pastelmumu · 2 years
Pollen- Bee Duo x Child Reader[DSMP]
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TW: Bit angsty..?
Ranboo and Tubbo were awoken up by laughter outside;"Hey Ranboo...can you check outside..?" Tubbo asked tired, Ranboo groaned and nodded anyway, he dragged himself up from the bed and forced himself out of the room.
Before he went downstairs, he went to go check on you and michael first; he went to your room, but was confused when the door was opened a bit, he walked over to open it, but his eyes widened as he saw your room a mess and you were missing.
He breathed heavily and in a fast pace as he went to Michael's rooms to see if hes in bed; but he opened the door to see his bed messed up, 'No, No, No, No!!!' Ranboo thought to himself, he went back to his and Tubbo's room.
"Tubbo! Wake up! Y/n and Michaael arent in their rooms" Ranboo said, tearing up a bit; Tubbo got up from the bed and went over to him, "What do you mean they're gone!?" Ranboo turned his gaze on the ground as he started crying a bit, "I went to their rooms and they weren't there- oh no, what if something happen-!" Ranboo closed his eyes as he thought about different scenarios that could have happened to you and Michael.
"Let's just go find them ok-! Thay must be outside because I heard some laughter.." Tubbo grabbed his jacket from the coat rack, Ranboo did the same.
Both of them rushed down the stairs to go outside to see if you and Michael were the source of laughter; both of them looked around the house, "We can't find both of them anywhere!!!" Ranboo said, fearful if you guys had gotten hurt.
Tubbo looked down in thought; 'Where could they have went?' It then hit them, 'Phil's house' Tubbo then said, "They mighteve went to Phil's house, since he always visits" Tubbo stuck his hand out as he said that, Ranboo nodded; Hoping that they will find you both there.
They walked all the way to Philza's house in silence; only the crunch of sticks and leaves can be heard under there feet. Finally, they saw Phil's house from a distance, they picked up there pace and fiddled with there hands.
As they reached the door; both of them were very nervous; Tubbo knocked on the door and both waited for someone to answer, then Phil opened the door, "Hey Phil...we were wondering if Y/n and Michael are here with you.." Tubbo spoke up, Phil perked up at the mentions of you and Michael's name.
"Oh, yes, they are here with me- come inside!" Phil stepped aside for both of them; as soon as they stepped in, they heard you both shout, "Papa! Dad!" Well, you since Michael is a zombie piglin.
Ranboo and Tubbo were relieved but quite angry; they weren't informed that you both went to Philza's house, well..at least you are both safe..
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maeizy · 1 year
C!ranboo little sister x reader!
I HATE MYSELF RN, I LOST THE DANG REQEST THERE WAS TWO AND I REMEMBERED THE FIRST ONE- sjdjdnsidndoanfiehidn anyways the request was by @fantasyfiction-net ! and no I dont have a discord server yet! Ill try and make one though, ty for the advice! And yes I'd love to be freinds!!:D annnyways- ONWARD!!
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SYPNOSIS:x-reader where very young sibling,age 4-5. of C!ranboos, gets close with the sbi, Tubbo, philza, tommy ecr. To where he thinks they like the sbi more than him but they dont.
TRIGGERS: getting hurt; (by water[since readers also half enderman]), no others!
Notes <3- totally didnt forget about this- I kinda hate it but its whatever I guess. Sorry for being so inactive as of kate, I'm making a lot of more fics, not in this fandom but in others like Lockwood and co ect. Please please please make sure to check out my blog info and my other stuff I have it linked in ever post :D sorry of this is trash but I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
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you and ranboo where getting ready to go to philzas house it had just started to snow. you had always been fascinated by the white floating specs that reminded you of your very own purple ones that floated around you from time to time connecting to you to your ender man heritage.
"Y\N!" your older brother Ranboo yelled out as your tiny bare feet thudded out of the shack door breaking free from your bigger brothers arms to excitedly run out to the snow and attempt to flop down on it, but as soon as your bare skin touched the cold frozen flakes of water it burned, the excitement was then sucked away, as a searing pain tore through the pads of your exposed feet.
an enderlike screech of pain burst from your shocked mouth and purple particles was all your vision picked up on as you subconsciously teleported back, with a soft woosh, you popped back into the small space of the entrance of the Shack, that you and ranboo called home.
upright and confused, you where frantically holding your foot with a Audible "ow,ow,ow,ow,ow-" trying to balance on one leg and hopping backwards. already loosing your balance due to your freakishly long limbs for your age. (Thank your enderside) with a hiss you where sent wheeling back. being uncorranated as is, and then adding the fact you where standing how you where at the moment, you knock things down with you as you fall and land on your back with another shriek and a loud thump.
You let out another small, half hurt half annoyed huff, as tears formed at the ends of your green and red eyes. ranboo panicked running over in a semi-shocked state to grab onto you checking the red scorch marks on your left foot as you pushed yourself up on your elbows to let out another soft "ow" as he bent down to pick up your small 5 year old form.
being carefull not to bump into anything as he stumbled to set you on the staircase as he went to go grab some bandages rambling on with a " oh no!- I said to get your enchanted shoes on! Water hurts us-aww no please don't cry- healing poti-TUBBO"
The shorter boys head popped around the thrown open door as cold wind pushing its way in in a blizzard you hadn't noticed brewing till now, too focused on the throb in your foot.
The boys chipper voice was followed by ranboo half falling down the stairs to greet him and help you "Hi ran boo and- RANBOO WHY ARE THEY CRYING?!" ranboo fumbled with The wrappings as he wrapped it around the fresh wound " they went outside! in the snow! without enchanted boots and got hurt when it melted on them!" The little kid rushed over to tubbo hugging him tightly completely oblivious to ranboo who was trying to help; and ran into the shorter hybrids arms tubbo stooped to pick the younger child up as he set them down again on the staircase.
She wasn't full blown crying now, just sniffling as she tried to wipe of runaway tears as tubbo patted her head warmly with a small comforting grin to calm her nerves. she let the goat boy wrap the rest of the bandages around her foot then gave him an exited hug and a small. "thank you tubtub!" And got to her feet ignoring the ache and running to the front door to pick up her shoes, while ran boo wined a little at The younger boo and crossed his long arms in silent protest, giving a little huff of annoyance.
Tubbo chuckled "apparently she just likes me more" he said in a joking tone. But ranboo frowned "pftt-no.she-" tubbo laughed again as ranboos face turned a shade out of embarrassment. "whatever" he grumbled as he walked over to little y\n as she finished yanking the big enchanted boots onto her much smaller feet. she hummed with a happy little smile as he watched her with furrowed eyebrows standing their a little she got up humming a song tommy taught her and unconsciously grabbed his bigger hand bouncing as she pulled him outside "Phil's!phils!phils!" She chanted as her hand slipped from his when they got to the front porch of their small home in the snowy biome. Phil and technos conjoined house in the distance, lit with a warm light as the girl twirled through the snow twords it.
Ranboo teleported to the front step of philzas house with ease and tubbos head peeked out of the door of ranboos house, confused and annoyed, his shouts unheard as he ran across the landscape to join ranboo, and his sibling, who was huffing up the steps. "Cheater" you glared with a tired face. Your brother grinned as tubbo caught up. they didn't bother to knock as tubbo opened the door lazily and thunked his snow boots on the side of the doorframe. piles of snow landing on the hardwood deck from his boot.
The younger boo copied his actions holding onto the door frame for balance. And with a less powerful kick, her boot collided with the door, sending a little amount of Triump into the girl as she soon forgot about it and rushed into the house.
when she spotted philza and Wilbur having a chat in the kitchen she ran straight to them ranboo trailed aimlessly after her finding a spot next to tubbo as he chatted with tommy. Tomny and tubbo where fighting over who got the last peice of cake to which ranboo intervened and took it holding it above their heads while he took little pieces to eat himself while tommy and tubbo complained.
The little girl rushed over to hug phil who managed a "hey mate!" and patted her head and before he could say anymore she found techno who was talking to Wilbur.
"no -you have to kill them, then you can drag them into the-" he spotted the younger girls salt and pepper hair as she was silently staring curiously at him. He switched up his words as she walked up to him with a small cautious and confused face "kill someone?!" You questioned "uh-but of course we would skip the uh first step. and We would -drag them... to a nice place to have a talk-" she laughed hugging the pig-man who akwardly patted her back with a grimance. A glare shot from wilbur burned into technos skull.
You then hugged Wilbur who already had his arms stretched out. and with a warm smile she ran straight into him as she gripped his jumper with all her force. She leaned her small form back to Look up at his muddy eyes. With a mischievous grin then snatched his glasses off his scarred nose putting them on there face quickly, and dodging his long arms they Ignored the shouts of the older man. running off to find philzas arms to hide in. You darted into the living room, stopping shortly to take in there surroundings. the chatter from the boys, the sun streaming through the window, and the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen of whatever Phil was mixing up. it was comforting, but the loud footsteps behind them where not.
You couldn't make it to philza in time so you went to the person you would normally go for comfort, ranboo. Your brothers long limbs where crisscrossed on the floor and he silently nodded along as tubbo and tommy conversed. His green and red eyes found yours and his mouth turned into a grin and you sprinted twords him. Tommy spotted you coming there way and intervened "HEY y\n!" His bandaged arms opened wide, with a boyish toothy grin. Before you could decide who to go to, Wilbur rounded the corner. a glare set on his face as he squinted at her. "AHAHHHH" you ran straight into tommy.
the betrayal on ranboos face was prominent, his arms dropped slowly to his sides as his smile faded. though he didn't show it his heart panged a little As Tommy's arms locked in around you. He was supposed to be the one you ran too. He was your brother!
Wilbur barreled into the living room trying to take you from him. Tommy attempted to throw you on the couch and quickly cover you up with a pillow but it didn't work. The fight was over, Wilbur grabbed his glasses back off your defeaded half dead looking form and grabbed the pillow and proceeded to beat tommy with it.
You lifted yourself up, your hair now disheveled from the two brothers. You looked over to ranboo, your own brother, who looked a bit downtrodden. A wary smile was shot tword you, you huffed, feeling a bit tired you walked over to him, laying your head on his shoulder and gripping his arm "you ok big man?" He said as he patted your head lovingly "yes-can we go home now?" you yawned "we can- but I thought you wanted to hang out with techno, and tommy and-" " ranboo! I wanna spend time with you!" you smiled up at him, your eyes squinted. ranboo, forgetting you where a very unfiltered five year old died at your next words "Tommy's a little loud anyways-" he Busted open with laughter as wilbur did too, pausing over Tommy's defeated form on the spot on the floor where he had been being hit multiple times with the soft round throw pillow clutched in wills grip, tommy yelled in protest "HEY! I PROTECT YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME??" You look at him blankly " ummmmm- yes." Ranboo shoots grin his way, and scoops you up and grabs your shoes. As you slowly drifted off to sleep, you could hear techno voice echo " the kid was right, you are really obnoxious tommy" and another yelp from the blonde boy as a pillow thrown from techno this time, hit him square in the face. another loud scream was heard this time from tubbo "GET WRECKED" and a bust of laughter was heard.
