butterfly, wings still damp and unfurling, perched in John’s hand. He could risk letting you fly away, or he could force you to stay by destroying some integral part of you. There’s no telling which path he intends to take, not yet.
You can just hope.
It might be insane— It certainly feels insane— but you really want him to be a good man. Not just out of self-preservation, although it probably weighs something in the equation, but because you want him. He’s right when he says there’s something here, something that’s been rolling around in the back of your mind since Ghost dumped you in his lap. It hasn’t even been a week, but it feels longer.
You keep half an eye on him while you put the first pale washes of colour onto paper. A few small versions first, to get a handle on light and shadow, colour values, just to remember how to mix colours the way you want to, and then start on the larger version, feeling a little more confident.
You’ve just blocked in the base colours when you notice that John’s limping again, and showing no sign of stopping his work. Sighing, you set your paintbrush down and stand. “John,” you say gently, putting yourself in the path between the saw set up and his lumber pile. “It’s time to take a break.”
“No, I’m fine, Doll. Get back to your painting.” He tries to move around you, but you side-step and block his path again. “It’s just a sprain,” he says, exasperated. “I’ve worked through worse.”
As if that was a good reason to ignore pain. “And you never considered that maybe you shouldn’t have had to?”
He frowns down at you. The difference in your heights has to be at least a foot, but he has a funny way of tucking in his chin and hanging his head when you’re standing close like this, and looking at you straight on anyway. A soft little hand settles on his stomach, unbidden— You’re not sure that you’ve instigated contact with him before, it’s always been him reaching out for you, his big hands achingly gentle. Is anyone ever gentle with him? Is he ever gentle with himself?
“The work will still be here tomorrow,” you remind him. “You have time to rest.”
A raindrop splashes on your outstretching arm. The two of you look up in tandem, at a heavy grey cloud that’s rolled over head— It hasn’t blocked out the sun yet, and neither of you had noticed it creeping up— and then at each other. “Guess the weather agrees with you,” John says.
You both scramble apart and into action. John covers the pile of lumber and the saw with tarps, weighed down with a few odd bricks so they won’t blow away, and you quickly pack up the water colours and your paintings. You don’t get there in time to stop a few splashes of rain from hitting the page, but you get everything inside before it’s completely soaked and set it on the kitchen table for the moment.
While you’re filling the kettle and looking outside, watching the rain splash against the window, John comes in too, and looks at your work. “The rain ruined it,” he says. “I should have been paying more attention to the weather.” There’s guilt in his voice, as if it’s his fault that the rain chose to fall where and when it did.
You set the kettle to boil, and join him, studying the paintings. Each of them unrefined— The smaller ones are just work-ups anyway, but the raindrops have warped the colours, creating voids with saturated edges. You wouldn’t say they’re ruined. There’s an artistry to incident, story preserved on paper in a way that your art wouldn’t do alone.
“No, I like it better this way,” you say decisively. “It underlines the theme of futility, don’t you think? How we’re at the mercy of the weather, whether we like it or not.”
“S’pose so,” he admits grudgingly.
His mouth is set so it almost disappears under his moustache. He really does hate the reminder that he has no control over some things. You dash upstairs and grab a couple of towels and tuck them under your arm, and take John’s hand, leading him out onto the front porch.
He follows you without resistance, although there’s a funny, curious look on his face. “What’re you doing?”
You let go, and put the towels down on the bench. “What does it look like I’m doing?” The rain is coming steadily now, the sky turned darker, sun all but blotted out, and it’s cold on your skin when you step out from the shelter and into the downpour. You throw your arms out and spin, laughing.
There are many things in this life that you can’t control. Things that are fixed, unchanged and immovable, laws of nature, the whims of weather, and Captain John Price. But you have choices too. You can try to move a mountain, but you’d be better climbing over it. You can choose to struggle against the current, or let it sweep you along. You can dance in the rain rather than wish it were sunny.
And you can hold out your hand, and invite John to dance with you.
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Image Credits: Banner Dividers
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||Horror book Chapter 6: Plucking a butterfly's wings||
*Waving* Hi dears, I'm back with another part to horror book chapter 6 so it's time for another one. So, lets see what this chapter presents. If you wish to read the others so far, chapter list is down below.
~~Book chapters~~
Horror book one: Bloody game of Hide and seek
Horror book two: Darkness of one self
Horror book three: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
Horror book three: How to be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank part 2
Horror book four: Hunting grounds
Horror book five: Hacker Kidnapping part1 part 2 part 3(final)
((Your reading horror book chapter 6))
~Will have death going around and is present
~Blood is seen and present in this
~Scary themes will be also seen as well
~Dark themed is will be spoken and is seen in this drabble
~Gore is and will be present so just a warning
~~Drabble Summary~~
After the recent "game" from Sukuna, it seems most of the fractions were nervous of being out due to what happened. This worried many but the leaders were more worried of the female leaders that was effected by him. Sooo what would happen when Sukuna wanted to play another game?
((Guests in this drabble))
Joshua star along with his fraction and some others involved or mentioned belongs to my rp partner/friend @demon-blood-youths
Ashley Butterfly with her fraction and some others involved belongs to me. Sukuna ryomen (Demon au) belongs to me but comes from the anime jujutsu kaisen.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. This is a dark drabble so again if your uncomfortable with dark themed, please don't read. You were warned. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Another day, another passing of nightmares. The fractions of NYC were still recovering after what happened during Sukuna's game. Even now, it left most of the leaders in a moment of dread and fear. Even Ink was a little more jumpy thanks to it that worried her team.
However, that was a few days ago and no word of Sukuna was heard from so where or what could he even be doing now? Well, he was still in the demon world looking bored but it seems he had another idea.
Near the Bronx, Joshua and Ashley were trying to enjoy a morning in their own areas but that's when it changed to showing a clear viewing to some sort of forest. However, it was also in a abandoned house blended into the forest but big enough for Sukuna's game. Being curious, both fractions went to check on it and see what it was. However, it only got them both trapped moments after.
It seems it was quiet for the moment but that changed when a inhuman screeching was heard and shouting.
"Come on RUN! JUST RUN!!" Angel was trying to shoot arrows at the inhuman things chasing them through this damn forest like house but saw two arrows hit them only for more to give chase.
The others were tired from running this long, panting to run away from the monsters as they were coated in blood wanting to eat them! As the group looks ahead that's when someone quickly opens the door, showing a wounded Joshua Star along with his fraction running through before he and Angel slams the door and locks it.
"Fuck, we need to block this!" Angel was looking around knowing those monsters were coming closer. That's when both Joshua and Angel saw a desk near the door.
"Here! Lets use this!" he said as they quickly went to try pushing the desk to the door as fast as they could. The other team was scared seeing this, wanting to leave. So, as soon as the desk was Both heard a loud thump from the other side but quickly working to push a desk in front of the door.
Vanessa, Sydeia, Robert, and Eli were injured from the attack of those things or to say Sukuna's new pets. This guy had a serious problem with games! Both Joshua and Angel keeps the dresser against the door but felt the monsters trying to ram through only for the noise to suddenly stop with hissing behind the door.
Everyone was panting heavily but Joshua only looks to hearing the hissing from behind that dented door.
