#RAMUDA :{ feel so pink‚ just like a freak!
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
so here’s the thing: ramuda’s character arc is incredible showstopping outstanding amazing
but this blog supports him being an awful little goblin man and all his misbehaviors
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pokeydapuppy · 4 years ago
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The groups I’m cheering for this DRB ovo
Pfft, I am suuuuper late
But my final thoughts!
As you can see from above, I want BB, M, and FP to win. I only realized that I just needed Samatoki in there to be TDD haha Honestly a bit disappointing that I didn’t but lemme explain myself for my reasons.
While I do love the new divisions (I’m a hard DH fan tbh lol), I mostly wanted to focus on how it would affect the story and then the group’s performance. Since the start, before the lives, I wanted to support BB, M, and MTC. As you can see, It’s been changed from MTC to FP X”D 
(Black Journey is too powerful imo it has me rolling every time. Though ramuda’s first beginning aprt definitely caught me off guard and that lil intro had me laughing. That chorus??? Freaking <3<3) 
Buster Bros, I think I only got around to talk about the first two groups never the next two pfft. As much as I would like to see our favorite comedy duo win, I really want them to beat their father and get a sense of victory as well. I won’t forget the fact that they were the first to go first DRB rip   Re:Start is ultimately better than Wara Osaka in my opinion, even if its tacky dance lives rent free in my mind and I think about them often lol. Jiro’s Aniki is going to take some time to get used to, but I think that development (all of them, save Ichiro tbh ??) in the drama track has pulled my heartstrings and they’re adorable.
Hmm, honestly when it does come to M vs BAT, my sibling has had me conflicted many times. (She’s also the one that converted me from MTC to FP blame her lol) It’s true- if BB is going to win, wouldn’t we want a Naughty Busters like reunion? If we aren’t going to get it from DH and MTC that is. Kaigen and RIP are also superb compared to Tomoshibi... (it was a good song I swear- just come on, BAT had more energy this time around XD It fit the hype I was looking for in the 2nd DRB) Rip for Kuko’s scream that isn’t in the actual recording only in the live ashdjkk. If he doesn’t do that future lives still Imma be sad lmao. Anyways I don’t think the “champions” should just go afterwards either. Also les make that inferior complex worse ehhhhh jkjk Also, overall I just feel like M’s popularity and that Drama track might secure them that win. I think the plot might be cleaner then?? Of course, it’s all debatable and Im sure that if either team won, the story could still develop just fine.
Dear goodness, Jyuuto’s part in Hunting Charm actually haunts me. Anyways, Fp doesn’t deserve to lose, what was that one joke floating around about the pink one getting it. Please. Just let them trick or treat form other clones, he doesn’t deserve this ajhsjkkk While as much as I think Samatoki deserves that win and revenge for Nemu (Also potentially meeting her?? But ig he doesn’t have to win to have that opportunity) I feel that FP’s stronger bond and passion to live might push them for that win. 
As for the versus songs themselves-
Ohhh dear Most favorite to least favorite:
Reason to Fight - Light Shadow - Joy for Struggle
I’ll be honest, for the amount of hype that I had for the 2nd DRB, DhvsBB disappointed me... In the sense of energy of course- I still find it a heckin good bop. But I think what I wanted was just them spitting fire at each other, just fire XDD It was cute- their lil manzai and joking, but I think it would’ve been cooler to throw heat in there. Seemed more to DH’s vibe than a mixed battle vibe. 
Now the other two songs, much like the past DRB songs were LIT. I absolutely loved them. That banger part in Reason to Fight that makes me throw my hands in the air to go with the beat (Yall know it lol) is killer. Doppo’s scream -beautiful as always (but also Jyushi’s and kuko’s lol)- including just the raw energy I felt from Light Shadow was absolutely phenomenal. 
