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breadlmao · 1 year ago
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Above the horizon the sun rises.
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months ago
Just asking….you’re also into Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil? If so.
WHICH Leon version you like BEST???👀
I've been meaning to answer this but I put it off so long bcuz I'm trying to contain my excitement and not go absolutely bat shit crazy over Leon SLKDGHFJGHLK
THE best is such a hard choice but...im biased and I love games that get remake so...Leon from RE 4 remake is my fav...LOOK AT HIM
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and because I feel like it...a few more honorable mention:
pretty boi Leon from RE2...
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh man Leon from re6 nearly took the top spot bcuz....*GESTURES FRANTICALLY*
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kideternity · 17 days ago
I like genuinely currently spend most of my days just nonstop thinking about Kamen Rider Super 1 and especially Kazuya in super 1 but I just don’t share any of those thoughts because no one else understands that goddamn show and character but me, and Kenichi Muraeda, specifically, and I don’t want to live with the possibility of dealing with somebody who doesn’t understand all because I care too much like to an absurd degree of caring
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quadrantbreaker · 3 months ago
2024 hasnt been a good yr for my interests first homestuck now minecraft slop where the fuck am i please let me out
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rocketrrush · 6 months ago
I need it
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traveling-madness · 1 year ago
Do you ever look at a series adaptation and immediately know the Perfect Scenario for a character who has not been introduced yet and you get filled with preemptive disappointment became you know nothing is going to live up to your flawless vision of a thembo lesbian that has been held back at LEAST a grade level if not two and will not stop carving shit into detention desks with a dumb little pocket knife they keep getting into the school building somehow and unfortunately they are dressed like a trucker and making it work enough to convince their crush who is definitely terrified of them to tutor their dumb ass into maybe at least Starting senior year? No? Haha me neither I don't think about it either.
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bentosandbox · 2 years ago
nice skin batch this time (SAGASWEEP☝☝☝☝☝☝)
(this is the most subjective petty nitpicky shit ever btw i suggest to stop reading here for your own sanity)
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Tempest is one of the most skin lines ever. You can see their personality through their clothes
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So why is this batch so 'my understanding of 'street' fashion is shoe + pinterest boards of Acronym jackets/anime illustrations' than anything you'd see first-hand on the street/actual street brand look books
(I like them anyways and will probably get Shalem's at least, not sure about pappyka's cause I dont have her 😔)
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nori gets a pass (like its good but i feel like test collection would fit better maybe) because he is a trendsetter fr lol
idk about fartooth's personality but you can dare I say see his 'born to draw product design forced to draw girls' soul rattling the bars of his cage so badly
i know their copywriting is just purely decorative but >trendsetter >sports 😭 ???? yj this is not your MARTHE line...speaking of which;
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What were they smoking here
The skin is fine, I like it even but MARTHE? (Writing 'the fabrics are made for aegir lmao' in the description is a fucking copout tbh)
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Marthe is like THE Terra Athleisure line why the fuck did they pull a Zima again she is NOT hitting the gym with that gigantic coat (Broca is kinda lacking in the drip department but at least he's clearly dressed for and in the gym)
All of this is nothing compared to Vitafield though
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snobgoblin · 2 years ago
i wish there was a transcript of what ace and 2d's interaction was going to be for the intro of the tranz mv. like that would add SO MUCH to ace's relationship with 2d as well as gorillaz as a whole.
GOD RIGHT?!?! you can't say "we had a script planned for tranz" and then NOT release it im rattling the bars of my cage begging and pleading for it to be released it would add SO much needed characterization. like... as much as I love Ace and think his inclusion is fun it feels INCREDIBLY wasted and yeah they couldn't help it, budget stuff but like? I DONT understand at all why the band barely talked about him at least and why, oh why, he didn't get a single written interview. THAT WOULDVE ADDED *SO* MUCH and more than made up for him not speaking. but we didn't get that, we barely got anything. it's such a shame too, he's such a fun and wacky character and I would've loved to see how he interacts with the band and how they interact back and how his life is and what he's like these days... as fun as it is to speculate based on the little clues it would be nice to finally KNOW someday it's frustrating how that awesome premise really didn't amount to much
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roughentumble · 6 months ago
the thesis statement of derek's life being "you dont understand, bad things happen when i get what i want" makes me want to start BITING PEOPLE. rattling the goddamn bars of my CAGE
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kermie190 · 5 years ago
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I finished Azran Legacy and im deeply in love with Desmond 🥺💖
(Bonus below)
Bread man about to snap oh fuck
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missyslittlepet · 6 years ago
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((Barely any Louis x readers out there so I had to make something. It's quite rushed but oh well...
