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melancholymegumi · 1 year ago
Men who are so so so close to bending you over and fuck your ass while gagging you with his tie. He loves you , but god , sometimes he needs you to shut the fuck up and let him fuck your ass.
Lance Crown , Rayne Ames , Katsuki Bakugo , Todoroki Shoto , Mr.Compress , Rin Itoshi , Isagi Yoichi , Meguru Bachira.
taglist : @honeybunnxo @adoresizuku
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mellifluouaamor · 11 months ago
Kissing Mashle boys before running hc?
synopsis. the boys' reactions to you kissing them and then running away.
author's note. that one panel where orter tells cell to bend over has never left my mind and i may have brought it over to these headcanons i'm (not) sorry. orter can bend me over anytime- AHEM ANYWAY LIVE LAUGH LOVE WIRTH HAHAHA
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you, running away from MASH? given his inhuman speed and reflexes, that'll be impossible. even if your action is as harmless as a kiss to his cheek, the first-year would reflexively grab your wrist and pull you flush against his chest before you can take a step away from him.
you'd be subjected under his signature blank stare for a few seconds as he tries to process what just happened, and when he finally registers the feeling of your soft lips on his cheek, he tilts his head to the side in an adorable manner.
"can you do that again?" he asks, surprising you. mash can't explain it - but he likes the warm and fuzzy feeling that would bloom inside his chest when you kiss his cheek. your kiss feels like... a bed of cream puffs. (don't question his analogy)
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oh, sweet summer child FINN. if you kiss him right on his freckles in front of his friends, he'd combust on the spot as a string of unintelligible words streams out of his mouth. a flush of embarrassment would rise to his cheeks and when he turns around to tell you off, you're already running away, leaving him to think of how he should get back at you.
he'd spend the entire afternoon attempting and failing to ambush you, with you giggling gleefully as you skip out of his reach. argh, why do you have to be so hard to catch?!
when supper rolls around, you sit next to a defeated looking finn with your tray of food. as you're eating, he points out that you've got some sauce around your mouth and before you can wipe it off, finn has already leaned over and licks the corner of your lips (with his cheeks burning). you drop your spoon in shock while dot gags loudly in the background.
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"oh," is all LANCE says when your lips land on the corner of his mouth. his fingertips brush against the spot you shyly kissed and when he turns to face you, you're already gone. figuring that the embarrassment must have gotten to you, he presses a loose fist against his lips as he chuckles softly.
the following hours would be lance contributing further to that embarrassment. he'd kiss your cheek when you're in the middle of a conversation with your friends, and he makes sure that you won't be able to pull away by gripping your jaw. the kiss would last longer than necessary, causing an awkward silence to fall on the group.
if you confront him about it, he'd simply squish your cheeks in his palm as he taunts you for being unable to do anything. try to talk back, and he'll silence you with his lips.
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DOT would short-circuit the second your lips make contact with his cheek, his face flushing as red as his hair. as you run away from him laughing, he'd hold his face like he just got slapped, gibberish spilling over his lips and unable to think straight. mash and finn would have to hold him up to stop him from collapsing.
once dot recomposes himself, he'd chase you in the hallways and it immediately becomes a game of tag... with him almost crashing into the walls as you deftly dodge his lunges.
when he finally catches you, there's no escaping from his onslaught of kisses as he wounds his arms around you tightly. your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, your lips, your neck - he leaves no area untouched. when dot returns a favour, he returns it tenfold.
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RAYNE would turn his head the moment he registers the lack of space between your bodies - and that unexpected action causes his lips to meet yours in a kiss. you immediately pull away from him with a loud gasp, and the perpetual frown on his countenance prompts you to run for the hills.
touching his lips, he'd wonder why you ran away after boldly kissing him, unaware that you weren't supposed to do that and that you had only intended to ask him about homework. it wouldn't take long for him to chase you as if you're a little rabbit being preyed on by the wolf of adler dorm. (finn watches with a slack jaw as his older brother terrorises your poor soul)
the moment rayne catches up to you, he'd cage you against the nearest wall with his arms on either side of your cowering form. he's at a loss to know how to respond to your profuse apologies, only wanting you to kiss him properly after that accidental kiss earlier. he eventually manages to silence you by gingerly planting his lips on the tip of your nose.
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ABEL doesn't express much emotion in the first place, so it's no surprise that he didn't give much of a reaction to your kiss on his forehead. when you did it in the middle of his conversation with the magia lupus, he stops talking abruptly while the other members gawk at your boldness. with a quiet "teehee", you prance out of the room as he touches his forehead.
in class, in the hallway, in the cafeteria - abel would stare at you from afar like you've committed the highest degree of crimes. you think that you may have offended him by pulling what you did in front of the magia lupus, but that's not the case as you would come to find out later.
in the evening, abyss brings you to abel's room by the scruff of your shirt. you're wondering why the hell you got dragged out of bed, and it isn't until you noticed abel staring at you expectantly did you realise he wants you to give him a good night kiss like a mother would to her child.
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ABYSS, who had never received physical affection from anyone before in his entire life, would be so flustered that his mind becomes a jumbled mess. he doesn't even realise that you've already fled from the scene by the time he can think coherently again (and he's disappointed).
the kiss you gave him would linger on his mind for hours, and he'd throw subtle glances at you - specifically your lips. the warmth that spread from the spot you kissed on his forehead is... comforting, reassuring even, and he doesn't think he can continue his day without getting another one from you.
eventually, abyss would work up the courage to approach you. when he shyly tugs your sleeve with his gaze averted, you immediately understand what he wants and lean in to plant a sweet kiss over his evil eye, causing red to dust his cheeks. he'd hug you on impulse, wanting to be as close to you as possible.
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WIRTH doesn't appreciate having his study time interrupted, so if you try to break his concentration by kissing the side of his neck, he wouldn't give you the chance to run away by trapping your feet in mud. he'd then drag you over to sit on his lap, where you'll be forced to stay until he's done studying.
it doesn't matter if you're in the library or the common room, you'll just have to endure the embarrassment of being sandwiched between his body and the table. he doesn't even hide the fact that he's enjoying the way you're squirming uncomfortably on his lap - that's what you get for trying to distract him.
he'd pinch your side if your squirming starts to get annoying, and if you try to protest, he'd immediately shut you up with a kiss - with every contact between your lips lasting longer than the previous one. it eventually reaches the point where you're left breathless after his kisses, and he smirks at the debauched look he's able to paint on your countenance.
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CARPACCIO would stare at your fleeing figure with the same stiff expression he wears every day; he'd internally question why you would run off after kissing him when he has no intentions of harming you.
since he can't feel pain, your affectionate gestures are the only other external stimuli he can feel. he registers the pleasant feeling in his chest when you first kissed him, and has become addicted to the feeling since then. so really, he'd just accept your surprise kisses.
although he won't go after you when you run away, he'd actively seek you out and splay himself across your lap like a cat. when that happens, it's your cue to shower him with the kisses he has grown to like. this frequently happens since he tends to stay up all night for his research, and the warm feeling of your lips helps him fall asleep.
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ORTER won't admit it, but your kisses are capable of breaking his composure; so when your lips suddenly press against his jaw, he'd freeze up on the spot, giving you the opportunity to book it before he can catch you. once you're well out of his sight, he'd push his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the faintest hint of blush on his cheeks.
of course, no actions go without consequences - and you are no exception. to punish you for your little misdeed, orter would call your unsuspecting self into his office before bending you over his desk when you least expected it. he'd relish in your shocked expression and proceeds to intimidate you into submission, only stopping once he spots the teary beads in the corners of your eyes.
orter is not a cruel man. gently cupping your jaw, he presses a long kiss on your temple as a silent apology before letting you go.
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another one who you won't have a chance to run from. KALDO can tell when you're about to attack him with a kiss and would pretend to be oblivious until you make a move. the moment you lean into his face, he quickly turns his head and places a hand at the back of your head to push your lips against his.
you're helpless in his grasp as he wraps an arm around your waist to press you against his body. if you just had a sweet snack, he would deepen the kiss and literally devour your lips, wanting to taste what you ate. when he finally pulls away, he'll try to guess the name of the snack while playfully smiling at your embarrassed expression.
kaldo treats it like a little game. if he can catch you before you kiss him and he happens to have some honey on hand, he gets your honey-flavoured lips as a reward and you'll be in for a long night.
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luxthestrange · 11 months ago
MASHLE Incorrect quotes#28 How it started-
In potionology
Rayne*Stirring the potion in the giant cauldron*
Y/n*Comes in with a spoon and slurps it*
Rayne*Stares at them in shock*...
Y/n:...Is that not soup?
Rayne: It was a love potion...
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Rayne's bedroom
Y/n*In the nude laying in his bed, looking at Rayne*It was a love potion?