I honestly wish there was more anger(?) in Dh and Bb But I also get why it didn’t lol Either way, although they're like my top favorite divisions, that’s my reasoning. I’d chat about the Drama tracks too, but tbh I haven’t seen the translations yet so I don’t wanna spread misconceptions lol 
This has gone long enough- Imma try and throw up some more art of hypmic though. I had this done a couple days ago but just wanted to post it anyways. You can sort of tell the rush because while I made some of the top transparent I didn’t erase the overlay LOL 
Also I had 2/3 BB icons done, but I really want to post the three of them together... Hopefully I’ll pull myself up soon to finish Saburo pfft
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mc-doppomine · 4 years ago
My Ranking of Fling Posse Songs
All of this is done in good fun and all solely my opinion. My taste of music is not the same as yours or anyone else’s. What hits with me may not be the same and that’s okay! I will not include the battles as they deserve their own list. I will however include Lesson and Once Upon a Time in Shibuya for fun. 
Fling Posse has the best music overall. Surprise, shawty! That’s right, the fucking MTR simp prefers FP music. It just be like that. I just think FP has such a fun energy and it’s high energy and dance-y vibes that are my preference in songs. I’m a sad bean and music gives me joy. I think Fling Posse is my most listened to songs although probably loses only to the battles. I love a lot of voices coming together for a good time, what can I say. Anyway, let’s go!
13) Shibuya Ghost Night - I feel like this is just gonna be a pattern...It wasn’t a bad song but I don’t think of Fling Posse for that style. Honestly now that I am thinking about it, I think I would’ve liked if Fling Posse switched this song with Welcome U. But is still a bop style. Reminds me of old school songs that’d be at my family gatherings. Which is good since that style is really made for booging. I just would not think of doing so with these guys. I’m listening to this as I write...I think MTC would’ve been a good fit too. 
12) Once Upon a Time in Shibuya - Honestly this could’ve been switched with 11 if it really wanted to. It is really disadvantaged by not being on like...the common songs list. But I do understand exclusives and all that but it’s still a shame. I think it’s entertaining for a bit of Gentaro and Dice just going back and forth. But like the champagne problem, the yo’s just wore on me far too fast. 
11) Lesson - Weird to see it so low here considering it’s place on Matenrou’s list. But I hope this shows a testament to how much more I do value Fling Posse’s sound. Ramuda mainly has the floor with this song, which makes sense considering the subject. I just wish it wasn’t such a pain to find. 
10) 3$EVEN - I don’t have much to say on this one. I will say I often mishear what Dice is saying in this one. Like ‘B-E-T’ often just sounds like ‘D-D-D’ to me. It’s not bad, just saying I will usually not hear it as it should be. I think that’s just a part of how Dice emphasizes his words such as such a hard roll of his r’s. 
9) Scenario Liar - All the Gentaro backdrop. The one song I actually looked a lot in the lyrics over. Mainly because I wanted to know what was true and all that. I did initially tie it with Calyx because of the interest in both. However this one got demoted because it is essentially Gentaro talking at us for most of it and just not as fun.
8) Drops - That opening will haunt me for forever. This entire song just makes me think of like a playful jazz walk that I’d almost end off each direction with a kick. Super playful. Thing is while I like the opening for like it’s memery by now, I really wish I would be able to just get to the song part since that is what I mainly listen to. 
7) Black Journey - Oh man I can feel myself getting some serious flack for the placement of this one. It isn’t bad. It’s not down here because it’s bad. I mean I thought Ramuda’s singing in the beginning was very beautiful and melancholic like a swan song. And then they just fire up into their song. It’s great. I just felt stronger for some of their other group songs. 
6) Scramble Gamble - Y’know whenever this song starts off, for some reason I always mix it up with one of the Buster Bros’ songs. I don’t really know the lyrics of this one either but it’s a bop. I do think it’s cute how Fling Posse do reference each other in their own songs such as in this one with ‘not candy that melts and disappears, nor some phantom dream’ and Gentaro and Ramuda do similar in Calyx and Drops respectively. 
5) Jackpot! - I had forgotten this song tbh but in my defense, I binged the series so a lot was a blur. I don’t even remember much of the episode. But some lovely people talking on here made me look it up because I hadn’t known they extended the song for the album. That extension fucking slaps. It has one of my favorite comebacks from Gentaro (the good luck, goodbye) and I love the ‘we’ll kiss the goddess of victory right in front of you.’ Made going back to listen to it all worth it. 