Summary - You're in the cell when Louis gets his tongue cut out.))
You sat, legs pulled up to your chest, in the corner of the cell you had been thrown into. You crossed your arms on top of your knees and buried your face into them, anything to block out the shit show you had found yourself starring in. How didn't the plan work? On paper it had seemed so straightforward and yet here you were, locked in a cage like some kind of animal.
"Don't sweat it (F/N)." Louis' voice echoed gently in the dim light making you lift your head to look at him. He flashed you one of his signature smile. "Clementine... she's gonna come for us. I know she will."
You felt the corner of your lips tugging into a small smile. At the sight of your smile Louis' eyes seemed to sparkle even brighter.
"I admire your optimism, I really do." You sighed. "Pretty sure you're the only guy I know who can keep his cool in situations like this." You couldn't help chuckling at him. He never failed to make you smile, despite the dangers you found yourselves in.
"Well," Louis tugged at the lapels of his coat and straightened up slightly. "optimism is my middle name."
"And here I was thinking your middle name was 'Nerd', how strange..." You smirked.
"Optimism, Nerd, Comedian, Charming, Gifted... Handsome." He winked at you.
You snorted and turned your head slightly, hoping he couldn't see how red your face had became.
"I go by many; you should have see how big my birth certificate was." His smile grew impossibly wider, as did yours.
To be honest, you had always been drawn to Louis since the day you had arrived at Ericsons. Maybe it was his ability to brighten up any room he walked into or his incredible musical talents or maybe it was just how unbelievably good looking he was. All you knew for certain was that you wanted to always be close to him.
When the dead started walking and all the teachers had fled to find their families, you and all the other children left stuck together to survive. As others in your group died and numbers began to dwindle it was inevitable that you and Louis would become closer, after all, everything has a silver lining. You went on runs together, helped fortify the school together and even helped him tune his piano when he needed a second pair of hand.
Of course the others in the group would make jokes and kissing noises but the pair of you would just brush it off. You knew he could have anyone he wanted so you never got your hopes up despite a part of you still wishing for it.
A loud banging coming from the door of your cell made you jump. One of Lilly's goons tapped the barrel of her gun on to the metal bars.
"You've already been told. Do not fucking speak, you understand that?" Her voice was full of annoyance. "Or do I need to go and get Lilly?"
"You know..." Louis started standing up and walking over to the bars. You began to panic. These people had killed your friends... they weren't messing around.
"Loui-" You tried to call for him but he cut you off.
"We've been here, what? About twenty four hours? And we haven't been offered any kind of food or drink. Terrible service, we wont be coming back." He leant against the door frame and smiled at the woman.
"Louis, just shut up for once in your life!" Aasim hissed from the cell opposite. "You're going to get us killed."
"Relax, Aasim. I'm just having a chat with our lovely captor here. No harm done." Louis kept eye contact with woman.
"Louis; please be quiet." You begged.
"I'd listen to your friends if I were you."
You felt your heart drop and the second voice echoing around the boat. The woman by the cell door looked to her left and nodded into the darkened hallway before stepping aside. Soon Louis found himself face to face with Lilly. His smile faltered for only a second as he gulped but then he was grinning again.
"Ahhhh, the woman of the hour. So glad to finally talk with you. The name's Louis."
You watched on as he held out his hand to Lilly. She looked at it, a mix or disgust and boredom coating her expression. Louis retracted his hand and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Not much of a one for handshakes, noted. Nice place you got, you bring all of your prisoners here or are we just lucky?"
Lilly silently watched him and he shifted uncomfortably.
"I bet you were a real class clown Louis. I'm sure all your little friends found you so funny." Lilly had a blank look as she spoke.
"Well, I did have my moments." Louis chuckled. "Providing laughs for the masses, I was just doing my job."
"I'm sure... Tell me, do you see anyone laughing now?" Her response made Louis fall silent and his grin faltered again.
"What can I say, tough crowd tonight... it probably has something to do with the fact that we're here against our will but, hey, what do I know?" He flashed Lilly another one of his dashing smiles.
Lilly hummed before taking a deep breath. "I've had to listen to your horrible attempts of humour since we got you here and I'm bored of it. My people have told you to shut up; your people have told you to shut up. I suggest you do before you find out what happens next."
"What happens next?" Louis raised his eyebrows still grinning.
Lilly smiled at him again. "Final warning. Not another word." She turned on her heels and started to walk away.
"...Mysterious, I like it."
You felt how heavy the air got as Lilly stopped in her tracks. There was a deafening silence before Lilly turned to the woman who was first guarding the cells and nodded before continuing to walk away.
