#Qui-Gon jinn bashing
sweetmaggie · 10 days
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Lol Ani you don't know what you're talking about
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lilbuddybd · 2 years
Proud Qui-Gon Jinn hater 😊
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
What the Fuck
You know, I have a fair amount of fondness for what could be considered light Qui Gon bashing, specifically in regards to how he raised Obi Wan. I wonder if any of you could tell?
Along those lines I there is one thing I would love to see more of, the High Council finding out much later (like during the war) the fucked up parts of Obi Wan’s padawanship and just go ‘Fucking what????’
Walk with me for a minute while I explain.  Also this is an idea for an AU not a commentary on any version of cannon. 
There are 10,000 Jedi. There is no way the high council could be personally involved with all the Master Padawan pairs, not to mention not all the members during the war were members during Obi Wan’s padawan years. So let’s start from the premise that Qui Gon and Obi Wan had the normal amount of interaction with the High Council. This is, in part, because Qui Gonn lies like a rug for 90% of their reports to make them seem more normal than they actually are.  In this idea Qui Gon is also at the very least emotionally abusive and negligent, if not physically abusive as well. 
So Obi Wan grows up thinking things like being left in a Cantina for hours to days is normal Master behavior, or being lost in bet (both intentionally to track slave rings and just because Qui Gon did not have as good a hand as he thought), or being forced to meditate his needs away for days, or the crippling anxiety that Qui Gon seemed to be deliberately instilling. Obi Wan never does these things to Anakin (Obi Wan just cannot convince himself to treat Anakin like he was treated, but justifies it to himself that it was Anakin that had the strange padawanship because he came to the temple too late and too early. He does always feel like a failure of a master for the fact that he couldn’t do it). 
Obi Wan doesn’t talk about it to other Jedi, not out of shame but out of the sincerely held belief that every padawan faced the same, that it would be boring. He does not tell Anakin because he does not want to make his padawan feel bad for having a strange padawanship. 
He does give utterly horrifying answers to any member of his battalion that asks questions about his padawan years, which convinces the clones that the Jedi need to be protected from themselves. 
Now that we have set the stage, I think this should be a random time not tied to any specific set of events. Though It should be after Ahsoka is assigned to Anakin. I kind of want the Anakin, Ahsoka, Cody, and Rex present and the High council has just finished the “official” part of the meeting and have moved on to just chatting, or maybe it was before the meeting began, or perhaps it is semi official where they are talking about some Cantina in the mid rim that would be useful in an upcoming mission. 
No matter the situation, Obi Wan fondly reminisces about the proprietor and how they (the proprietor, Obi Wan, and some of the regulars) had worked out a routine where Obi Wan would lure in slavers that targeted children, the proprietor would drug them, and the regulars would steal their things and figure out where they were hiding their ‘product’.  
There is confused silence among the jedi present. At last Plo Koon goes ‘I know you looked young without your beard, but I didn’t think it was that young’ while thinking that he didn’t think he was that bad at judging near human ages. 
Obi Wan laughs and goes ‘oh no. This was when I was 14, though I was a bit stunted after Melida/Daan so I did look a few years younger. Master Jinn like to gamble around the corner whenever we had a mission that brought us to that sector, he got great tips about the slave trade. I was so scrawny that I didn’t make good collateral until I was 16. So he left me in the Cantina’. He then muses thoughtfully that the proprietor always seemed angry with Master Jinn when he came to collect Obi Wan. 
There is a dead silence, every member of the High Council turned silently to stare at Obi Wan.  Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex looked shocked while Cody looked somewhere between tired and murderous as he stared into the middle distance. 
Mace Windu asks, in that careful voice people can get where they don’t want to let on that there is anything wrong, about being ‘collateral’.  Obi Wan answers with the air of someone who thinks their experience is much more universal than it was. Every answer he gives sparks more questions and more horror. 
Obi Wan is so used to thinking that his experiences were universal that it takes him several questions before he realizes that no one is reacting as if this is normal. He starts to try and explain, you know trying to make himself understood because he assumes that it is merely him explaining badly, which makes it worse and worse and worse. Anakin is near hyperventilating because that was decidedly not how his own padawan years went (and explained some of the strange questions that Cody has asked him over the years).
