soupysundae · 3 months
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#luo binghe#shen qingqiu#sha hualing#mobei jun#shang qinghua#bingqiu#scumbag self saving system#scum villian self saving system#svsss#svsss fanart#myart#soupysundaeart#svsssaction#i finally have the opportunity to rant about my thought process and a few of the details but hey#hi if u saw this first on insta and on twitter#but first of all#those border things are specifically zhuzhi-lang’s snakes cute tongue and all was poking out but it doesnt even matter cause theyre covered#almost all texts were handwritten#the toucan touch was a last minute addition as my friends were somewhat with me halfway through making this drawing#“haha there’s two cans on vc because he’s sharing screen of its progress” and then they send multiple toucan pics on the gc#pelt them with rocks#if you think this formating seems somewhat familiar its because i was inspired by a tgcf magazine#orginally the oval at the top right was supposed to be a portion for sqq’s “reaction” to luo binghe coming 2 years earlier#the number 24? my favorite number. no it doesn’t align with the chapter number luo binghe comes back in the novel#the repetition of “next” was accidental. i repeated next twice at first and i said might as well take it a step further and add another one#then the mourning mourning blah text was just to fill up the space#i am so incredibly smart (never)#this binghe is somewhat smaller than the insta and twit post cause i just realized he kinda bothered me so#sucks cause i spotted the error hours later the art posts and it was too late to repost again#but its ok im fine with it (im not)
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yohankang · 2 months
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If you're going to get tattooed anyway, it's better to have what you like.
Let's go karaoke! (2024)
+BONUS: The tattoo Kyoji got in the end:
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jsvausvqbd · 8 days
I can’t stop thinking about Seok ryu and Hyeon Jun. Just how beautiful is it to be able to love and be loved with the same amount of care and dedication? their time together might’ve been short but the impact they had on each other will surely last for as long as their hearts beat
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shiroboom · 3 months
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so that model swap,,,
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mediumsizedpidegon · 1 year
I'm unable to stop thinking about OG!Mobei-Jun. We never meet him like we do Luo Bingge but I have such a strong image of who he is.
To reference a text post I am obsessed with, if Luo Bingge is a male power fantasy, original Mobei-Jun is the ‘one man as an island’ belief. The idea of ‘one man as an island’ is basically the same as the lie of complete self sufficiency.
It means; you don’t NEED help. It means: you are an island, a city, a nation within yourself, and so you are all you need. It means; you aren’t weak and you can do EVERYTHING yourself. And while this isn’t an inherently male concept (everyone can be influenced by it) it does tend to be extra emphasized in male spaces. It’s certainly part of the toxic masculinity package. Because in toxic masculinity, other men are competitors. Rivals. Enemies. You crush them to get what you want and you do it alone.
Airplane takes Luo Bingge and turns a story about the cycles of abuse into the height of male power fantasies. And Airplane thus takes Mobei-Jun and projects his desires to be a one-man-island.
Because islands aren’t lonely. They can’t feel lonely. (You are a one man island and you don’t need people so that means you chose your aloneness. you have control over it.)
And here’s the thing: complete self sufficiency is utter HORSESHIT. ITS A LIE. IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK.
Since complete self sufficiency is a lie, translating Mobei-jun from book to real person gets wayyyy more complicated.
So my view of OG!Mobei Jun is someone who has frozen himself into complete indifference. He’s a man who desperately wants to belong to someone or something but has forgotten how. He’s a closeted romantic who has gouged out all the soft and vulnerable parts of himself. He moves through life as if everything is beneath him and less real than him because if it isn’t then he’ll fall apart spectacularly. He’s a man who’s sat so long with solitude that it’s crystallized him into a moving statue. He’s a flesh and blood person but he is so incapable of letting his guard down that the entire world sees the mountain he wants to be and not the cracks where the illusion fails. He doesn’t know how to live. He refuses to die.
OG!Mobei-Jun is the myth of self sufficiency. And it eats him alive.
He can’t trust his family, so he raised himself while "overseeing his future realm," leading to him being malnourished and touch-starved. He can’t trust his servants, and so he learned how to put on everything himself— in simple styles so that he could do them even injured. He can’t trust his advisors, so his kingdom is governed by fear and precedent rather than understanding. He can’t trust his palace, and so he is short on sleep and good food and relaxation: after all, he must do everything himself and thus he must know everything.