This was your family.
And as you grew up, it always stayed that way, no matter what you went through, this, what some would call a ragtag group. was stuck with you, as family and you were ok with that, as long as your big brother stuck by your side, you felt impossible.
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
Prompt: Reindeer!!!
CC!Bench trio x reader
TW: Swearing
Event masterlist (discontinued)
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Tommy's christmas-themed vlog had gotten off to quite the rocky start. It began as usual, with a loud, overzealous intro from the man himself. From there, the train seemed to fall off of the tracks.
"You can go in and see them, if you'd like," one of the volunteers told them, much to the delight of the four young adults.
Y/n's jaw dropped. After sharing a look with Tubbo, the duo made it over the fence with one swift jump. Tommy made various shocked faces, whilst Ranboo watched them in amusement. The gate to the pen had been opened by the aforementioned volunteer, but they'd opted for the more difficult route, for whatever reason.
"You two are such fuckin' gremlins!" Tommy exclaimed as he pointed the camera (his phone, since he wasn't willing to risk breaking a good camera at a reindeer farm, but his phone was for some reason expendable). He and Ranboo entered through the gate.
Y/n shot him an offended look. "Coming from you? Hypocrite, honestly."
"I am a sweet, innocent child, thank you very much."
"Tom, you're literally an adult. You're eighteen." Tubbo responded in a dry tone, though a smile has evident from his voice, even if the camera wasn't pointed at him.
"Real!" Y/n shouted in response. "Now shut up and let me live out my childhood dreams. Getting dirt on the off-whites is worth it to see the little fellas."
The aforementioned 'little fellas' were not little fellas. They were big fellas. Around the same size as Tubbo.
"God, you really are just flexing, aren't you?" Tommy rolled his eyes as he referred to their shoes.
"You got Twitch famous and you're just not the same as you were." Ranboo complained dramatically, feigning a sad tremor in his voice.
"It's not really a flex if I didn't pay for them." Y/n shrugged. "I'm not paying half a grand for shoes I wear in a Tom Simons vlog."
Tommy turned the camera to face Ranboo as the taller one spoke. "Remember! It's okay to steal as long as Tommy makes money from it!"
"That's just... Not what I said. Tom bought them for me in a second channel video."
"But it's christmas - that means crime is okay!" Tubbo encouraged.
"Now I can't be cancelled if I decide to rob a bank, as long as it's december!" Tommy shrugged, as though the festive season was an excuse for literal crimes.
"Yes you can!"
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
New Powers
C!Tommy, C!Wilbur, C!Ranboo, and C!Tubbo x Platonic!reader
Word Count: 613
Requested By: Anonymous
Hi can i request a c!wilbur c!tommy c! Tubbo and c!ranboo platonic react to reader with scarlet witch powers? I think it would be interesting thank you!
A/N: This definitely did not go in the way I planned but I like it so if you want a part two to this I’ll do it! 
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You knew you would change after the fight but not in the way you actually did. Your new powers were similar to those who had been captured by the dragon but different. While the tall black creatures moved around unpredictably and picked items up, you could create ones out of thin air. You had discovered it by accident but just because this wasn’t ideal, didn’t mean you couldn’t show off to the closest people around you.
Before you left your small house, you grabbed a small ax in case you needed it. While Philza had cleared the area of any threats before letting you move here, you never knew what could be lurking underground. One wrong step and you could be in trouble. You made sure to also bring extra food and some extra protection for the journey. It wasn’t a long one but you were on top of a hill overlooking the valley where the others were.
Lucky for you, all four of the people you were looking for were already together at Wilbur’s. You knocked on the door only to let them know you were there before you entered, “I have something to tell you all,” you said.
“Are you dying?” Tubbo asked, standing from his chair at the table, “Because you can’t die. You’re the one who keeps us from dying.”
“Well thank you for your concern but I’m not dying,” you said, “It’s kinda the opposite in a way.”
“You’re pregnant!” Tommy exclaimed.
“What?” you shook your head, “No I’m not pregnant Tommy.”
“Well then tell us already,” he responded.
“I’m magic,” you said.
“You’re what?” Wilbur asked, making sure he heard you correctly. There was no magic in the overworld last time he checked so if you were right, something was off.
“Magic,” you repeated,  “I have powers now. Like really cool ones.”
“Wait, can we see them?” Ranboo asked. He was curious, like a child days before christmas. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise but also wanted to know.
“Hang on, hang on you guys,” Wilbur said, getting up from his chair, “How do you have powers?”
You shrugged, “I think it’s from the fight with the dragon. She hit me so maybe that’s how. I’m not sure how magic works to be honest.”
“That’s because magic isn’t supposed to be in the overworld,” Wilbur explained, “Does anyone else know?”
You shook your head, “I just found them out this morning. You’re the only people I’ve told.”
“Can you show us them?” Tubbo asked. Wilbur shot him a look so he quickly added, “Just so we know what we’re dealing with of course.”
“No no no,” Ranboo added, “Wilbur is right. Other people can’t know about Y/n and her powers. We need to protect her and keep this a secret.”
“Awww I’m horrible at secrets,” Tommy whined.
“Tommy,” Wilbur said seriously, “This is Y/n we’re talking about okay? We have to do what we can do to keep her safe.”
“Wilbur, I can keep myself safe. I’m not a child,” you said back.
“I’m not worried about you Y/n,” he said, turning to look at you, “I’m worried about the others that will want to hurt you if they find out,” he turned away from you and looked at the group, “Can we all promise to keep this a secret and do what we can to keep her safe?”
The other three boys nodded and Tommy put his hand out, waiting for the others to place theirs on top of his, “Promise.”
“Promise,” Tubbo and Ranboo said at the same time, putting their hands in.
“Promise,” Wilbur said, adding himself to the mix.
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theeyoungalabastor · 2 years
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Dream (XD)
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Karl Jacobs
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Technoblade And His Apprentice: The shattered Totem- Kill, or be Killed (Part 1)
>Hybrid Technoblade x Bear Hybrid Reader (Platonic)
>Warnings: Blood, Death, descriptive but mild gore, fluff, explosions, murder, freezing, manipulation,
>Status: Platonic, angst, fluff, (Technoblade see's (Y/n) as a close friend)
>Pronouns used: They/Them
>Word count: 7,306 (7k)
>Page Count: 21.4
Technoblade And His Apprentice: The Shattered Totem- Kill, or be Killed (Part 2) (Fin)
>Hybrid Technoblade x Bear Hybrid Reader (Platonic)
>Warnings: Blood, Death, descriptive but mild gore, fluff, explosions, murder, freezing, manipulation, Character death
>Status: Platonic, angst, fluff, (Technoblade see's (Y/n) as a close friend)
>Pronouns used: They/Them
>Word count: 7,306 (7k)
>Page Count: 21.4
Summary: Having been included with the aid of destroying L'Manberg with Technoblade both the Piglin man and dear reader soon become the main target for a certain quartet. Nailing wanted posters to the wooden poles around New L'Manberg the ensemble set off with the intent of having the duo pay for their crimes. Public Execution.
Technoblade fanart
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None as of currently, check back later!
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The Weeping Willow Waltz
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''loneliness is a language you have yet to learn dear child, but it is sadly one that I speak quite fluently.'' The fuchsia haired male quoted softly, stern intimidating act crumbling under the teens firm gaze that had been picking endlessly at the titanium walls he had built around his heart. "And I hope one day, you will never experience the pain of anguish as I have felt."
Disclaimer: I do not own the Dream Smp at all. This story is for entertainment only and I will try and make it as respectful as humanly possible. This does not follow the DSMP timeline but lore will be hinted here and there! sbi, hybrids, fantasy, adventure, action ) this story was encouraged by the story Passerine by Thcscus. (Please check it out its so good!) (COVER ART IS MINE PLEASE REQUEST PERMISION IF USE IS WANTED)
OC insert
WARNINGS: adventure, angst, battle, death, dsmp, entertainment, fanficion, fantasy, humor,
Chapters: Authors Note Before We Begin, Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
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Phantombur's Fall
You all remember A Fall From Grace? Specifically the part where I vaguely said that Phantombur finally told the reader as to why his wings no longer worked/existed? Well here's what he told her...
Tw: Gore
Pairing (its at the end): Phantombur x Angel!Reader
(Continuation of A Fall From Grace sort of)
From the very beginning there were two brothers and their father. A man by the name of Philza Watson, later known as the Crowfather or Lord Elytrian. His wife, the Goddess of Death, blessed him with two sons over the course of their physical marriage before she was called back to the heavens where only gifts could be traded between the two.
The oldest son, Wilbur, was a lanky boy in his youth with wings the color of freshly tilled soil that got darker to the point of sable and black at the tips of each feather. His wings combatted the majesty of his father's and triumphed in lengthy as time wore on.
His younger brother was a fair haired squealer of a child with lumpy wings that never seemed to be able to stretch out without contracting even smaller. There were complications with his egg concerning that the Goddess of Death had contracted a humane illness that would've killed a mortal while manifesting it. The Red Death. A new disease that colored the victim's veins a dark putrid red and spotted up like chicken pocks. It was quick to come and go through ones body but was fatal in every diagnosis.
Tommy, as the boy would later be named, was affected by this even as his mother was well from it by the time his egg was laid. His wings and feathers were spotted and colored crimson over the white they would've been. Over the years they folded over and Tommy never found out the truth as to why he could hardly even glide without an ache in his deformed wings.
The two boys, Wilbur and Tommy...Tommy and Wilbur, were inseparable. From the very moment Tommy hatched Wilbur was his brother. When Philza told him it was likely Tommy would never truly fly, Wilbur was his brother and taught him all the proper techniques as to soar.
Tommy loved Wilbur and Wilbur loved Tommy. A brotherhood as close, if not far closer, than any other. Then a blessing from their mother came. A strange hybrid of a boy. He was pink-haired and pig-like in features with tusks and blank eyes that held an intelligence no animal could, but he was quick and strong legged like a rabbit. This boy's name was Technoblade and Wilbur too became his brother.
The Three fought and agreed with each other throughout their whole lives. Throughout their father's Lordship and title of the Elytrian. Wilbur was declared an Elytrian himself on his eighteenth birthday and Tommy something called an Avian once he reached ten. Technoblade stayed Technoblade though a doctor said he had the resemblance of a Rabbit more than his piglin stature.
The Elytrian Lordship was passed to Wilbur when he turned 21 and Philza became a being known as the Crowfather and husband of the Goddess of Death.
To put it lightly, Wilbur was not the best Lord of his people. He was tough in his decisions and cracked under immense pressure in his young age. He had a courtship with a nymph and produced a fox daughter, but that daughter turned to a fox son and that nymph did not become his wife, but rather fled leaving the young Lord and now Father to find his way himself.
Fundy did not stay in the narrative long as the son of the Elytrian Lord went on his own adventures, accompanying a Merling that Lord Wilbur had befriended in his youth named Niki. Wilbur was losing his family bit by bit. His father took his brother Technoblade off to lands needing their battle experience and Tommy was busy hanging out enjoying his boyhood with two beings by the name of Ranboo and Tubbo. A bee hybrid and an Enderian whom Wilbur did not completely trust just yet.