"We need to keep moving. We can't stay in this hallway, Joshua. Staying will give those things time to get out or others to find us.." Vanessa was saying this even if her voice was shaking from what happened. It was a lot even with Eli scared too.
".....Yeah, we have to keep moving. It's too dangerous to be here." he said scared himself but his team keeps moving to get away from the door. However, as the knights of darkness kept moving along, they get to another location seeing it was bigger than the other rooms but they were tense seeing the low lighting.
"Come on guys." Joshua said nervous even with his team quickly moving forward but when they did, the smell of something dead was near. Angel looks to see only to his eyes widening. Bodies. Their was mangled bodies of others in this place that he quickly looks away trying not to get sick. Joshua knew that but he keeps getting his team through this area only to get into another area showing it was a really big. Though looked destroyed now that it got him worried but that's not all that worried him.
"Where is Ashley and her team! What did you do to them!" Joshua was nervous even with Sukuna chuckling to him and his scared fraction. They knew what he was able to do but he just looks to them with four of his red eyes.
"I didn't do anything to them...yet. I was a little bored so...I want to play a game with you both. Just a little game no less but..with a prize." he smiled widely that Joshua got nervous and wonders what this game was.
"You and your fraction is going to play my game but.....if your able to win well....I think you know the reward." he snaps his fingers to some of his followers showing some in chains. His eyes widen seeing it was Ashley butterfly and her fraction. They were chained up struggling but were gagged by cloths over their mouths.
"ASHLEY!!" He looks worried but Sukuna smiled. "Let them go!"
"Ah ah ah...you have to win the game first. I even got your friends to watch this too.....so here is the rules. You have to find each of her teammates one by one through a house in my forest. It has four floors and a hidden floor. If you find them, then they won't be eaten alive and safe. They will be teleported out of the house to a safe zone." he smiled but the others were nervous.
"However, the longer you take playing...the more painful the punishment will be." He looks to walk over but then grips Ashley's hair forcing her up as she winces from the pain. Her team tries to move but he chuckled. "Meaning, the longer you bored me, the worse 'her' punishment will be. For each time you take too long, I get to have fun tormenting her. So if you don't want her dead...I suggest you be quick in the game." he said but looks to Joshua.
"N..No! I won't let you harm her!" he said about to attack but Sukuna had his hand at her throat to chock her. She twitched from the grip trying to get away.
"Don't try it. I don't want the game to end early so I suggest you behave...or would you like to have her blood gushing out?" he warns but Ashley was indeed chocking crying till Sukuna tightens his hand.
"..O..Okay okay! We'll play your game just please...please stop!" he said for Sukuna to smile. He saw her cough trying to get some air before throwing Ashley over his shoulder.
"Good. Now, I'll give your fraction a head start...." he said to snap his fingers sending his clones to take her team away to hidden locations but he keeps Ashley while he grins to look at Joshua and his knights of darkness.
"With that...let the games begin."
That was hours ago, knowing Joshua and his team did find others on the three floors. They found T-bone who was hanging upside down bloody from his arm being broken but he was alive. Maggie was worried but she was thanking Joshua and them for finding him with Ink and the others comforting her.
They even found Timmy in a steel cage as he was stuck in some trap. He had some scorched marks but he was alright, much to Taz relief she was happy he was safe too. Even after them having some trouble with looking through this floor, Joshua did hear familiar cries of pain from Ashley signaling Sukuna was bored.
On the second floor, they were able to find Hiroshi that was fighting for his life when two of Sukuna's pets were ambushing him after they ganged up on him. He was heavily wounded but was treated in a way since Hex was also hidden somewhere but they didn't find him yet. Of course Hellmare was concerned but deep down she was furious at Sukuna for such a sick game.
On the third floor, they are on right now and was able to save Hex who was looking like something attacked him. He had a deep injury in his side to Ophelia's horror but he was saved by them and is treating the others in the save zone. However, before he got taken out, he did give a warning to Joshua and them.
'S..Sukuna has Ashley on the last f..floor...but he told me to tell you guys you have only 2..2 minutes t..to save her. Please..please you have to save her...'
This is what he said before being teleported out of the house to the safe zone. He was safe thank god but Ophelia was crying happy he was safe but scared for the others. Now it came to them seeing the group trying to get to Ashley.
"This is fucking insane! Why is Sukuna even doing this shit!?" Navarro was worried about both Joshua and Ashley's teams but Ink said nothing looking at the screen of something one of Sukuna's clones gave her and the other fraction leaders in New York. But she also knew Rex was more than pissed seeing this asshole do this to his sister.
"I don't know Navarro..but we can't do anything remember? He warned us if we tried to get involved he would have killed both Joshua and Ashley's teams with them too." Ink said even if her hand closed into a fist, she was angry deep inside.
"She's right. Even if we did, Sukuna hates that. We have to play by his sick rules....." Jinx said on a joined video call with the other fraction leaders watching in worry.
"All we can do is watch.....but we have to obey him or we would be in deep shit too." Fin said hating this too even with his boys worried about the two fractions in this sick twisted game. It was painful to watch even Ahmed was speechless but also furious.
"It's still bullshit. Damn that asshole.." Kali was angry that Sukuna did this but she was more worried about her boyfriend Rex who was furious. He didn't say it but she could tell from how deadly his aura was. He wanted to get at Sukuna for what he was putting his sister through but she only can try to comfort him to her best ability.
"Rex, don't worry I know they will be okay. She and Joshua will be okay." she tells him this holding his hand since her fraction was visiting his but Rex only looks to her hand holding it. Kali could feel it shaking. He was worried, deadly worried about them and his sister. All he could do was watch along with his team.
"Even so, it seems Joshua and the others were able to find everyone but Ashley. Hex said something about her being on the last floor?" Yuuka said worried.
"He did but he also said he only had 2 minutes to find her. What did he mean by that?" Guam didn't like it. Not one bit. What did Hex mean by that?
The other fraction leaders, Matt, Willow, and Ethan were not in this video call but Sukuna has already bothered them so they were resting up from it. He was focusing on the ones here in New York. With the warning from Hex in their minds, they keep watching before seeing Joshua getting to the last floor with his fraction. It looks a lot more worse that monsters were here but he didn't care. Joshua saw this but his team was ready to fight through before hearing Sukuna's voice.
"You all made it...but you have 1 minute to find your precious butterfly. I've already had fun playing with her so I hope you can find her." he said but Joshua was worried.
"What do you mean!?" he said seeing the monsters noticing them.
"Well, true you did save her teammates....I got a bit bored so...I had a few swings..." he chuckled shocking the knights but the leaders too.
"Lets say I was bored but you all should know me by now..I don't play fair. So, if you want to find her before times up..get going...." he said before sending his pets after Joshua and his team! Right away, they fighting off the monsters but the fraction leaders were worried seeing this.
"Come on guys!" Ink said seeing this worried.
"You can do this! Please you have to get to Ashley!" Rex said seeing the screen.
"Be careful!" Fin said seeing some trying to attack them with Guam worried too.
