andresbravo2003 · 1 month
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Cave Story Running on ReactOS on VirtualBox VM.
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botebot-10 · 11 months
Im super excited for this project's full release!!
Imagine the magic that could be done with an opensource windows operating system!
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Its pretty retro and unstable rn, but it will get there and it will be great!!
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roomwithavoid · 4 months
finding an operating system to replace windows 10 (since it’s losing support) has been a fucking nightmare. i’m not using windows 11 cause they’re doing that bullshit “we own your computer actually” thing. i tried mint cinnamon but my computer would start freezing (often to the point of needing a restart) after only like an hour of use. i tried zorinOS but it somehow made my computer even slower?? i was tempted to try reactOS because i heard it can run windows stuff but then i learned it’s been in beta for 30 years despite apparently being actively worked on? and when i looked into people who have it they were all talking about constant blue screens.
im honestly at a fucking loss man. i think what im especially frustrated about is that linux mint cinnamon improved the performance for both my and my partners’ laptops, but the second it goes on my actual desktop computer it makes everything freeze for some reason? make it make sense.
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pacanosiu · 1 day
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fernando-arciniega · 28 days
Diferencias entre sistemas operativos comerciales y de libre distribución
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En el mundo de la informática, los sistemas operativos son el corazón que permite a los usuarios interactuar con sus dispositivos y ejecutar aplicaciones. Sin embargo, no todos los sistemas operativos son iguales. Existen dos grandes categorías: los sistemas operativos comerciales y los de libre distribución. En esta entrada de blog, exploraremos las diferencias clave entre estos dos tipos, analizando sus características, ventajas, desventajas y algunos ejemplos representativos.
¿Qué es un sistema operativo comercial?
Un sistema operativo comercial es un software que se desarrolla, distribuye y vende por una empresa con fines de lucro. Este tipo de sistemas operativos generalmente requiere la compra de una licencia para su uso legal y suelen venir preinstalados en dispositivos nuevos. Características de los sistemas operativos comerciales: - Licencia de uso: Se necesita comprar una licencia para utilizarlo. - Soporte técnico: Generalmente, ofrecen soporte técnico especializado. - Actualizaciones: Las actualizaciones son controladas por la empresa que desarrolla el sistema. - Compatibilidad: Alta compatibilidad con aplicaciones y hardware propietarios. Ejemplos de sistemas operativos comerciales:
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- Microsoft Windows: Es el sistema operativo comercial más popular, ampliamente utilizado en computadoras personales y estaciones de trabajo. - macOS: Desarrollado por Apple, es exclusivo para los dispositivos de la marca, como las MacBooks y iMacs. - Solaris: Aunque está basado en UNIX, Solaris es un sistema operativo comercial desarrollado por Sun Microsystems (ahora propiedad de Oracle).
¿Qué es un sistema operativo de libre distribución?
Un sistema operativo de libre distribución, también conocido como "open source" o de código abierto, es aquel cuyo código fuente está disponible para el público. Esto permite a los usuarios y desarrolladores estudiar, modificar y distribuir el software de manera libre. Características de los sistemas operativos de libre distribución: - Código abierto: El código fuente está disponible para que cualquiera lo modifique y distribuya. - Licencia gratuita: No requiere el pago de licencias, aunque algunos servicios o distribuciones específicas pueden tener un costo. - Comunidad de soporte: El soporte técnico suele provenir de la comunidad de usuarios y desarrolladores. - Flexibilidad: Los usuarios pueden personalizar el sistema operativo según sus necesidades. Ejemplos de sistemas operativos de libre distribución:
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- Linux: Es el sistema operativo de código abierto más conocido, con diversas distribuciones como Ubuntu, Fedora, y Debian. - FreeBSD: Basado en UNIX, es un sistema operativo de código abierto utilizado tanto en servidores como en computadoras personales. - ReactOS: Es un sistema operativo libre que busca ser compatible con aplicaciones y controladores de Windows.