Rayne: Yeah it was-AAAH!?*Nude beside you, Finally realizing what happened*
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rayne-astrophile · 1 year ago
i think i'm getting into another fandom :"D
Mashle x Reader Headcanons
When they were sick for the first time after getting into a relationship with you
Bro doesn't realise that he's sick
You have been pointing it out since morning, but he doesn't want to listen
He rarely gets sick, after all
So when he finally accepts the fact that he's actually sick, you help him get into bed
Nothing much happens, he's obedient
Until you give him medicine
He throws up after eating a pill
"T-Too bitter...."
You have to mix the medicine with the cream puff
At first, he'll be like "???" because the cream puff tastes like the medicine he threw up
But he finishes anyway, because it's the cream puff you made for him
After that, you give him another one to make up for that trick cuz you feel bad
He'll ask you to cuddle with him in his bed
He's a large teddy bear
The next day, he's already well, but you get sick because of the cuddle from last night
He'll ask Lance to help him take care of you ❤️
This man refuses to accept the fact that he's sick
"I'm not sick, I never get sick, I can't get sick because Anna needs me-"
"Anna will be upset if you don't take care of yourself."
And on the bed he goes
Nothing much to do, he can take medicine well
But he can't take it when you want to feed him porridge that you cook for him
"Stop, I'm not a child!"
"C'mon, this is the only time I can be romantic with you!"
After an argument that you barely win, you get to feed him
His cheeks are red when you reach out a spoonful of porridge, but the delightful smile on your face makes him eat anyway
It's true, both of you never have romantic moments together
He always focuses on healing Anna, and you respect that
You don't complain at all, and he's definitely grateful for that
For not leaving him because he puts his priority on someone else instead of you
Welcome to reality guys, family matters more than lover
That's why he doesn't mind it when you stay with him the whole day
This moment is the only time he spends with you, with you alone
Before, whenever he gets sick, he's always by himself
So when he has you, he's so grateful
For your love and patience for him
The next day, everything went back to normal
Both of you will act like usual, like friends do instead of lovers
Except for the fact that he always stands by your side instead of being beside Mash, Dot or Finn
It's a small change, you barely noticed it but you do anyway
And that just makes you love him more ❤️
He knows that he's sick
The moment he wakes up, he knows there is something wrong with him and figures that he has a fever
But man doesn't care
He has a job, and he doesn't care about himself
But he has you, and you care for him
At first, you don't notice it
But when your hand accidentally brushes his, you can feel that he's burning
But he's quick to deny it
"Rayne! You're sick-"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
You force him to rest, but you know how he is
You give up and ask Wahlberg to give Rayne a one-day break, and he immediately agrees
He knows that lad needs rest too
So you come to Rayne, the wide grin on your face makes him furrow his eyebrows
"I asked Wahlberg-san to give you a one-day break. So let's rest!"
He sighs
"You're truly a stubborn one, aren't you?"
"You are, too!"
But he knows, that is one of the reasons why he falls in love with you
He lets you take him back to his dorm and tuck him to bed
You tend his needs; food, medicine and check his temperature from time to time
You never leave his side, and he doesn't complain
When the class time comes, he lets you go. He thinks he's not important enough for you to skip classes, so he tells you to go to class
You did go to class anyway, because you know he won't be a brat and get off the bed until you're back
After the class session, you go back to his dorm to check on him
When you arrive, he's sleeping
He looks so cute in his bunny blanket
You try to not make a sound, but when you touch his forehead to check on his temperature, his eyes snap open, startling you
He immediately sits up despite your protest
"I made some notes for you. You can catch up with the syllabus later, but you need to rest now."
He's grateful that he chooses you to be his partner
You make him a porridge and he lets you feed him without a word
This makes you happy, because you never have such moments with him
Rayne is a busy man. He never really has time for you, but you understand
So you treasure this moment so much
After feeding him, you tuck him back to bed and put a damp towel on his forehead to ease the temperature
When you think that he's sleeping, you play with his hair while sitting beside the bed happily
Little did you know, he's awake all along
He likes it when you play with his hair. It's soothing
When the night comes, you ask his roommate to switch with you for a night
At first, Rayne says that it is unnecessary, but you are his girlfriend, you have the right to be worried
You sit on a chair beside the bed, telling him about your day
He listens of course. This is the only moment he can spend his time with you, after all
Then, when you're getting sleepy, you rest your head on your palm as your elbow rests on the bed as you talk to him
He notices that you are getting sleepy
"Come, get on the bed." He offers
You had done everything for him today
You tend his needs, go to class, and stay by his side without break
He doesn't even know if you take your meal or not
So sharing a bed with you is the least he can do
At first, you refuse because you don't want him to be uncomfortable
But when he insists, you happily agree
You would take as small space as you could on the bed as you're still worried that he might get uncomfortable
But then he grabs your hand and pulls you into his embrace, shocking you
He rests your head on his chest as his warmth engulfs you
"Don't talk. Just sleep,"
You try to raise your head to look at him, but he pushes your head back against his chest
But you can hear his heart beating fast
"....I'm sorry I can't spend time with you." You hear him mutter. "I can't give you attention like any other boyfriend does. I can't even spare a glance at you some days. Yet you're still here for me," You can't help but feel your heart ache at the vulnerability in his voice. You take his hand from your head and hold in yours as you raise your head to look at him. "I told you I love you, didn't I?" You smile softly at him. "It doesn't matter if you don't have time for me or if you can't give attention to me. I choose to love you." He can feel his heart skip a beat as you grin. "And you can't stop me from loving you, you should know that."
He shoves your face back to his chest as you let out a muffled 'oof'
You can hear his heart beating faster, making you smile
Oh, how you love this man
You wrap your arms around him and giggle
"I guess I need to wait until you get sick again to get your affection like this,"
"Oh, shut up."
I just love this man so much
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doppopoppo · 1 year ago
Big Bear Hug
Rayne Ames x F!Reader
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Warnings: None
You couldn't help but wonder if Rayne found you annoying and clingy at times. It's not your fault at all. The visionary was a stoic man who worked hard. Many were intimidated to approach him and he took everything seriously. Maybe too seriously. Though you knew better.
His ears cutesy perks up whenever anyone mentions bunnies, his brother, and you. Top 3 priorities in his life. How can you not want to smother this tall lad in much need love and affection he deserves? It took him a while, but he got used to it.
Rayne came out the shower and dressed for bed. He looked so cozy in your eyes. For once. He blew out the Orchid scented candle and got underneath your guys bed covers. Naturally, he was the big bear. Though, something in you made him go lower.
"Lower." You demanded, voice husky with sleep.
Rayne was confused but listened to the request. He was more than used to your random antiques. His head was above yours, now you were both face to face. You gave him a quick kiss, both smiling at each other.
"Lower." You repeated.
He listened. Rayne was now neck level. It was his turn to give you a quick kiss to your neck. This caused you to let out a sleepy giggle.
"Lower." You repeated.
You quickly brought up your left leg and hooked it around Rayne's upper waist. His right arm naturally wrapping itself under your thigh to snuggle you closer. In return, you wrapped your left arm around his head and brought him closer. You could feel him ease into your bear hug and nuzzle his nose against the valley on your chest.
Rayne let out a sigh of disapproval. Man's simply wanted to sleep and youre making him lose minutes off his sleep. Though this did not stop him from listening. His face was now chest level.
"Goodnight, sweetie." You kissed the top of his head.
"Goo'night, bunny." You heard him reply, his words slightly muffled.
You knew in your heart, your annoying, clingy self was one of the many traits he adored about you.
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morgaseus · 1 year ago
Absolutely smitten by Rayne Ames the moment I saw him. Look i'm a sucker for self-sacrificing characters. And that got me thinking...
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Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who is the Golden boy of Easton Academy; Academics? Looks? Talent? Skills? The teacher's love him, every girl loves him, the boys want to be him, and parent's wish their children were like him. He's got it all, so what's not to like about him?
And enter you, a perfectly average student who can't seem to excel at anything other than subjects you're passionate/interested about. Compared to Rayne Ames, you're nothing, not even a pebble at a sidewalk.. So when midterm results came out… you feel like your soul’s about to ascend to heaven
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who’s as cold as the northern winds, even his fangirls have a hard time approaching him! but that won't deter you from approaching him! Not when your grades are on the line!
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who you begged to tutor you! And if he refuses, you threaten to tell everyone how he has a soft spot for rabbits, thereby ruining his image! HA! He can't have that now can he?!
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who absolutely does not care if you tell everyone about his fondness for rabbits; he’s got his priorities straight, he couldn’t care less about some nobody. But upon seeing how genuine you are about needing his help, relented.
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who’s tutoring methods are brutal. You feel like a recruit being told by his superiors to do 100 pushups! You feel like you're about to cry. Ahhh, just what the hell did you put yourself into, you’d rather go to sleep, but you have to push through! Think about your parents, who worked their asses off to enroll you in a prestigious school!