"Be careful you guys!" Yuuka said worried for them but worried for Ashley too. Who knows what Sukuna has done to her!!! It leaves a bad feeling in her chest. Something bad was going to happen. The fraction leaders were shouting for Joshua and his team, seeing them fighting through. They had to find Ashley on this floor only to hear Sukuna's voice.
"Tick Tock, little knights. Your running out of time."
"Tch...." they had to hurry trying to Find her! They didn't get a good feeling of what Sukuna did to Ashley or what he could have done. But time was ticking now!
'Hold on Ashley, please hold on! Were almost there!' Joshua thought in his mind seeing his team fighting off Sukuna's pets on the forth floor.
Even from this, Sukuna was having so much fun with this little game of his to check the time seeing his prisoner who was shaking scared but he had her trapped against the wall. Though, Joshua was able to cut down one of his pets as the others were panting fighting them.
'You got 60 seconds knights. I thought you wanted to save her?'
"What?!" they checked hearing the worried voices of the team but they just finished off the last one.
'40 seconds....'
The group still kept looking around but they were hearing Sukuna counting down the seconds so it only made them try faster.
'Heh, well, you had some time but you wanna save her? Then find her...you have 10 seconds.'
He was serious!? More worried, Joshua was quickly trying to look for where they were on this floor with his team looking around too. Some of the doors were locked, others blocked off. Even some not opening.
That's when Sukuna begins counting down.
The knights were scrambling around trying to find where they were to save Ashley.
'NO no no no no no no! Where is she?! No no no!' Joshua kept looking but he even saw Angel check to see two double doors. "Joshua, I found two doors!" he rushes over with the others trying to open the door but it was jammed!
They begin trying to ram the door open even with the key hole messed up. He didn't want Sukuna to hurt her! He had to get inside.
He begins looking more worried but he and Angel takes steps back with the others getting out the way before they come rushing to the door.
As that countdown went on the last second, the door got rammed down by the two as they showed up in a more larger room. Giant windows were seen showing some thunder and rain from Sukuna's world. The team were there but they looked seeing Sukuna! He was in his real form but his back was showing but Joshua was looking ahead.
"SUKUNA!" He heard Joshua's voice but he didn't face them.
"Well well well....you arrived." he chuckled but a sick smile shows on his face. "But your a tad seconds late.." He turns to face them but that's when Joshua's eyes widen in horror seeing the view.
Sukuna was coated in blood but he was holding something in his hand...a bloody beating heart. He looks seeing the other members gasped in horror. Angel felt sick with Robert who saw.
However, Vanessa, Sydeia and Eli felt tears coming from their cheeks when seeing who the heart belonged too. Laying against the wall was Ashley but she was coated in blood with her eyes half way open. One of her arms were cut off. One leg was broken, stabbing injuries were present along with some cuts. Tears were seen and she looked like a bloody mess!
And Sukuna knew the other leaders saw this too.
Ink's grey eyes were widen in true horror seeing what he has done. The others were the same that even Maggie had to cover Gerald and Taz's eyes as they saw but was shaking and crying.
Jinx's own heart stopped seeing that but her girls were horrified with some covering their mouths with tears showing. This was not happening. It was not happening!
Kali was horrified as well but Rex was too that he claws the desk with tears running down his cheeks. Their teams were stunned but felt sick to their stomachs.
Fin along with Ahmed not knowing what to say but his hand tightens to a fist.
Guam was speechless but others looks away not wanting to see this. Sukuna was a true monster even to what he said is true; he never shows mercy even when it comes to his own sick twisted games.
Yuuka was shaking but her eyes were wide, tears running down her cheeks seeing this but she made sure Daniella didn't see this. Her eyes were covered while ears too.
Seeing the teams reactions, Sukuna smiled looking at them and showing the heart. "Poor thing. She was really fun to play with and having such a lovely heart beat too. Maybe you guys should have been a bit faster then I wouldn't have gotten bored........." he laughed but Joshua felt his heart breaking.
"A..Ash....oh god Ashley..." he was shaking feeling sick from this but he was feeling tears forming. The others were in much shock to see this that they saw Sukuna smile.
"Though, torturing her was a bit boring so..I did make it a bit more fun. How's that for a little time game!" Sukuna said laughing but he saw Joshua quickly looks down only for him, feeling his hands shaking to summon his green lightsabers.
"You.....YOU MONSTER!!" he cries out to attack but Sukuna deflects it while he moves to disappear but he then kicks the fractions forward as they tried to fight him but he only laughed hitting them away like flies. That's when he snaps his fingers only to show that his pets were back growling at the group. The others were ready to fight but they backed up that Joshua looks then saw Ashley's body.
Seeing this upset him but he quickly looks to her. "A..Ashley?...Ash..n..no...please no. Please..please don't leave me. Don't be dead please......" He touches her cheek as he saw her eyes still half way open but he only shook for tears to form. However, he got nothing for him to start sobbing hugging her.
"I'm sorry..I'm so so sorry..." he said but that's when he heard his teams scream looking to see Sukuna's pets now trying to tear them apart. He was about to move to help them but Sukuna shows up in front of him but looks down.
"And this is what I told you before..you wanna be more of a threat?" he chuckled but grabs Joshua by the jacket forcing him up. "Get a tougher attitude." he said as he hits him hard in the face to knock him out. He drops him beside Ashley but hearing the screams of the others as he was laughing insane like. Joshua was shaking but he looks to Ashley's hand reaching for it even if he was crying however that's when he blacked out.
"Joshua?..Joshua? Wake up..please wake up...."
He heard a voice speaking to him but he was too tired to hear anything. Joshua didn't move till he felt someone holding his hand that he slowly opens his eyes to some light but he only blinks slowly before closing his eyes.
He only turns his head but he blinks again to open them. It seems he was in some room but it looked familiar then saw three people he knew. In a moment, he sits up quickly only to be held back down carefully.
"Easy.....don't move too much.." Opheila said worried while she along with Hex who was bandaged up and healed and Swan as well being there. He winces from the soreness of his body seeing the familiar three.
"Swan...O..Ophelia...Hex?..W..wait where am..."
"Your at our base, Joshua." Ophelia said worried while she was looking to him. "After..what happened, the other fractions rushed to help you guys when finding you all knocked out on the ground. We were able to find you guys and bring you back.."
"....." He didn't remember he passed out but he remembers what happened only for his eyes to widen. "W...wait! What about my team..a..and...." he couldn't say it only to say but Hex looks to him.
"........They are fine. They are resting in the other room by yours. They suffered from some attack from the monsters, they were safe." he said.
".....T...then you....did you.." he didn't say feeling like he failed Ashley after what he saw. However, the three sighed to Ophelia looks to him.
"...Joshua, she.....she's fine." Ophelia said but Joshua looks quiet that he was about to cry.
"......She's not is she?..I..I saw what he did. He had...he had her.."
"W..we know..but no, she is." Swan said but Joshua was silent to look confused. "I..I don't.."
"Even after 'He' had his fun, we found Ashley laying on the side but her heart was put back. He healed her but he did say he had fun playing and wanted to...have more fun." Swan shudders disturbed.
"So..he already went ahead to heal her and she is fine. Weak and fine.." To prove it, Ophelia moves to show someone else sleeping. It shows someone that made him silent.