Cody is actually relieved that the Jedi appear to be just as horrified over all of this as the clones were.
Each and every other member of the High council is both internally and visibly going ‘Fucken what????!!!’ with every statement Obi Wan is making.  Just a straight up hour of being horrified, not evening being able to move onto guilt that no one noticed because of the sheer volume of WTF.  Interspersed with various Jedi thinking about how they are going to need to get a therapist that is dedicated specifically to Obi Wan, and probably a therapist for the therapist to avoid burnout.
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p4nishers · 2 years
"qui gon would've been a better master for anakin–" i have a gun.
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Breaking Tradition {Qui-Gon Jinn x Reader}
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approx. 1,000 words
Summary: Qui-Gon confesses his feelings for you and is reprimanded by the Jedi Council.
Warning: F! reader, brief mention of injury
While Princess Amidala of Naboo was in discussion with the Senate under the watchful eye of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, there was another woman on Qui-Gon’s mind. He had agreed to have you, a young new padawan, disguised as one of the princess’s hand maidens, and come along for the journey to learn from experience. 
You had secretly thought of Qui-Gon as more than just a mentor. Despite the little formal training you had, he saw a raw potential in you and was adamant you join the mission. This kind of attention made you feel confident in your abilities and bashful around your Jedi Master. 
Unbeknownst to you, Qui-Gon also harbored feelings for his new padawan, something he knew was frowned upon by the Jedi Council and could prove awkward if you found out and did not reciprocate those feelings. 
It was while training one day that you both expressed their feelings to each other. 
You were in a standard one-on-one battle sequence, opposite Obi-Wan, to practice using the force to lift your lightsaber that had fallen off in the distance back into your hand. All was going smoothly when Obi-Wan miscalculated the path of the lightsaber as it traveled to his hand and it collided straight into the front of your face. 
Instantly, shame washed over you, since you didn’t see the lightsaber coming. Secondly, you had fallen onto your derriere in the process, demonstrating to your Master your inability to remain balanced in a scenario of battle. And lastly, there was a sharp pain pulsing on the top of the bridge of your nose.
Needless to say, all you wanted to do was curl up in your room alone and forget any of this happened.   
While you were still in a haze and disoriented you could see a fuzzy outline of Qui-Gon coming your way and his echoed voice trying to coo you back into coherence while simultaneously yelling at Obi-Wan for his careless mistake. 
You could feel Qui-Gon gently patting the ends of his robe to your head and insisting you stay still while he cares for you. Even in the moment, while your head throbbed and you still felt the tinge of embarrassment on your cheeks, you couldn’t help but feel safe in Qui-Gon’s arms and accepted your state of being.
Later you awoke in the recovery bay of the training compound. A nurse was tending to you and you asked about the extent of your injuries. The nurse was surprised that you couldn’t remember the incident, since the trauma sustained caused a concussion that also broke the skin of your brow which needed stitches. 
You were shocked. No wonder Qui-Gon was so quick to help. 
As your thoughts wandered to Qui-Gon, you sensed his presence through the force and he appeared in the doorway.
You could tell he had just been crying by the redness of his eyes. He came right up to the side of your bed as the nurse left and held your hands in his. He knelt down and before you could even greet him with hello, he began to ramble on.  
“While you were unconscious I couldn’t bear the thought of going on without you. I found a new part of myself that I thought could have never existed as a Jedi. I have a love for you that cannot be hidden any longer. I have meditated on this and decided that telling you and not having the feelings reciprocated is better than living with this longing to love you in secret,” he said, as his soul bore into yours. 
In that moment you admired the independence and tenacity of your Jedi Master. His love for you grew to a size so great, he was willing to defy the Jedi Order and Council traditional views of love, seeing it as a weakness, a distraction to temp one to the dark side, instead of as the harmonious balance it strikes within Qui-Gon’s heart. 
You responded to his expression of love with one of your own. You brought his hands up to rest on your chest and closed your eyes. With the strength you still possessed after the injury, you channeled your energy into the force. He found peace in your heart beat’s rhythm and closed his eyes too. 