Nonetheless Wilbur was eventually alone in his estate. The only things filling his halls were the wings on his back and the crows that fluttered too and fro tidying the place or exploring if they were new. Insanity crept in. Loneliness grabbed at his mind.
And Wilbur lost his way.
One night under the glow of a candle Wilbur sent out letters. Letters to his family saying he planned to destroy his life and the lineage they all had built. That this was his final goodbye. His last chord to the song of existence.
Then that morning he flew put over his small plot of responsibility and rained Hell down on it. With fiery arrow striking piles of haybales and setting ablaze the villages, Wilbur relished in the destruction. He loved it. His charm had won the trust of these people yet none of them deigned to think even their charismatic Lord was lonely in that large empty estate.
It didn't make sense... Any of it. Why had he been left behind? Because he was the eldest? Because perhaps his father had hated him for not living up to the world of expectations that were never presented? Maybe it was because Wilbur was the only normal one. He wasn't special. The only thing he had had was Sally and his son to define him and they had left him as well. The title 'Elytrian' meant nothing to him. Anyone could have wings if they wanted. Just because he was born with them did not make him special.
His brothers were special. Technoblade was a war genius and Tommy a smile in the rainiest storms. Wilbur was the brooding young Lord in the estate by the cliff. Son of the Goddess of Death and her mortal husband. That was all he had but even that was shared with Tommy and Technoblade.
So as the fires climbed and the people of his reach recognized him as their destroyer Wilbur smiled. Laughed. Found joy as swords were drawn against him. As arrows pierced his wings and shot him down. Laughed as the people he'd led through drought and disease cornered him on that cliff and tore away the one thing he DID have that was uniquely his.
Wilbur died in joy that he'd destroyed everything his family had ever loved...and he was cursed for it.
After receiving Wilbur's letters the whole Elytrian family and their friends they'd found on the way rushed to the village of their origin. When they arrived they were too late. Everything was burnt to a crisp and the estate Philza had built with his own hands was destroyed. Torn down and blown up.
Tommy's room was vandalized and the armor that had been specially crafted for when he finally grew into his wings was desicated.
Technoblade's carrot experiments, although long abandoned, were shattered and burned to ash. Not even a speck of orange or scribble left to prove anything of his curiosity and discovery.
Then there was Wilbur's room...and his throne.
Wings. Wings of the darkest browns bloodied and pierced by arrows still stuck in the thick feathers. A sickening laughter choked the air around the three living as the one dead cackled in the darkness a sobbing sound.
He was there, Wilbur. He was with his wings pinned to his throne. A reminder of the monster that once sat upon the ruined chair.
"I still remember their words." Phantombur said quietly with his head resting on your lap.
"Wilbur?" Technoblade was awestruck at the sight of his brother. A pale corpse of what he'd been last they saw each other.
"Wilbur what the Hell happened?!" Philza rushed to his son's side but stopped several paces away at getting a closer look at his boy turned man turned phantom.
"I was so....alone." Wilbur sobbed. The dire of his actions fully wrapped around his mind now. "They didn't care. No one cared." He cried and grabbed at his wings, his beautiful wings, but his hand phased through it.
Wilbur's skin was a pale grayish blue with darker colored circles under his eyes which now glowed an ethereal green. His hair was turned a dark navy with glances of white edging the roots and giving the look of transparency as all of his body now was. Etchings of skeletal bone traced his arms and the tattered remains of his clothes. A once regal suit turned to a demolished scrap of fabric.
"Wilbur your wings." Tommy was crying though trying to make it seem like he wasn't.
"Oh my God." Technoblade echoed and choked on his words. The back of the newly presented Phantombur was in shambles. Only the very start of his wings still hung on before tearing off into membranal shards. Feathers dis not decorate the skin but rather they were like a bats. Skin stretched over bone and punctures stabbing through the skin.
"I don't know what went so wrong...I was just so sad." Wilbur crumbled as his hand yet again went through the tufts of feathers on his physical wings. Phil tried to embrace him but he fell through his son. A chill wrapped around his body as he kneeled by him instead. It would take years for Wilbur to gain a physical enough form to be able to touch things again.
"Wilbur we're so sorry." Tommy sniffed and reached for his brother before registering the fault in the action.
"It's so cold..." Wilbur shivered and looked at his hands as the appearance of them started to disappear. He was fading away from his family. When the darkness reached for his eyes Wilbur darted forward to only be met with fresh grass and an empty forest at sunrise.
There was a book in front of him.
"Welcome to Origins SMP. Your life on Earth has ended and you have been chosen to join an elaborate group of hybrids." The first page read.
"Under certain circumstances considering your death in the world you were assigned your Origin early due to your decisions and therefore might have found out a few quirks to your new form. Despite this possibility, you will still be given a thorough description of your Origin as to help better yourself through this new world."
Translucent- Your skin is slightly transparent and others may see objects through you
Phantom Form- If you can sprint you can switch your form between invisible and your regular translucent self
Phasing- While in Phantom Form you may walk through walls and other objects such as trees
Photoallergic- Watch out for the sun because you will burst into flames
Fast Metabolism- Since you are indeed dead, your body does not require much food to function but when it does it processes it extremely fast so keep a good supply handy
Fragile- Without the ability to develop immunity or callous' your body does not heal very quickly which results in a fragile state of being. You'll die much faster than most your fellow Origins.
"Welcome to the world! Remember to keep your wits about you and fly high King!"
"That was all the book told me. Nothing of where I was or if any of my family had been chosen to this world as well. I later learned they had, but it was still so lonely. I started to go insane again once, but then I found Philza. I could touch again and it saved me to see my family. Technoblade didn't join us till much later. According to Phil, my people hunted down the Elytrian line till all of us were dead. Then they went to find the other superhuman entities. Fundy, Niki, Ranboo, Tubbo...they all died because of me." Wilbur carried on.
"But now were all here without any of those threats. You probably died in your past because of me as well and I'll be honest I couldn't be happier about it if it means I get to stay here with you forever." Your Phantom husband chuckled. You realized the pain it must've caused him to have those wings of legend removed from him. How excruciating it must've been to be alone for so long in a position where you didn't hardly know what was happening. It was easy forgive him, even if it meant your past life and past potential was gone because of him. It was easy because you loved him and he loved you.
That ending was a bit rough but I think it worked. Happy Spooky Season btw you guys. I meant to say it yesterday but I got really caught up in some work stuff.
Love you all 💙💙
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ze-maki-nin · 2 years
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕠𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖?
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷 ᴏғ ᴍʏ ɴᴇᴡ sᴇʀɪᴇs 'sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ'
sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴄᴜʀsɪɴɢ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ, ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴅʀᴏᴡɴɪɴɢ, sᴛᴀʟᴋᴇʀ-ɪsʜ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏᴜʀ [?], ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅs, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ ғʀᴇᴇᴢɪɴɢ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ ᴋɪʟʟɪɴɢ, sʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴄᴀᴘs, ʙᴇɪɴɢ sᴜʀʀᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇss [?], ᴘᴀɴɪᴄ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ [sᴏʀᴛᴀ?], ᴘᴀssɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs: ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ʏ/ɴ, ᴘʜɪʟᴢᴀ ᴍɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ, ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏʙʟᴀᴅᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ᴄᴀᴛ :ᴅ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟷.𝟺ᴋ
ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
“What the fuck?” Philza stared at the mess in front of him of what used to be a village. “There's blood everywhere”
As he looked around the place horrified, he noticed a crow flowing in circles above something, trying to get his attention with it's noises. Letting out a shaky sigh, the elytrian walked closer to the crow, his hand on the hilt of his sword.
“Oh my god” He mumbled, dropping to his knees in front of a passed out child, who looked around 9 years old, and they were covered in blood. “What happened”
As he talked to himself, Philza didn't realize the set of glowing white eyes staring at him from the shadows, all his attention on the child. Just as the winged man touched the child, the eyes disappeared from the shadows, a loud roar following after it.
Jumping up in a defensive position, Philza looked around in caution, his hand back on his sword's hilt. Seeing nothing, the man began to feel uneasy, and decided to take the child back to his, well his friends house to check the child for injuries.
Picking up the child, Philza began heading back the way he came, the crow that was flying around in circles perched on his shoulder. “Lets hope Techno doesn't freak”
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
As the blonde haired male walked through the forest, the snow crunching under his boots, he noticed the child turning a light blue color.
“God dammit” Philza ran through the snow, trying to be careful not to trip and drop the freezing child in his arms into the snow.
Sitting in front of a fireplace, a pink haired man continued to read his mythological book, a tea in front of him. Just as he was about to flip the page, he felt off, like something was wrong. Deciding to ignore the feeling, he continued to read in peace.
“Techno” A loud voice screamed, the front door of his cabin slamming open, almost flying off its hinges. “Get as many blankets as possible!!”
Not questioning the man, the pink haired man bolted up from his spot and ran to get what the older male demanded, not noticing the child in said man's arms.
Slamming the door behind him quickly, Philza ran over to the fire and carefully set the freezing child on the wooden floor in front of it, rushing to grab multiple wet cloths from the kitchen before coming back to clean up most if not all of the blood from the child.
He needed to make sure that the child didn't have any open wounds, so they didnt bleed out or get infected. As he did that, Techno came rushing back down with many, many blankets in his arms, and a pillow hanging loosely from his hand.
“Where do you want these?” He frantically asked, not used to his best friend being this frantic about something. “And what the hell is happening?”
“Couch” The winged man stated bluntly, setting down another blood covered cloth next to him in the pile before picking up another one. “And I found this child covered in blood in a village, and while coming back here they started to turn blue”
Hearing the word child, his thoughts immediately went o a orphan, causing them to start going crazy.
Ignoring them, the piglin hybrid set the multiple blankets and single pillow on the couch before heading over to the shorter male who was in front of the fireplace with a child on the ground.
“You know I don't like orphans, Phil. They don't like orphans” The pink haired male started with an emotionless tone as he took a seat next to the blonde male. “They already want them dead”
Letting out a tired sigh, Philza sent a sad look towards his friend, who had a frown on his face. “I know but. . .I couldn't leave them out there Techno” He stated, looking back at the now cleaned up child, wrapping up a large slash on their pale arm with the bandages he had on him.
As the two adults talked about what they were going to do, moving the child to the couch and covering them with blankets to keep them warm, they didn't notice the glowing white eyes, staring at them from the forest.
“We can wait for them to wake up and then ask them what happened. Then decide from there ok?” Philza said, patting his friend on the shoulder before heading to the kitchen to make some food for when the 9 year old wakes up.
Letting out an annoyed huff, Techno mumbled a “Fine” To himself before heading back over to his chair to continue reading.
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
Looking around the dark abyss, you let out a shaky sigh, your hands shaking from fear and anxiety that ran through your body. You didn't like the dark, more specifically you didn't like what could be in the dark.
