#RB mirror universe
rb gregor x reader head canons ?
Devoted to the point of obsession, sometimes he will tail his partner when he's out hunting for ingredients. He doesn't think it's creepy, after all he's just making sure they're safe. The city is a dangerous place, who knows what might happen.
He loves cooking for his partner and will ask what their favorite foods are so he can perfect cooking their favorite dishes. He loves doing things for his partner and is at his happiest when he can be of service for them.
Doesn't have any issues with self image, so it doesn't take time for him to warm up to physical contact. In fact, it's faster to get into a physical relationship with him, while it takes longer to get him to emotionally commit to it.
He loves kissing his partner, is into biting and leaving marks. He loves tasting his partner's body, and kissing their bare skin. Also engages in pda as a means of showing his partner is taken.
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science-lings · 5 months
The thing about having all your interests made fun of during your formative years is that even though it’s been a while since anyone actively did it, it’s still hard to be fully self indulgent even in your own mind because being cringe is bad and sometimes you so badly want to share things but it’s so easy for people to be mean about it. Anyway here’s permission from me personally to be as cringe and weird as you want to be, especially in your own head because it’s totally safe there and there is no god or mind readers who will give a shit about what’s going on in there.
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memoryoflooping · 11 months
I can't fathom being a person for whom hasbro dangling the keys of a character existing in a show or comic makes you love them instantly no matter what except for if that character was so fucking obscure like sky-byte and his predacon friends. Like i do like bumblebee but he literally existed as a corpse and not a person in the new skybound comics i can't imagine getting really mad to the point of instantly hating another character about it it's insane to me. Esp since tf is like a franchise that loves to reboot itself. Like idk personally every continuity has to earn me liking that character as much as other versions hasbro can dangle sky-byte in front of me bc he isn't in been shows often and for years he showed up in idw (i think i haven't read it), aligned and animated side material and never a show again until cv and he's a sillybilly i love him and his haikus. However if they're going to have the main popular guys all the fucking time i want them to like. Be a person with more than 5 seconds of effort put into them before i go full loving them forever mode, y'know?
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fagmegumi · 2 years
(pacing around my room gripping my hair & holding a cigarette with shaky fingers) how is hamlet the same thing as rei ayanami you ask? well its very simple really. how is being a prince haunted by a destiny you can see coming but not prevent NOT the same as being an artificial puppet created for a purpose by a very bad man? this goes beyond rei & hamlet btw its a character archetype and it transcends genre so seamlessly its not visible to the careless eye. An automaton is the same as a tragic hero which is the same as an a.i. who acquires conscience which is the same as the genre-aware fool in a comedy which is the same as a child who’s the only one who can see the family curse. meeting the ghost of your father on a dark bridge is the same as returning his hungry look with an empty gaze through the glass pane of a tank which is the same as realizing that your father is both a flawed human being and an asshole and that either way you can’t help being what he made you
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lifeatpaddys · 2 years
was watching school reunion and it got me thinking who's the most "important" dr who companion, as in, which one impacted the most the show and the doctor alike
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Cornelia Hale; a letter from the future
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Golden dandelions by Barns Courtney
it really is the little things. you've attained peace, and the tranquility of your life speaks louder than any demons from your struggles in the past could ever shriek. you just feel so whole. your journey of healing hasn't always been the easiest, but you can proudly declare that you made it. you have found purpose in life, and the future turned out to be better and brighter after all, despite how grim it may have looked before. in your darkest hours you swear you couldn't see a way out, but here you are. still standing. you lead a good life where balance plays a big role. you dared to step outside your comfort zone long enough to catch a one way ticket to a new way of life. a lot changed, and it changed very quickly. you experienced some growing pains when adjusting to these changes, namely the role reversals. you were so used to being the strong one, always left alone to pick up the pieces, standing in front of the mirror telling yourself to pull yourself together because if you don't then it's the end of the line, and then what would it all have been for? you were so used to having to do everything yourself and so often being a sturdy shoreline for everyone else's waves to crash onto. and you loved being needed and relied upon because it taught you that you were loved and that you mattered and people would miss you if you were gone.
but then you stumbled into a wildly different timeline. you were even suspicious of it at first. thought you had lost your mind or slipped into a coma and were stuck dreaming in some la la land. because suddenly there were people who would throw themselves at your problems and insist that they help you out, provide for you, listen to you, support you, take initiative and seek you out, and honestly? you had to break a few times before you realised that love doesn't have to be earned. you can just be loved. that you don't have to spread yourself out so thinly in hopes for some crumbs of affection and care in return for your efforts.
now you're successful and content. you are at peace. you love and you are loved. you have people to lean on just as much as they lean on you. you don't need to worry about your worth, what you do or do not deserve, or whether or not people appreciate you. for the first time in forever the ground beneath your feet feels sturdy and stable and you can trust the universe to keep you safe and sound. you have achieved more personal goals than you care to count. you have everything you quietly dreamed of and barely dared to whisper about lest you'd jinx it. now you're unafraid to speak your mind and spell what's in your heart out clearly and trust that it's taken care of.