Tabla comparativa: Sistemas operativos comerciales y de libre distribución
CaracterísticaSistemas Operativos ComercialesSistemas Operativos de Libre DistribuciónLicenciaRequiere pagoGeneralmente gratuitaCódigo fuenteCerrado al públicoAbierto y modificableSoporte técnicoOfrecido por la empresaOfrecido por la comunidadCostoAlto, por la compra de licenciasBajo o nuloPersonalizaciónLimitadaAltaCompatibilidadAlta con hardware y software propietariosPuede variar según la distribuciónSeguridadControlada por la empresaRevisada y mejorada por la comunidad Ventajas y desventajas Ventajas de los sistemas operativos comerciales: - Soporte dedicado: Las empresas desarrolladoras suelen ofrecer soporte técnico oficial. - Compatibilidad: Amplia compatibilidad con aplicaciones comerciales y hardware. - Actualizaciones regulares: Garantía de actualizaciones y parches de seguridad periódicos. Desventajas de los sistemas operativos comerciales: - Costo: Es necesario pagar por licencias, lo que puede ser costoso a largo plazo. - Menor flexibilidad: Limitada capacidad de personalización debido a la naturaleza cerrada del código. Ventajas de los sistemas operativos de libre distribución: - Costo: Gratuitos o de bajo costo, lo que los hace accesibles para todos. - Flexibilidad: Alta personalización, con la capacidad de modificar el código fuente. - Seguridad: Revisión continua por parte de la comunidad, lo que puede mejorar la seguridad. Desventajas de los sistemas operativos de libre distribución: - Compatibilidad: No siempre compatible con todos los dispositivos y aplicaciones. - Soporte: El soporte técnico depende en gran medida de la comunidad, lo que puede ser limitado o poco accesible. La elección entre un sistema operativo comercial y uno de libre distribución depende en gran medida de las necesidades específicas del usuario o de la organización. Si se busca un sistema fácil de usar, con amplio soporte y compatibilidad, un sistema operativo comercial podría ser la mejor opción. Sin embargo, para aquellos que valoran la libertad, la personalización y el ahorro de costos, un sistema operativo de libre distribución es una excelente alternativa. Aquí tienes una tabla comparativa que incluye cinco sistemas operativos gratuitos y cinco sistemas operativos de pago vigentes: CaracterísticaUbuntu (Gratuito)Fedora (Gratuito)Debian (Gratuito)FreeBSD (Gratuito)ReactOS (Gratuito)Windows 11 (Pago)macOS Ventura (Pago)Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Pago)Oracle Solaris (Pago)IBM AIX (Pago)LicenciaGPL (Gratuita)GPL (Gratuita)GPL (Gratuita)BSD (Gratuita)GPL (Gratuita)ComercialComercialComercialComercialComercialBase de usuariosAmpliaAmpliaModeradaEspecializadaPequeñaMuy ampliaAmpliaEmpresarialEmpresarialEmpresarialSoporte técnicoComunidadComunidadComunidadComunidadComunidadOficial y tercerosOficial y tercerosOficialOficialOficialActualizacionesFrecuentesFrecuentesEstablesEstablesIrregularesFrecuentesFrecuentesFrecuentesRegularesRegularesCompatibilidad de softwareAltaAltaModeradaModeradaBajaMuy altaAltaAltaAltaAltaCompatibilidad de hardwareAltaAltaAltaAltaBajaMuy altaAltaAltaAltaAltaSeguridadAltaAltaAltaMuy altaBajaAltaAltaMuy altaMuy altaMuy altaFacilidad de usoMediaMediaBajaBajaBajaAltaAltaMediaBajaBajaCostoGratisGratisGratisGratisGratisCostosoIncluido en dispositivosCostosoCostosoMuy costosoSoporte de virtualizaciónAltoAltoModeradoAltoBajoMuy altoAltoMuy altoMuy altoMuy alto Descripción adicional: - Ubuntu: Sistema operativo basado en Linux, popular por su facilidad de uso y gran soporte de la comunidad. - Fedora: Conocido por ser un sistema operativo que implementa rápidamente nuevas tecnologías. - Debian: Un sistema operativo Linux estable y con un enfoque en la libertad de software. - FreeBSD: Basado en Unix, es conocido por su rendimiento y seguridad. - ReactOS: Un sistema operativo de código abierto que busca ser compatible con software y controladores de Windows. - Windows 11: El último sistema operativo de Microsoft, ampliamente utilizado en entornos de escritorio y corporativos. - macOS Ventura: Sistema operativo desarrollado por Apple, exclusivo para dispositivos Mac. - Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Sistema operativo empresarial basado en Linux, conocido por su estabilidad y soporte. - Oracle Solaris: Un sistema operativo basado en Unix, enfocado en servidores y sistemas de misión crítica. - IBM AIX: Sistema operativo Unix utilizado en servidores y mainframes, conocido por su alta fiabilidad y seguridad. Read the full article
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linuxiarzepl · 2 months
Super Grub2 Disk 2.06s4
Została wydana nowa wersja Super Grub2 Disk 2.06s4. Super Grub2 Disk to ratunkowe narzędzie pozwalające na uruchomienie systemu z uszkodzonym programem rozruchowym https://linuxiarze.pl/super-grub2-disk-2-06s4/
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lifeland · 4 months
Please stop advising people to switch to Linux.