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who was the first person you told about your finals exam result. He didn't seem like it but deep down he’s very proud of you! Your score may not be the same as his but Rayne knows how much effort you put to achieve a high score.
Schoolmate! Rayne Ames who found himself always waiting for you. It's Lunchtime? You’ll come to his room to fetch him, so you two can have lunch together. It’s a semester break and there's a festival near the town? You’ll come to his dorm room so both of you can enjoy it together.
And oh, there’s a prize you really want but can’t seem to get because you suck at the game? He’ll win it for you. There’s a stuffed toy who seems to remind him of you? He’ll get it for you.
Rayne Ames who’s slowly but surely falling for you.
Rayne Ames upon realizing his feelings can't help but be disgusted. Disgusted at himself for allowing someone like him to fall for you.
Rayne Ames who slowly starts to distance himself from you. You want to eat lunch together? He’s got an important task to attend to. There’s a festival near town? Again, he's got an important task to attend to. You need his help regarding this certain subject you're having a hard time with? You can ask someone else to help you. He’s a busy man, he has no time for such frivolities.
Rayne Ames who despite his best efforts in avoiding you, can't help but feel like there’s something, someone lacking in his life. It feels so bleak, so empty,
Rayne Ames who always finds you seeking him, always asking about his whereabouts, despite it being months of avoiding you. He knows that you know he’s purposely avoiding you, any normal person would’ve given up by now, and yet, you still insist
Rayne Ames who found himself cornered by you. Apologizing to him if you did something wrong or told something offensive to him
Rayne Ames who denied any of the above. Telling you that you did nothing wrong and that you should go back to your room now, it's beyond hours.
“Then, is it because you don’t want to be seen with someone like me? Is that it Rayne? Is that it?”
Rayne Ames who’s chest ached.
Rayne Ames whose eyes are as cold as the northern winds told you: “that’s right, i'm ashamed to be seen with someone like you”
Rayne Ames who can't seem to read you, you've always worn your heart around your sleeves, but this time it's like you've totally enclosed your heart. But this should be fine right? This should be enough to deter you. So give up, stop looking for him and go on with your life. 
“You’re not being truthful, at all, Rayne. At Least tell me the truth so I can..”
Rayne Ames who clenched his teeth and told you the truth; how during those times you've been together, he found himself falling for you, and he can’t have that.
And Rayne Ames who told you that you deserve someone better; someone normal unlike him. Someone who can give you a normal life, grow old and have a normal happy family. Without him, without someone like him
Rayne Ames who heard the sharp, piercing noise, before the stinging sensation in his cheek. It took a moment for Rayne to process what happened, out of all the possible reactions for you to have, being slapped did not cross his mind.
Rayne Ames who sees your face contort with anger and sadness; telling him that he has no right to dictate what you should do with your life.
Rayne Ames who feels guilty, he knows what he’s done is wrong, but it's the only thing he knows that's right- keeping people he cherishes away from him. You shouldn’t get entangled with him any further. It's for your own good.
Rayne Ames who pulls you close to him, hiding behind the shadows of a pillar, so as to not get discovered by a patrolling staff. Your argument with him might’ve alerted them. 
Rayne Ames who became too aware of how close you are. Too close. Too close.
Rayne Ames who was ready to pull himself away from you. But before he could make a move, he felt your arms wrap around him, pulling him closer to you. Despite his inclination to pull away, he found himself melting into your embrace.
Just once, he’ll allow this luxury just once more.
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angelsbless · 1 year ago
I absolutely love your mashle content! Could you do orter x readers headcanons? 🥺
Yes yes ofc sorry i made you wait i'm busy with my exams. Here you go hon i hope you like it 🤍.
Note : I love him sm ah, i'll do part two about the dating headcanons i couldn't help myself i wanted to write this ahhh i hope you don't mind mwah!
Orter madl x reader (hcs)
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Orter will most likely deny his feelings and try to ignore them but deep down in him he knows it.
You were the type of person who's his complete opposite, you were radiant like sunshine and you didn't mind breaking rules or putting others before yourself.
He was so mad at the fact that someone like you is a competent mage and a really great one, so he started observing you more waiting for you to only mistake once so he could lecture you about law and feel like winning.
But as time went by, he started to be captivated by your actions and the whole YOU. Because of his strictness he never really paid attention to many things, yet while observing you h learnt many things that he almost forgot about.
He'll watch you smile brightly from distance and feel something tucking his heart but will try to ignore it. Until you two met at the library one day and it happened that you were searching for the same book, so you smiled at him as you guys were speaking about the book.
HE BLUSHED yet he smiled without realizing it! You were stunned. Orter madl is SMILING? Also BLUSHING?
After a few discussions, Orter was searching for you in the library only to find you talking to a student, he didn't think about it, he just took your hand and pulled you close." you're mine" he said and you just chuckled at the situation and at his red ears and asked "why, do you love me?", "i you mean the annoyance and discomfort i feel when you're not around, yes i do, i love you"
You smiled at his confession and teased him a bit ( he was regretting his life choices) then confessed back ( man was so happy) which made him smile, a really soft and beautiful one, that you'll never forget.
You smiled back at him, he was mesmerized by it, he never thought he would be this happy, and never thought he would try to change his perspective for someone. BUT HE'S DOING SO!
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kingkatsuki · 8 months ago
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— rumours
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I missed him a lot. Thank you for always indulging me @katsukikitten
Pairing: Rayne Ames x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, non-consensual filming, voyeurism, perv!Rayne, dry humping, dirty talk, Rayne cums in his pants.
Word Count: 1.7k.
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Rayne Ames was never one to believe rumours. 
After all half the ones that he managed to hear in passing were all factually incorrect. Talking about how many bunnies he owned, how many he’d acquired through legitimate means, suggesting that he secretly bred them to make rabbit stew (as if he would ever), fights he’d been in and even suggesting he’d murdered three people (if he had there was no way anyone would find out), and yet he found himself hanging onto this one particular rumour about you. 
The source was already unreliable – Dot Barrett was known to exaggerate everything. And yet when Rayne had heard your name slip from his mouth followed by the insinuation that you enjoyed humping stuffed animals in your free time this was a rumour he was prepared to get behind. 
Ignoring the thought of you using other stuffed toys to get yourself off, thinking of how many other men had gifted you them with this intended purpose, Rayne cornered you one afternoon with a floppy pink plush rabbit that was larger than any he had in his collection. The toy doused in his cologne which if nothing else would leave your bedroom smelling like him as he watched your face light up with joy.
“It’s so big, Rayne.” You’d gasped in surprise when he handed it to you. Trying to subdue the blush that threatened to cast across his cheeks as he pulled his cloak over his crotch to conceal his now ramrod hard cock as it pressed against tight slacks, eager and desperate to be free as he replayed your words in his mind. 
It’s so big, Ranye. No doubt in his mind that he’d be fisting his cock to that later even if the rumours proved to be false. 
“I love him!” You coo, squeezing it tight to your chest which had Rayne jealous of the stuffed toy, his jaw locked in place as he tried to resist the urge to wrap his arms around you himself. 
And not even three hours later, Rayne had found out the truth.
Some may call it magic or perhaps a miracle, but on this occasion Dot Barrett had been right. Pushing thoughts of why exactly he knew this to the side, Rayne held his breath as he watched you hump the soft pink bunny toy he’d bought for you a few hours earlier. And you were even prettier than he could’ve imagined—
Rayne had to bite down on his lower lip to stop himself from groaning out loud, all too aware of the next room full of his superiors. Pressing his back against the cool stone wall as though he was afraid his legs might give way as he watched your body grind against the soft toy. Your breasts were covered in a pretty lace bra, and he could just about make out a pair of matching panties that sat high on your hips at the bottom of the frame as you angled yourself to create the best friction against the soft material. 
It was lewd, lascivious, depraved but he couldn’t find it in himself to look away. 
Your pouty lips practically glistened in the soft light of your bedroom, parted in a near-constant whine that had blood rushing directly to his stiff cock as it pulsed beneath his slacks. Reaching down with his free hand to palm himself he kept his focus on the way you were writhing against the stuffed bunny, trying to mimic your movements as though he was fooling himself that you were here with him— grinding on his lap in the same fashion.
“Oh my god,” You barely whispered beneath your breath as you circled your hips, and yet it was enough to have Rayne groaning out loud, “Feels so good.” 
You’re so beautiful like this, he thinks. Watching the way your chest heaves and your eyelashes flutter whenever your clothed clit catches against the cute bowtie that’s settled around the bunny’s neck, fingers gripping the plush a little harder as you change the angle, panning down slightly to show your crotch and the way your cunt glides against it. He wonders how wet you are right now, squinting as though he can make out the faintest hint of a dark patch against the crotch of your panties. Desperately wishing there was a magic he could use to reach through the camera and touch you, to glide his fingers through your messy folds and feel how wet you were for him— because this was definitely all for him. 
