#Quinntana? they are slaying
sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
Glee have more canon wlw ships challenge (impossible)
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quinntanapolls · 6 months
Inspired by @hydesjackiespuddinpop
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nikkiruncks · 6 months
Quinntana would slayed this
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tuiyla · 1 year
Idk if you've listened to speak now tv yet but I Can See You is such a perfect 4x14 quinntana song!
I've listened to I Can See You and, pun intended, I can see that haha. Quinntana keep slaying TS songs tbh
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amazonworrier · 4 years
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Quinntana, 4x14 - I Do.
“I’ve never slow danced with a girl before. I like it.” 
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So what’s your plan for your gleewrite? Like, for every season?
Ok so I have some notes for every season. Also some notes I may have just come up with right now lmao.
Though, it’s only notes and we will see if it actually gets into the plot.
Season 1:
Highkey Brittana moments no one notices because heteronormativity ™️
Lowkey Faberry moments everyone except Rachel and Quinn (and Finn) notices because suddenly heteronormativity doesn’t exist
Who’s Mr. Schue?? A character on a preschool morning show??? Or what?
Distraught and pregnant Quinn
Matt gets more screentime yay
Something happened in freshman year with Rachel and Quinn and we might find out what or we might not
Puck sings the into to Phineas and Ferb as his audition song
Season 2:
Quinn is feeling down for obvious reasons and this girl needs therapy
Ok everyone needs therapy but she needs it the most
Baby gays pre-couple cutie scenes
Keeping that Faberry scene the writers cut in 2x16 like i’m gonna write it word for word from the leaked script
Kurt and Blaine met on an online roleplay forum and it turns out both of them randomly reference it irl without any of their friends understanding and that’s how they bond??????????????
Kurt does not switch schools to Dalton and Sue Sylvester is actually taking big responsibility to make sure Kurt is not bullied
Brittana is more lowkey after santana realised she’s a lesbian and now people seem to vaguely understand what’s going on
Mike tries to make Sam the new Matt bc he misses Matt and Sam is like *does a voice impression and takes his shirt off randomly*
Season 3:
Either Finn outs Santana and gets hell of a lot of consequences for it or he does not out her and is supportive without forcing anyone out of the closet
Undecided: Blaine moves to Mckinley like in canon or he does not and klaine continues as usual
Skank Quinn is here but it’s more like a look and attitude rather than ”I want my baby back fuck you imma join a gang”
No finchel wedding but just like Rory said: Quinn texts and drives in every timeline
Though she is in a wheelchair for atleast the rest of the season, but still stands up once in prom because that was a too cute moment for me to not include
Maybe letting Joe do more stuff not only in this but in the upcoming seasons too because what did he really get to do ? Also when was he in Glee and when was he not?
Doing ”you were singing that song to Finn and only Finn, right?” scene justice.
Even though Brittany was great in s4, I still want her to graduate with her class and maybe like. Struggle a bit but eventually passing.
Season 4:
Oohboy most changes are happening here
I’m switching the s4 and the s6 newbies except for Marley and Unique who get to stay
Madison is a lesbian, the end
All breakups happen but they are more resonable and healthy
If Blaine does not switch to mckinley in s3, then he’s still hanging out with the kids there and the Blam content is wild
I don’t know if Marley would have an eating disorder now that Kitty isn’t there, but if she does then it’s handled much better
Wemma wedding is happening and they get married bc I can’t deal with Will’s drama
Quinntana sleep def happens!! And it makes Quinn... realise some stuff. If she could do it with her best friend without problem, then she could...
Rachel is actually pregnant - does not keep it - lots of emotions for her bc of it - makes her relationship with Quinn stronger - also makes you want to root for her to get Fanny Brice
Giving Finn a proper and satisfying storyline before... yeah.
Season 5:
Saying goodbye to Finn... 💔
No one has seen Brittany for months and then she just shows up and was like ”I was kidnapped by scientists but i’m good now”
Klaine wedding happens in this and all season is to prepare for it
Rachel slaying it on Broadway and does not quit
Sure she can find it tiresome in some episode but she does not quit
While we don’t follow the newbies after graduation we do know what happened to them
Season 6:
Guess what: The old newbies has not quit!
So the New Directions are now Jane, Madison, Mason, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Marley, Unique, Kitty, Jake and Ryder. Later also Myron
Tho they don’t have very big roles anymore but they are happy to have a Glee club again
Rachel did not quit Funny Girl, but something happened at the production that made them cancel it or smth
So she and Kurt decide to help Mr. Schue (who still works at Mckinley) to reinstate the Glee club again as their NYADA job thing
Brittana’s wedding is mostly exactly like canon except that it’s just them.
Since Klaine is not broken up anymore, and neither is Brittana, you know who Sue is gonna ship? That’s right: Faberry
Quinn and Rachel have both been busy with school and Broadway and stuff and haven’t really been seeing each other but Sue has seen enough alright
Faberry in an elevator is gonna be chaotic guys
Last episode is gonna show how it went for all of them and not only like. Klaine and Rachel and Tartie.
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