In comparison to SVSSS, original Mobei-Jun is noticeably thinner. He wears makeup to hide the dark circles beneath his eyes. The wound from the Huan Hua dart never healed right: and neither did many, many others. Compared to our Mobei-Jun, he looks…. brittle, with the vicious fear of an animal backed into a corner.
SVSSS Mobei-Jun is taller, bigger. He has that extra essential “I’m not alone and being taken care of” weight. Even just by looking at him, you can tell that he is miles steadier, with people he can trust at his back. He’s not constantly shaking with a combination of touch starvation and paranoia. He has less scars and the ones he does have look better taken care of.
SVSSS Mobei-Jun is just.... a complete antithesis to his original self. A complete deconstruction of the self sufficiency myth.
A one man island wouldn’t be rescued like three times like a damsel in distress! A one man island wouldn’t have a devoted servant to care for him: to heal his wounds and give him food and drink, a place to rest, and information more valuable than gold. A one man island wouldn’t know gentleness if it clubbed him in the head!
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that Shang Qinghua has a MONUMENTAL impact on Mobei-Jun’s life and his entire perception of the world and himself.
This is a man who could have friends! This is a guy who is unguarded enough to actually fall in love! This is a dude who might be close to some distant family members! This is a guy who might have HOBBIES or THINGS THAT MAKE HIM LAUGH!!!! The ripple effect goes and goes and with Shang Qinghua smashing his ‘I need to do everything myself’ belief, Mobei-Jun can relax and actually trust people! Other people even!
Imagine a Mobei-Jun that has not just Shang Qinghua but!! A half sister he really likes!! A couple great aunts he can ask for advice!! Some cousins that have children that call him uncle!! A friend or two!!!!
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aberooski · 6 months
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Meet them at midnight...
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spicyvampire · 1 year
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This man is straight up dying
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xitty · 1 year
Yumenosaki seating charts
These are from Ensemble Stars! Official Works vol. 3 and Ensemble Stars!! Official Works vol. 1.
Ensemble Stars!! (i.e. current until Beyond Turbulent Dreams / A Graduation Standing With You event) Class presidents: Tori (2-A), Tomoya (2-B), Hokuto (3-A), Souma (3-B)
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Ensemble Stars! (i.e. until story moved on to !!) Class presidents: Tomoya (1-A), Tori (1-B), Hokuto (2-A), Mao (2-B), Keito (3-A), Nazuna (3-B) Pink bubble in 2-A is Anzu
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Reminiscences (upper: 1 year ago from ! i.e. when War took place, lower: 2 years ago from ! i.e. when parts of Meteor Impact took place) Class presidents: Keito (1-B two years ago) Note in the down corner says: only showing info available as of June 2021
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candescentkpop · 2 months
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Adila kiya akiya shurapoeh
Seventeen (Performance Unit): Spell
Seventeen Part 35 / ?
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niklausxcaroline · 2 years
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DRAMAWEEN 2022 — another bad boy down (a favorite male character):
I don’t think I have a friend like you. A friend who’s willing to travel back in time to save me. I can at least make one friend who would before I die, right? You have me. I’m on my way.
Lee Jun Hyuk as Ji Hyung Joo  365: REPEAT THE YEAR (365: 운명을 거스르는 1년) 2020, dir. Kim Kyung Hee
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morethanwonderful · 2 years
Which MXTX Character do You Most Want to Study Like a Little Bug?
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Full Bracket
(Bonus match theme: Luo Binghe's daddies)
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kon-konk · 2 months
Imagine being one of the daycare workers at Takuto's daycare. Usually his dad or grandmother comes to pick him up, but occasionally these two guys that Takuto is just as excited to see pick him up instead.
And then one day sweet baby Taku comes in talking about how much his dad was talking about you and has the biggest crush on you, and you assume it must be Jun. You're actually kind of excited about this because Jun seems to be just your type, and you've had a bit of a crush on him since meeting him.
You don't even think anything of the way Taku's "other dads" (as the other daycare workers jokingly call them) seem to be tripping over themselves to flirt you up. It just adds to the assumption that Takuto was talking about Jun, especially when he's red-faced and clearly embarrassed. Obviously they're trying to provoke him into making a move, like all friends do at some point.
What a surprise it is when one day, Yumi or Tsurugi is picking Taku up and shamelessly asks you out. You're a little crushed that it wasn't Jun that Takuto was talking about that day (and many times after, actually), but maybe you should give them a shot? What's the worst that could happen?