4) Calyx - Pretty sure I already gushed about this one already. But I have to say, Gentaro’s voice is super pretty and would like him to sing more often. I hardly know the lyrics, I’m just here to listen to his voice walking like playful stumble along the grass. It’s a pretty soothing and chill song. 
3) Pink Colored Love - While everyone was hooked by ‘yaa yaa minna genki,’ I was hooked by ‘nee nee onee-san~’ (the phrase will never be the same again, thank you for your service Hayami-san). Eh, it scratched that edgy itch I like. Although it sounds like Ramuda becoming aware of himself and kinda freaking out. I mean rightfully so. But yeah, I just mainly like the sound. 
2) Stella - Can I just say, I know what I said about Gentaro being better as a singer but one song makes me think ‘my god, this man’s flow.’ Like I think this one is my favorite rap of Gentaro’s just based on his sound with it. Everyone just sounds so different from their usual tone to me and I just??? Love it??? Dice going for that seem serious sounding and deeper tone. Ramuda’s darker tone in lyric. Definitely the song that make me think nakama for them.
1) Shibuya Marble Texture ~ PCCS ~ - I can feel the remarks coming on for this one. What the fuck, Kirei? Look, I know what I said and I stand by the whole dance-y thing as my favorite. But I don’t know, it’s just the vibes of this one. It’s a song I just feel good listening to. It’s one to kind of twirl around the kitchen in and one to bop your head to in the car or while out. Like I can feel that colorful world Ramuda talks about with this song. And they just sound so soothing in the chorus.
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hyphypmic · 6 years ago
Fling Poly: Aquarium
Anon asked: Hcs for an aquarium date with Fling Poly? I love all three of these chaotic idiots too much
Okay honestly I think they’re gonna get lost because dice would insist on being the one bring them there
I mean, Ramuda has the map in his head, but he doesn’t stop Dice at all because the journey is part of it
Gentaro knows this, but he can’t help but find Dice being so freaking adorable
Anyway, they manage to get the aquarium and manage to somehow get Ramuda a child rate... somehow... probably because Ramuda and Gentaro made sure Dice didn’t speak and charmed their way through it
So when they get into the aquarium, it gets a little chaotic because we have Ramuda torn between acting like a child, being an actual child or being himself completely
He does the third but with the same childlike wonder that you feel when you go to aquarium
Sure, when they meet fans he puts the mask, but with the two he’s scoffing, he’s giggling and he’s being the shortest, edgiest boyfriend
But he’s having fun
Gentaro is the one taking pictures of the other two and of the animals, he also mentally composes a poem about the date and what he sees
Dice asks Gentaro to describe each fish and make a name for them, regardless if they already have a name already
Ramuda joins in the game, his names though pretty preposterous, but Gentaro manages to bullshit through a meaning based entirely on the scales
Dice is actually the most excited one because he drags Fling Posse through the entire thing, pointing excitedly though at the same time trying to be a hardass
But seriously, pair him up with Ramuda and it’s absolutely chaotic
Though Gentaro is there to take pictures of his boyfriends
Ramuda’s favorite exhibit is the jellyfish hall, Gentaro’s is the tunnel, and Dice’s is actually the small exhibit, like the one showing tiny creatures of the sea
But of course, when they reach the big tank, they sit down for a while (on the floor or on the bench or whatever) and they just lean on each other, either pointing out a fish or a shark or just in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s company
Naturally they get interrupted by some fans, but they don’t mind because you know, they’re together and all that
And oh my god, the little shows and whatever, Gentaro lives for those and he makes sure they’re on time for them because... well even if it’s just feeding, he wants the whole experience
Dice loudly complains, but goes along with it very happily
The touch pool oh my god, Dice is obsessed with it because when you touch the fin of a shark or the back of a sting ray, well... it’s quite fun
Ramuda finds this very cue and gentaro takes a ton of pictures
Anyway, they manage to make it through the aquarium and reach the souvenir shop
Of course Ramuda gets a pink plush, Gentaro some sort of statue, and both each get Dice a shirt or jacket because the gambler needs more clothes
Then they go home, take a few pics, and pass by an ice cream store
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icharchivist · 6 years ago
Also not to like self promo or anything but I wrote about Ramuda softening up to Fling Posse and it really becoming a part of him solely through analysis of the eyes in Stella. I thought "Maybe I'm looking too much into this" but after your last response, FP really does mean something to Ramuda. But it's also the best because before FP, each member didn't have much. Gen had his intl friend who he was losing, Dice has nothing and Ramuda had lost a lot. Ugh FP is just 👌🏻👌🏻 ~ Haze
Ooooya? 👀👀👀👀 interesting interesting 
but oh my no i’m 100% with you there and I don’t think it’s overreading, Ramuda is COMPLETELY softening to the Posse in general and i think he didn’t expect how much he’d end up caring for them.