Ashley was laying there but she was bandaged up but was slowly breathing. So it was true!? He looks shocked seeing this but was looking.
"T..then she..he..."
"He healed her as Swan said. But she is alright Joshua...she is alright.." Hex said but that is when Joshua looks to lay back and yet he covers his face to sigh.
"T..thank god..s..she's alright..I....she.." the three healers were quiet to see him now crying as he begins sobbing as they were worried about him. They did their best to calm him while the leaders were outside of the room to wait. Later, Rex did visit his sister but he was also checking on Joshua.
"..Rex I'm..I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry I failed in protecting her. I never meant for her to...go through that." he said feeling like he did but Rex shook his head.
"It's fine Joshua. This was not your fault, it was that monster's fault. You didn't expect this to happen. No one did..." he looks to his tired sister while she was resting in bed. "Besides, I'm happy that she is safe and alive even if that asshole healed her it still was disturbing to see her...like that." he said but Joshua looks to him.
"B..but..he just....I remember he.."
"Remember what? He's never fair in his games....we saw that when he did the same to the girl fraction leaders and the other sick games he had." Rex was angry with him but he calms down to look at him but felt Kali resting her hand on his back.
"So it seems even now he is bored but I also know that Cal is furious with him but he is happy his heir is alright. I will say thank you for helping the others and trying to get to her. I just....I know it was painful to even see that." he mutters only for Joshua was quiet. Rex then sits by his sister but looks to her while looking at her resting face.
"Even so, I'm sorry..I didn't want this to happen to Ashley Rex. But...." he tried to say but Rex understood.
"I know.." he said as the two were quiet with Kali sighed worried. She did go to tell the others Ashley was alright but after this game, it was a hard night again.
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stolasbuckzo · 3 years ago
Stolas of the Ars Goetia
Bryce Pinkham (series)
Brock Baker (pilot)
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Theme song(s):
Legs - Myrah Marie (🤣)
Owl in a Cage
Fave quote (canon):
“Never seemed to be an issue, *chuckles* I guess you were just... creative.” — Stolas talking about his and Blitz’s height differences
“Oh, darling,” Stolas drawled, voice honeyed with condescending venom. “It truly wounds me to say this, but it appears you’re confused—likely from the severe lack of air reaching your brain. You see, I am the manager… of the clientele. And by that, I mean I’m the last thing standing between you and a lifetime of disappointment for calling me to solve your sad little coupon conundrum.” His tone sharpened, biting through the air with a feral undertone as he added, “So why don’t you save what’s left of your dignity and scamper off to complain to someone who doesn’t cringe at your unwashed energy?”
He gave a dark, humorless chuckle and whispered in a sugary tone, “And no, I’m not going to hold while you search for your last two brain cells. Good luck with that, by the way… so with that have a magical day.”
Social standing:
Royalty (formerly)
Commoner (currently)
Sex: Male
Species: Demon (barn owl)
* Human (disguise) (formerly)
(Also can technically turn into any of Hell’s race of his choosing with magical abilities)
Sexuality: Gay
Standard English 🇬🇧
<> RP (Recieved Pronunciation) dialect
Relationship Type: Monogamous (canon)
Height: 11ft tall
Zodiac sign: Libra ♎️ (theorised)
• Prince of the Ars Goetia family (formerly)
<> Host of Moon Harvest Festival (formerly)
• Benefactor of I.M.P (formerly — post 2x08)
• Receptionist of I.M.P (currently)
King of the Ars Goetia
10 years old in 2x01 “The Circus” and was betrothed to Stella at that age (flashback)
17 years old >>> when Octavia was born
30 years old
RP (Tixel):
30 years old >>> exposition >>> (Chapter 2: Outcast)
36 years old >>> 6 years >>> (Chapter 3: Dead to Me)
46 years old >>> 10 years >>> (Chapter 9: Crossovers)
Rings (residing):
• Pride >>> Imp City
<> Goetia Mansion (formerly)
<> Blitz’s apartment (currently — 2x11)
• Sloth>>>St An’s hospital (temporarily— 2x04)
• Alcoholic
• Cheater (due to the fact that Stolas was NEVER in love with Stella and had endure her abuse for 17 years)
• Severe depression
• People pleaser (which is actually a trauma response)
• Smoker
• Simping (formerly)
• Emotional aphasia (yes it’s an actual thing)
• Married single dad
• PTSD (via Stella)
• Asperger syndrome
• Saviour complex (HC)
• Literacy
<> Reading
<> Writing
<> Education
• Sharp wit
• Storytelling
Romantic interest(s):
• Blitz (de facto partner)
• Better Than Blitzo incubus (made out with)
AU & RP:
• Francois DuPont (OC)
• Corvo (RP) >>> Tixel
* Status: Sexually attracted
• Angel Dust (FWB) — fanfic
* Best gay friend
* Coworker
• Thunder Howler (OC)
• Vassago (“The Butterfly Effect fanfic”)
• Flirting with Blitz
• His daughter (familial way)
• Having sex with Blitz (S3????)
• Watching soap operas
• Listening to songs
• Reading books
• Eating rats
• Gardening
Other (AU & RP):
• RuPaul’s Drag Race
• T.J.’s stims
• Being Blitz’s husband
• Flirting with Corvo
• Storytelling
• Flirting with Thunder (“rebound”)
• Bantering
• Sitting on the corner of Blitz’s desk (Fran Fine style 🤣)
• Stella and Andrealpus’s servitude
• I.M.P. being careless on Earth
• Octavia being in danger
<> Octavia being upset
• Being lonely (formerly)
• Blitz being in danger
• Lerato (RP)
• T.J.’s misunderstanding of accents and dialects
• Royce Sinclair (RP)
• Anyone meddling with his and Blitz’s relationship
• Axel Buckzo (rp— The Butterfly Effect)
Daughter: Octavia of the Ars Goetia
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Other: (Semi-canon):
De-facto partner: Blitz Buckzo
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Stepdaughter: Loona Buckzo
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Mother-in-law: Tilla Buckzo (Sr) (✝️)
Surrogate brother-in-law: Moxxie Knolastname
Surrogate sister-in-law: Millie Knolastname (carrier)
Estranged family:
Brother-in-law: Andrealphus (TBA)
Father: Paimon of the Ars Goetia
Wife: Stella (S3???)
Father-in-law: Cash Buckzo
Sister-in-law: Barbie Wire
RP (Tixel):
• Axel x T.J. = Tixel
(biological) Daughter: T.J. Buckzo (OC)
Status: Ars Goetia (fake)
(stepson) Son: Nikolas Buckzo-Mayday
Status: Ars Goetia
(1#) Son-in-law: Rimon Shiv (invalid)
Granddaughter: Azrael Shiv
Grandson: Shiv AKA “Vish”
(2#) Son-in-law: AxelBuckzo
Grandson: Axel “A.J.” Junior Buckzo
Deadname: Angel
Granddaughter: Abria Buckzo-Beaufoy
• Vampiric name: Ria
• Pronounced: Aria
Granddaughter-in-law: Snow Dust (via being married to A.J.)