Shufflemancy: Surrender by Billy Talent
you're beautiful. that's something you can tell yourself with your whole chest now. at some point it may have felt redundant to tell yourself nice things or take ownership of your skills, but now it is genuine. you're no longer repeating meaningless words or competing with anyone, especially not yourself. you're perfect just the way you are. you always were, but you really feel like you can allow yourself the space and time to breathe. you're not following rules and measuring your success and constantly moving the goal post and cracking the whip harder. you see your own beauty and love yourself truly. you have come so far and healed such deep wounds. you had to acknowledge quite a bit of toxic behaviours and thought patterns, and those demons weren't easy to fight and overcome. but you're there now. you don't compare yourself to others and you find yourself doing things because you enjoy them. you've invited a bit of whimsy into your life, which in the past would have caused you so much distress because sudden change and unpredictability made you so anxious. relaxation and peace is no longer something you need to earn but something completely normal to do without guilt or shame or fear of bad consequences.
this genuine self love has made you feel so strong, like you could take on any challenge. but most of all it has helped you relate to other people. your standards and expectations were always so high, and you may have taken great pride in your abilities, but it wasn't until you allowed yourself to breathe and take yourself less seriously that you found yourself able to relate to and really connect with other people. you used to worry that your best wasn't good enough and even when praised you felt the need to improve to do even better, but this was alienating for people who just wanted you for who you are, not for what's on your resume. and you felt like you were always on the outside looking in, seeing other people do so many different things and succeeding in many areas of their lives, all while you felt stunted and unable to let go of control enough to let life happen to you too. but now life happens, and you don't dig your heels in, you're not afraid of the world, and you find comfort in the unknown because it's new and exciting, not scary. and your loved ones rejoice in how you've come alive. those closest to you have always seen you for who you are and have shed many tears for you in the past, hoping you could see yourself through their eyes. and now you can, and they're all smiles as they celebrate you and the life that you are living.
Shufflemancy: Just a little bit by Kids of 88
it really feels like everything happened all at once so suddenly. one minute you're worrying about the future, grinding away at your goals, kissing frogs and getting stuck in the mud. faced with delays, constant upheaval, drama, burning bridges, rebuilding and trying again and again to throw yourself at doors that just would never open. and then another one opened, and though you were hesitant at first, going down that path turned into a whirlwind of sudden changes that rearranged everything in ways you would've never thought of before. and after all the struggling and crawling on your hands and knees half the time to get where you wanted to go, it was smooth sailing. and you swear time started to move faster. it's like you blinked and your professional endeavours blew up and you had to learn how to juggle to stay on top of things. and at the same time you got pulled in so many different directions, all of them so appealing to you. perhaps you felt like you had been manifesting a hundred different things and they all came knocking at your door on the same day.
but boy was it worth it! you feel so powerful now. independent and unshakeable. staying on top of things comes easy and you've mastered the art of multitasking. you have more time to spare and can frequently sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour. you're pampered and adored, have an attentive and caring partner who is your biggest supporter and puts all the frogs of the past to shame. they adore you, and show their devotion to you in many ways consistently. the spark is still there and is kept alive with continuous effort from both of you. sometimes you fight but you never need to worry that it's the final straw, because the care and genuine concern for each other's well being runs deep and this one is truly a lifelong commitment. you both rest easy knowing that it's in sickness and in health and you truly meant it.
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gunstreet · 6 months
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Some of you may remember that last year at this time, @timcurrysteeth and I and another friend of ours challenged ourself to write an 'Aliens Made Them Do It' story, which we'd never done before. We each explored similar themes in different ways, which was interesting because we hadn't planned our pieces together! Anyway, we had such a good time and wanted to do a new challenge this year, but we're also opening it up for anyone else who wants to participate.
None of the three of us have written Mirror Spirk before, and we plan to explore the lighter aspects of this universe! Based on the original "Mirror, Mirror" episode as well as the larger mirrorverse canon, we think there's plenty of potential for goofiness, sluttishness, and general shenanigans in the day-to-day without getting too deep into the darker subject matter.
The creation period will be throughout the month of April, with a final deadline of May 1. Works will be revealed on May 5. This challenge is open to visual art as well as written works.
If this interests you, please click the link above to check out the detailed submission guidelines, and we can't wait to see what you come up with! RBs appreciated to get the word out 💙💛
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digitalnewberry · 1 year
Vintage Halloween postcards 🎃
In the early 20th century, people across America went wild for postcards. They sent them for every occasion imaginable, including Halloween. Advances in printing allowed for mass production of these cards illustrated with Halloween traditions and creatures.
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May the Hallow Een goblins bring you luck, 1911
The majority of people creating and sending Halloween postcards were women. To market to a female consumer, these holiday cards depicted scenes of children’s play as well as romantic Halloween customs. The typical Halloween card shows beautiful, young, white women and/or children. Common themes are witches, black cats, bobbing for apples, and carving pumpkins, which are drawn from Celtic and English traditions. The cards draw on societal bias towards Western European people and culture.
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May you have a lovely, scary Hallow-e'en, 1912
While less common today, Halloween then was full of divination practices that supposedly allowed young women to learn about their future husband. If a woman looked into a candlelit mirror at midnight, she could see the face of her destined love in the mirror with her. Despite the horror movie connotation this imagery has today, this folklore was common enough at the time that numerous cards are devoted to the concept. Throwing apple peels, dripping candle wax into water, and bobbing for apples also could allegedly inform the young woman about her upcoming romance.
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May mine be the face in your Hallow-E'en mirror, 1911
The popularity of postcards faded after World War I. Their ubiquity in everyday life gives us a peek into the ways that popular culture was represented and produced during the first few decades of the 20th century. In these Halloween postcards, we see a society focused on tradition, at odds with the rapid technology modernization that allowed postcards to exist on this scale.
–Quinn Sluzenski, Digital Initiatives Assistant
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Hallowe'en, 1908
See all of the Newberry's Halloween postcards 🎃
For more information:
Gabbert, Lisa. "Divination Games and the Romantic Halloween Postcard." The journal of cultural sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 683 (2023): 930-915, https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/cg/lt/rb/683/683PDF/gabbert.pdf
Williams, Rebecca Jean. Weird Old Figures and a New Twist: Cultural Functions of Halloween at the Turn of the 20th Century. 2017. Virginia Tech, Master of Arts dissertation. https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/78010/Williams_RJ_T_2017.pdf
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tarotofzhivamoon · 10 months
Pick a picture reading
💌Love letter from your person💌
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading my work. I hope that you’re going to find the guidance that you need🫶🏻 You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any reading.