Stella is a huge indicator of that, with sooo much stuff tho, i’m just so soft about it like -
So Ramuda called TDD a Posse in the TDD Drama Track, and he obviously genuinely cared about them? But it broke apart, for reasons and it left him sour. so sour that what does he do the moment he gets to have a new Posse, people he definitly picked so he could use them? He calls them a Fling, setting a distance with them, readying himself into it eventually ending. Like he fooled himself by getting attached to TDD and he’s Not Going To Do The Same Mistake Twice. 
But he picked the two worst people for that because if anything, both Gentaro and Dice seem to be starved for this sort of significant friendship. 
If Gentaro’s song is only a little right, he had closed his heart to people when he was being bullied in school and once he met with his one friend, he became very clingy, he mentions snuggling with him, and multiple elements points to him shapping his current life for the well being of said friend who “had forgotten how to smile” as of now, as his intro rap goes.In general when you look at the rest of his interraction he doesn’t seek out others people a lot, but he does seek out the Posse. And then what does he do? does a fanfic about how he would be devasted if the Posse broke up (while they all signed for it to be a FLING) and if he could, he would bring it back together after all. And he wrote Stella, who’s the big “even if life puts us apart we’ll find each other again and we will walk our own path together” (which echo also his fanfic, which is relevent since the fanfic is Pre-Know your Enemy and Stella is Post-Loss of Battlex3)By all account, Gentaro had showed multiple times that he wants the Posse to find strength with one another - that he doesn’t want to give up on it. 
and Dice meanwhile, well, aside from Riou he doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends, probably not with his living and all. We see him distance himself from his responsabilities in important choices like *joining the posse* by relegating it to luck, he was ready to pass down the possibility of Once In a LifeTime friendship because he valued that.  Which makes me think Dice isnt exactly used into being *close* to people, or at least not now with his current lifestyle.
And let’s not lie to ourselves, Dice is extra self destructive with his habits, but look at how he was devasted when Riou fought him in the last drama track. He didn’t want to face a friend, but Riou was against him, because Dice made A Wrong Decision (and well, Riou’s loyalty first extended to Juuto).  But still that one scene may have been a specific stab for Dice to realize that the Posse had his back even when he was doing something Unbelievably Stupid that both Gentaro and Ramuda called him out about. Dice lives an unstable life, yet the Posse supports him, fight for him, defends him, gets in trouble for him. 
And it plays in Dice’s loyalty for them, how willing he is to fight for Gentaro, how he’s associated to Hachiko (the loyal dog who was waiting at the station for its master to come back home even after his death) in Hoodstar, and more specifically how he brags about how great His Posse is in said song. 
Ramuda freaking played himself.
He was planning a band with a group of outcasts and it ended up being two who were just as alone as he was. Two people who would relate to Ramuda’s self hatred and destructive and chaotic habits. (Gentaro and Dice both have comments about how they are trash, and I feel like Ramuda’s verse in Stella extends that Ramuda thinks just as much of himself) which is why Gentaro and Dice ends up litterally breaking down the defenses of Ramuda’s planet in the MV by telling him “well, we’re alike all three of us, we’re not good people, but together it’ll be fine”.
Ultimately Stella is full of Ramuda’s self hatred and how much he is TRYING to keep his distances from the posse but the MV shows us litterally how Gentaro and Dice breaks down the walls he had created. Before they do so, in the colors of the MV, Ramuda’s color is a light, lifeless pink - but once Gentaro and Dice starts to walk with him, the pink becomes bright, full of life - Ramuda is finding a reason to be lively again thanks to the Posse.