Grandson-in-law: Samael Beaufoy (via being married to Aria)
Great-grandson: Claudius Beaufoy (offspring of Aria and Samael)
RP 2# (Sterosika):
• Stuart x Verosika = Sterosika
Status: Discontinued
Son-in-law: Asmodeus (betrothed in exchange for information about Valentino the father of Hope after his violation against T.J.)
Granddaughter: Hope of the Ars Goetia (✝️)
Status: Resurrected by Nurgle
Coparents: Verosika & Stuart (for T.J.)
RP 3# (Blitzika):
• Blitz x Verosika = Blitzika (before breakup)
Status: Discontinued
Family name:
• Ars Goetia (formerly)
• Buckzo (RP/AU) 🤭
• Striker (attempted assailant)
• D.H.O.R.K.S agents
• Andrealpus
• Stella
• Employees of I.M.P (coworkers)
• Mister Butler (former family butler)
• Asmodeus (acquaintance)
• Unnamed bodyguards
• Fizzarolli (acquainted)
• St An’s hospital staff
Royce Sinclair (Turf Wars)
• Prince Sleeps-A-Lot (by Blitz)
<> Creepy Mouth AKA One Night Stand Bird Dick (as Blitz’s contacts >>> in the pilot episode)
Updated: Stols (via Blitz’s phone contact)
<> My Bottom
<> Buddy
<> Big Bird
• Dad (by Octavia)
* Daddy (by young Octavia)
• Young Prince (by Mister Butler)
• My Dark Lord (by Asmodeus)
• Your Highness (by Moxxie)
• The Owl Boy (by Paimon)
• Sir (by his bodyguards)
• Feathers (by Striker)
• Ditzy Blueblood (by Striker)
• The Bird (by Millie)
• Lanky Bird (by Striker)
• Blue-blooded bird (by Sallie May)
• Freshest Ex (by Verosika)
* Honey
* Babe
• My Little One (by Paimon)
• Birdy Babe (by Asmodeus)
• Dad (by Loona & T.J.)
• D&D (to Stolas and Blitz by T.J.)
— Dad & Dad
• G&G (to Stolas and Blitz by their grandchildren; Aria and A.J.)
— Grandad & Grandad
• Medusa (by Royce)
<> Tyto Alba 🤣
• Dove (by Blitz)
<> Owlie
<> Prince-y
<> Songbird/lovebird
<> Sto-Sto
<> Birdie
<> Starshine
• Musical talent
* Singing
• Gardening
• Drawing
Unique: (formerly)
* Portal creation - Stolas can create portals (as any other Goetia can) without the help of his grimoire which can be seen in “Truth Seekers”, “Seeing Stars” and “Ozzie’s” as a prime example
• Reanimation - meaning Stolas can selectively, depending who it is, bring people back to life after being killed
• Electrokinesis
* Petrification
* Possession
* Telekinesis
* Demon transformation (formerly)
* Human shapeshifting (formerly)
* Flexible head
Caws - When agitated or doesn’t like something as seen in 2x01 “The Circus” when Stella had badmouthed Stolas
Squawks - similar to a cockatiel when surprised seen in 2x04 when Striker aggressively grabbed Stolas by the back of his head
Hoots - when laughing at something or someone’s joke seen in 2x01 & 2x02 both times with Blitz
Appearance / personality:
Stolas is tall and slender with a heart shaped facial disk (similar to a barn owl) and small black, slightly curved, beak. He has two pairs of almond-shaped red eyes, one set atop the other, with no visible irises or pupils, albeit white highlights do occasionally appear when he is excited. (On a side note, he also does wear guyliner mascara)
He has gray-blue feathers, which gradients to dark gray-blue on his head and long, plume-like tail. He has a lighter gray-blue puff of fur on his chest. His limbs are long, thin, and black, and his feet are tipped with owl claws.
Although he frequently changes clothes, Stolas is often seen wearing a deep red tunic with six linked golden buttons down the breast, and beige breeches.
He accessorizes with a feathery tophat that features a regal gold crown encircling it, as well as a long burgundy cape, tattered at the hemline, with a plush ermine-look fur collar, and long black gloves with white feathered trims at the elbows.
Human form (formerly):
In Stolas’s human disguise, he has light white skin. His hair is a light grey. His sclerae are white yet retain the red irises.
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His outfit changes (form his regalia when in demon form) to a red tunic with greyish puffy sleeves and a red bow tie
Demon form (formerly):
Stolas in his demonic form is black and red, and slightly larger than he is in his standard form. Everything else changes except for his eyes which pretty much stay the same
When he opens his beak he has more demonic-like sharp teeth and a prominent forked tongue
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How would you describe Stolas’s personality?
As an adult:
• Mature
• Assertive (S2)
• Fiercely protective (especially when it comes to his daughter)
• Husbandly (towards Blitz; 2x02)
• Expressive
• Hopeless romantic
• Paternalistic
• Awkward
• Sensitive
• Oblivious
Other (uncharacteristic):
• Calculated
• Indifferent
• Flirtatious (disrespectful)
• Arrogant
• Promiscuous (theorised)
• Dominant (2x02)
• Insightful
• Depressive (2x11)
As a child:
• Determined
• Cheerful
• Positive
• Playful
• Naive
• Nerdy
• Indifferent
• Sexually oriented
• Possessive
• Calculated
• Authoritative
2x02 - Seeing Stars
• Stolas is seen picking out sunglasses and placing them on top of his head. This action references his two sets of eyes, which are present in his natural demonic, owlish form.
<> Additionally, earlier in said episode, a reminder appears on Stolas’s phone for “Deal @ Ozzie’s” set for three days later. This strongly hints at a connection to the Asmodean Crystal, a theory later confirmed in the episode “The Full Moon.” and then was actually used by Blitz in the episode “Apology Tour” onwards
2x04 - Western Energy:
• At the end of the episode, it was revealed that Stolas—referencing a conversation from a couple of texts ago—was attempting to resolve the tension stemming from the incident at Ozzie’s with Blitz. Despite Blitz’s reluctance to address the issue directly, Stolas reassured him that their arrangement didn’t need to be transactional; Blitz could keep the grimoire, even for a longer period, without any expectation of intimacy. However, Stolas expressed a deep desire to see Blitz again, even as Blitz’s responses appeared indifferent.
That said, it’s worth considering the ambiguity of Blitz’s texts. Perhaps his brevity—like typing “y?”—wasn’t indifference but a genuine, albeit curt, question. Stolas might have been reading tone into the exchange, projecting more negativity than was intended. After all, Blitz didn’t begin to truly fall in love with Stolas until Season 2, Episode 2 (“Seeing Stars”), though the emotions were bubbling beneath the surface.
Adding another layer of complexity, we know Blitz has dyslexia, which likely affects his spelling and text style. His inability to write “why” clearly could inadvertently come across as “dry texting” to someone like Stolas. Whether Blitz was genuinely indifferent, struggling with his words, or simply misinterpreted remains unclear—something that can only be resolved when they finally talk it out. After all, tone is notoriously difficult to gauge over text.