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
Masterlist • P@tr30n • Personal readings
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Pile 1
“I want to go above and beyond for you, on any level there is, physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, just give you the best of the best that there is on this earth and in the heavens, on this whole wide Universe, I would truly do anything to see you happy, to see you fulfilled and secure with me because that’s one of my priorities. I want to give you the best I have because I also know that you are so willing to show and give me the same love, appreciation, affection that I want to give you. You are everything to me, the moon to my stars, the perfect partner that just completes me so effortlessly, so organically, so magically, it all just feels like a fairytale when I am with you and there’s nothing else that I would want more than to be loved by you. I don’t want you to ever change because you are just perfect the way that you are right now, I love you with every cell in my being and I am so delighted that you have chosen me to be the one you love as well. We did have our fair share of setbacks, we didn’t always know what we know now about each other because we came from different backgrounds, there’s no relationship that doesn’t have it’s own little plot twists that could make or break it, but I am so glad that ours just got us closer together to one another, closer to actually realizing what we need to compromise on and we’ve managed to actually reassess our expectations to simply find that beautiful balance that was going to result in a really mesmerizing happiness within, for both of us. I actually know that if you were to look around yourself, you might find better options than me, you might see someone that just gets you faster than I did, but you don’t understand how grateful I am that you actually never cared for those other options, that you actually chose me and you are now standing in your decision every single day and I just hope that —
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
Likes and rbs are appreciated🦋
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Pile 2
“From the moment I saw you I wanted to give you the world, I knew that you were a blessing that the Universe has sent me and I was so appreciative to have even met someone like you because it was like I was handed the perfect gift at the perfect time and you were that perfect gift for me. I know that materialistic things do not really interest you, I really admired about you the fact that I can’t “buy” your love and that I had to actually work hard, to put in the effort to have someone like you in my life instead of just you being so easily obtained and honestly this opportunity to have you in my life has absolutely made me feel as though I finally received everything that I have always wanted, you are the one thing that I have prayed and wished for night after night, day after day and it’s just so amazing to have you here, to have your attention, to see how much thought, affection and care you put in your gestures towards me, everything that you’re giving me is just from your heart. I have learned so much about myself next to you, it’s like you have perfectly mirrored back to me everything that I needed to see about myself that I wasn’t really aware of before and I know you understand that two people can’t simply be in proximity to one another all the time, be a pretty big part of each other’s lives everyday and now experience some bit of friction because even though i feel that our connection is somewhat ethereal, we’re still human beings at the end of the day and we are going to disagree with one another at times. What I loved the most about this and about you is that when this tension between us arises, you have been able to make me feel as though I could share my feelings and thoughts with you, without being afraid of anything because there was such safety between us and I know that in the end we usually resolve any conflict that arises with such an elegance because we just work together, somehow. You always had it in you to —
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
Likes and rbs are appreciated🦋
Dividers by Kawaii-Lau on Tumblr🦋
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gayraltofrivia · 11 months
(a resident evil x detroit: become human alternate universe)
VERSE ONE: ETHAN WINTERS. android. deviant.
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ethan is no longer a human. he just doesn’t know it. he doesn’t know that years ago, mia took the better parts of her deceased ex-husband and crafted her own, perfect, android, devoid of the rules and codes normal androids were forced to abide by. ethan was a deviant from the beginning.
after the trauma of the baker house, it was easy to put everything down to stress-induced hallucinations. if he glimpsed white plastic under malleable skin, if his hands seemed to spark and crackle when they got cut or crushed, he had simply been imagining it all.
once he and mia had escaped the baker farm, he was not allowed to look into any mirror. at least, not until after the kind medics had ordered him to sleep. when he awoke, he could swear he had lost days of time. but that white plastic, that electric crackling, was gone, and when he looked in the mirror again, he was himself.
rose was created using the frozen sperm from the man who had been the real ethan. the android ethan, believing he was the real ethan, never questioned his fatherhood for a second–so much so that mia began to feel, distantly, that she might have done something wrong, tricking the android into believing he was a real person.
she never got the chance to explain.
in the village, it grew harder to explain away his hallucinations. the frightened villagers he met wasted no time in trying to tell ethan what he really was, and their whispered, “android” mutterings played over and over again in his mind. when he lost his fingers–when he lost his hand, and blue blood sprayed out instead of red, he began to believe it. the first-aid medicine didn’t heal so much as corrode, melting metal and plastic down until he could lose no more blood. blue blood.
ethan began to realize that he had been living a lie.
by the time chris redfield found him, ethan was bent and broken, a fading android in a tattered green jacket. “i’m human, right?” he said to chris. chris, who was an android long since deviated himself. the led on his head, glowing a permanent red, luckily gave no sign chris was lying as he answered, “course you are, ethan.”
he was losing too much thirium, by the end. clutching rose in one arm, the other corroded and smoking, he held on to chris and limped towards a salvation he would never see. ethan knew what he was, and he knew that he was dying.
if ethan had known what he was from the start, perhaps he wouldn’t have acted so human. perhaps that would have saved his life. but here, at the end, he passed rose over to chris and searched his mind–his memory banks–for any way to avoid losing himself. any way to avoid fading into oblivion.
in the end, once chris had left, he found it: a server, probably mia’s, where he could empty his memory, pour out everything he had ever been, for safekeeping later. maybe she would delete the whole thing; maybe she would keep him there, keep his memories and fear and shame and guilt forever, occasionally spinning them up to relive what once was. but he was tired–he was traumatized.
he managed to shut off the sensors that would simulate pain, at least, before the explosion ripped through him.
months later, after mia had privately begun to split custody of rose with chris, he managed to hack her home computer.
he found ethan there.
mia, for all her shortcomings, was at least good enough to atone for her sins. she synthesized another android, made him look exactly like he looked before. forced ethan’s memories into his body again, and let chris hold him as he became conscious, screaming and shaking with terror and fear. this time, chris told him the truth. he was an android, but he was safe now.
likes and rbs appreciated. verse two in progress.