“Fuck,” Rayne curses beneath his breath when a sultry moan tumbles from your lips, spreading your thighs wider to press your cunt down on the toy with more force as the seam began to disappear between your soaked folds. Giving him the perfect view of your labia as he imagined stroking his bulging cockhead through them, nudging your clit before feeling your velvety walls flutter around him. 
“Pretty bunny,” He rasps through clenched teeth, “My pretty bunny—”
His hand isn’t enough, he thinks as he palms himself through his slacks. Trying to wrap his hand around himself through the stiff material as he ruts his hips in time with your movements, feeling his pre-soaking through his boxers and staining the fabric. Wondering whether your slick is leaving silvery lines against the fur of the stuffy, whether he’d be able to smell it on it later— 
God, he hoped you’d keep this stuffy with you in bed. He hoped it would become your favourite out of all the ones you had just so he’d get to see this whenever he pleased. Wondering if you’d sit it up on top of your bed so he could watch you coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel as you smoothed cream into your thighs, or trying to decide what to wear for the day as you pranced around in this same pair of pretty panties. 
“Shit.” He grunted as his balls began to seize, feeling the telltale sign of his impending climax as the coil in his pelvis began to tighten. Tightening his grip around the base of his cock as he tried to will himself to hold on a little longer, teetering on the precipice of his pleasure to wait for you to jump first— 
He could tell you had to be close, your pace began to falter as your hips became sloppy. Dragging yourself over the toy persistently as you focused on your clit, letting go of it in favour of reaching up to palm your tits through the sheer bra as the movement had the camera panning back up to your face. 
You were completely lost in ecstasy now, your lips parted in a constant whine as you rocked against the toy. Mumbling out a slew of inaudible words that he wished he could decipher, risking turning the sound up a bar just to try and make them out before you caught him completely off guard with a whiny, debauched moan that he was terrified was loud enough for the people in the next room to hear. God, Renatus would never let him hear the end of it if he knew—
“Fuck, Rayne.” You cried out, throwing your head back as you found your release. Your vision blurred when your body fell forward, scrambling for purchase as your tongue lolled out from between your pouty lips as your calves tightened around the bunny. Your chest heaved as you gulped in fresh breaths of air as your hips instinctively continued to rock against the toy to ride out your release. 
If his grip hadn’t been so firm on the device, it would’ve clattered to the floor with the shock of his name flowing from your lips in such a saccharine tone. The sound had his cock bucking beneath his pants as he came hard, spilling copious amounts of white hot cum into his boxers as his hips rutted against the air. Seeking out the slightest bit of friction as he rubbed against the zipper to his slacks, his chest heaving as his head knocked back against the cool stone behind him. 
Risking another glance down at the phone to watch as you pulled your panties to the side to look at the mess you’d made between your thighs, muttering out the cutest “fuck” Rayne is certain he’s ever heard as you dragged two manicured fingers through your messy slick, holding it out in front of you as you began to spread your fingers apart as the silvery webs started to split between two digits. It was almost as though you knew he was watching you as you put on an elaborate show for him, giving him the showstopping finale as you reached up to slip those same two fingers into your mouth to clean them off. 
Rayne’s spent cock quivered at the sight, you were already willing him back to life as he pressed a rough palm against it in a feeble attempt to keep it down— but all it ended up doing was causing his soaked boxers to stick to his skin uncomfortably as he tried to shift his hips to ease the sensation. Wishing he was with you, spreading your thighs open as he settled between them to drag the flat of his tongue through your glossy folds, cleaning up every drop of your essence as he pushed the tip of it inside your drooling hole. Hearing you moan and writhe for him instead of the pink bunny stuffy, and letting you ride his face the same way you’d just been riding the toy. He wished he could see the mess you’d left on it, whether you’d do the same to his face, his cock— 
Fuck. He had to calm himself down, he was going to be stuck in the meeting for at least another two hours. Trying his best to fix his dishevelled appearance before resuming his position in the room with the rest of the divine visionaries— hoping that none of them would be able to smell the scent of his spunk practically radiating off him as he tortured himself further by imagining you on your knees cleaning him up. 
Rayne must remember to ask Dot the next time he sees him if perhaps there might be any other rumours he knows about you—
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caelivir · 1 year ago
hidden lights | rayne ames
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— synopsis. reading rayne ames is impossible. that's why you don't get why he offers to take you out on a date after you've been stood up again.
— pairing. rayne ames x fem!reader
— genres. modern au, you and rayne are roommates, fluff, you’re so oblivious it hurts, rayne's most likely ooc towards the end but we do it for plot,
— warnings. one kys thrown in at the end but it’s not in a serious manner
— word count. 3.2k
— notes. in honor of triple liner rayne being animated. i have quite literally been waiting to see it animated for years. also hi.
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you can never tell what rayne ames is thinking. he wears the same cold, uninterested glare on his face at all times of the day. he never speaks unless spoken to, never lets you know when he leaves the apartment, never does anything to show that he actually has emotions.
you're asked on the daily how you survive rooming with him, and in all honesty, it's really not that bad. he does his half of the chores, and he doesn't leave his shit all over the apartment. really, the guy's only problem is his lack of emotion. it drives you up the wall.
finn says not to take it to personally during the one day he visited his brother. apparently, he's like that with everyone, but he's still a good guy. it just takes time.
you would like to believe that, but rayne makes that extremely difficult to believe when he looks like he wants to kill every person who so happens to exist in his direction.
so naturally, seeing him so angered after finding out that you've been stood up is surprising. it's an even bigger shock when he offers to take you out on a date instead.
you don't know what compels you to agree. even if you hadn't accepted his offer, something tells you that rayne would've found a way to get you to leave with him so there's no use in trying to deny him in this matter.
that's why you allow him to drive all the way to marchétte street, where a night market is being held in full swing. the road has all sorts of stalls lined up one after the other, ranging from foods to clothes. but because the marchétte night market is ridiculously popular, the place is packed to the brim with people.
rayne offers his hand once he notices that you're daunted by the crowds. you stare at him with surprise. when you don't make a move to accept this action, rayne huffs before grabbing your hand. he interlocks his fingers with yours and drags you into marchétte street's traffic.
the first thing you note is that rayne's hands are surprisingly warm and soft. for someone so incapable of talking, his touch is strangely reassuring.
he drags you to a vendor selling takoyaki. and even as he orders, rayne doesn’t let go of your hand.
“what do you want?” he says into your ear so that he doesn’t have to yell over all the noise. the feeling of his breath fanning over your skin sends shivers down your spin. it's maddening.
“oh. uh-” your eyes quickly scan over the menu, and you blurt out the first item that you read. out of habit you reach for your wallet, but rayne is quick to shut you down.
“absolutely not.” he grumbles, letting your hand drop to your side so he can pull out his cash. rayne hands the amount to the girl at the register, and she hands back his change that he drops into the tip jar.
“thanks.” you say quietly, still so flustered about the entire situation.
rayne only studies you before humming in acknowledgement. “come on.” he guides his hand to your upper back, moving you out the way so you can wait on the side for your orders.
it’s during this time you really look at rayne as if that would provide you with the answers you need to understand him. you try to wrap your head around it. you draft up every possible explanation, but none of them seem to make sense.
unless… it couldn’t be… does rayne like you? you shake your head, dismissing the thought as soon as it crosses your mind. no, that’s absurd, the furthest thing from logical. this is rayne ames we’re talking about. in the five months that you’ve been living together, you two have never had a solid conversation. how could he ever like someone he’s barely talked to?
you're about to confront rayne about his intentions until your number order is called, and all the courage you built up crumbles away as rayne leaves you to go pick up your takoyaki.
still, whatever his reasons for doing this may be, this is a rare opportunity to come by, and that means that maybe rayne doesn't have to continue being a stranger. maybe you can get under those layers and find that good guy finn said was there.
"i never knew marchétte had a night market." you say, breaking the silence as the two of you walk side by side through the market.
"i didn't either." rayne admits, poking his fork into one of the octopus balls, and shoving the whole thing into his mouth.
"what?" your face scrunches in disbelief. "then how'd you find out?"
"i asked finn as we were going down to the garage." your date shares nonchalantly.
you turn to look at rayne with the intent of questioning him further, but the sight of his cheeks bulging with food makes you burst out in a fit of giggles.
"what?" rayne asks, narrowing his eyes at you. you bite your lip to contain your laughter. your gaze falls on a mixture of crumbs and sauce that sits on the corner of his mouth, only causing you to smile wider.
