#RED Spy/BLU Spy
kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
TF2 Drabbles: RED Spy/BLU Spy - You're Going to Bail, Aren't You?
Summary: Could you do Red spy x Blu spy? Where the spies are talking to each other, working on a conjoined mission to take down a threat targeting both sides. Red is being slightly panicky, anxious about this threat. Then you have Blu... He is completely calm, stoic, and chill. In other words he doesn't give a fuck, but not for the reasons one expects: He doesn't truly care if he lives or dies forever, but he does care if the others do. He doesn't know how to express much of any emotion genuinely, forcefully taught at a young age to hide all emotions. So for Blu, it may seem he doesn't give a damn, but he really does. So much it hurts. Red figures this out when Blu calms him down, holding his hand and reassuring him that they'll figure this out. Blu sounds like everything is fine and dandy, but Red finally sees how Blu really feels by looking closer: the slightest emotion behind the mask he'd been wearing all his life. I just wanted some hurt/comfort, hopefully this isn't too much.
In only a matter of months, the war against the robots had gone from a stalemate to them winning pretty handily to Respawn being destroyed. Meaning if any of them died, it would be permanent. And if the two Engineers couldn’t find a way to fix or rebuild it, that’s how they were set to spend the rest of the war. Not a comforting prospect given what they were up against.
Probably the only reason they hadn’t been overrun already was because the robots didn’t know their efforts to bomb the base into the ground though mostly foiled, had gotten the Respawn room. Keeping what part of the base it was in hidden, preventing anyone from aiming for it specifically, had been their most important and well kept secret. An investigation had revealed that seemingly no one had leaked it accidentally, it was just plain dumb bad luck that the robots had hit it.
Everyone was shaken by their return to proper mortality. Not that the threat of permanent death had ever been gone completely, there was always the chance Respawn would mess up and bring someone back wrong in some way or fail outright. But it had been so reliable for so long, everyone had made the unspoken agreement to not discuss it, pretend it wasn’t there. Now death was much more of an immediate threat, not something to be ignored, especially in the middle of a war against a robot army.
Pierre wandered through the base, his invis-watch on, stopping to eavesdrop on various conversations. Still no one outright talked about it, that wasn’t the kind of thing that was easy to talk about under even the best circumstances. There was tension to everyone though and it wasn’t the tension from combining RED and BLU into a single team, that had long since faded.
They were all frightened. Even the Medics were less nonchalant in their bearings as they worked in the lab to make more medi-gun fluid – a life safer but alone it could only do so much to prevent death. The Soldiers a bit more subdued and actually somewhat careful as they drilled on the gun range. Tavish was drinking in the common room – likely wherever his BLU counterpart was, was doing the same just alone or with the other folk Pierre wasn’t sure the location of – joined by Mundy, Jeremy and both Pyros. They were playing poker; alcohol and gambling, a good way to avoid the topic even if it hung over the table like a rain cloud about to burst.
The Heavies weren’t too far away, sitting at their own table and sharing a bottle as well. Their conversation was in Russian, not Pierre’s strongest language. But even if he couldn’t parse the meaning of their words, their tone was serious. Likely they were having a deep conversation about life and death. Out of everyone – almost everyone anyway – those two seemed to be taking it the most stoically. Enviable.
The Engineers were working in what was left of the Respawn room. Pierre didn’t step in to listen to whatever kind of conversation they might be having lest it be about how unlikely it was that they could fix it in a timely manner. Instead he continued down the hall, turning into where the bedrooms were. He could go and find out what the rest of the team was up to and later probably would but for now he was fine with his patrol being done.
Louis was still in the room they now shared, seated on the cushioned chair by the coffee table, reading a book. The very picture of relaxed and unbothered. Pierre could just about slap him.
“You’re back.” Louis’ tone as he lowered his book was just as unbothered as his posture and behavior. “Anything interesting to report about the rest of the team?”
“No.” Pierre walked over and sat in the other chair by the coffee table. He was too anxious to sit still for long but he could force it for a little while. “You’re awfully relaxed.”
“Yes. I am sure that it will be fine. Dell and Con are two of smartest people alive, they can fix it.”
Pierre didn’t doubt for a second that if given enough time, those two could rebuild Respawn as if it were brand new, perhaps even make it better somehow in the process. “Can they do it in time though?” With how many robots there were versus only the eighteen of them with no Respawn, they weren’t likely to last long. They could maybe hold the base for a while but… they were bound to lose people no matter what. And eventually they would lose everyone.
“We can only hope that they can and give them the space or whatever assistance they need in order to do so. In the meantime, there is no use worrying about it.”