Well, *only* to Linux. Hear me out.
The average computer user isn't going to be tech-savy enough to fully understand how to use Linux after using Windows their whole life. They also might prefer to use windows so they can keep using software that's exclusive for Windows. In some cases, they literally cannot switch to Linux because their job or livelihood depends on Windows software. These people would probably be better off switching to ReactOs, an open source os that's designed to be binary-compatible with Windows. Sure, it's been in alpha for a few decades, but that's largely in part because it can't get the same amount of resources as the ever-attention getting Linux does.
And I'm not just saying "recommend ReactOs instead of Linux". To put my viewpoint plainly, it is "There needs to be enough variety in operating systems where what is do/should you use becomes an important subject of consideration." Right now that's not the case, and Windows effectively has a monopoly on most software because no one ever bothered writing software for other os'es.
For example, take PhantomOs, a Russian Object Oriented operating system that periodically saves all programs running to disc. In phantom, there are no files so much as continuous programs saved to the disc. This way, startups and shutdowns are completely invisible to programs, and they can continue running as if nothing happened. The idea of invisible interruptions to programs has a practical function for say, research stations or such that can only run a complex analysis when there's enough available power. If you're running low, just suspend the analysis until you can run it again.
Anyway, please just emphasize that there are options when you advise someone to switch operating system. Chances are they'll feel less corraled and be more receptive to the change.
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dkplayer · 1 year
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ReactOS запустили на Steam Deck
В рамках работы по обеспечению поддержки UEFI в ReactOS, операционной системе с открытым исходным кодом, реализующей бинарную совместимость с Microsoft Windows, на портативной игровой консоли Steam Deck компании Valve запущена сборка ReactOS.
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queerandom · 2 years
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should I blame ReactOS, QEMU, or my shitty laptop or a combination
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so uh we know how baekhyun take showers with his members to “get closer with each other”… may i request exo reacto showering with their s/o for the first time? lol it can be SG if u want 👉👈
Hello Lovely, thank you for requesting this :) I hope this is ok, I have done it in a way of how they would be and feel being in the shower for the first time with their S/O, I hope its alright. If not, let me know and I can re-do :)
Exo reaction: Showering with S/O for the first time <3
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Warmth: Suho is the type to always be in awe of you, to him your body is the most beautiful thing in the world and it deserves to be worshipped. He can't take his eyes off you which in the beginning can make you feel a little self conscious but when his arms wrap around your body and he whispers how beautiful you are, you find yourself relax. 10/10 would make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
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Elevated: He's literally over excited to shower with you for the first time. He peppers kisses all over your face and rubs his nose against yours. He likes to steal your body wash as he thinks yours smells better and will happily use the shampoo to style both of your hair into massive mohawks. He honestly just makes you feel at ease and comfortable to be yourself with him.
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Addicted: The look on his face when he watches the water cascade down your back is a picture. He is the type to be speechless in this situation, no words pass his lips but his actions speak for him. He will stand close to you, with your face pressed into his chest and just let the water fall on you both like rain. Love resonates inside the glass cubicle and he can't believe you're all his.