"you got a little something there." you gesture at his lips. rayne fumbles for a moment, swiping his fingers around various sections of his mouth, somehow only cleaning half of the mess up.
you shake your head, still grinning up at him. he tenses when your thumb grazes the edges of his lips. you can feel his eyes staring deep into you, and you have to ignore the way it makes your stomach flip.
"all done." you whisper, wiping the remainders on the napkin in your hand.
rayne doesn't say anything regarding what occurred, only urging you to follow him further down marchétte street.
you swear that you see the tips of his ears go red, and something about that makes you all fuzzy inside.
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as the night progresses, you and rayne abide your time by visiting stalls. well, it's more like you choose which ones interest you the most, and rayne follows behind. you comment on certain items that look nice; sometimes, you ask for your roommate's opinions to decide on whether something will be worth your money or not. to your surprise, rayne's advice is solid, and you end up listening to him.
at some point, you convinced him to buy a pair of absurdly looking mugs for the apartment. he fought you hard on it, saying that a mug shaped like a fish is extremely inconvenient, but in the end, you won with insistent begging.
when the two of you both got bored of the market, you decide to take rayne to one of your favorite spots in the city.
"the park? really?" rayne gives you a dead stare.
"hey, don't judge." you pout. "i love this place."
"why? no offense, but i don't think parks are all that special."
"i feel like i can take a step back here and just a catch a break from everything," you answer honestly. "sometimes, i sit down and watch people as they live their lives, and something about that is strangely comforting. it makes me want to keep going."
rayne doesn't follow up on your words, but you can tell that he's really considering them, and that brings a smile onto your face.
"plus, i feel like it's a good place for when you want to talk to someone." you grab onto your roommate's wrist. "come on let's go to the swings."
you practically drag rayne to the playground, which is completely deserted, but that's to be expected when it's already 10p.m. no parent would be dumb enough to bring their kid out this late.
you force rayne onto the the swing next to you, and all he does is sit there, unwilling to indulge himself in such a simple joy. annoyed with him, you hop off your own set, coming behind him.
"what are you doing?" rayne whips his head around as your hands plant themselves firmly on his back.
"oh live a little." you huff, mustering up enough strength to push him. the swing rocks forwards and comes back. even as rayne complains and threatens you, you continue to push him, watching as he goes higher and higher. he may be masking it, but you can tell that he's enjoying it.
you finally give up when your arms grow sore and a layer of sweat coats your face. slumping back into the swing beside rayne, you breathe heavily. "man, that was a workout."
"i told you to stop." your date reminds you, shooting you a look.
"you can be honest, rayne. i know you liked it."
"i did not."
"yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that." you wave him off, laughing.
for a minute, neither of you say anything. you're the one who said that the park is a place where you can talk openly with someone, yet there's not a single topic that you can think to bring up.
luckily, rayne swoops in to save it. "can i ask you something?" your half-blonde roommate asks, something more serious laced in his voice. it makes you swallow a lump in your throat. an anxious feeling creeps into your body.
"of course you can."
"why did you bother giving that guy a chance?"
it's easy to know exactly who he's referring to. you shrug. "he's nice and has good energy."
"but he had stood you up two times in the past though. clearly he isn't as nice as you make him out to be. you seriously can't be that dumb to have fallen for it three times."
that statement in itself should get you mad (even though he would be right), but there's something peculiar in what he said that had you ignoring the jab altogether. "how'd you know he stood me up twice before? i never told you that."
at that, rayne freezes, eyes blowing wide open. it's so obvious that he's trying to find an excuse right now, but you push further.
"who told you that, rayne?" you lean closer, watching as his ears turn beet red. you're not even angry with him. it's mostly curiosity making you push him. not to mention that seeing him in a flustered state is entertaining and quite cute.
"max did." your roommate finally admits albeit quietly.
you pull your head back. "max? as in max land? how the hell does he know?"
"your dates happened to be at the restaurant he works at."
"why would he bother telling you that though?" you wonder. "up until tonight, i don't think it concerned you."
"it did though." the half-blonde mumbles, thinking you wouldn't hear, but you do anyway.
"what?" you press.
"forget it." rayne shakes his head, growing irritated.
"no. fuck that.." you seethe, annoyed at his unwillingness to be honest with you. rayne bites his tongue to hold back. you see it. "don't act like this. just tell me, or i swear to god i'll text max right now-"
"it's because i knew that i could treat you better." the words rush out of rayne's mouth as he snaps his head toward you. the fire in his eyes die as he locks his gaze onto you. the harsh emotion written across his features softens. you can feel your own exasperation slipping away like that of a retreating ocean tide. he grimaces in regret, knowing that he didn't mean to let that slip out, but he did anyway. it's out in the open, and now you knew.
surely, you're hearing things wrong. perhaps you're misunderstanding what he just said. how could that be misinterpreted though? it's such a painfully straightforward statement, yet it still doesn't make any sense.
rayne sighs. it's like he can already hear your thoughts and your confusion. the least he can do is clear the air and dump everything onto you while he can. "i didn't expect to feel like this," he begins to explain. "when i moved in, i just assumed you'd be another person i wouldn't pay attention to. i'm sure you know how i am. i don't bother getting to know people, but a lot of people feel the need to force themselves into my life, and shit like that pisses me off. but you didn't do that. you introduced yourself, explained the ground rules of the apartment, and then left me alone."
"so... you like the fact that i leave you alone?" you tilt your head.
"shut up. let me finish."
"but yeah, that's part of it. you keep your distance, but you still try to show that you care. you don't do anything groundbreaking. it's just that the small things you do for me got to me. it may sound dumb to you, but it meant a lot to me."
suddenly, you're hit like a train because you know exactly what rayne means. you recall all the times you ensured that there was dinner for him, the times you moved his laundry into the dryer when he forgot to do it himself, and the times you restocked his favorite snacks when they ran out. you hadn't realized that you did any of that. it just came naturally, no hidden meaning behind it.
"oh." you breathe out, blinking.
rayne nods, continuing. you're honestly floored over the fact that he still has more to say. "you don't notice it. at least, i don't think you do, but at some point, i tried doing the same for you. i started paying more attention to you and what you liked and how you liked things done. i did it mostly to pay back your kindness, but over time i continued just 'cause i liked seeing your smile."
you have to process that for a minute, piecing together how certain events lined up until it finally clicks into place. "s-so the island vase-"
"i replace the flowers because you like them fresh."
"the key holder?"
"you always forgot to bring your keys until i installed it."
"when you put on movies-"
"i check your letterboxd and hope that you'll sit and watch them with me."
"when i put on movies-"
"i sit with you because i want to be near you."
your jaw falls open. never in a million years could you have expected this. you thought that rayne could care less about your existence, but the reality was that that was far from the truth. cold, aloof rayne was always doing things for you. all this time, you've been so oblivious.
still, there's more to the story so you stay quiet, letting him get his feelings off of his chest. "to be honest, i was never going to say anything. max tried convincing me to confess on multiple occasions, but i was dead set on letting it pass. i didn't think you liked me in the same way anyway.
"but then you came home today and you told me about your date and i just got so... angry," rayne clenches his fist around the chains of the swing. the whole situation infuriates him every time he thinks about it. "it just wasn't fair. you spent so much time into looking your best just for that asshole to go and waste your effort. you're so beautiful, so kind and understanding, and i fucking hate the fact that he's been taking advantage of that.
"i really wasn't thinking clear when i proposed this date to you, but god after tonight, i'd do it all over again. i wanted you to know what it's like to be with someone who does care about you. i wanted to see you smile. i wanted to hear stories. i want you so badly it's all i can think about sometimes.
"i know this is a lot, and i'm freaking you out right now. i'm sorry but you-"
"rayne." you interrupt with a big smile on your face. he was unaware to the fact that you had got up.
"for fucks sake, can you let me finish? this is already weird enough for me to talk about as is." he rolls his eyes, narrowing his gaze at you, blush splashed across his cheeks. still, without any resistance, you pull him up from his swing by his wrists.
"then don't." you whisper as you pull him in.
and the moment you crash your lips onto rayne's, the world stops. he instantly melts into you, the palms of his hands finding the soft skin on your cheeks. your hands tangle themselves into his hair. his lips are incredibly soft. a faint taste of matcha and sugar syrup dances on his tongue from the boba he drank earlier. a noise of approval vibrates down his throat, and you can't help but smile against his lips.
rayne wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer as he deepens the kiss. you get what he was talking about earlier. this kiss is all it takes to prove it to you. you feel his affection and desire all at once. every single bone in your body is so aware of how much rayne ames cares about you.
when you finally pull away for air, it's like a smile is permanently tugged onto your lips. rayne trains his eyes onto you, engraining every detail of this moment into his head.
a comfortable silence falls as each of you take your time to catch your breaths. your stare finds its way up, admiring the night sky. there are barely any stars out tonight. no, that part isn't remotely true, not fully anyway, because light pollution drowns out stars and their lights. the reality is that there are billions of stars hanging high out of reach; they just go unseen.
rayne is kinda like that you realize. finn was right. his brother is a good guy. there's a hidden light within him behind all those aloof layers of his. you just have to squint and maybe put on some prescription glasses is order to see it. it's a shame it took you five months to to really acknowledge it. but now that you've finally found a glimpse of it, you'll continue to clear past the fog. you want to know every part of rayne and see his light just as he did with you. you want him to be able to shine at his full brightness with no fear. you'll take rayne ames for all that he is.