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riacte · 8 months
thinking abt the implications of 3rd life au in spopera….. what other mirror universe easter eggs are there. does sunblr user handoftheking rb ship art on his blog. is there an unhinged treebark poll made by Not riacte. is there a separate, just as insane group of desert duo truthers. is. is the mcyt sexyman poll canon to spopera. there are soooo many possibilities here
Anon I think you’ll be delighted to know that I did make a dashboard simulator for exterra1blr sexyman poll and it may or may not have coincided with a major in universe world event. And ofc Martyn is there on his lil Sunblr account.
Semi-finals: RK vs QoH
Semi-finals: Blue Balls vs Hand of the King
Finals: RK vs Hand of the King
Sunblr Martyn is just as insane as normal Martyn. He also probably likes ship art on Twilight (space twitter). All his fans SCREAM whenever he moves. Wait this is just real life tbh
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Fun fact: there is also an in universe 3rd Life fantasy AU fic on Ao3 and it’s like the second most kudosed ET1 RPF after… Cold Spells. Aka Treebark Heat Waves.
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(the “false isn’t here stop asking” tag still hurts me lmfao i think i made the screenie in 2021)
I think evil Ria (Air?) has gone into full blown Treebark Truthing territory now sorry. But it’s fine. It’s fine to in-universe truth a ship that we as creators of the AU know is canon. In universe truthing is fine. Everything is fine.
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In Spopera, desert duo are like… cartoonish scammers. They show up to sell illegal off brand merch of the racers and they run away before they get caught. They’re huge annoyances to Dogwarts and it’s kinda like Grian screaming “SCAR NO” “SCAR PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON” and they both disappear in two puffs of dust. So yeah I can definitely see spacetwt shipping them via the most blurry and low res videos. If those people can ship spaceships, they can ship everything.
Thank you for the ask I love talking about Spopera and all its stupid online stuff :DDDD
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Genichirou Sanada
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Birthday: May 21st (Taurus)
Blood Type: A
Relatives: Father, Mother, Older Brother
Father’s Occupation: Public Servant (his grandfather was a kendo instructor for the police force)
Elementary School: Kanagawa First Elementary School
Middle School: Rikkai University Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | 3-A | Seat 10
Club: Tennis Club (Vice Captain)
Committee: Disciplinary Committee (President)
Strong Subjects: History, PE
Weak Subjects: None
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Japanese-style Room (to practice calligraphy)
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
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Favorite Motto: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Daily Routines: Zazen, practicing kendo early in the morning
Hobbies: Strength training, shogi, Japanese calligraphy
Favorite Color: Black, Gray
Favorite Music: Traditional Japanese instrumental music
Favorite Movie: Historical dramas
Favorite Book: Historical novels, books of ukiyo-e artwork
Favorite Food: Nameko mushroom miso soup, meat (loin [23.5])
Favorite Anniversary: The day he won his first tennis match
Preferred Type: “How boorish of you to ask me such a thing!” (he looks pleased with himself afterward) ➜ “A refined person, preferably.” [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: “Dating? What nonsense!” ➜ “Taking a walk through a (Japanese-style) garden, perhaps?” [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: “I will gift you my calligraphy!”
Where He Wants to Travel: The Three Great Gardens of Japan
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: A vase he found at an antique store ➜ A gift that will please Sasuke, his nephew [23.5]
Dislikes: Fads, electrical two-wheeled standing vehicles [23.5]
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Skills Outside of Tennis: Iaido, kendo
Spends Allowance On: Savings
Routine During the World Cup: Zazen, practice swinging
Height: 180cm
Weight: 68kg ➜ 70kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27.5cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 2.0 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Selfless State, Fuu-Rin-Ka-In-Zan-Rai, Black Aura, Black Dragon Strike, Double Black Dragon Strike, Ran-Shin-En-Pou
Time He Wakes Up: 4:00am
Time He Goes to Sleep: 9:00pm
Favorite Brands:
Shoes: YONEX Power Cushion (SHT-21)
Overall Rating: Speed: 4 / Power: 5 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 5 / Technique: 5 / Total: 23
Kurobe Memo: “He is quite the ideal player. However, he tends to rely too much on physical ability and not employ mental capabilities. Though, I must say his power does transcend what is reasonable.” [RB]
What’s in His Bag:
Cell phone
Tenugui towel (a towel tied around the head in kendo before donning a helmet)
Notebook and pencil board
His calligraphy: “Always victorious and undefeatable,” “Clear and serene as a polished mirror and still water”
His family rock // It’s been passed down his family for generations since the Meiji Era
What’s in His Locker at the U-17 Training Camp:
His calligraphy: “Concentrate your mind.”