From that moment on you both became totally devoted to your love of the ways of the force, as well as for each other. You began meeting in secret, after training sessions to steal kisses in the botanical gardens or exchange lovey-dovey poetry. 
It was months later when you were discovered. Darth Maul had been lurking around with the intent to find Princess Amidala, but instead stumbled upon the sight of two Jedi’s deep in an intimate kiss and a compromising embrace.
Darth Maul relayed this newfound information to his Sith Master, Senator Palpatine, who immediately told Yoda and the remaining members of the Jedi Council, in hopes of penalizing Qui-Gon and diverting attention away from the Princess. 
When Qui-Gon was questioned about his relations with you he did not deny it. He stood defiant and unwavering on his ground. He urged the Council to see that his bond with you had only improved his skills and connection to the force, as well as your own. Their insinuation that you were a hindrance to his work or an obstacle made him question their faith in the ways of the force. 
“It was the force that brought us together, Master Yoda,” Qui-Gon said. “If it had not wanted us to meet, we would not have both been gifted with the great sacrifice that it is to be a Jedi Knight.”
“A good point, you make,” said Yoda. “But, face punishments you will. Hmmm. There is need for structure, yes. Have patience and all will be revealed.”
So the decision was made. Qui-Gon would stay on Naboo to finish his journey with Princess Amidala, and you would be sent to Tatooine for a Jedi rehabilitation program, to restore your adherences to the Jedi Codes of conduct, regardless of personal feelings. 
Before you and Qui-Gon were escorted your separate ways, you whispered words of reassurance and encouragement to him, promising your love would endure this trial of separation. 
“We will communicate through force and meditation. We will prove to the council we are not defective Jedi warriors. Like Yoda said, in time, all will be revealed. We have to stay strong together,” you said as you placed your forehead against Qui-Gon’s. 
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WIP Lineup 5/27/24
So You Wanna Start a War?
Harry Potter / Marauders Era
Sirius Black & Arcturus Black
Sirius Black/Dorcas Meadowes
Noble and Most Ancient House of Black Centric
Anti-Walburga Black, Anti-Orion Black, Anti-Peter Pettigrew, Anti-Dumbledore
We're messing with the canon and fixing a lot of shit.
This is entirely finished. All that's left is proofreading and editing then it'll get posted.
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If All We Know Is What We're Told Then They've Made Up Our Minds
DC Comics
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
The Red Hood comes back to Gotham but has to pause his revenge tour when he finds out that Nightwing hasn't been seen in years since the Joker died.
Dick Grayson has given up Nightwing.
Heavy on the ramifications of Blockbuster/Catalina.
This will be bad parent Bruce Wayne.
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Doomed By the Narrative
DC Comics
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & John Constantine
John Constantine/Zatanna
John needs help to do a ritual to save Zatanna, but he can only use the help of people who have died and been brought back. The amount of people who have done that and that he trusts are extremely low.
Bad parent Bruce Wayne
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Gold and Green Through a Different Lens
DC Comics / Marvel Comics
Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Nightwing and the Red Hood get thrown into the Marvel universe where they clash with the Avengers, get mistaken for mutants, and get rescued by Magneto. Not necessarily in that order.
Former Talon Dick Grayson
Lazarus Pit Jason Todd
Avengers aren't in the best light, but they're not evil.
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Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Cin Drallig
Rule 63 for Obi-Wan Kenobi
Melida-Daan canon divergence and thereafter.
Bashing for Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda.
I've been sitting on the first chapter of this for over a year but I swear it's always in the back of my mind.
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The Daily Fanfic Rec #43
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Fandom : Star Wars
Site : Ao3
Title : All the Little Lights
Author : ms_nawilla
Summary :
Qui-Gon Jinn did not actually die on Naboo, but he still left a plenty of hurt, rash decisions and consequences in his wake, as well as a padawan unprepared for knighthood and adult relationships. Obi-Wan comes into his own without his master, but in a very different way.