And if all of this sounds like overreading (it probably is bc i think about the Posse much more than i should) let’s not forget that Chapter 4 of the Manga ends with this:
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(source of the translation)
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“A true ordinary smile for just a moment”
and it was just after the second drama track with the Posse
Ramuda IS softening to the Posse. That’s a canon fact. He cannot help but care for them in the end. 
To which extend? With Stella i’d say a lot. I’d say Ramuda isn’t even realizing it, nor admitting it to himself.
But I stand by what I said - if he wanted to keep distances, he made a grave mistakes hiring Gentaro and Dice. 
Because those two are not really ready to just leave Ramuda alone just yet. They’re a Posse after all, an unvaluable bound. Can’t run away from that.
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confettisuite · 3 years ago
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
❛  i still don’t totally believe it’s real.  ❜ // ramuda + charlie!
(barbie mermaidia starters!) @peachprosed
"Weeeell, it's not real yet☆!" Ramuda pulls the design concept sketches away from her and holds the drawing pad to his chest conspiratorially, with a smug little smile, "I'm glad you like the sketches but i'm not going to go any further unless you can pay my deposit~" He rips the last page, with a sizeable number written on it, and folds it in half to slide back across the table to her.
Ramuda sets his lollipop down in its wrapper on the table, freeing up his hand to dig into the elaborately decorated cake slice in front of him. "Unless you meant this, in which case yeah! It's totally real! The pics on socials don't do it justice! I've come here with a buuunch of pretty ladies before~♥"
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
Difficult Person Test - Ramuda Amemura
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this is about right.
“tagged” by @mcwscollective​
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
❛  i couldn’t help you even if i wanted to.  ❜ // ichi-> ramu
(barbie mermaidia starters!) @mcwscollective
Ramuda huffs though his nose. "Oh, so you don't even want to help me?" It comes out meaner than he meant for it to, and his voice is just on the edge of dropping, but he just doesn't have the energy to deal with anyone right now. Even Ichiro. Even when he made a rare visit to Shibuya. His deadline is in two days, his model just quit, and even if he had a replacement for her, he'd have to work nonstop to tailor the piece to someone else. And that's without the tightness in his chest and the tremor in his hands because that bitch is holding out on giving him more lollipops.
He stubbornly refuses to look at Ichiro. He's hunched over his desk, surrounded by a nest of expensive fabric while he flicks through his contact list for anyone he can extort a favor from. A part of him begins to feel that he might be running low on goodwill lately. Maybe it's time to turn the cute way up for a while... But nothing about Ramuda feels cute at the moment. His small frame radiates stress and bad temper.
"If you're not going to be useful," Ramuda says, bitter and dismissive, "Then maybe you should find something else to do. And somewhere else to do it."
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
“you’re kinda cute” // ramuichi
"Kinda?!" After slaving over this outfit for weeks at the expense of practically everything else, Ramuda is genuinely frustrated by the faint praise. (In reality, he's almost definitely just sleep deprived. And maybe he's dehydrated. And hasn't eaten since yesterday, but more importantly, the ensemble is finished, and he looks positively darling in it. He saw to that!) But he manages to tamp down on his hurt feelings frustration and puff his cheeks out cutely, instead of lashing out.
He feels defensive over his work, to the point of justifying himself to Ichiro, of all people! Sure, Ichiro's cute, but he clearly doesn't know the first thing about fashion. He spins around, for a three-hundred-sixty degree view as the pink cloak billows around him. "If I'm 'kinda' cute, then you're only a little bit handsome," Full of righteous indignation, Ramuda crosses hims arms, "If you don't like this look plenty of onee-sans will appreciate it instead!"
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
👌 ramu/ichi
ecchiro (affectionate/teasing/suggestive)
onii-chan (derogatory) mostly when jiro & saburo are around to be horrified by it
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
i’m watching the 3dcg live and the UNBELIEVABLE extent to which ramuda Can Not stand still
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confettisuite · 2 years ago
headcanon: ramuda is bad with injuries and gore because it reminds him of his crushing mortality send tweet
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confettisuite · 3 years ago
ramuda tag drop
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