Cell phone // Given to him by Atobe
A spare eyepatch
Sweets // Confiscated from Marui
What’s in His Locker [C&S]:
Bamboo sword
Kabuto helmet ornament (he plans on sending it to Auguir later on)
Natural loofah sponges // He made them with the luffa from the school’s garden. He plans on giving one to Kuwahara
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netripper · 1 year
Victory Bell
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PROFILE Excerpt: —She’d seen the face of God, and it wasn’t man nor sky, not living or dead. Accessing the Net was the first time she felt like she was part of something larger; she saw the world reflected in a very small box, observed the vastness of the universe in an array of grids and planes. There was nothing she saw that she didn’t understand, and yet she didn’t know how she could understand. It was like looking past a veil, seeing the curtain lift—she had stepped into a world beyond, and what she saw in that world was what she wanted to see all along. She’d been diving for so many years, and even now she still held that sense of wonder, cradled it in her arms. In the neon-pixel mirror that was cyberspace, she saw herself in God, and every night, when she would jack out and collapse exhausted into bed, the same thing would happen again and again.
 She dreamt she was spinning, dancing alone in a field of data.
finally making a formal post about my baby w a link to her profile <3 i gotta rb everything from her tag on this blog soon but for now the main tag button is a link back to my personal!
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broomsticks · 2 years
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I posted 5,998 times in 2022
That's 5,497 more posts than 2021!
101 posts created (2%)
5,897 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,968 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#hp art - 620 posts
#words - 560 posts
#on writing - 474 posts
#wolfstar - 338 posts
#lmfao - 331 posts
#keep - 311 posts
#misc art - 299 posts
#fandom meta - 297 posts
#self care tag - 292 posts
#about stories - 257 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but you don't have to make any of these to belong here! all you need is to share the love we have for these characters and their stories!
My Top Posts in 2022:
my @cruelsummer-ficfest entry!
never in a million years could i imagine writing not only not-angst but straight-up meet-cute (meet-awkward) muggle university/coffeeshop au romantic fluff wolfstar but whew THE DEED! IS DONE!!!
1.8k, T (and also a fill for my @wolfstarbingo2022 prompt lily evans)
Wednesday — hump day — was Remus’ least favourite day of the week. At least today was a good pain day, though. He’d even woken up before his alarm — but the streak of wins had ended there — he’d forgotten he’d used the last of his coffee pods the other day. A good thing, then, that he had time to stand in line at the Hogwarts Expresso — albeit leaning increasingly more on his cane, book bag on his shoulder getting heavier by the minute.
thank you SO MUCH to @kenzlepuff, this fic would not have existed without your advice and reassurance and support and everything ❤️❤️❤️ also much love and gratitude to fest struggle buddy @billsfangearring, @allalrightagain @sleepstxtic and the @hpffwritersguild’s write-a-thon, and of course the fest mods for running this! @femme--de--lettres and @greyeyedmonster-18, you’re such blessings to this fandom.
also, have a bonus established wolfstar at jily’s wedding set to starlight —
Look at you, worrying so much about things you can't change, he chirps, coming up from behind to rest an arm on your shoulder, rather than take his seat beside you.
(1.6k, T, here on AO3)
42 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
my hp trans fest 2022 faves
canon-adherent--canon-plausible--fics are my thing in general -- ones in which writers take key canon events and details and use them as a jumping-off point around which to weave their own narratives. there's something about that that feels very satisfying, reclaiming almost, especially from the angle of trans fest. anyway -
Lay down your armour (be with me forever) by @bluesundaycake (E, 21k, severus snape/remus lupin) [rb the author's tumblr post!]. A story told over a decade of encounters, where a body feels like a graveyard and another like a battlefield, and names are whispered tenderly until they feel real.
a canon-compliant snupin from the hogwarts-era period through to first war. fantastic severus characterization, what a gorgeously bittersweet romance. an absolute masterclass in first-person POV, made me feel so many feelings.
Family Legacy by @thistlecatfics (T, 1.6k, tedromeda, remadora, teddy/victoire) [rb the author's tumblr post!]. Three generations of trans/nonbinary/gender questioning Tonks-Lupins.
canon-compliant, amazing HCs. whatever the opposite of generational trauma is -- generational healing? we do what we do in hopes of building a better world for the people that come after -- and this is sort-of a story of that.
Two-Way Mirror by luna_rapunzel (G, 4k, black family gen relationships). Narcissa and Sirius come out as trans together. Sirius's transition goes smoothly. Narcissa's doesn't. the story behind why they made the choices they did (Narcissa staying in the family but breaking their naming traditions, Sirius running away but picking a name that fit.)
beautiful side-by-side of two parallel trans journeys; intersectionality at its finest. superbly IC black family & black cousins relationship dynamics, even in this AU.
a few more recs and art under the cut! also, i didn't manage to read every fic from this fest, so i'd welcome recs too <3
Growing Pains by bigsadwolf/@remixloonylupin (T, 6k, wolfstar). a pregnant trans male & schizophrenic remus fic written by a trans & schizophrenic author. such a wonderfully sensitive look into his journey, lots of other amazing ND rep here too
wear your heart on your skin in this life by slanted-HP-knitting (SlantedKnitting) (T, 4k, wolfstar). remus is a tattoo artist who runs a studio with tonks, and one day sirius comes in looking to get a tattoo for his brother.
and finally, a bunch of G/T-rated art: - Absolution & Stars Out by Acid: snily, snape and his doe patronus - many wreaths of roses by @babooshkart: parvender's gorgeous wedding - transmasc tonks by rewriter: 😍😍😍
48 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
grey characters appreciation rec list!! (snape, bellatrix, and walburga)
not sure if it’s just me, but i feel like there’s been a lot of grey/dark characters written by people i’d not normally expect to write them recently — which i LOVE and am absolutely living for — so have a rec list! both new fics and old favorites.
note: none of this is character bashing imo, but it’s also not character apologia and may not exactly portray said characters in the best light, so, yk, tread with caution this is especially @ all of the, like, three snapedom people who follow me <;3
snape, bellatrix, and walburga fic recs below. cw for fic snippets containing mentions of violence, and also mentioned blackcest ships.