Notes :
Ow. Just ow. This is my current read and it is so gosh darn good. It has also made me cry a solid 5 times so far. It starts off kinda weird but I promise you it is so good. Getting past like the 1st chapter the weird kinda iffy stuff is basically over and if I'm being honest I could absolutely understand why the weird is in these in the first place. You want a good cry here it is. It is Jedi positive if not Qui Gon positive and even then it never goes into bashing territory. Obi Wan goes through it but don't worry Grampa Yoda is there and there is lots of bonding.
Edit 08/16/24
So that went in a way I was really expecting. There is a ship that is NOT included in the tags and it kinda is a little out there. It's a rare pair. It is still a great story just be aware that in later chapters it takes a turn.
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gffa · 1 year
choose violence 🥰✨: 3 (altho to avoid the Drama™ it should be more related to something silly I don't want u to die to answer this lmao), 7, 9, 10, 20, 21 (v curious about the last two actually)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr NO NO I AM HAPPY TO DO THIS ONE because it is my favorite worst take I've ever seen: "Did you know that Darth Vader and the Empire must have freed all the slaves because we never see any slaves in the original trilogy!" THEY WERE SERIOUS. (Pssst, nobody tell them about Oola.) My other favorite worst take I've ever seen: "We are allowing people to express themselves too much because I just saw people shipping Obi-Wan and Anakin, they're writing all these fics about love, and they shouldn't do that! I also saw people shipping Gojou and Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen and they are FRIENDS, they shouldn't LOVE each other!" Absolutely stellar, no notes, phenomenal, 10/10. 7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? It is an absolute struggle not to get sucked into the whirlwind around Qui-Gon Jinn's character. He's so often used as a weapon against the other Jedi, when the reality of his character is that he's both a lovely person and kind of an actual asshole in the movie, he's a dick to Jar Jar! He only cares about Anakin because of the prophecy! But he also is genuine about his affections and he was a good teacher to help Obi-Wan come into himself! He's absolutely HILARIOUS when he's not giving a shit throughout all the batshit stuff that happens in the first 20 minutes of the movie! But so much of fandom wants to flatten him out into either lionizing him or demonizing him and, if that made it more fun for people, I'd be more onboard! Hell, yeah, lionize the hell out of your faves because you love them!! But so few people seem to actually care about the character for himself and, when he gets used to bash the other Jedi, sometimes it's hard to get out of the instinctive urge to dislike the character. (QUI-GON DESERVES BETTER THAN THIS. LET HIM BE AN ASSHOLE CAT THAT WE LOVE.) 9. worst part of canon Honestly, I like pretty much all of Lucas' canon, which is the primary stuff I care about. And most of the boring stuff I can just ignore. But, man, I have trouble with TBB. 20. part of canon you found tedious or boring To be honest, pretty much any of the Star Wars books from the last couple of years that don't focus on established characters. (And some of the established characters, too, I could not finish the Padme trilogy.) I am just so full up on half-sketched characters that never seem to have any real arc to their character or bite to them that I've almost entirely stopped reading SW books, I'm just so bored with them, none of them have Lucas' ability to create a character I want to spend time with or they don't have the page time (like 3+ books worth) to develop them. 21. part of canon you think is overhyped I wouldn't have said this three years ago, but I'll say it today: The Mandalorian. That first season was phenomenal and deserved to be as hyped as it was, just for what it did for breathing enthusiasm back into the fandom. Those early days were amazing, we all got along in fandom, there was genuine affection and zeal for having fun with the characters! But by the time the third season came around, despite that I had a blast during it, it didn't deserve the hype anymore, Favroni had lost their focus or something, and it was all over the place and I don't think it deserves to be "the GOOD Star Wars" live action anymore. (You know what I mean with that.)