• Stolas only calls Blitz by his preferred name out of either seriousness or appreciation
Stolas now addresses Blitz by his preferred name during face-to-face interactions, a meaningful shift that underscores a newfound respect for Blitz’s boundaries and desires—far more than what was evident in Season 1. The casual, unchecked use of “Blitzy” has given way to a more intentional and measured approach, signaling Stolas’s personal growth and emotional awareness in season two. This subtle, but deliberate, change reflects his understanding of Blitz’s comfort and autonomy, reinforcing their evolving dynamic.
(This reveals that he’s not as oblivious as we initially assumed. It suggests that he may be what I refer to as a “delayed thinker”—someone who doesn’t process or fully reflect on a situation until later. This trait, in turn, highlights his underlying intelligence, as it demonstrates a capacity for deeper thought and analysis over time as we’ve seen between 1x07 and all throughout S2 which has actually given him more than enough time to think about the events of his and Blitz’s relationship)
Yet, in Stolas’s phone contacts, “Blitzy” remains untouched— at the end of “Western Energy” episode — a quiet, sentimental holdover. It’s not an act of defiance against Blitz’s wishes but rather a personal comfort, a silent relic of the tenderness and history. He associates with the nickname. For him, that honorific contains memories of unguarded affection, longing, and the vulnerability of a time when he didn’t yet grasp the importance of earning trust or respecting boundaries. In this small, private space, (such as caller ID) “Blitzy” is a reminder of his journey, a bittersweet echo of the love he still holds and hopes to nurture with greater care.
2x05 - Unhappy Campers
2x06 - Oops (cameo)
This episode marked the beginning of Stolas’s character growth from his Season 1 personality. He likely began to subconsciously self-actualize when he arranged the meeting with Ozzie to obtain the Asmodean Crystal, with the physical intention of giving it to Blitz later in The Full Moon episode.
<> Given that Stolas in Season 1 would have never considered letting Blitz go (as harsh as that sounds, it’s probably true), this moment becomes even more significant. It took almost the entire season — minus two episodes — for Stolas to come to the realisation that it was morally wrong to hold the grimoire (the key to his business) over Blitz’s head.
• Stolas mentioned in this episode— albeit very briefly—that he’s a fast reader. Considering he has four eyes, that makes perfect sense, as he likely takes in information at a quicker pace. Pair that with his evident love for wordplay, and it paints a pretty vivid picture of his character. I mean, the man bird could not be any more autistic if he tried 😂
2x07 - Mammon’s Magnificent Musical Mid Season Special (ft Fizzarolli)
2x08 - The Full Moon
It has been observed that when Stolas experiences intense emotions, tears flow from both sets of his eyes, not just the lower pair as depicted in the episode “Ozzie’s.” This detail highlights the depth of his emotional vulnerability, suggesting that his physiology reflects the intensity of his feelings. The dual tears may symbolise the overwhelming nature of his sorrow or emotional release, adding another layer of complexity to his character and further emphasising his expressive, otherworldly nature.
Even more significant is the appearance of Stolas’s white pupils (not counting episodes post 2x11 😂), a visual cue that only manifests during moments of profound emotional impact. This subtle yet powerful detail underscores the depth of Stolas’s connection to Blitz, as his white pupils are typically reserved for instances where his emotions—whether love, desire, or heartbreak—reach their peak. Together, these visual elements not only deepen the portrayal of Stolas’s character but also show how strongly his feelings affect his appearance and behavior.
2x09 - Apology Tour
• Despite Stolas’s quip, “So, what are you doing here then?” after Blitz dismissed relationships as “boring,” there’s a definite hint of playful teasing—like Stolas is poking at something just under the surface. It’s as if, for all his obliviousness, Stolas isn’t entirely clueless; he seems to sense that Blitz might have feelings for him deep down. Stolas may be dramatic (as any theatre kid can get 😂) and a bit naive, but he’s not stupid, and this moment feels like a mix of curiosity and gentle prodding, as if to say, ‘You’re not fooling me—at least, not completely’ or something along those lines. Blitz, of course, isn’t ready to acknowledge it, let alone say it out loud.
Although, since the episode “Mastermind” came out, I’d say Stolas is pretty damn close to figuring it out — once he is out of his depressive state that is — after all, actions speak louder than words. 🤭 Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Blitz finally admitted his feelings and Stolas just looked at him knowingly, as if to say, “I know—it took you long enough.”
• Knowing Blitz’s preference for people dropping the “o” from his name, Stolas still pronounced it when reading out Verosika’s invitation to the Anti-Blitzo party. It was most certainly an intentional jab fuelled by the rising tension between them.
Given their dynamic, and current relationship, it’s easy to imagine Stolas doing it to irritate Blitz, in the same way Verosika would do it prior to this episode ending, though it’s a detail that likely won’t come up unless they address it in conversation.
How do I know this? Because after the “Mastermind” episode, Stolas immediately reverted to using the name “Blitz” — without adding the ‘o’ to his name — So, it was undoubtedly a deliberate choice on his part
• Stolas saying “I don’t look down on you!” might come across as contradictory, but I think it stems from a lack of awareness rather than intentional condescension. He genuinely doesn’t realise how his words or tone come across to Blitz because it’s all he’s ever known. Growing up in a privileged, high-ranking family, Stolas was likely surrounded by attitudes and behaviors that normalised speaking down to imps and others of lower status. It’s
<> This is similar to how someone—particularly an autistic person—might unintentionally use a “rude” or blunt tone without realizing it because they aren’t perceiving the social cues in the same way others do. Stolas isn’t necessarily trying to be dismissive or superior; he simply lacks the self-awareness to recognize how his upbringing and habits influence his behavior toward Blitz. His intentions and his delivery don’t always align, which creates this dissonance.
This mindset is clearly ingrained in Stolas, even if he doesn’t consciously acknowledge or share those prejudices. This is particularly evident in the episode “Loo Loo Land,” where a Young Octavia is depicted surrounded by commoners at the circus—a stark contrast to Stolas’s own upbringing, during which he was kept separate from them by his father on his birthday in the episode “The Circus”
• Stolas drops his formal tone, saying “wanna” instead of “want to” when telling Blitz what he wants in their relationship.
<> On that note it was understandable that Stolas — when emotionally overwhelmed he has aphasia
2x10 - Ghostfuckers
2x11 - Mastermind
Stolas, who’s usually so eloquent and advanced sometimes shows his emotional vulnerability in unexpected ways. When he’s exceptionally distressed or overwhelmed, his smooth, sophisticated speech starts to falter— he stumbles over words, breaks sentences, and even makes little grammar mistakes (for example he actually said ‘I got banish-ed’ in “Mastermind”) . For someone who takes such pride in being refined and well-spoken, these moments stand out. They make his turmoil feel all the more real and relatable, revealing a raw, tender side of him that’s rarely seen beneath his usual composed and otherworldly exterior.