I. canon compliant, in letter and in spirit
two marauders era with initially close but deteriorating snily friendship, and snape-POV jily get-together:
Arborvitae by Patriceavril (5.6k, T) - snape and lily and their shared language of flowers. superbly written.
She Didn't by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey (10k, M). Snape remembers all of the moments through the years where he suspected Lily might have fancied James back. this was somehow one of the first things i read in HP fandom and i’m amazed how well i still like it every time i go back to it.
a chillingly compelling snape POV of Halloween '81: ch1 of Pieces by @tracingpatternswrites
a post war grieving snape: Pray You, Love, Remember by @nanneramma (1k, M). shakespeare references!!
The Least Enjoyable Task by OgdensOldFirewhiskey (3.2k, T) - a snape POV of the OOTP occlumency lessons. so true to character, genuinely made me feel for snape, and the last line is especially gutting.
Consequence for Cause by cambangst (1,6k, G) - an HBP missing moment, dumbledore & snape. two immensely complicated characters and i love the characterization takes in this!
The Portrait Hole by OgdensOldFirewhiskey (3.8k, G) Snape's version of "King's Cross" — a conversation with Lily, featuring angst, growth, and forgiveness. iconic fic. iconic fic. afterlife resolution, perfectly done, nail on head, wonderfully cathartic.
II. less tightly canon compliant (still reasonably canon setting!) -
may day, mayday! (or, the hazards of love) by @skiamachy (20k, E) - lily character study, lily is dark and fucked up (deliciously so) and so is snape. factually/technically canon compliant, endgame jily.
Where You Belong by @bluestringpudding (6k, T) canon setting, snape centric, horror.
this entire reclist was inspired by a bunch of recent bellatrix-centric fic:
And All I Loved by @nanneramma (5.5k, M)
Bellatrix knows how she looks, here in the forest. She has always preferred black, and here she melts into the darkness between the trees like a ghost, like she is bridging the gap between now and then, like she has always been and always will be. She wears the night like a cloak, wrapped in stars and sky and the scent of rain and she feels like eternity.
Born as a Blackthorn tree by @artemisia-black (1k, E)
She’d make his veins burn, and his arteries sear with agony. Every second of pain, penance for his sins. Every inch of his stinking flesh covered in white-hot needles, a baptism of flagellation that cleansed him of his transgressions.
Night Of The Dancing Flame by @only-that-but-that (5k, M)
His command, intoxicating and primordial, seemed to burn through her, heating her from the tips of her fingers to her core. She held out her arm, wrist turned upwards, head bent in supplication.
& some older delightful bella pieces:
Burning Inside by cambangst (3.6k, T)
Tears of joy welled in the corners of her eyes and she collapsed onto the floor of her cell, feeling the rough stone and grit scrape at her fragile flesh. The pain didn’t matter. The Dementors could come if they wished. Bellatrix was unbowed, unbroken.
ch3 Cankerous of Pluto by @bikelock28
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62 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
wolfstar autumn(ish) fic rec list 🐾🍂
*: i tried but not quite
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gorgeous bingo created by @moonwalker94 for hpfc!
1 - JUMPER - An Enigma Wrapped in a Jumper by @squidgilator (5k, G) - mwpp-era fluffity fluff, featuring my FAVORITE pining idiot sirius:
He was an inscrutable enigma, Remus was. An enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a jumper. "Not that much of a mystery," muttered Remus, and Sirius wondered how many of his last few thoughts he'd said aloud. "Just the bit about being an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a—something— wrapped in a jumper," said Remus, curiously. "Why?" "Er," said Sirius, and vowed to keep his thoughts inside his head from now on. "No reason."
bonus rec: The Sweater Bet by Deya (6k, T). silly (extended) marauders shenanigans: why is your boyfriend wearing a sweater at the beach and how do you get him to take it off??
2 - STORM - The Weather Inside by earlybloomingparentheses (43k, E)
The bright beam of sunshine that spilled into the compartment on the Hogwarts Express at the start of first year just as Sirius stepped through the sliding door (…) an accident of timing. The freak snowstorm the day after the Incident, when Remus was curled gut-punched on the floor of the Shrieking Shack (…) a trick of air currents and cold fronts. And now, Sirius at the window of his and James’ flat, the storm outside roaring and Sirius turned to face the rain lashing the pane, dressed in black and looking from this angle like a Sturm and Drang painting, all heroic isolation and inner turmoil—why think anything of it?
bonus rec: How to Suffer a Storm by gayagape (11.6k, T), lighthouse au from the 2016 r/s games.
3 - BIKE RIDE - This Is Not Your Year by montparnasse (17k, E). first war angst and pining, montparnasse - that’s it that’s the rec. so many quotes i wanted to pull.
“Holding onto your favorite bits?” “Remember there’s ice on the roads. Also we’re possibly being hunted.” “I’ll go slow.” “You’re so sweet,” said Remus, “always with all my extremities and orifices in mind.” On the seat he pressed very close to Sirius, hips first, the way he always did. “It’d be nice if someone around here ever thought of mine.”
bonus rec: There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by @wanderingbandurria (2.6k, T). a summer road trip (coughahem getaway car whomst?) leads to the Realization of Feelings.
4 - FIRESIDE CHATTER - Goetia by @biremus and @kember-writes (44k, T). regency au, monster/horror au, Not Your Everyday fireside chat 👀 (also, some incredible art!)