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months
Kwon Seung Ho 🤝🏼 Seo Do Young f*cking sh*t up in myriad and vehicular ways for their significant others
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mscoraline · 5 months
Kartki z pamiętnika
Noc była cicha i samotna. Kładąc głowę na poduszce, odetchnęła ciężko na myśl o czekającym ją za kilka godzin nowym dniu, kolejnym początku tygodnia. Poniedziałki nadchodziły zawsze w zastraszającym tempie, nie dając żadnego wytchnienia. Były to dni, pojawiające się chyba najczęściej w całym tygodniu. Nie było przecież możliwe, żeby następowały z taką samą częstotliwością jak choćby czwartki, czy soboty. Przychodziły nagle, odbierając człowiekowi błogi spokój, jednocześnie zabraniając bycia zmęczonym. Bo przecież to dopiero początek. Nie powinno się być zmęczonym, zanim się nawet zaczęło.
Leżała tak, pragnąc jak najlepiej spożytkować przyznany czas. Nie było go wcale dużo. Najchętniej wracała myślami do niego. A raczej jego różnych postaci, odsłaniających codziennie nowe, nieznane wcześniej oblicza, z których każde było równie piękne, jak to poprzednie.
Zastanawiała się czy po raz kolejny znalazła się w tej pułapce, nazywanej przekornie uczuciem fatalnego zafascynowania. Przymknęła oczy, czując żal z powodu własnego stanu. Czy los nie mógł obdarzyć jej nieco mniej wybujałą wyobraźnią i nie tak bardzo głębokim życiem wewnętrznym? Czy zamiast tego nie mogła otrzymać jakichś zaawansowanych umiejętności językowych albo chociaż większej pewności siebie? W końcu, czy będąc już pokaraną tymi przymiotami, nie mogłaby mieć przy okazji… powiedzmy jakichś talentów artystycznych, przynoszących zysk, pomierny do przeżywanego cierpienia? W tym przypadku, byłoby to doświadczenie bolesne, lecz przynajmniej niezwykle dochodowe.
Marzyła, by przyszedł do niej w nocy, tak jak kiedyś. W obecnej rzeczywistości, kontakt przez sen był najbliższy, jakiego mogła doświadczyć. Pamiętała, jak niegdyś przechodzili razem przez jakąś próbę. Teraz nawet nie mogła sobie uzmysłowić, czym ona była i jaki miała cel. Zapewne wówczas wszystko było sensowne i oczywiste, lecz po jakimś czasie przestało takim być. Wtedy martwiła się bardziej o niego, niż o siebie. To musiało być prawdziwe uczucie. Lubiła o tym myśleć właśnie w ten sposób. Dokładnie widziała, jak chciał wchodzić do budynku, z którego cudem udało im się przed chwilą uciec. Po co? Zaśmiała się. Przecież to nie miało teraz żadnego sensu. Ale wtedy było inaczej. Przylgnęła do niego, obejmując z całych sił. Poczuła ciepło jego ciała, spokojny oddech, dotyk dłoni… Miała wrażenie, że mogłaby zostać w tych objęciach już do końca. Było to właściwe miejsce, którego szukała przez tak długi czas. Jego silna postać otuliła ją. Sięgała mu do ramion. I już wtedy wiedziała, że nie chce go więcej puścić. Były to maleńkie chwile prawdziwego szczęścia, którego tak jej brakowało. Z nim wszystko byłoby kompletne.
Ciepłe spojrzenie brązowych oczu, kręcone włosy, opadające na czoło, za duży sweter i narzucony w pośpiechu prochowiec. Tę wersję lubiła najbardziej. Było w niej coś z niespotykanej w tych czasach zwyczajności. Jej właśnie tak rozpaczliwie (i na próżno) szukała w każdym napotkanym mężczyźnie. Jego spokojny, niewinny uśmiech, pozbawiony jakiegokolwiek pozy, czy nonszalancji. Pewna i silna postawa. Duże dłonie, przynoszące ulgę samym swoim widokiem. Melodyjny, niski głos, pełen jakiegoś uroku. Dojrzałość we względnej młodości… Wszystkie te cechy sprawiały, że z każdą sekundą coraz bardziej lękała się chwili, gdy go straci. A to przecież musiało nastąpić z chwilą powrócenia pełnej świadomości. Dobrze wiedziała, że wkrótce znów będzie samotna i pozbawiona oparcia. Dlatego westchnęła głęboko, zwiększając uścisk wokół jego pasa. Opierając głowę na jego piersi obserwowała, jak życie toczy się dalej, niczym akcja filmu sensacyjnego. A oni trwali w tej pozycji jeszcze przez chwilę. Przebudzenie przyszło stopniowo. Najpierw znikało otoczenie, aż w końcu zniknął on. Przez kilka minut wpatrywała się bez celu w sufit swojej sypialni. Nie myślała o niczym konkretnym, rozkoszując się ostatkiem błogiego uczucia spełnienia, które nieubłaganie zanikało. Odgłosy z kuchni i nikłe światło, wpadające do pomieszczenia zwiastowały początek nowego dnia.   