"come on," you coo, a lovestruck look in your eyes as you slip your hand into rayne's. "let's go home."
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rayne: finn, give me a date spot quick finn: are you actually going on a date? rayne: stop asking questions finn: there's a night market on marchétte street. finn: are you seriously going on a date though? finn: hello? finn: rayne. finn: stop leaving me on read. finn: is it (y/n)? finn: it is her, huh? finn: asshole.
delisaster: hey sorry delisaster: can we reschedule for next saturday? y/n: kys y/n: lol sorry that was my bf delisaster: bruh what? delisaster: did you have a bf this whole time? *this message could not be sent* delisaster: did you fucking block me? *this message could not be sent*
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jals-stuff · 1 year ago
Some Rayne brainrot...
this is some stupid (and a bit horny??? no? yes? i don't know) stuff that went through my mind last night
MDNI PLEASE! this spawned in my head, no context
warnings: female reader, rayne is ooc and pervy, he is staring, dubcon (bit steamy at the end), bit of swearing, bit of horniness, mentions of boobies and peen...
i am very sorry, i wrote this with 0 hours of sleep. barely proofread. enjoy
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Rayne Ames. The Divine Visionary, the Sword Cane.
If you watch animal documentaries, you are probably aware that cheetahs can stay in the same position for up to sixteen hours without moving at all…
Well, it so happens that Rayne’s facial expression is like a cheetah. He somehow always looks like you’ve told him a really bad pun, and he’s judging you for it (not funny, did not laugh). He probably even has this face on while he sleeps, eats, showers, and probably even while he decides to please himself. 
And yet, despite looking annoyed every second of the day, despite looking like the unfriendliest guy in the whole Academy, he looks absolutely stunning. Anyone would agree that Rayne Ames is a feast on the eyes. And you, as his seatmate in class, aren’t one to deny this.
It was your last class hour for today and you couldn’t wait to go back to your dorm room and rot in bed like the absolute lazybone you were. Changing out of your uniform was now an emergency, as the shirt you had picked today was somehow way too tight for you.
Being clueless with basic things such as laundry had its pros and cons. Sure, your clothes were smaller now and you could barely fit; but it made you look incredibly sexy! …or so you kept telling yourself. Maybe you were just trying to cope with the fact that you were incredibly bad at basic human tasks.
You made your way to the classroom and got your notebook out. 
Today’s subject was pure theory, and you would’ve fallen asleep if you didn’t have the most scrumptious distraction sitting right next to you. You spent the hour doodling, taking notes whenever you paid enough attention to do so, and mostly throwing quick glances at your seatmate, Rayne, who was way too focused on the soporific theoretical experiments your elderly professor was passionately explaining, to pay attention to you.
When the old man turned around to write something on the blackboard, Rayne finally turned a fraction of his attention towards you. Of course, this happened during the minuscule amount of time you weren’t looking at him, and he took notice of a few things.
First of all, your notes were an absolute mess. Instead of trying to keep them consistent, you had picked a few words the teacher said, and chose to throw them into an adventure with other words, picked at different moments during class, resulting in an abomination that wouldn’t make sense, even to you. But you wouldn’t know, of course, since you never read your notes anyway. 
He would give you bonus points for the adorable little bunnies you had been doodling for the majority of your time in class, though.
Secondly, you seemed like you were about to sleep, but given the way you were taking notes, everything sort of made sense. Not your notes though, only the fact that you weren’t invested enough to stay awake.
Third of all, your shirt. He wished his eyes hadn’t lingered for such a long time on it. Why was it so tight? “Is she so dumb she can’t even do laundry?”, he wondered to distract himself from the fact that the button that kept your shirt closed around the chest area had the strength of a thousand lions. 
His eyes moved back to your face, and at this very moment, you chose to look at him. Your eyes met, and his expression was, as always, unreadable. Was he bored? Upset? Annoyed? At this point you were pretty sure he didn’t know any better. But it seemed a bit different this time, you could’ve sworn you saw his lower lid twitching slightly. 
You decided to turn your attention back to the teacher— or at least pretend to, for a while, and it lasted for a whopping fifty seconds. Efforts had been made! You deemed yourself deserving of a little treat, and an attempt was made to look at Rayne once again.
His eyes were still on you. Now it really felt like he was upset. You were used to his icy glare but it was getting a little uncomfortable, and so, as one does, you had a great shitty idea. You decided that stretching your back could maybe help you release some of this discomfort, and your button, may it rest in peace, gave up on its sole task of keeping your shirt closed. 
You couldn’t tell where it went at all. In fact, you didn’t even notice, but you did feel a little more comfortable now that your chest area was no longer being compressed, except it was in a literal meaning now, and not just figuratively speaking. You could still feel Rayne’s eyes on you, and decided that you wouldn’t look at him for the rest of this oh so boring class.
What you hadn’t noticed was that his eyes were no longer on your face, but rather on the missing button’s previous spot. “Is she so dumb she can’t take care of her clothing?”, he wondered to distract himself from the fact that he could now clearly see your bra. 
He could see that one mesmerising spot where your breasts were pushing in a wondrous effort to get out of their insufferable lace prison. In fact, pretty much anyone could’ve seen it if they had turned around, but it seemed this professor was either hypnotic or soporific because everyone was staring in his direction. 
You were then blissfully unaware of the fact that Rayne was now leading an internal battle. He had to get his eyes off of your cleavage, for your breasts were not the only things screaming for freedom anymore. Ah, perhaps Rayne was also bad at laundry, because his pants felt increasingly tight the longer he stared at you.
Divine Visionary or not, he was but a man, and what power does a man hold when presented with sweet bosoms? None. That’s right. He tried to think about anything else. Rabbits? His little brother, Finn? The concerning relationship Lance had with his little sister? The way alcoholism thrived amongst the ranks of the State police? No matter what went through his head, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
He had to do something about it, and you were probably not escaping this one.
As soon as the bell rang, he closed his coat as much as he could, and grabbed your arm before you could leave, and this time you could tell he was pretty upset. Why? How could you know? You didn’t know anything. Had your head not been attached to your shoulders, you would’ve probably lost it already. 
Instead of giving you any sort of explanation, he immediately dragged you with him. Your life felt like a movie that was playing in front of your eyes. My time has come, you thought, but… not quite.
You found yourself in Rayne’s dorm room, locked in with him. His roommate wasn’t there, and it was clear this crime would leave no witnesses. 
It took him half a second to remove his coat and— oh. You were suddenly in Egypt.
Everything was there: the stone hard pyramid, the Sphinx (that seemed ready to pounce on you), and the heat. Oh boy, the heat. As a very refined lady (yes you are), you brought your hand to your chest in indignation, and oh, how distraught you felt when you realised that your beloved chest button was nowhere to be seen. It was all starting to make sense.
Without a word, he pushed you against the wall and his lips met yours in a rough, steamy kiss. Your whole body felt like it was on fire; his toned chest was pressing against yours and breaking your buttons further, his clothed erection was slightly rubbing against your clit through your panties and his hands roamed your body hungrily while his tongue left no corner of your mouth unexplored.
It was all a lot to take in but it felt so intoxicating, the way his large hands held onto your hips to keep you from squirming too much underneath his passionate touch, and how his teeth were grazing against your lips while a mixture of both your salivas dripped from the corner of your mouth. 
His body was grinding against yours like waves on the beach, and both your breathings were becoming increasingly noisy. Only after long, delicious minutes of this make-out session did he break the kiss, panting for air, as he looked into your eyes with a lustful gaze you were now used to seeing.
It wasn't your first time pushing his buttons like this, and it certainly wasn't your last.
“You did it on purpose, admit it.”
Whaaat, you? Pfffft, never! But… let’s just say you’re not usually that bad at doing your laundry.
smol reminder that i am very bored and i also take requests for mashle, hsr, genshin, jjk, elsword, tower of fantasy...
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melancholymegumi · 1 year ago
melody's current thoughts .. 💭
pussy inspection w rayne & orter..
warnings : mean dom!rayne & orter , degradation (slut , whore) , pet names (bunny , princess) , lowkey ddlg undertones if you squint , daddy kink , reader gets ignored by rayne & orter , age isn't mentioned but all characters are adults. (Rayne is 20 , orter is 24 , reader is 19) , lance is mentioned , this is probably less than 100 words. minors, do not interact.