True. There wasn’t much to be gained from worrying about it. But… Pierre had grown soft whilst working for RED and had only gotten more so since the teams had merged. It wasn’t just his own life or even just his and his son’s that he feared losing but everyone’s else too. He’d let himself grow attached, make friends and maybe even fall in love again. Something that was perhaps a bigger mistake than he ever would’ve thought.
“You’re going to bail, aren’t you?”
Louis was quiet for a moment, his face unreadable even without the mask as he met Pierre’s gaze. “What makes you think that?”
“You’re relaxed as if you really, truly aren’t even a little concerned for your life, let alone anyone else’s. Which is fine. Understandable even. Leaving is the most logical thing to do in this scenario. When the robots come tomorrow – or whenever they do – and kill everyone, it’ll be the perfect cover to fake your death and run away. The higher ups won’t even consider looking for you to punish you for not fulfilling your contract. I wish you luck in it.” Pierre stood and started to walk away.
He didn’t get two steps before Louis grabbed his wrist. It wasn’t forceful, he could’ve broken it easily and marched away, but didn’t. Instead he looked down at Louis, waiting for him to say his piece.
“You’re wrong.”
“Trying to save face, huh? I guess it’s good to know I don’t mean absolutely nothing to you. If you’re planning to ask me to run away with you, I must decline. I… just can’t do that.” He couldn’t bear to leave his friends and estranged son to such a fate.
Louis’ grip tightened on his wrist. “You’re wrong.” It was the first time any emotion whatsoever had shown in his voice since they’d found out Respawn was busted. “You’re wrong. Please do not assume that about me. I would not leave you or any of them to die, not if there’s even a chance I could prevent it. Even if the only thing I can do is delay it, I will by whatever means necessary.”
That was… fear in his voice, fear and desperation, still reigned in but there for sure. His grip was tight enough that it almost hurt as he looked up at Pierre. Mask of indifference finally cracked, his gaze was almost pleading now, pleading that Pierre understand him and the things he couldn’t say. … An act? No, probably not. He’d been good at faking no emotion whatsoever but that was always easier than pretending to feel something one didn’t. And what would there to be gain from such an act anyway?
“It seems I may have been mistaken in my reading of your response to this situation. I apologize.”
Louis grip relaxed as he looked away, almost as if he were ashamed by such a display, as mild as it was. “I…” He paused to take a deep breath, steadying himself before looking at Pierre again. “It is understandable how you came to that conclusion. I don’t fault you for it.” Even though it had clearly hurt him enough to crack his mask, he was no longer letting that show. It was impressive but also… sad. Did he really feel the need to hide his emotions even now that they might all be dead in a matter of days?
Well it’s not like Pierre was exactly talking about his feelings on the matter much either. Really what was there even to say? ‘I don’t want to die.’ ‘I don’t want my friends or son to die.’ ‘I don’t want you to die.’ Emotional conversations were hard when they were real and not done as part of a spying mission.
Pierre returned to his chair. He lifted a hand, placing it on the coffee in offer to Louis. After only a moment of hesitation, Louis took it and even returned Pierre’s light squeeze. Even if they couldn’t talk about it, they could sit here and just be with each other for a bit.
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ncalabby · 4 months
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Operation: Unlikely Allies
page 1/??
please fix the bot and makes mann co. great again
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ozzyeelz · 9 months
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Some of my headcanon looks for the Spies :3
(he/they for Blu and she/he for Red)
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solid-white · 3 months
I love how the entire TF2 community came to the same consensus that BLU has a lot of psychological horror going on while RED lore is that they just teleported bread
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Not enough evidence? Here's something from Lil Pootis.
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It Came With The Rain - FiveBucksWorthy2
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its-desca · 3 months
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homkamiro · 4 months
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Dedicated to my dear friend Lenny
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poison-p1nk · 1 year
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spy portrait. 🚬
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teamfurtress · 16 days
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"Who will you be tonight...?"
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"...that's the question."
[Anatomy and perspective practice with Spy. I noticed how flat my art is, and obviously, I couldn't let that slide.]
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lenny-link · 3 months
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sniper really likes to bug spy about being with his son whenever they meet lol
bonus ;P :
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accoffee7 · 1 year
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Also unfinished but wanted to post.
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reebthebirb · 4 months
TW : blood / gore / severed head
Maid medic & butler medic!
Which do you prefer?
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ncalabby · 4 months
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Someting Fox
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 5 months
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This was an art trade
Speaking of art trades: they’re open buddies. Dm if you’d like to do one with me 😈
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howdylogan · 23 days
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work finished; i approve the blu sniper obsessed headcanon!
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its-desca · 3 months
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Shit ton of Lil Pootis gifs for my own nefarious purposes, part 5
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