As you stared into the void, you felt your legs start to get cold and wet, making you look down. A gasp left your lips as you saw water rising slowly, it was already up to your knees by now. How did you not notice before?
As you started to panic, a bright light blinded you, causing you to hiss and cover your face on instinct. The light was warm and welcoming, almost like a mothers embrace, or the light glow of the sun during summer. It was nice.
Blinking your eyes a couple times, trying to get used to the sudden bright light, you noticed you were in a field filled with flowers and bees.
“Wow” You breathed out, staring at the bright colors that were totally opposite of what you just saw before. You've never seen something like this before, it was so. . . colorful.
Feeling something brush against your ankles, you looked down curiously to see a black cat rubbing against them, then looking up at you with it's light purple eyes with a meow.
“Why hello there” Crouching down to the cat, you began petting it, feeling it's soft fur with your pale hands, bringing a happy and warm feeling to your chest.
As the cat meowed one more time, it began running away from you and further into the field. “Wait up!” You called out, your legs moving on their own as you chased after the fast cat, who didn't stop at your call.
As you continued to run through the field, you felt the soft blades of grass beneath your bare feet slowly turn into cold hard dirt, the greenery around you from before turning into a dull brown, causing you to slowly come to a stop and look around at your new surroundings.
“What the?” You questioned, turning in a full circle to see no green in sight, only brown. How long did you run for? It only felt like a couple minutes, but the green field was nowhere to be seen.
Hearing a meow behind you, you turned around quickly, your shoulder length hair whipping you in the face. Breath caught in your throat, you stumbled back in surprise. The cat from before was in front of you, laying on the ground covered in blood.
What the hell happened? Just a minute ago it was rubbing up against your ankles, alive and breathing. But now, it was dead in it's own pool of blood, large gashes all over it's small body, eyes wide with fear.
Your breathing picked up, thoughts running through your head as your hands began to shake once more. Your heels hit against something, making you fall onto your back with an oof, making you quickly lean back onto your arms and scooch.
As your breathing picked up again, your arms gave out from underneath you, making you land on your back once again. As you stared up at the once blue sky, you brought your arm up and over your eyes, bringing you into complete darkness.
Your body began to pulse with pain, like you were being stabbed over and over again with a dull sword, making it more painful than a sharp sword. Tears began streaming down your face, your eyes still covered as you let out pained sobs, wanting it to stop.
With one last pained scream, you blacked out, your body twitching from the overbearing pain.
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
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soothinglee · 3 years
a/n: goodbye is back baby! a little filler and the last chapter will be longer!
summary: fears.
warnings: semi- religious talk, cursing, crying, etc.
THE AIR WAS becoming toxic, every breath y/n drew in was suffocating. at some points it became so much that they wanted to plug their nose and die.
the sight was sickening, it almost made them feel bad. Tubbo had no right to have their sympathy but yet he had it in his grasp like he owned it.
they had to thank whatever god was above that ranboo had focused on anything but them, one more word spoken would make them spiral. it was hard to think and a fog devoured their mind.
“don’t even think about lying,” he had tubbos face in his grimy hands. forcing his wandering eyes to his purple ones.
tubbo chokes, he debates if it’s a good idea to risk y/ns’ safety even more because- if he did tell ranboo the truth he would discard dreams words and bring them back dead. Or, he would die and who would get Michael?
he lets out a shaky sigh, ranboos eyes grazed his face like a hawk watching its prey, looking for any sign of vulnerability.
“well?” ranboo questions after a beat of silence.
“I-“ he gulps, the pressure of ranboo hand around his face increases with each word. “I had to,” ranboo moves his hand and tightens it around tubbos neck, he yelps at the contact.
“I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me, I had to- please.” his voice is muffled by sobs, thankfully ranboo had some vendetta against tears and retracted his hand back with a scoff wiping it against his shirt. tubbo takes the opportunity to step back and gulp in much needed air.
“you switch up fast y’know? one second you are all for turning y/n to dream and then you're,” he gestures to tubbo who was hunched over the table with a nasty look “this.”
he tuts and turns towards y/n whose glare hardened every-time he moved, if looks could kill he’d be long gone. he takes long steps toward them and shoved them against the wall. they felt the stone piercing their skin, going far enough to draw blood.
scratch what they thanked before, fuck the god that was on duty right now. the sheer pain flowing the rough their body was unbearable, if their pain tolerance was any lower their brain probably would’ve shut down and they’d pass out.
ranboo gives them a frown, scanning their face like he did once before to tubbo. “you look so sad,” he comments fixing their wild hair in place, like how a cat would groom its kitten when they first give a breath of life.
y/n gives a low rumble, pure hatred laced their words “no shit.”
ranboo giggles but he falters “you know what this means right? you gotta come with me. dream has been waiting for you and you can’t disappoint the master.”
what kind of messed up stuff is going on here?
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” they muster up what ever saliva they could produce in their body and spit, directly into his face. “fuck you.”
his whole demeanor changes in a instant, he drops the hand from their hair and wipes the spit off and it lands on the floor with a splat. he watches it falls and shakes his head. "y/n," he sighs grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket and ridding his hand of the fluid, "I just want to let you know that you made this difficult-"
was the last thing they heard then the lights went out.
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pastelmumu · 2 years
6 year old Y/N: "Michael! Wanna play?"
Michael: "Yes, what are we playing?"
Y/N: "Jumping off the cliff simulator"
Ranboo and Tubbo after hearing that: "Jumping of the WHAT!?"
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Reader that's picking flowers and meets ranboo and techno in the woods? (platonic and fluff please)
Author's note- This is so wholesome😌 Also I know you didn't say child reader, but I think it would work really well with this.
Mainly inspired by Cottagecore
Flowers in the woods
Y/N was walking in the forest holding a basket they made from twigs in their hands. The mushroom hat they wore shined brightly as they walked though the forest.
"Where can I find flowers?" They said, putting a finger on their chin as they looked around.
Then they saw a patch of sunflowers, oxen daisy, tulips and so much more growing the floor, and bright red mushrooms growing on the trees that were covered in moss.
"There they are!"
Y/N ran towards the patch and began to collect the flowers and mushrooms.
"You ok, Techno?" Ranboo asked as he saw Techno take his sword out.
"I heard something, someone..."
Ranboo followed Techno as they got deeper into the forest, the more they walked the more they heard footsteps and giggles. They pushed a bush out of the way and saw a child, around 5 or 6, picking up flowers from the floor, they had a massive mushroom hat, their H/C hair stuck out from it, they wore green shorts, a light blue sweater with clouds on it, and had small black boots on. The child was too busy getting flowers to notice the two.
"An orphan..." Techno said, pulling out his Orphan Oblterator.
"Techno, no, we don't even know if they're alone or not, we can't just kill a kid."
"Yes we can," Techno said.
"Let me go talk to them," Ranboo said, standing up.
"Ok, suit your self."
Ranboo walked towards the child, but this time the child noticed him. The child looked up and saw the endermen hybrid looking down at them. Ranboo crouched down so he was eye level to them.
"Hey little buddy, where's your parents?"
The child looked down at their basket who full with flowers and mushrooms, and then back to Ranboo.
"I... Don't know, I live alone in a abandoned cottage."
"So they ARE a orphan!"
"Techno! You're not going to kill them."
"Ranboo you know I hate orphans," Techno said with a blank face.
"Uh, what's your name?" Ranboo asked, ignoring Techno's comment.
"Y/N..." Y/N said, before putting a flower in the hybrids hair.
"That's what missing, you weren't wearing a flower, flowers make everything prettier! That's why I'm collecting them, I decorate my house with them."
Ranboo smiled and laughed a bit. Y/N looked at Techno and walked towards him. Techno raised his asked and Ranboo shook his head in a panic. Y/N grabbed a handful of flowers and tried to make Techno sit.
"Fine..." Techno mumbled, sitting down.
Y/N braided the piglin hybrid's hair, placing flowers in as they went along. Once they were done, they took out a crack mirror and gave it to Techno. Techno looked into the mirror and was kinda impressed.
"Thanks kid..."
Techno stood up and was about to get ready to leave before pulled him aside.
"We can't leave them by themselves, it's dangerous."
"They've been just fine Ranboo, what makes you think they will die?"
Techno, we at least gotta let them stay with us for a while, it's dangerous for some defenseless 5 year old living on their own."
"We have to ask Phil first."
Ranboo looked at Y/N who was yawning against a tree as they slowly fell asleep.
"Little buddy, do you want to stay with us for a while?"
Y/N had excitement in their eyes as they nodded.
"But can we go to my cottage first, I want to get a few things."
The three walked in the forest for about 30 minutes, and then they began to see the house.
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(Image from Google)
Y/N opened the door and went to the cabinets, grabbing a bag and began grabbing various items, like a stuffed bee and a jar filled with flowers. Once they were done packing they called someone's name and grabbed a jar that held a golden baby axolotl.
Techno and Ranboo were confused until they saw a baby fox walk out from under a table. Y/N placed the aloxltol gently into the basket of flowers and picked up Butter.
"We can go now!" Y/N said, walking out
Once they were at Phil's house, Phil was surprised when they say some kid with a massive mushroom hat walking with Ranboo and Techno.
"Uh, who's this?" Phil asked.
"Can we talk inside?" Ranboo asked.
"Uh, sure."
Ranboo told Y/N to go sit on the couch while he and the others talked.
"So uh, me and Techno were in the forest hunting when we heard footsteps and giggles."
"So we checked and that kid on the couch, who's named Y/N, was picking up flowers and mushrooms, and we asked if they had and parents and apparently they don't. So can they live with us, until they find a family."
Phil thought for a moment before coming up with a idea.
"Don't you a kid yourself, Micheal was it? Why don't they stay in Snowchester with him and Tubbo, they'll have a kid around they're own age to hang out with, and also I don't think their's space for them here."
"Wait that could work," Techno said.
1 month later...
For the past month Y/N has been living with Ranboo while Tubbo and him got the stuff they would need. When they got to Snowchester with Ranboo, Tubbo was happy to meet them, and Michael was even more excited. Y/N roomed with Micheal and the two played often, and Y/N would give Michael a basket of flowers and Micheal would give them a golden sword, and they would let their imaginations run wild.
"You two ready for bed?" Tubbo asked as he and Ranboo tucked Micheal and Y/N to bed.
"Yep!" Y/N said.
"Oink!" Micheal said, since he couldn't speak English yet.
Tubbo and Ranboo closed the door as they walked down the halls of the mansion.
"Where did you find Y/N?" Tubbo asked.
"It's a long story..."
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑢𝑟 𝑆𝑜𝑜𝑡 !ℎ𝑐
Masterlist // part one
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Wilbur soot x reader !p !c !child reader !hc
Pronouns: none specified!
Warnings: death, swearing, loneliness
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
╔═══*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═══╗
Being Wilburs child will include..
╚═══*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═══╝
You wouldn’t leave Tommy’s house for ages
You just continued to weep there and refused to come out
Everyone tried, I mean everyone
Eret even came by to try making amends
You didn’t know rather to forgive him or not
“I trusted you, we all did.”