• Since getting banished and being stripped of his title and powers, Stolas’s eyes change in a big way—his once pupilless, otherworldly gaze, now has permanent white pupils (similar to whenever he had intense emotions during a certain scene all throughout S1 and S2; obviously, prior to “Mastermind” ). This shift is a pretty major contrast to how he used to look and seems to show just how much losing his status has affected him (not just emotionally but physically as well in regards of both eyes and hair whilst everything else basically stays the same). What’s interesting is that this seems to be unique to Goetian royals like Stolas, since Stella’s side of the family and even Octavia never had pupilless eyes to begin with. It makes you wonder if those, supernatural eyes are tied directly to their power and authority— once it’s gone, they start to look a little more… mundane
<> However, I do briefly theorise, that Stolas’s current status will likely transform his speech patterns as well. Since he is no longer royalty, (or at least for the next 100 years; which is probably a month and a bit or perhaps even less than that — judging by Andrealpus saying ‘What? NO!’ — in Hell’s timeline) but during that period Stolas would, probably, eventually drop the formalities and begin speaking more like a commoner. For instance, instead of saying “you are,” he might shift to “you’re,” and so on.
Or he might not — considering he does in actual fact love words and witticisms; and it’s just part of his personality that will never change despite being a civilian now (we’ll have to see in the next episode)
2x12 - Sinmas (finale)
• Stolas had still maintained his formal speech — albeit with a bit more vulgarity as he navigated the five stages of grief after coming off his meds — though his appearance now mirrors hat of a commoner.
• After Stolas attempted to call his daughter by using Blitz’s phone, Octavia contact appeared as “Dad [Shitty boyfriend’s phone],” which could hint at a developing father/daughter dynamic between her and Blitz as the season progresses.
Similarly, Blitz’s contact for Octavia is saved as “Via (Stolas’s bird daughter),” which is sweet, as he uses the same nickname Stolas does. This detail might further support the theory of a growing bond between Blitz and Octavia.
• The Karen client’s request for an assassination felt a little too close to home — literally — for Stolas (and, let’s be real, Blitz too) when she hired I.M.P to take out her cheating husband. The request sent Stolas into a spiral of panic, depression, and a hint of suicidal ideation as he wailed that cheaters like the client’s husband — a clear projection of his own guilt — didn’t deserve to live.
• Stolas finally got to live out his fantasy — playing the damsel in distress while Blitz swooped in like a knight in shining armor to rescue him from Andrealphus. Naturally, they capped it off with a romantic kiss in the middle of the battle with his (ex)-brother-in-law.
• Back at Blitz’s apartment, after Loona had her friends over and pulled out the drinks, Stolas noped out the second he saw alcohol — really showing how much he’s struggling with even being around it.
• Stolas leaned away from Blitz’s outstretched hand — but didn’t fully pull back, especially when Blitz gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. He was still feeling guilty about Octavia’s whole “you don’t love Mama, you don’t love me, you love HIM” thing.
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Although — that guilt wasn’t hitting as hard anymore (hello, acceptance), which kicked in the moment he and Blitz shared an intimate dance — complete with mild flirting about their height difference that had Stolas laughing by the end. It was a little reminder that even though he felt like he lost his relationship with his daughter, he still had Blitz and their growing romantic connection.
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javocjovian · 6 years ago
The Road So Far...
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Sarasaurussex’s Masterlist
• Bingos • Bangs • Holiday Events • Other Works • Art
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A Supernatural Menagerie A collection of short smutty Supernatural stories! Mostly for Kink and ABO Bingo, plus a few requests. | Chapter | Title - Ship , Kink/Tag/Prompt | ʟɪɴᴋs | Ch 1 | Dress for Success - Destiel, Clothing Sharing | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 2 | Work, Work, Work - Sabriel, Rimming  | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 3 | Bondage Therapy - Wincest, Bondage | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 4 | Fully Loaded - Sabriel, Breeding Kink (non-ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 5 | Two Feet Under - Sastiel, Footfetish/Breathplay | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 6 | Blood and Flesh, Mind and Soul - Mooseley (Sam x Crowley), Coming Untouched | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 7 | Sensory Overload - Sastiel, Scent Kink | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 8 | How To Make Sammy Sleep - Wincest, Domestic Kink | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 9 | Two Veils To Hide My Face - Wincest, Scent Marking (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 10 | Wet Dreams May Cum - Debriel, Sleeping/First Times | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 11 | Getting To Know You - Sketch (Sam x Ketch), Friends to Lovers/Face Fucking | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 12 | An Angel and Demon In Us All - Meg!Sam x Castiel | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 13 | Exorcising Those Demons - Balthazar x Rowena, Fake Relationships | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 14 | Heaven and Hell - Megstiel, Squirting | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 15 | The Trap - Destiel, sub!Dean/Sex Pollen | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 16 | Ride ‘Em Cowboy - Destiel, Sexuality Crisis | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 17 | Ramble On - Destiel, Oral | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 18 | How To Train Your Demon - Dain (Dean x Cain), Caning | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 19 | Natural Born Leader - Calthazar, Societal Role Reversal (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 20 | Whiskey and Spice - Dean x Ketch, Tattoos/Accidental Scent Bond (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 21 | You’re Mine - Wincest (Demon!Dean x Boyking!Sam), Teasing | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 22 | Blueberry Pie - Wincest, Restraints (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 23 | Down Boy - Wincest, Petplay | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 24  | It’s A Farcical Life - Sabriel, Sam Wesson | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 25 | Table Manners - Wincest, Voyeurism (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 26 | Saving Grace - Castiel/Michael/Lucifer | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 27 | First Blood - Demon!Dean x Boyking!Sam, Bloodplay (Freespace) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 28 | BONUS | Dress For Success with Art by Purgatory-Jar! | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 |
A Close Shave | tumblr | AO3 | Square: Orgasm Denial Ship: Michael!Dean x Sam, implied Wincest Rating: E Word Count: 5,803 Tags: Orgasm Denial, Forced Orgasm, Aphrodisiacs, Multiple Orgasms, Edging, Teasing, Denial, Oral, Anal, Bondage Summary: Michael!Dean returns to his prisoner and has some fun. Part I not necessary.
Wherever I May Roam | tumblr | AO3 | Square: Roleplay Ship: Destiel, Cockles, Dean Winchester x Misha Collins Rating: E Word Count: 11,432 Tags: Angst, Hurt, Comfort, Heartbreak, Idiots to Lovers, Relationships, Emotional Sex, Realism, Condoms and Lube, Caught in the Act, Jensen & Misha & Dean & Castiel, Jared & Sam, Rejection, Arguments, First Time sex, Happy Ending, Fluff Summary: Sam and Dean get sent to another TV Land that’s slightly different than the last. In this version, Jensen and Misha are dating. Can Dean keep it together long enough to be rescued and avoid ruining his precariously platonic relationship with Castiel? (cue Sam laughing in the background)
Show Me Your Moves - sequel in progress | tumblr | AO3 | Square Filled: Neighbors Ship: Destiel (18yo!Dean x hunter!Castiel) Rating: E Word Count: 12,436 Tags: Top Cas/Bottom Dean, technically legal, age gap, enthusiastic consent, porn with plot, hand jobs, blowjobs, rimming, anal, fun positions, coming too early, multiple orgasms, cum licking, mentions of masturbation, lots of lube usage, horny teen Dean, mentions of abusive John, angst, apologies, Castiel is bad at talking, protective lil Sam, after-care, comfort, fluff Summary: While on a hunt, Castiel the slightly-OCD hunter keeps running into a cocky, sarcastic, drop-dead gorgeous eighteen-year-old named Dean Winchester. Turns out the kid is pretty good at punching ghouls, eating all of Castiel’s food, and getting dirty ;D Also appearing:sassy teen Sam (who volunteers at an animal shelter), Ellen and Jo, and a bunch of dogs. Mentions of John, Mary, Bobby, and Castiel’s angel family. 
| SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist (ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ) | SPN ABO Bingo Masterlist (ɪɴ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴇss) |
Catch the Wind - Wincest Big Bang 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | WBB post | Ship: Teencest, Wincest, Wincestiel (at the end) Rating: E Word Count: 21,521 Tags: Flashbacks, Timetravel, Action, Angst,  Hurt/Comort, John Winchester, OC villain, Choices, the Butterfly effect, Changing the past, Wound Care, Making out, Don’t wake dad, Guilt, Healing Sex, Threesome Warnings: Teenaged Wincest (Sam16, Dean20), canon level gore/violence, emotional parental abuse Summary:  When a rogue angel Castiel once spared begins murdering angels on the West Coast, Sam and Dean help Castiel hunt the angel down once and for all. Along the way they find themselves in a place, they stayed in as teenagers. It brings back memories of Sam’s 16th birthday when he was being hunted by a delusional friend of John’s who was determined to stop the next King of Hell. Unbeknownst to Sam, Dean, or Castiel, the past and present are inexplicably intertwined, and sparing the angel in the past has unfathomable consequences for Sam and Dean’s future. Fate, chance, and redemption must all be confronted for the trio to move on.
Lost and Found - Supernatural Trope Celebration 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | STC post | Ship: Sastiel Rating: M Word Count: 12522 Tropes: Amnesia/Memory Loss, Reverse Sex Pollen, Deathbed Confessions Warnings: Mental Heath Issues, Mention of Suicide, AKF Summary: When Sam starts acting strange, Dean’s faith in his brother comes undone, and after a bad fight causes Sam to leave the bunker for good it seems impossible they’ll ever be able to reconcile. But Castiel suspects something more is going on. He finds Sam, only to discover his worst fear: Sam is not himself, and it might be too late to save him. Castiel enlists Rowena to help solve the mystery of Sam’s condition, cure him, and reunite the Winchesters.
Red and Gold - SPN Canon Big Bang 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | CBB post | Ship: Sabriel , Crowbriel (GabrielxCrowley), Crowsabriel (SamxGabrielxCrowley), background Destiel Rating: E Wordcount: 25,906 Warnings: Dub-con Summary: Back from the dead and acting strange, Gabriel finds himself in debt to Crowley. In order to free himself he must fulfill a contract by spying on the Winchesters, who are trying to shut the Gates of Hell. But after Sam catches Gabriel spying on him in the shower (naturally), the contract is voided and Gabriel finds himself enslaved to Crowley as payment. Sam figures out Gabriel’s deal with the devil and tries to help, but ends up caught up in it himself. Eventually, Sam and Crowley discover the cause of Gabriel’s strange behavior, and the unlikely trio of heroes and villains come together to save their favorite feathered frenemy from an even greater threat.
Black Mountain Side - Team Free Will Big Bang 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | TFW post | Ship: Wincestiel, Wincest Rating: E Wordcount: 7,792 Summary: Castiel gets injured on a hunt, causing tension between himself and Dean. Sam is forced to play mediator, but even he can’t predict how the night unravels. Held up in a shack in the mountains, the trio discovers how far they’ll go for each other.
Holiday Events:
Chill Me, Thrill Me: A Supernatural Halloween Story Supernatural Trope Celebration (Halloween Edition) | tumblr | AO3 | Rating: T Trope: For Halloween, I’m Going as Myself Tags: Halloween Party, Costumes, Mystery, Monsters, Hunting, minor Sam Winchester/OC, Making Out, Humor, Holidays Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester get invited to a party on Halloween night, but they have no idea what kind of tricks and treats are in store for them.
What Really Matters Galentine’s Day Fic for @mrswhozeewhatsis​ | tumblr | AO3 | Ship: Castiel x Dean x Reader Rating: E Tags: Grace Healing, BAMF Castiel, Vulnerable Dean, Protective Dean and Cas, Bunker sex, Threesome, Dean in the middle, Sub Dean, Top Castiel, Power-Bottom Reader, Humor, Fluff, Smut Summery: Dean blames himself when you get injured in a fight. Luckily, you and Castiel know just how to bring him around.
A Very Supernatural Christmas Party | AO3 | Ship: Destiel, Sabriel, mild Crowlthazar Tags: Christmas Smut, Destiel Angst (with a Happy Ending), Humor, Pranks Rating: E Summery: Gabriel and Castiel need dates to Metaron’s annual Christmas party. 
Secret Santa Illustrated Fic | AO3 | Rating: G Summery: Crowley comes across a certain celebrity soul in Hell. Written for a fan.
Guess Who’s Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner | AO3 | Rating: G Summery: Sam, Dean, and the gang hit a roadblock on their way to Jody’s for Thanksgiving
Other Works:
Wet Dreams May Cum Debriel Creations Challenge @debrielcc​ | tumblr | AO3 | February Theme: First Times My Prompt: Sleep/Sleeping Ship: Debriel (Dean/Gabriel, Dean/Gabriel/Dream-Gabriel) Rating: E Tags: Somnophilia, masturbation, wet dreams, embarrassment, first time anal (Dean), hand jobs, prostate milking, wings, consensual, mild pain enjoyment, grace sex, grace bondage, induced sleep, bondage via induced sleep, soul fucking, dream control, dream sex, mind-reading, time-loop Summary: Dean has a wet dream about Gabriel, so Gabriel turns it into reality.
The Angel Who Would Be Human | AO3 | Ship: Gabrizar (Balthazar x Gabriel) Kinks: Shower Sex, Bath Sex, Blow Jobs, Sass Rating: E Summery: Balthazar becomes human for a week. Gabriel give shim a place to stay.
It’s Not Gay If You Don’t Hold Hands | AO3 | Ship: Mooseley, Destiel Kinks: So many. Crowley addicted to Sam’s blood, BDSM, Bondage, Shibari Rope, Cock Cages, Destiel Angst, Wing Kink Rating: E Summery: Set in an alternate universe following the conclusion of Season 9, Sam finds Crowley before he joins up with a newly awakened demon!Dean, and Castiel finds Dean before he can run off on his own.  Note: This is my most popular SPN Fic from a few years ago, it’s an unfinished RP
Supernatural x Marvel Mini Bang | AO3 | Rating: T Summery: Mobster AU Crossover featuring the Family Business (Supernatural), the Avengers Assembly (the Avengers/Spiderman), and the L.A. Guardians (Guardians of the Galaxy). Also, Deadpool shows up uninvited.
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Withheld - DeanCas Reverse Bang Art Withheld - DeanCas Reverse Bang Master Post
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I’ll Always Be There - Wincest Reverse Art I’ll Always Be There - Wincest Reverse Master Post
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Snowbound - Wincest Reverse Art Snowbound - Wincest Reverse Master Post
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The Good, the Bad and the Fluffy - Wincest Reverse Art The Good, the Bad and the Fluffy - Wincest Reverse Master Post
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