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Needy: He can't keep his hands to himself. He will use any excuse to touch you, such as massaging the body wash into your back or cupping your face towards the water so no soap goes into your eyes. His eyes are constantly tracing up and down your body as he bites his bottom lip, to him you're simply perfect. Definitely will make you promise that no other man will ever see you naked for the rest of your life. That view is for him and him only.
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Cheeky: He literally can't keep his hands to himself. As soon as you have entered the shower, his hands are roaming your body. Though he has seen you naked before, he feels as though its different in the shower, more intimate. He would press long, passionate kisses to your lips and lift you so your legs wrap around his waist. Your back will be pressed against the shower wall as he takes control.
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Delicate: He would be awkward when you first get in to the shower together, he finds himself stuttering and falling over his words. After a while though, he would relax a little and hold you close. Your back would be pressed against his chest as he sways you from side to side. He would press soft kisses against your neck and make you weak at the knee's. He also would help you wash your hair and untangle any knots with his fingers. All he wants to do is take care of you, in or out of the shower.
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Hooked: He would be the master of self control. As sexy as you look to him right now, he wouldn't want you to think that this shower is just a ploy. He actually just wants to feel closer to you, for you two to become more secure in your relationship. He would definitely have music softly playing in the background and would massage your shoulders and listen to you talk about your day. He would also press kisses all over your body and tell you how beautiful you are. He's just so in love.
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Shameless: The boy has absolutely no shame. As soon as you enter the shower, he's staring. Offers to help you wash but spend at least 10 minutes on your breasts before moving to your butt. Just laughs when you call him out on it. He feels like the luckiest guy on earth so he's going to make the most of having you in his arms. It doesn't take long until he's got you on the floor of the shower...and lets just say it becomes a whole lot steamier.
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theogclownboy · 7 months
hihi!! do you have any hcs on how the princes of hell (mammon, luci, ozzie, etc.) would reacto when they find out there little uses/wants to use diapers? (:
[im especially looking for the mammon ones hehe]
💲Pretends like he doesn't like it but actually likes being close to his little like this
💲He'll be making funny grumpy faces as he helps clean the little up after accidents
💲he is rich so will buy the little any kinda diaper they want with any patterns, he is very fond of diapers with dollar signs on them
🍎Loves that his little wants diapers and is super supportive of the little one
🍎Is a very silly CG and I trying to make his little smile and laugh as he cleans them up
🍎He always has diapers with him now just in case you need them and it's all apple prints and duck prints on them
Is very supportive and gentle with the little, after the little explains about the diapers he'll pick them up and almost immediately start ordering diapers for them
💜Big softie and has to make sure his little is nice and comfy before getting them changed, he gives the little a stuffie to hold as well
💜Has some custom diapers made for you in any print you want and in any size that fits perfectly, most of the time though he has you wear heart diapers
🐝She adores her little and is super supportive of the idea of diapers
🐝She doesn't really know how to change diapers but she's trying her best
🐝Spoils her little and will be getting you all the different kinds of diapers their little heart desires
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ms-dos5 · 2 years
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loosingmoreletters · 8 months
1. Thank you and That One Anon for making the English speaking fandom for Weapon Creator!
2. In the name of bullying Yun Taeheon, I need his reaction to Mun Doyun- aka the B rank assassin that was Shin Junseo’s guild leader. Cuz objectively, Yun Taeheon knows a lot can happen in a year and stuff, but also he’s an S-rank leader of a top guild that is willing to give Shin Junseo just about anything and he still cannot recruit him. And then there’s this B-rank nobody (to him) who specifically hired Shin Junseo - as a D rank weapon creator who could only make an average knife every 20 seconds - BC HE HAD A SKILL THAST DESTROYED THE BLADES HE USED. Literally the same reason!! But no, somehow Yun Taeheon is losing this race.