Tears drained you cheeks as you pulled your knees closer to your chest
He just looked down placing the crown ontop of your head
Just like he used to
“I understand that I betrayed your trust, if I could I’d take it all back. But y/n, Wilburs dead and you need to trust someone”
Somehow the one who you looked most skeptical at
Had convinced you to finally leave your downfall
You slumped around the smp looking around the new area
Tubbo was building a new Lmanburg, and it certainly looked nice
Just not yours anymore
So when you sat down under the lmantree, looking out at the spruce bridges and houses
You shrieked as blue fell on your lap, a cold shiver almost Icy feeling on your shoulder
“My star! I’m so happy I found you, Tommy said you were hiding.. I know you like games but I won this one!”
You were ready to spontaneously combust
A pale almost fully translucent figure that looked exactly like your father hugged you
You shrugged off the fact that you were freezing to death at his touch
Begging to bring him closer
But everything felt so cold
And empty, like a once comforting fire now put out in a brim of light
He was dead and you didn’t want to accept the fact
Blue seeped out of his eyes but he instantly backed away seeing that your shaking
“Come on star, I’ll take care of you!”
𝐄𝐱𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐜..
You felt treasured that you finally had a reminisce of your dad
Even if he was just a ghost
So you followed him everywhere around
Making sure that you wouldn’t loose him again
A part of you feeling guilt that you liked ghostbur better
I mean your dad left you, begged to be stabbed by your grandfather
Didn’t even think
So when you both followed tommy and dream to exile everything left your mind
“Two children and a ghost, great.”
You slapped dreams shoulder and he stared you down with the mask
“You wanna try that again?”
So you did it again
He always liked you, but damn that man is too prideful
So he got out the netherite axe and held it up just testing to see if you’ll do it again
You were bored and Tommy was just mumbling to himself
So you did it once again!
Ghostbur shooed your back behind him
You weren’t becoming ghost/n
So you helped build up the dirt shack and threw your stuff in the hole
(Making sure to keep valuables in an ender chest)
All your worries from the past couple years just now floating away
Ghostbur found a way to unintentionally emotionally manipulate you?
He didn’t mean to ofcourse
But all the trauma of being in 2 wars, living underground, and loosing any family you ever had
Can make you a very vulnerable person
So his happy and giddy personality took a massive toll on you
and created the same bubble which had been burst a long while ago
So just as you know it, it can be popped once again
And a bigger wave then the last time
𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝗼 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐳𝐚
You had helped clear the felid with dream allowing tommy to escape
Throwing around tnt and spilling redstone on the ground
The kid was amazed at how flawlessly you could pull off a fake death
So you followed ghostbur and Tommy into the tundra hiding out around technos house
You were excited to see him after he left
You were tired of waiting outside with Tommy
So you pick pocketed the door and just sat down on the sofa
The fire was running so he was still near
Tommy came inside after a pointless hour of standing in the cold
And when techno came home
He was shocked to see you just sitting there reading his Greek mythology book
“You know Uncle Tech, you remind me a lot of Ares. A lot in common”
So he found tommy and ghostbur lurking and was hesitant to take you in
But he had no choice because Tommy was stubborn
“Techno, can you look after N/n for me? I need to find some blue”
You spent the day sleeping as he read on the couch next to you
Philza had stopped by for the first time since you’ve been there
He was a little confused seeing this small teenager-kid thing just peacefully laying down on the couch next to techno
A book and blanket sprawled over the two of you
Then you woke up stirring a little bit
Almost screaming at the sight of Phil
Your senses finally came back
You grabbed the nearest weapon you could find holding the netherite hoe up ready to slash
“You were so quick to stab a sword in my fathers chest! See how it feels!”
But techno pulled you back picking you up
No matter how tall or heavy you are that man can just throw you
“I Didnt want to kill him, he was my son.”
Tommy was listening to everything from the floor above
So you sat with Philza while techno slugged the peeking blonde outside
Philza spent the time telling stories of the three brothers and making sure you were comfortable with him
“How did Wilbur knock up a fish twice?”
Fundy, you forgot about fundy. How he was feeling about the whole situation
You have been avoiding him for the longest time
Maybe soon it was time with a reunion
“Says the one who married a refrigerator..”
Yeah Wilbur told you some things too while he was alive
Family was a tight spot
But they seemed alright
So when ghostbur dragged around a blue sheep which you loved
And techno was standing underneath the anvil
Philza helpless and Tommy trying to avoid getting caught by dream
It was chaos
You sided with Purpled fighting off the cabinet facing your brother
“You disgust me”
“I could say the same about you”
“Fucking furry”
By this point you had gotten so emotionally attached to ghostbur
He’s like the dad you never had
He cared and made you smile
But his alive counterpart did the exact opposite
So when Tommy walked out of that damn prison empty handed
You were terrified
You had just spent the whole day cloud watching and playing in the fields with the beeboo family
And now another member of yours is gone?
“Ghostburs gone, I mean gone.”
So you saw your dad there in Lmanburg on the glass of the crater
He looked different at first sight
A white streak in his hair and a wound on his arm
“Oh star, it’s been so long hasn’t it.”
You just stared at him shook
But you didn’t want this
So instead you just slapped him
“You fucking died! You left me alone here, and now you took away ghostbur?”
He was upset but understood your frusteration
“I understand I messed up, Thats why I’m here! To fix it, to bring our family back together!”
Did you really believe him?
Because that was your first mistake
It may have cost you your second life ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I hope part two was as good as part one- um I love wilburs character sm and I’m really tired so this might be just really bad! I’ll actually get onto the requests in my inbox now
As always ask and request anything, and ask if you want to be on a taglist!
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
A Child to Protect (pt 5)
tommy x child!reader || Confronting an old friend
tommy comes home to tubbo and ranboo waiting in the living room for...something. 
pt1 pt 2 pt3 pt4
sorry this took awhile, i was having some struggles lmao. its not the best but the next few parts will hopefully be good lol
word count: 3215
ask if you wanna be tagged for this seires lmao
Techno sat in the main part of the room with ranboo and tubbo. They stared at each other awkwardly. Honestly tubbo didn't expect to be in the piglins home today, especially after what had happened. Ranboo shuffled in his seat, uncomfortable with the tension in the air. They saw techno almost glare at tubbo, while the goat in turn decided to glare back.
“Um, are you two okay?” ranboo asked the two of them. Techno nodded, not saying a word, as usual. He was just waiting for Tommy to get there to change the focus or something. Tubbo didn't do anything to acknowledge the question, just glaring at the piglin. “Okay, this is awkward." The enderman whispers to themself. "Techno, hows living in the tundra?” techno looks at ranboo with a blank face, tired of having these two here. “cold.” ranboo nodded. ‘Cold’ not being the answer they were looking for. “Oookay. Tubbo, do you like the tundra at all?'' Tubbo shook his head, having a stare down with the piglin, who had gone back to glaring at the hybrid. “No.”
Ranboo sighed, slinking down into the chair. “You guys are helpless…” ranboo says, sighing tiredly. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Techno jumped up from his seat and looked out the window to see who it was. He smiled, opening the door to the mystery guest. “Finally you're here. Now they can focus their attention on you instead. Good luck with that.” techno says. He moved to reveal Tommy, carrying his kid with him.
Tubbo and ranboo stood up, shocked to see their supposed deceased friend, standing in the doorway holding a child. Ranboo walked over cautiously. “Tommy?” he asked. Tommy looked up at the tall enderman. He nodded, holding the young kid tightly. He really didn't wanna be there, but he knew his kid needed to be back here.
 (y/n) looked up at the enderman hybrid, smiling brightly. “Endy endy!!” they said. Ranboo looked down at them, confused a bit. “Whos this?” they asked the young boy. The kid continued to say ‘endy’ while the two of them talked.
Tommy sighed. “This is my kid..(y/n)” he says, looking at the young child. Ranboo looks at the small child, who smiled at them happily. “Endy!!” they said once more. “No no (y/n), this is ranboo. The good man i told you about.” (y/n) smiled even wider. “Ran ran!!!! Papa told me about you!!!! Good man, good man!!” they said. 
The child's presence lifted the awkward atmosphere that once resided in the room. (y/n) smiled at the enderman, who was nearly in tears from the fact tommy was alive and well, raising a child at that. Ranboo immediately hugged two of them, scarring tommy. “Aye aye get off!” tommy said, not knowing how else to respond. “Sorry sorry, i'm just really happy your alive.” tommy looked at ranboo, gapping his mouth. “Dead!? Why would you think that???” tommy asked. Ranboo smiled awkwardly. “Well…” “tommy?” the two of them turned their head to see their part goat friend, who had finally spoken up. 
“Tubbo..” tommy says, stepping around ranboo to see his old friend. “Ranboo take (y/n).” tommy instructs. Ranboo nodes, taking the small child, who wasn't too happy to leave their father. 
Tommy walks closer to his old friend, who was shocked to see him, barely able to say anything. “Y-your alive!! I thought you died-``Tubbo couldn't continue his sentence. He missed his old friend, and was really happy to see him! He just felt terrible for sending him to his near death…even if it was the only option he had. 
Techno and ranboo went outside, leaving the two of them alone (though techno tried to leave several times). (y/n) was sad they couldn't play with their father, but they did have a new friend, who was really nice.
“Is papa okay?” the young one asked. “Yeah I think he's gonna be fine..wanna play in the snow?” ranboo asked the kid. They nodded, being set down and running into the snow. The enderman chuckled, watching them pick themselves back up and falling again. The enderman did notice, however, the many snowmen that littered the lawn. Some looked like people they knew, one even looked like them. they smiled, seeing the young child show off the one they made of their father.
Back in the house, Tommy and tubbo stood in the middle of the home, staring at each other intensely. 
"So...you're alive? Living with techno?" Tubbo asks, breaking the heavy silence. "Why would you think I'd be dead??" Tubbo looked down a bit. "Well, everything was destroyed and...there was a tower I- I thought you…." Tubbo trails off before finishing. “Oh, that..” Tommy looked down a bit, frowning. “Why'd you do it? Why'd you send me away to isolation? `` Tubbo frowns, tilting his head. “It wasn't supposed to be isolation. I-i thought you just chose to live there..” 
Tommy went over and sat down, sighing. “I really dont wanna talk about this. Can you just tell ranboo to bring (y/n) in here..” tubbo shook his head. “I feel like we need to talk about this, I mean you've been gone for months! You have a kid! What happened?” tommy glared at tubbo. “I told you i dont wanna talk about it, just drop it.” he says, getting up again and heading to the front door. “No! We’re talking about this.” Tubbo goes over and grabs Tommy's arm. He yanks it away from him. “I told you I'm not talking about it! Fucking drop it already!” tubbo let go, stepping back slightly.