Louis just had a chance to look back at you and shrug before the woman slid open the cell door and pulled him out by his dreads.
You pounced up and ran towards the door but it was too late, she had already locked it behind them. You, Assim and Omar watched on as she threw Louis to the ground and pulled out a small hunting knife from her pocket. The impact of Louis head hitting the floor of the boat had stunned him enough for him not to notice the woman now kneeling down in front of him.
"Wait!" You shouted. "He's a fucking idiot he doesn't know when to stop. Please dont kill him. He won't say anything again, I promise."
The woman looked up at you through the bars. "Oh, I know he won't."
For a split second you could see her hesitation before she forced his mouth open. She grabbed the tip of his tongue with her fingers and pulled it out as far as it would go. Louis started to gain back some control of his body but it was too late. You watched in horror as she sliced it clean off with her knife and Louis' destroted screams filled the silence.
There was so much blood. You gagged and felt tears start to fill your eyes. The woman threw his severed tongue on the floor causing Aasim and Omar to look away in terror.
"No!" You shouted rattling your cell bars.
The woman grabbed Louis by the hair again and dragged him back to the cell. She told you to stand back before throwing him in again and locking the door. He collapsed in a crying, shaking heap on the floor and you ran to his side.
He shook violently and choked on the blood filling his mouth. You forced him onto his knees in front of you and made him look down so that the blood trickled out instead of collecting in his mouth.
"Cough it up Louis." You sobbed as he struggled for air. Despite the pain and the tears he listened and allowed the blood to drip from his open mouth. His hands were clinging to you as you struggled to hold him up. You could feel him getting weaker from the loss of blood and allowed him to lean his forehead on your shoulder. The blood from his wound seeped into your clothing but you didn't care.
"Louis..." Your voice broke as his yelps of agony still ricocheted off the walls of the cell. You slowly stroked your hand over his dreads as he sobbed into your shoulder
The realisation of what had just took place hit you like a tonne of bricks and you sobbed harder clinging to him. Never again would you hear his dumb jokes and the soft way he said your name. His singing... He would never sing again. All of that was gone. In a split second they had just ripped the very thing that made Louis Louis away.
"Oh Louis..." You cried again.
Despite his pain Louis weakly lifted his head when he heard your crying get louder. His eyes locked with yours and through the tears he forced a tiny smile and placed a blood covered hand on your cheek. He was still shaking and gasping but he needed to know you were okay. After all, he had always made you his priority.
"Why couldn't you just be quiet?" You cried into the palm of his hand. "Jesus Louis."
He looked at the ground ashamed. He had gotten himself there, just like how he found himself at Ericsons. He felt himself wobble and before he knew it his vision had gone black.
"Aasim! What do I do?! I don't know what to do!" You shouted as you caught Louis' limp body in your arms.
Aasim looked just as panicky as you did.
"Keep his mouth open and his head forward to stop him choking. Is he passed out or?... Check his pulse."
"Aasim; what if he is..." You felt a heavy pain strike your heart at the thought. Not only would the guy you love be dead but you would be trapped in a cell with no weapons against what came after. Hey, maybe it would be better than living without him.
"Check his pulse (F/N). It's the only way to know for sure."
You took a deep shakey breath and placed you fingers on his neck.
"There's a pulse. Its weak but it's there." You smile through your tears up at Aasim.
"Keep monitoring it. I'm trying to think about what Ruby would say. It's like that time that Willy cut his arm open pretty bad setting those traps and he passed out. She just kept checking his pulse and watching out for a fever... I wish she was here now." Aasim looked so defeated.
"Keep checking for a pulse and a fever and keep his mouth open and his head tilted forward . Okay. I've got this." You sounded out of breath and you went through the list in your head.
The blood still streamed from his mouth and you could see he was noticeably paler than usual as you dragged him away from the cell door and back to the far end of your little prison where you could get the most privacy.
You lay him down face first gently in your lap making sure to keep his mouth open. One of your hands stayed on his pulse point while the other stroked his pale cheek. Suddenly the cell seemed so much more lonely without Louis' voice filling it.
"You've got to get up Louis." You whispered. "You need to get up and you need to be okay because I can't bury you. I can't even imagine you not being here." You closed your eyes and a few more tears fell.
You took another deep breath and tried to calm yourself. Right now he needed you to be strong for him. You continued stroking his cheek and tracing his features all the while feeling your jeans soaking up his blood.
You felt a little bit creepy watching him so intensely but you never got the chance to look at him this long before. You found it hard to make eye contact with him for too long without blushing and giving your true feelings away.
You were so scared to admit how you really felt toward him. He was just so amazing and well... he could have anybody he wanted. He was a flirt after all and despite him flirting with you it never even crossed your mind that he would take it further.