Even better if he somehow gets more backstory or through some time shenanigans he meets the other Mun Doyun, who is basically the reason Shin Junseo is even as good as he is. Like, the reason sjs learned all he could and stuff. Anyway, yth being objectively, obviously on a higher level than this dude and yet still absolutely seething at the very idea of how much he apparently is not measuring up. How do you think that should go?
also, looking at the firsts chapter and think the first chapter and I think Sjs could be the little kid at the very beginning? Meaning that he has grown up in he world of hunters and gates, giving some cool world building to how this is a whole generation of ppl growing up with gates and magic.
However, for the sake of getting more of your sugar daddy au, I am ignoring that. Or maybe it could be incorporated, like- yth was trying to figure out how to ask sjs for just, an actual relationship. And sjs had stopped their contract after signing onto the guild. Extra tension!! Cuz obviously yth wasn’t gonna reach out and be like, “Hey, so that didn’t work out…”
glad to be of service!!!!! taking it from the bottom here, you mean this kid?
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Huh! Now that you mention it, that could track! Would be rather interesting too as I'd put this kid somehwere between 8 and 12, which implies dungeons have been a thing for much longer than just a couple of years. Tho I assumed the adult in the next panel was YTH, so hmmm. But also what does this say about the state of his family. where the fuck are they. I need answers. And also I'd love some worldbuilding around growing up in such a world. In SCTIR, one of my fave things is to linger on like, the first weeks after the dungeon breaks. how did legislation change, the government, the way people reacto to this-
"In the name of bullying YTH" man we really all just took a look at this guy, who is probably meant to be like a cool badass character and decided we shall treat him like our sibling's new boyfriend and thus make fun of hinm. huh. god given right to bully the man.
But yeah, do you think YTH assumed just a little bit that SJS had like weird trauma. and also like- okay full confession time. when I started reading this, I assumed this guy would be our love interest second protag. I mean. look at him and SJS reaction to praise
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and the way SJS also thinks of this guild in the future memories he receives? a place where he was accepted, found friends, where they kept pushing forward together- Listen. also the way it lingers on MDY's body there. I'm just saying, the vibes are accurate. to me.
Anyway, YTH does have the vibes of somebody who is incredibly understanding but privately also has beef with a dead man. he knows it's unfair and stupid, but also he could buy SJS a god damn pent house apartment. he would. that and any item he wants. actually I just realized while typing this would've been really fucking great to insert into my little soulmate fanfic given I did toss in like one sided bonds existing there. something to consider for the future.
But man, I think it would be interesting if SJS is confronted with him again also in the context of like, SJS not recognizing MDY's brother despite his future memories, which sure has some implication. I told a friend that like my assumption is that Mun Dojin died in the other timeline and I desperately need him and SJS to talk because even if the memories SJS has never actually existed here, that still sort of makes him the only person MDJ can talk to.
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actually, man. this would make anything SJS/YTH even funnier. here's your crush. there's your crush's vampire familier and his ex guildmaster's (former bf's??????) little brother. god I need MDJ and Elizabeth to show up more often. slkdfhsldkh sorry got entirely off track here.
OKAY BACK TO SUGAR DADDY AU- I just realized how fucking hilarious this would also be because like. SJS manages to bag one man and it's this big shot guild leader. and instead of signing up with his guild, he goes to these small nobodies. like, it probably just makes sense to SJS. This was a job, now here is another, newer job. Life goes on.
YTH meanwhile is the math meme. Min Huisu told him to get a social life. he paid someone for that, but the guy turns out to be actually cute and fun, so he'd like to have a relationship that is not just superifical. and this guy just. mcfucking signs on to a guild he hasn't even heard of. f in the fucking chat
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os2-warp · 7 days
ReactOS is my friend ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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haiku-official · 15 days
I see polls are all the rage.
*As of 2021 Plan9 has been open sourced under the MIT license which means it's back on the table for development and ripe for the open source community to sculpt!
**consequently, Inferno which was forked as a commercial product prior to that is no longer expected to maintain parity with Plan9 and should be considered separate/legacy until further notice. Nonetheless, they're sharing the same option for this poll.
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collapsedsquid · 4 months
That reacto groupchat piece had nothing on invading Mexico though, would like to know if and how often they talked about that.
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