“Why won't you talk to me? We’re best friends-”
“We haven't been friends since the exile, since one of your men came here and nearly killed my child! The only reason i wasn't here was cause that lunatic tried to attack me!” tubbo shook his head. “I'm not the one that sent him here-”
“Then explain to me why you're here!”
 the yelling started to get louder, leaving the young child to be concerned. They looked up at ranboo, who was silently screaming cause of the snow. “Ran ran are you sure papas okay? There's a lot of yelling..” ranboo looked over to the house, noticing the yelling as well. “I-im not sure, but we shouldn't interrupt them…” (y/n) looked over to the house, really wanting to see their father. They gasped, remembering a way they could get inside.
“Ran ran!! Follow follow!!” they say, pulling on the endermans pant leg. Ranboo sighed, following the small child to wherever they were gonna bring him. “I'll just stay here!” techno says, laying in the snow.
They, basically waddled, to the back of the house. Ranboo looked around, not really seeing anything. “What did you wanna show me?” they asked. (y/n) looked up at ranboo, pointing to the wall. “Break.” they stood, a bit confused. “You want me to take some of the wall?” the kid nodded, pointing to the wall. “Enderman do the same! Just break.” they nodded, kinda understanding what they were asking. They didnt know if the other two would notice, but they normally break blocks pretty silently anyways.
Ranboo looked at the wall, seeing where the chests would be and where the fireplace was, and broke one of the blocks. They looked in between the chests to see that the others were still arguing and hadn't noticed them. (y/n) pulled on the hybrids pant leg, signaling for them to pick them up to see. Ranboo does so, gesturing for them to be quiet.
Back with the other two, they were having a heated argument. Discussing quackity and his actions, discussing Tommy and his exile, along with bringing up the past such as wilbur and old lmanburg. 
“Well I'm sorry we decided to even form the country! Y'know, we all wanted to find independence!” tubbo says, snapping at tommy.
“It's not that! Its new lmanburg, its lost all meaning!! One of your men, whent and tried to kill techno and I! You said you didn't even send him here!! “
“Why do you keep saying ‘your men’, you know this is also your country right?” 
Tommy glares at Tubbo, stepping away from him. “It hasn't been my country, for a long time. Not sense schlatt took over.'' Tommy looks over, avoiding tubbos' gaze. “Technos gonna destroy the country, and I won't stop him. I know how he is, he's gonna want it gone. Maybe once it is gone, we can start over, not with a country but with a place we could just...live. Together, all of us..'' Tommy says, looking back at tubbo. “You want lmanburg gone? After all we've done!? After what we lost to gain independence!!??'' Tommy nodded. “Lmanburg is more the people than the land. If we’re all together, it'll be the same. The same old lmanburg.”
Tubbo sighs, still angry at the blond before him. “You gave dream the discs for this place, you gave him the one thing we had! Now you wanna get rid of the country we traded it for?” 
“Well, who said we werent gonna get them back?” tommy steps forward again. “You have one of them right?” tubbo nodded, staring at the enderchest in the room. “We already have half of what we need, all we need to do is get the last one. You prepared to lose lmanburg to get them back?” tommy asked. Tubbo contemplated for a second. “No, I'm not. But…"
The two of them talked, no longer upset at the other. They were best friends for years, it's hard to stay mad at each other. Ranboo and (y/n) looked at each other, confused as to how they had just calmed down after such a heated argument. (y/n) ran back over to the front of the house, ranboo running after them. “No no, (y/n) come back please!” (y/n) didn't listen, instead running to the front of the house and trying to open the door. It was left ajar, so it was easy to do so. 
“Dad!!” the young kid said, rushing over towards their father. Tommy looked over to see his kid run over towards him. He smiled as they ran into his legs. He picks them up. "Hey kiddo, whatcha doing back here? Weren't you playing outside playing with ranboo?" They nodded. "Yeah but I was worried!! There was yelling…" Tommy sighs, ruffling the young kids' hair. "I'm okay lil (n/n), everythings alright. Big man Tommy was just talking to tubbo." They looked over to the boy in question, who awkwardly stood there. 
"I think I should get going. Don't wanna make things worse.” (y/n) looked at the goat hybrid and frowned. They pushed their way out of tommys arms, landing on the floor with a huff. Everyone just stared at the young kid as they picked themself up and ran into the goats legs. “Tub don't go! You just got here…” tubbo smiled a bit, leaning down to be eye to eye as (y/n). “I don't think I should stick around. Maybe I'll see you again..” they hugged tubbo, repeating for him not to leave. 
Ranboo picked up the small child, who did not wanna be picked up. “He needs to leave (n/n). Don't worry, you'll see him again.” they huff, nodding. Ranboo chuckled at this. 
Tubbo stood back up looking at tommy once more. “Goodbye tommy. I hope your happy.” with that, tubbo left, leaving ranboo and tommy behind. Tubbo passed by techno as he left, noticing how he was just sitting in front of the door. “Why are you sitting out here?” techno looked up at the male. “Idk mr.government, maybe because i got kicked out of my own home. Again.” tubbo sighed, opting to just ignore the piglin and continue on his way to lmanburg.
Ranboo looked over at Tommy, who seemed to be processing a lot of emotions. Tommy looked over and ranboo and (y/n), smiling a bit before sitting down in one of the few chairs in the room. 
“I really don't like that kid. I don't know why he bothered to come here.” technoblade says, closing the front door that had started to let snow in. He went over to brew some potions, as he needed to go to lmanburg the next day. Ranboo sighed, letting (y/n) out of their arms. They shifted slightly. (y/n) went over to sit with Tommy, who held them tightly. “Um, i think i should leave as well, don't wanna overstay my welcome.” technoblade chuckled a bit. “You don't have to leave, kid. I think you should stay for at least dinner. If you want.” tommy nodded, not really wanting the enderman to leave.
“Oh, well thank you techno, tommy.'' Just then, the door swung open, letting in even more cold air than there already was. They all turned to see philza, who looked like he had just ran here. “What the FUCK happend in lmanburg??” techno looked at Phil a bit confused. “Oh the quackity thing?”
Philza walked in, closing the door. “Yeah but also, why the hell is fundy and quackity dead and WHY IS THE PLACE ON FIRE?? Techno i told you not to do this high level of terrorism yet.” techno looked confused, stopping his potion brewing. “I didn't set the place on fire? I did kill those two tho, they did not fight back. Well, quackity did but he sucks at it.” 
“Wait then who set the place on fire?” phil asked, no longer upset. “Oh i did.” they turned to ranboo, who raised their hand up slightly. “What?” 
“All i did was set the place on fire as a diversion..” 
“Mate the place is basically gone now..” philza said, sitting next to tommy. Ranboo chuckled. “Yeaaahh that wasn't the plan. I just wanted to create a diversion to get out of there..” techno chuckled. “Didn't notice that was you. Good job kid.” techno went back to his brewing, making a bunch of invis potions. “Dadza!” (y/n) said, now noticing the winged man who had sat next to them. They were too focused on tommys scarf. Phil chuckled, picking up the small child. “Hey kiddo. How has things been while i was gone?” tommy chuckled seeing the two of them talk. (y/n) talked about all the things they did in the time he was gone. Ranboo went over to help techno make potions, grabbing things he needed and such. 
It was peaceful like this. Tommy phil and (y/n) all chatted amongst themselves, (y/n) on occasion playing with some random item in the house. When techno and ranboo were done with the potions, they joined the others in their conversation, all of them talking and cracking jokes amongst themselves. It was peaceful, there were no countries or wars, no dream, no trauma, none of that. It was just a couple of friends or family, talking and having fun.
Somewhere down the line, phil and techno whent to make dinner, sense it was awhile sense (y/n) or anyone had eaten any food. The 3 kids decided to play around with some swords tommy and techno had made. (y/n) chased the other two around, playfully trying to hit them whenever they got close. Ranboo dramatically died when (y/n) had stabbed them, while Tommy vowed revenge on the small child. He poked them with the sword, saying he had defeated the evil. (y/n) went into a fit of giggles, saying they could never die cause their immortal, and in turn stabbed tommy. He wanted to stubbornly try to beat them, but he thought it was more fun to go with it. Tommy dramatically dropped his sword and fell to the floor, pretending to be ‘dead’. 
“Stop playing around, foods done.” techno said, entering the main part of the room. (y/n) jumped up, running into the kitchen, excited for food. Ranboo and Tommy got up from their laying positions, wanting to get some food as well.
So they ate, continuing to talk to each other as they did before. Ranboo felt a bit awkward being there, but overtime he felt more comfortable. Tommy talked to phil and techno, occasionally having to tell (y/n) to actually eat their food. 
Once supper was over, phil has suggested that ranboo stays with tommy and (y/n) for the night, since it had already gotten dark out. Techno and ranboo both protested, granted for different reasons, though no one can fight philza. (y/n) was really giddy about this, running around their bedroom, knocking into the prime log a few times. Ranboo climbed down the latter, seeing this. Tommy was making sure they didn't run into the log again, not noticing the enderman.
“(y/n) you know it's time for bed.” Tommy says, grabbing his kid as they try to run away. “No! No sleep!” they tried to wrestle out of tommys arms, it obviously didn't work. “Yes, sleep. Your gonna get too tired to run soon anyways.`` He places them in their bed, trying to make them stay. Ranboo walks over, crouching down to see the kid better, they smiled when they saw the tall enderman. “Ran!!” they said, making the grabby hands at the tall enderman. They smiled, ruffling the kids hair. “(y/n) you need to sleep.” is all ranboo says, making (y/n) frown. “How bout this, i'll give you a cookie tomorrow if you sleep. Deal?” tommy asked. They nodded, laying down on their bed. They both laughed, tommy tucking them in for the night while ranboo stood up, not sure on what to do. 
Tommy got up soon after, looking over at ranboo had just stood there. “You can sleep on my bed big man, I'll either make another one or just sleep on the floor.” Tommy says, going over to his chest in the corner, seeing if he had any left over wool. Ranboo shook their head. “No no, I can sleep on the floor, it's fine. This is your home after all.” tommy looked over at ranboo, glaring at him. “You will listen, bitch.” ranboo sighed. “Fine fine, I'm just saying..” ranboo walked over to the bed, sitting down on it, watching Tommy mess around with some wood and wool. 
When Tommy was done, he put the bed in a random spot in the room. Tommy turned off the only light in the room, signalling that they were going to bed. Ranboo laid down, followed by tommy. They laid like that for a while, not really being able to sleep.
Ranboo looked over, sighing quietly to themself. “I'm sorry about the whole tubbo thing..it wasn't our plan to come here after what happened..” 
“Its fine, it was bound to happen eventually. Thanks for staying with my kid for a bit,you didn't have to…” ranboo nodded. “It was no trouble, they seem to like me.” ranboo says, looking over to see the sleeping child next to them. “Well, still. Thank you ranboo. Your a good man.” 
“So are you tommy..” 
They sleep after that, finally being able to rest for the night.