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god, this is so annoying. They talk like you were basically non-existent. "Was she bad this week? pussy's throbbing like a slut." you were squirming, again. They talk like you're not even there. It's like you're nonexistent.
"of course she fucking was. rubbing herself against the pretty boy from Adler today. I left her with him for a while, only to find her pushing her tits against his arm like a fucking whore. The princess doesn't mind her manner apparently." "no I didn't! daddy's lying—" he pinched your clit. God , that insufferable and scary look he had on whenever he's fucking pissed. The look that made everyone shut the fuck up.
"I didn't know that we gave you the permission to talk, bunny. Now stop fucking squirming before we tie you up again."
god, you fucking hate them. but, atleast it's better than 2 weeks of not sitting flat on your ass and having everything taken away. or is it?
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mellifluouaamor · 11 months ago
synopsis. his reaction to you asking him, “what if i suddenly disappeared one day?”
author's note. reader's relationship with the boys is up to your interpretation! but reader is implied to be orter's betrothed here c;
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as a blank look crosses his face, MASH almost drops the cream puff he was eating upon registering your question. he stops for a moment to think what exactly made you ask him that, but when he can't come up with any reason he decides to ask you a question of his own. "did something happen?"
when you don't answer him, he clenches a fist beside his head. someone must be threatening you - why else would you ask him that out of nowhere? "tell me his name. i'll punch the stuffing out of him so he doesn't bother you again."
mash is puzzled when you wave your hands around frantically, claiming that nobody is bothering you. "i was just curious!" you exclaim, "don't think about it too deeply. i just wanna know how you'd feel and what you'd do if it happens."
he hums thoughtfully as he continues eating his cream puff. the thought of you suddenly disappearing makes his chest feel heavy. losing you is like losing his pops - but ten times worse. he visibly deflates and stops eating, which worries you. when you place a hand on his shoulder, mash grabs that same hand and pulls you towards him.
"if you suddenly disappeared one day... i'll be sad. but i'll find you," he says, cupping your cheek which grows warm under his touch, "and i'll keep trying until i do."
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FINN would stare at you like you've just told the entire world his deepest and darkest secret. a few seconds pass, and the freckled first-year then clings to your sleeve as if he's a child about to be left behind by his mother. "wh-what? why would you ask that? where would you go? why would you go? is... is everything okay...?"
you could tell that he's becoming more anxious with every second that ticks by from the way he's clenching his fists against your robe. you reassure him that everything is okay and he relaxes a little, but he's still bothered by your question.
"then why are you asking me...?" he asks, trailing off. he's starting to think that you're actually hiding something from him and becomes jittery again. he grips your arm tightly, afraid that you'll disappear into thin air if he doesn't, and you wince; you swear that he's cutting off the blood circulation in your arm.
when you tell him that you're only asking for fun, that does little to ease his nerves. "but i can't get it out of my head! i'm scared- i don't want you to disappear without a trace!"
for the next few days, finn would become extra clingy and glue himself to your side whenever he can. lance and dot would cast judging looks his way, but he couldn't care less. as long as he's with you, there's no way you'd suddenly disappear, right?
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LANCE rolls his eyes at your question. "like that'll ever happen. you don't even know how to cast the transportation spell properly." despite his words, he's a bit concerned that something might be happening to you behind his back or you're sick, and you're not telling him about it.
"oh come on, you know that's not what i meant!" you exclaim, "just answer my question!" he lets out a quiet sigh. folding his arms over his chest, he stares straight ahead and thinks about what he'd do if you were suddenly gone from the academy one day.
"there's not much to do except to ask your friends and teachers where you went. if they don't know, then i'll search for you myself." there's a pause, and you tilt your head curiously as he looks down, his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes. "i'll keep looking until i find you." after that, lance doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day.
the following morning, your friends tell you that lance was borderline interrogating them about your private life last night, making you internally question his intentions. you can feel someone's gaze on your back as you go about your day, making you scared of the prospect of someone stalking you.
you also notice that lance has been overly attentive towards your activities over the course of the week, asking questions such as, "where's your next class? which friend are you going to sit with? what class do you have after that?"
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DOT doesn't think much about it at first and just laughs. "disappear? where are you even planning to go?" with a beam, he slings an arm over your shoulder. "don't think of going anywhere without me! wherever you go, i'll follow!"
you laugh along, unable to continue the conversation with how much of a cheery fellow he is.
later on, dot's mind would drift back to your question. he knits his eyebrows together, wondering why you would even ask him that. is someone bullying you? or maybe... he stands up abruptly and slams his hands on his desk, disrupting the class as he shouts, "I OFFENDED THEM WITHOUT KNOWING?!"
even when he's told to stand outside of the classroom until the class ends as punishment, he couldn't stop thinking about it. he's itching to barge into your classroom to ask you, but holds himself back from getting into further trouble.
during one of your breaks, dot would pull you aside and hold your shoulders firmly as he stares into your wide eyes. "look, i'm sorry for whatever i did. i'll apologise a thousand times if i have to," he says, and after a brief pause he adds, "just don't go anywhere i can't follow."
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RAYNE is immediately alarmed by your question, and he turns to face you with his usual frown deepening. he then grabs your arm to prevent you from leaving and asks, "what do you mean? spit it out. what happened?"
he won't let you go until you tell him everything. he doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he's worried, and the worst case scenario keeps surfacing in his mind. this is why he didn't want people knowing that you're close to him; you might be used against him, or even worse, hurt because of him.
"please, (y/n). tell me if something's wrong," he implores. he can't bear the thought you disappearing right before his eyes, and he really thinks that your life is in danger. even when you say that you're asking the question in a general sense, he's not about to take any chances.
rayne would ask max to look after you in his place and to keep tabs on your activities, as well as the people you'd frequently interact with. max thinks that he's overthinking but does it all anyway because he understands rayne's concern for your safety and well-being.
rayne would also make an effort to spend more time with you outside of classes so that he can guard you himself. you'll have to give him plenty of reassurance to convince him that nobody is out to get you.
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ABEL drops his doll; that's how shocked he feels when you asked him that haunting question. why would you ask him that, knowing that he had lost his mother when he was a child? do you want to torture him by disappearing without a single trace of your existence?
you immediately regret asking him that and try to apologise. before any words could leave your mouth, abel pulls you into a tight hug with one arm wrapped around your waist and the other around your shoulders. his gesture catches you off-guard, rendering you speechless.
"please don't," he whispers, "i feel the safest with you. if anyone or anything tries to take you from my side, i swear i'll take you back." without you, abel would truly be a lost child searching endlessly for the warmth that had left him.
the following day, you'd find abel and abyss as your scary dog privilege on campus.
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"... are you actually scared of me?" ABYSS gives you a melancholy smile as he asks you a question of his own. he had always dreaded the day that you would admit your fear of him because of his evil eye; although he knew that you would never leave him simply because of that, he still can't help but be scared of the slightest possibility that you might.
he slowly reaches for your face and gingerly cups your cheek, as if he's scared that you might reject him and pull away from his touch. he lets out the bated breath he didn't know he had been holding when you don't, and caresses the soft skin with his thumb.
"i know it's selfish of me to say this... but please don't leave me. you're all that i have, and life is only worth fighting for when you're there," he admits. abyss had a rough past where he was unloved even by his own parents, so when you approached him with a smile that shines like the light of dawn, he found himself unable to let go of your outstretched hand.
however, if the situation ever calls for it, he's willing to learn to let go. "if there ever comes a time when you're no longer by my side... then i'll accept it. but if anyone tries to take you against your will..." there's a pause as his left eye glints. "then i'll make sure that they're the ones who disappear."
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WIRTH lets out a loud laugh before leaning towards your face with a smirk. "And who would dare to take you away from me?" he'll gladly challenge anyone who attempts to do so, and he's confident that he'll win. "you've always been bad at hide and seek too, so how would you even hide from me?"
"just answer the damn question," you say with a huff, "it's not that deep. it's only a 'what if'." propping his chin on the palm of his hand, he mulls over what you had asked. if you disappeared because someone took you away...
"well, i'll simply find you and make the perpetrator suffer," he replies, "by the time i notice your disappearance, you wouldn't have gone far anyway." then, there's a long, awkward pause as wirth averts his gaze, like he wants to say something else but is reluctant to.
after a moment, he adds in a more serious tone, "if you need any protection, don't hesitate to find me. i promise i'll keep you safe." you can't help but feel a bit shy hearing those words come from him.
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CARPACCIO is eerily silent. he doesn't even look at you. he could only try to think of what his life would be like in your absence… and decides that he doesn't want to consider the possibility.
"disappear where?" he asks as he finally meets your nervous gaze, "would you disappear unwillingly? or of your own accord?" cupping his chin, he thinks about your question more thoroughly and tries to apply it in the different situations he could come up with.