The red coals in the fireplace provided just enough illumination for Sirius to watch as Dorcas lifted the silver bell in her hand, and rang it once. “Lord of Hell, we call you forth.”
bonus rec: Your Little Head by @paulamcg (1k, G) for, appropriately, r/s fireside tales. such a fascinating outsider pov wolfstar. no fireside warmth to be found here 😈🔥
5 - BAKING - The Great Biscuit Calamity of 1978, and Other Such Disasters by @lunapwrites (8k, T). also hinny. post-second war, our favorite disasters being properly domestic.
"How did you even manage that, anyway? Like, I'm equal parts horrified and impressed, I am." "I was only trying to open the bag--" "With what? An Exploding Charm?"
bonus rec: A First Taste by LuminousGloom (3.8k, T) - a fluffy mwpp-era cooking at hogwarts!
6 - STAR GAZING - this ficlet for meee by @tahtahfornow, for the tumblr prompt game things you said under the stars and in the grass. your writing your writing 😍😍🥰🥰 (also thank you for putting this on ao3 and not making me have to ritually sacrifice something to tumblr search)
Damp grass scratches against the napes of their necks, presses into the backs of their Oxfords; the star-soaked night sky blankets them like a soft flannel. The moon is waning, a fat yellow grin pasted above them, and Remus thinks maybe, wildly, that for once it is not mocking him, that its smile is true, that tonight—just tonight—it is on his side.
bonus rec: star talking, atop the astronomy tower. The things that lurk in the dark by TheDivineComedian (4.7k, T). one of my absolute favorite mwpp era, incredible marauders characterizations and character-insights in a slice-of-life.
7 - HOT CHOCOLATE - Tight Spaces by @krethes (3.2k, T) - mwpp-era remus-trauma / remus’ werewolf childhood. lots of hurt but tons of lovely comfort after, and delightful marauders friendship.
Instead, he was jostled in a bone-crushing hug, sloshing hot-but-not-scalding cocoa on the blanket in the suddenness. Sirius buried his head into his shoulder and held him so tightly Remus thought he might snap in half. Remus's cheeks were wet and, embarrassed, he realized he was crying. He hadn't expected such a response from Sirius, who was usually joking or brooding, never something so gentle, so sincere.
bonus recs: naturally - Did You Miss Me? (600k, E) by @krethes and @fantismal, and Power the Dark Lord Knows Not (300k, E) by @fantismal and Jormandugr (nearly perfect chapter timing, too, hahaha)
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93 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hi!! if its not a bother, i was wondering if you had any recommendations for older(second war or post war) wolfstar. i wanted to get into WS since its very popular and there are many fics but i dislike the idea that they dated at all pre PoA. you have such good taste in fics i thought i should ask!
hiii oh my gosh what a compliment, not a bother at all!!! gonna be brief because i really should not be doing this now want to get this answered timely-ish hahah:
some LLAL (lie low at lupin’s):
Like Tinder for Ghosts by montparnasse (8k, T)
Lie Low At Lupin's by shessocold (5k, unrated/i’d say M)
Come and Find Me—Lying in the Bed I Made by @femme--de--lettres (6k, T)
Hold On to Whatever You Find by fallovermelikestars (10k, E)
i can tell you the telling gets old by misandrywitch (6k, G)
AND other LLAL recs by the @wolfstarlibrarian! i get a ton of my recs from them honestly.
these are multi-era with a good amount of second war older wolfstar and so good i absolutely have to rec -
To Fill A Gap by berhanes (sqvalors) (8k, T)
watching stars collide by hydianway (17k, T)
Adagio by lupinely (6.5k, M)
I look at the world and I notice it's turning by kaydeefalls (10k, T) - wolfstar AND remadora, canon compliant, non linear vignettes, blended gorgeously.
have not read this one in its entirety, but i’m confident reccing @tracingpatternswrites’ OOTP canon compliant sirius POV fic The star and the moon (93k, M)
OOTP but canon divergence - if you’re open to it, @lunapwrites’ Louder Than Love absolutely sold me on remus/sirius/tonks. super obsessed with the worldbuilding and canon rewrites here - just cuz we’re Fixing or at least Addressing problematic canon elements doesn’t mean the characters have it easy! often the opposite!
post war everyone lives AU:
firstly @krethes’ Give Quarter to Old Men series - Fics that feature older Sirius and Remus, anywhere from late 30s to their 70s. - tons of incredible 🔥 smut, and lots of lovely growing-old-together HCs in the first two especially.
ALSO One to Speak, Another to Hear by seventymilestobabylon (60k, T) - one of my absolute top favorite wolfstar fics.
The Wizarding Wars are over, but the work of recovery has only begun. Remus Lupin is trying to find his place in an ever-changing world, and when he is invited to serve on a truth and reconciliation commission, he has to confront the truth that lives there—in the past and within himself.
in fact you know what, have a sneak peek of a totally self indulgent thing i might be working on hahahah
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108 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thelivingautomaton · 11 months
*also i really really wish there was more stuff in the game with alan and casey (either real world casey or dark place casey) interacting* <- LITERALLY SAME‼️‼️ I had to scramble for footage for this edit but this whole concept is so intriguing to me and I wish we had a whole DLC with them (also thank you for nice tags under the rb ur too kind🫡)
(yes ofc, your graphics go so hard i love them!) and YES, it's such a wild concept to me especially because like. ok lemme put this under a cut for big-time alan wake 2 spoilers but also i kind of word-vomited a lot of percolating thoughts on the game, LOL oops
so for maybe 75% of the game i was CERTAIN that i had the game's twists Figured Out by the end of chapter 1, and i was sure that one of those twists was gonna be "fbi agent casey is 1:1 the same person as the fictional detective casey that alan's books are about, or even if he's not, agent casey was still created wholesale by alan as part of the overarching scheme to get saga to bright falls and have her assume the role of 'hero' in getting him out of the dark place". (this was part of my overarching idea re: saga's storyline which was that the version of events where saga lived in watery and logan drowned was the "true" reality, and alan rewrote her life/memories basically to "make" her into a better/less traumatized hero figure, and also get rid of stuff that would prevent her from wanting to go "back" to bright falls)
so like, at first i felt kind of "meh" about the reveal that fbi agent casey is the "real"/original/whatever version and fictional detective casey arose from alan using echoes of his life as writing material (compounded with the game making it pretty clear that alan can't wholesale make/create new stuff, just rewrite or guide what's already "real", and the seemingly straightforward reveal that saga's remembered version of events is "real" because she's immune to retcon bullshit). but the more i think about it the more i actually think it works really well and if anything is a much more interesting take on the trope of "fictional character and their creator interact/come into conflict"?