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prrism · 2 years
I just binge read your babysitter!reader series (idk what to call it) and inhales deeply YOU CANT JUST LEAVE US THERE!! GIVE US A BABY RANBOO OR BABY NIKI ALL THE SYNDICATE NEED TO BE INVOLVED NOW!!! I want mmmmmoooooorrrrreeee
Okayokay, please don’t hurt yourself now. I’ll happily write more babysitter!reader stuff… We'll start with Ranboo
Ender Chibi
Summary: Just when you thought everything finally calmed down a guest arrives with a small enderman and a request…
Characters: Ranboo x Reader (feat. Tubbo)
Relationship: platonic
Pronouns: unspecified/kept neutral
It’d been awhile since your own adventure of being turned into a young child again and you were sure no more incidents would pop up again, however fate seemed to love putting you into these strange situations when you hear a knock on the door. You stretch yourself out after adding a few touches to your latest project, it was supposed to be a “simple” redstone contraption to help with keeping your items safe, and by simple we of course mean complicated, you could never understand how your friend made it look so easy whenever you’d pay him a visit.
“I’m coming!” You call when you hear the knocking again. Opening the door reveals Tubbo looking to you rather concerned. “Hey, are you alright?” You ask taking note of the minor shift in his gaze.
“Ummm, I have a problem and Phil suggested you’re the best help for the job.” Tubbo says sheepishly.
“What kind of problem?” You look at him suspiciously, this better not be going where you think it is. It takes him a second of looking around frantically to finally grab something just out of view.
“Uhh, here.” He holds up a rather small black and white creature who you could recognize instantly and you groaning in frustration, you thought this was over, how does this keep happening?
“Do you know how this happened to him?” You start off calmly as to not freak out the baby enderman you now held you your arm.
“Not really, we were just gathering some materials for Snowchester when I suddenly found him like this.” He explains simply, you nod and take a quick glance at Ranboo, he became a little squirmy at this so you tried to keep full eye contact to a minimum.
“Alright,” you finally say. “I’ll keep an eye on him until this wears off.”
“Oh thank you. You’re a real lifesaver you know that?” Tubbo says already making his leave.
“So I’ve been told!” You call watching him disappear into the distance. “I’m not even going to bother asking if you can speak, but can you at least understand me?” You glance down at Ranboo again, being sure not to look directly at him. He makes a small chirping sound similar to a regular enderman’s along side a small head tilt which was all the confirmation you needed. “Great, cool. Why don’t we play some games.” You suggest not waiting for an answer.
You spent the day entertaining Ranboo with various activities, finding that he would try and fail to teleport whenever he seemed to get too bored thankfully this helped you keep him from leaving and knowing when it was time for something else. Eventually you bring him outside, figuring the large open field you had fenced off would be enough space for him to explore without straying too far. Once you set him down did it fully click just how small he was as a child compared to his normal size, but it was also kinda adorable seeing him this tiny, especially when he made some happy enderman chirps and started exploring. While he busied himself with that you got to work on some farming, being sure to checkup on him every so often.
“Alright, beets are taken care of, now onto-“ An ear piercing shriek cuts you off as you frantically look around for the source of the sound. Eyes landing on an opened barrel you used for storing water. “Oh nononono!” You dash over and reach inside, quickly able to pull out a now crying Ranboo. “C’mon, let’s go get you dried off.” You mutter while hurrying inside. You snatch as many towels as you can and start to carefully dry the soaked enederman off, the damage was thankfully not too bad, certainly could’ve been worse had you not noticed immediately, but there were a few areas you still had to patch up.
When all was said and done you lay him down next to you to rest up. Apparently Ranboo didn’t like his position because he instead crawls up on your lap and curls up nice and comfy there for a nap. You chuckle quietly to yourself and gently smooth down his hair to further help him fall asleep. You’re about ready to doze off yourself when that now familiar whirling noise fills your ears, followed by more weight placed on your legs as a now normal sized Ranboo continues with his nap. You also continue the gentle action of smoothing down his hair until you’ve passed out too.
When you wake up you’re surprised to see that Ranboo was still sleeping away, guess you exhausted more of his energy then you thought. You give him a few soft nudges to coax him awake, not that you really wanted to disturb his peaceful sleep but your legs were going numb. Soon enough he starts stirring awake, opening his eyes and looking up at you very confused.
“Hello sleepyhead, have a nice nap?” You ask.
“Umm, why am- how did-I’m sorry.” He fumbles over his words.
“You have no reason to apologize.” You reassure, then you help recall the day for him watching him pull a book from his inventory and scribble down notes as you do. “If anything I’m the one who’s sorry.” You finish making him pause and look at you. “Had I been paying more attention to you over my farm you wouldn’t have fallen into that barrel of water. I was supposed to be responsible and yet…” You trail off with a sigh.
“Hey hey, it’s okay. I’m all better now thanks to you too, right? So it’s fine. I’ve had worse injuries.” He tries to reassure you, with a goofy smile.
“I guess, can’t help but feel a little guilty though.” You say with a hum. “Well it’s about time you make your way home.”
“Oh I get it, don’t want me around anymore I see.” He jokes, you playfully shove him.
“You’re always a delight to have around Ranboo, but I don’t think you want Tubbo or Micheal worrying about you.”
“Yeah fair. Thanks again (y/n). See you around.” He says as he makes his leave. You give him a wave as he makes his way home before heading back inside. “Alright, time to tackle you again.” You say with determination as you pull out some redstone and your friends instructions.
If you want to see more babysitter!reader stuff let me know what characters you’d like to, well babysit next
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mcyt-peach · 3 years
you've got to be kitten me
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*:・゚ summary: your pawsitively irritating coworker manages to melt your heart when you find him caring for stray kitties behind the building
*:・゚ pairing: cc!wilbur x gn!reader
*:・゚ warnings: reader uses they/them pronouns
*:・゚ note: sorry for the repost, tumblr decided not to show anyone my post so let's try again for some more interaction this time!!
*:・゚ series masterlist
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Working a shift with Wilbur was never boring, to say the least.
It seemed like everyone in town knew his schedule and his clocking in brought customers throughout the day. And he ate up every second of it.
More customers were good, of course. But it left you dealing with everyone while Wilbur slacked off. Smiling and joking and laughing with friends while you dealt with your third crying child this afternoon.
It bothered you. He never picked up his slack, always flashing that brilliant smile at the other patrons. Flirting and blushing, looking all handsome...
Nope, no way. Definitely ignoring whatever that train of thought was.
Your less than gentle slam of the cash drawer drew Wilbur’s attention as he finally waved off his company.
“What’re you in a huff about?” He leaned up against the counter where you stood.
“Oh nothing, just the fact that while you’ve been having fun, I’ve rung up about a hundred customers!” Your cheery tone was meant to mock him, though he only smiled back.
“What, you keep count?” In your silence, his smile only gets bigger, “Don’t tell me you’re jealous Y/n!” His voice drops an octave as he crowds you against the register.
Oh God, maybe you should’ve been happy his attention wasn’t on you this whole time. You could barely handle a bit of teasing from him.
“Quit it, Will. Go get a box of honey combs from the back, we just sold out.” You miss the sad look on his face when you push him away.
“Why do I have to go get it!” He shot you his puppy dog eyes, but you stayed firm in your demand. “Ok, fine.”
A new flood of customers came in as soon as he left for the warehouse and you scrambled to keep up with their demands.
Only once the last person leaves do you realize Wilbur still hasn’t come back from the warehouse.
Busting through the doors, you find an empty warehouse, no lanky Brit to be found. What you do find is the sound of Wilbur’s voice coming from the door leading outside.
“You’re too adorable, I’m gonna lose my job if I keep sneaking off to see you like this.” Oh my God, you were going to throttle him. Ditching you to flirt behind the building!
You slip through the door quietly, hoping to catch him in the act, but all you’re met with is a litter of kittens.
“What?” You can’t help but vocalize your confusion, causing Wilbur to turn to face you. He’s sitting on the back steps, with a tiny cat in his lap.
He motions you over without speaking and places the kitten in your arms once you sit down beside him. The blonde kit wriggles in your lap, grasping at your finger when you go to pet him.
“Who’s this little one?” Your voice is much softer this time, hoping to keep the cats calm.
Wilbur lifts a brown kitten into his lap, who immediately tries to cross to your side. “That one is Tommy. Watch out, he bites.”
“Let me guess, this little rascal is Tubbo?” Wilbur hums, placing the two kittens on the ground so they can rough house freely.
Wilbur points out the rest of the litter, calling the lanky black and white cat “Ranboo” and referring to the overbearing mother as “Phil”.
“If you think these ones are cute, you should see the other stray. I swear it’s the prettiest cat I’ve ever seen.” He’s smiling that stupid smile and you can’t quite tear your eyes away from the way the evening sun catches his profile.
“Oh? And what did you name that one? Bet you named it after yourself, huh?” You tease, but Wilbur’s silence draws your attention.
He’s got a deep blush sprinkled across his face and if you look closely enough, you can see it on the tips of his ears too.
“It’s actually named after you.” This was new. In all your time knowing Wilbur, you’d never seen him this bashful.
Suddenly, the rattling screech of a window sounds above you. Phil’s head sticks out, covered in a frown before he shouts down. “Wil you little shit! I told you to stop feeding the strays!”
“C’mon.” Wilbur stands, brushing off his jeans before offering you his hand. “Let’s go close up.”
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taglist: @hunneiuwu @lous-blue @girlofthefandom @somethingsuperstupidsstuff @greatesthitz @cultof-medusa @mooncaffeine @lemonedbeetle @patchesofwork @junebug-isunavailable @cryptidcritter @paradigmax @soot-and-co @alovestruck-fool @onehellofaweeb13 @stayacarat @ladylapize @satellitesunshine @hanaamara @nonetookind @tinylillx @jhinx-it @h0p33e @flowerguywashere @olibv @daydreamerwriting @mayempress @kaii-jpeg
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lolawassad · 2 years
My blog is mostly ✨smut✨but i wanna write something fluffy for badlinuu so here we go. Im also not sure how big B feels about being written in fanfictions, bc i know he doesnt like it when ppl write it ABOUT him but idk how he feels about just being there?? So if anyone can tell me if hes uncomfy with that or not, i did try to reach out to billzo and i asked him but i have no reply. If he is uncomfy with this ill write him out of the story!
This is ✨awful✨
Okay so aimsey (19/20) is 4'10 tubbo(17) is 5'6 reader(18+) is 5'7 billzo(17) is 5'8 freddie(18) is 6' ranboo(18) is 6'6
Tw : mentions of alcohol, reader drinks some alcohol because reader is older then 18, reader has tics/stims :)
Set on ranboo's birthday!