As you looked down at him you felt that familiar feeling set into your bones. One of your favourite things about him was his freckles and right now you could see them in so much detail. It had been one of the things that first caught your eye as well as his dreads. You smiled despite the situation and wiped away some of the blood on his face, noting that his pulse was still there.
He was out cold for an hour before he started to groan and move. The bleeding had slowed considerably and he had regained a bit of colour meaning you could relax a little bit. You jumped when he pushed himself up, having got so used to his stillness. His eyes flew open and adjusted to the dim light. He winced remembering what had happened and you could see he had began to panic.
"Hey, Louis it's okay, I'm here." You placed you fingers under his chin and forced him to look at you. It took him a second to understand that he wasn't alone. He made a sobbing noise and threw himself into your arms. You hugged him close and stroked his back soothingly.
"You're going to be okay Louis. I'm gonna kill every single one of these bastards for what they've done to you."
He shook his head violently and pulled back. He brought his hands up to cup your face. His eyes were more serious than you had ever seen him. He shook his head again and made a low noise that sounded similar to a no.
"You think I'm going to let them get away with this? You're crazy Lou."
He made the noise again and squeezed your face a little harder. There was no way he was going to let them hurt you. He hated that you would even consider putting yourself in danger for him despite it being the same if the tables were turned.
"Louis your voice, your singing; they've stolen that from you... from me."
His eyes softened at your words. He thought, if anything, you'd be happy not to have to listen to his singing. He felt his heart flutter despite the amount of pain he was in. He adored you, he always had. Seeing the pain you were in over him gave him a little bit of hope that maybe you felt the same. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"I'll kill them, every last one of them."
Louis just kept shaking his head.
"Why? Why can't I?"
He opened his mouth ready to explain until he remembered what had happened. Slowly he pointed to himself.
"You?" You furrowed you eyebrows catching onto his little game if charades.
He opened his eye and shook his head before pointing to himself again.
Louis nodded. He then made a heart with his fingers.
He shook his head again, still holding his fingers in a heart and looking at you expectantly.
He nodded and then pointed at you.
"Me- you?" You corrected yourself.
He nodded a third time.
" I love you..." It took you a few second to register what he had just signed to you.
"You- you love me?" You were so confused. "Like a friend?"
He shook his head and did the makeshift sign language again.
You felt yourself begin to smile. You're heart was fluttering wildly and you could feel the blush spreading across your face. You understood, if he had been in your place you wouldn't want him to risk his own health for you. It didn't make you any less mad at Lilly and her goons. She had took that moment away. You would never hear him speak those words to you and it was all you had ever wanted.
You pointed at yourself and made a heart before pointing to him and then holding up two of your fingers.
He smiled brightly even though his teeth were blood stained. You reached up and placed your hand on his cheek stroking his cheek. He nuzzled into the feeling and sighed. His tears had dried up and there wasn't much blood left. Slowly you leant forward and pressed your lips to his gently. His eyes widened in shock before they fluttered closed and he melted into the kiss.
You could taste the blood on his lips but they were so soft, just like you had imagined they would be. Louis made a small humming noise and you pulled away afraid you had hurt him.
"I'm sorry, was it painful?"
He smirk and shook his head, eyes still closed.
You chuckled quietly.
"Oh, so you were enjoying it then?"
Louis opened his eyes sheepishly and nodded again. He looked at your lips briefly before leaning forward and captured your lips with his.
"Well," You whispered when the pair of you finally broke apart. "I've imagined this moment so many times but never occurred to me it would be like this."
Louis smiled sadly and pointed to himself and then held up two of his fingers.
"You too, huh?" You mimicked his smile.
He nodded again.
"Come here." You patted your legs and he lay his head back down. You leant against the wall and closed your eyes convinced that Louis would pull through.
"What you said earlier, about Clementine coming to save us, I believe you. She's tough and she'll pull it off. Until then we're both alive and we have each other. At the end of the day that's all that matters."
Louis stared up at you as you spoke and absent-mindedly played with his dreads. You looked down at him and smiled. "Get some more sleep Lou. I'll be here when you wake up."
Louis took your free hand in his and squeezed it before allowing his eyes to close. You watched the rise and fall of his chest and smiled sadly to yourself. Your eyes looked to the door of your cell and the walls covered in flaking paint surrounding the two off you.
Clementine was coming you reminded yourself as you continued to play with Louis' hair and if you got the chance you were going to be the one to kill Lilly. That you promised yourself.
You closed your eyes and allowed the rocking of the boat mixed with Louis' heavy breathing to send you to sleep.
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