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After finding out about Obi-Wan’s padawanship (specifically Bandomeer and Melidaan) the Qui-Gon Jinn Bashing hastage in ao3 looking reaaaalll good
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roselightfairy · 1 year
Only Through Surrender (3562 words) by Roselightfairy Chapters: 1/15 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn & Anakin Skywalker Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Qui-Gon Jinn Lives, (and makes it everyone's problem), Chronic Illness, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars), Jedi Philosophy (Star Wars), Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Politics, Differing Political Philosophies, Jealousy, Author Has Strong Library-Related Opinions, Not Jedi Bashing, (but not unequivocally pro-Jedi)
“Knowing the future meant surrendering to fate. Surrendering to the ebb and flow of life. Only through that surrender could the Force be truly known.” -Claudia Gray, Master and Apprentice
Surviving near-fatal wounds does not come without a cost. After a long period of recovery from his injury at the hands of a mysterious Sith warrior, Qui-Gon must come to terms with its invisible and long-lasting effects. He determines that his new limitations must be a message from the Force about the new path his work as a Jedi must take and vows to follow that path, whatever it might bring.
But as his work closer to home brings to light alarming turns in the political direction of the Republic, he finds himself increasingly at odds with the rigid adherence of the Jedi Order. His insistent questioning – and his relationships with past and future apprentices – lead him to a new, deeper examination of his relationship with the Order and the Force . . . in ways that ripple outwards into surprising consequences for the Republic, the galaxy, and Qui-Gon himself.
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ao3feed-obikin · 11 months
Think of me in another way its all i ask of you.
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389986 by Ihatepants «It's you isn't it.» Anakin spat out, catching up his breath. «Kenobi.» He laughed at the man under him. «So this is where you've ran off to. You chose this shit-hole?» «You're far more unintelligent than i remember.» Anakin flashed his teeth in a scowl. «Wouldn't say that if i were pinned down.»   ——— Anakin and Obi-wan are the same. Rivals at heart, enemies by all logic. But as Anakin was allowed to florish, given an oppertunity to live as he pleased. Obi-wan was not, and instead sendt to a personal exile. And now, six years later, faced again like men, nothing’s changed.   Or has it? Words: 11293, Chapters: 3/6, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu (mentioned) Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Rivals With Benefits, Bullying, Bad Parent Qui-Gon Jinn, Qui-Gon Jinn Bashing, Jedi Code Bashing (Star Wars), Past Abuse, Self-Esteem Issues, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Padawan Anakin Skywalker, Top Anakin Skywalker, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Young Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Not a Jedi, Vaginal Sex, Obi-Wan Kenobi Has a Vagina, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Angst with a Happy Ending, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are the Same Age read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389986
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sirikenobi12 · 2 years
Hello! I know you’re generally a pro Jedi blog that’s focused mostly on the other Jedi, and you seem mostly only ambivalent towards Qui-Gon, but I was wondering if you know of any pro Qui-Gon blogs or even just any content about him? Everywhere I’ve looked I’ve just seen bashing and I feel so alone in this fandom. It seems as if no one else likes him like I do.
Hello There!
Thank you for reaching out to me, though I'm a little stunned by your question. In my experience within this fandom Qui-Gon Jinn is very popular and tends to get a pass for many of the things he did in TPM that if any other character had done they'd be raked across the coals. So for me, I tend to find more pro Qui-Gon fans than not in SW fandom.
But, if you are only looking at strictly Pro-Jedi blogs you will likely find writers such as myself who do point out Qui-Gon's issues mostly because we are constantly having to defend the Jedi (the Council especially) from die hard Qui-Gon fans.
But that doesn't make me "hate" him and I think we all need to remember we can still like a character even if we don't agree with their actions.
I do wish I had specific Pro Qui-Gon blogs to recommend to you, but if you follow Qui-Gon hash tags I'm sure you'll find some!
But, I'd always love to chat about Qui-Gon if you ever wanted!!
Thanks for your ask!!
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p4nishers · 2 years
"if qui gon had survived anakin wouldn't have fallen to the dark side cause–" fuck yall. be so fr rn. that man left his 13 year old padawan in a middle of a war. he left him an another time in SLAVERY. he absulately smoked crack CONSISTENTLY and did not give a single fuck. in a bad way. he would've made things so much worse. please release this argument from your clutches i am so tired
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kbirbpods · 2 years
brave face, (hide) the truth: updates (6/14)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
(Established) Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, (past) Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & Anakin Skywalker, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CC-1010 | Fox
Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks. Fix-It, Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars), Platonic Soulmates, Familial Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Qui-Gon Jinn Bashing, Mentioned Hevy, Past Fives/Hevy, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Disaster, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Jedi Can Form Attachments (Star Wars)
Summary: A very convoluted soulmate AU.