"if you were taken against your will, then the most logical thing to do is rescue you," he answers, spinning his knife around his fingers, "and of course, i'll make sure that whoever kidnapped you will be in so much pain that they wish they're dead." a slight shiver went down your spine; you could actually see carpaccio doing that.
"but if you left on your own, then..." carpaccio trails off for a moment, unsure of how to vocalise his thoughts. "... i'd still find you, i guess. and try to figure out why you left."
carpaccio knows that the question you asked is merely hypothetical... but he can't stop himself from thinking that he may have done something to make you consider disappearing from his life. he'd try to figure out what instigated those thoughts of yours before finally asking you.
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"i have ways of looking for missing people. just finding you would be child's play," ORTER answers, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "is that all you'd like to discuss with me? please stop wasting my time with your nonsensical questions. if you're that unhappy with our engagement, take it up with my father."
he doesn't want to admit it, but he's actually thinking about your question far too much to the point that it's affecting his daily life. he gets visibly agitated whenever he's not in your presence, which doesn't go unnoticed by kaldo, who proceeds to tease him. "what got you so nervous, hm? worried that your future spouse won't be happy with you once you're married?"
if renatus happens to be passing by, he'd join in by saying, "he brought it upon himself. who asked him to be an ass fiance? i wouldn't be surprised if they plan on disappearing from his sight."
renatus' words would get orter thinking. after pondering your question more, he'd come to the conclusion that you feel neglected and are planning to leave him soon. the mere thought makes his chest feel painfully tight, and he'd drop whatever he's doing to search for you.
the longer he takes to find you, the more anxious he feels inside. the moment he sees you, he'd grab your shoulder and roughly turn you around to confirm that it's really you. you're surprised to see the dread on his countenance, which gradually dissipates once he's sure that he has found you.
there's a flash of guilt in his eyes, and as he gently takes your hand in his, he quietly says, "i'm sorry. please... don't ever leave my side."
(you can read kaldo's part here)
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luxthestrange · 1 year ago
MASHLE Memes #2
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Y/n*Holding Rayne by his thighs, pinning him to the wall, Pulling face away from his neck*...
Rayne*A deer in headlights as his legs wrapped tighter around you...seeing his brother caught him in this...risky pose*...
Y/n:...It is exactly what it looks like-
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seneon · 9 months ago
where they like to kiss you ──── mashle various.
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featuring. mash squad, rayne, orter, abel, abyss.
notes. i don't think this has been done before so here it is. these are all toe-curling fluff gn! reader headcanons btw !
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he likes to kiss your hands. not really great with his words or with his actions, he prefers the most unawkward part to kiss you. out of the blue, mash will take your hand in his and play with it a little, maybe even rubbing some circles with his thumb. then... he'll quickly kiss it. that's only at the start of your romance with him. as your relationship progressed, he'll leave longer kisses on your hands because honestly he loves it when you cup your face with those hands.
definitely your cheeks. he finds your cheeks very plum and nice to kiss. it's nice to play with your cheeks too! it's like squishing mochi except it's a very cute mochi and finn absolutely loves this mochi. he's so precious and cute that sometimes he'd lightly rub his cheeks against yours when he hugs you. very much likes to poke your cheeks too. this boy will never stop playing with your cheeks he just loves them so much idk why but i feel like he's into chubby people or people w round faces...
forehead kisser! when you're busy doing your homework, he goes down to smooch. when you're talking to him, he leans down to smooch. when you're just existing, smooch. his forehead kisses are quick, but they are filled with love everytime. will do it in public, no shame. probably has a dangerous addiction with kissing your forehead everytime. it's like he cannot live without it. after those kisses, lance will always compliment with whatever that's like cheesy enough to make you giggle. he's so prince charming mmm
lips lips lips. will do anything just to kiss your lips even if it meant to trick you. dot's very sneaky about getting those kisses too. to him, he won't really kiss anywhere else cuz he believes lips are the only way to properly kiss and transfer his love and affection to you. whether it's a quick or a makeout session, he never fails to pour so much love in them. oh yeah he gets red after kissing you so much and covers it with his pride while telling himself he's cool and stuff. this boy is the type to lean his forehead on yours just to look into your eyes after he's done kissing you too.
lemon loves to kiss your entire face. she cannot resist cute things or the sort, and you're so very cute to her. of course she'd shower your WHOLE face with kisses! every day, lemon gets a cuteness overload upon seeing you and just boom. shower kisses all over your face. if she wears a dark shade of lipstick, your entire face will be full of her kisses imprints, not that you mind though. she gets extremely shy after bursting with those kisses though, so make sure to show the same amount of love for lemon babygirl!
this is weird, but anywhere with your moles. he finds moles very interesting and endearing, believing in the mole myth where your past lover kissed you most on your mole spots. if your past lover kisses you at that one spot so much, that means that's the best spot, rayne believes so. your moles do not lie though, he finds it lovely to kiss your moles. who knows... maybe he loves to kiss the moles under your fabric too 🤫 he doesn't only kiss those specific mole spots though, he'll kiss your lips a lot too.
a classic temple kisser. aka, the side of your head. orter will gently grab your chin or head or move your shoulders to the side jusso he could kiss your temples. he'll shift your hair aside too, if they're in the way. after kissing your temples, he pulls you in a long long insanely long hug. just for him to kiss your temples or your head even more. for some reason he likes to quietly rub your temples for you too. yay, free temple massage from the best massager himself!
i feel he'd be clingy in a way, yk. so, when abel clings onto you, he adores kissing your shoulders. he's not really good with kissing elsewhere because he thinks that he'd end up doing something wrong but if it's your shoulders, he doesn't mess it up. it's a comfort thing for him to do, to lean his chin on your shoulders then bury his face into your shoulders to kiss them. very often the lang prefect will sneak up and hug you from behind and ofc, kissing your shoulders.
wherever you let him. he doesn't know what to do when it comes to kissing or affection at all. you're always the one kissing him and showing him love so he doesn't really have a favourite spot to kiss you. if he does want to kiss a very specific place, he'll ask for you and you'll allow him, since he rarely ever kisses those places. i think he prefers hands or somewhere on the face though, like your cheeks or nose. well abyss is still learning and trying 🥹
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TAGS 𖥔 ݁ ˖ @kyoghurts @anqelically @dragonictears @caelivir @itonashi @yusume-the-writer @dabi-drift @m4shiho @shuulsan
© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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hysel-e · 9 months ago
Bye ✋ Orter got me feelin’ some kind of way
‼️ Feast your eyes, Mashle fans ‼️
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Credits are in images
Abyss: arayxa.xz on TikTok
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crushmeeren · 1 year ago
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♡ Master List Link
All parties involved are 18+/aged up.
Note ➳ Keep in mind this is written as FEM READER, but you can imagine however you’d like.
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The men who are direct, cold, but who have no filter. Who will bite your damn head off under normal circumstances — but become whiny, writhing, fucked out messes when they get eaten out.
They white knuckle the sheets so desperately, so tightly that you’re worried they’ll rip as they lay face down with their ass in the air. They’ll wiggle and tense their thighs when your warm tongue runs over their soft, twitching holes again and again until they’re choking on their own moans.
Men whose voices splinter and crack as they beg you not to stop, who roll their hips in time with your tongue just to chase the sensation. The men who can’t help but arch their spines so prettily, one of their hands pressing on the back of your skull so you don’t stop tongue fucking them.
Men who want to sit in a chair, legs dangling over the arm rests with their asses on the edge of the seat so you they’re exposed entirely. They just love to watch you on your knees before them.
Men who bite their lower lips so hard it almost splits, fisting their cocks quick as hell to the sight of your pink tongue disappearing to lap over their holes. Who just about jolt out of the chair when you suck the soft muscle between your lips.
Men who beg you to touch your pussy while you eat them out. They get even more strung out watching you touch your clit, gazes locked on the way you’re getting yourself off.
Men who all but wail, who whimper and moan when you lick their rim as eagerly as one would eat an ice cream cone. Who plead desperately for you to let them cum when you dig your nails into the tender flesh on the undersides of their thighs.
Who gasp and cry out with voices that are absolutely wrecked — “fuck! fuck baby please, m’gonna cum, oh god, m’gonna cum! please please let me cum!”
Men who jerk themselves off until they’re at the very edge, who then stop and tangle both sets of fingers in your hair and tug sharply. Who let out loud, broken moans as their cocks kick, making messes all over their chests.
Men who stay so fucking turned on that even after they cum, they get a new fire in their eyes. Who stay rock hard and throw you on the bed to fuck your pussy until you can’t feel your legs.
DABI/TOUYA, levi, eren, GOJO, BAKUGOU, kageyama tobio, TOMIOKA GIYUU, MEGUMI, rayne ames + any of your faves!
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