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thoroughlycollected · 2 years
Regarding the MDZS donghua:
So I was rewatching random episodes, as one does, when I got Lan family feelings.
(First, I should say that I’ve long held the interpretation (headcanon?) that in the Lan Sect if the Sect Leader is indisposed then the “heir apparent” takes over until a proper heir is born and old enough to lead. For this reason as long as QHJ is in seclusion, LQR leads. And depending on adaptation LXC is either an adult or coming into adulthood when the Wen attack, meaning that if QHJ is dead afterwards then LXC is the Sect Leader. And if he’s on the run [indisposed] then his “heir apparent” is LWJ! I’m saying I think that one of the reasons Wangji sprinted back to his people after the false Xuanwu cave rescue is because he was worried about his family foremost and concerned he might technically be in charge secondly.)
So anyway, I’m watching the donghua, it’s episode 12, Lotus Pier just got wrecked, Wangji is vining in his Ancestral Shrine, and this Lan Elder approaches Wangji. According to the Tencent youtube channel’s subtitles the conversation goes—
Lan Elder: Wangji
LWJ (bowing in greeting): Great Uncle (Shufu).
Lan Elder: I heard that you’ve sent disciples to Yunmeng and Meishan to look for the Jiang Clan leader’s daughter and son, and his senior disciple.
LWJ: Yes.
Lan Elder: Wangji, this time Wen Clan of Qishan used a heavy hand and destroyed Jiang Clan of Yunmeng in one night. They even hunted down the three young people at that night. With every effort to kill them all. Do you know why?
LWJ: I understand.
Lan Elder: Then why did you have to help Jiang Clan and get yourself in trouble? Wen Clan of Qishan made such a big deal to deter us just to show it’s the unchallengeable leader of the clans. Who obeys will live and who objects will die. Now the rest of the clans avoid confronting them. Our Lan Clan has been hit hard. It’s better to bide our time and focus on building up strength.
LWJ: Great Uncle, the clans are closely related, the others will be in danger if one of them falls. At times like this, we should contend with the Wen Clan together.
Lan Elder: To contend with? Wen Clan of Qishan is so powerful and strong. How’s it possible to get rid of them easily? The one taking this lead will be the target of Wen Ruohan later. The Cloud Recesses is the legacy that our ancestors have built with hundreds of years of efforts. We shall not ruin it.
LWJ: When a nest falls, all the eggs break. And someone must take the lead.
[Lan Qiren enters the scene]
Lan Elder: Just listen to you, why are you so stubborn? notices LQR Qiren, your timing is perfect. Come on, talk some sense into Wangji.
LQR (bowing in greeting): Uncle, I think what Wangji said was totally right.
Lan Elder: What?
LQR: When a nest falls, all the eggs break. Facing such a crunch, all the clans should join their hands to pull through this. Tomorrow, I’ll hit the road to Qinghe.
Lan Elder: Unbelievable!
And then the Elder leaves! And Lan Qiren encourages Wangji, reminding him that the Elder is only worried about the clan, and then asks Wangji for any updates on Xichen. Wangji hasn’t heard anything and he’s like “no news means good news. He’s smart. He’ll survive this.” and then he asks for updates on the Jiang kids!
And like. Imagine Lan Qiren who knows what it’s like to have your older brother suddenly not there, leaving you in a position of authority you weren’t really trained for, supporting Lan Wangji as he tries to lead his family into the beginning of uncertain times with war on the horizon. Where’s the fic about those uncle-nephew conversations?
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fairyhaos · 10 months
i am theeee biggest crow advocate in the entire world like. this song means so so much to me
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