CHAPTER 1: i've promised that before, so what's one more?
Obi-Wan POV Obi-Wan carefully keeps his own face controlled, and doesn't allow his hand to twitch at the pain he himself feels. He bites down on his tongue, almost hard enough to draw blood. Not again, he thinks. Not this again.
CHAPTER 2: so where do we begin?
Anakin POV Jedi have this big talk about attachments. He has been terrified of them since the moment he first, unintentionally, created one. Anakin has felt broken for so long that he doesn’t know how to feel whole.
CHAPTER 3: what the hell would i be, without you?
Cody POV No Clone units have souls. So why does he?
CHAPTER 4: i was doomed before i began
Rex POV ...there is something about the idea of being able to love someone so completely that your soul could match theirs in some unique way that is too vast and unfathomable to comprehend.
CHAPTER 5: sick of losing soulmates
Fives POV “You can hate me,” Fives whispers. “For making things more complicated.” “Nu draar,” Fox whispers back. “Never.”
CHAPTER 6: no use getting angry at the way that you're wired
Anakin POV “Kaysh shu’shuk,” Rex mutters under his breath. Anakin has picked up just enough Mando’a now to know he has just been called a disaster. He’d object but it’s true.
endless love to my beta reader, @flowerparrish, for all of zir help with these
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There's Darkness in the Distance
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Chapters: 1/3
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Apprentice Series - Jude Watson & Dave Wolverton
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos, Cerasi & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Nield, Tholme & Quinlan Vos, Dooku & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Quinlan Vos, Dooku (Star Wars), Nield (Star Wars), Cerasi (Star Wars), Tholme (Star Wars), Original Female Character(s), Feemor (Star Wars), Vokara Che, Yaddle (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Character Death, Force Ghost Obi-Wan Kenobi, those two tags really just explain the whole fic, Planet Melida | Daan (Star Wars), Post-Melida | Daan Civil War (Star Wars), Member of the Young of Melida | Daan Obi-Wan Kenobi, Melida | Daan Civil War Happens Differently (Star Wars), Cerasi Lives (Star Wars), Jedi Culture & Customs (Star Wars), Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), Grief/Mourning, Child Soldiers, Qui-Gon Jinn Bashing, Fix-It
Series: Part 1 of The Light of Day
When Obi-Wan Kenobi dies on Melida-Daan, he is satisfied with the peace won for the Young.
But the Force was far from satisfied.
And Obi-Wan may not have been a Jedi any longer, but he was always a child of the Force.
See below for my casting choices:
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kenfetti-week · 1 year
Kenfetti Week 2023: Rules
Kenfetti Week is a moderated event so here is a short list of rules, with the full text under the cut:
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1) All works submitted will be reviewed and approved by moderators before the reveals.
2) Fanfics and fanart of all ratings and archive warnings will be allowed.
3) All fanfics must be tagged fully and accurately or use the Chose Not To Warn archive warning. If a mod asks you to add a tag you must do so even if you don’t personally think the tag is necessary.
3a) Works submitted with intentionally wrong tags (such as an enthusiastic consent tag on a noncon fic) will not be accepted and the creator will be banned from future events. 3b) If you choose not to warn please keep to the spirit of it and use it for twists and surprises. If you choose not to warn and warn for some triggers but not others a mod may ask you to add further tags.
4) Works designed to harass other writers will not be accepted and creators may be banned from future events at mod discretion. No spitefic.
5) Works that are obviously meant to incite or denigrate specific groups of fans will not be allowed and creators may be banned from future events at mod discretion. Bashing of specific characters e.g. Qui-Gon Jinn is allowed.
5a) Since this is a Kenfetti event works bashing Obi-Wan Kenobi or Jango Fett will not be allowed.
6) Works of all archive warnings are allowed but please keep all participants in explicit underage content at the age of 14 or above. Non-explicit implied/referenced underage at earlier ages is allowed.
7) Late submissions will be allowed at mod discretion. If you submit a 50k fic the day before it’s reveal is due it will likely not be accepted.
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