Badlinu x reader
3rd pov
You and aimsey are skipping in front of the guys, today is ranboo's birthday and most crickets are going bowling "im so excited for all the germs we will get from the balls" you say to the camera aimsey is holding making her giggle
"imagine if there was like a spider in one of the balls, that would be funny for the stream" aimsey jokes making you shutter "i am not bowling anymore, i have arajwjwkka phobia aims!" you say with a laugh
You hear billzo laugh "ha you cant even pronounce aradneiska" he says but then realises he also cant say arachnophobia
"im scared of air, now im gonna stop breathing" ranboo deadpans making you and aimsey burst out in laughter again
Freddie smiles everytime he hears your laugh "you guys mean arachnophobia?" he says showing off that he can pronounce it, you sputter "yeah well but yeah but but.. Im dyslexia"
Freddie laughs "you are dyslexia?" he asks making you nod proudly "i am not dyslexic, i am the whole of dyslexia!" you say before skipping over to ranboo who is now walking in the front while holding the camera
Freddie smiles while watching you jump on ranboo's back and yell "NEVER LOOK AN ENDERMAN INTO THEIR EYES, ALWAYS ATTACK FROM THE BACK"
Aimsey looks at freddie and nudges him "you like heerrr" she sings making freddie sigh "i do, i really do"
You are holding the camera and your head is rested on top of ranboo's head "big man mark, what to do when you like a person?" you ask him making him snicker "get married for tax reasons, its what tubbo and me did on the dream smp"
You pout before hopping off his back and running to a stopping light, billzo walks up next to you and presses the button to signal people wanting to cross and looks at you "so.. You and freddie huh?" he asks smugly making you gasp before you start jaywalking
"billzo NO I HAVE THE CAMERA" you yell at him and start running to the bowling alley, tubbo runs up to you aswell and grabs your hand, the two of you now running away from the group
When you reach it you grumpily sit down, tubbo joining you and you start talking to chat "billzo doesnt know what hes talking about, i think he wasnt held as a child" you say jokingly making tubbo deadpan "i know what thats like"
Small time skip
"y/n you want something to drink?" aimsey asks you after you had your turn in bowling, you nod "ill come with you!"
"freddie you want something to drink?" aimsey asks, the taller male nods "ill take a dubble whiskey and coke" he says with a smile at the camera aimsey is holding
"ILL TAKE A TRIPLE WHISKEY" billzo yells into your ear making you yelp "billzo" you scold before pulling aimsey with you to the bar
"a DIET coke,like make sure the coke has no sugar because our friend will die when he has sugar, a double whiskey and coke, a sprite, and what do you want flower?" aimsey asks "ooh a blueberry mojito!" you beam
"i also need to see ID of the other person if you are buying alcohol for someone else" the lady says with a small smile, the camera is on the bar facing the guys
You skip over to freddie and pull his sleeve "fredsss" you whine making him close his phone that had the stream pulled up "need ID" you say softly making him smile
He pulls out his wallet and grabs his ID and some bills "here ya go" he says before kissing your nose making you freeze wide eyed while freddie just goes back to watching chat, secretly clipping the part where he is seen kissing your nose
You nod and close your mouth before walking back to the bar, face hot hands softly shaking "he just-" you stutter out to aimsey with a smile, you put the bills and the ID on the bar and the lady smiles and serves the drinks, aimsey grabs the tray and you grab the camera
"chat he kissed me, freddie, just, kissed, me" you say while slowly walking back to your friends, still slightly in shock, freddie smiles at you when you hand him back his ID and change
He notices the still shocked look on your face and ruffles your hair "you ok, doll?" he asks making your eyes widen again, you hand him the camera and start shaking your hands
He waits until your done and hands you the camera again "im fine" you softly say while avoiding eyecontact "be right back" you say quickly before jumping on ranboo "hold the camera boob sir" you say before pushing off of him and giving him the camera
Freddie is now sitting down and pats the seat next to him, you smooth down your skirt and sit next to him, his arm wraps around your shoulder and he pulls you into him
"im happy ranboo is having fun" you say softly, head nuzzling deeper into freddie's chest, his hand goes into your hair "me too, im gonna miss the big guy when he goes to america" freddie says
"we should go to america" you say bouncing in your seat, freddie laughs "you wanna go to america?" he asks making you nod "lets go to america then" he says before placing a kiss on your forehead
"i-i have feelings for you" you confess before burying you're head into your hands and separating yourself from freddie
He beams "well thank god because i have feelings for you too, doll" he confesses before removing your hands from your face "may i kiss you?" he asks making you nod
Aimsey punches ranboo and points at you and freddie, ranboo slaps tubbo softly and points too, tubbo jumps on billzo and makes him look in the direction
Billzo sneakily points the camera at you two just as freddies lips connect to yours
The four start cheering making you pull away and hide your face into freds chest, he mock glares at his friends before pulling you onto his lap allowing you to bury you're head into the crook of his neck
"you guys wanna go to dinner?" ranboo asks making you nod and get off freddies lap, you take off the horrendous bowling shoes off and rush to get your platforms back, when you get them you sit down and go to put them on but freddie kneels in front of you and puts them on you before placing a kiss to your knee
When everyone has their shoes on again freddie grabs your hand holding you close
When you guys are back at tubbo's place freddie grabs the camera and points it at a tired you playing mario party with corpse dream and tommy "you have a good day, doll?" he asks you making you nod "the best" you beam tiredly
His hand goes to caress your hair and he pecks your hairline "OH HONK YOU DREAM" you yell out all of a sudden, dream having just stolen one of your stars "OH DREAM YOU ARE NOW MY ENEMY"
You can hear everyone laugh "OH DREAM YORK U LAUGHING? GEORGE LIKES ME BETTER THEN YOU, HE AND I KISSED" you yell out, george who is also in the call yells out "HELL YEAH WE DID"
Freddie looks at the camera then at you "excuse me doll?" he asks making your eyes widen "i didnt actually kiss george, but like dream not found so like.. Yknow" you explain
He sighs in relief "thank god, i mean nobody can compete with georgenotfound" he jokes
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snoopdoodle · 3 years
Tumblr media
collab with : @sunflowerdaisybee
so glad we could do this!!
Stop I live for this type of stuff :D also if you like it enough id love to do a part 2 !!
Dad, but not
platonic!ranboo x dad!reader
pronouns: he/him
summary: Ranboo's dad (reader) is in town.
You raised Ranboo, like a father would to a child. Although, you weren't his birth-father, or related to him in anyway possible, he still considered you his dad. You had gon through all of his accomplishments with himHe’d brag about you on and no on stream, and when chat would ask to mean you, he'd flat out reject their request with a hard no…. seriously, there's a compilation of it on youtube. He had told you this previously, but soon enough, he would be leaving for the UK to meet up with his friends, you remember their names. Tommy, Tubbo, and Philza. You think back to it.
“I wish you could come with me, dad. You and Phil would get along well…. Probably.” He had said, and you smiled at the thought, it was funny to you. Meeting up with your… kid’s friends and having nothing to talk about. “What would we talk about? I don’t enjoy playing Minecraft like those people.” You spoke, laughing as Ranboo groaned. You laughed whole-heartedly again as you heard the banging on his desk. It was probably his fist. You’d yet to hell him, but you’d be going to Europe for a business trip in a few weeks. Actually, it was the same week as him. It was just 2 days off that your company scheduled the flight. You were ready to tell him, but you heard his “Streaming alarm” go off, so you had to wait.
Your thoughts were ripped away from you by a ping from your phone. You smiled as you looked at it, it was Ranboo and his friend, Tubbo, in the car. Poor kid, he was too tall for the car so he had to slouch down a mile. It made you laugh, so you sent a simple text, being tired and not knowing how to work the phone well enough when you’re sleepy.
My kid sent a message at 6:13am, 9/14/21
You sent a message at 6:15am, 9/14/21
Lol, happy you’re happy, kid. Keep making me laugh and I won’t be able to sleep.
My kid sent a message at 6:16am, 9/14/21
You sent a message at 6:16am, 9/14/21
Grammar, you’re smart.
My kid sent a message at 6:17am, 9/14/21
Ok grandpa, love you too. 🙄
You sent a message at 6:16am, 9/14/21
That’s my boy. Love ya’, kid. ❤
You smiled at your phone, falling asleep shortly after. You’d need it for the 12 hour plane ride.
You woke up tired, there was still 3 hours left on the plane ride. The sun was shining in your face and you could see the clouds close up. You unplugged your phone from the airplane’s charger and chuckled as you saw the notifications. “7 unread messages from him? Jeez kid, I was asleep.” You laughed again as you read the messages. “Met with Tommy, watched a movie, cat… jeez, updating me on every part of your life, aren’t we.” you mumbled. It was funny, so the person beside you laughed. “Sorry, sorry, I heard your mumbling and I thought it was funny, I’m Kristin.” The woman smiled and held out her hand for a handshake. You contoured your body to shake her hand. She smiled and laughed again, shaking her head.
You smiled at the woman, and decided to start a conversation. “So,” you started, “Why are you headed to England?” She smiled, opening her phone. “Well, I’m on my way to see my husband. Just doing a surprise visit, then heading back to work in America.” She spoke, pulling up an image of her husband. ‘He looks familiar…’ You thought before it hit you. “Oh… my lord..” You dragged out, smiling. “Do you know Ranboo? Has your husband talked about him?” You asked. She looked confused, but nodded. You smiled even wider, happy about this situation. “I’m Ranboo’s dad. Well, not biologically, but I know he talks about me in his streams.” Kristin’s eyes lit up in delight and realization, and you two started talking while exchanging phone numbers in the process.
By the time you all stopped talking, the plane had landed and you were both smiling messes. You were happy to be seated by someone who could understand living with a streamer. “Bye Kristin!” You yelled as she walked to her car. Your face blossomed with a smile as she turned around and waved back. You went to the baggage claim area, walking to go get your [color] bag. You grinned as you saw your bag, the doodles from ranboo were littered on the [color] bag. Speed walking over to it, you picked it up and set it on the floor. Adjusting the backpack that was settled on your shoulders, you grabbed the suitcase’s handle and sped off to find your company’s rental car. You walked through the crowds, laughing as you could see over almost everyones’ head. You were really tall amongst these people, at the raging height of 6’2.
You smirked as you reached your company’s car, biting the inner part of your lips. You hopped into the car, it was a Subaru, so this should be fun. You drove right out of the parking garage and sped to your hotel. Once you go there, unpacking all of your things, you decide to walk around the town. You were feeling pretty hungry after only being able to eat crummy plane food, so you wme with your next best bet. Although, throughout this whole time, you didn't tell Ranboo that you would be in England. You only realized this when you heard him. “Y/N?” Your eyes shot open, and you turned around to face him. You could see his confused smile through his mask. “Y/N?” He asked again, and this time you walked right to him, dragged him down, and nuggied his head. “Kid! You scared the crap outta me!” You yelled. Ranboo was hitting your hand, wanting you to let go.
“Hey, man. Get off our friend.” A dark voice spoke. You turned to look at who it was, but a wave of surprise hit you. It was Tommy, with Tubbo and Wilbur behind him. You frowned and flicked Ranboo on his forehead. His hands rushed to cover the spot. “Ow! What the hell, dad?!” The confusion and relief washed over the group’s faces. They know you're not a stranger, but you're his dad? Realization hit Tubbo before anyone else. “Wait!! You're the guy ranboo always talks about on streams!” He shouted. Tommy and Wilbur realized this as well, and smiled. “Oh yeah, I should probably introduce myself.” You started, clearing your throat. “I’m Ranboo's dad…. but not.” You said. The 3 boys gave a roar of laughter to that sentence, and you had to give your two cents of chuckles as well. These next weeks are gonna be amazing.
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