like, rather than the usual angst of "oh my god, am i real, is anything in my life real, does anything i do matter when my life is a fictional narrative", you get the more interesting flavors of inner drama both from casey (i.e. "i am a real person, but exactly how much of my memories and life can i trust, how much might have been twisted or rewritten by an outside hand to make a better story, could my past mistakes/regrets be erased, have they already been?") and also more importantly alan (i.e. "holy shit i've been taking Actual Real People and treating them like paper dolls to cut up and rearrange however i want to make a good story out of it")
plus by establishing that alan can't just make shit exist + nobody in the story is a made-up creation (well, i mean. within the narrative nobody is fictional, lol), it helps ground the story and characters and maintain your investment in their struggles and the stakes. and it also helps align the broader cosmology of the alan wake games with the wider remedy-verse by maintaining a baseline "reality" that presumably follows certain rules vis a vis the way objects of power and parautilitarian abilities work. like, the rules might be fucking weird, and we as players are probably getting only 20% of all the information because in-universe people know at most like, 40% of all the information, but it's clear that SOMEWHERE remedy has a bible of rules for How Their World Works so that they can keep things internally consistent across their games
with that all being said i also think they've left things open-ended enough that they can take a lot of these concepts in a bunch of directions simultaneously -- alan can still manifest/write up distorted funhouse mirror versions of "real" characters within the dark place who can yell at him for being a jackass or try to kill him or whatever, i wouldn't be surprised if one or both dlcs have further appearances of dark place casey and/or other "fictional" versions of casey written by alan, not to mention that real world fbi agent casey could easily get sucked into further metafictional alternate reality/narrative bullshit by virtue of how he got possessed by the dark presence (albeit briefly). like the only thing i'm for sure certain about is that remedy will probably keep finding new and exciting ways of pulling the rug out from under my feet, LOL
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captainschaos · 1 year
Welcome to my chaos! Expect the unexpected, roll the dice, and believe in the heart of the cards <3 I say too many words at all times, and a pinned post is no exception WHO [about me] ♤ names; lots, captain, chip, or lonely ---< I have a hoard of other names you might see around, but these are fine for here > ♤ pronouns; she/he/mirror/any/none ---< mirror pronouns mean use your own pronouns for me! > ♤ aroace + agender/genderqueer ♤ adult ♤ pfp; the any pronouns creeper, a little girlguything I own <3 WHAT [things I do] ♤ reblog and chatter away in tags primarily ♤ write ---< both fics and a bit of analysis/theory stuff > ♤ draw ♤ game design, though not particularly here, I'll just mention it sometimes. might get the blog for the rpgthing I created up and running again though! ♤ pretty much any art More specifics about how this blog works (fandoms/tagging/following disclaimers/etc) below the cut
WHERE [fandoms/interests] [Chaos disclaimer, this is nowhere near a comprehensive list and subject to change, but hits the major things I'll rb/post about. More current/main interests bolded.] ♤ mcyt in general ---&lt; traffic smps (secret life), hermitcraft (decked out), qsmp > ♤ slimecicle in general ---< the slimecicle cinematic universe > ♤ the sorry boys ♤ generation loss ♤ jrwi ♤ the magnus archives ♤ in space with markiplier/markiplier in general ♤ ethan nestor ♤ fnaf ♤ tmnt ♤ sonic ♤ kollok ♤ lackadaisy ♤ ethoslab <3 WHEN [posting schedule, or lack thereof] ♤ you will probably notice I often reblog things in bunches. That's because I tend to save rbs to drafts, then come back and tag, comment, and post in big sweeps. If you don't want that clogging up your dash, don't follow! ♤ my activity's real random, no queue, if I'm online I'm online, if I'm not I'm not. That's the chaos way WHY [general practice disclaimers] ♤ I tag primarily for archival purposes, including duos/groups I like. Because of that, I will use one name across all contexts, romantic/platonic/etc, so you might see me tag platonic art with a romantic ship name or vice versa! ♤ I try to tag trafficshipping, hermitshipping, etc, but I mainly ship queerplatonically which I've yet to find a consensus on tagging-wise? Because of that I don't really tag it much, just be warned. (This also contributes to the above point) ♤ I don't really have any cw/tws I tag consistently, but I'm more than willing to if I get asked to tag something! ♤ I am an adult, and though I'm still pretty young I discuss adult topics sometimes- probably best not to follow if you're not about 16+ ♤ askbox is always open for chatter or requests of any sort! HOW [to navigate- tags] > #secret life smp; the tag to block for spoilers! > #captain's chatter; me talking > #captain's words; my writing > #captain's scribbles; my drawings > #captain's mailbox; asks > #friend's stuff; my friends' art/writing/etc > #friend stuff; me goofin with friends lol > #epic art/writing/etc; stuff I've reblogged that is epic but not mine
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